HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchwantes' AdditionSCHWANTES UAfiLL i.7N,�?lat 7I�5: i,��. �,rc,,-Ihatwetmr;4aHjor;:7also!�nownasEmmaHjort unmcrrr;ed,ownei airoaioprieto.ADDITION i he fol%:vir gg desc; shed - rooe;- r� �J; uated n the County' o f /rennenu7, Stale o{ Minnesota The tNes aeric/ %5.0 ieel or !o! �J, and 0// of 'o Ts 2-', 25 and ?G, ulso Thai '60 % o Arthur Street;, VGc0j ed Ic ing �/es; of'the CFrr!el .fine ther001 ond be`h�eer. theexl&nsiors,actassitofthe'Northlineo{said.lot26,andtheSoathlineofsaidlot24-inJ.M.Duee' Sub -division of Blocl' 31 Hamlet ofMendelssohn. And✓omes HSchwaptes and Geneva Schwantes, his iyife, owners anaprupiefncs of fhP' JOHN E.CARDARELLE ,:-•- JULY 19 feiiowin oescnbedpropertysitua,,*"edirisgid CountyandStnre,lotsltolZ,inclusrveandlots 3:arzo'/4Pxcept heSouth3D..0 eetthereof; SURVEYOR `'`' `� `'"'~' ~'`'' ' `''''" ' 5 a/sqX o-/ofs q5 fo 22, nidus ve and thatpar/ oflof23 /yinq East ofthe Westerly 750 feet thereof,• Andall'thci or, o?Arthur' Stceet,- formerlicl/ Griffis Street now vacated by the Uiltagqe ofE67q Minnesota, lyrng between the iVorfh line of rhe South 30. o { of oflols I `FO extended across said,44ur Street acid the Norf17 line oflots /anca'26, extended across saidArthur Street,, exce t that art of Ar ar Street lying Wesi ofthe center line thereofaad befwee the extensions across it of the North line ofsald lot 26, andpSoufh e ofsaid%4 24 WATERMAN _ AVENUE a _ a/lbeingin J. M.Duee'sSuh-div1sionofBlock3/, and TheMir7r7eauoAs Saving and Loan Association, aNJirraesotacorporation,mortgac��e 1 . o{thafpart of f/ie abo ve describedproperty: lots One (i) to Se ven (7), inclusive, lot Ten </0), lot Fourteen (/4), except the South 30 {Pet _-- 330-0 Plat . thereof /ofs Fifteen(/S� to Twenty-two (Z2), ir�cCusive, and fhaf�art of/of Twenty-three (23) /yingEastof }hP !Nester/y T5 feet therPo 3�� �M�• s e7<s3•sa' J M Duee's Sub,divesion of Block Thirtg-one (31) Harrmlel of Mendelssohn accordingtii to e plat thereof. ' 179•/D.. - _ I /6So -- - Have caused the same to be curve yed and p/atfedas SC9WAMTE6'ADDl770N'bnd do hereby donate and dedicate to, the j'' l f5' public forpub/ic use forever the roodas shown on the annexedp/at and subject to the easements for public utilities as siiown Or =: i =. said p/at. In witnees whereof we have hereunto set our hands and a{tixed our seats anq The Mirir/eapolis Savings and Loan Assoc/anon, a Minnesota corporation, have caused these presents to be signed by ifs proper o{ -iters and /ts corp0-of — i I seal lobe hereunto affixed this3:•(day of-srP;. ,��Ea A.Q /955. /n presence of � v, n I 9 N '.r: I as to F.inmq H,jorth ✓qme s H. SchwOn /e s Gene✓a Schwor:/es THE MINN APO SAVINGS,-, ND LOAN ASSOGATrp,ti as io "' President ASSisr*yr SEtR6r'ARy Stole Of A41171-)e5ot4 _ Cour?