HomeMy WebLinkAboutYund's Addition To Edina HighlandsYUNDS ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS J.E.CARDARELLE, SURVEYOR. JULY 1954 SCALE, 111 = 1001 IRON MONUMENTS AT ALL CORNERS. 43 110 5 Mm -J a ° n S 84 53 3Sg.l3o.00 R"41 Livia South /ilia o1117 /%Z%4. o>rfhe/Y. W. %4. 3 El 0 °co ,,loco 7 Da o ✓//i /.;1P 3 E: '4. YL. ''o, Sr1.91.T//7' r'Z/. � . N 8t0 5j t4Y1143281 I _ _ ��.—b✓_ yr o 177,6 Q Y \° 2 N LL Q N 8 o '� la•y5' �d00 v o /84.89 0o J 9 \ Q cp Oo � / 9/• /o �:...�1:':.?•. 'o � t.. � '`.•ham � !'�'. ... i'.:... Vii.i .._... .:\+.:•% ... ..: W O• •P 0 'v I 4 i E H Sao. z. " v 7&2.69 a • N o % AYRSHIRE BLVD. 55.00 130.26 P1e4� 1,•, 130.43 ._ Nes $4'W -ll 1. 16 I • S' 165.49 8a .,---- d'=j6bg6r�• ,,9':q:23S573f.69 / •�l– N.W.; Corner Lot 10, Smi14eus PO4--t-aft A - 99 .��-80•4/'u^ f �� (� 0 1 .•1 O 1i . I /6/69 17 0 o 7j 77 0 �. 0 a cN -0 SCALE, 111 = 1001 IRON MONUMENTS AT ALL CORNERS. 43 110 5 Mm -J a ° n S 84 53 3Sg.l3o.00 R"41 Livia South /ilia o1117 /%Z%4. o>rfhe/Y. W. %4. 3 El � O; n: 3'1b 19 3' bo'�"I I a• s � 133./5' Evst 31 .ST. S.W. Coora,r Smilderis Addition io Edina 14i9h�wjs``j vs• Know a// men by these ,bresenls: That we , the CQino Oevelol7rnen7' Corporal/on, a M/nneSOta Cor6orotin//, owners and proprielors and the Lutheran Brotherhood, a M7n/7e sofa Corporal/on, mortgagee of the 1'0/101%7179 descr/bed ,broberly sltuoted 717 the County of 1/en/7C1)"'17 , Stole of Mii7r7eso%. Tract 'A" of Reg7slered Land Survey No. 6 , lzlenne bir7 County , M/i7r7esot0, and 6eg1n17;17y qt the Southwest corner of Tract "'4 Reg/s/ered Land Survey No.6, /yer7ne,61t-7 County M1'nnesota, thence Egsfe/'/v 010179�1 the South /7i7e of Trac) A•' and Trac/ ••Bof sold /feg7521ered Land .'urvey Number 6 , a distance of 342.85 /eel E341.62Flat] tothe Aror1hI've s/ ^orner of Cot ZD , Smi/den 's Addj1/on /o Z-Olna Hi9h/ond;, os 01' record thence South /4`-¢9 Wes/ C2101-70 the Westerly 11ne of Sg1d 51171/don's Ao'o'illor7 to 5dloa H/gh/onds, e7 distance 5-90.12 feet ; thence South 6'-Z5 We,/ ( S 6•-25' f. Os shown On record ,b/ol of -Sm%/der, 's 4dd;l,on /o Ed1i-70 H7gh/ands) o distance of 17107 feel lhet7ce South 70-40' Egst, a di3tance of 376.3¢ feet to a pa/o/' /17 the Socrt-h 11i7e of the /Yor-thea-/ (;'uarter o/ the /Ctor/bvves/ Quarter, Sect7or7 32, lorvnshib 117 Norv'h, Z/ West of the 5•r" PA -1, sglo'poinl b&/i7'9 tr7e Southwest 1'01/1'1 0/ v,g1d Srn;/a'er,'s '4dd;11017 )10 Zd1r70 itigblar7ds ; l/7er7ce 14/e5/ along l/?e ,S41,,111 1117 of said &brMcast el'uUrler o/ //7e-b'nrihwasd Quarter , q d/dance o/ Z20./O feet /o q lb0ir?t; /hence /Uor1h ZO°-07' West, adislance of 72.010 fee/ 7`0 o bo7/7t of curve; thence along a cur✓1r to the rtghf the radius berry 