HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-11 Park Board PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PARK BOARD MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, March 11, 2014 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. WELCOME NEW PARK BOARD MEMBERS III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA V. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — Regular meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment, " the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pamela Park Site Plan and Shelter Building Review B. 2013 Parks & Recreation Department Recap C. Board and Commission Blog D. Nine Mile Creek Trail Meetings E. Election of Officers VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Council Updates B. Correspondence and Petitions IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL February 11, 2014 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Student Members present: Good, Johnson. Also present: City Manager Scott Neal. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to amend the rules of the public hearing to limit speakers' testimony to two minutes per speaker in order to allow more residents to speak. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion carried. Member Gieseke made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to approve the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion carried. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto, to approve the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting of January 14, 2014 Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion carried. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS V.A. Golf Course Operations Study Mr. Neal noted this presentation regarding the city's golf enterprise was first given to about 300 members of the public at Braemar Golf Course on January 30, 2014. He presented data showing a significant decrease in rounds of golf sold since 1998, which has increased costs to the taxpayers. He looked at the past subsidies of the golf fund as well as the proposed $485,000 subsidy going forward. He noted the city's three objectives going forward are financial stability and self-sufficiency, increased customer service levels, and improved facilities for better play and experience. He noted a significant issue is how to pay for improvements at the golf courses. Mr. Neal presented a six -step strategy, beginning with narrowing the scope of golf operations, specifically closing Fred Richards as a golf course at the conclusion of the 2014 season. Ms. Kattreh noted the second step is to make improvements at Braemar, including improvements at the driving range, the teaching range, the drive into the golf course, and the Grill and clubhouse. She 1 discussed the importance of creating a master plan for Braemar, in order to accommodate youth, women, seniors, and players of all abilities. Mr. Neal indicated the third step is to modify prices and provide discounts. Ms. Kattreh noted that part of the plan is to outsource ancillary services, specifically the Grill. A better product and more inviting environment are possible. Mr. Neal noted another step is to expand marketing at Braemar. Ms. Kattreh stated the sixth step is to improve customer service at Braemar. The plan is to hire a customer service consultant to help train, hire, evaluate, and coach. Mr. Neal then presented pro -formas for golf rounds in the future and discussed the repurposing of the Fred Richards site, which would remain as a public area with low -intensity use going forward. Member Deeds stated it is important to have conservative projections for golf rounds sold, for example, if only 90,000 rounds are sold rather than the 100,000 projected rounds. Ms. Kattreh responded the improved customer service and marketing levels should make 100,000 rounds sold feasible. Member Segreto asked about the opinion of the Braemar Golf Course manager. Todd Anderson, Braemar Golf Course Manager, concurred the golf industry is difficult right now, and he is in agreement with the six -part plan. Member Jones asked about the staging of the repairs and improvements. Mr. Neal explained that the staging of the improvements is also impacted by the possibility of obtaining credit to make the improvements. However, the credit rating agencies always have significant questions about the operations of the two golf courses and the revenue losses. Regarding staging, the new driving range should be commenced at the tail end of the golf season. Member Jones asked about preservation of the wildlife and green space at the Fred Richards course and the possibility of land being sold to a developer. Mr. Neal responded the Council has not given any indication that they are interested in selling park property. Fred Richards was acquired in 1992 for $800,000; staff has no recommendation for anything other than future park use. Ms. Kattreh concurred, noting that process for determining how to use the site would involve a citizen advisory committee as well as the Park Board. Member Jones asked about putting certain holes at Braemar on hold. Ms. Kattreh noted that as part of the master plan, every hole will be considered. Chair Steel opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Gene Nord, 6425 Nordic Circle, Vice President of the Braemar Men's Club, read aloud the letter from Rick Ites, the President of the Braemar Men's Club and the Braemar Golf Association. He noted many improvements are needed at the Golf Course. Leslie Sharp, 6501 Cherokee Trail, expressed support for plan and for the improvements of Braemar Golf Course, particularly for cart paths. Andrea Keller, 4010 Monterey Ave., a PGA teaching professional, spoke against the proposal for closing Fred Richards. She stated it is an ideal course for juniors, and specifically young girls, to learn the game. Derek Johnson, 7421 West Shore Drive, noted the Fred Richards course was profitable was 2013. He stated the course at Braemar is not as suitable for beginning golfers. This plan closes a revenue - generating facility and converts it to a non -revenue -generating piece of land. Scott Nelson, 6428 Vernon Ave., stated Fred Richards is a great place, but it is time to let go of the course. He noted Braemar was one of the top courses in the state, and it should be returned to that status. Katie Bourget, 6203 South Knoll, asked for more time for research to develop programs at Fred Richards, as it is a great course to develop beginners, specifically young girls. Richard Johnston, 4505 Wooddale Ave, stated Fred Richards offers a unique golf experience, and it should be retained for future generations. He also agreed with the improvements at Braemar. He suggested working on making Fred Richards more profitable. Marie Leggett, 6 Spur Road, stated she has been playing on Fred Richards for the past three years. Anita Leggett, 6 Spur Road, encouraged the Park Board to encourage other options to raise resources rather than closing Fred Richards. She read aloud an email from PGA in support of golf and noted there may be untapped potential with coming of the 2016 Ryder Cup. John Marshall, 6404 Stauder Circle, spoke against the current proposal to close Fred Richards. He is concerned about a lack of plan to keep the game of golf growing. Tim Nasby, 7408 West Shore Drive, commented on the two consultant reports completed on golf operations. He noted the NGF report stated that while Fred Richards Golf Course may not be consistently profitable for the City of Edina, it's a place as a feeder facility to develop new players and will benefit all other golf courses in the system. Dan DeYoung, Scottsdale, Arizona, stated the golf industry will continue to decline. Making Fred Richards into a park does not make the city money. He played a lot of golf at Fred Richards as a young player. Scott Dorgan, 4504 Gilford Drive, stated Fred Richards is cash-flow positive and should remain in operation for kids and grandparents learning the game. He urged Park Board members to spend an afternoon at Fred Richards this summer. The kids should be placed in highest value in this decision. Lorenzo Tunesi, 4413 Ellsworth Drive, expressed support for the six -step proposal presented. Anna Heirigs, 4529 Gilford Drive, stated she has learned to play golf at Fred Richards over the last two years. Barton Hallin, 4424 Gilford Drive, stated his children have learned to play golf at Fred Richards, and it is a great place to have three generations golfing all at once. He also questioned the timing of creating a citizen advisory team after, rather than before, Fred Richards is closed. Tom Terwilliger, 7421 Kellogg Ave, referred to the 2011 NGF consultant report that cited Fred Richards as an invaluable feeder facility for the Edina golf system. Dan Goodenough, 5604 Valley Lane, cited the city should be investing several million dollars in both golf courses to bring them up to par. RJ Smiley, 6205 St. Johns Ave., observed Edina cannot support 45 holes of golf. There is a tremendous demand for an executive golf course in Edina. He recommended closing Fred Richards and immediately begin a master redevelopment plan for Braemar that would include 18 holes of quality golf and also create an executive 9-hole course. Dan Olson, Minneapolis, indicated the league he participates in a Tuesday league at Fred Richards with all levels of golf ability, which would not be possible at Braemar. Robert Peterson, 5620 Doron Drive, spoke in support of the major reinvestment at Braemar. In 1984, it was the number one golf course in the State of Minnesota, but the golf course has been allowed to decline. Ms. McGrath, 4619 Moorland Ave., stated she plays in the girls' league on Sundays at Fred Richards, and it is important to keep the course open. Megan Keller, 4010 Monterey Ave., asked that Fred Richards be kept open. Andrea Keller, 4010 Monterey Ave., asked for the Park Board to explore the many other opportunities for funding. She noted Braemar will never be a small, unintimidating course. If the city closes Fred Richards, many golfers will be lost. Wayne VanderVort, 4525 Gilford Drive, stated he plays golf with many of his grandchildren at Fred Richards. He requested that the Park Board create a citizen committee to look at the financials with staff. He has spoken to three golf groups from Fred Richards who indicate they will not transfer to Braemar. He also noted the PGA is on a crusade of creating courses with only 9 holes. Dan DeYoung, Scottsdale, AZ, suggested the Park Board explore other options to see what keeps the course busy during the week and on the weekend. Elizabeth and Katie Dickey, 5021 Yvonne Terrace, indicated both have played Fred Richards with their father, and they expressed support for keeping it open. Tom Gastler, 4417 Gilford Drive, expressed support for Fred Richards. He does not believe public engagement has sufficiently been sought in this process. Paul Rosenthal, 4721 Hibiscus Ave., expressed support for Fred Richards, calling it a jewel of the community. He expressed concern about the condensed timeline not allowing for sufficient public input. John Velgersdyk, 4516 Sedum Lane, stated he is encouraged by the improvements at Braemar. He opposes the closing of Fred Richards and believes the 2011 and 2013 studies show the course is profitable. 4 Ella Marshall, 6404 Stauder Circle, and Emily Bourget, 6203 South Knoll Drive, indicated they both love playing with family and friends on the Fred Richards course. Kevin Holm, 4501 Belvidere Lane, expressed support for the improvements to Braemar as well as closing Fred Richards. Barton Halling, 4424 Gilford Drive, expressed support for Fred Richards. He mentioned the development on Pentagon Park near Fred Richards, and the developer has said it could work with either a golf course or something else. He noted more people are using executive courses, so there seems to be a new set of players for Fred Richards, right next to the course. He suggested tabling the decision on Fred Richards at the end of 2014, whereupon two or three proposals should be put forward, one of which should be retaining Fred Richards. George Griffiths, 4444 Dunham Drive, stated the Braemar 9 -hole course is the most consistently used course of the four courses in Edina. Additionally, there are nine distinct cost centers in the Braemar Golf operations (Braemar 18, Braemar 9, Braemar Executive, Fred Richards, Golf Dome, Driving Range, Pro Shop, Club House and other social functions) that could be established in the golf enterprise in order to embark on a study to find out exactly what is making money and what is losing money. Derek Johnson, 7421 West Shore Drive, thanked the Park Board for the chance to speak tonight and asked that the Park Board take additional time to consider options other than closing Fred Richards. Chair Steel closed the public hearing ended at 8:44 p.m. Member Deeds asked Mr. Neal to discuss the financials to clear up the questions raised by the public. Mr. Neal asked Mr. Roggeman to speak, as he prepared the pro -formas. Eric Roggeman, Assistant Director of Finance, stated there are two business units that account for business activities at Fred Richards, one for maintenance and the other for activities. At first glance, it looks like a positive cash flow of $50,000. What is not accounted for is about $250,000 in debt and historic interest payments. Also not included are several items that run through the Braemar cost center, such as a load of fertilizer or maintenance equipment, which would be another $50,000. He believes the cash flow has historically been negative by at least $250,000. The question is whether Fred Richards can cash flow going forward, especially as improvements are needed in the future. Member Deeds asked about the bond rating agencies' concerns regarding golf operations. Mr. Neal responded the City of Edina has a AAA rating. One of the underpinnings of the credit rating is management. One of the measures of that management is how many municipal operations run in an enterprise setting. When the analysts see that there is deterioration in a major enterprise like the golf course, they become concerned about it and ask about future planning. The city's answers to those questions could potentially impact the city's bond rating. The city would like to have a solid plan in place for those creditors. Member Deeds noted one option to fund improvements is the use of revenue bonds. He asked about the possibility of using revenue bonds for Braemar improvements. Mr. Neal responded a major borrowing has not occurred in the golf operation. Staff would like to point at the golf operation revenue and use that as leverage for future debt. General obligation bonds will probably have to be issued to do improvements. If the city can pay it with golf revenues, great. Otherwise, it becomes a tax burden. 5 Member Segreto noted there are significant capital improvements coming up if Fred Richards remains open. The city cannot maintain both courses. Chair Steel asked about accommodating youth at Braemar with the improvements. Ms. Kattreh stated staff does not underestimate the value of Fred Richards to youth golfers in Edina. The master plan at Braemar would invest significantly in women, youth, and seniors. Member Cella asked if there is a way to preserve a low -stress environment at Braemar, similar to the one residents are in support of at Fred Richards. Ms. Kattreh responded it would be possible. The master planning process would determine the best allocation for those 36 holes of golf. Chair Steel summarized that a working group would be formed, and it would come before the Park Board to be sure the residents are being served. Member Jones questioned the timeline of the decision-making process. She asked about an improved communications process with neighbors. Mr. Neal communicated the input is being gathered, and if there is some interest in meeting with representatives of the Fred Richards group, that can happen. Chair Steel indicated she is adamant there has to be a clear public process going forward, and a timeline to allow for the facilitation of ideas. However, she does not think that time would change the financials before the Park Board tonight. Member Gieseke concurred, noting something needs to change, but he would also like more public discussion about the future of Fred Richards. Member Deeds stated he likes Fred Richards, but the city has more holes of golf than the city can support. Fred Richards is the least utilized asset of the park system. This is a hard decision before the city. He applauded the staff's work on the pro formas. Given the future investment needed in Fred Richards, a convincing case is made that there are too many holes of golf. He suggested every effort be made to create the same atmosphere Braemar for the kids, but Braemar must be invested in. Member Cella concurred with Member Deeds' comments. She would like to have specific programming language that Braemar must create the stress -free opportunities for youth and those new to golf. Member Jacobson wondered whether Fred Richards could be changed into something that is more like a park and not a business. Student Member Johnson suggested the Braemar improvements be separated from the issue of closing Fred Richards. Member Segreto made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, that the Park Board recommendation to the City Council that the golf operations proposals, including the recommended closing of Fred Richards Golf Course, be supported. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. 6 Motion carried. V.B. Seasonal Off -Leash Dog Area at Strachauer Park Susan Faus, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director, asked to make the off -leash dog area at Strachauer Park a permanent amenity. After the first year, no complaints were received regarding barking or increased traffic at the park. Staff feels using hockey rinks year-round makes sense and it also provides an off -leash area in this area of Edina. Chair Steel opened the public hearing at 9:15 p.m. No one spoke. Chair Steel closed the public hearing at 9:15 p.m. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to make the off -leash area at Strachauer Park a permanent amenity. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion carried. VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT Kim Montgomery, 5300 Evanswood Lane, stated after four years of process, the city has not developed a process for maintaining the former Public Works 3.3 -acre site. She asked the Park Board to recommend to the City Council to preserve the Grandview land for public use and to prioritize a new Community Center. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. Pamela Park Shelter Building Working Group Ms. Kattreh asked for Park Board approval for the creation of the working group and also for Park Board member participation on the working group. Member Segreto volunteered to join the working group. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to approve the working group. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIIIA. Council Updates No discussion. VIII.B. Other Correspondence No discussion. VIII.C. Veterans Memorial Committee, December 20, 2013 Minutes No discussion. IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None. X. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh made the following comments: there will be a Park Board work group with the Council on February 18; so far, 49 of the 55 plots of the community garden are rented; staff has been talking with the Minnesota Wild about using Braemar Ice Arena as a permanent practice facility, and hopes to have a proposal before the Park Board at the March meeting. Xl. ADJOURNMENT Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. Ayes: Members Jones, Gieseke, Steel, Segreto, Cella, Deeds, Jacobson. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Welcome New Park Board Members Action Requested: No formal action is requested on this agenda item. ,A e r v >� �O • ��Z�RPORf`��O • 1888 Agenda Item #: II. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x Information / Background: The staff and Park Board are pleased to welcome our three new Park Board members: Thomas Downing Gerard Greene Brenda McCormick Two outgoing Park Board members are: Joseph Hulbert Dan Peterson The outgoing members will be recognized for service at the Annual Board and Commission Dinner Meeting on Monday, March 17 at 5 p.m. in the Hughes Pavilion at Centennial Lakes Park. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Pamela Park Site Plan and Shelter Building Review o e ch lsss Agenda Item #: VILA. Action ❑x Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Provide review and comment on the Pamela Park site plan and shelter building design. Information I Background: A master plan of Pamela Park was completed in 2009. This information was updated in 2013. A working group was formed made up of 10 neighborhood and athletic association representatives and staff. The group met on February 12, 2014 and February 18, 2014 to review the preliminary plans and provide feedback and suggestions on the overall project. The site plan includes: • Renovation of the north field to a sand peat field (180' x 360') including drain tile and irrigation • Re -grading grass field (300'x 160') to provide practice field • Renovating senior lighted field to an artificial turf field (100,560 SF) • Adding hard path trails around park • Expanding parking lots on north, west and south sides of the park The shelter building includes: • Storage area for athletic associations and parks & recreation to use • Restroom facilities • Fireplace for resident groups and ice skaters to enjoy • Kitchenette and work space (no office) • Great room for the community to utilize for neighborhood gatherings, special occasion rentals, and for ice skaters. • Accommodation for the city well in the existing shelter building Based on working group input, asphalt paths were extended north to 58th Street and south to 62nd Street. Our comprehensive plan indicates proposed sidewalks on the south side of 58th Street from Wooddale to Xerxes and on the north side of 62nd Street between Valley View and France. They are not currently scheduled but 58th Street is potentially due for reconstruction in 2017 or 2018 and 62nd Street potentially in 2019. Sidewalks would be considered when streets are reconstructed. A city well is located on the north side of the Pamela shelter building. State code requires that no drain be located within 50' of the well head. The building design reflects these code requirements. The proposed shelter is 1880 SF, -plus 380 SF in the well room and 460 SF of storage space The storage sl2ace is needed City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 for athletic associations and the Parks & Recreation Department and is also helping to provide the needed 50' buffer for the well. For comparison, the new shelter building at Countryside is 1740 SF. We plan to leave the walls of the well room in place and re -side and re -roof the exterior to match the new building. This will eliminate the costly and unnecessary expense of relocating the well mechanical equipment. Staff has identified a potential site improvement and cost saving proposal. We are proposing to slightly increase the size of the lighted artificial turf field, eliminating the need for the new sand peat field. This will significantly increase the amount of use for the artificial turf with just increasing the artificial turf field from approximately 225'x 380' to 250'x 380'. The location of the proposed "new" sand peat field is currently uneven and dangerous for athletics. Instead of adding a new sand peat field, this site could be graded, re- seeded and irrigated to provide a high quality multipurpose grass field space (similar to Highlands Park fields) for athletic and neighborhood use. Jay Pomeroy, landscape architect from Anderson Johnson and Jill Bills, architect from Wendel will be presenting their respective plans. Recommendation Staff is seeking feedback on the site plan and shelter building design. If recommended by the Park Board, the plan will be presented to City Council at the April 1, 2014 meeting when we will ask the Council to authorize the advertisement of the first bid package. The City Council with thoroughly and thoughtfully consider your action on this matter at their April I City Council meeting. Staff requests the Park Board consider the proposed plans and provide one of three actions: I. Recommend (generally support) 2. Do not recommend (do not support) 3. Recommend with specific changes Attachments: 2009 Master Plan 2014 Revised Site Plan Shelter Building Plan and Renderings PAMELA PARK MASTER PLAN � a lieiL .a . • Eioenxonw.� � �;,;,, , / •••r.•r•"•• Erlet•ORew EpxTWO , Rr�F. 1RAIL. . 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A J�L_i.':1 "Oft f -.L it r r` ,_{;, aA'RfISO.Y-J9U:C4YLV 'AO A Updated June 4, 2013 MASTER PLAN STUDY 7»," PAMELA PARK, EDINA MINNESOTA l c {� N City of Edina Q\ Pamela Park YNew Park Shelter WELL6 PUMP MATER 1 X11 /// 1REATMEN7 seems iw ssiia _\ RAMP TO SKATING *Wendel SHADED DASHED AREA PART OF ALTERNATE #1 -STORAGE SO'; lJ FIREPLACE dll' ® ® GREAT ROOM Berme COVERED PAnO ® HEARTH SEATING KITCHENETTE ATTENDANT DESK C Di MECHANICAL MEN WOMEN 0Fin 1 FLOOR PLAN 2710 SQ FT TOTAL 1 FLOOR PLAN® °°` P zA• g te, A001 9 .1 / a' ■ 1I z yy I ill ®1 eY & y 4 Mil°l 9 .1 / a' ■ 1I ®1 l l p PROPOSED PAMELA PARK BUILDING - INTERIOR VIEWS �tiw.,y a o M City of Edina Pamela Park New Park Shelter 1 We1Jllei INTERIOR VIEWS A003 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: 2013 Parks & Recreation Department Recap Action Requested: None Cn � CORPOli1`�� �BeB Agenda Item #: VII.B. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x Information / Background: Staff will make a Power Point presentation showing the highlights of projects and initiatives completed in 2013. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Board and Commission Blog • `�CORPORt`�wO • 1888 Agenda Item #: VII.C. Action 0 Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Determine if the Park Board would like to participate in a blog with other boards and commissions. Information / Background: The Heritage Preservation Board is interested in starting a blog and would like to know if the Park Board and any of the other boards and commissions would be interested in participating in a City of Edina boards and commissions blog. The blog would be written by Park Board member(s) who would volunteer for this assignment. Blogs would be submitted to Janet Canton by assigned dates. Janet will submit them to the Communications Department for posting on the city website. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. - Edina, MN 55424 Agenda item* VII.D. To: Park Board Action Discussion 0 From: Ann Kattreh Information ❑ Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject. Nine Mile Creek Trail Meetings Action Requested: move the June 10 Park Board meeting to a June 19 joint Board would like to provide review of the design and alignment of the Nine Determine if the Park ortation Commission to prove meeting with the Transp Mile Creek Trail. Creek Trail date to the Nine Mile Background- meeting with the Information I questing that the Park Board rec nesting a joint m Ding meeting of the Park Three Rivers Park District is req Meeting. The District is also req April Park Board M of the design and alignment ata 1 eeting• project at the fission to provide a review orde. Commission's June 19 m Transportation Comm alar scheduled June Board and Transportation Commission at the Transportation if they would like to have t aro Commission or if Dint meeting with the Transp nesting June 19 j At this point, I believe that we Staff is req that Park Board members consider June 10 meeting I 0 Park Board meeting in addition to the June 10 Park Board meeting• that meeting to re July if the Board decides to replace the J would like enda items to May and J y they w move ag would be o nt n°ee meeting* with the j timeline for this project: Now _April Now – May Three Rivers Park District has the following Aril Engineering evaluationp meetings tion Commission June Screening 6119114 Update to on of Final Trail Park oAlignment. o ew of DesignlAlignment 711114 Identificati Comm. Rev September Joint Park Bo ardlTransp• royal of Final Trail DesignlAlignmen December City Council ReviewlAP Complete Fall Engineering Preliminary Eng January 2015 Construction Documents With City Early 2015 Regional Trail AgreementEarly 2017 Out to Bid Spring 2017 Construction BeginsSpring Construction Comp Segment and are Trail Opens rants for the East design and construct t1 The Park District has secured $6 million inFeder-at S e ment. The District as decided to g _ _ _.._... ., __.__—..._....._ currently seeking federal funds for the es MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50 to St. •Edina, REPORT- / RECOMMENDATION trail as one project instead of project is expected to $independently. This a Page z cost $22 million• PProach Reco will save over 10% in project costs. The entire mmendation Staff requests the Park Board consider one of the following actions: 1• Replace the June 10 Park Board meeting with the Commission ark B 2• Keep the June 10 P June 19 joint meetin Board meeting g with the Trans Commission g and add the Transportation June 19 joint meeting with the Transportation Attachments: Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Update — Edina City Council Work Session 3/4/14 0 • Presentation Outline: • Where we've been... .- Recap of route assessment process and approved route • Where we are now... - Summary of preliminary engineering - Description of public participation process • Where we are going... - Anticipated design and construction timeline • Questions 1 Nine Mile Creek RT: Critical link in the Regional•Trail Network Links Edina to: • Minnesota River Bluffs RT • Lake Minnetonka RT • Cedar Lake RT • North Cedar Lake RT • Intercity RT • MN River Valley State Trail • SW LRT • MOA • MSP • Edina HS �'� •• HORiH Three Rivers Park District 11.91 1 Trail System tiD- .•i+u.uxtmn. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail 15 -mile shared use path from Hopkins to Bloomington GCTTS,—Hopkins Segment 3�MNneOonka Segment �Edlna West Segment - 1 Edina East Segmcnt/�t WchReld Segment Bloomington Segment 2 Initial Route Identification • Extensive Public Engagement Process: (2008 - 2010) • Focused on choosing between road -adjacent and park land segments. • Five open houses • Community Assessment Team • Joint Three Rivers Board/City Council Workshop • Environmental Assessment Worksheet: (2008 - 2010) • Voluntary EAW conducted By Three Rivers • Negative declaration of the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). • Route Approval by City of Edina • Edina Park Board Review & Recommendation - Oct 2010 • City Council Review & Approval of Route Dec 2010 7Al /r {. � r � -*ifs•"' %1£�.. •y ? � Ir 3 r 3. y.�l1'�f/ 42`j�Y. A'�p'.4"q �J yam. 7i .x'� •� i.,! i- tt !z fPu'hr ���Lia/mtnp J 1i° ! " Ek>S ee�ity rp7n'rrlsi Ar +_:dlY _ �r2}I,r�ji r. I t t S®1y'j"3 yEi/3i I$s �t[uf ti'l is ie Qrelf Srt •wyA e• :3;L. Mc f,5 i .'f '+s r _.'T 'C.c_r '•• y h-R�jar art' �•'Z7�Is7 �'CJ i �Kh �gK:' �`; rL 1 „'f"� `IS�r.�i71td ., 1.: ,'5.�. `4.'Y.t Xe�tT'�ii5' `P. • T7,; F.}��--- .. Xr'lf,t [I �r1e �iq rt •-G+�a'7ih,t���� Js''�srt"3'"� ` t rsrlY-? ,hh yt;r. is rd .� Y: y 1 'a_�s�. ✓44" 1 Sc�.'rR +, .W'z- ,ya a 9Pk �. 4- ..J; Kr2 a`•Ji k i © ""' �. �j �• '' :• +,�', ��r.�LfS� t yi ju°� IL.sif �• ltft� � � 't• � , g.r c ` �r'y'jifiv�i � i�}°fis°�z .A >.s � :•� T ' ��` '- ' Z •s �L « .,k �t fir t i'i ``d �`"� Ftt j fay r7�=3 z + N r k rk �'' + � kE �•—`�`at�r !+ + 4: �• 't i +? tom" ��; � ;` .r �+ �'a5pitiS �a. f' 5 a r ya Y,a Y t is t.� •�.• t ,Ye3..h. ,rlt_.+,�a. .�ki!Pa�: row... ;a. '�tt Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail I Edina West .•.� mwn o 0325 ops 0.5- rak: ThreeRi>>ers w: ...�...e.. . NORTH • - fnxtca+rrkrcr 3 gAr 1 Fri AY• ,t T' / t SCS L - S „ Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail I Edina East . z o 0.125 025 0.5 Atlas � ThreeRivers NORTH ntwc DISTRICr City Council Approval: Restrictions & Conditions 1. Keep the trail on the south side of Walnut Ridge Park. 2. That Three Rivers Park District makes all reasonable efforts in the engineering/design phase to minimize boardwalk noise and height. 3. That Three Rivers Park District offers to provide homeowners ! with principle residences adjacent to the proposed regional trail edge the option to have buffers where reasonable and at Three River's expense. Buffer options are fencing or vegetative screening (trees, shrubs). i i f 4 I City Council Approval: Conditions 4. That Three Rivers Park District take reasonable steps to minimize the amount of boardwalks in the complex balancing act that also attempts to minimize the impact on the environment (wetlands, water quality, and vegetation). 5. Place a time limit deadline on the easements offered to Three Rivers Park District to complete the project within a reasonable time frame. A reasonable time limit should be negotiated with Three Rivers Park District and that language should be included in the final agreement. 6. That the final design shall minimize property impacts and be subject to Council approval. 7. That a reasonable sound wall be constructed for Segment 19 that was satisfactory to the City. Since 2010 • Obtained approval from Edina School Board,to I locate the trail on their property. • Obtained Metropolitan Council approval of the official Master Plan for the trail. • Secured $6 million in Federal grants for East Segment construction in 2015/16, along with MN State Legacy Grants to help pay for the project. • Currently seeking additional Federal funds for construction of West Segment. 5 Preliminary Engineering • Technical evaluation and refinement of the preferred route • External agency coordination and permitting • Public participation • Easement acquisition process • 60% plans and engineer's estimate of probable cost External agency coordination and permitting • TRPD and SEH have already begun coordination: - Nine Mile Creek Watershed District - City of Edina - MnDOT - Edina School District - Board of Water and Soil Resources - US Army Corps of Engineers - Minnesota DNR III Preliminary Engineering: Public Participation • The trail will be located to maximize distance from adjacent residences and to minimize the length and height of boardwalks within the confines of engineering and regulatory constraints. • Public participation will focus on what the City Council directed: "to provide homeowners with principle residences adjacent to the proposed regional trail edge the option to have buffers where reasonable and at Three River's expense. Buffer options are fencing or vegetative screening (trees, shrubs).' Preliminary Engineering: Public Participation Screening: • Logical trail segments identified based on natural groupings of adjacent residents. • One or two meetings with the adjacent neighbors for each trail segment to identify preferred screening options. • Three Rivers will provide a choice of three types of fence (Privacy, split rail & chain link) or vegetative screening (typically conifers). • Selected screening will be installed on adjacent resident's property and will become the responsibility of the property owner once installed. • Consistency among neighbors on selected screening preferred but not required. 7 Communication During Design • TRPD website: ninemilecreektrail.org • Post all engineering documents as they are produced • FAQ page based on questions received as this stage moves forward. • Contact information • Upcoming public meetings • Invitation to receive email alerts of when the site is updated • Monthly updates to City Council via City Manager's Friday Report • Direct communication with adjacent neighbors as part of the screening discussions. • Scheduled Edina Park Board., Transportation Commission/City Council meetings (see timeline) Communication During Construction Similar to Design phase, with the following additions: • Website will post construction schedule and updates to that schedule. • Website will include information on what to expect during construction. • Direct mailings (postcards) to adjacent neighbors prior to active construction in a specific area. • Consistent and dependable on-site presence by Three Rivers and consultants. 11 Timeline: 2014 Design Schedule • Engineering evaluation: Now - April • Screening meetings: Now - May • Update to Edina Park Board/Tspt Committee: April • Identification of final trail alignment: June • Joint Park Board/Tspt Com. review of design/alignment: 6/19/14 • City Council review/approval of final trail design/alignment: 7/01/14 • Preliminary engineering complete: Sept • Construction Documents: Dec • Regional Trail Agreement with the City Fall • Out to bid: Jan 2015 g Primary Contact For complex projects, Three Rivers has a point person for all questions and comments. Please direct all inquiries and comments to: Jason McGrew -King 763-559-6779 JMcGrew-King@threeriversparkdistrict.org 10 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Director of Parks & Recreation Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Election of Officers Action Requested: Elect a Chair and Vice Chair. o e� 1888 Agenda Item #: VILE. Action ❑x Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Information / Background: Each year the Park Board self -elects a Chair and Vice Chair. I will request nominations from the Park Board for Chair. If there is more than one nomination, Janet Canton will pass around paper ballots for Park Board members to vote for their choice of Chair. The same process will then be used to elect a Vice Chair. In the case of a tie, nominations for that position will reopen and the process will start over until a Chair and Vice Chair are chosen. The main duties of the Chair are: I . To work with staff in establishing an agenda prior to each meeting. 2. Chair the process of each Park Board meeting. The Chair provides leadership that keeps Park Board meetings orderly, democratic and encourages input from all Park Board members and guests. 3. Serve as spokesperson for the Park Board at City Council meetings, work sessions and other public functions. 4. Assign Park Board related duties to Park Board members. 5. Assist the City Council with interviewing applicants who were interested in servicing on the Park Board. The Vice Chair is to carry out the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Park Board Chair. In accordance with City Code, a member may serve a maximum of two consecutive years as Chair. Therefore, Keeya Steel is not eligible to be nominated to serve as Chair. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 I S To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Council Updates Action Requested: No action is necessary. Information / Background: o e� Agenda Item #: VIII.A. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Please see the City Council Updates from their February 18 and March 4, City Council meetings. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Council Updates February 18, 2014 • Approved the set of Targeted Partnership Goals between the City and Edina Public Schools. • Directed staff to proceed with the proposed sports dome project and to advertise various components of the project for competitive bidding. March 4, 2014 • Approved the purchase of two new mowers for Braemar Golf Course • Approved the emergency purchase of a new boiler to heat swimming pool water at Edinborough Park pool. • Conducted a public hearing to consider a set of staff recommendations to change the scope and operations of the City's golf enterprise, including a proposal to close the Fred Richards Golf Course at the end of the 2014 golf season. The Council considered the staff recommendations and the resident testimony, and then deferred final action on the matter to the March 18 Council meeting. • Appointed new members to the City's advisory boards and commissions. w9�,j� Y e tit •'`CnR POtZNt�'� • 7 RfiR To: Park Board Agenda Item #: VIII.B. From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Correspondence and Petitions Action Requested: No action is necessary. Information / Background: Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information All correspondence relating to the Golf Course Operations Study will be in the Park Board packet that is being mailed to you. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Fred Richards Golf Course Correspondence (From part of February 11 to February 28, 2014) Third set of emai/s/correspondence NNNNNNNNNN............................. From: Leslie Sharpe[mailto•leslie.a.sharpe@icloud.comj Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 10:29 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Leslie Sharpe Subject: Braemar Golf Course Renovation To members of the Edina City Council: I want to express my enthusiastic support for the proposal passed by the Park Board with reference to renovation of the Braemar Golf Course. I have been informed that the Golf Dome and Driving Range have always been significant revenue generators. There is space available and a clear need for renovation of the Driving Range, and I encourage you to approve moving forward on that ASAP. Modification of the existing Executive Course will be necessary; in my view, the proposed conversion to a 9 -hole Par 3 Course would be a good idea which would also enhance speed of play. The main 18 -hole Golf Course has been allowed to decline over the years, with many adverse results: Greens are inconsistent; Bunkers have irregular lips, sand in them contains rocks and gravel, and there are too few rakes; drainage problems have produced rutted and potholed areas; irrigation is inconsistent due to the aged system; Cart Paths are limited, too narrow, and often lead to a pothole or a compacted dead grass area at the end, rather than serving as an attractive route to protect the course; Tees are not all level, and grass is inconsistent; Rough areas are also often wet enough to prevent proper mowing, so balls are hard to find and shots are needlessly difficult. These issues do not impugn the efforts of the manager and maintenance crew, who have labored mightily to do a good job with too - limited funding. They are a list of opportunities to turn the course around, given adequate funding to make the needed improvements. There is no reason why Edina cannot provide a Golf Course of quality at least the equal of other similar local communities. I believe the plan proposed to you will achieve our goal, and therefore deserves your approval. The longer term should also involve analysis of the Clunie 9 holes, which might be incorporated into a re -design of the entire Campus; the end result may be an outstanding 18 -hole Main Course, and also a new Executive Course to complement the Par -3 Course alluded to above. Revenue flow from the currently proposed improvements should make that feasible. None of this will ever happen if you do not approve the current proposal to begin this project. Please do so for the good of Edina, and for the new guests we hope to attract to our Golf Course. Thank you for your consideration. Leslie A Sharpe MD IeslieasharpeCcDgmail.com NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Cosette DeCesare f mailto:cosettedecesare@gmail.comj Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 7:15 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: The Fred > Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. > Cosette DeCesare 7434 West Shore Dr NNNNNNNN ............................... From: Tim McNamara fmailto:tim(Omcpub.net] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:42 PM To: jonibennett12Cabcomcast.net; Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(a)edinarealty com; swensonann10)gmail.com Subject: Fwd: Braemar Golf Analysis Sent a Previous email on Feb. 11. Mayor and Edina City Council members It has now been 2-1/2 weeks since I sent the email below. It is astounding to me that in all this time the only council member to respond to my email was Mary Brindle. During our brief email exchange she said that my proposal was something that was interesting and waranted further investigation. As elected representatives, it would seem that when a life long Edina resident or any resident, would take the time to sit down and compose a reasonable analysis of what we all know is a very volitale issue facing our city, in particular this upcoming council meeting, more than one council member would reply. The fact is for some time, months or maybe years, the city has spent tens of thousands of dollars hiring consultants, some qualified and some not, to provide a plan for the future of Edina's golf enterprise. All this time no one from the city has inquired or leveraged the considerable brain power that exists in our community. Nor have they asked golfers, with the exception of one survey, why golfers golf at a given course. Golfers play golf for the golf!! It has nothing to do with the food or the size of the clubhouse. It has to do with the location and the quality of the course. Price is a consideration and availability. But both price and availability can be an asset if the "quality" course is difficult to get a tee for because it has match it's capacity for play to it demand for play. I just read that there is a line item in the golf proposal to spend 67K in marketing in 2014 and 143K by 2020. Not a single marketing dollar would need to be spent if the capacity meets the demand. This in itself would save hundreds of thousands of dollars. The best marketing is quality and location. Right now Braemar only has one of the two, with way too much capacity. Because of this it's costs are out of balance. I was present at the recent Park Board meeting where there was a unanimous vote by the board to close Fred Richards. I was amazed at the political cover that almost every board member sought to justify what appeared to be a pre -determined vote of closure. Each member sympathized with the residents and some even said that there should be more time to gather information. One board member made the presumptuous statement that every business person in the room would agree with him. Well, I was in the room and I have owned and run a business for 18 years and I don't agree with him. Because it is all about spending money when it doesn't have be. All board members had the same 3 voting options, Vote to close, Vote to not close or Vote to allow more time to gather more information. Nonetheless, they all voted to close. Then in the recent Sun article there was this promise of more transparency in the future and more public involvement. As of the press date of the Sun article is was stated, there were roughly 60 emails sent to the city regarding the golf issue. Which astounded me even more that I had heard no response. I will read and return 60 emails on any give morning. Please take the time to read mine and do what you should always do first. Respond and communicate! Sincerely Tim McNamara 6201 Crescent Dr., Edina, MN 55436 952.922.4220 • fax 952.922.4287 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Karen Doll[mailto:karen.dollCcbcomcast.net] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 5:46 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. It is perplexing why this decision would have been rushed through so quickly and without community communication. This should be a community based decision without influence of private developing companies. Karen Doll NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Ede Rice [mailto:erice521Cabgmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 4:22 PM To: Edina Mail; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Josh Sprague; Ann Swenson Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor and City Council Members I am writing to voice my concern with the upcoming vote on March 4th to close the Fred Richards Golf Course. I have been a volunteer with the Minnesota Womens Golf Association for 25+ years, the Minnesota Golf Association for 20 years and the United States Golf Association for the last 9 years. I believe the sentiment to close the golf course is premature. Yes, it is true that golf has experienced a downturn in the last several years due to a number of factors including poor weather and economic recession. However, I don't agree that closing Fred Richards immediately, is the best solution. What is the rush? I believe our community would be better served to put a closure on hold, while other solutions to keeping it open are investigated. Fred Richards serves a unique part of our golfing community. It offers a smaller, relaxed atmosphere where young and old, beginners and families can comfortably enjoy the game. I know a number of individuals who have some excellent ideas to make it even better. These golfers will not likely move to the Braemar Executive Course as the experience is completely different. My understanding is that Fred Richards Golf Course is currently breaking even. It also has been reported that the redevelopment of Pentagon Park and water issues are ancillary contributing factors to such an immediate decision. I urge you to vote no on closure or delay the vote for at least a year as other opportunities for Fred Richards to be a viable and successful operation are considered. Sincerely, Ede Rice Edina Resident 4001 West 49th Street 952-927-8372 Ede Rice 1952-927-8372 1 erice521(cDgmail. com NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Rick Ites [mailto:Rick(cbcahillfa.