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Southdale First Addition
N � e52pf3/5E'ae nd %359 24' due Wesf dE44�/ine of'gE%a. 111o/'71h /ine o! fhe 5f V4, Sec. 3o, T. Z8, f Z4� 18.23 z.62 i\ Sou/h r1(hf O'(Way /Ie of W, 66th S� SOUTHDAI.E FIRST ADDITION A qq�7inf 75.98g dd Soufh ar >; 410 . / ti E. / poinf So.6g'd /ue South of Na�25y /ine l9GS'� and /7282' 6'4 7m° •. / 6S• yl' '` \" S. 50e o4A 'S�, 3.1 North /iqe of SEi¢ Bnd gSB.3' deo Weef sf EBsf /ix oF3E/q, / qo.° S6� MO \\ Z r ° dub We9f of Earl /ins of SE 7pg M°... / A9 6�' 1'1• Yq. °•70.91 s o 0'0 ss rs �. •,` csyBo `5° yo 6 ! . ? p A ° 21 C. E. COULTER NORTH LAND SURVEYOR^ y 00 a 9, °�� ."";,5� sc M 4,b b, 5 d so •'v a 1 n,mN• p / Bz� t, d' .� s, '2te sS 2 tiQ o N 0o- Cao o90 ° 20 v o a \699`30 E• e R,9C t 6 \OS��aS 1166, _. losst10 �v� E.9a '\ o, '•E, \e° ,IZe' 3 RA' / ,'�s - \i • 2�' "' s 'an y 40,$ `' a• 2 N.8 86°_ 55=zo'w. o �9 o °9 2 k ;. dp 6. r { -_ N•19=58 2o•w. syT�z`0e o soar ,s ��aascmyo a E• eNOXALL MEN BYTf1ES4r P,QESENTS: a`� o ¢ 3 That The Da fon Bro �s� E 1g r Z,06,9.. 06 a „ owners and rbprie></ s fhe ) (hers, e partoerehip consisfins'OF Dona/d C• Dayton, Bruce B. Da fon y and Dou /as ,/ Da fog, K y\ 0s4 n ° 5sa41 E. fo/%win dC9Cr%bed rf Oayfon �ennefh N, Da fon �, 3P PC y situate /� fhe Count aFHenne in Sfa e of .� 46 A/1 fhaf par of fhe soufheasf uarje Si/9%l.c�oh'Thir 3o y P f M�hneso,/a, fo �vf. 3°S \ 66°38E 1401a " , a ° r �� /ine 41r' aid ,$oufheasf uar71e� y( )� T°/+reship Twenty-er ht Nor/h �T- ZBNJ, Ran eTwenty-�ur{ve3f��Z4LY) dEscr/bed as fo/%ys; Be ini7in n • z N "1\?&' N• �4° 50 E �, z ° F f -i/ (Cr�e' , °l� , of a poinf /n fhe Socf,<h 4 s/ ds an Sir -hu d/ed Seve�f -fwa 67Z) j` f fast of 2�he Sou hwesf corner of said soufheasf guarfer�sE as /77 'Cl a/on (fie Soufh /ine SCALE I =100 y 1,: N �a ; $ N 42 43 Z e fherecs; and tuns/verity fh� Soufh /he Of said Sou heasf guar,/er-><° be a dao Easf and lyes( /ne; running fhe�ce due Eas7/ a!°n� fhe Soufh /he of'said Soufh asf oar r 18 m 5o N. ]9'" 4 Six hundrev' Seve�r/y -nine 67Vj eelf (hence due North Forty rWa%fee( (hence North E� fit de tees Easf (NBo'g e SSE%J ' a curve fo fhe /elf havin� a radus o/' Three hundred E' hfeen and Seven( -rye hundred y '� T�+'o_hundred Ei�hfy-five and Sixty-17ine (ZBSG9jfeef 3 I� 5 N• N r .� y hs �.9/B,7S/ fee thence Nofheasfer/ a/oi� h �innin of a e �30/. S/teff f° ,he end af'said curve, (hence North Tirenfy-fwe degrees For/ - seven /remotes ez sl (N, 25 t, 47'e) fanfenf fo said curve hrce-cure rThree-hundred One and Twen,<y-five huno'red�hs "Bo's " 401"o 7'E' 5 ° 4 leefo r<he be innins of a curve fa (fie !e<f having a radius o/ Three -hundred �300> feet (hence Norther/y and Norfhwe9fer/ T !o h d ed Ninefy_of�e and E1�h�y. nine hundredths �89/.