HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-10 Park Board PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PARK BOARD MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, September 10, 2013 7:00 P.M. **PARK BOARD PHOTO AT 6:45PM** CALL TO ORDER II. WELCOME NEW STUDENT MEMBERS III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA V. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — Regular meeting on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment, " the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Weber Park Sidewalk Proposal B. Centennial Lakes Promenade Final Phase C. 2014 Park Board Work Plan VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Council Updates B. Other Correspondence C. Veteran's Memorial Committee, June 21, 2013 Minutes IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL August 13, 2013 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Steel, Jones, Gieseke, Jacobson, and Dan Peterson. Member Cella arrived at 7:46 p.m. Ill. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Steel, Jones, Deeds, Gieseke, Jacobson, Dan Peterson. Motion carried. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, approving the consent agenda as follows: IV.A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting of July 9, 2013 Ayes: Members Steel, Jones, Deeds, Gieseke, Jacobson, Dan Peterson. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. Vl. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. Strachauer Park Sidewalk, Parking and Storm Water Management Proposal Ms. Kattreh introduced the report on the Strachauer Park related to sidewalks, parking, and storm water management. She noted that the neighbors previously expressed that the existing parking lot is not adequate. The plan is to eventually add a sidewalk on the west end as well. She noted it would be paid for by the Pedestrian and Cycling Safety Fund. The improvements could be done on a two-year plan during 2014 and 2015, or they could be completed fully in 2014. Ms. Kattreh explained, in response to questions by the Park Board, that the parking spaces would be on street. She also discussed staff is working on a bike rack plan for all parks, so that will eventually be added. Member Jones whether the sidewalk will also function as a bike path, and Ms. Kattreh clarified it will just be a standard sized sidewalk. Chair Steel expressed safety concerns of allowing parking on both sides of the street. Member Jones supported a plan to replace any trees that have to be removed during construction so that the look and function of the park are improved. Ms. Kattreh concurred and encouraged that to be part of the motion to approve. The Board discussed improved accessibility via a path to the park and what impact it would have on the flooding required for the hockey rink. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Peterson, to approve the proposal and recommend that it be completed in 2014 as one project. Ms. Kattreh clarified the stormwater management will be a low-lying wetland area with plantings. Member Jones made an amendment to the motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, that the plan includes replacement trees. Question called on Motion with Amendment. Ayes: Steel, Jones, Deeds, Gieseke, Jacobson, Dan Peterson. Motion carried. V1. B. Park Board Work Plan Update Ms. Kattreh noted that the work plan is on track; the needs assessment was kicked off earlier this year, with an anticipated completion date of 2014. She noted the enterprise cost recovery goals have not been started, but the Board could begin on that later in 2013 or in 2014. The Garden Park baseball field renovations are underway and should be completed in August. The Lake Edina pathway is complete; the Countryside Park master plan was approved by the Board earlier in 2013 and is now under construction with an anticipated completion date of October 2013. Member Dan Peterson asked that a minimum requirement be set for enterprise cost recovery, and if that is missed for two or three years, an evaluation should occur. He also stated the community garden project is a huge success and suggested putting in another garden at the same spot next year. Chair Steel expressed the importance of determining the role of the enterprise facilities first, specifically with regard to whether the goal is to make money, and if that is a different goal from the senior center. She suggested staff not complete the entire strategic plan in this area, but rather make headway on the role those facilities play in the Park Department as a whole. Member Deeds asked about how the Sports Dome will affect the work plan for next year. Ms. Kattreh explained that would be on the plan for 2014, pending Council approval. There is a work session set up, and that will give a sense of the direction to be taken. Ms. Jones suggested asked about the cooperative agreement with the school district. Ms. Kattreh stated that is something that will be touched on with the school district in the new few months. A joint meeting is scheduled between the School Board and City Council, and that may be delayed. At the meeting, shared use of City facilities and school district facilities will be discussed. Ms. Jones stated she does like the green initiatives listed on the work plan. Member Deeds suggested a mountain bike path be considered in future years, as there seems to be some level of support and demand for it. Member Jones expressed support for more community gardens and also suggested the addition of coordinating a central place for those interested in volunteering for the City, and particularly the parks. She is aware that every year the high school has several students looking for projects. 2 Chair Steel suggested the Park Board should create subcommittees to look into the mountain bike paths, the central volunteer location, and the green energy initiatives, rather than relying solely on staff. Member Jones expressed interest in working on both green energy initiatives and volunteer project. Member Deeds stated he will look into the mountain bike path idea. Ms. Kattreh stated another idea is to study the Senior Center operations. Chair Steel stated all of the facilities need to have some study to think about the big picture; but she would like to first complete the steps of the strategic planning process to guide the facilities. Member Jones asked about the recreation program plan. Chair Steel explained it is part of her Humphrey project. She has been working on facilitating staff to discuss mission, purpose, and strategic issues and currently is working on coming up with surveys to collect data on past participants. It is a good pilot program for strategic planning in the department. The deadline is October 2013, and she will bring the data forward to the Park Board. Member Jones asked about the timeline for the work plan. Ms. Kattreh responded she will put together a recommended plan and bring it to the Board next meeting for comments and review. The work plan has to be finalized by the end of September. Member Jones stated the donations and naming policies have never been publicly presented at a City Council meeting. Ms. Kattreh stated she would like those items wrapped up by the end of the year. She does intend to involve the