HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-11 Park Board PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PARK BOARD MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, February 11, 2014 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony relevant conduct the of a' publicon. To hearing,sure speakersess to must all speakers and to allow the efficient observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A. PUBLIC HEARING - Golf Course Operations Study B. PUBLIC HEARING - Seasonal Off -Leash Dog Area at Strachauer Park VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT During Community Comment, " the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Pamela Park Shelter Building Working Group VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Council Updates B. Other Correspondence C. Veterans Memorial Committee, December 20, 2013 Minutes IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL January 14, 2014 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. IL ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Segreto, Deeds, Steel, Cella, Jacobson, Gieseke, Jones. Student Members present: Good, Johnson. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Segreto made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to approve the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Segreto, Deeds, Steel, Cella, Jacobson, Gieseke, Jones. Motion carried. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Cella made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to approve the consent agenda as follows: IV.A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting of November 12, 2013 Ayes: Members Segreto, Deeds, Steel, Cella, Jacobson, Gieseke, Jones. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. Veteran's Memorial Update Ms. Kattreh introduced Kristin Aarsvold, Recreation Supervisor, and Richard Olson, Chair of the Veteran's Memorial Committee. Ms. Aarsvold provided an overview of the history of the Veteran's Memorial Committee and noted that a contract has recently been signed with Elliot Design Build, an Edina firm who will also be providing some in-kind services in support of the memorial. Work has begun, and the goal is to have the opening ceremony in November 2014. In response to a question by Member Deeds, Ms. Aarsvold explained the budget remains at $400,000. Mr. Olson explained further details about the budget, indicating the significant in-kind contributions which will significantly help that budget. Members Cella and Gieseke asked whether any money was paid to another artist. Ms. Aarsvold indicated $3,800 was paid to an artist in New York for a maquette. It was agreed to part ways with the artist and move on. She indicated there has been a learning curve in this process. It was 1 challenging to find the right people to delegate tasks to, but now that they are in place, there is much more energy in the committee. Ms. Aarsvold explained the goal is to have all of the donations and funds in place by May 1, at which point they will be presented to the City Council for approval. That would allow for ground breaking shortly thereafter. Member Jones asked about the sculpture itself. Ms. Aarsvold indicated the sculpture will be in line with the design concept already approved by the Park Board. She invited anyone to attend the meeting on Friday morning where more details will be given. Ms. Jones stated she is a little uncomfortable approving this, not knowing what the actual sculpture will look like. Ms. Aarsvold indicated the committee members have worked extremely hard on the design over the past four years; she believes they want to stay with the eagle and the wreath and are committed to a very beautiful sculpture. Chair Steel indicated a good way for Park Board members to weigh in in the meantime will be to attend the Veteran's Memorial Committee Friday morning. Member Segreto noted the City Council will look at the final design, and so she is comfortable with their final approval. Ms. Kattreh indicated once the artist is selected, and the design is ready, the design of the eagle will be a focal point for the fundraising campaign. So the eagle will be a very public part of this process. Ms. Kattreh recalled the artist design contest, where a New York artist won the contest. Subsequently the committee looked at reducing costs, the first of which was to find a local artist who can best match the design that was approved. VI.B. 2014 Work Plan Ms. Kattreh asked for feedback from the Park Board on the priorities of the Work Plan. She noted work has begun on the strategic plan, but more work is needed early on in the year. Member Jacobson asked to join the subcommittee. Ms. Kattreh noted she would like staff to complete an inventory of the park system as well as an RFP for a potential consultant. The strategic plan is important, though it will be challenging with the heavy construction load in 2014. Member Deeds suggested selecting some peer and aspirational cities both locally and nationally to help set guidelines and planning. Ms. Kattreh concurred. Ms. Kattreh provided an update on the Arneson Acres Master Plan, noting staff is working with the Edina Garden Council, and plans are underway to hire a consultant for this plan. Ms. Kattreh explained the donors are interested in moving things along sooner rather than later. Member Deeds asked whether it makes more sense to place a moratorium on any changes to Arneson Acres, while the overall strategic plan is developed. 2 Ms. Kattreh noted part of the Garden Council's concern is ensuring that the original vision of the donors is preserved, that it be a botanical garden. Member Segreto asked whether planning efforts can be put into Arneson Acres so their interests are not overtaken by the interests of golf and athletic fields. Member Cella agreed with Member Deeds that moving forward with an overall master park plan for Edina rather than carving out little pieces of the plan first. Member Segreto agreed about the process, while noting an overall plan does not lend itself to diversity in the parks. It was agreed the gifting documents for Arneson Acres need to be reviewed before proceeding. Ms. Kattreh reviewed cost recovery goals for enterprise facilities. She noted staff is wrapping up 2013 budgets right now. She would like to review this item during the summer of 2014 to provide staff adequate time to work on business plans for the next year. Chair Steel indicated that those serving on the strategic planning subcommittee should serve in this area too. Members Deeds, Steel, Segreto, and Jones asked to be included in this group. Ms. Kattreh brought up the next item of replacing playground equipment at Wooddale Park. She noted it is not a high priority for Park Board involvement, but she and Ms. Faus will continue communicating with the resident who was interested in fundraising. Ms. Kattreh briefly mentioned athletic field at Pamela Park, where work is already underway. There will be a working group for the shelter building at Pamela. The artificial field may be ready to play on in September. Ms. Kattreh asked about the Park Board's priority for Green Initiatives. Chair Steel indicated all extra resources should be dumped into master planning right now. The board decided to reach out to the Energy and Environment Commission to find out more about their current initiatives, as well as to approach the strategic planning table through the lens of Green Initiatives. Member Gieseke asked how boards typically exchange information. Ms. Kattreh responded there is a "typical" way of exchanging information; it could happen through conversations between staff or members, a joint meeting, or a report at the meeting. Member Deeds commented a lot of these secondary issues will tie into the strategic planning process, as there will be a lot of data -gathering on the front end. Member Deeds asked about the School Board's relationship with the Parks Department and the City. Member Cella stated it is something the School Board is very interested in partnerships, though there are several other ongoing studies at the School District. Ms. Kattreh noted staff meets regularly with the School District, and they know the city is interested in more partnerships. VI.C. 2014 Park Board Meeting Calendar Ms. Kattreh noted that in 2014 a few Park Board meetings have been moved to Monday, so she wanted to point those out for advance planning for the members. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS None. Vlll. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Chair Steel thanked Joseph Hulbert and Dan Peterson for their service on the Park Board. Ms. Kattreh also expressed appreciation for their service during the last six years. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh made the following comments: February 18 has been designated as the joint Park Board work session with the City Council. The plan is for Ms. Kattreh to make a presentation to the City Council at 5 p.m. regarding naming and donations. The work session will begin at 6 p.m. This past weekend was the Winter Ice Festival as well as the Quinn's Cup, both of which were successful. Staff continues to work on the Sports Dome, and designs are underway for Pamela Park. A significant study is underway at Braemar Golf, and a public meeting will be held January 30 to discuss the future of Fred Richards Golf Course. Golf revenues were about $460,000 off for 2013. The sign-up process is underway for the Community Garden. X. ADJOURNMENT Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m. Ayes: Members Segreto, Deeds, Steel, Cella, Jacobson, Gieseke, Jones. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m. 4 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: February 11, 2014 Subject: PUBLIC HEARING - Golf Course Operations Study o erre, • , Cn V007, liAK�9 lase Agenda Item #: V.A. Action Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding the golf operations proposal including the recommended closing of Fred Richards Golf Course. Information / Background: In July 2013 staff began to study the operation of the City of Edina golf enterprise. The goal of the operational study was to make golf operations cover 100% of its operational costs including future bonding needs so that the city is able to improve its facilities to ensure our ability to provide high quality golf facilities along with superior service to our customers. The expectation in Edina has always been that the municipal golf operations would cover not only its own operation expense, but also the expense of its own capital improvements. The city currently has 45 holes of golf (27 regulation holes and 9 hole executive course at Braemar and the 9 hole Fred Richards Executive Course) with an operating budget of approximately $3.5 million. Staff began working on this project in the spring/summer of 2013. There were no pre -conceived ideas about how a goal of 100% cost recovery would be achieved. Staff has prepared financial pro formas through 2020 as part of the operational study. In 2013 golf operations recovered 86% of its costs. With no changes, it is anticipated that recovery would increase to 92% in 2014 and 2015 and decline steadily to 83% in 2020. In this "status quo" scenario, the city would invest $4.744 million between 2009 and 2020 in a golf enterprise with a declining cost recovery percentage. In 2020 the Golf Fund cash balance would be -$881,000. There would be no way to pay for golf improvements, assets would continue to decline and a continued significant subsidy from the liquor fund would be required. History In 2014 Braemar Golf Course will be celebrating its 50`h anniversary. In 1963 the city purchased the golf course land for $500,000 and constructed the course for $1.3 million. In 1993 the Clunie nine was added at Braemar at a cost of approximately $3.5 million. The land for Fred Richards Executive City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Course (FREC) was purchased in 1992 for $800,000. Total cost for land and construction was $2.98 million and total cost including debt was $4.93 million. When the Clunie nine and Fred Richards Executive Courses were being considered, an estimate of golf rounds was prepared anticipating the number of rounds to be played at Edina's 45 hole municipal operation. (See Attachment B). It was anticipated that rounds would be at 122,000 in 1994, 140,000 in 1996 and level off at approximately 158,000 in 2001 through 2016. Projections were correct through 1998 at approximately 150,000 rounds, but then rounds declined annually to 112,000 in 2002 before leveling off at an average of 116,000 until 2009 when the economic downturn wreaked havoc in the golf industry. In 2010 101,000 rounds were played, and in 2011 and 2012 we sold 96,000. In 2013 we sold 79,529 rounds, our worst year ever due to poor weather conditions. Nationally the number of rounds of golf declined from 501 million rounds in 2006 to 463 million in 2011. A great weather year nationally in 2012 and the start of economic recovery helped in increase rounds to 486 million in 2012. (See Attachment A, National Golf Round Statistics). This data was collected from the National Golf Foundation. In Edina the number of rounds played was fairly consistent from 2003 to 2009 after peaking in 1998 and 1999. (See Attachment B, Edina Golf Statistics). The 1992 projection blue line showed the number of rounds anticipated from 1994 through 2016 after the completion of the Fred Richards and Clunie additions. The Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area has 2610 holes of municipal golf, ranking 1 18th nationally with 1281 residents per hole of golf. Only 13 of the 2451 municipal courses nationally have 45 or more holes of golf. Edina is one of the 13 municipal courses to have 45 holes of golf! In surrounding communities, St. Louis Park has 18 holes of municipal golf (owned by Minneapolis Park Board), Bloomington has 27 holes of municipal golf, Minneapolis has 81 municipal holes (in Minneapolis) and Hopkins, Richfield and Eden Prairie have none. Some recent course closings are: Hidden Creek — 18 (Owatonna, 2010), Pine River — 18 (Pine River, 2010), Parkview — 18 (Eagan, 2012), Lakeview Golf of Orona — 18 (Mound, 2013), Red Oak Executive — 9 (Mound, 2013), Elm Creek — 18 (Plymouth, 2013), Mississippi National — 36 (Red Wing, course closed with future undecided). REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Rounds Played on City of Edina Golf Courses between 2003 and 2013 Actual Rounds - Braemar Braemar Braemar Fred Braemar 18 9 Executive Richards and FR 2003 41,106 27,943 26,587 28,134 123,770 2004 38,951 25,839 24,638 27,306 116,734 2005 35,915 26,791 23,512 27,461 113,679 2006 36,478 29,286 23,001 25,995 114,760 2007 34,972 28,840 22,510 26,499 112,821 2008 34,538 30,212 22,038 25,875 112,663 2009 36,590 32,408 22,856 25,965 117,819 2010 32,106 28,738 18,578 21,965 101,387 2011 32,464 27,603 16,631 19,073 95,771 2012 29,570 29,948 17,617 19,361 96,496 2013 23,814 24,404 15,377 15,934 79,529 Page 3 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Determining course capacity involves many factors and assumptions. The Braemar Executive Course and Regulation Courses and Fred Richards Golf Course have the following course capacities: Braemar Executive and Fred Richards Capacity Baseline Page 4 Course 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Average Exec. 48,218 59,518 60,067 60,844 69,283 64,750 63,812 60,927 Rounds 15,377 17,627 16,631 18,578 22,856 22,038 22,510 19,373 Utilization 25.6% 29.3% 27.7% 30.9% 38.0% 36.7% 37.5% 32.2% Richards Rounds 15,934 19,361 19,703 21,965 25,937 25,875 26,499 22,182 Utilization 25.5% 32.2% 32.8% 36.6% 43.2% 43.1% 44.1% 36.7% The assumptions are based on the following: • 9 Hole Course Assumptions • 200 Day Season • 10 Hours of Tee Times • 8 Minute Tee Time Intervals • 4 Players per Tee Time • Total Capacity of 60,000 Rounds Braemar Regulation Course Capacity Baseline Regulation 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Average Rounds 48,218 59,518 60,067 60,844 69,283 64,750 63,812 60,927 Utilization 36.5% 45.0% 45.5% 46.0% 52.4% 49.0% 48.3% 46.1% The assumptions are based on the tollowing: • 200 Day Season • 10 Hours of Tee Times • 8 Minute Tee Time Intervals • 4 Players per Tee Time "Sample Day" • Tee #1- 18 and 9 hole play, 18 hole play cascades to #10 Tee • Tee #10- 9 hole play for first two hours, the 18 hole play from Tee #1 (second 9) • Tee #19- 9 hole play Capacity • Tee #1- 300 Players • Tee #10- 60 Players • Tee#19- 300 Players • Total Capacity of 132,000 Rounds REPORT/ RECOMMENDATION Page 5 Presentation of Findings Staff presented the findings of our operational study along with a recommendation at a public meeting at Braemar Golf Course on January 30, 2014. (See attachment C). The objectives of the golf operations recommendation are as follows: • Provide financial stability and self-sufficiency • Increase customer service levels • Improve facilities for better play and experience A six step strategy was presented to achieve our objectives: 1. Narrow the Scope of Golf Enterprise 2. Invest in improvements at Braemar 3. Modify prices and discounts 4. Outsource ancillary services 5. Expand marketing 6. Improve customer service I. Narrow the Scope of Golf Enterprise In order to concentrate our energy, attention and investment on the city's primary golf product, staff recommends the city narrow the scope of our golf enterprise by closing the Fred Richards Golf Course. The recommendation to close Fred Richards Executive Course is not an easy one. The course is popular with kids and seniors and is a cherished destination for the neighborhood residents who have either played there or taught their kids to play there. It is well maintained and with tee sheets only 33% full, it's easy to play on short notice. The course has a nice layout for beginners, kids and seniors with flat topography and two flagsticks at each green so that players can choose the easier or more difficult pin placement. Access to the course is difficult. It is not easy to find Parklawn Avenue between 76th and 77th Streets. There is no direct street access or visibility and customers must enter through a parking lot driveway easement from the adjacent property to get to our parking lot and clubhouse. Even with specific directions, it is difficult to find. The property is bordered by the Pentagon Park office complex and Barr Engineering on the south, and homes and Lake Edina Park on the north. Prior to the Fred Richards Golf Course development, there was a privately owned course (Normandale) on part of the property and Normandale Park occupied the other 1/3 to % of the property. Some of the park amenities were three ball fields, tennis courts and a playground prior to the development of FREC. In 2008 and 2009 approximately 26,000 rounds of golf were played at FREC and that number declined to around 19,000 in 2011 and 2012. In 2013 15,934 of rounds were played at Fred Richards. During the same four year period between 2008 and 2012, Fred Richards declined 25% while the Braemar Executive Course declined 20%. Staff believes that customers and operations would both benefit from having all golf operations at the Braemar location. With the dome, driving range, clubhouse and 36 holes of golf at Braemar, it is expensive and inefficient to have staff and resources spread out over two facilities between REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 6 Braemar and FREC. To best meet the needs of all golfing demographics, it would be beneficial for our customers to have a variety of amenities at one location. With just a cursory look at our budget, it is difficult to fully ascertain a full picture of revenues and expenses for each of the business units. Because of the nature of the management of our golf operations and original budget designations, several items are not being charged to the budget as a FREC expense. For example, between 2009 and 2012, Golf Fund budgets show Fred Richards making an average profit of $47,500. However, the following charges are not being coded to the Fred Richards operation and should be considered: • $30,000 in equipment from Braemar's CIP fund is dedicated to Fred Richards annually. • $20,000 of commodities from Braemar's budget is consumed at FREC (fertilizer, chemicals, etc.). • Approximately $30,000 of maintenance labor from Braemar's budget goes to time spent at Fred Richards annually. • Approximately $20,000 in Administrative/Management support from Braemar is utilized at FREC annually (tech support, time cards, invoice payment, hiring and training, management and HR support). After completing a detailed pro forma of anticipated revenues and expenses, it is estimated that $734,000 could be saved by 2020. A detailed description of this savings is below and is also included on Page 15 of the Pro Forma (Attachment D). 2015 — 2020 Cumulative Savings: Closing Fred Richards $(878,200) Revenue loss from FREC, Net of Braemar additions $1,432,200 Operating expense cash savings $180,000 Equipment savings $734,000 Total Cumulative Cash Savings 2. Invest In Improvements At Braemar For many years golfers and staff at Braemar have been concerned about the quality of the driving range at Braemar. The driving range is too short for today's club technology. With current clubs, it is possible for golfers hitting from the range to hit into the teaching area on the north end of the range and also into hole 2 on the Executive Course, posing a safety concern for all golfers on the north end of the range. Also, because the lack of depth in the driving range tee area, much of the turf is gone by late spring. This leaves golfers to hit in patchy dirt conditions or off of the much less desirable artificial turf mats. When golfers arrive at the driving range to hit a bucket of balls either as practice or as warm up to a round of golf and they see the signs stating that golfers must hit off mats, often times they leave the facility or skip warm ups to avoid hitting off of mats. Conservatively, an improved driving range will increase driving range revenues by $218,000 in 2016 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 7 to $240,000 in 2020, providing a 10 year return on investment. A new driving range would provide the best range facility in the metro area, retaining existing golfers who are eager for the new facility, as well as attracting new golfers to the Braemar courses, clubhouse, dome and pro shop. Part of the driving range expansion would include some modifications and improvements to the Executive Course, converting it to a Par 3 Course. There are currently 5 holes crowded into the space south of Braemar Boulevard. Two new holes would be added on the north side of Braemar Boulevard, one par 4 would be converted to a par 3 and one par 4 would be converted to two par 3s. This would improve the playability and overall experience of the current Executive Course. The entry drive into Braemar would also be improved with more trees and expanded water features. A new driving range with improvements to the Executive Course/Par 3 Course would cost approximately $1.1 to $1.3 million and provide a 10 year return on investment. Staff also recommends updating the grill and clubhouse. The facility is dark and dated, limiting its marketability to golfers and facility renters. Simple changes in paint, carpeting, window treatments and updated furniture would improve the image. The grill is also in need of a significant updates in order to be appealing to a wider customer base, while also giving us the ability to offer a wider menu and better customer service. The appearance and function of the grill and clubhouse do not match the City of Edina or Braemar Golf Course brands and need significant updating. Staff also recommends hiring a professional golf course architect to provide a master plan of the Braemar golf courses. Because of the debt service created by the addition of the Clunie nine (holes 19-27) and FREC, significant improvements at Braemar have not been possible. Being one of the oldest courses in the state at 50 years old, the course is in need of many updates. Much of the course is in a flood plain and much of the fairway system is peat based. Over the years the fairways have begun to settle and sink and tee boxes have compacted. Greens and bunkers need renovation and in some cases removal of bunkers is needed. We have too many bunkers and most are 3 times as large as they should be, by current course design standards. Drainage and cart paths need to be addressed. Braemar also has the oldest and largest irrigation system in the state. It is in need of replacement in the next five years at a cost of approximately $2 million. It is critical that we study, plan and budget appropriately for the renovation of the course amenities. It is imperative that proper planning determines the need and timelines of projects in order to re -do work completed because projects were not sequenced properly. With the recommended closing of Fred Richards, it is critical that we aggressively market Braemar and provide appropriate facilities for beginners, youth and seniors. It is critical that as we plan for course improvements that will enhance Braemar to provide the beginner/intermediate level experience that we provide at FREC. This will involve improvements to the Executive Course/Par 3 and improvements to the Clunie 9, as well as improvements to the original 18 hole course. Staff is also working on a variety of programs to continue to attract golfers and non -golfers to Braemar. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Current programs: Adults Group lessons with three levels from beginner to advanced. The lessons run mid-April until mid- August. Tee it Up! Fore Golf which is a rules and etiquette program for students who are ready to be introduced to playing on a golf course. Several sessions are offered throughout the summer. uniors Page 8 • Group lessons with levels from beginner to intermediate; ages 8-17. Offered June and July. • Junior Development - Offered all summer. o Level I is for juniors who have completed levels I and 2 and are ready to be introduced playing on the golf course. It is a 3 day program with instruction on the range as well as on the golf course. o Level 2 is for juniors who play the regulation course and desire to take their game to the next competitive level. It also is a 3 day program with instruction on the range as well as on the golf course. • Junior League is made up of 5 leagues, three on the two executive courses, one regulation 9 hole league and one regulation 18 hole league. The leagues play for 6 weeks beginning right after school is out in June. New programs for 2014: Familv • Movies Under The Stars. Outdoor movies on the driving range. A family friendly movie (UP) in August and a more grown up "golf themed" movie (Tin Cup) in June. Complete details have not been completely finalized, but we will offer refreshments, snacks, and games prior to the movie to encourage dinner and entertainment prior to the movie. • Winter groomed trails: In December 2013, staff began grooming 9' wide winter recreational trails at Braemar. The north loop is 1.7 miles long and the south loop is 1.2 miles long. The trails are being used by walkers, dog walkers and cross country skiers. Women • Women's Night Out At The Dome. This is not completely new, but contests and prizes will be added. This will be a night at the dome for women prior to the start of the golf season. Vendors will be invited for equipment demonstrations. Golf clinics will be given by all our golf professionals. Unlimited golf balls will be offered and food and beverages will be served. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 9 Adults • Nite Glow Golf. Nine holes of golf on the executive course with a glow golf ball with only the tees, flag sticks and holes being illuminated. Other Potential Programs • Senior Golf Tournament and lunch at the Executive Course in September. • Cookie decorating with Mrs. Claus in early December at the clubhouse. 3. Modify Prices and Discounts We plan to modify our fees by increasing fees during periods of highest demand utilizing yield management techniques. Pricing will be set by demand, with the highest charges at the peak demand times. This is a standard practice in the golf industry. Non -peak times will also be studied and programs will be offered to promote course use during those periods. For example, we could offer a Player Development Program. For a set monthly rate, customers would get a discount for green fees and free range time during specific underutilized times. New programs and classes will also be added. These programs will increase awareness of our course, attract new customers, utilize the course or range during non -peak times and provide fun, exciting and/or challenging experiences for new and experienced golfers. Demand is down nationally for golf because it is too hard, too expensive and takes too much time. Women, kids and young adults are under- represented in the golf market. We plan to target them specifically with our amenities, programming and course structure. The existing patron card system will be evaluated. This program has declined significantly over the years and needs to be re-evaluated. Rewards programs are most effective when rewards are frequent, like after the second or third visit. Increased rewards and customer appreciation programs need to be implemented. We need to attract new customers while working hard to retain existing customers. There are a lot of choices for today's golfer. It is critical that we incite golfers to repeatedly choose to golf with us and to bring their friends, family and co-workers with them. Half of the revenues presented in the pro forma are from increases through new fees or fee structures. Different reward programs will be considered. 4. Outsource Ancillary Services Staff recommends that we outsource grill operations, similar to what the City of Minneapolis has done successfully in its park system with the Tin Fish at Lake Calhoun, Bread & Pickle at Lake Harriet and Sea Salt at Minnehaha Park. We believe that we can improve our customer service by having better food and beverage offerings while generating more revenue to support Braemar operations. This would also provide an opportunity to remodel the grill and clubhouse areas and potentially offer a full service catering kitchen to better meet the needs of our banquet operations. We want to provide a family friendly environment to entice our customers to stay after a round of REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 10 golf to socialize, consider attending an event at the clubhouse or bring a client for a round of golf and a casual lunch or dinner afterward. The Grill at Braemar has been operating on a break even basis. We have one full time year round employee and 27 seasonal employees. Outsourcing the grill would save in staffing, cost of goods sold and utilities. Benefits would be a new and improved menu, enhanced service in the grill and on the course and the opportunity to bring in a restaurant with name recognition, which would help to drive food and beverage sales. 5. Expand Marketing The proposed plan increases the marketing allocation by from $67,000 in 2014 to $143,000 in 2020. We plan to build excitement about our golf operations through a robust and professional marketing campaign, both in and outside of Edina. 6. Improve Customer Service Our customers are our number one priority and they need to be treated accordingly. We plan to significantly improve the customer service in all aspects of our golf operations. The golf team will view the golfer experience through a series of "touch points" on the golf course. We will improve customer service at all of these touch points, including making tee times, arriving at the course, checking in, warming up, starting, playing a round, making the turn, finishing the 18`h hole and clubhouse to car. This will involve everything from providing the best access to tee times and class registrations and staying on time, to knowing golfers names. Our customers need to know that we value the time and money that they spend at Braemar and we need to show our appreciation in all customer contact situations. Pace of play will also be a priority of Braemar staff. Similar to what the Edina Liquor Stores did in 2013, we plan to hire a customer service training team to help us hire, coach and train and evaluate our full and part time staff. We will also conduct secret shopper experiences to accurately evaluate our service. The cost to provide this customer service training for a full season will be $9600. Summary This six step strategy would reduce expenses by $2.3 million by 2020. (Details on Page 15 of Pro Forma, Attachment D). $734,000 will be saved by closing FREC. $1,307,900 will be generated with new rates and marketing ($592,500) will be the net spent/earned on an improved driving range $362,800 will be saved by the reduction of three full time staff and 27 part time staff $522,200 will be generated by outsourcing the grill operations REPORT / RECOMMENDATION $2,334.400 Total Savings By 2020 Page I I The 2013 Quality of Life Survey reported that 76% of Edina residents did not visit Fred Richards Golf Course in the last year. 21 % of residents did not utilize trails, 17% did not use neighborhood parks, 52% athletic fields, 53% Edinborough Park, 36% Centennial Lakes Park, 62% the Aquatic Center, 67% Senior Center, 68% Braemar Arena, and 58% Braemar Golf Course. The biggest financial benefits to the golf fund in this proposal comes from closing Fred Richards Golf Course, improving the driving range and course conditions and increasing rates at Braemar. Additionally, without the $734,000 estimated savings that will come from closing Fred Richards, it would be extremely difficult to finance the driving range construction. Financing would have to come from not funding other city projects, new debt, or a combination of both. Debt financing comes with additional costs that make the project much less profitable. Also, without the savings from closing Fred Richards, the Golf Fund would not have enough cash flow to pay the debt service in the future. Due to the existing $1 million debt in the Golf Fund and the annual losses experienced in the Golf Fund, the likelihood of receiving bonding for this project is highly unlikely. If a driving range project is to begin in the fall of 2014, it is critical for a decision on the closing of FREC early in 2014. Final design, watershed approval and the bidding process will take several months. • Staff believes that the $734,000 estimated savings from closing Fred Richards is conservative. Our historical financial data shows an average profit at Fred Richards of around $50,000. However, this excludes at least $50,000 of current expenses in supplies and staffing that aren't being charged to FREC, but are being absorbed by Braemar. It also excludes any future capital improvements, which will be significant. FREC is 20 years old and will start to see significant expenses required to maintain service levels. Some capital projects that aren't currently included in the CIP are: New Roof 2019 $50,000 Carpet/Furniture 2017 $20,000 Fiber Optic to Clubhouse 2015 $100,000 Point of Sale System 2015 $1,500 Security Camera 2016 $7,500 Bathroom Remodel 2020 $30,000 Outdoor Furniture 2016 $10,000 Golf Car Replacement 2017 $16,000 Irrigation System 2025 $500,000 Fairway rehabilitation due to soil settlement 2020 $654,000+ REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 12 Residents expressed concern over a decrease in property values if Fred Richards Golf Course is repurposed to a park. The Trust for Public Land conducted a study on the economic value of city park systems and through their sample found that parks can contribute to the value of residential properties immediately adjacent to a park by as much as a 20 percent marginal value. For properties further away from the location of the park, parks still can provide as much as a 5 to 10 percent marginal value. Parks improve the local tax base and increase property values. It is proven that private property values increase the value of privately owned land the closer such land is to parks. This increase in private property value due to the proximity to parks increases property tax revenues and improves local economies. A Texas A&M review of 25 studies investigating whether parks and open space contributed positively to the property values of surrounding properties found that 20 of the 25 studies found that property values were higher. The real estate market consistently demonstrates that many people are willing to pay a larger amount for property located close to parks and open space areas than for a home that does not offer this amenity. Staff recommends the creation of a Community Advisory Team to work with the Park Board to prepare a master plan for repurposing Fred Richards Golf Course to Fred Richards Park. This could be completed as a project separate from, but related to the park system strategic plan. The best timing for this project would be at the completion of the 2014 golf season. Customer service training and increased marketing is being incorporated immediately. Outsourcing of the grill would start in 2015. Recommendation Because of the integrated nature of the staffs six point strategy, staff requests the Park Board consider the set of recommendations as a package and give the package one of three actions: I. Recommend (generally support) 2. Do Not Recommend (do not support) 3. Non -Recommend (do not have enough information to recommend or not recommend) The City Council will thoroughly and thoughtfully consider your action on this matter at their March 4 City Council meeting. Attachments: A. National Golf Statistics Charts B. Edina Golf Statistics Chart C. January 30, 2014 Golf Meeting Notes D. Golf Pro Forma Scenarios — City of Edina Golf Operations Study E. Correspondence National Golf Round Statistics c u n d s V6 I _ t■ - Rounds (in Millions) 7 Year Change: -2.8%0— Soo 501 498 489 4 486 86 475 463 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source- Goff Da:med,. NGF, PGA ofA.x % Change (year -over -year) 6.7% Attachment A --- -1.070 -2.30! 0 -3.0% 2.5 % 1999 2000 20012002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112012 Rounds played fell 11%, or 55 million rounds over the last 10 years. In 2012, almost half of the losses were recovered, providing a reason for cautious optimism. ** Statistics by the NGF, the National Golf Foundation National Golf Round Statistics Net Change in National Supply of Courses 18 Hole Equivalents Net Change = Openings Minus Closures (in 18 hole equivalents) 252 -139-141 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20112012 Since 2006, there has been a cumulative supply reduction of 500 facilities. ** Statistics by the NGF, the National Golf Foundation National Golf Round Statistics Rounds Played in 2012 +2.0% or higher V -2.0% or lower Pacific + 1.6%; Mountain +7%; West and North Central +7.6% (Including Minnesota) East and North Central +10.8%; New England - +3.2%; Mid Atlantic - +10.1% South Atlantic + 2.4%; South Central + 5.0% Extraordinary weather in 2012 drove rounds up by the largest increase since the turn of the century (5.7% nationally). Playable days were up 6.5% according to the PGA of America (data from PGA Performance Trak) . These results are from a Rounds Played Research Coalition led by Golf Datatech and supported by the PGA of America, the NGF and the NGCOA. Findings are based on rounds played reporting from over 4, 000 golf facilities, most of which are contributing their data through the PGA's Performance Trak reporting system.) ** Statistics by the NGF, the National Golf Foundation 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 Attachment B Edina Golf Statistics Golf Rounds at Edina Courses 40,000 ,yO ti� ti� ti� tiO tiO tiO ,LO ,LO .LO .LO ,LO .LO .LO .yO ,tiO .LO .LO ,tiO .LO .LO ,tiO��,yO,h.1O�O ®1992 Projections - Total Rounds Actual Rounds - Braemar and FR City of Edina Golf Meeting Notes January 30, 2014 Scott Neal opened the meeting at 7:10pm. Attachment C A request was made for common etiquette to be observed at the meeting to allow for as much input as possible. It was noted that this meeting was in the beginning stages of golf operations discussions with the community. The next two opportunities for input on golf operations are Tuesday, February 11th (Park Board Public Hearing, 7pm) and Tuesday, March 4th (City Council Meeting, 7pm). A PowerPoint was shown to the audience (see attached) and commentary given by Scott Neal and Ann Kattreh. It was noted that the reason for these discussions regarding golf operations in Edina originated with the request by City Council to look into ways to maintain financial stability in golf operations. A reminder was given to attendees that all input is welcome and to please contact staff and council members via the mail@edinamn.gov email address. A Question -Answer Period ensued. 