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:55 PM To: Edina Mail; Scott Neal; Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Good Afternoon, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to summarize my observations on Golf Operations in Edina. The following is my background: • Resident of Edina since 1978 • President of Braemar Men's Club o 1999, 2009, 2013, 2014 • President of Braemar Golf Association 0 2011 —present 0 9 member board that oversees golf leagues that use Braemar golf facilities My theme is the restoration of golf in Edina, • 3 — 5 year wait to join the Men's Club • Parking lots full of cars most days Tee time were difficult to obtain Practice facility well maintained Overall course conditions were excellent back to a leading golf course. At one time: I feel the opportunity is now in front of us to reestablish many of these attributes that we had for many years. The accomplishment of these will require prudent and careful expenditures of community resources throughout the coming years. I feel that the practice facility is the most important place to start. By making the commitment to accomplish this beginning in 2014, will generate more net operating cash to be used for other needed improvements. This requires the building of a master strategy to restore our community asset back to where it once was. My hope is that our golf in Edina will once again be able to be used for the benchmark measurement for other communities' golf operations. At last evening's Braemar Men's Club Board Meeting (February 27, 2014), a motion was passed unanimously that the Braemar Men's Club has no position on the proposed recommendation put forth by the Edina Park Board which will be presented to the City Council March 4th. This, in effect, means that no individual member of the Men's Club can speak on behalf of the Men's Club; only on behalf of themselves. I look forward to being a member of the Task Force working with both the Braemar Golf Course and the Edina Park Board to develop and implement the above mentioned strategy. Regards, Rick Ites Phone: (952) 451-2835 (cell) Phone: (952) 926-1659 (work) Fax: (952) 926-0633 (work) rick(a cahillfa.com NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jitka / Michael Sebek [mailto:iika(&skypoint.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:35 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. We are supporting this pledge, The Sebeks NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNN From: Lisa Krohn[ma iIto: Iisa.krohn(a)hen nepintheatretrust.org] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 3:23 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save Fred Richards golf course Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Sincerely, Lisa Krohn Edina resident (6428 Tingdale Ave) Lisa Krohn I Director of Marketing I Hennepin Theatre Trust 612.455.9521 1612.455.9502 fx Lisa. Krohn (cDHennepinTheatreTrust.orq 615 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 140 1 Minneapolis, MN 155403 Hen nepinTheatreTrust.org NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dan Olson [mailto:dgolson999(agmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 1:23 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor Hovland: I enjoyed meeting with you Saturday morning after our walk in Southdale. I was the guy who plays in the Seagate league at Fred Richards. I am writing on behalf of the 100+ Seagate golfers who cherish the course for its ability to accommodate our league, which consists of golfers of both genders, and an enormous range of abilities. I am writing to plead with you and the Edina City Council to prevent the serious and irreversible tragedy of losing a beloved city asset, the Fred Richards golf course. I have attended the two public meetings (Jan. 30 at Braemar, and the Feb. 11 Park Board meeting), at which the outpouring of public support for the course was summarily dismissed and ignored, first by the City Manager, and then by the Park Board). I was shocked to hear that the City Manager didn't modify his sales pitch in the slightest after the Jan 30 meeting, in which hundreds of passionate supporters made extremely valid criticisms of the process. Yes, the numbers of rounds at golf courses has been declining, but I envision a resurgence of numbers AT THE FRED. Some members of the Park Board seemed to agree with the consensus of the community, that the decision to close the Fred as part of the 6 -point plan to "improve our municipal golf operations so that it can invest in its golf facilities" is being made with too much haste and ignoring community input. But these members then unanimously voted to approve the proposal anyway. Everyone involved seems to be so certain that the Fred's closing will go ahead, they don't give any scrutiny to the assumptions. I believe that this summer the community will rally around this course, and substantially increase it's utilization. I believe that we ought to be given the opportunity to prove how valuable this golf course is to the community, by delaying, and then ultimately reversing the decision to close the course. The City Manager's presentation (and answers to some followup questions) played loose with a number of metrics and statistics, in an effort to mislead the Park Board. First of all, bringing up the city's bond rating is a red herring. It is my understanding that the Fred is owned outright by the city (the debt was paid in full in 2013). Yet Eric Roggeman (1:40:30 into the meeting, available here: http://edina.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view id=7&clip id=1881) cites the debt payments as losses incurred by Fred, and anticipates future losses because of fictitious needs for future investment. No one has ever said anything about Fred needing upgrading. The only legitimate on-going expense that he could cite is that fertilizer delivered to Braemar has to be transported across town to the Fred. That's it. The flyer distributed at the January 30th meeting summarizes each of the six points of the "six -point strategy to make Braemar Golf course financially stable and self-sufficient, ..." It begins: "1. Purchasing Normandale Executive Golf Course in 1992 was a wise City investment ...With the decline in public golf, though, the City must focus on its primary golf product at Braemar ..." The City manager simply asserts that the City must close Fred without any supporting justification or explanation. Stating it was a wise investment, and then making no mention of the fact that it is completely paid for, is disingenuous at best. Points 2 - 6 are all about attempts at making Braemar itself self-sufficient. I think there should be a vigorous debate about the wisdom of "improving" Braemar (meaning, bringing it up to modern standards). Once completed, greens fees will probably need to be raised to $75 a round (from $39). This may increase total revenue, or it may not. But one thing is for sure, closing Fred will not have made any appreciable difference. But closing Fred will certainly displace nearly all, if not all of the Fred leagues (the flyer states "No golfers will be displaced. The City's research shows that Braemar has the capacity to handle most of the leagues ...") This is UTTERLY FALSE. The City's research shows this to be true? What research? In the flyer, the green "financial impact" box is so full of inaccurate and misleading numbers, that to rely on it for guidance in any decision would be foolhardy. $734,000 to close Fred Richards. Really? When pressed at the Park Board meeting, Eric Roggeman (1:40:30) cited the debt payments (that ended in 2013) as losses to be incurred by Fred going forward. This is UTTERLY FALSE. $1,307,900 by increasing fees and marketing. Really? There is no dollar figure in this chart to account for the substantial improvements that would be necessary to justify raising greens fees to result in this figure. It is my understanding that literally ZERO DOLLARS has ever been spent on promotion or advertising for the Fred. If the City Manager believes that he can increase Braemar's revenue by $1.3 million with some promotion and advertising, do you think the Fred could increase it's revenue by whatever incredibly small amount necessary to justify it's existence, if SOME money were spent on promotion. When I talk to golfers at nice courses all over the Twin Cities, I tell them about Fred, and none of them has ever heard of it; it is completely invisible from any street. The sign is barely visible crowded underneath the bank sign with which it shares a driveway. I tell them, "you know, where 76th St veers south? That's where there's a wonderful executive golf course". Oh, and the flyer stated the Park Board Public Hearing was 7 p.m. Feb 12 (it was actually the 11th). I wonder how many people at the Braemar meeting missed the Park Board meeting because of this typo (a tactic infamously used in cities to mislead the public into thinking election day is the day after the actual election day, to disenfranchise them). Even so, there were hundreds in attendance sporting their "save the fred" t -shirts. There are three types of golf courses: exclusive private courses where rich people can play whenever they want; privately -owned courses open to the public (semi -private), where the owners or shareholders insist on profitability, and municipal courses, which do NOT have to be profitable, because they benefit the taxpayers in tangible AND INTANGIBLE ways. There are reports in the media of semi -private courses closing. As these semi -private courses are closed, there will be MORE demand for the remaining public courses. Also, everyone in a city benefits from golf courses, not just the golfers . Open space, wildlife habitat, etc. are a community asset, even for those who choose not to walk the course. Also, I assume that Edina residents are welcome to use the course when it's not being played (out of season hiking, cross-country skiing, etc.). As the number of golfers relative to available courses reaches an equilibrium, I would expect demand AT THE FRED to increase. Fred Richards is exactly the type of course that future golfers will be seeking out (easier, shorter, less time consuming), a point actually inadvertently made by Ms Kattrel at the Park Board meeting). It is obvious to me that there must be a back room deal in place with the developer that the land will be made available, and the City Manager is trying to prove that closing Fred is a critical part of the 6 point plan to "improve golf operations to ... in spite of the fact that the Fred can stand on its own. At the very least, it would be extremely short-sighted to close Fred in order to implement all of the Braemar plans (which may or may not improve golf revenues). It may be that in Edina, the City Manager has complete authority to make the reckless and irresponsible decision to close Fred, and pump millions of dollars into dubious schemes at Braemar. But in my opinion, he is doing a disservice to the city. Mayor Hovland, you, and the members of the City Council must stop him. Fred Richards (the man) was a former mayor who had the vision to invest in Edina's golf facilities. If his legacy can be sold off in a back -room deal with a developer, what hope is there that you can leave any meaningful legacy? Sincerely, Dan Olson Seagate Technology (on behalf of the 100+ members of the Seagate Golf League) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dana Olsen [mailto:dolsen123Calgmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:28 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please vote NO to closing Fred Richards Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Dana Olsen dolsenl23(cDgmail.com N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: schwa ppachs@comcast.net[ma i Ito: schwa ppachs(-Ocom cast. net] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:18 AM To: Edina Mail Cc: Carla Schwappach Subject: FredRichards Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Kathryn Jarvinen [mailto:kathyia hbci.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:08 AM To: Edina Mail Cc: Kathy Jarvinen Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear City Council: I am writing to ask you to provide more information as to why it is necessary for you to suggest closing Fred Richards Golf Course? It seems that this vote you are pursuing is being done without providing a more open and public discussion. I suggest you have a public hearing on this subject. I oppose closing/changing The FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Thank you. Kathryn Jarvinen 4351 Parklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNN.NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Norman Cohen [mailto:norman7109C-@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 10:52 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: City council meeting proposals Dear Edina City Council members, I have been a resident of Edina since 1994 and have enjoyed playing golf at all of Edina's fine public golf courses. I look forward to playing more golf there in the future. I understand that the city is considering a proposal that would involve layoffs of some city employees connected to golf. While I understand the need to stay within budget and resources, the impact it will have on the residents through a decline in customer service will be quite significant. Customer service is one of the areas that Edina is trying to improve. So in this tension between priorities, customer service and budget, I hope the city council will lean toward preserving customer service and find other ways to trim the budget and exercise fiscal responsibility. Many of the moves that are being considered make sense. Closing the Fred Richards course at the end of the 2014 season would eliminate duplication. There is probably not enough business to warrant two Executive courses. The expansion of the driving range and teaching facility by using part of the Executive Course at Braemar and changing that into a par 3 would be a practical and cost saving move as well. It would also offer more service to the community. That expansion seems long overdue. The idea of hiring an outside customer service consultant might at first glance be tempting but that could be done in house. Jeff Homberger has been there for over two decades and can greet most people by name. He is affable and well liked. He also has such a deep knowledge of every aspect of the golf course and its activities. He is a liaison for the pro shop and outside staff. I know Jeff and can vouch for his integrity, honesty, extremely responsible work ethic, and fine character. To eliminate Jeff s position seems to me to be the last thing the city should even consider. It appears that you are already short staffed. To put his workload on the remaining staff members would add stress and pressure that work against good customer service. Communication during the transition will probably be more difficult and customer service is likely to decline rather than improve. Jeff Homberger, because of his loyalty and commitment would be difficult to replace and his absence would hurt the quality of the experience at Braemar. Sincerely, ?2oUaarc V. Gwea 7109 Gleason Rd. Edina, Minnesota 55439 612-281-9666 norman7109Acomcast.net NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jerry Madison [mailto:im@andersonmadison.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:51 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards My wife and I are longtime Patron Members of Braemar Golf courses and the Minneapolis City Courses. We play on average 80 rounds a season. We play two or three rounds a season at Fred Richards usually at the very end of the season. It is a nice little course but we favor shutting it down if it will strengthen the main Braemar Courses. Times change and difficult decisions have to be made. We favor closing it sooner rather than later to eliminate the agony. Jerry and Janet Madison 7710 Computer Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN........N From: Laura Hotmail Account[mailto•laura196511Ca)hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 7:39 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Additional options for Golf Courses Dear Council Members, I wanted to pass along an article in the Star Tribune this week regarding some creative ways other municipal golf courses are utilizing their courses. http://www.startribune.com/local/west/"`­247103631.htmi Please don't fast track closing Fred Richards. Please vote to keep Fred Richards open on Tuesday. Lets work together as a community for the best uses of Edina's golf operations. Thankyou Laura Schleck c: 612-865-7852 NNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNN From: Tom Kluis [mailto:tomkluisCa)amail.com] Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 7:08 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Citizen comment on city golf courses To the Mayor and members of the City Council - I would like to comment on the discussion on the city -owned golf courses. I agree with the plan to convert Fred Richards into a park area rather than a golf course and begin renovations and improvements at Bremar. Is it unfair to subsidize Fred Richards in such a huge manner for the benefit of a very small population. A larger and more accessible park is preferred. Finally, I am not opposed to the city selling the land to private development and using the dollars for other items such as 50th and France parking, other parks, a bike trail, infrastructure improvements, and the like. Thank you, Tom Kluis Lyle Circle, Edina MN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/VN/VNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Anne Hinrichs [mailto:a.hinrichsCabmsn.com] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:19 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Keep Fred Richards OPEN! I have played Fred Richards many times as I filled in on my mom's golf league. I feel like it serves a distinct need here in Edina and I am sorry to hear that you are planning on closing it! I feel like this decision is rushed -- have all the options been carefully considered? Have we really done our BEST effort to find ways to increase the traffic at Fred Richards? I would hate to see this course close and certainly wonder what might happen to that land. Please move more slowly and carefully consider all that is at stake Thanks - Anne Hinrichs Edina Morningside resident NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Troy Mason[mailto:tmason@rainbowtreecare.com] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 11:14 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Greta Mason [mailto_gretamasonC-Omsn.com] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:51 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. Greta & Troy Mason 4508 Andover Road ............................. N......... From: Derek Johnson [mailto:dereksiohnson@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:16 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Delay on Fred Richards decision Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Thanks and regards. The Johnson family Edina, MN ........... N ........................... From: Hale Kunerth [mailto:hale@bigplanet.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:03 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards I would like to support the park boards recommendation to close Fred Richards golf course. Also I would like to suggest a development similar to centennial lakes. A combination of public/park space along with commercial space. With the park area buffering the existing residential area to the north. I often marvel as I walk around centennial lakes at how a former gravel pit was turned into something so spectacular. Hale Kunerth 20 year Edina resident NHlNNN.................................. From: adickeyi(KOcomcast.net [mailto:adickev10)comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:00 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(cbedinarealty corn; swensonann1@)grnail.com Subject: Save Fred Richards I am writing on behalf of my family and our community, with the hopes of the City of Edina opting to find a way to keep Fred Richards Golf course open. I have spent a majority of my life time enjoying the game of golf, played for EHS, won a State Championship for Edina and continue to compete as an adult. I learned to play at the Braemar Par 3 course back in the 70s, it was the perfect environment for new golfers to learn the game and develop a life-long love of the game. I have now shared that love of the game with my children. Over the years, my children have learned to play and LOVE the game of golf -- and it has been at Fred Richards. We chose the Fred as a learning ground for 3 reasons: 1) As Braemar is unable/unwilling to accommodate young golfers, the Fred is the only course that allows children to play, and enjoy the sport. 2) Braemar did away with the Par 3 course I learned on and replaced it with an Executive Course -- which is too challenging for kids just learning how to play. 3) It is in our community and we wanted to support the City of Edina. I know there is a financial burden on the city, however I fear that your solution (to close the Fred), doesn't solve the problem, but makes the problem worse -- If the monies saved from closing The Fred are invested back at Braemar --it would cause the following problems.- 1) roblems:1) The course would be made more challenging (eliminating the elderly as well as the intermediate young golfer) -- 2) The age limit for kids to play at Braemar is 12 (lowering the age wouldn't help b/c the course would be too challenging for the new golfer) Waiting until they are 12 to play Braemar ensures that the next generation of Edina residents will not learn nor play the game of golf. By 12, they have already been exposed to a majority of activities offered within our community. As a mother of 4, the pressure on our kids to find activities to pursue is easy, but i want my children to have the option to play the game of golf, a lifetime sport that promotes competition, independence, and a healthy lifestyle. The only way our community can support the next generation, and thereby MAINTAINING Braemar's rounds/year - -is to keep The Fred open. Sincerely, Ann Dickey NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Betsy Nelson [mailto:betsytn(a>gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 3:20 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague edinarealty.com; swensonannl(cbgmail.com Subject: Closing Fred Richards golf course Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council Members, I'm writing to express my concern about the recent recommendation to close the Fred Richards golf course. I am a lifelong Edina resident whose family has enjoyed the exceptional quality of life our city has to offer. We have enjoyed the outdoor and indoor parks, skating rinks, ball fields, walking trails, tennis courts, concerts, swimming pools, fireworks, amazing schools, and golf courses. I feel that closing Fred Richards is a hasty decision without any regard for the feelings of Edina residents. My husband Bob attended the two meetings that were held to inform the public and hear comments about the plan. He was struck by two things: the overwhelming feeling of the Edina residents in attendance that closing Fred Richards is a mistake, and the rush to this decision without addressing any other solutions or having a master plan. Closing this jewel of a small golf course will directly affect all our residents, but especially two segments of our population who the city usually finds important. This is the course where our young people learn to play golf, a lifelong sport that they will enjoy long after they have stopped putting on football pads, hockey helmets, and baseball shoes. This is the course where our older adults, who have spent countless hours watching their kids in those football pads, hockey skates, and baseball gloves, can play a relaxing round of golf. I took my first golf lessons at Braemar. We learned to putt and practiced our swings. But when it came time to learn how to play a game, we went to Fred Richards. Experienced players walked the course with us, teaching us etiquette and the ins and outs of golf. There was a slower pace at Fred Richards and we were able to take our time as beginners. My husband plays the course every week from May through September with a Seagate Technology golf league. It's the perfect course for a league made of people with widely varying abilities. Losing this golf course will be a mistake and a huge loss for the city. Closing Fred Richards should not be the solution to a deficit in the park budget. If we don't have enough golfers for all of our courses, have we done any marketing? People won't play on a course that they don't know about. I feel strongly that this is a hasty decision and more research needs to be done. Please stand back and think about other options before taking such a drastic step. Sincerely, Betsy Tudor Nelson 612-309-6580 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: twin klarson(ad)msn.com [mailto:twinklarsonCabmsn.com] Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 5:20 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: golf Close Fred Richards and invest in Braemar's regulation course. From: Scott Nelson [mailto:sdnelsommn(@aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 4:07 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: BRAEMAR GOLF OPERATIONS Good morning Mayor Hovland, Esteemed City Council Members, City Manager Neal, and Director Kattreh: I imagine you have received hundreds of emails regarding the topic of Braemar Golf Operations and have been deep in careful thought and consideration. I commend all of you for your commitment to the City of Edina and its future as it relates to the Golf Operations.' The passion people have shown ... the rationale they have presented... are all anchored in sound and reasonable thought. But the emotion needs to be put to the side and sound business judgment and principles need to be pursued. Do you look at development of a new surge of golfers, or look at upgrading the existing jewel of Braemar Golf Operations? You look at both ... for now and over the next ten years and beyond. Braemar was one of the leading public golf courses in the state, and even recognized as one of the 'Top 75' in the nation. I would hope we are in the 'Top 75' of the state (quite a come down) today, but we are Edina ... we need to be one of the best public courses in the state. There are options for Fred Richards. Repurpose it, so as golf popularity climbs, Edina is ready to react. Maybe a 6 hole course. Maybe larger holes. Perhaps elimination of bunkers. Solutions like this are being looked at nationally as the game of golf goes through a transition and is being forced to 'reinvent' itself. Edina could be on the leading edge if we stay prepared. Invest in the Braemar complex for now. Improved driving range... infrastructure ... cart paths are just three of the first actions that could prove to the metropolitan area that Braemar is back! That parking lot should be full again and Braemar will contribute to the revenue stream of Edina, and not a drain. Thank you again for your commitment, and for your considerations. Best Regards Scott Nelson 6428 Vernon Avenue 952-220-5166 NNNNNN................................. From: Jeff Paul [mailto:jeff mn554Ca>yahoo.com] Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:04 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mr. Mayor and Council: I support the Park Board's recommendation to close the Fred Richards Golf Course. It is time we make the fiscally prudent decision and realize people just do not play golf has much as they used to. I read a comment that it was important for our youth to learn to play golf to enhance their future careers. I have been in sales and business development for over 25 years and never take a client out to play golf. The business world is too diverse and the days of anyone having the luxury of time or money to play golf for business died many years ago. It is also against most business' ethics policies to accept this type of gift or entertainment. I understand that $485,000 of Edina Liquor profits are used to subsidize the municipal golf operations annually. The golf operations have benefited from this subsidy too long and there needs to be a change. This subsidy policy is fine to help establish a new enterprise or help support an enterprise in the short-term. But a subsidy should not be the policy long-term for an enterprise used by so few citizens, especially when there is duplication of this enterprise with other Edina golf courses. Please also consider the encroachment of discount liquor stores in Bloomington or potential Sunday sales of liquor. There is a strong possibility that our prior liquor store profitability may decline in the near future and there will be less funding available to support this enterprise. While a few small interests have a lot to gain from keeping the Fred Richards Golf Course open, the costs are spread out over a large group of people, the tax payers of Edina. Please be aware the concentrated group of beneficiaries is much more motivated to lobby for keeping the course open than the more diffuse, disorganized group of non -golfers who may not even know where the course is located. I will not be designing and purchasing a new t -shirt to protest this issue! Please follow the expert's recommendations and close this course. Find a way for those displaced by the closing of one course to strengthen the use of our major course. Please remember, you are not deciding to close the last golf course in Edina. Those displaced will have many other local courses to play. Thanks, Jeffrey Dopf Edina Citizen NNNNN............ N... N ................. From: Richard or Margaret Leonard [mailto:rleon6553C�yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 7:39 PM To: Edina Mail; Ron wAY Subject: Braemar Just a note re: the renovation project at our Golf Course As an Edina resident for many years, and not even a golfer as I raised a family here, I always knew the value of this activity center to the value of my property, and to the value of the young families who used the practice and short course to introduce our children to the game. Now, some years later, and having the opportunity to be a part of the Braemar Ranger Staff for many years, I have to remind the Council of the many visitors we have, using this facility, from all over the world. I have had the good fortune to talk with golfers from Greenland to New Zealand, the Far East, Middle East and all countries in Europe. They are here for business meetings, because Minneapolis is a hub of national and international companies. And the language of business relationships is Golf. Edina has great shopping, restaurants and lodging, but what a business golfer remembers about Edina, and Minnesota, is not the food or where they stayed for the meeting, but the quality of the golf course they played, and the friendliness of the staff. This is how they think of Minnesota, and especially of Edina. Braemar is Edina, and Edina is Braemar. Edina is a top quality community, and to attract more and new top quality businesses from around the world, we need to show that level of quality in our parks and golf facilities. It is an investment in our future we cannot miss. I urge you to do all you can to support the renovation and Improvement of the Braemar gold facility. R. R. Leonard, Edina Margaret and Dick Leonard NN NNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jon Marker <jon marker(d)fosterklima.com> Date: February 21, 2014 at 12:04:31 PM EST To: <akattreh(a�EdinaMN.gov> Subject: Fred Richards Hi Ann, I am sure that you are receiving a lot of feedback regarding the future of Fred Richards. I have been following the story with interest. I have been a resident of Edina for over 20 years. The cost to subsidize it, along with the fact that few people use and enjoy the asset lead me to believe that Fred Richards should be closed. It should be redeveloped into something that more people enjoy and is self sustaining. I enjoy golfing and Braemar is a much better facility to golf at. I'm sure with the popularity of golf waning, Braemar has the capacity to handle the rounds that are currently being played at Fred Richards. Regards, Jon Marker NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Michael.Platteter[mailto:Michael.Platteter@target.com] Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 8:54 AM To: Lynette Biunno Subject: golf Hi Lynette, please forward this to the City Council. I support the closure of Fred Richards golf course, if city tax money needs to be used to support golf operations (or potential tax money, e.g. funds from the liquor stores). I am sure this is a most difficult decision the Council to make. It is a wonderful asset, but again I do not want to pay for golf operations out of my tax dollars, when there are so many other basic services that our great city needs to support (police, fire, etc., etc.). Thanks for listening. Thank you, Mike Platteter 4304 Branson Street NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: herg iew(cbcomcast. net [mailto:hergiewCcbcomcast.net] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:05 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf Course Honorable Members of the Edina City Council, I like playing Braemar Golf Course a lot, even the "New" nine, and would very much like to see its popularity increase. In 1997, 1 organized a group of 22 senior, retired golfers. 12 of us play golf somewhere every other Wednesday from May 1st to Oct 1st. Since 1997 we have played close to 200 times. That's 2400 rounds. Our members take turns selecting the courses we play. No one has ever selected Braemar as the course for the twelve of us to play, not once in about 200 times. Why? Because our cost to play Braemar with a cart exceeds $50, may be close to $55. The issue is not whether we can afford to pay that. The issue is why should we pay $50-$55 for Braemar when we can play many very good courses in the metro area for about $32 and certainly substantially less than the cost of Braemar. I expect there are many golfers who feel like we do. Unless Braemar's prices become competitive, the number of rounds played on it will not increase substantially. Wayne Hergott 5629 Interlachen Circle Edina, MN 55436 hergiew(aDcomcast.net PH. 952 927-8842 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Abby Schauerman [mailto:abbysl4@earthlink.net] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 2:04 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Hello Council Members, I'm writing to you to ask for Fred Richards to stay open. I do believe its the perfect golf course for our youth in Edina and it just needs to be advertised more. i think with better advertising, more junior leagues and lessons, the Fred can increase its revenue. I believe Braemar's Executive course will be heavily impacted and many adults and youth won't be able to get tee times without planning days ahead. While I do understand the need for Braemar to upgrade its courses and make changes necessary, I Don't believe closing Fred Richards is the answer. Many residents don't even know Fred Richards is there. This is a problem, It needs to be advertised more and possibly more "fun" events to draw more patrons in. As a mother of 3 in Edina and a patron of Fred Richards, I ask the members of the council to wait and consider other options for funding and drawing in patrons instead of closing the Fred. Thank you for your consideration, Abby Schauerman Edina Resident NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bruce Kirking[mailto:brucekirkingCcbhotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 12:38 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: The Fred Dear Whomever, Looking at all the issues and monies I think it is best to shut down the "Fred" golf course. If a business looked like this it would be shut down. Unfortunately, we all wish we had more things like this at our disposal BUT we can't. We need to take care of priority things and let some of these type of things fall away. So is reality. Thanks, Bruce Kirking Primerica Financial Services 612-327-9513 cell ....... N ............................... From: Scott Nelson [mailto:sdnelsommn(a)aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 8:19 PM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettl2(&comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague(aedinarealty.com; swensonannl(cbgmail.com Subject: BRAEMAR GOLF OPERATIONS Greetings, and thank you for taking the time to read this: From: Scott Nelson 6428 Vernon Avenue Resident for 38 of the 50 years of Braemar's existence Member of the Braemar Men's Club for 20 years It is sad that the state of golf has deteriorated over the last few years for a variety of reasons, resulting in lower course usage throughout the country. We are a busy society with multiple distractions and we all have a hard time determining where best to spend our time and dollars. It would be great to keep all Edina Golf Operations as they are today, but it is time to make a difficult business decision. I applaud the effort and the emotional pleas from the 'Save the Fred' coalition. Their message is admirable, albeit based on feelings and emotions, rather than sound business logic. Golf needs to change, but that is above the pay grade of anyone involved in this decision. It is a hard game... it is an expensive game ... and it takes a long time to play. Efforts are being made nationally to come up with alternative programs to create some buzz and introduce new players. Larger holes, shorter courses, easier courses are all ideas being experimented with. Even using a soccer ball with holes the size of a manhole cover is being tossed around. These are all worthy of consideration. For that reason, I would hope that the Fred Richards property is retained by the city to repurpose into a 'golf' venue at a later date with some of the innovations being discussed become reality. But for now, it is a difficult decision, but a prudent one ... to close Fred Richards at the conclusion of the 2014 season. Braemar was once one of the top public courses in the state. With the proper investment and many of the items outlined in the presentation by Mr. Neal and Ms. Kattrah, it can return to that lofty position. But there needs to be a plan. Saying, "improve customer service" is sweet sounding. How? What is the plan? And a 'consultant' may be an expensive route to find out what is obvious. What are the courses doing that make a golfer feel welcome? Ask the people that play... they'll tell you. I'm sorry ... this is getting long. I'll be brief. It is a good plan... not a perfect one. But the goal is the right one. Improve Braemar, raise it's stature, and people from 20 miles away will drive here to play what once was ... and can be again ... an exceptional golf venue. Thank you. Respectfully, Scott Nelson 952-220-5166 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Kent Rissman and Linda Hulbert [mailto:rissbert(-@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:28 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Closing Fred Richards - bad idea Closing Fred Richards would be very sad because not only would this golf course not exist which really introduces people to the sport in a less pressing environment making it much more fun but the pressure on Braemar will be awful. The lines will be longer; the tee times harder to get; the demand to `play ready golf' will be intense. Players will expect everyone to play at a hurried level. The impact on those of us who enjoy a day at the course will be bad enough to mean we will seldom golf in Edina. We will look for other public courses that keeps the sport fun. I would prefer you increase the cost of playing! there must be a better way to manage this. Thanks. Linda Hulbert, Edina resident. N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: richiey82@comcast.net[ma iIto: rich ieg82Ccbcomcast. net] Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 9:44 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Hello, I am a Braemar men's club member and I am emailing you today to show my support for consolidating and investing in Edina's golf courses. Thanks, Rich Gerlach 612-207-8623 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.NNNNNNN From: Paul Jensen[mailto:pjensen3132Cabearthlink.net] Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 10:27 AM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettCacomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannlggmail.com Subject: Fred Richardson Golf Course To: James Hovland, Mayor, Joni Bennett, Mary Brindle, Josh Sprague, and Swenson, I am a homeowner and I live beside the Fred Richardson Golf Course. My address is 7445 West Shore Dr. I have lived here and enjoyed the golf course for 47 years. I played golf on that course through the years until I became handicapped four years ago. Even though I am handicapped I still enjoy the view of the golf course! I was at the Town Hall meeting related to the Golf Course last Tuesday evening, but I was outside the meeting room so I could not hear most of what was said. As I understand the problem is economic too few golfers are playing the course to make it profitable. These following your home suggestions might be considered. Edina has are two short golf courses, Braemar and Fred Richardson Golf Courses. For economic reasons I would suggest the following: 1) Close the Braemar Short Course and make Fred Richardson into an even better course than it is now. The reason for this is that the Fred Richardson golf course is longer and more interesting than the Braemar course. The Fred Richardson course enhances the property value of those who live close to it. The aesthetic value of the Fred Richardson course is outstanding. The Braemar short golf course does not enhance any anyone's property or aesthetic values. 2) Close the small clubhouse that serves the Braemar Golf Course and Braemar Driving Range. This would eliminate personnel and their salaries. The Braemar Driving Range can stay in the same place and be managed from the main clubhouse. Coin -Self -Golf Ball Dispensers would be placed at the driving range so that it would not even be necessary to go into the Braemar clubhouse use the driving range. 3) After the Fred Richardson Golf Course has been enhanced as being the Best Short Course Around, it should be advertised in the Braemar Clubhouse, as well as the Edina Sun Newspaper and other places. The Fred Richardson Golf Course has never been advertised well. It was not even advertised from the Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse or from these other sources. 4) The Fred Richardson Clubhouse is in a bad location. Going through the industrial area and entering through what seems to be other building parking lots reduces the interest on the course. The clubhouse should be located where it would be much easier to direct people to it. I would suggest moving or building a new clubhouse on the north side of the golf course. There would be easy access from 701h St. going south on W. Shore Dr. or Wooddale, then east on Sedum, south on Kellogg for just a very short distance. There's a wide easement on Edina property at this site. This accesses to this large tract of land that I believe is owned and maintained by Edina is inaccessible to anybody right now except the property owners whose yards back up to it. There is room for a new clubhouse and parking on this site.. It could be very attractive. Easy signs on 70th and Sedum would identify the way to the new clubhouse. I believe this was not considered because commercial traffic in a residential area was considered undesirable. But the driving to and from a golf course would not create a lot of extra traffic. Wooddale Avenue would be the most accessible and it could be improved and widen some prior to the opening of a new clubhouse. 5) From a marketing standpoint, I would recommend having a golf -pro at Fred Richardson and have group golf lessons starting with young kids. Getting park board leagues trained and leading competition between leagues and other schools could help increase the morning use at the golf course. I can't speak about this but this nice golf course should be marketed. I ask that you consider some of these suggestions seriously. Thank you for your consideration, Paul Jensen. ..... dV................................. From: Eugene Nord [mailt:o:ljnord(abaol.com] Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2014 8:42 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Decision on Braemar Enterprise To Mayor James Hovland and Council members, Scott Neal, and Ann Kettreh, Ladies and Gentlemen, On my e-mail of late Thursday evening, on my commentary about the future possible use of Fred Richards, I referred you to go to a website. I quoted Hack.com. I should have quoted Hack Golf.com. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Gene Nord 6425 Nordci Circle Edina, 55439 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: JDPaulsonCa)comcast.net [mailto:JDPaulson(�bcomcast.net] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 5:11 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: fred richards golf course. dear sirs; why in the world would you think of closing fred richards golf course? It's payed for. Part of the edina water system with a very expensive generator is there. It is a place for beginning golfers to learn and senior golfer to walk. I had heard that the driving range brought in 1.5 million dollars a year. If you can not manage the rec system with that kind of revenue coming in then you have real problems. It was not long ago that the city counsil wanted money for the schools. If I recall, the amount was 87 million.We gave that to you . It seems to me someone with a hidden agenda is pushing this through. your grounds keepers work once a week, your help behind the desk is part time. you pay no taxes on the land. Your announced meetings were given wrong dates so there was very little public imput. A meeting at the main golf course was held and no city council members and no park board members bothered to attend. The mayor was there along with 300 golfers. Yet the park board made a unanimous decision to close. Keeping this par three is really about maintaining a quality of life and defining who we are as a community. AS a long time resident of edina I hope you reconsider this decision. jim paulson 952 920 6606 NNNNNNNNNNNN..... .....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: MariesieMNCcbyahoo.com [mailto:MariesieMNyahoo.com] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 4:55 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Contact Us form submission Name: Ann Cordes Organization: Website: Address 1: 6112 Halifax Ave South Address 2: City: Edina State: CA Zip_Code: 55424 Email: MariesieMNkyahoo.com Phone:9529202758 Referrer: Message: Re Golf Course. Please stop throwing money at something that is not a growth industry. Get rid of the golf course. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNN From: Heirigs, Wayde[mailto:Wayde.Heirigs(aATK.COM1 Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:58 PM To: swensonann1Qd)gmail.com; jonibennett12Ca)comcast.net Cc: Edina Mail; joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: Re: Breamar operations proposals I would add that I don't think that the Braemar operations will see 730k in savings because 50 percent of the rounds played at Fred Richards will not transfer to Braemar due to the following Most popular tee times are taken It is not flat and user friendly for seniors A par three course is less attractive (we are trading two executive courses for a par three). The park board consultant stated this in his report. Fred Richards is better and gets more rounds than the current executive course at Braemar. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 14, 2014, at 3:35 PM, "Heirigs, Wayde" <Wayde.HeirigsgATK.COM> wrote: I have the following questions to the Park Board that I think we should have answered prior to any vote to close Fred Richards Ann two more questions It was said at the Park Board meeting that we need to close Fred Richards in order to prevent the city from having to fund the Breamar operations and closing Fred Richards will save the city $730k. Who will pay for the construction to repurpose the land that Fred Richards is on? Who will pay for the annual maintenance? I assume the answer is the city. If the city, has to pay 500K ( conservative estimate) to repurpose the land and $50K a year to maintain the land (from the Park Board consultant), then the city did not save any money. I think to complete the analysis and we need to understand the answer to these questions before we proceed. Wayde Heirigs Vice President, Chief Accountant and Interim Treasurer Alliant Techsystems Inc. 7480 Flying Cloud Road Eden Prairie MN, 55344 Office 952-351-3016 Cell 612-695-7399 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN N NNNNNN NN NNNNNNNNN From: Heirigs, Wayde[ma iIto: Wayde. Heirigs(aATK.COM] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:40 PM To: swensonannl(a>gmail.com; swensonannl(cDgmail.com; jonibennettl2(a)comcast.net Cc: Edina Mail; joshsprague(�edinarealty.