HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-09 Park Board PacketAGENDA CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA PARK BOARD MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. WELCOME NEW STUDENT MEMBERS III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA V. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — 2012 VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment, " the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Garden Park Public Hearing regarding baseball field renovations B. Walnut Ridge Shelter Building Winter Lights C. 2013 — 2017 Enterprise Capital Improvement Plans D. 2013 Fees and Charges E. Sports Dome Location Recommendation VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARK BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL September 11, 2012 7:00 PM L CALL TO ORDER Chair Steel called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm II. WELCOME NEW STUDENT MEMBERS The student members were not in attendance. III. ROLLCALL Answering roll call were Members Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson John O'Leary arrived at 7:37pm IV. APPROVAL OF MEETING A GENDA Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion Carried V. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approval of Minutes —Retreat meeting on Monday, August 13, 2012 Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion Carried VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT Ann Larson, 5025 Lincoln Circle, informed the Park Board she was bitten by a dog at the Edina Dog Park in June because the owner in question was not paying attention to his dog as well as his dog was not under voice control which it states in the rules. She stated that the owner did not have a dog collar for his dog and in fact did not have any identification tags. She explained the owner was on his cell phone half -way across the park with his back turned to the dog when the dog bit her in the forearm. She informed the Park Board she had to get a series of rabies shots because the owner's dog did not have updated shots. She pointed out this raises some issues that have been ongoing at the park in terms of it does not seem like the park is really policed and rules are not being followed. In addition, there are a lot of people using the park that are not paying for it as well as there is a lot of dog poop that owners are not picking up. Herb Anderson, 3 Wellesly Place, informed the Park Board that people who do not belong in the dog park are using it and telling their friends because they know it is not being policed anymore and it really is getting out of hand. He asked if there could be better rules and perhaps put a flyer in with the notice when it's time to renew the dog license collars and also saying if you don't pick up after your dog(s) you won't be allowed in the park. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. August 13, 2012 Park Board Retreat Review Member Jones indicated she thought the retreat was a great event; however, it was different from what she had expected. She noted that they never discussed the surveys they filled out and asked if they will be given a time to do that. She commented if they were just going to brainstorm a work plan she would have never suggested the meeting not be televised because the public does have every right to hear them brainstorm and discuss a work plan. Member Jacobson stated that she also wished they could have reviewed the survey results and figure out how they could work more efficiently together because a lot of times she feels they are on different pages and if they could figure out how to corral that into an efficient meeting it would help all of them. Member Segreto explained since it was originally her idea it really was her intent to work on interpersonal communications but, with all due respect, unless you really are skilled in that field or had some professional assistance from outside it really would be hard for a chairperson to do. She commented that she would like to do that and they do have the survey to work with. She stated it was a productive meeting; however, it wasn't what her expectation was. Chair Steel replied they certainly can do that moving forward; however, it is a little frustrating because she did present the agenda in advance and she thought it was pretty clear. She noted they can put this on the agenda for discussion at a future meeting. Member Jones responded she is not sure what they would be discussing because it sounds like this is something that is not possible to do without a facilitator; therefore, maybe they could bring in a facilitator and plan it as a non -televised meeting. She added that she doesn't want them to waste their time filling out a survey and then do nothing with it and asked Ms. Kattreh if she could find out if there is someone on staff who could provide some kind of facilitating. Member Hulbert responded he thought that is what they originally had asked for and were told no. Member Segreto replied that is correct, when she first brainstormed the idea with Mr. Keprios he said they had never done something like that before and really didn't have the budget for it. She commented that maybe this is something they could do next summer and maybe they could get a budget line to have a facilitator help them. Chair Steel clarified that each question on the survey was taken into consideration and after meeting with Ms. Kattreh and Karen Kurt, Assistant City Manager, they identified what they felt were the key issues. While interpersonal relationships is certainly a component there are other components they felt were more important to impacting their work right now which is they need to have a work plan turned in tomorrow. Therefore, if the Park Board doesn't understand their role they are not going to be able to function so she did have to make a decision to prioritize but going forward they can continue to look at the other components to make them more effective. Member Deeds indicated that he thought the retreat was good and the only change he would make in the future is that there be no "block voting" because it becomes a little biased. VII.B. 2013 Park Board Work Plan — Keeya Steel, Chairperson Chair Steel informed the Park Board that she worked with Mr. Keprios and Ms. Kattreh on this and that she would like to go through it item by item. "Strategic Planning with a Comprehensive Needs Assessment" - Chair Steel indicated that she thought it was apparent that they need more strategic planning throughout their activities and that this item would most comprehensively include the different questions they had at the Park Board retreat. She stated that she really didn't think it made sense to start new programming without having a strategic plan and a needs assessment before investing money into specific programs or facilities. 2 "Edina Senior Center" - Chair Steel explained the reason she did not include this under the Strategic Plan is because it's looking at existing data and this has already been talked about and has a $900 budget. Member Segreto asked what is the $900 based upon to which Ms. Kattreh replied that is something Mr. Keprios put together and she does not have the answer but will find out. Member Hulbert commented he believes former Park Board Member Bill Lough was very interested in this and maybe they could reach out to him and see if he has the desire to have community involvement with the study of the Edina Senior Center. Chair Steel replied it does state under Park Board duties it includes former working groups or committees and therefore feels communicating that to him would be very valuable. Member Jacobson stated she has one tangential question on the Edina Center Study: is it more about the use of the building when it's not in use as a Senior Center or is it about the Senior Center activities or both? Chair Steel replied she believes both. Member Jones commented that she would like to add parking to the study. "Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities" - Chair Steel stated they did pass a recommendation asking City Council that they study this again. She pointed out there is an overlap with the Strategic Plan in everything they will be doing because it will be comprehensive. However, this will be a little different because again they are looking at existing data and also one of the items mentioned at the retreat was classification and therefore thinks that also plays into this initiative. She commented that she believes the recommendation they passed to the City Council has not been acted on yet and that once the "Work Plan" goes to City Council they will have a chance to review it. Member Jones asked if they could add a discussion of what makes something an enterprise facility, what are the principles and maybe it should include enterprise budgets, statistics and business plans to which Member Deeds added criteria classification. Member Kathryn Peterson commented that was the point of the classification to try to make head or tail of what is or is not considered an enterprise. Member Dan Peterson stated that with respect to cost recovery they need to know what is the cost to keep it going and how many people use it and how many people they need to use it in order to recover the cost; however, he is not sure if those numbers are available. Chair Steel indicated that right now it says "review enterprise facility budget" and doesn't know if that's sufficient. "New Initiatives" - Chair Steel explained there were a few more items added and under the "Ongoing Responsibilities" they have their CIP but Scott Neal expressed that he would like articulated separately and she was informed by staff that these are necessary to include. She added all of these items will be addressed in 2013. "Renovate Garden Park Baseball Field Initiative" - Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board this initiative was brought forth by the Edina Baseball Association. There are some fields that they would like to see improved and first on their list is Garden Park and the plan is for the City to partner with the EBA. The EBA is offering a $100,000 donation and the City is applying for a grant for approximately $260,000 through Hennepin County Youth Sports. If they receive funding this is a project they will be working on and there will be action in the form of a public hearing in October. If everything passes they will begin working on the project in 2013. "Barrier Free Replacement Playground Equipment at Wooddale Park Initiative" - Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board this initiative was brought to them by an Edina resident who lives in the neighborhood and is interested in putting together a fundraising campaign to replace the playground equipment with a completely barrier play structure. She noted they are anticipating a budget of approximately $300,000 and they do have some matching funds that they can put in their CIP for 2013. She noted this is an addition to this year but they are looking at it as being completely done by the neighborhood's fundraising effort. She added they are in the very preliminary stages right now but anticipate it being more of an initiative in 2013 as well. "Lake Edina Pathway Initiative" - Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board this is an initiative that came about in conjunction with "Do Town" as well as interest by some City Council members in an attempt to try to bridge the Parklawn neighborhood and Cornelia School. This will give kids in that neighborhood a safe route to access the school and the playground. She noted it was added to the 2013 CIP and is something that will take place in the form of a public hearing with the neighborhood. "Countryside Park Master Plan" — Ms. Kattreh indicated they have been working on this for over a year and are getting very close to completing a master plan. She indicated they will be asking Park Board to review and comment on a play structure to which they've been working on the design for several months. She noted that Member Hulbert has volunteered to serve on the committee to replace the shelter building. Member Jones asked where the one million dollar budget on that item came from. Ms. Kattreh replied they had $330,000 in their CIP for this year to replace the playground equipment and pathways. In addition, they received $695,000 in a park dedication fee from the "Waters Development" which is the reason they are able to move forward with the entire master plan. "Ongoing Responsibilities" - Chair Steel informed the Park Board they have a list of ongoing responsibilities which basically are annual duties