HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Garden EstatesS0l1TH GARDEN ESTATES HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA SCALE: I INCH =100 FEET 0 INDICATES IRON MONUMENT BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED — {W.n.ofN£i I I f V cr ' oNf NCoWf, Sec 3/— — — North tine of NE;, N{�¢�ec Z8, R. 24 J eo.. 6600.04.... N i Co -- Es -T— M — — y �+ T — - --=5 - _ Sec 3/, T. I8, R14 25L48 SB9e52'30"� -- _ 34856 S89 (2'30"W a'o 80 80 9/. 57 60' 93.56 85 85 85 N, M 3 Z � h 4 ,0 0 3 ob Z o 1 00 1 18JO' 0Ufi/it and Dain eEasemeofs 4, 2 r i 5" Uti/ty and Oroina Z Line parallel to the Nol-th line of NE' tVW Sec 3/ Eas ZS/. S7 `""° o - 93 98_ _ 9 Eosernenfs �tis `90Zg-85./____ _85.r_.. !1930ftSavth 85./_ _ _ o 5,-82- - -_gZ__ /49.0 58952307V 4 ® I ` -80 - - -_ of North lineN.E-N.W.-S, cast .;Mov 7 i 8 k? ti I In ,.. sof N89 52'30'( 400.37C This plat Was checked 6x76 approved on this 6' day of A.D. /956' This p/qlas r�ocnrnended for /vrova by fhe P/anr7inq C01771771,'n7eefing f er-eo he/d fhis� oy of A.D. Chairman (hereof bed �hpSOYed y o fePfed y the 0&0 6 Council of the village of Edinq, Minnesota, of a regular meeiinq A.D /956. VILLAG OUNCIL E VILLAGE OFED/NA, MINN. � ` Ui//age Manager Mayor KNOW ALL MEN 3y THE corporation owners 017doroor/efors; arc trustees; and James C• De/aney� and Kar property, situated in the Sfai`e of Mini comtnencinq at the NorfhWesf corl, (N. W.. 4 o{Section 3l, Townshp Z8 Nor of /� a dS�gnc°e O{655. 0 f,, {655.0{ee of thence S9/'00't ae�noe 58/ .00E a disfancef 11 JAMES M. HALVERSON SURVEYOR PRESENTS, - that COft%/lan Really Co., a Minnesota Katherine Delaney, and Michae/A. De/al7e ,and Patrick L. De/aney, m Brine De/aney, ortgagees, of the fo/low/179 described sofa County of NenZgeM�7, fo wit' r o7fhe Norlheasl one-quarter (N, s� o{the Northwest on Range Z4 GI/e t, thence South along fhe West line of'sai7 5'nceEgsfa d/S Once of ZO%ZZ{eel; (hence S,,9°g0W q dsf tame n t" Cn n ,c,, 4. 1� - - - - thence NO 07 30 W q ds f grace of /35.0 f - ' thence Ng9 SZ 3 E o �sr Once o f S 6 eef,�ee thence NO °07'30" W a distance of SZS. 0 feet, to apoint / said /VET/ ofN. W 93 0 eel South of t e Norfline of ¢ tfhence S895Z'3o 11! along (7 11176 le/ f0 gg,/930 reef So fh of the North line o�'said NE4 of N W-, 0 distance 0{/49.0 feel - thence /V °07'30'GY �r /93.0 feet to a oinl 017 the / orf line ogc1d N.E.¢ O/�'A/ ti d/sfanf 660.0 �s�Once of North 017e- (7410r (N-' corner o said Section 3/ t ence S89�° Z'30"W a/oma�e Nor/fh%nee of said N.E of NGt!4¢ , o djsfance of- 66'0.0 ¢ ef, to fhe ,%ce of be i�n� . Have caused the same to be surveyed andp/affect as SOU TH GARDEN ESTA TZ -,5,, ar7d do hereby donate and dedicate to fhe pub/ic fir ub/i vse forever CS shown on fhe an7 exed p/al,- a17d 015o su�ect 0 the uti/fy and cra/nggeaserrrenfs as she�s on the annexed 0/( e /r7 witness 06reof we have hereunto Bel our h 1766 q/7d a{fixed our sealer orr4' fhe Coffman Rea/ CO xed fhls S G r hese pr�serr fs fo be signed by heir pro,0er of{cers and corporate sea/ hereuli�v //7 p1-e5enge of day o i ned: 4.D / 956. in- r s ce f COArMA/V R£A O, r.. � r . �l e�9 .re P STATE OF M/NNE,)v / zss COUNTY OF HENNEP/N� Public, Wilh/n and ror sa/d Counh Meredith R. Co{{man, fo 1777e pelA are respective/�� fhe President o corooratron, ti7e corporation 170instrurner7} /s the coroorale seal beha/t' off sqi car�oralon and Mereb a , 0fr7knc corpora7`ior7 017 th/s ��a of 0— MAI di 91 , ,rson( )rra// knoWr7, lvho eaC;,:/ Sece Pe d of the CO) in e foregoi- l'sar� corooro�`1017 al hor�¢y f'ils Board o/ /edgeopthe /nstru�ner�f Secretary �` A. D. /956, before 177e a Notary 5'a1- W//amD. Co{fi77a and du/y SWOr17, flat 1hey ?ea/f Co., a Minr esota 71 l e sea/ affixed /0 sa/d said insfi u 0/7f Wassi l7edandsea/�'i� its and ly iarn ("0l 0 ye free a&ar7 deed of sgid • Myur-uuiic, nenniepi�,0ui71`41 Min17e$ota ROBCRT G. COFFMAN enn n u STATE OF M/NN£SOTAy Comm6ssion Expires Apri130. 1960, COUNTY OF HEI�t�NEP/N ) 017 this a" da o{ Public, Within acrd for said County and State, y y A.D. /956, before me, a Notary De/aney, and Michael A. Delaney a17d Patric ��De/aney fo r pe'aeers017a%/ C�e/aney and Katheri17e described in and who executed the foregoing irrsfrument and ack�ow/edged theosarneo vs Thee o�n�S tree act and deed. / hereb" cerfi fy that / have SOUTH GARDE/V IS rq TES; li IS 017CCS or CO�reC /y S 0Wn On cyuidanc o�fu>Ur serves have Buts/de o ndary fines a,�'�correi �JUb/c t Walls fo ,(fie aesianrrAPn Notary Pub/ic, Hennepin un y Minnesota My Comm/scion expires ROBERT G. COFFMAN Notary I,C,nnep,n un , Minn. My Commission Expires April 30, 1966 fed and p/o}7`ed t/ /at / a correcl o�rec4 %din Signa. 017 {eh p� /at or<her Dian N S TA TE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEP//V - , a No/ary Pub/c, Wifh/n and for said Cou q> and YA- e ro,oerf�/ described on /h/s /af ps pre�e17f6rio Tsai survey ima/s of a foo thathe onu n fhe qro rad s hotvn on ���" f%ia1`fh rt; �naytha7�jere are no �vei` /adds or• as Sh W17 f ere017 Ind Suweyof;11�1/nnesola-Regis ratior7 38/3 ' Was jUb cribed a1765W01-17 /o before 77C his Ly/% 0f A. D. /956 i 01 A