HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 3, 2011 MEETING NOTES Grandview Small Area Guide Plan Process Thursday, August 3, 2011, 6:00 — 9:00 PM Edina Senior Center Aquarium Room Staff Present: Executive Committee Present: Kim Montgomery Kris Aaker Kevin Stauton Michael Fischer Lisa Deihl Steering Committee Present: Larry Chestler Collin Bredeson Gene Persha Peyton Robb Andy Brown Peter Susman Britt Dornblaser Consultants Present: Mike Lamb/Cunningham Bob Close/Close Antonio Rosell/Cmty Design Bruce Jacobson/Close Andrew Dreschner/Cunningham I. Welcome Kevin Staunton welcomed everyone and had everyone introduce themselves and explain how they are connected to the project and what got them involved. Mr. Staunton explained that over the past couple weeks the Executive Committee has been interviewing area consultants and has invited the chosen consultants present tonight to collaborate on the Grandview Small Area Plan. Mr. Staunton indicated that the Close and Cunningham group would lead with Land use, Community Needs and Public Realm piece. Jack Bros with WSB and Antonio Rosell with the Community Design Group would lead on Transportation and Anthony Schertler would lead on Market Analysis and Finance. Questions were raised by the consultants as to the boundaries of the study area and how it became defined. Mr. Staunton said the boundaries may be elastic as we get into the planning process. II. Executive Committee Perspectives 1 Mr. Staunton had each of the Executive Committee members share their perspective and some background information for the benefit of the consultants. Peyton Robb Indicated that he is on the School Board, that the School District owns property within Grandview, (school bus garage), and that the School District's official position is that they would be willing to move the facility at no cost to the District. Kim Montgomery stated that the Community Needs and Public Realm work group is looking at community connectivity in social and civic ways and connectivity in how one can get around the district. Ms. Montgomery stated that it is important to continue out- reach to determine the amenities a 21st century city should have and how this plan may address some of those identified needs. Ms. Montgomery sees the area as a service node with no large retail draw. Lisa Diehl Stated that the City has recently completed a "Quality of Life Survey" that may be helpful in determining some needs assessment for Grandview. Ms. Diehl indicated that her work group is the marketing and Finance piece and that they were two separate work groups until they were combined for efficiency. Ms. Diehl stated that her group is interesting in finding the highest and best use for the district and what can the area support. Collin Bredesen who represents business owners indicated that transportation and parking are issues that will need to be addressed in any plan. Truck traffic, loading and unloading for local businesses are currently not well planned out. Parking in the area is congested and is often taken up by park and ride vehicles. There is no formal park and ride; however, people park cars in business parking lots taking up valuable parking for businesses. Larry Chestier stated that his work group is the Transportation Work Group. He noted that many of the Guiding Principles touch on transportation issues including walking, biking, mass transit and bridging the east and west sides of the district. Mr. Chestier indicated that the work group and the Steering Committee are very aware of the issues surrounding the rail line that bisects the district and the potential for future activity on the rail road ROW. Michael Fischer indicated that from an over-all perspective Edina has always been innovative and forward thinking regarding future development in the city. Mr. Fischer believes that with community involvement and the chosen consultants that this plan can again strike the right balance to be innovative, creative and provide solid guidance for future redevelopment in the area. Comments from Steering Committee members present included the following: Peter Susman indicated that Grandview has become the area where most of his services are provided. He does not believe the area is a regional draw, but also acknowledged that even if he doesn't live all that close by, that he drives to Grandview quite often for things. Britt Dornblaser said that he rarely crosses over Highway 100 from the east side 2 to go to Grandview for goods and services. Mr. Donblaser stated that he and most people who live on the east side of Highway 100 go to 50th and France for services. Gene Persha stated that the rail road presents problems for redevelopment. Mr. Persha said that he has no desire to stay or linger in the district currently and that there is no inviting or accommodating place to spend time. III. Discussions with Consultant Team Bruce Jacobson with Close and Associates indicated that the district needs to create a sense of place with public amenities, parks, something notable and unique. Grandview should not duplicate other parts of Edina that are successful. Mr. Jacobson stated that the area's unique signatures must be explored to identify the sense of place that is Grandview. After hearing comments it was indicated that a certain amount of retail is currently there for a reason and that a market analysis piece should identify what business interests Grandview is the best setting for. A general discussion transpired regarding a work plan. The possibility of three meetings or perhaps a three day Charette was brought up. A concentrated effort to distill the work that has already been done was suggested. Mr. Jacobson stated that upon reflection of what everyone has learned so far through the process, it is important for the consultant team to offer new and fresh perspectives on the foundation that has already been set in place. Discussion went on regarding what product will be produced in the process. What form will the product take? It was indicated that it should not just be a document that sits on the shelf. It was discussed as a vision piece, something that perhaps could be fluid and change. The possibility of a computer generated three dimensional model was discussed. The importance of outreach was discussed. Options cited were the possibility of a re- launch of the project, a cable show piece, the web page, survey monkey, and print media. It was stressed that the Steering Committee/work groups are ready to assist the consultant as are city staff members for providing information and data gathering and that they should be used to provide what the consultants need so they may spend their time on creating an innovative plan. Concluding, Staunton said the Executive Committee will be meeting Wednesday, August 10, at 7:30 AM to discuss the work plan with the consultants. Kevin indicated that perhaps a meeting of the Executive Committee and the City Council should occur to bring the City Council up to speed on the process so far and the direction the Committee intends to take with consultants. 3 i VII. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM Kris Aaker Respectfully submitted 4