HomeMy WebLinkAboutWood End AdditionWOOD END ADDITION
I � ori
� h
_'z� 126.0
ooii7f 650 Easfoffhe S,W cor of
fheiy%a of ffz of
Sec. /9 T 2B, R24
0 �
a � v
V h
3 0
N � 0
0q 51.
Rnow a/I Mer/ b y fhese�resects 1661 we ✓ohn E. B/oomherq anc/Co//ie �'/ B/vom6er9 h usdondancf `i
w/fe oH'ners anct r priefors offhafpaff of fhe North Ha f /is %� 61166- South Ha/f �S%/ off/ieSvulleasf
Quarter SSE%j aff�e /Yorfheosf Qu 1-16-1-(iYE%� of �Secf/on iS inefeen (�9/ Tovu�s/i� Tweniy-ex h l
(28> Rom qe Twenty four (Z4/ /yir� Egsfer/y ofas/`raiyhf /ir7e a'rown from �rPo /17 the horfh � v
of.sa/q' trocf fonf 456 1`6-6-1 West of 1`he /Yorfh 6-ocomer thereof fo a �oo�i�f a�fhe a �
South /ine of said ff acf dsfanf 650 feeflyesf of fie .Soufheos>` 41/ -/7&/-
c -
Ll o sato
frac ` accorc/ihq f e UnA/edSlaf�s leo verr�rner�fSurveyri5ereaf„� on rove erg a ua
Life InsurancGf Cora1an of Phi/ode//�%q morf9a9ee, of fhaf qrf of above /anddescri6e ° Q
asfo/lows; cammer�c/r� a� 9"/00/i7/on 11 e iYorfh 11h& of �soio f�c1` aisl`or�f 33feef lyestoff �'
/Yorfheosfcornerfhe eon, ence Soufh V—a//e/with f/ie Z4'51 1117e ofSalo'frocf a• distanceof
90 feef; fher/ce Wesfraf ri9hf ar/9�f / the Eosf /ii7e of fo% 1rocf BO feef fo the Poi,-»` of
6eyAnnin9ofa fon9eniio/cury o ffie /efj�havii/9 aradius of /9�9 feef fiier/ce {vest&, -/y a
or/on saii� curve 2 feef >`1ence North wester/y cr/ong a sJ`rai9h11117e /03� feefl`o o/Joir�f � �
o f�e //a, h /ine of sa/d 1,7'1 wh1ch is CYVlar7f /S feef j }'est of fhef�oinf of6eyin1? nl a
rent& Easffo fhe oll 6166- rnnln ove causedf1e Borne fo 66- Jurveyeo onap/affect
os t voors E,vo Aoo/r/o/y ac�r�cs% c9ve 9 6-1-6-1 y dor/ofe and ded/cofe fo ffie/oab/ic for �`/ie use
of fhepuh//c forever file rive cindpar as shown ori fhe 0 17exedp/af.
In witness' whereof we have hereunfa sefourhandsano sEn/sfhis ooyof 4/>/9�Y
/n presence of
6eor/e R. O `Gar
/ 6,/.4 E 0647,-
ohn E. B/a�mher9
Ca//re /Y/. 9/,:30/776&/-57
Sfafe of /1�ii�nesofq” S. S.