74166 feet 4170( of, -Ila w7g/c of 15` /g= Z5 ; q dista17ce of 3Z6..5O feel` /o o Joint; thence North 84`-53'35 West 0/0r7g /he 1-adlgl /7ne of said Ourvc, a o:s/grace o/ /30.0 feel ; 1he17cc North 5"-06' Egs7, 4 distance of /66. - -0 feet;<, therice North /Y� O/ • x`asl q distance of ✓`-4,Z. 04 l.me/ 'o the South /ii7e of sgld Tr-gc/ "19 a17d 50/o' Tracl "9" of ev'915 terra, Land Survey Number 6 ex tended !Nester/y thence South 99 -S¢ ' Eosl a/or7g ;ioiq' /.i7e a d/Stance of 5:5.0 feet to the ,!lace of begv7i�li�g. Have caused the same /o be surveyed grad O/gfled as "`(UND'S ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS" 4170( do hereby d0r7ate 7171 ,iad cote /o 1/7e' lbubtic, for ,bublic use forever the .6. Q fev a d, 0(.•,.,e 117d street , and the ea5o1-»cn1-j fi)r 1Bub/1c of//i/les as show// on the a1-71-"eAe d /blal /r7 w/fness w/7ere of the Ed1170 Deve/op.",ent Cor,borol/on and the Lutheran 9'-0Merhooa have eac?s d these /aresents re be signed by its brober officers a170' ^or borotc sea/s ro be hereunto affixed rhes f % day of 117 preserc4 of Edmq Deve/o%rr7ent Cor1'orofion ,, I1 ns to Chnrtes E. Spr<<+q a.,0( Ekw�or M. Jo»es r / j ;•� ,��g� r j � `�.•;A� Vice Presider/f es to N•K. Naprud ewa N. A. S.nttb -/i`..�.'�2�LLo . ��n,✓/��:'; / � � -' :9`"�^' $ / tat Tre 4S Ur`e/� fate of /L11i717e sofa Counly of tten 7eUin JI On 1171,5 ORP oqy of 4 s_ 1 9•D /9S4 before the a r7olory 76ud/ic w1fh7r7 ••?nd /or i<?7d oun/y, arid cr sort v//y abbegre 0` Chgrfes E. S,br(rJ '` 4na' Eleanor- A-/. %nes `o t/7e ,ber-sor7g11v .fnow•7, m ho each /7&/ny du/y sworn 0(/O Say that `fi< y are brestp�enf anal secretory of the Ed/ng Deve%bind,/ or borat/or7r the corbor'gtror7 77,7 "CO' in the fore yo/i-7g rns1'rvment, that the seal attired /v thc° carborofe seal of surd corbo�o/ion7 7170( /hot cord ir7s/rc�mPr,/ rvgr slgr?ed 4170( sea/ed ti be17411 of 5'770 nrporafion by authority of Its Bogrd of Directors , arnl Chor/es E 51brri7q arta, E/ear7or N/. ✓o r7eS gchnaw/edge fi7 1i/stru rr�er7f to be the. free act 4170( deed of said CQ /7CI 711011. ttwim N.1 "1 ED NO Urrllb}, Expire:. C 23 Z3s9. State Of /�//nneSo/q ^ Cour7ly of 1/er717e/b1r7 sS 01% th7s day of �`�t % '+� r A. D, /9.5¢ , before 17?e a r7ofory ,bub Lc w/fhin and for ,5770 Courtly , arra, S/q/`e , dio ,bersor7ofly q/b/be./r 4l K. /Ve,brud gr7d Sm/lh1 7'0 rr7�: Ae1-songl/y er7owrr , AVf7o each beii7g ,Tiny :5:W0/// did say that 67ey. qr'e Y/ce President 47/7dTreasury>r of rhe Lutheran Brotherhood, the corporat7oh named 117 the fke eyomy /nstrumenf, lhgl t/7e sea/ afft.reel /O -5gid /1751ra1-ncnl 15 the corporate seal of 571*d Corif7orgf/on, arra' 14 /7,?