as well as a list of work plan ideas to be considered in the future: CIP, Fees and Charges, Donations Policy, Naming of Parks and Facilities Policy, User Fee Policy, 2014-2015 Operating Budget, Edina Veteran's Memorial, Update Bylaws, Election of Officers and the 2014 Park Board Work Plan. "Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years" — Chair Steel informed the Park Board of the following other work plan ideas: Cooperative Agreement with the School District; Sports Dome and the Masters Parks Plan, which again had interest from City Council. Member Deeds indicated that being a part of the Sports Dome Committee he would like to see it come to a conclusion and would like to see it somewhere on the Work Plan with a deadline date and get it done. He stated they need to find a location and make a decision, pick a date and get a plan to present to the Park Board and then move it on to the City Council rather than have it on the "Other Work Plan Ideas". Ms. Kattreh responded the reason it was put on the Work Plan is because it's titled "New Initiatives" and this is more of a current year initiative. She stated that she totally agrees and maybe it's a matter of keeping it where it is with a final date; however, they certainly can move it to the "New Initiative" section as well. Member Deeds stated that he would like to see a general timeframe where there will be a recommendation, review and comment on the Sports Dome on a calendar. Chair Steel replied the Park Board will have a chance to review the calendar but the idea of this is to make sure that the City Council is in agreement with their initiatives. Member Jones indicated they have several initiatives that are going on right now that they hope to have completed and the Sports Dome is one of them. She stated that in looking at "Ongoing Responsibilities" she would like some clarification that the Donations and Naming Policy Working Group is not considered ongoing because she thought they were done so likewise there will be expectations of their involvement in the future. Therefore, she would not recommend them to be on their Work Plan. Chair Steel replied that is a good point and suggested that they be put under "Ongoing Responsibilities" and move the Sports Dome into that as well and after each item write "completed by such date". Member Jones indicated that they are different than "Ongoing Responsibilities" such as the CIP, fees and charges, operating budget, bylaws and election of officers. 4 Member Kathryn Peterson asked if they could put an item under "Ongoing Responsibilities" that says "Policy Review as needed". Chair Steel replied she doesn't think that speaks to the Sports Dome and suggested adding a new category "Ongoing Initiatives". Members Jones commented that she thinks the target completion dates are good and she likes the form for the "New Initiatives" but she would cut the word "New" out of there for the other initiatives like the Sports Dome. Chair Steel asked if it is the general consensus that the Donations and Naming Policy, User Fee Policy and Sports Dome are initiatives that should be completed in 2013 to which Member Deeds replied he thought some of those were completed. Chair Steel replied that the City Council will continue to work on the Donations and Naming Policy with the Park Board and the City Council did pass the User Fee Policy. However, if they start receiving new data they will need to work on the policy. Member Jones indicated that regarding the "Edina Veterans Memorial Committee" she would suggest they open it up again to have a Park Board member be a representative on that committee and find out if there is going to be a target completion date or is it going to be ongoing forever. Chair Steel replied that she thinks having it on the Work Plan is sufficient for being able to talk about it; however when they start discussing the calendar they will try to get those specifics regarding the memorial. Member Jones commented on the "Master Parks Plan" for the "Other Park Plan Ideas" she considers it to be something similar to the Strategic Planning and Comprehensive Needs Assessment and therefore would like to put it under the first Initiative. Chair Steel replied she thinks it's a little different and asked Ms. Kattreh to explain what a "Master Parks Plan" looks like. Ms. Kattreh explained the difference with the "Master Parks Plan" would be an actual study of each park facility itself and its uses and possible modifications. She explained the "Strategic Plan" is looking at their operations, programming and how it relates to the economy today as well as how it relates to our vision and mission statements. The Master Parks Plan being very park facility specific and the other more operational mission and vision related. Member Deeds asked if Countryside Park already has a master plan and therefore this is just a plan that is moving forward on a plan that exists, correct? Ms. Kattreh replied yes and added they are able to move forward with that plan because of the Park Dedication fee from the "Waters Development". Member Jones indicated that she has a different definition of a "Master Parks Plan". For example, there is a master plan for Countryside Park in existence and there is a master plan in existence for Garden Park; however, other communities create Master Parks Plan and showed the Park Board two examples of Master Parks plan from other communities. One community is a city in Illinois with similar demographics to Edina and in it they talk about a needs assessment and they talk a little bit about a strategic plan and it's all a part of the Master Parks Plan. It takes a ten year vision of where they want to be and looks at all of their facilities. She stated the other city she looked at was Roseville and they do have the aspects of what goes on in each individual park but it's a broader strategic plan. She stated that with these two master plans, since they incorporate the strategic plan and the needs assessment, they talk about the process those cities used in order to create a needs assessment in order to create the strategic plan and that might be a good tool for them as they work on the first work plan. She noted she would ask staff to say if there are other cities that have similar things. She commented that sometimes she feels like she is developing knowledge of how to create the mechanics of something so that they can advise on policy when in fact there are many different cities that have tried to do the same thing that we've done and we might figure out how that fits. She noted she would suggest as they move forward this may be something for them to consider. Chair Steel asked Member Jones if she is suggesting seeing a "Strategic Master Parks Plan" instead of a "Strategic Plan" to which Member Jones replied yes, a "Master Parks Plan" which would include strategic planning and comprehensive needs assessment. Chair Steel noted she could be wrong but she doesn't think the Parks Plan usually includes the enterprise facilities because it's looked at differently. Ms. Kattreh pointed out that she thinks they are arguing over semantics because she has seen different plans called different things but thinks it's very important that you are specific about what it is that you want. For example, are you looking for a master plan like you've seen for Countryside Park, where they are creating a more efficient facility or are they looking at something more general such as this is what you want to see at the park and this is how it relates to the recreation and sport programs as a whole. It could include enterprises or not include enterprises, it really is a scope that would be determined by you because all master plans are done differently and called different things so it depends on the scope you want to see so if there is something you want done in one year or in multiple phases you need to determine what the key points are that you will be looking for immediately in 2013. Member Segreto stated that she is really weary of spending lots of money on a consultant for an independent study on master plans. She indicated that while she supports a strategic plan for them to understand and sort through what their strategy is for a five year period she is really not a proponent. She commented that in looking at the plan that was just circulated it's so full of just statistics that they will have yet another thing on the shelf and she has full confidence in Edina Parks staff to work with the strategic plan that the Park Board comes up with. She added they could use the money that they would spend on their planning process and put into their parks. Member Jones indicated she thinks they need to clarify if they're looking at a five or ten year plan and what are the objectives. She agrees they need to begin with a comprehensive needs assessment and strategic plan and see where they go from there. Chair Steel responded she thinks they are getting a little ahead of themselves on whether they want a five year strategic plan that's going to cover these facilities and will have this level of detail because that is going to take some discussion. Member Jones asked if they can look at adding anything to the Work Plan because she believes the City Council consensus was reached regarding the Grandview process on the following: Park Board to address community needs, use of public spaces, and specific building programming which would drive building design. Chair Steel responded that she has included that under the Strategic Plan under rationale it states "Park Board has shown interest in needs assessment including but limited to nature programming, winters activities and then the Grandview Community Center programming/amenities". She stated that by making sure they do a needs assessment they are including all of the items that are coming up. Member Jones stated that she sees the target completion date is "ongoing" so this is a small area plan where the City Council would like to have some guidance so that they can develop that area. Therefore, she would recommend that they get a target completion date because it appears the Park Board is to address the community needs, the use of public spaces and civic building programming which would drive the building design. Member Jones stated she thinks that they would need either to have that as a separate item under the work plan or just a target completion date for the needs assessment. Member Deeds asked if we want Grandview cut out as a separate item because you think it's more eminent time wise. Member Jones replied maybe and maybe the City Council will say it's not, she would just like some clarity. Chair Steel noted that she is hesitant and it depends if they decide to do an internal needs assessment or not. Member Deeds suggested they ask the City Council for some guidance on what their time frame looks like for Grandview. Ms. Kattreh indicated that the September 19th meeting has a work session and if Park Board would like to add Grandview then she would suggest adding it as a new initiative if you would like to give them some verbiage for that. The City Council can then decide whether they want to keep it or choose to eliminate it. Chair Steel indicated that her only reservation about adding it as a separate item is because she doesn't want to spend money on a needs assessment and then do another needs assessment. Member Jones replied she thinks that was quite clear that they are looking at consolidating and potentially what it is that they might need in that space and how it might all fit together in a comprehensive needs assessment. She would never recommend there be more than one needs assessment. Chair Steel asked would it be sufficient under rationale to write "address" and then the language "City Council's action" to which Member Jones replied she thinks that would be great. 