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: RE: Breamar operations proposals I also have the following to Ann at the Park Board. I want to understand what the hurry is in approving the closure of Fred Richards on March 4th. It seems to me that we have time to look at other proposals and determine the best course of action. The explanations we have gotten to date do not make senses Sincerely Wayde Ann thanks for the information. I do have a couple question. On page 11 you say If a driving range project is to begin in the fall of 2014, it is critical for a decision on the closing of FREC early in 2014. Final design, watershed approval and the bidding process will take several months Why is 2014 so critical and why would you close Fred Richards in 2015 when the executive course at Braemar is closed? On page 29 of 75 you show lost revenue of $142 and reduced expense of $65 during the construction. Wouldn't that revenue or at least 50% of those rounds be played at Fred Richards if it were open in 2015. At the Park board meeting it was said that the Braemar Operations need the savings from Fred Richards to pay for the driving range expansion. On page 25 of 75 you say closing Fred Richards in FYI will reduce revenue by 169k and expenses by 228k thus saving the city 59K. I do not see why a decision needs to be made in 2014 to Close Fred Richards as closing Fred Richards will not pay for the Range expansion prior to need for the money. Actually if 50% of those rounds that would have been played at the Braemar executive course(71k) were to be played at Fred Richards then keeping Fred Richards open in 2015 saves the city 12k So I am asking why do we need to make a decision in 2014 and why would you close Fred Richards during the construction? So far the explanation are not adding up. Thank you in advance for your response Wayde Heirigs Vice President, Chief Accountant and Interim Treasurer Alliant Techsystems Inc. 7480 Flying Cloud Road Eden Prairie MN, 55344 Office 952-351-3016 Cell 612-695-7399 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Heirigs, Wayde[mailto:Wayde.Heirigs(5)ATK.COM] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:35 PM To: swensonannl(a)gmail.com; swensonannl(agmail.com; jonibennettl20)comcast.net Cc: Edina Mail; joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: Breamar operations proposals I have the following questions to the Park Board that I think we should have answered prior to any vote to close Fred Richards Ann two more questions It was said at the Park Board meeting that we need to close Fred Richards in order to prevent the city from having to fund the Breamar operations and closing Fred Richards will save the city $730k. Who will pay for the construction to repurpose the land that Fred Richards is on? Who will pay for the annual maintenance? I assume the answer is the city. If the city, has to pay 500K ( conservative estimate) to repurpose the land and $50K a year to maintain the land (from the Park Board consultant), then the city did not save any money. I think to complete the analysis and we need to understand the answer to these questions before we proceed. Wayde Heirigs Vice President, Chief Accountant and Interim Treasurer Alliant Techsystems Inc. 7480 Flying Cloud Road Eden Prairie MN, 55344 Office 952-351-3016 Cell 612-695-7399 NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dan Goodenough [mailto:Dan. Goodenou Goodenough Ccbimpact-ps com] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 9:26 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: RE: from Edina Resident Dan Goodenough Frank, thanks for your efforts. I feel that the $$$$$ of the developers have already bought this issue. It is hard to do the right thing for the citizens of Edina when all you can see is $$$$$ in your eyes. Dan Goodenough I Senior Account Executive Impact Proven Solutions 14600 Lyndale Avenue North I Minneapolis, MN 55412 Direct: 612-638-4324 1 Fax: 612-638-1402 1 Cell: 612-865-4084 www.impact-ps.com From: Frank Petrovic[mailto:FPetrovic(abEdinaMN.gov] On Behalf Of Edina Mail Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 4:55 PM To: Dan Goodenough Subject: RE: from Edina Resident Dan Goodenough Hi Dan, Thank you for your research and input. I have forwarded your message to Management. Thank you, Frank Frank Petrovic, Customer Service Representative 952-826-03471 Fax 952-826-0389 -' FPetrovicaEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Eugene Nord [mailto:eljnordCa>aol.com] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 8:51 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Decision On Braemar Enterprise To Mayor James Hovland and Council members, Scott Neal, and Ann Kettreh have been a resident of Edina since 1972 and a member of the Braemar Men's Club since 1980. I'm also a Past President of the BMC and am currently BMC Vice -President for 2014. 1 would like to thank Scott Neal and Ann Kattreh for the excellent job they have done in their preparation to present the case for the rebuilding of the driving range in the fall of 2014 and the future improvements to the Braemar Golf Enterprise to the Park Board. The Board's positive 7-0 vote is exciting news, and the response to Scott and Ann's efforts should result in increased play and increased revenue at Braemar. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dan Berend [mailto:diberend@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:31 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Ron Way Subject: Braemar Edina City Council I am an Edina resident and have been a member of the Braemar Men's Club for the past few years. I feel that Braemar has real potential as a revenue producer whereas the Fred Richards facility is more limited due to its size and general layout. It seems that the golf activity now taking place at Fred Richards can be incorporated into the Braemar facility with some planning. For me the best option is for the City to focus on Braemer and close the Fred Richards facility. I am sure that by now you have heard all the suggestions for improvements at Braemar. Changes to the restaurant operations and a new look for the driving range would be a good start and would be the quickest way to start seeing some profits. Our member/guest tournament brings in many outside golfers and gives us a chance to showcase the course each year so the better it looks and plays the more positive experience it is for everyone. With enhanced and improved restaurant facilities Braemar could attract more non -golf social activities over the winter instead of being closed. From a marketing perspective the Braemer Course is well known to Minnesota golfers and is a positive reflection on the City of Edina. Our goal should be to keep it that way. Dan Berend NNNNNNNNNNNN....NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNN From: Aaron C Swann[mailto:aaron.c.swann(�)seagate.com] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 3:29 PM To: swensonannlCcbgmail.com; Josh Sprague; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ion ibennettl2(cbcomcast.net; Edina Mail Subject: Re: Fred Richards Mayor Hovland and Council Members Bennett, Brindle, Sprague and Swenson Some additional information I found on our neighborhood site. Assuming this information is correct, it continues to baffle me as to why Fred is the course that is on the block. I tend to think that the exec course at Breamar is also cash flow positive, so I would assume that simple pushing Fred golfers to the exec course at Breamar is going to help anything. The problem is revenue from the full courses which take longer to play and are in need of sprucing up. Again, taking away Fred only reduced golf operation revenue and profit. Regards, Aaron Swann from 'The Heights" on Nextdoor "Thank you Molly for posting. Here are some important facts for the residents of Edina to know about the proposal to close Fred Richrds Golf course (WHICH IS GOing TO VOTE ON MARCH 4th AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING) Additional information you should know: Fred Richards has been and continues to be cash flow positive — every year back to 2007. Contributing over $361 K in net profit to the City of Edina golf operations from 2007-2013. In 2013, Fred Richards had operating profit of $28k, while the Braemar golf facility lost ($450k+). The Braemar Golf Facility had substantial expenses in 2013 related to the collapse of the golf dome and reconstruction costs that were not covered by insurance. Fred Richards has $0.00 debt and the property which was acquired in 1994 for $800k is fully paid o€€. it is essentially a revenue/net operating profit engine for Edina golf operations that can continue to offset operating deficits elsewhere in the system. there is not need to close Fred Richards it is a valuable asset to young learners of the game to grow golf and it also provides the right playing environment for seniors , extendign the game of golf to are rising senior population. Please contact city council members to ask them to dealy this decision until they have had an opportunity to realy examine alternatiave ways to keep both golf experiences in Edina. There is room for both. We have 35 parks in edina and only one executive 9 golf course. Why do we need another Park, such as Centennial Lakes? " On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Aaron C Swann <aaron.c.swann2seagate.com> wrote: Mayor Hovland and Council Members Bennett, Brindle, Sprague and Swenson This note is to communicate my families very strong support of the Fred Richards golf course and the need for it to remain open. The course offers a casual golfing environment that is rare and that would be impossible to replicate at Breamar. I believe that the proposals so far offered by the city are incomplete and have jumped straight to the answer of closure without considering the full costs or other opportunities to improve the financial status of the golf operations. To me this simply shows a lack of vision or imagination with regard to this issue. In addition, I am very concerned that the quick path to closure is wrapped up with the desire of the Hillcrest Development company to include new parks in their Pentagon Park redevelopment effort. This seems like something that needs to be further investigated to understand the influence that is being applied here. While I am unable to attend the next parks meeting due to travel, I will continue to strongly support the efforts of those working to save Fred Richards. Regards, Aaron Swann 6710 Cahill Rd Edina, MN 55439 952-944-5261 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Blackwood, Greg [ma ilto• Greg. _ BlackwoodCabmorganstanley.com] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:00 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Joe.hulbert(�i)morganstanley.com Subject: Fred Richards Dear Sir Or Madam - I'm for a better utilization of Fred Richards area. I've golfed in the Twin Cities area since 1980. I haven't played Fred Richards for 15+ years. I utilize Braemar quite often, golf, range and Dome. I hope these venues remain open. If closing Richards benefits the remaining golf options, in what has been a declining period for golf facility utilization, I believe this may be the best course of action. Greg BCackwood Vice President Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Wealth Management 8300 Norman Center Dr #1150 Bloomington, MN 55437 Phone 952 921-1959 Fax 952 921-1944 prep.blackwood(cDmorganstanley.com NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Mike Scholz [mailto•mschoiz(anova-communications.com] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 10:31 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Mayor Hovland, I am hoping that you will reconsider the opinion of the Park Board to close Fred Richards. Once this decision has been made there is "NO" turning it back. I have attended both meetings and there has been no alternatives presented. The numbers thrown around do not make sense (to me anyways). I have heard that Fred Richards is profitable one minute and a resource drain the next. I am for improving Braemar if they believe they can attract more dollars ( practice range/ marketing/ redesign). They can be mutually exclusive. 1) At the very least delay this closure so we ca get a clearer picture of costs/potential alternatives 2) 1 am not saying I believe all the numbers but for sake of argument let's take it at face value. I still would like to the Municipal Liquor Stores to fill in the gaps. I do not know of a better use for those dollars. Edina's golf operation makes it one of only 13 municipal golf courses in the United States with 45 or more golf holes, a statistic that Park Board Chair Keeya Steel called "pretty crazy. Personally I believe that is something to be proud of not denounced Thank you for your consideration Mike Scholz 4512 Gilford Drive NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dan Goodenough [ma ilto:Dan. Goodenough Ccbimpact-ps.com] Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 7:17 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: from Edina Resident Dan Goodenough I have been at the two meetings about closing the Fred Richards Golf Course and don't understand the city decision to do so. Obviously there is more going on behind the scenes than the taxpayers and citizens of Edina are being told. Closing Fred Richards will result in a much larger spend than keeping it open. Converting it into a different type of park will cost money and generate none. Bikepaths and picnic tables don't generate money for the city. Your only possible reason for the change is to try and quietly sell the land to a developer and reap the profits. That quiet part won't happen, of course. It will all be in the public view with thousands of angry Edina Residents to contend with. When the Braemar Golf Course opened in the 1960's it was one of the better public courses around. That was before more high end public golf courses like The Wilds, The Legends, Chaska Town Course, Rush Creek, Stoneridge, The Meadows and more, were built. Those are all better than Braemar is now and upgrading the driving range and grill at Braemar won't change that. Braemar was used as a cash cow for many years by the city and we have all paid the price of that decision. The Clunie nine at Braemar was built on the cheap and the turf and design were always less than what they could have been. Recent newspaper articles give details about Brooklyn Park spending $2MM+ to upgrade their Edinburgh USA Golf Course, Ramsey County spending $12MM+ to upgrade their Keller Golf Course. The Private Golf Course Olympic Hills in Eden Prairie is being totally redone for $7MM+. What do they know that we don't know? Different consultants? These million dollar upgrades to the Edinburgh USA and Keller Golf Operations will place them at the top of the public Twin Cities Golf Courses. That is what your competitors are doing with their golf operations. Brooklyn Park and Ramsey County are spending that money to make their golf courses a true destination for golfers that will benefit all of the hotels and eateries and shopping in those areas. Also keep home values up to generate more property taxes. Many of the homeowners around the Fred Richards Golf Course have vowed to go to the city to have their home's estimated value reduced to reflect that they don't live on a golf course any longer. I believe that not only should the Fred Richards Golf Course stay open, but that Edina should be spending several million dollars on Fred Richards and Braemar to finally update each of them. I am not talking about just a driving range or adding a high end grill. That high end grill should anger every tax paying restaurant that currently is in Edina and is a bad idea. You have a chance to do the right thing. Do it. Save the Fred and spend the required money to make Edina Golf a destination for people to come to. Dan Goodenough 5604 Valley Lane Edina, MN 55439 952-828-0978 N ...................................... From: Kathy[mailto:oconnellgang@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:24 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred richards closing To the Edina City Council members, For full disclosure, I will introduce myself relative to the Golf course evaluation and apparent decisions being made. I am a resident that lives very close to the Fred Richards golf course. I am not a golfer, nor are any of my family members. I have heard from the "save the Fred" group. I attended the Pentagon park open house. I was not in attendance at the public meeting nor the park board meeting. I have listened to some of the park board meeting online. I have a genuine interest in what is best for the community and Edina. I feel I am an independent third party, without a bias. You can decide based on the above. My concerns are as follows: - The process - why is it being rushed through? I have seen many areas of the city work on issues, and there always is a well thought out process to gather all inputs and make good decisions. The topic seems to be lacking significantly in its process. - Golf - I hear some of the facts given at the park board meeting. Too many golf holes compared to the rest of the country. A need for significant capital contributions at Fred Richards and Braemar. A positive financial position for Fred Richards before cost allocating from Braemar, break even after cost allocations. Debt load that is going away, with its interest. All these discrete facts, but they don't tie together, and the full picture isn't made clear. On the surface it sounds like Fred Richards is in better financial shape than Braemar. Is seems that the board has decided that the city doesn't want to have all the golf holes it has, but I don't know where that comes from, the study? - Pentagon park - At their meeting, they made it clear that they are moving forward with or without the Edina parks. But they had drafts of plans on display with recommendations for the golf course space. It gives the appearance that Pentagon is driving the city on this topic. Full financial picture - There are statements about closing Fred Richards based on too many golf holes in town, based on bond rating agencies, and based on financial burden. But, the alternative has not been laid out. As a finance person, I don't understand how they could recommend shutting down Fred Richards, without knowing the full plan. They know with some certainty what revenue will disappear. They know what expenses go away. But they don't talk about what ongoing expenses will be. The property still remains, and need to be maintained, at some cost with no revenue. Therefore they know with certainty that the property will be generating losses. - Underutilized asset - The statement was made that Fred Richards is the most underutilized asset in the park system. When shutting it down without an alternative plan will guarantee that it will become even more underutilized down to zero utilization. Overall, I don't know what the right answer is. But I can't imagine that anyone of you could know it either. Please vote with a clear mind to delay this decision until you have been presented with a full picture of how this all ties together, with a sound process driving the right conclusion, and we as a community can have confidence that the plans for future use of this public space adds to our city. This is the duty of a city council and mayor to do what is best for the city as a whole, and blindly approving closing Fred Richards would be neglect of duty. Also, is the financial information and study that was discussed available for public review? I would be interested to see the report. If you would like to discuss further, I would be happy to have that conversation and expand on the above thoughts. Sincerely, Tom O'Connell 952-649-7125 (cell) NNN N N N. NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Barry Lundgren{mailto:barry.lundgren(abgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 5:53 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennetL12(dcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(a�edinarealty.com; swensonannl(a)gmail.com Subject: DO NOT close Fred Richards! Dear City Officials, Edina has an aging population, one of the oldest in the metro area, that is increasing due to all of the new high-density housing units being built in Edina. Older people enjoy playing golf, but it can not or do not want to play a long and difficult course like the Braemar 18. The Braemar Executive is not challenging enough. Fred Richards is perfect. You need to find other things to CUT in order to keep Fred Richards open. (Bike lane mania would be a good place to start cutting.) Maybe use some of that new- found slush fund money from our new utility bill surcharges? As a side note, business at Fred Richards might improve if people knew about it. It is Edina's best kept secret. Before the City bought the course, it's entrance and parking lot were highly visible on W 77th St. near Hwy 100. Edina moved the entrance to a location hidden by thick trees, behind the empty Pentagon Park offices. The small sign on Parklawn is almost an afterthought. A private, for-profit business would never have hidden the entrance like this, but I guess the City doesn't have to think about things like that when you're spending other people's money? How about some advertising this summer? How about some new signs, including ones on France and 100? How about trying Groupons? How about listing Fred Richards on the city parks section of the web site? (It's not even mentioned now.) Sincerely, Barry Lundgren, age 61 Edina resident since 1957 @ age 4 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNN From: Jmac6001 [mailto:jmac60010)aol.com1 Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:48 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Dear City Representive, My wife and I are longtime patrons of Braemar, and greatly enjoy playing golf so close to home. We are very supportive of the plans to upgrade the course and the driving range to a much higher standard than currently exists. It's too bad that we can't support Braemar and Fred Richards, but if a choice has to be made, we are strongly in favor of allocating funds to Braemar and not FR. Please represent our support for Braemar at the council meetings. Thank you, Jim and Sheran McNulty 6001 Bonnie Brae Drive 952 9411743 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bill Hollway [mailto: bhollway6l a gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:44 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf City Council Members, I am encouraged to hear the Edina City Council is moving forward with plans to improve Braemar golf course and practice facility. I have been an Edina resident and supporter of the Edina Parks for many years. The quality of the Park system has always been asset for the City and a great source of pride for the residents. Thank you for recognizing the importance of maintaining the high quality of Edina's park assets. Bill Hollway BMC Board Member Bill Hollway cell # 612-483-3006 NNNNN/VNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNN From: Eugene Nord [mailto:eljnordC-0aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:27 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Rick Ites Presentation Ladies and Gentlemen„ I was reading Rick Ites, President of Braemar Men's club and President of the Braemar Golf Association, comments for you last night and ran out of time. Attached is his entire message for your review. Good evening. My name is Rick Ites. Thank you for giving me these minutes to summarize my observation of Golf Operations here in Edina. My personal background includes: -- being a resident of Edina since 1978. --President of Braemar Men's Club for the 1999,2009,2013 and 2014 seasons. --the Braemar Men's Club is the largest in MN with over 300 members. --President of the Braemar Golf Association, 2011 to the present. This is a 9 member board which oversees all the golf leagues that use the Braemar golf facilities. The Fred Richard leagues have one member. My theme is the restoration of golf in Edina to the premier experience we had for so many years. At one time there was a 3-5 year wait to join the men's club. The parking lots were full most days. Tee -times filled fast. The practice facility was well maintained and the overall course conditions were excellent. Now, there is no wait -list for the men's club as many members have left to play courses that are in better shape. Our aging irrigation system needs replacing; drainage issues need to be addressed; bunkers and tee areas need to be rebuilt; cart paths need to be built to allow for play in inclement weather; the driving range needs expansion to keep up with the technology of new golf equipment; the grill area needs updating; the clubhouse roof needs to be redesigned; the deck needs resurfacing and the locker rooms need repair. As you can see, the list is long and I am sure not all inclusive. To address these issues and any others, prudent and careful expenditure of community resources will be required. We, the city of Edina, need to have this community asset restored. The above wish list cannot be accomplished at one time. I feel the practice facility/driving range area is the most important item to be addressed. By making the commitment to accomplish this in 2014, the facility will generate more net operating cash that then can be used for other items on the list. This requires building a master strategy to restore our golf facility back to the time when Braemar was considered one of the best public courses in the country. Top quality public courses like Chaska, Bunker Hills, Baker, Edinborough and Keller are making significant financial commitments to upgrade or improve their facilities. In conclusion, my hope is that the Braemar golf course is once again used for the benchmark that other communities use for their golf. Thank you for your time. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Daninan@aol.com [mailto:Dan lnanCabaol.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 4:05 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: braemar golf mayor Hovland and City Council members: strongly support staff position to close Fred and invest in braemar. Dan Peterson 6408 Gleason Ct 55436 952 828 9684 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N NN From: Ed Gray [mailto:egray a sprintmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 1:23 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Golf Please forward this to the Mayor, Members of City Council, Scott Neal and Ann Kattreh. I have lived and owned a house in Edina for almost 40 years and have been active at Braemar Golf Course and the Braemar Men's League for over 15 years. I fully support the 6 point plan as advanced by the City Manager and Parks Director. Braemar should be restored to it's position as one of the premier golf facilities in the state. This will only happen if the plan is approved. The driving range is urgently in need of renovation and increased use of the range will generate revenue to be used for the entire golf enterprise. I also support the closing of the Fred Richards Course and consolidating that operation at Braemar. The Fred Richards course is redundant and should be converted to parkland. Repurpose and redesign the new 9 and make it a Par 3 course. Most Edina golfers would prefer not to play that 9 anyway due to it's design. The 6 point plan is right on in terms of improving the food operation and making urgently needed improvements to the original 18 Braemar holes. I believe that if the original course is restored to it's potential, rounds will increase and price increases can be made. As the course now stands, pace of play and conditions will not sustain a price increase. There are just too many alternative golf courses to play for the same price that are in better condition and have a better pace of play. Thanks you for your consideration Edward Gray 6125 Arctic Way Edina, MN 55436 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Wayne Vander Vort [mailto:wvandervort(&isurtec.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:41 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: RE: Request for Public Information Importance: High Hi Ann Can you open up the attachment and verify all pages are included in what you previously sent me. Page 10, 11, 12, 13, et cetera. There was no Page 13. 1 would like all pages of the final pro forma version made available to the Park Board Members. Last evening the Edina finance person made the comment of the bond payments for Fred Richards going forward on the pro forma. However, it is my understanding all bonds for Fred Richards were paid off in 2013. Is that correct? Thanks Wayne ... N ................................... From: Michael Wolff [ma iIto: mikewCa1mgwolff.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 11:24 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf Course Dear City Officials, As a ten year member of the BMC, a business consultant for over twenty five years, and resident of Edina I believe I have credible input and ask that you give my comments serious consideration. Braemar Golf Course is a jewel for Edina and has the potential to be an outstanding, profitable facility for the city. Despite the fact that golf is currently down, Braemar is well positioned to grow even in poor market conditions. The location is superb as compared to golf courses in the outer ring of the suburbs, it has perhaps the prettiest land of any municipal golf course in the Twin Cities, and the course layout is good. There is only one reason this facility isn't filled to capacity and making a profit and it is because it is failing to compete with other venues despite the fact that it has every advantage. The current operational path is called a death spiral in the business consulting industry. A death spiral occurs when a business is failing to attract enough customers so it tries to cut costs in order to make the product/service less expensive. As a result, the quality suffers and the value decreases. When the value decreases fewer customers want the product/service. So, the result is fewer customers. Given fewer customers the business makes further cuts, which again decreases the value and results in even fewer customers. Hence the term death spiral. Braemar golf course is in this death spiral as I have observed it firsthand. And it has lost its reputation for quality, which most any avid golfer in the community will tell you. When there is no competitive advantage, a death spiral is hopeless and the business should be liquidated, but that IS NOT the case with Braemar Golf Course. It has significant competitive advantages, but the continual cuts in cost have devalued the product and, frankly, the less than stellar service and moderate facilities can't make up for the low quality of the golf course. Braemar enjoyed the previously favorable market conditions and due to its competitive advantages fared well, and it still can but it must be more competitive. To pull out of the death spiral Braemar needs to invest in the golf course to improve the quality. Significant improvements in value to the golfer can be made with little investment and additional expense, for the most part simply with better maintenance (great improvements in service can be made with no additional expense). Then, because of its advantages, it would attract more golfers and it would allow Braemar to raise its prices, increasing both the number of rounds played and the price paid per round. Edina is a premiere suburb and Braemar Golf Course has the potential to be a premiere amenity and Edina needs to look at Braemar as an opportunity, not a cost center (as does St. Paul with Keller Golf Course and Coon Rapids with Bunker National). Not only would this be good for that sector of the population that can enjoy this amenity, it would add to Edina's status and supports property values, which is good for the entire city. Should you be so inclined I will offer my professional services free of charge to look at the operations of Braemar Golf Course beyond a list of improvements, but to a connection with value and the financial performance of the facility. Respectfully, Michael Wolff 5300 W 70th Street President M.G. Wolff & Associates, Inc. Office: 952-942-9653 Fax: 952-942-9656 Web Address: www.mgwolff.com N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: WinnieandSteve Martin[mailto:martins60l2(cbgmail.comI Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:28 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Take another look at Golf Enterprise First, thanks for looking at this issue. It has been long "never looked at." Second, main question as Ann, Scott and our Edina Council/Josh Sprague have clearly stated ....... How do we make our Golf Course Operations sustainable over the long-term?" These thoughts - Fred could be a gem of a Junior Program that would drive your future golfers at Braemar. Closing Fred will potentially create a wretched backlash 5-10 years later as there is no upcoming Jr. Program to support the Sr. Braemar plan. Golf is on a national trend down. Edina has the opportunity to change that trend locally by how the community wants to shape their own future golf enterprise. Think of it like school .... for success in middle and high school you need a strong elementary/pre-school foundation. Fred is your elementary school to your high school/Braemar. Fred won't lose you money. Braemar is. Utilize Fred to fuel funds for Braemar. Reverse the philosophy - Fred will pay for your Braemar. Fred is the future of Edina golf. Let's build a BRAEMAR NEST (like the Hornets Nest.) How about a fundraiser? How about a Jr. Partnership with USGA Tee to Green? How about a Junior Tournament to raise funds for improvements? How about a consolidation of our Park and Rec. program to change the future of golf in Edina. It's a tremendous opportunity that invests in the youth and the future of this Community Winnie Martin 6012 Ewing Ave. S. Edina, MN 55410 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Vicoula46a)aol.com [mailto:Vicoula4(&aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 9:51 AM To: Edina Mail; ionibennett12()comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague edinarealty.com; swensonann(a>gmail.com Subject: Re: Fred Richards Dear City Counc i( _'Al embers: I am writing -with concerns about the closing of Fred Richards golf course. There seems to be a rush to judgement, and that despite efforts of nearby residents andgolfers, the proposals continues to move forward to close Fred Richards. It is my belief that one aspect of having a successful outcome to keep both courses open _AWD profitable would be to use an independent contractor to manage the courses. This is being done if several cities withpositive resuCts. Des Moines was in a simitarposition with their munic pa(courses, and by hiring a company to manage the costs, they were able to have a profit in a matter of 2-3 years. (thegazette. com/.../municipal-golf-courses-struggle-as-golfs.) By,privatizing the courses, d na still owns the pt-;�3veYty, but it is run A an in men nt contractor. Minnea�olis, 1,slave heard,- as done tAe same tl2ing- in fact, to ey liave a contract with aguarantee to 6e _profita6l or the company Has to contribute. I)ie othier issue flint is upsetting residents is -9WO VJ-ed.RicFcards- willbe r�vu�osed 16cere are costs involved-as wedas o e maintenancel e suggestion oiat it wdlbe a park, does not seempractica4- as Centennial fakes is 1OSIAI�C moneyalmost comparak to j' ea'lZicliards-j. ?yFiy does that seem to be apossibiiitf?Fae ruosing, (necessary, sl-iouldN07'6e an aftert!-ioug& but 6e ongoing in the discussion, so tGiere is a definite direction. .laking Braemar into an eltegof course andpendinqsimge sums to do- it is not aguarantee to attract moregofers 1lie id a tsiat the kids will go over to6ere instead-is a stretcvi Braemar is 2/,3 f t& a ,ficit Please take tGce time to excel re t6ie motion fprivatizing Ocie munic#al- gofcourses %ick& vixo6ers ............ N .......................... From: Dean Mathews fmailto:Deanir@marathonfoods.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:48 PM To: ioshsprague@edinarealty.com; jonibennettl2Cc@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannl(a@gmail.com; Edina Mail Cc: Yeller; Dean Mathews Subject: Save The Fred To whom it may concern, I was dismayed to read of the article in the paper this morning about the possible closing of the Fred Richards golf course. I don't personally live in or near that neighborhood, but consider it to be one of the fine treasures that we as Edina residents are fortunate to enjoy. My family has access to many of the finer golf establishments in the area, but Freddie Richards is where my son likes to play with his buddies. It's an easy and low pressure place for these kids to enjoy themselves and I'm happy that its there for all the kids .... not to mention the many adults that find it an enjoyable and comfortable place to play golf. Braemar does not offer this environment. It's also more than a golf course as one of the great green spaces in Edina. It's too valuable to lose and I don't see how it could operate more effectively as something else. I'm an almost 20 year Edina resident that has lived in 3 different houses and has had the pleasure of street assessments at 2 of these houses with a 3rd on the horizon. I've also voted to support every financial amendment that the city has put forth. From the article this morning, it appears this is a resource that does not make money for the city. However I understand that this may not be the case. In some of the numbers I've seen such as recorded below, I ask are we being truthful in how the numbers are allocated? The paper today it was paid off this year, so why is there a large debt service column — this will presumably go away. Will some of the numbers allocated hit other municipality expense columns if the Fred goes away (Le. FR expenses recorded to Braemar)? I also wonder how the city values the justification of operating the facilities within the city. Does Edinborough make money? Does the Community Center make money? Does the Art Center make money? Does Arden Park, Pamela Park, Normandale Park, Walnut Ridge Park, etc pay dividends to the city? I would answer that they all are valuable assets of the Edina community in which we live. I hope the council thinks of all the people they represent, what this gem means to our city and keeps the Fred Richards golf course as what it is today. Kind regards, Dean, Danielle, Cole & Ramsay Mathews 5604 Brookview Ave Edina, MN Fred Richards Golf Course Detail Revenue and Expenses 2007 through 2013 Administrative Expenses (BU 5430) Cost of Sales 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 preliminary Fred Richards Revenue $43,343 $43,631 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 $51,147 $36,440 Vending/ Miscellaneous $185 $102 $75 $95 5244 $222 $42 Concesson Sales 518,163 $24,387 $23,158 $23,218 $23,209 $19,799 $15,437 Rent Golf Carts $9,177 $11,456 $13,150 $10,002 $8,993 $14,039 $11,744 Car, Cart, & Club Rentals $3,864 $4,517 $4,261 $3,419 $4,029 $4,933 $4,084 Green Fees $226,624 $220,325 $217,749 $203,595 $175,542 $188,550 $170,628 Total Revenes $258,013 $260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 $227,543 $201,935 Administrative Expenses (BU 5430) Cost of Sales $8,337 $12,289 $11,775 $12,291 $8,845 $10,240 $8,064 Personal Services $43,343 $43,631 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 $51,147 $36,440 Contractual Services $14,722 $14,727 $13,430 $13,139 $12,788 $15,208 $14,124 Commodities $1,341 $2,421 $2,833 $1,575 $3,599 $2,102 $5,476 5430 Administrative Expenses $67,743 $73,068 $74,232 $73,493 $69,366 $78,697 $64,104 Maintenance Expenses (BU 5431) Personal Services $92,141 $94,167 $92,340 $83,652 $92,572 $93,995 $87,325 Contractual Services $1,450 $6,262 $5,366 $2,670 $5,466 52,972 $3,695 Commodities $19,984 520,846 $15,301 $20,647 $20,085 $17,248 $18,736 5431 Maintenance Expenses $113,575 $121,275 $113,007 $106,969 $118,123 $114,215 5109,756 5430&5431 expenditures $181,318 $194,343 $187,239 $180,462 $187,489 $192,912 $173,860 Fred Richards Golf Course Summary of Operations 2007 through 2013 CIP/improvement projects Cash increase (decrease) -5229,685 -$231,844 -$228,343 -5234,590 -5262,222 -5247,619 -$274,425 N N N .................................... From: Robert Norheim [mailto:norhrwn(cbyahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:41 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course City Council, respectfully ask that you seriously consider not closing Fred Richards. This is a wonderful course and serves the need of many people that Braemar does not, especially the older golfer and the young golfers. Thank you for your consideration. Helen Norheim President, Happy Hackers golf League 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Revenue $258,013 $260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 $227,543 $201,935 Expenses in BU 5430&5431 -$181,318 -$194,343 -$187,239 -$180,462 -$187,489 -5192,912 -$173,860 FR expenses recorded to Braemar (estimate) -550,000 -$50,000 -$50,000 -550,000 $50,000 -$50,000 -$50,000 FR debt principal & interest -5256,380 -$248,288 -$249,497 -$244,457 -$236,750 -$232,250 $252,500 CIP/improvement projects Cash increase (decrease) -5229,685 -$231,844 -$228,343 -5234,590 -5262,222 -5247,619 -$274,425 N N N .................................... From: Robert Norheim [mailto:norhrwn(cbyahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:41 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course City Council, respectfully ask that you seriously consider not closing Fred Richards. This is a wonderful course and serves the need of many people that Braemar does not, especially the older golfer and the young golfers. Thank you for your consideration. Helen Norheim President, Happy Hackers golf League NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jeanne Mooty [mailto:david.mooty@icloud.comj Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:42 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Bruce & Tracy Mooty; Chuck & Liz Mooty Subject: Fred Richards golf course Dear Mayor Hovland, I started playing golf at the then Normandale golf course when I was 9 years old. My brothers, Bruce and Chuck, joined me there when they got older. I have been the owner of Prestwick Golf Club in Woodbury, MN for the past 18 years and ran a golf course management company for 15 years. My brothers and I have an interest in discussing the future of Fred Richards golf course with you or whomever you would suggest. Thank you for your consideration. David N. Mooty Fred Richards Golf Course Correspondence (From part of March 1 to March 11, 2014) Fourth set of emails/correspondence NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Vicoula4@aol.com [mailto:Vicoula4(abaol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 1:03 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2(abcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague6ledinarealty.com; swensonann(c)gmail.com Subject: Fred Richards Dear Mayor and Council Members The timeline proposed for the Fred Richard decision is unacceptable. There are alternative solutions and they should be fully explored. It is the belief of many residents that there is a "hidden agenda", despite denial from the council. This is a decision that should not be rushed. This past year the debt for the course has been retired and it will make a profit. If there were effort into marketing and advertising, even as simple as signs on France Ave. and in the hotels that surround the immediate area, the profitability would be even greater. It is a huge leap of optimism to think that Braemar will satisfy the golfers from Fred Richards. It is the feeling that Council Members and the Mayor are NOT LISTENING to the input offered. Please delay this decision until after this golf season. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bernadette Daly [mailto:bndaly60 byahoo.com] Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 5:17 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Closing the Fred Richards Dear Mayor Hovland, I respectfully ask that you slow down this whole process and delay a vote to close the Fred Richards until at least the end of 2014. This give all parties time to explore all the options. This community deserves to have its views considered seriously. Bernadette Daly 4521 Sedum Lane Edina MN 55435. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N.. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N NN From: Philip Sherry [mailto:pwsherryC�gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 4:36 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2Cdcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(i)edinarealty.com; swensonann1Ca)gmail.com Subject: Fred Richards Vote We as that the vote on Fred Richards be postponed until the end of 2014 so that other options can be considered. Philip and Audrey Sherry ................ N...................... From: Tari Sherry [mailto:tarisherry@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 4:30 PM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettl2@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonannl@gmail.com Subject: Fred Richards We ask that the vote on the Fred Richards be postponed until the end of 2014 so that other options can be considered. Steve and Tari Sherry N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: KENNETH HODGES [mailto:Joken7672Ccbmsn.com] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 4:07 PM To: Edina Mail; joniben nettl2(acomcast. net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague(a)edinarealty.com; swensonannl(cOgmail.com Subject: Please Save "The Fred"! We have lived across the street from "The Fred" since 1966. We, as well as our children and grandchildren, have enjoyed it immensely. For them, it was an important part of their upbringing. It grieves us immensely that it is going to be destroyed. We urge you, as a City Council member, to realize that this is more than just a venture capital opportunity, but please take a look at the human side. Not only for the recreation aspect, but also for the green space it provides in a growing industrial park area. Please take time to save "The Fred"! Sincerely, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodges 7428 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: J B [mailto:Jab22Wbgmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2014 3:17 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the FRED timeline Dear Mayor Hovland, As a Save the FRED advocate, I appreciate your steering the city council to delay a final vote of approval for the city staff s recommendation to close the FRED. The citizens in our neighborhood feel we have been discounted --even steamrolled--by the city manager and Park Board. We feel we have a stake in the outcome of that decision, as do the young people and others who choose to learn and play golf at the FRED. Since you were at the first public hearing as well as the City Council meeting on March 4, you realize that the proposal has been massaged from its first iteration. The additional information provided by city staff at the Council meeting should have been available earlier. But more importantly, the neighborhood and the stakeholders who play at the FRED need to be included in the planning process. We are asking that a citizen -city task force be initiated to look both at the city's needs and its process in making decisions that affect so many people without their input. Thank you very much, JoAnn Blatchley 7432 West Shore Drive 952.922.0308 ...... NNNNNNN.......................... From: Gaylen Ghylin [mailto_gpahvlinCa�msn.com] Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 2:24 PM To: Edina Mail; Joni Bennett ; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Josh Sprague ; Ann Swenson Subject: The Fred To: Edina City Council James Hovland Mayor mail(c�r�,EdinaMN.gov Joni Bennett City Council Member Jonibennett12(2comcast.net Mary Brindle City Council Member mbrindle(kcomcast.net Josh Sprague City Council Member j oshspragueAedinarealty. com Ann Swenson City Council Member swensonanni k gmail. com From: Gaylen Ghylin Date: March 5, 2014 Subject: The Fred My name is Gaylen Ghylin. My wife Penny and I live at 5032 Park Terrace. We have attended two public meetings about the Edina Golf Enterprise and the City Staff's recommendation to close the Fred Richards Golf Course (the Fred) after 2014. The first was held in the Braemar Golf Course Club House on January 30, 2014 where the City Staff (City Manager Scott Neal and Parks & Recreation Director Ann Kattreh) announced a 6 -point plan to improve the Edina Golf Enterprise (the first point of the Plan is to close the Fred). Then we attended the Edina City Council Meeting on March 4, 2014. This again included a presentation by Neal and Kattreh, requesting the Council's adoption of their Plan. The Council conducted a Public Hearing about the proposed Plan, and also discussed the Plan, as well as issues and questions raised. Formal Council action on the Plan was deferred to a future meeting. Penny and I have lived in Edina since 1971. We have raised two daughters here. They both graduated from the Edina Public School system, and now live in Edina with their husbands and two children each. Our four grandchildren are also part of the Edina Public School program. The public golf courses in Edina are very important to us. I have been playing golf regularly at Braemar since 1985. I have been a Men's Club member for almost 30 years. I have played many, many rounds of golf on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings on the 27 regulation holes at Braemar. Over the years I have also frequently played the Braemar Executive Course, and I am no stranger to the Braemar driving range, golf dome, pro shop and grill. For the past several years Penny and I have also played the Fred regularly. Penny is relatively new to golf, and we are very much at home on the Fred. Our extended family frequently joins us for golf there. It is so much fun to spend time together, and watch our grandchildren enjoy golf. The question about the Fred comes up as part of a more comprehensive assessment of the City of Edina public golf operations. Staff was requested to develop a plan to improve golf operations. We support their effort and applaud their recommendations to improve operations at Braemar. Edina residents want and will support a world class golf enterprise. We do not, however, believe adequate analysis has been done to support the recommendation to close the Fred. The Fred was opened in 1962. It is the longest running public golf course in the City. Over that time the Fred has become a significant part of the fabric, history and tradition of our City. The Fred is truly a gem, and provides a life time of memories and experiences, not only for those in the neighborhoods around the Fred, but throughout Edina. The Proposal to close the Fred seems very clinical, and without appreciation for the impact the Fred has on quality of life in Edina. It is most apparent the Fred is a very significant and meaningful Edina amenity. Art, passion and consideration for life's qualities do not draw one to conclude the Fred should be closed. Some say our population will grow 11% in the next twenty-five years. Density around the Fred is also expected to increase with redevelopment of the Pentagon Office Park. Preparing for these developments is part of the art of governance. This meat cleaver approach seems to tie this closing to an act of leverage for the cost of improvements at Braemar. I have not seen all of the information provided the City Council, but this connection is not clear. It sounds like the Fred makes money, so the rush to close is perplexing, and seems unusual. It will be disappointing if a decision about this issue is reached "because we have spent enough time on this already", and not based on a process that takes adequate time to fully investigate all reasonable options and gather the necessary information to reach the best decision for the citizens of Edina. If we close the Fred, we will have lost it forever. Accordingly, I support the recommendations of the "Golf Operations Proposal" presented to the Edina City Council on March 4, 2014 by Save the Fred Association, namely 1. Vote to TABLE city staff's recommendations to close Fred Richards Golf Course indefinitely to allow for further study before making an unreasonably quick decision about a long-time treasured community asset. 