HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproach, Scope & Budget CUNINGHAM GROUP. z i i i 8, g / i .44,e `art. , / 1 $ l ,v L., .,u .?. x.._,, . .kms „±4a sffiiazali September 14,2011 GrandView District Small Area Plan IApproach, Scope, and Budget 1 I CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach, Scope,and Budget APPROACH The next several months of the GrandView District Small Area Planning Process is intended to be a community-based approach that recognizes the organization and effort that have been made to date;from those efforts this process is a'bridge'to the next steps.The Consulting Team will work closely with the Steering Committee and its sub- committee structure to support a process that is focused on key issues,opportunities, and recommendations.The approach is organized around the Steering Committee that meets on a regular basis to guide the Consulting Team.A key feature of the approach is using a Community Workshop format to facilitate a highly interactive process over an approximately four(4)month schedule,which continues the progress that has been made by the Steering Committee and community stakeholders.The Workshop format is designed to quickly and efficiently present ideas,get feedback,make adjustments,and re-engage local stakeholders The plan is to conduct three(3)Community Workshops at specific milestones.The community participation process includes these primary groups of participants: Steering Committee,Executive Committee,Work Groups,City Staff,Focus Groups(land owners,neighborhoods,public officials,school district,institutions,city departments, business operators,and others as identified during the process),Plan Commission,and City Council.Additional Focus Group meetings may be held with representatives from the development and construction sectors to provide context and more detail regarding trends,market,and costs.Each of these groups is engaged at key times throughout the process. Roles and Responsibilities The Consulting Team will rely on the organizational capacity of the Steering Committee and City to act in a number of project roles during the process. • Steering Committee—will provide overall guidance to the process and act as hosts during the Workshops and ambassadors to the greater community. • Executive Committee—will provide active direction to the Consulting Team on behalf of the Steering Committee and will help lead the planning process at each step. • Work Groups—will continue to function relative to specific topics;for the Community Workshops,each group will prepare a snapshot of the'big picture' context and detailed information about the district conditions.A communications/ PR work group will lead the overall outreach and communications efforts. • City Staff—will support the process with technical and policy information; assist with public and community outreach and guide the larger team through the necessary approval steps. • Cuningham Group—will serve as the lead contract holder and co-lead the planning process. CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach, Scope,and Budget • Close Landscape Architecture—will serve as the co-lead for the planning process. • HR Green—will provide transportation/traffic planning/engineering expertise as needed. • Springsted—will provide market and financial expertise as needed. • Community Design Group—will participate in the Workshop process providing expertise and assistance across a range of subject areas. Part I—Discussion and Discovery Part I is about learning from and listening to the Steering Committee,Work Groups,and other stakeholders;analyzing the study area and understanding the work done to-date; appreciating the larger dynamics of the area;and clearly defining the opportunities.An initial Community Workshop is held to conduct work group discussions/downloads;a public meeting/presentation is hosted by the Steering Committee and the Consulting Team. Part II—Ideas and Options Part II focuses on developing ideas and options that address the specific issues raised by the Steering Committee,stakeholders and the public process.The Consulting Team conducts a three-day Community Workshop(to be held in the study area)that will include Steering Committee meetings,focus group meetings,stakeholder interviews, team work sessions,and conclude with a public meeting/presentation. Part III—Decide and Deliver Part III consolidates all the comments,ideas,and options into a preferred direction.This part includes a third Community Workshop and public meeting.The Consulting Team prepares a summary document that may be widely distributed via a variety of sources (i.e.,print,web,etc.)and a Sketch-up 3D model of the area with preferred options. 2 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach,Scope,and Budget SCOPE OF SERVICES Part I—Discussion and Discovery Part I includes the overall review and understanding of the existing conditions of the plan area,the larger context in which it exists,and the activities/efforts that have been prepared by the Steering Committee.This includes identification and analysis of the physical characteristics of the area as well as a summary review of land use, transportation,market place,and proposed/planned development and infrastructure initiatives.Each Work Group will also be responsible for preparing a contextual overview of their topic and a more specific summary of the conditions/influences of the district study area.Key tasks include: Kickoff Meeting:The Project Team meets with the Steering Committee and City staff to review expectations,roles,scope,and milestones for the project.During this meeting the client group identifies key stakeholders to be engaged during the process. Assessment and Analysis:The Consulting