HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 16, 2011 MEETING NOTES Grandview Small Area Guide Plan Process Thursday, June, 16, 2011, 7:00 PM Edina Senior Center Fireside Room Staff Present: Facilitators Present: Cary Teague Kevin Staunton Jackie Hoogenakker Michael Schroeder Kris Aaker Steering Committee Present: Others Present: Gene Persha Steve Elkins Kim Montgomery Griff Wigley Andy Brown Sandy Fox Randy Halvorson Larry Chestier Peter Sussman Suzanne Davison David Davison Marianne Rothu Lisa Diehl Greg Domke Terry Ahlstrom Peyton Robb Dick Crockett Ellen Jones Chris Rofidal David Davison Richard Borland Jim Baisch I. Welcome Kevin Staunton welcomed everyone and introduced Steve Elkins, from the Met Council. II. Executive Committee Report Staunton explained that over the past couple weeks the Executive Committee has been working on drafting a "Request for Interest" seeking assistance from area consultants in creating a Small Area Plan for the Grandview Area. The Committee will continue to update you on this process. Staunton said he hopes to have a consultant or consultants picked by late July early August. 1 Ill. Group Reports Staunton reminded the Committee that at their last meeting in May each work group reported on their progress and since that time it has become apparent a communications element needs to be added; possibly under Land Use. Staunton said Chris Rofidal has volunteered and will be moving from the position of convener of the Land Use group to the subgroup of Communications. Motion Dick Crocket moved to add another seat. Mr. Ruppert seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Reports by Groups: Kim Montgomery— deferred her time Lisa Diehl/Market Analysis and Finance reported that at this time their committee has things on the "back burner" until the RFI process is formulated. Peter Sussman/Land Use - Larry Chestler/Transportation said that their group has identified a number of different categories that would need to be addressed. Those categories are as follows: 1. School Bus Garage — Can a solution be found? 2. Highway 100 — Highway 100 isn't going away. There is the possibility of future reconfiguration of the ramps. Connectivity between Highway 100 and the RR Tracks. 3. Parking — in general. Would a Park & Ridge fit? If so, where? 4. Access within and to the district. Improvements need to be made in all modes of transportation (pedestrian, vehicle, bus, train). 5. What role does mass transportation play in the Grandview area (rail and vehicular). Mass transit would also include the role buses play on Highway 100 (Express buses). Mr. Elkins was introduced to speak to the issue of transportation/light rail Mr. Elkins addressed the Committee and explained with regard to the "light rail" element of the discussion that the Committee needs to review all options. The intent of a light rail line is to carry passengers and in Edina because of the current use of the CP rail line the "light rail" would have to co-exist with freight traffic. Continuing, Elkins said that the criteria and standards for implementing light rail were high, and that's in all instances. Elkins said all light rail modes of transportation need to 2 meet crash test standards and other safety standards; pointing out survival is minimal, at best, if a commuter train collides with a freight train. Elkins said currently there are cities in the USA where the same rail line is used for both commuter and freight. This co-existence has been accomplished through scheduling. Between specific hours the rail line can be used for freight, and commuter .Continuing, Elkins reiterated in Edina's case; both Edina and the CP RR would have to work together to co-exist if some form of "light rail" were to exist along this track. Elkins said that currently the CP rail line operates at minimum twice per day, adding even if CP RR gave the "go ahead" for commuter use the existing rail lines aren't in the best shape and someone (State, Federal) government would have to step in and overhaul and maintain this line. CP won't do it. Concluding, Elkins said another issue before Edina regarding rail is that the CP rail runs through some of Edina's neighborhoods and the majority of those residents won't want an increase in traffic whether it's commuter or freight. Elkins said it is prudent of the City to plan for the possibility of commuter rail; however, it's not without difficulties. IV. Communications/Chris Rofidal Chris Rofidal/Communications said the goal of communications is an age old problem of reaching out and engaging the masses. Rofidal delivered a power point presentation highlighting the following: • In reaching out to Edina's Communications Director Jennifer Bennerotte, Rofidal said he found out that the City has many assets that aid communication and many of them can be found on the City's website. Expanding on this asset Rofidal said besides providing the basic website link the City also provides City Extra, which is an informational tool that residents can sign up for and receive current information on specific topics. The City also uses Facebook and twitter which could be implemented by the Committee. • Consistent storage of information needs to occur in an easily accessible location. • Outreach is important especially in reaching different demographics. Continuing, Rofidal said he envisions the following ways to reach out to residents: 1. Encourage all Boards and Commissions to mention this process on their meetings. 2. When flyer is created the Planning Departments will visit the area merchants and drop of the flyers. 3. Use the Sun Current and the City's "About Town" to further get the word out. 4. Develop a Grandview "stump" speech that can be given to different organizations. 5. August 2nd is Edina Night 2 Unite — Committee Members can spread the word that evening also look at getting this information to neighborhood associations. 