2. Vote to approve staff's recommended improvements to Braemar with the exception of converting Braemar Exec to Par 3. Direct City staff to work with appropriate resources and residents to produce a master plan for the future of Edina Golf Operations. We believe there are options that should be explored that better serve Edina golf and that are more fiscally responsible than the current list of proposals by City Staff. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNN.....NNNNN From: Hunzelman, Nick [mailto: Nick. Hunzelman @cnfinternationaLcom] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 3:17 PM To: lonibennett12@comcast.net<mailto *onibennettl2@comcast.net>; mai l@ Edina MN.gov<mailto:mail@EdinaMN.gov>; mbrindle@comcast.net<mailto:mbrindle@comcast.net>; Sprague, Josh; swensonannl@gmail.com<mailto:swensonannl@gmail.com> Cc: Hunzelman, Nick Subject: City Council and Fred Richards Council Members & Mayor, I attended the council meeting that was held earlier this week. I strongly urge you to delay your decision to close Fred Richards and instruct the city manager to expand research into the state of Edina golf to include other options that are available. The report submitted to the city and presented to the council members was not at all a deep comprehensive investigative dive as described by Scott Neal. It was simply a justification to close Fred Richards. You as council members are challenged to find a solution for the golf issues in Edina. To create and offer solutions you must explore all aspects of the issue. To date, you have failed in your investigation because your scope is so limited to closing a popular golf course that is maintaining a break even financial status. To add further problems the original 6 point plan presented back in January's Park Board meeting was changed prior to this week's council meeting to include a $500,000 irrigation expense for 2025 and some meager attempt to respond to the junior female golfers that would be forced play at a the larger more intimidating Braemar course. Comprehensive, deep dive investigations do not change in 40 days of original submittal. Without a larger scope and more options, the city council, the city manager and most importantly the residents of Edina will forever doubt the decisions to close Fred Richards and all future financial decisions. Each of you have a responsibility to the city to improve on your actions specific to this issue. Nick Hunzelman 7461 West Shore Drive Edina Mn 55435 -----Original Message ----- From: Sprague, Josh[mailto:ioshsprague@edinarealty.com] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 3:32 PM To: Hunzelman, Nick Subject: RE: City Council and Fred Richards Thank you Mr. Hunzelman. I was just talking about the issue with another neighbor on Kellogg today. I think the information is very clear that total rounds played in Edina is down, that utilization at both Exec courses is down, and that 45 holes of golf is no longer sustainable going forward. The Save the Fred option brought forward involves closing the Braemar 9 instead of the Fred, that is being reviewed by staff (and hence one of the reasons for the 2 week delay). Everyone involved understands the weight of the issue before them, and certainly we'd love not to be in a position to have to close anything and displace anyone. But the times have changed, and we have to take action or else we will most certainly be shirking our fiduciary duties. There are ongoing financial issues that have been around for years that we have been wrestling with that need to be solved, and are connected to the larger issue of the impact of recreational enterprises on the city budget. But moving forward this year decisively on the Golf Enterprise is integral to our success. In terms of the facts, Fred Richards is not maintaining a break even scenario. There are expense allocations that have not been listed in the operating statements noted in the staff report (about 50K a year), plus debt service for the purchase/improvement of Fred that was never charged, that would put that entity at a loss. That also does not include liability for future capital improvements necessary there in the next 5-10 years, and the ongoing labor/material expenses of maintaining two campuses. Look forward to hearing more about this at our next Council meeting. Best, js josh sprague, realtor edina realty 6800 france cell/text 612.501.0252 http://ioshsprague.com<http://ioshsprague.com/> From: Hunzelman, Nick [Nick.Hunzelman@cnfinternational.com] Received: Saturday, 08 Mar 2014, 9:35am To: Sprague, Josh [joshsprague@edinarealty.com] CC: jonibennettl2@comcast.net [jonibennettl2@comcast.net]; mail@EdinaMN.gov [mail@Edina MN.gov]; mbrindle@comcast.net [mbrindle@comcast.net]; swensonannl@gmail.com [swensonannl@gmail.com]; Hunzelman, Nick [Nick.Hunzelman@cnfinternational.com] Subject: RE: City Council and Fred Richards Mr. Sprague, Your quick response to my email (15 minutes) is very telling how you and the city view themselves as they "RULE" on the Edina's golf enterprise. My request is to announce an extended delay to the closure of Fred Richards executive course in order to gather more facts and develop a more responsible plan. The Save The Fred group has offered a more detailed investigation into this issue than the city. This is just one example of how the many qualified Edina residents can offer input into Edina's golf. The city's refusal to listen and reach out to its residents is astounding. You offer no respect to the Edina tax payers/voters. This "I know better than you" attitude and past actions has created mistakes and yes city embarrassment to the following city issues; The poor decision and waste of city funds used to purchase the Edina Realty building in the 50th and France area. The terrible decision to declare eminent domain on the Hooten's Cleaners building attempting to force a minority family out of their retirement plan. The push to expand Woodale, encroaching on private citizen property for bike lanes. The decision to paint bike lanes on Woodale, then removing them just to paint another bike lane stripe. And now the latest $2 million dollar mistake with the Braemar ice rink project. I must ask you. Now that the Pentagon project has been approved for possible residential living, Does this improve your financial opportunity as an Edina realtor? I wonder. Please delay your March 18th vote to close Fred. Form a " staff and citizen's committee and figure out a way to totally improve the financials and experience of golfing in Edina. There are many retired CFO's and CEO's and others that are brilliant business people. If you asked for volunteers to form a committee I think you would be amazed by the response and talent. Nick Hunzelman I Regional Manager I C & F International Inc. Office 952.886.7092 1 Mobile 952 . 250. 2323 -----Original Message ----- From: Sprague, Josh [mailto:ioshsprague edinarealty.com] Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 10:15 AM To: Hunzelman, Nick Subject: RE: City Council and Fred Richards Mr. Hunzleman, Not sure I understand why responsiveness is an issue with respect to your email. At any rate, you've made your position clear. Best, Js josh sprague, realtor edina realty 6800 france cell/text 612.501.0252 http://ioshsprague.com -----Original Message ----- From: Hunzelman, Nick [Nick.Hunzelman @cnfinternational.com] Received: Saturday, 08 Mar 2014, 1:30pm To: Sprague, Josh [joshsprague@edinarealty.com] CC: jonibennettl2@comcast.net [jonibennettl2@comcast.net]; ionibennettl2@comcast.net [jonibennettl2@comcast.net]; mail@EdinaMN.gov [mail@Edina MN.gov]; mbrindle@comcast.net [mbrindle@comcast.net]; swensonannl@gmail.com [swensonannl@gmail.com]; snealCa@EdinaMN.gov [sneal@EdinaMN.gov] Subject: RE: City Council and Fred Richards Mr Sprague, Your response is symptomatic of the problem the city has with the golf issue. You are quick to criticize and discredit but refuse to look at another view. If I made my position clear than you would understand why I am questioning your quick response to my original email. Again, My point is that you quickly typed out a response that did not address my request of delaying the golf issue decisions. All you and the council wants to do is disqualify the Save the Fred team report despite the inaccuracies and recent changes in the city's financial report on golf. My request is you slow down your decision process, listen to other ideas and make a more accurate decision on golf in Edina. I have attached the report to make sure you can prepare yourself to make an informed decisions on this issue. The city council seems to rush to judgment on the latest issue (listed in previous email) and most of them have turned out wrong. All of which have cost the city of Edina money. Trust me Council Member Sprague, this year's election will not come soon enough for a very large group of dissatisfied Edina voters. Nick Hunzelman 7461 West Shore Drive -----Original Message ----- From: Sprague, Josh[mai Ito: ioshsprague Ped inarealty.com] Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 1:37 PM To: Hunzelman, Nick Subject: RE: City Council and Fred Richards Staff met with members of the Fred group on Friday to discuss their proposal and go over their assumptions at greater length. I moved to table this issue for that very reason. I've had multiple conversations and meetings on both sides of the issue, I understand and appreciate the different views, including yours. But ultimately our views on the best strategy and necessary timeline may diverge. I remain open to finding the best possible solution for the long-term until the decision is made, whether you choose to support me next election or not. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Regards, Js josh sprague, realtor edina realty 6800 france cell/text 612.501.0252 http://Ooshsprague.com From: Hunzelman, Nick [mailto:Nick.Hunzelman cnfinternational.com] Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2014 2:35 PM To: ioshsprague@edinarealty.com Cc: ioniben nettl2@comcast.net; swensonannl@pmail.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Edina Mail; Scott Neal Subject: FW: City Council and Fred Richards I was aware of the Friday meeting. Good sources inside the city have informed me that "staff' had many chances to challenge the Save the Fred report but instead agreed with the Save the Fred Financial Team and the financial data and summary. To correct the record, you moved to table this issue because of the environmental petition. You made statements toward the end of the golf discussion you wanted to vote on approval of the implementation of the Parks Board 6 Point plan. Look it up. Looking forward to the November election process. Nick Hunzelman I Regional Manager I C & F International Inc. Office 952 .886.7092 1 Mobile 952 . 250. 2323 ................. N..................... NNNNNN^;................................ From: Marie Sullivan[ma iIto: mariesullivan87(&gmail.com] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 4:35 PM To: Edina Mail; Joni Bennett; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Scott Neal; Josh Sprague; ann Swenson; Cary Teague Subject: Pentagon Park/ Fred Richards Dear Mayor, City Council Members, Planning Director and City Manager, I have attached a letter I wrote for you explaining my concerns for my neighborhood regarding the Pentagon Park/ Fred Richards Golf Course development proposals. I hope you will have time to read it! Thank You! Sincerely, Marie Sullivan (4512 Hibiscus Ave., Edina) March 7, 2014 Dear Mayor, City Council Members, Planning Director and City Manager, Please consider my concerns about the Pentagon Park/ Fred Richards development. 1). Height and evening light pollution. A few years ago when another Pentagon Park development was proposed, much time and effort went into protecting our neighborhood and minimizing the height of any new structures. Not only was height limited, but the tallest of the allowed buildings were to be located at the end of the property closest to Hwy. 100 where they would have the least impact on single family homes. My biggest concern is that height and lighting will devalue our neighborhood. Please stand up to the acrimonious developers who do not care about our neighborhood homes and families. Please limit the location and height of any new buildings! 2). Holding Pond for Developers a bad idea. Turning Fred Richard's into a holding pond for the development would also hurt our neighborhood property values and desirability. We would be the only quadrant in Edina not to have a golf course. Also, a large body of water would be a safety hazard for many neighborhood children, especially those from the apartments who often lack the ability to swim. Holding ponds often smell terrible! 3). Adding to current neighborhood problems. Before we remove a neighborhood amenity, we should take into account the detractions it buffers. Our neighborhood endures a lot of noise and air pollution from 494, Hwy 100, Seagate and airline traffic! Road traffic noise is 24 hours continuous. Automated announcements at the Seagate plant often wake us up at 1:00 and 3:00 am! Recent maps published in the StarTribune showed most pathways going over our part of the city! When the city supported the Country Club area in fighting the re-routing of flights, I felt bad because it seemed no one cared about the heavy traffic we now get over our part of the city that would have been relieved if the new plan went into action. If the city wants to protect other Edina neighborhoods from airport noise at our neighborhood's expense, I would like to ask that you at least protect us from the visibility pollution of a new Pentagon Park development and keep in mind how very important the golf course land is to us! In conclusion, our neighborhood is feeling stressed. We've just experienced a very costly and disruptive road repair project. We continue to experience increased noise/ air pollution from 494, Hwy 100, airline traffic and the Seagate plant. I ask that when you make decisions affecting our neighborhood that you please protect our neighborhood from further devaluation. Please do not allow tall buildings at Pentagon Park and please be very careful what you allow to happen to Fred Richard's. We shouldn't have smelly water ponds, more light or noise pollution, or cars parked on our streets to access the possible addition of playing fields. Thank you so much for listening! Marie Sullivan (4512 Hibiscus Ave., Edina) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Paul Zdechlik[mailto:paulzdechlik(cbusfamily.net] Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 5:28 AM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett12(aDcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshspraqueC-0edinareal .corn; swensonannl(dgmail.com Subject: Fred Richards consideration Hello all: In the city council meeting, the mayor brought up that the city had previously hired a consultant for this issue, and none of their recommendations included closing the Fred. I liked the mayor suggesting the idea of selling the Klune nine at Braemar for some housing lots. Klune is a difficult nine holes that most golfer don't like. I would guess the profits from the sale would pay for upgrading the driving range, Braemar and the Fred. Edina is lucky in that many young families want to live here for the schools and quality of the city's amenities. I can't take my kids to the executive course to learn how to play golf. It is too competitive and fast. Fred is a great asset. Please keep it for the future of Edina. Maybe this isn't about the Pentagon Park plan, but it does seem rushed. This needs thoughtful consideration of all options to improving the golfing experience and building Edina golf into a self-sustaining entity. Thank you, Paul Zdechlik ..............NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: James [mailto:jbjenk01Ccbmsn.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:48 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Re: Fred Richards - Comments from a Edina Golfer Good morning Mayor Hovland, Thank you for how you chaired the Council meeting last night. The Edina Golf Operations discussion is clearly an emotional issue and staying objective is a challenge for all of us. My concern from the beginning, starting at the January meeting, was that the assumptions underlying the decision to include closing Fred Richards as a firm decision as a condition of moving forward with preserving what everyone believes is a true asset to the city were not well developed. The result was a set of numbers that biased the decision in a way that did not make sense from a pure business perspective. Your questions and comments last night indicated to me you have some of the same concern. My disappointment last night was that the Staff was not professional enough to acknowledge that making a soft close decision and revisiting their assumptions without delaying the whole program is the right thing to do at this time. I still believe there is no financial risk to the city of taking this approach and hope you and the council will agree. Assuming that we will have a new and improved par 3 course at Braemar anytime before very late in the 2015 golf season is totally unrealistic in my opinion. I would love to believe it, but to build the plan on that assumption is not a risk I would take as a business man. Thanks again for keeping an open mind and really listening to what I think we are all trying to communicate. Jim Jenkins <br>Home 952.944.3382 <br>Cell 612.799.8045 <br>Email jbjenk01(cbmsn.com<br> ..............NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Pat Manion [mailto:pmanion@originalmktq com] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:45 AM To: Pat Manion; ionibennettIN-bcomcast.net; Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); josh sprague(aedinarealty. com; swensonannl(acimail.com Subject: RE: Braemar Golf operation Good Morning, Unfortunately, I was not able to attend last evening because of a client dinner but I did catch some of the meeting on Channel 16. Some further thoughts: • Last week I was seated next to Wayne Kostroski on a flight to Phoenix. I believe you all know that Wayne has been an Edina resident and has owned Tejas and Franklin Street Bakery. When I told him that the City planned to outsource the Braemar Grill and make $100,0001 from not making any money currently } over the next 5 years. He laughed. I would be happy to put " staff" in touch with Wayne or Rick Webb or Larry D'Amico to get their input. I am just guessing they have not been asked for an opinion when both Wayne and Rick live in Edina. • If Fred does not make any money why not OUTSOURCE it to someone who can. Has the City asked Dave Mooty { I heard his letter read last night] if he would be interested in taking over Fred and have a revenue sharing with the City? I am quite sure " staff " has not looked into out sourcing The Fred. • 1 heard Mayor Hovland speak to selling the Clunie 9 to a developer to build homes . PURE genius. Have you talked to Midland Hills in St. Paul? They were struggling and sold off some land to a developer to build townhouses. They took that money and build a brand new clubhouse and renovated the entire course. I know the President of Midland Hills { John Hamburger... yes real name] and would be happy to put " staff " in touch. • I read in today's Star Trib that the soccer domeHoutdoor rink project is 2M over estimates because of unforeseen causes. Where these previous estimates done by " staff " ? If yes, how can you or the Citizens believe their numbers on the Braemar Golf Operations? • The entire Braemar Golf Operations scenario looks like ..... the purchase of Edina Realty Building, the bike lanes painted on Wooddale and the eminent domain of the Hootens Cleaners building.... Ready, fire aim. Please delay your March 18`" vote to close Fred. Form a " staff and citizen's committee and figure out a way to totally improve the financials and experience of golfing in Edina. There are many retired CFO's and CEO's and others that are brilliant business people. If you asked for volunteers to form a committee I think you would be amazed by the response and talent. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jackson Hunzelman [mailto:iachunzelmanPgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:12 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Renee Hunzelman 7461 West Shore Drive Thank you first for your time and attention last evening. No matter what happens to Fred Richard, this has been such a great opportunity for the citizens of Edina to get together and share stories about what is going on in their neighborhoods and their experiences with working with the city council to share a vision of what we want Edina to be. Unfortunately for the citizens, the council usually follow staff's recommendations at face value and ignores new information that should be considered because we have debated this for 10 years and are not interested in taking a few more months to make the best decision. I have decided to stop trying to fight city hall and start doing some homework on what has happened during the past 4 years in Edina and what the results have been from the decisions of the council based on staff recommendations. The work that Save the Fred group have done and the discoveries that have been made are eye opening to me. There are elections coming up in November that will be a good place to share this information with the citizens of Edina. We all need to wake up and get more involved in what is happening in Edina, as I am sure you as a council would like us to be. Thank you for the motivation to wake up and get involved and encourage our neighbors to do so too. NNNNNNN'.NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Robert [ma i Ito: robertstout(dcentu ryl ink. net] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 1:31 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: March 4th council meeting Dear Council members, I first want to say that I truly appreciate and thank you for the time and effort you all put in to your work for the City of Edina. I attended the meeting as a member of Save the Fred and a course border resident. As a fiscal conservative I can't deny the financial problems facing the city's golf operations and understand the need for addressing the issue. I'm not a numbers person and can't speak to the details explained by the staff so I was getting pretty down during the presentation. I was then pleased to see the response from the representatives for the residents. The data they put forth indicates to me that this is not a cut and dry issue at this time. In the end closing Fred Richards may be the best option however that is not fully proven to me yet. Rumors of closing Fred Richards had been around since June of 2013. I expected discussions would be forth coming. I, as a resident, was not officially informed that there were major financial problems with the golf operations until January 2014. That official notice was "Close Fred Richards" and there is less than 30 days before the vote. Shell shock! If the residents had been brought into the loop by the city staff earlier in the process there would be no rumors and no suspicion of the Council and the Pentagon development. Back to March 4th. It appeared a delay in the decision to close Fred Richards so staff and resident discussions could take place was gaining ground. Council member Sprague then said he's not willing to wait as the financial situation has been going on for years. That voiced opinion is disingenuous and attempts to quash the well -reasoned and thought out presentations by the residents. I ask the remaining Council members to vote to extend the life of Fred Richards Golf Course to allow that discussion to take place. If those discussions still indicate closing Fred Richards is the best solution, so be it. The residents will have had our chance to discuss not just comment. That is the American way, in my opinion. Thank you, Robert Stoutenburgh 7449 W Shore Dr. Edina, MN 55435 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN Note: Where it says "Attachment"means they attached to their email "Save the Fred Association — Golf Operations Proposal" Included here is the attachment, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Save the Fred Association Golf O Proposal Presented to Edina City Council on 3/4/2104 by Save The Fred Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations Overview: The Save The Fred Association has come together to research additional ideas for Edina golf operations, with a focus on maximizing the possibilities and opportunities to develop world-class golf operations for the Edina community. We explored alternatives to the current proposal, which we believe underleverages what could be achieved if a thoughtful and carefully crafted master plan for Edina golf is developed. A thoughtful, well researched, and fiscally sound master plan is needed to develop a vision that will sustain the City's golf operations for the next 50 years. The current proposal from City of Edina staff falls significantly short of this objective. Save the Fred is asking the City to detach the closing of Fred Richards from the Staffs recommendations to improve Braemar Golf Operations. Our group is committed to not only saving Fred Richards, but also supporting the long past due and necessary capital improvements to the Braemar Golf Course. These two goals are not mutually exclusive of one another, notwithstanding city staffs position to the contrary. Our respective goals are similar, i.e. providing the absolute best golfing opportunities in Edina for the entire golfing community at large, including but not limited to, beginners, our youth and their leagues, impaired players and their leagues, ladies, men, seniors, work leagues, etcetera. Our group has spent countless hours over the past few weeks attempting to understand the position taken by staff recommending the closing of Fred Richards to the Park Board and City Council. There is clear and convincing evidence that Fred Richard has been profitable and will be profitable in the future. It is our position that the closing of Fred Richards would be a serious mistake to the detriment of the current and future golfing community of Edina. We respectfully request the City Council on March 4th to do three things: Vote to TABLE city staffs recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course indefinitely to allow for further study before making an unreasonably quick decision about a long-time treasured community asset. 2. Vote to approve staffs recommended improvements to Braemar with the exception of converting Braemar Exec to Par 3. 3. Direct City staff to work with appropriate resources and residents to produce a master plan for the future of Edina Golf Operations. We believe there are options that should be explored that better serve Edina golf and that are more fiscally responsible than the current list of proposals by City Staff. The following pages share information and ideas that were generated by our group in the short time provided by City Staff. As you read through this document, we ask you to imagine the possibilities to maximize the future of Edina Golf if Council were to pause and ask for a responsible timeline that includes thorough analysis of the facts, extensive public input, and careful consideration so the best decision can be reached. We hope that at the end of this proposal that you will determine, as we did, that the City Staffs current proposal should at the very least be supplemented with other ideas to achieve the best outcome for Edina Golf. VOTE for more time, a better process, and a better outcome! 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations City of Edina Fred Richards Closure Decision Timeline City Staff has been thinking about, studying and developing its current proposal for Edina golf for well over a year. City residents had ZERO involvement and, even worse, ZERO communication from City Staff during the recommendation development process. This is an important decision that deserves a better process that will ensure a better result for all Edina residents. ONE month between Staff communication of its proposal and recommended final vote by City Council on March 4th is offensive and not in the best interests of anyone involved. The timeline is depicted as follows: Staff, Consultants & Developer Timeline - More than 1 year August 2011 - NGF consultant report on Edina golf 2012-2013 -Ongoing staff and council discussions on Nine Mile Creek Trail. the Pentagon Office Park redevelopment and potential repurposing of Fred Richards Golf Course. May 2013 - MattFulton hired to consult on gotfoperations City Residents - 1 month 30, 2014 City Annnounces6 n for Edina Golf at Public March 4th, 2014, Proposed final Vote on plan by City Couch Fred Richards Closure Decision Timeline August 2011 — National Golf Foundation consultant report on Edina Golf Operations 2012 — 2013 — Ongoing discussions by council and staff on Nine Mile Creek Trail, the Pentagon Office Park redevelopment project and the potential to repurpose Fred Richards Golf Course. May 2013 - City hires Matt Fulton to review Edina golf operations May 7th, 2013 — City Council Meeting Notes • "There was discussion on the Nine Mile Creek Trail maps and the potential for a change in use at Fred Richards Golf Course in the near future". August 7th, 2013 — Edina Sun Current Article — "Edina council has not decided future of Fred Richards course" Mayor Hovland Quoted: "If the consultant should recommend consolidation of all of the city's golf operations at Braemar, that will only be one opinion to consider in a thorough evaluation, with extensive public input, of whether to follow such a recommendation." He concluded, "In summary, the council has made no determination with regard to the future of Fred Richards Golf Course and no such decision would be made without extensive public input." 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 4 October 71h, 2013 — Hillcrest Public Open House on Pentagon Park Redevelopment • When asked, Scott Tankenoff states that he had been meeting with City Staff and Council (in ones and twos) for approximately a year. • Tankenoff states to those present that City staff had communicated to Hillcrest a decision on the Fred was coming soon. Decision needed because it directly impacts developer plans. • Several mock-ups show development with parkland (Fred closed) and integrated storm water. November 5th, 2013 —At request of residents, Mayor Hovland meets with small group • Concerns expressed, specifically focused on lack of communication or public involvement in process. • Mayor commits to an open, participative and extended process to ensure that all viewpoints are heard and that neighborhood involvement is maximized. November 6th, 2013 - Star Tribune article pledging public conversations with residents (Ann Kattreh) December 6th, 2013 — In a Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal article, Hillcrest developer Scott Tankenoff publically states his preference for an integrated approach with city which would result in closure and repurposing of Fred Richards Golf Course. Takenoff quote: "There comes a time when we can't wait, are we integrating our land or not?" December 11th, 2013 — City Planning Commission Meeting with Hillcrest • Two plans presented by Hillcrest, one with Fred one without • Developer states preference for integrated approach January 30th, 2014 — WITH ZERO PUBLIC CONVERVERSATION OR INPUT PRIOR TO RECOMMENDATION, CITY ANNOUNCES 6 POINT PLAN FOR EDINA GOLF WHICH INCLUDES CLOSING FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE. March 4th, 2014 — Proposed final City Council Vote CITY STAFF, CONSULTANTS & DEVELOPER = 1 YEAR PLUS CITY RESIDENTS = 1 MONTH 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 5 City of Edina Golf Operations: Alternative Models On February 11, 2014, the City of Edina Park board approved a recommendation to close the Fred Richards golf course and invest in the remaining golf course facilities at Braemar. Estimated savings for this proposal was $2,334,400 by 2020. This was the only recommendation provided and the only savings proposal analyzed in depth by staff. As with any critical business decision, several scenarios should have been considered and discussed; unfortunately, this has not taken place. Over the last few weeks, our group of concerned citizens with business finance backgrounds worked to develop additional options to deliver savings at or above the current proposal. The objectives are to meet both the City's goal of improving the City of Edina's golf enterprise and contribute positively to the City of Edina's overall budget. The chart below shows cumulative operating profit for both the Fred Richards golf course and the entire golf operations for the following time periods: 1) 2007 thru 2014 (Fred closure date) and 2) 2015-2020 (baseline forecast provided by staff assuming no actions are taken). Despite rumors to the contrary, the Fred Richards course has not been a historical driver of the operating profit/loss for the golf operation, and closing the course does not eliminate an unprofitable asset. Fred Richards-- Total ichards' Total Braemar Golf Operation +$35,823 +$110,7870 -$655,815 -$3,245,000 Below are analysis of the current staff proposal and two additional proposals for council's consideration. Please refer to financial exhibits following the options summaries Option 1: Close Fred Richards The current proposal estimates that closing Fred at the end of 2014 will save $734,000 over the next 6 years. This figure assumes almost half of current players transfer over to the Braemar Par 3 (post conversion) starting in 2015. Concerns with this option include the timing of the closure, the exclusion of additional funds necessary to repurpose the land, and the removal of an executive course option (Par 29) for Edina golfers. Despite what the current proposal states, closing Fred Richards after in the 2014 season does not generate any funds for the driving range expansion, and results in both executive courses being closed in 2015 while the driving range is expanded and the Braemar Executive is converted into a Par 3. By keeping Fred open through 2015, lost revenue at Braemar Executive (closed) could be recovered during construction and we can ensure current players stay within the City of Edina golf enterprise and not look to other city courses to meet their needs. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations This option also does not factor in additional capital required to repurpose the existing Fred course (42 acres) into a park and maintain it. These additional costs will far outweigh the operating expense savings from closing Fred and will pull down the total estimated savings significantly to $1,034,400 by 2020. Option 2: Maintain Existing Facilities By keeping Fred open, the golf enterprise can increase the impact of the proposed rate hike and drive additional rounds through increased marketing and new customers from the Pentagon Park development and expansion of Youth Leagues. Fred's additional profit contribution of $646,000 (2015-2020) will be comparable to the operating expense savings from closing Fred ($734,000) and will not require additional city funds to convert Fred to a park. This option will also ensure an executive length course remains in the Edina golf system. Total savings for this proposal is $2,089,200 by 2020, 2X the estimated net savings under Option 1. Option 3: Keep Fred Richards Open, Close Braemar Executive Course Of the two executive courses our golf operations have today, Fred Richards is played more often, +28,676 more rounds over the last 10 years. In addition, Fred has a landscape better suited for these types of players, and is easier to maintain according to the NGF golf study. Keeping the Fred Richards course open and closing the Braemar Executive course will generate similar levels of operating expense savings and significantly reduces the level of investments necessary for both the proposed driving range/Par 3 renovation and the irrigation replacement scheduled for 2016 at Braemar. It also provides additional space next to the existing driving range, which opens up additional possibilities to create a "best in class" practice facility area. Total savings for this proposal is $2,522,600 by 2020, 2.5X the estimated net savings under Option 1. Summary We agree it is critical to invest in our current golf operation, get it back to being one of the top operations in the Twin Cities area, and be good stewards of the City's overall budget. We believe the current proposal (Option 1) does not deliver on these objectives, with the operating expense savings generated from the Fred closure more than offset by future spending to repurpose the space into a park. Options 2 & 3 provide similar direct benefits, reduce the need for significant future capital investments, ensures an executive style course remains in Edina, and accomplishes the goal of funding improvements to the overall golf operation while contributing positively to the City of Edina's overall budget. These are just two additional options to consider. We believe there are others as well that could be generated if time is spent developing a master plan for a world-class golf operations in Edina, which has not taken place. We ask that you explore additional these and additional options to ensure we are making the best long-term decision for the citizens of Edina and the golf operation. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations i Fred Richards/Braemar Income Statement 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Cp F3 a N crD a CZ ry C fp E3 ISG � r 7C C a N ''+ � fi' •i1 N na C+ � N a yN�� O U N �yNVI W SON+ �y d V C gig C P O +/+ � 4• N � 1 Vs N? r - `;Zi O oo O V O W F+ w cc 6C t.Z Vf N N N ; y P; N g N _N N pLpp� F by O spy Ci S �O qyp� gA �N+ rA p-. n N_ r� N N N {� N ♦ 1 N N N Vs tZ N N 1pj N N N N LpWN� ppp pW (�vR�1 �pGp V'� W N G N `lpp�is N p� y 1+ Nef �pp Vp� py4��i N W N � `IOpNo�+ O VS N N 1N-� N ^oy +pC�p+ ipV+a `I;g \qtg p�{y� pp rpOyp pQ�p5 `�.f(CjNa�i rte+ 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal 0 0 0 O w 0 0 C3 L7 ^C W w O U2 N .ti m 0 a N NO N P LJ CC$ r 1 r� rF� HC Option 1: Close Fred Option 2: Keep all courses (Option 3: Close Braemar Exec Fred revenue lost (assumes initial lost of 69% $ 362,800 of revenue migrating to 50% by 2020 $ (878,200) Fred $2 rate increase Fred operating expense savings (assumes 50K 362,800 Fred increased rounds due to marketing (18% per year allocation) $ 1,432,200 increase consistent with plan assumption) $ 522,200 Outsourcing grill operations Fred recovery of lost revenue during Exec course Fred equipment savings ($30K per year) $ 180,000 construction (assume 50%) Subtotal $ 734,000 $ 2,089,200 Driving range expansion $ (592,500) Driving range Expansion $ 252,900 1 Braemar Exec revenue lost (same modeling) $ 321,800 1 Braemar Exec operating expense savings $ 71,300 1 Braemar Exec equipment savings ($30K per year) $ 646,000 Subtotal $ (592,500) Driving range expansion No capital improvements to exec course Increased Rates and Marketing $ 1,307,900 Increased Rates and marketing $ 1,307,900 Increased Rates and Marketing (includes rounds transferred to Breamar from FR) Less amts assumed due to transfer to Breamar $ (157,200) (Includes rounds transferred to FR from Breamar Exec.) $ (821,200) $ 1,163,400 $ 180,000 v $ (592,500) $ 600,000 $ 1,307,900 Staff reductions $ 362,800 Staff reductions $ 362,800 Staff reductions $ 362,800 Outsourcing grill operations $ 522,200 Outsourcing grill operations $ 522,200 Outsourcing grill operations $ 522,200 Golf operations total $ 2,334,400 Golf operations total $ 2,089,200 Golf operations total $ 2,722,600 Cost to repurpose the park $ (11000,000) Cost to repurpose Breamar Exec. to open space $ (500,000) Cost to maintain park (50K per year) $ (300,000) 1 1 No irrigation replacement for Braemar Exec land in 201E $ 300,000 Total Impact to the City $ 1,034/100 ITatalhnpadtothe City $ 2,089,200 1 Total Impact to the City $ 2,522,600 Key Assumptions - Cost to repurpose park: current course is approximately 40 acres. When the old Normandale course was redesigned and became Fred, the cost was over $3,000,000 and this was 20 years ago. Similar price tag to build Clunie-9 20 years ago. We realize this is too high, but the current estimate to expand the driving range and redo 2 Braemar Exec holes is estimated at $1,200,000 (much smaller space). We also asked Scott Neale at the Jan 30th meeting and he agreed that $1,000,000 was a strong possibility. This would just be to redo the landscape, fill sandtraps and level out any green humps. Going beyond that would likely cost much more. - For annual maintenance costs, we looked at the current park maintenance budget (ex -facilities) of $2.9MM and divided by our current ft of parks (40). This gave us $72,500 annually which we discounted to be conservative. It should be pointed out that this park would be signficantly larger than a standard park. In addition, a per acre comparison of managing natural grass annually vs. "wild grass", which is much more cost effective, indicates a range of $24,OD0 for "wild" grass and $200,000 for natural grass (see additional "grass option comparison" tab) - We used a lower estimate to repurpose the Braemar Exec to open space. Our rationale was that the majority of the course is across the road and as a result, less spending needs to take place to make it a usable space; although we think there are a lot of great possibilities with this space and the parking capacity at Braemar (ex: sports fields). Additional Commentary -Additional PGA Grant money worth exploring for Fred under their "Play 9" marketing program Closing Fred and converting Braemar Exec to a Par 3 eliminates an executive length course option; both golf studies suggest having an executive length course is ideal - Closing Braemar Exec can enable the removal of existing check-in building and automation of driving range (ball dispensers), addtl savings possible Basis current design, Braemar Exec closure creates 30-40 acres of open space, with 20+ acres located north-east of Braemar Blvd. and west of Gleason Current marketing spend levels are inadequate at <1% of total budget; a reasonable increase in marketing could have a material impact c'rJ Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations City of Edina Survey: Summary of Key Findings Two surveys have been completed in the last few years that have been talking points during the golf course operation discussion. In order to provide open transparency, we encourage reading the full results of both reports and take all responses into account. Results worth highlighting: Quality of Life Survey 1) These facilities had a high % of responders who have not used them within the last year: a. The Aquatic Center — 62%, usually profitable in +$100,000 range b. The Senior Center — 67%, no revenue generation c. Braemar Ice Arena — 68%, loses roughly -$450,000 annually d. Braemar Golf Course — 58% (play on any of the 3 courses), unprofitable currently e. Fred Richards Course — 76%, slightly profitable f. Edinborough Park — 53%, loses roughly -$100,000 annually g. The Art Center — 55%, loses roughly -$175,000 annually 2) A question was posed (445) if people felt we had the right level of Parks & Open Space currently = 91% said about right. 3) People ranked Park and Facilities (#82) as either excellent (47%) or Good (52%) and indicate they are satisfied with what they have and how it's run. 4) 97% feel existing facilities offered meet their needs (4107). Nothing indicates that people feel current golf or park facilities need changing. 5) Similar to above, 99% indicated that the current mix of city park and rec programming meets their needs (#133) 6) People were willing to pay increased property taxes to fund any improvements (#129) 7) 52% never bike in the city of Edina and 15% rarely (#151); but almost all felt that it was currently fairly easy to bike around in Edina (#152). 8) 70% of the responders do not have school age children or preschoolers in the household (#186). How can we accurately comment on Fred's lack of participation given we didn't get a heavy response from families with kids who might be using the course? Consultant's Survey Monkey 1) 86% of those surveyed don't think there are too many holes of public golf in Edina (#10) 2) 40% of responders are willing to pay $2 more per round, 30% would pay $5 or more (#8) 3) When asked which services or improvements to facility would make you more likely to frequent Braemar, 48% asked for "well maintained target greens on driving range"; only 11% suggested "the conversion of executive course to a shorter par 3 course" 4) Less than 3% of the responders of this survey were under 18.1 Makes it difficult to get an accurate picture of the youth golf picture 5) Only half of the responders live in Edina. There are inherent strengths in surveys to capture data at a point in time. In addition surveys when interpreted can be manipulated to support any position with the right spin. Our point is simply that City Staff has chosen survey results that support their position and ignore other findings. We present the above for your further consideration. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 10 City of Edina Bonds: Points of Interest EDINA'S MUNICPAL BOND RATINGS (as of March 4,2014): Moody's: Aaa- "an obligator has EXTREMELY STRONG capacity to meet its financial commitments". Standard & Poor's: AAA Edina's current Aaa/AAA bond ratings are the highest possible ratings. The city should be extremely proud of this. Outlooks: If Edina were in danger of a downgrade the rating agencies would signal that downgrade. The current outlook is as follows Moody's: NOO (No Outlook). This is very common with Moody's- no outlook given. Standard and Poor's: STABLE. According to S&P's most recent report, they state "the stable outlook reflects Standard & Poor's expectation that Edina will continue its strong financial performance with good fund balances given its robust tax base and good management policies. Given these very strong credit quality characteristics, including access to the Minneapolis- St Paul metropolitan area, we do not anticipate changing the rating within the two-year outlook horizon." If Standard & Poor's anticipates that a credit rating may change in the coming 6 to 24 months, it may issue an updated ratings outlook indicating whether the possible change is likely to be "positive", "negative", "stable", or "developing" (meaning it's uncertain whether a rating might go up or down). Or, if events or circumstances occur that may affect a rating in the near term, usually within 90 days, Standard & Poor's may place the rating on CreditWatch. Typically, an updated outlook on CreditWatch from Standard & Poor's includes a rationale for the potential change and the extent of the change, up or down, which may occur. However, updating a ratings outlook or placing a rating on CreditWatch does not mean a ratings change is inevitable. No "negative outlook" has been issued on Edina's bond ratings. Moody's and Standard and Poor's discussion of Edina Golf operations: Moody's: "While both the Golf and the Arena Fund have challenged operations, risk to the city is mitigated by strong revenues from the Municipal Liquor Fund and ample liquidity in the General Fund and alternate funds." Standard & Poor's: The S&P report does not mention anything about the golf operations in their analysis other than a possible upcoming General Obligation bond issue for various purposes "including improvements to an existing driving range". 