1. Tom Wexler, Edina Resident Noted: Mr. Wexler is happy with customer service at Braemar and sees no need for improvements. Questions: What will happen to the Fred Richards Golf Course if it is closed? How much is the closing worth and what will Edina do with the money? Answer (Scott): Fred Richards was purchased in 1982 for $800,000. The plan is not to sell Fred Richards, but rather to repurpose the area for Edina residents. What to do with the area is an open process and staff wants to have input from the community before repurposing plans are suggested. 2. Nancy Thorvelson, Oaklawn Avenue Questions: What are the projected costs for the consultants you are utilizing in this process? Answer (Ann): We do not have. an exact total number yet as the plan has not been approved and we are still seeking input. One consultant has been used to date (at $5,000) to estimate the driving range plan costs. A customer service consultant is estimated at $5,000-$10,000 and final figures for the driving range consultant would be less than $25,000. 3. (No Name Given) Question: How did Edina pay for the Fred Richards Golf Course in the first place? Answer (Scott): The money came from the Golf Fund. 4. (No Name Given) Noted: Concerned that Fred Richards is really a course for kids and youth to learn how to play golf. uestion: What will happen to the Youth Golf Program at Fred Richards if the course closes? Answer (Ann): The City will work with programming and outreach to draw Youth to Braemar programs for kids, especially the Executive Course. Dan Sleck, 4708 Kellogue Noted: The City should look at the profit/loss of all golf operations together, not individually. Questions: Has staff looked at any successful Par 3 courses in the Twin Cities? Why has the city decided to evaluate finances of individual golf courses as stand-alone instead of collectively? What has the City done to look into the potential loss in property values of residential sites near Fred Richards? Answer (Scott): We will need to look into these items for the next meeting. 6. Scott Dorn, Cornelia Neighborhood Noted: Residents appreciate the Fred Richards course as one for beginner golfers. It is an intangible asset to the community. We should consider raising greens fees to save the course. Questions: Is this an issue about Braemar? Where is the decrease in rounds per year most significant? Noted: Asked for a show of hands in support of the "Save the Fred" effort. (No Name Given), West Shore Drive Noted: The City needs to have a Master Plan for the Fred Richards course in order to get people on board with the plan. Question: Where is the plan for Fred Richards? Answer (Scott): We do not have a Master Plan because we wanted the repurposing question to be left open to the community for input. We are recommending this plan, not saying what should be done. The park planning process must involve the community. S. Rob Koop Question: How much would it cost to repurpose the Fred Richards? Has any thought been given to close the Clunie 9 -hole course at Braemar? Answer (Scott): The Clunie 9 -hole course will be considered in the long-term plan. We do not have an estimate for the repurposing of Fred Richards as the City wants community input first. 9. Bonnie McGrath Noted: Edina is unique in that it has a variety of golf courses to suit all types of golfers. We are trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing. Customer service is great. We should look at marketing the courses more to bring in more revenue. The community has not been able to weigh in on the plan and would like to recommend that the public be brought into committee discussions. 10. John Stang, lives at 7th green of Fred Richards Noted: Crestfallen to hear of closing of Fred Richards. Understanding of financial considerations, but supports Bonnie's comments that the suggestion to close Fred Richards without input is unacceptable. 11. Jim Scattergood Noted: Recognizes the declining of golf revenues, but wants to look at other areas that may generate revenues. Stated a complaint regarding the hiring of consultants. Suggests the City approach residents to serve as consultants to save money. 12. Bill Dobbs Noted: Wonders if the City has drawn a comparison between the Chaska Towncourse and Braemar. He would be in support of upgrades for Braemar Golf Course. 13. Dan Olson, Seagate Technology Noted: His company has a golf league that plays every Tuesdays at Fred Richards. Wondered if the Pentagon Park refurbishment is linked to the marketing of Fred Richards to new businesses. He is supportive of the use of Liquor revenue to support golf operations. Question: Why do the golf courses need to be profitable? Answer (Scott): Currently 80% of golf operations costs are covered. The City Council decides on what percentage merits looking into support options. 14. Philip Smith Noted: The decline in golf rounds per year has to do with the weather. Question: What about the golf dome finances? Answer (Scott): The trajectory of the line graph was caused by additional factors to the weather. Not having the golf dome open last year was difficult on a short term basis, but fortunately we were able to pay for 2.6 million of the 3.5 million cost with insurance payments. 15. Tom Terwilliger Question: How did you come up with the $750,000 savings if Fred Richards is closed? Answer (Scott): (needs clarification - The City would not agree that this is a cash-flow positive.... too much chatter throughout room to hear complete response). 16. Nancy Thorvelson Noted: There is hostility towards the City Staff because of past experiences with the Pentagon Park question and Cornelia Park issues. The public has a track record with the City and it is not positive. Why does Fred Richards need to make money? Equated Fred Richards to warming houses, ice rinks and other parks. Golf should be an amenity of the City. Recommends a city-wide vote on the issue. 17. Burt Holling, Cornelia neighborhood Noted: The support of the community present surrounding the issue. A reminder to the City that there are people who are missing in the room who need to hear the community, namely, the City Council. 252 people signed the "Save the Fred" petition. Also asked attendees to see the Facebook page and website for Fred Richards. Response (Scott): Encouraged dialogue with the City and Council. Reminded the audience that the Council would like to hear from the public on this matter. 18. Gage Halvi Noted: He supports Fred Richards and Braemar. He moved to Edina so that he could get a t -time at Braemar. Would like the City to define the problem. Question: Why close Fred Richards? What problem is the City trying to solve? Answer (Scott): The City Council has asked staff to look at the long-term sustainability of golf operations in the city. This will be a community choice with community input. 19. Paul Rosenthal, Rep. Question: Is the Fred Richards paid for in full? Answer (Scott): Yes, as of January 2013. Statement by Rep. Rosenthal: If the Fred Richards is paid for in full, where will the revenue come from if not from Fred Richards? One month is not enough time for feedback on the golf plan. The entire community must be involved in the process and he requested more time for the effort. 20. Andrea Keller nds, Ms. Keller started a little girls' league that has grown Noted: With regards to the decline in golf rou in the past five years from a membership of 30 to 130. She is concerned about the rush to close Fred Richards and would like to see more focus on ways to grow the game of golf in the community. 21. Hugh Thompson uestion: Would like to know what the t -time utilization figures are for Braemar and Fred Richards. Answer (Scott): We will need to get those figures for you. 22. Wayne_ Noted: He moved to Edina for two reasons: the schools and the amenities, not money. He believes that the sport of golf will rebound as hockey did and that this plan is presumptuous. 23. Art Lowell, Kellogue Avenue Noted: If the City closes Fred Richards the property will go back to the Park Board. Question: What will the Park Board do to repurpose the property and what will the cost be to maintain the park facility? Answer (Scott): Difficult to estimate costs without knowing the land use. The land use is open to discussion from the public and no decisions have been made. 24. Leslie Sharp Noted: Has played for 35 years at Braemar, but not at Fred Richards. He likened Fred Richards to a church camp. Even though Fred Richards operates at a loss, it brings new blood into the game (youth) which is crucial for the game's future. Asked the City to please reconsider the park as an asset to the community. Suggested raising greens fees to earn more revenue to keep the Fred Richards open. 25. Greg Shuster, Minneapolis resident Noted: He is a Fred Richards fan and plays often at Braemar. Question: What is the reasoning behind the closing of Fred Richards? Answer (Scott): The City put together a package which focuses on earning more revenue from golf operations. 26. San Asato, Edina resident Noted: Thanked the City for hosting the meeting. He likes to golf in Edina and looks forward to making improvements from Braemar as it looks like that is what is best for the city. He does not, however, understand the financial assumptions behind the proposed plan. Question: Will you have the pro -forma information available as part of the prep packet for the Park Board meeting? Answer (Scott): Yes, we will have it available. 27. Pat Shannon, 76th Street Noted: He was disappointed that only one proposal has been given as a plan. Question: Is the City open to additional proposals and the creation of a volunteer committee to Save Fred Richards? Answer (Scott): Yes, other proposals are welcome to be presented at the Park Board meeting. The City's default mode is to find a way not to close facilities so new ideas are always welcome. 28. Al Grinbrid Noted: He does not want the closing of Fred Richards and he suggests that attendees approach their Council Members about the issue. Question: Is the Fred Richards closing a developer question (based on the two plans developed for the Pentagon Park redevelopment)? Answer (Scott): The Pentagon Park redevelopment firm, Hillcrest Development, has created two overall plans; one with Fred Richards and one without. The firm is not driving the golf operations project. 29. Bill Richards, Cahill Road Noted: He finds the conversation about the changes to the Executive Course at Braemar very disappointing. He would like to preserve one or two Par 4 courses at Braemar. 30. Michelle Lamson, Edina Realtor & Property Manager Noted: She wanted to note that Fred Richards adds to the property values in the area and keeps the crime rate down for the area. Feels it is very important element of the South East corner of Edina. 31. Jim Jenkins Noted: He would like clarification on the allocation method that is causing Fred Richards to lose money. Would like to know how much is being allocated and what the loss is. 32. Tom Wexler Noted: The City is making a mistake about the anticipated Grill revenues. The emphasis on customer service is being misplaced. 33. Tim Nasby, West Shore Drive Noted: This meeting is long overdue and as a life-long resident, has been very disappointed about the process. Recommends that a vote is taken before the plan is enacted. Response (Scott): Provided clarification that the City Staff does not make the decisions about enactment of the plan and that the Park Board will take public testimony on February 11`h 34. Tom Terwilliger Noted: He suggested that the rounds of golf appear to decline in 2008 during the recession. Questions: What if the rounds increase to former levels over the next five years, especially if we go ahead and make these improvements? Is the City open to additional proposals? Answer (Scott): The rounds of golf peaked in 1998 and have had a steady decline ever since. The City is definitely open to additional proposals. 35. (No Name Given) Question: Is the Braemar Golf Course subsidizing the Braemar Arena? Answer (Scott): No, the Liquor fund supports the Braemar arena. Question: Will the City look into various management companies to outsource Grill operations? Answer (Scott): Yes. 36. (No Name Given) Noted: He would like the City to tap into the community for solutions to this issue; open the books for broader discussion. 37. Rosemary Gellen, Arden Park Noted: Thanks to Scott Neal and his online Blog containing financial figures. She noted that the Braemar Arena receives funds in the amount of $600,000 from the Liquor fund. She also wondered why the City is only looking at one component of the budget rather than the whole. Scott Neal thanked the community for attending the meeting and closed the meeting at 9:07pm. Attachment D CITY OF EDINA o e 0 \, . Golf Operations Study Financial Projections Page 1 Rounds of golf over the years Page 2 Baseline projections Page 3 Baseline without Fred Richards (1 FTE staff reduction) Page 4 City Staff Plan Financial Variables Close Fred Richards (1 FTE reduction), Page 5 Rate increases, Page 6 Improved marketing, Page 7 Driving range expansion Page 8 Grill outsourcing (1 FTE reduction), & Page 9 Staff reduction (1 FTE in addition to 2 others, total of 3) Page 10 Braemar rates vs. competition Page 11 ROI calculations for driving range and grill changes Page 12 Possible future improvements after successful execution of the plan Page 14 Fred Richards financial history Page 15 Six -point strategy cumulative and annual savings Alternatives for faster physical improvements to Braemar Transfer more cash to golf from other City funds in 2014 or 2015 Sell City assets and deposit some of the proceeds to golf fund Spend Braemar Memorial fund Issue bonds to be paid back with tax dollars Issue bonds to be paid back with future golf revenue (risk of additional City subsidies in the future if golf demand continues to decline) NOTE: All plans and variables assume average weather and consistent demand for golf each year of the study. Golf Rounds at Edina Courses 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 � Ln (.o r, oo rn o Ln �.D r- oo rn N m �* Ln k.0 m m mrn rn oma, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1992 Projections - Total Rounds -Actual Rounds - Braemar and FR Page 2 City of Edina Golf Fund Baseline Scenario Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Irrigation replace phase 1 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,296,250 3,352,200 3,409,100 3,467,200 3,526,200 3,586,600 3,648,100 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,565,168 3,657,600 3,827,600 4,008,300 4,123,700 4,245,000 4,372,200 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (268,918) (305,400) (418,500) (541,100) (597,500) (658,400) (724,100) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers 1 87% 86% 84% 83% -Cash balance $(987,051) 1 $(1,106,989) $(1,084,247) $(453,491) $(1,003,440) $(260,566) Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 492,282 147,300 36,200 (84,500) (138,900) (197,700) (261,300) January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,592,032 5,739,332 5,775,532 5,691,032 5,552,132 5,354,432 December 31 netasse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,592,032 $ 5,739,332 $ 5,775,532 $ 5,691,032 $ 5,552,132 $ 5,354,432 $ 5,093,132 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 492,282 $ 147,300 $ 36,200 $ (84,500) $ (138,900) $ (197,700) $ (261,300) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (425,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 610,392 - - - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 742,874 233,800 (1,974,700) 374,300 333,800 228,700 183,300 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (260,566) (26,766) (2,001,466) (1,627,166) (1,293,366) (1,064,666) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (260,566) $ (26,766) $ (2,001,466) $ (1,627,166) $ (1,293,366) $ (1,064,666) $ (881,366) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 92% 92% 89% 87% 86% 84% 83% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 Tee renovation GC -13-003 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW Golf dome construction NA Golf cart replacement NEW Total 75,000 - 26,300 53,800 82,000 84,100 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 51,300 73,500 107,700 1,615,300 384,700 3,000,000 600,000 172,300 $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 425,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 Golf Fund Baseline Scenario 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion not included in baseline scenario 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx $1,500,000 Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 110% $1,000,000 105% $500,000 100% r C U � � N ` W ` ' � � 0. 00 a $(1,000,000) �••�,..an W00� 60moi � 83% 85/ dP $(1,500,000) ? I 80% I 01 ✓ 75% $(2,000,000) Projected Projected Projected Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 92% 92% 89% 1 87% 86% 84% 83% -Cash balance $(987,051) 1 $(1,106,989) $(1,084,247) $(453,491) $(1,003,440) $(260,566) $(26,766) $(2,001,466) 1 $(1,627,166) $(1,293,366) $(1,064,666) $(881,366) 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion not included in baseline scenario 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 3 City of Edina Golf Fund Baseline Scenario Without Fred Richards Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GC -12-007 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 84,600 85,700 86,800 87,900 89,000 89,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Close FR, net of adds to Braemar 384,700 Golf dome construction (4,900) (4,650) (4,350) (4,050) (3,750) (3,800) Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Close FR, net of adds to Braemar ` / % / (14,000) (13,200) (12,400) (11,600) (10,800) (11,000) Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Close FR, net of adds to Braemar (9,800) (9,200) (8,600) (8,000) (7,400) (7,500) Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Close FR, net of adds to Braemar 75% $(2,000,000) (140,000) (132,100) (124,100) (116,000) (107,700) (109,300) Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,296,250 3,183,500 3,249,950 3,317,750 3,386,550 3,456,950 3,516,500 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Close FR, net of adds to Braemar (7,000) (6,700) (6,400) (6,100) (5,800) (5,900) Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Close FR (153,000) (157,600) (162,300) (167,200) (172,200) (177,400) Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Close FR (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,500) Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Close FR (50,000) (51,000) (52,000) (53,100) (54,200) (55,800) Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 494,000 570,000 654,000 670,000 689,000 711,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,565,168 3,361,600 3,523,300 3,695,600 3,802,300 3,914,800 4,031,600 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (268,918) (178,100) (273,350) (377,850) (415,750) (457,850) (515,100) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - (1,600,000) - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 (838,800) 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 (1,107,718) 274,600 181,350 78,750 42,850 2,850 (52,300) January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 3,992,032 4,266,632 4,447,982 4,526,732 4,569,582 4,572,432 December 31 net asse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 3,992,032 $ 4,266,632 $ 4,447,982 $ 4,526,732 $ 4,569,582 $ 4,572,432 $ 4,520,132 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ (1,107,718) $ 274,600 $ 181,350 $ 78,750 $ 42,850 $ 2,850 $ (52,300) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 494,000 570,000 654,000 670,000 689,000 711,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (395,500) (2,556,900) (174,200) (179,300) (242,600) (249,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 2,190,392 - - - - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 722,874 323,100 (1,870,550) 493,550 468,550 379,250 339,300 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (280,566) 42,534 (1,828,016) (1,334,466) (865,916) (486,666) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (280,566) $ 42,534 $ (1,828,016) $ (1,334,466) $ (865,916) $ (486,666) $ (147,366) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 92% 95% 92% 90% 89% 88% 87% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 75,000 - Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 $1,soo,000 26,300 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 110% 53,800 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 82,000 84,100 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 145,000 158,900 132,800 142,300 146,600 151,000 155,600 160,200 Tee renovation GC -13-003 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW 384,700 Golf dome construction NA 3,000,000 600,000 Golf cart replacement NEW d 172,300 Total $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 395,500 $ 2,556,900 $ 174,200 $ 179,300 $ 242,600 $ 249,400 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds drop to 84,600 in 2015, gradually increasing to 89,000 in 2018 as FR golfers migrate to Braemar 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Golf Fund $1,soo,000 Baseline Scenario Without Fred Richards 110% Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 $1,000,000 105% $500,000 100% 9% a 5 s d ,' .' $(500,000) 90%W ` / % / 87% , de $(1,000,000) �.,,, 85% do 'I 1 $(1,500,000) �' 80% �r 75% $(2,000,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 92% 95% 92% 90% 1 89% 88% 87% •Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,989) $(1,084,247) $(453,491) $(1,003,440) $(280,566) $42,534 $(1,828,016) $(1,334,466) $(865,916) $(486,666) $(147,366) 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds drop to 84,600 in 2015, gradually increasing to 89,000 in 2018 as FR golfers migrate to Braemar 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 4 City of Edina Golf Fund City Staff Plan 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 96,000 70,000 83,000 84,000 85,000 86,000 86,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Close FR (4,900) (4,650) (4,350) (4,050) (3,750) (3,800) Outsource grill (137,400) (140,050) (142,750) (145,450) (148,250) (150,700) Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Close FR (14,000) (13,200) (12,400) (11,600) (10,800) (11,000) Outsource grill (205,300) (209,400) (213,600) (217,800) (222,100) (225,400) Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Rate increase 76,000 67,500 58,800 49,800 40,600 31,100 21,300 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Outsource grill 75,000 76,100 77,200 78,400 79,600 80,800 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Close FR (9,800) (9,200) (8,600) (8,000) (7,400) (7,500) Rate increase 25,000 42,700 64,500 59,200 78,900 73,500 68,000 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Close FR (140,000) (132,100) (124,100) (116,000) (107,700) (109,300) Rate increase 69,500 153,500 129,100 182,400 157,300 241,800 215,900 Driving range expansion (34,200) (142,500) (28,500) (28,900) (29,300) (29,700) (30,100) Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Driving range expansion (41,100) (151,100) 218,300 227,000 231,500 236,200 240,900 Rate increase 3,000 3,000 43,000 43,000 88,000 88,000 133,000 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,394,450 2,888,900 3,461,800 3,571,100 3,668,700 3,807,100 3,870,200 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Close FR (7,000) (6,700) (6,400) (6,100) (5,800) (5,900) Outsource grill (150,000) (153,800) (157,600) (161,500) (165,500) (169,600) Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Close FR (1 FTE) (153,000) (157,600) (162,300) (167,200) (172,200) (177,400) Add PT staff for rate increase/programming change at dome 10,500 10,800 11,100 11,400 11,700 12,100 12,500 Driving range expansion (15,000) (65,000) 20,000 20,600 21,200 21,800 22,500 Outsource grill (1 FTE) (170,000) (175,100) (180,400) (185,800) (191,400) (197,100) Reduce 1 FTE, net of PT adds (50,000) (51,500) (53,000) (54,600) (56,200) (57,900) (59,600) Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Close FR (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (16,500) Increase marketing 120,000 123,600 127,300 131,100 135,000 139,100 143,300 Outsource grill (15,000) (15,500) (16,000) (16,500) (17,000) (17,500) Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Close FR (50,000) (51,000) (52,000) (53,100) (54,200) (55,800) Outsource grill (12,000) (12,400) (12,800) (13,200) (13,600) (14,000) Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 576,000 542,000 631,000 715,000 731,000 750,000 772,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,648,668 3,080,500 3,332,900 3,498,300 3,598,000 3,703,400 3,813,100 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (254,218) (191,600) 128,900 72,800 70,700 103,700 57,100 Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - (1,600,000) - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 (838,800) 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 (1,093,018) 261,100 583,600 529,400 529,300 564,400 519,900 January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 4,006,732 4,267,832 4,851,432 5,380,832 5,910,132 6,474,532 December 31 net asst $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 4,006,732 $ 4,267,832 $ 4,851,432 $ 5,380,832 $ 5,910,132 $ 6,474,532 $ 6,994,432 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ (1,093,018) $ 261,100 $ 583,600 $ 529,400 $ 529,300 $ 564,400 $ 519,900 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 576,000 542,000 631,000 715,000 731,000 750,000 772,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (1,609,700) (908,500) (2,556,900) (174,200) (179,300) (242,600) (249,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 2,150,392 - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 23,674 (155,400) (1,407,300) 1,005,200 1,016,000 1,001,800 972,500 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (979,766) (1,135,166) (2,542,466) (1,537,266) (521,266) 480,534 December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (979,766) $ (1,135,166) $ (2,542,466) $ (1,537,266) $ (521,266) $ 480,534 $ 1,453,034 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 93% 94% 104% 102% 102% 103% 101% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 Tee renovation GC -13-003 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW Golf dome construction NA Golf cart replacement NEW Total 75,000 691,900 513,000 26,300 53,800 82,000 84,100 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 145,000 158,900 132,800 142,300 146,600 151,000 155,600 160,200 51,300 73,500 107,700 1,615,300 384,700 3,000,000 600,000 172,300 $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 1,609,700 $ 908,500 $ 2,556,900 $ 174,200 $ 179,300 $ 242,600 $ 249,400 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds drop to 70,000 in 2015 due to FR closing & range construction, gradually increasing to 86,000 in 2020 as FR golfers migrate to Braemar 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Golf Fund $1,500,000 110% City Staff Plan / Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 / $1,000,000 105% 101% $500,000 100% 95% c m � / o a a L / / a C $(500,000) / 90% x //% $(1,000,000) '►.� / �'� �' ♦ / 85% i $(1,500,000) ® 80% 4 / / $(2,000,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 75% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98°.6 86% 93% 94% 104% 102% 102% 103% 101% -Cash Ma- $(987,051) $(1,106,989) $(1,084,247) $(453,491) $(1,003,440) $(979,766) $(1,135,166) $(2,542,466) $(1,537,266) $(521,266) $480,534 $1,453,034 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds drop to 70,000 in 2015 due to FR closing & range construction, gradually increasing to 86,000 in 2020 as FR golfers migrate to Braemar 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 5 City of Edina Golf Fund Rate Increase Variable Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.60% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GC -12-007 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 96,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Operating revenues 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 282,000 282,000 282,000 282,000 282,000 282,000 New dome rates / $500,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Dome format changes 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 Rate increases 95% a 'o 25,000 47,800 74,800 74,800 99,800 99,800 99,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 1,601,000 New weekend rate 69,500 69,500 69,500 69,500 69,500 69,500 69,500 Rate increase 90%W 108,000 108,000 186,000 186,000 296,000 296,000 Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Rate increase - 3,000 3,000 43,000 43,000 88,000 88,000 133,000 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,469,750 3,618,900 3,704,500 3,801,600 3,891,000 4,021,000 4,086,300 Operating expenses $(1,500,000) COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Increase PT dome staff for new programming Projected 10,500 10,800 11,100 11,400 11,700 12,100 12,500 Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,575,668 3,668,400 3,838,700 4,019,700 4,135,400 4,257,100 4,384,700 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (105,918) (49,500) (134,200) (218,100) (244,400) (236,100) (298,400) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 655,282 403,200 320,500 238,500 214,200 224,600 164,400 January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,755,032 6,158,232 6,478,732 6,717,232 6,931,432 7,156,032 December 31 net asse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,755,032 $ 6,158,232 $ 6,478,732 $ 6,717,232 $ 6,931,432 $ 7,156,032 $ 7,320,432 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 655,282 $ 403,200 $ 320,500 $ 238,500 $ 214,200 $ 224,600 $ 164,400 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (425,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 610,392 - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 905,874 489,700 (1,690,400) 697,300 686,900 651,000 609,000 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (97,566) 392,134 (1,298,266) (600,966) 85,934 736,934 December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (97,566) $ 392,134 $ (1,298,266) $ (600,966) $ 85,934 $ 736,934 $ 1,345,934 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 97% 99% 97% 95% 94% 94% 93% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.60% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 75,000 Golf Fund - Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 26,300 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 53,800 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 82,000 84,100 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 Tee renovation GC -13-003 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW 384,700 Golf dome construction NA 3,000,000 600,000 Golf cart replacement NEW 172,300 Total $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 425,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Golf Fund Rate Increase Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 $1,soo,000 110% $1,000,000 10♦ 105% I I / $500,000 / 100% QJ $ / 95% a 'o 93% $(500,000) 90%W / % $(1,000,000) •• �,. / 85% _ $(1,500,000) 80% 75% $(2,000,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 97% 99% 97% 95% 94% 94% 93% Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44 $(97,566) $392,134 $(1,298,26 $(600,966) $85,934 $736,934 $1,345,934 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 6 City of Edina Golf Fund Increase Marketing Variable Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GC -13-003 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,296,250 3,352,200 3,409,100 3,467,200 3,526,200 3,586,600 3,648,100 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Increase marketing 2009 2010 2011 2012 120,000 123,600 127,300 131,100 135,000 139,100 143,300 Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,685,168 3,781,200 3,954,900 4,139,400 4,258,700 4,384,100 4,515,500 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (388,918) (429,000) (545,800) (672,200) (732,500) (797,500) (867,400) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 372,282 23,700 (91,100) (215,600) (273,900) (336,800) (404,600) January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,472,032 5,495,732 5,404,632 5,189,032 4,915,132 4,578,332 December 31 netasse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,472,032 $ 5,495,732 $ 5,404,632 $ 5,189,032 $ 4,915,132 $ 4,578,332 $ 4,173,732 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 372,282 $ 23,700 $ (91,100) $ (215,600) $ (273,900) $ (336,800) $ (404,600) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (425,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 610,392 - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 622,874 110,200 (2,102,000) 243,200 198,800 89,600 40,000 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (380,566) (270,366) (2,372,366) (2,129,166) (1,930,366) (1,840,766) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (380,566) $ (270,366) $ (2,372,366) $ (2,129,166) $ (1,930,366) $ (1,840,766) $ (1,800,766) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 Tee renovation GC -13-003 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW Golf dome construction NA Golf cart replacement NEW Total 75,000 89% 89% 86% 84% 83% 82% 81% 26,300 53,800 82,000 84,100 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 51,300 73,500 107,700 $ 1,615, 300 384,700 3,000,000 600,000 172,300 $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 425,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 Golf Fund Marketing Variable $1,500,000 Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 F 110% $1,000,000 r 105% $500,000 [ 100% 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion not included in baseline scenario 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx $ 95%> c m C y so dwswap N rdeC $(500,000) /�� / ` 90% CL LU `�/ $(1,000,000) °+.. // 85% ® 'W 81% , $(1,500,000) 80% 75% $(2,000,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 89% 89% 86% 84% 83% 82% 81% Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44 $(380,566) $(270,366) $(2,372,36 $(2,129,16 $(1,930,36 $(1,840,76 $(1,800,76 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion not included in baseline scenario 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 7 City of Edina Golf Fund Driving Range Expansion Variable Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GC -12-007 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 96,400 85,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 Operating revenues 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 105% 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Executive closed for construction (34,200) (142,500) Lower demand for par 3 vs. executive (28,500) (28,900) (29,300) (29,700) (30,100) Otherfees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Range closed for construction (41,100) (178,100) 75% $(2,000,000) Facility fee 27,000 32,000 37,000 37,700 38,500 39,300 Price increase Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected 49,300 50,300 51,300 52,300 53,300 Capacity increase - - - - 2012 137,000 139,700 142,500 145,400 148,300 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,220,950 3,058,600 3,598,900 3,665,300 3,728,400 3,793,100 3,858,900 Operating expenses 90% 89% 88% 87% Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44 COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Adjust PT staff (15,000) (65,000) 20,000 20,600 21,200 21,800 22,500 Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 576,000 610,000 702,000 789,000 808,000 830,000 855,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,568,168 3,640,600 3,908,600 4,089,900 4,205,900 4,327,800 4,455,700 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (347,218) (582,000) (309,700) (424,600) (477,500) (534,700) (596,800) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 413,982 (129,300) 145,000 32,000 (18,900) (74,000) (134,000) January1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,513,732 5,384,432 5,529,432 5,561,432 5,542,532 5,468,532 December 31 net asse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,513,732 $ 5,384,432 $ 5,529,432 $ 5,561,432 $ 5,542,532 $ 5,468,532 $ 5,334,532 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 413,982 $ (129,300) $ 145,000 $ 32,000 $ (18,900) $ (74,000) $ (134,000) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 576,000 610,000 702,000 789,000 808,000 830,000 855,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (1,609,700) (938,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 610,392 - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) (9,326) (507,800) (1,804,900) 551,800 514,800 413,400 371,600 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (1,012,766) (1,520,566) (3,325,466) (2,773,666) (2,258,866) (1,845,466 ) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (1,012,766) $ (1,520,566) $ (3,325,466) $ (2,773,666) $ (2,258,866) $ (1,845,466) $ (1,473,866) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 90% 84% 92% 90% 89% 88% 87% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 75,000 691,900 513,000 Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 26,300 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 53,800 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 82,000 84,100 Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 Tee renovation GC -13-003 $1,000,000 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 105% 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW 384,700 Golf dome construction NA 3,000,000 600,000 Golf cart replacement NEW 95% a 172,300 Total $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 1,609,700 $ 938,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion in 2014 does not include $300,000 transfer from Braemar Memorial Fund 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Golf Fund Driving Range Expansion Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 $1,500,000 110% $1,000,000 105% $500,000 I 100% 95% a S - u C M � d a a L N A � $(500,000) ` / N C 90% x / ` W % % 87% / ` $(1,500,000) dO / 80% 75% $(2,000,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 989/o 86% 90% 84% 92% 90% 89% 88% 87% Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44 I $(1,012,76 $(1,520,56 $(3,325,46 $(2,773,66 $(2,258,86 $(1,845,46 $(1,473,86 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion in 2014 does not include $300,000 transfer from Braemar Memorial Fund 1/28/2014 G:\Budget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 8 City of Edina Golf Fund Outsource Grill Variable Golf Fund Outsource Grill Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 00 00 1 � I � / I Ov I /// 84% / / / / I Actual 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $(1,500,000) Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Outsource grill (137,400) (140,050) (142,750) (145,450) (148,250) (150,700) Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Outsource grill (205,300) (209,400) (213,600) (217,800) (222,100) (225,400) Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Outsource grill 75,000 76,100 77,200 78,400 79,600 80,800 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Other