working group again, if those members are willing. She would like to incorporate the comments from the City Council at the joint meeting and have another go -round for it for the Board and Council approval before the end of the year. VI.C. Centennial Lakes Promenade Final Phase Ms. Kattreh noted the consultants will be presenting at the September Park Board meeting. She encouraged the Board members to visit the Promenade prior to the next meeting. Member Deeds asked about the funding of this project. Ms. Kattreh stated a detailed breakdown of costs and funding sources will be given at the next Park Board meeting. VI.D. 2013 Quality of Life Survey Results Ms. Kattreh apologized that the consultant, Decision Resources, was unable to attend tonight's Park Board meeting, but they will do a presentation at the September Park Board meeting. She noted that there are a set number of questions every year, along with some questions that change each year. Member Jones asked for a copy of the survey from three years ago and five years ago. Ms. Kattreh agreed to provide it at the next meeting. V11. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VII.A. Council Updates None. VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None. Member Cella arrived at 7:46 p.m IX. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh made the following comments: the community garden parking lot will be completed this week; the Garden Park baseball field renovation will be completed at the end of August; the Sports Dome presentation will be made at the August 20th City Council work session; the Aquatics Center will be closing for the season on August 25th; and the camps and summer playground programs will be wrapping up this week. Member Dan Peterson asked about the Fred Richards Golf Course. Ms. Kattreh stated the golf course has been discussed a bit, both at the staff and City Council level. Currently, staff is working on a study of golf operations and plans to make a recommendation on golf operations and the future of Fred Richards Golf Course later this year. A consultant was hired to study the financial aspects, specifically over the past five to ten years, and to make recommendations on operational aspects. In response to a question by Member Jones, Ms. Kattreh clarified that she will be making a recommendation to the City Council for the north/south version of the Sports Dome, with the wider dome, as well as leaving the space available for an outdoor refrigerated rink. X. ADJOURNMENT Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Ayes: Members Steel, Jones, Deeds, Gieseke, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Cella. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. 4 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL June 11, 2013 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Ii. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Steel. Member Segreto arrived at 7:03 pm. 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Hulbert made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Steel. Motion Carried. Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, to add one item to the agenda, the introduction of a new staff member. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Steel. Motion Carried. Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Hulbert to approve the revised meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Steel. Motion Carried. Member Segreto arrived at 7:03 pm. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approval of Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting of May 14, 2013 Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Segreto, Steel. Motion Carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. V.A. Introduction of New Staff Member Patty McGrath, Edinborough Park and Edina Aquatic Center Director, introduced herself and stated she began her position on March 19, 2013. She reported that her new position has been very exciting and the cool rainy weather has kept the pool very busy. She noted that her background includes a degree in recreational and leisure studies, with 23 years working for the YMCA at different locations. Her passion is facility management and operations, and she has had an aquatic background as well. Ms. McGrath noted the YMCA was a great training ground for different skills in terms of financial management and staff development. She encouraged the board to contact her with any needs. Chair Steel wished her luck with the season ahead. Vl. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. Living Streets Update Assistant City Manager Karen Kurt and Paul Nelson, Chair of the Edina Transportation Commission and member of the subcommittee working on Living Streets, addressed the board. An overview of the current situation was provided. The city is responsible for 487 lane miles of roadway, which represents 27 million square feet of pavement. The cost to maintain a square foot of pavement is $5 to $9 per year (including the cost to reconstruct the road every 40 years). The city will likely replace 120 lane miles over the next decade. Ms. Kurt noted that those roadways are the cause of some concerns from citizens, as the city receives 96 resident requests each year to look into traffic concerns. Most of those relate to bicycle or pedestrian safety. In the 2010 quality of life survey 37% residents identified speeding as a very serious or somewhat serious problem. One of the city's largest demographics is the over -65 population, and there is also a growing school-age population. Ms. Kurt continued that roadways also contribute to storm water runoff which damages quality of area lakes. The city maintains a large amount of storm water sewer and those costs are increasing due to federal and state regulations related to watershed. The city will have to do business differently in the future to manage storm water runoff. The roads are subject to a wide variety of regulations and a guiding policy would be a way to wrap together and address all regulations before us. Ms. Kurt stated that moving ahead, the city is considering the idea of Living Streets, which balance the needs of bicyclists, motorists, pedestrians and transit riders. Edina's Living Streets vision includes the following components: transportation utilizing all modes is equally safe and accessible; families regularly choose walking or bicycling instead of driving; streets enhance neighborhood character and community identity; streets are inviting places that encourage human interaction and physical activity; public policy strives to promote sustainability through balanced infrastructure investments; environmental stewardship and reduced energy consumption are pursued in public and private sectors alike; streets support vibrant commerce and add to the value of adjacent land uses. Some streets in Edina do have elements of Living Streets. One example is from 701h Street, which has a tree canopy, pedestrian lighting, sidewalks and boulevards, traffic calming and landscaping. Another example is Gallagher Dr., which has street furniture, trail, marked pedestrian crossing, landscaping and sidewalks. Another example is Tracy Avenue, which has parking bays, sidewalks, bump -out with rain garden, reduced lane width and a bike lane. Ms. Kurt