�9� z 125 °�`. — - - - • 92.13 �; 154.4, " v 7S yang' sa%d carve Three hundred Frfy. seven and Thiry - �� 17 i i ; NB6!4/'E. - N ]e Z6 E. N Bir h�ndFedf s /d57.36/ feet fo fhe end of said curve and fhe be /nnin� o<'a curve fo fhe rirh>< havir� a radus of Sr -hundred Forty-fivo and Seventy-one hundredths 642-7/ fe f �o- Nohwesfer/y and Norther/y a/onrf said cure Five -hundred 9ia�y�-((free and Ehfy-9iY hundredths (,S 3, B6 feet fo fhe end o,�' said curve, 7�henoe North Seven de r s end Fo e , (hence 50'45 ""� minutes East N °4BEl f s ° N 3°34'E• s 5 0 (.7- fan�en fo said curve One_hundrrd E/hty-three and nine hundredths //B3,o9jfee( �o the berfihnin ot'a curve fo fhe /eft hayin a radus o1' elf N m O hundred Sirf �Z/6oJ fee(, (hence Norfher/y end Norfhwes{er/y B/on� Said curse Nine hundred Fora/ -e% hf and •5'ev �? 3 9°° i-NBooZBE. �+ ° 16 „• 1 151.34 e , ,° /' FWy and Firfyhundredths (So,SBJ def due Soufh of fhe North /free e/' aid soufheasf uarler SE¢ red Ei encs -sir hundredths �9�87s) fee,/ fo a poi:7f, rvhichrpofi�ff s ds><an>< 102.08-'� 2°' 1 N 7 2 E -°+ N.87°zEe. Q �o/dns4e , g b aF said Sou{'ieasf quarter SSE/�, (hence Soufh FiX><y_ six degrees F<fy->rur rninu�es llres>! �s.56`-54 �vJ one -handed E" h7/ 151 yg dhsa�ree fenfhs (BSB -a> due west of fhe Easf /she of N �` /"^ easement o P 49 09 7 M ° d y y Fee hundredths/Bd, 63) feed �o a poin7� in a s N curve hee,- , a ra fus of Sir hundred three and Furleen hundredfh6 �6o3.14J feet, (hence Norfhwes% /y a/on said curve o fhe !e<f One -hundred Fi LiJ ° �" _ e "°° " (iseZs) Fee more or /ess fo a poinf is a //r7e drams„ ora/1e/ �v%th o'nd ds an rt -ei hf and T,venfy-five hur�rpd�hs 2 �/\ N, BB°o4E v o: 15 ___ N.8 °4o'E. ___ ' f�$�. I5o i /° f f Th%rty-three (33jFee 5oufb of fhe Nor�Ch /ripe v6 said souffieasi quarter 5E 150 degrees FiFfy mir7ufes !4/est /N-89 SoW,> a/ons said para//eJ /ine Nines fwv and SGr,/y-two hundFedths (92.6zi /cel, (hence South Fi<><y deQ es Four minutes s �/SS ep4 Soufh Sis�h�y-nine Z /... 205 o0g r, a N. 87=58'E_ �` E% FiFfy and Fid{y- 1� '^-• 155.43 150 v .^ N d M seven hundredths (6057% feet, (hence fheasfer/on a curve >Go the ri°yhf having' a radius of Fve-hundred Fo MB9=oI'e, °° N 7 P „ �3/%feet, (hence Soufh Forty degrees S/x een mina es est fs 40=/6 ) rao5a/ ,10 said curve, Orae -hundred Thir,/y (/309 ee>; (hence Noo e Fob ndredfhs X543,/4) fee( Three and ane tenth ^ r t y Iwo degrees jhirty_seven m/i7u�es Fort Note: denotes /Ton monument " " / 8 P ° ° seconds 1Nes>< �N• 42=37= 4o'�t!J One -hundred F/Fty- four and iw34y-11 ve hundrWdfhs �ISsr 45) !eef fv a point, which o�i� s FiFt - ° �I y 50 a, P