fees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,296,250 3,084,500 3,135,750 3,188,050 3,241,350 3,295,850 3,352,800 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Outsource grill (150,000) (153,800) (157,600) (161,500) (165,500) (169,600) Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Outsource grill (170,000) (175,100) (180,400) (185,800) (191,400) (197,100) Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Outsource grill (15,000) (15,500) (16,000) (16,500) (17,000) (17,500) Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Outsource grill (12,000) (12,400) (12,800) (13,200) (13,600) (14,000) Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,565,168 3,310,600 3,470,800 3,641,500 3,746,700 3,857,500 3,974,000 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (268,918) (226,100) (335,050) (453,450) (505,350) (561,650) (621,200) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 492,282 226,600 119,650 3,150 (46,750) (100,950) (158,400) January 1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,592,032 5,818,632 5,938,282 5,941,432 5,894,682 5,793,732 December 31 net asse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,592,032 $ 5,818,632 $ 5,938,282 $ 5,941,432 $ 5,894,682 $ 5,793,732 $ 5,635,332 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 492,282 $ 226,600 $ 119,650 $ 3,150 $ (46,750) $ (100,950) $ (158,400) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (425,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 610,392 (20,000) - - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 742,874 293,100 (1,891,250) 461,950 425,950 325,450 286,200 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (260,566) 32,534 (1,858,716) (1,396,766) (970,816) (645,366) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (260,566) $ 32,534 $ (1,858,716) $ (1,396,766) $ (970,816) $ (645,366) $ (359,166) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 92% 93% 90% 88% 87% 85% 84% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 75,000 - Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 26,300 Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 53,800 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 82,000 84,100 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 Tee renovation GC -13-003 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW 384,700 Golf dome construction NA 3,000,000 600,000 Golf cart replacement NEW 172,300 Total $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 425,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 Golf Fund Outsource Grill Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 00 00 1 � I � / I Ov I /// 84% / / / / I Actual 2009 $1,500,000 Actual 2011 $1,000,000 Projected 2015 $500,000 c 103% U $(500,000) i 98% 86% 92% $(1,000,000) 90% $(1,500,000) $(987,051) $(2,000,000) Expense recovery Cash balance Golf Fund Outsource Grill Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 00 00 1 � I � / I Ov I /// 84% / / / / I Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Actual Projected Projected 2012 2013 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 Projected 2017 103% 97% 97% i 98% 86% 92% 93% 90% 88% $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44l $(260,566) $32,534 $(1,858,71 $(1,396,76 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year Driving range expansion not included in baseline scenario s 95% i s 90m, u 85% 80% 75% Projected Projected Projected 2018 2019 2020 87% 85% 84% $(970,816) ( $(645,366) I $(359,166) 1/28/2014 GABudget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx Page 9 City of Edina Golf Fund FT Staff Reduction Variable Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 GC -12-007 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total rounds sold 118,076 101,387 95,771 96,496 80,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Operating revenues Liquor sales $ 146,632 $ 144,541 $ 145,492 $ 161,040 $ 151,000 $ 156,000 $ 158,300 $ 160,700 $ 163,100 $ 165,500 $ 168,000 $ 170,500 Retail sales 212,886 218,585 230,865 230,120 190,000 215,000 221,500 228,100 234,900 241,900 249,200 256,700 Concessions 230,776 213,250 203,598 223,775 185,000 218,000 221,300 224,600 228,000 231,400 234,900 238,400 Memberships 123,761 119,981 108,978 88,555 62,400 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 65,000 Admissions 264,671 228,126 313,735 70,049 45,000 282,000 290,500 299,200 308,200 317,400 326,900 336,700 Building rental 81,728 70,726 87,081 74,215 70,000 88,000 89,300 90,600 92,000 93,400 94,800 96,200 Equipment rental 359,277 362,763 335,161 359,484 301,500 340,000 345,100 350,300 355,600 360,900 366,300 371,800 Green fees 1,880,610 1,738,261 1,517,962 1,661,982 1,487,000 1,601,000 1,625,000 1,649,400 1,674,100 1,699,200 1,724,700 1,750,600 Other fees 358,333 346,971 338,353 356,371 284,000 331,250 336,200 341,200 346,300 351,500 356,800 362,200 Total revenues 3,658,674 3,443,204 3,281,225 3,225,591 2,775,900 3,296,250 3,352,200 3,409,100 3,467,200 3,526,200 3,586,600 3,648,100 Operating expenses COGS 338,248 328,821 320,132 347,752 320,000 366,540 375,700 385,100 394,700 404,600 414,700 425,100 Personal services 1,774,558 1,636,091 1,564,676 1,574,394 1,500,000 1,545,000 1,591,400 1,639,100 1,688,300 1,738,900 1,791,100 1,844,800 Reduce by 1 FT position, net of PT adds (50,000) (51,500) (53,000) (54,600) (56,200) (57,900) (59,600) Contractual services 580,479 557,828 628,347 489,372 475,000 619,000 637,600 656,700 676,400 696,700 717,600 739,100 Commodities 323,311 479,783 329,006 344,549 320,000 348,000 358,400 369,200 380,300 391,700 403,500 415,600 Central services 110,796 116,958 128,266 134,496 140,000 128,628 132,500 136,500 140,600 144,800 149,100 153,600 Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Total expenses 3,542,048 3,543,558 3,383,110 3,286,516 3,226,000 3,515,168 3,606,100 3,774,600 3,953,700 4,067,500 4,187,100 4,312,600 Operating loss 116,626 (100,354) (101,885) (60,925) (450,100) (218,918) (253,900) (365,500) (486,500) (541,300) (600,500) (664,500) Nonoperating revenues, (expenses), and transfers Interest expense (35,182) (18,015) (12,375) (6,676) (12,000) (33,800) (32,300) (30,300) (28,400) (26,400) (24,300) (22,200) Miscellaneous 90,315 5,222 9,052 2,623,627 - - - - - - - - Transfers 170,000 99,329 100,000 100,000 570,000 795,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 485,000 Total nonoperating 225,133 86,536 96,677 2,716,951 558,000 761,200 452,700 454,700 456,600 458,600 460,700 462,800 Change in net assets 341,759 (13,818) (5,208) 2,656,026 107,900 542,282 198,800 89,200 (29,900) (82,700) (139,800) (201,700) January1 net assets 2,013,091 2,354,850 2,341,032 2,335,824 4,991,850 5,099,750 5,642,032 5,840,832 5,930,032 5,900,132 5,817,432 5,677,632 December 31 netasse $ 2,354,850 $ 2,341,032 $ 2,335,824 $ 4,991,850 $ 5,099,750 $ 5,642,032 $ 5,840,832 $ 5,930,032 $ 5,900,132 $ 5,817,432 $ 5,677,632 $ 5,475,932 Non -GAAP cash reconciliation Change in net assets $ 341,759 $ (13,818) $ (5,208) $ 2,656,026 $ 107,900 $ 542,282 $ 198,800 $ 89,200 $ (29,900) $ (82,700) $ (139,800) $ (201,700) Depreciation 414,656 424,077 412,683 395,953 471,000 558,000 562,000 641,000 728,000 747,000 769,000 794,000 Capital expenditures (173,180) (173,300) (89,608) (233,670) (3,245,000) (917,800) (425,500) (2,586,900) (204,200) (209,300) (272,600) (279,400) Debt principal (net) (515,000) (280,000) (280,000) (285,000) 809,258 - (50,000) (65,000) (65,000) (65,000) (70,000) (70,000) Other accruals 31,683 (76,897) (15,125) (1,902,553) 1,306,893 590,392 - - - - Change in cash 99,918 (119,938) 22,742 630,756 (549,949) 772,874 285,300 (1,921,700) 428,900 390,000 286,600 242,900 January 1 cash (1,086,969) (987,051) (1,106,989) (1,084,247) (453,491) (1,003,440) (230,566) 54,734 (1,866,966) (1,438,066) (1,048,066) (761,466) December 31 cash $ (987,051) $ (1,106,989) $ (1,084,247) $ (453,491) $ (1,003,440) $ (230,566) $ 54,734 $ (1,866,966) $ (1,438,066) $ (1,048,066) $ (761,466) $ (518,566) Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 94% 93% 90% 88% 87% 86% 85% Capital Improvement Projects: Assumed inflation 2.50% Driving range expansion GC -12-005 75,000 __ Actual - Projected Braemar: carpeting GC -12-006 Projected Projected 26,300 Projected Braemar: slit drainage 3 fairways GC -12-007 2010 2011 2012 53,800 Braemar: clubhouse roof replacement GC -12-008 2016 82,000 84,100 2019 Cart path repair/expansion GC -12-009 25,000 25,600 78,800 80,800 27,600 28,300 87,000 89,200 Maintenance equipment GC -13-001 145,000 158,900 162,800 172,300 176,600 181,000 185,600 190,200 Tee renovation GC -13-003 51,300 73,500 107,700 Irrigation replace phase 1 GC -13-004 $(230,566) $54,734 $(1,866,96 1,615,300 Irrigation replace phase 2 NEW $(518,566) 384,700 Golf dome construction NA 3,000,000 600,000 Golf cart replacement NEW 172,300 Total $ - $ 3,245,000 $ 917,800 $ 425,500 $ 2,586,900 $ 204,200 $ 209,300 $ 272,600 $ 279,400 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- m M r u $(500,000) $(1,000,000) $(1,500,000) Golf Fund 1 FT Staff Reduction Variable Assumed 2009-2020 Total Subsidy of $4,744,329 r r / 5 doso, � rr� r r 85% s 00 rr � r � r r r � rr 1 r Mr 100% r 95% ; 85% 80% $(2,000,000) Actual Actual -- Actual __ Actual -_ Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 75% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Expense recovery 103% 97% 97% 98% 86% 94% 93% 90% 88% 87% 86% 85% Cash balance $(987,051) $(1,106,98 $(1,084,24 $(453,491) $(1,003,44 $(230,566) $54,734 $(1,866,96 $(1,438,06 $(1,048,06 $(761,466) $(518,566) 1,039,329 Estimated 2009-2013 subsidy 3,705,000 Future subsidy assumed 2014-2020 Construction fund pays capital costs currently in CIP through 2014 After 2014 the only subsidy is from liquor fixed at $485,000/year Projected rounds fixed at 100,000/year 1/28/2014 GABudget\2014-2015 Budget\Golf study\Golf pro forma scenarios v6 for Jan 30 14 public meeting.xlsx $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $ 20.00 $0.00 Braemar Pricing Comparison Meadowbrook Hiawatha Brookview Baker (Medina) Dahlgreen Bluff Creek Braemar Bunker Hills neer nun xuneuruume - .— --, .... ...... (St. Louis Park) (Minneapolis) (Golden Valley) (Carver Co) (Chaska) (Coon Rapids) (Victoria) (Shakopee) (Chaska) (Prior Lake) • Driving range cost recovery calculation $ 1,279,900 range & executive construction cost $ 395,900 revenue loss during construction $ 1,675,800 total cost to build 169,800 annual revenue increase less expense increase 9.9 years to cost recovery 10.1% return on investment Outsource grill cost recovery calculation $ - construction cost $ - revenue loss during construction $ - total cost to build 79,300 annual revenue increase less expense increase - years to cost recovery #DIV/0! return on investment CIP (and Memorial Fund) Wish List The below list reflects some new and expanded ideas to our CIP that was originally generated. The list is broader and more involved and encompasses all aspects of our operation to enhance the entire experience for our customers. Golf Course ideas: Here are a few options that would help bring energy back into the golf course. These are based on the survey monkey responses asking for a better experience. Unfortunately, I do think these options all should be formally designed by an architect so the feel of the course is uniform. I also believe there will be significant watershed permit issues related to these projects. Irrigation system replacement = $2,000,000 (2017) Driving range expansion = $1,500,000 (2015) Cart Paths Maximum Plan - Invest $600,000 in wall to wall cart paths on 1-27. Most of these paths would be asphalt, some would be gravel. Minimum Plan - Invest $100,000 in a focused mix of gravel and asphalt paths that eliminate most of the problem areas on the course. Drainage There are at least 11 areas on fairways that need drainage or to be regraded. An estimate of about $25,000 per site totals $275,000. Bunkers There are 68 bunkers at Braemar Golf Course. The most difficult 9 bunkers we have are on the executive golf course. I think these 9 bunkers increase our operating costs and reduce the experience of the golfers that play the executive course. Any opportunity to remove these bunkers during the driving range expansion should be considered. Maximum Plan - It costs approximately $6,000 to rebuild a bunker. The remaining 59 bunkers on 1-27 would cost about $350,000 to rebuild. Minimum Plan - Evaluate these 59 bunkers and determine which ones are should be removed. Also, pick the "top 10" that should be rebuilt. Project cost is $60,000. Tees The most dated area of the golf course is the tee box area. The tee signs, benches, trash cans and plantings are dated and difficult to maintain. Some of the tees are not level and are also difficult to maintain. The original design had 4 sets of tee markers (Blue, White, Red and Yellow). A significant portion of our league golfers have requested a course that plays shorter than the original design, which is a current trend in golf. With this feedback we have implemented 2 additional sets of tee markers (Silver and Green). The silver tees are used mostly by senior men and are located with the white tees on some holes and with the red tees on other holes. The green tees are used mostly by women and are located with the red tees on some holes and with the yellow tees on other holes. In addition to leveling, the tee areas could be redesigned with a broader market of men, women, and beginners in mind. Maximum Plan - Rebuild and relocate the tees to better suit all of our customers. Create a new tee marker plan. Replace the signs, furniture and update any necessary plantings. Some of the cart paths would have to be replaced in this process. Estimated cost is $550,000. Minimum Plan - Replace the signs, furniture and plantings for $150,000. Building ideas: The scope of many these projects are smaller and may be a good fit for our memorial fund monies. We feel the memorial fund is an option because these projects will be less likely to bring in significant revenues but will enhance the customers overall experience and opinion of our facilities. Grill facelift = $125,000 (2016) Roofing = $160,000 (2014 & 2015 --expecting insurance money from storm damage) Banquet room tables and chairs = $20,000 (2015) Carpeting throughout (2015) Pro Shop counter Moving the pro shop counter to the west end of the pro shop will require customers to walk through our shop and merchandise and will give our staff better site lines of the tee boxes. This project should be done in conjunction with new carpeting. Banquet Room The numbers will be pending a meeting with an interior decorator and can potentially be done in one project or likely cafeteria format where projects can be picked based on priority and budget. • Lighting in banquet room • Lighting in east corridor • Artwork and furniture • Rest room updates • Hallway modifications (removing half doors and phone booth) • Removing hallway wall paper and painting (should be done with above line project) • Roof shape/design This can be carried out in our roofing budget. The idea would be to standardize the roof lines and remove the antiquated look. Consideration would be given to using standard shingles (which are cheaper than cedar shakes) and applying the potential savings to roof shape design/modifications. Technology upgrades Consider removing the stand alone projects currently in the CIP (AV upgrades and security cameras) to a larger scoped project that would incorporate those two projects along with an internal message board and two new outdoor sign boards—one at the entry and one 'marquee' board announcing events. We would need to work with CTS (IT) to determine budget and potential of this project. Deck resurfacing and new deck furniture This project will depend on how we move forward with the grill. It would likely be a minimum of $50,000. Landscape lighting Replace the lighting outside the clubhouse along the entry and around oak tree. Repurpose locker rooms and upgrade lounges These are very long term projects that would likely involve larger dollars. Fred Richards Revenue Vending / Miscellaneous Concesson Sales Rent Golf Carts Car, Cart, & Club Rentals Green Fees Total Revenes Administrative Expenses (BU 5430) Cost of Sales Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities 5430 Administrative Expenses Fred Richards Golf Course $12,289 $11,775 $12,291 $8,845 Detail Revenue and Expenses 2007 through 2013 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 preliminary $185 $102 $75 $95 $244 $222 $42 $18,163 $24,387 $23,158 $23,218 $23,209 $19,799 $15,437 $9,177 $11,456 $13,150 $10,002 $8,993 $14,039 $11,744 $3,864 $4,517 $4,261 $3,419 $4,029 $4,933 $4,084 $226,624 $220,325 $217,749 $203,595 $175,542 $188,550 $170,628 058.013 5260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 1227,543 $201,935 $8,337 $12,289 $11,775 $12,291 $8,845 $10,240 $8,064 $43,343 $43,631 $46,194 $46,488 $44,134 $51,147 $36,440 $14,722 $14,727 $13,430 $13,139 $12,788 $15,208 $14,124 $1,341 $2,421 $2,833 $1,575 $3,599 $2,102 $5,476 CF7 743 573.068 $74,232 $73,493 $69,366 $78,697 $64,104 Maintenance Expenses (BU 5431) $92,141 $94,167 $92,340 $83,652 $92,572 $93,995 $87,325 Personal Services $1,450 $6,262 $5,366 $2,670 $5,466 $2,972 $3,695 Contractual Services $19,984 $20,846 $15,301 $20,647 $20,085 $17,248 $18,736 Commodities $113,575 $121,275 $113,007 $106,969 $118,123 $114,215 $109,756 5431 Maintenance Expenses 5430&5431 expenditures $181,318 $194,343 $187,239 $180,462 $187,489 $192,912 $173,860 Fred Richards Golf Course Summary of Operations 2007 through 2013 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $258,013 $260,787 $258,393 $240,329 $212,017 $227,543 $201,935 a TRevenue Total otal -$181,318 -$194,343 -$187,239 -$180,462 -$187,489 -$192,912 -$173,860 Expenses in 5430&5431 FR expenses recorded to Braemar (estimate) -$50,000 -$50,000 -$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 -$252,500 -$256,380 -$248,288 -$249,497 -$244,457 -$236,750 -$232,250 FR debt principal & interest CIP/improvement projects $229,685 -$231,844 -$228,343 $234,590 $262,222 -$247,619 $274,425 Cash increase (decrease) CITY OF EDINA STAFF SIX INT GOLF STRATEGY Cumulative and annual savings summary Cumulative savings: present day through 2020 Strategy 2015-2020 cumulative savings: close Fred Richards 1 $ (878,200) Revenue loss from Fred Richards, net of Braemar adds 1,432,200 Operating expense cash savings 180,000 Equipment savings $ 734,000 Cumulative cash savings Strategy 2014-2020 cumulative savings: adjust rates 2 $ 1,680,900 Rate increases 546,400 New rate categories $ 2,227,300 Cumulative cash savings Strategy 2014-2020 cumulative savings: improve marketing 3 $ (919,400) Cumulative cash savings Strategy 2014-2020 cumulative savings: improve range 4 $ (1,204,900) Construction cost (395,900) Lost revenue during construction 1,008,300 Revenue increase after construction $ (592,500) Cumulative cash savings Strategy 2014-2020 cumulative savings: outsource grill 5 $ 522,200 Cumulative cash savings Strategy 2014-2020 cumulative savings: reduce staff 6 $ 362,800 Cumulative cash savings Six -point plan $ 734,000 Close Fred Richards Total savings 2,227,300 Adjust rates (919,400) Improve marketing (592,500) Improve driving range 522,200 Outsource grill 362,800 Reduce staff $ 2,334,400 Six -point plan cumulative savings Average annual savings • Average annual savings: close Fred Richards $ (146,400) Revenue loss from Fred Richards, net of Braemar adds 238,700 Operating expense cash savings 30,000 Equipment savings $ 122,300 Average annual cash savings Average annual savings: adjust rates $ 240,100 Rate increases 78,100 New rate categories $ 318,200 Average annual cash savings Average annual savings: improve marketing $ (131,300) Average annual cash savings Average annual savings: improve range $ (172,100) Construction cost (56,600) Lost revenue during construction 144,000 Revenue increase after construction $ (84,700) Average annual cash savings Average annual savings: outsource grill $ 74,600 Average annual cash savings Average annual savings: reduce staff $ 51,800 Average annual cash savings $ 122,300 Close Fred Richards 318,200 Adjust rates (131,300) Improve marketing (84,700) Improve driving range 74,600 Outsource grill 51,800 Reduce staff $ 350,900 Six -point plan average annual savings Fred Richards Golf Course (As of February 6, 2014) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jean Holm [mailto jholm921(abgmail.com1 Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 9:15 AM To: Scott Neal; Ann Kattreh Cc: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2(cbcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshspragueC�edinarealty com; swensonnl@gmail.com; jtstang67@gmail.com Subject: Fwd: Request for Public Information Subject: RE: Request for Public Information Scott & Ann, In order to better evaluate the merits of your recent proposals to improve Edina's golf operations, I am formally requesting you send me the following information: • P&L statements for all of Edina Golf Operations for the past three (3) fiscal years (including Braemar, Dome, Fred) • Same information above for past three (3) fiscal years broken out by separate operations.... Braemar, Dome, and Fred. • Specific allocation model for any expenses not directly charged to a specific operation. Thanks in advance for your timely reply. John Stang 4525 Sedum Lane Edina, MN 55435 612.804.7292 ... N....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Laura Nisi [mailto:lnisi@me.comj Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 9:15 AM To: Josh Sprague Cc: Jim and LaRae Hovland; Edina Mail; Kurt Nisi Subject: EHS Golf Teams Hi there Does the city charge the Edina High School golf teams for use of Braemar and/or Fred Richards? If they get a preferred rate and time, are we also extending those preferences to Hopkins or Richfield Public Schools? Would love any links to documentation of policies surrounding this as well. Thank you! Laura Nisi Inisi@mac.com 612.834.4034 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA .. From: Aaron C Swann [mailto:aaron.c.swann@seagate.com] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 8:33 AM To: swensonannl(c)gr ail.com; Josh Sprague; Mary Brindle (Comcast); jonibennettl2@comcast net; Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Mayor Hovland and Council Members Bennett, Brindle, Sprague and Swenson This note is to communicate my families very strong support of the Fred Richards golf course and the need for it to remain open. The course offers a casual golfing environment that is rare and that would be impossible to replicate at Breamar. I believe that the proposals so far offered by the city are incomplete and have jumped straight to the answer of closure without considering the full costs or other opportunities to improve the financial status of the golf operations. To me this simply shows a lack of vision or imagination with regard to this issue. In addition, I am very concerned that the quick path to closure is wrapped up with the desire of the Hillcrest Development company to include new parks in their Pentagon Park redevelopment effort. This seems like something that needs to be further investigated to understand the influence that is being applied here. While I am unable to attend the next parks meeting due to travel, I will continue to strongly support the efforts of those working to save Fred Richards. Regards, Aaron Swann 6710 Cahill Rd Edina, MN 55439 952-944-5261 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Stang [mailto:John.Stang(abgenmills.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:25 PM To: Ann Kattreh; Scott Neal Cc: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2(a)comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(aedinarealtycom; swensonanni(a)gmail.com; John Stang; itstang67 gmail.com Subject: Request for Public Information Scott & Ann, In order to better evaluate the merits of your recent proposals to improve Edina's golf operations, I am formally requesting you send me the following information: • P&L statements for all of Edina Golf Operations for the past three (3) fiscal years (including Braemar, Dome, Fred) • Same information above for past three (3) fiscal years broken out by separate operations.... Braemar, Dome, and Fred. • Specific allocation model for any expenses not directly charged to a specific operation. Thanks in advance for your timely reply. John Stang 4525 Sedum Lane Edina, MN 55435 612.804.7292 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Ron Way [ma iIto: ron-wayCa>comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 5:06 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Council Member Joni Bennett Following our brief meeting at Precinct Caucuses last night, I sent the below to a few folks who are interested in Braemar and golf issues. I have a larger list of guys who strongly favor Braemar improvements, and I'll next send a note to them along the lines as the below. I sent bbc's of this to Ann Kattreh, the Mayor, and selected others. I talked with Ann this afternoon and she gave me the full dose of reality facing Edina's golf enterprise. I have a brief meeting on this with Josh Sprague on Friday morning Thank you for your time, and your interest. Ron Way 612-986-5158 ----- Original Message ----- From: Ron Way To: Reeves Chris (MPL) ; m ich aelawo lff(a comcast. net ; "couch man aC).comcast.net ; cpete572(a-),aol.com Cc: R. J. Smiley ; Bill Hollway ; Paul Domholt Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 12:28 PM Subject: Re: Save the Fred - meeting follow-up To Bob Peterson: I'm back in town through tomorrow, and perhaps we can meet up and talk through the matter of Fred Richards. Some thoughts on your notes re Braemar and Fred Richards: While the City Council seems to be quite serious that Edina's "golf enterprise" be self-sustaining, I'd side with you and others who say that in the context of community purpose there should be consideration to the community sharing in underwriting those services. As a comparative example, the Sports Dome will not be self-sustaining and property taxes will be tapped to underwrite some of that impressive cost. But in my view this argument would be futile. It's a sad fact that City surveys show that golf interest rates nowhere near hockey and soccer, and even Centennial Lakes' facilities are vastly more popular than our game. Yes, FR is a quality venue for folks to take up and play the game at a friendly facility. Obviously, FR has a core of devoted followers. Yes, there'd be disruption if FR and Braemar's exec course are closed simultaneously. And while I appreciate the oddity that a course whose recently -retired debt is a candidate for closure, it's also true that the new cast at the helm shouldn't be burdened bone -headed decisions of the past. I think a Braemar Par 3 could satisfy any desire by users to hit "longer clubs." Truth is, many golfers (and most beginners) can't hit the ball over 150 yds, and surely some holes in a Par 3 layout would be that long or longer. Besides, I agree with the notion that Clunie tees could be adjusted to make that a "long short course" and, even, a 6 -hole facility for the growing many who prefer to spend less time on the course. There are options. To me, a central question is whether Edina's "golf enterprise" is financially sustainable, and I think some pretty good numbers show that it currently is not. Maybe it's weather related, maybe debt -retirement would change that, and maybe better marketing and course conditions and customer service could boost revenue. But maybe also THE KEY factor is diminishing interest in our game. If that's as true as I suspect it is, then it makes sense to examine alternatives to maintaining the "enterprise" in its full and current form. We must avoid a situation where we're stuck with facilities that, together, are not self-sustaining and the City Council loses interest (understandable, given golf's low ranking in city surveys). The real danger here is that trying to maintain "the enterprise" in its full form may well result in funding levels that would reduce all courses to mediocrity. Face it, the condition of Braemar is already diminished from being the state's top public facility to one that is out of the top tier, and that won't change without making adjustments in golf -related service levels. We should examine all options, of course. But to me, "doing nothing" (as in maintaining the politically - safe status quo) almost certainly would mean that Braemar continues to suffer. Thanks, and let's talk this through (I'll buy the first round) Ron 612-986-5158 ----- Original Message ----- From: cpete572(a-)-aol.com To: Chris. Reeves(a)DexOne.com ; ron-wayacomcast.net ; michaelawolffc(Dcomcast. net; jcouchman(a-)comcast. net Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 11:56 AM Subject: Re: Save the Fred - meeting follow-up To me a big point is that they are closing both executive courses at the same time. They need a course where some longer clubs can be hit. The Fred is also level and easy to walk! Not good planning considering all the leagues that play at Fred and Braemar Exc. Where are the going to play and how many will continue on a par 3 course? It is a sin to give up on a $5 million dollar investment without more discussion. Thanks, Robert Peterson 35 year patron at Braemar cpete572(d-)aol.com -----Original Message ----- From: Reeves, Chris (MPL) (MPL) <Chris.Reeves (a)DexOne.com> To: 'Ron Way' <ron-way(c)comcast.net>; michael wolff <michaelgwolffacomcast.net>; 'Robert Petersen' <cpete572(a-)aol.com> Sent: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 9:07 am Subject: Fwd: Save the Fred - meeting follow-up FYI Begin forwarded message From: "chrisandrachel(o-)_comcast.net" <chrisandracheI(c-comcast. net> Date: February 1, 2014 at 8:59:30 AM CST To: Chris Reeves <chris reeves(c�dexone.com> Subject: Fwd: Save the Fred - meeting follow-up Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Liz Couchman <jcouchman(c�comcast.net> Date: February 1, 2014 at 8:12:10 AM CST To: Rachel Reeves <chrisandrachel@.comcast.net> Subject: Fwd: Save the Fred - meeting follow-up FYI- here's the lowdown. Begin forwarded message: Dear Friends of The Fred, First, the bad news. Last night, City of Edina Staff led by City Manager Scott Neal, formally announced a 6 point plan to reduce costs and increase revenue for Edina golf operations. Sadly, the very first point in the plan is a recommendation to close Fred Richards Golf course. Enough of the bad news, now on to the good news! THE GOOD NEWS! • FRIENDS of the FRED TURNED OUT! Of over 300 people at the meeting, approximately 90% were there to support the Fred! • Friends of the Fred handed out 150 neon yellow t -shirts with the phrase "Save the Fred" on the front. We ran out of T -Shirts 10 minutes before the meeting even started. City Staff were startled to look out and see a WALL OF YELLOW sitting in front of them. • It was obvious to everyone in the room from the first slide on the screen that the plan being presented was flawed and not well thought out. The City's presentation provided little to no support for their numbers related to the economics of Fred Richards golf course. • Several FOF brought up that repurposing of Fred land would cost money... both in initial capital and in ongoing maintenance costs. When asked about this, the City Manager confirmed that potential future costs of operating and maintaining a park were NOT included in the city's financial analysis that led to the recommendation to close the FRED. • Friends of the Fred spoke passionately for over one hour and fifteen minutes when the meeting was opened to comments. Highlights: o City proposed timeline is for a vote on closing the Fred on March 4th .... we let them know loud and clear this is unacceptable! They have been working on this with consultants and staff for MONTHS, AND MONTHS, AND MONTHS. o Golfers of all ages have enjoyed Fred Richards for over 20 years and City Staff proposed public consideration of ONE MONTH. That timeline cannot and will not stand! o FOF spoke eloquently about years of enjoying rounds on the Fred with children, grandchildren, friends and family. o Fred Richards league members talked about how great the course is and how their leagues are growing (Patty Berg League, Happy Hackers League, Fairway Femmes League, Toro League, Seagate League, NWW League etc.). o Many great questions were asked about the financial assumptions underlying the recommendation. Quite simply, the numbers don't add up and Friends of the Fred in attendance let the City know it. o FOF put forward great ideas about how to generate more revenue at the Fred and across golf operations. When asked whether any of these ideas were even considered by staff when putting together their recommendation the answer was almost always NO. o FOF stressed how talented and resourceful Edina residents are and challenged City Staff to put together an ad hoc team to study other alternatives to increasing golf revenue WITHOUT closing the Fred. • We applaud Mayor Hovland for attending the meeting and listening to our concerns. After the meeting he expressed significant concern over the timeline for making a decision to close the Fred and also remains open to other ideas and proposals. • None of the City Council Members attended the meeting. We sincerely hope they will get involved and take every opportunity to listen to the voice of the citizens that they represent in the near future. What's Next: • Friends of the Fred team will be meeting this weekend to discuss an action plan for next steps .... stay tuned! Public hearing of the Edina Park Board at City Hall on Tuesday, February 11th at 7PM. City Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th THREE THINGS YOU CAN DO NOW TO HELP SAVE THE FRED! 1. THE SUPPORT WE HAD LAST NIGHT WAS TREMENDOUS, BUT IT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING! WE NEED YOU TO COME TO THE PARK BOARD MEETING ON FEBRUARY 11TH. WE ARE ORDERING MORE "SAVE THE FRED" YELLOW T- SHIRTS! EMAIL itstang67(a)- mail.com to let us know you will be there to support the FRED. 2. FLOOD the Mayor and City Council Members with emails and letters to express your support for the Fred (See email addresses below). THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION. Tell them the timeline proposed is offensive and ask for the City to approve an ad hoc team of concerned residents to develop alternative proposals for consideration. 3. Watch your email for more updates from us and visit the FaceBook page for SAVE THE FRED every day! James Hovland Mayor 612-874-8550 mail@EdinaMN.eov Joni Bennett City Council Member 952-927-0661... a onibennett120comcast.net Mary Brindle City Council Member 952-941-7746 mbrindle@comcast.net Josh Sprague City Council Member 612-501-0252 Lshsprague@edinarealty.com Ann Swenson City Council Member 952-927-7524 swensonannl@gmail.com N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN From: halling.bill(&gmail.com(mailto•hailingbill(a)gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 2:46 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Contact Us form submission Name: bill halling Organization: edina resident Website: Address 1: 5608 interlachen boulevard Address 2: City: edina State: MN Zip_Code: 55436 Email: halling billn,l?mail.com Phone:9529294711 Referrer: google Message: Earlier I attended a city led meeting that said Edina golf operations were losing $500,000, however, it was not stated how much was caused by Fred Richards - you should disclose this information - our belief is that it is a mistake to convert Fred Richards into commercial activity - it is a wonderful course and used much - it may not be the highest revenue producing site for the city, but neither are many other city owned properties - we should not be in government to maximize revenues but to satisfy residents and make our city attractive and useful to us - there are certainly other plats that could be developed by commercial interests other than this land. NNN N N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: John Tronsdal [mailto:iatrons@earthlink.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 12:16 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: PLEASE "SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course" Mayor James Hovland, The timeline proposed to even think about eliminating the "Fred Richards Golf Course" is offensive. The City should develop alternative proposals to keep the "Fred Richards Golf Course". My family, friends and neighbors have all enjoyed and continue to enjoy playing golf at this local wonderful and enjoyable Golf Course and want this golf course available for future generations of golfers to enjoy. If we need volunteers from the community to help perform tasks at the golf course to help keep costs down, just ask as I believe many people in the community that will be willing to provide assistance. The "Fred Richards Golf Course" is used and enjoyed by Edina, Bloomington, Richfield and many other surrounding residents. I am currently out of town and unable to attend the meetings being held but want you to know how much the "Fred Richards Golf Course" means to so many residents and even if we are out of town we are taking the time to ensure you know how much the "Fred Richards Golf Course" means to all of us. PLEASE "SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course." John Tronsdal 8700 Wood Cliff Road Bloomington, MN 55438 NNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Joel Stegner[mailto:joel.r.stegner(aDgmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 10:52 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Feedback on planned changes at Fred Richards and Braemar I would like to provide detailed comments on your six month strategy — mostly refinements, rather than disagreeing with the basic things that are being proposed. Close Fred Richard Executive Golf Course. I support this decision, but would like to see a timeline for the public process announced as quickly as possible, because every month the land sits idle wastes a resource and increases the risk vandalism. While most of the land should be reserved for public use, I would support having a small residential component included in the project — particularly low income housing for those who work in Edina. Also, it is adjacent of the Pentagon Park and by thinking about it soon rather than later, there may be opportunities to get synergies from the two redevelopment projects. One basic amenity absent in Edina is a performing arts center. If good access can be provided (in contrast to the difficult route to Fred Richards), that could be an excellent site for such a center, given that it is hard to see anywhere else in the community that a building with adequate parking could be built. The Edina Art Center would be relocated that in that scenario. 2. Invest in improvements at Braemar. Braemar is now a 27 hole course, which allows three different starting places. This is the time to consider the option of turning Braemar into a golf complex with 36 holes, unless it is totally clear that is not technically feasible. Fred Richards as a par three course was not successful. Turning the Executive Course into another par 3 course might not be a good idea. I believe that a 36 hole course could strong drawing card for serious golfers — because serious golfers could conceivably do one round in the morning, have lunch and do a second round in the afternoon, not repeating any holes. I just throw that out as an alternative that might not have been considered. 3. Modify prices and discounts. Golf is a wonderful alternative for our youth, particularly those not inclined toward team sports. Edina HS is well known for its athletic excellence, but has not been as competitive in golf as in many other sports in recent years. Although you need to make money, I think that it is very appropriate if there is any subsidy from the city involved, that it is directed toward making golf more accessible to youth and teens. Likewise, it make sense to invest in getting young adults involved in the game, as the average age of golfers has risen over time. The pricing policy should advance broader interests than just making money. Rounds of wealthy adult golfers should not be subsidized, as those golfers have two excellent private clubs in Edina that their incomes allow them to access, but if we can give young people a price break, we should. 