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 11 While the city must continue to act fiscally responsible to maintain its Aaa/AAA bond rating, we do not believe that the Fred Richards Golf Course should in anyway adversely affect Edina's future bond ratings. The 2013 operating losses for the golf enterprises of $450,000, in 2013 is 3% of the fiscal 2012 City's General Fund and 1.3% of revenues. Sources: tl%ikipedia, Afoody's In.uestors Seriui.ce (City of Edina's• ratings report dated September 13, 2013) and Standard and Poor's Rating Services (City of Edina -'s rating report dated September 13, 2013). 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 12 Summary and Request City Staff has worked for over a year to develop the one recommendation they are asking you to vote on tonight with only ONE MONTH of council review and public discussion. This rush to a final judgment serves no interests well. Not the interests of concerned and impacted residents, not the interests of the Edina Golf enterprise or its patrons, not the interests of those tasked with managing the city's assets wisely and responsibly, and not the interests of Mayor Hovland and the City Council. The proposal on the table by City Staff is flawed, not well considered, does not maximize the future potential of Edina golf, and has been developed with ZERO public input. We presented just TWO alternative options that result in a better outcome for all involved. We believe our proposals are based on sound financial data and assumptions and deserve further evaluation and consideration that only time can provide. Certainly, there are other proposals that also deserve time and consideration by City Staff and Council before a final decision is made. The Braemar Golf enterprise including Fred Richards Golf Course has served residents and patrons well for 50 years. Surely charting a path for the next 50 years deserves a carefully crafted Master Plan and more than ONE MONTH of review and debate. We formally request the City Council on March 4th to do three things: 1. Vote to indefinitely TABLE city staff's recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course to allow for further study before making an unreasonably quick decision about a long-time treasured community asset. 2. Vote to approve staff's recommended improvements to Braemar with the exception of converting Braemar Exec to Par 3. The rationale for this is explained in our discussion above. 3. Direct City staff to work with appropriate resources and residents to produce a master plan for the future of Edina Golf Operations. We believe there are options that should be explored that better serve Edina golf and that are more fiscally responsible than the current list of proposals by City Staff. The result should be a master plan that maximizes the potential for Edina Golf for the next 50 years that we call all be proud of. Thank you very much for your consideration. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal From: Susan Soule [mailto:sulb3so(dcomcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 5:06 PM To: Ann Swenson; Josh Sprague; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Joni Bennett; Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Concerns Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council Members, Attached is a letter of concern in regard to the proposed changes for Fred Richards Golf Course. I hope you will consider the information and opinions I have included. Thank you very much, Susan Soule Edina, MN Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council Members, First of all, thank you, Mayor Hovland, for attending the community meeting at Braemar. Our neighborhood residents appreciate your respect and openness to our strong concerns. Many of us feel there has been a rush to judgment and a lack of transparency in regard to the Fred Richards issue and are grateful for your responsiveness. I personally am troubled by the impression that more heed is paid to developers than is paid to long-term residents who have been supporting the city with their hard-earned tax dollars for decades. We chose to live here because of the quality of life including excellent schools, good parks and easy access to the urban core without the density and bustle of same. I feel this quality is being compromised. John Valliere, Business then General Manager of Braemar Golf Course for over 40 years of its near 50 -year existence, kindly provided information and insight into the courses' development over the years. His document was, in his words, written to "enlighten residents and inform present decision makers of the remarkable improvements that were made with course revenues and without tax funding ... [but with] the city council, park board and staff... instrumental in the decision making process" (underlining my own). I feel his comments bear additional weight in light of his experience as past -president of the Minnesota Golf Association and 20 years as Committeeman for the United States Golf Association. Any error or facts I attribute to my own misinterpretation. From his review, I found certain points of special interest: 1) "The Richards course was paid for by the golfers at Braemar." In fact, Braemar has a history of fiscal integrity and cooperation. Of the original land costs of $500,000 for the Braemar Golf Course and Arena, the golf course half was paid for by the course while the $250,000 for the Ice Arena was forgiven by the City Council and, for a period, profits of $75,000 from the golf dome were transferred to the Arena. As Braemar play declined, bond costs were growing, but a request by Mr.Valliere to rebond while bond rates were favorable was denied and "[I]iquor... monies were transferred in to help bridge until the bonds were retired in 2013. It was understood that these funds should be repaid when revenues rebounded." 2) "Do not forget the Richards course is now paid for and greens fees are approaching a point where it may become a profit center." What are the costs to taxpayers of converting Fred Richards to a park or other green space? Where would the revenue come from to maintain it in its new form? 3) "Next you have the loss to the community of a beginner/seniors course that serves both Edina and Richfield." This is important in two ways, First, as resident Mike Welbaum pointed out to city and park board leaders in his letter of February 4t", the " `Proposed Changes' claim that `no golfers will be displaced' is unsupported and naive at best. New, young casual and senior golfers have little interest in hilly [and challengingl terrain... It is unlikely that all of these clients will... [transfer] to Braemar as assumed." Secondly, the continuance of Fred Richards, by allowing young and casual golfers to gain confidence and skills, will provide a feeder system for the ongoing success of Braemar. 4) Braemar has just "experienced a perfect storm of unending rain a golf dome burning down and fairways that came out of winter essentially dead" resulting in an atypical reduction in revenue. As we all know, figures can be massaged to support different ends. To make major changes based on the most recent figures is unwise. The return of the dome in addition to increased revenues from the proposed improvements to the already - popular driving range provide a much different picture. 5) "With some dedicated marketing I believe the revenues could be grown considerably. This should be approached with marketing people who KNOW GOLF. The same marketing efforts could apply at Braemar [as well as Fred Richards]." In sum, Fred Richards is a community resource that is paid for and has a revenue stream in place that is close to becoming a profit center. In Mr. Valliere's informed opinion, the revenues could grow considerably with experienced golf marketing. Any changes to the Richards space and ongoing maintenance thereof will have their own costs. Who will pay for them? Fred Richards was paid for by revenue from Braemar golfers and can in turn be a feeder system that contributes to Braemar's long-term success. Braemar as a whole is a vital part of the community. It has contributed excess revenues to other city interests in the past while receiving help in turn. Richards is a special resource for young and old alike. It is a good neighbor for those of us who live nearby, an amenity that influenced our reasons for buying here. I am sure there are many in Edina like my husband and myself who have never had a child in the Edina Schools, who have never set foot on the ice at Braemar arena or used the over- expanding athletic fields and facilities. Yet we have supported them through our votes and our tax dollars because we believe they contribute to the overall quality of life here. We would appreciate it if you would respect our contributions and our opinions about what we think makes our community special. Sincerely, Susan Soule West Shore Drive Edina, MN ................ N...................... From: tmterwilliger[mailto:tmterwilliger@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 3:54 PM To: Edina Mail; lonibennettl2@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); 1oshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonannl@gmail.com Subject: Golf Course Operation Study for 3/4/14 Meeting Dear Mayor and City Council: This afternoon I began reading the Golf Course Operations Study that will be presented to you this evening. I have not completed reading it but in the interest of time wanted to email you with the hope that you will read this before tonight's meeting. There are too many reasons to cite without this email becoming extremely long on why I believe that the decision on whether or not to close Fred Richards should be tabled tonight. Many of these reasons on why your vote should be tabled will be presented to you tonight during public comments. However, I would like to mention a couple of items in the Operations Study that I believe are just a few examples of why more time is needed to study the overall golf operations. On page 4 of the Study the City states that capacity of golf rounds at Fred Richards is 60,000 rounds/yr (same as Braemar Executive). This is significantly different from the capacity number of 35,000+/- that the National Golf Foundation ("NGF") stated on page 50 of their 2011 study that they performed for Edina (NGF also stated that the capacity for Braemar Executive is 35,000+/- on page 46). 1 do not know the assumptions that NGF used to figure 35,000+/- rounds. City Staff's assumptions were based on a 200 day season, 10 hours of tee times, 8 minute tee time intervals, and 4 players per tee time. Staffs assumption that not one hour of time, let alone days or weeks, will be lost due to weather over six and a half months is entirely unrealistic. Whether it is intentional or not this is just one example of how City Staff is presenting misleading information and using them in their calculations. Another example would be in the second paragraph of page 5 in the Operations Study where it states that rounds at Fred Richards declined 25% from 2009 to 2012 while rounds at Braemar Executive only declined 20% (it actually was 23% when compared to 2009 rounds at Braemar Executive and not 2008 as the City calculated). This statement is true but it leaves out important information and facts that more rounds were played at Fred Richards during each of these years and that a total of 10,274 more rounds were played at Fred Richards during the four year stretch from 2009 to 2012. Please note that historically more rounds have been played every year at Fred Richards than at Braemar Executive despite the incredibly poor job that the City has done marketing and promoting Fred Richards over the past many years. The above are just two small examples of why I feel it is extremely important that more time is given to study the overall golf operations and why City Staff needs to be challenged on their ideas and support with detail and facts/reasonable assumptions any proposals that they present in the future. Thank you, Tom Terwilliger 7421 Kellogg Ave. Edina, MN 55435 612-7901859 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Brian Machart [mailto:bmachartCc-bgmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:47 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please Vote "NO" to closing Fred Richards ATTACHMENT Dear City Council, As a new resident of Edina, I am sincerely disappointed and appalled in how the City has handled the process to review golf operations with the public. There has not been ample time to review the options and to discuss with residents near the Fred Richards Executive course regarding its closing. I urge all of you as good public servants to vote "NO" to tonight's golf operations proposal in regards to closure of Fred Richards. I agree that Braemar requires improvements, as suggested in the proposal; however, closure of the Fred Richards course at the end of the 2014 season without significant public input, as Mayor Hovland had said last August to the Sun -Current, is not acceptable to the residents of Edina. Please allow for the assembling of a citizen committee PRIOR to any closing to investigate operations and please review the attached proposal. Please vote "no" to closing Fred Richards. Regards, Brian Machart 7405 Kellogg Ave ................. N..................... From: Jvalliere123[mailto:Jvalliere123(abcomcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:39 PM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettlI(bcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannl@gmail.com Subject: City golf operations Dear mayor and city council members: As you deliberate the fate of the Fred Richards course, please consider Braemar's total financial history. Simply stated for over 40 of it's 50 years Braemar was very profitable. In some years the operational profits approached $1million --this was before revenue bonds & interest payments. The revenue bonds w/interest paid for major facility improvements including the actual land purchase of both Braemar park and a major portion of the Fred Richards parcel (formerly Normandale GC). It is a fact that golf is experiencing a downturn in this tough economy. I have just returned from Dallas and a national disscussion on golf s future. In Minnesota the weather has negatively affected golf playing conditions for the past two years resulting in severe losses. The golf dome fire was another setback to the bottom line. The dome provided $ 75, 000-$ 100, 000 towards the arena's debt service in the mid 90's. It is possible that many citizens and decision makers (pk bd) are unaware of this history. Having managed these facilities for over 40 years, I strongly feel that the wonderful facility at Braemar with its prime location on the 494 strip, and with some much needed updating to the course, can operate in the black. The Fred Richards course, from inception, was discussed at length as being very difficult to cash flow it's debt service (Mr Wallin can attest to those discussions). Braemar paid for Fred Richards course with exception of the closing years. Now the debt is retired and green fee costs have risen, it might very well pay for operational costs. Strong mkt efforts should be made if this path is selected. However, if the recent Pentagon Park developerment is the motivation to "repurpose" the golf course, then we should openly discuss some quid pro quo to improve the golf facilities at Braemar for the $ 3.5 million outflow. The Braemar golfers deserve these considerations. Golf continues to be a wonderful recreational outlet for all of Edina's citizens and especially for our youth & seniors. I was pleased & honered to serve the citizens of such a great community! Respectfully, John Valliere, Braemar Golf Gen Mgr (ret) Past President Minnesota Golf Association Member, Explore Minnesota Tourism Council USGA Committeeman MN ............. N........................ N From: hotmail caa4e5992accf9ce(ablive.com [mailto:hotmail caa4e5992accf9ce(a)live.com] On Behalf Of Trina Bloemendaal Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:21 PM To: Edina Mail; jon i ben nettl2(&comcast. net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshs ra ue edinarealty.com; swensonannl0bgmail.com Subject: SAVE THE FRED!!! ATTACHMENT Dear James, Joni, Mary, Josh and Ann, I am saddened to be taking time out of my day to email you. Our family is a strong supporter of Fred Richards golf course. I have an 11 and 13 year old and this is our golf course of choice. In fact, we have never brought our children to Braemar, even though my husband and I both golf there on a regular basis. The reason being that Fred Richards is perfect for our family! There is low pressure for our kids who are learning. Fred Richards is the course I choose to golf at with my girlfriend when we can steal away for a couple of hours. It is the course where we meet my parents and golf with them and the kids. My kids have taken lessons at Glen Lake before because this has the same feel of Fred Richards. However, all of our golf on a course in this area with our kids has been at Fred Richards. My 11 year old son is signed up for his first league this summer- at Fred Richards!With the proposed changes, I do not see myself bringing my kids to Braemar. Rather, I see us heading over to Glen Lake and supporting the small golf course feel where my kids don't feel pressured and can be free to learn. I grew up in this community and purchased my parents house from them. My parents did not move out of Edina. They stayed in the community. I think a big thing that keeps my dad in Edina is Braemar. He has been part of a league for many years and has served in leadership positions many times. He believes in community golf. However, when my mom started learning, he didn't bring her to Braemar. They golf multiple times a week at Fred Richards. In fact, a Fred Richards gift card is the gift we choose to give him for every occasion because we know it will get used. And when I go in the Fred Richards clubhouse to buy it, they know who Gaylen Ghylin is. We live in Edina because of the great place it is to raise our family. When I was reviewing the excellent proposal, which I have attached, I was not impressed to see whether Edinborough was losing money or how Braemar was doing or what the exact numbers of golf operations are. I was remembering that Edinborough is where we went every Tuesday night for many years to meet our friends. I think of my kids learning to skate at Braemar and I appreciate that we have a great course like Fred Richards, as well as the course I golf in a league, Braemar Executive, and the full course that my husband golfs at. I don't look at these entities separately as a financial decision. I consider the fact that I live in a strong city that has a full package. Please consider the attached proposal and give more time to this decision. Agree to give this important decision more time and consider more alternatives. Let the smart people in Edina look for a way to make it work. Do not let one developer change the way that we live and where we spend time as a family! We live here for the full package. Don't take parts of the package away. I will attend tonight and hope to not be disappointed by your decision! Give this more time to find a way that can work. Sincerely, Trina Bloemendaal NNNN NNNNNN ............................. From: Bourget,Katie [mailto:KBOURGET@travelers.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 2:02 PM To: Edina Mail; 'jon i ben nettl2@comcast. net'; Mary Brindle (Comcast); 'joshsprague@edinarealty.com'; 'swensonannl@gmail.com' Subject: City's Conduct re: Fred Richards and Pentagon Park Redevelopment Dear Edina City Council Members, I am very concerned with the City's conduct in the matter of the proposed closing of Fred Richards golf course. I believe you have acted disingenuously to the citizens you are supposed to represent. The real "need" to close Fred Richards is for Pentagon Park redevelopment and the time table laid out by the developer, Takenhoff/Hillcrest Properties. Yes, consolidated golf operations makes sense, but that's the sideshow. I'm deeply disappointed in the Council for not being forthright with citizens of your true intentions for the land use of Fred Richards Golf Course. Fred Richards is public land and we should have opportunity to provide input on how that land is used if it's not a golf course. These decisions potentially impact property values. I don't live in the neighborhood near Fred Richards; however, I'm speaking out because I'm concerned with the precedent this sets for how the Council conducts itself with regard to other green space in the city. Sincerely, Katie Bourget 6203 S Knoll Drive Katie Bourget, CFA I Senior Managing Analyst I Fixed Income Investments Travelers 385 Washington Street I NB11B St. Paul. MN 55102 W: 651.310.7903 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Erlandson [ma iIto: dickerland(aaol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 1:45 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course. Edina Council; I understand that closing the Fred Richards golf course is under consideration. I also understand that the main reason for taking this action is an economic one. I would submit that the City of Edina and/or the Edina Park Board has been remiss in not advertising the existence of this course. It is in a rather secluded area, which is one of the nice things about it, but it needs promotion for potential golfers to know about it. A private company regularly takes steps to put their products in the public eye by way of putting signs in appropriate locations, using print promotions, and other forms of advertising. Edina has done essentially nothing to make the public aware of the golfing opportunity offered by this beautiful yet challenging 9 hole course. I would say that if Fred Richards is not carrying its economic weight, the City of Edina has only itself to blame. I believe that it is entirely appropriate at this time to invest a modest amount of money that would serve to put Fred Richards in the public eye for the coming 2014 season. My five grandsons and I love the course and play it on a regular basis. We hope to keep doing that. Dick Erlandson Edina. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNNN..... NN N N N N N N N. NN From: Dean G.Tortorelis [mailto:zorba2@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 1:32 PM To: Edina Mail; "Joninnett"; "Josh Sprague"; "Ann Swenson"; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: Vote to Save Fred Richards Golf course tonight! Dear Mayor Hovland, and council members, I am asking your support to vote today, Tuesday March 4th, for the attached proposal to save Fred Richards golf course. Fred Richards is a great asset to Edina! It should not be closed just because Breamar needs to be improved!! The recommendation to close Fred Richards by City Manager Scott Neal without the residents' involvement or any other plans on such short notice to all of us is offensive!! Golfers of all ages have enjoyed Fred Richards for over 20 years and City Staff proposed public consideration of ONE MONTH. That is hard to believe! Please give this more consideration before making a terrible and hasty decision!! Sincerely, Dean G Tortorelis, MD 7441 West Shore Drive, Edina NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Brenda Radichel Quaye [mailto:b[quayeCa3)gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 1:19 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Dear Councilmembers: I believe the future of the Fred Richards golf facility needs to have public input and an appropriate amount of time for public comment prior to making any permanent decision. Please allow Edina residents to be a part of the decision making process and table the vote called for tonight. Thank you. Brenda Brenda R. Quaye Owner New Era Development & Venstar, LLC 7301 Ohms Lane, #300 Edina, MN 55439 ph: 952-924-0212 ..................... N ................. From: Jackie Olson [mailto Jackie.olson(a)me.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 1:01 PM To: jonibennett12(abcorncast.net; Mary Brindle; joshsprague(cbedinarealty.com; swensonannlCc>>gmail.com; Edina Mail Subject: on behalf of young golfers We are writing you today pleading with you to realize that voting to close Fred Richards is shortsighted irreversible decision and one you will regret. Parents in Edina love golf, and love golf instruction for their very young kids, which is something we don't have currently. We have a golden opportunity to turn this course into something even more profitable than it is today! BACKGROUND: Our son Ben golfed with a small group of friends once or twice a week through much of his late elementary school years. Golfing at Braemar or ECC (where we are members) was not a viable option because the courses are too difficult and the other golfers are not accepting of young kids on the course. Here is a picture of him after after his first hole in one at Freddie. Flash forward 7 years — he is now on the Varsity team at EHS and will mostly likely play Division 1 golf in college. In order to love golf - you need to feel successful and Fred has a niche for young and old players. The WILL NOT take their business to Exec - its too hilly and intimidating! Our daughter also plays in the Patty Berg League on Sunday - this is a tremendous program that all would pay more for if they needed to!!. The message here — even residents who have club membership cherish Fred Richards and will play and nay for golf there! IDEA: Based on success in other communities, we should turn Fred into a facility with leagues and instructions for young Juniors and leagues for older folks. There should be instructional options for the little ones but also make it social. Parents in this community have money to spend and are begging for a fun program for kids younger than the one at Braemar!!! Many take their players and money to Glen Lake because of their programs: (http://www.threeriversparks.org/parks/glen-lake-golf/glen-lake- olg f -lea ues.aspx) We support pausing and getting creative in order to avoid this horrible mistake. Keep FRED RICHARDS open!!!! Thanks for your time! Jackie and Geoffrey Olson (and Ben, Charlotte and Andrew) 4620 Woodland Rd W NNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: DENA [mailto:dtortorelisC-Ocomcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:57 PM To: Edina Mail; "Joninnett"; Mary Brindle (Comcast); " Josh Sprague"; "Ann Swenson" Subject: Vote to save Fred Richards golf course tonight! ATTACHMENT Dear Mayor Hovland, and council members, I am asking your support to vote today, Tuesday March 4th, for the attached proposal to save Fred Richards golf course. Fred Richards is a great asset to Edina! It should not be closed just because Breamar needs to be improved!! The recommendation to close Fred Richards by City Manager Scott Neal without the residents' involvement or any other plans on such short notice to all of us is offensive!! Golfers of all ages have enjoyed Fred Richards for over 20 years and City Staff proposed public consideration of ONE MONTH. That is hard to believe! Please give this more consideration before making a terrible and hasty decision !! Sincerely, Dena Tortorelis 7441 West Shore Drive, Edina NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: LABjerkeC�aol.com [ma iIto: LABjerkeCabaol.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:51 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Changes to Golf Operations To: City Council From: Linda A. Bjerke 6600 Nordic Drive Having reviewed the information which you have offered, I have the following concerns: 1. The figures you cite to support your recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course combine the expenses of both Braemar and Fred Richards. This muddies the basis for the argument to close Fred Richards. 2. Fred Richards is a valuable city asset used by a loyal group of patrons. (I do not happen to be one of them) You state " most of the leagues" that currently play here can be accommodated at Braemar. So even at present, there is a shortage of faculties for these patrons not withstanding the possibility of an increase due to marketing and a natural increase as the golf down cycle swings the other direction. It is likely that an effective marketing campaign, directed in particular to school age children could significantly increase the revenue at Fred Richards. 3. If Fred Richards is closed there will be no revenue produced by this property. 4. It is concerning that it appears both courses have been neglected by the city as to routine maintenance and improvements for some time. That is an issue requiring city council attention at another time. Certainly it is more cost effective for the city to maintain both courses with current resources. Improvements can be staged in a cost effective manner. 5. As to the fact that revenues form the city liquor stores are used to support both golf courses, isn't that what they are intended for? These are invaluable city assets even for citizens who do not use them as they add to the quality of life in our community and to property values. Perhaps there are valid reasons to close Fred Richards, however, we have not heard them. Presenting alternative uses for the property may help clarify this. Thank you for your attention. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Lisa Nelson [mailto:lisanelson50Ccbmac.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:41 PM To: ioshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonannl@gmail.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ionibennettl2(&comcast.net; Edina Mail Subject: Closing Fred Richards Golf Course ATTACHMENT Over the last few months, I have seen occasional references to closing Fred Richards Golf Course. Only in the last month did I see any details on it. On the face of it, it seemed odd that Fred was being closed, given that it is Braemar that is losing money. Then, a Sun Current article caught my eye. It mentioned (without much detail) that the developer who wants to re -develop Pentagon Park wants Fred Richards closed, but it was not at all clear what was supposed to replace it and why that was necessary or beneficial. Finally, last night I received a copy of the attached proposal from the "Save the Fred Association Steering Team". I understand that each of you have received this proposal also. I assume you have read this proposal, as have I. It sounds as if there several pieces to this puzzle that haven't been fully communicated to the public and I now question whether all of the alternatives have been adequately considered and the public fully informed. I urge you to table indefinitely the city staffs recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course to allow further study and, in particular, more extensive communication to the public and solicitation of public input. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Doug Nelson[mailto:dnelson(d)theminikandaclub.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:20 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Mayor Jim Hovland ATTACHMENT Mayor Hovland / Scott Neal For the future of Edina Golf the Proposal enclosed seems to address the issues much better than just simply closing Fred Richards Golf Course down completely. I would encourage the City Council to slow down and take their time before they vote and make a decision they will not be happy with in the future. Yes Braemar needs some improvements to its facilities. I think these proposals address some of those issues. See you tonight. Doug Nelson 6117 Oaklawn Ave Edina MN Golf Professional, The Minikanda Club NNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: rthompson1230gmail.com [mailto:rthompson123 gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 11:15 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Contact Us form submission Name: Robert Thompson Organization: Homeowner, Taxpayer Website: Address 1: 4523 Bruce Ave S Address 2: City: Edinaa State: MN Zip_Code: 55424 Email: rthompsonl23 ,gmail.com Phone: 952-929-0844 Referrer: othersearchengine Message: Close the Richard's Golf Course. Complete waste of money to continue operation and serious loss of future tax revenues. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Glenn Syvertsen [mailto:gsyvertsC�gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 10:29 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: From Glenn Syvertsen, 7250 Lewis Ridge Pkwy.Apt. 216, Edina, MN 55439 I agree with the Countryside Neighborhood Call to Action to save the Fred Richardson golf course at the City Council meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. March 4, 2014. I have lived in Edina since 1970 and have appreciated the availability of this small, family- friendly golf course for people of all ages and skill levels. Unfortunately, I am presently in Naples, FL and cannot attend the meeting to personally express my opinion. Sincerely, Glenn Syvertsen NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Amy Gustafson [mailto:gustobovs@Rmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 10:14 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: City Council meeting tonight... Dear City Council Members, It is my understanding you have a meeting tonight and unfortunately, I am unable to attend. I would like to request that you PLEASE listen closely to our community/families. I would like the City Council to hold off on closing Fred Richards. It appears that recommendations have been made quickly and not all consideration have been made for the community. This piece of land is a great asset and served the community well as a golf course and am confident can continue to if there is a better proposal. I also believe there is no need to convert Braemer to another Par 3 but improvements should be made. Please VOTE work with residents (with families) to KEEP FRED RICHARDS. Edina continues to grow with all the new housing projects that have been approved. Aren't we growing in the schools by 20%? That 20% can and should be able to use FRED Richards golf course! It appears there are other expenditures that we should look to cut. Thanks for your time.. Wellness is important! We need options in Edina and healthy lifestyle choices! Amy and Rick Gustafson 4518 Bruce Ave, Edina .................. N.................... From: Scott Dorgan [mailto:smdorgan@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 7:36 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: The Fred Richards should be saved as a golf course I am writing in support of saving the Fred Richards golf course. Please remove the Fred Richards golf course from consideration of the golf operations improvement proposal. My family has used this golf course for years. Our children learned to play golf on this course and continue to use it to this day. This course serves children and the elderly much better than any golf course at Breamar. The primary reason is it is flat it has a good mixture of distances. It allows for a pleasant round of golf for those that are learning with those that need extra time such as seniors I have seen the proposals and information from the city staff recommendation. I am disappointed in the way they have portrayed the Fred Richards by lumping it into the poor financial situation for city of a Edina golf operations. The city staff's argument for closing the Fred is weak. If you dig into the numbers, it turns out that the Fred Richards is positive in its cash flows and Breamar golf course is not. The bonds are paid off on this course as well. This is a course that is suited for kids. In fact, I think this is the primary issue. The kids are where we should put our priorities first in the city of Edina. I don't buy the argument that we need another park. We have plenty. I also don't buy the city's argument that they want to repurpose the use for this land but are not sure what to do. There is a developer involved for land right behind that golf course and I suspect there is probably something already figured out without knowledge of the city's residents. Leave the Fred Richards as it is now. A golf course that serves the community well. A golf course that could serve the community even better with a little more marketing attention and some junior golf programs. Scott Dorgan 4504 Gilford Drive NNNNN NNN NN NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: mendelco(&aol.com [mailto:mendelco(?baol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:11 PM To: Edina Mail; ion ibennettl2(dcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshspragueCcbedinarealty.com; swensonannl gmail.com Subject: Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED Dear Mayor and City Council Members, We would like to make one final appeal that you vote tomorrow night to keep Fred Richard Golf Course open. You have certainly heard many arguments supporting Fred Richards Golf Course. Please consider the following questions... 1. What other sport can a family of five with children ranging from 9-16 play together? Golf is a wonderful family sport. The Braemar exeutive course is too hard for our 9 year old, but Fred Richards is still fun for all of us. 2. As an adult, can you take a client out to play soccer or hockey together? Golf is the sport of business! It is great to develop the love for the game of golf at a young age. 3. Why would we so hastily close a course that is profitable and paid for? Fred Richards is a great golf course enjoyed by many. With a little marketing, it could be enjoyed by many more. 4. Why the rush? A decision to close Fred Richards would be a mistake that could not be undone. We suppport the attached proposal prepared by the Save the Fred Association Steering Team, we are asking that you would also support this proposal. Save the Fred! Thank you, Rob and Nancy Mendel -----Original Message ----- From: Patty <pastang68(cDgmail. corn > To: Rob & Nancy Mendel <mendelco(a)aol.com> Sent: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 5:36 pm Subject: Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED Dear Friends of Fred! Earlier this evening we sent the attached proposal via email to Mayor Hovland and the Edina City Council. Our team, with your help and support, has worked tirelessly to produce this position statement and alternative proposal for the City to consider. The proposal is thoroughly researched, carefully considered, transparent, taps into common sense and logic and finally we believe produces a BETTER result for residents and Edina Golf. What you can do to help: 1. Read our proposal carefully and write the Mayor and Council one last email. Attach our proposal, indicate your support, and ask them directly to vote to adopt our recommendations on Tuesday evening. Forward our proposal to EVERYONE you know and ask them to do the same! 3. Please attend the Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7PM in Edina City Hall Council Chambers. Come prepared to make your voice heard by speaking about our proposal and your support of Fred Richards and Edina Golf. Thank You! Your Save the Fred Association Steering Team, John & Melanie Berg Tom & Laura Berzinski Scott and Denise Dorgan Bart and Kari Halling Wayde and Jan Heirigs Paul and Mary Hughes Nick and Renee Hunzelman Derek and Sarah Johnson Tim and Kristi Nasby Paul and Liz Rosenthal Dan and Laura Schleck John and Patty Stang Tom and Michelle Terwilliger Wayne and Nancy VanderVort Colleen and Willie Wolfe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Joan Strickler[_mailto:Joan.StricklerCc�proquest.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:52 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Andrea Kellar; Strickler, John G; pasta ng68(cbgmai1.com Subject: Please Save the Fred Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. Please see the attached recommendations from the Save the Fred Association. We completely agree with Save the Fred's recommendation to detach the closing of Fred Richards from the Staff's recommendations to improve Braemar Golf Operations. The best thing for the residents of the city of Edina is not only saving Fred Richards, but also supporting the long past due and necessary capital improvements to the Braemar Golf Course. These two goals are not mutually exclusive of one another, since the facilities serve different needs. Respectfully, John and Joan Strickler 6204 South Knoll Drive Edina, MN 55436 Home Phone + 1 952 988 9489 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNN NNN N N N N N N N.NN From: Gaylen Ghylin Finailto:gpghylinCabmsn.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:19 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Penny and I have lived in Edina since 1971. 1 have been a member of the Braemar Men's Club since 1985. Penny and I play frequently at the Fred. We are very comfortable there, and believe it contributes significantly to the wonderful quality of life we enjoy here. We think it is a gem, and fills a critical role in the Edina Golf Enterprise. Every golfer in Edina should be strong supporters of the Fred because it makes their golf experience in Edina that much more pleasant. At the same time, we believe the Fred should carry its own wait financially. The proposal to close the Fred is an inappropriate rush to action. We encourage the Edina City Council table this proposal, and support the Golf Operations Proposal submitted to the City Council by the Save the Fred Association on March 4, 2014. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Laura Berzinski[_mailto:berzinskiC@bcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:21 PM To: Edina Mail; ion ibennettl2(abcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); iosh.sprague(abedinarealty.com; swensonannl agmail.com Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course ATTACHMENT Dear Mayor Hovland and Edina City Council Members: I support the report and recommendations carefully and thoroughly put together by the Save The Fred Association and encourage you to vote to adopt these recommendations at the City Council meeting March 4, 2014. The Fred Richards Golf Course is a great asset to the Edina community and to the future of golf in Edina. I am a life-long Edina resident and have spent my 50 years in the South Cornelia and Lake Edina neighborhoods. The Fred Richards Golf Course is a key component in making these two neighborhoods a great place to live and provides the neighborhoods a quiet, but well used, buffer from the nearby office space. Fred Richards has been the golf course where residents have learned to golf over the years and generations can comfortably play together. I ask that you please do not make a quick decision to close this long-time treasured community course. Thank you, Laura Berzinski 7416 Kellogg Ave. Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Sally Stoutenburgh[mailto:sallystout(aIcenturklink.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 7:18 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Vote on Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council members, I `m trying to find the words to fully express the sadness and angst I feel towards those determined to close Fred Richards Golf course. It would be a big mistake and one that could not be reversed. I've never been a conspiracy theorist but now realize the citizens of Edina have been deliberately misled with regard to the condition of the Braemar facilities. If this is really true, someone should be held accountable for mismanagement ... and duly replaced. Also, it seems residents concerns and interest have been set aside in order to cater to Hillcrest properties. Is there a hidden agenda behind closing this small course? I would hope not since they have publically said they will build no matter what. Edina has been pushing for a healthy populace by providing many opportunities for beneficial exercise for all ages. To this point, some of my friends who play in golf leagues at " The Fred" have stated they will not transfer to Braemar. They're familiar with it but feel navigating the large facility is too daunting and the nine hole terrain too hilly. They've indicated they will probably stop playing or find a more suitable course in a another community. My husband loved golf and was on the board of the Braemar's Men's Club. He taught our 6 children golf on Fred Richards and found most especially the redesigned course to be a comfortable and fun challenge. Many early mornings he could be found encouraging and mentoring young players and teaching them proper golf etiquette. A perfect place to do such things. Why kill the goose that lays the golden eggs which will supply new golfers which you so expressly state you are wanting and needing? I think Hillcrest properties could benefit from having Fred Richards remain. It could be an asset to future businesses that will locate in their buildings Previous owners encouraged after hours leagues. I often used to see men in business garb and golf shoes, minus the jackets, playing a round on their lunch hour. Where else in Edina can you do this .... and right next door to your place of business? I don't understand why Fred Richards receives no advertising effort or signage. In the past I have deliberately looked for it to be cited on community news. Pretty neglectful I would say. The Edina golf dome was advertised on Fox network a few nights ago in the 9PM hour.. Very nicely done, but last summer while at the Fidelity bank on France Ave I was asked about The Fred. The inquirer didn't realize it was a public course he could use..pretty sad! Zero promotion and poor signage, well below Edina's usual branding standards, is just as responsible for the course's low usage as the current cyclical downturn in golf participation nationwide. Isn't public usage (revenue) what this is all about? It seems private developers are expected to have more than one option when making proposals to you. You, the City Council should demand that from your staff. Please vote NO on this proposal. Sally Stoutenburgh 7449 W Shore Dr Edina, MN 952-927-6915 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Johnson[mailto:jj.landarchCcOgmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 6:30 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: jonibennett12(dcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(aaedinarealty.com; swensonannIC>)qmail.com Subject: Table the vote for Fred Richards!! ATTACHMENT Dear Mayor Hovland and Council: I am hopeful that you would consider tabling the vote to repurpose Fred Richards golf course until there has been more studies with real open dialogue about other options. Thankfully several of our residents have taken a stand against the process and timing of the proposed elimination of this golf facility. Apparently there is disagreement in terms of the operational expenses and profitability of this facility. For this reason alone, it seems to need further study before going to a final vote. Please look at other options to keep this land in golf operations before closing the door. It would be especially disappointing if this decision was at all driven by proposed redevelopment of the adjacent Pentagon Park. Sincerely, John Johnson 5816 Ewing Ave South Edina, MN 55410 ....................................... From: F Hanson [mailto:felhanson(a)gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 5:19 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Proposal Dear Mayor Hovland: I have this afternoon read the proposal produced by the Save the Fred organization. I believe this proposal, produced by a neighbor group that includes numerous business people, offers sound suggestions for retaining the Fred Richards Golf Course, and for supporting Braemar according to Park Board recommendations. I respectfully request that you give the proposal options thoughtful consideration, and that you table the vote on closing the Fred Richards Golf Course. Sincerely, Felicity Hanson ............................. N NNNNNNNN. From: benjamin.cavender(ftsbank.com[mailto:benjamin.cavendeKabusbank.