HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 8, 2010 Kickoff Meeting Materials Agenda Public Works Small Area Guide Process Kickoff Meeting April 8, 2010 6:30 p.m. - 8:30pm I. Welcome 10 minutes II. Warm-up Exercise 15 minutes III. Project Description 20 minutes Purpose Process Expected Outcomes Schedule IV. Team Roles and Introductions 15 minutes CAT members TAG members Design Team V. Definition of Primary Study Zone and Influence Zone 20 minutes VI. Selection of"Community Representative" CAT members 30 minutes Quadrant Selection At-Large Selection VII. Wrap up and Public Comment 10 minutes MEETING MINUTES Public Works Site Small Area Guide Process Kick off Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2010, 6:30-8:30 pm Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street Staff Present: Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager Cary Teague, City Planner Planning Commissioner Present: Mike Fischer, PC Chair Kevin Staunton, PC-Vice Chair Michael Schroeder, Commissioner Introduction/Discussion Commissioner Staunton introduced the public works site small area guild plan process and referred the audience to photos of the area taken 50 plus years ago. Commissioner Staunton asked the audience to note the changes to the area, adding one can imagine that viewing this area 30 years from now will also show changes. Continuing, Commissioner Staunton said the goal of this process is to define principles and guide future development of the area. Commissioner Staunton said the process is proposed over the next three weeks and is a community process, adding the process will be short and intense with the target end date of May 18th. Continuing Commissioner Staunton said the small area guide plan process will include a number of"teams". He added he was chosen to lead the community group which will be referred to as the Community Advisory Team or CAT. Commissioner Staunton explained that included in the CAT are members from Edina's boards/commissions and business community. Commissioner Staunton said one of the goals of this meeting is to choose residents from Edina's four quadrants, along with two at large members. Commissioner Staunton introduced boards/commissions members volunteering to serve on the CAT: Josh Sprague, Transportation; Michael Platteter, Energy & Environment; Chris Rofidal, Heritage Preservation Board; Ellen Jones, Park & Recreation and Brian Hedberg, School Board. Public Works Site Small Area Guide Process Kick-off Meeting April 8, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Staunton introduced business owners volunteering to serve: Bob Shadduck, Jerry's Enterprises, Nancy Grazini-Olson, property owner of the office building Arcadia/Eden Avenue; Linda Odell, Edina Family Physicians. Commissioner Staunton introduced Commissioner Schroeder, adding that Commissioner Schroeder would be one of the leads on the Design Team. Commissioner Schroeder introduced members of the Design Team: Peter Sussman, Maya Blanchet, Jim Miller and Tom MacAfee. (Other members may be added later in the process). Commissioner Schroeder said the goal of the design team would be to apply the principles formulated by the CAT and depict what those principles would look like. Continuing the presentation Commissioner Staunton encouraged community participation for all. With graphics Commissioner Staunton pointed out a map indicating the area. Commissioner Staunton said there are two study areas; one, the primary study zone and the influence zone. Commissioner Staunton defined those areas. Commissioner Staunton shared the work schedule. The dates are as follows: • April 8th —Thursday, kick off meeting • April 10th - Coordination Meeting • April 10th -Site Tour also after the coordination meeting a walking tour would be taken of the area. A debriefing would follow • April 12th — Monday, Developer Roundtable • April 14th —Wednesday, Focus Group — property and business owners • April 21St, Wednesday, Community Meeting • April 22nd —Thursday, CAT Summary Meeting • April 23rd — Friday, Design Charrette • April 24th — Saturday, Design Charrette • April 26th — Monday, Open House • April 27th — Tuesday, Refinement Meeting • April 28th Wednesday, Planning Commission • Mary 18th — Tuesday, City Council Commissioner Staunton said the final result of this process would be to articulate principles that will guide illustrations to demonstrate the vision. Chair Fischer said it should be noted that these principles and illustrations are not a blueprint, noting this area is comprised of multiple property owners, private and public. He added what this guide plan should do is create a guide for future development; which is a good start. Mr. Bonneville suggested that a more current survey be done of the entire area. Commissioner Staunton agreed that is a good idea. Public Works Site Small Area Guide Process Kick-off Meeting April 8, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Schroeder said the public works site could be viewed as a catalyst that could frame the entire area. Continuing, Commissioner Schroeder said it should also be noted that this process does not change the Code or the Comprehensive Plan. What this process should achieve is providing guidance on what the community would like to see happen in this area. Commissioner Schroeder said this process will also provide the City Council a foothold on one of the areas identified for potential change in the Comprehensive Plan. Concluding, Commissioner Schroeder said this process could be considered the first step in a small area plan. A resident asked Commissioner Schroeder to explain how this process is different from a "small area plan" process. Commissioner Schroeder said the small area guide plan gets into more detail, more regulation and financial attachments. A small area guide plan also amends the Comprehensive Plan and is a Council directive. Commissioner Schroeder said this process could be considered a "first step". Commissioner Staunton said at this point he would like to elect members to the CAT. Commissioner Staunton said first they would like the audience broken down into four quadrants. 