1.1 Member Dan Peterson indicated that he believes a few weeks ago the City Council copied emails to the Park Board regarding community gardens and noted that two or three years ago he tried to get the Park Board interested in that issue and there was no interest. He stated they are the only city in the western suburbs that does not have a community garden. He commented that the easy way to get going on it is to see where the need would be the greatest and that is around Centennial Lakes with all of the apartments and condominiums. He noted that he thought the YMCA has some land which Mr. Keprios thought could be used just across York. He commented if staff could figure out what's going on at the YMCA and let the Park Board know in the next couple of months. Chair Steel asked Ms. Kattreh what the City Council has done recently as far as community gardens. Ms. Kattreh replied there have been some discussions particularly related to "Do Town" about community gardens but they haven't received any specific directives. Member Jones commented that she agrees that keeps coming up and most likely is going to be part of a needs assessment. She asked are they really going to say the needs assessment is going to take place this year and they will move forward with it next year. She stated that she thinks it's worth discussing whether or not they want to try to move faster on this. She noted that she is a little surprised this hasn't ended up in their work plan because there seems to be many initiatives that weren't even part of their CIP last year and not even part of the five year CIP and she feels very reactionary. Member Hulbert indicated that he thinks they always have the ability to add things as the year progresses, he thinks they always have flexibility if the time would permit. Chair Steel suggested adding it under "Other Work Plan Ideas". Chair Steel informed the Park Board that she agrees with Member Jones about the CIP items and she also had the same conversation with staff but some of the items are already supported by City Council. Member Jones commented that she is very excited about some of the things they have added but does get a little frustrated because it seems as if they are constantly reacting to the next thing to which Chair Steel replied she feels the same way. Member Jones informed the Park Board of one more idea she had and that is to talk about Green Energy and try to add that to the work plan. She explained that other cities are becoming very active in working with third parties and/or creating solar community gardens which would work for a community like Edina. She pointed out Minneapolis has been able to save $14,000 a year in electricity and considering what their arena burns in electricity she would like to at least evaluate some other methods of green energy. Member Segreto asked if it would be more appropriate for the Energy and Environment Commission to work on to which Member Jones replied she thinks it would be a great thing for them to work together on and the savings could go towards the parks. Member Segreto commented that programmatically should they not be the spear leader on the effort. Member Jones replied she is just saying if it's parkland, then it is something that she thinks they should be involved in and maybe they could suggest a joint work group. Member Jones pointed out that when looking at reducing cost for the enterprise facilities and when they look at how much energy is burned heating the ice arena, etc., none of their work plan programs have really tried to target a reduction in cost. Strategic Planning With a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to accept the initiative "Strategic Planning with a Comprehensive Needs Assessment" and add under rationale "address City Council's actions on the Grandview Area Plan". Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion Carried. Edina Senior Center Study Chair Steel commented that Member Jones made the suggestion to add "Parking" under proposed changes on the Park Board duties. 7 Member Dan Peterson indicated he does not understand why it is on the agenda because it seems to him it is not broken. Member Deeds replied that they discussed last year that the utilization is extremely low as well as have very low utilization rates and the cost that they are running relative to utilization is quite high. Therefore, he thinks there is a good indication that they need to figure out a better use for the space and believes that is the rationale for it, there is good evidence that it needs to be looked at. Member Jacobson commented that she wishes it would state that in the Park Board duties because it sounds more like it's trying to look at the Senior Center as a whole and not utilizing the capacity or the potential income for the building. Member Jacobson made a motion, seconded by Hulbert to add the statement of "increase the utilization of the building". Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke to approve the initiative itself. Member Jones stated she is trying to figure out how many working groups they are assigning themselves right now; she would like to get a tally of what is ongoing and what they have just approved. She added they need to be clear and a good thing about creating a work plan is now they will be intentional about what they ask each other to do. She noted they have the "Sports Dome Committee" that is going to continue work this year and asked if there are any others that are ongoing. Member Deeds asked about the "Naming and Donations" to which Member Jones replied they are pretty much done, there is one more meeting. Member Jones stated they have the Sports Dome and the Senior Center and asked if the "strategic planning" is going to be a working group to which Chair Steel replied no; that will be the full Park Board. Member Deeds commented that is going to be a lot of working groups and would guess will take anywhere from one to three years because if you do a good job on a strategic plan it will take a lot of time, energy, effort and a lot of data collection. They are not going to be able to do it as one massive board so there is a lot under that one initiative there. Member Jones commented that she thinks that alone will be a board task. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities There was a suggestion to add in criteria for classification. Member Hulbert made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson to approve the initiative Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities. Member Deeds indicated as they start stacking up what they are putting forward as initiatives for 2013 that's a lot of work. He knows this probably needs to be done but these are some big projects and asked is this a 2013 project or a 2014 project. Member Kathryn Peterson suggested they push out the completion date. Member Deeds commented that he thinks they need to think about prioritization a little bit because they all have jobs and lives. Chair Steel asked is there a preferred completion date. Member Dan Peterson stated that he thinks this is a very important study and he doesn't see the economy getting any better for anyone quickly and feels the City Council is going to have to come to grips with can we afford to do this stuff that doesn't pay their own way. He suggested they all give it some thought and let Ms. Kattreh or Mr. Keprios know what we think should be the elements of the study and put that in writing and then talk about it in three or four months. He asked is this something that needs to be done in the next 12 months. Member Kathryn Peterson suggested making the completion date June of 2014. 91 Member Kathryn Peterson made an amendment to the motion, seconded by Member Hulbert, to change the completion date to June 2014. Amendment Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Amendment carried. Motion to approve the initiative. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Renovate Garden Park Baseball Field Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Hulbert, to approve the initiative to renovate Garden Park Baseball Field. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Barrier Free Replacement Planeround Equipment — Wooddale Park Member Kathryn Peterson asked if this is strictly for the replacement of the tot lot area as opposed to any other improvements or changes to the park to which Ms. Kattreh replied that is correct. Member Jones stated there are many playgrounds that are quite old and there is a replacement schedule for those and asked if this is when it would normally be replaced or are they moving ahead of others. Ms. Kattreh replied it is moving approximately eight years ahead of the normal replacement schedule which is why they are asking for the fundraising campaign. Member Jones asked if it is similar to the "Hornet's Nest" that unless a certain amount of funds are raised the City will not replace it ahead of time. Ms. Kattreh replied that is correct but they have not yet had those discussions or a recommendation from the Park Board or City Council to say they need to raise 100% and she is hoping to get some involvement from the Park Board to help with that but at this point they are hoping for a 100% contribution in fundraising. Member Kathryn Peterson asked in the context of providing a barrier free playground has there been any discussion about which park might be best suited to do that. Ms. Kattreh replied those are some discussions they've had with the neighbors and as staff. She pointed out that at this point because of the proximity to the home of the person that is spearheading this campaign Wooddale Park is the primary focus. She noted they did discuss other parks in Edina and it might be something that with the involvement with the Park Board they may want to do at other park locations as well. Member Deeds asked if they currently have any barrier free playground places or is this a new addition to which Ms. Kattreh replied this would be a new addition to the playgrounds in Edina; there currently is no completely barrier free playground equipment in Edina. Member Kathryn Peterson asked if barrier free parks will bring in people from outside the city and might there be parking issues as a result. Ms. Kattreh replied those are some discussions that they've had and thinks they would see people coming in from outside Edina but they definitely want to keep the neighborhood park feel and don't want to overrun the parking or the neighborhood so they are definitely going to keep it at a scale that will be very reasonable for that park. Member Jones indicated that this is the first time she has heard of this project and it sounds like a wonderful project but if this passes as part of the work plan does that mean it's part of the CIP budget. Ms. Kattreh replied they did put a dollar amount in the CIP budget that you will be looking at and the City Council will have an opportunity to approve later in the year. Ms. Kattreh commented that Member Jones talked about being reactionary at times and as staff they also feel that they are being very reactionary but she tries to look at that in a positive mode. She noted they listen to what the residents are 9 asking for and they hope to be able to act and respond in a timely manner. In this case where they have someone that might be looking at making a $200,000 or $300,000 donation to improve a park eight to ten years ahead of time may be viewed as reactionary but as staff they look at it as they are trying to be proactive to what the residents are requesting. Chair Steel pointed out that they want to be careful when they are wording their initiatives that they are not approving the specific project they are just getting it on their calendar. Ms. Kattreh commented that to completely answer Member Jones question you are not approving a dollar amount and in this case they put a $300,000 budget just to give an idea of what they think the entire project might cost but believes they put $100,000 in the CIP for the project but are thinking the whole project may cost $300,000. Member Deeds commented that he would like to speak in favor of putting this on because he thinks with the improvement and barrier free that is being talked about it is going to become an ADA issue and thinks you are either going to need to do it or get sued because it's going to become an access issue and they might as well be in front of it. Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to approve the initiative Barrier Free Replacement Playground Equipment at Wooddale Park. Member Jones made an amendment to the motion, seconded by Member Hulbert, to add "Park Board will be asked to review and comment on design and hold standard public notice". Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Amendment carried. Motion to approve Initiative Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Lake Edina Pathway Member Segreto made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to approve the initiative Lake Edina Pathway as one of the 2013 new initiatives. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Countryside Park Master Plan Member Segreto made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, to approve the initiative Countryside Park Master Plan as one of the 2013 new initiatives. Member Dan Peterson asked staff to give some thought to what percentage of new playground equipment should be barrier free and to let them know at a future meeting. Ms. Kattreh replied this is going to be their first playground that they are going to be putting in a completely poured in place safety surface so that it will be 100% accessible. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Ongoing Responsibilities Chair Steel identified the "Ongoing Responsibilities" are: CIP, fees and charges, operating budget, bylaws, election of officers and the work plan. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Hulbert, to approve the Ongoing Responsibilities. 10 Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Creating a New Catezory Chair Steel indicated they talked about creating a new category "Ongoing Initiatives" which would include: Donations and Naming of Parks and Facilities Policy, User Fee Policy, Edina Veterans Memorial and Sports Dome. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Gieseke, to approve the "Ongoing Initiatives". Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Ms. Kattreh explained both Creek Valley School and Cornelia School have property lines that are unusual because there is school use on city property and there is city use of ball fields on school property. Historically this has been a handshake agreement but they would like to firm up these relationships in a more formal agreement so they know what is going on, what they can and cannot do, as well as possibly discuss field improvements and those sorts of things. Member Deeds made a motion, seconded by Member Dan Peterson, to approve the Cooperative Agreement with School District for use, upgrade and maintenance of Creek Valley Park athletic fields and Cornelia School Park athletic fields. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Master Parks Plan Member Segreto stated she thinks they are all in agreement and they just passed that the Strategic Planning would be part of the "2013 New Initiative" on the work plan; however, she wants to make sure they are not trying to create what was just handed out. She thinks Ms. Kattreh said it perfectly that it could be a matter of semantics so she is not in favor of that kind of planning, it's overwhelming. Chair Steel explained that the rationale behind this is the City Council expressed interest in a Masters Parks Plan. Member Segreto suggested they should wait until the City Council gives them an official direction if that is what they want them to do. Member Jones stated she has a separate opinion on this. She explained they have a schedule so they are able to tell neighborhoods that in so many years they are going to get a new swing set and this is the type of strategic planning; however, the Master Parks Plan is a little more detailed and feels it is something Edina could use. Member Hulbert indicated that his impression of what Member Jones handed out was different than what the Master Parks Plan is that the Park Board is being asked to approve. Chair Steel stated that she really thinks it comes down to what you make it. Member Deeds commented that he thinks what they are talking about is if they put a strategic plan together it's going to set forth goals, visions and what it is they think Edina should have in terms of amenities, etc., going forward over the next decade. He noted the Master Parks Plan then follows as the implementation. How is it they are going to achieve these goals; specifically what are they going to do with the parks they have as well as what new things are needed and it begins to go into more detail. Member Deeds pointed out that the only challenge with this is you have to have the first one done well before they can do the second one. Member Dan Peterson commented that he thinks they need further background with what the City Council is thinking about. 11 New Items Sureested Member Dan Peterson made a motion, seconded by Member Hulbert, to put Community Gardens on the agenda. Member Hulbert indicated that he thought there was some potential land use around the YMCA that could potentially be used for a community garden and thinks a lot of people would like it and so if it is a possibility he would like to see it explored. Member Deeds asked what is specifically being proposed; is it proposing a working group? Member Hulbert replied he thinks it should be on the "Ongoing Responsibilities" and have staff give updates as to what is going on with the land by the YMCA. In addition, see if there is a possibility they could enter into an agreement so they could have a discussion as to whether or not it would be feasible to put in a community garden. Member Dan Peterson suggested they put this on their November agenda because Mr. Keprios will be back and he can give them the current status. Chair Steel made an amendment to the motion, seconded by Member Segreto, to include this item under "Other Work Plan ideas". Member Dan Peterson accepted the friendly motion so they could vote once. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. Member Jones commented that she has been thinking about what Member Segreto has said about Energy and Environment and so her motion would be that she would suggest that they put it under "Other Work Plan Ideas" considered for current year or future year and suggest that they somehow ask the Energy and Environment Commission if they would be willing to co-chair a work group to pursue that. Member Jones made a motion, seconded by Member Deeds, to add a working group with the Edina Energy and Environment Commission to talk about green energy assessment and implementation in the parks. Ayes: Dan Peterson, Jacobson, Hulbert, Segreto, Steel, Deeds, Gieseke, Jones, Kathryn Peterson Motion carried. VIII. WELCOME NEW STUDENT MEMBER — Chair Steel welcomed the new student, John O'Leary, who then gave the Park Board some information about himself. IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Ms. Kattreh indicated there is one letter that has been placed in front of the Park Board members. X. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Member Jones informed the Park Board that the City Council did hear the Naming and Donations Policy because they basically said it was something that was too complicated to take into consideration during a meeting and would prefer to discuss it at the December work session. Chair Steel informed the Park Board that she presented the User Fee Policy to the City Council and they pretty much accepted the recommendations in the interest of collecting data, and they may take another look at it. Member Deeds asked where they stand on the Sports Dome location. Ms. Kattreh replied they have been working with Creek Valley Church and have had discussions on their site and thinks at this point they have enough information to be able to report back to the group so she will be scheduling a meeting soon. 12 Member Hulbert commented that in regards to the letter they received regarding adding baskets for disc golf he would ask that staff touch base with Tom Horwath, City Forester, first because it does scar up those old trees and is not sure what it will do to the health of those old trees. Ms. Kattreh replied that does bring up another point in that they receive requests like this on a regular basis and Mr. Keprios and she had talked about wanting the Park Board to come up with a very specific policy and procedure on how they would like staff to address these concerns. She noted even if there was a policy on the website where if someone has a request or there is something they would like to see in the park that there is paperwork that would need to be filled out, there is a petition that needs to be signed and explain the process that will need to be gone through with the Park Board. This is something they would like the Park Board to consider. XI. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board that in front of them is a resolution that they will pass on to the City Council next week as part of their Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant. She explained that they need to have the City Council pass this resolution which essentially states they have the ability to staff and the funding to be able to maintain the field at Garden Park that they are requesting funds for. Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board that the Hornet's Nest project is moving along very smoothly and they are still on track for an early December opening date. Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board that regarding the golf dome they are working with RJM as a construction manager and they are in the process of determining what they need in a new golf dome and they are putting together some figures. She explained once they have a building plan and some figures in place they will go back to the insurance company to work on negotiating those fees. She stated that they are not going to be able to have the golf dome open for this golf season but that the opening date is anticipated for October of 2013. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm 13 , NA. \cORPOP�*�� 1a9a REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: Park Board Agenda Item Item No. VII. A. From: Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department z Action 1-1 Discussion Information Date: October 9, 2012 Subject: Garden Park Baseball Field Renovations, Public Hearing ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the request by the Edina Baseball Association and staff to renovate the baseball field at Garden Park. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: The Garden Park baseball field currently has very poor drainage which results in standing water and wet field conditions long after each rainfall. The following is a list of improvements proposed by the Edina Baseball Association and staff. • Excavate and renovate the infield and outfield areas, plant new grass seed and install a new irrigation system. • Construct two new chain link batting cages (15' X 75' and 12' in height). • Reconstruct and heighten backstop to 20' in height in black vinyl chain link fence. • Remove and replace sideline and outfield fencing with black vinyl fence. • Construct dugouts (two — 10' X 40') and include a 12' X 10' storage room at the end of the 3rd base dugout and include a 10' X 12' concessions/storage room at the end of the 1St base dugout. • Install a new wireless electronic scoreboard and new flag pole. • Provide a 5 -row portable bleacher to accommodate 90 spectators. Anderson/Johnson Associates has provided a benchmark estimate of total construction costs at $361,000. A copy of AJA's estimates and site plan are attached. Architect and engineering costs are estimated at $21,660 which brings the total project costs to $382,660. The Edina Baseball Association is proposing to donate $100,000 towards this project. Staff is making a grant request for the balance of $282,660. If AJA's benchmark construction estimates are found to be slightly low, the project could be value engineered and reduced in scope with deduct alternates that would delay construction of certain additional amenities that could be easily added in the future (scoreboard, batting cages and flag pole). Staff is making a grant request for a $282,660 from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program to help fund the proposed Garden Park baseball field renovation and improvement project. A letter and site plan was mailed to all property owners within 1,000 feet of Garden Park informing them of this proposal and the process. A copy of that letter is attached. Some questions were raised by the neighbors, but no resistance or negative comments were received. In fact, several residents supported the project, both in writing and in phone calls. The grant application process requires a Resolution to be approved by the City Council. A copy of the signed Resolution is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Garden Park Letter Garden Park Location Map AJA Estimate Emails from Neighborhood Mailing Signed Resolution September 12, 2012 Dear Resident Neighbor of Garden Park: This letter is to inform you of a proposal from the Edina Baseball Association to upgrade the baseball field at Garden Park. Their proposal will be discussed at the upcoming October 9, 2012 Edina Park Board meeting. The Edina Baseball Association (EBA) is proposing to donate funds and partner with the City of Edina to make the following renovations and new improvements to the baseball field at Garden Park: • Excavate and renovate the infield and outfield areas, plant new grass seed and install a new irrigation system. • Construct two new chain link batting cages (15' X 75' and 12' in height). • Reconstruct and heighten backstop to 20' in height (to keep foul balls