HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthdale Office Park5 SOUTHDALE C. E. C0 ULTER REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR rA'orfh /i se of the S%L of /he /Yf%4 of Sec, 30, 7_28 ?24 I � h n i I � ; A/ii�e papa//�/ rvif/i fhe �rffi /ii�e offfie S� of�/�a /Y Q o/ Sec 30 iY89 049',30 665.44"L401S=' 4/'/3Ceeel, /l point SD1.6 Wesf a/fhr / 25.a' N89'C93oE R /SB7.19 fes//ihv o�1/1F Sf%f ofj�/ie SD%o�OE} /YE/t of Sec 30 BL OCA 1 OFFICE PARK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Southdale RealtyCo described land situate in the County of Hennepint Stae of MinnesotanntO-wit:esota allathat�parteof the SouthiOnerHalf the following Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Thirty (30/, Township Twenty-eight( 1/2) of the of Valley View Road; North of the North line of West 66th Street; Wesof(the�West gline eofyFrance (AvenueySoutFast h, and fSthe outh Eoftaline line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of Valley View Road with a line drawn parallel with and Two Hundred Twenty-five (225) Feet South of the North line of said South One Half (S 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) running North Eighty-nine Degrees Forty-nine Minutes Thirty Seconds East (N 890 49' 30" E ,.thence South One Half (S 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE Forty-four) parallel with the North Line of said less, to a point which is Five Hundred Two and Six TenthsS(502.6)rFeet 1Westfofethe dEastline ofHthe SoutheastSQuarter e(SEm1/4)oof the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4), thence continuing North Eigghty-nine Degrees Fort parallel with the North line of said South One Half (S 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter Forty-nine n(NE Minutes Thirty Seconds East (N 89° 49' 30" E) Hundredths (140.25) Feeti thence South Zero Degrees. Ten Minutes Thirty Seconds East (S Oo 10' 30" E) Twenty-five (25) Feet, thence North Eighty-nine 1/4) One Hundred Forty and Twenty-five 9 y nine Degrees Forty-nine Minutes Thirty Seconds East (N 890 49' 30" E) parallel with the North line of said South One Half of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) One Hundred Twenty-three and Twenty -t us of One Thousanwo Hundredths (123.22) Feet to the beginning of a tan. gential curve to the left having a radid Five Hundred Eighty-two and Twenty-nine Hundredths (1582.29) Feet and a central angle of Forty-one Degrees Thirteen Minutes (410 13') thence running Northeasterly along the arc of said curve to the left One Hundred Eighty-nine and Sixty-three Hundredths (189.63) Feet, more or less, to its intersection with the Westerly line of France Avenue South and there terminating, have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as SOUTHDALE OFFICE PARK and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for the public use forever the Street as shown on the annexed plat, also subject to the water and sewer easements as shown on the annexed plat. In witness whereof officers andf 1)4.5orpor' the above mentioned Corpor on has, caused these presents to be signed by ifs proper ate Seal to be hereunto fixed this day of _� 1958 A.D. Signed: SOOT ALE REALTY COMPANY As to Robert J. Crabb 0 0- 1d As to Hadlai A. Hull xecutive vice Pres ------- "* Secretary ----Treasurer w ve h h O STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. N oo otV All COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) w N .ti ti On this /S!" day of 1958 A.D., before me a Notary Public, within and for said Count and State N Robert J—.-(r,—,,bb and Ha ai Hull, to me personally known, who beingY , personally appeared Executive Vice President and Secretary -Treasurer of the Corporation amedhinythe foregoingsworninstrumedid nttand thahat t are the Sealeaffixed to ,� c^ Nsaid instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corp. O 90 0 �� f Q O oration b authorty of its Board of Directors, and that said Robert J. Crabb and Hadlai A. the free act and deed of said Corporation. Null acknowledge said instrument to be �s s� Notary P ic, Hennepin Qpnty, ngesota c- ES T6. -�' h o My commi Sion expires o y m �� 7 / yrs 65 Ty hereby certify that I have surveyed and Platted the land described in the foregoing dedication as SOUTHDALE OFFICE PARK, that A z ;stS i SB9 4 3o'iY �, this plat is a correct representation of sid survey, that all distances are correctly shown on said plat in figures denoting feet t t. � "; � � and decimals of a foot tat the monuments for the P P guidance of future surveys have been correctl — t — — — the annexed lat that the topography of the land is correctly shown on said lat, that the outsidelboundariesin eofrthe dlas and sare on _-------. 4 Y 9 N N .� v "5?, �„ ; correctl deli nated on said plat, and that there are no wet lands or public highways to be designated on said plat other than __ __..-.___.,._ __ _sem y 9 own 11 are shown thereon. . s r. S 3 9 50'W b �s _ 1369 49 30 E '�5.0• h STATE OF MINNESOTAregistered Land Surveyor - Minnesota Reg. No. 2584 'K /yW/d �%aii� fasemenf . 0 h COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 55. ' V a a The above c rtificate subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public, within and for said Count and State, on this / �'' SB9°SO lY - -645.95' - — o - — — 1958 A.D. •--�.. Y --- -- - C� $``. � \ \ � �So�/!i7'i'i•y .Se1Ye� fasemo�i�` "- __ _ _ _ -- _ �' k o 37.97<- Notary Pub i , Hennepin_Gounty, Minnesota. b�v s� /✓89°4930 E' C My commissi expires_ oyNln6or '► /9r9 w. k \�ss6° I This plat was checked and approved on this;= day of a 1958 A.D. �_ o i - 0qM y, Minnesota. County This plat was approYed and'accepted by the planning Commission of the Vi 0 v T r \ N� held this da of p g f d , nne& t at a r ul meeting thereof / a ef3 BY �---Its Chairman O --� z 'o T a �i a" N this This at 1958 A.D. ply T�adaypofovez--4ndaccepted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDINA$, INNESOTA. BY Its Mayor jaiBy I Its Manager -5000. 1 I • De�of�s /i-o� /ylor�aineofs 39??6" i I I 9 ire ass vm W I S8 9 °50'{y /ire 0/')V South /ii�� of /he Sf% of the /Vf%a of Sec. 30, 728, if Z4