/ sq/o/ 1i761rumeOl was S1g/7e0l 0170( sea/ed 11-7 behalf 01 s.r1il coroorof/or by aufhorify of //'SBoard of Directors q1711N.'t 41ebrud 7170( H. A Srnifh gcKnow/edge the ri7 ,`.' rmel7f % be tfic free acl arta, deed of sa/b' corlborgfiof;. mus A cHif MvtT , io0'fc. Nennepin County, 3:V :nmisw." frim$fob. r °1114k Stole of 11-1/i7774fs01"q ss Cocinly of Hennele21,-7)/ here by Cf/ .` ty Thal /. hatle Sur✓eved ar,d planed 7`12e &I-Operly described on this ,1'i/47t qs "YUND'S ADDITION TO EDINA Hi GH LpNp3; 11271 ,`fi1: Aral /5 o correct r�/lire senfatiorr o/ sato' survey , thal all di lances are correct/y shown on 11;'P plat in feet a17d decim'715. o/' a foo/ , that the monuments for gu/dance of fulure surveys have bee n correct/y p/aced ri7 the ground qs shown 0r7 the /C /•7/ and /hal there are 170 wet 14?r7ds or /bub/ic h7ghways r desi9nofcd 0/7 said p/af other /12417 qs s120wr7 thereon. '011,44 surveyor 1217 E. C'ardare //c , /Nlir7r7. fe g. /✓o. 566 V /IL1ov< cert/f/cgte subscribed 0170( sworn before me /his ;%day of 9t^f"i A•U/9S¢, L% HOWARD N. OLMSTED s. WNc, Hzrm;:i;r star•..•. uin�. *Fwlcson Expims Tills b/of was recomr77er7ded for 4bbrovv/ !'% the P/ann/i79 4'Om7n7ss100 of the k'111Vgc of Edirtq, 7Y/7i7aeso/zj, ata ra9u/or 177eel/r79 thereof held flits day of .9.0, f95�. Cha/rman This lb/a; was anal aec erb/e d try f/7e 1'/ 1/ape c ourtec % of Edii7y , /Y/ir7/7e SO/a/ of A reg ct/ar meet 1179 there of fia/a' 1'127,5 o'<ry 01' �i%/qy� Caur7c/ of Edina, 7s'lii7i7esoty This /Olaf was 47 A,' -oiled 47,17d I ha c K o d ort /his da)7 of (�/954. Cou»<y Surveyor 1`7lenne�ii7'Cour7ly, ■r 0 °co ,,loco 7 Da o Q ¢� yr o 177,6 Q Y \° 2 N LL Q N 8 Oo0 �d00 v o /84.89 0o J 9 \ Q cp V a / 9/• /o � W O• •P 0 oi � a 1 0 H Sao. 1_• " v 7&2.69 � O; n: 3'1b 19 3' bo'�"I I a• s � 133./5' Evst 31 .ST. S.W. Coora,r Smilderis Addition io Edina 14i9h�wjs``j vs• Know a// men by these ,bresenls: That we , the CQino Oevelol7rnen7' Corporal/on, a M/nneSOta Cor6orotin//, owners and proprielors and the Lutheran Brotherhood, a M7n/7e sofa Corporal/on, mortgagee of the 1'0/101%7179 descr/bed ,broberly sltuoted 717 the County of 1/en/7C1)"'17 , Stole of Mii7r7eso%. Tract 'A" of Reg7slered Land Survey No. 6 , lzlenne bir7 County , M/i7r7esot0, and 6eg1n17;17y qt the Southwest corner of Tract "'4 Reg/s/ered Land Survey No.6, /yer7ne,61t-7 County M1'nnesota, thence Egsfe/'/v 010179�1 the South /7i7e of Trac) A•' and Trac/ ••Bof sold /feg7521ered Land .'urvey Number 6 , a distance of 342.85 /eel E341.62Flat] tothe Aror1hI've s/ ^orner of Cot ZD , Smi/den 's Addj1/on /o Z-Olna Hi9h/ond;, os 01' record thence South /4`-¢9 Wes/ C2101-70 the Westerly 11ne of Sg1d 51171/don's Ao'o'illor7 to 5dloa H/gh/onds, e7 distance 5-90.12 feet ; thence South 6'-Z5 We,/ ( S 6•-25' f. Os shown