noted the policy application of living streets would extend to all city street construction or reconstruction projects; privately built streets, sidewalks, paths or trails; park paths or trails that connect to the right-of-way. Furthermore, Edina's framework will begin as a vision and goals, which is the Living Streets policy developed right now, with the goal of developing a Living Streets plan. The final component is a needs assessment. Ms. Kurt reviewed the history of the Living Streets policy, beginning with the Council's resolution in support of the general concept in 2011, followed by a grant, and then the formation of an ETC committee. In 2012 a Living Streets workshop was held and this draft is being worked on right now in 2013, with visits to various boards and commissions to receive input. For phase 2, the Living Streets plan includes street design guidelines, sidewalks, bike facilities, traffic calming, streetscape, lighting, design process and resident engagement, connectivity guidelines. A new staff member has just been extended an offer of employment and this Living Streets policy will be a primary responsibility. a Ms. Kurt asked whether a Park Board member would like to serve on the committee going forward. She also stated that various policies, codes and practices will be looked at to ensure everything is in line with the vision of Living Streets. Mr. Nelson asked for any input or comments or questions on the policy. Member Segreto asked about the sidewalk component. She asked what the arterial and collector streets are. Mr. Nelson stated there are definitions for those streets. Additionally, they hope to get input of the new staff person to help define exactly where the sidewalks should go. Mainly it is the collector roads and major roads throughout the city. Some of the major roads do have sidewalks, but they need to be revamped to be safer. Member Segreto stated some neighborhoods will easily step into the program, and yet other neighborhoods may not. Mr. Nelson agreed that some sidewalks will be difficult to add. There will be approximately $2 million per year available to add sidewalks in the form of the new franchise fee. The Transportation Commission has looked at where they would like those, but they are waiting for the new staff person to help determine that. Road reconstruction projects will be looked at on an annual basis. Having the Living Streets policy in place will make it easier to determine which roads will have sidewalks. Ms. Kurt stated some streets will not warrant sidewalks or bike lanes because of how they are used. That will be the case for most typical residential streets that have limited travel on them. Member Gieseke stated there has been some road reconstruction already and there were special assessment costs for the sidewalks. He inquired whether they will be revisited now that the franchise fee will be in place. Mr. Nelson responded that if one of the streets becomes a major priority, such as an arterial or a collector road, then yes, it will be. However, the goal is to complete sidewalks at the time of the original project. Member Gieseke noted some neighborhoods have stretches of sidewalks that are incomplete. Mr. Nelson stated there are some plans in some neighborhoods to add sidewalks where they were omitted in the original projects. Member Dan Peterson stated one of the best things for traffic calming is the Police Department. He asked whether any suburbs have done well with sidewalk connectivity and if there is a model to follow. Mr. Nelson responded that Edina is not trying to follow anyone specifically; rather, the goal is to follow Edina's network of roads and get people from their neighborhoods to their destinations. A major project on France Avenue is beginning where lanes will be narrowed to calm traffic, along with the addition of sidewalks. There is no speed reduction right now, but the county is looking at that. Member Dan Peterson stated Interlachen Boulevard is a good example of an area with good connectivity and no speeding. Chair Steel asked whether there has been discussion about accessibility to parks via sidewalks because the policy only talks about every child's access to a school not a park. Mr. Nelson stated last year the Countryside area of roads was done to get sidewalks to the park. The dollars were not in place to put the sidewalks in, but safe routes to parks is another emphasis in the Living Streets proposal. 3 Chair Steel asked about putting in a pedestrian bridge for the Richfield School District children to access Strachauer Park since the closest park is Rosland Park in that area. Mr. Nelson stated there are plans to improve the current bridge on the west side, which is a couple years away. A $1 million grant for building a bridge over France Avenue was modified to allow funding to be used for crosswalks, which will provide better crossing for a lot more people. Chair Steel thanked Mr. Nelson and Ms. Kurt for their help. VI.B. Braemar Arena Priority Use Policy Ms. Kattreh introduced Susie Miller, Braemar Arena General Manager, to speak on the issue of priority use. Ms. Miller stated currently the Braemar Arena is operated without a priority access. At its August 21 meeting the City Council directed staff to create a priority access agreement. Before the Board tonight is a proposal based on equity of ice and number of programs served. There are five priorities included in the proposal. One priority is for all city -sponsored activities; priority two is Edina High School boys and girls hockey teams; priority three is recognized youth associations; priority four is adult leagues that are on good terms with the City of Edina; and priority five would be non -recognized resident or nonresident hockey and/or figure skating programs. Ms. Miller discussed the residency requirements for recognized athletic associations. The current standard is 90% for the Edina youth athletic associations and 60% for the Edina Swim Club. Currently, the Edina Hockey Association (EHA) has 99.6% Edina residency, while the Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club (BCLFSC) has 40% residents. Ms. Miller stated her recommendation is to continue to recognize EHA. She noted there is value in having the BCLFSC at Braemar. Ms. Miller reviewed the redistribution proposal, based on number of participants and not on residency. With the same number of ice hours, hockey would receive 2,368 hours and the figure skaters would receive 229 hours for the 2013-2014 season. Those numbers are based on a calculation of 1.79 hours per participant. The EHA has 1,323 participants, and the BCLFSC has 128. Ms. Miller noted that while formulating the proposal, she also looked at comparable programs in the Metro area. The EHA has ice time at other facilities, while the BCLFSC only has hours at Braemar. She also noted that Braemar is offering significantly more hours than neighboring cities. Member Cella stated she received an unhappy email from the BCLFSC. She noted that cutting their ice time by 66% one year from now seems drastic. She encouraged the city to be fair. She also noted that the figure skaters paid their $20 per head fee during the renovation of the Hornet's Nest. Ms. Miller stated she understands that, and she did look at all different options. What she felt was fair to bring forward was the absolute equitable distribution of ice. However, adjustments can still be made to the policy. She noted there still will be ice available; it isjust that families might have to travel a little bit. Member Cella stated Bloomington and Minnetonka skating clubs are not comparable, as they do not compete nationally and internationally. Member Gieseke stated he agrees that a graduated schedule will be more equitable in order to allow the BCLFSC to find quality hours of ice time. He suggested a graduated schedule over four years might be helpful. 