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/Yor>hJinPol��f/Perth/OHGtPS'p.'i/rESDU>`�i2019lret0/N•��ivhF That part of the Al/,-th /o ocres of the South zo .gores, of the, Northwest ,Quarter
Is n Men.
-- -Q—_--._—___— _—_ 79/x6--- —_
of the Southwest Quarter, of Sect/on /9, Townshr 28 /North; Range'2¢ West of the
--�--_ �.
/24.30--•. --; -_ 667. i6--- �'� 4 P. M. Minnesota described as follows cornet nein atSouthwest cornet-,
WEST 59'" STREET h '2O I ; of sold North /o acres thence East a/ the S h f'9
ong out me thereat q .,distance -
N 9 �5 T9z 2a Icee t (hence North 9.
orth a distance of 285 feet to a "point in the Norfh /me of of
60 . I said North ro acres distant 79/46 feet, hast of the West /ire of salad Northwest
i Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, thence /Nest a/ong Ahe Alorth //tea
' o�f� 3ard
j h North /o acres of the South 20 acres 667./6 feet fo the centr,e„ of the;, Pub//c
Ri2o—i2(� h
o=ev°ev W h/yhwoy ",q5- now frovelled across the Northwest corizerof said North /o acre tract.;_-,,
LLJ thence de1%cth7q left lr* degrees 39 Anl77U es a a`/stance, of. %37.9.„feet along the';center
Highway ; thence on a Curve / the left `with a radius of 2* T8 feel''
n /zo u I through a central angle of ( degrees , minutes q distance of 144,07 feet to a
h `
q ,bat /;7the Wes/ bile of said Northwest VZ/";a1-7`&r of the ,Southvvesf Quarter ; thence 3owth=
along said 4yest /lire and along the center /ine of saib' road , i4o.s feet 9or point• bf
I begins/i79 and /i'oy h Peterson and /ngeborg M. Peterson, his`Wife, Purc/oser under ,
contract of the above described Parcel of land, exee,bt/n therefrom and reserving
o 2 o clear and free /-0the Said Arthur W Johnson and Ruth A. �/phns'on, his Wife,,'>frtle
•to the followin described portion thereof.
_ _ v � q�j Beginnsny of the f thwest corner of said North to acres thence e, s�la/ony`
$O _ N the South /ii7e thereof a distance of 263.0 feet ; thence North a d/stance of
rso.o feet to o AO;nt 2o3.o feet east of the West /ine of said Northwest grtorter oh tire:
/zo V southeast Quarter; thence West , and ,bara/le/ with the South•%ire of said'North
/o acres /l3.9Bfeet to a Point lin a curve , thence along ,sato' curve to the,/eft> wii`h•
a radtius of 232.76 feet ; through a centro/ al7yle of 9S' degrees, ¢3 minutes a
I distance of 235.6 feet fo 4 ,boint /i7 the We 5f //ire of said Not-th west _ !Quarter
= h l of the Joutheasl Quarter ; thence -500Ah along said pVest /✓he and 41or7g
center //ne of sgid road 40.5- leer` f0 ,bolsi of beqq inning;
3 Have caused the same fo be surveyed and platted as "SGh!ODt. MRNQR ;
\� ffenncpin County , Minnesota and do hereby 0,0
/7 and de dica/c 'to Ps bl/c
for Public use forever OriVeS , Streets and lVenueS and the easemthaents for
e=vo^z.• 1' 15 drainage and the Public Utilities 45- shown on the 4/7/70red plat.
R• _✓�Rn 20 /2 V
�,a av ° I In Witness Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and -affixed alar; sea/s '
V • �o o d oF3_,4:
~ q: i7 ° d thls 4a y oIc A. Q /9S¢.
lbes NI NI `�
- � 79 �4►lSISJL.-_—^_ ROAD---"--- ----- j -i =-_-• ” ___ 47 Presence of
r kISea/h / '
,nP of/hP Nor/h/aAcrPr o.✓,+hP Sou>'b ZoHtrPs Ni - - � F �-,• "', ;: ;
l! r
r :
State of Minnesota 7
County of #enneplin 1 SS / hereby certify /hat / have
Surveyed and ,b/otted the broperty described on this plat as
'School Masai-" Her7ne,b/i7 County , "innesota, that this plat is
a correct repreSentatiOn Of said Sur Vey, that a// distances
are correct/y sho wn on the b/al /n feet and decirrials of a
oot," that the monuments for the quidonce o/ future surveys
have been correctly ,b/aced /n the ground as shown on the
,blot and that there are no wet /ands or liu,6kc hrghwAys
to be designated on said plat other than 76 shown thereon.
ve yor
John E. Car ore/le, Munn. Reg. No. 566
Above Certif/tale subscribed pnd sworn to be tore me
me this Day of A.D. 195-4.
This b/at was recommended for approval by the P/ nn/o, y State o/ Minnesola�SS
Commission of the Vi//age of Edina , Minnesota at q Count of tl
regular meeting, thereof held t/ris % x 7`,I} bay o
A. D. 1954•.
This b/at was op�brove d and acce;bted by the Vil
Council of Edina /�////-7nC$0ta at a regular meeting the
held this / Day of °i'>"._ -L, A. D. 1954.
Villgye Council of Edna, Nhnr
' �' Presided
y enneb/n On fhrs
me a /Votary Pub/ic within and for said County , and
Day of J = <-+
Stare , .,b sone? /Y
A.D. /95-¢, before
W. Johnson and A:Wth A. Johnson his wife ,
each being duly sworn, did that
to me persona//y
f�noW/7 who
say t/'iey executed
dedication as their tree act and deed.
the foregoiny
/�75trurr7ent of
J �s� Faille, iienn�y,n Cokrtty, itia�a�
',�r,,Tttw•�:�� €�ptsEs ian, �5,, &�k
sofa State of Minnesota
County of Hennepin ss On this -
me a Notary Pub//c w/th/n and for said Count and
Da of {�<..,
A•A• r9s4 , before
h'oy N, Peterson and /ngebory M. Peterson, his wife
e , perronaNt/ appeared
, to me bersonally Wr/own who
each berry duly sworn, did say that they executed
dedication their
the foregoing Instrument of
as free act and deed.
- .;� 7u&@;:. f"s°n62Dfm-Cszrmty,�as�m>