4. Outsource ancillary services. In the recent community survey, it appeared that satisfaction with the current Braemar operation is high in the general community — but of course you may have done research on your golfers that suggests otherwise. Bringing in outside expertise to run the clubhouse and hire and train staff may be a response to dissatisfaction among current golfers or approaches being used at more financially successful organizations. If instead, the reason is to lower personal costs and solve administrative headaches, then I'd be a little concerned about displacing loyal employees to save a few payroll dollars. . In many communities, non -golfers eat meals at the golf course. If you have different management of the clubhouse, there might be some new signage at the entrance of the course indicating that the clubhouse grill and store are open to all, with sales and specials also publicized there. 5. Expand marketing. It appears that traditional measures to limit adult golf and team sports to those who work and live in Edina are no longer necessary. As participation levels have gone down, access to service has not been significantly widened to fill the gap. At the same time Park and Rec looks at what percentage of golfers should be allowed to come from outside the community and what level of additional charges those outside participants should pay, it would make sense to look at the same issue for all its adult sports leagues.. If you allow recruiting of players from outside Edina, within new but looser limits, it will make it easier to form teams. Likewise with golf, if you make it easier for there to be mixed foursomes (Edina and non -Edina residents) more groups of golfers are likely to use their course as their regular destination. If leagues are now limited to Edina golfers, that also could be redefined — although of course, outsiders could be asked to pay more. 6. Improve customer service. Again, there has to be a clear definition of what the customer service problems vendors are going to be expected to solve. Then vendors can be expected to commit to reaching defined customer service targets in order to earn performance bonuses. Finally, I think that it is very premature to promise that the subsidies will end. While I don't think you want to have subsidies to general operations, if there are subsidies for things like youth golf instruction and providing low-cost access to young people with limited financial means, that should remain an option, as the community should be investing in its youth, even if that activity isn't totally covering its expenses. In fact, if it is feasible, the city should consider trying to work out with the school district an arrangement that all Edina students are exposed to golf at Braemar as part of their physical education program (a parallel program could be developed for Edina families with students in other school districts or private schools).. Thanks, Joel N NNNN NN NN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: cpete572(-0gmail.com [maiito:cpete572@gmail.com] On Behalf Of cpete572 Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 6:57 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett12Ca)comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonannlcabgmail.com Subject: Planning for Braemar's future/Jan. 30 meeting Council members: I attended last week's meeting regarding the future of Braemar golf course. I have been a patron card holder at Braemar since 1979. I have played some 30 rounds a year there. I started the Wednesday night league, constructed and maintained wood duck houses on the course, and did the Audubon certification photography. I care a great deal about the future of Braemar. Braemar is 50 years old and in need of capital improvements. The plans for a new driving range look great and are long overdue. But the new range necessarily eliminates the executive course which I feel the community needs. I hope the city will reconsider its plans to close Fred Richards. It provides an executive course which is easy to walk and will continue to serve leagues that want a longer (not par 3) course. It plays an important supportive role to Braemar in helping to develop new players for the future. The city needs an executive course! Revenues from Braemer were used to pay off Fred Richards' $5 million debt. If the Council is seriously considering closing Fred Richards now --without considering the many marketing opportunities it presents plus quality of life it represents --then the Council is being shortsighted and, I believe, not fiscally responsible. Braemar is a civic jewel. Fred Richards play a complimentary role. The process of planning for changes to these two civic assets should take into account Edina residents' views, especially golf course patrons'. I appreciate Mayor Hovland's attendance at Thursday's meeting. I hope Council members will give all comments the attention they deserve. Robert K. Peterson, DDS 5620 Doron Drive Edina 55439 952-944-0261 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Doug Smalley[mailto:douglas.smalleyCa>gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:18 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards GC Dear Members of the Edina City Council, As a relatively new member of the Cornelia neighborhood living a few blocks from Fred Richards GC I'm writing to express my support for the contemplated redevelopment of that property as expanded park space. I'm an avid golfer, actually, but believe residents and families in the area would derive much more year-round & day-to-day benefit from a larger more intentionally managed park in that location. Not only would we use it heavily (2 kids + dog) but I imagine the families living in the rental/apartment housing nearby would love it too since Arneson Acres isn't really walkable for those of us in this quadrant. I'm not intimately familiar with the financials, but if the course is on the bubble or in the red it seems to me that redevelopment as a park makes great sense. I know if would enhance the quality of life for those of us living nearby. Thank you! // Doug Smalley // Email: douglas.smalleyggmail.com // Mobile: 651-955-8899 4412 Fondell Dr, 55435 Moved in December 2012 from St. Paul. NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN From: AdamsEber(cbaol.com [mailto:AdamsEber()aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:01 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Golf Enterprise Program Gentlemen I am forwarding my commemts on the above subject as a 39 year golf playing resident. I find the staff recommendation 50% on the mark. 1,Reducing the scope of operations means closing the Fred and repurposing the property, thereby retaining maintenance requirements but eliminating revenue. 2.Investing in Braemar improvements means expanding the driving range and dramatically increasing revenue, as well as upgrading a course that at one time was listed among the top 75 public courses in America, 3. Modifying prices must be earned for a course already among the most costly among local 1st tier courses/ 4,Outsource ancillary services Restaurant profitability is competative,cyclical, and a check of private club facilities should show it to be marginal. 5. Expand marketing Yes 6. Improve customer service has never been an item of concern at any time in my experience/ I submit these comments as a display of a citizens feelings for a report exhibited to interested parties on Jan 30 at Braemar. John Adams ........................... N...... N NNN. From: Mike Welbaum [mailto:mwelbaum@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:42 PM To: Edina Mail; Ann Kattreh Cc: Rick Ites; Todd Anderson Subject: Proposed changes to municipal golf operations... 1/31/2014 Mayor Hovland, Scott Neal, Ann Kattreh, City Council and Park Board members, Having moved to Edina for retirement, and from my perspective as a "start -at -retirement" golfer, I submit my reflections on the January 31, 2014 "Proposed Changes" presentation. From my professional experience, the presentation of proposed golf operations revealed an overdue decision as well as several critical issues with this project's planning: • "Improvements at Braemar" are self-justifying, both financially and for competitive operational necessity. The content of the presentation shows no direct dependency on the recommended changes. The driving range and necessary re -configuration of the executive course should proceed as soon as reasonable, not extending beyond fall of 2014. • The nominal attempts to compare golf operations to other functions exposed a flaw in the Edina City accounting system; the system prevents adequate cost and operational comparisons between/among various city -run functions including the Ice arena, Edinborough, city parks, athletic fields, and golf operations. • While the introductory material did show a graph of declining "rounds played," the material did not identify elements of causation. Demographics, economy, weather, playing conditions, the status of neighboring golf courses, are just a few that must be reviewed. • The abrupt conclusion — and first chart — "Close Fred Richards" did not include an assessment of consequences to such a step. As a professional with experience with strategic planning, I found the presented material woefully void of alternative solutions to perceived problems. A few considerations that show the lack of depth to the study are: o "Close Fred Richards" without either justification or an impact statement is a mistake. If further, objective investigation arrives at this conclusion, then such a recommendation is defensible. Without such an analysis, this recommendation is not justifiable. o "No golfers will be displaced" — an un -supported and naive conclusion, at best. New, young, casual, and senior players have little interest in hilly terrain and challenging venue. It is unlikely that all of these clients will matriculate to Braemar as assumed. o As a premiere city, Edina's unique asset provides a learning and experience resource that needs more thoughtful consideration than this unsupported — and unsupportable? —recommendation makes. o The removal of a resource for post-retirement activity is especially disconcerting as we endorse the localized development of increased housing density. Similarly, the loss of a municipal resource that currently permits casual introduction to new golfers is shortsighted in light of the stated objective of activity for life and our Vision 20/20 goal to improve the quality of life here. • Consultants from outside the community do not have familiarity with the unique appeal that Edina has. Of special concern, Edina residents include many professionals with significant expertise — and self-interest! These resources would love to provide insight, guidance, and leadership as we develop and protect community investments. Enlist their skills. • The dedication and passion from the "Save the Fred" organization was evident and well - articulated. It is unfortunate that Park Board and Council members were not encouraged to attend the session. Thanks to Mayor Hovland for his attendance; ask him if he thinks these two bodies would have sensed the community's commitment and passion — and would have learned from the session. • A major communication flaw was exposed: By comparison to other City of Edina actions and communications, this meeting, late by any measure (one month for the public to respond after many months of project development in isolation?), exposed a serious misunderstanding of the plan's importance to the community. By not including a valid cross-section of perspectives in the planning process, especially considering the obvious misunderstanding of the importance of this decision to the community, the Park Board and City Council might have been confronted with a decision with few options. The recent street repair and improvement communication process should be used as a model for a communications strategy. As I listened to the feedback from the potentially displaced audience, I was struck by how my personal investment in Edina's golf resources has developed. As a newbie to golf and as a recent past president of the Braemar Men's Club, I take umbrage in the potential golf has for the future. To take action without having knowledgeable, invested, and skilled resources involved might have been a miscarriage of community interest. In summary, I humbly recommend that the listed improvements at Braemar be started as soon as possible. Further, any decision regarding Fred Richards — a non-starter in the funding of Braemar's investment — deserves a considerably more open and thoughtful analysis. To achieve this objective, establish and utilize an advisory panel of Edina expert residents to act as on-going information source. Without such analysis, then I request the Park Board and Council reject the Fred Richards proposal as it currently stands. Thank you for your consideration. Mike Welbaum 7232 Monardo Lane Edina, MN 55435 952-920-5455 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Rodney. K.Vucenich@welisfargo.com [ma ilto: Rodney. K.Vucenich@wellsfargo.coml Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:11 AM To: Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; nvucenich(a)msn.com; Rodney. K.Vucenich(abwellsfar_ oc� com Cc: jonibennettl2(&comcast.net; swensonannl@gmail.com Subject: Save the Fred- we need more time!! I am a long time Edina resident of nearly 30 years and I am very disappointed in how you are handling this situation. It appears that you have already made up your minds and are unwilling to listen to the very people who voted you into your positions! This same behavior was experienced last Fall when you jammed the pathway initiative through in the Cornelia Neighborhood. How can you turn a deaf ear to what you witnessed last week at Braemar? We need more time to come together as a community and weigh our options. It is very apparent that you have an agenda that clearly is in conflict to what the tax payers of Edina want. Is this how politics are run in our city? Rodney Vucenich Senior Financial Advisor Vice President- Investments Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC MAC N9305-111 90 South 7th Street lith Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ph: 612-667-3871 Fax: 612-316-4938 rodnev k vucenich(&wellsfargo.com NNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Dennis Fernkes [mailto:fern7313(EDscc.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:51 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: proposed changes to municipal golf operations I am not a golfer, but I think the six -point strategy proposed by the city to the municipal golf operations is a good one. The restaurant idea appeals to me as well. I do not know what the rules are pertaining to the public being able to eat at Braemar, but I would like this to be allowed. Dennis Fernkes 7313 W Shore Drive Edina, MN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Nicki Vucenich [mailto•nvucenich@)rnsn.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 9:46 AM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett12Cgbcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshspraque@edinarealty. com; swensonannl(agmaii.com Subject: Fred Richards My name is Nicole Vucenich and I live at 4604 Gilford Drive. I attended the meeting on Thursday, January 30 to discuss Edina golf operations. I was extremely disappointed from the get -go. There was only one proposal on the table and that proposal began with the completely unfounded conclusion that Fred Richards must be closed. Where were the other proposals to be discussed? None were presented. Nor was any concrete support provided for why Fred Richards must be closed rather than using some combination of marketing and other efforts to keep this highly regarded neighborhood course open. Most all suggestions made by those in attendance were acknowledged as having not been considered. Nor was anyone able to adequately respond to the question of how the underlying numbers were reached. Suggestions of "funny money" and "questionable accounting tactics" couldn't be responded to. I found this particularly disturbing in light of the comment that in 2012 Fred Richards ended the year with on a positive cash note. Yet it's "pro rata share" of expenses was such that it was technically in the red. I see the reason for the suggestion that there is some questionable accounting going on here. After sitting through the meeting and hearing the overwhelming support by those in attendance for keeping Fred Richards open, I would be extremely disappointed if the one and only proposal put forth so far by the parks board isn't revised to reflect the wishes of the citizens of the city. At a minimum, the board should take us up on our offer to form an ad hoc committee of residents to come up with alternative proposals. Take advantage of our backgrounds and talents and let's see if we can't come up with an alternative that allows Fred Richards to remain open. A city should be doing all it can to maintain amenities such as this small neighborhood golf course. It is amenities like this that attract people to the city and to individual neighborhoods. Not to mention all those people with homes on the golf course. Are you seriously taking that amenity away despite the impact it would have on their property values? may not live right on the golf course but I am close enough to feel the impact of such a drastic decision. Moreover, the timing of this is unacceptable. This meeting was held January 30 to discuss "Edina golf operations". It should have more properly been titled "closing Fred Richards." The decision was already made. You may argue that it has not yet been made; however, when there is only one proposal on the table and that proposal involves closing Fred Richards, there isn't much room for debate. The decision is made. It is just not yet official. It will be made official at the meeting on March 4. That is just over one month from the initial meeting of January 30. How long has the park board and the city been working on this? Why hasn't it been brought to us sooner? Again, this is the city moving forward on its own agenda without regard to the impact on or the wishes of the residents of the city and, more particularly, the residents of the neighborhood impacted most dramatically by this decision. This whole process is a repeat of the "discussion" to add a path from the Parklawn neighborhood to Kellogg Ave. I attended that meeting at city hall as well. It was the first I had heard of the issue. I found out then that the Parklawn residents knew of it a year prior. While the homeowners in my neighborhood didn't find out until about a month before the meeting at city hall where the issue was voted right through despite many voices of opposition in the audience. Apparently providing adequate notice and information to the residents has taken a back seat in recent months. I find this practice completely unacceptable and disrespectful. I hope you're hearing the same from other residents. Give us more time to come up with a proposal that would allow Fred Richards to remain open. As we learned last Thursday, there are many options that have not yet been explored. Let's do that work before making such an extreme decision. Nicole Vucenich NN N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NN NN From: Mary Paulson [_mailto:mbowmanpaulson(&yahoo com] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 1:53 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsoragueftedinarealty com; swensonannI (agmail com; Lonibenettl26a)comcast net Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor Hovland and Esteemed Council Members: I am writing today to protest the proposed closure of Fred Richards Golf Course, or, in fact, any green space in the City of Edina. As a person who plays golf, I have come to value Fred Richards Golf Course for many reasons; accessibility and to the fine tuning needed in any short game as well as the wildlife one can observe there, from wild turkeys and fox to the ever present Canadian geese, to name a few. Fred Richards does more than provide a revenue stream, of sorts, to the City; it also provides ecological benefits and personal well-being, physically and mentally, for the individuals who use the facility. After taking my walk today and observing the pollution layer that obscured my enjoyment of the blue sky, I want to make it very clear that I believe it is the City's obligation to zealously protect the environment and jealously guard all green spaces within the City borders. Having lived in Edina for over 20 years, I have seen the deterioration of clean air and water in my neighborhood as well as the efforts made to improve the situation with holding ponds at Rosland Park prairie grasses at the Public Works building to help the environment and cannot understand the reasoning behind the closure and possible development of such a valuable green space as Fred Richards. From my perspective, Edina does not need any more residents. Edina needs to protect its current residents by cherishing its green spaces and creating more areas that will preserve the quality of life that was once embodied in Edina. Respectfully, Mary Paulson N... N .................................. From: Halling, Barton R [mailto:Barton.Halling@umr.com] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 12:15 PM To: Ann Swenson Cc: Edina Mail Subject: RE: The Fred Hi Ann - thanks for your prompt response. Understand the state law restriction - but I guess my concern is why there was not a public notice for this specific meeting? Clearly, a recommendation to close a neighborhood amenity like Fred Richards is going to draw some controversy and with over 350 people showing up and sharing testimony in support of retaining Fred Richards in its current state as a golf course - it would appear that you and the other council members lost a great opportunity to hear what your constituents have to say about the issue. You note below indicated that "many weeks or months for public input" was going to be provided - but the truth is that for you as the council - only 2 weeks has really been allowed. The park board will meet on 2/11 and review Scott Neal's proposal - including his misguided proposal to close Fred Richards and spend $1.0 million on expanding the Braemar driving range (why would we take more people off the course and force them onto the range? I can guarantee you that if you ask any golfer, youth to senior, if they would rather spend more time playing golf - or more time at the range - 100% would want to play). Per Scott's agenda he delivered last week, the next council meeting which will provide a public hearing with opportunity for input to be heard - is the 3/4 meeting - with his recommendations for golf operations on the agenda. That is 30 days from his first meeting last Thursday 1/30. This plan has been worked on with the Pentagon Park developer for over a year and as a community we are allowed 30 days to comment/influence your decision - and one meeting where you are present? Unfortunately, that seems unreasonable to me as a resident. A purposeful decision not to provide public notice for last week's meeting, and therefore legally exclude more than 2 of you from attending, appears to be tactical, knowing that the majority of support would show up for the first meeting on this issue. I appreciate your comment that you take your job very seriously - and hope that you also take the level of opposition to closing Fred Richards very seriously. The community does not want this course closed - nor would we want Braemar Arena, Roseland Park, the Edina Pool, Wooddale Park, Garden Park or any other public amenity closed - to make way for commercial development or for any other reason. The financial case that the park staff and city planner have made, is not sound. Edina has a reputation of providing a stellar living experience for its residents and closing a loved and prized amenity like Fred Richards is not in line with that reputation. As I said, I appreciate the seriousness you bring to your job as a city council member. In fact I am counting on it as you consider the feedback against closing Fred Richards coming from the community that you are elected to support. Thanks, BH Barton Halling -----Original Message ----- From: Ann Swenson [mailto:swensonannl@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 4:41 PM To: Bhallingll@gmail.com Subject: The Fred Mr. Galling, As part of our council packet I received your letter to the Mayor. By state law we can not have more than two of the five of us ( 4 council members and the Mayor ) attend any event or meeting without public notice. It was decided that the informational meeting for the Fred was not one for us to attend since there would be two public hearings and many weeks or months for public input so no public notice was given. Unbeknown to the council the Mayor must have decided to attend after our last discussion at council. Do not presume that the council does not care to hear from our residents on this matter or have already made up our minds so did not attend. State law is very clear on our limitations to meet without proper notice. We can not even meet with three of us for coffee. We all take ourjob very seriously. Ann Swenson, council Sent from my iP This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or his or her authorized agent, the reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately. .............................. N........ From: Webster, Tom J[ma iIto: thomas.websten'loptum.com] Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 7:20 AM To: Edina Mail; lonibennettlNlcomcast.net Subject: FW: Fred Richards Dear Mayor and City Council, We live in Richfield and have been playing the Fred for fifteen years or more. Both of my kids played youth and high school golf, and with the closing of Rich Acres, much of their golf was played at the Fred. My son is now in college and he brings his college buddies to play the Fred when they only have 90 minutes to play, and these newcomers love it! Your support is greatly appreciated. Tom Tom Webster I Optum Finance 13625 Technology Drive I Eden Prairie, MN 55344 MN051-B210 Office 952-917-7450 thomas.webster(a),optum.com NNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Paul Hughes [mailto:phuahes999 ccimail.com] Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 4:58 PM To: Edina Mail; swensonannl(cbamail.com; ioshsprague(cbedinarealty.com; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ionibennettl2(&comcast.net Subject: Do not allow Fred Richards to close! Dear Mayor Hovland & City Council Members, I am contacting you regarding the development planned for Pentagon Park which may include closing the Fred Richards Golf Course. While the redevelopment of the current commercial property is welcomed, the closing of Fred Richards is not, and I feel this would be a poor decision for the City of Edina to make. The developer's own public statement to the Minneapolis Business Journal states that he could live with the option of keeping Fred Richards Open: http://www biziournals.com/twincities/print- edition/2013/12/06/in-pentagon-park-plan-is-there-room. html?page=all Fred Richards is a community asset that has unfortunately been a victim of poor weather this past year. In fact, all of our outdoor golf operations suffered in 2013 due to the late start of the golf season. In addition, years of minimal marketing efforts by the City of Edina have kept Fred Richards from realizing it's full potential. I have spoken to many residents of Edina that have no idea that the Fred Richard course even exists. The turnout by Edina citizens at Thursdays City Staff meeting was overwhelmingly in support of keeping Fred Richards open. As a taxpayer I understand the City's desire to stem the losses from their golf course operations. However, the estimates given by the City Staff show that the golf course operations are estimated to lose less money next year and come close to breaking even in 2015. If the city spent a little effort on promoting Fred Richards I think they would find it would pay for itself. Has this option ever been considered? Do all of our parks make money or does the city have to fund them? Does Braemar arena pay for itself? Do all of the other sports leagues fees in this town cover the cost of operating and maintaining the fields they play on? The answer is no. All of our facilities are subsidized by the city. My kids play or have played soccer, hockey, baseball, flag football, and golf on at edina parks and facilities. That is one reason I moved to Edina 10 years ago. Would I want to see the city close any of these parks/facilities? No. These are community assets that make Edina a wonderful community to live in. Great cities have great green places and activities for their citizens. Keeping an asset so many people in our community utilize and enjoy is the right move to make. I hope you will agree and listen to your community. Thank you, Paul Hughes SAVE THE FRED .............. N........................ From: Allen Nelson [ma iIto: nelsonaIlen homeCcbyahoo corn Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 4:18 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: powerpoint examintionear e Dear, Mister mayor and city councel members, point 1 Reduce scope and operation, am. checking with edinas senior center if my monday league held at the fred is excluded from the most point in powber point 1. Otheres living around the fred have clamed a leek exists and the outcome is already Definate. Power point 2 how many "new" golfers will be braught in by adding these 76 8.5 -foot stalls? th target green gone from the Dome, why is a new one needed at bramat 18 hole? how many new studants will be braught in with this new 35 stalls with mats? I took my lessons three years ago and the six or eight of us had no trouble learning stance, positona, grip, and musle memoy at the teaching aria behind the driving range is it is. point3 last year in 2013 was my first experiance using bramas new patron card with merchandice discount at the pro shop. as it is what incentive will incread membership for those to be braught in outside of Edina? am I to be penalized out of golfing because I do live inside Edinas city limits? Points 4, 5, and 6. how can fireing our existing workers at the fred and outsorcing the grill and driving range positons, increase customer sevace; when thease new full and partime people are a suposid unknown benifit but by having more people part time so they can be paid Iess.Can mungs blacks and asians as well as the citys homelace vets be traind and hired to improve as a oustanding statement of Edinas values of improvint the common good for all who may be a potron or employee of Edina here at bramers wonderful municapal corse just as it is? ....................... N............... From: Nancy Norton [mailto:nnorton9977Ccbgmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 11:40 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course James Hovland, Thank you for your support to SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course. The timeline proposed to even think about eliminating "The Fred Richards Golf Course" is offensive. The City should develop alternative proposals to keep "The Fred Richards Golf Course". My family, friends and neighbors have all enjoyed and continue to enjoy playing golf at "The Fred Richards Golf Course" and want this golf course available for future generations of golfers to enjoy. If we need volunteers to help perform tasks at the golf course to help keep costs down, just ask us and there will be many people in the community that will be willing to help. "The Fred Richards Golf Course" is used and enjoyed by Edina, Bloomington, Richfield and many other surrounding residents. I am currently out of town and unable to attend the meetings being held but want you to know how much "The Fred Richards Golf Course" means to so many residents and even if we are out of town we are taking the time to ensure you know how much "The Fred Richards Golf Course" means to all of us. PLEASE `SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course." Nancy Norton 8700 Wood Cliff Road Bloomington, MN 55438 612-414-1530 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: todroswexCa�aol.com [mailto:todroswex(aaol.com] Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 8:02 AM To: Edina Mail; ionibennettl2Ca)comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshspragueCcbedinarealty.com; swensonann 1Ccbgmail.com Subject: Fred Richards golf course and golf operations REGARDING THE CITY STAFF PROPOSAL TO CLOSE THE FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE AND TO UNDERTAKE OTHER GOLF -RELATED ACTIONS 1. If the Fred Richards course (FRC) is closed, it will likely be gone forever. 2. 1 am guesstimating that over 300 people were at the January 30, 2014 meeting. No one spoke in favor of the proposal and many voiced displeasure that there have not been more community meetings along the way to discuss the proposal. 3. Many also voiced the objection that the notice of the proposal is unreasonably short, because it is scheduled to be heard by the Park Board on 2/11 and by the City Council on 3/4. This is a very important matter which deserves careful investigation of the plan costs and projections. That investigation cannot likely be accomplished on such short notice. 4. A number of comments at the meeting questioned the financial support for the plan and for the projections. Apparently the FRC has no long term debt and generated a profit of $21,000 the past golf season (before allocation of general overhead expense). No specific information was provided at the meeting to justify the projected savings from closing FRC. 5. One person commented that a careful review of the city financial records reflects that the city subsidizes many recreational facilities. 6. There appears to be no dispute that the number of golf rounds is down locally or nationwide. No data was presented at the meeting about whether the number of rounds at FRC was down. 7. It would be nice if the golf operations were self-supporting, but a number of Edina recreational facilities are not self-supporting. 8. There are likely things that can be done to improve the net revenues from golf operations. Improvement of the driving range is one of them. I have been using the golf facilities at Braemar for over 40 years and the driving range turf has been a consistent problem. Sometimes I go elsewhere to practice because the Braemar turf is inadequate. Other times, when the Braemar range is hitting off grass, I still move a mat up to the grass area because there is no grass. I expect that other golfers who want good practice are also taking their business elsewhere. 9. Some golfers who live in or near Edina choose to play elsewhere because the Braemar course is too difficult. Recent emphasis on teeing it forward may help get those players back to Braemar. However, making the third regulation nine more user-friendly may also help. 10. A few of the other city staff recommendations do not appear to be well thought out. First, the suggestion that there could be improved revenue if customer service is improved appears to be vague and unsupported. I have never felt there was anything deficient about the customer service in any part of the golf operations. The staff has always seemed to me to be friendly and helpful. The staff proposal to somehow improve customer service in a way that would increase revenue needs a lot more explanation and factual support: It's a nice sound -bite, but I have my doubts. No one at the meeting stated that they felt a need to improve customer service. Second, the proposal to outsource the grill or restaurant operations and hopefully make the restaurant a family dining place does not appear to be adequately investigated. No data was presented at the meeting about the current gross or net revenues from the food operations. Is it currently profitable? Nor was any information provided as to whether the city staff has contacted any restaurant operators about whether they would be interested in operating the restaurant or how much they would pay to lease it. It is my impression that the restaurant business is a difficult business. It is very competitive and families have many choices about how to spend their food dollars. It is also my impression that private golf clubs have regularly experienced difficulty making their restaurant operations profitable, so that they require their members to spend at least a certain amount each year in their restaurants. 11. Some of the comments at the meeting suggested a more deliberate and phased approach to making changes. So, for example, the driving range change might generate more revenue. Marketing and price adjustments might also generate more revenue. Maybe these should be tried first, before the more drastic and forever closing of FRC. 12. A few of the comments from the audience at the meeting noted that the failure to involve the community in the city planning process deprived the city of the business and professional expertise that exists in our community. Perhaps if the city had invited a committee of residents to be involved in the study and had made full disclosure of the relevant data, there could have been other viable suggestions to be evaluated. 13. Another question which was not answered at the meeting was what is the comparative tee -time utilization at each of our courses. 14. A few people at the meeting also questioned why the staff was coming up with just one proposal. Should we be considering other alternatives and what are they? 15. Perhaps the most compelling opposition to closing FRC came from the many parents who spoke at the meeting and told about the many children who regularly use and enjoy the FRC facility. 16. Perhaps we should focus on marketing and expanding the junior programs that use the golf facilities at all our golf locations. 