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 5:03 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Council members, I will be unable to attend the meeting tomorrow night, but I would encourage you to vote against closing Fred Richards at this time. It is simply irresponsible to close the course without knowing what the alternative use will be and how much it will cost. How do you evaluate the expected costs and expected benefits of a decision, if you only have 1/2 of the equation? And, if there is an alternative use in mind, let's get it out in the open, debate the pros and cons, and make a reasoned decision on the merits. Honestly, I am shocked this has come this far.... This is not how responsible people make decisions. Benjamin Cavender Senior Corporate Counsel, VP U.S. Bank National Association 800 Nicollet Mall, BC -MN -H21 R Minneapolis, MN 55402 Direct: (612) 303-7366 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: James [mailto:JBJENK01Cabmsn.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 4:32 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Fred Richards - Comments from a Edina Golfer Dear Mayor Hovland: We have met on a few occasions including Ron Way's annual get together. As a long time golfer and member at Braemar since 1984, I appreciate playing Braemar weekly as well as a variety of other golf courses on occasion. I have watched the course decline in quality in the last 10-12 years relative to other premier golf courses in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. Braemar is a tremendous asset to the community and to golfers who do not want to drive 20-50 miles to play a premier course. My personal view is that the decline in play over the last 10 years is heavily influenced by the quality of the course and restoring the course to its past condition will result in many more rounds than has been forecasted in the financials presented in the report prepared by staff. Braemar saves 1-3 hours of time to golfers who now drive a long distance to play a quality course. The recent policy of allowing patrons who live outside of Edina will also make a difference in the rounds played if the course and driving range are brought back to their prior quality. Regarding Fred Richards, I am disappointed in how this whole matter has been handled. My personal review of the assumptions and financials associated with the decision to closed Fred in 2015 makes no sense to me. If implemented as proposed we will have no executive or par 3 course in 2015. My personal analysis of this convinces me that Fred Richards, on an operations basis excluding the debt payback, has not been a drain on the budget and in fact it has made money over the last several years. The debt is now paid. I also believe it has the potential to compliment the overall golf operations plan from a vision of golf and financial perspective. In the proposed plan closing Fred Richards will mean people who have been playing the executive courses at both venues will be driven to another course and potentially lost as future patrons. It also means the revenue from both courses will be lost. If properly promoted and managed this could translate to a positive profit and cash flow contribution to the overall upgrade program in 2015 and beyond. In any case deferring the decision to close Fred in 2015 does not add any financial risk to the process and appears to be a prudent business decision. Everyone, including the Save Fred Richards group, clearly wants the council to approve the improvement program. It would be a win/win for all of us if the decision to close Fred was deferred and reconsidered as part of the overall Edina golf master plan that is scheduled to be developed over the next several months. Jim Jenkins <br>Home 952.944.3382 <br>Cel 1612.799.8045 <br>Email jb�ienk01(d)msn.com<br ..........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bernadette Daly [rnailto:bndaly60(d)yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 4:13 PM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Subject: The Fred Richards golf course. As a resident of Sedum Lane whose property backs on to the Fred Richards golf course I urge the council to table this consideration until all residents have had a chance to have their concerns addressed. An alternative thoughtful proposal has been presented to the Mayor and the council members by our concerned group. I urge you to read it carefully and consider the very valid points it makes. Bernadette Daly. ..........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: james.sparrow(&wystar.com[mailto:iames.sparrow(cbwystar.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 4:05 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards golf course Dear Council Member, I support the attached proposal regarding alternatives to the closure of the Fred Richards golf course and ask you to reconsider your decision to close the course and redevelop the land. Sincerely, Jim Sparrow 5301 Oaklawn Avenue Edina, MN 55424 ....................................... From: Bob Hursh [mailto:bobhursh(d)hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:52 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: braemar i am in favor of the golf course plan that has been approved by the park board. I'm very much looking forward to the long overdue driving range upgrade. last year i played about 30 rounds at braemar. i have played three times at "the fred" in the past ten years. i have resided in edina since 1986 and have purchased a braemar patron card every year beginning in 1992. NNNNNNN................................ From: Jeff Dykstra[ma iIto: jeff(a�partners infoodsolutions.comI Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:44 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2(dcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; swensonannl@gmail.com Cc: molly dykstra Subject: We support the attached Save the Fred proposal recommendations that will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow night - thanks for considering ATTACHMENT Jeff and Molly Dykstra 4303 Branson St. Edina Jeff Dykstra e: Jeff!u,partnersinfoodsolutions.com m: 952-221-8730 svww.Partners InFoodSolutions.com 9000 Plymouth Avenue N. Minneapolis. MN 55427 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bob Falls [mailto:bobfallsCcbcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:27 PM To: James Hovland; Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Dear Ms. Kattreh and Mayor Hovland, I have been a BMC member for 14 years and have played Braemar for 50 years. In the last several years I have been forced to play elsewhere because of the poor condition of the course and driving range. I know I'm not the only one with this issue. The conditions at Braemar have eroded and it's reputation has suffered. The facility is not up to the standards present at other Edina recreational sites. Please improve the driving range and the course conditions. It would eventually generate more working capital for the city because of increased use. One has only to look at Bunker Hills and Keller. The time is now. The money will be a well spent investment for the next 50 years. Take care, Bob Falls N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNN From: Bill Hollway [ma iIto: bhollway6l(a)gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:25 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Consolidate & Invest (Braemar Golf) Dear Mayor and City Council Members, Just wanted to write a note supporting your plan to improve Braemar Golf Course and club house facilities. I have been a longtime resident of Edina and use the park facilities frequently. The outdoor skating rinks, warming houses, and other athletic fields are well maintained. It would be great to have a revenue producing park(Braemar Golf) maintained up to the same standards of the other park facilities. Thank You for your efforts and good luck. Bill Hollway cell # 612-483-3006 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jmac6001 [mailtoJmac6001(Oaol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:22 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Dear City Council Members, My wife and I are long term patrons at Braemar, and are extremely supportive of the suggested changes to the Golf course and driving range that will once again make Braemar a premier golf attraction. I am also a member of the Men's Club, and as so, I am a frequent user of the course. Also, I do play other area courses, and therefore have strong opinions about Braemar relative to the competition. The improvements that have been recommended are necessary to ensure continuation of our play at the course, and to entice others to play there as well. Please vote in support of the changes. Jim and Sheran McNulty 6001 Bonnie Brae Drive 952 941 1743 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From:nl� indberg@cox.net [mailto:gnlindberg@cox.net] Sent: Monday,, March 03, 2014 3:18 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: FW: [Countryside Neighborhood] Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED; City Council meeting Tuesday, March 4 7:00 pm ATTACHMENT' mayor and city council --- edina MN ---- we have lived and paid taxes in edina for 44 years -- we used to play golf at braemar but we find we cant handle the big course or the executive course any more so we play only at fred richards ---- it would be disastrous to our recreational opportunities in edina to lose fred ---- fred is a friendly place for the young and the old ---- we wholeheartedly support the efforts of the save fred committee and feel it would be a tragic and irreversable loss to lose fred especially as a result of an expedited politically motivated study which didnt have adequate resident input ---- sincerely ---- gordon e lindberg 6001 erin terrace edina mn -------- Begin forwarded message -------- Subject: FW: [Countryside Neighborhood] Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED; City Council meeting Tuesday, March 4 7:00 pm Date: 3/3/14 1.0:18:52 AM From: "roy burns" <rovbburns@msn.com> To: "Ben Walters" <joybenwalters@hotmail.com>, "Bob Haben" <whaben@yahoo.com>, "Gordon Lindberg" <gnlindberg@cox.net>, "NASHJOHNN" <nashjohnn@gmail.com>, rdronendh@att.net, "stacy abena" <slammom@aol.com>, "Tom Bonneville" <tabonneville@aol.com>, "tony abena" <tony.abena@palatinehill.com> URGENT! Please read the enclosed well done golf operations proposal and send a note supporting this proposal (not the one from the staff) to the Mayor and City Council. They're voting tomorrow night Thanks. Roy From: alleneburns@msn.com To: rovbburns@msn.com Subject: FW: [Countryside Neighborhood] Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED; City Council meeting Tuesday, March 4 7:00 pm Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 05:39:49 +0000 From: Christine.Henninger@genmills.com To: edinacountryside@googlegroups.com Subject: [Countryside Neighborhood] Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED; City Council meeting Tuesday, March 4 7:00 pm Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 03:16:49 +0000 Please see the e-mail below regarding the Edina community group which has organized an effort to save the Fred Richardson golf course. There is a City Council meeting Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00 to discuss the proposal put forth by City Staff and present the proposal attached above. Dear Friends of Fred! Earlier this evening we sent the attached proposal via email to Mayor Hovland and the Edina City Council. Our team, with your help and support, has worked tirelessly to produce this position statement and alternative proposal for the City to consider. The proposal is thoroughly researched, carefully considered, transparent, taps into common sense and logic and finally we believe produces a BETTER result for residents and Edina Golf. What you can do to help: 1. Read our proposal carefully and write the Mayor and Council one last email. Attach our proposal, indicate your support, and ask them directly to vote to adopt our recommendations on Tuesday evening. 2. Forward our proposal to EVERYONE you know and ask them to do the same! 3. Please attend the Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7PM in Edina City Hall Council Chambers. Come prepared to make your voice heard by speaking about our proposal and your support of Fred Richards and Edina Golf. Thank You! Your Save the Fred Association Steering Team, John & Melanie Berg Tom & Laura Berzinski Scott and Denise Dorgan Bart and Kari Halling Wayde and Jan Heirigs Paul and Mary Hughes Nick and Renee Hunzelman Derek and Sarah Johnson Tim and Kristi Nasby Paul and Liz Rosenthal Dan and Laura Schleck John and Patty Stang Tom and Michelle Terwilliger Wayne and Nancy VanderVort Colleen and Willie Wolfe You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "EdinaCountryside" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to edinacountryside+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt out. --Forwarded Message Attachment -- --Forwarded Message Attachment -- --Forwarded Message Attachment-- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N.... From: Gloria W. Smith [mailto:phiglo2@aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:35 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save Fred Richards We have just read the proposal developed by the Save the Fred Organization and We are in full agreement. There is no reason to destroy an entity that has shown to be profitable and invest it's profit elsewhere! Please study this proposal and make a more informed decision about restructuring Edina Golf. Thank you. Phillip and Gloria Smith Sent from my iPad NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Joe Langer[mailto:joelanger216Ca>gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:34 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Braemar Golf Course future. I'm probably one of the few who actually suggested selling Fred Richards. After the meeting which "I felt staff was ill prepared for, I became less sure because they had no concrete game plan. As far as Braemar itself, I think the driving range should be improved, but that still does not address the fact it is poorly maintained during the season. They basically do some work in the spring and then wait until fall to do anything else. Good driving ranges need to have sections seeded and shut off all summer long. The course itself is a beauty and somebody like Lehman could probably advise some tweaking, including the use of some "French" drains where water is a problem. Enjoyed your talk at Braemar and overall I think Edina is very well run. Thank you. NNNNNNNNNNNNN N ......................... From: Gloria W. Smith [mailto:phiglo2@aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:25 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards golf Coirse As a 30 year resident of Edina and a 30 year tax payer now living in Eden Prairie, I am a senior citizen and play regularly at Fred Richards Golf Course. It is a perfect course for my group, aged 72 to 82, to have a great morning of golf. It is where I take my grandsons to play golf with me ... learning to love the game and be the golfers of the future. Please consider carefully your decision to close the course. It is serving a very real need in our community that cannot be filled by a redesigned Braemar. The bottom line is not the only consideration in creating the quality of life that has always defined Edina. We subsidize young people's sports activities, perhaps with an aging population, you could support senior athletics as well. Thank you for you serious consideration. Gloria w. Smith Sent from my iPad ...... N ....................... N........ From: Andrea Kellar[mailto:akellar234Ccbcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:17 PM To: Edina Mail; Scott Neal Subject: Request fir March 4th City Council Meeting Good Afternoon, I respectfully request that I be able to address Council for 12 minutes in order to make sure all points of concern for the future of our junior golf needs are presented and the impact that the current proposal regarding Braemar Golf and in particular, the closing of Fred Richards Executive Course will have on those needs . In order to grant this request, the Mayor stated that other concerned residents would have to cede their allotted 3 minutes to the designated person. 1. Andrea Kellar speak on the impact of junior golf and closing Fred Richards Executive Course. Edina residents who wish to formally cede their allotted 3 minutes time to Andrea Kellar are Anita Leggott, 6 Spur Road Ann Dickey, 5021 Yvonne Terreace Richard Johnston, 4505 Wooddale Ave Katie O'Connell, 4801 Rolling Green Parkway Bonnie McGarth, 4619 Moorland Ave Lee McGarth, 4619 Moorland Ave Alex Christiansen, 4614 Drexel Ave Respectfully, Andrea Kellar NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: roy b burns [mailto:roybburnsCd)msn.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 2:12 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Dear Mayor and Council Members, Attached is a copy of a well researched and prepared proposal prepared by city residents that I hope you will consider and approve. As long term Edina residents, we firmly believe that the proposal to close the Fred Richards Golf Course submitted by Edina staff is inadequately researched, lacks any significant resident input, and is short sighted land use planning for a successful Edina Golf Operation I'm sure there are better options than what is included in the staff report. Over the years, Edina has had a pretty good record of City and Resident partnership and transparency, but that is not the case with this staff proposal. Please, approve the resident committee proposal and not the staff one in order to give us the time to work together to develop an option that Edina can afford, as well as produce the quality Golf Operations that staff and residents and their families will continue to experience. Sincerely, Allene and Roy Burns 5708 Warden Ave. Edina, Mn. 55436 952-929-1560 roybburnsCcDmsn.com N N N N NNN NNNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Jerry Knoblauch[mailto:jknoblauch999(J5)gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 1:38 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Braemar Golf Improvements Mayor Hoveland, I have been a 25 year resident of Edina, but am currently residing in St. Louis Park. My comments come as a former resident and an outsider. • If Fred Richards is no longer a golf course, then the Executive Course at Braemar should remain substantially in tact to accommodate the influx from Fred Richards. Only sacrifice one par 4 to make more room for the driving range. • The driving range needs more capacity at peak times. However, if the Golf Dome can be open at those peak times during the non -winter evenings, nothing too dramatic need be done with the driving range. This should be financially justifiable since variable costs should be low. • Restoring Braemar to its glory of the 60's is the challenge. The following ideas should help • 1. Quality sand in the bunkers. Current sand is too gravelly. Fine white sand should be done for maximum appeal. It has been done at other courses around the area. • 2. Reduce some of the bunkers and replace with well watered rough -like conditions around the green. There needs to be some challenge around some of the holes. • 3. Consider one or two "showplace" bunkers, either large, in the middle of the fairway, or something to make them part of a signature hole. A signature hole should be created to draw players to it. This hole should have some challenge. • 4. Utilize the 3rd nine more. It is OK to be challenging. However, make sure that there is a tee box for every level. If golfers play from the appropriate tee box, they will have a better game. Currently some seniors feel it is too challenging. I disagree. The day that it become too much of a challenge is the day the executive course should be utilized. Do not make this Nine easier, just create a tee structure to "force" golfers to choose more a more appropriate set of tees. Some older golfers do not like to acknowledge that they can no longer play from the white tees. • 5. I have played a lot as a single. Many golfers I have played with feel strongly that pace of play is an issue for them to regularly play Braemar. The Men's club tries very hard to maintain a good pace of play. More aggressive rangering will help with this. • 6. Wet areas. Address traditional wet areas after heavy rains by adding drainage ponds. It adds a bit more challenge. Meadowbrook and Hiawatha did this 10+ years ago. Players learn to play away from trouble. • 7. Make hole 11 a bit more difficult. Shortcuts through the woods should be discouraged. • MARKETING and CONSULTANTS. Although other areas of Edina suffered from customer service issues, Braemar has always had first class customer service. No need for a consultant here, GMs have done a find job. Having a 3rd nine is a marketing bonus, since it can provide 50% more last minute reservation options and walk in options. I realize capital improvements will need consultants. Use local ones if possible. • Don't underprice the course. Push Rate. The frequent user program does not attract the casual user. They will pay the going rate, as will all the regulars and seniors. They can afford it. The Minneapolis Park Board used this same conclusion according to a recent article in the Star Tribune. Use this carrot for non -patron marketing. Study the Baker Park model. In the Minnesota Golfer magazine that just came out, they are the Minnesota Club of the year. It told the story of their deterioration in the mid 80's, and they sold bonds to fund improvements, paying the bonds back two years ahead of schedule. You probably have lost some business to Baker. I hope these thoughts and ideas are helpful in the decision making process. Jerry Knoblauch JKnoblauch999(a,GMail.com ............................... N....... From: FranzSr(a)aol.com [mailto:FranzSr(cbaol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 12:14 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: The Fred Mayor, City council; We strongly urge you to accept the proposal to halt consideration of eliminating The Fred. We have been Edina residents since 1946. We have grown accustomed to Edina residents being included in discussions on City improvements and or changes that would effect our surroundings. One month discussions on eliminating The Fred basically eliminates public discussion on same. We are totally opposed to your plan and urge you to consider additional options. Franz and Joanie Burris 5832 Olinger Blvd. Edina, MN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dennis.Wollan(lwellsfargo.com[mailto: Den nis.WollanCabwellsfargo.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:56 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: No to Closing Fred Richards ATTACHMENT Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4'h. There is no need to rush to the closure of Fred Richards before there is significant public input, public discussion, and a master plan for the golf courses. The process to this point has not been open or fair. Let's begin the discussion on how to upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. There are many in the Twin Cities golf community that play the Fred Richards course that would not be comfortable on the courses at Braemar. I have attached an alternative proposal from the Save the Fred Association Steering Team that deserves consideration in my opinion. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Denny Wollan Collateral Appraiser Wells Fargo RETECHS 7900 Xerxes Ave S, Ste 160 Bloomington, MN 55431 612-667-5038 direct 855-584-0155 fax den nis.wollan(a�wellsfargo.com N9307-01 D NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bob Sedoff[mailto:bobsedoff(abhotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:54 AM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettl2(acomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshspragueCabedinarealty.com; swensonannl(cbgmail.com Subject: In support of The Fred Richards Golf Course ATTACHMENT I am in support of keeping the The Fred Richards Golf Course open. Thank you, Bob Sedoff cell 612-860-0538 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bob Sedoff [mailto:bobsedoff(cbhotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:47 AM To: Edina Mail; joniben nett12(abcorncast. net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague(a)edinarealty.com; swensonannl(&gmail.com Subject: In Support of keeping Fred Richards open. February 26, 2014 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: I am Bob Sedoff. I live at 5508 Highland Road Edina MN 55436. Mary knows me from our family hosting an exchange student through Youth For Understanding. Joni knows me from my involvement with the High School and Valley View theatre programs. I am writing in support of keeping the Fred Richard's golf course open. Before I tell you how I use Fred I want to say that the staff at Fred Richards has treated us very well. Mike, Jack, Tass, and the grounds crew are always helpful and friendly. My mother (now 92), a friend (Sharon now 70), and I (now 62) have played there most Wednesdays for what must be 20 years. They have played together longer having started their league while working together at GE Capital when it was located on France Avenue. We often have a fourth. And many times enough people for a second tee time... We are bringing in friends and family from Burnsville, Coon Rapids, Minneapolis, Hopkins, and Bloomington. We have included my children and my niece and nephew in these rounds. After golf we usually go to TJ's for lunch or dinner. We have also used Fred to host our annual Hodgins family golf tournament. In July we bring in about thirty people to play in the morning. We have people come in from Toronto, Washington D.C., Seattle, Dallas, and Chicago. The terrain at Fred allows for a mix of skills from 12 year old newbies, a Texas High School champion, a 92 year old great/great aunt -grandmother all to have a fun day of golf together. You have heard this before: The Fred Richards golf course with its flat terrain and friendly staff is valued spot for people of mixed skills to play together. For beginners it is a low key environment great for learning. For old timers it has carts and flat terrain that is easy to stand on. For good players with a short open time it is a place to hone the short game. These qualities also make it a good choice for corporate outings. With the upcoming rehab of Pentagon Park there is a possibility of increased users from across the fence. The Fred Richards course is different from the Braemar Executive course. Both are valuable. The Park Board Meeting mentioned the debt is retired in 2013. The place is paid for, there must be a way to break even on the Fred Richards golf course. Thank you, Bob Sedoff cell 612-860-0538 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NNNNNN NNN N NN N N N N N NN From: Laura Hotmail Account[mailto:laura196511Cabhotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:27 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Vote to keep Fred Richards open ATTACHMENT Dear Mayor, Please do not vote on Tuesday to close Fred Richards. As one of the stewards of Edina land use, you have a duty to a more open and accurate discussion with the community using the best information available regarding golf operations and city park land. I do not believe the City Council has the best information available at this time. Please vote to keep Fred Richards open, then we can as a community can collect the best information and data and through that process determine what is best for golf operations in Edina. Thank You Laura Schleck NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John F. Devereaux [mailto:IidevroCcbcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:20 AM To: James Hovland; Ann Kattreh Cc: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar To the Mayor, City Council and Parks Department: I am a long time resident of Edina — born and raised here and bought my first house here in 1991. 1 have seen Braemar change over the years. I belong to the Braemar Men's Club and know many players who have left to play elsewhere primarily due to the condition of the course. I also have friends outside the Men's Club who won't play here for the same reason. We have a wonderful property here — it is rare to be able to play a city course that is not surrounded by houses. But it has gone downhill. The range only has grass for about the first month every year. The greens, tees and fairways all need work, but the bones of the course are excellent. It just needs more care and attention. Obviously that takes money to have that happen. I liken it to a long established restaurant that finds its revenues are dropping. Do you cut staff and reduce the menu? That's not likely to help much. Or do you remodel a little and punch up the menu with new entrees and try to lure your old customers back as well as some new ones? Far more likely to meet with success. I think you are headed in the right direction with the proposals in front of you. I know it doesn't please everyone, but if that was the deciding factor how much would get accomplished? I encourage you to proceed with the improvements at Braemar. Thank you for your time. John F Devereaux Edina MN ....... N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N..... From: hunzelman(bcomcast.net [mailto:hunzelman(&comcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 11:10 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please Save the Fred!!! At least consider some of the options that have been presented to you from the citizens of Edina!! Renee Hunzelman .................. N.................... From: Lee Azar [mailto:leeazar@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:54 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Sincerely, Lee Azar 5608 Highwood Drive Edina, MN 55436 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: DGRGoody(daol.com [ma iIto: DGRGoody(daol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:53 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: March 4th meeting ATTACHMENT Please indefinitely delay the closing of FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE More information needs to be considered FRED is the BEST 9 hole course in the area Thank You, Diane Goodell -Roberts Golfer at FRED RICHARDS ............ N NNNNNN.................... From: Mary Brindle [mailto:mbrindle(abcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:39 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Keep the "Fred" open Reply to Jon Hammer's email of March 2, 2014 Good morning, Thank you for your note. I think it is important to note that the development at Pentagon Park has nothing to do with closing the golf course at Fred Richards park. The Pentagon development will place. The park will remain a park. The only question is whether the golf course will remain at the park. It could be relocated to a nine hole golf course at Braemar Golf Course. That is really the question, as I see it. The answer to the question posed in the first paragraph is unknown. Until we have an answer, which in my opinion will be available when we see a master plan for the golf operations, I cannot in good conscience make a decision on the golf course at Fred Richards. If we close the Fred and proceed to expand the driving range at Braemar, we could end up without room for an executive course. Then where would we be? There are several issues that are up in the air with regard to Fred Richards park Can the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail come through Fred Richards Park in a way that allows golf to continue? As an executive course, does the Fred offer something not currently available at Braemar Golf Course? If so, can the Fred produce enough revenue to warrant keeping it open? How will the expanded driving range affect the current Braemar executive course? Would opening a par -3 course at Braemar be beneficial? Will Fred supporters go to Braemar to play on a course that is similar to what is currently available at the Fred? How important is the location of the Fred in the Southdale/Parklawn/Pentagon area? Will the Fred be a draw for businesses who move their location to Pentagon Park? There is a lot to consider; much more than I state here in this quick list of considerations. I would expect the council to take its time making this decision. This is not something that has to happen within a set period of time. An audit of Edina's golf operations was done a few years ago by the National Golf Foundation. In that audit, they questioned why Edina would have two executive golf courses, one at the Fred and one at Braemar. They suggested that we consider consolidating golf operations and thereby closing the Fred. That is where this idea came from in the first place. Thank you for your letter. I appreciate knowing your opinions. Your continued input is welcome. Mary Brindle. ................... N................. N N From: Alan Greenberg[ma iIto: greenberg.a[an43Cabyahoo.ca] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:32 AM To: Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague@edinareality.com; swensonann1(dgmail.com; Edina Mail; ionibennett12(aOcomcast.net Subject: Fw: Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED ATTACHMENT Attached is my support for the alternative " Save The Fred " proposal. Thank you for your consideration Alan Greenberg On Monday, March 3, 2014 10:08:23 AM, Alan Greenberg <areenberCl.alan43(aD_yahoo.ca> wrote: Thank you all for an excellent counter proposal . Obviously a lot of hard work by many of you. You have my 100% support. Unfortunately I can not attend the meeting Tuesday, but I will send an email to the Mayor and the Council articulating my support. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Council have the final vote. Do we know who is for/against the initial proposal on the Council? After all we vote them in ( or out). Also do we understand what "repurposing " means? Is the land designated as residential or commercial? Or will it be? Sounds like a developer is already heavily involved. What would a developer gain by closing the Fred? Developing more park land????? I am very suspicious !!!! Again thank you for all your hard work, and lets save the Fred Alan Greenberg On Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:08:11 PM, Patty <pastang68(d,)gmail.com> wrote: Dear Friends of Fred! Earlier this evening we sent the attached proposal via email to Mayor Hovland and the Edina City Council. Our team, with your help and support, has worked tirelessly to produce this position statement and alternative proposal for the City to consider. The proposal is thoroughly researched, carefully considered, transparent, taps into common sense and logic and finally we believe produces a BETTER result for residents and Edina Golf. What you can do to help: 1. Read our proposal carefully and write the Mayor and Council one last email. Attach our proposal, indicate your support, and ask them directly to vote to adopt our recommendations on Tuesday evening. Forward our proposal to EVERYONE you know and ask them to do the same! 3. Please attend the Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7PM in Edina City Hall Council Chambers. Come prepared to make your voice heard by speaking about our proposal and your support of Fred Richards and Edina Golf. Thank You! Your Save the Fred Association Steering Team, John & Melanie Berg Tom & Laura Berzinski Scott and Denise Dorgan Bart and Kari Halling Wayde and Jan Heirigs Paul and Mary Hughes Nick and Renee Hunzelman Derek and Sarah Johnson Tim and Kristi Nasby Paul and Liz Rosenthal Dan and Laura Schleck John and Patty Stang Tom and Michelle Terwilliger Wayne and Nancy VanderVort Colleen and Willie Wolfe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNN From: Dean Mathews [mailto:Deaner@marathonfoods.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:12 AM To: ioshsprague@edinarealty.com; jonibennettl2@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannl@gmail.com; Edina Mail Cc: Yeller; Dean Mathews Subject: Re: Save The Fred ATTACHMENT To the council members, I've been meaning to write earlier and express my disappointment in the "hearing in February regarding what to do with the Fred Richards golf course. It was a charade of the committee as the decision had clearly been made prior to the meeting. There was no genuine interest in listening to the people who came to express their opinions about the community in which we live and love. As a long time resident of Edina and an owner of 2 Edina based businesses, it's disheartening to see this process handled the way it has been. I have expressed my concern to my neighbors, friends and business associates about having elected officials who listen to the constituents that elect them. If you haven't realized by now, there is a large part of the community that values Fred Richards golf course as a community asset. Please see attached proposal. I didn't hear back from any of you last time and don't expect to this time, but hopefully this time you will take the proper consideration on March 4th and listen to the people you represent by keeping the Fred as part of our community treasures. Dean Mathews CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the original sender at the telephone number above and destroy this e-mail, along with any attachments. From: Dean Mathews <deanir@marathonfoods.net<mailto:deanor@marathonfoods.net>> Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:47 PM To: "ioshsprague@edinarealty.com<mailto:ioshsprague@edinarealty.com>" <ioshsprague @edinarealty.com<maiIto: loshsprague@edinarealty.com>>, "ionibennettl2@comcast.net<mailto:lonibennettl2@comcast.net>" <loniben nett 12@comcast. net<mai Ito: lonibennettl2@comcast.net>>, "mbrindle@comcast.net<mailto:mbrindle@comcast.net>" <mbrindle@comcast.net<mailto:mbrindle@comcast.net>>, "swensonannl@email.com<mailto:swensonannl@gmail.com>" <swensonannl email.com<mailto:swensonannl@gmail.com>>, lima il@EdinaMN.gov<ma ilto:ma it@EdinaM N.gov>" <mail@ Edina M N. gov<mailto: mail@Edina M N.gov>> Cc: "dd.mathews@vahoo.com<mailto:dd.mathews@vahoo.com>" <dd.mathews@vahoo.com<mailto:dd.mathews@vahoo.com>>, Dean Mathews <deanm20553@apps edina.kl2.mn.us<mailto:deanm2O553@apps.edina.kl2.mn.us>> Subject: Save The Fred To whom it may concern, I was dismayed to read of the article in the paper this morning about the possible closing of the Fred Richards golf course. I don't personally live in or near that neighborhood, but consider it to be one of the fine treasures that we as Edina residents are fortunate to enjoy. My family has access to many of the finer golf establishments in the area, but Freddie Richards is where my son likes to play with his buddies. It's an easy and low pressure place for these kids to enjoy themselves and I'm happy that its there for all the kids .... not to mention the many adults that find it an enjoyable and comfortable place to play golf. Braemar does not offer this environment. It's also more than a golf course as one of the great green spaces in Edina. It's too valuable to lose and I don't see how it could operate more effectively as something else. I'm an almost 20 year Edina resident that has lived in 3 different houses and has had the pleasure of street assessments at 2 of these houses with a 3rd on the horizon. I've also voted to support every financial amendment that the city has put forth. From the article this morning, it appears this is a resource that does not make money for the city. However I understand that this may not be the case. In some of the numbers I've seen such as recorded below, I ask are we being truthful in how the numbers are allocated? The paper today it was paid off this year, so why is there a large debt service column — this will presumably go away. Will some of the numbers allocated hit other municipality expense columns if the Fred goes away (I.e. FR expenses recorded to Braemar)? I also wonder how the city values the justification of operating the facilities within the city. Does Edinborough make money? Does the Community Center make money? Does the Art Center make money? Does Arden Park, Pamela Park, Normandale Park, Walnut Ridge Park, etc pay dividends to the city? I would answer that they all are valuable assets of the Edina community in which we live. I hope the council thinks of all the people they represent, what this gem means to our city and keeps the Fred Richards golf course as what it is today. Kind regards, Dean, Danielle, Cole & Ramsay Mathews 5604 Brookview Ave Edina, MN [cid: F2 F49247-3 F44-4BE7-8198-551326CA6189] CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the original sender at the telephone number above and destroy this e-mail, along with any attachments. Fred Richards Golf Course Detail Revenue and Expenses 2007 through 2013 Administrative Expenses (BU 5430) Cast of Sales 2007 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 preliminary Fred Richards Revenue $43,343 $43,631 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 $51,147 $36,440 Vending/Miscellaneous $185 $102 $75 $95 5244 $222 $42 Concesson Sales $18,163 $24,387 $23,158 $23,218 523,209 $19,799 $15,437 Rent Golf Carts $9,177 $11,456 $13,150 $10,002 $8,993 $14,039 $11,744 Car, Cart, & Club Rentals $3,864 $4,517 54,261 $3,419 54,029 $4,933 $4,084 Green Fees $226,624 $220,325 5217,749 $203,595 $175,542 S188,550 $170,628 Total Revenes $258,013 $260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 $227,543 $201,935 Administrative Expenses (BU 5430) Cast of Sales $8,337 $12,289 $11,775 $12,291 $8,845 $10,240 $8,064 Personal Services $43,343 $43,631 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 $51,147 $36,440 Contractual Services 514,722 $14,727 $13,430 $13,139 $12,788 $15,208 $14,124 Commodities $1,341 $2,421 $2,833 $1,575 $3,599 $2,102 $5,476 5430 Administrative Expenses $67,743 $73,068 $74,232 $73,493 $69,366 $78,697 $64,104 Maintenance Expenses (BU 5431) Personal Services $92,141 $94,167 $92,340 $83,652 $92,572 $93,995 $87,325 Contractual Services $1,450 $6,262 $5,366 $2,670 $5,466 $2,972 $3,695 Commodities $19,984 $20,846 $15,301 $20,647 $20,085 $17,248 $18,736 5431 Maintenance Expenses $113,575 $121,275 $113,007 $106,969 5118,123 $114,215 $109,756 5430&5431 expenditures $181,318 $194,343 $187,239 $180,462 $187,489 5192,912 $173,860 Fred Richards Golf Course Summary of Operations 2007 through 2013 NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Leak [mailto:jmcritters@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:09 AM 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Revenue 5258,013 $260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 $227,543 $201,935 Expenses in BU 5430&5431 -$181,318 -$194,343 -$187,239 -$180,462 -$187,489 -$192,912 -$173,860 FR expenses recorded to Braemar (estimate) -550,000 -$50,000 -550,000 -$50,000 -$50,000 -$50,000 -550,000 FR debt principal & interest -$256,380 -$248,288 -5249,497 -$244,457 -$236,750 -5232,250 -$252,500 CIP/improvement projects Cash increase (decrease) -5229,685 -$231,844 -$228,343 -$234,590 -$262,222 -$247,619 -$274,425 NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Leak [mailto:jmcritters@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 10:09 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Ann Kattreh Scott Neal City of Edina mail edinaMN.gov Hi! I'm 88 years old and I no longer actively participate in sports, including golf, but I grew up enjoying the facilities of Powderhorn Park and Nicollet Field in Minneapolis and eventually played on high school and college teams. I also officiated hockey and football games for over 20 years. I have been following the challenges of Edina's golf courses and would much appreciate you reading my thoughts - some of which may have been considered but I am not aware of. Thank you. Why is it only golfers, swimmers and indoor skaters/hockey players that use facilities that must be self-supporing? It certainly costs much tax payers' money to maintain fields and parks for little kids swinging and sliding on fun equipment, the many fields for softball/baseball, football/soccer/lacrosse, out -door skating/hockey, tennis courts all for "free". Maybe a certain fraction of taxes should be allocated for the more expensive sports - or even a slight tax increase may be warranted. I know that would be difficult, but it could be "slight" and might encourage beginning golfers. Or do what Minneapolis has done by establishing parking charges so those using the facilities would be assessed at least some amount to help with the costs. The hundreds of cars at these play areas, softball/baseball/football games at a dollar a car would bring a sizable amount of dollars and maybe could be presented to the players that they are helping to pay for their nicely groomed fields. I realize golf participation has been dwindling and one reason has been the time it takes and the oddity of that is some players drive an hour to save on greens fees. A friend and I used to play Normandale (Fred) on our lunch hour because of the convenience of its location. And that location is still ideal and may be more ideal when the Pentagon Park area is completed. There are companies that have bowling leagues and some with golf leagues or just company fun, mostly to promote social opportunities for their employees and with a golf course in their backyard - what could be better? Geographically the location is ideal for the residents of east Edina and I would think an invitation to Richfield golfers should be encouraged also, since their golf course has been taken back by the airport. Kids can walk or ride their bikes a lot more safely in that area rather that the route to Braemar and if mommy is giving them a ride it would take half the time to Fred. (Just as an aside - maybe playground equipment and a picnic area could be added so the mommys with young ones could bring them to Fred while the older siblings play a round of golf, or the spouses of the senior golfers could socialize/picnic during the golf time. This scene is very evident at kids baseball, morning games, especially.) Or maybe the nine hole course at Braemar could be closed and Fred receive those improvements, thereby having courses on both sides of town with the best of facilities. I know publicity has been mentioned but if you close the course before you try the publicity or follow other suggestion, it isn't logical. It would seem better to delay a decision until after this season and after attempts to promote more use this year. I would guess a very small percentage of Edinans even have heard of the course and the Edina Sun is probably not the best medium. Most apartments in the area are security units and usually a few editions are left in the lobby and frequently not even all of those are taken. Maybe a plea to the various Condo Councils to include information about the wonderful golf course nearby would be helpful. Maybe a few of the regular Fred golfing kids would volunteer to distribute a flyer to the houses in their neighborhood. And of course everything is the internet - could Fred squeeze a blurb among sports scores of Edina teams or other programs? Maybe a roster of present players could be assembled and their e-mails and present incentives for them to play more. Braemar is wonderful but to the beginner and geographically Fred has so much to offer and closing it without some venturous attempts to keep it open doesn't seem to be trying to keep players playing and providing good opportunities for the beginners. Golf and tennis and swimming pool activity, as you learned from the Edinborough situation, are the popular activities of my era, and more and more are attaining this wonderful age. And Finally (the word you have been looking for if you are still reading this little epistle) the name. I don't know why Edina names so many public parks after former mayors because after a few years no one recognizes the names. I suppose Normandale Park will be renamed Hovland Park because he just lives up the hill. But Braemar was named after a small town in Scotland (where golf originated) so maybe, if a miracle occurs, Fred should have a name reference to Braemar. Or geographically Parklawn Greens or back to Normandale or if Pentagon Park has a new name Fred could adapt to it. Just a sidelight: A friend and I attend most of the concerts at Edinborough and Centennial Lakes and they are much appreciated. It would be nice if the programs for the concerts would be available on the last Sunday previous to the new schedule. Thank you so much for your efforts and the challenges you have (from guys like me) in providing the wonderful park system of Edina. Sincerely, John Leak 5245 Meadow Ridge Edina, Mn 55439 952-941-35 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Johnson, Scott L - BLOOMINGTO MN [mailto:scott johnson(abml.