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V H Adams Addition
V. A/ ADAMS AD1.9 / TI ON HE1V/VEP1 N CO UNT Y MINNESOTA LSCA L L= - 1/N. =,30,--- T. w. 4 9TH .ST /72.0 75- - '77 9a — /20 -5Z i , D w Iron mon`• 75 /72.0 - �. /Scor//7 /17e oj' Soufh /50 of /Y% or ZOI36 -1 ti C/i ec%a' un el d/2/>ro vea' 7'h/.1 clay of 140117,4-4 He/7ne��n �aur3/yX440-veyer know a//men by �hese/�reseofs fhaf we liicforH. %/airs a.�c1 F/orence 1Y, /'4e7a1ns fias6cync9'ano' yife� o inners oncl/�rol✓r/efor s of �`he fo/%n�iny c%scri/aed rapenfy rlhiofed /i71he ,ffafe 0f.'ir��eso�`4 art,-/Cour./yof/yenne/oi/7 /o wif; The Easf52fee/a he/`/�orfof/`he/Yar/hh'a/f�iY%j of Lof Thii-I six (JG) 9udrfdrs ,Su6c/ivisian No/72 //e//&/7/7e/0//7Cour7fy, /lA/ii7rnesa/ a /yii;9 Norfh offhe �Qu�/ `h /50 feef fhereaf c/%so fiiof�ar�`af fhe WeSf /ZO feefof ffie .Evs>` 1721e7eof fhe I Yor/h ha/�e(II '/2l o said Lof�6 H� v11,w` aJuA711 isron Mo. /72 /yi17q Hrth of ./fie cou/h /,5 0 feellhe� eaf , have caused fhe snmP >`o fie survEyecr'�r�4'�/a feA'as V11 414M5 /9oO/710/Y . /r7 wIfi ess whereof we have he/-eunr`o .s'e7` aur- har/as- al7d xeo/s ffiis a1 y o.f' 1412 /9.5-4 /n Areserce of V11- for /Y. fIc/arns A v+p 5 F/DrerlCe /V% Acl-alwS Coun/y o.� yr�r�eoin) 3.s.. Sfafe af' /1i%ir7//e�-ofa J 0? c/ay e/ Q a /10 /9,5'4 def re /r/e a /Nafar y Puh/rc' wi/iiii7 4ncYfar o-ard Cour�f j person//y ap/>eored v�forh' r9e/QmsQ�c/ f/orencc /YJ, r4dams /`o ina�ersoY47e,, i�owr� fo be fhe�ersons descri6ec/ii� crnc/sr/ho e recufeA'f/ie foreyo�i�q i/Is/rurner7/ crnc/ oc,Fnow/ec/9ed ffiaf `hey �xecu/ea' fhe scsme as Meir free oaf dr�c/ cleec% /Ya/o/y Pub/C� HenneA/r� C'ur»`y, /ylnacsofo /1'I y comrn/,sJion eX/�ires'�' I hereby cer//l/ //7a//hove xLerveyec//c/af as V1.1,4/Jc9MS i40/J/T/o/y, �h4f ffiiso/af/scifraie anclGarrecf �e/�rosenf�rfiorr� ofJ-ai4' survey,• f/icr/a//�sfar�cet are carred/Y x' v.*vw a17 fhe/afaf mp feefar7c/declincp/svfci fool, Ilia/ file rt�anumEn7J for f/ie 9urd4nce of fufure surveys /lave /✓een corr�cf/y19/ocek /i7 /he 9ro41nc/ cys shown on f/7e /0/c»` Ana' //70/ /he aCrlsA7&' 6ou17dgry /ices are correcf/y c%signafed o/7 f/7e,o/a/, {lialfl7e ><opagraah y of f/ie /and is carrEcf/y sfio�o ori fficp/af a/7c//h0/ 1171&,-& rare /?o wef lal7ds 0r/✓u6lic f7iyhWays fo /Se c%si9nofecl on M& /W afher fhan As,fhown fliErean. l � , Regis red ��,r/dJurveyor'�e9#a. //8$ Above 017d sorarn fo6Ef re /770 fii/ - c/ay of ' i ff/J./9w Nota+y- PcbEe, Hen�enin Goun;y, Minn. r' My commission ulmess Oct. 15, 5953 /Yofor y Aub/t lle/7r7e0117 Cour?/y, 01;?nesof4 eom/nrrS/vn �X/JireS t" r 717ixRl4pl was a/ooroved exr7d eccepfe4'by f/ie V//G9&CDUP7C/1 of EcJ1/7d, IWI �&sofa a7'c7 re9u/pr 177Ee7'/n�1 1�hErEaf he%/ fh/s /-� r`'; 6 -/ay J Gf�. Ares/denf C/e'4