4 Chair Steel noted that the agreement does not have anything to do with hours other than priority use, and right now the BCLFSC is not a recognized association. She asked about the impact of ice time if the BCLFSC were to meet the residency requirement of 60%. Ms. Miller responded that the proposal does not take into account the residency at all, but rather participant numbers only. Chair Steel stated that previously, a recommended priority use access agreement was formulated, and the BCLFSC was included as a recognized association. The recommendation was taken to the Council, and the BCLFSC was removed as a recognized association. Member Jacobson asked if the figure skaters would only have nights to skate if the policy is implemented. Ms. Miller responded ice distribution would be a staff decision. She noted it is to Braemar's benefit that the figure skaters can skate right after school because they can arrive at 3 pm. She stated that she believes Braemar can come to an agreement with the BCLFSC. Perhaps they can also go to neighboring facilities to skate; they will have to be creative to find ice time. Member Dan Peterson noted that the EHA residency is 100 percent, and the BCLFSC are 40 percent. He inquired where the other 60 percent of figure skaters come from. Ms. Miller stated the skaters are drawn from all over the Metro area. Member Cella added that the BCLFSC attracts from all over the Metro because they compete at the international level. Ms. Kattreh also noted that staff looked at this policy as similar to the Edina Swim Club because they also draw from all over the Metro. Chair Steel opened the meeting up for public comment at 7:44 pm. Ron Green, 5725 Zenith Avenue South, president of EHA, stated there are 1,300 Edina youth residents playing hockey. Of the 1,300, 75% are boys and 25% are girls. There are currently 350 girls playing in the association, and they expect that number to grow dramatically. He noted that the association's issue is not enough ice. More than 50% of practices are at ice rinks other than Braemar; the association buys at least twice as much ice time at other rinks. He concluded that there is a lot of need for ice within the association. Chair Steel closed the meeting for public comment at 7:46 pm. VI.C. Human Services Task Force Volunteer Ms. Kattreh stated the city annually appropriates $80,000 from its general fund to pay human service agencies to provide outsourced services to Edina residents. The city is putting together a Human Services Task Force, and they are requesting a representative from the Park Board. She noted there are four date commitments to serve on the task force. Member Segreto stated she served on the task force two years ago, and it was an insightful view into the community. She stated she will serve again. Chair Steel moved, seconded by Member Hulbert, to appoint Member Segreto as the Human Services Task Force Volunteer. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Segreto, Steel. Motion Carried. VI.D. Grandview CAT Volunteer 5 Chair Steel moved, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, to appoint Susan Jacobson to serve on Grandview CAT. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Segreto, Steel. Motion Carried. VIL CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VILA. Council Updates None. VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Chair Steel reported that the strategic planning subcommittee met last week with Members Deeds, Segreto and Cella all present. They discussed what they would like the consultant to work on and handed over the recommendations to staff, who is working on a draft RFP. Hopefully something will be ready for the Park Board next month. Member Segreto asked about the gun policy in Edina parks, specifically concealed handguns. Ms. Kattreh stated there is a policy against handguns at the enterprise facilities, but she is not sure about park policy and therefore will report back to the board at the next meeting. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh stated the Edible Playground is constructed at Lewis Park. Additionally, the Countryside Shelter building has been torn down, and construction on the project will be starting next week. The Centennial Lakes farmers market starts this Thursday and runs from 3 to 7 p.m. Ms. Kattreh mentioned the update on the Sports Dome and athletic fields has been pushed back to the July Park Board meeting, when Bruce Locklear, Edina Public Schools principal, will also be present for the discussion. Member Hulbert asked if the path was rerouted by the community garden. Ms. Kattreh responded affirmatively, noting the bids were opened for the parking lot today. A few contractual things will be worked out with the Y, and that will include the path. Member Jacobson asked about the bids for Countryside and also inquired about the Golf Dome. Ms. Kattreh stated she cannot remember the final cost offhand on the Countryside shelter building, but approximately $200,000 was value engineered out of the project. She noted that $100,000 alone was eliminated by cutting the in -floor heating system. Ms. Kattreh stated construction on the Golf Dome began a few weeks ago and it looks to be on track for a November 1 opening. The foundation is being worked on right now. Member Hulbert asked how much bigger the new Dome building will be. Ms. Kattreh responded that it will actually be a bit smaller, but will have a more efficient use of space and a much nicer building. X. ADJOURNMENT Chair Steel made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m. Ayes: Members Cella, Gieseke, Hulbert, Jacobson, Dan Peterson, Segreto, Steel. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m. To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 10, 2013 Subject: Welcome New Student Members Action Requested: Welcome new student members Sarah Good and Julie Johnson. Information / Background: Sarah Good w91rlj� ch N1 o 01i2 OlLNVT ., J886 Agenda Item #: 11. Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information Sarah will be serving as a 2013-2014 student member of the Edina Park Board. Sarah is a senior at Edina High School, is the Secretary on the Executive Board of the Student Council and served on the Heritage Preservation Board this past year. Sarah has grown up in Edina and is familiar with the neighborhoods, parks, schools and city issues. Her family has instilled in her a sense of giving back to organizations like the Edina Boards and Commissions. She is looking forward to serving on the Park Board this year. Julie Johnson Julie will be serving as a 2013-2014 student member of the Edina Park Board. Julie is a sophomore at Edina High School and is on the Student Council. Julie painted the United States mural on the playground surface at Creek Valley Elementary School, volunteered weekly for three years at a nursing home, sings in the high school choir and teaches Sunday school classes. Julie says that volunteer work is at the core of her family's values and she would like to serve on the Park Board in order to continue to be involved in the community and to be able to share her input and ideas on various issues in Edina. As stated in the City Code: • Student members shall be residents of the City and enrolled full time in a secondary school. Student members shall be non-voting. • Student members shall be appointed by majority vote of the Council and shall serve terms of membership not to exceed one year per term. Welcome Sarah and Julie to the Park Board and we thank you for volunteering to serve! City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 10, 2013 Subject: Weber Park Sidewalk Proposal Agenda Item #: VII.A. Action Requested: Approve the plan for sidewalks at the west and south sides of Weber Park. Action ❑x Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Information / Background: This project is part of the 2014 Morningside B Neighborhood Roadway Improvement Project. Please see the attached report from Chad Millner, Assistant City Engineer. A drawing of the west sidewalk is not included because no trees will need to be removed. A member of the City's Engineering Department will make this presentation. ATTACHMENTS: A. Memo from Chad Millner to Ann Kattreh City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 �IIM•i��a��l�l�►/� MEMO Engineering Department - Phone 952-826-0371 Fax 952-826-0392 • www.CityofEdina.com e r:, 1• �Z 0 �a • rClHlty )IUTt� , Date: September 4, 2013 To: Ann Kattreh — Parks & Recreation Director cc: Wayne Houle — Director of Engineering From: Chad Millner — Assistant City Engineer Re: Sidewalks along Weber Field Park The Morningside B Neighborhood Roadway Improvement Project is scheduled for construction in 2014. Figure I is a detailed project location map. Figure 2 shows the existing and proposed sidewalks in the area. Sidewalk improvements associated with the project are adjacent to Weber Field Park along both the south and west property lines. 42nd Street has been identified as a sidewalk facility in the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council has approved a sidewalk prioritization list which included 42nd Street from France to just past Oakdale Avenue to the border with the City of St. Louis Park. Council also received a petition for consideration of a sidewalk along the east side of Grimes Avenue from 42nd Street to Inglewood Avenue along Weber Field Park. Location of Sidewalk The north side of West 42nd Street was selected as the preferred alignment based on the amount of potential conflicts along the south side with existing retaining walls, steep slopes, landscaping, and trees and the ability to connect to the existing sidewalk at Weber Field Park and the Golden Years Montessori School. Limited impacts would occur during the installation of the sidewalk along the west side of Weber Field Park. The sidewalk would be located behind the existing trees with some grading of the existing berm. Proposed Sidewalks Staff is proposing a 5 -foot wide concrete boulevard style sidewalk. The grass boulevard that separates the existing curb and gutter from the proposed sidewalk will vary between 4 -feet and 6 -feet in width depending on existing conditions. The separation from the vehicle traffic creates a more pedestrian friendly environment and allows most of the utility poles to remain in place. Trees and brush exist along the south side of the park that would be removed for installation of the sidewalk. Much of that vegetation is volunteer in nature and would be replaced within the park. Figure 3. shows the draft plan for the south side of Weber Field Park. Engineering Department • 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 MEMO 247 Biu 1., t ! M,y �249 -S i - .. . ... . ... �Qu- Z. 11". 2014 Project Area Morningside S Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No: BA -406 Figure 1. Project Location Map NernYp "I Ut ".vv C—. 64—P, No W C—M. sd—M Figure 2. Existing and Proposed Sidewalks Engineering Department - 7450 Metro Blvd - Edina, MN 55439 A. 47N42" "'M 4108 'Z12 le U) 0 4100 102 —711-2 15 456 1 der 1 - ': -11 t � 12Q all It 41" Yl ao IxY 41 TT- :Te T I I am 4215 --T 420 247 Biu 1., t ! M,y �249 -S i - .. . ... . ... �Qu- Z. 11". 2014 Project Area Morningside S Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No: BA -406 Figure 1. Project Location Map NernYp "I Ut ".vv C—. 64—P, No W C—M. sd—M Figure 2. Existing and Proposed Sidewalks Engineering Department - 7450 Metro Blvd - Edina, MN 55439 47N42" 4201 4205 41" 1 der 1 - ': -11 t � 12Q all 010 ao 4214 4215 --T 420 4214 2 7— 42tl 9 -gl- 4, 1 uts M M1 SIpJFa7 W117+1 42M ! - — - IU1 12]1 4 = %E 4n3 4m 4m 4224423, it, _J230 247 Biu 1., t ! M,y �249 -S i - .. . ... . ... �Qu- Z. 11". 2014 Project Area Morningside S Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No: BA -406 Figure 1. Project Location Map NernYp "I Ut ".vv C—. 64—P, No W C—M. sd—M Figure 2. Existing and Proposed Sidewalks Engineering Department - 7450 Metro Blvd - Edina, MN 55439 MEMO Figure 3. Draft Sidewalk Plan along South Side of Weber Field Park Engineering Department • 7450 Metro Blvd • Edina, MN 55439 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 10, 2013 Subject: Centennial Lakes Promenade Final Phase A, fir\ o elot CnRPORE`� IBALi Agenda Item #: VII.B. Action ❑ Discussion x❑ Information x❑ Action Requested: Provide review and comment about the Centennial Lakes Promenade Final Phase. Information / Background: Attached are the updated concept water feature and an example summary for the final phase of the Promenade project, which includes the water feature and a small brook. This information was included in the August Park Board packet for review. Also included are potential underground infiltration options that the City is considering in partnership with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Approval process includes: • August 8 — EEC receives Plan and Examples • August 13 — Park Board receives Plan and Examples • August 15 — ETC receives Plan and Examples to comment on pedestrian and bike facility • September 10 - Park Board to provide review and comment on plan: URS presents plan to Park Board • October/November 2013 — Final Park Board approval of plan • November/December 2013 — City Council reviews and approves Plan and Examples If all progresses as planned, the proposal will go to the City Council for approval before the end of the year. URS will then be able to complete the final design by February and bid out the project in March for start of construction in June / July of 2014 with construction completion in October / November of 2014. Wayne Houle, Director of Engineering and URS representatives will be in attendance to present the plan. ATTACHMENTS: A. Concept Water Features B. Subsurface Infiltration Options C. Visible Infiltration Options City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 BROOK CONCEPT THE BROOK CHANNEL IS ENVISIONED TO BE FAIRLY NARROW: 2'ATTHE BOTTOM WITH