On record ,b/ol of -Sm%/der, 's 4dd;l,on /o Ed1i-70 H7gh/ands) o distance of 17107 feel lhet7ce South 70-40' Egst, a di3tance of 376.3¢ feet to a pa/o/' /17 the Socrt-h 11i7e of the /Yor-thea-/ (;'uarter o/ the /Ctor/bvves/ Quarter, Sect7or7 32, lorvnshib 117 Norv'h, Z/ West of the 5•r" PA -1, sglo'poinl b&/i7'9 tr7e Southwest 1'01/1'1 0/ v,g1d Srn;/a'er,'s '4dd;11017 )10 Zd1r70 itigblar7ds ; l/7er7ce 14/e5/ along l/?e ,S41,,111 1117 of said &brMcast el'uUrler o/ //7e-b'nrihwasd Quarter , q d/dance o/ Z20./O feet /o q lb0ir?t; /hence /Uor1h ZO°-07' West, adislance of 72.010 fee/ 7`0 o bo7/7t of curve; thence along a cur✓1r to the rtghf the radius berry 74166 feet 4170( of, -Ila w7g/c of 15` /g= Z5 ; q dista17ce of 3Z6..5O feel` /o o Joint; thence North 84`-53'35 West 0/0r7g /he 1-adlgl /7ne of said Ourvc, a o:s/grace o/ /30.0 feel ; 1he17cc North 5"-06' Egs7, 4 distance of /66. - -0 feet;<, therice North /Y� O/ • x`asl q distance of ✓`-4,Z. 04 l.me/ 'o the South /ii7e of sgld Tr-gc/ "19 a17d 50/o' Tracl "9" of ev'915 terra, Land Survey Number 6 ex tended !Nester/y thence South 99 -S¢ ' Eosl a/or7g ;ioiq' /.i7e a d/Stance of 5:5.0 feet to the ,!lace of begv7i�li�g. Have caused the same /o be surveyed grad O/gfled as "`(UND'S ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS" 4170( do hereby d0r7ate 7171 ,iad cote /o 1/7e' lbubtic, for ,bublic use forever the .6. Q fev a d, 0(.•,.,e 117d street , and the ea5o1-»cn1-j fi)r 1Bub/1c of//i/les as show// on the a1-71-"eAe d /blal /r7 w/fness w/7ere of the Ed1170 Deve/op.",ent Cor,borol/on and the Lutheran 9'-0Merhooa have eac?s d these /aresents re be signed by its brober officers a170' ^or borotc sea/s ro be hereunto affixed rhes f % day of 117 preserc4 of Edmq Deve/o%rr7ent Cor1'orofion ,, I1 ns to Chnrtes E. Spr<<+q a.,0( Ekw�or M. Jo»es r / j ;•� ,��g� r j � `�.•;A� Vice Presider/f es to N•K. Naprud ewa N. A. S.nttb -/i`..�.'�2�LLo . ��n,✓/��:'; / � � -' :9`"�^' $ / tat Tre 4S Ur`e/� fate of /L11i717e sofa Counly of tten 7eUin JI On 1171,5 ORP oqy of 4 s_ 1 9•D /9S4 before the a r7olory 76ud/ic w1fh7r7 ••?nd /or i<?7d oun/y, arid cr sort v//y abbegre 0` Chgrfes E. S,br(rJ '` 4na' Eleanor- A-/. %nes `o t/7e ,ber-sor7g11v .fnow•7, m ho each /7&/ny du/y sworn 0(/O Say that `fi< y are brestp�enf anal secretory of the Ed/ng Deve%bind,/ or borat/or7r the corbor'gtror7 77,7 "CO' in the fore yo/i-7g rns1'rvment, that the seal attired /v thc° carborofe seal of surd corbo�o/ion7 7170( /hot cord ir7s/rc�mPr,/ rvgr slgr?ed 4170( sea/ed ti be17411 of 5'770 nrporafion by authority of Its Bogrd of Directors , arnl Chor/es E 51brri7q arta, E/ear7or N/. ✓o r7eS gchnaw/edge fi7 1i/stru rr�er7f to be the. free act 4170( deed of said