HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-14 Park Board PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PARK BOARD MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — Regular meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During Community Comment, " the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Veterans Memorial Update B. 2014 Park Board Work Plan C. 2014 Park Board Meeting Calendar VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Council Updates B. Veteran's Memorial Committee, September 20, 2013 minutes and November 22, 2013 minutes VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. if you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL November 12, 2013 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Student Members present: Good, Johnson. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Jones added to the agenda a Living Streets Working Group update. Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Member Steel, to add the Living Streets Working Group update to the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Motion carried. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Peterson, to approve the revised meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Motion carried. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Cella made a motion, seconded by Member Jones, approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting of October 8, 2013 Ayes: Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. Centennial Lakes Promenade Phase 4 Ross Bintner, Environmental Engineer, provided a presentation on Phase 4 of the Promenade and asked for input from the Park Board as well as a resolution in support of the project. He highlighted the water feature and art, as well as the babbling brook. He noted that there have not been any changes to the plans since it was last presented to the Park Board. Member Jones noted the potential problem of intermingling pedestrians with bicyclists. Mr. Bintner noted the Three Rivers Park District will be addressing that in the next couple of years. 1 In response to a question about maintenance costs, Mr. Bintner indicated those have not been written down specifically. Ms. Kattreh added she has not seen any expenses, but throughout this entire design, maintenance was taken into consideration, and staff looked for maintenance -free designs. Member Gieseke asked about the future water feature on the southern area. Mr. Bintner indicated it is on the Macy's site, should a potential redevelopment occur there. It is an opportunity because of stormwater. When Macy's redevelops, it will have to provide flood protection. Member Gieseke asked about plans for art on the island. Mr. Bintner noted there are some manholes on that island. Member Segreto asked about the proposed sound system. Mr. Bintner responded there is a sound system on Centennial Lakes to provide music on the trails; one idea is to extend that north into this area. The direction right now, however, is not to include the continuation due to maintenance challenges. Members Jones and Segreto agreed with that decision. Mr. Bintner noted the Energy and Environment Commission's main concerns were energy costs Member Jones asked for clarification about the source of water in the babbling brook and the foundation. Mr. Bintner responded it will be pumping water up through Centennial Lakes and circulating it through the system, and that it is designed for passive enjoyment of the brook rather than an active participation by children getting feet wet, etc. Member Jones stated the babbling brook is unnecessary and environmentally it is a problem, considering the water tables are running low. Mr. Bintner provided more detail on the environmental aspects of the proposal, noting this aspect augments the ability of Centennial Lakes to provide flood protection. He noted four alternative design options were reviewed that promoted the infiltration of water and promoting the use of water in the landscape. The Watershed District chose the shallow surface infiltration feature and the rock channel. Mr. Bintner noted this project could then provide a bank of credits with the Watershed District to use against future redevelopment projects. Member Jones asked for further clarification on the water. Mr. Bintner clarified the two different reports cover the water feature with the parks function, and the other is an underground water feature with a stormwater function. Member Peterson commented on the parking challenge; he also asked about any proposed restaurants in this area, as well as accommodations for dog walkers. Chair Steel added it would be nice to have a place to lockup bikes. Member Jones asked about the lake runoff that goes into the creek. Mr. Bintner stated any water runoff during rain will cause the water in Centennial Lakes to rise and go into the creek. Member Jones asked about budgeting for maintenance costs. Ms. Kattreh responded that has not been discussed yet. What is being considered is a maintenance district for this entire area. 2 Mr. Bintner discussed the next steps: the proposal goes before the Council, then the Watershed District, then the design process completion in March, the bidding process, with potential construction from June to October. Member Jones asked for this trail to meet more generational needs, from the very young to the very old. The design is not capturing young families, and it is an extravagance. She commented there are not many trees, and she hopes for more landscaping in the final plan. Member Segreto commented this project is mainly about watershed protection, rather than about playground or park issues. The phases of Centennial Lakes were in the master plan, and she does not want to dismantle what has been done. Member Deeds suggested splitting out the water feature from the total budget price so the expenses can be more easily understood. Member Jones asked about possible heaving in the trails and the costs associated with those repairs. Mr. Bintner responded there are some mitigating factors against the potential damage. There are six to eight inches of aggregate under the trail; there are 12 inches of topsoil nearby; and the edges are hardened. He suspects the stormwater fund would be used for surface repairs. Member Jones indicated she will not be supporting the concept for all the concerns and reasons she previously mentioned. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto, to support the concept plan. Ayes: Members Jacobson, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Nay: Member Jones. Motion carried. VI.B. Yorktown Community Garden Status Kristin Aarsvold, Recreation Supervisor, provided a timeline of the community garden, noting the plots were sold out within eight days of City Council approval of the gardens. Sandy Radeke, Edina resident and a renter of the community garden, noted the weather was not helpful this past year, but the staff helped with the garden and brought in additional soil. She also highlighted the social benefits of the garden. Ms. Aarsvold highlighted the two major improvements for 2014: improved soil conditions and a permanent water source. Additionally, an Eagle Scout will be adding some raised beds in the corner where the drain is. She noted there will be a round table this month with 15 other cities with community gardens. She also noted an advisory committee, made up of plot renters, has been formed, with the first meeting to be held on December 11. Member Cella asked about priority registration. Ms. Aarsvold responded that issue will be brought up at the advisory committee meetings. There are five plot renters who will not be coming back; there is a waiting list of 43, the majority of whom are Edina residents. Member Segreto asked about the parking lot. Ms. Aarsvold responded it was completed the end of August. There were more complaints about rabbits than difficulty in parking. Member Deeds asked about a rotation policy so that some plots will turn over to allow new renters. 3 Member Peterson noted things can be grown in a hay bale; once it is watered, it creates heat and things grow really well. It would work really well for kids. He also suggested putting in a second plot at the same park, to accommodate more renters. Member Jones asked about signage on York. Ms. Aarsvold responded she previously met with Hennepin County to discuss signage, and they would not grant a sign at this point in time due to the amount of existing signs. Member Jones suggested asking the YMCA to move their sign to the other side of the driveway, to allow for space for the garden. Ms. Aarsvold responded she will make that request. Ms. Kattreh commented that staff will be watching how quickly the gardens fill up this year, and will look at the opportunity to expand the gardens to the west in 2015. A motion was made by Member Segreto, seconded by Member Jones, to approve Yorktown Park Community Garden Center as a permanent park amenity. Ayes: Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Motion carried. VI.C. Bike Edina Task Force Representative Ms. Kattreh asked for a volunteer to serve on the Task Force, as Member Jones, who has served for three years, is stepping down. Chair Steel asked the Board Members to contact Ms. Kattreh should anyone become interested. VI.D. Living Streets Policy Update Member Jones reported she is serving on a working group that will be implementing the new City Living Streets Policy. One of the very first items of business was the city's contracting with a marketing consultant to develop a brand. Two brands were developed, and Member Jones asked for feedback from the board. Chair Steel asked why a branding/marketing campaign is needed and inquired about the difference between a "complete street" and a "living street." Member Jones responded she is new to the committee and cannot answer the question, as she is assing along information as she receives it Member Segreto commented on the font size and colors of one of the first brand choice and suggested simplifying the graphics. She also asked about simply using the city's logo. Chair Segreto suggested efforts be spent in branding the City of Edina instead, perhaps focusing on healthy choices rather than just focusing on the streets. Member Peterson noted sidewalks do a lot to enhance neighborhoods and healthy choices. He suggested the city focus efforts on sidewalks, as well as how to pay for them. Ms. Kattreh noted that the Pedestrian and Cycling Safety Fund now pay for sidewalks. Members Cella and Segreto offered feedback on both of the proposed logos, suggesting perhaps a combination of both. Member Deeds stated the city needs to think clearly about this issue of branding, as it already has multiple logos. rd VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VII.A. Council Updates None. VII.B. Founders Day Celebration Invitation Ms. Kattreh noted the celebration will be December 12, 2013, and the Park Board and all community members are invited to City Hall. VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Jones noted the Bike Edina Task Force is hosting a listening session on November 14, 2013, on the Hennepin County Bike transportation plan at Edina City Hall. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh made the following comments: the Golf Dome's grand opening is this weekend with plenty of activities going on; on October 14, the City Council approved the plans for the construction of the Sports Dome and rink project, and surveys are underway. X. ADJOURNMENT Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Ayes: Members Jacobson, Jones, Cella, Gieseke, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Peterson. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m. To: Park Board From: Kristin Aarsvold Recreation Supervisor Date: January 14, 2014 Subject: Veterans Memorial Update Agenda Item #: VI.A. Action Requested: Receive an update on the Veterans Memorial project and provide feedback. Information I Background: Action ❑ Discussion ❑x Information ❑x In May 2013 the Veterans Memorial Committee requested $38,500 from City Council to pay SEH for construction documents and assist with bidding and construction administration. The City Council approved funding for half of their request or $19,250 for the completion of project and design documents. The Council suggested that the remainder of the cost should come from the money raised for the Memorial. In August 2013, the Edina Veterans Committee and City staff approved retaining Elliott Design Build, Inc. to provide bidding and construction documents. Elliot Design Build, Inc. is an Edina based business willing to donate in-kind services. On January 3, 2014 City Manager Scott Neal signed a contract with Elliott Design Build, Inc. (not affiliated with SEH -Short Elliott Hendrickson) for $19,250 to prepare construction documents and assist with the bidding and construction administration. Committee members Bob Benson and Robert Reed have spent considerable time reviewing options for a more reasonable priced sculpture for the memorial. A quote for a six-foot wide wingspan, four and one half feet tall eagle sculpture in the amount of $46,500 from Shoop's American Bronze Casting, Ltd in Osceola, Wisconsin was obtained. The artist will make a presentation at the January 17, 2014 Veteran's Memorial meeting and a vote will be taken. This is cost savings of almost 50% from the original sculpture selected. A contract was never signed for payment to the past artist in New York; however $3,800 was paid for a maquette. The Committee is hoping to complete construction documents, solicit donations, receive Park Board and City Council approvals and begin construction in the summer of 2014. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Current Account Balance in the Veterans Memorial Fund at the Edina Community Foundation: $17,483 Pledged Funds: $100,000 Anonymous donor for the final phase $20,000 Edina Rotary Club In-kind pledged donors include: Frank R. Cardarelle Land Surveyors; Elliot Design Build, Inc.; Washburn-McGreavy; Kraus -Anderson; Bachman's Attachment A — Contract with Elliott Design Build, Inc. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this 3rd day of January, 2014 by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and ELLIOTT Design Build, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer". IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains Engineer to furnish the services set forth on the attached Exhibit "A". The Engineer agrees to perform the services. Engineer shall provide all personnel, supervision, services, materials, tools, equipment and supplies and do all things necessary and ancillary thereto specified on Exhibit "A". The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be done under the review of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota, who shall attest that the work will be performed in compliance with all applicable codes and engineering standards. The work shall be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, which includes this Agreement and the Exhibits: Exhibit "A" — Scope of Services, Exhibit `B" — Schedule of Payment and Fee Schedule. In the event any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the order of precedence shall be the following order: (i) this Agreement; (ii) Exhibit "A", (iii) Exhibit `B". 2. REPRESENTATIVES. City has designated the Parks and Recreation Director (the "City Representative"), and the Engineer has designated Lance Elliott (the "Engineer Representative"). The City Representative and the Engineer Representative shall be available as often as is reasonably necessary for reviewing the Services. 3. COMPENSATION. Engineer shall be paid by the City for the services described in Paragraph 1 on an hourly basis in accordance with the attached fee schedule, Exhibit `B", but not to exceed $19,250 inclusive of taxes and reimbursable costs. 4. COMPLETION DATE. The Engineer must complete the services by November 28, 2014. 5. DOCUMENTS. The City shall be the owner of all documents, reports; studies, analysis and the like prepared by the Engineer in conjunction with this contract. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Engineer shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. STANDARD OF CARE. Engineer shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the Services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional engineer under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Engineer's services. Doc, #172486v.1 RNK: 9/18/2013 S. INDEMNIFICATION. The Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including costs and attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the Engineer. 9. INSURANCE. -Engineer shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect Engineer from claims under the Worker's Compensation Acts, automobile. liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or properly damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Agreement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit ExcessMmbrella Liability $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability and umbrella policies. Before commencing work the Engineer shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to the City. The certificate shall provide that such insurance cannot be cancelled until thirty (30) days after the City has received written notice of the insurer's intention to cancel this insurance. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains the Engineer as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Engineer is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Engineer shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Engineer shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Engineer's performance under this Agreement. City and Engineer agree that Engineer shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Engineer or any of Engineer's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City.. Engineer shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Engineer's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Engineer shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Engineer shall comply with Minnesota Statute § 471.425. Engineer must pay Subcontractor for all undisputed services provided by Subcontractor within ten days of Engineer's receipt of payment from City. Engineer must pay interest of 1.5 percent per month or any part of a month to Subcontractor on any undisputed amount not paid on time to Subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100 or more is $10. 12. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. Doc. #172486v.1 2 RNK: 9/18/2013 13. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 15. CONTROLLING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 16. COPYRIGHT. Engineer shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting there from. 17. RECORDS. The Engineer shall maintain complete and accurate records of time and expense involved in the performance of services. 18. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA -PRACTICES ACT. Engineer must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement.' Engineer is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Engineer receives a request to release data, Engineer must immediately notify City. City will give Engineer instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Engineer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Engineer's officers', agents', city's, partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors' unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 19. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by City on two (2) days' written notice delivered to Engineer at the address on file with the City. Upon termination under this provision if there is no fault of the Engineer, the Engineer shall be paid for services rendered and reimbursable expenses until the effective date . of termination. If the City terminates the Agreement because the Engineer has failed to perform in accordance with this Agreement, no further payment shall be made to the Engineer, and the City may retain another engineer to undertake or complete the work identified in Paragraph 1. Doc. #172486v.1 3 RNK: 9/18/2013 Dated: j� , 20 CI'ry nV 'VnYAT A Dated: 3 , 20 I q ENGINEER: BY: is Doe. #172486v.1 RNK: 9/18/2013 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Elliott Design Build, Inc. Proposal to Provide Final Landscape Architecture and Engineering, Construction Document and Construction Administration Services for the Edina Veterans Memorial Task A. Final Landscape Architectural and Engineering Design Al. Prepare final landscape architectural and engineering design for: • soils -investigation ( 1 or 2 borings) • grading and drainage • pavements • memorial feature