17. One of the speakers at the meeting was a Seagate employee which has a 100 member golf league using the FRC. 18. In summary, there appears to be reason to be concerned about the financial need to close FRC as well as the soundness of the financial projections made by the city staff. There is reason to be concerned that the precipitous forever closing of FRC will deny a significant facility to future generations. It seems likely that this matter requires a more deliberate evaluation than the current scheduling provides. And even if the golf facilities continue to require some financial support, maybe that has collateral benefits to the community that justify that support. Respectfully submitted, Thomas W. Wexler 7520 Cahill Rd. #119 Edina, MN 55439 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN January 31, 2014 Ann Kattreh, Park & Recreation Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Closing Fred Richards Golf Course I am a retired Edina Residence, after serving as Vice President of one of the leading privately owned companies in Minnesota for 37 years while we increased the business from just 5,000 employees to over 170,000 employees today. Perhaps some of my experiences could be useful in the discussions about Fred Richards Golf Course. We basically did not shut an enterprise down without a lot of thought. First if we sold a business we made sure that it created a great profit to the company. One business we sold was larger than many competitors and gave the company some $17 Million in profits each year but as the industry changed and a company ( that had decided this was a great growth area for them) wanted to buy it and it was sold for over $1 Billion. Another example was a building that we built for $51 million it was sold for $63 million which was very attractive. A lease back was needed but financially it was a great deal Closing Fred Richards means we have a great facility and we know if closed we will have many dollars spent to make it useful as a multi use facility. An additional approach we took with business that were not profitable was we looked what we could do over a 5 year period with that enterprise. We would indicate the need to maintain our cost structure which was done and then we needed to figure out a way to increase our income by marketing the right way. Additional income could go to the bottom line if we were successful in keeping our costs in line We perhaps lost money for 2 or 3 additional years but if we had good management we could look back and satisfy ourselves that we had a total profitable return over the five year period. If not we had a decision to make. I have been retired for 21 years and when I look at our neighborhood which is on West Shore Drive in the Cornelia area, I see it changing rapidly with many young families and lots of young children. With Fred Richards as a golf course we could create a whole generation of young golfers with the availably of Fred Richards Golf Course. Without it transportation to Braemar is perhaps not availability for working parents from this part of Edina. A few weeks ago I was at dinner at a leading Edina Country Club and there was only two table of patrons. I think the consultant was in error if they felt we could make our clubhouse a destination dinning experience as there are just to many fine restaurants in the area. We can look at the difficulties the Woman's Club of Minneapolis is going through right now. Over the years working with consultants, I probably learned they don't have all the answers but good solid thinking from participants is most valuable. My suggestion for the most benefit to Edina residence if to keep Fred Richards Golf Course Operating for at least the next five years as see if we can't make this a very successful enterprise!!! It's too important for all Edina Residents. Sincerely, Dick Johnson 7328 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 Phone 952/925-2044 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Mary Rogers [mailto:minnesotamaryann(&gmail com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 7:01 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Dear Mayor Hovland: I am writing to express my concern about closing Fred Richards Golf Course. I took up golf after retired and play at least ten times a summer at Fred Richards. I am truly fond of that course, and have introduced my children and grandchildren to golf there. It would be a great shame to close it. When I talked with Joni Bennett last fall about this issues, she said that a survey revealed that only one-fourth of Edina residents (or homes, I'm not sure which) used Fred Richards in the prior year. Frankly I think that is huge. She seemed to think it was insignificant. I hope you and the city council members will keep in mind what a unique and special place Fred Richards is. Thank you, Mary Rogers (mother of Caitlin Rogers, if you remember her) NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: John Parker [mailto:john parker@nrscietsresults.com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 2:33 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Future of Municipal Golf operations I was in attendance at the golf operations meeting last night at Braemar. First of all, I'd like to remark on just what a composed presentation Scott Neal gave. I was impressed with his information but more impressed by his composure in the face of a lot of opposition. I have learned in my fourteen years of living in Edina there are a lot of people who absolutely know their opinion is the right one. That can be pretty hard to take after awhile. I don't use the Fred Richards golf course so I don't have strong feelings about if it should close. I would personally rather see it stay open, mostly for the sake of young golfers. And as I grow older, there may come a time when it is just right for me. I would hate to see a commercial development go up where the course is now, as some suggested might happen. But I would really like to see the proposed changes to the Braemar course. If it could be on a par with Chaska Town Course or Edinburgh USA, that would be great! I don't have any issues with the clubhouse or grill. I guess a nicer restaurant would be fine. The staff there and in the pro -shop are great people, as far as I am concerned. The changes I would like to see are specific to the range and course. The range is usually in such bad shape I'd love to see it upgraded. The course could really stand renovating with new tee boxes, fairways, bunkers and greens. And the on -course management could stand some significant improvements. Slow play is a killer and the marshals and rangers never seem to get people moving. And my personal gripe is finishing number 9 only to find another group has been inserted in front of us at number 10. If the Clunie nine were shut down, I wouldn't miss it a lot, but it is nice to have that as an option for folks who want to just play nine holes. I have bought a patron's card for many years and although I typically 100 rounds a year (all over, not just Braemar) but this past year I playeld at ay bout Braemar three times because I thought the course conditions were so bad. I live within minutes of the course so if it was improved, I certainly would appreciate it and use it more. I am glad I don't have to make these decisions. I look forward to seeing the outcome. John Parker Northern Reporting Service, Inc. 612-378-7777 john,Parker@nrsGtetsresuIts.com Please send all investigative and/or surveillance assignments to: nrs(a,nrs2etsresults com NRS Northern Reporting Service, Inc N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .NNN NN NN From: Schmidt, Joe P. (BLM) [mailto:joe-schmidt@express-scripts.com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 2:16 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Golf Operations Greetings! Please see the attached letter concerning Feedback on the proposed municipal golf operations strategy. Thanks! Joe Schmidt 4617 Woodland Rd W Edina MN 55424 925-0443 Cell: 612-816-7015 Joseph.p.schmidt@gmail.com January 31, 2014 Parks & Recreation Department Edina City Hall 4801 W 50th Street Edina MN 55424 Council Members, Parks & Rec. Dept. and City Staff: have been a resident of Edina since 1986. During that time, I raised two daughters, worked just across the border on West 78th Street and enjoyed the wonderful parks and recreation areas for which Edina is famous. I have been a golfer for over 40 years; however I learned early on that trying to find a half-day to go golfing fell well -behind my other priorities in life. I am now at a point where I can find time to enjoy playing a round or two per week at Braemar, weather permitting. Since golf is truly a "life -sport," one of the challenges unique to such an activity is accommodating players aged 5 to 95. However, that is also one of the joys of the game. My 91 year-old father loves being able to share a round of golf with his children and grandchildren, both male and female. Because of that, I appreciate how the current operation supports the full spectrum of ages and skill -levels involved — The Fred for nerations; the Executive course for its intermediate beginners, families and multi-ge length and challenge to those developing their game, dealing with time constraints or continuing golf later in life; Braemar 1-18 for its regulation -length challenges but fairness on errant shots; and holes 19-27 for its beauty, access and unforgiving challenge. However, I understand that golf isn't as popular as it once was; weather affects the number of rounds played and maintaining two separate land -masses is expensive, so something needs to done. To my professional disappointment, the six corrective action items presented last night were in reverse order to their immediate potentiI impact on improvinq the operations' finances. The most irreversible and long-term recommendation was first —closing down a golf course permanently. The more -immediate impacts from improving marketing and modifying the price structure was listed third and fifth. Note that neither of those two items requires waiting for money to be appropriated, dirt to be moved or land to be "repurposed". Marketing: The current marketing of Braemar perpetuates the urban legend that you can't get on at Braemar, which Mr. Neal refuted by noting that that situation hasn't been true for years. My suggestion is to collaborate with a marketinclass or senior capstone proiect group at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Business ni r the Universityof St Thomas to create a marketin program for 2014 that will boost this year's utilization and revenue Professors and students alike are constantly searching for real-world business problems to which they can apply their coursework, interests and creativity; and the cost of the collaboration is more of Time rather than Money. It only takes a phone call to initiate the process but classes have already started, so don't Procrastinate. Prices and Discounts: Unless there's a legal or regulatory reason that prohibits it, why not get a small committee together from the Braemar golfing community (who also have pricing experience) or a cross -functional -group of students from the University of Minnesota or St. Thomas to review the 2014 pricing structure? If done properly, the pricing recommendations will support balanced utilization on all of the golf courses as well as encourage new blood into a life -sport: — Perform an analysis of golf course utilization, determine the root causes and identify opportunities, — Assure that there are programs, courses and facilities to support the various abilities of golfers throughout their active life, — Recognize the unique values of the following and adjust Prices accordingly: o Prime teetimes, o Advance reservations (higher fee for seven-day advance reservations than for five - days in advance than for two -days in advance than for same-day reservations) o A season -long, recurring reservation (e.g., 4:00 PM teetime every Monday) o Braemar's condition and proximity to the entire west metro area o Nine -hole rounds for busy lifestyles and/or physical constraints o Fill less -desirable tee times with those who can use them o Continue to encourage youth and beginning golfers by subsidizing their fees, — Other ways to add value to the Braemar golfing experience without increasing costs o Implement measures to assure a relatively quick round during high -demand periods, o Add some "speed" to the Regulation Course greens, o Introduce one or two shot -gun starts for primetime golf on weekends, o Coordinate an after-school and summer First Tee program with Edina Kids Club (including transportation to/from home bases) o Introduce a multi -tier Patron Card program, similar to the Delta Skymiles program, that varies levels of access, benefits and costs Lastly, I appreciated the audience question about needing to extend the study to the Clunie ("New") Nine. Being a hacker whose goal is to break 100, 1 find 19-27 to be very unforgiving, which usually means that I lose six balls in the thicket, emerge with three replacements and add another 20-30 minutes to my round. If the Executive Course gets remodeled into a Par -3 then study converting the Clunie Nine into a new Executive Course with sufficient refinements to make it less physically and mentally taxing. By doing something like that I can look forward to continue golfing well into retirement — without holding up the low -handicappers hitting into me. Here's looking forward to a long and comfortable golf season! Joe Schmidt 4617 Woodland Rd W 925-0443 Joseph. p.schmidt@gmail.com NNNNNNN^1NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. From: ricksandynelson dq.com[mailto:ricksandynelson(a)q.com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 2:11 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Fred Richards Golf Course Good Afternoon Mayor Hovland I attended the meeting last at Braemar Golf Course, I am a 36 year resident of Edina and a member Edina Federated Womens Club, that being said I want to Thank You for attending this important meeting and listening to resident thoughts re the closing of Fred Richards Golf Course. I am very disappointed with the other City Council Members, their neglect of this meeting spoke volumes. I hope this issue will be tabled at the March 4th meeting until further study, that might also include the proposed plans of this site. The City of Edina has encouraged their senior population to downsize by the purchase of Condos (like The Waters) so they can stay in Edina. What a better format for that proposed site than Condos that have a Golf Course within reach. Not only Golf Spring through Fall, but a groomed cross country ski trail in the Winter. Most Golf Development's have had to build the course and here we have one available to build around. They really need to rethink what they have proposed. Again Thank you, Sandra Nelson 5204 Danens Drive Edina NNNNNN.ri NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN -----Original Message ----- From: Cosette DeCesare fmailto:cosettedecesare@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 1:37 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Mister Mayor I support keeping the Fred Richards Golf course open. Please approve an ad hoc team of residents to develop alternative proposals for consideration for keeping Fred open!!! Thanks you Cosette DeCesare 7434 West Shore Drive Edina MN 55435 952-500-8129 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN............ N........... -----Original Message ----- From: Ronald Dobies [mailto:rdobies@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 1:35 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: save Fred Richards golf course Dear Mr Mayor. In 1977 1 moved to Edina with my family. I have lived in Edina for more than 36 years. Although I am out of town during the City golf course meetings, as a citizen of Edina and a golfer I wish to save Fred Richards course even if it means paying more for golf. Also I play every year in the Braemar Senior Men's league. Money in Edina is never an issue when the community speaks. We have the money. Just ask for it. Thank you. Ronald Dobies 5000 Halifax Avenue South Edina 55424 ...................... N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. From: Lundeen, John (DOT)[mailto:john.l.lundeen(&state.mn.us] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 1:08 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Golf Operations - Fred Richards To the Mayor and Council Members, I want to let you know, that as an Edina resident I am very unhappy with the idea of closing Fred Richards golf course. I attended the meeting at Braemar last night to discuss the future of golf course operations and I came away with the feeling that this decision was already made and the meeting was more of a formality than residents input. I understand that the golf " enterprise" has been losing money for some time and I understand that something should be done about it —I am a taxpayer- but the solution is to close Fred Richards and somehow with this plan " new net revenues would be reinvested into capital improvements at Braemar Golf Course to attract new golfers." What I heard was the improvements are going to be a driving range that takes part of three holes of the Executive course and a redo of the Braemar Grill so that it will be " a place people will want to come to, just to eat dinner at." A fancy driving range and grill, this is how we are going to fix the golf operating deficit, this will be better for the residents of Edina? I have been at the driving range many times and have never had to wait to shoot balls and I have eaten at the grill before and after golf. When I go to golf at Braemar it's for Golf! ! ! We already have country clubs in Edina. Improve what we have and manage it better, we can do this. I'm very disappointed that the highest paid employee in Edina has come up with such a poor plan. At the meeting we got some pretty vague numbers about where money is being lost, I would think the presenters would have more of the facts, how much per year in the last 5 years has Fred Richards lost money and how much for Braemar? Not just the golf "enterprise" it sounds like somebody is trying to hide something. We would be a lot smarter to improve and manage what we have instead of doing something we don't need. I've lived in Edina for over fifty years and can tell you Fred Richards Golf Course is asset for the city, it would be a mistake to close it. Thank you, John Lundeen 4525 Belvidere Ln Edina NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN NNNNN From: Vicoula4Calaol.com [mailto:Vicoula4(-Oaol.COm] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:42 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Fred Richards Dear Council Members and Park and Rec Department: I attended the meeting last night at Braemar. As a long time resident of Edina and current resident on Sedum Lane, I am very upset with the plan to close Fred Richards Golf Course. The first item on the list was to close Fred Richards. No afterthought, just close it and start pouring money into Braemar Golf course. What seems to be missing in all this discussion is how will Fred Richards be re -purposed. There is no definitive response to that question. It is always a vague response as to the possibilities. It should not be closed until that question is definitely answered so residents know. This answer should be as much a part of the process as what your plans are for Braemar. Fred Richards should not be closed, and then start thinking of what to do with the land. That planning needs to be occurring consecutively and be communicated clearly and in detail with the residents. Also, re -purposing will also cost money; which bucket will that come from, seeing as money will be diverted i converted toa type of Centenniawill cost to l Lakes park,he land there new is purpose real and to maintain it. If it revenue coming from that. The statements were made about all the improvements that would be made to Braemar and to market it more. What about marketing Fred Richards. I never see any promotion for that golf course. More thought should be given to solutions to keep both golf courses open, including managing each better. Closing Fred Richards is a mistake. Sincerely, Vicki Withers 4504 Sedum Lane Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN N N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Halling, Barton R [mailto:Barton Halling(a)umr com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:09 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards... meeting last night Mayor Hovland, First, I want to thank you for your attendance at the meeting last night — it was good to see you there and I believe very important that you heard what was shared by your constituents, of which I am one. My wife and I made a conscious decision when our kids reached school age that we would move to Edina. We even scouted the Cornelia neighborhood and put 3x5 cards in mailboxes — introducing ourselves to homeowners and asking them if they ever decided to sell that they give us a call — which is how we eventually game to own our home on Gilford Drive. We specifically chose the South Garden Estate area for a few reasons: 1. Proximity to Cornelia Elementary 2. Walkable, safe neighborhood with no through streets and traffic patterns 3. Evidence of a high concentration of young families 4. Proximity to parks (Cornelia, Rosland) and the pool 5. AND very specifically — proximity to Fred Richards Golf Course We have lived in the neighborhood for what will be 15 years come September. All 4 of our children (now 18, 16, 15, and 14) learned how to play golf at Fred Richards. I have been golfing since I was 7 yrs old and believe it is one of the best lifetime sports/pastimes available to us. My dad introduced me to golf and the many life lessons about patience, etiquette, hard work, honesty, focus, competition, etc. — it provides. Our boys grew to love the game and the fact that they could put their clubs on their backs and walk 2.5 blocks to the course was a big part of that. They developed weekly summer games and leagues with friends. They grew in their confidence/independence and learned how to make tee times through TeeMaster — as well as develop a great relationship with the staff at the Fred Richards clubhouse. Our two oldest boys built a love for the game that led them to their first jobs as caddies at Interlachen CC. We still play regularly and have spent many, many incredible hours and days on the Fred Richard course with friends and family. Both of my parents have golfed for many years and live in Edina during summers (snowbirds in FL during winter). We have enjoyed some incredible 3 - generation rounds on the course together — and the Fred is a great place for seniors like my parents who no longer play regulation courses (with 7 different titanium joint replacements between them — Fred Richards is perfect and still walkable). The course has also been a big factor in driving community connection in the neighborhood. I have played for12+ years with a group of dads on Saturday mornings each week during the season —and have valued those friendships and the ability to spend 2 hours in friendly competition while sharing about life's joys and challenges and learning what it means to be in community with neighbors. All of that said — I am absolutely embarrassed that our Park Board and supposed strategic leadership believes that closing Fred Richards is the right move for this community. If ever there was a black and white conclusion to draw on a community issue, this seems to be it. The feedback and community support for keeping, and even enhancing/improving Fred Richards, was overwhelming and obvious last night .... as was the open and clear disregard that they planning process had and has for the input from those of us that live in Edina — and have a stake in this decision. I am very disappointed in the Park Board/Park Staff and City Council on a number of fronts, including but not limited to the following: • Unbelievable and unacceptable that all 5 of the city council members were not in attendance. As I stated earlier, thank you very much for being there — but the statement was made loud and clear by the other council members that either they have already made up their minds, or they just don't care about hearing what residents have to say. No better forum for them to get the information they need to make an informed decision than that meeting last night. Why were Josh Sprague, Mary Brindle, Joni Bennett and Ann Swenson not in attendance? • Unacceptable and offensive how little information was provided around the rationale for recommending the closure of Fred Richards. • Unacceptable that there was no transparency and no information provided around how long the Park Board/Staff team has been working to develop this proposal. • Unacceptable that only one proposal was provided with no alternatives • Unacceptable that the timeframe provided for making a decision is 30 days when negotiations have been in the works with developers, city planners, city council members for well over a year with no input from residents impacted by the decision. • Amazing that there was an attempt to isolate golf operations and specifically the Fred Richards golf course when analyzing cost structures and the Park Board P&L. Very enlightening to hear from a resident (not a city official presenting last night) that other amenities like the Braemar Hockey Arena require subsidization in the neighborhood of $650k annually from the Edina liquor fund — and carry heavy debt load of over $2.3 million. How is it that a different criteria is being used for a golf course that was fully paid off (as of 1/1/2013) with no debt service/load, and is operating at or near positive cash flow? Don't get me wrong, I have 3 kids who have spent years in the EHA system and I have coached EHA Hockey for 11 years as a volunteer — but that shifting criteria is just wrong and stinks of backroom agenda. • Frustrating to hear that general mismanagement of the overhead costs associated with universal golf operations in Edina has lead to an "allocation" financial model that drives an appearance of financial downfall at Fred Richards. On the contrary — it appears that Fred Richards, in economics 101 speak, is the golf operation's "cash cow". Acquired at an incredibly low capital cost — fully paid off— generating incremental revenue for the city — operating at or near cash flow positive — and engaging the next generation of customers and golf afficianados that will utilize the championship courses and range/clubhouse facilities at Braemar. We should be investing in/improving/leveraging Fred Richards instead of closing it. How can the team have possibly come to a different conclusion? I would guess that you know from your interaction with Edina residents that we are blessed with a community full of reasonable, intelligent, articulate, resourceful and creative individuals. On a whole, we certainly expected and I believe deserve more due diligence and better informed recommendations on a critical community situation than what was delivered last night. I have full confidence that you will represent what was said, shared and discussed last night with your fellow council members and take appropriate action to eliminate the closure of Fred Richards from the set of recommendations provided last night. I also think that there is a wonderful opportunity to leverage advocates for Fred Richards from the community who bring specific talents and skills that would be helpful in setting a strategy to expand the positive impact Fred Richards has on golf operations in Edina in general. I can forsee a sub -committee coming together to help with that effort in the next several weeks — and look forward to what they may come up with for alternative suggestions. I apologize for the long letter and appreciate the time you took to read it. I will not apologize for standing up for saving this valuable resource in our community. Thanks in advance for your attention and assistance in this matter. Please feel free to write or call if you would like to discuss further. Regards, 1 Bart Halling Edina Resident — Gilford Drive BhallingllAmmail.com — or — barton.halling(&umr.com 952.484.8390 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN/VNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Lorenzo Tunesi [mailto:lorenzo.tunesi(cbgmail com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:05 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richard Golf Course Feedback Apologies if this is a duplicate. I may have had an email problem. Dear City Council Members, My thoughts about the Fred Richards Golf Course and the adjacent small Lake Edina Park: While you ponder what to do with that land in the future I would like you to consider the fact that the area could use a "proper" park with walking and biking paths as well as play areas for kids. I think that such a park would offer amenities that this corner of Edina lacks. Those amenities would be within walking distance for the area and would offer a much needed green space to all neighborhood residents including to all the people who live in the Park Lawn area apartments. Full disclosure: I don't play golf and I am sometimes mildly irritated by the amount of public land used by golf courses and the fact that they are reserved to the few that play the game. Best regards, Lorenzo Tunesi 4413 Ellsworth Dr Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: J B fmailtoJab229C&gmail.comI Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 7:09 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Save the Fred Dear Mayor Hovland, Thank you for attending last night's public hearing about the future of the Golf program in Edina. As a resident on West Shore Drive, I am concerned about the future of the Fred Richards property. At the hearing last night, I learned about several assets of this 'gem' in Edina as a golf course and heard no alternative better use plans for the property. • Youth golf is an important program which has a long, positive history at Fred Richards. Destroying the Fred limits the opportunities for new golfers to practice and become proficient, providing players for the next generation of golfers. • At least two people hinted that the Fred was an amenity in attracting new businesses to the Pentagon Park area. • No evidence was presented that the Fred is losing proportionately more money than the Braemar course. • age in the southeast quadrant of town. Without a The Fred provides green space and drain plan for alternative use, the neighbors are concerned that building or other blight --fallow land, for example --will take over. When we moved to the neighborhood 20 + years ago, the land was fallow and unsightly; we do not want that repeated. • One resident mentioned a possible home valuation decline if the properties on the north side of the course no longer abutted a golf course. In 2013 a million -plus dollar house was built on the golf course; I cannot think of another property use which would help that house retain its value • Finally, I am appalled that the destruction of the Fred seems a foregone conclusion without adequate opportunity for citizen input. As a resident and significant taxpayer, I was hopeful that I would have input into this decision, even as our neighborhood had input into the sidewalk on Hibiscus and the Normandale access road. Without more specifics as to the cost burden of the Fred vs the course burden of the Golf Dome or Braemer Exec or the full course, we citizens are distrustful of the City's blanket "the Fred is too expensive and must go" position. Thank you for reading and reflecting on this issue. Sincerely, JoAnn Blatchley 7432 West Shore Drive NNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: cavender.ben(@gmail.com [mailto:cavender.ben(cDgmail com] Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:36 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Very disappointed by the presentation tonight. The notion that we would save $750,000 over the next few years by closing the course when we don't even know what the alternative use (and therefore cost) would be is insulting. Either our city staff is not that smart, or they don't have a lot of respect for our intelligence. Ultimately, it does not seem this is really about saving money. If it is about supporting other activities -- soccer and lacrosse -- the people leading this effort should be honest about it. Then we can debate it on its merits. NN N N NNN N N NNNNNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN N N N N N NN From: Vicoula4(aaol com [mailto:Vicoula4@aol com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:42 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Re: Fred Richards Dear Council Members and Park and Rec Department: I attended the meeting last night at Braemar. As a long time resident of Edina and current resident on Sedum Lane, I am very upset with the plan to close Fred Richards Golf Course. The first item on the list was to close Fred Richards. No afterthought, just close it and start pouring money into Braemar Golf course. What seems to be missing in all this discussion is how will Fred Richards be re -purposed. There is no definitive response to that question. It is always a vague response as to the possibilities. It should not be closed until that question is definitely answered so residents know. This answer should be as much a part of the process as what your plans are for Braemar. Fred Richards should not be closed, and then start thinking of what to do with the land. That planning needs to be occurring consecutively and be communicated clearly and in detail with the residents. Also, re -purposing will also cost money; which bucket will that come from, seeing as money will be diverted to Braemar? It will cost to develop the land for a new purpose and to maintain it. If it is converted to a type of Centennial Lakes park, there is no real revenue coming from that. The statements were made about all the improvements that would be made to Braemar and to market it more. What about marketing Fred Richards. I never see any promotion for that golf course. More thought should be given to solutions to keep both golf courses open, including managing each better. Clcsing Fred Richards is a mistake. Sincerely, Vicki Withers 4504 Sedum Lane Edina, MN 55435 NNNNNNNN lwN NNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN From: Jeanine Roddy[mailto:jeanineroddyCabg_mail.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:51 PM To: Ann Kattreh; Scott Neal Cc: ioshsprague(abedinarealty.com Subject: Municipal Golf Operations Ann & Scott, I am writing in regards to the municipal golf operations meeting tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting and wanted to ensure my feedback was considered. I live in the neighborhood directly adjacent the Fred Richards golf course. It is very disappointing to learn of the gross financial losses attributed to the City's golf enterprise. What's more concerning to me as a neighboring resident of Fred Richards is the waste of a valuable asset to our neighborhood. This land could be renovated or re -purposed to meet the growing need for recreational facilities in our community such as baseball and soccer fields. I would also like to see the space used to incorporate a neighborhood park, which could be utilized by the growing number of young families in our neighborhood and city. I hope there will be additional opportunities for community residents to participate in conversations on the future plans for these facilities. Regards, Jeanine Roddy 7213 Trillium Lane Edina, MN 55435 952.217.4286 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNNNNN From: Wayne Vander Vort [mailto:wvandervort(abisurtec.com] Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 4:08 PM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: John Stang Subject: Save Fred Richards Importance: High Hi Ann I have been a citizen of Edina since 1960. 1 am supporting the preservation of the Fred Richards Golf Course. I am a frequent user of same. would appreciate your assistance. Specifically, when did Edina purchased same (the year) from whom and cost. I assume bonds were issued. What were the amounts of the bonds, if known and when were the bonds fully paid/retired for the purchase of FR? What were the bi-annual or annual bond payments during the period same were being paid off? It is my recollection Dunn & Curry developed Pentagon Park, but not certain if they also owned the FR real estate or operated it as a private golf course. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Wayne Wayne A. Vander Vort. 4525 Gilford Drive Edina, MN 55435 Cell: (612)-597-3038 E-mail: wvandervort(a)-isurtec.com Fred Richards Golf Course (As of February 11, 2014) Emai/s Received after the Park Board Packet Was Sent out NNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN............... From: jakoelmel . [mailt0a.koelmelCaamail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:50 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Hello Ann, When I first began playing golf back in the late '80s, it was a privilege, as a non- resident, to play Braemar. I was resentful of the fact I could not obtain a Patron card. When Braemar began selling non- Resident Patron cards, I bought one, and have continued renewing mine every year. I have always thought Braemar is a unique layout of well planned individual golf holes. I still do. However, the condition of Braemar has deteriorated over the years. I am sure this is due to reductions in its budget, caused by a decline in golf in general, as well as other needs of the City of Edina. First and foremost, the Driving Range has become a 'goat ranch'. You can virtually forget about having green grass to practice from after the 4th of July. In addition, the range has sunk in, and is no longer able to provide flat lies to practice on. It needs to be enlarged and better managed. I have a few suggestions: I am in favor of doing away with Fred Richards Golf Course. Sell the property and invest in the Braemar complex. That is where the future of Golf is in Edina. Improve the overall practice facility by adding more 'Short game' practice areas. Take the necessary land for this from the Executive course area. Turn everything on the South Side of Valley View Road into practice area. Turn the remaining Executive course property into a 4 or 5 hole 'Short course' where people can hone their skills as well as get in a quick four or five holes. Use the Regulation course holes 19 - 27 as an separate Regulation or Executive 9. Improve the Fairways, tee boxes and green side areas of the Championship course. Improve the quality of the fairways, possibly by experimenting with different grasses. Charge more for golf, if necessary. Serious golfers are more than willing to spend money on a good course which provides a challenging, enjoyable golf experience. Improve the pace of play on the Regulation course. A round of golf can be completed by 4 players walking, in 4 hours. All that is necessary is a staff committed to the task of enforcing pace of play. I live in South Minneapolis. I am willing to make Braemar my Golf Destination in the area if Edina is willing to make it a positive experience for me. Kindest regards, Jeffrey Koelmel 2637 Humboldt Ave S. Minneapolis, MN 55408 j a.koelmeingmail. com NN N N NNN N N N N N NN N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN N N NN From: Bryan Peterson[mailto:bryanpeterson08Co)yahoo.comI Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 5:03 PM To: Edina Mail; joniben nett12(&corncast. net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshs ra ue(&edinarealty.com; swensonannIO)gmail.com Subject: Save Fred Richards! Dear Edina City Council Members, I am writing you today in an effort to persuade you to vote against closing Fred Richards Golf Course. I was complete dumbfounded by the news and momentum within the city ranks to close such a wonderful golf course. My children and I have enjoyed going to the course every summer for the past few years now that they are both old enough to learn and play golf. There is no other course in the cities that offers the same low-key environment to teach, play and learn the sport of golf. My kids and I play at our own comfortable pace. The staff at Fred Richards and the course patrons are always welcoming to those who need more time to learn and/or play the game. Quite simply, Fred Richards makes learning the game, especially for children fun! Further, I cannot get the same enjoyment or experience with my children at Braemar. Braemar is a wonderful golf course for those with a higher skill level and abilities to play on a much more challenging executive course. There is no question, the two courses are not the same and appeal to different demographics. That being said, I understand there are questions about the economic viability of having two city courses given industry trends. Furthermore, there seems to be two different positions on the financial health of Fred Richards, which I would argue need to be further vetted. At the very least ... and knowing that the financing of purchase of Fred Richard's is now paid off, it would be logical to see how the costs/revenue of the course play's out over 2014.and possible 2015. As opposed to going off of projections using variables that mayor may not be accurate. My recommendation is to let the course stay open to truly understand the viability of keeping it open. We owe it to the community! I know I am not alone when I ask for your support to please keep the course open! Sincerely, Bryan Peterson 5656 Woodcrest Drive Edina 55424 Regards, Bryan NNN NNNNN........................ NNNNN. 2 From: Hunzelman, Nick [mailto: Nick. Hunzelman(&cnfinternational.