/y of henr7epin� ST Oi� this do of 4 D. /954 .5r , before ,r77e , 4 i101ary pub/ic yvithii� qnd for s0id C'ourily and State ,bersono// oppeored fmmaHjorfh aisoknawn as Emma NJor*Unmavrie�'an� Jarr»es //. Schwantes q1 -2d Geneva Sc/:wp/7 s, his wife, /o me f(nowr. , who each berry duty sworn did say 1/1o1 they execu/ed the faregoiny ins/rumen/ of dedica/iota as (heir /Yee act uacF, Stole of Mirinesota County of ftennebin}SJ / hereby Ccr?ify Phot / have surveyed ond blotted the 16r0berly described on this 17/0t as SCHWAWrES' ADvl-T" oN"' f/70/ this (7/.f/ s C! correct r-e1bresenfgfioi7 ofsaid scirv<=v, I`h4f 4// oisfgnces are Correct/y shown on the b/q1 11-2 feet gr7d decimals of q fool, thgf the morl4mer7fs for 9urda/Ice of futdre surveys hove bacr� cor-r'ecf/y p/geed ii�� fh'e grocirrd 4s shown: on /-he lb 0'- ' qnd toot there ore no w.>t /4nds or pub//e hryhwoys to be s41d Algl other thgr� qs sfio wiz //sere ori. Surveyor :%ht7 �, Carligre /% Above ter/if/egf< subscribed qnd sworr� L< fore r»e /firs day of A•D. /9S¢. :c..NaHhepfeQoffna -.. rhea Plat was re cotnrner1de<i for obbro✓q/ by the plar:1711-�y commrsslon of the of Edir:a 7 Mint esota , at a regular lnoe}i1�g fhereof 17,f /0' t/15/"s day of (!/ Chair mon phi b/o vvas 4bbroved oro' acce bf-ed by tt)e ✓i//age Courrcv/ of 5d1,;7q , Minnesota, of 0 rggular meeting thereof held /his day of 14. 0. 1954. 4 ' � Presrc%nP Recorder rtlts �(j/4t w4;'.7 a/6161--oved and Ucce Btea' on /his 2 2 n day of /floY<F17id er 4.0. 195¢ n� r Cour:fy ,Sar � ennepir� Coun-�i-�r:esot-a 'tate Of /'�innESof4� i'aupiy. off%n�Ppia�; Orf s `t' day ofs`�N'E^�f��'.�'g /9SS, 6of0 a /77 a /i/ofary Dab/ic_cvifh:ii j1 or sa/c/ loui7fy �r�dStafe ddperso�o//// oodear f/Gt!lrPPrrcuood or�dl M rFasyr, fo rrte pPrsona�l` t�o�ur�, �uho eaclh beir�y da/ Su)orrt, c//d say Aalllieq q,-efres;dml c7na . �7ssisr..��r SEtaerARX o� 1 /ie %W/717Pap011s Savings orad Coop; Associofion f/�e fa/,r�orafxgr r�r�rr/�d. ih the ,6ar�goir�q- irtsfrumer f hatfhe ,seer/OffiXed to soi�/ irysfr�rtrer�f is fhe lorpo. cdf� ,yea/ofsaid lorPo�afio�t crr�dfhaisq�d�inst�J,; C Zuas,Siy ed a'70'5ecs/ed in behalf ofsaid Corporation by 0uthori7y or / s Board of Directors and H. W.G1!v r,' 00, i nand .C,.'PtrE�afr ccknowledged the ins tru,?nent to be the free act and deed 0fsaio d CorpCorporafion. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota G My Commission Expires., /q` � A.IARSOH '� ':'• /02 99- I L I • 75.0 � S,R7�4✓'40"N 96.07�� � -.. _e. _.. _ __. __ __.. ___ ..... -. --. _ _ .. 7So 0 SCALE, 1�� - 40' o denotes ton tnonumenY `"'" aF` Z , 4. /W.' 7'i 2 e� I �I e ' C I /SS.83 h i� �f '• r ti V ii , •, I m h l ii"'r 1-4701 a /S3 S3 w.: r_.