HomeMy WebLinkAboutYork Terrace/Vo_ /ine of E% of NE% S. W..% of Sec. 29 30 /98.57 70 30 p � O �Q M 11 64.35'N 30 J /29"3B /29.389 .40 1 ' /29 4/ t: °ca i /29 47 /29.47 '\ 7 ¢ h n Q /29.5/ /29.5/ h Ci /29.54 /29.54 W-6 % T'y o / vlo� H !�W 687- 4 _ ///7& of E % of /liE% SW% of Sec_ 29 /29.57 /29.57 16 1 y-s /y/y Commission Exo/res . . State of /W/nnesafa Caunyof t/enneoin Ido hereby certify that I have surveyed Ana' P/afted The Prooerfy described on this /29.60 /29.60 correct/y shown on the ,o%f in feet dad decimd/s of a foot; That ;he Ivonu/nenfs y`or guidance of future 15 2 correct/y on The ,o%ti that the topogrvohy o"71 the /and is correctly shown on The ,o/at and that There /29.63 /29.6.3 f f= 14 3 h Above cert/f/cafe subscribed and sworn to before me,a Notary Pab//cam on fh/s % day of A. D. /949_ 129-67 12.9.67 .° .y Notary ,°u6/rc, yeniieoin Goun y �1Jinnesota Ay/ Commiss/on Expires - / /29_ 70 /29.70 r9u/ar /neefin9 (hereof he%' fh/s_ BTS' doy I94B. LAG COUNG/L .MJF ED/NA, /1'%/NNeSOTA 12 5 h ' _ ifs Recorder /29.73 /29.73 11 6 /29.76 /29.76 h 10 7 h /2.9 80 /29.80 9 8 , � /29 93 . 29 83 Io kI� YORK HENNEPIN SCALE /�=/ODS TzRoAce COUNTY, AofIA(N,, ELAN, FIELD ct-f -MOMWe ANG/VEERS ��f SURyEYOR.S itnow a// men by these presents fhaf I,Gordon Emi/ /►'/oe sink/e, owner c�nd proprietor, ono' Minnesota Fedora/ Sav/nys and Baan Association, /ylinnesofa Corporation, as mor9ay�ee of, the follomly descri6ed,orooer/y siiuc��`od i� The Sfafe of /yi/nnesofo and Count' o.,7` //enneoin fowif' The 'asf fie AalrPOe4757' Soufh/tiesf ons �uarfer �S/�I/%> of Secfioq 7wel2 y 17i117e � 7owxsfip TiyeI>`y-ei�h/�28�� Ro1,ye 77 e,,77 r(24) except that part Thereof as fo/%vs•" The /7/esf Sevevyf�/D%ene North One Hundred Sevanfy- Three �73) _7 ef, ar/d The South Seveny fYe �'75> fee f of The North Tavo f/Undied Foi y eyhf 248%he �%oTheeSouthwest Qunrfer�S/�/%> of Section ?weary -mine (29), 707wnshio flave soused The soiree fo be surveyed and ,o/afted as l'YORK 721e,?ACE " and do hereby donate anal dedicate 7a fhe,oud/ic .dor The loa, /A: use Troyer- The Streets and Avenues as shown on The annexed ,o/af /n yvifness whereof I have hereunfa set my hand and sea/ Phis day of 14-,49. /948 aid sato' /Yli�wesotn Federal SaA-,OYS ov7a' ZaOW ,94s0671a1ion hove soused 71iese ,presents AO be signed by ifs Proper officers and ifs coroorafe sea/ to be fereunfo affirea' Phis /, '`= day of%' r r A D. /n Presence a7'' /� �" /�I/NNESaTA FEDERAL S4VINGS AND EAC Za,4N ASSOG/47/olv i ` bYice Presia'a��` ifs Secretory State of IK' 717e5ofa1 S.S. County of Henneo/n On fh/s day of � ��- A. D. /948, befre /ne, a /Yofary Pu6/ic, wlll/1n and far said county and state, persona//y t2l,�Oeored 6ordol? Emil Aloe fo me know? fo 6e the,oerson a'escnhed 117 ams who eXecufed The fore- going /hslraMen t and he ae*7aw/edged that deed. if'otory Pub/ic, f/en�eo�� Coanfy, �i�nesofo � /Y/y Commission E,tPires "• �• spa 51'ato of /V//Inei7o1Ia Ss IGy r� ren ires,j��i/9 y' County of /Henneo/n) On this /5 rn day of ��f�=r A. D. /9Q8, 6e�`ore me, ct Nofory ,public, within 4717d for sold soupy and State, ,persona//y aAoenred� 9� . �, s< � d /✓. e d✓� s z ,"G r p � s a to me persona//y known, who being by me eachdu/y sworn, dial sa That They are resoecfivey The bice Prasiden and Secrefay of (fie /W119nesofa Fedora/ Sovin9s and Loan Association, the corovrat%on na/ned /n The foregoing 117sfrurnel7t that The seal a.7` lAea' fo said instrument is The corvorafe sea/ o f said caroora;ion; that said insfrumen f was signed and sea/ed in behalf of sold by authority a.7' its Board of Directors and said �n AA . %y- r • e ° a - - I- a y e - 6 acknow/edlyed said ins (rumen f fo be the free act dad deed' 0-7' said corpora Tion. /U°tary Pubic h'enneain County, M11717e5afa y-s /y/y Commission Exo/res . . State of /W/nnesafa Caunyof t/enneoin Ido hereby certify that I have surveyed Ana' P/afted The Prooerfy described on this ,o/at as: YORK TERRACE ",; That ;his 10/07'- %S 0 correct revresenfafion a.f Said sal-ve4( (•hat a// d%SJanCG'S are correct/y shown on the ,o%f in feet dad decimd/s of a foot; That ;he Ivonu/nenfs y`or guidance of future surveys have been correctly ,o/aced /n rhe ground as shown on The ,olat; that the outside boundary lines are correct/y on The ,o%ti that the topogrvohy o"71 the /and is correctly shown on The ,o/at and that There ore no vet lands or Pub//c hyhways to be designated on said P/at offer Than as shawn thereon. f f= Surveyor = /h/inn. ,Qeg. /t/o. 929 jd , Above cert/f/cafe subscribed and sworn to before me,a Notary Pab//cam on fh/s % day of A. D. /949_ 7 .° .y Notary ,°u6/rc, yeniieoin Goun y �1Jinnesota Ay/ Commiss/on Expires - / The above P/af of YorzK TRRACE" yeas approved and acceo;ed by the 1/i//ale Council of �c�'ina, 1V1;q1?eso1 0, of c� r9u/ar /neefin9 (hereof he%' fh/s_ BTS' doy I94B. LAG COUNG/L .MJF ED/NA, /1'%/NNeSOTA 6 - ifs President ' _ ifs Recorder