y f�vv and Thirty-one hal%;Fvdths 52.3/ Feet due South: fhe �s 14 1 Q N ° E - Soufh The of said soufheasf quarte-( ES) and Thir2fce�n hundred FiFfy- n�i7e and Twenty -lour hundredths X1359. ZQ/ Feef due lYeSf of the Easf /,he of said Sour�eac>� "Chd, " deno%s Chord z° w 250 a p P A. g,', isy-seven degFees They minutes Mesf �s 37-3419,) pne -hundred Thiry l/30� feet ><o a pviFrf in a curve Navin r quarter /SE'�j, (hence W m / 20 s° 9 " " 8 (hence Norfhwes�er/y a/onf said curve fo the /eft E" hf -Six and Thirf - a adios of Three -hundred 9irfy-e%�ht and Twenty-geven hund�dfhs f N.BB'06'W. g a 1Yest N6S° 96'3 y y five hundredths (86.35) feet to the ere - )tangent fo said curve One -hundred Forty (/4 Feet fo tfie be %renin of o n o%said curve, (hence North Sixty-five degrees Fi Sir minutes so V g �686.3gj Feet, (hence Narthwes�er/y a/o/��' said curve Forty si r and thirty -ems and edths �g63i re e r/�ht having a radius of Six -hundred E� ht -six and Thirf . h i a d ooa 13 m N I p NB7ep//y _ �F a t m r oo O o o NISo f 5f Y y four hundredf/is ~ ��°44" • 265 so �r 1p a 87!/7 (33Jfeet dor Soufh of fhe North /ine of said Southeaaf quarter SSE//, (hence Soufh Ei h -n/ne de reesrFift /ir7inu><es 11Fe ,/ S -B a hhe drdWr7 para!/e! wrfh a,� Stant Th�iy -three ✓ a ^° M 11/32aJ reef to a point in a curve Navin a radus of Seven -hundred Fors<y-s/r and Th�ity-four hued fhs��4y34j feet, thence So rheas /_,y rg -handd 7hirteerrand twenty-three hundredths y 236,62 N =Zo w a 9 q N and Forty-3iX hand/ �dfhs (79.46)Feef mog or /ess tc a Point, which mint !s Seven( -(Ive and Ninef -ei \i �,� \••'� o m °o 150 v o'' o\ 10 " 0 12 NB4`S''`� 50 � ASE/) and Seventrrn-hundred Trvrnt -ei t y y hf hundredths TS -98 ee u y a/ongr sato curve to fhe left Sev�'nty.nine �" " " ' y 3h ono' Two tenfha (/7ZB. Z� fedt due g/esf of the Easf /ire � F sa/d South s2� q a r SSE// (hence South Twenf �nfi�eade reel Th�s� 4uar,/er- •• • • : a P h B4:46'w fest (6.29°3o'�i!/ radia/ fo sa/d curve Two- hundred Five IZOSj fit (hence Soufh Zero Ce I-eeo Ffffy mfi�utIs Tssrnfy seconds EaJt �so'So=20"E> Ten hundre Ey -1 II ¢ '-19 `�` 9 ^ /ve4-/1 def, thence Soufh N17--1ecen degrees For -jive m�hu><es lyes (S,/9°4sw> Three hundred E ht -one and E ty mnutes 2 9 \. Bzs/z7y s2p I v ISO r s° �b 10 S 50 " minutes f1/esf l5./v°ZS�i!) Two -hundred Seventy-seven ane! E' h>< tenths �Z77.B/ fee(, (hence due So Three hundred Twen yv seye�re dhFft�/85jFref, (hence Souhh{Tn de res Twenty_ eve ° F V� 960.0.... 30 30 150 g 7afrt (30/ Feef, thence due Soufh One -hundred Fifty ($O% fee(, (hence due Easf Six J6) fee(, (hence due South One -hundred N/nets /9oJ fee( foh fhe e ef,;�t of ba4�neef y 1( j .• •. 