walls w/bronze art work • stairs and hand rails lighting • planting design A2. Meet with Edina Veterans Memorial Committee to present final design, cost estimate and schedule. A3. Assist in making presentation to Edina City Council to obtain approval for preparing construction documents. Soils investigation by others: Estimated @ $3,500 (Braun Intertech) Task B. Construction Documents B 1. Prepare a comprehensive set of construction documents directing the estimating, bidding and assembly/installation of the veterans memorial including: • title sheet showing name, project location, owner, etc. • estimated quantities and contractor notes • final, site plan locating all memorial elements • structural and surface cladding detail plans, section / elevation for footings and foundations of memorial wall, flag poles and stairs • site grading plan indicating finished grades by 1 -foot contours and spot elevations stormwater management /mitigation plan and associated details • detail sections for granite, concrete and asphalt pavement systems • planting plan indicating plant species, locations, turf restoration and associated plant schedule (species, size, root and detail notes) and installation details • electrical lay out plan and associated details for illuminating flags • mounting details for benches, flag poles, hand rails • lettering details and layouts for memorial inscriptions • project manual booklet containing advertisement for bid, bidding instructions, bid forms, City of Edina general conditions documents, special provisions and special conditions, technical specifications • Prepare Watershed permit application submission and track approval process Doc. #172486v.1 RNK: 4/18/2013 B2. Facilitate construction document review with Edina City staff at 60% and 90% completion stages, B3. Present 90% -stage construction documents to Edina Veterans Committee. B4. Coordinate final mounting details and installation procedures for bronze artwork. Task C. Bidding Assistance and Construction Administration • Answer questions from bidders • Attend bid opening and tabulate bid results • Facilitate pre -construction meeting • Facilitate up to six owner contractor meetings on site • Visit site up to two times per week to review construction progress, answer contractor questions including • Review and process shop drawings for structural steel, concrete mixture, granite cladding, etc. • Review requests for payment and, change orders per City's direction • Facilitate owner substantial completion walk-through and punch list • Facilitate final walk-through and punch list Timing Tasks A and B will require approximately eleven to twelve weeks to complete, based on scheduling of plan review and sculpture progress. Fees and Expenses Fees and expenses are proposed to be billed monthly, net 30 day. Doc. #172486v.1 6 RNK: 9/18/2013 EXFIIBIT "B" SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT AND FEE SCHEDULE Fees and expenses are proposed to be billed monthly, net 30 day, not to exceed $19,250. Doc. #172486v.I RNK: 9/18/2013 ac R CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (M►4Dp1YYYY) 01 /02/2014 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(les) must be endorsed, H SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, sub )ect to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such andorsement s . PRODUCER PIONEER HERITAGE INSURANCE LLC N ME .lames Tetzloff PO BOX 716 PH NE 320,214.5523 F .320.214.5583 SPICER MN 56288 EAppitm MAIL • Jtetzloff@heritagebankna.com INSURED Elliott Design Build, Inc. 5616 Dalrymple Rd Edina MN 55424-1507 at Auto Owners Insurance ct Gemini Insurance Coml 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LIR TYPEOFINSURANCE INqR WVVQPOLICYNUMBE PO D EFF POIDD EXPWM UMRa N I N I HPM-DP-00140-00 112/19/2013112/19/2014 DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONSILOCAT(ONSIVEHICLES (Athch ACORD1o1,Additlonal Remuka Schedule,Ifm mxPacelsrequlred) 1,000,000 Policy period aggregate CITY OF EDINA SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 4801 W. 50th St. CCORDANRCEION DATE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. WILL BE DELIVERED IN EDINA MN 55424 AUTHORREDREPRESENTATWE 071988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD GENERAL LIAB1l.ITY X EACH OCCURRENCE S 1,000000 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMI E oavrrenee i A CLAIMS -MADE Fx-� OCCUR MED EXP ono 10,000 N N 08092300 04/27/2013 04/27/2014 PERSONALBADVINJURY S 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE S 3,000,000 OEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER., PRODUCTS•COMP/OPAGG = 2,000,000 PoucYF71JECT PRO- Loc Fire Damage s 300,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY N I ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Patpe % $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per ecadent) S HIREDAUTOS NON-0WNED AUTOSIs PROPERTY GE E UMBRELLA LIAR EXCESS UAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 000 000B 1,0001000B CLAMS -MADE N N 4821328300 10/29/2013 10/29/2014 AGGREGATE S OED RETENTIONS WORKERS COMPENSATION WC �� AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ER ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECIJTIVE OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLUDED7 NIA E.L. EACH ACCIDENT s (MandatoryIn NN) ,.,...,.,,u,.......,,,. 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PUBLID._bf N. ;' -TS-ANS*WO*'"K'F-RS':.COMP NSATION COVE1 p� -- �? 16tR,,TtFY THAT THE>fNFOFtMATION PROVIDED:IS TRUE Rib.:0 E"',CT: lJ�. 5a�k (SIGNATUREy l 4:_t Pd. --r�ic: 1Gl rrJ -moi: -41761 Project History and Proposed Timeline Park Board Approval of Concept (site, design, cost estimate) 11/7/2011 11/7/2011 Recommendation for City Council to do the same City Council Approval of design, location and development of proposed 11/15/2011 11/15/2011 Motion carried Edina Veteran Memorial City Council approved grant of $19,250 to pay for project and design 5/21/2013 5/21/13 Motion carried documents Meeting with Tim Zimmerman and Representative from Bachman's on 1/13/2014 1/13/2014 City staff made recommendations plantings Preliminary Plan Preparation 1/1/2014 1/17/2014 Meet Eagle Sculptor Review Preliminary Plans Public Works/Engineering meeting City/Watershed Plan Approval Construction RFPs Preliminary Construction Pricing Final Plans/Approvals/Cost Project Funds in Place City Council Approval of Donations Contracts/Permits Memorial Day -Project Kick Off Eagle should be ordered in sufficient time to meet 1/17/2014 1/17/2014 completion date 1/17/2014 1/20/2014 1/17/2014 2/1/2014 To discuss maintenance and material recommendations 1/20/2014 3/21/2014 Schedule allows for 60 days, 30 days should be sufficient 1/20/2014 1/22/2014 2/3/2014 2/24/2014 Construction costs determined in February 3/25/2014 3/27/2014 Final plans and costs in March 5/1/2014 Funds need to be secured 5/6/2014 5/6/2014 Approval needed of all donations and in-kind contributions 