EDGES BEING 1-3' DEPENDING ON THE CONDITIONS. THE UPPER CHANNEL WILL BE MORE FORMAL WITH STONE OR FORMED CONCRETE EDGES (EXAMPLE PHOTO 1). THE CHANNEL BELOW THE POND WILL BE LESS FORMAL, WITH SCATTERED BOULDERS MEANDERING ALONG THE CHANNEL (EXAMPLE PHOTO 2). THE WATERWAY WILL BE LINED IN SOME WAY, MOST LIKELY WITH PLAIN OR COLORED CONCRETE. EXAMPLE PHOTO 1: FORMAL HARD EDGE w/SMOOTH CHANNEL BOTTOM SIMPLE ELEGANT SCULPTURE IN SMALL FORMAL POOL EXAMPLE PHOTO 2: GRAVEL CHANNEL WITH ROCKS AS GRADE DROPS FORMING SMALL POOLS, INFORMAL ROCK EDGE SCULPTURAL NODE CONCEPT THERE WILL BE THREE OR FOUR LOCATIONS FOR SCULPTURAL INSTALLATIONS. THE BEGINNING AND END OF THE"BABBLING BROOK" CHANNEL ARE IMPORTANT NODES IN THIS PORTION OF THE PROMENADE. THESE NODES WILL BE PERMA- NENTLY INTEGRATED INTO THE WATER FEATURES AND BE PART OF THE WATER CIRCULATION SYSTEM. OTHER LOCATIONS MAYBE USED FORTEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS. CASCADING WATER CONCEPT THE TOTAL GRADE CHANGE FROM THE TOP OF THE WATERWAYTO THE LOWER OUTLET AREA IS ABOUT 10' MOST OF THE CHANNEL WILL BE FAIRLY FLAT. TRANSITION AREAS FLOWING TO AND FROM THE POND WILL BE MAXIMIZED TO PROVIDE SOME INTERESTING CASCADING FEATURES. SMALL DROPS SPACED ALONG LENGTH OF BROOK POND CONCEPT THE POND WILL BE LINED WITH COLORED CONCRETE TO FACILI- TATE PERIODIC MAINTENANCE / FLUSHING. THE WEST EDGE WILL BE A SHORT WALL, 2.5'MAXIMUM AND WILL NOT REQUIRE A RAILING. THE EAST EDGE WILL BE LINED WITH LARGE BOULDERS TO DISCOURAGE PEOPLE FROM GOING INTO THE WATER. THE WATER WILL BE CIRCULATING AT ALL TIMES AND WILL BE PUMPED FROM THE NORTH POND OF CENTENNIAL LAKES. IT'S FUNCTION WILL BE TO PROVIDE A PASSIVE RECREATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR TRAIL USERS WHILE INCREASING THE RUN-OFF TREATMENT CAPACITY FOR CENTENNIAL LAKES STORM WATER SYSTEM AND PROPOSED BYERLY'S SITE DEVELOPMENT. BROOK CROSSING FEATURE CONCEPTS TRAIL CROSSINGS WILL BE SIMPLE STRUCTURES WHICH WILL PERMITWATERTO FLOW UNDERNEATH WITHOUT BEING HIGH ENOUGH TO REQUIRE RAILINGS. IN SOME OR ALL CASES A "BUMPER" MAY BE ADDED AS AN ADDED SAFETY MEASURE FOR WHEELCHAIRS, STROLLERS, ETC. MIX CONCRETE WALK/EDGE WITH RIP -RAP EDGE 'HALLOW 1DERGROUND ZRIGATION/ gFILTRATION rarer purnped up Iavm the lake travels ruttalt draintile betnath the proposed thway. lr Flows From rhe main drain- _ into smaller draintile pipes that wriburc rhe water rbloughour a allow rock wench so that it call be eked tip rhmugh roots and used to ligate iae ns utd planrur s. Nater 1101 :en up by the plant:: infilrratcs into uroui d. yAil� DEEP UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION FVarer pumped up from the lake flows into an underground infiltration bed __......J and spreads out via tows of perforated pipes. The infiltration bed lays hA' below rhe proposed pathway and water harure, and occupies over a 111.1{ acrr foatprinr. =NNIAL LAKES / PROMENADE VOLUME REDUCTION SUBSURFACE INFILTRATION OPTIONS �) OP SHALLOW GARDEN BASINS Water pumper( tip Gom the lake ii-Irign lcs a st ries of about ).0 shallo" j'< 6' deep) garden mMrrarion basin.;. Basins will be plantrd m rnhancr fill andsr:xpi- and maintain Cot ISIS with rhe planting rhem;s of Ike Prnnxn,�I,� and Centennial Lala,, P.A. Tr reducc cost, it mny be possible rr, 6ar'� curl gratis in some porion of rhe brains. tali; CENTENNIAL LAKES PROMENADE VOLUME REDUCTION VISIBLE INFILTRATION OPTIONS SHALLOW GARDENS WITH ROCK CHANNEL Water puml,ed ap tioln the lake flows into a series of shallow gardens in e Hank dwincl char tesemblcs a .,tone ciakbcd. Ware, is taken tip by the plants and inMEI-Aes 1010 rhe ground. This option is iurenderl to be combined wall option A. 11, or C eha111 the northern rwo-r'�irdr: of '1" hromeradc. To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 10, 2013 Subject: 2014 Park Board Work Plan Agenda Item M VII. C. Action Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Action Requested: Provide suggested changes or additions to the proposed plan and approve the 2014 Park Board Work Plan. Information / Background: The proposed 2014 Park Board Work Plan is attached. This was completed using the Park Board member feedback and recommendations from the August 2013 Park Board meeting. Items on the 2014 Capital Improvement Plan are also included. The work plan needs to be approved at this meeting. The City Council will be reviewing Boards and Commissions work plans at their October I, 2013 work session. Attachment: Proposed 2014 Park Board Work Plan City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 t�A-' �r o e:��� Park Board il �y 2014 Annual Work Plan 2014 Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council Date Required Approval Strategic planning with a comprehensive needs December 2014 $60,000 Director, Assistant Director, assessment Enterprise Managers, Recreation Supervisors, Administrative Support Staff, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Serve on working groups and subcommittees with consultants, staff and residents to evaluate City needs to identify, prioritize and develop a plan to address strategic uses relating to policies, facilities, programming and financial and personnel resources. A subcommittee has already been established including Members Deeds, Cella, Steel and Segreto. $60,000 is budgeted in the 2013 CIP. At the completion, the Park Board will provide review and comment on the strategic plan. The City Council will have the final approval of the strategic plan. Progress Report: Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities December 2014 0 Enterprise Managers, Director and Assistant Director Park Board Duties: Form a subcommittee to review enterprise facility budgets and business plans and programming and the overarching department goals determined by the strategic planning process in order to reevaluate enterprise classifications and to set cost recovery goals. The committee will present findings to the Park Board for review and comment regarding cost recovery goals and criteria for classification as an enterprise. Park Board member: Dan Peterson Progress Report: Barrier Free Replacement Playground Equipment—December 2014 $200,000 Director and Assistant Wooddale Park Director, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Select members of the Park Board to serve on a working group to design a barrier free playground at Wooddale Park. This project is contingent on residents in the neighborhood raising the funds needed for this replacement. Staff will apply for grants and $100,000 has been allocated in the 2014 CIP. Park Board will be asked to review and comment on design, and conduct a standard public process. The City Council will have the final approval of this project Park Board member(s): Progress Report: 014 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council Date RequiredApproval Green Initiatives December 2014 0 Director, Assistant Director and Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will select members and establish a subcommittee or working group to study green initiatives for the parks and the enterprise operations. The subcommittee/working group will present recommendations to the Park Board for their approval. This aligns with the Energy and Environment Commission's work plan goal to promote sustainability in city operations. Park Board member: Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities • Capital Improvement Plan • Fees and Charges • Election of Officers • 2015 Park Board Work Plan • Edina Veteran's Memorial • Community Garden • Off -Leash Dos Areas Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 10, 2013 Subject: Correspondence and Petitions Action Requested: No action is necessary. Information / Background: Agenda Item #: VIII Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x Attached are Council Updates, Other Correspondence and Veteran's Memorial Committee, June 21, 2013 Minutes. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 City Council Updates August 20, 2013 • Following the closed session, the Council held a Work Session to discuss a proposal for the City to build and operate a new inflatable Sports Dome adjacent to Braemar Arena. The Council discussed the potential project, considered ideas about how to finance the project and agreed to discuss whether to go forward with the project or not at an upcoming Council meeting. September 3, 2013 • Approved the purchase of a new lighting system for Countryside Park • Approved the purchase of a new water heater for the Aquatic Center From: Steve Larson [mai Ito: sla rso n(a poi ntswestrealty.net] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 12:06 PM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: Todd Anderson Subject: Braemar Ann, I recently player golf at Braemar in a Labor Day event for couples. I could not get over the poor condition of the course, and everyone in our group felt the same way. I realize that the warm weather has been a problem, but that can't explain a downhill slide that this course has experienced for years. I play a different public course each week with twelve fellows in our group, and I have to say, in all fairness, that Braemar's condition would have to rank at the bottom. We dropped Braemar from our rotation several years ago, so that tells you something. As a long time resident of Edina, who has always been very impressed with the quality of our city, I find it very disappointing that our golf course and club house is second rate. There is no reason why communities like Coon Rapids and Chaska have facilities that puts ours to shame. I hope that you will pass my comments on to the council members, who will hopefully be willing to address the problem. Steve Larson 5313 Malibu Drive Edina, Mn. 55436 952-926-6231 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE VETERANS MEMORIAL COMMITTEE HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 21, 2013 7:30 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Goergen called the meeting to order at 7:30 am Il. ROLLCALL Answering roll call were Members Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Staff in attendance: Kristin Aarsvold, Edina Park and Recreation Department Supervisor, and Edina City Manager Scott Neal Others in attendance: Dick Crockett III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion by Member Cardarelle and seconded by Member Kojetin to approve the meeting agenda, as presented. Ayes: Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crockett, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Motion carried. IV. /ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Approval May 1-�c0--ry-Veteran-,;mi+s•inl mmitte eetiiing_iAir�r�r��Rtes. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no members of the general public present at the meeting. VI. SELECT AND APPOINT NEW COMMITTEE CHAIR Ms. Aarsvold stated that Mike Goergen resigned as Chair. She noted that he is willing to continue with the Committee on an as needed basis but will no longer be a regular member. She stated that interest was expressed by Richard Olson. Motion by Member Kojetin and seconded by Member Reed to appoint Richard Olson as Chair of the Edina Veteran's Memorial Committee. Ayes: Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crockett, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz, Motion carried. A. Determine term limits of New Chair Manager Neal advised that this is not an official Commission, so there are no official guidelines. Chair Olson suggested a one-year term. Member Reed agreed with a one-year term. It was agreed that the term could run from July 1St through June 30t" Motion by Member Reed and seconded by Member Kojetin to approve of a one- year term for the position of Chair ending June 30, 2014. Ayes: Cardarelle, Christiaansen, Crockett, Kojetin, Olson, Reed, and Schwartz. Motion carried. VII. INTRODUCTION A. City Manager Scott Neal Chair Olson introduced City Manager Scott Neal and stated that he was present to explain how the City can assist in this process and what the group needs to be successful. Ms. Aarsvold provided an update on the Council approved funds, noting that half of the $38,000 was approved. Member Reed confirmed the donation from the Council in the amount of $19,200. Manager Neal stated that he believed there were a number of ways the City could help the Committee, including staff coming along to possible donors to ensure that the project will be built in a City park and will be maintained and protected by the City. He stated that he has experience in that process and would be willing to come along on meetings, but did not believe that the City could identify potential donors. Chair Olson stated that he will sit down with the Mayor in the near future to further discuss the matter. He confirmed that currently there are eight Members on the Committee, with three vacant positions. He believed that it would be helpful to recruit Members that would complement the skill set of the current Members. Mr. Neal advised of the varied skillset of the City staff and how they could assist in the process. Ms. Aarsvold referenced the marketing plan composed by a member of City staff that the Committee could use, but confirmed that would need to be paid for. B. New Member Peter Crain Chair Olson noted that Peter Crain was unable to attend this morning. Vlll. STATUS OF VETERAN'S MEMORIAL COMMITTEE A. Role of Individual Committee Members Chair Olson stated that now is not the time to mess around and in the next few meetings there will be specific tasks assigned to Members. He asked how Members could contribute. Member Christiaansen noted that his skill lie in design and explained how his services will benefit the Committee once the architect is brought back on. He stated that he can review the plans once they come back and noted that City staff should also review those plans. Member Crockett recognized that the original plan was to contract outside of the City for the project and questioned if there was any interest to complete the project in-house through the City staff. Mr. Neal stated that there is no interest from the City staff to complete the work in- house. He explained that the architectural skills that would be needed to bring this project forward is not a skillset within the City staff. Member Kojetin stated that he has met with the Minnehaha Watershed District in regard to the water retention and runoff requirements for the site. He stated that while the Watershed is willing to complete the necessary work on the canoe landing, they offered to split the shore work at a