CQ /7CI 711011. ttwim N.1 "1 ED NO Urrllb}, Expire:. C 23 Z3s9. State Of /�//nneSo/q ^ Cour7ly of 1/er717e/b1r7 sS 01% th7s day of �`�t % '+� r A. D, /9.5¢ , before 17?e a r7ofory ,bub Lc w/fhin and for ,5770 Courtly , arra, S/q/`e , dio ,bersor7ofly q/b/be./r 4l K. /Ve,brud gr7d Sm/lh1 7'0 rr7�: Ae1-songl/y er7owrr , AVf7o each beii7g ,Tiny :5:W0/// did say that 67ey. qr'e Y/ce President 47/7dTreasury>r of rhe Lutheran Brotherhood, the corporat7oh named 117 the fke eyomy /nstrumenf, lhgl t/7e sea/ afft.reel /O -5gid /1751ra1-ncnl 15 the corporate seal of 571*d Corif7orgf/on, arra' 14 /7,?/ sq/o/ 1i761rumeOl was S1g/7e0l 0170( sea/ed 11-7 behalf 01 s.r1il coroorof/or by aufhorify of //'SBoard of Directors q1711N.'t 41ebrud 7170( H. A Srnifh gcKnow/edge the ri7 ,`.' rmel7f % be tfic free acl arta, deed of sa/b' corlborgfiof;. mus A cHif MvtT , io0'fc. Nennepin County, 3:V :nmisw." frim$fob. r °1114k Stole of 11-1/i7774fs01"q ss Cocinly of Hennele21,-7)/ here by Cf/ .` ty Thal /. hatle Sur✓eved ar,d planed 7`12e &I-Operly described on this ,1'i/47t qs "YUND'S ADDITION TO EDINA Hi GH LpNp3; 11271 ,`fi1: Aral /5 o correct r�/lire senfatiorr o/ sato' survey , thal all di lances are correct/y shown on 11;'P plat in feet a17d decim'715. o/' a foo/ , that the monuments for gu/dance of fulure surveys have bee n correct/y p/aced ri7 the ground qs shown 0r7 the /C /•7/ and /hal there are 170 wet 14?r7ds or /bub/ic h7ghways r desi9nofcd 0/7 said p/af other /12417 qs s120wr7 thereon. '011,44 surveyor 1217 E. C'ardare //c , /Nlir7r7. fe g. /✓o. 566 V /IL1ov< cert/f/cgte subscribed 0170( sworn before me /his ;%day of 9t^f"i A•U/9S¢, L% HOWARD N. OLMSTED s. WNc, Hzrm;:i;r star•..•. uin�. *Fwlcson Expims Tills b/of was recomr77er7ded for 4bbrovv/ !'% the P/ann/i79 4'Om7n7ss100 of the k'111Vgc of Edirtq, 7Y/7i7aeso/zj, ata ra9u/or 177eel/r79 thereof held flits day of .9.0, f95�. Cha/rman This lb/a; was anal aec erb/e d try f/7e 1'/ 1/ape c ourtec % of Edii7y , /Y/ir7/7e SO/a/ of A reg ct/ar meet 1179 there of fia/a' 1'127,5 o'<ry 01' �i%/qy� Caur7c/ of Edina, 7s'lii7i7esoty This /Olaf was 47 A,' -oiled 47,17d I ha c K o d ort /his da)7 of (�/954. Cou»<y Surveyor 1`7lenne�ii7'Cour7ly, ■r V1' a o .j 4� Y \° 2 � O; n: 3'1b 19 3' bo'�"I I a• s � 133./5' Evst 31 .ST. S.W. Coora,r Smilderis Addition io Edina 14i9h�wjs``j vs• Know a// men by these ,bresenls: That we , the CQino Oevelol7rnen7' Corporal/on, a M/nneSOta Cor6orotin//, owners and proprielors and the Lutheran Brotherhood, a M7n/7e sofa Corporal/on, mortgagee of the 1'0/101%7179 descr/bed ,broberly sltuoted 717 the County of 1/en/7C1)"'17 , Stole of Mii7r7eso%. Tract 'A" of Reg7slered Land Survey No. 6 , lzlenne bir7 County , M/i7r7esot0, and 