6. Open House 3 • Transparency is extremely important. All information should be easily accessed and residents need to know they are welcome to attend all Steering Committee meetings. Kevin Staunton introduced Griff Wigley to speak more on communications. Mr. Wigley informed the Committee that he has had a long standing relationship with Scott Neal, Edina's City Manager. This relationship began when Mr. Neal was the City Manager of Northfield, MN. Continuing, Wigley said that he worked with Mr. Neal in developing a "blog" to engage the citizenry. Wigley said at this time he, along with Neal are developing a blog that can be accessed at www.edinacitizenengagement.org. This tool can be used to raise the level of awareness within the community. Concluding, Wigley said there can be a blog for every issue. Discussion on Communications The discussion focused on how to help with "getting the word out". The Committee acknowledged the importance of using the traditional forms of communication (i.e. Star & Tribune West Metro, Sun Current, and Edina Patch); however, more could be done. Staunton reported to "kick-off" the process he wrote a by-line in the Sun Current/ Letters to the Editor section and also speaks to the Edina Patch; however, he agreed more "outreach" needs to be done. Staunton suggested to Rofidal that they develop a power point presentation on the Grandview process that anyone can use if they get the option to address a community organization. Staunton asked if anyone was interested in blogging or "group speak" see Chris or me. IV. Request for Interest/Engagement of Consulting Experts Kevin Staunton reported that the Grandview Small Area Plan study will be a one year process broken down into different sections the first; organization and engaging consultants. Staunton said the role of the consultants would be to assist the Committee in developing a "final" plan or development framework for the Grandview area. Staunton explained what the Executive Committee would like to see from the consultants was a 6-page letter explaining what they do; their ideas for the Grandview area and how they will guide us through the process to the final product. Staunton said the feedback from the consultants would be more like a letter of interest and ideas. Staunton said after the RFI goes out the Executive Committee would analyze each response and develop a list of those the Executive Committee wants to interview. Staunton said he also foresees the Steering Committee receiving and reviewing the responses and at a Steering Committee meeting (July 21st) a consultant "team(s)" would be selected to interview. Staunton also said that anyone who would want to site 4 in on the interviews could; however, the Executive Committee would "host" the interview(s). Staunton said he envisions the following after receipt of Letters of Interest: 1. Executive Committee reviews the Letters of Interest and selects the "team" to participate in interviews. 2. The Executive Committee (as mentioned previously) will conduct the interviews; reiterating all Steering Committee members and/or general public; for that matter, can "sit in" on these interviews. 3. When the "team" is chosen the "team" will be invited to participate in scoping session. 4. Have scoping session with selected team. Concluding, Staunton said the consultant's or team the Committee picks needs to know that we are serious about the plan. The Committee also wants to reinforce to whomever is chosen that "we own the work plan", reiterating that it was important that each consultant knows how serious the Committee is about the process and the final work plan. Staunton said he envisions a consultant team hired by early August. A brief discussion ensued on the fee paid to the "team" to begin the process (scoping session). $2,500 was mentioned with the suggestion of a $5,000 for the chosen "team. Staunton said what needs to be done is to review the grant and look at the conditions. It was noted that much of the grant money could be spent if the "team" attends Executive and/or Steering Committee meetings. It was also noted that maybe a fee should not be mentioned; the 100 thousand grant can be acknowledged — don't dictate an artificial threshold. In conclusion Staunton said that at this time the focus of the Committee should be sending out the RFI, choosing the consultant(s)/team and establishing a fee for the scoping session and have the selected team prepare a work plan with fee. Kim Montgomery suggested that it may be best to be more specific in what we want. She said the City may receive more innovative responses if the criteria were tighter, adding if they know what we want the money would be better spent. If it's left too general we may miss out on true innovators. Chris Rofidal added that in his opinion if the RFI was framed too specifically it could lead to a more biased approach from a consultant and less innovation. It was also pointed out that it may be best if the burden was placed on the consultant/team. It is the job of the consultant/team to take whatever input the City provides and "run with it". The team chosen are professionals who don't have to be spoon fed. 5 Motion Chris Rofidal moved to increase the consultant "pay out" from $2,500 to $5,000. Randy Halvorson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. A "close date" was also established for the RFI's of July 11, 2011, 4:30 pm VI. Follow-up on May 12, Idea Generation Session-Kim Montgomery Kim Montgomery reported that last month she attended a community conversation meeting that was attended by a number of residents that couldn't attend the regularly scheduled Steering Committee meetings. Ms. Montgomery said the outcome of that conversation was provided to the Executive/Steering committees. Ms. Montgomery said as a result of the community conversation and steering committee meeting on the 10`h of May she compiled all that information on Community Ideas Organized According to 7 Guiding Principles. Attached/ Meeting Notes June 16, 2011 as Exhibit "A". Continuing, Montgomery said in her opinion it would be beneficial if the information contained in the Community Ideas Organized According to 7 Guiding Principles was attached to the RFI. A discussion ensued on the merits of attaching the Community Ideas to the RFI. The group as a whole decided that it would be best to send out the RFI as drafted with the minor changes and provide all consultants a link to the City's website allowing them to look at all the information provided on the Grandview Small Area Plan; going back to the Public Works Small Area plan process and beyond. A concern that was expressed was that the consultant(s)/team selected would provide the City with the typical "mixed-use" scenario. The Committee expressed the opinion that they do not want to stifle anyone's creativity; however, they want to ensure that an innovative approach was taken in selecting the "team". The discussion ensued with Staunton calling for a motion to approve the RFI and subsequent dates. Motion Brown moved to accept the RFI and subsequent dates. Rofidal seconded the motion. Ayes; Nay; Montgomery. Motion carried. 6 VII. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM Jackie Hoogenakker Respectfully submitted P Y 7