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:56 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council members, I have lived in the city of Edina for over 50 years and been playing golf at Braemar for over 40 years. I remember when Braemar was voted the best public golf course in Minnesota in the mid 80's that was quite an accomplishment and a big feather in the cities hat. But over the years since then our course has been slipping for many reasons , it is about time to make the investment in the driving range, practice facilities and necessary improvements in the original 18 holes that will bring the golfing public back and help generate the revenues that will pay for these much needed capital expenditures . I believe If we can improve the whole experience at Braemar the golfing public will return to our gem of a golf course and help make it a top golfing destination again thanks for your time and consideration Scott L. Johnson Senior Vice President - Investments Senior Financial Advisor Merrill Lynch 8300 Norman Center Drive Ste 1250 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-820-1903 Direct 952-314-8095 Fax Scott j ohnsonkml.com FA Website: http://www.fa.ml.com/Scott_Johnson NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Harbetwein(cDaol.com [mailto:HarbetweinCa)aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:46 AM To: bobteese(abmsn.com Cc: James Hovland; Ann Kattreh Subject: Re: City Council Meets 3/4 -i Jim and Ann: My wife and I were Edina residents for 27 years and now live in Eden Prairie; however I have been golfing with the Sr. Men's group at Braemar on Monday's for years. Someone in your Proshop told me that Braemar was the cheapest place to play in the Twin Cities and for seniors it is especially true. That said it is very upsetting to me that the course is losing so much money. A month ago, I sent some of this information to our team captain. Here are some ideas. 1. Get golfers' credit card and charge them if they do not cancel within 24 hours. Here in Florida, in my league they have my credit card and we have a similar cancellation policy. When my wife played with her lady friends years ago, one would always be late and sometime not even show up. If I cannot make my scheduled tee off, I will call the Pro Shop and let them know, so someone else can play in my spot. Our Saturday Men's league limits the group to 50 and there often is a waiting list. Unlike the Sr. Men's at Braemar, they match you with different partners every time. Furthermore, we have a "Skins" game where you can try your luck at winning some money. It is fun and based on your net score, but I do not know of Edina would allow it. 2. Speed up golf. Remind them to park their cards near the green. A ranger is very important to keep up the pace of play, which is normally quite good at Braemar. It has been only twice that I can remember that it took 5 hours to play — once in FL and another at another MN course. 3. Analyze other golf course rates and raise ours if necessary. 4. Start a promotion campaign — advertising. Is Braemar on Golf Now or other websites that permit a golfer to sign up at Braemar? Do you run advertisements in the local newspapers? 5. Do you sponsor a Youth Golf program? I have 34 handicap and at the age of 77 enjoy playing golf with other that are a lot better golfers. I have two Excel spreadsheets, one for the TC and the other for Naples, FL listing the public courses and the ones that I have already played, so I do have a feel for what I consider to be a good and bad gold course and Braemar in my mind, does rank high. It is my understanding that many golf courses are closing in the U.S. "More golf courses closed than opened in the U.S. in 2013 for the eighth straight year, according to the National Golf Foundation". Link: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-16/golf-course-closings-outpace- openings-for-eighth-straight-year.html Here is something that I prepared for myself last year. Five reasons I like to play golf: being outside, golfing with good friends (Sr. Men's League provides that), seeing wildlife, and hitting an occasional good shot and sooner or later the ball gets into the hole. Personally, I like the Sr. Men pool and have won some money even with a 35 handicap. You do not have to be good — just lucky. The only negative I can think of is that last year, I was in a threesome with two walkers therefore after the drive I would have to try to watch my ball, which sometime I could not do because the pro told me keep my head down. After hitting the ball, then I would have to take the cart over to the walkers to find their ball. Some of the upscale courses require everyone ride a cart and even others I hear in the UK require that you use a caddke. Hopefully, Edina will see a way to strengthen the golf program at Braemar. Hope this will help with your decision. Harry Weingartner 8395 Excalibur Circle, Unit E-8 Naples, FL 34108 239-254-9567 e-mail: harbetwein(a�aol.com MN Address 10578 Estate Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952-944-2893 p.s. It is very warm here in FL and I get out once per week to play golf. In a message dated 3/3/2014 8:08:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, bobteese c(Dmsn.com writes: On Tuesday - 3/4/14 - Our Edina City Council meets and will review the future of Braemar. To express your opinions and feelings about this issue please contact either or both of these officials: Mayor Jim Hovland jhovland .EdinaMN.gov AND/OR Ann Kattreh AKattreh(a-)_EdinaMN.gov Let them know... 1)Do you want the driving range improved. 2)Do you want the playing conditions improved at Braemar. 3)What else would you like to see the City Council do or improve at Braemar. This is your facility. Weigh in on this matter. From: bobteese c-D.msn.com Web: members.bmcedina.com Powered By NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: David Molke [mailto:molke@admolke.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:38 AM To: James Hovland Subject: Braemar golf course Would like to express my support for improvements recommended for braemar including driving range and general course condition improvement / both will go a long way toward revenue enhancement David molke Edina resident and braemar men's club member Sent from my iPad NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Hauritz, Rick C [mai Ito: rick. ha uritz@optum.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 9:36 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Do not Close Fred Richards Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Thank you Rick Hauritz Edina Resident — 16+ years Rick Hauritz I Sr. Information Architect Enterprise Data Management, Optum Technology (office) 763.797.4976 1 www.unitedhealthgroup.com NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN From: Gerald Hulbert [mailto:meadowten@aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:56 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richard Golf Parks & Recreation Dept, I am Edina resident who plays about 50 rounds a year. A Few rounds @ Fred Richards with my grandchildren. I have never found it busy or hard to get on the course. I believe it could be used in a better way as a park. With another executive course close by @Braemar its not a problem! I cannot remember the last time I played the regulation course @ Braemar. I have found the staff there to be very unfriendly. The food quality bad and the service worse! There are so many good public courses to compete with they need to do better. Just one example of good business @ Braemar the employees take the best parking spots. Thank, Jerry Hulbert Edina, Mn 55436 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Rich ipete(aDaol.com [ma iIto: Rich Ipete(cOaol.comI Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:54 AM To: James Hovland Cc: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar 2014 Here are some thoughts which require money but if Braemar has lost money in the last four years including $400,000.00 last year it is very difficult to make suggestions to save money. Sixty percent of most business cost is labor so this should be reviewed but good service is a must. Driving Range 1. Better targets for all yardages. 2. Purchase a yearly coupon for a discount on golf balls. 3. Put down a sand base on the hitting area so we do not have to hit off the dirt. 4. Expand the driving range as designed for the past many years. Pro Shop 1. Mary has done a very nice job. 2. You need to insure the employees are treating the customers politely and consider the customer first. A Training Course would not be out of the question. The Course 1. The course is not in the greatest shape as the fairways are very bumpy and some of the greens need work but realizing the winter was hard on the course. 2. Play is slow as people do not play from the proper tees which is a constant problem. 3. There needs to be more toilets on the course. The Dome 1. I commend the City of Edina for rebuilding the dome. Now if the weather would cooperate we could use it. Other activities 1. Attract more such as weddings, tournaments, a fun nine or eighteen shotgun for the public. Golf Leagues The Braemar Golf Leagues male and female seem to continue to grow but prices need to remain reasonable. The Grill It would be nice to expand the selections of food at the grill. The addition of beer and wine is a nice feature. Maybe a special food might night maybe an attraction? Green Space It is extremely important as you know for cities and suburbs to maintain green space as it is easy to destroy these for the sake of revenue. Please help to save green space. Thank you for your consideration. Rich Peterson, Braemar Men's Club NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNN From: Kristi Nasby [mailto:knasbyCcbcomcast.net] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:40 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. Thank you! Kristi Nasby Sent from my Whone NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Stratton, Matt [ma iIto: matt.stratton(a)craig-hallum.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 7:02 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please vote NO to closing Fred Richards Golf Course Importance: High Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. This is one of the only golf courses in Edina that allows boys and girls to learn about the game in an easy laid back and fun environment. It's also fairly inexpensive, so my son and daughter can improve their skills at the great game of golf. Thank you in advance for voting to not close this wonderful golf course in Edina, MN. Matt, Kim, Jake, and Maddie Stratton Residents of Edina for 16 years. ........................ N.............. From: Karen Johnson [mailto:kbcanoe@aol.com] Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 1:12 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor Hovland and Edina City Council, I strongly urge you to save Fred Richards Golf Course, a true city gem!!! I have waited many years to golf with my children at this great course. They are finally old enough to enjoy this sport. I have read the alternative proposal and hope that you will vote on Tuesday to table the vote on this most important issue. Public input is crucial in a decision of this magnitude. Please do not rush on such an important decision. Having safe places for young people to be active is part of what makes Edina a great city. Please consider the alternate, well presented financial plan for city golf. Fred Richards is not the loss leader. The speed at which this has been presented, without public input, tells me that this is not being driven by financial loss. There is something else behind this move. Please do not let a developer's needs take president over the long term tradition of building great places to improve the active quality of life in Edina. It is clear that public input and discussion has long been promised on this issue. One month is not a sufficient attempt to uphold this promise. I expect better. Please table the vote on Fred Richards to explore fiscally sound options. The people of Edina deserve better!!! Sincerely, Karen Johnson 5816 Ewing Avenue South Edina, Mn 55410 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Katie Dickey [mailto:katiepd8 a gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 10:29 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Hello - My name is Katie Dickey and I'm 14 years old. I grew up playing on Fred Richards golf course. I learned how to play golf at that course. Tearing it down would take away the one place where I can relive my memories. Tearing it down would be not be beneficial in these ways... -Kids will stop playing because they won't ever learn the game - you will lose money- most people who are playing at fred richards are young kids, and they are right now unable to play at braemar due to their ages. - in the next generation, golf will be a lost cause because no kids will play anymore; once they're old enough to play at a course that allows them to play at 12, they will have already chosen their sports, and won't want/be able to take up a new sport. These are just a few of the things that will be needed to take into consideration when deciding to turn this into a sidewalk. Thank you for your time, Katie Dickey NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N..... From: pmeierant6lcomcast.net[ma iIto: pmeierant(a)comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 9:59 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Decision to close Fred Richards Golf is short sighted Mayor Hovland and members of the City Council, The six point plan introduced in the Golf Operations Study believes improvements to Braemar will bring over displaced golfers from the proposed closure of Fred Richards. As an avid golfer and someone who volunteers his time to grow the game as a member of the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Golf Assocation, I observe the following: - The proposal taking Edina from having 2 executive courses to 0 eliminates many golfers who will want to play courses quickly but still have holes longer than par 3 distance - Fred Richards topography is conducive to allowing older golfers and children learning the game to easily walk a flat and accessible course. There are no configurations currently proposed by the city that reproduce this same situation in a redesigned Braemar facility. This is taking away what is both a healthier and more environmentally friendly way to play the game for these golfers. These golfers will not migrate to Braemar. They will move to other resources and lessen the ROI proposed for the improvements of Braemar. BRAEMAR WAS ALLOWED TO BECOME UNCOMPETITIVE The need to reevaluate the golf enterprises of Edina are coming very late in what was a facility that was losing its competitive advantages. Much has been made about the decreased number of rounds played at the Edina golf facilities. What is hard to imagine with Edina's concentration of golfers is that Braemar's rounds have fallen off at a significantly faster pace than the national average. But in context that City Manager Neal himself admitted at the last Park Board meeting that many still hold on to the belief from the 1990's that tee times are not available due to being completely booked, marketing investments to promote the course have been woefully low. There have been no major upgrade in facilities in our Edina courses in many years while many other cities have realized the need to stay competitive and are years ahead of Edina in keeping their courses front of mind for the golf consumer with facility improvements. With minimal dollars invested in marketing until the most recent plan to start investing over $100,000 starting this year, what would have the ROI been to grow rounds better than current trend. But rather than fix this situation over the next few years and serve a specific need that Fred Richards serves within our community, the City is recommending rather to cut the losses from these previous errors. CITY COSTS What will the repurposing of the course do to help control costs to the city in full? Without a master plan for the repurposing of both Fred Richards and the upgrade of Braemar, no one can say that future city council ideas won't require even more dollars than what could be used to improve and sustain Fred Richards. Warming houses, ball fields, path maintenance, wetland creation? Instead, what could be done to grow revenues for the existing course if some entrepreneurship was put to use for Fred Richards: It is Minneapolis that is showing us the way as it pertains to a thorough and honest dialogue about the future of golf in our community. "This is going to have to be discussed with the public, not just among the commissioners." — John Erwin, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board's recreation committee chairman. Star Tribune Feb 14. 2014. RECOMMENDATION Wait until the Master Plan has been executed at Braemar to shut down Fred Richards Golf Course. Golfers will need other options during the executive course upgrade and construction at Braemar as part of its master plan. During this time, let the additional marketing dollars determine if we can bring Fred Richards back to break even financial standing with some of the long overdue investments in awareness it so desperately has needed. Sincerely, Paul Meierant 6317 Mildred Ave NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: David Dickey[maiIto: ddickeyCcbsecondstorysales.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 9:52 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Enclosed is a letter supporting Fred Richards. Thank you for your consideration. Dave Dave Dickey CEO Second Story Sales 612.201.0935 TO: Edina City Council Members RE: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Council Members: Thank you for your continued service to wonderful community. I have lived in different communities in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Connecticut, and have been very pleased with our family -friendly community. Family friendly means exceptional schools, effective infrastructure, and unique facilities. Fred Richards Golf Course is one of the unique facilities that differentiates Edina from other local communities. Few courses are affordable, available for a speedy round, and allow children the opportunity to play. I know this well, as both my daughters have learned the game of golf at Fred Richards. I hope my sons will get the chance too. While you may be thinking that the financial performance of Fred Richards makes this a logical expense reduction, think of the families and the number of children who will be impacted. More importantly, think of how this will affect the competitive advantage with families. Thank you for your consideration. A David R. Dickey 5021 Yvonne Terrace Edina, MN 55436 P.S. I've enclosed notes below from my sons too. Dear Leaders: Closing Fred Richards won't be good for kids. It is the place we can play. We can't play in other places. Golf won't be fun anymore if we have to play harder courses. If it stays open, I'm going to play it with my Dad this Summer. I hope I can. Josh Dickey, age 7 Dear City Council: I've only been to Fred Richards once. I hope to go again with my buddies. I am only 9 years old, so I can only play at Fred Richards. If you shut this down, I can't play Braemar for another 3 years and I love to play golf. If Tiger Woods was from Edina, he would have started at Fred Richards. Please don't close it. Jack Dickey, age 9 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Aaron C Swann[ma iIto: aaron.c.swan n(d)seagate.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 9:46 PM To: swensonannl@gmail.com: Josh Sprague; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ionibennettl2@comcast.net; Edina Mail Subject: Fwd: Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED ATTACHMENT I think this deserves serious consideration. Regards, Aaron Swann ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Patty <pastang,68&mail.com> Date: Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 9:01 PM Subject: Call to Action- SAVE THE FRED To: tin 5g 813gaol.com, Scott & Denise Dorgan <dmdor ag_ngcomcast.net>, Dave & Angie Buyse <iseauski@ omcast.net>, pastan 68 ggmail.com, boecheri °,aol.com, uujrads °,aol.com, j-qyneftgg.com, bsmc rg athgmac.com, bhogansonghardeninc.com, jhultstrandgcomcast.net, aakhtargme.com, haseatongaol.com, "Kieffer Janna (jkieffergbarr.com)" <jkiefferg barr.com>,c�kcomcast.net, dwfoley3gamail.com, elinord °,aol.com, beth.klemmensen(2gmail.com, dennfamily_((2gmail.com, d-casey(2live.com, kraigk(2uartinc.com, john mcclure yohn mcclure(2mac.com>, Dale <d4decker@*uno.com>, csn87(2hotmail.com, Nicole Slattery <nicslattery_(2gmail.com>, cjrosenbaum(2comcast.net, abctravel(2comcast.net, zorba2(2_yahoo.com, gogetemti eg_rsgcomcast.net, Troy & Lynne Kerin <tldc(c�r�comcast.net>, brad. larson a,alliedvaughn.com, castlmsp(�,aol.com, burley. 552602msn.com, gnicholaskcitrussystems.com, aaron.c.swanngseagate.com, adamdodd2003kyahoo.com, Natalie Dousette <nataliedousettegyahoo.com>, kenzie.wolfe(kgmail.com, frozennorthl23(kyahoo.com, cote.bobecomcast.net, hunzelmangcomcast.net, Tracy Illies <illiesfamily( gmail.com>, johns590 c&umn.edu, Sandi and Tom DeBoom <debooms cgq.com>, aalverol2(kgmail.com, dorctykgmail.com, ebrumm kisellsolutions.com, em rick Johnson ckmsn.com, marchartfamily5kgmail.com, cmmcelrath(a,comcast.net, Kari & Bart Halling <hallingfamilykgmail.com>, and3tuckerl0(kcomcast.net, cindymurphy_@me.com, arntsen(kcomcast.net, ctima eg analysiskgmail.com, jack.stang(khotmail.com, gkrupagcomcast.net, franzsr@aol.com, lukeeids(kcomcast.net, jlharmeninggyahoo.com, jay.carroll@sequelresponse.com, cboettcher(kcomcast.net, brian.fo eg lberggcbre.com, barbbloom(kmac.com, Jean & Kevin Holm <jholm92lAgmail.com>, dmbotz(kyahoo.com, jaibyhkaol.com, hedolphinsgusfamily.net, deannkOIgmsn.com, davidlavalle(c gmail.com, johncolemankellygyahoo.com, Andy & Jolene Tucker <iolenetuckerl0kcomcast.net>, danacarlsonsmithggmail.com, gretchenkritzman@hotmail.com, brucebodinegmosiacco.com, csmgyl2kcomcast.net, chrisbraksggmail.com, csundin707@live.com, Mike Olson <butterfat0lkaol.com>, jdsabow@yahoo.com, Debra Bly <debra.bly@Zmail.com>, gshuster46khotmail.com, colfoley22(cr�,gmail.com, "Cathy Burley (burls6@g.com)" <burls6@g.com>, aenzlerkgraco.com, jhoffmann(2g.com, barbara.wolf@usbank.com, csanderson&gmail.com, barrybatesgcomcast.net, danielle_niska@ml.com, John & Deb Wagner <dgwags@aol.com>, julie.kiddookgmail.com, cind. erdall °,aol.com, dgjevre(cr juno.com, mattlga magenic.com, erik w_vanderbiltkuhc.com, bterwilli eg r07ggmail.com, jolson7kmsn.com, carinjoegaol.com Dear Friends of Fred! Earlier this evening we sent the attached proposal via email to Mayor Hovland and the Edina City Council. Our team, with your help and support, has worked tirelessly to produce this position statement and alternative proposal for the City to consider. The proposal is thoroughly researched, carefully considered, transparent, taps into common sense and logic and finally we believe produces a BETTER result for residents and Edina Golf. What you can do to help: 1. Read our proposal carefully and write the Mayor and Council one last email. Attach our proposal, indicate your support, and ask there directly to vote to adopt our recommendations on Tuesday evening. 2. Forward our proposal to EVERYONE you know and ask them to do the same! 3. Please attend the Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7PM in Edina City Hall Council Chambers. Come prepared to make your voice heard by speaking about our proposal and your support of Fred Richards and Edina Golf. Thank You! Your Save the Fred Association Steering Team, John & Melanie Berg Tom & Laura Berzinski Scott and Denise Dorgan Bart and Kari Halling Wayde and Jan Heirigs Paul and Mary Hughes Nick and Renee Hunzelman Derek and Sarah Johnson Tim and Kristi Nasby Paul and Liz Rosenthal Dan and Laura Schleck John and Patty Stang Tom and Michelle Terwilliger Wayne and Nancy VanderVort Colleen and Willie Wolfe NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN... From: Christine Henninger [ma ilto:Christine. Hen ninaerCCbgenmills.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 9:41 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred ATTACHMENT Dear Mayor Hovland, Members of Edina City Council, I respectfully ask you to vote in favor of the recommendations included in the attached Proposal at your meeting on Tuesday, March 4. I support these recommendations for a number of reasons, but chiefly because I find this situation eerily similar to the Waters Senior Living project, in which City of Edina staff worked behind the scenes with the developer for months before neighborhood residents had any opportunity for involvement or input. Please take this opportunity to help restore residents faith in your role as representatives of us, taxpayers, citizens, neighbors and friends. Listen to our requests and proposal and hold off on a decision until additional alternatives can be fully vetted. Thank you, Christine Henninger 5816 Jeff Place Edina, MN 55436 NNNNNNN................................ From: Colleen Wolfe [maiIto: col leenwolfe5Cabcomcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 8:51 PM To: ionibennett12(K()comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannUagmail.com; joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; jhovland(ftrausehovland.com Cc: Edina Mail; Scott Neal; john.stang@genmills.com; Derek Johnson Subject: Proposal on Edina Golf ATTACHMENT Dear City Council Members, We respectfully ask you to review the attached proposal before the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 We thank you in advance for your consideration. Colleen T. Wolfe Save The Fred Association 952-250-6669 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Angie Buyse [mailto:iseauski(agmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 8:43 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course: March 4 City Council meeting Dear City Council, Please vote "NO" to closing Fred Richards Golf Course on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote "NO" to closing Fred Richards Golf Course. David & Angie Buyse 4729 Hibiscus Avenue .............. N........................ From: Jan Heirigs[mailto:ian.heirigsCa)comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 7:37 PM To: Edina Mail; ion ibennett12(alcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague(a>edinarealty.com; Swensonann 1(agmail.com Subject: March 4th City Council Meeting City Council Members - I wanted to share with you my thoughts prior to the City Council Meeting regarding golf operations at Braemar and also the proposed closing of Fred Richards. I did attend the Park Board meeting last month and I was disappointed by a couple of items that continue to concern me as we approach the city council meeting. I do believe that the review of golf operations and the closing of Fred Richards has largely been handled behind closed doors with little to no community involvement. At the park board meeting a member asked the City Manager if this process could involve community feedback - and quite frankly I was offended by the City Manager's brush off of the board member with his response of "any process could have". The City Manager has not treated the citizens of Edina with the respect he needs to as I recall he does work for us. His irresponsible behavior of indicated that if Fred Richards isn't closed it will impact our Bond Rating is insulting. I completely understand that we need to review our golf operations and ensure it is something that the city can support - but the full picture needs to be considered including what happens to the land in the event that Fred Richards is closed. No matter what happens to that land - Money will be spent! I challenge the City Council to vote - not to close Fred Richards blindly - I support that the City Council step back and ensure we have the full picture and the community's best interest at the focus. If you close Fred Richards in 2014 and move forward with the plans at Braemar - you leave the 2015 golf season without an Executive Course - that impacts all levels of golf - from Juniors to Senior players. People will find other alternatives and not return. I understand that the development of Pentagon Park is important - but again - let's take the blinders off and involve the community (especially those closely impacted) and figure out what the best use of the space is - it may be a golf course or it may be a park or quite frankly something people aren't even yet talking about but let's spend the time and involve professionals as well as the community to seek out options. I read the City Manager's Blog after the initial meeting in January regarding the project, below is an portion of that blog: I think an outside observer might have looked at the people attending the meeting — decked out in their matching "Save The Fred" t -shirts — and called them an "angry mob". I would not call them that. For the most part, they were civil, even though some of them were quite angry with this whole idea. I would characterize the mood of the room that night as "emotional". I was proposing to take something away from them that they had strong feelings about. The rationale behind the proposal is relatively cold. I can see why some people would not appreciate my point of view or support the proposal. In fact, I'm not sure that I wouldn't feel the same way if I were in their shoes. First and foremost this is incredibly insulting and offensive to all members of the community whether they attended the meeting or not. To imply that people expressing their opinions were an "Angry Mob" is irresponsible. While I am sure he will hide behind the nuance of - well I said that is what someone might think - the clear undertones are there and inexcusable. Don't we want to live in a community where all voices are heard whether they are in agreement or not. What I struggle most with - is that the City Manager recognizes that people are invested in this decision - but he continues to fail to listen or even seek understanding. It is hard to support a point of view when it is shoved down your throat. I believe the citizens are banding together to be heard and respected. This is a great community of highly talent people and we should be tapping it to make the best decision for the community we all live in. This doesn't have to be "cold proposal". Now is the time for the City Council to take action and ensure they are informed as well and to not be brushed aside so that one man can execute his only idea. My 11 year old daughter attended the public information meeting in January as we believe it is important for her to understand the process and how an individual can make a difference. She came home frustrated because she felt that no one was listening to the people. It inspired her to become part of the process and actually speak at the Park Board meeting. As a parent, it was a proud moment to see her be brave and express her own thoughts to a large group of adults as that couldn't have been easy for her. Her message was simple - please listen to the community. That is what I am asking you to do now. Listen to your community as this isn't just about keeping Fred Richards open. It is about making sure we are making a complete and fully educated decision and not rushing to a vote that will leave us half way down a road without a map of where we ultimately need to go. Thank you for your consideration of my thoughts - Please Vote Not to Close Fred Richards Now but to step back, involve the community and make a fully educated lon1l term decision. Jan Heirigs 4529 Gilford Drive Edina, Mn 55435 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Dean Mathews Sr. [mailto:deansr@marathonfoods.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 6:31 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fwd: Fred Richards golf course Sent from my Wad Begin forwarded message: From: Chuck Carlsen <chuck.carlsen(d)solarplastics.com<mailto•chuck carlsen@solarplastics com» Date: February 28, 2014, 3:13:16 PM CST To: Dean Mathews Sr. <deansr(@marathonfoods.net<mailto:deansrc@marat honfoods net>> Subject: Re: Fred Richards golf course Dean, Is there an update where I could learn more about the proposed closing? I liked your email and am not up to speed on the topic. Thanks Chuck On Feb 28, 2014, at 3:24 PM, "Dean Mathews Sr." <deansr(@marathonfoods.net<mailto:deansrC@marathonfoods net><mailto:deansr@marathonfoods.net >> wrote: I urge you to delay any final decision on the closing of the Fred Richards golf course. There has been too little information and too much disinformation disseminated on this subject to date. As an Edina businessman, it is very disappointing to think that important decisions like this are considered with as little substance as appears here. I couldn't run my business this way! Government needs to operate more like business when so much in play can impact their citizens. Dean Mathews Sr. Marathon Foods Office 952-835-5151 Cell 612-819-4073 NNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNN/VNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bill Cunningham [mailto:bandicunninghamCcbhotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 4:04 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Ron Way; Gene Nord Subject: Restoring Braemar I wish to thank our Mayor, our Park Board, and all of the city council members for your consideration to this most important subject. Braemar Park has been home to some of us since the early seventies. We remember the pride that was reflected in the quality of the park at that time, guided so competantly by John Valliere with help from the Park Board. It was a jewel that everone looked to with enormous pride. And then we began to see the pride of this tremendous asset slip away as other projects began to take priority over this remarkable facility. Many of these projects were extremely important to satisfy the needs of other members of our community ........... entirely understandable ........... but always at the expense of Braemar Park. The wonderful discussions currently under way are extremely important to not only resurrecting Braemar, but bringing back all of those who have abandon their interest in using this once great facility. Let's conclude a reasonable budget.... and a reasonable time table .... to get this done. It's your turn to give back to those that made so many sacrifices to help make so many other community projects a reality. It's time to remember the horse that got'ya there. Coordially....... .................Bill Cunningham NNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNN From: Chris Chapman [ma ilto:cf.chapmanCabcomcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 3:35 PM To: Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(abedinarealty.com; swensonann1(§)gmail.com; Edina Mail; jonibennettl2@comcast.net Subject: Fred Richards golf course Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the Dean Mathews Sr. Marathon Foods Office 952-835-5151 Cell 612-819-4073 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bill Cunningham [mailto:bandjcunningham(�)hotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 4:04 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Ron Way; Gene Nord Subject: Restoring Braemar I wish to thank our Mayor, our Park Board, and all of the city council members for your consideration to this most important subject. Braemar Park has been home to some of us since the early seventies. We remember the pride that was reflected in the quality of the park at that time, guided so competantly by John Valliere with help from the Park Board. It was a jewel that everone looked to with enormous pride. And then we began to see the pride of this tremendous asset slip away as other projects began to take priority over this remarkable facility. Many of these projects were extremely important to satisfy the needs of other members of our community ........... entirely understandable ........... but always at the expense of Braemar Park. The wonderful discussions currently under way are extremely important to not only resurrecting Braemar, but bringing back all of those who have abandon their interest in using this once great facility. Let's conclude a reasonable budget.... and a reasonable time table .... to get this done. It's your turn to give back to those that made so many sacrifices to help make so many other community projects a reality. It's time to remember the horse that got'ya there. Coordially....... .................Bill Cunningham N N N .................................... From: Chris Chapman [mailto:cf.chapman(abcomcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 3:35 PM To: Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(ctedinarealty.com; swensonannl(&clmail.com; Edina Mail; ionibennettl2(aacomcast.net Subject: Fred Richards golf course Dear City Council, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Chris Chapman. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NNNNNNNNN From: Hammar, Jon[mailto:jon.hammar(cbwillis.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 2:22 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Keep the "Fred" open Dear City Council, All three of my kids play golf at the Fred. It's a place where kids can have fun learning the game of golf without the pressure of playing at a championship caliber course like Braemar. My kids would have never stayed with the sport of golf without a kid friendly place like the Fred. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. This process has not been fair or open. Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Thank you for your consideration. Jon R. Hammar, Executive Vice President, Willis Re Inc. 7760 France Ave S., Suite 450 Minneapolis, MN 55435 Direct: 952-841-6605, Mobile: 612-310-51661on.hammar(cilwillis.com ..NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N........ From: David Mooty [ma iIto: David (cbcontinentalgolf.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 2:19 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennet12(cbcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); shsprague(&edinarealty. net; swensonannl@)gmail.com Cc: John.Stang@genmills.com; akellar234(i)comcast.net Subject: Letter regarding the proposal for Fred Richards and Braemar golf courses Dear Mayor Hovland and City Council members, My name is David Mooty. I will be out of town on March 4th and am submitting this letter in lieu of oral remarks. I spent the first 30 years of my life as a resident of Edina. I grew up playing golf in the early 1960's at the then Normandale golf course (now Fred Richards). I have played many rounds of golf at Braemar golf course, where I also worked for three summers during my college years. I am a passionate golfer and, given my golf history in Edina, very much want both the Fred Richards and Braemar golf operations to be successful. After a 15 year career as an attorney, I became President of a golf course management and acquisition company, Continental Golf Corporation, which managed 20 golf courses throughout the United States. I have been the owner of Prestwick Golf Club in Woodbury, Minnesota since 1996 and served as a board member of the Midwest Golf Course Owners' Association, the Explore Minnesota Golf Association and the Fairway Foundation. I have read many of the materials regarding the proposal to close Fred Richards and improve Braemar. I believe there are better options than the current proposal. Fred Richards is a unique property in Edina. It is now relatively hidden within its neighborhood. This quality is both a negative and a positive. The hidden location, combined with an inadequate marketing campaign, has resulted in very few people outside of Edina, and too few within Edina, knowing of the location or existence of Fred Richards. Rounds and revenues have suffered as a consequence. On the other hand, for the youth and novice golfer, Fred Richards is like a cocoon that protects them from the outside world more concerned with pace of play than nourishing and educating beginning golfers. Senior golfers love Fred Richards, too, and many prefer it to the Braemar executive course. The Fred is an asset that should not be given up without overwhelming evidence, and that is not present under the current proposal. With proper marketing, signage and more focused programming, Fred Richards can become much more profitable than it has been. There are many people willing to assist in this project, and their efforts should be utilized for a period of time to see what can be accomplished. There have been comments made that the Fred Richards property should be a park, perhaps with athletic fields. Given its close proximity to Centennial Lakes, a park seems unnecessary. And, the hidden location of the Fred makes it less than ideal for athletic fields, which can be more effectively located elsewhere in Edina. There have also been comments about the need for water storage on the property due to potential development in the nearby Pentagon Office Park. A golf course is an environmentally -friendly way to treat surface water, and, if more storage capacity is needed, additional ponding would add to the beauty and appeal of the golf course. Braemar's golf complex is in dire need of renovation. The huge decline in golf rounds in the past 8 years cannot be solely, or even largely, attributed to a general decline in rounds of golf in the Twin Cities' area. For example, Prestwick Golf Club's rounds over the past 8 years have been steady to increasing, taking out the effects of abnormal weather. I believe a major part of the decline in rounds and revenues at Braemar has much more to do with the poor condition of the golf courses and the lack of substantial, ongoing capital improvements. The Clunie 9 has never been as popular as the original 18 holes and at this time is not a positive component of the golf operation. The driving range has lost much of its appeal, and the proposal to improve it is correct. The executive 9 has fewer rounds played on it than Fred Richards, even though it is right next to the driving range and is far easier to find. Braemar's original 18 -hole golf course used to be the best public golf course in Minnesota. It even hosted a PGA tournament. Sadly, it has lost its prominence and no longer is on par with the high standards Edina has set for its public facilities. The proposal that I believe is best for Edina would be as follows: 1. Fred Richards remains open and additional marketing efforts are used to increase its profitability and enlarge its outreach to youth and senior golfers. 2. The Clunie 9 is closed and some or most of it is sold for residential housing. 3. The proceeds from the sale of the Clunie 9 are used to improve the original 18, the driving range and the clubhouse area, restoring it to one of the preeminent public golf courses in Minnesota. There may even be enough money remaining to build the athletic fields described below. 4. The executive 9 is closed and part of its property is used for an even larger driving range and practice complex than currently proposed, and the balance is used for athletic fields. Braemar is universally known in the Twin Cities as a sports complex, so getting athletes to these new fields would be much easier than doing so at Fred Richards. The result of this proposal is the reduction of Edina -owned golf holes from 45 to 27. 18 holes would be of championship quality that would justify higher green fees for non-residents. 9 holes would be of beginner and senior quality that would serve as a feeder program for the young and a destination for the older. Both operations would be much more profitable than they currently are. And, the needs for athletic fields and storage for water run-off would be met. I believe this proposal delivers the best results for the City of Edina. Obviously, it would need to be studied by staff and perhaps a Citizen Committee before it is finalized in the form of a Master Plan. That will take additional time and resources, but these assets are very valuable to Edina and deserve that attention. Sincerely, David N. Mooty NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Tim Nord[mailto:tigertees(cbhotmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 12:19 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Investing in Braemar Good Morning City Council, Park Board, Mayor and staff, I'm writing to express my support of a decision to move forward with the recommendations of the Park Board to Invest and consolidate the Golfing Enterprise of Edina. This opinion comes from an avid golfer who left Braemar years ago due to below average course conditions. I choose to spend my dollars at any number of other public facilities where course conditions, practice facilities, customer service, etc. were far superior. For me, It was worth it to travel farther to find what I considered to be money well spent. It goes without saying that from a financial standpoint, supporting and maintaining the current quantity of golf holes in Edina has been a strain. The numbers regarding revenues and golf participation don't lie and the resulting inability to invest in your product is evident. I will say that 2 years ago I was convinced to comeback to Braemar. While conditions have improved all we are doing right now is maintaining average. (I have to give kudos to Braemar maintenance staff for working miracles with their limited budget and lack of staff. Their budget does not allow for the man hours needed to operate equipment to improve the condition and consistency of the greens which was provided to them by the Braemar Mens club!!!) If we want something better, something that will encourage repeat patronage of our facilities, investment is needed. How we go about making that investment is above my pay grade and I do feel bad for the folks in the Cornelia neighborhood. But it seems to me that consolidating your efforts, and focusing your resources, on the Mothership is smart business. Given the state of golf in the Twin Cities, and given the fact that there are really no other facilities within 10-15 miles in any direction that could hold a candle to a New and Improved Braemar, the timing for your investments couldn't be better. Thank you for your time, Tim Nord Edina, MN NNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: fizwill@iuno.com [mailto:fizwill@iuno.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 12:03 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Executive Course My name is Bill Hanson. I live at 7457 West Shore Drive in Edina. I have been at this address for nearly 28 years and have a direct interest in the fate of the Fred Richards Executive Course as my house abuts the narrowest part of the property very near the west end. There seems to be a race to make a decision on whether the property should remain as a golf course, or to repurpose the property to some other public use, such as a park. While there may be a good argument for closing the golf course from a purely financial standpoint, there has not been adequate acknowledgement and consideration of the many positive elements that the golf course brings to the community, nor has there been adequate acknowledgement and consideration of the negative impact of the closure on the value of adjoining properties. To the neighbors of the golf course at least, it feels as though a very deliberate choice was made on the part of both the city and the park and recreation department to come to a decision regarding the future of Fred Richards Executive Course without due interest or consideration of our concerns. According to the staff report/recommendation, the staff has been working on the proposal since Spring/Summer 2013, yet the first chance for neighborhood input only came with the January 30 informational meeting at Braemar when the draft proposal was presented. The final presentation to the Park Board was less than two weeks later, and the same proposal is to be presented to the City Council on March 4, just three weeks later. There have been published comments by city officials questioning why residents are concerned about various aspects of the issue when no decision has been made, and even expressing irritation about how these rumors get started. Rumors stem from a lack of transparency, evidenced by the very late opportunity to provide input from those most directly concerned. Surely the final decision on whether to close Fred Richards Executive Course should at least satisfy the entire community that due consideration has been afforded to all aspects of this proposal. At the end of this process I understand and accept that I may be unhappy with the results, but I hope that I will not feel that the neighborhood concerns were ignored. Respectfully, Bill Hanson 7457 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 952.929.2568 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NN NNNNNNNNNNNN. From: Barbara Hoganson[mai Ito: barbara.hogansonCcbhardeninc.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 10:43 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: save the fred - public process should be done Dear City Council and City Manager, Please vote no to closing Fred Richards on Tuesday March 4th. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards before there is public input, public discussion and a master plan of the golf courses. Here are some questions I personally have around this topic that I would appreciate answers for as well. 1. Golf is on the rise for the 5 —17 years old. Parents are rethinking football, hockey, and sports that can cause concussions. Edina is all about families and supporting our youth. Fred Richards could become a significant destination to reach this age group. What would it take to make Fred Richards address this growing need? If not Fred Richards, what is going to replace it in Edina? Will the updated Braemar Golf course update these needs? And how will that be accomplished? 2. The Golf Association is looking to change the game to have it be shorter in length, not as difficult to appeal to more youth and people in general. Is this really the time we should be dumping the Fred? Or how will this need to be addressed in Edina? Will the updated Braemar Golf course update these needs? Again, how? 3. In addition, it is very important to remember that baby boomers will drive the game of golf for the next two decades as well. Baby Boomers are just starting to retire. And from my understanding, Fred Richard's target market is for youth and seniors. I have heard grandparents take their kids to the Fred to share a game of golf together. If not Fred Richards, what is going to replace it in Edina? 