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:58 PM To: Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(a)edinarealty.com; swensonannU'1gmail.com; Edina Mail; jon iben netCcDcomcast. net Cc: Hunzelman, Nick; 'hunzelman@comcast.net' Subject: Decision to Close Fred Richards Edina City Council, I want to express my disappointment and frustration with the process of closing down the Fred Richards golf course. It seems to me there has been a very quick decision made to close the course without input from the citizens and without a complete review of the financial data that actually shows Fred Richards as a viable city asset..) understand and appreciate the financial concerns you have as an elected official but closing a golf course that can actually have a positive impact on the City's bottom line if marketed and managed properly and turning it into a nonrevenue generating park is just beyond my comprehension. I do not understand why the public golf courses are held to a different financial standard then nonrevenue generating city properties like the Edina Art Center and the city parks. I am aware of an extensive analysis of the Edina golf facilities conducted by NGF Consulting. The findings from this analysis did not identify Fred Richards as a problem. Moody's and Standard and Poor's financial review of Edina does not call out a large concern of the Fred Richards course. The only study that suggests closure of Fred Richards is a 23 page study by a private individual. I'm sure the person that did the report did his best but the NGF report was over 100 pages in length. Fred Richards offers a 9 hole golf experience to golf leagues, seniors, families and young adults. Last summer there was a father daughter event on the course every Sunday. I know there are several golf leagues that enjoy the course because of the unique layout of Fred Richards. These leagues will not move over to the par 3 course at Braemar. They will move down to the executive course in Bloomington. Fred Richards offers you adults a chance to play on great golf course full of challenges to improve their golf game. The mayor is quoted in the August 7, 2013 Sun Current. ""no decision will be made on the future of Fred Richards Golf Course without extensive public input" I know the mayor is an honorable man and will follow through on his commitment. So far there has been one public meeting announcing the plans and tonight there will be a Park Board meeting. I understand through meeting notes with on council member the decision to close Fred Richards will me made during the March city council meeting. I remain hopeful the mayor will slow this initiative down and involve the Edina residents. Please make a well thought out unbiased decision on this issue. Nick Hunzelman 7461 West Shore Drive Edina Mn 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNN 3 From: David [mailto:dave.fitzgerald1(acomcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:32 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar golf Greatly support Braemar and the great programs they run. Dave Fitzgerald N N.. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN From: janehul(abaol.com [mailto:janehul(a)aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:28 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf I totally agree that the Braemar Golf Course is in much need of an update!! I also know that it many will not like to see the Fred Richards course changed into other sport or park facilities. But Edina has to keep current with the needs of its citizens to stay the prize that the city of Edina is. I look forward to seeing the improvements. Thank you....... Jane Hulbert NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNNNN From: Jeff Wood [mailto:jeffswood(a)gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:06 PM Cc: joshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonanni(aOamail.com; Edina Mail; jon i ben nett12(&corncast. net; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: Save the Fred Dear City Council Members, I urge you to Save the Fred! I have personally golfed there with my family many times, enjoying the easy tee -time access and reasonable greens fees. You shouldn't have to join a country club to golf in edina!! Please SAVE THE FRED! - Helen and Jeff Wood (Edina Resident since 1976) Edina, MN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Sprague, Josh [mailto:ioshsprague@edinarealty.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:05 PM To: 'Nancy Beegle'; Edina Mail Subject: RE: Fred Richards Plan Nancy I don't represent a district, I am an at -large representative of the entire city. Cornelia is where I live, and certainly there are many new things happening there. I have had a council newsletter (Edina411) that I send out to over 600+ people since I was elected. Every time anything comes up that is significant to the city, it goes in that newsletter. Pentagon Park redevelopment, the 9 Mile Creek Trail route, and potential changes to Fred have all been mentioned -- although there was no specific staff plan to comment on until the public information meeting that many neighbors attended. The city also has many sources of information about changes happening (council connection; press releases; meeting video; meeting minutes; public/open work sessions/etc). And I hold Fridays open to meet with residents on topics of interest. I also have phone calls and email exchanges with people all the time. So I think it's a little unfair to say that I haven't kept people informed -- and that there aren't many opportunities for people to educate themselves and stay in the loop. Too bad we don't have an organized association on the south side of Cornelia -- it would make information transmission and discourse even easier! There are no plans to redevelop the neighborhood. There are no plans to sell the Fred land if operations close -- it will always remain parkland. I suggest you attend the park board meeting tonight, where there will be a public hearing and plenty of testimony and debate both for and against the staff recommendation. Regards, js josh sprague, realtor edina realty 6800 france cell/text 612.501.0252 http://ioshsprague.com -----Original Message ----- From: Nancy Beegle fmailto:nmbeeglel@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:54 PM To: mail@edinaMN.gov; Sprague, Josh Subject: Fred Richards Plan Due to a church meeting I will be unable to attend tonight's meeting. Probably better being in a place of prayer Please know that I am extremely concerned on the authority placed on so few that will impact so many. Josh - you represent my district. Where were you when this whole fiasco started? You were voted in to represent us. Part of your accountability is to keep us informed of decisions that WILL impact us. This golf course is in our neighborhood. We aren't stupid - the purpose behind these meetings is not to enhance the golf experience - it is to close and redevelop our neighborhood. OUR neighborhood. Where have you been? Many on my block have no clue that these meetings and discussions are taking place. As our representative I hope you will in fact keep us in mind. Where is the "how can we avoid closing this course" discussions and draw in more revenue. Probably because that hasn't been the intent all along. NNNNNN.NNNNNNN ......................... From: Nancy Beegle [mailtommbeeglel@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:54 PM To: Edina Mail; joshspra�ue@edinarealty.com Subject: Fred Richards Plan Due to a church meeting I will be unable to attend tonight's meeting. Probably better being in a place of prayer Please know that I am extremely concerned on the authority placed on so few that will impact so many. Josh - you represent my district. Where were you when this whole fiasco started? You were voted in to represent us. Part of your accountability is to keep us informed of decisions that WILL impact us. This golf course is in our neighborhood. We aren't stupid - the purpose behind these meetings is not to enhance the golf experience - it is to close and redevelop our neighborhood. OUR neighborhood. Where have you been? Many on my block have no clue that these meetings and discussions are taking place. As our representative I hope you will in fact keep us in mind. Where is the "how can we avoid closing this course" discussions and draw in more revenue. Probably because that hasn't been the intent all along. ............ Al .......................... From: Hugh Thompson[mailto:hughb.thompson@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:41 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Enterprise Please forward this email to the Mayor, Scott Neal, and Ann Kattreh. Thank you. I have been a resident of Edina and active golfer at Braemar for 25 years as of February 12th. I have always supported the Enterprise up until these past few years. These past 5 years have been tough for golf and Braemar what with the recession and decline in popularity for the game of golf. The main 18 hole Braemar course is not what I first played on 25 years ago. It's quality has declined along with the speed of play which has led me to play other public courses such as Baker and Chaska on a regular basis. In particular, these two venues are of excellent quality and can both be played under 41/2 hours..... walking. The rangers make you .... very firmly but politely. A lot us in Edina are convinced that Braemar can re -attain its premier position in the Twin Cities Golf community and in spite of the declining numbers of golfers in America at least break even if not make a profit. How can this be done: by following the recommendations as put forth in the Braemar meeting of January 30 by Scott Neal and associates: Close Fred Richards and convert it to park land, redesign and downsize 19 - 27 to create an Executive 9 hole course ( this would replace the present Executive course and have the new one all on one side of the main entrance road), redesign and rebuild a premier Driving Range as is now presently planned, contract out the restaurant business, and create a new fee structure. The economics of doing these recommendations would be positive by 2019 or 2020 but more importantly establish a Golf Enterprise equal to none in the surrounding area and carry itself through the 2020's if not longer. Thank you, Hugh Thompson 6126 Arctic Way 6 Edina, MN 55436 952-210-4484 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN......... From: Jmac6001 [mailtoJmac6001(d)aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:06 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Hi Ann, My wife and I are Braemar patrons, and have been for 15 years or so. I just wanted to let you know we support the Braemar golf course and driving range improvements. If this requires the need to turn Fred Richards Course into park land, then so be it. For far too long Braemar has been denied adequate funds due to paying down the FR debt, and now that that is resolved, Braemar should not be denied future funding to help maintain the FR course. I hope you and other town people act on behalf of the support to Braemar. Thanks, Jim and Sheran Mc Nulty 6001 Bonnie Brae Drive 952 9411743 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Kelly McCoy[mailto:Kelly(abmarathonfoods.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:05 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett1266comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(�'j)edinarealty.com; swensonanni(lcimail.com Subject: SAVE THE FRED! To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to express my support for Save the Fred! Even though I grew up in Minneapolis my family has been playing golf there since it opened. I feel it is a complete travesty that you would consider getting rid of this wonderful community asset. It seems all the numbers don't necessarily add up and the council isn't being completely transparent in their argument to re -develop this land. This isn't a decision that a group of 5 people should be allowed to make on the behalf of all Edina residents. Please preserve Fred Richards Golf Course! Thanks, Kelly McCoy Parkwood Knolls/Edina Resident since 1995 7 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.... N.... From: Tim McNamara [_mailto:tiy-a0mcpub.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:22 PM To: jonibennettl261comcast.net; Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(@edinarealty.com; swensonann I O)gmail.com Subject: Braemar Golf Analysis Edina City Council A little "venting in the first two paragraphs, please be patient. For the last year I have heard rumblings with regard to the Fred Richards and Braemar golf facility. Recently, it seems that you our elected city representatives and the un -elected park and recreation board are doing once again, what seems to be a pattern of waiting until the last minute to announce to Edina residents, who you were elected to represent, preordained plans to spend our tax dollars. Behind the scene, the city spends city money to do studies using unqualified consultants, before they survey it's residents. Residents, who many are consultants, business owner and problem solvers. For the past 15 years, I have played golf at Braemar at least once week with a group that consists of now 72 golfers. Our group is not the Braemar Mens Club. Started many years ago by Pat Manion, we have grown to be the largest single non -city organized contributors of annual rounds played at Braemar. Week after week we show up and play, we don't cancel our tee times because of the weather, we play. We don't come to the course because of the food or the club house, we come for the golf. Over the years we have noticed the lack of demand for play and tee times. Seems the city could have started with asking us when they started their analysis of the facility. But know one has asked. So here is my unsolicited analysis as a business owner. Background for a business approach to a solution: - Unlike government, a business does not have an open checkbook to make mistakes when the climate changes for it's products or services. The problem should be broken down into small segments or divisions. For Braemar these would be 3 divisions; the driving range, the 2 executive courses and the 27 hole championship course. On the surface it looks like Braemar should be making a lot of money because it has so much capacity. However, the real answer is it has too much capacity and exceeds the current demand for golf and not enough capacity at the driving range. Also, excess capacity comes with excess costs which often times is the reason for operating losses. The solution is not to raise prices on an assumed demand, it is to reduce capacity and improve the capacity that remains. Nor is the solution to eliminate effectively both executive courses and replace them with a single par 3 course. The following is what I would suggest to the City Council, for FREE. Keeping in mind that if I were giving this advice in my business I would have charged for it. - Close the Executive course on the Braemar property. - Increase the footprint of the current driving range from the east of the first hole to just west of John Harris Way. Build a first class driving range, teaching and practice facility on this larger footprint. - Sell the land north of Braemar Blvd to a developer for housing. No residents are going to show up a the council meeting demanding that it remain a golf course, and saying that it was reason they bought their home and now there property will have less value. Because there are no homes directly on the course. - Three years from the beginning of the renovation, sell part of the land that holes 19-27 currently sit on to a developer. The same applies with respect to resistance from residents as in the sale of the north of Braemar Blvd land. - Re -configure holes 8, 17 and 18. - Move all the executive course demand over to Fred Richards. If the city turns it into a park the city still has costs and will never have revenue. Also, it would retain an Executive Course facility which is not the same as a Par 3 course as proposed. So it doesn't make sense or should I say cents. - Using the revenues from the land sale, improve 1-18 (sand traps, fairways and greens with some re- design) and build the practice area over a 2 year transition. - The transition and improvements could occur over a 2 year period using 19-27 as the second 9 holes with 1-9 improvements occurring in the first year and 10-18 occurring in the second year. - Once improvements are completed and because of the location, this would establish Braemar as the premier 18 hole public golf course within the metro area. Residents and non-residents would be offered patron access, non -patron residents would pay a reduced rate and non-residents would pay a higher rate. Example Chaska Towne Course rate structure. Savings for the city would be in a reduction in capacity, which would yield a reduction in maintenance costs 18 holes only, rather than 27 holes. Plus the revenue from the land sale and additional property tax base from the newly developed land. These revenues would more than offset the costs of the renovation and may even pay off the 13 million dollar bond which pasted without a vote from Edina residents. I was told last week that a council member, who I will not name, recently said, "The City Council has no appetite for selling city land at this time". Respectfully, I don't believe that this council member or the council as a whole owns this land. The taxpayers do and it is becoming very difficult to continue to live in a place where I grew up and see the wasteful spending and government approach decision making on a daily basis. Over the past 21 years I have seen my property taxes increase 4X with no end in site! Sincerely Tim McNamara Tim McNamara 6201 Crescent Dr., Edina, MN 55436 952.922.4220 • fax 952.922.4287 .......N NNNNNN......................... From: SJGLBG@aol.com [mailto:SJGLBG(a1aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:50 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: BRAEMAR GOLF We have noted all of the discussion about Braemar Golf course and the possibility of closing Fred Richards due to losing money the last year or two. E Don't feel that 2013 is the best example as the weather played a large factor in the availability of both courses due to weather conditions, something that affected most every course in the greater Twin Cities area. Fred Richards is best suited to Seniors and the youngsters learning to play the game and it seems ashamed to consider closing such an ideal facility. We would hope that the council will reconsider and keep this wonder facility open for years to come. Scott & LaVonne Garoutte 6105 Abbott Ave. So Edina 55410 952.920-0853 N N N. NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNN From: Bob Hursh [mailto:bobhurshCabhotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:49 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: braemar some golf thoughts... i've lived in edina for 28 years ... played fred richards 3 or 4 times ... have no problem with its closure. i played more than 30 rounds at braemar last year. I'm really looking forward to driving range improvements. I'm a little concerned that fee increases will be used to cover a large amount of the projected 2015 - 2020 shortfall. the 2013 senior patron rate at braemar was $29.00 and $15.00 additional for a cart. better deals were out there last year for seniors [for example, $29 at stonebrook on weekdays - cart included, $25 at tartan park on weekdays + $16 more for a cart, $40 at edinburgh usa with cart on mondays]. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N NNN From: Reeves, Chris (MPL)[ma iIto: Chris. Reeves0)QexOne.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:13 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Golf To City of Edina, My name is Chris Reeves, 7 year resident of Edina and 7 year golfer of Braemar. I am also a member of Golden Valley Country Club. I was in attendance of the golf meeting on January 30th at Braemar. I played over 40 rounds of golf at Braemar in 2013. 10 I'd like to applauded the city for recognizing that golf in Edina needs help. It is not sustainable in its current format and I personally support the ideology and plan presented. I would like you to know I am in favor of closing Fred Richards. If it goes to Braemar facilities, upgrading the course and training. I realize I am not privy to all the details of the plan, so I am cautiously optimistic. The fact is- we live in one of the most upscale communities in Minnesota and our public golf course is one of the worst in the nation. I lived in Chicago for 10 years and played golf on public courses all over the country and can tell you that Braemar conditions and customer service are one of the worst I have experienced. It is closer to an inner city experience than an "Edina" experience. And it's not because of the venue. It is on one of the nicest pieces of land there is. I saw part of the plan is to increase green fees to help the revenue situation. I believe and support you can do that- but you will need significant improvement in the overall golf experience. And it will require much more than just anew driving range. I caution the committee to do anything drastic before you can show improved customer service, playability, pace of play and most important course conditions. Once you have proven your ability to meet these goals can you then start to ask increase green fees. I live and work in corporate America and have gone through several consulting firm experiences. I would recommend you proceed with caution when it comes to your way to handling the customer service aspect by hiring a firm. Customer service isn't rocket science and there is nothing a firm is going to tell you that common sense wouldn't. What I didn't hear is evaluation of management. If they don't know how to take care of their customers, you should be looking at someone who does. I can attest from several friends that have left Braemar over the years to play somewhere else, and myself that is highly considering leaving to have another home course. Your plan must show the improvements immediately. At least in course conditions. People have asked me why I continue to be a Men's Club member at Braemar. There are only 2 reasons- my friends- that is where they play. And every year we lose more and more that don't want to play there anymore. Secondly its location. These 2 reasons will not hold me there forever. But I would never bring a guest to member guest day. I wish you all the best of luck and you have my support. I also will attach below some comments that were asked of the members from the Board that I recently responded to as well. It has some more specific examples if anyone is interested. To Bob & Board: Thanks for asking my opinion- as I have a few. I will summarize in bullets below what i believe to be the greatest areas of opportunity for Edina golf. However, I will note that my biggest question for Scott on Thursday would be- What is the intent of Edina Golf from a financial perspective? Is it to make money? Break Even? Or serve as park like all the other parks in our community? Are they there for the residents to enjoy which is subsidized by the tax payers? No other Edina park generates income that I am aware of. If it is to make money, which it sounds like from Scott's letter that was sent out. Then there are significantly bigger issues at hand which would require running the golf course like the private sector vs. the currently government run public sector bureaucracy as it is run today. My Suggestions for Braemar: 11 • Improve the course conditions that would want people to play and return o Greens, bunkers, fairways, Tee Boxes ■ 1 realize lots of work from Ron Way and his team on this with some commitment. Now we will see if they can deliver. o Example- we have paid for green rollers. They just don't use them o Example- Fairway winter damage last year. Took 3 months to return to normal. This was blamed all year by the weather. Somehow most other courses public and private did not have the same issues. This has to be incompetence o They could be charging much more if the conditions were right • Pace of Play o Reverse the 9's o Increase the times between starting times o Rangers do their jobs ■ If the rangers continue to do what they have been- very little. Get rid of all the rangers and reinvest the funds into the course. This would cost zero but have better playing conditions. o Starters do their jobs ■ Tell people when it's time to go. Not too early, not to late ■ Welcome them to the course ■ Explain pace of play expectations and what to do if they fall behind ■ Ask group their handicaps and recommend the right tees to play from ■ Thank them for visiting etc. • Customer Service o It is a government run course and feels like you're visiting the DMV- like you doing everyone there a favor for showing up. From front of house, starters, rangers, management and 19th hole. + Management o Needs to train their team. I played over 50 rounds last year and never once saw a managers outside their offices. On the job training: front desks, on course, starters, rangers. Is it really the starters only job to write their initials on a receipt? Because that is all they do. Rangers last several years are caught reading the newspaper under a shady tree, riding around aimlessly. Course conditions are horrible, traps never get raked it takes over a year+ to rebuild a tee box? (8) This has to be incompetence on someone's part. Who is accountable? And you never once see a manager. And no one can really figure out why the course loses money and our pace of play is terrible. Just a couple thoughts- feel free to do with. them as you like. Chris Reeves I Regional Sales Director I Minnesota & Iowa Tel: 763-971-7110 1 Mobile: 630-951-0123 www,DexOne.com I www.DexKnows.com NNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Jerry Knoblauch[mailto:jknoblauch999Ca)gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:10 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar Thoughts I have been an Edina resident for 25 years and enjoy Braemar. Some quick thoughts and ideas. 12 • I know something has to change. • Fred Richards is not important to me, but consider leasing it out to a professional golf management company or a well qualified local group or association. This would provide revenue. If Fred has any chance of turning around, it would take higher rates, a patron card system, and a charity similar to the Braemar Memorial Fund to fund minor improvements. I have seen the zeal of the Save the Fred group, and it is possible they will rise to the occasion and turn it around. I would vote no, do something else for Edina youth. • Holes 19-27, the 3rd nine. Retain this nine. Reasons a) you can market that it give a 50% more chance for a last minute tee time or walk-in opportunity b) the leagues should be asked to rotate use of that nine c) move the Monday AM senior leagues to the executive course - pace of play issues d) you can raise costs for an 18 that includes 1-9 (the premium holes) e) the incremental cost of maintaining that 9 cannot be that great f) this nine should be required on scrambles, this would allow others to play a nine that is not so challenging. • I feel the executive course should have one (albeit short) par 4 to retain exec course status. • Speedy play will attract golfers. a) business card sized handouts by starter with 4-5 tips on speedy play. This would include cooperation with ranger who has the right to warn a group and advance a group to the next tee box with adj scores of par plus handicap on the hold not finished. • Marketing needs to the group low in demographics, such as the 25-40 age group. It needs to market the "New Braemer" and provide reasons that warrant the "new" title. • Prime time golf needs higher rates. • Rewards program rewards the regulars, who would play without the reward. Change incentives to encourage non -regulars, I leave it to others to determine what works. • Course Customer Service. It is great, and always has been very professional. There was talk that other Edina programs did not have good customer service, but Braemer is exceptional. • CROSS COUNTRY SKIING - have you ever considered setting this up for the winter? I know snow is iffy these days. Perhaps this can be outsourced, or run with existing personnel. It offers a great layout. • RESTAUANT - not likely to be like a country club restaurant, but does need to try. When the special is the "Scotty Special" which is a burger, fries and a beverage, something has to change. Allow cell phone orders from holes 9, 18, and 27 with a dedicated phone number and a brief menu posted at the hole. I probably have more ideas, but this is what I could come up with on short notice. Jerry Knoblauch JKnoblauch999@GMail.com N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NNNNNNN NN From: Richard or Margaret Leonard fmailto:rleon6553(ayahoo.coml Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:06 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar z fully agree with the plan to raise the Braemar standards „ as a Edina resident for many years, Braemar is our landscape treasure, it provides a recreational facility for young 13 and old, in close proximity to all the local businesses and the south part of the city.......... it has to be protected and be the premier golf facility to represent Edina, similar to the fine shopping and residential areas which hold the residential property values!! Margaret and Dick Leonard ............................... N....... From: FinbernardCabaol.com [mailto:Finbernard(a)aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 11:05 AM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: Todd Anderson; jjsprague(c)gmail.com Subject: Golf Operations Dear Ms. Kattreh Because the golf courses operation is considered an "enterprise' it is expected to make a profit. believe this view is wrong. Many Park and Recreation programs have a net cost yet we continue to fund these programs because they have a recreational value for our residents. I live near Garden park and witnessed the very costly renovation of the baseball field last summer. The Braemar baseball complex has a major cost (it is not an "enterprise" - it doesn't have a revenue stream). Don't get me wrong -1 am not opposed to baseball- I am a former Baseball Board member and my son was a member of the 1983 Legion team. Certainly the construction and maintenance of bike and walking paths have a cost. How about soccer fields? Why are we investing in Pamela Park - it doesn't produce revenue. In fairness to all residents who use our athletic and recreational facilities it is only fair to compare net net cost to intrinsic value. The golf operations are a major asset to our city. A continuing investment to enhance Braemar is a must. A decision to close FR without a long-term plan in place is very short sighted and does an immense injustice to those citizens who use this facility. I would recommend an intrinsic value analysis and net cost comparison of all recreational facilities before making any final decisions about the golf operations. Patrick Finley 5603 Bernard PI Edina, MN 55436 Fin bernard(cD-aol.com 952-929-1062 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 14 From: Virginia Sweeny [mailto:virginia.sweenyCcbgmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:22 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Keep Fred Richardson Open!! It's a unique venue for non -threatening golf that is simply not available elsewhere. There are courses like Braemar everywhere, but the Fred is a gem where kids and adults can play who wouldn't play at all except for this venue. Since Edina residents are providing the funds, it's much more important to preserve this unique learning opportunity than to support another ordinary course. For increased revenue, raise the non-resident rates at Braemar. Most sincerely, Fred Sweeny & Virginia Sweeny 7129 Gleason Road Edina 55439 NNNNNNN NNNNNNN N N N N N N NNN N N N N N NNN NN N NNN NN From: Virginia Sweeny (mailtowirginia.sweenyCd)amail .com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:16 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Keep the Fred Richardson golf course open! It's a unique venue for low-pressure golf that is not available elsewhere. There are courses like Braemar everywhere but the Fred is a gem. Since Edina residents are providing the funds, it's much more important to preserve the unique learning opportunity available at Fred Richardson than to support another ordinary course. For increased revenue, raise the non-resident rates at Braemar. Most sincerely, Fred Sweeny Virginia Sweeny 7129 Gleason Road Edina 55439 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: KAREN STRAND fmailto:strandbrown@msn.coml Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:07 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Braemar I agree with the City Plan. 15 Dave Brown Sent from my Wad NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..........NNNNNNNNNNN From: Dan Brunsvold [mailto:d&5401Ca�aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:33 AM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: eljnord(d)aol.com; bobteese(@msn.com Subject: Braemar Ann As a member of the Braemar Men's Club and Edina resident I strongly support the improvements to the golf course and practice area. While I am discouraged that this would require closing Fred Richards, and terminating employees; the course and practice area need serious attention. I would hope that the city would find employment for the three employees! We (20+ golfers) play courses within 25 miles of Braemar .... the vast majority are in bettor shape and less green fees. As residents of Edina ... we find this perplexing, at the minimum. The practice area would be rated even lower! As a final note; I would hope that the city administration is dealing with the closing of Fred Richards with all the facts "on the table". Respectfully; Dan Brunsvold 5401 Chantrey Rd. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: ricksandynelson ft.com[mailto:ricksandynelsonCa)y.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:28 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Fred Richards This golf course provides a much needed service to the young and old citizens of Edina. I don't care if it breaks even or even loses money. Please think of the people of Edina and I firmly believe you can improve Braemar and keep Fred Richards open. Richard Nelson 5204 Danens Drive .....NNNNNN..........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 16 From: DENA [mailto:dtortorelis(abcomcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:23 AM To: jonibennett120)comcast.net; Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(aedinarealty.com; swensonannl(a)gmail.com Subject: Save Fred Richards Dear Council Members, As a resident of Edina for 11 years I am asking that you not close Fred Richard golf course. My children, now ages 12, 15, 17, enjoy the course as do myself and my husband on occasion. Our backyard butts up the the course and it is so beautiful and relaxing to look at and enjoy. We need more open spaces and green areas to keep the air clean and make Edina more than just a bunch of houses and shops. It may not be a money maker but it brings so much to life in Edina! I think there is much that could be done to even make it more profitable to even just break even. Does everything have to be a money maker? Are all the parks money makers? Please allow Fred Richards golf course to stay as it is!! Dena Tortorelis 7441 West Shore Drive "^; ..................................... From: Gaylen Ghylin [mailto:gayleng(otillercorp.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:14 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Our family has lived in Edina for more than 40 years. Could not be more pleased with City services. I have played regularly at Braemar and been active in the Men's Club for 30 years. About 5 years ago my wife (a beginning golfer) and I have started playing Fred Richards a couple times a week. She finds the regulation and executive courses at Braemar more intimidating and less inviting. We think it would be a serious blow to our quality of life and that of many other residents in Edina if Fred Richards is closed. Currently we think Edina's golf enterprise provides a world class golfing experience and would hate to see that change. At the same time we do not expect our golf to be subsidized. We believe the golf program in Edina should be modified so it is financially independent, but no operations should be eliminated. ....................... N N N N............ From. Ryan Stinson [mailto:ryan(a)stinsonservices.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:13 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar As a member of the Braemar Men's Club I'm writing to express my support for the "consolidate and invest" plan for the future of Braemar. As time has past other golf courses in the area have surpassed Braemer in many areas and it is time for a plan to make the facility and grounds elite again. I look forward to the future of Braemar and enjoying many more summer days on the metro areas finest course once again. Ryan P. Stinson 17 Project Manager www.stinsonservices.com ryan cr stinsonservices.com 612-220-4335 Socialize: Facebook I LinkedIn 7900 Excelsior Blvd, 4216 Hopkins, MN 55343 .....NNNNNN ............................ From: Sandra Carlson [mailto:sandrew12@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:05 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course Idea Dear Edina City Council, I have been following the idea of closing the Fred Richards Golf Course. I think it is a good idea if the land is used properly. What we really need in the greater Southdale Area are affordable town houses that have one -level living. Coventry has been a very successful development. However, there are just a few townhouses in that development that offer one -level living. Many of us would love to sell our homes and stay in the area. There just aren't any good one -level living options available. This would be a win-win for the area. It wouldn't add a lot of additional traffic on France Avenue and would provide a great option for those of us who would like to sell our homes and stay in the area. Right now, Eden Prairie is our best option for these types of townhouses. Please consider this idea as you move forward on looking at closing Fred Richards. I believe it could receive a very strong reception from Edina residents. Very Respectfully, Sandy Carlson 4433 Ellsworth Drive Edina, MN 55435 (952) 926-0545 ....................................... From: Pat Manion[mailto:pmanion(aboriginalmktg.