HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Garden Estates 2nd AdditionSOUTH SCALE: I INCH =100 FEET 0 INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED SOUTH _-- --_ - ----- GARDEN ESTATtS 2ND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA I I o ; I ....... z.. I I 13Q � I I I North/ineoffheNE.f,N.W,�,Sec.3/,IZB,?Z4 Taro- -70 - L-- - -I - - .... 460 ....... - y 70 T _� .. N.E. Cor. ofN.E*,N.iY4 5e,. 31 Point 460offlYesf offhP jl � o ° 7 �"'-'-�_-% --�:- _ _ NE Cor ofNEf, N1YE,Sec 3/I' i er N89' 52'30 E 459. y/ 92.74 CO /30.¢7 1 1 90.7 W p I .0 00 le �� 00 3 ° >n h M M MC M� NE Cor or6u,410 l :t *N South Garden Estates'} 1 aw N c ^ ' S'Uii/,fy -- -: ZE mm Or SO y. cinEasem N895ZI y vw Linepara//e/fothe N.1 89$23oW I 5/.0� NE* AWj, Sec. 3/ � I ,bi i 4O. 5 128.26 0 (Line ora//e/ to the N. line o ' NB7 9348E I t parallel llo{N.Ej ofNi/j,Sec. 3/ 6N %11 t•' "� I aeo?i� �o4t+ 4 2 //2.99 30,lie o para!/e/for theN/ineofNE.i Nfj,Seca/ - �'•• I• tEP 60.72 54.36 B°•56'13'E /42.98 N89°sZ'3o"E 6 N991S23dt 40 ; 1.0.o8 a,737.i F o m %a13 ROAS �••. 4 A 5817 'rtt80'ib'13"E NB9'SZ'30E � y l• 124.423aZ NB9 S of z5 8 59.18 65.16 /3354 1 '•. �jti. C•s�/6 C°65.14 ;��^:0 ENI� `^v 2 MH e� `y 0 N M A N Q ^ 9'SZ 30• 1 0 E��`°J -.L ® Hv°J 2 O ga®s - � - - `a o s'l0 � -SBS•6oI,.E - o � _ J,N 601 n N M M ;osN 7 56'my-t ® • 't, M 0\ ev a��Nb� fs, y M 3 „ra 4 k,i' 35 �'A m /79.68 0 N..74 SO°ire" v ti Off.° i h B/ ss �2 3je a 4 ; S/ine ofowe• 4Elr�� f� 6gE•� 6'a' 4 /q m N8945230 .S/.G/'. :5/.0 R,,y( r \a M o� % e° r •o *� � o M � Ooh Q � / O O a�gEasp� 2 i ti .o T5 °o/y J 06 S6Corof/ot/, BLock4, II 5'Ufi/i!y{Or nage Eo / C) South Gorden Estates) �_ /4.3. - _. ._ Linepara//e/ 0the N//neof•N.IYII Sec.3/,/ -' This o/at was recommended {or yappthereohe/d thirFovaby�the A.Dan. n/ln9q6C. ornrriissidon O{ 17e ///a �e inae�so fa of o qular meelinq Chair/r7an he/a'pfh/svgs a'°r°vedandacceatedby the !///a e Council o -the U//age o{Eo'ina, Minnesota, of a regular rr�eetmq lhereo{ 1day o{ - A. D. /956q t/l CO NC/ F 1//LLAG'E O/Z ED/N4, MINN. 1111/0qe Manager Mayor / hereby cern{y that /have surveyed and platted the pro/perl.y described' on this p/at as SOUTH riARDEN ESTA that this/af is a correct representation of'said survey; lhai a// d/stances are Correct/ shown on l.he plat iiEfef and d�ii/as o{a {oro f, that the r7onumer7fs {or Fur"dance o{ fi/lure surveys have been cod ecf/ /ace y/n the round a that the outside bound�rr /riles are correct/�� designated on the p/at; anc7'that (here a e rio met /an� O pubic h 09117 sl fo'ae t' desi9"/7atedon saidlo other than as shown thereon. q y b S TA TE OF MINNESOTA i to er d L an Surveyor y/y/n Sofa egisfra>`ion Q i3 COUNT Y OF HENNEP/Nj ss {or said Count and State or7 this The ay of c�{icafe waA 0 / 9!6 ed and sworn t0 bet re me, a Notary Pab/ic, within and My 0O/77//7iSS%O17 explrres v RoeEP' County. Minn, JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR KNOW ALL MEN B Y THESE PRESEN TS that Coffman Rea/f� Go. a Minnesota corpora( o, o�ners ar7d proprietors, and Katherine Delaney, arid Michae/A. De/aney' dnd /jrn�rick L. De/ar7ey, tiu�fees and, Iaures C. Delaney and Katherine Delaney, mortgagees, of the fo/%cvlriq described property s�tuateo' in the State of Minnesota, Count o{Hennepin, %wit Commencing at the Northeas�coner o{the Northeast One -Quarter (N.E. �) of the Northwest One-quarter (N. W.¢) o{ Section 3/ TOwnsh/ 08 North Ran e 24 Wesi' thence South along the Easf /ne o{sa/d No 017e-' Owe= Qufer- NE. o{the Northtyes>t One- Quarter (N.