County off%nnepin J1 On thisc y of 117 /95l before me a /Yatory Puh//c
wifhii2 and for said County
f�erso//y aRpearea'ee. B/oom6erq ant/ G`a//ie AVIV/oomherJ,
to me persona//y 1cr/own fo he fhe/> rsar7s described /h 61-10' who execufecf fhefore9oiny
/i�sfrument and oc Fn o w/&dyed fhaf fie execu7`ed 1417e some os f/ieir free z;1,1/' ancy c%d
Notary 10a6/i'I Hennepin 4rounfy, /1%innesofo
N/y L01771771sJ/O17 eXp/re r
i°rovidenf M41141a/L/fe /n.surance C'ompony o{phi/ac%/p/iia
/n presence of
.S/ate of Penn/ y/vonia 11 S S
County of P/ii�de 1714Y J
On fh/s cloy of AAI. /95l %efare me a Notary Pa,611c
W11171;7 and for Sala' County persono//y crppearea' anq fo 'y
.faawn, who being by me each du/y sworn c/id ,ro��re /- r &c eve y
ani/ of Orovidentmalaa/Life J7ruronceComPonyofPhi/ode/Phi4 ecar/�ora ior�
named in e or6-5roinc/ instruiner�f fhaf fhe Seo/ affixed fo Sart/ insfrum enf /s fhe corporate
sea/ of said corparafion fhaf s'ciid ir7sfi-urrmenf was signed crnc► Seo%d in beha/fofsoid
corpoorofion by auffiorify of ifs 69 and of c/i ecfars and 7i' 7` said and
aCZ"awlno rea' said /nsfrumenf Ao he fhe free acf and deet/ ofsa/ corporation,
/Yofary Public, )N60/iia County, ennsy/von/o
My coinmiss/on expires
Jhere6y cert fy fhaf Ifiave sur veyea c>ndp/offed fhe proper;`y �a'escri6ea' in /-/7/.Jr lo/o`74ns
W000 Eiyo fl/JO/7"/on',• `hof fhis/o%r` A.s a Prue c�nd correct rEpresenfofion ofsaid survey
fhaf o// disfarrces ore correct/y shown on fhe P/of iii ,7`6-6-1 andc�'ecimo/s of a foot • 1661 fhe
monuments for fhe quidonce of future surveys hove been correct/yf✓/ocedir� fhe�rvund4s
shown an f5ep/of •1661 the oufsioebouno'ar /roes are correct/y c%s/gr�ofed ort fhe hof •166116
fopo9ra/✓ by o%�¢¢he /a,�o'As correct/y s�iown on the /�/ot and f'iaf (here are no wet /onos
cx pub/ic hi9hwoys fo he c%siynafed on fhe p/ot other Phan as shown fhere4ll-7.
urveyar _ iPe9. AYa /� B
Above cerfif rote su6scriheo'ond sworn /`0 66-161-& me this a y' y '41-2 157-61
Notary/ic ennepin County, IV11717erelio
co m iss/on expires
This p/of was approved and acce fed 6y 114& 0//096- ounce/of Edina
/Y/ii�`iresofa a fz9 a„
741/or m eefii79 ffie,e&01 held f�s cloy of 4 0
';Ln' AiS/u
Norfh /ire o1N� -'of S%2
of SE% of h/E%
of Sec. /y 7-2, R2¢
/ron Mon. 125.3 : '�
s .
/S4' /ronMon�
33 ;
I � ori
� h
_'z� 126.0
ooii7f 650 Easfoffhe S,W cor of
fheiy%a of ffz of
Sec. /9 T 2B, R24
0 �
a � v
V h
3 0
N � 0
0q 51.
Rnow a/I Mer/ b y fhese�resects 1661 we ✓ohn E. B/oomherq anc/Co//ie �'/ B/vom6er9 h usdondancf `i
w/fe oH'ners anct r priefors offhafpaff of fhe North Ha f /is %� 61166- South Ha/f �S%/ off/ieSvulleasf
Quarter SSE%j aff�e /Yorfheosf Qu 1-16-1-(iYE%� of �Secf/on iS inefeen (�9/ Tovu�s/i� Tweniy-ex h l
(28> Rom qe Twenty four (Z4/ /yir� Egsfer/y ofas/`raiyhf /ir7e a'rown from �rPo /17 the horfh � v
of.sa/q' trocf fonf 456 1`6-6-1 West of 1`he /Yorfh 6-ocomer thereof fo a �oo�i�f a�fhe a �
South /ine of said ff acf dsfanf 650 feeflyesf of fie .Soufheos>` 41/ -/7&/-
c -
Ll o sato
frac ` accorc/ihq f e UnA/edSlaf�s leo verr�rner�fSurveyri5ereaf„� on rove erg a ua
Life InsurancGf Cora1an of Phi/ode//�%q morf9a9ee, of fhaf qrf of above /anddescri6e ° Q
asfo/lows; cammer�c/r� a� 9"/00/i7/on 11 e iYorfh 11h& of �soio f�c1` aisl`or�f 33feef lyestoff �'
/Yorfheosfcornerfhe eon, ence Soufh V—a//e/with f/ie Z4'51 1117e ofSalo'frocf a• distanceof
90 feef; fher/ce Wesfraf ri9hf ar/9�f / the Eosf /ii7e of fo% 1rocf BO feef fo the Poi,-»` of
6eyAnnin9ofa fon9eniio/cury o ffie /efj�havii/9 aradius of /9�9 feef fiier/ce {vest&, -/y a
or/on saii� curve 2 feef >`1ence North wester/y cr/ong a sJ`rai9h11117e /03� feefl`o o/Joir�f � �
o f�e //a, h /ine of sa/d 1,7'1 wh1ch is CYVlar7f /S feef j }'est of fhef�oinf of6eyin1? nl a
rent& Easffo fhe oll 6166- rnnln ove causedf1e Borne fo 66- Jurveyeo onap/affect
os t voors E,vo Aoo/r/o/y ac�r�cs% c9ve 9 6-1-6-1 y dor/ofe and ded/cofe fo ffie/oab/ic for �`/ie use
of fhepuh//c forever file rive cindpar as shown ori fhe 0 17exedp/af.
