HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Concord Second AdditionJOHN E. CARDARELLE, SURVEYOR
•. i
/-North line of East 5Acres of the 50-07 /Ogcres o{ the N.W. Y4 of the 5.W. %4 of Sec.19, T Z8 -R 24
---------------------- ---750.0- - WE5T
\a SCHOOL ---480.o- ----
1F 83.52 83.52 R O A D- - -- J04.&3 --- -
83.52 83.5 83.52 i 30i 30'
Point /9.06 feet
a ? North and I
a O 165.37 feet West of the 5out17east
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p corner of saict Eost 5 Acres
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O, Z �Easemenr forloub/ic utilities
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83.6/2O I IO
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Line%rra/lel With and 159.0 l _
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line of the East 5 Acres of the South ! Acres Point 159.06 feet North ona 165.37feet ' V)
'.!1I I I I I I West of the 5outheu5t corner of p v •••••
I I I I ... '� ; •: j;;• ... I I Suit! East :5 Acres
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---------------- �-------1--- 30' Z v
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--------- - WEST 60H
_. ______ ..-__ _ _e .-_ _ ,
---751.5--- WEST -._ _.___,_._ _
R E E T --- - -- - - __ - -- - --
South lue of the East 5Acres of the South /0 Acres of the /VW'a if the 5.W. T08 T28 -R2¢
This/at was checked and approved this Rf,
p day of
A.D. 195
r /
County 5urveyor�
State of Minnesota
County Of Hennepin 5.5.
hereby certify that l have surveyed crnc/ /o/crtted rhe
property described on this plot os "SOUTH COAICORD
SECOND /IDD/TION"; thot this Plot- i5 o correct representation of sgic/ survey;
that a!t distances are correct/y shown on the Plat in feet and decirrta/s of 4 foot;
that the tlnonumet,ts for quidartce of future surveys have been correctly Ploced
to the yrounct as shown on the plat; that the outside hounaa.•y lines c.re
Correctly shown on the plot; and thvt there are no wet lands or highways to
be desiynoteot on said Plat other than us shown thereon.
/ <k "�& 45U rvetjor
John E. Cordorel`e, M inn. Re5J- N9 5 G&
/lbove certificate Subscribed and sworn before me this ,jday o{
A.D. 195
;;-yfti4'iT3 E. OLo""Only _
.50utheast corner
N. W. Y4 of S. W. Y4.
Sec. /9, TOS -R24
SCALE 1"940'
Know q/1 men by these prlesertts;- that we, Kenneth ,/Ohr? Sundquist (a/so /mown us /ohn /-Cenneth Sundc/uf5tf and Efut'ne S,SundCj,,. t, his wife, owners
and Proprietors of the fo//owinc? described Pro ert 5ituotec/ in the Count o{
r' i y Henn epin� 5tcw" of Mit-5c>tci; Thot Part of the East 5Acres of the South /OAcres
of the ,-st co -,e f Quarter c( the Southwest Quarter of Section /g Township Z6, Ranye 24, West of the 4th P, M., described as follows; Beclinnincj qt o point /59.06 feet North 4nd 165.37 feet West of the
Southeast corner of sora East 5Acres, /hence IVO/-th artdPora/%/ with rhe ost line of salt! Eosr 5Acres 6 0. 0 feet thence West and Para//e/ with the South line of soil Eost 5Acres /04.63 feet/ thence
/`/o.^tN and paro�/e/ warn the cost- //re of sa%d East 5 /acres 70,0 feet to he Norrh lii,c thereof, thence West 480.0 feet more or /ess to the Alortl7west corner of the said Eost 5 Acres, thence
South 130.0 feet to the Alorthwest corner of the South /59.06 feet of Said Ea
s/ 5Acres, thence Eust cinc/tograt/e/ with the Soy tft line of said East 5Acres 585.30 feet t
beginning. /so hecf%nnincJ of o point 219.06 feet North and /(05.37 leer West o{ the Southeost corner of so%d East 5 /acres thence Northd p
Acres 70.0 feet thence East and 70.0 {ver to the Norrh /ine of said East anara//e/ with the eostline of SoiG t s>�Sfjcres
5 A 5 Acres, thence West and pQr /le/ with t'/7e uS
e Soth line of Said Loost 5Acres /04.63 feet, thence South andloor»cr/lel with the Eost line of said East
with the North line o Said East' 5 Acres 104.fo3 feet to the p/aee of be9innirt9. Have caused the some to be surveyed anct platted os
"SOUTH CONCORD SECOND ADDITION", and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for Public use forever the rood; 5oid p/at beincl 0/50 hereby ected to the easement
for Pah//c utilities os shown thereon. In witness wwhr h
hereof, e ha e hereunto Set out- and ar ffixecl Out- seals this a
--�--Gay of Su/oJ
A.D. /95
In presence of ��,I
This Plot was recommended for opprova/ by the Plgnnin Commission of
the Village Jf Edt p, Minnesota, cif a rec/w/ur meeting thereof e/d th/s
dayof .195
1 ,
State of Minnesota )
_ _County of Hen epin r s.s. o i
n On this da i of A.D. / 95=- ! i
before the a /votory Public within and fors i
Said County, and State, faersot-to//c' aP�eared Kenneth John Sunc/cfuist
(o/so known os John Henneth 5unu5fui5t) onc/ Elaine 5. 5unc/cfu;5t• his wife,`` i
to me Persona// y k/IOWn, who ec ch heinc, au/y Sworn aid say that they
eX2Cutec/ the forecyoincJ in strumenY of dec/r'cotion as their free ciCt ant/
F ' ! uLMtj, i lrm.'
,/ ,.rrna „n Exgire� Sept. 7,. 195q.
This plot
was c/RProvea ctnd
accepted key the Village
o(.1ncil of Edina,
Iminnesotcr, at
a regulon meeting
A.D. /954L
thereof he/d tfti .: !
1 c%, of
Ut la e Co� of
Minnesota .
State of Minnesota )
_ _County of Hen epin r s.s. o i
n On this da i of A.D. / 95=- ! i
before the a /votory Public within and fors i
Said County, and State, faersot-to//c' aP�eared Kenneth John Sunc/cfuist
(o/so known os John Henneth 5unu5fui5t) onc/ Elaine 5. 5unc/cfu;5t• his wife,`` i
to me Persona// y k/IOWn, who ec ch heinc, au/y Sworn aid say that they
eX2Cutec/ the forecyoincJ in strumenY of dec/r'cotion as their free ciCt ant/
F ' ! uLMtj, i lrm.'
,/ ,.rrna „n Exgire� Sept. 7,. 195q.