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:06 AM To: jonibennett1201comcast.net; Edina Mail; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(a)edinarealty.com; swensonannl(&gmail.com Subject: Braemar Golf operation Good Morning, IN As a matter of public record I have taken a "few dollars" off of Mayor Hovland on Braemar Golf Course. Of course, I suppose a lot of residents could say that. For the record, I no longer play golf at Fred Richards or Braemar. My 3 son's sometimes do. I did attend the Golf Course operation meeting that was presented by Scott Neal. Observations// solutions are as follows: • Agreed that golf course rounds are down and so are revenues. Has anyone { staff, who are these people. They were referred to at least 20 times during the meeting } looked at the horrible weather and the fact the golf dome has been down for two years? • Have you all read this weekend's Star Tribune article on Keller Golf Course ? You could certainly substitute Braemar Golf in the article. Yes, the club house and course and range are VERY tired. The current band aid solution is NOT the correct solution. • The majority of you { not Joni Bennett } just passed a 13 Million dollar bond to pay for outdoor hockey, soccer dome etc. I am ALL for that even though our 3 son's are almost out of Edina. • Why don't all of you put up another 13M bond { put it to vote and I believe it will pass } to upgrade the entire City of Edina Golf Operations. We were told the 13M bond was only cost $60 per household. Another $60 per household would pass with flying colors. • With 500 acres to work with and 13M to proceed the City could build a brand new clubhouse ,driving range and redesign the golf course to bring it all up to the 2014 standards and beyond. • All of the leagues and youth would move over to Fred and the architect could use all of acreage at Braemar to build a world class golf experience. It could be the best public venue in the state if you do it right. • There is no need to close Fred { yes, it does make money } unless of course the City has already cut a deal with Hillcrest Development. • Edina CC just completed a 3.5 M course renovation. Because of this there is currently a waiting list to join and the rounds are up . Braemar would be the same scenario. Do not close Fred. Move all leagues young and old over there. Tune up a "tired" Braemar Golf Course, driving range and clubhouse. Take it to the citizens of Edina to vote!!! Patrick Manion 6121 Crescent Dr. Edina ,MN.55436 Cell: 612-750-4017 Phone: 952-941-2530 Fax: 952-941-6566 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNN From: Paul and Cathy Kibbe [mailto: pc-kibbolcomcast. net] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 9:44 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: ionibennettl2Calcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshsprague(&edinarealty.com; swensonannUa cimail.com; Ann Kattreh Subject: Edina Golf Courses City Leadership, 19 I am writing to express my concern that recommendations by the City Manager and the Park Board regarding changes to the "Golf Enterprise" will negatively impact the City of Edina. As a resident of Edina I support correcting any mismanagement that has occurred in the "Golf Enterprise". I do not support the lack of problem solving evidenced by poorly conceived solutions and incomplete plans. These were evident in the recommendations presented at Braemar Club House on the night of January 30th. In one example the presenters were asked what the cost to "repurpose" Fred Richards would be upon its closure. No costs were considered nor included. I would not be pleased to see that level of thought in my son's homework. It was shocking to see it in a recommendation for a major decision such as this. I feel strongly that Fred Richards Golf Course has much to offer and view a recommendation to close it as a "punt". The two least intelligent solutions that could have been proposed are "Do nothing" and "Close it". Why was "Close Fred Richards" the first recommendation made in the presentation? It did not have the greatest impact on profit and loss. Nor was it first alphabetically. As a proud holder of both a Patron Card and a punch pass (used entirely at Fred Richards) this summer you might label me "Biased". I have brought friends and family from other communities to play at Braemar and at The Fred. I am the father of a 15 year-old who plays in the Junior Golf League at Braemar on Fridays and at the Fred throughout the week. My 11 year-old is just getting into the game and plays Fred Richards. Rather than "Biased" think of me as your target "Resident Customer". Just what is the problem statement? The City cannot accept this as a solution to eliminate $115,000 per year operating loss. As our leadership you must reject this proposal and insist that "Golf Enterprise" leadership provide a solution without the collateral damage to home values (i.e.. tax base), a degradation to the quality of life for residents (11,500 residents under 18 plus many seniors) and the loss of an amenity for residents and businesses in southeast Edina. Sincerely, Paul Kibbe 4900 Poppy Lane Edina NNNNNNNNNNNN..........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Helen Wood [mailto:hiwood and@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 8:29 PM 0 To: ioshsprague@edinarealty.com; swensonannl@Rmail.com Cc: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2@comcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast) Subject: Save the Fred! Dear City Council Members, I urge you to Save the Fred! I have personally golfed there with my family many times, enjoying the easy tee -time access and reasonable greens fees. You shouldn't have to join a country club to golf in edina!! Please SAVE THE FRED! - Helen and Jeff Wood (Edina Resident since 1976) Edina, MN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Scott Nelson [mailto:sdnelsommn(a)aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 6:04 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Braemar Golf Operations Good afternoon: From Scott Nelson (resident of Edina for 38 of the last 52 years) I attended the recent meeting at Braemar wherein the future of Golf Operations was presented. I applaud City Manager, Scott Neal for his efforts, and unfortunately feel a better crafted presentation would have elicited clarity and thoughtful discussion instead of the emotional pleas of a relatively small special interest group. like Fred Richards ... I have played Fred Richards a number of times... it is a 'great' beginner course... but its day of true value to the City of Edina has passed. It has been a financial drain and it appears will continue to be so, over the coming years were it to remain. The comment from one of the 'brightly tee-shirted' individuals was quite telling... "I love Fred Richards. You can always get on." Not a well thought out statement to make as one makes an emotional plea. And I was sitting near the row of young kids, and admire their interest in such a wonderful game, but I also heard one say, "...and it's easy to sneak on to play a few quick holes." (agreeable nods and chuckles from some of the others) Both of these reflect lost revenue... lost revenue by lack of play ... lost revenue by lack of pay. I am encouraged by the proposed improvements at Braemar. Starting with the driving range and necessary infrastructure, is a step in the right direction to elevate Braemar to the level it once held. It was a joy to play for a multitude of reasons, but time and lack of investment has taken it's toll. Braemar is now a mid-range product with an upper bracket price tag. There are too many good courses in the metropolitan area that are superior for a few dollars more ... or comparable courses for a few dollars less. 21 I have many other thoughts, but if one makes an email too long, the reader loses interest. Simply, exercise a true investment in the future and focus on Braemar ... and take Fred Richards in another direction. Respectfully, Scott Nelson 6428 Vernon Avenue Edina MN 55436 952-220-5166 sdnelsommna.aol.com ....... N ............................... From: Alihul [mailto:alihul(abaol.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 3:55 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Fred Richards Definitely re purpose Fred Richards to serve the greater good. Make sure there access to Lake Edina Park as part of the improvements- a hidden gem that should be accessible to everyone. Alice Hulbert NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Joseph Hulbert [mailto:hulbert0089@clmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 3:54 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Jim Hovland; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonann10)gmail.com; Joni Bennett; Josh Sprague Subject: Overdue Braemar Golf Changes Please forward to Park Board and Council... When I served on the Park Board as chair, my focus was to get the city to pay attention to the management of their enterprise facilities. Braemar golf operations is our largest one. Braemar Golf Course was once a proud, respected public golf course. Over the past 30 years it rested on its reputation and was passed by years ago. In the past 18-24 months Edina City Hall has undergone change with a new City Manager in Scott Neal and Parks Director Ann Kattreh. I'm excited for our community as they expect a higher standard of excellence. Already you can see some of the changes that have occurred with Edinborough Park's financial turnaround and the facelift at Braemar Arena. They have proposed changes to our golf operations and are looking for our facility managers to run their businesses like a business. I'm a lifelong golfer and lover of the game. One of the proposals is a tough pill to swallow but entirely in the best interest of golf in Edina. Sadly golf rounds have declined over the past 20 years and more golf courses close every year then open. We here in Edina have 45 holes of public golf and I can't think of a city nearby that comes close. We essentially have exclusive access to the the majority of the city's park acreage as a niche user group. I'm here to report that the trend nationwide for this is waning, particularly when the enterprise is losing close to a half million dollars annually. My biggest fear was that under past city management practices at some point in the future the entire golf operation would be at risk. 22 So emotion aside, lets look at what we have. The original 18 is a design that many people see the hidden potential in, it needs work though. The tees, bunkers, cart paths, design cohesion along with various other items are long overdue. The driving range, which is their only predicable money maker is an embarrassment and should have been redone 20 years ago. The next generation of golfers (juniors) have been unable to play at the course. The past policy has been that juniors had to be 10 to play the executive and 12 to play on the regulation course. I have lost track of the stories of friends that have been turned away because the son/daughter was to young. The Wilds or Mpls. golf welcomed us. This is changing. The clubhouse is an add on, add on dysfunctional building. The food and beverage operation loses a captive audience daily to other locations. What other courses do you have to wait in line to order food, walk back up to retrieve food if you ever heard your name called and then bus your tables. Its terrible. So what is being proposed? Expand marketing Improve customer service Modify pricing and discounts Invest in improvements at Braemar The city is proposing to upgrade the facilities. One of which is a new expanded driving range. It is the operation that makes money and helps their instructors lead by Joe Gruepner that are actually bringing in the next generation of Jr. golfers. Bring in a 3rd party food and beverage operator that will undoubtably recognize the incredible location and lack of competition. Have a food and beverage service that would drive you to come to Braemar for the food as a restaurant option. Close Fred Richards. This is the BIG issue here. I live 100 yards from Fred Richards. My son and I play at Fred Richards weekly and selfishly would miss the ability to walk to a course. Our community's needs and demands have changed. We did have lacrosse/ flag football/ultimate frisbee leagues 20 years ago. THE biggest change we have see is the growth in participation of GIRLS sports. We now have a unmet demand for "multi purpose athletic fields". We simply do not have enough fields to satisfy all the associations and they have to turn some kids away. So if the utilization of Fred Richards golf is around 40% and it can be met at Braemar, our community at large is best served with the change. It would also eliminate much of the duplication of equipment etc. Yes, it would then lose money as a typical park, but we as a community do not hold publicly accessible parks to cost recovery standards. There is no expectation that a swing set in the park is going to do anything other than cost money. I have not idea of what a "repurposed" Fred Richards would look like. But if we could add even one field and build something with community involvement its worth exploring. The residents of the Cornelia need to be involved and assured that plans are for something GREAT and SAFE. It will always remain a park, but perhaps something we can all use. 23 I believe City Council and city staff are tired of average and want higher standards from our park system that we can all be proud of. The path of least resistance would be to continue past failing practices and do nothing. Please help restore Braemar Golf to its past standards of excellence. I understand that this is not an easy decision and one that I struggled with for a while. We have a community who's needs have changed and its difficult sometimes to come to terms with. If we are going to take from golf I would like to see something given back which I'm comfortable the city is committed to doing for Braemar Golf. If we are taking a use away from a neighborhood, I have seen how this city sincerely works to give something great back. I'm expecting no less this time. Thanks for reading, Joseph Hulbert 7507 West Shore Drive ....NNMNNNNN.........NNNNNN...... N NNNNN From: Doug Nelson [mailto:dnelson(&theminikandaclub.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 2:31 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: golf operations In reading the recent article in the Sun Current I was surprised and disappointed to see the plan to close the Fred Richards Golf Course. Having been a PGA Member since 1978 I have been involved in all aspects of running both public and private golf courses. I am currently living in Edina and employed at The Minikanda Club in Minneapolis. I believe there may be other solutions to this shortage of funds which is creating the closing of Fred Richards. Number of rounds has been on the decline for the past few years at most golf courses and certainly 2013 had a horrendous start to the year but I would hate to see the City of Edina go to the extreme of closing a golf course as the only solution to balancing the budget. I would look forward to meeting with City Officials to see if there are other ways to increase revenues and decrease spending to save Fred Richards for future generations of Edina residents. Doug Nelson Professional Emeritus Minikanda Club dnelson@theminikandaclub.com 612 616 3177 N N N NN N N N N N N N N NN NN N NNN N N N. N. NN N N N N N N N N NN From: Kimberly Klenner [mailto:kklennercmt@)hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 1:51 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Letter Relating to Fred Richards Please see attached for a letter from my father, Edina resident, Arthur Lowell. Thank you for your time. KIMBERLY KLENNER, CMT NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 24 GnE G14-nniake Parlmay, Suite 1325 Atlanta, GA 30328 February 9, 2014 Dear Ms. Kattreh: This is about your desire to close Fred Richards golf course. This as I understand it, is solely about saving money. The fact that it is now subsidized and will require additional money for the foreseeable future is not disputed. The amount such as $200,000 to restabilize the soil and the irrigation system maintenance is debatable, but that is for a different discussion. My analysis of the dollar savings stops after a few minutes because the cost, bonds, maintenance, etc., for the future use of the property is a complete unknown. I assume it will be a park. Parks require an initial investment, as well as subsequent yearly maintenance costs. I appreciate that drafting and providing a detailed plan could be a poor investment in light of the fact it may never happen. Given that we agree on that, then maybe we can agree on a premise in which extreme design concepts on either end of the spectrum (least to most) can be estimated with broad cost dollar figures. What I mean is, the "least" being leaving the land almost as is, with only paths, picnic areas, and the remainder mowable grass; and, the "most" being a Centennial Park -type design with an enhanced walled pond, and/or ballparks, miniature golf, and other imaginative features. Conduct a brainstorming session with just a few people and the list will be pages long. I just thought of vegetable garden? Yes, it is a guess, but with your park people having many years of experience, I would judge the estimate to be one of a good educated guess. In business, myself, being a minor real estate developer and employed for 30+ years as a mechanical development engineer involved with design needed to push the state of the art in computers, such educated estimates are a requirement of any new design initiative, and these estimates are most often exceeded, but being so, the projects can be funded accordingly. I know knowing such estimates delays your project on the decision to close Fred Richards or give it a go ahead. But, in your cost analysis, please remember, parks do not pay for themselves. On another subject, but related, is the Pentagon Office area redesign. I am guessing they will be affected in a major way depending on the decision taken on Fred Richards. My bet is that a decision for a park would be favored by a wide margin. This is not a criticism in any way or form, but I know their design looks better with a park adjacent to their property. I assume they are pushing for a decision, or they should. Given the PR, you will not detect a bias in favor of a park. On the assumption that Fred Richards will become a park, I wish to voice a concern. My home is the last on Kellogg next to the cul de sac. Please do not extend Kellogg into the park area. Heavy traffic on my street will be the result. It will be bad enough that it is a dead end, and cars will park in the cul de sac on Kellogg Avenue. Done! Sorry so long. Sincerely, A. G. Lowell 7505 Kellogg Avenue South 25 Edina, MN 55435 952-927-5773 .....NNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNN......... . From: Eugene Nord [mailto:eljnord aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 1:01 PM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: Todd Anderson Subject: Pro Braemar Comments Dear Ann, After analyzing the Edina Sun published data of the rounds played at The Braemar Golf enterprise from 2003 through 2013, I am now in total agreement with you and Scott that Fred Richards, under the current economic circumstances, be closed and that all golf activity be played at the Braemar facility. I sympathize with those that play Fred Richards,and how much it means to them, but they need to look at and understand the big picture. Looking at my attachment, which in columns 5 and 6, compares F.R. to the total rounds, F.R. has declined the most every year compared to the other three venues Braemar 18, Braemar 9, and Braemar exec. Looking at it from an economical view, not only does F.R. lag behind the others, it generates less revenue per player. Those at F.R. do not utilize the driving range, the pro shop, or the grill at Braemar. And, more than likely, since many players are young and older players prefer to walk, the usage of carts per player is less. In a perfect world, I would like to see Fred Richards, even if closed, remain in a position to reopen in a golf format if and when new concepts like Hack golf become a reality. F.R. would be a perfect setting for concepts of this nature and would not compete with the Braemar complex, and could conceivably be a self-sustaining entity. The closing of Fred Richards and investing monies into The Braemar Complex is important now, and more important for the future of Braemar. Ann, please forward this to Scott as well as to those on the Park Board and Council Members. Gene Nord 6425 Nordic Circle Edina, 55439 Braemar Golf Enterprise 26 Rounds in % of Decline 27 Braemar Braemar Braemar Fred Total Year is 9 Exec Richards Rounds 2003 41,106 27,943 26,587 28,134 123,770 2008 34,534 30,212 22,038 25,875 112,663 2009 36,590 321408 22,856 25,965 117,819 2010 321106 28,738 18,578 21,965 101,387 2011 321464 27,603 16,631 19,073 95,771 2012 29,570 29,948 17,617 19,361 96,496 2013 23,814 241404 15,377 15,934 791529 Braemar Braemar Braemar Fred Total Year 18 9 Exec Richards Rounds 2003 vs 2013 42.07% 12.67% 42.16% 43.36% 35.74% 2008 vs 2013 31.04% 19.22% 30.23% 38.42% 29.41% 2009 vs 2013 34.92% 24.70% 32.72% 38.63% 32.50% 2010 vs 2013 25.83% 15.08% 17.23% 27.46% 21.56% 2011 vs 2013 26.64% 11.59% 7.54% 16.46% 16.96% Braemar Braemar Braemar Fred Total Year is 9 Exec Richards Rounds 2003 vs 2012 28.06% -7.18% 33.74% 31.18% 22.04% 2008 vs 2012 14.37% 0.87% 20.06% 25.17% 14.35% 2009 vs 2012 19.19% 7.59% 22.92% 25.43% 18.10% 2010 vs 2012 7.90% -4.21% 5.17% 11.86% 4.82% 2011 vs 2012 8.91% -8.50% -5.93% -1.51% -0.76% 27 .....NNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNN.......... From: Ron Way fmailto:ron-wav@comcast.net] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 10:55 AM To: Rosemary Cc: Sandra Nelson; Catherine Schoffman; Sharon; Diane Botz; Dick and Bonnie England; Bonnie McGrath; Edina Mail Subject: Re: Close Fred Richards? Thank you for your note. Obviously, my note has been sent along to some that are not on my list, and that's fine. I don't claim to know every number in every city budget, and nor will I even attempt that or attempt to speak for the City. I am fully satisfied, however, that the city's professional staff has gone over the numbers in great detail and, together with others that I also know and trust (they're my neighbors), have concluded that the city cannot maintain 45 holes of golf and make it work financially. Below is a note that I sent to the Nelsons: Thank you for your note. I do not claim to speak for those who signed the statement urging attention be given to restoring Braemar's playing conditions and to re -do the practice range. I know that some signers oppose closing Fred Richards, and that's fine. I spent 20 ys teaching golf at Edina and a dozen other metro community ed. programs; the mostly women and seniors in those classes were "short course" players. Certainly, Fred Richards has value -- I've played there several times with my grandson. My concern is as I expressed: the Edina "golf enterprise" is losing money and the city's professional staff has worked and re -worked the finances and have concluded, appropriately in my view, that golf will continue to be a drain unless expenses are reduced. In truth, FR is sparsely used -- just 17 pct of Edinans say they've ever used the course (each time I've been there the place has been mostly empty). But I speak for myself. The statement that you and others signed onto is in support of dealing with the conditions at Braemar that have been allowed to deteriorate to the point that our course is not considered a "high quality" venue. A golfing friend who spent years as a golf course owner told me that last year he played 47 golf courses in MN and of those he rates Braemar No. 38. Thank you for your time. Ron Way 612-986-5158 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Rosemary fmailto:iiellen341@aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 8:11 AM To: Ron-Wav@comcast.net Cc: Sandra Nelson; Catherine Schoffman; Sharon; Diane Botz; Dick and Bonnie England; Bonnie McGrath; Edina Mail 11 Subject: Close Fred Richards? Your e-mail raises several questions maybe you can answer for me... No one else has to date. First, from where did this year's golf course debt of $485,000 "going forward" come? I can't find it in the city's financials of prior years including the Moody reports on Scott Neal's Blog. Also, according to these same above named sources (city's ... NOT the newspaper's), the golf courses have NEVER been self-sustaining; i.e. the Golf Course Fund has always needed a yearly subsidy of $100,000 or less from the Municipal Liquor Fund. True, right? Additionally, we can see, during the time that the number of tee times projected from the 1990s when 19 through 27 were added, the city's revenues and revenue sources continue to markedly increase, including revenue to the Municipal Liquor Fund. So where's the "hemorrhage"? And, why is it your group supports the plan to close Fred Richards? Rosemary Jellen .........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Rosemary [mailto:iiellen341@aol.com] Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 7:35 AM To: Edina Mail Cc: Sandra Nelson; Catherine Schoffman; Diane Botz; Sharon; Dick and Bonnie England; Bonnie McGrath Subject: Why close Fred Richards? City Council Members and Park Board Members: Please provide financial details for this year's $485,000 golf course debt, "going forward" to quote Scott Neal from his recent meeting. We all know that the golf course fund has always needed yearly subsides from the municipal liquor fund traditionally of $100,000 or less. Neither of the city's reports to Moody anticipated an increase in this subsidy amount and certainly not of $400,00 or more. (And, at the same time, we also know the city's income has and will continue to increase markedly thanks to increased median home values and added commercial and multiple housing revenue sources. ) So, why the plan put forward to close Fred Richards? Rosemary Jellen .........NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: XWithers(abaol.com [mailto:XWithersCalaol.com] Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 10:19 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: lisa.kaczke@ecm-inc.com; xwithers@aol.com Subject: Closing the Fred Richards Golf Course is a Hasty' Decision! Dear Park & Recreation Department (RE Fred Richards Golf Course Matter): The recent front page of the Sun -Current on February 6 ("City Manager: Golf operations unsustainable"') shed a lot of light on the City Manager's effort to handle the projected -$400,000 deficit of the city's golf enterprise, consisting of The Fred Richards and the Braemar Golf Courses. The article contains a number that indicates 29 The Fred Richards course shortfall is likely only 30% of the -$400,000 deficit, while Braemar is 70%. Specifically, the article states that closing the Fred Richards after 2014 would reduce the 'Golf Enterprise' expenses by -$734,000 over the 6 -year forward planning period 2015 thru 2020. Thus -$734,000 divided by 6 gives us an estimate of the deficit per year for THE FRED, or -$122,300 (30% of the -$400,000). Can the Fred Richards shortfall (average of -$122,300) be brought to a breakeven or a +Profit situation? A couple of examples suggest a 'Yes!' The Sun -Current article provided information about the turnaround of the Edinborough Park operating financials. The park had an operating losses in 2011 and 2012 (-$155,013 and - $111,832, respectively, both comparable to the -$122,300 Fred Richards estimate). Management decisions of staff reductions and other business decisions resulted in an operating profit in 2013 of +$7,155. Managing for best -results from operations is 'management.' Another alternative is to follow the model used by Des Moines in handling the deficits of the city's three municipal courses. Des Moines has been using an independent contractor at the city's three municipal courses since 2008. According to Park and Recreation Director Ben Page, "Before the change, the city was losing hundreds of thousands of dollars each year on golf. Last year, we got a check from the operator for a little over $600,000." As reported in the Des Moines Gazette, July 19, 2013 edition, the city's contract with Des Moines based private -contractor C -Corporation allows the city to set golf fees and control capital improvements. Because C -Corporation is not held to labor agreements negotiated by the city, the contractor can save money on labor and gain other efficiencies of operation and management. Additionally, Director Page said, "Cities from all over the Midwest are calling us." It is suggested that Edina also place a call on behalf of the Fred Richards Golf Course. Dennis D. Withers Sedum Lane Edina, MN 55435 xwithers(@aol.com NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Bob Malby [mailto: rmalbyO)comcast. net] Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 9:27 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Edina Golf Operations My comments on the recommendations by city staff: 1) Closing Fred Richards is short-sighted, but it is clear that the almighty dollar controls the thinking. A great suggestion from the floor was to RAISE the price. The speaker indicated that the junior rate was ridiculously low. Fred providers a "feeder system" for future Braemar golfers, and it serves a great number of seniors, as well. 2) 1 have seen proposals in past years of improving / enlarging the Braemar driving range that did NOT require the very fine executive golf course to revert to a Par -3. We have a great executive course. Don't ruin it! Improving / enlarging the driving range is LONG overdue. It is a cash cow and the teaching area at the opposite end of the range is unsafe given the new equipment and the young, big hitters. 30 3) Improving Braemar's primary course is also long overdue. But, until that occurs, raising the price makes no sense. That will just drive more golfers away. Currently, it is overpriced for the product delivered. 4) Why does staff always think that a "consultant" will tell us anything that we don't already know. At least $35,000 was spent on consultants in recent years and we have NOTHING to show for it. You don't need a consultant to provide better service. And a golf course consultant? Former Braemar General Manager, John Vallerie, knows more about Braemar than anyone. He is a font of information and has some great ideas. As a matter of fact, he is a "golf course consultant". Why don't you tap him? I expect he would give you his recommendations for free. 5) Upgrading the Grill by spending a lot of money will prove to be a "loser" in the long run. Golfers don't want "fine dining"; they want a quick bite at "the turn" and a quick, relatively inexpensive light meal or snack at the finish. Braemar will never be a "destination" for non -golfers. Robert Malby 6517 Limerick Drive 952-941-7569 rrnalbyna,comcast.net Resident of Edina for 42 years, and an active member of the Braemar Men's Club NNNNNNN NN NN N N N N NNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN From: Bob MacPhail[mailto:bobmacphaill00('gbgmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 4:30 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Golf Course proposal input Hi, I'm an Edina resident; 7208 W Shore Dr. My comments on golf course proposal: - Good idea to close Fred Richards to save money and simplify golf operation. - There was talk of improving customer service at Braemar. I have had good customer service at Braemar; I haven't noticed a problem in this area. - There was talk of raising golf rates. Please keep Braemar golf affordable, especially for Edina residents. Thanks for your work on this! Bob MacPhail NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: thomas bracken [mailto:tombracken@msn.com] Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 3:45 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennettl2(dcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); joshspragueO)edinarealty.com; swensonannlO)amail.com Subject: Letter - Keep Fred Richards Golf Course Open 31 To Edina Mayor Hovland and City Council members Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, and Swenson: We are writing this regarding the proposal to close the Fred Richards Golf Course. This letter is testimony to our deep concern about what appears to be a pre -ordained decision to close the course notwithstanding the negative impacts of this action on the property values in the Lake Edina area of the city. We moved to Edina in 2012. When we bought our house at 7412 West Shore Drive, one of the marketing features was that the house is within walking distance of the course. One of us (Tom Bracken) has played at the course approximately twice a week from the date of his retirement until the course closed for the winter. The course is an asset for the City, particularly for the youth and seniors in the area. Our concern about closing the course is primarily economic. We estimate our home value, and the value of the homes like ours which do not face the course, will decline by $25,000 each. Those that do face the golf course will suffer significantly higher decreased values. I estimate the loss in home values at $2.7M for the 104 houses within a two block radius that do not front the course, and an additional $2.1M loss in value for the homes that do front the course. The losses may be higher than these figures if the course is "repurposed" to some other use that involves more traffic, commercial development, or a less scenic outlook. If the course is closed we will appeal our tax assessment. We expect other neighbors will do likewise. As described in the public presentation of the golf course plans, the plans themselves appear to have numerous logical holes. Many of these merit further discussion and review. Some of these are: • The plan presumes the golfers from the Fred Richards Course will transfer their usage to Braemar. In Tom's case that is highly unlikely. If he has to drive somewhere else, he will have many other alternatives and will likely not go to Braemar. The projections for usage transfer to Braemar may be too aggressive. • The greens fees at both courses are unreasonably low. Tom will pay double the fees if the course is to remain open. Others at the public meeting made similar statements. Has the City made a study of usage versus green fees for the Fred Richards course? If not, why not? • The comment was made at the plan disclosure meeting that the Fred Richard course operated on a cash -positive basis in 2012. The operating losses are therefore based on cost allocations which should be examined by the City Council to see if they are reasonable. Based on this one fact alone, it appears the closing of the Fred Richards course may be motivated by some other agenda. • If there is another agenda for the course "repurposement", even though nothing has technically been prepared or presented to the City Council for approval, this agenda should be divulged to the community before the decision to close the course is made. • Why has the City staff rebuffed all neighbor meetings as this plan was being developed? According to published reports in The Star Tribune and elsewhere, the development community has met with the City Manager and others of the staff multiple times over the past year regarding the use of this property. Is this dichotomy appropriate? • Why is the City Council meeting one month after the first public disclosure on the plan without providing the neighbors sufficient time to prepare an alternate suggestion? 32 • The Staff makes the point that closing the Fred Richards course and outsourcing concessions at Braemar will result in improved customer service. Customer service at the Fred Richards course is now excellent. Outsourcing may improve the revenue stream at Braemar, but that has nothing to do with customer service nor with the economic viability of the Fred Richards course. • Why is the issue of closing the Fred Richards course necessarily part of the decisions being made regarding the Braemar course? Is this because the funds to be received by the City to "repurpose" the Fred Richards course will subsidize the Braemar improvements? If so, shouldn't that be disclosed at this time? Notwithstanding this, shouldn't these two decisions be made separately? • Should the decision to close the Fred Richards course be subject to an Environmental Impact Study? If not, why not? • Should the closing of the Fred Richards course be considered a "taking" under the City powers? Should that not therefore merit compensation to the affected neighbors? Tom will be attending both the Park Commission meeting next Tuesday and the City Council meeting in early March. Linda will be unable to attend these meetings due to her work schedule. We look forward to hearing the City's answers to these questions. Tom Bracken Linda Bracken 7412 West Shore Drive Edina, MN 55435 415-271-1570 (Tom) 650-823-4501 (Linda) torn bracken 9msn.com Iibracken(@mac.com NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN N..... From: Wayne Vander Vort [mailto:wvandervort(cbisurtec.com] Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 1:48 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: jonibennettlUbcomcast.net; Mary Brindle (Comcast); ioshsprague(a)edinarealty.com; swensonannl(a)gmail.com Subject: Fred Richards Golf Course. Importance: High Friday, February 7, 2014 Honorable James Hovland Mayor of City of Edina City of Edina 4801 West 50t" Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mayor Hovland: 33 I am 77 years old and have been a resident of Edina for fifty four years. I have raised six children in Edina and all have graduated from Edina High School. I have fifteen grandchildren and twelve live in Edina. This is the first time in fifty four years I have written to any public official of Edina expressing my concern regarding a major community issue/decision under consideration by the City Council. First, I thank you for attending the Public Hearing last week conducted by City Manager, Scott Neal. However, I am deeply disappointed that other members of the City Council failed to attend, or did not consider it important or worth their time to attend. The good news is you heard many concerned citizens expressing their opposition in the proposed closing of the Fred Richards Golf Course ("FR"). You have undoubtedly received or will receive countless emails, phone calls, voice message, petitions opposing the closing of ("FR"). For the record, I am totally opposed closing FR. respectfully submit the following comments, thoughts and recommendations. ❖ I am and have been a Braemar Golf Patron. I play FR on a regular basis as well as the Braemar Executive and Braemar 18. 1 play FR with my adult children, daughter in law and now have the opportunity and privilege teaching and playing with my young grandchildren at FR. In addition, a neighborhood men's group ("Gilford Golf Guys") have a standing tee time each week at FR. I also play other public and private course in MN and AZ. I am also a member of Edina Country Club. ❖ FR provides a unique opportunity for a variety of golfers. The demographics of FR "users" seem to be divided among (i) young players, (ii) senior citizens, (iii) league play, et cetera. The topography (flat) of FR is attractive to these users, whereas the Braemar Executive topography (hilly) is not appealing for many of the younger players, senior citizens and league players. Contrary to staff's assumptions, I challenge whether even twenty (20%) percent of current users of FR will transfer over to Braemar. Furthermore, if the Braemar Executive is converted to a Par 3, as proposed, there may be less transferring over to the proposed Par 3. 