HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 21, 2011 MEETING NOTES Grandview Small Area Guide Plan Process Thursday, April 21, 2011, 7:00 PM Edina Senior Center Fireside Room Staff Present: Kick-Off Facilitators: Cary Teague Kevin Staunton Jackie Hoogenakker Michael Schroeder Kris Aaker Mike Fischer Joyce Repya Others Present Mike Platteter Gene Persha Kim Montgomery Bright Dornblaser Andy Brown Sandy Fox Randy Halvorson Larry Chestier Peter Sussman Suzanne Davison Lisa Diehl Greg Domke Terry Ahlstrom Peyton Robb Dick Crockett Ellen Jones Bill Neuendorf Dan Gieseke Arne Cook Chris Rofidal David Davison Richard Borland Bernie Beaver I. Introduction Kevin Staunton welcomed everyone and introduced the facilitators of the Grandview Small Area Plan (K. Staunton, M. Fischer, M. Schroeder) adding that the goal of this process would be informal and interactive. Staunton explained that the meeting would begin with a brief introduction, break into working groups and reconvene into the large group. Staunton said he envisions the Grandview Small Area Plan process spreading out over a one year time period. Organization of work groups, develop a steering committee, draft development framework, establish RFP for consultant selection, hire consultants, "check-in" periodically with City Council, review and refinement of the "plan" are a number of issues that need to be addressed and finalized in the year long process. Staunton said a time frame would need to be established to meet specific goals. Staunton said he envisions the year broken down into 4 segments. Continuing, Staunton said the yearlong process would be guided by the seven principles. Continuing, Staunton noted that in his opinion no one person has an exact vision of what the outcome of this process would be. Staunton said participants should be flexible and should adhere to the seven guiding principles as the plan is developed. Staunton concluded that the end result of the process would be a recommendation to the City Council that would become an attachment to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Further discussion ensued with members raising the following: • Has the City considered renting out the public works building to offset the debt? • Could City staff find examples of small area plans from other cities and distribute them to members. • Can this plan proceed without knowing what will happen with transportation? This includes the Highway 100 ramps, Vernon Avenue, Eden Avenue, RR Tracks. • Will or when could light rail occur in this area, 5, 10 plus years. This is important. • Is there a complete streets policy? Staunton asked everyone to break into the following groups as to their preference and expertise: • Transportation • Community Needs • Infrastructure • Market Analysis • Financing • Land Use II. Work Group Meetings Working groups were established with the following members: Transportation: Larry Chestler, Greg Domke, Bill Neuendorf, David Davison, Richard Borland and Randy Halvorson Community Needs: Kim Montgomery, Bright Dornblaser, Sandy Fox and Dick Crockett Infrastructure: Mike Platteter and Gene Persha Market Analysis: Don Gieseke, Bernie Beaver, Andy Brown and Lisa Diehl Financing: Steve Buss (Buss not present) Land Use: Chris Rofidal, Arne Cook, Sue Davison, Ellen Jones, Terry Ahlstrom, Peyton Robb, Peter Sussman The working groups finished their discussions and reconvened to the larger group. Staunton asked participants for their input from the small group sessions. A discussion ensued with group members expressing the opinion that there was overlap in groups and that some of the groups could be combined. Members created the following four work groups: 1. Community Needs and Public Realm 2. Land Use, Community Design, and Infrastructure 3. Finance and Market Analysis 4. Transportation, Circulation and Parking. Staunton confirmed that conveners of each group would serve as the chairs, (Community Needs; Kim Montgomery - Land Use; Chris Rofidal-Finance and Market Analysis; Lisa Diehl and Transportation; Larry Chestler). Further discussion continued with appointing members to a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee would be made up of the 3 facilitators — Kevin Staunton, Mike Fischer and Michael Schroeder and others. The discussion suggested that representatives from the City's Boards and Commissions would be part of the Steering Committee plus members of the business community and property owners. Representatives of the Steering Committee Boards and Commissions are: • Mike Platteter representing the Energy and Environment Commission • Paul Nelson representing Transportation • Ellen Jones representing Park; and • Chris Rofidal representing the Heritage Preservation Board Staunton acknowledged that members of the business community and property owners would also need to be named to the Steering Committee. Peyton Robb would represent the school district. The remaining members of the Steering Committee will be residents who attended the May 14th or 21st meetings. Members of the Steering Committee suggested that an Executive Committee be formed to meet between meetings and plan agendas and proposals. The Steering Committee will retain the right to approve any proposals brought forth by the Executive Committee. The discussion turned to forming an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee would meet between meetings and plan agendas and proposals. Members of the Executive Committee are as follows: Staunton, Fischer, Schroeder, Montgomery, Rofidal, Diehl, Chestler and Teague of City staff. An additional member would be a representative of the business and property owners in the District. The Steering Committee approved appointment of the Executive Committee. Staunton adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm. He added that he is considering scheduling a meeting on May 9th at 7:00pm, but would get back to everyone when the next meeting date is "firm". Submitted by PAX/lc/IX/ 1i ao'wwlvk e'ie Edina Planning Department MEETING MINUTES Grandview Small Area Guide Plan Process Thursday, April 21, 2011, 7:00 PM Edina Senior Center Fireside Room The following action was taken at the Grandview Small Area Guide Plan on April 21, 2011. The Steering Committee recommended that an Executive Committee be formed. A motion was made and seconded to form an Executive Committee comprised of Kevin Staunton, Mike Fischer, Michael Schroeder, Kim Montgomery, Chris Rofidal, Lisa Diehl, Larry Chestier and Cary Teague. It was also recommended that an additional member(s) would be appointed as a representative of the business and property owners in the District. All voted aye; motion to form an Executive Committee carried.