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York Hills
Ilve old` N.%z QiEQle rI/ .,r ./ r_ // _t c ui 2 of vTiji <Sec, 3.2, T, 26 ;e. 24 YORK HILLS KNOW AL Lo /Mf -N BY THESE- PRZ-GENTS; 7"haf lvsctc/r � Cor/ton Inc, a /�/i/rnesofv Coraorwf/on, /acor�oorVfeq' under AC /orvs OlIffianesofq, owners o�`'fhe fo/%wi/P ve' scrl eq'/vrrerr to-w1l; The /yorfh 01071--h,711' <Nyz/ of fhe Eosy` Oise ha//' CE�z) of r`he bvsf One hrt/>e Cf. yz) of fhe /i'orr`fieos�` Qu4rfe�- !/XE. rte) of fhe Soufhwesf QuQrfer CS. W. l�) of Sect`/ort Th�r� f�'o C3z), Towr�sh7P 7►,f�fj �e�9/if C28) EjQr�pe rwen,�e-four 62¢), exceo,' fho/porf f/ierwg1' 4;oOescr16Pq' Q.s /'7//O Ws; Goiawwcin� Q� file sou rriteorf corner wr�'!/e mor//i one hQ/ o,� ffie eel/ one -huff CE. �) ct/ the epr one-fro/�` lEl2) of rtlr t �iorr///eos� fvarfer (A!4A) o1 -/4e sou/fiives1` Qvarfer <.5W ) o/` s4/4?0� secfiop Thiriy-fwo (W); thence vdr/h avoid the r`he evsl /ne 1ie7-eof'q di>l4g.-vee oIr One hur�q'red- e/, / Y (1940) fePr` r`o 1`he �oiwf cvr6e�i/i�i� 0114e/q�q' descri6eq� r/ie�ce weJ/4ad�grw//e/ lo yh.a says�/f /ge 01.5s471q' norW-fro/f Cf -A) of f/e eQ,rf oae�/o/><<E.1z) of ffie evsf oise h4/f CE.W 0//he Ver/heorf va-irler of Me soa/if wei-I Qvarfer CSW. ) q dirfor7ce 0/Oae�iu/"dred-rriae/y ua4' Three-feaf/�s !/90.3 feef; ffierrce north/aar'?Mir i��e o Dae hundreAvei. �` aso) ,aaro// / f sq�� 5, y line 7fQef, fhe*ice e41r/4 is /Ice a�`'� One hunc/red-n/r�efy onq' rhree-3�e,171&F (/90.3) 1 eel /o ffre e4rf /ane of sviv'Wor/if one of e4fr` awe- ha CE. ik) of fhe nor//iezrl FWrIer rlYF X) of hhe som1hwesl Qvor/er <S.W. fig); Mence Sov/%/ a/oltp sQic/ /4.f7///7e q d/sfq/tce of Otte hundreq� fif� t/50) fee/ fo Sao/nf of.�e�inn�n�. h'4re cavSeq'r'fie Qr, ove �ore/r/ises fo /& r f//LLS" aog/ we hereh'v dedre4fe fo 1he/av6/rc, for Pv6l1c -*"he .s014/' co)Porr/f/orz hats e tuseq' (here O'r'e-:re/7/`r r`o ,6e sea/ fo he gffixed fh/s /02A4 �Qy of �a Z2&-.- ,/95/. 5fQAe of/Yliaaeso7`4 Count{y 4{f/e77ae/o//L S. S. /ofs 4.s .t%OK/r! On /'%i/s sheef daq' >/5�e -rgrwe Ir&OW,n as "YOR& yorev// sy`er.`/ui/4�/:se o1e�eon. '& 7`e.so>s%/%ony whereof, execvfed by ifs Pres/q/enr' oa./d /res Sec-re/a7 ar�U' ifs cor7oor�rfP F .In lvresa//ce of ar CvsacY¢ �, Car/son Irz c Ifs f r P/`esiy/e/t f _ Secre, e On f/st " !day/YoJf4ry dub//c, /n o�d for fhe covnf ofHenrte�or s /Ylinnesof4 persona/y QioPe4req� GY/ri. ff-CuSQc% a/7d Chers. W;eoo?4 4rr/Q'.740 rrre/verso/ry/fy X-�oaw, who's ,bey jr,�be/nom 4'vf�'sWDy2 SA th4f They qre Yes/aecfive� fhe 471/9' fh e 5ecre"07 of fhe c or/vorofioh �7o/Weq' A? ffie f"ore9oirr� /nsfrv�en /4 qnq' /1141` fhe .scq/ a.>r./ixeq' /�o sviq' insfru"e-171 /s Me corPor4J'e se4/ of/ sgrd e4v:Pdrp/iol gild /hof s4id /ns7rrvlrrea�/ w4s -5/'req/ or o, _5e4/eq' //I he/r411' o/ s4io' cor�on�>ic►v .6�y vv�y`ori y of ifs Boors/ d .Pirecfors anq' `l'm ,8 lvsvc.� giro' eras LY. Woof /rc.Fao.Y/e<'eeq' �/d tds1rurnehf fo he lh� free crcf o/nd o'e ; of s41d core r4fiov. tYot1`ar /'aL✓ic� f/er7//eoia for�m�, �aireso/rt, — 54p{e of mloneso/aS S. Cevnfy o//i'emntplr? J I hereby cerfif�y fh4f I hove surveyed fhe AwQ/ descri6eq' /'O�' Me v'ed�c4/ioh oa fh/s sheet s/hvf ff/el'or`hereon /s a correch svrYey, yho/4// disf4aces 'we correcrr/y .rh4wv on "Io'p/of /h4714// /o fs are /r/ ,pro �ressrvc atzor6erf qs shown on sotq'P/of �'haf fhe gliwc/tsions cy'4// /ofr and fhe wlq'fh af4//s/reefs are correct/y-Thowl/ crud decl.-wa/s of Q foot fhti►f ff/e rrroirvmerfs for /yie 9vt4'4/9ce of fvfvre surveys have .6ee/7 /a/ocev' /a Me frown v' as 117471ca/`e vors sQidra/v1; ffrr✓f r`/re fgao9ro'ahy afrf�ie /4119' /s correcl/%y sfiotun/fhof /`he ovfsiq'e hovndary Imes are coreecf y o'esi9ir,�/eq' or/ so/q'`afof /h40'11hrere are yio we f /a►rrds or �ovb/ic h/9hwt? r lo be c�'esifaa/'eq/ oft so/q'/a/af oflrer fha,*7 /s r`hereor! s/iowh. Svbscr�f eq' alrq'swarm ,before -We 4z Nofar�- Pv6/icy /1r anq/ for fhe covey of/f/ertrte/vtn /ylihneso�`Q fh�s �/a� of. c u �V _/951. e /Yl'gr� Pu6/icl fi�noe/vra lova /ylinn. _�✓��r�� . Q�,,r��� 1ny Co rmission e,foires�f / 10 - / 95 d? Jdhd A. Kundert, Wtary public, Henrnapld zoui* li" MY CadmiSSW Expires April 10, 195S Thi X0/97{ cr/o�Orove q/ .6y ,tile of c A-�e /9S/ v'(f/49e Covnc// o/ /the vt//stye of At'Vinq IWinrresolr/ ars` -7 r�egv/or meet/,7 he/d /'fre �� q'vy Yt//Qpe of Edinq 1Wianesof4, by tfs, �ecorq'eY �:� •