1 have personally spoken with the chairperson of one large lady leagues at FR and was told they would not transfer to Braemar but rather play at Hyland Green Golf Course in Bloomington, MN. [Comment: to my knowledge staff has not interviewed any of the leagues playing at FR to ascertain if they would transfer over to Braemar, yet Staff's assumption is > 50% would transfer.] It should also be noted that FR is a course where young girls and boys can begin learning to play golf. The Edina Boys' Head Golf Coach, Phil Finanger, stated at the Public Hearing, "Fred Richards would be missed, as many pointed out at the meeting, by the youth of Edina... many boys and girls get their start there before moving to the big courses." I do not believe the staff took into consideration the fact that, the Edina student demographics are projected to increase between 2014 and 2019, per the Edina School Administration demographic study/report, thus more young girls and boys can start learning to play golf at FR. ❖ The P.G.A. of America and the United States Golf Association are strongly advocating and promoting "A Return to the Nine -Hole Round". An article is attached for your reading and information. The reasons are obvious with the limited time for active and very busy golfers and 34 the cost in playing eighteen holes. Why would the Parks and Recreation Department ("P & R") recommend closing FR when the current trend is to market and promote "Return to the Nine - Hole Round'. The P & R is going in the opposite direction and swimming against the tide, which makes no sense whatsoever. ❖ Why is this decision on such a "fast track", i.e. within a four or five week period? This "fast track" approach makes no sense whatsoever and creates suspicious motives by our elected officials and the administrative staff of Edina. The "fast track" approach can only lead to such speculation. Many are asking what has been committed by the City to the developers (Hillcrest) for the redevelopment of Pentagon Park with respect to FR. Many citizens question whether there has been full and complete disclosure by the City regarding the redevelopment of Pentagon Park. Has there been full transparency how FR inter plays with the Pentagon redevelopment project? Fr, properly maintained, would be a great asset for both Edina and the redevelopment of the Pentagon Park Project. ❖ Since FR will be open for play throughout 2014, 1 strongly recommend deferring any decision by the City Council for at least 90-180 days. What is the hurry? During this time period concerned citizens for Saving Fred Richards can submit its own written recommendations to the City Council with an alternative plan and financial model. There are many extremely competent and talented citizens willing to become a part of this process, including highly qualified and competent professionals in finance, accounting, law, marketing, advertising, management positions, investment bankers, restaurant business/management, golfing, et cetera. As mentioned at the recent Public Hearing, there are countless citizens of Edina have a "C" after their names willing to work on a constructive alternative proposal for saving FR from being closed. There should be no fear of the City Council or staff, if an alternative model can be presented making more sense than the current proposal for closing FR by staff. Open disagreement and debate is wonderful in our democracy and normally leads to a better ultimate decision than only one proposal and no opportunity for presenting alternatives. ❖ I am confident an alternative proposal for saving FR by the friends of Save FR Action will be constructive and a sound financial model. It would be helpful for you as Mayor to request the P & R Staff and other administrative staff members to work with the Save FR Action Committee in a collaborative manner striving towards what is best for the entire Edina community, today and for the future. ❖ For the record, I am in total agreement with several proposed changes made by staff regarding the Edina municipal golf operations, to -wit: ■ Additional investments in various improvements at Braemar, i.e. (i) renovation of the driving range as proposed; (ii) converting the Braemar Executive course into a Par 3 course; (iii) modifying the existing price/fee structure; (iv) outsource the grill and restaurant operations of the club house, [if possible, provided it is on a net, net, net basis to the lessee/third party operator]; (v) greatly expand marketing and visibility of all the Braemar Golf Enterprise Units (including FR) ❖ I have read the Executive Summary, City of Edina Golf System, Strategic Outlook and Analysis, prepared by NGF Consulting, Jupiter, FL, dated August 2011 ("NGF Report") . I also read the Matt 35 Fulton Consulting Report of 2013 ("Fulton Report"). It is abundantly clear the NGF Report does not recommend the closing of FR and opines retaining FR with minimum costs/expenses for improvements. It is apparent the Fulton Report was biases from the beginning and perhaps was directed to reach the conclusion in closing FR. The Fulton Report was not of the same caliber as the NGF Report nor was the consultant of the Fulton Report qualified or recognized as a nationally golf course consultant. The NGF Report stated in part, "._.The ultimate goal of this project is to create a formal business plan for the city golf courses that will put the system on a path toward long-term stability and sustainably." From the start, the Fulton Report was to conclude with closing FR. ❖ Finally, I respectfully submit the Save FR Action Committee can and will prepare and provide the City Council with an alternative financial model, wherein FR can continue operating in the future and the other recommendations of staff pertaining to improvements to the Braemar Golf Enterprise Units can also be accomplished. These two goals can be achieved together without excluding the other. However, the City Council needs to "stay" or defer any further action on closing FR for 90-180 days for an alternative financial model to be prepared and submitted by the Save FR Action Committee. I believe this is a reasonable and thoughtful request. I therefore respectfully submit your favorable consideration in deferring any City Council action on the closing of FR for 90-180 days, during which an ad hoc committee of Save Fred Richards will interact with the administration of Edina and submit a counter financial model establishing FR can be a break even as a unit within the Braemar Golf Enterprise. I am confident such a model can be designed. Thank you. Respectfully, Wayne Wayne A. Vander Vort 4525 Gilford Drive Edina, MN 55435. Cell: (612)-597-3038 E-mail: wvandervort(cD-com cast. net ATTACH ARTICLE HERE 91 216014 To Lure Now Golfers, a Push for a Shorter Round - NYTlmes.com Air Xhu Dark tines MayS,:,2013 A Return to the Mine -Hole Round By BILL PENNINGTON Less than 30 years ago, nearly half I of the golf courses in America had nine holes.. There was no stigma to that number, The nine -hole golf round was as common as a slice off the first tee. As golf boomed late in the 2oth century, the vast majority of new courses had 18 holes, and gradually, as everything in golf seemed to grow bigger and longer, the 18 hole round was granted an unofficial, but understood, imprimatur as real golf. Which left a nine -hole round as something else. None of this was done purposefully. Yes, tournament golf was most commonly 18 holes — the number harks back to St. Andrews in Scotland, even if that number in the mid- 170os could just I as easily have settled at 14 Or 22. Whatever the. official number, for decades, the nine -hole round was nonetheless widely accepted. In America, most of the early golf courses were nine-holers. The, first United States Open, in 18957 was played on a nine -hole course. More 18 -hole courses were built in the middle part of the last century, but playing only nine holes on those tracts was still commonplace well into the 198os. The 199os changed everything. That was when everything about golf was aggrandized.. e Remmber when , everyone from Tiger Woods to you and me wore oversized golf shirts with sleeves that hung down to our forearms*? And we took five hours — or more — to play i$.holes. We know what happened to the ever -ballooning game of golf. Things have been substantially trimmed since then. And if the five-hour round has. not disappeared, some golfers have,,, walking away because they do not have time for a round of 18. To the rescue: the nine -hole round, "We've .got to get some. people thinking again about nine holes that take two hours I- -1-axy 01 inid— a Ted Bishop, the president of the P.G.A. of America and the owner of a 45 -hale unor- IN Cu south of Indianapolis. "It's a good way to target lapsed.golfers and new golfers. -06 Z round has its place, but let's see how many people we can attract to the game i quick nine holes." n0& pa a ewa t -Aed-- Print Roundi Father Read More V3 ,216 2014 To Lure New Golfers, a Pushfor a Shorter Round-. NYTims.10M Bishop offers a $19 nine -hole round seven days a week, with or without. a golf cart, after 4 P.m. "'It's brought a real spike: in the number of rounds played," Bishop said. "And it's been a lot of ,people I haven't seen before.." This week, the'P.G.A, of America has teamed with the, United States Golf Association: *in an initiative:spearbeaded. by Golf Digest called Time for Nine. The magazine's June issue, which. comes out Tuesday, starts a campaign for nine -hole play. Golf Digest plans to create a list of nine -hole courses thatwill focus on promoting nine -hole rounds for men, women, juniors and families on layouts that make it easy to do so. The list will. appear at Golfdigest.com, and golfers are encouraged to submit qualifying courses to editors @golfdigest.com, gisfme@pga.com or Tirneforg@usga.org. "We're not trying to get everyone who plays 18 holes to play nine holes instead," Jerry Tarde, Golf Digest's chairman and editor in chief, said. "'Are're after the: people who aren't playing because they think golf is a half-day proposition, which it isn't. f1he message is that nine -hole golf is legitimate golf. It is not half golf or kids' golf." Although about 8o percent of American golf courses have layouts that bring The ninth hole, back to the clubhouse — making it easy to charge for and route golfers on nifte-hole initiative --Many courses do not offer stand-alone, nine -hole greens fees. That is om.ething the itiativ. , e hopes to change. "As an industry, we must work to promote the nine -hole round as a complete and enjoyable golf a experience, consistent with the traditions of playing the game," Glen D. N ger, the president of the,United States Golf Association, said. And for people worried about their handicaps, the U.S.G.A. wants golfers to know that nine -hole rounds are fully compatible with its handicap system. There is no doubt that the push to promote nine -hole rounds reflects a reality that most of us now work longer hours and have more demands on our weekend recreational time. As. Tarde said: "Every othet recreation, it seems, takes more or less two hours- movies; dinner, cocktail parties, tennis, bowling, going to the gym. if golf were. invented today, it would be a nine -hole game. There are other reasons to consider a nine -hole round when a full i8, holes may not fit your r=O& , =print rN pagetP mnd 216/2014 plans. A nine -.hole round; .like in America, is almost a which is not to denigral But a nine -hole round with expectation. It fe 1`0ften at p.m., I'll go other day at 5, 1 went � I wasn't as tired, and I "A light went on in my play golf.". 1. remember doing son end cif I long day to pl; Country Club in the fo Rip, was designed in 1 To Lura New Gdfers, a Push for a Shorter Round - NYTimesxom any of the, more than 4,000 old-style, nine -hole courses still remaining ate of mind. It has a separate pace from its full-fledged brethren, an 18 -hole round and the distinctive rewards it yields. inherently relaxed, an enterprise that is neither hfirxied nor filled more like leisure, which is the goal, isn't it? the range and beat balls for two hours," Bishop said last week. "The I played nine holes with my daughter instead. I told my wife later that have improved my game more, too. I'm not going to beat so manyballs at the range. I'm going to go hing very similar a few years ago,.pulling off the highway toward.. the nine holes with my 11 -year-old son at the public Rip Van. Winkle iffis of the Catskill Mountains in New York. The course, known as the o by Donald Ross. Greens fees were about $15. I don't remember our scores from that evening.1 do remember adog lazily chasing a deer across one fairway. T. re ll ducks quacking, a fish jumping in. a pond and a stunning view of a mountain ridge. About two hours later, we were 'back in the car refteshed. Golf is: many things to any people, as it should be. But we can keep more people in our flock, and attract others to join us, if , we endorse the most simple,natural and unpretentious'forms of participation. Inviting people to � out for an easy, quick nine holes is. a good way to start. gemnted=print 3rJ N N N N N N N N N N.. NNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N.. NN N N N N NN From: cpete57261cimail.com [mailto:cpete572@gmail.com] On Behalf Of cpete572 Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 7:01 PM To: Edina Mail; jonibennett12C�corncast.net; Josh Sprague; Mary Brindle (Comcast); swensonannl(aOgmail.com Cc: R. J. Smiley Subject: Fwd: Edina Golf Enterprise Council members: I wrote you an email two days ago in support of an executive golf course in Edina, as well as major improvements at Braemar Golf Course. I would like to throw my support behind the well-written, thoughtful proposal outlined by RJ Smiley below. This is the Golden Anniversary of Braemar. It needs investment and a plan to restore its status as a 5 -star public facility. Robert K Peterson 5620 Doron Dr, Edina NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: R. J. Smiley fmailto:par4rj)gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 4:06 PM To: Edina Mail; Ann Swenson; Mary Brindle (Comcast); Josh Sprague; ionibennettl2(dcomcast.net Cc: Ann Kattreh Subject: Edina Golf Enterprise Greetings to All Part of being elected to public office involves making difficult decisions. The decision on the closing of Fred Richards Golf Course is yours and yours alone - no other citizens are allowed to vote. As time passes, you will each be asked to defend your decision. The more information that you have the better job will do defending that decision. Please allow me to assist you, collectively, to make an informed decision. First my background: • I have been an Edina resident since 1978. • I am 70 years old and have made my living in the Business of Golf as a developer, owner, manager and consultant. • I am a Golf Digest Rating Panelist - Helping Golf Digest select the best of the best. • I am a tournament golfer and have won tournaments in seven decades. • Last summer I played 47 different golf courses. • As an owner/manager, I quickly learned that golf is a REPEAT CUSTOMER BUSINESS, golfers will PAY to PLAY a golf course that is not in perfect condition, but they must be made to FEEL WELCOME! CUSTOMER SERVICE is the key to success! • My goal as owner/manager was to make every customer (new or old) a repeat customer and sell every tee time every day. IN My observations: • The current golf market in Edina will not support 45 holes of golf. • Spreading a reduced maintenance budget over 45 holes produces mediocre results, at best - on every course. • Customer Service at Braemar has deteriorated over the past few seasons. • There is an "obvious" demand for an executive golf course in Edina. • There are not enough rounds played at Edina's two executive courses (total) to fill the tee sheet at one executive course. • The expenses to run and maintain an executive course, not located within the Braemar complex, are excessive. • Nobody wants to play the Clunie Nine. • The Clunie Nine will not make a good executive golf course. Too hard to walk. Too hard to score. Too many balls are lost. • The driving range, with declining revenues, is in a perfect urban location. It is out dated and requires a complete make over. My recommendations: • Close Fred Richards Golf Course after the 2014 season. • Immediately, invest in a master redevelopment plan at the Braemar location. • The master plan should encompass the existing 36 holes and driving range (Including tees, greens, irrigation and club house). • The goal of the master plan would be to have 27 -holes of quality golf at Braemar (I believe that 27 -holes could play near capacity), including a quality executive course (that could include parts of current Hayes and/or Castle Nines) and a superior quality 18 -hole golf course (that could include parts of Clunie Nine) along with the best driving range in the Twin Cities (the demand is there and would make money). The remaining land (the unused holes) should be allowed to revert back to natural areas within the nine -mile creek water shed district. As a citizen of Edina, I want to be proud of the recreational amenities that are available to citizens and visitors. Speaking as a Golf Digest Panelist - of the 47 courses I played last year, Braemar ranked ninth from the bottom. Respectfully, RJ Smiley 612-750-6303 par4rj@gtnail.com .................. N.................... From: Derek Johnson fmailto:Derek.Johnson(dgenmills.com] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:06 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Comment on Braemer Golf Operations Proposal Mayor Hovland and City Council members: Ell I purchased a home in SE Edina on Westshore Drive about 3 years ago and live there with my spouse and 2 boys (6 & 3 yrs of age). I had 3 primary reasons for purchasing a home in this area: 1) Education is very important to me and the Edina school system is fantastic. Edina was the only place we considered when deciding to move. 2) SE Edina was a more affordable option for me compared to some of the other areas. 3) The house we purchased backs up to the Fred Richards gold course. It's important to me that my children grow up enjoying the outdoors and not sitting in front of the TV or playing video games. Fred Richards offers an affordable and convenient option for my children to enjoy the outdoors. Parks are great options as well for younger children; but I would argue that once they reach a certain age (teen years), this is no longer a fun option. Golf is enjoyed by people of all ages. I am writing this letter to share a couple of thoughts on the current Golf Operations proposal: 1) There have been a few articles over the last 8+ months on the need to address the state of our current golf operations. In all those articles, the comment has been made that any decision on the golf enterprise will include the gathering of public input. As a resident of Edina, I really appreciate this statement; but have to honestly say that as of today, I don't think this has occurred in the manner that I expected. I read this statement as the creation of options would include my input. If this is the case, I struggle with last week's meeting at the Braemer Country Club. The flow of that meeting was to share the one recommended option and allow for us to react in an open forum. How is this including us in the "input gathering" process. Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but the ideal way to include people in any process is to include their thoughts and ideas from the beginning, not tell them what the option is and wait for a response. As a citizen and taxpayer, I understand the need to improve the financial health of Braemer, but must say I'm disappointed on how this has been handled so far. 2) 1 agree that our golf finances need fixing. Where I struggle is why Fred Richards is included in the solution set. If I understand the financials correctly, Fred Richards golf course has made a profit in each of the last 7 years excluding a Braemer allocation of $50,000 (1 find it interesting this is the same # each year); and even with that allocation, 2013's loss (in a difficult year for golf) was only -$22,000. As I understand it, the real challenge for Fred Richards has been the historical need of additional cash to pay down debt from the original purchase and not its standard operating performance. If this is the case, starting in 2014, will we still need additional cash to pay down debt? I thought 2013 was our last payment, in which case, any cash needs for Fred Richards will be minimal compared to the rest of the Braemer golf operation; and if rounds improve, could even be a cash contributor. In closing, I understand that we need to do what is right for the residents of Edina and the health of our city budget, I just don't see why closing Fred Richards is a necessary part of any solution given it's 2014 estimated financial position. I would prefer we try several of the options outlined in the golf operations proposal that I believe cause less of an impact on residents of Edina (outsource grill, improved marketing and optimize staff), and see if these changes improve our situation first. It seems that the City has been open to these less impactful measures in the past; and although I didn't agree with some of the points made in this morning's Sun Editorial, I did agree with the following: Changes made to the enterprises of Edinborough Park and Braemar Arena have resulted in better financial management. In those cases, a sacrifice was needed on items for the financial stability of the whole. Changes at Edinborough in 2012 included eliminating a staff position, increasing admission rates, renovating the lighting system and filling in the grotto, and changes at Braemar in 2013 included the reduction of staff. �►J However, given that the council elected to keep the Edinborough Park pool open after city staff recommended closure, we believe an alternative option that includes keeping Fred Richards open should be offered alongside staff's proposal that it be closed. Please consider this as you hear the upcoming recommendations. For the above 2 situations, neither resulted in closure of the facilities. Please keep that in mind when reviewing the 6 strategies that will be recommended; and please recognize that they are not 6 steps, as outlined in the proposal, but 6 ideas that don't all have to be done together. Finally, I did want to acknowledge the Pentagon Park proposal. I think it's great that someone is coming in and revitalizing that commercial space area. It seems that their designs include options with or without Fred Richards, and I have not heard anything to indicate they would be disappointed or would walk away if we keep the course. As a result, I thank you in advance for assuring us that any Fred Richards decision will be made independent of any Pentagon Park activity and look forward to the future when both are thriving. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any additional thoughts or questions. Thanks and regards. Derek Johnson 7421 West Shore Drive 952-807-6311 ..................................................... Derek Johnson I Senior Finance Manager — Supply Chain Decision Support I Mill City and General Mills Convenience & Foodservice Divisions 1763.293.3299 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN From: Cynthia Nicoski [mailto:nicoski(@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 1:33 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course To: Mayor James Hovland The timeline proposed to even think about eliminating the "Fred Richards Golf Course" is offensive. The City should develop alternative proposals to keep the "Fred Richards Golf Course". My family, friends and neighbors have all enjoyed and want to continue to enjoy playing golf at this local wonderful Golf Course. We want this golf course available for future generations of golfers to use and enjoy. The community is willing to help SAVE this golf course just let us know how we can help provide assistance. The "Fred Richards Golf Course" is used and enjoyed by Edina, Bloomington, Richfield and many other surrounding residents. I am currently out of town and unable to attend the meetings currently being held but want you to know how much the "Fred Richards Golf Course" means to so many residents and even if we are out of town we are taking the time to ensure you know how much the "Fred Richards Golf Course" means to all of us. is PLEASE "SAVE the Fred Richards Golf Course." Cynthia Norton 132 East 66th Street Richfield, MN 55423 IV• . u1.. vvu.- From: Susan Faus Assistant Parks & Recreation Director o • •�C�RF'ORf'�wO • lass s, ....a it -an -%:H: V.B. Action Discussion ❑ Date: February 11, 2014 Information ❑ Subject: PUBLIC HEARING - Seasonal Off -Leash Dog Area at Strachauer Park Action Requested: Approve Seasonal Off -Leash Area at Strachauer Park as a permanent seasonal amenity Information / Background: The Park Board approved a seasonal off -leash dog area (OLA) at Strachauer Park on a trial basis at the Park Board meeting on May 14, 2013. The intent behind adding an off -leash area was to provide a convenient location for dog owners living in the neighborhood to enjoy. After a season of evaluation, and hearing positive feedback from residents who utilize the off -leash area, staff recommends that the off -leash area become a permanent amenity at the park during the months of April — October. City staff monitored the OLA through the trial period. Specific details being observed were: • Reports of excessive barking from dogs in the OLA • Evidence of owners not picking up dog waste Increase in vehicle traffic at the park We were thrilled with the results. No citations were issued for violations relating to the OLA policies regarding dog licenses or permits. The city did not receive any confirmed complaints for excessive barking. Staff did not observe an increase in vehicle traffic. Park maintenance staff reported that dog owners were fulfilling their responsibility and picking up waste inside the OLA. The city provided a dog waste container and bags were donated by Scoopy Poo. The city has seen an increase in the number of OLA permits issued. In 2012, between the months of April — October, the city issued 83 OLA permits compared to 255 in 2013. Although we do not have specific documentation indicating which OLA people are requesting a permit to use, the numbers do support an increased use of OLA in Edina. Currently, dog licenses and OLA permits are managed by the Police Department under the Animal Control Division. Making the OLA at Strachauer Park a permanent amenity would reinforce an on-going community effort to sustain, enhance and grow the quality of life for resident pet owners. ATTACHMENTS: A. Neighborhood Notification and Public Hearing Letter City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 January 8, 2014 Dear Neighbor of Strachauer Park: As you may recall, the Park Board approved a seasonal off -leash dog area at Strachauer Park on a trial basis at the Park Board meeting on May 14, 2013. The intent behind adding an off -leash area was to provide a convenient location for dog owners that live in the neighborhood to enjoy. We plan to make a proposal to endorse the seasonal off -leash dog area within the Strachauer Park hockey rink become a permanent amenity during the months of April - October. City staff will make the recommendation based on a season of evaluation and hearing positive feedback from residents in the neighborhood. The city has not received any complaints pertaining to the off -leash dog area. The city has not issued any citations for individuals violating city codes or off - leash area permits and requirements. Overall, city staff observed that many of the users of the off -leash area were neighbors that walked over to the park, which was one objective of the off - leash area. If you wish to share your views on this proposal please submit your comments in writing either by postal mail or email and address the letter to the Edina Park Board at my postal or email address shown below. You are invited to attend the Park Board meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Edina City Hall. If you have any questions about the proposed permanent seasonal off -leash dog area, please feel free to contact me. Respectfully, Susan Faus, Assistant Director Edina Parks & Recreation Department 4801 W. 501 Street Edina, MN 55424 (952)826-0431 SFaus EdinaMN.gov PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaParks.com • 952-826-0367 • Fax 952-826-0385 Strachauer Park Dog Park (As of February 11, 2014) February 11, 2013 Susan Faus Assistant Park and Rec. Dir., Edina Susan, Many thanks for your recommendation in making Strachauer, OLA a permanent neighborhood fixture. I have no doubt in my mind that this addition has been a WIN/WIN/WIN! on all fronts. As a neighbor I pledge to do my part in helping maintain this area and alerting you and your dept. should there be any concerns, or issues. Also, I know that Scoopy Poo is willing to donate bags, again, and neighbors often filled the waste containers that would minimize/eliminate any need for city funds. If there are other things that neighbors can help in this area please don't hesitate to contact me. I know of many who are willing, and happy, to help. Thanks again. Winnie Martin 6012 Ewing Ave. S. Edina, MN 55410 ................ N...................... From: Patsy Solon fmailto:patsysolon@me.com] Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 5:20 PM To: Susan Faus Subject: Edina park Board. OLA I am in favor of the off lease area. I do not own a dog but I like the idea. Thanks, Patsy Solon 6309 York Ave So 304 55435 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.....NNNNNN..... .... From: WinnieandSteve Martin [mailto:martins60l2(a cimail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 4:10 PM To: Susan Faus Subject: Upcoming OLA mtg. Hey Susan - Sorry to bother you, but I heard through a neighbor that you were having a meeting about continuing OLA at Strachauer. Since I live 4 blocks away I never get notices and would like to attend if able. My neighbor said she couldn't remember when it was has been unable to find it - my guess is that she wasn't going to attend. :-) Thanks. Winnie To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: February 11, 2014 Subject: Pamela Park Shelter Building Working Group •'��ORYORI`��O • 1888 Agenda Item #: VILA. Action ❑x Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Approve the formation and members of the Pamela Park Shelter Building Working Group Information / Background: As part of the Sports Dome/Arena projects, the City Council approved renovations to Pamela Park, including athletic fields, trails, parking lot improvements and a new shelter building. We are seeking one or two Park Board members to participate in this working group to help with the building design. Julie McMahon, Pamela neighborhood association member helped put together a good cross section of neighbors to participate. The volunteers represent different ages and user groups, as well as geographic locations around the park. We have assembled the following members to participate in the working group: Tim Barnes (staff) Jill Bills (Wendel) Constance Fantin (neighbor) Susan Faus (staff) Matt Gratzel (neighbor) Ann Kattreh (staff) Pauls Kolias (RJM) Bob McGarry (softball) Julie McMahon (neighbor) Jeff Northrup (Edina Soccer Club) Brian Olson (staff) Jay Pomeroy (Anderson -Johnson) Bob Prestrud (staff) Deanne Probst (neighbor) Travis Sennes (neighbor) Patrick Shane (neighbor) Becca Staley (Wendel) Karen Sandler Steinhert Janey Westin (neighbor) City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 The first two working group meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, February 12 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and Tuesday, February 18 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The Countryside Park working group only required two or three meetings; I anticipate the same time commitment for this group. Wendel has been selected to provide architectural services for the building. Their contract has been approved by the City Council. Wendel has designed all of the new shelter buildings in the park system, most recently at Countryside Park. The working group will be asked to tour selected shelter buildings prior to the first meeting. Staff has already met onsite with the architectural team and they are familiar with the onsite well and the layout of Pamela Park. To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: February 11, 2014 Subject: Council Updates Action Requested: No Action is Necessary. Information / Background: w9r-ter\ o e O '1�oRt�oxA�w IABA Agenda Item #: VIII.A. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Please see the City Council Updates from their January 21, and February 3, City Council Meetings. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Council Updates January 21, 2014 • Approved a request to include an Edina bike trail project in a group of bike trail projects that are being submitted for federal funding by Three Rivers Park District. • Approved a group of professional services agreements for engineering design, landscape design, architectural services and construction management services for a major renovation of Pamela Park later this summer. • Received a presentation on stream bank erosion control from Kevin Bigalke of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Bigalke also commented on the proposed stream bank improvement his district intends to do in Edina in conjunction with the upcoming Three Rivers Park District regional trail project. • Accepted the gift of an heirloom clock from the Edina Rotary Foundation. The new clock will be installed at Centennial Lakes Park later this summer. February 3, 2014 Nothing to report from this meeting Otit w e► �� '� 0 '�ooRroxA"��' 18AA To: Park Board Agenda Item M VIII.B. From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: February 11, 2014 Subject: Correspondence and Petitions Action Requested: No action is necessary. Information / Background: Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information All correspondence was related to the Golf Course Operations Study and was put with Item V.A. Public Hearing information. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50,h St. • Edina, MN 55424 o etit • �`��oaroxATw� • yeas To: Park Board Agenda Item #: VIII.C. From: Ann Kattreh Action ❑ Parks & Recreation Director Discussion ❑ Date: February 11, 2014 Information ❑x Subject: Veteran's Memorial Committee, December 20, 2013 Minutes Action Requested: No Action is Necessary. Information / Background: Attached are the approved minutes from the Veteran's Memorial Committee meeting held on December 20, 2013. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 20, 2013 7:30 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Olson called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. U. ROLLCALL Answering roll call were Members Benson, Christiaansen, Elliott, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Staff in attendance: Kristin Aarsvold, Edina Park and Recreation Department. Others in attendance: Denny Schulstad. Ill. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA The agenda was approved as presented. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of the November 22, 2013 Veterans Memorial Committee Meeting Minutes. Motion by Member Schwartz and seconded by Member Benson to approve the meeting minutes from the November 22, 2013 meeting as presented. Ayes: Benson, Christiaansen, Elliott, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Motion carried. Member Schwartz stated that he had an opportunity to speak with Representative Erhadt and will continue to push the item at the legislative level. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no members of the general public present at the meeting. VI. STATUS OF ELLIOTT DESIGN CONTRACT Chairman Olson reported that Member Elliott has secured his necessary insurance and the documents are almost ready for execution. Member Elliott believed that the item is moving ahead on track. Vlll. SUB -COMMITTEE UPDATES A. FUNDRAISING Chairman Olson provided an update on his fundraising activities. B. DESIGN OF MEMORIAL Chairman Olson i. Review of Past Committee Decisions Mrs. Aarsvold noted that a member of City staff had put together a list of past decisions made by the Committee. ii. Proposed Timeline Mrs. Aarsvold noted that a draft timeline was also composed by the staff person to coincide with the estimation of time that would be needed for approval by the necessary groups. Member Elliott confirmed that he and Member Christiaansen can work out the details within the timeline. C. MARKETING Chairperson Olson stated that if there are marketing pieces, they can be put into the website. IX. NEXT STEPS Chairman Olson confirmed that the sculptor is scheduled to attend the January Committee meeting to make a presentation. Member Reed questioned if the Committee would be able to provide a check to secure the sculptor at that time, should that be the decision. Member Christiaansen provided input and questions that should be followed up on with the sculptor. He wanted to ensure that there would be sufficient time to make the decision so that things are not rushed into as was the case in the past situation. He believed that perhaps there should be time to discuss the presentation after it is made before the sculptor is secured. Member Reed noted that the presentation could occur in the beginning of the meeting, which would give the Committee time to discuss the issue during the second half of the meeting. Member Benson confirmed that the contract and all necessary information from the sculptor could be made available prior to, or at, the January meeting. Member Schwartz confirmed that the timeline for the eagle would be eight months for total design. Member Elliott provided additional information on the general City contract requirements. Member Benson noted that he and Member Reed have not yet involved Member Currie. Member Kojetin provided an update on Watershed District activities Mrs. Aarsvold noted that at this point it has been decided that the Committee will move forward with only what is needed for this project so that the project timeline is not linked to another project within the City. Chairman Olson stated that before the next meeting all Members should visit the website for the sculptor and be prepared with questions. He noted that the presentation would be made at 7:30 a.m. and the decision whether to proceed with that sculptor should occur later in that same meeting. Member Elliott noted that once the project moves forward, it will move forward continuously and all funds should be available prior to the start date. He explained that it would be impossible to dictate the project schedule per item and funds available. He estimated that the funds be gained by May 1St in order to meet the Veteran's Day timeline. Denny Schulstad noted that the Committee would present the item as naming rights, explaining that the idea would be that is the price for the naming rights of the flag pole and the cost for that would not simply be the cost for the item. Member Reed questioned if the Committee is missing an opportunity for fundraising at the end of the year as there could be a tax benefit. He also questioned the status of the thank you notes. Mrs. Aarsvold confirmed that Member Currie volunteered to send the thank you notes. Chairman Olson stated that Member Currie left town prior to sending the notes and advised that he could pick-up some thank you cards to send out after the meeting today. The Committee discussed possible fundraising strategies. Member Schwartz noted that if the State bonding is gained, the Committee may not be that far off on the funds needed. Member Elliott noted that in January he will know the pricing for the individual items. He stated that perhaps an escrow account could be started for those donors that are worried that the project may not move to completion. Mrs. Aarsvold asked how the Committee can obtain a firm commitment from subcontractors for in-kind services. Member Elliott noted that would be a part of the subcontractor contract that is signed. Mrs. Aarsvold referenced Kraus Anderson and questioned how that would move along and whether Member Elliott should go along to meet with them. Denny Schulstad stated that the co-owner of Kraus Anderson is still on board to provide in-kind donations and is waiting for the Committee to come back with details. Mrs. Aarsvold noted that the Committee would need to discuss the decision for naming rights and whether in-kind donations would earn naming rights or whether an additional monetary donation would be needed as well. Denny Schulstad provided examples of naming that has occurred on different projects within the Metro area. Mrs. Aarsvold noted that beginning in February perhaps the Committee should revisit the donors who have pledged or promised a pledge to provide an update. The Committee discussed possible donor contacts. Chairman Olson confirmed that the sculptor will be at the January meeting and Member Elliott will keep the Committee updated on the progress of the plans. He also reviewed how the Committee will move forward on fundraising and marketing. Denny Schulstad discussed the opportunity to sell pavers, which will engage more members of the community. He stated that the Committee must give donors a number to shoot for, rather than just asking for a donation. Member Christiaansen stated that the Committee had previously decided not to include pavers and if the decision is made to go with that option, that would need to be discussed. Denny Schulstad noted that you would not necessarily need to sell pavers, you could also allow names to be placed on a monument post, or something of that nature. X. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.