Team will conduct a general analysis and assessment of the study area,what has been produced to-date,its physical and environmental characteristics(using data and information that is readily available and/or provided by the client and client Work Groups).Its analysis focuses on what are anticipated to be the key issues,such as:land use,transportation,community needs/public realm,real estate market/finance,and implementation.The Project Team will also produce draft goal statements to be used as a guide relative to options and implementation recommendations.The team prepares graphic and narrative documentation as needed to summarize this task. Work Group Reports:Each of the four topical Work Groups(Community Needs and Public Realm,Transportation,Land Use and Community Design,and Market Analysis and Finance)will organize,research and prepare a`group report'and will share the results of that with the Consulting Team during the first Workshop. The reports should focus on two levels of information:a)"big picture"or the larger context of the district,city,and sub-region;and b)"on-the-ground"or information that is very specific to the study area.Reports should be summarized in memorandum form not to exceed three to four pages but should include any and all necessary supplemental information and data. Community Workshop#1:The first Workshop(one day)is organized around "download"meetings with each Work Group during the day followed by public meeting/presentation during the evening. Key Activities:Team work sessions;Community Workshop#1 Deliverables: Graphics,summary notes,as needed;Sketch-up base model;PowerPoint presentation;Web-Ready updates in Graphic and Narrative Formats Meetings: Steering Committee,City Staff,Executive Team,Work Groups,and Public meeting 3 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach, Scope,and Budget Roles and Responsibilities: • Steering Committee—meet as a group at least one time with the Consulting Team; attend and host the Workshop public meeting. • Executive Committee—meet as group at least one time with the Consulting Team; attend the Workshop as needed. • Work Groups—prepare a snapshot of the'big picture'context and detailed information about the district conditions per topic. • City Staff—organize a departmental meeting with the Consulting Team;meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;provide Project Team with available data, information,mapping,and other resources as needed. Part II—Ideas and Options In Part II the Consulting Team prepares a series of feasible options based on the results of the first Community Workshop,information gathered during the second community Workshop,and analysis of each.These are prepared using a combination of words, pictures,and numbers;options for how the built environment might be developed are illustrated with the Sketch-up model.Ideas will respond to the many initiatives and efforts ongoing,planned or in consideration(in particular,identified infill and redevelopment sites). Community Workshop#2:The purpose of Community Workshop#2(three days) is to develop and present options and alternatives to the local stakeholders.We will meet with the Work Groups,conduct focus groups,meet with the Steering Committee,and hold a public meeting/presentation during the evening of the last day. Work Group Review:Each of the four topical Work Groups will meet with the Consulting Team during the Workshop to review and discuss the ideas and options being considered and provide additional research as identified by the Consulting Team. Draft Plan Summary:The Consulting Team prepares a draft summary that will address ideas and options.The purpose is to solidify the key ideas and eliminate unsupported or infeasible recommendations prior to moving into Part III.The draft summary along with an implementation strategy will be presented and reviewed during Public Workshop#2. Key Activities:Team work sessions;Community Workshop#2 Deliverables: Graphics,summary notes,as needed;Sketch-up model options; PowerPoint presentation;Web-Ready Updates in Graphic and Narrative Formats Meetings: Steering Committee,City Staff,Executive Team,Work Groups,and Public meeting 4 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach,Scope,and Budget Roles and Responsibilities: • Steering Committee—meet as a group at least one time with the Consulting Team; attend and host the Workshop public meeting. • Executive Committee—meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;attend the Community Workshop as needed. • Work Groups—meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;provide additional research as needed. • City Staff—meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;assist Consulting Team as needed. Part III—Decide and Deliver Part III consolidates all the comments,ideas,and options into a preferred direction.This part includes a third Community Workshop and public meeting.The Consulting Team prepares a summary document that may be widely distributed via a variety of sources (i.e.,print,web,etc.)and a Sketch-up 3D model of the area with preferred options. Community Workshop#3:The team hosts Community Workshop#3(two days)in which refinements,adjustments,and implementation are presented and reviewed. Work and focus groups are reconvened,as necessary,for a final time and a final public meeting is conducted. Plan Summary:The Consulting Team completes the Plan Summary that will correspond to the appropriate major categories defined in the comprehensive plan. The purpose is to solidify main ideas and eliminate unsupported or infeasible ideas prior to developing final Summary recommendations. Key Activities:Team work sessions;Community Workshop#3 Deliverables:Graphics,summary notes,as needed;Sketch-up