__ I 0� I G 140.0 I SQ 3g ' INTERLACHEN I ROAD a3a o�ci4+,_.. I E" -. • I' _._33YfISA¢as/Y.870/o So lb A";Z 0/ All DuG'eS Sdbd/✓:.+nor? of /ri04k __._ F.inmq H,jorth ✓qme s H. SchwOn /e s Gene✓a Schwor:/es THE MINN APO SAVINGS,-, ND LOAN ASSOGATrp,ti as io "' President ASSisr*yr SEtR6r'ARy Stole Of A41171-)e5ot4 _ Cour?/y of henr7epin� ST Oi� this do of 4 D. /954 .5r , before ,r77e , 4 i101ary pub/ic yvithii� qnd for s0id C'ourily and State ,bersono// oppeored fmmaHjorfh aisoknawn as Emma NJor*Unmavrie�'an� Jarr»es //. Schwantes q1 -2d Geneva Sc/:wp/7 s, his wife, /o me f(nowr. , who each berry duty sworn did say 1/1o1 they execu/ed the faregoiny ins/rumen/ of dedica/iota as (heir /Yee act uacF, Stole of Mirinesota County of ftennebin}SJ / hereby Ccr?ify Phot / have surveyed ond blotted the 16r0berly described on this 17/0t as SCHWAWrES' ADvl-T" oN"' f/70/ this (7/.f/ s C! correct r-e1bresenfgfioi7 ofsaid scirv<=v, I`h4f 4// oisfgnces are Correct/y shown on the b/q1 11-2 feet gr7d decimals of q fool, thgf the morl4mer7fs for 9urda/Ice of futdre surveys hove bacr� cor-r'ecf/y p/geed ii�� fh'e grocirrd 4s shown: on /-he lb 0'- ' qnd toot there ore no w.>t /4nds or pub//e hryhwoys to be s41d Algl other thgr� qs sfio wiz //sere ori. Surveyor :%ht7 �, Carligre /% Above ter/if/egf< subscribed qnd sworr� L< fore r»e /firs day of A•D. /9S¢. :c..NaHhepfeQoffna -.. rhea Plat was re cotnrner1de<i for obbro✓q/ by the plar:1711-�y commrsslon of the of Edir:a 7 Mint esota , at a regular lnoe}i1�g fhereof 17,f /0' t/15/"s day of (!/ Chair mon phi b/o vvas 4bbroved oro' acce bf-ed by tt)e ✓i//age Courrcv/ of 5d1,;7q , Minnesota, of 0 rggular meeting thereof held /his day of 14. 0. 1954. 4 ' � Presrc%nP Recorder rtlts �(j/4t w4;'.7 a/6161--oved and Ucce Btea' on /his 2 2 n day of /floY<F17id er 4.0. 195¢ n� r Cour:fy ,Sar � ennepir� Coun-�i-�r:esot-a 'tate Of /'�innESof4� i'aupiy. off%n�Ppia�; Orf s `t' day ofs`�N'E^�f��'.�'g /9SS, 6of0 a /77 a /i/ofary Dab/ic_cvifh:ii j1 or sa/c/ loui7fy �r�dStafe ddperso�o//// oodear f/Gt!lrPPrrcuood or�dl M rFasyr, fo rrte pPrsona�l` t�o�ur�, �uho eaclh beir�y da/ Su)orrt, c//d say Aalllieq q,-efres;dml c7na . �7ssisr..��r SEtaerARX o� 1 /ie %W/717Pap011s Savings orad Coop; Associofion f/�e fa/,r�orafxgr r�r�rr/�d. ih the ,6ar�goir�q- irtsfrumer f hatfhe ,seer/OffiXed to soi�/ irysfr�rtrer�f is fhe lorpo. cdf� ,yea/ofsaid lorPo�afio�t crr�dfhaisq�d�inst�J,; C Zuas,Siy ed a'70'5ecs/ed in behalf ofsaid Corporation by 0uthori7y or / s Board of Directors and H. W.G1!v r,' 00, i nand .C,.'PtrE�afr ccknowledged the ins tru,?nent to be the free act and deed 0fsaio d CorpCorporafion. Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota G My Commission Expires., /q` � A.IARSOH '