11 me to be surveyed and p/acted as SOUTHDALE F/QST ADO/T/ON, and do hereby donate and dedicate fo fhe pub/fc ;or the ub/c u e thence due Easf o eg /n . Have caused fhe �7j°ZS iv e P N ez> .W ; aJ shown on fhe annexed /aj Subecf fo dr in - -- N - -- - af h 35 a ° 33 ; 0 3, Sewer, W2f¢r n wi Hess w ereo we have hereunto set our hands and sea/s on fh s °' \ i12 53.4 m o!n fhe prrsence of f D 'V 774OBW \:� 1 6 150 14 N .. .. .. _ . ._ . * N �s�'•�sv cam. `$ o I , � O N 32 H � N ° c 150 °°-- / and . •_ ... `'<� .i _. M/� N l -� 13/cq4 ° '''s 156 2 �./ i a� / ! Oohs/o C. O�ytan ��mho 'si. o or , oo'W g G' / _ wb / 7o s rD s 31 N.� Iso / N ,3 m 95'; ti •• /o v�rdlyf m �� „ N.85.8$•yy �t..�-" . ., - .. ym� 14 �O ss22o \ �n'°°\1H i 1Sewers waf¢r Easement 3 :: o, NSB' ``°s ao /✓'G� C., '.%%'�'� L�Crt a l 9.67 - 150 ° /hyo /2zB s�� `,ca \�O Q' / y"• N. 8' /6'E. e y.!/, ,/ Y L. O ^°`• ' °0 7? b' .!" m V o :o m / �, 15 4 9 e arxd Y y 2\00 ,k ti'•'?0bto oro h; / o°/ %\.`. " ° "D u pt, �OU�/BJ ✓. �LPy/Oq 29 ob• 2 3 � : 3S ..., 49 m " ° o' a 150 ( \J STATE of M/NNE5074 5\ m N a . r 01 0 �` Gc� y\• -:\ a s 4c a"'' •. •n. 6 Y � . y yr s,s 5 �\ •53 g o T t 16 �� r / pi' �1 0 5 COUNTY OF HENNEP/N � .,8 ° 28 0° ys2s�9a R 4, On fhis�daV ysahm°'/ ' / i 9\'•',�s`/e°'g ^% /0 '4z"o s BS`ok 2p?.�"'''¢\\03.,9,, '°\° y ,�O' �° 0o /v�/?S`B rr /�e°0N ' / / o,vr, a..9 ��o" bp \ �q ,r 23rO`CoTo. 1��-�°° o° m� s� "'10 A4 5 , 0 iD1953, beFore me, a notary puboo wrfh/n andJ>or saidd County and Stafc, Persona //y appeDayon and s and dCDayjv, se B. Day on, GYa/lce COaytvn, /�enneh NDa tn n/ 27 20 as thepar�ersh/p of The Oayton Grfhers,fo me persona//y known fobe fe pareersdonOsona/d�C, Da/i�dcecuf�'s ytnBeBOaJn/!a //�aLc e /G� Oa t or, 4yenneth N, - OOu /a5 Da O PiC fo/��O/ if °6a Hca ma ebb ? o2s �?° �o e 7 °s ° N 69s 4° E 6 J f t /7 eFfii�m and ackr/ow/eo e fhaf fhe BXECu n /nsfrumcnf same as (heir• own free aef n' yy, • ^ //q 7/3B2 SSa• `+; d^'qo' 0 \' �, y^ \ \y 's\o ,7 s? \o /r Jt\ 3,Q4 0 °"'�,'ya \� , 9i' q° 9 o• msO/?� � ' / a\/.� N 6l9° , ^ o �� vs 7 •9 ro,ryr ota Pub//C, h'en�ep�h Conty, Mnne.s o�26 19 ti 8 .:. 25 My C°mrr7/.�sion EXpiree N /S ti 19 ^� , sot �0 18 / A m / 6'si• ,:qo �°° mai^ ¢s. 9°°M/ 8 �f B a m` mb, s s 9 h / ^3' \ y a ^0� �� N°o0•3g E I hereby cel>ll y fhaf ! have surveyed and p/afted fhe /a/�d described /h fhe about dedcaf"o ^b O S6 y1 n as SOUTHj74L E F/4ST ADD/T/ON 20 a S%yb" ° �° 17 a" yk °° GE i s�frvC fhaf a// drstanees arra correct/ shv�n on said /at /h ,fhaf this /o/af /S a correef re resenfa on of'said '?s a ° ' `' 9 ' y' P figures denof i� lest and decimals of a foot tom sa,B m �' 2 a o ,9 4 ' j ��d been correct/y o/aced in fhe ground as shown o/7 solo' (hat fhe mDnufnenfs for fhe of a ee P fhaf the toxo trophy of fhe /and is correct! show d'� o% rf�/re' surveys have >" / 4r °b� " e'9 ' e f, correct/ deal Hated on said /at; and fhaf {here arc no wet /ands or ub/ic hf hwa s to /� on sato p/a fhaf fhe outs/de 6oundar%`s of fhe /and are 23 ,' ti /zB 90 ti° ez �No9' 6 ��.