¢) a drsfa/7ce of /75.0 feet t ence S89'SZ'30" ,va�a//e/ lo >`he North line of s aid Norfheas f Qrie -qquarter /V E. ' o{ / feel; thence South a dstance o{ /3 ,0 {e ff ethel ce Ng9° 30 Z- oo al�o �heNo/f %neo sa7od Northeast One- Quarter i(V.E.f)oflheN ,f7H;est 017e - 41 r //�7 i thence So 0?30 E a distance o{�'O.0 {eet' thenc�S6 08(E a dsfancetal7Ce of 300,'eeti7ce56°00'Z87� aCo. disl.ance of 170.58 feet; thence N75°oo & a dsfance of /70.0 tet thence N68°oozy a aistance o{ vo 0 eel; thence S ZZ °009/ a d/sfance o{ /10.75 {eel.' thence S89 °SZ'30'{y oor a//e/ lo the North/ir�Pofsa/i Norl ast One - quarter ([N.E.4) of the Nolhwesl One- Quarter (N• GY , a distance of /4 Southeast corner o1` lot I Bock 4 South Garden Estales; th nce NO °0730'`l a ns f e' tO line o{said lot / a distance o /35.0 {eel; (hence N89 SZ3o along tfie 96411h 1117e o{Be/�dereELsoti�e, a distance o -51 6I {eel,' thence NO°0 30 a/onq the most Easter/y, /ine o{said south Garde// �c'states, a distance of 525.0 {eel. to the Notfieas co/7er o{ Out/of / in said South G6`--0'e17Esta>`es,' thenc e NB9 °SZ'(/ y para'//e/ to the North A7! f o{said Northeast One - Quarl.er NE. 4 of the Nofh�vesf 0/7e -Quarter (N!�/4), a dstarice o{5/. D {ef'lhenceNo°0730"PV a distance o j9 o on the No 0, /ine l JVe,d Northeast One -Quarter (Nf,) o{the Norfh#,est One-Qvareter'(VW'4 //71 distant 460.0 {el 1�1/esl o{the /tiorM7east corner o{said Northeast One-quarter (N.Eg'') o{ bthe Northwest Ode -Quarter (NtY4); (hence N89°5Z'30E a/o/7q the Norlh /ine o{said Nor easl. ! � Qu7�q- (A17Y Ouf%f /� {wS uf�nGa d of Est(afes ) `� "�islance 07" 4CO. 0 feet, for the p/ace of Have caused the same >O be surveyed ar�dp/afted as SOUTH GARDEN E TR TES 26-0ADD/TION• and do hereby donate and dedicate to the,aub/ic {orvub/ic use 7 orever the ' v�i�ue road ar�d /ane as shown e th nnexed p/al; and a/so subfecf to the utility and drainage ease/n'ents as shown on the onr7exed /oleo /n witness whereo{we have hereunto Set our hands and a{{xed our sea/s, and the Cot'{man Re e/uyito q{fi reed fh seee'°resents to be signed b lheir proper o{{cers and ifs c000r ate sea/ a o{ �v�3 L� In presence of. y Si ned r 4 D /956' 9 /n presence r , , ... ��� � � .- •..' _ -1 � J � .'-� ' . ` ^ / ° ' �� N REAL T Y CO F A re ems} Sid STATE Of` MINNESOTA COONTy OF HENNEPIN�ss. Pub/ic,ifhin and {or said Coin11 ii fereo/th R. C 07r7cl-77117 to 177e 10elA are resaecfiv / the'President C con,p�oratioi7, 1; e corp0rafipn i70 instrume/7f is the corporate ear beho/{ o{say, corporation v o an ?' Meredrfh R. Co{{ina/7 aCk/7( corporatiorn No //7 %s 7"`qday of �vr A. D. l 56, hf{ore rrie, a Notoy date, d'd persona-% p ear//a/rr D. Co{{mar/ grid known, who each beir7q du/y sworn dia'say That They etary of the Co>` 177a, Rea/fy co, a Minnesola the {oregoinq instr m /7f, that the sea/ a7`>iXed 0,5 aid corooat/bn, ar7d fXa said ii7sfrurTle/7twassiy/�dandsea/edi7 {ifs Board of piprec%6e s, 0/70/ //iam D. Co{fman �7`he ir74741117enf 7`o be free a& 0(/74' deed o7csaid ° 'ry �W'" //(JJ/L/f/ C4147/1 -es U. GUFFMAN un 1�yGgtnmission Y, nnr S TATE OF M/NNESOTA E Aittrt ipt Sg t COUNTY OF HENMEP/A/ 017 this �V4a o{ @!a� Pub/ic, wilfiin qnd {or said County ar7d Sfa d/d gersoi7a//y ppear �a s /-9 De'/a yoaerme ea Delaney, and M/chge/ A. Delaney an9' Pafr/ck L. De/arse for /ne persona//y k,7own to belie ars /7 describ d in and who executed ><he oregoing inslrvme/7ar7d oc%no�v/edgeq' the safrre as the/�owr° s {ee ac{e and deed. / "/ y (, 0/77//7ISS1017 exvireS This 10/at was checked and approved on thiSZddday orAUS A. D /956 G. I