from going to railroad tracks) in black vinyl chain link fence. • Remove and replace sideline and outfield fencing with black vinyl fence. • Construct dugouts (two — 10' X 40') and include a 12' X 10' storage room at the end of the 3rd base dugout and include a 10' X 12' concessions/storage room at the end of the 1" base dugout. • Install a new wireless electronic scoreboard and new flag pole. • Provide a 5 -row portable bleacher to accommodate 90 spectators. • The general location of these amenities is shown on the enclosed map. Total project construction costs are estimated to be approximately $361,000. The EBA is proposing to donate $100,000 and the City of Edina is also applying for a grant from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program of Hennepin County to help fund the remainder of the project. The Edina Park Board will meet in the Council Chambers in City Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 to consider the Edina Baseball Association's proposal. As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting. It is the sincere desire of the Edina Baseball Association and the City of Edina to make these needed improvements as aesthetically pleasing as possible to the neighbors and residents who use Garden Park. If you have any questions about the proposed amenities or process, feel free to contact me directly. To share your comments with the Park Board about the proposed project, please send them to me in writing either by postal mail or email. Many thanks. Respectfully, Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Edina Park and Recreation Department (952) 826-0431 akattrehkEdinaMN. gov ANDERSON-JOIINSONASSOCIATES, INC. - VALLEYSQUARE OFFICE CENTER -SUITE IN, )5)5 GOI o� z DEN VALLEYROAD -,kOV.VEIPOLIS. WA'NE.SOTA- ()N)Slf-)/I9 - ()63f5fl-0531 F I I m= n* z 0 G) r >00 rO,m. - D O vimO "mv { i �� Z DZ3 Fn T C. U r m� o r 0 Bre 'J ! �W� t sY ` mw W W v n r m o 0 r ;qr O rn ��m�'z i O O m _ zwcno �! i7m7 G) O�mm DD—Im� p�D� }, "� -0 czzv zOr� G1z— 'D m Trm> cn- .nom rp�0M mXmm rmZDo rA "moot cD� o_ -i.. z Z r r ZDV m A > o / m ra 0 m D Gy---- c� D co 0i / z o m/ � m O D > 331' / m ti II ..N. SHEET 1 0 SITE IMPROVEMENTS PLAN BALL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS GARDENPARK VERNON AVENUE 8 HANSEN ROAD EDINA PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPT. EDINA, MINNESOTA A'' Ncoz 0v,v m= n* z 0 G) >00 rO,m. - O vimO -- z C. 0 Bre wT. ANDERSON -JOHNSON PROJECT NO. 1100 ASSOC/AYES, °ATE 0.00M INC. LANDSCAPEARCHIfECTL'RE • SIT'£PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERPVG DRBY JRP OK BY JRP August 31, 2012 Mr. John Keprios Parks & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 ANDERSON -JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, .�-- INC. LANDSCAPF. ARCIATFCTURF. SITE PLANNING • CIVIL F.NGLUF.F.RING 7.573 G01.11F-N 1 `.4UJ..Y ROAD SU?F 200 bOA1,VF.AP01.1S. 81X 33417 FAX 176 31 3 44-03 3 1 P71 /7631 M4-7119 RE: Professional Services - Site Planning, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering Renovation of Existing Baseball Field - Garden Park Dear Mr. Keprios: As requested, we are pleased to provide this fee proposal for design services for the proposed improvements of the baseball field at the Garden Park. Below, we have included a cost estimate, as well as a tentative project schedule for your review. Also attached is a concept sketch which generally illustrates the proposed improvements. The Project You may recall that Braun Intertec accomplished soil augers, lab testing and issued a geotechnical report on June 8t'', 2012. Their investigations found that gravel and debris exists under the field at varying depths but generally at about 3 -feet. At that depth, "obstructions blocked the advancement of the auger at several locations. It is possible significant debris is present within the onsite soils". Based on that, we recommend renovation of the ball field rather that reconstruction. That is, we feel it would be an expensive endeavor to attempt to remove the underlying debris to effectively eliminate any chance of future settlement or having debris come to the surface, and there still ay be a chance that compressible soils (under the debris) would still cause the field to settle/ heave over time. In addition to this, you have requested that we provide itemized costs for upgrading, improving, reconstructing or otherwise providing amenities at the baseball field to improve the level of play and experience of using the field. As a note, the cost estimate is based on the preliminary Concept Design Sketch and should only be considered an approximation to be used as a benchmark for planning and budgeting. OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST 1. Renovation of Existing Baseball Field a. Excavate and remove infield area and replace topsoil with sand -peat prescribed topsoil. Install new drain tile, 5" depth aglime infield, clay pitcher's mound and batter's area, new irrigation system and seed...... $ 85,000. b. Regrade outfield area including harvesting/ stripping of existing grass, installation of drain tile, new irrigation system and seed........ $ 46,000. C. Construct new bull pens along each sideline of the field ............. $ 6,000. d. Construct new dugouts (two- 10'x40')) including footings and foundations, on grade -slab (not sunken), players benches, and protective fencing. Include storage room (12'x10') at the end of the 3' base dugout. Include concession/ storage room (10'x12') at end of 1" base dugout. Restore surrounding areas including widening, replacement of asphalt trail . .................. $105,000. e. Reconstruct/ heighten backstop to 20' height (black vinyl). .......... $ 22,000. f. Remove, replace sideline and outfield fencing (black vinyl).......... $ 34,000. g. Construct batting cages (two- 15'X75') including chain link fence perimeter (12' height), electrical outlets, turf base, and netting tunnels . ......................................... $ 25,000. h. Install new scoreboard . ...................................... $ 25,000. Install new flag pole . ......................................... $ 5,000. j. Provide 5 -row portable bleachers (-90 seats) ...................... $8,000. Estimated Construction Cost (all items): $361,000. ANTICIPATED PROJECT APPROACH AND SCHEDULE Anderson -Johnson Associates staff members are available immediately to work with you on this project. Below, we provide a proposed project schedule- we understand timing of the project may change. And please keep in mind, this design and construction -related schedule may change as City and agency review timing becomes more clear and may depend on bidding climate, weather delays during construction, and other factors outside of our control. We will update the schedule as we move ahead. Planning and Design September 2012: Authorization to proceed with Baseball Field Improvements- Planning and Design services. Mid -Oct 2012: Provide/ submit Preliminary (90%) Construction Documents for City of Edina Park & Recreation Department, Planning Dept and Watershed District for Plan Review. Meet with City and Watershed staff as needed to review the project. Early -Nov, 2012: Submit Final Plans to City and Watershed for review and approval. Early -Dec 2012: Advertisement for Bids issued. Bid documents printed and available to qualified contractors. Mid -Dec 2012: Final Approval from City and Watershed for review and approval. Early -January 2013: Bids Received/ Bid Opening. Construction The construction, depending on overall scope, will take approximately 8-12 weeks with a seed establishment period of up to 12 -months. With that in mind, we'll work with the City and baseball associations/ teams to define the most appropriate time and schedule to allow for the work. FEE PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Anderson -Johnson Associates, Inc. proposes to provide Site Planning, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering services on a time -and -materials basis until a defined scope is established. At that time, we will update our proposal for the improvements. Generally, our fees will be in the range of 4-6% of the construction amount, however, we will most likely need to engage the services of an architect, and structural, electrical engineer for the work related to the dugouts, so the fee basis may be slightly higher than 6%. Our hourly rates are as follows: Secretary $ 54 per hour Civil / CADD Technician $ 72 per hour Graduate Landscape Planner $ 80 per hour Senior Landscape Architect, ASLA $137 per hour Civil Engineer, EIT $ 80 per hour Senior Civil Engineer, PE $137 per hour We trust the above information is clear and understandable. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to review the Plan(s) with you and your colleagues at your convenience. Respectfully Submitted, Anderson -Johnson Associates, Inc. e, omeroy, LLA Project Manager Attachments oeo JSTRUCT INFIELD: NEW SAND -PEAT TILE, IRRIGATION, i MOUND, INFIELD BATTING CAGES (2) I' GATE REGRADE \ OUTFIELD: NEW IRRIGATION, DRAIN TILE AND SEED REPLACE/UPGRADE FENCE TO BLACK VINYL (SIDELINE AND OUTFIELD) BULL PEN FLAGPOLE -j/ SCOREBOARD - SITE PLAN SCALE:1 =BO' O 3 3g� DUGO —STORACa _ CONCESSI NS NEW BACKST f 20 o W" z —RECONS RUCT °� W TRAIL oob xi Jl DU UT W/ S' AGE q a D OUT W/ � z a STORAGE a 0 cl gB LL o J Q � m Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:10 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Garden park baseball field I'm going to send the Garden Park emails. I don't have too many. Thanks Janet, Ann Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director i 1 952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 AKatlreh(&EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov .For Living, Learning, Raising Families CS Doing Business From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 4:43 PM To: 'Bale, Rick' Subject: RE: Garden park baseball field Hi Rick, We would like to keep this field and batting cages available for neighborhood use. It's fun to hear that your family has utilized this field to learn to play baseball. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my letter. Sincerely, Ann r' Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director t; l 952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 AKattrehC5)EdinaMN.gov I www EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families &. 'Doitig Business From: Bale, Rick [mailto•rbaleNarsonkin%coml Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 6:38 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: FW: Garden park baseball field Ms Kattreh: Thank you for your letter concerning the proposal regarding the Garden Park baseball field. I appreciate the efforts to keep the neighbors in the area informed on this proposal. We live at 5805 Oak Lane and for probably six summers from April through September (at least) 1 and my I0 -year old son Jack have biked and walked to this ball field where he has learned to pitch, hit and field. So, my question and concern is whether the field is going to be locked up and unavailable for use by the neighbors after these improvements. Do you know what the plans are on that? Also I'm just curious -are batting cages Thanks, Rick Bale be "open" and available for by the neighbors? Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:10 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Garden Park baseball upgrades Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director t 952-826-0431 1 Fax 952-826-0385 t AKattrehPEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov .IJ ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families &Doing Business From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 12:37 PM To: 'Roger Nunn' Subject: RE: Garden Park baseball upgrades Hi Roger, Thank you for your email. The existing restroom building has shared use with Comcast, in fact Comcast paid for much of the construction of that facility. There was never any discussion of using that building for concessions and we only have access to the small restroom portion of that facility. The plan for the "concession" portion of the new dugouts is to provide simple, pre-packaged items as a service to those at the field. It will not be a complete concessions facility with cooking onsite. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Have a great day, Ann Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0431 1 Fax 952-826-0385 r.: AKattreh(@EdinaMN.gov I vnvw.