5/11/2014 5/26/2014 5/26/2014 10/19/2014 We could possibly start earlier if funds are in place Construction Completion 10/19/2014 Provides grace period to finish up any last minute items Veteran's Day, Memorial Unveiling 11/11/2014 11/11/2014 The following timelines are estimated from Shoop's American Bronze Casting, Ltd: 3 months art design completed ($14,000 first payment before work commences) 3 months mold design and construction ($8,500 second payment) 2 months produce casting; and finishing ($24,000 third payment) Total project time: roughly 8 months To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director Date: January 14, 2014 Subject: 2014 Park Board Work Plan �9�rSA,1l?l. 0 POIi�'f j 1888 Agenda Item M VI. B. Action ❑ Discussion 0 Information 0 Action Requested: Review 2014 Park Board Work Plan which has been approved by the City Council Information / Background: With several large initiatives on the Plan for 2014, it would be a good idea to prioritize and begin consideration of when to begin work on specific initiatives. Attachment A — Final City Council Approved 2014 Park Board Work Plan City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 1l'°'� o� e Park Board ° 2014 Annual Work Plan • fNmneonntF'•O anN 2014 Initiative Target Completion• •••rt Required Council Date - • • Approval Strategic planning with a comprehensive needs December 2014 $60,000 Director, Assistant Director, assessment Enterprise Managers, Recreation Supervisors, Administrative Support Staff, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Serve on working groups and subcommittees with consultants, staff and residents to evaluate City needs to identify, prioritize and develop a plan to address strategic uses relating to policies, facilities, programming and financial and personnel resources. A subcommittee has already been established including Members Deeds, Cella, Steel, Segreto and Jones. $60,000 is budgeted in the 2013 CIP. At the completion, the Park Board will provide review and comment on the strategic plan. The City Council will have the final approval of the strategic plan. Progress Report: Arneson Acres Master Plan December 2014 $35,000 Director, Assistant Director & Horticulturist. Park Board Duties: Select a working group, working group chair and a consultant. Assess needs and work with consultant to develop a master plan for Arneson Acres Park. At the completion, the Park Board will provide review and comment on the proposed master plan. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. Park Board members: Ellen Jones, Louise Segreto and Joseph Hulbert Progress Report: Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities December 2014 0 Enterprise Managers, Director and Assistant Director Park Board Duties: Form a subcommittee to review enterprise facility budgets and business plans and programming and the overarching department goals determined by the strategic planning process in order to reevaluate enterprise classifications and to set cost recovery goals. The committee will present findings to the Park Board for review and comment regarding cost recovery goals and criteria for classification as an enterprise. Park Board member: Dan Peterson Progress Report: Barrier Free Replacement Playground Equipment— December 2014 $200,000 Director and Assistant Wooddale Park Director, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Select members of the Park Board to serve on a working group to design a barrier free playground at Wooddale Park. This project is contingent on residents in the neighborhood raising 50% of the funds needed for this replacement. Staff will apply for grants and $100,000 has been allocated in the 2014 CIP. Park Board will be asked to review and comment on design, and conduct a standard public process. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. Park Board member(s): Progress Report: Athletic Field Renovation — Pamela Park May 2014 $10,000 Director, Assistant Director, Recreation Supervisor and Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will review and comment on potential athletic field renovations at Pamela Park. If completed, this project would be done in conjunction with the Sports Dome project. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. Progress Report: -•w Green Initiatives December 2014 1 0 Director, Assistant Director and Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will select members and establish a subcommittee or working group to study green initiatives for the parks and the enterprise operations. The subcommittee/working group will present recommendations to the Park Board for their approval. This aligns with the EnerRv and Environment Commission's work plan goal to promote sustainability in city operations. Park Board member: Ellen Jones Progress Report: Urban Forest Task Force Report December 2014 I 0 Director or Assistant Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will establish a subcommittee to study the Urban Forest Task Force Report. The Park Board will hear recommendations provided by the EEC, decide which recommendations to implement and adopt a plan to phase in selected recommendations.. Park Board member: Progress Report: • Capital Improvement Plan • Fees and Charges • Election of Officers 0 2015 Park Board Work Plan • Edina Veteran's Memorial • Community Garden • Off -Leash Dog Areas To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director Date: January 14, 2014 Subject: 2014 Park Board Meeting Calendar Action Requested: None oe:� y . ��c too • ORPOR� 1888 Agenda Item #: V1. C. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x Information / Background: Attached please find the 2014 City of Edina Council, Advisory Boards and Commissions Meetings, Holidays and Election Dates Calendar. Due to conflicts, the Park Board meetings are moved to Mondays in August and November. Televised meetings are in February, May, August and November. Attachment A — 2014 City of Edina Council, Advisory Boards and Commissions Meetings, Holidays and Election Dates Calendar City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 2014 CITY OF EDINA COUNCIL, ADVISORY BRDS, COMS. COMMS. MEETINGS, HOLIDAYS ELECTION DATES omm HP Brd F--]Trns Com F]Park Brd nct Caucus ;omm Arts & Culture Comm 1101 DOW am ©© 00 am mm mm ®® ®m mml ®m am ■m 1101 BE M ©© I W am F mm 1 ®m 3 ®m 6 ■m 8 0101 o© M o© I W am F ®m 1 ®® 3 ®m 6 ■. 8 MARCH N© M ■m I W 00 F mm 1 ®® 3 mml' 6 No 8 MARCH S M T W T F S M T I W I T F m 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 '.4 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 )241 26 27 28 29 30 110111 ©©m©m©© M T I W I T F m o©Bann ©�, 3 4 00 6 7 mahmmm 11 12 13 f�® 15 17 '': mm mmmm mmmm t21 2829 22 30 '1 25 26 27 mmmmmmm mmmmmmm SEPTEMBER ©©m©w©© M T I W I T F m ©�, 3 4 00 6 7 ®® 11 12 13 f�® 15 17 '': 18 mmmm 20 t21 2829 22 30 '1 25 26 27 DECEMBER S M T I W I T F S 1 8 9 . 