}9 ok d'l P f on said p/a than are sho�yn ffiereor� S _. 6I N o ! e R PCO'' ' \ (6 0 q h (.'Co Csa,i ilk' ge 9'9 P y be deaf na ed , 3 Ea 0 7/ ©(her pb'4m// / ryQi\` 3 15 ?'9 ras'so• O �,i. o°D h. „�.� ^. m' \ orP 0\qo•/ 9 B/S� r', "p!o b6:y � � 22 6/ / h N'?S � va° b°°'raya y- / o-•. /3 ro /?5 0 'i Co N °' �' � -<. ° „ .. ,. :' ....- C 2.00• V N a v 62• t 4b' mm. ..�� y6 662 90 6 bh Oi d o ✓w�.� m 91 N •° ^, F 15 ,� q1 /"•bti 'yy°i8 22 ° a /^ 4• °6: J•i `J " STTE 4F M/N/UESO A Re /stereo' Land CJrV O�Mhneso! /aon NO Z- 94 12 14 04 II HENNEP1A1 SS, b op r • I1 V\� N 7°'.2W w Vr N,72$2 1 Va° 14 -`- -' ° TheaceI'711 le7°was 6fme a notar in7y-C7¢w¢r � y,o[/blt w/thn :9 :7( 5fa!e, o 23 -46--„ro f Y13 5 of a' (1,17/953. 13 / 12 ^° „/ AR ° 13 'S4 e 2 13p 04 .g of 11$ O � °o uA•'Sj ,Y,6 $ N Z•o2 125 v I I - Y 17'S6'W. ° a 'sh W Y,/Sh // v /?s a M�� $o Mofary Pub/ic, Hennepin CpUn� :7. v / / O 6,C• �• 6.52 , 3 � y a F 14 NI`'z9w I/ 6 12 24 �1U R°°° °Z' 12`mhF ? �/' 3 P My ConTmiss Ei�// r . .! W v 25 V v o l 6p- h ti 3// ry 5 " 9 So 12Iz01.-3 7 oS- M vP. 25+ 1i•1 -6, N. $5. .�. , m f/aS danIsa acts�N,7 by �Ccl of � JJ t 25 1418 15 3° °a„a re alar meed' ,<here�' he%' (his—day 07/ Ry 6s IA sue easfT 75 '6AS2OI� VIA144(ENMLAGE OF EO/NA 9 9M/N/N�sESPOrTeAdue Wes5 15 w 9 11 ,ipp 16 N 10 '' P s ident M 120 •1u 125 125 O C104' 23.14 9 g0• 9 s`7/ 6 "h a 16s..•Fss .0 90• Due E451 .. • 52/.07 85,SS s? 3 0" 1m / q, •2 �,y /So ° ��. < 0 6• , \ jr 'O 30 30 90 80 80 101'... 8c` q IZ /��I� q f 8 t^ 5� y yo 5 710 Chd°79.9! N-63) 1117 JI Chd.8981 42 / s6SB ' pj /G' C�q la1.o9 11. 66.95 7S / I7/� Is2.71 i '• o- "m .b 4; 650 w° h h `C oo m d q1 / '3/ \ 1 0 66' b• fob' / ty o p `•, O too •� �_/ [; o of i.°•t V, m W 1 N J o o p ,yj / \�4 a01 r 0' W. o 29 - 28 27 '" 26 `� � 25 a �° �- '° Bs.a ; � , ss ti - J O / •^.°� Cyd .9,1 N83!27E. '06991 18 O O 0 m 0 (/1%/%T fBSef778f7� 24 h• p Ch ° 56.21 3.79 5 63.28. 16 Cta` - v v -90-- - - nio:F M°b �, d°T98 Chd•56.14 5 y° 16 '7'jryn _ _ h 86! °-----7z.°I--= 71.9_J'L� 23 h ~1 3 19 O�mb b 20 0o Olm •°� o `C r j O ? Y \ r N6S�6I2q\r� ro 7 22 ,0 '0 to .Qi ° to o ? ° c h; \ 2 v?. 1 L L \06' P• J 2 - M 32 �v i �Z � a V o 30 31 - -a 33 3� 34 m� 35 s i Iokip 6'� due Ea3� 30 30 ,p 84 95 W. ° 70 So. •'• 1 O 1h T N 8 ••.. ••.. 612.0 -•�� `� ST . g Oue Novfh � 679.0 504111) Gree orlhe SEX4, Sec. so, 72a, 9.z4 Oue EBS", end Wes/ by` /ls C/erk