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Roger Nunn jmailto:rogeremcoc@cImail.coml Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 5:55 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Garden Park baseball upgrades Ann, Thank you for the note and the photo regarding this project. I have a question relating to a mention of a concession/storage room construction. Specifically, is this for the sale of concessions from that new building or what is it's exact purpose. I note that your photo indicates a building on the NW side of the 1 st base site and bullpen which was built several years ago by the city and at that time we understood that it was to be a concession stand. Are we duplicating facilities here and if so why not utilize the existing structure ? thank you, Roger Nunn 5608 Code Ave S Edina, MN. Roger G. Nunn Esox Marketing Co. 612.209.0866 Perishable Marketing and Logistics Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:10 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Garden Park - baseball Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director E 1 ; 952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 AKattreh(cDEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov � ...For living, Learning, Raising Fainilies & Doing Business From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 11:35 AM To: 'Joe Corbett' Subject: RE: Garden Park - baseball Thanks very much Joe! I hope that we're successful with the grant. Take care, Ann ,Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 AKattrehCcDEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, RaisiuI F - .—For Sc. Doing L3usiness From: Joe Corbett .[maiIto: ioe@joecorbett.coml Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 5:45 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Garden Park - baseball Hi Ann, I received your letter today regarding the Edina Baseball Association's plans to update the fields at Garden Park. I would definitely support these changes and wish you the best of luck in winning grant money. Though our children do not yet play baseball, 1 believe that keeping facilities up-to-date is in the best interest of the thousands of children and spectators who would benefit from a better park. Best regards, Joe Corbett 5501 Doncaster Way Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:13 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Garden park project Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business -----Original Message ----- From: Angela Tucker(mailto:angelamftucker@gmail.comI Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 2:23 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Garden park project Hi, The baseball field looks good I like the idea of an update. We use the walking path and park a lot. I think however concessions should be at the bath building and it will be too big a building at the dugout. I think with addition of the dugout the spectator seating will have less space. There isn't great seating to watch and I fear that will make it worse. The real bad part of the plan though is a batting cages the location is horrible they will be big and ugly right there. Another spot would be nicer if they had to be there but I think they will be problem where the y are planned to go. Sorry. Thank for asking, Angie tucker Angelamftucker@gmail.com 5604 warden ave Edina 860 519 6456 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:15 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Garden Park - baseball Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director %l)952-826-04311 Fax 952-826-0385 '-- AKattreh @EdinaMN.gov 1 www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families Doing Business From: Joe Corbett [mailto•j_oe Ioecorbett.coml Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 5:45 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Garden Park - baseball Hi Ann, I received your letter today regarding the Edina Baseball Association's plans to update the fields at Garden Park. I would definitely support these changes and wish you the best of luck in winning grant money. Though our children do not yet play baseball, I believe that keeping facilities up-to-date is in the best interest of the thousands of children and spectators who would benefit from a better park. Best regards, Joe Corbett 5501 Doncaster Way RESOLUTION NO. 2012- 112 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF EDINA TO FILE A HENNEPIN YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION AND EXECUTION OF FINAL AGREEMENTS WITH HENNEPIN COUNTY FOR THE GARDEN PARK BASEBALL FIELD PROJECT WHEREAS, Hennepin County, via the Hennepin Youth Sports Program, provides for capital funds to assist local government units of Hennepin County for the development of sport or recreation facilities, and WHEREAS, the City of Edina desires to implement the proposed Garden Park Baseball Field Project (Hereinafter PROJECT) for the purpose of creating a safer and more playable athletic field surface and overall improved recreational experience by improving the grading, drainage, replacing the worn irrigation system and planting improved natural grass turf on the playing field, adding baseball dugouts, storage and concessions, replacing worn chain link fencing, adding two batting cages, adding an electronic scoreboard, flag pole and portable bleacher seating for 90 spectators. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of Edina: I. The estimate of the total cost of developing PROJECT shall be $382,660.00 and the City of Edina is requesting $282,660.00 from the Hennepin Youth Sports Program and will assume responsibility for a match requirement of $100,000.00. Il. The City of Edina agrees to own, assume one hundred (100) percent of operation costs for PROJECT, and will operate PROJECT for its intended purpose for the functional life of the facility, which is estimated to be 50 years. III. The City of Edina agrees to enter into necessary and required agreements with Hennepin County for the specific purpose of developing a sport or recreational facility and long-term program direction. IV. That Parks and Recreation Director- John Keprios is authorized and directed to execute said application and serve as official liaison with Hennepin County or its authorized representative. Passed and adopted this 19th day of September- 2012. Attest: O_M�' Debra A. Mangen, City,Cle�kj James rs. Novrana, mayor PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4801 \West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 %rw«,.I::clinal)arks.coru • 952-826-0367 • Fax 952-826-0385 STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN)SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of September 19, 2012, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this 1 Iy , day of -=j J 20� l d4 City erk ,SNA° REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Park Board Agenda Item Item No. VII. B. From: Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department Action Discussion Information Date: October 9, 2012 Subject: Walnut Ridge Shelter Building Winter Lights ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the request by the neighbors near Walnut Ridge Park and the Parkwood Knolls Association to add Winter LED lights to the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building and an adjacent tree. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: The following request was received from Holli Hankinson and Heather Haen: Walnut Ridge Winter Light Proiect Last winter while kids of all ages were skating around the rink at Walnut Ridge Park, many parents agreed that adding lights to a small area of the park would add the perfect touch of warmth to the long, cold months. The goal is to have white lights professionally hung on the warming house and some of the surrounding trees. These "winter" lights would stay lit from November through February, or until the ice rink closes. We're certain that with the City of Edina's approval as well as neighborhood donations we can see Walnut Park transform to even more of a coveted neighborhood gathering place. The total cost would be $1,200. - I have a petition with 21 names and commitments of donations. - A group of neighbors as well as our Parkwood Knolls Assoc. plan to cover the total cost of lights. We are choosing between 3 lighting companies: 1. Custom Christmas Lighting 2. Russel Williams Window Cleaning 3. Lights Up by Ross Schutta All white LED lights will be used to achieve a clean -lined classic look. Install, take-down and storage will be provided by the company we choose and is included in the $1,200 cost. Any bulb repairs will be done by the company and I will be the contact person for this. Lights will be on a timer. Bid includes warming house roof line and one surrounding tree branched out with lights. The City would bear the cost of electricity for the lighting, but with LEDs the cost will be nominal. The City has never received this request before. Staff asked residents to have a petition signed by 21 residents; utilize LEDs; and also to have a professional service install, remove and store the lighting. The proposal meets all of our requirements. ATTACHMENTS: Petition Petition Map WALNUT RIDGE SUPPORT WARMING HOUSE WINTER LIGHTSI NAME ADDRESS DONATION (optional) epi l��a 24S f /- !GO �O Z%Yl X56 fbfas- 6�Zf fjcscayv�-t ���� Z's t4l �, . ;�� . 1o2ti2l two l, Q Gaol Use CAS , ��.f• z / 1 ✓ I � � �� — W' \ �� �p / Ire �S ��vr �/t.e� S 7 o g C'�--� �`%� �-��-�..1 fir.' ✓-�_ 7/9 :D oes Oc �k 1 (o 00 q L e5 l e e3. Lane., `1(001 Ca.5co Auc City of Edina 211 sus Tis 5175 .5206"3208 5205 6100 6112 6237 Legend 3213 5146 5272 3209 8 U 5150 51654185 3210 3215 3209 217 3224 6229, 216 Surrounding House Number Labels 219 5216 5221 225 5215 3217 2136121.62176215 BM9 51 24 3223 .., 5752 5160 317! 3211 5215 1 170 �I 5220 5225 52N 3211 SI2r 14 Housa Number Labels 5200 5245 5218 709 ` X5218 5221 3700 5250 5213 5210 5224 5228 14 Street tiartla Labels OS 5150 St38 5188 5285 3122 227 5215 6300 6306 6708 .l City Llmlts 24 5227 5271 5]091. 5280 5283 226 8 217 5704 3300 5305 6404 6400 3707 5308 307 �.f Creeks 5313 6650fi652 863< 5300 5305 f 5]08 5270 63]153174 3 6301 6304 3309 Lake Names EJ 5313 638 214.5276 3301 5648 858 5310 G405�1 6309 5271 5]215311 5316 6717 6316 5313 Lakes 53176800 3720 3128508 500 8424, 64166412, 8641 ,6645 �6410/ g409�3712 5317 Parks 680568016616: 6619 6517 6431 8617 6477' 8720 6]2d BJ20 3.710 372< 21 Parcels 6837 6653 83116109 6404 6501 64276423' 5316 ] 6844 3401 3�5 Si00 6112 6208 620! fi200 5101 5400 5401 5405 6633 3100 6640 6400 2IB 6724 6220 fi2fe 5403 5109 6401 • M 5404 $409 6209 6203 6201 5409 3413 6636 6629 �� 6106 2q 6117 5117 547 3417 3501 6204 6 200 6403 6407 6229 6223:6221 212 6672 .5408 $421 6625 , 5lOB 6512 N 6220 621 5303 5232.6228 6224 2 6112 6108 5501 6828 6501 5504 09 6201 6621 5 07 662! 6676 y 5416 6309 6103 5504 62f76HJ 3308 6124 6221 6773 8226 6224 117 6109 f 5501 5300 5513 6233 8129 6276 6240 6112' 8106 6620 6612 6304 24 5508 ]7 6606 '� 65TH 6512 fi50d 5 5500 6617 6508 5317 5506 5509 13 6809 6803 6601 6517 6313 8500 14 ` �•\ �l 5r� 6704670U 6610 6612860866046600 3701 �� W20 24 5517 6244 6308 8304 63006228 8225 512 61376203 5512 5516 3510 6211 f.^ 6709 6220 24 6705 6116 6113 5601 6014 6112 6616 I I SIOI 6416N �� '6367 5601 �1S'b208 5600 6028 'y�1 3703 5608 870 70 621861 6617 6809 6118 80] 57 ,,g406 6277 5605 6204 6113 6109 Maws 6605 5709 6413 701 4700 5609 821] 6200 6704 Q6N 8620 6616 6612 6608 5706 5705 3700 LL I X66" 704 3701 667 1 37 3709 /5703 5701 3701 6209 16105 6112 6108 677 OS 5706 68015616 613 6609 6605 6601 Sri 571 5717 ¢BOJ 00 5701.6629 571 700 5706 �32/�7175778 57 3105y3700 5707 6205 mow"�SIIZ //� /� 6109 57056625 �j5 5173777'570, 5700704 ff f0 /708 717 5709 SNOB 161 f6 510. 6621 6813660966036601 51 13 '650.5 7175776 6617 37295712 5713670 21 ZD 12 5704 57213716 5709 3708 24 706 $709 57]3 �f0 5777 62 14 5713 5741 6715 5801 2f 1764116409 ...20 11 '5711 571fi 5714 0 6705 670f 6619 6H 60] 6709 6403 5717 6200 5718 5716 24 :�6G726G2866 66126608660! F 3711 571{ �Y 4207 i16176 w�Iruv11L49a ParR 24 3 5 ' 3720 3725 6217 6213 Pi6' 8137 6825 6617 661 24 667-� 3907115900� SS 5 ' 58071 5601 3806 5817 J eraxunPtrk ' 6177 627 ` 'y = 624� {5906 F905��� 58� 3,03 5804 IS/gp51�( 95904 w�a:,cw-y.1n:o.:rsccmtt � poll 24 5810 c 1zm :D oes Oc �k 1 (o 00 q L e5 l e e3. Lane., `1(001 Ca.5co Auc O�e� �110 • I�cORPO'N.PT�� l888 REPORTIRECOMMEN DATION To: Park Board Agenda Item Item No. VII. C. From: Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department Action Discussion F�71 Information Date: October 9, 2012 Subject: 2013 — 2017 Enterprise Capital Improvement Plans ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests a review and comment on the attached DRAFT 2013 — 2017 Enterprise Capital Improvement Plans. This includes Braemar Arena, Braemar Golf Course, Centennial Lakes Park, Edinborough Park and the Edina Aquatic Center. Art Center CIP is reviewed by the Art Center Board. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: The City of Edina Capital Improvement plans are five year plans, but the funding is appropriated for only the first two years of the plan, which in this case means only for the years 2013 and 2014. Last week you receive electronic and hard copies of the PROPOSED 2013 — 2017 Capital Improvement Plans for the enterprise facilities and the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff hoped to give you more time to review projects and descriptions of these projects. The enterprise facility managers will be present to give a brief PowerPoint presentation explaining items proposed in the first three years of their plan. The Park Board is encouraged to review, ask questions and comment on the proposed plans. Included in the plans emailed and mailed last week were the 2013 — 2017 Parks and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Plan. We will be discussing these in detail at the November 13th Park Board meeting, but the Board is encouraged to share comments, and request further information of staff that may require further research in preparation for the November 13th Park Board meeting. Attached you will also find a DRAFT Capital Improvement Plan. This year the City has a new process for presenting the CIP for approval. The process has been exceptional with a great amount of review, planning and prioritization. The information that you received last week are the projects "Proposed" by the enterprise managers and the Parks and Recreation Department. The attached Draft is the draft plan that has been reviewed and ranked by a committee of staff including the Assistant Finance Director, Assistant City Manager and City Manager. You will see differences in the Proposed plan that I sent last week and the Draft plan that is attached. Some projects have been delayed. This Draft document was presented and reviewed for the first time on October 2nd at the City Council Work Session. Please review the Parks and Recreation Department section and all of the enterprise sections in the Draft CIP document. You will see a Priority Rating on the top of the page. Those projects receiving a Priority Rating of 1-5 are likely to be funded in 2013- 2014. Projects receiving a Priority Rating of 6 or 7 have been delayed, to be reviewed again in 2015 or later. The Pamela Park field renovations and the golf course driving range are examples of projects that staff had listed high in priority in the Proposed CIP, but were moved back in priority in the DRAFT CIP due to lack of funding. Some enterprise facilities saw no change and some only slight changes from the Proposed to the Draft Capital Improvement Plans. This is a multi -step process. The Proposed CIP was the first step and the DRAFT CIP is the second step in this new process. This Draft will see more revisions before going to the Council on December 4th for a public hearing and December 8th for final adoption. The City Council is very interested in hearing your comments and recommendations regarding this Plan. ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT CIP Projects City of Edina, MN Capital Improvement Plan 2013 thru 2017 PROJECTS & FUNDING SOURCES BY DEPARTMENT Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Administration - Liquor Stores 230,000 65,000 130,000 425,000 Administration - Liquor Stores Total 50th: Store Remodel LIQ -02-005 1 150,000 Community Development & HRA 150,000 York: Replace Rooftop HVAC LIQ -10-004 2 40,000 40,000 Vernon: Replace Load Leveler Dock LIQ -10-006 5 15,000 15,000 All Stores: Video & Software Upgrades LIQ -11-004 5 60,000 60,000 Vernon: Replace Rooftop HVAC LIQ -11-005 5 25,000 25,000 Vernon: Replace Entrance & Exit Doors LIQ -11-006 5 30,000 30,000 Vernon Tasting Area LIQ -13-001 5 25,000 25,000 Liquor Signage-Interior/Exterior LIQ -13-002 3 80,000 80,000 Administration - Liquor Stores Total 230,000 65,000 130,000 425,000 Liquor Fund 230,000 65,000 130,000 425,000 Administration - Liquor Stores Total 230,000 65,000 130,000 425,000 Community Development & HRA ENG -13-005 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Projects ENG -13-006 Promenade Phase III HRA -11-002 5 ENG -13-007 2,000,000 2,000,000 France Ave and TH62 Reconstruction HRA -11-003 1 ENG -13-009 600,000 600,000 Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study HRA -13-001 2 200,000 200,000 Pedestrian Bridge over TH62 HRA -13-002 1 2 800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 Community Development & HRA Total 200,000 5,600,000 5,800,000 Tax Increment Funds 200,000 5,600,000 5,800,000 Community Development & HRA Total 200,000 5,600,000 5,800,000 Engineerin Neighborhood Street Reconstruction Program ENG -13-001 Water Main Improvments ENG -13-002 Sanitary Sewer Main Improvements ENG -13-003 Storm Sewer - Pipe and Grading Improvements ENG -13-004 Piping Wells #15 and #9 to Treatment Plant No. 6 ENG -13-005 Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Projects ENG -13-006 Bridge Rehabilitation: 78th St W and Gus Young Ln ENG -13-007 Reconstruct: 2nd Street South ENG -13-008 Reconstruct: Valley View Road ENG -13-009 1 5,300,000 3,500,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 4,100,000 1 1,375,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 1 1,451,000 690,000 931,000 700,000 1,100,000 1 1,200,000 2,200,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 4 1,100,000 2 800,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1 150,000 1 150,000 4 100,000 1,000,000 21,900,000 8,375,000 4,872,000 11,200,000 1,100,000 5,200,000 150,000 150,000 1,100,000 DRAFT Page 9 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Reconstruct: Tracy Avenue ENG -13-010 5 50,000 70,000 200,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 2013-2014 Flood Protection and Water Improvements ENG -13-011 4 30,000 35,000 250,000 45,000 315,000 2014-2015 Flood Protection and Water Improvements ENG -13-012 4 2,580,000 50,000 275,000 1,260,000 325,000 2015-2016 Flood Protection and Water Improvements ENG -13-013 5 1,100,000 1,100,000 50,000 275,000 325,000 Morningside Neighborhood Water Main Relining ENG -13-014 5 22,465,000 2,166,000 200,000 100,000 300,000 Mill and Overlay: Benton Avenue ENG -13-015 5 2,495,000 3,400,000 3,000,000 450,000 450,000 Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan ENG -13-016 5 2,350,000 8,840,000 45,000 11,557,000 45,000 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ENG -13-017 4 45,000 45,000 NMWD Petition Projects - Phase 1 ENG -13-018 4 180,000 140,000 320,000 Engineering Department Equipment Replacement ENG -13-019 n/a 41,000 45,000 25,000 28,000 139,000 Concrete Rehab: Parklawn Ave. (France to W 77) PW -00-074 4 450,000 450,000 Reconstruct: W 54th St. (Wooddale to France) PW -01-012 1 150,000 950,000 1,100,000 Reconstruct: W 58th St (Wooddale to France) PW -04-001 4 150,000 950,000 1,100,000 Bridge: 54th Street Bridge PW -05-003 1 180,000 820,000 1,000,000 Mill & Overlay: Olinger Blvd (Vernon - Tracy) PW -05-006 4 800,000 800,000 Remove Lift Station No.1 UT -03-010 3 150,000 150,000 New Water Treatment Plant (#5) UT -07-002 4 150,000 7,000,000 7,150,000 Piping Wells #5 and #18 to WT #5 UT -08-008 1 100,000 100,000 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Lining UT -08-014 5 540,000 600,000 1,140,000 W 69th Street and York Ave Water Main Loop UT -10-011 5 150,000 150,000 Asset Management Update UT -12-008 4 75,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 225,000 Cooper Circle Pond Outlet UT -12-009 5 80,000 80,000 Engineering Total 11,887,000 13,505,000 13,396,000 13,060,000 19,208,000 71,056,000 Bonds - Public Improvement Revolving Bonds Construction Fund Equipment Replacement Program Municipal State Aid Pedestrian Bike Safety Fund Special Assessments Utility Fund - Sewer Utility Fund - Storm Utility Fund - Water Engineering Total General Government Functions 150,000 100,000 3 50,000 70,000 370,000 120,000 COM -13-002 7 935,000 380,000 120,000 41,000 COM -13-003 45,000 25,000 28,000 139,000 Citywide Fiber Optic Cabling 2,580,000 880,000 1,050,000 1,260,000 5,770,000 800,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 5,200,000 5,300,000 3,640,000 4,640,000 4,645,000 4,240,000 22,465,000 2,166,000 1,470,000 971,000 890,000 1,120,000 6,617,000 1,330,000 2,495,000 3,400,000 3,000,000 2,700,000 12,925,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 2,260,000 2,350,000 8,840,000 17,450,000 11,557,000 13,735,000 13,296,000 13,110,000 19,358,000 71,056,000 City of Edina Wireless Network COM -13-001 3 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Gateway Signs COM -13-002 7 935,000 380,000 1,315,000 Communications and IT Equipment Replacement COM -13-003 n/a 186,000 136,900 53,900 32,900 80,000 489,700 Citywide Fiber Optic Cabling CW -02-001 6 225,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Electronic Document Management GG -11-004 5 65,000 65,000 25,000 155,000 Assessing Division Equipment Replacement GG -13-001 n/a 30,000 30,000 DRAFT Page 10 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Election Equipment Replacement GG -13-002 n/a Pamela Park: South Parking Lot Expansion PK -10-005 Pamela Park: North Parking Lot Expansion PK -10-006 30,000 30,000 HRIS/Payroll HR -13-001 2 50,000 150,000 PK -11-007 VanValkenburg Park construction PK -12-002 200,000 General Government Functions Total 376,000 426,900 1,343,900 562,900 260,000 2,969,700 Construction Fund 140,000 200,000 1,260,000 530,000 150,000 2,280,000 Equipment Replacement Program 186,000 171,900 83,900 32,900 110,000 584,700 Other - 2010 Unassigned Fund Balance 50,000 55,000 105,000 General Government Functions Total 376,000 426,900 1,343,900 562,900 260,000 2,969,700 Park & Recreation Pamela Park: Renovate senior athletic field PK -00-033 Pamela Park: New athletic field PK -07-004 Lewis Park: Pathway lighting PK -08-006 Pamela Park: South Parking Lot Expansion PK -10-005 Pamela Park: North Parking Lot Expansion PK -10-006 Pamela Park: West Parking Lot Expansion PK -10-007 Bredesen Park: Comfort Station Renovation PK -11-006 Normandale Park: Replace Warming House/Shelter PK -11-007 VanValkenburg Park construction PK -12-002 Parks Department Equipment Replacement PK -13-001 Utley Park: Bathrooms Renovation PK -13-002 Lake Edina Park: Pathway PK -13-003 Highlands Park: Basketball Court PK -13-004 Garden Park: Baseball Field PK -13-005 Wooddale Park: Playground Equipment PK -13-006 Weber Park: Playground Equipment PK -13-007 Arden Park: Replace Shelter Building PK -13-008 Strachauer Park: Playground Equipment PK -13-009 Parks Comprehensive Master Plan PK -13-010 Park & Recreation Total 7 6 5 30,000 6 6 6 5 75,000 6 7 n/a 20,000 1 80,000 5 85,000 7 5 300,000 5 200,000 5 5 5 7 83,000 330,000 400,000 40,000 45,000 60,000 650,000 600,000 42,325 133,255 31,600 25,000 200,000 650,000 200,000 100,000 330,000 400,000 30,000 40,000 45,000 60,000 75,000 650,000 600,000 310,180 80,000 85,000 25,000 300,000 200,000 200,000 650,000 200,000 100,000 790,000 83,000 1,692,325 933,255 881,600 4,380,180 Construction Fund 470,000 1,650,000 800,000 850,000 3,770,000 Equipment Replacement Program 20,000 83,000 42,325 133,255 31,600 310,180 Grants & Donations 300,000 300,000 Park & Recreation Total Parks - Aquatic Center Replace Heaters AQC-12-002 1 Pool Deck Repairs AQC-12-003 2 Bathhouse Roof and Other Improvements AQC-12-004 2 Replace Pool Filters AQC-12-005 4 790,000 83,000 1,692,325 933,255 881,600 4,380,180 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 52,000 52,000 62,000 62,000 DRAFT Page 11 Tuesday, September 15, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total SCS Play Structure AQC-12-006 5 325,000 325,000 Main Pool Boiler AQC-13-001 1 47,000 47,000 Large Slide AQC-13-002 5 500,000 500,000 Parks - Aquatic Center Total 87,000 102,000 62,000 500,000 325,000 1,076,000 Aquatic Center Fund 87,000 102,000 62,000 500,000 325,000 1,076,000 Parks - Aquatic Center Total 87,000 102,000 62,000 500,000 325,000 1,076,000 (Parks - Arena Water System Repairs A-10-003 5 80,000 80,000 Replace Zamboni A-12-001 3 140,000 140,000 Make-up Water Tanks A-12-002 1 35,000 35,000 Low E Ceiling Replacement - West Arena A-13-001 4 75,000 75,000 Painting East Arena A-13-002 4 25,000 25,000 Ballet Room Remodel A-13-003 3 25,000 25,000 Low E Ceiling Replacement - East Arena A-13-004 5 80,000 80,000 Bathroom/Locker Room Upgrades/Remodel A-13-005 5 100,000 100,000 Rubber Floor Replacement A-13-006 5 35,000 35,000 Arena Roof A-13-007 5 225,000 225,000 Parking Lot Resurfacing