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 '': 18 19 20 t21 2829 22 30 '1 25 26 27 Draft Meeting Schedule for 2014. Dates Subject to Change Revised: 10/30/2013 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: January 14, 2014 Subject: Council Updates Action Requested: No Action is Necessary. Information / Background: o e t� �'•vc c�° ORPORI'/ laa8 Agenda Item #: VILA. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x Attached are the City Council Updates from their November 18, December 3, December 17 and January 7, City Council Meetings. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Council Updates November 18. 2013 • Request for Purchase for LED Lighting Retrofit at Edinborough Park. December 3. 2013 • Approved a cost-sharing agreement with Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for the fourth phase of development of the Edina Promenade. • Approved increases in parks and recreation fees for 2014. Set dates for the City Council's 2014 Annual Dinner Meeting on March 17 and the 2014 Volunteer Recognition Reception on April 29. December 17, 2013 Contract for Construction Management Services for the Sports Dome, Outdoor Refrigerated Ice Rink and Braemar Arena Improvements, RJM Construction. January 7, 2014 No updates to report from this City Council Meeting A, • l�CORPOR���Y/ IBea To: Park Board Agenda Item #: VII.B. From: Ann Kattreh Action ❑ Parks & Recreation Director Discussion ❑ Date: January 14, 2014 Information ❑X Subject: Veteran's Memorial Committee, September 20, 2013 and November 22, 2013 Minutes Action Requested: No Action is Necessary. Information / Background: Attached are the approved minutes from the Veteran's Memorial Committee meeting held on September 20, 2013 and November 22, 2013. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE HELD AT CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 7:30 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:30 am 11. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Benson, Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crain, Currie, Elliott, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Staff in attendance: Kristin Aarsvold, Edina Park and Recreation Department Supervisor; and Ann Kattreh, Parks and Recreation Director Others in attendance: None. Parks and Recreation Director Kattreh introduced herself to the Committee. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no members of the general public present at the meeting. V. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER A. John Currie Member Currie introduced himself to the Committee and provided a brief summary of his activities within Edina. V1. UPDATE FROM MEMBERS A. Updated Land Survey - Cardarelle Member Cardarelle provided the updated plans. Ms. Aarsvold advised that the plans have been scanned and can now be forwarded to City staff to determine if the location would be suitable. Chair Olson asked each Member to go around the table and briefly review their skills and the assistance they are contributing towards the project. B. Minnehaha Watershed - Kojetin Member Kojetin stated that he has met with the Watershed twice and noted that Ms. Kattreh attended the most recent meeting. He noted that City staff is reviewing the entire system at the park in conjunction with the re-evaluation of the deteriorating canoe landings. Ms. Kattreh noted that the Veteran's Memorial project, the 55th Street and Arden project, and a few more projects were reviewed at the meeting with the Watershed. Chair Olson questioned if the approval had been given from the Watershed, should the funding fall into place. Ms. Kattreh stated that although the approval had not been formally given at this time, they could reach that place. Member Kojetin explained the process of approval that is necessary in order to obtain final approval from the Watershed District. C. Development of Plan — Elliot Member Elliot stated that the first step in his plan will be to clarify the actual location with the City, and to determine whether the monument could be placed over the utilities. He noted that another step would be to determine what the Watershed will require as a part of this project so that he can incorporate that into the plans. He stated that once the plans are complete they would go to the City for approval and then to the Watershed for approval. He noted that the conversations with the Watershed have seemed to be more global and the Committee will need to determine what will actually be required simply for this project. Member Kojetin confirmed that he would follow up with the Watershed and with City staff to determine if the location would be compatible over the utilities. D. Gift -In -Kind Update — Olson Chair Olson stated that he was thrilled to see the gift -in-kind donations. Member Elliot provided an update on a contact that he has made through Bachman's and noted that he would continue to follow up on that item. Member Kojetin noted that the Garden Council should also be included in those discussions, as they have agreed to maintain the plantings. He encouraged Elliot to work with Bachman's and then simply run those ideas by the Garden Council to ensure that they feel involved in the process. Chair Olson referenced another possible gift -in-kind donation of the granite base. Member Cardarelle noted that the Rotary has a new President and he will continue to follow up on that donation. He advised that the Rotary is interested in having Member Schwartz come to speak. He also advised of an upcoming Veteran's Luncheon and invited all available Members. Chair Olson confirmed that Member Elliot should have a preliminary set of plans prior to the November luncheon and questioned if the Committee could possibly make a presentation at that luncheon. Member Cardarelle believed that could be done and noted that he and Chair Olson will follow up with the Rotary. E. Sculpture — Benson and Reed Member Reed reported that the dimensions for the base had been determined and explained that the sculptor must determine if the sculpture would mesh with that base. He reviewed the history of the sculpture and the hiring of a sculptor out of New York. He noted that the sculptor had been paid $3,800 to develop a maquette and an additional $79,200 would still be due for the final sculpture. He reported that there has not been any contact in the last two years. Ms. Aarsvold stated that she did make contact with the artist and determined that a maquette is available and has been finished. She explained that the artist believes that the fragile maquette would be damaged through shipping but he was comfortable sending pictures. She stated that there was not a signed contract for the sculpture but there was an agreement that was signed by Scott Neal and the artist for the original $3,800 for the development of the maquette. She stated that from the Committee's point of view the lack of contract is a good thing. Member Reed explained that the Committee was not involved in the original design