6eg1n17;17y qt the Southwest corner of Tract "'4 Reg/s/ered Land Survey No.6, /yer7ne,61t-7 County M1'nnesota, thence Egsfe/'/v 010179�1 the South /7i7e of Trac) A•' and Trac/ ••Bof sold /feg7521ered Land .'urvey Number 6 , a distance of 342.85 /eel E341.62Flat] tothe Aror1hI've s/ ^orner of Cot ZD , Smi/den 's Addj1/on /o Z-Olna Hi9h/ond;, os 01' record thence South /4`-¢9 Wes/ C2101-70 the Westerly 11ne of Sg1d 51171/don's Ao'o'illor7 to 5dloa H/gh/onds, e7 distance 5-90.12 feet ; thence South 6'-Z5 We,/ ( S 6•-25' f. Os shown On record ,b/ol of -Sm%/der, 's 4dd;l,on /o Ed1i-70 H7gh/ands) o distance of 17107 feel lhet7ce South 70-40' Egst, a di3tance of 376.3¢ feet to a pa/o/' /17 the Socrt-h 11i7e of the /Yor-thea-/ (;'uarter o/ the /Ctor/bvves/ Quarter, Sect7or7 32, lorvnshib 117 Norv'h, Z/ West of the 5•r" PA -1, sglo'poinl b&/i7'9 tr7e Southwest 1'01/1'1 0/ v,g1d Srn;/a'er,'s '4dd;11017 )10 Zd1r70 itigblar7ds ; l/7er7ce 14/e5/ along l/?e ,S41,,111 1117 of said &brMcast el'uUrler o/ //7e-b'nrihwasd Quarter , q d/dance o/ Z20./O feet /o q lb0ir?t; /hence /Uor1h ZO°-07' West, adislance of 72.010 fee/ 7`0 o bo7/7t of curve; thence along a cur✓1r to the rtghf the radius berry 74166 feet 4170( of, -Ila w7g/c of 15` /g= Z5 ; q dista17ce of 3Z6..5O feel` /o o Joint; thence North 84`-53'35 West 0/0r7g /he 1-adlgl /7ne of said Ourvc, a o:s/grace o/ /30.0 feel ; 1he17cc North 5"-06' Egs7, 4 distance of /66. - -0 feet;<, therice North /Y� O/ • x`asl q distance of ✓`-4,Z. 04 l.me/ 'o the South /ii7e of sgld Tr-gc/ "19 a17d 50/o' Tracl "9" of ev'915 terra, Land Survey Number 6 ex tended !Nester/y thence South 99 -S¢ ' Eosl a/or7g ;ioiq' /.i7e a d/Stance of 5:5.0 feet to the ,!lace of begv7i�li�g. Have caused the same /o be surveyed grad O/gfled as "`(UND'S ADDITION TO EDINA HIGHLANDS" 4170( do hereby d0r7ate 7171 ,iad cote /o 1/7e' lbubtic, for ,bublic use forever the .6. Q fev a d, 0(.•,.,e 117d street , and the ea5o1-»cn1-j fi)r 1Bub/1c of//i/les as show// on the a1-71-"eAe d /blal /r7 w/fness w/7ere of the Ed1170 Deve/op.",ent Cor,borol/on and the Lutheran 9'-0Merhooa have eac?s d these /aresents re be signed by its brober officers a170' ^or borotc sea/s ro be hereunto affixed rhes f % day of 117 preserc4 of Edmq Deve/o%rr7ent Cor1'orofion ,, I1 ns to Chnrtes E. Spr<<+q a.,0( Ekw�or M. Jo»es r / j ;•� ,��g� r j � `�.•;A� Vice Presider/f es to N•K. Naprud ewa N. A. S.nttb -/i`..�.'