HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 16, 2011 City Staff Workshop Notes City Staff Meeting November 16, 2011 Attendees:Joyce Repya (Associate Planner),Cary Teague (Planner), Bob Wilson (City Assesor),Wayne Houle (Dir Public Works, City Coordinator), Kim Montgomery, Eric Rogeman (Asst Finance Dir),Steve Grausman (Liquor Director),Greg Keer(Vernon Location—Edina Liquor),Jordan Gilgebran (Communications),John Walkin (Finance Director),Andrew Dresdner, Bruce Jacobson, Mike Lamb, Kevin Staunton ML—rightsizing Eden, eliminating ramps, locating park and ride, increasing density and intensity, one way pair KM—need to consider the loss of parking on Sherburn when calculating parking at the Library before and after. WP—police use the rest of the base or the public ramp. WP—have you looked at roundabouts. You can reduce your through lanes with Roundabouts on Vernon. Sounds like you are back casting? County State Aid rules do not match the complete street approach. ML-Vehicle#'s are high and constricting their throughput may force traffic elsewhere. KM—are there inherent conflicts within the County? Complete Streets vc no traffic calming. How do we resolve them? KS—what if the county turns Vernon back to the City. Interchange is hwy to hwy, but today it is hwy to local street WP—you'd still have to follow State Aid rules. the State is more potentially more flexible than the State? KS-#'s drop to below 12,000 south of Interlachen.Vernon at 4 lanes is a very small segment. Much of the issue is simply moving the platoon through the intersection. WP—Eden is also a state aid street however it is city owned. WP—as long as you keep N/S access, removing the ramps should not be a problem. JW—is it the intent to create a new TIF District KS—options are TIF or abatement or assessments; philanthropy,general fund. JW-the best thing would be TIF . Our CIP is on a downward track in terms of sustainability. The funds do not exist in any fund to build sidewalks etc. Looking at the current enterprises is relatively small and insignificant. One concern with TIF is what goes on the old PW Site. You would need new value on the site—a new public building does not create much new value. You'd prefer a multi million dollar private project to pay for the amount of$you need for infrastructure. No hidden pot of$. Not easy to go to the City taxpayers. They wil likely say that surrounding properties should pay for their own sidewalks. ML—if slip lanes are eliminated, enhancement funds are available by MNDOT for transportation related uses. JW—cannot build a rec center at Southdale with TIF. Can build transportation, but not rec/cultural center. If you use the entire site for public use,then all the value capture has to come from surrounding sites. SG—the one ways will hurt sales at the liquor store. The captive customer at the stop light cannot turn left. They will have to pass the business and turn back in. PW—any thoughts about moving that business. PS- Free standing store with more parking would be great. ER—customers here are customers of habit. 13 spaces= 5 million$ in sales; 3500 sf building. ER—could be a larger building. Added 1000 sf, and looked at purchasing the dry cleaners however abatement costs are likely high. Ideally you want access,visibility,and parking. When Target closed for a year, we lost 300K in a year. ML—where would a standalone with dedicated parking not work at Grandview. ER—nowhere past Eden. Preferably with a Vernon face. Able to capture traffic east and west bound traffic. PS—locating at the clinic would be very good. Looked at condo location south of US Bank, but it was residentially zoned.Would have increased our sales 50%.Would need 8-10 K MI—what are the customers complaints PS—Holiday chaos. Otherwise its OK. Employees help carry out. KM—people will not relearn—it's a stubborn group with habits. BW—there is a small maintenance district for this area. Covers commercial only. Special assessment. Snow removal, plant upgrades, irrigation, BJ—snow melter at Grandview works. BW—snowmelter at P and r would be great. City Staff • Sustainability o Vernon Traffic Signals vs. roundabouts o Did Jack look at this? o Not sustainable"Back-casting" • Complete streets vs.traffic calming o County policy @ odds with itself • What is the "turn back" process... o Who is involved and what are the rules? • Vernon & Eden could both be state—aid • Public works projects& potential funding sources o CIP downward track related to sustainable o No funding for bridge&walks o New taxable value o Look to TIF • Special assessments to pay for district street improvements o sidewalks o crosswalks • How to create value • Restrictions on use of TIF o Maybe not used for rec center • Looking for a split/mix of uses • Traffic patterns to access liquor store—reduce business • Would like a free-standing location surrounded by parking (D'Vanni's) • B—10k s.f. ideal size • Snow melter...into drinking water Public Meeting November 17, 2011 What is the plan east of hwy 100 Eliminate several ramps, create more civic space MF—as a community should we be more bold about the ideas on east side of Hwy 100. ML—removing the loop will free up land—development, civic space. Like the ide of removing the loop. However keep the historic buildings—they are in their proper context. It seems like you are cutting down Vernono to a smaller street. What will that do to surrounding streets. Volumes drop off west of Interlachen and this allows us to reduce to 3 lanes. In Richmod Hills. When we come home from 100 we take the loop to Arcadia to Eden.This will lengthen my trip home. Can you create one way pairs out of Eden and Vernonu J Dillery—if we do not have the loop eb Vernon to nb 100; how will you have good nb access to 100. JB—standard intersection—perhaps a double left. For 75 years people have been cutting through this area. If you create another stop sign on Vernon,you will have people cut through Eden What is the time line Some elelmnts are long term—others are short term. Amazing concept. Process questin—if there were to be something done on that—does it require a referendum? Was there any thought to putting the public building on th eeast side—with the existing historic buildings. Then you can develop the PW site privately. A community center on the east side will be next tto City hall—can create a covic complex. The Comm Bldg does not have a relationship with City Hall Perkins? Impacts what you do on Eden. Have not heard anything about LRT. Plan reserves 30'for transit along side the tracks. Not defined what type it is. Dan Patch addresses heavy and fast trains. Today,State has a Plan to put inter city.Would like to see endorsement of LRT in plkace of intercity. KS—guiding principles state we will preserve this corridor for future transit. JDillery—1140 residents in this part of Edina working in core of downtown. Express bus does not catch many of them. Only 10-12% . A park and ride is critical to meeting this demand. 24 minute bus ride to downtown. 200 car garage for Pand R. 200 space garage is a resource to the community for the evening and weekends. Should think about putting the P and R on Eden. Met Transit is willing to invest in a short term facility o start serving the community. The loss of the bus turnaround on Sherwood will have a big impact—busses need to turn around. Please add locations of bus stops to your drawings, bus facilities, and turnaround.