HomeMy WebLinkAboutStow's Yvonne TerraceS Q STOWS YVON**VE TES HENNEP/N COUNTY, MINN N L ANE RON ON. 0 0 if PARK - N 00 0 \ 14 ACE 256A /V, FIELD & AOWA/< �e6�crar-y /s4� En9i%7eers �SurVeyors dine /So, feet Sovf/i of a/�doara/ye/ �vifh the 93 93 93 93 93 1 93 /2457 2S /05 90 E /Ro.Y.tirO.s! f y. /�oirif .Qorods Soufii of file a/7d so 122ds l✓eSIOJ - _ _ffieEasf/ne fGovf Lof4 I /�i/ow a//rnen by ffiese preser� fs that 6a/e7- kes/er and Lr%/ie �! /fes/er, his wf aw17ers androroPrietors and Eo'wdrd c. wf , ,avi-chasers order Contract for Oeed � fh� f //owii�9 described prooerfy sifaafedii� the Sfdr`o of.�%inn&sofa ar�dloonfy fh'enneo�it to�vif .• ThafyoarfofGovcrr��en>` Lot., Section ,U Townshio //7 .Forge 2/ described asfo/%✓s : C'orn�encii� of d,00inf on fhe/ycsf /17e ofsaio' Lot 4, 297feer` Soa/h of the /Yorfhwest` corner f sa o'Lo/° 4i thence /Yorfh o5/o/�.g the /vest`1117& of said Lot4, /47fee14, �heoce L`asr`or� a /i>e,oara//e/wi�f> f/5e North /r>e �saio'Lat 4 /o the Eas></ire �saidLot`4; fhence Soatfi on the East/i/e ofsaidLof4, 296. /feet;' t/>ence Ll/ester/y rr� d srrdyht /ire to e poir�t, which Poiret rs .3iB.Bf of Sou/h - eastery from fhepoi17t of6�i17�in9 rrreasvred or9 a/ire drdi-vr� Soatheast�er/y.fiorrt the �Ooii�t of beginni179 /o a,00/171 �o rods Sooth �/he /lror/h /ire a17d sorods /yes/offhe L as/ 111,76' sa/d Lot ,L, said 4o rods rods beir/g measured respective /y an /ries ,vara/ye/wrfh the Z::751 �orfh hou17dary /ices fsaidLor�4; fhertc& �orfhwest`er/y a/oly the /ire so drdiyrJ to /he,00i17t b&gii�17ir�g, accordii�g to /he US. �over/trnei�t survey /hereof-' /,rave caused the swine /o be sat✓eyed a17d,o/at`fedas STo/vs Yt/ON//E TERRACE, a17d do heady o'o17at`e anddedicdfe fo fhe,avb/ic ./`or fheoa6/ic Use forever the rPoad, Terrace, Ve, Lane, a17o' shown on the a17nered,o/af /n wi/17ess whereof yve have hereu17fo set our s.5,1,9 IhIs day of A o. /949 �SE<JL� /� f'rese/�ce of .'- �SEAL) SEAL) CSEAL) State of �i�resofal County ff/enneo/i� J S s 017 tf /s dray of ' ,9 D. /948, before me, d /otaryf�i6/c, wr/hiit ai�dforsdro' C'our�ty oersot�d//y apoedrsd Ga/eT /des/er and L/%//e fes/er, his wfe, Edward C Stow ar�d Eua Stow his wife, to r27e .�irowr� r`o be the ,versors described 1117 aitd`vho execa/ed /hetreyali /i2st`ro/nen} and they ac/Fnoiv/edged that they erecvfed the sdirre as /herr ow17 free act and deed Notary IOVM4-, hlera17e0112 Cou�fy, /v/inresota /Y/y C/aM r7/SSA0r e.EPires YVONNE � 9S n N I7 95 93 9s m or/h /tee o. f6o�ernmer�f Lof.�. � l i o 93 93 93 93 93 /oo .� 33 � Q `^Nu �M 9.3 93 93 93 1 93 1/00 � MJMUCE 9 9S 95 9S 9S /00 19 20 Z 1 N 22 n 23 24- -9s 4 95 9S 9S 99 /oo 33 I S/ale 0/l�f//�/7BSOfd Caao y f //enr�eor� � ss / do hereby certify ffiaf /have s.�r�eyed ando/ar`/ed fhearooerfy described or/ fh/s ,o/af as S7-ows YVONNE TERRACE ; �`hdf fh/s ,o/at rs a correct re/oresenta/ior� ofsaro' survey; f/'a/ a//distances arm correct/y sho`vr> ori fhe,o/ar` /i� fse;` and deciind/s of d foot; �ha�' the /nonornents forgoida17ce ffatare surveys hate 6eer� correct/yo/aceo'ir thegroond as shown 017 /he,o%t; /hat the outside boondary /i/es are correct/y de sly ,5,led 017 fhe,o/a/ ; that the toaograohy a_1 the /arid rs correcty show17 on fh&,o/a>`and that r`here are r70 w&t /amds or yoo6/ic highWdys /o be desr9r�a/ed ori sa�vo/af of,/er than as show. fhereo17 .SUr�e, yor /1i%irtt�. Peg �a 929. ,,boll& certfCdfe sa6scri6ed acrd sworn /0 before m& /his day f A.D. /949 Notary Puh/,c, h1er7ne,41117 County, IVir7r7esol,a /L!y C01771' ssioW 2,roiies This ,o/df was doorov&d anddcceo%d by /he A/ IC? Coanci% of1/,e �%/age of.Edr�a, /14ii7i�esot/a at d reya/dr meefiit9 f/,ereaf he%' `his U/LL AGE COLING/L OFG`D//✓,9, /1/%/iYN. dy. %oresiare/�r� C/erg `