interviews. He advised of a local artist contact that he has that referred him to a family run casting business in Osceola, Wisconsin. He reported that he and Member Benson traveled to the business to gather additional information, noting that the business is father/son run and the son is also a veteran. He advised that he did obtain a quote for a six-foot wide wingspan, four and one half feet tall eagle sculpture in the amount of $46,500. He noted that this is about half the price of the original sculpture quote and advised that the work was high quality. He noted that the additional savings would be through shipping the final product, as the shipping costs from New York for this sculpture would be high. He referenced the possible copyright that had been brought up in discussion and advised that in discussions with the new sculptor it has been determined that copyrighting would not be an issue. He stated that the key in this item moving forward would simply be funding. Member Benson advised of another contact that was determined through this process that could possibly assist in the funding of the sculpture. Member Currie advised of three casting businesses that are semi -local, some that he has experience with. He also addressed the issue of copyright and agreed that it would be difficult to prove copyright. Member Christiaansen noted that the original sculptor was to provide a few options that could be tweaked and that was not done. He did not believe that anyone would be broken hearted if the sculpture were to vary slightly. Chair Olson confirmed that Member Currie would be available to assist with this item. He asked that together Members Reed, Benson, and Currie gather the additional information and provide an update on the next meeting. Member Currie stated that in his experience during the last six months the price for bronze has ranged from $25 to $28 per pound. Motion by Member Schwartz and seconded by Member Cardarelle to procure the sculpture locally. Ayes: Benson, Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crain, Currie, Elliott, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Motion carried. Member Elliot recommended that the Members also negotiate for installation and transport in the cost of the sculpture. Member Crain believed that the timing should be considered, noting that the sculpture may need to be installed prior to the final landscaping. He explained that a crane will be needed to install the sculpture and that could damage pavers and raingardens. VII. NEXT STEPS Chair Olson briefly reviewed the tasks for the Members during the next month. It was noted that the next meeting will take place on October 18, 2013. Chair Olson advised that a webpage is being created and the URL Honored inavets.org has been reserved. He confirmed that a link to the PayPal account would be included. VIII. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Member Cardarelle and seconded August 23, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Ayes: Benson, Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crain, and Schwartz. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 a.m. by Member Kojetin to approve the Currie, Elliott, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE HELD AT CITY HALL NOVEMBER 22, 2013 7:30 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. I/. ROLLCALL Answering roll call were Members Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Currie, Elliott, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Staff in attendance: Kristin Aarsvold, Edina Park and Recreation Department Supervisor, and Edina Mayor James Hovland. Others in attendance: None. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented. W. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of the September 20, 2013 Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion by Member Schwartz and seconded by Member Cardarelle to approve the meeting minutes from the September 20, 2013 meeting as presented. Ayes: Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Currie, Elliott, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no members of the general public present at the meeting. VI. STATUS OF ELLIOTT DESIGN CONTRACT Chairman Olson provided an update on the process of Member Elliott's plans. He advised that Member Elliott did complete the conceptual plans and the City is now in the review process of those plans. Member Elliott stated that the original timeline was to have completed plans around January 1, 2014 to be presented to the Watershed. He stated that in December the plans could be used for demonstration and to show members of the public. Chairman Olson believed that the plans would be beneficial in the process of soliciting donations. Member Elliott noted that the concept plans will have additional detail added after the comments from the City are obtained. Mayor Hovland commented that there have been four acts of vandalism on the sculptures on the Promenade and was concerned with the possible vandalism of the eagle. He stated that perhaps lighting and/or high definition cameras could be installed near the monument. Member Schwartz stated that the Committee could get a continually recording camera near the monument. Member Elliott noted that motion cameras and lights could be installed. Chairman Olson confirmed that the plans will need to go through the Park Board and City Council. Vll. WATERSHED DISTRICT Member Elliott noted that once the matter goes before the Watershed, he will be present at those meetings to provide comments on the plans. Ms. Arsvold stated that the she did speak with staff regarding the other possible improvements at could occur at the park and it was determined that the Committee should move forward with simply the measures that will be required by the Watershed for this project only. She advised that possible grant funds could be available through Hennepin County for raingardens. Mayor Hovland noted that he will send a follow up email to the Hennepin County Commissioner that represents Edina to obtain her opinion. He also discussed possible bonding opportunities through the legislature. VIII. SUB -COMMITTEE UPDATES A. Fundraising Chairman Olson stated that progress has been slow but he is following up on a previous donation commitment. Member Reed advised of possible opportunities to obtain funding for the eagle. He commented on the article that was printed in the Sun Current from the previous Chairman of the Committee, in which he expressed shame that Edina was not able to raise the funds to construct the memorial. He believed that the Members of the Committee were not doing their best to raise the funds. He advised that he obtained a quote for the eagle that is half the originally quoted eagle. He reviewed a three payment contract available with the sculpture of the eagle, noting the first payment is only $14,000 and believed that the Committee has more than that in the account right now. He