model with options; PowerPoint presentation;Web-Ready Updates in Graphic and Narrative Formats Meetings: Steering Committee,City Staff,Executive Team,Work Groups,and Public meeting Roles and Responsibilities: • Steering Committee—meet as a group at least one time with the Consulting Team; attend and host the Community Workshop public meeting. • Executive Committee—meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;attend the Workshop as needed • Work Groups—meet with the Consulting Team as needed. • City Staff—meet with the Consulting Team at least one time;assist Consulting Team as needed. I 5 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach, Scope,and Budget DELIVERABLES Final deliverables are a combination of plan and process summary,3-D modeling, and other multi-media tools.The Consulting Team and City staff will work together to prepare the deliverables.The specific content will be determined by the Steering Committee and Project Team and include the components and topics necessary to facilitate incorporation into the City's comprehensive plan.The deliverables will include the following. 1. Plan Summary that includes four major categories: 1.1. Hope for change—a definitive statement about why planning is needed to guide GrandView area and what the community gains from this process.The Small Area Plan Guide Process principles and community-based process is documented. 1.2. Thoughts and interactions—a summary of the ways in which people are talking about the future of GrandView. 1.3. Patterns for a neighborhood center—describing what is possible in GrandView and narrowing the possibilities to a direction that resonates with the community's vision.Specific topics that correspond to the comprehensive plan will be addressed. 1.4. Moving forward with purpose—a framework for subsequent activities that draws us nearer to the vision through incremental but well-orchestrated actions including implementation recommendations and next steps. 2. PowerPoint Presentations 3. Sketch-up model with options/interventions N 6 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach, Scope,and Budget COMMUNITY WORKSHOP AGENDA/DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION (dates approved) Community Workshop#1 —One day(September 21,2011) Dav li 10am Team arrives Work Group meetings Noon Lunch provided by client Work Group meetings 3pm Break 3:30pm Prep for public meeting 5:30pm Dinner provided by client 6:30pm Public meeting Community Workshop#2—Three days(October 25,26,and 27,2011) Day l 10am Team arrives/go over schedule Download discovery/discuss issues/concerns/other Noon Lunch provided by client 1-3pm Work Group and Focus group meetings 3pm Break 3:30pm Work Group and Focus group meetings 5:30pm Dinner break 6:30pm Meet with client group—discuss potential direction and program Dav 2 loam Team arrives Work session Noon Public open house 1-3pm Work session 3pm Break 3:30pm Work session 5:30pm Dinner break 6:30pm Meet with client group—review work/preview public meetings Davi loam Team arrives Work session Noon Public open house 1-3pm Prep for public meeting 3pm Break 3:30pm Prep for public meeting 5:30pm Dinner break 6:30pm Public meeting(brief presentation,feedback,conclude) 7 I CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Approach,Scope,and Budget Community Workshop#3—Two days(November 15-16,2011) Day 1 loam Team arrives Work session Noon Public open house 1-3pm Work session 3pm Break 3:30pm Work session 5:30pm Dinner break 6:30pm Meet with client group—review work/preview public meetings Day 2 loam Team arrives Work session Noon Public open house 1-3pm Prep for public meeting 3pm Break 3:30pm Prep for public meeting 5:30pm Dinner break 6:30pm Public meeting(brief presentation,feedback,conclude) I 8 CUNINGHAM GR OUP GrandView District Small Area Plan Project Schedule Sept Oct Nov Dec Part I Discussion and Discovery Community Workshop#1 • Part II Ideas and Options Community Workshop#2 • Part III Decide and Deliver Community Workshop#3 • Deliverables Project/Community Meetings Sept Oct Nov Dec Steering Committee Staff Coordination Executive Team Meeting Community Workshop ♦#1 ♦#2 .#3 Work Group Meetings Plan Commission/Council Project Update Note:Scope and schedule subject to review and approval by the Client and Cuningham Group Community Workshops Typical Workshop Schedule Community workshops are held over a 2-3 Day 1/2 day period as an inter-active way to facilitate Morning stakeholder focus groups and provide the • Team coordination consulting team a continuous point of contact • Focus and work group meetings and organization with the Steering Committee, Lunch staff and stakeholders.The first day would • Focus group meetings accommodate focus group meetings, Evening interviews,and consultant team coordination. ' Steering Committee meeting The first day would conclude with a Steering Committee meeting in the evening.The Day 3 • Team work session second day would allow for additional team Lunch work-sessions and client coordination prior to • Team work session hosting a public meeting in the evening. • Meeting preparation Evening • Community presentation 9 2 a, a c Z° N Z= CC a D 0 a a [Mild V31:IV 11VWS 3131dWO) a 0 a F v Q a LL O TC (-4 c +_ o O 12. 0 V N • 3 mo._.__._ z ' ♦ # F z° a ' ra a a • E T, i cC gtn , NVId)*NOM d I. 03SOdO1:1ddO13A30 WV31 ONI11f1SNO)13313S 5N 1S31131NI 11031S311031:I 3f1SSl 3SI)1:13X3 ONINOISIA b 33111WWO)ONI1:1331S 33111WW0)3A11f1)3X3 Q ONV 330-)DIN • S533O1:Id NVId V3NV IIVWS 2 S3AO1:IddV lDNf10O cc I- .' a � = a 0 no 3 - O S 6- o o N u -p v 1NOd3N SS3DONd 30111D a O • S3AONddV 1DNf1OD Or cc > o-, F- z° E a a O Q D 0 0 a o v,- LL • M FQ c a a v I . 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