In witness' whereof we have hereunfa sefourhandsano sEn/sfhis ooyof 4/>/9�Y
/n presence of
6eor/e R. O `Gar
/ 6,/.4 E 0647,-
ohn E. B/a�mher9
Ca//re /Y/. 9/,:30/776&/-57
Sfafe of /1�ii�nesofq” S. S.
County off%nnepin J1 On thisc y of 117 /95l before me a /Yatory Puh//c
wifhii2 and for said County
f�erso//y aRpearea'ee. B/oom6erq ant/ G`a//ie AVIV/oomherJ,
to me persona//y 1cr/own fo he fhe/> rsar7s described /h 61-10' who execufecf fhefore9oiny
/i�sfrument and oc Fn o w/&dyed fhaf fie execu7`ed 1417e some os f/ieir free z;1,1/' ancy c%d
Notary 10a6/i'I Hennepin 4rounfy, /1%innesofo
N/y L01771771sJ/O17 eXp/re r
i°rovidenf M41141a/L/fe /n.surance C'ompony o{phi/ac%/p/iia
/n presence of
.S/ate of Penn/ y/vonia 11 S S
County of P/ii�de 1714Y J
On fh/s cloy of AAI. /95l %efare me a Notary Pa,611c
W11171;7 and for Sala' County persono//y crppearea' anq fo 'y
.faawn, who being by me each du/y sworn c/id ,ro��re /- r &c eve y
ani/ of Orovidentmalaa/Life J7ruronceComPonyofPhi/ode/Phi4 ecar/�ora ior�
named in e or6-5roinc/ instruiner�f fhaf fhe Seo/ affixed fo Sart/ insfrum enf /s fhe corporate
sea/ of said corparafion fhaf s'ciid ir7sfi-urrmenf was signed crnc► Seo%d in beha/fofsoid
corpoorofion by auffiorify of ifs 69 and of c/i ecfars and 7i' 7` said and
aCZ"awlno rea' said /nsfrumenf Ao he fhe free acf and deet/ ofsa/ corporation,
/Yofary Public, )N60/iia County, ennsy/von/o
My coinmiss/on expires
Jhere6y cert fy fhaf Ifiave sur veyea c>ndp/offed fhe proper;`y �a'escri6ea' in /-/7/.Jr lo/o`74ns
W000 Eiyo fl/JO/7"/on',• `hof fhis/o%r` A.s a Prue c�nd correct rEpresenfofion ofsaid survey
fhaf o// disfarrces ore correct/y shown on fhe P/of iii ,7`6-6-1 andc�'ecimo/s of a foot • 1661 fhe
monuments for fhe quidonce of future surveys hove been correct/yf✓/ocedir� fhe�rvund4s
shown an f5ep/of •1661 the oufsioebouno'ar /roes are correct/y c%s/gr�ofed ort fhe hof •166116
fopo9ra/✓ by o%�¢¢he /a,�o'As correct/y s�iown on the /�/ot and f'iaf (here are no wet /onos
cx pub/ic hi9hwoys fo he c%siynafed on fhe p/ot other Phan as shown fhere4ll-7.
urveyar _ iPe9. AYa /� B
Above cerfif rote su6scriheo'ond sworn /`0 66-161-& me this a y' y '41-2 157-61
Notary/ic ennepin County, IV11717erelio
co m iss/on expires
This p/of was approved and acce fed 6y 114& 0//096- ounce/of Edina
/Y/ii�`iresofa a fz9 a„
741/or m eefii79 ffie,e&01 held f�s cloy of 4 0