HomeMy WebLinkAboutValley View Terrace'W ' I Ell'� ' Pj:: �AO� Bj) VA L L EA) Yi Vf T El) HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINN. VILLAGE OF EDINA SCALE.: i"=100' Know air men by theseopresenfs that Vlcke/sen -Fronk Consfiuctibn Co., a �i"fner'sh�r owner and,or'o/oriefor offheff/ow�i�� desccibedp�ooe�ty situated ir1 the zoaw/y of and Stale of M/hnesotato/ ,I'-Thaf of fbe S�4 of The S/Y,o of Jecf/on /. Tosvrlshfp ?4 RaA!pO Zg descc.bed as 1,o//0 S Commenui��q of /S5e NE corner• of said SEQ of the Swa; thence South a/ony die Easf /,%re fhelleof /o a/ool& !hereon d/slanl 3ofeef South of fhe Nwcol-nec of the Si of said SE,i o/s/vs; Aence West Pai'affef wihh fhe North /ms of sa/d SZ of the S.0¢ mr the Sw¢ 53.35 feef /thence mesfef/y on a tangential cuere /o ffie 1ifh; hav i a ead/us of 3//.56 feef, a d�sfance of?t656fpef !hence South 4 053 "/Nest 649fee} thence No lh Z9ezt fs/esf 1,,09.77fe1,, thence North /7ori6 We5-1'/07fee; 1*e Ce Alarlh /3 oZ7 !Nest 1,03fCel- thence North 7013 "west /7o feet thence North Zo53 West 90.11eei more ar/ess /OP polil on dle Nest llwe of )Oe EB ofsafd S1511efJlie SN d/stant /9S feet Soulhel-ly of he Noryhtvesl corner lhe/eol, thence Norlh 000z East /95 feef to he Norlhwesl lamer of said B j of fhe SEQ of fhe (hence Sealh e90ze East a/ony fhe No/Ah //;,e tbereaf to 1AePo1121 of hc�p.�n/i1 C. Fon /hepurPoses v, 'As desciiplforl 1he North and South Zole/fide of Section /9 To"w ^o Z8, Ranoe Z4 !s assumed /o be a due r'ecth and South /we; have caesed /he same to be surveyed and ro/aflea' as V.44c6y Y14 T RRACE and do have by donate and dedicate /o fhe pubhc for ouh/c use hu ever fhe streets and avenues shown on Yheannexed P/at. k w�fness where Sail' Mizkc/sen-Fronk lensfruct/bn co bas caused fhesepeese415 1,o v4ecl 6y em,/ A. �onk,parYner• /n said parfnershp, constdi7e W Peder Mroke/sen and said Em// A. 'Fvnk; $a/o' Emil A. frank has hereaalo set his hand and sca/s d//s day of_ /n Presence of. -- A Ple f. APle of Mionesot.+ ) County of denneph . As 1,o by Emil A. Fronk On fhi3^day of. A. D. /95Z. Mickelsen - Fronk Construct/on Co Em// A. Fronk A. P. 1952 heforeme a A/olary Pub/c p1175/17 v7d fol said lave ,and hale ,ael sawal/y appeared Ems/ A. Fronk, who 6e inJp by me duly sworn did say API he is a par'lner• in Alaelsen-fionk lonsfruclian Co, the pdrfneish/p named ,lie �re6o nd .Hsi u nenff ,%al sad rnsfruna'nl was tree /n beha/f of sa dparineish//o; and A.-/ sohl' 1,.1711 A. Fio»k >cFno/v/ed�ed said rn6frumJenf 1,o 6e *e fee acl and dead of sail' Pdr1oersh1,o. w/o/ary pabsi Nennepii� leunfy, ylinn. Ny 6"nnist/cn Expires E(E AN, FIELD & NOWAK E"5ineers � 5urveyors AUGUST -1951 «� S 89^29"E. � NElOr.' SEQ ofi/Y< N, i/he of s of�9 �Tw, ofc/9 W. GOR" STREET 3i 4 4 n (LQ . i % SEQ of SH/� . T•/S a T. /6 , i h • H Comm ss/b✓n /2097'; ✓%lye of Edina, H.nnesofa. `- V,6o F r //9.47 --'.I � � I 13 o � 1 /35.99 184449 1144 I IZ I II I I LU Z $ II I I � uj i E 3 � I N /36.53 I `D !34,53 /3Z m 10 I i Q 4 m 134.55 I I I 494. f 7 114.� 3i 4 4 n (LQ . i % SEQ of SH/� . T•/S /neCf/%!6 held /%7/S�daJ ,JP/annin✓¢ of A es2. T•/ Comm ss/b✓n u/' de ✓%lye of Edina, H.nnesofa. //9.47 //9.47 --'.I II r 13 hl � 184449 1144 IZ I II I I Z $ I I � 0 11 i E 3 � I N /36.53 I `D !34,53 m 10 I i I � 4 m 134.55 I I I 494. f 7 114.� 9 `"P m 5 �° IZA•6 I I 134. s3 I ^f i y T m 134.6/ 9 -P � . r 1 r X33 ' 33 ai s Vivlor' of Sr of SEQ ofSiv4--' i W, 61U ST. Slate of -!.besot, { J} 55. 4'.1y of Hennepin / do heiehy certif./ that f have Surveyed and P/ah`ed fhe prooer•/y descriSed on /yrs p/a1, as Yaac6Y Y.Ew Tv.eaeE; `l%iaf 6'iis p/af is a ce.�ecf �ep�esenfafiv� a� sad su/vB,y; s%af a//diJfasces a2 coc/ecf/y Shorvn a fhe Pfaf /� feef and aGu�na/s .f a foot, IhOl /Oe wvenumen'fs /bc yevsanae .i {o/we swreys are coiiecfy /o/dced /i/ ASs/O�nd aS shONn en bSc pfaf,• fhsf /he oufside 6oundaiy //nes are co-/'ecffy des1he /Yia/ /ha ioppiaoly W,* fao4/ /S carBcf/y shown on fheP/ai• and 16af �iSBiB >re .moo wet/ands c , A'hfic hyhways /o be dez�gnafed olhw ,/an a shown .Surveyor - A'J/i/n. RevQ. No. 979. Ifime cerlificafe suhscr 'hed and sworn 16 hefol-e me 1,h/s_ day of• No/ary pub/c, berme/,;0 coup/y, M/bn. My Gmn/,is/bn EXpies AS. 19SZ. %he !^redo/i } ro/al vpr wPp veal aed accePtco /y fhe A%kziii/vy lo, .,/ss o✓ fhe Yml ye of Fi/y/� .✓%/ngBSOfd, df d /e6U/al J /neCf/%!6 held /%7/S�daJ ,JP/annin✓¢ of A es2. re�/dai .Heel,, Jy ffereof held Sii3 day of Comm ss/b✓n u/' de ✓%lye of Edina, H.nnesofa. dy /lJ Cha/i"nan. 7%Ae fore�oiir,J¢ P/al was approved and accepfed by /1,.e V%/a�e CornciY of Edi�� M.hrresofa, al a re�/dai .Heel,, Jy ffereof held Sii3 day of A. 9 195Z. Yr//d�e Council ai Ed/na, Min�eso/a. by /Ys .Alwyn/ by I/$ !Jerk