�2�LLo . ��n,✓/��:'; / � � -' :9`"�^' $ / tat Tre 4S Ur`e/� fate of /L11i717e sofa Counly of tten 7eUin JI On 1171,5 ORP oqy of 4 s_ 1 9•D /9S4 before the a r7olory 76ud/ic w1fh7r7 ••?nd /or i<?7d oun/y, arid cr sort v//y abbegre 0` Chgrfes E. S,br(rJ '` 4na' Eleanor- A-/. %nes `o t/7e ,ber-sor7g11v .fnow•7, m ho each /7&/ny du/y sworn 0(/O Say that `fi< y are brestp�enf anal secretory of the Ed/ng Deve%bind,/ or borat/or7r the corbor'gtror7 77,7 "CO' in the fore yo/i-7g rns1'rvment, that the seal attired /v thc° carborofe seal of surd corbo�o/ion7 7170( /hot cord ir7s/rc�mPr,/ rvgr slgr?ed 4170( sea/ed ti be17411 of 5'770 nrporafion by authority of Its Bogrd of Directors , arnl Chor/es E 51brri7q arta, E/ear7or N/. ✓o r7eS gchnaw/edge fi7 1i/stru rr�er7f to be the. free act 4170( deed of said CQ /7CI 711011. ttwim N.1 "1 ED NO Urrllb}, Expire:. C 23 Z3s9. State Of /�//nneSo/q ^ Cour7ly of 1/er717e/b1r7 sS 01% th7s day of �`�t % '+� r A. D, /9.5¢ , before 17?e a r7ofory ,bub Lc w/fhin and for ,5770 Courtly , arra, S/q/`e , dio ,bersor7ofly q/b/be./r 4l K. /Ve,brud gr7d Sm/lh1 7'0 rr7�: Ae1-songl/y er7owrr , AVf7o each beii7g ,Tiny :5:W0/// did say that 67ey. qr'e Y/ce President 47/7dTreasury>r of rhe Lutheran Brotherhood, the corporat7oh named 117 the fke eyomy /nstrumenf, lhgl t/7e sea/ afft.reel /O -5gid /1751ra1-ncnl 15 the corporate seal of 571*d Corif7orgf/on, arra' 14 /7,?/ sq/o/ 1i761rumeOl was S1g/7e0l 0170( sea/ed 11-7 behalf 01 s.r1il coroorof/or by aufhorify of //'SBoard of Directors q1711N.'t 41ebrud 7170( H. A Srnifh gcKnow/edge the ri7 ,`.' rmel7f % be tfic free acl arta, deed of sa/b' corlborgfiof;. mus A cHif MvtT , io0'fc. Nennepin County, 3:V :nmisw." frim$fob. r °1114k Stole of 11-1/i7774fs01"q ss Cocinly of Hennele21,-7)/ here by Cf/ .` ty Thal /. hatle Sur✓eved ar,d planed 7`12e &I-Operly described on this ,1'i/47t qs "YUND'S ADDITION TO EDINA Hi GH LpNp3; 11271 ,`fi1: Aral /5 o correct r�/lire senfatiorr o/ sato' survey , thal all di lances are correct/y shown on 11;'P plat in feet a17d decim'715. o/' a foo/ , that the monuments for gu/dance of fulure surveys have bee n correct/y p/aced ri7 the ground qs shown 0r7 the /C /•7/ and /hal there are 170 wet 14?r7ds or /bub/ic h7ghways r desi9nofcd 0/7 said p/af other /12417 qs s120wr7 thereon. '011,44 surveyor 1217 E. C'ardare //c , /Nlir7r7. fe g. /✓o. 566 V /IL1ov< cert/f/cgte subscribed 0170( sworn before me /his ;%day of 9t^f"i A•U/9S¢, L% HOWARD N. OLMSTED s. WNc, Hzrm;:i;r star•..•. uin�. *Fwlcson Expims Tills b/of was recomr77er7ded for 4bbrovv/ !'% the P/ann/i79 4'Om7n7ss100 of the k'111Vgc of Edirtq, 7Y/7i7aeso/zj, ata ra9u/or 177eel/r79 thereof held flits day of .9.0, f95�. Cha/rman This lb/a; was anal aec erb/e d try f/7e 1'/ 1/ape c ourtec % of Edii7y , /Y/ir7/7e SO/a/ of A reg ct/ar meet 1179 there of fia/a' 1'127,5 o'<ry 01' �i%/qy� Caur7c/ of Edina, 7s'lii7i7esoty This /Olaf was 47 A,' -oiled 47,17d I ha c K o d ort /his da)7 of (�/954. Cou»<y Surveyor 1`7lenne�ii7'Cour7ly, ■r