rate of 50/50. Member Christiaansen stated that the landscape architect will handle that type of design when that person actually comes onto the project. Chair Olson questioned if the Committee would have to go back to the original design firm SEH or whether a new architect could come on. He stated that he has found a landscape architect that although could not work for free, he offered to complete the project for $20,000 compared to the $38,000 requested by SEH. He stated that he will bring that person to the next meeting in order for the Committee to gather additional information and interview the candidate. Ms. Aarsvold stated that she will send out a list of the responsibilities that SEH would handle as a part of the $38,000 and it was confirmed that Chair Olson would show that information to his candidate to ensure that similar services could be provided. Member Kojetin stated that in his past experience the Engineering Department for the City acted as a construction manager and questioned if the City could participate in that manner. Mr. Neal confirmed that would be a possibility. Member Reed stated that he has always been on the Design and Architect Committee and noted that his background is in fine arts, among other things. He confirmed that he has the relationship with the sculptor out of Wisconsin. He stated that he and Member Benson visited the shop the previous month and was very impressed. He confirmed that the eagle could be cast and constructed for a cost of $46,000, and noted that does not include installation. He believed that the sculptor was more than willing to work with the Committee as his family is active in veteran's support. Member Kojetin stated that the Committee has an investment with someone on the east coast for $1,000 or $2,000 that he believed would be lost if this new sculptor was chosen. Member Reed stated that as a part of that investment the Committee was supposed to receive a smaller version of the eagle in bronze. He believed that smaller version should be demanded by the Committee and noted that the cost for the shipping the final sculpture from the east coast would be very high. Ms. Aarsvold stated that the original bid for the eagle from the east coast would be $86,000. Member Reed stated that the east coast artist was pressuring the Committee to commit and was stating that if they did not commit they would lose six months' time. He noted that the artist from Wisconsin would be willing to start as soon as the Committee desires. He stated that the artist also invited any and all Members of the Committee to visit the shop. Dick Crockett stated that the Foundation supports this project and has donated funds, as well as the current Chair Richard Olson. He stated that the Foundation functions as a partner to the City that assists in fundraising. He did not believe that this marketing plan was the right method to fundraise for this project. He believed that this marketing campaign would raise possibly $20,000 or $40,000 but not $400,000. He believed the way to get this built is to find people that have an interest in the project and deal with them one on one. He stated that there would be business sponsors out there and that is what the Committee needs to get in order to move to the next stage. He stated that there needs to be a better start and foundation before a marketing campaign of that nature begins and for that reason the Foundation could not support this marketing plan at this time. He emphasized the need to develop a plan to get this done. He advised of how the Foundation could continue to support the project and assist. He also discussed the benefit of multi-year commitment donations. He stated that he would be happy to meet with Ms. Aarsvold, Members of the Committee, or the marketing staff member to tweak the marketing campaign. Member Kojetin stated that this marketing campaign could spur the support of the general public, which is not yet begun. Mr. Crockett stated that the risk is that you would spend more on the mailing campaign than you would actually get back from the campaign. He stated that this campaign is marketed towards simply veterans but believed that the Committee wants to reach out to the families of those veterans as well. Ms. Aarsvold suggested that the Committee recruit a Member with marketing experience. Chair Olson stated that Peter Crain was going to attend but was unable to make it. Ms. Aarsvold stated that with the upcoming Fourth of July, Members of the Committee could write letters to the editor where they could express the thought of the project to the community. Dick Crockett left the meeting at 8:19 a.m. Member Christiaansen noted that Chair Olson should determine if the landscape architect could coordinate the in-kind donations. Chair Olson noted that Peter Crain, the recruit he is interested in, has expertise in contracting and management. He stated that is what the group would need, for everyone to have an area of expertise that they can focus on, but noted that finding donors would still be a focus for the entire Committee. He discussed the plans for moving forward and the focus that the Committee should have. Ms. Aarsvold noted of another Member that resigned from the Committee because of his conflicting schedule and abilities. Chair Olson stated that it is clear what the expertise of the Members of the Committee are and believed that it would be helpful to have new Members as well to bring in fresh eyes and ideas. Member Schwartz stated that on Memorial Day he had to go to Eden Prairie to sit at the memorial because the City of Edina does not have a memorial. He commented on the variety of the passersby and believed that the City should have their own memorial Member Kojetin commented that he went to the memorial in Richfield. Ms. Aarsvold questioned if this Committee wants to have a booth at the Fourth of July event. Member Reed stated that the previous year the Committee Members spent time tying yellow ribbons on flags and believed it was a waste of time. He referenced the brochure for the memorial and believed that the brochure should be passed out during the parade, following the veterans vehicle, rather than candy. Ms. Aarsvold stated that the brochure is quite expensive but noted that it would be possible to have a different type of print out. She stated that she could discuss that idea at the Fourth of July Committee meeting following this meeting. Chair Olson referenced the date and noted that if that was going to occur planning should have begun earlier. He referenced a mailing that could be inserted with utility mailings, noting that he could have the slips donated. He noted that the cost for that would be very low or free. Member Schwartz suggested coordinating a meeting between Chair Olson and a journalist from the Sun Current. IX. SUB -COMMITTEE UPDATES A. FUNDRAISING No report. B. DESIGN/LOGISTICS No report. C. MARKETING No report. X. NEXT STEPS A. WHAT DO WE NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL Member Christiaansen noted that Night to Unite will occur in August and believed that should be discussed at the next meeting because the Committee Members could distribute flyers at that event. Chair Olson confirmed the next steps that would be taken. Meeting adjourned at 8:34 a.m.