HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 10, 2010 Site Tour Meeting Agenda Public Works Small Area Guide Process Organizing and Site Tour Meeting April 10, 2010 8:00a.no. - 12:30pxo I. CAT Organizing Meeting 60 Minutes Introductions Ground Rules Distribute Data from Kick Off Meeting Chair Selection Begin I)iscussion of Upcoming Meetings Other Public Comment 11. Site Tour 60'90 minutes III. Debrief(CAT and Design Team) 60 minutes Articulate Impressions Refine Primary Study Zone Complete Preparation for Upcoming Meetings Other Public Comment MEETING MINUTES Public Works Site Small Area Guide Plan CAT Meeting/Site Tour/Coordination Meeting Grange Hall,Tupa Park Saturday, April 10, 2010, 8 a.m. to noon CAT Members Present: Kim Montgomery, Steve Buss, Sue Davison, Barb Kunz (representing Gene Persha), Andy Brown, Lisa Diehl, Larry Chestier,Joann Olsen, Greg Domke, Bob Shadduck, Linda Odell-Cowles, Nancy Grazzini-Olson, Chris Rofidal, Kevin Staunton, Michael Platteter,Josh Sprague, Ellen Jones, Brian Hedberg, Michael Fischer, Michael Schroeder; TAC: Heather Worthington,Jack Broz; Design Team: Peter Sussman, Mia Blanchett, Scott Davidson, Meriweather Felt, Peter MacDonagh,Jim Miller, Mia Blanchett. Others present: Tom Bonneville, Darcy Winter, Steve Schmitz, and David Davison. Kevin Staunton called the meeting to order and asked members to introduce themselves. He briefly reviewed the ground rules for the process and then went on to explain that one of the tasks for this meeting was to choose a chair to lead the Community Advisory Team (CAT) throughout the process. Kim Montgomery nominated Mr. Staunton, and Chris Rofidal seconded the nomination. After a brief discussion of Mr. Staunton's merits, he was unanimously appointed chair of the CAT. The CAT reviewed the comments and ideas from the kickoff meeting, and had a discussion regarding their individual perspectives on the future of the site and the larger area. Mr. Staunton led a discussion concerning the site and the "influence zone" around the site. The CAT toured the study area on foot, stopping at the current Public Works Facility, proceeding on to the School District's Bus Garage, and then up the hill to the Edina Family Physicians Imaging Center,Jerry's Foods, and the mall adjacent to Jerry's. They proceeded into the Gus Young Lane area, crossed the street to Eden Avenue Grill, and ended at the Eden Ave. 100 Building. At each point, various members of the CAT discussed each property, and staff gave some background. The CAT convened back at the Grange Hall, where they and members of the public in attendance shared impressions from the tour with the Design Team, with Design Team leaders Michael Schroeder leading the discussion. After that discussion concluded, Mr. Staunton led a continued discussion of the upcoming meetings. After discussion, the CAT agreed that the area as defined in the aerial photographs distributed at the meeting would be expanded slightly. CAT members had questions related to transportation and traffic counts in the immediate area. Staff said they would bring information back to their next general meeting. The CAT asked for more information on who comprised the Design Team, and how the developers for the Developer Roundtable were chosen. They discussed the focus of the Developer Roundtable, and concerns about balance and objectivity, and an emphasis on commercial development rather than retaining the land for public use or other options. They discussed transportation options, such as LRT, park and ride facilities, and commuter rail. They acknowledged that Hwy. 100 was a major part of the study area, and asked for MnDOT's most current assessment of the highway corridor. Jack Broz explained that MnDOT was in the process of reevaluating that plan, because of financial limitations in upcoming biennials, and a resulting lack of funding. Staff said they would provide copies of any transportation studies, either city-owned or from MnDOT. Ms. Montgomery commented that she felt that there was a missing piece, and that were general finance resources including public and private finance expertise. Staff explained that there would be expertise available within staff members to evaluate and discuss financial concerns. The CAT went on to discuss some questions for the Developer Roundtable. They formulated the following questions: 1. How would the development community view their involvement in this project? 2. How would the development community use the transportation opportunities presented by this site? 3. To make the deal viable, how dense would it have to be? The CAT also had questions for the upcoming business/property owner focus group: 1. Of the ideas and thoughts presented, how open would they be to possibilities of change? 2. How would you shape businesses and synergy between businesses? 3. How does transportation/access affect the business community? The CAT adjourned at 12:15 p.m. The CAT agreed to reconvene at the Developer Roundtable on Monday, April 12 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall. Respectfully submitted, Heather Worthington, staff liaison April 27, 2010 Public Work Site Small Area Guide/Coordination Meeting April 10, 2010—Meeting Minutes Approval Ms. Davison moved approval of the Public Works Site Small Area Guide/Coordination Meeting held on April 10, 2010. Mr. Brown seconded the motion, All voted aye; motion carried.