believed that now is the time for all Members of the Committee to really put effort into it and raise the funds. B. Design of Eagle Chairman Olson questioned if the Committee should see plans for the eagle. Member Reed stated that the vendor has been vetted and Members of the Committee have seen examples of the work. He reported a total cost of $46,500 for the eagle in total. Chairman Olson stated that the Committee has jumped through hoops to get the funds to pay for Member Elliott's services to develop the plans and questioned if the Committee should simply commit to $46,500 without even meeting the artist. Member Christiaansen stated that while he likes the go ahead attitude he did not feel that the Committee has the funds to commit at this time. Member Cardarelle stated that he believed the plans and specifications are what is needed right now and the other steps can move forward after that. Member Schwartz stated that he agreed with the desire to move forward with the eagle. Chairman Olson questioned if the plans need to be complete prior to the dimensions of the eagle or whether the dimensions of the eagle need to be known before the plans can be complete. Member Elliott stated that the plans do not really have much to do with the matter as he can work with the artist regarding dimensions and explained that it is more an issue of the available funding. Member Reed explained that the first payment of $14,000 would include the design and replica, which could be used in fundraising. Member Currie questioned if the pricing was subject to change or locked in. Member Reed stated that the artist would commit through the end of the year. He explained that the artist did not see much fluctuation in the price of metals in the past year so he did not believe that the price would be much higher. He confirmed that the artist would be using the plans already developed to make a similar end product. Member Currie stated that there is a demonstration of talent but noted that the issue is whether the artist is going to copy the design or make a replica. He stated that perhaps the artist could be contracted to make a small scale model, similar to what had been done with the previous artist. He stated that would demonstrate a commitment to the artist and would provide the Committee with more information. Member Reed stated that the Committee does not have the money to pay for another small model. Member Currie believed that the funds would be a part of the total cost quoted of $46,500. Member Christiaansen stated that perhaps a sketch could be provided at minimum. Member Reed stated that he would follow up and believed a sketch could be provided. Member Elliott agreed that a sketch would help the rest of the Committee to determine the skill set and a vision of the end product. He stated that his question is the timing explaining that once the plans are complete the Committee can determine the amount of in-kind services that will be provided and the amount of additional funds that will be necessary. He stated that perhaps the artist would be willing to wait until February and provide a sketch in the time between then to coordinate with the construction timeline. He confirmed that he would have the preliminary plans available for the Committee at the next meeting, with submittal to the City and Watershed in January, and the ability to determine construction costs and in-kind services in February. Ms. Arsvold agreed with Member Reed and his desire to move forward. She stated that perhaps the goal should be to reach possible donors before the end of the year in attempt to raise funds. Member Reed stated that he could coordinate for the artist to come to a meeting in January with a sketch. He discussed possible fundraising efforts that could be made, focusing on the tax credits that could be available to donors. Mayor Hovland stated that in regard to the eagle he believed if the artist was contracted now that could be like buying the candle before you have the birthday cake. He believed that Committee should continue in the manner they are to get the base plans through approval, determine the in-kind donations, and then it will be known how much the Committee will actually have to raise. He did not believe the group should get ahead of themselves with the eagle. Member Currie stated that the Committee could say that they would like to go with the artist, with plans for him to attend the January meeting with a sketch. Chairman Olson noted that the plan is for this to be complete prior to Veteran's Day and questioned if the eight month timeline is firm. Member Elliott stated that perhaps there would be flexibility in the timeline for the artist. Mayor Hovland acknowledged the frustration the Committee is feeling but believed that things are moving along and the group should remain patient just a little longer. He noted that although the original fundraising efforts stalled, the Committee regrouped and obtained commitments for the in-kind services. He advised that once the plans are known the remaining costs would be known. Chairman Olson asked that Member Reed ask the artist to attend the January 17th meeting to make a presentation with a sketch. Member Schwartz discussed possible fundraising leads. Mayor Hovland stated that donors are more likely to contribute funds for specific items in the memorial. He believed that the plans need to be complete with a list of costs where donors can choose the items they would like to fund. Member Elliott stated that the Committee would also need to determine how, or if, the donors will be recognized; whether it is through a plaque or whether it is the specific item their donation funded. Member Reed stated that the Committee has already discussed using two sentinels on each side that would be used to recognize donors. Mayor Hovland stated that a paver donation system could be used as well. He stated that donors are more likely to contribute towards an actual item, like a flag pole, rather than a broad concept. Member Christiaansen stated that the Committee is on the verge of being much further along, where there is something to show to donors. Member Reed noted that the Committee does have thank you cards for donors and believed that item has been forgotten along the way. He believed that donors should be thanked. C. Marketing No report. i. Article about Veteran's Day for Sun Current No comments made. IX. NEXT STEPS The process and timeline for City approval was discussed. Member Christiaansen stated that perhaps the Committee should see the plans prior to submittal to the City. Member Cardarelle stated that the soil boring vendor should be thanked for their in- kind services donation. Member Currie stated that he would volunteer to write out the thank you notes. Member Christiaansen stated that he would review past minutes to determine the design details and then meet with Member Elliott. X. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m.