4. When taking away public land for residents, the process should be fair and open and residents should be able to understand the options. E.g. hold work sessions for open and honest dialogue, to really get the facts, survey residents electronically through City Extra as it is easy enough to do, have a vote electronically. As residents, we should at least know what would it take to keep Fred Richard's open and if not, what is going to replace it before you take it away. Will it remain a green space, or what are the options on the table? 5. Especially in this kind of matter when the city is a fully developed city, the City needs to think really long and hard in taking away public spaces from residents, especially when in all essence it is a park for shared enjoyment. Once it is gone, there is no going back. 6. How is the Fred any different than any of the other Parks in Edina? Could it be added to the Edina Park system? The other parks are not bringing in profits either, e.g. ice skating rinks, which is seasonal also, hire high schools students every year to sit in the warming houses, paying thousands of dollars, when I don't always see a lot of skaters. But I do want to continue to offer ice skating to residents. How does this compare to the cost/usage of Fred Richards in comparison the skating rinks seasonal cost budget? Let's begin the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar and keep Fred Richards golf. Have work sessions for interested residents so we can have good honest dialogue. Residents are reasonable and once we understand the facts, then we can make smarter decisions together. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards until the residents requests and questions are answered. I also would greatly appreciate answers to my questions too. Thanks! Barbara Hoganson 5724 Duncan Lane, Edina MN 55436 952-926-9190 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNN From: Beth Fraley [mailto:bafraley518C@comcast.net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 10:37 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: SAVE FRED RICHARDS I find it amazing that a city that prides itself on Expensive police stations, the state of the arts police cars, education , historical neighborhoods .... cant see the value in Fred Richards Golf course. All of my children and their friends play Fred 3-4 times a week, it is a GEM> I feel once you sell out you will never regain that property... there has to be a solution to keeping Fred, I keep thinking of the wonderful homes and families that are on the course, what will happen to their property values? Fred is a safe and beautiful spot in our city, please reconsider your development plans! Beth and Chris Fraley EDINA NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Kimberly Stratton [ma iIto: kim-mattstratton(cbcomcast. net] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 10:25 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Vote No to closing Fred Richards Golf Course Dear City Council, We encourage you to please vote no to closing Fred Richards Golf Course when you vote on Tuesday, March 4th. We feel you shouldn't rush the closure of Fred Richards before collecting public feedback, opening this topic up to public discussion, and providing a master plan for the golf courses. We do not feel this process has been fair or open for discussion to the public. We recommend you open up the discussion on how we can upgrade Braemar, and keep Fred Richards golf course open. Please vote no to closing Fred Richards. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kim and Matt Stratton NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNN From: Denise Dorgan [mailto:denisedorgan(abme.com] Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 8:58 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Please do not close Fred Dear City Council, We live in the Cornelia neighborhood and my Son uses the Fred Richards golf course every week. Please do not vote to close Fred. Please take more time for the Public to help find other solutions to improve Braemar without closing Fred. Please do not close fred and have our home values drop because of it. Again please vote NO to closing Fred. Thanks, Denise Dorgan denisedorgan me.corn 612-309-0361 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bill Doll[mailto:bilO)hattricksports.net] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 11:04 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: The Fred Please vote NO to closing Fred Richards Golf course on Tuesday March 4th 2014. There is no need to rush the closure of Fred Richards. More public input is needed. The process, up to this point has not been open enough to the public and has been too hasty. Let's begin discussion on how to upgrade Braemar Golf course and keep Fred Richards Golf course open. ............ N .......................... From: Michael Kavanaugh [mailto:mpkavan@icloud.com] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 5:11 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: ron way Subject: Braemar Golf Project To Mayor Hovland and city council I am in support of the plan to renovate the Braemar golf course and driving range. Braemar currently competes with the Mpls. public courses, Brookview and Dwan for the local golfers. If someone is looking for a more quality venue to play it involves a road trip out to Chaska, up to Blaine or south of the Minnesota River. I believe that if Braemar were to upgrade it's facility to a level more equivalent to Bunker Hills, Chaska Town Course or The Meadows it would draw many of the local golfers who would otherwise be taking their business on a road trip. I am very enthusiastic about the plans for development of the driving range/practice facility. I know that I and many of my golfing friends who are patrons of Braemar often go to Highlands or Glen Lake ranges to practice because we can hit off grass instead of the mats Braemar is forced to use because of the small teeing area. I do believe that with the improvements being considered that not only would Edina have a quality facility it could take great pride in but it would also capture a lot of revenue currently being lost to local competition. Thank -you for your consideration Mike Kavanaugh Lifetime resident and 45+ years Braemar golfer 5801 View Lane 952-938-2891 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N..... From: Ron Way [mailto:ron-way(a)comcast.net] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 2:01 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Improving Edina's golf enterprise To the Hon. Mayor and Members of the Edina City Council: Next Tuesday you will consider a matter in which several of us have had a strong and long- time interest: the restoration of the city's golf enterprise, and Braemar Golf Course in particular, to its once -grand status as Minnesota's very best public golf venue. With others, I am sorry that Braemar has deteriorated to the point that it is now considered a third -tier course. Since last fall I have worked with a number of my Braemar friends to once again push to improve the place. One product of that effort is a short statement (attached) that is supported by 75 active golfers at Braemar. But unlike our previous attempts, this time we found that the city's professional staff were willing listeners and, soon, eager supporters of our cause. Also this time, the Braemar Men's Club became a strong supporter of the effort, and that led to several very productive meetings of the Braemar Greens Committee through last fall and early winter. From all this I can say that Edina's city manager, Scott Neal, and especially Edina's parks director, Ann Kattreh, have done a remarkable job of understanding what needs doing with the golf enterprise and a plan to "consolidate and invest" in a way that can bring quality back to that enterprise. Ms. Kattreh and her staff have conducted themselves in a highly professional manner, and all of us associated with this effort gratefully commend them for all they have done. I urge you to adopt the plan prepared by Mr. Neal and Ms. Kattreh, and approved 7-0 by the Edina Park Board. It is a thoughtful plan that would promote the kind of distinquished service that is Edina. Thank you for your time, and for all you do for our city. Ron Way, Edina resident and BMC member for nearly 30 years. 5708 Lois Ln., 55439 612-986-5158 Restoring Braemar's Distinguished ,Status For decades after opening to acclaim in 1964, Braemar Golf Course was an elite venue that hosted a PGA event. In 1984 it was rated by Golf Digest as Minnesota's best public course and among America's top 75. Our course was a genuine community asset that helped promote Edina as a quality place. For years its tee sheets were so full that golfers gathered at 4 am to get a time for the following Saturday, and high -demand Patron cards were strictly limited to residents. That was then. Now, on the eve of Braemar's Golden Anniversary, the course shows effects of neglect and trimmed budgets. Golfers consider Braemar's to be, at best, of average quality, and its practice range among the region's worst. As elsewhere, Minnesota golf demand is flat, and only those courses of recognized quality and customer care have weathered the revenue downturn. Braemar once boasted some of the highest numbers of rounds played of any golf course anywhere, but its tee sheets aren't so full anymore even though Patron restrictions are gone. Too many of Braemar's regulars now choose to play too much of their golf at other places, and too many have quit due, in regrettable part, to course conditions. For years, as golfers pushed for course improvements, the refrain from management was, "With a full tee sheet, why change?" But now, the lament has become, as it only can: "We're doing the best we can with what we have." It doesn't have to be this way. For a relatively modest investment Braemar could be restored to its lofty status of 1984. Braemar's reputation in the golf community would recover, and new revenues realized. Braemar could become an asset worthy of the Edina Vision 20/20 standard: "distinguishable from other places. " Braemar is beautiful parkland. Its foundation as a golf course is solid with very good hole - routing for the original 18. Greens, always key in defining quality of any course, are good. While putting surfaces have improved in recent years, their pace and consistency must be improved still more to compare favorably with those at competing venues. Braemar has the quality staff and a full line of equipment to make ours some of the best greens anywhere. It comes down to a commitment to make it happen. Other challenges are poor drainage over too much of the course, and an aging irrigation system that works sporadically and fails often. While management and the USGA Green Section have long said that replacing the system is "high-priority," the project continues to slide down the priority list. Addressing greens quality, drainage, and irrigation issues would be giant steps in restoring Braemar's greatness, all at relatively low cost and over a few short years. Edina is about to approve a major makeover of our practice range. The long -overdue project, together with a committed push to polishing Braemar's glow on its Golden Anniversary, would be more than restoring a genuine community asset. An improved practice range would add considerable new revenue. Just as surely, bringing back a quality golf course would both add significant new revenue and recover revenue lost with departed golfers. It's an opportunity worthy of a commitment by a City that prides itself in distinguishable quality. NNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.... From: Ann Baumann[mailto:ann.baumann(a)yahoo.com] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 10:40 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf Course To Whom It May Concern: My name is Ann Baumann and I have been a summer employee at Braemar Golf Course since 2000. 1 have worked with and for John Valliere, Todd Anderson, Amy Smith, Mary Wooldridge and Jeff Homberger since I started there as a 22 year old teacher who was looking for a summer job, and I consider these people more than co-workers or my bosses, they are my friends. As I approached and prepared for my 15t'summer there, I was disheartened to hear that Jeff Homberger's position at the golf course is in jeopardy. I understand that every golf course in Minnesota is losing money and each one is taking different approaches to save money and simply stay alive. I know Braemar and the City of Edina are not immune to the recent downslide in the golf industry, and something needs to be done to help keep the course moving in the right direction. I understand the cultural and historical value of Braemar to its citizens -which must bring immense pressure to you and your partners at City Hall to please everyone. With that being said, I would really like to share with you the value I see in Jeff Homberger and his position. As a long-term, seasonal employee who also works in a leadership role in public education, I know the importance of customer service. A good customer experience keeps a good organization going. I feel that Jeff has been an invaluable part of the customer service that Braemar has provided and continues to improve. When Braemar Patrons enter the pro -shop, Jeff greets the majority by name as he has known them, their children and likely their grandchild during his 20 -year tenure at Braemar. When a customer expresses concerns or complains about their experience, Jeff is the first to look these customers in the eye, listen to them and make them feel heard and understood. As a golfer and an employee, I believe these are the behaviors and characteristics that keep our customers coming back. If the role of managing the pro-shop/golf operations (Jeff's job) and the greater golf course events/merchandise (Mary's job) were to fall on one person, I feel like the greatest area that would suffer would be the person to person contact and customer service that is what has made many of our patrons continue to return year after year. Not having someone like Jeff who is working "behind the counter" and keeping a pulse on the daily operations of the course will make the Braemar experience suffer and customers will notice. There is a reason why we have been able to keep seasonal employees at Braemar year after year. That reason is that Jeff (along with the others at Braemar) have created an environment in which leadership is provided and employees are trusted to use their expertise to create a good experience for our customers. Year after year, I have witnessed Jeff take the time to get to know his employees, check-in with them in the off season and treat them as if they were his own family when necessary. Jeff has missed family vacations for the sake of others going on their own. I cannot recall a Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or Labor Day that Jeff hasn't worked so that his colleagues within the Braemar leadership can take off to enjoy with their families. I firmly believe he makes many hard decisions with the best interests of the golf course in mind. After 14 summers of working at Braemar (and truly enjoying it), I know that it is the returning summer staff that keep things moving on daily basis. While I cannot speak for everyone, I do believe that knowing Jeff will not be there to be our leader and advocate will cause many of us to consider whether or not Braemar is the seasonal job we have truly enjoyed in past years. The experience and knowledge that we bring to the daily operations of Braemar would truly be missed if we were replaced by temporary, seasonal employees that were not invested in the golf course and were just looking for a way to earn extra money or fill their free time before heading off to the next semester of college or a full-time job. Again, this loss of staff/experience would directly affect the city's and the course's mission to provide and improve customer service. I understand and respect the hard decisions concerning Braemar and Fred Richards that are ahead of you. I understand that you and others at City Hall are being called to make changes at the risk of job loss and a major cultural change at the city's golf courses. I also understand what its like to work in a public role with a limited budget. However, I felt it was important to voice my concerns about what is on the table for consideration in come days/weeks. In my professional life and "summer life" at Braemar, I have been able to observe a lot and feel that my opinion is valuable as I am the one answering the phones, welcoming customers and interacting with them each time I am there. While I am not at all involved in Braemar on an administrative level, it is my perspective that many things are being overlooked on the ground level. I appreciate you taking the time to read my lengthy email. I felt compelled to advocate for Jeff's position, but my intent was not to be negative or complain to you or anyone else who has to make these hard decisions. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. Thank You, Ann Baumann 612-396-4256 Sent from my iPhone NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Colette Diegel [mailto:cad2020@mac.com] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 10:24 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Executive Renvate all you want but NO MORE WATER FEATURES! There are enough water hazards on that course already. Holes 1, 3, 4, 6,and 7 have really "GOOD" "BAD" ones ! and then 8 has also on the side. That is SIX out of NINE holes. For heavens sake give a poor golfer a chance ..... We skip the 7th hold altogether because of that water / pond/lake there.... Colette Diegel NN N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNN NNN N NNN From: Fred Friends[mailto:newlawlifel(&hotmail.com] Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 6:27 AM To: Jon Tevlin; Josephine Marcotty; kdiazastartribune.com; May Yee Chen; nathan.nelsonCcbstartribune.com; Warren Wolfe; Lori Sturdevant; Jill Burcum; Jeremy Olson; Forster, Julie; jcoolman(clacnpapers.com; Stephanie Hemphill; Rupa Shenoy; msteil(cbmpr.org; Elizabeth Baier; Scott Neal; Edina Mail Subject: RE: Great Story on the Environment - Edina Here is Another Part of the Great Story in Edina As part of the ongoing drama in Edina the Citizens are fighting the City Again! The Citizens have demanded that City abide by the Minnesota Rules on Environmental Review which requires them to conduct an Environmental Review when they convert the land, free of charge to the developer, from a Golf Course to a Stormwater Retention Basin for Pentagon Park. This is different from the Citizen's Petition filed last week, this is a Minnesota State Rule and if Edina ignores it, the Citizen's would be able to pursue their legal remedies in court. By the way City Manager Scott Neal, this time when you get the email you should deliver it to each City Council member and the Mayor. Watch the fireworks at Edina City Hall on Tuesday night, March 4 as the City Council takes up this issue February 26, 2014 Via electronic mail snealgEdinaMN-gov and Hand Delivery City of Edina Minnesota 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 do Scott Neal - Adminstrator RE: Demand for Mandatory Environmental Review— City of Edina Land Use Conversion Dear Mr. Neal It has come to my attention that the City of Edina is planning on implementing a project, as that term is defined in Minnesota Rules Section 4410, eta, that would physically manipulate the environment including the closure, land use conversion and joint repurposing of Fred Richards Golf Course including inclusion of the former golf course in the redevelopment of the Pentagon Park office complex along 77th Street in the City of Edina. The total site area is, on information and belief, approximately 83 acres in size based on site renderings published by the developer and information from the City's website about the golf course; and would likely redevelop the entire combined site over the next 2-15 years in the future. Proposed uses include office, retail, residential, and a hotel and conversion of the City owned golf course into a stormwater drainage area for the development. The Developer is asking the City for a PUD type of Development and inclusion of the golf course for its plans. Which would allow greater flexibility of land uses, amenities, setbacks, pedestrian connection, and closing the Fred Richards Golf to redevelop this City open space into a stormwater drainage and retention system for the development and discussed In the attached material (the °Project). The Project falls into a Mandatory Category for Environmental Review pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 and 4400 Subpart 36 and a Land use conversion, including Golf Courses" I demand that the City conduct the Mandatory Environmental Review as required by Minnesota Rules. An EAW must be prepared for projects that meet or exceed threshold of any of the criteria listed in Subparts 2 through 37 of the rule. If the project is an "expansion" of an existing project, like here where the City of Edina is seeking to combine the Fred Richards golf course with the Pentagon Park development. This demand should be considered separate and distinct from the Petition for Discretionary Environmental Review filed earlier this week. It is time for the City to abide by the laws of the State of Minnesota and perform this review. Sincerely Ms. Colleen Wolfe c. Edina City Council Members Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Hillcrest Development Edina Sun Current Star Tribune Pioneer Press National Public Radio Save the Fred Association Golf Proposal Presented to Edina City Council on 3/4/2104 by Save The Fred Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations Overview: The Save The Fred Association has come together to research additional ideas for Edina golf operations, with a focus on maximizing the possibilities and opportunities to develop world-class golf operations for the Edina community. We explored alternatives to the current proposal, which we believe underleverages what could be achieved if a thoughtful and carefully crafted master plan for Edina golf is developed. A thoughtful, well researched, and fiscally sound master plan is needed to develop a vision that will sustain the City's golf operations for the next 50 years. The current proposal from City of Edina staff falls significantly short of this objective. Save the Fred is asking the City to detach the closing of Fred Richards from the Staffs recommendations to improve Braemar Golf Operations. Our group is committed to not only saving Fred Richards, but also supporting the long past due and necessary capital improvements to the Braemar Golf Course. These two goals are not mutually exclusive of one another, notwithstanding city staffs position to the contrary. Our respective goals are similar, i.e. providing the absolute best golfing opportunities in Edina for the entire golfing community at large, including but not limited to, beginners, our youth and their leagues, impaired players and their leagues, ladies, men, seniors, work leagues, etcetera. Our group has spent countless hours over the past few weeks attempting to understand the position taken by staff recommending the closing of Fred Richards to the Park Board and City Council. There is clear and convincing evidence that Fred Richard has been profitable and will be profitable in the future. It is our position that the closing of Fred Richards would be a serious mistake to the detriment of the current and future golfing community of Edina. We respectfully request the City Council on March 4th to do three things: Vote to TABLE city staffs recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course indefinitely to allow for further study before making an unreasonably quick decision about a long-time treasured community asset. 2. Vote to approve staffs recommended improvements to Braemar with the exception of converting Braemar Exec to Par 3. 3. Direct City staff to work with appropriate resources and residents to produce a master plan for the future of Edina Golf Operations. We believe there are options that should be explored that better serve Edina golf and that are more fiscally responsible than the current list of proposals by City Staff. The following pages share information and ideas that were generated by our group in the short time provided by City Staff. As you read through this document, we ask you to imagine the possibilities to maximize the future of Edina Golf if Council were to pause and ask for a responsible timeline that includes thorough analysis of the facts, extensive public input, and careful consideration so the best decision can be reached. We hope that at the end of this proposal that you will determine, as we did, that the City Staffs current proposal should at the very least be supplemented with other ideas to achieve the best outcome for Edina Golf. VOTE for more time, a better process, and a better outcome! 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations City of Edina Fred Richards Closure Decision Timeline City Staff has been thinking about, studying and developing its current proposal for Edina golf for well over a year. City residents had ZERO involvement and, even worse, ZERO communication from City Staff during the recommendation development process. This is an important decision that deserves a better process that will ensure a better result for all Edina residents. ONE month between Staff communication of its proposal and recommended final vote by City Council on March 4th is offensive and not in the best interests of anyone involved. The timeline is depicted as follows: Staff, Consultants & Developer Timeline - More than 1 year 2011 NGF,on 11a roport on Edina golf I -Ongoing staff and council discussions on Nine Mile Creek Trail, the Office Park redevelopment end potential repurposing,£ Fred Richards 2013 - MattFulton hired to consult on golfoperatio,, Residents - 1 month 30, 2014 City Annnouncea0 n for Edina Golf at Public .h 4th, 2014, Proposed final Vote on by City Coucd Fred Richards Closure Decision Timeline August 2011— National Golf Foundation consultant report on Edina Golf Operations 2012 — 2013 — Ongoing discussions by council and staff on Nine Mile Creek Trail, the Pentagon Office Park redevelopment project and the potential to repurpose Fred Richards Golf Course. May 2013 - City hires Matt Fulton to review Edina golf operations May 7th, 2013 — City Council Meeting Notes • "There was discussion on the Nine Mile Creek Trail maps and the potential for a change in use at Fred Richards Golf Course in the near future". August 7th, 2013 — Edina Sun Current Article — "Edina council has not decided future of Fred Richards course" Mayor Hovland Quoted: "If the consultant should recommend consolidation of all of the city's golf operations at Braemar, that will only be one opinion to consider in a thorough evaluation, with extensive public input, of whether to follow such a recommendation." He concluded, "In summary, the council has made no determination with regard to the future of Fred Richards Golf Course and no such decision would be made without extensive public input." 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 4 October 7th, 2013 — Hillcrest Public Open House on Pentagon Park Redevelopment • When asked, Scott Tankenoff states that he had been meeting with City Staff and Council (in ones and twos) for approximately a year. • Tankenoff states to those present that City staff had communicated to Hillcrest a decision on the Fred was coming soon. Decision needed because it directly impacts developer plans. • Several mock-ups show development with parkland (Fred closed) and integrated storm water. November 5th, 2013 — At request of residents, Mayor Hovland meets with small group • Concerns expressed, specifically focused on lack of communication or public involvement in process. • Mayor commits to an open, participative and extended process to ensure that all viewpoints are heard and that neighborhood involvement is maximized. November 6th, 2013 - Star Tribune article pledging public conversations with residents (Ann Kattreh) December 6th, 2013 — In a Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal article, Hillcrest developer Scott Tankenoff publically states his preference for an integrated approach with city which would result in closure and repurposing of Fred Richards Golf Course. Takenoff quote: "There comes a time when we can't wait, are we integrating our land or not?" December 11th, 2013 — City Planning Commission Meeting with Hillcrest • Two plans presented by Hillcrest, one with Fred one without • Developer states preference for integrated approach January 30th, 2014 — WITH ZERO PUBLIC CONVERVERSATION OR INPUT PRIOR TO RECOMMENDATION, CITY ANNOUNCES 6 POINT PLAN FOR EDINA GOLF WHICH INCLUDES CLOSING FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE. March 4th, 2014 — Proposed final City Council Vote CITY STAFF, CONSULTANTS & DEVELOPER = 1 YEAR PLUS CITY RESIDENTS = 1 MONTH 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations City of Edina Golf Operations: Alternative Models On February 11, 2014, the City of Edina Park board approved a recommendation to close the Fred Richards golf course and invest in the remaining golf course facilities at Braemar. Estimated savings for this proposal was $2,334,400 by 2020. This was the only recommendation provided and the only savings proposal analyzed in depth by staff. As with any critical business decision, several scenarios should have been considered and discussed; unfortunately, this has not taken place. Over the last few weeks, our group of concerned citizens with business finance backgrounds worked to develop additional options to deliver savings at or above the current proposal. The objectives are to meet both the City's goal of improving the City of Edina's golf enterprise and contribute positively to the City of Edina's overall budget. The chart below shows cumulative operating profit for both the Fred Richards golf course and the entire golf operations for the following time periods: 1) 2007 thru 2014 (Fred closure date) and 2) 2015-2020 (baseline forecast provided by staff assuming no actions are taken). Despite rumors to the contrary, the Fred Richards course has not been a historical driver of the operating profit/loss for the golf operation, and closing the course does not eliminate an unprofitable asset. Fred Richards* Total Braemar Golf Operation +$35,823 +$110,7870 -$655,815 -$3,245,000 Below are analysis of the current staff proposal and two additional proposals for council's consideration. Please refer to financial exhibits following the options summaries Option 1: Close Fred Richards The current proposal estimates that closing Fred at the end of 2014 will save $734,000 over the next 6 years. This figure assumes almost half of current players transfer over to the Braemar Par 3 (post conversion) starting in 2015. Concerns with this option include the timing of the closure, the exclusion of additional funds necessary to repurpose the land, and the removal of an executive course option (Par 29) for Edina golfers. Despite what the current proposal states, closing Fred Richards after in the 2014 season does not generate any funds for the driving range expansion, and results in both executive courses being closed in 2015 while the driving range is expanded and the Braemar Executive is converted into a Par 3. By keeping Fred open through 2015, lost revenue at Braemar Executive (closed) could be recovered during construction and we can ensure current players stay within the City of Edina golf enterprise and not look to other city courses to meet their needs. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 6 This option also does not factor in additional capital required to repurpose the existing Fred course (42 acres) into a park and maintain it. These additional costs will far outweigh the operating expense savings from closing Fred and will pull down the total estimated savings significantly to $1,034,400 by 2020. Option 2: Maintain Existing Facilities By keeping Fred open, the golf enterprise can increase the impact of the proposed rate hike and drive additional rounds through increased marketing and new customers from the Pentagon Park development and expansion of Youth Leagues. Fred's additional profit contribution of $646,000 (2015-2020) will be comparable to the operating expense savings from closing Fred ($734,000) and will not require additional city funds to convert Fred to a park. This option will also ensure an executive length course remains in the Edina golf system. Total savings for this proposal is $2,089,200 by 2020, 2X the estimated net savings under Option 1. Option 3• Keep Fred Richards Open Close Braemar Executive Course Of the two executive courses our golf operations have today, Fred Richards is played more often, +28,676 more rounds over the last 10 years. In addition, Fred has a landscape better suited for these types of players, and is easier to maintain according to the NGF golf study. Keeping the Fred Richards course open and closing the Braemar Executive course will generate similar levels of operating expense savings and significantly reduces the level of investments necessary for both the proposed driving range/Par 3 renovation and the irrigation replacement scheduled for 2016 at Braemar. It also provides additional space next to the existing driving range, which opens up additional possibilities to create a "best in class" practice facility area. Total savings for this proposal is $2,522,600 by 2020, 2.5X the estimated net savings under Option 1. Summary We agree it is critical to invest in our current golf operation, get it back to being one of the top operations in the Twin Cities area, and be good stewards of the City's overall budget. We believe the current proposal (Option 1) does not deliver on these objectives, with the operating expense savings generated from the Fred closure more than offset by future spending to repurpose the space into a park. Options 2 & 3 provide similar direct benefits, reduce the need for significant future capital investments, ensures an executive style course remains in Edina, and accomplishes the goal of funding improvements to the overall golf operation while contributing positively to the City of Edina's overall budget. These are just two additional options to consider. We believe there are others as well that could be generated if time is spent developing a master plan for a world-class golf operations in Edina, which has not taken place. We ask that you explore additional these and additional options to ensure we are making the best long-term decision for the citizens of Edina and the golf operation. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 7 Fred Richards/Braemar Income Statement N G r'1 f� Z5 � pl pJ C -orD N 91 d E3FF ar _. a 'r � v, in 9 N ¢ w o - p� C A:m O y N N N N NN tppJpp� �OLppO, O G Oo O �C 7iS— S w �U lAs� N rZ33��� � 60 � �.�,,a ppO ppWp� tN r,�.a OD �pp..1 0 �A � D OpQ 40 ppO ppd .QWp1 25 U 12 a Jia ~t.+.��j O] tZ LA N N y N N N N w - N_ w � SO Ln pQy�f1 � „P � w 2 ZIA pVp�� N fTg-- `1V-� FppNp+�Npp 'ypQNr�1 prn pO+ G 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal 00 0 U Clution 1: Close Fred 2: Keep all courses Fred revenue lost (assumes initial lost of 69% of revenue migrating to 50% by 2020 $ (878,200) Fred $2 rate increase Fred operating expense savings (assumes 50K Fred increased rounds due to marketing (18% per year allocation) $ 1,432,200 increase consistent with plan assumption) Fred recovery of lost revenue during Exec course Fred equipment savings ($30K per year) $ 180,000 construction (assume 50%) Subtotal $ 734,000 Driving range expansion $ (592,500) Driving range Expansion 3: Close Braemar Exec $ 252,900 I Braemar Exec revenue lost (same modeling) $ 321,800 I Braemar Exec operating expense savings 71,300 Braemar Exec equipment savings ($30K per year) $ 646,000 Subtotal $ (592,500) Driving range expansion No capital improvements to exec course Increased Rates and Marketing $ 1,307,900 Increased Rates and marketing $ 1,307,900 Increased Rates and Marketing (includes rounds transferred to Breamar from FR) Less amts assumed due to transfer to Breamar $ (157,200) (Includes rounds transferred to FR from Breamar Exec.) Staff reductions $ 362 ff ed $ (821,200) $ 1,163,400 $ 180,000 $ 522,200 $ (592,500) $ 60.000 $ 1,307,900 800 Sta r u -Ions $ 362,800 Staff reductions $ 362,800 Outsourcing grill operations $ 522,200 Outsourcingrill operations g Pe $ 522,200 Outsourcing grill operations $ 522,200 Golf operations total $ 2,334,400 Goff operations total $ 2,089,200 Golf operations total $ 2,722,600 Cost to repurpose the park $ (1,000,000) Cost to maintain park (50K per year) $ (300,000) Total to the Cost to repurpose Breamar Exec. to open space $ (500,000) No irrigation replacement for Braemar Exec land in 201E $ 300,000 Total impact to the City S 2.522.600 r-� Key Assumptions - Cost to repurpose park: current course is approximately 40 acres. When the old Normandale course was redesigned and became Fred, the cost was over $3,000,000 and this was 20 years ago. Similar price tag to build Clunie•9 20 years ago. We realize this is too high, but the current estimate to expand the driving range and redo 2 Braemar Exec holes is estimated at $1,200,000 (much smaller space). We also asked Scott Neale at the Jan 30th meeting and he agreed that $1,OD0,000 was a strong possibility. This would just be to redo the landscape, fill sandtraps and level out any green humps. Going beyond that would likely cost much more. -For annual maintenance costs, we looked at the current park maintenance budget (ex -facilities) of $2.9MM and divided by our current # of parks (40). This gave us $72,500 annually which we discounted to be conservative. It should be pointed out that this park would be signficantly larger than a standard park. in addition, a per acre comparison of managing natural grass annually vs. "wild grass", which is much more cost effective, indicates a range of $24,000 for "wild" grass and $200,000 for natural grass (see additional "grass option comparison" tab) !-We used a lower estimate to repurpose the Braemar Exec to open space. Our rationale was that the majority of the course is across the road and as a result, less spending needs to take place to make it a usable space; although we think there area lot of great possibilities with this space and the parking capacity at Braemar (ex: sports fields). Additional Commentary -Additional PGAGrant money worth exploring for Fred under their "Play 9" marketing program Closing Fred and converting Braemar Exec to a Par 3 eliminates an executive length course option; both golf studies suggest having an executive length course is ideal Closing Braemar Exec can enable the removal of existing check-in building and automation of driving range (ball dispensers), addtl savings poss'b;e - Basis current design, Braemar Exec closure creates 30-40 acres of open space, with 20+ acres located north-east of Braemar Blvd_ and ,vest of Gleason Current marketing spend levels are inadequate at <1% of total budget; a reasonable increase in marketing could have a material impact c*a Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 9 City of Edina Survey: Summary of Key Findings Two surveys have been completed in the last few years that have been talking points during the golf course operation discussion. In order to provide open transparency, we encourage reading the full results of both reports and take all responses into account. Results worth highlighting: Quality of Life Survey 1) These facilities had a high % of responders who have not used them within the last year: a. The Aquatic Center — 62%, usually profitable in +$100,000 range b. The Senior Center — 67%, no revenue generation c. Braemar Ice Arena — 68%, loses roughly -$450,000 annually d. Braemar Golf Course — 58% (play on any of the 3 courses), unprofitable currently e. Fred Richards Course — 76%, slightly profitable f. Edinborough Park — 53%, loses roughly -$100,000 annually g. The Art Center — 55%, loses roughly -$175,000 annually 2) A question was posed (#45) if people felt we had the right level of Parks & Open Space currently = 91% said about right. 3) People ranked Park and Facilities (#82) as either excellent (47%) or Good (52%) and indicate they are satisfied with what they have and how it's run. 4) 97% feel existing facilities offered meet their needs (#107). Nothing indicates that people feel current golf or park facilities need changing. 5) Similar to above, 99% indicated that the current mix of city park and rec programming meets their needs (#133) 6) People were willing to pay increased property taxes to fund any improvements (#129) 7) 52% never bike in the city of Edina and 15% rarely (#151); but almost all felt that it was currently fairly easy to bike around in Edina (#152). 8) 70% of the responders do not have school age children or preschoolers in the household (#186). How can we accurately comment on Fred's lack of participation given we didn't get a heavy response from families with kids who might be using the course? Consultant's Survey Monkey 1) 86% of those surveyed don't think there are too many holes of public golf in Edina (#10) 2) 40% of responders are willing to pay $2 more per round, 30% would pay $5 or more (#8) 3) When asked which services or improvements to facility would make you more likely to frequent Braemar, 48% asked for "well maintained target greens on driving range"; only 11% suggested "the conversion of executive course to a shorter par 3 course" 4) Less than 3% of the responders of this survey were under 18. Makes it difficult to get an accurate picture of the youth golf picture 5) Only half of the responders live in Edina. There are inherent strengths in surveys to capture data at a point in time. In addition surveys when interpreted can be manipulated to support any position with the right spin. Our point is simply that City Staff has chosen survey results that support their position and ignore other findings. We present the above for your further consideration. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 10 City of Edina Bonds: Points of Interest EDINA'S MUNICPAL BOND RATINGS (as of March 4,2014): Moody's: Aaa- "an obligator has EXTREMELY STRONG capacity to meet its financial commitments". Standard & Poor's: AAA Edina's current Aaa/AAA bond ratings are the highest possible ratings. The city should be extremely proud of this. Outlooks. If Edina were in danger of a downgrade the rating agencies would signal that downgrade. The current outlook is as follows Moody's: NOO (No Outlook). This is very common with Moody's- no outlook given. Standard and Poor's: STABLE. According to S&P's most recent report, they state "the stable outlook reflects Standard & Poor's expectation that Edina will continue its strong financial performance with good fund balances given its robust tax base and good management policies. Given these very strong credit quality characteristics, including access to the Minneapolis- St Paul metropolitan area, we do not anticipate changing the rating within the two-year outlook horizon." If Standard & Poor's anticipates that a credit rating may change in the coming 6 to 24 months, it may issue an updated ratings outlook indicating whether the possible change is likely to be "positive", "negative", "stable", or "developing" (meaning it's uncertain whether a rating might go up or down). Or, if events or circumstances occur that may affect a rating in the near term, usually within 90 days, Standard & Poor's may place the rating on CreditWatch. Typically, an updated outlook on CreditWatch from Standard & Poor's includes a rationale for the potential change and the extent of the change, up or down, which may occur. However, updating a ratings outlook or placing a rating on CreditWatch does not mean a ratings change is inevitable. No "negative outlook" has been issued on Edina's bond ratings. Moody's and Standard and Poor's discussion of Edina Golf operations: Moody's: "While both the Golf and the Arena Fund have challenged operations, risk to the city is mitigated by strong revenues from the Municipal Liquor Fund and ample liquidity in the General Fund and alternate funds." Standard & Poor's: The S&P report does not mention anything about the golf operations in their analysis other than a possible upcoming General Obligation bond issue for various purposes "including improvements to an existing driving range". 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 11 While the city must continue to act fiscally responsible to maintain its Aaa/AAA bond rating, we do not believe that the Fred Richards Golf Course should in anyway adversely affect Edina's future bond ratings. The 2013 operating losses for the golf enterprises of $450,000, in 2013 is 3% of the fiscal 2012 City's General Fund and 1.3% of revenues. Sources: iVi.kipedi.a, Al'oody's Investors Sen)ice (City of Edina's• ratings report dated September 13, 2013) and Standard and Poor's Rating Services (City of Edi.na's rating report dated September 13, 2013). 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal Maximizing the Possibilities of Edina Golf Operations 12 Summary and Request City Staff has worked for over a year to develop the one recommendation they are asking you to vote on tonight with only ONE MONTH of council review and public discussion. This rush to a final judgment serves no interests well. Not the interests of concerned and impacted residents, not the interests of the Edina Golf enterprise or its patrons, not the interests of those tasked with managing the city's assets wisely and responsibly, and not the interests of Mayor Hovland and the City Council. The proposal on the table by City Staff is flawed, not well considered, does not maximize the future potential of Edina golf, and has been developed with ZERO public input. We presented just TWO alternative options that result in a better outcome for all involved. We believe our proposals are based on sound financial data and assumptions and deserve further evaluation and consideration that only time can provide. Certainly, there are other proposals that also deserve time and consideration by City Staff and Council before a final decision is made. The Braemar Golf enterprise including Fred Richards Golf Course has served residents and patrons well for 50 years. Surely charting a path for the next 50 years deserves a carefully crafted Master Plan and more than ONE MONTH of review and debate. We formally request the City Council on March 4th to do three things: Vote to indefinitely TABLE city staff's recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf Course to allow for further study before making an unreasonably quick decision about a long-time treasured community asset. 2. Vote to approve staff's recommended improvements to Braemar with the exception of converting Braemar Exec to Par 3. The rationale for this is explained in our discussion above. 3. Direct City staff to work with appropriate resources and residents to produce a master plan for the future of Edina Golf Operations. We believe there are options that should be explored that better serve Edina golf and that are more fiscally responsible than the current list of proposals by City Staff. The result should be a master plan that maximizes the potential for Edina Golf for the next 50 years that we call all be proud of! Thank you very much for your consideration. 3/4/2014 Save The Fred: Edina Golf Operations Proposal <:ontact: Frank Petrovic ommunications & Technology Services Department Phone 952-826-0347 • fpetrovic@EdinaMN.gov • www.EdinaMN.gov FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE 0 18 F O Macy's Southdale to match donations to benefit Yorktown Park Edina, Minn., Mar. 5, 2014 — Yorktown Park, 7335 York Ave. S., will be a beneficiary of Macy's "Heart Your Park" — a program introduced as part of the department store's "Secret Garden" campaign. The Secret Garden campaign aims to raise awareness and dollars for local parks across the country. Macy's partners with the National Recreation and Park Association to raise funds for local parks nationwide, with every dollar matched by Macy's — up to $250,000. From March 7 to March 31, customers at Macy's Southdale can donate $1 or more at the register, with 100 percent of customer donations and matching dollars benefiting Yorktown Park — along with its community garden and skate park. Yorktown Park is one of more than 550 parks nationwide that will benefit from Macy's "Heart Your Park" this spring. "Heart Your Park" is part of Macy's Secret Garden spring campaign that will come to life at Macy's stores and on macys.com with an infusion of garden -inspired merchandise, special promotions and events. For more information on Secret Garden, visit macys.com/secretgarden. For a full list of the parks benefiting from Macy's "Heart Your Park," visit macys.com/parks. For more information, contact Macy's Southdale Sales Manager Colin Tokheim at colin.tokheim@macys.com. -30- City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424