1. Northwest. 2. Northeast. 3. Southwest and 4. Southeast, and out of these four quadrants pick a representative to serve on the CAT. Commissioner Staunton said after those members are chosen more members to the CAT would be elected at large. The following residents volunteered to represent their quadrant. Kim Montgomery — Northwest Quadrant Steve Buss — Northeast Quadrant Sue Davison — Southwest Quadrant Gene Persha — Southeast Quadrant The following were selected to serve at large: A motion was made to increase the at large participation from two to five. That motion carried. Larry Chestier Jo-Ann Olsen Andy Brown Lisa Diehl, and Greg Domke. Commissioner Staunton thanked residents for volunteering and said these individuals would be joining the members of the business community, and members from the various boards/commissions to serve on the community advisory team (CAT). Public Works Site Small Area Guide Process Kick-off Meeting April 8, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Commissioner Staunton said that Saturday (April 101h) there will be a meeting and walking tour beginning at 8:00 am at the Grange Hall. A walking tour of the area will begin at around 9:00 am. Commissioner Staunton invited all to attend. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Comments/Ideas — Warm-Up Exercise From the April 8, 201 Kickoff Meeting • Sculpture Garden(2 responses) • Sustainable site(2 responses) • Community Garden(2 responses) • Improve local environment • Green Space • Greenway from City Hall to Library • Open Space • Pedestrian friendly(3 responses) • Wetland • Sense/feeling of community • Urban Forest • Bike system tie-in/connections(2 responses) • Park • Extend the settler one room school house to • Water Tower an old Edina settlement • Community Center(5 responses) • Tie to the"greatest city need" • City Auditorium • Gateway image • Public Theater/Performing Arts • Ability to grow,adapt over time • Farmers Market(3 responses) • Relocate the bus garage • City Market(2 responses) • Plan for future of adjacent sites not just • Town Square(5 responses) public works site • Community School with clinic • Strengthen community identity • Multi-Use(gym,park&ride,community center) • Something exciting to look at and use • Sports facility(retractable dome) • Public/private partnership • Kid friendly area • Park with bike facilities/walking path and playground equipment • Truck Maintenance Facility • Bus Garage • Snow Plow Storage • Office(2 responses) • Service(2 responses) • Medical Clinic • Manufacturing for medical use • Surgery Center • Retail • Biltmore style hotel • Downtown destination • Mixed Use—office/retail/residential(3 responses) • Sell • Mixed Use—retail and housing(affordable) • Housing for Edina teachers and city employees • Higher Density • Park and Ride(2 responses) • Transit Hub/Station(8 responses) • Light Rail Station(3 responses) • Public Transportation • Plan to accommodate Light Rail • Biking Hub • Bikeway Kickoff meeting attendees Name Address E-mail Peter Sussman 6904 Mark Terrace Dr.peter@sussman-mn.com Kim Montgomery 5300 Evanswood Ln. kmschoolmail@aol.com Virginia Kearney 4226 Grimes Ave. S vmkearney@msn.com Andy Brown 5512 Park PI. andrew.r.brown@worldnet.att.net Doug Erickson 5020 Richmond Dr. Mary Cavanaugh 4219 Grimes Ave. mary.cavanaugh@genmills.com David Davison 6716 Galway Sue Davison 6716 Galway smd@annben.us Bob Kojetin RJKPark@Q.com Wayne Dvorak 5840 Kellogg Ave. S Robb Gruman 6401 France Ave. rgrumanl@fairview.org Barb Kunz 6516 W.Shore Dr. kunzb@comcast.net Josh Sprague 4720 70th St. W. josh@ioshsprague.com Mia Blanchett 4737 Hibiscus Ave. mblanchett@hga.com Gene Persha 6917 Cornelia Dr. Epersha@aol.com Laura Davis 6032 Oaklawn idlaura2004@yahoo.com Mick Stenson 6629 Parkwood Rd. mstenson@davannis.com Mary Werbalowsky 6000 Fox Meadow Ln. mwerbal@mac.com Steve Schmidt 3905 Grimes Ln. steven schmidt@msn.com Bob Kearney 4226 Grimes Ave. S. kearnev3845@msn.com Bob Shadduck 5101 Vernon Ave. S. rshadduck@jerrvsfoods.com Nancy Grazzini-Olson 5100 Eden Ave.#104 ngo@thunderbirdaviation.com Mark Haymaker 5905 Tamarac Ln. Haymakerconstruction@msn.com Jim Miller 6305 Ewing Ave.S. imiller0156@comcast.net Ted Davis 4600 Concord Terrace tedhdavis@comcast.net Steve Buss 4904 Sunnyslope Rd. buss.steven@gmail.com Tom Bonneville 4378 Browndale tabonneville@aol.com Jack Broz ibroz@hrgreen.com Mike Platteter 4304 Branson St. platteters@comcast.net Brian Hedberg 4913 Trillium Ln. bhedberg@comcast.net Steve Domke 5236 Halifax Ave. S. steve.domke@gmail.com Greg Domke 5513 Glengarry Pkwy. gregdomke@comcast.net Jean White 5290 Villa Way#303 jmawhite@aol.com Linda Odell-Cowles 5301 Vernon Ave. S. lodell@edinafp.com Lisa Diehl 5301 Ayrshire Blvd. lisa.diehl@closethediehl.com Ellen Jones 5261 Lochloy Dr. ellen.iones@mac.com Susan Lee 6708 Point Dr. lee Susan@ymail.com Canny Wright 6803 Dovre Dr. cannywright@yahoo.com Lonni Skrentner 5551 Village Dr. skrents@aol.com Jennifer Hovelstrud 4425 North Ave. hovelsrud5@comcast.net Melody Chestier 5117 Mirror Lanes Rkl mchestler@mac.com