A-13-008 2 35,000 35,000 Parks - Arena Total 170,000 165,000 160,000 135,000 225,000 855,000 Construction Fund 170,000 165,000 160,000 135,000 225,000 855,000 Parks - Arena Total 170,000 165,000 160,000 135,000 225,000 855,000 Parks - Art Center Parking Lot Expansion ART -11-004 7 85,000 85,000 HVAC ART -11-005 3 22,800 22,800 MaxSolutions Enterprise Acquisition ART -13-001 2 15,000 15,000 Parks - Art Center Total 37,800 85,000 122,800 Construction Fund 37,800 85,000 122,800 Parks -Art Center Total Parks - Centennial Lakes Park Replace HVAC Units CL -06-005 2 Replace Park Sound System CL -09-008 7 Replace HVAC Units CL -12-001 5 One -Ton Truck CL -13-001 5 37,800 85,000 122,800 25,000 25,000 32,000 32,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 28,000 DRAFT Page 12 Tuesdaj,, September 25, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Parks- Edinborough Park Replaster Pool EP -00-017 3 71,800 Security Camera System EP -08-007 Parks - Centennial Lakes Park Total 25,000 32,000 25,000 28,000 110,000 Construction Fund Parks - Centennial Lakes Park Total 43,100 189,500 GC -12-006 42,000 GC -12-007 Parks- Edinborough Park Replaster Pool EP -00-017 3 71,800 Security Camera System EP -08-007 5 Pool and Wall Tile EP -08-021 3 Lift to Birthday Party Area EP -09-014 3 Track Floor EP -09-015 7 Concrete repairs EP -09-016 4 153,800 Adventure Peak Remodel EP -09-021 3 North Sidewalk EP -10-011 5 Track Air Conditioning EP -11-005 7 Adventure Peak Wave Slide EP -11-006 3 Exterior Entryway Doors EP -11-007 5 Interior Entryway Doors EP -11-008 5 Upstairs Restroom Remodel EP -11-009 6 Adventure Peak Renovation EP -11-010 5 Park Boiler EP -12-003 5 POS System EP -13-001 5 Ramp to Track EP -13-002 5 41,000 Provide Larger Locker Rooms EP -13-003 1 Window Washing EP -13-004 3 Roof Repairs EP -13-005 5 Construction Fund Edinborough Fund Parks - Golf Course 25,000 32,000 25,000 28,000 110,000 25,000 32,000 25,000 28,000 110,000 30,800 26,900 582,000 26,300 33,100 110,400 28,300 71,800 43,100 189,500 42,000 65,000 153,800 26,000 32,300 66,600 26,300 90,500 67,900 30,800 33,100 26,900 28,300 41,000 582,000 26,300 110,400 Parks - Edinborough Park Total 266,600 892,100 264,700 143,500 186,700 1,753,600 Parks - Edinborough Park Total Driving Range Expansion 43,100 189,500 GC -12-006 42,000 GC -12-007 Braemar: Clubhouse Roof Replacement 65,000 26,000 GC -12-009 Maintenance Equipment Replacement 32,300 Tee Renovation 66,600 26,300 GC -13-004 90,500 67,900 30,800 26,900 582,000 26,300 33,100 110,400 28,300 71,800 43,100 189,500 42,000 65,000 153,800 26,000 32,300 66,600 26,300 90,500 67,900 30,800 33,100 26,900 28,300 41,000 582,000 26,300 110,400 Parks - Edinborough Park Total 266,600 892,100 264,700 143,500 186,700 1,753,600 Parks - Edinborough Park Total Driving Range Expansion GC -12-005 Braemar: Carpeting GC -12-006 Braemar: Slit Drainage 3 Fairways GC -12-007 Braemar: Clubhouse Roof Replacement GC -12-008 Cart Path Repair/Expansion GC -12-009 Maintenance Equipment Replacement GC -13-001 Tee Renovation GC -13-003 Irrigation System Replacement Phase 1 GC -13-004 266,600 120,600 771,500 264,700 143,500 186,700 982,100 771,500 266,600 892,100 264,700 143,500 186,700 1,753,600 7 1,000,000 1,000,000 7 25,000 25,000 7 50,000 50,000 5 80,000 80,000 160,000 3 25,000 25,000 75,000 75,000 200,000 5 145,000 155,000 155,000 160,000 615,000 4 50,000 70,000 100,000 220,000 5 1,500,000 1,500,000 DRAFT Page 13 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Parks - Golf Course Total 170,000 310,000 1,405,000 385,000 1,500,000 3,770,000 Construction Fund 170,000 310,000 1,055,000 385,000 1,500,000 3,420,000 Grants & Donations - Braemar Memorial Fund 350,000 350,000 Parks - Golf Course Total 170,000 310,000 1,405,000 385,000 1,500,000 3,770,000 Public Safety Functions 25,000 Police to Community Software PS -11-005 PD Alarm Billing Software PS -12-007 PD License Plate Reader PS -12-008 Fire Department Equipment Replacement PS -13-001 Police Department Equipment Replacement PS -13-002 Inspections Division Equipment Replacement PS -13-003 Health Division Equipment Replacement PS -13-004 FD Plan Review Software PS -13-005 CityWorks Code Enforcement Software PS -13-006 Public Safety Functions Total 3 25,000 165,000 25,000 3 50,000 415,000 50,000 5 40,000 741,916 1,111,845 40,000 n/a 475,000 154,000 273,000 165,000 95,000 1,162,000 n/a 251,916 923,345 448,925 24,760 10,000 1,658,946 n/a 15,000 18,000 60,000 93,000 n/a 16,500 16,500 3 PW -02-006 250,000 250,000 3 50,000 50,000 50,000 PW -08-004 906,916 1,361,845 721,925 189,760 165,000 3,345,446 Construction Fund 165,000 250,000 415,000 Equipment Replacement Program 741,916 1,111,845 721,925 284,760 70,000 2,930,446 Public Safety Functions Total 906,916 1,361,845 721,925 284,760 70,000 3,345,446 Public Works i Public Works: Braemar Cold Storage: Improvements PW -02-006 7 50,000 50,000 Braemar Cold Storage - Fire Suppression PW -08-004 3 70,000 70,000 GPS Electrical System PW -11-006 7 30,000 30,000 Industrial Park Lighting PW -13-001 3 104,000 104,000 104,000 104,000 416,000 Bridge Repairs PW -13-002 1 100,000 170,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 570,000 Parking Ramp Repairs PW -13-003 3 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 120,000 Public Works Equipment Replacement PW -13-004 n/a 390,254 511,395 314,842 664,420 563,415 2,444,326 Utilities Equipment Replacement PW -13-005 3 260,000 237,000 465,000 270,000 80,000 1,312,000 Well #13 Rehab Project PW -13-006 5 120,000 120,000 Well #17 Rehab Project PW -13-007 5 120,000 120,000 Well #6 Rehab Project PW -13-008 5 120,000 120,000 Well #5 (West 69th Street) UT -08-009 4 120,000 120,000 Well # 2 Rehab Project UT -09-010 1 120,000 120,000 Water Meter Replacement Project UT -10-006 1 2,100,000 2,100,000 Well #9 Rehab Project UT -10-008 1 200,000 200,000 Well # 11 Rehab Project UT -10-009 3 120,000 120,000 Well #10 Rehab Project UT -11-006 4 120,000 120,000 Storm Water Lift Station #3 Rehab UT -11-007 1 200,000 200,000 DRAFT Page 14 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Department Project# Priority 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Sewer Camera and Cable Reel UT -11-008 3 40,000 40,000 Well No. 8 UT -12-006 4 35,000 35,000 SCADA Radio System Upgrade UT -12-007 4 60,000 60,000 Public Works Total 3,509,254 1,372,395 1,213,842 1,528,420 863,415 8,487,326 Construction Fund 304,000 304,000 314,000 234,000 100,000 1,256,000 Equipment Replacement Program 390,254 511,395 314,842 664,420 563,415 2,444,326 Utility Fund - Sewer 173,000 440,000 104,000 40,000 757,000 Utility Fund - Storm 103,000 397,000 63,000 563,000 Utility Fund- Water 2,539,000 160,000 145,000 463,000 160,000 3,467,000 Public Works Total 3,509,254 1,372,395 1,213,842 1,528,420 863,415 8,487,326 Grand Total 18,630,570 23,908,240 20,506,692 17,462,835 23,642,715 104,151,052 DR21FT Page 15 1nes(lgc, Sel)leniber'5, 2012 REPORT/RECO M MEN DATION To: Park Board Agenda Item Item No. VII. D. From: Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department Action �71 Discussion z Information Date: October 9, 2012 Subject: 2013 Fees and Charges ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests a review and comment on the proposed 2013 Enterprise Fees and Charges. This includes Braemar Arena, Braemar Golf Course, Centennial Lakes Park, Edinborough Park and the Edina Aquatic Center. Art Center Fees and Charges are reviewed by the Art Center Board. Parks and Recreation Department Fees and Charges will be reviewed at the November 19th Park Board meeting. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: Enclosed is a copy of the proposed Enterprise Facility and Parks and Recreation Department Fees and Charges. The enclosed proposed Fees and Charges for 2013 shows an increase in fees in bold print. According to City Code, the Park Board is asked to recommend fees and charges to the City Council. The philosophy that has long been followed in the City of Edina is that fees and charges are set at a level that accomplishes the following: • Users pay their fair share of the costs associated with the programs and facilities they use today and should not place that burden on future taxpayers (user based fee philosophy). • Keep programs and activities affordable and accessible to the maximum number of residents. • Cover the costs associated with the activity or facility whenever possible. • Find a way to allow all residents to participate in basic recreation programs regardless of their ability to pay (i.e. Edina Community Foundation Grant In Aid Fund). We could probably charge higher fees in some cases without seeing a significant drop in participation, whereas higher fees in other programs would see a significant drop in participation and/or rentals. Accessibility to all residents, however, may be significantly affected by higher fees. I have asked each enterprise manager to compile a list of "comparable" fees and charges. You will find those attached. The enterprise managers will be available to answer any questions regarding their proposals. Included in the Fees and Charges are the 2013 Parks and Recreation Department Fees and Charges. We will be discussing these in detail at the November 19th Park Board meeting, but the Board is encouraged to share comments, and request further information of staff that may require further research in preparation for the November 19th Park Board meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 2013 Fees and Charges Enterprise Facility Fee Comparison 2013 PROPOSED PARKS AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 2013 Park and Recreation Fees. PARK AND RECREATION 2012 2013 Playground $36.00 $36.00 Adult Tennis Instruction $50.00 $50.00 Youth Tennis Instruction $50.00 $50.00 Pee Wee Tennis $36.00 $36.00 Team Tennis $100.00 $100.00 Tennis Cam $99.00 $99.00 Fab 4 & 5 $77.00 $77.00 Small Wonders $67.00 $67.00 Safety Cam $35.00 $35.00 Super 6 & 7 $51.00 $51.00 Cheerleading Cam $50.00 $50.00 Fishing Clinic $10.00 $10.00 Highlands Explorers $57.00 $57.00 Challengers $92.00 $92.00 Travelin' Teens $92.00 $92.00 Playground Plus $17.00 $17.00 Barnyard Boogie $4.00/per person $5.00/per person Sk hawks (Mini Hawks) $101.00 $101.00 Soccer Camp Sk hawks $49.00 $49.00 Basketball Camp Sk hawks $105.00 $105.00 Reach Education Solutions Varies Varies Pre -School Week Workshops/Camps $40.00 $40.00 Age 7 -11 Camps $70.00 $70.00 Hip Hop Classes $50.00 $50.00 Family Classes $40.00/ air $40.00/ air Once Upon a Star Parties Varies Varies Princess Ball $26.00/couple $26.00/couple ADULT ATHLETIC FEES SUMMER SOFTBALL LEAGUES BASKETBALL 2012 2012 2013 _ 2012 2013 Men's Resident Team $425.00 $425.00 5 -Man C League $500.00 $505.00 Men's Non -Resident Team $585.00 $585.00 5 -Man B League $500.00 $505.00 Co-ReC Resident Team $460.00 $460.00 1 HOCKEY Co-ReC Non -Resident Team $620.00 $620.00 4 -Man League _1 $250.00 $250.00 Men's Double Header Resident Team $665.00 $665.00 BROOMBALL _j_$320._0_0[___$320.00 Men's Double Header Non -Resident Team $825.00 $825.00 Co-Rec League $427.50 Non -Resident Individual (up to 4 players) $26.00 $26.00 CO-REC KICKBALL VOLLEYBALL Co-Rec Kickball $125.00 $125.00 Officiated Leagues $360.00 $365.00 $10.00 Non -Resident (individual) $10.00 $10.00 $8.00 Daily Admission FlowRider additional per person $5.00 AQUATIC CENTER _ 2012 2013 Season Tickets Resident Family: First 2 members *$87.50/$97.50 *$87.50/$97.50 Each additional member $47.50 $47.50 Maximum 8 members $382.50 $382.50 Resident Individual *45.00/$50.00 *47.00/$52.00 Non -Resident Family: First 2 members *$102.50/$112.50 *$102.50/$112.50 Each additional member $52.50 $52.50 Maximum 8 members $427.50 $427.50 Non -Resident Individual $55.00/$60.00 $57.00/$62.00 Season FlowRider additional per person $47.50 *$42.50/$47.50 Daily Admissions Daily Admission (resident & non-resident) $10.00 $10.00 Admission after 6 pm $8.00 $8.00 Daily Admission FlowRider additional per person $5.00 $5.00 Aquatic. Instruction Aquatic Instruction Contracted Contracted • Early Bird Special if purchased no later than April 30, 2013. • Prices DO NOT include tax. *Valid Monday -Thursday all day, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays after 3:00 pm. Age 62 and older. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE 2012 2013 Green Fees 18 hole - non -patron $39.00 $39.00 18 hole -patron._ $31.00 $31.00 Senior -patron* $29.00* $29.00* Senior - non - patron* $37.00* $37.00* 9 hole - non -patron 9 hole - patron $20.00 $16.00 $20.00 $16.00 Masters Senior Patrons age 75 and over) $25.00 $25.00 College A e Rate $26.00 $26.00 Junior 18 Hole Rate $19.00 $19.00 Junior 9 Hole Rate $11.00 $11.00 GROUP FEES - 18 holes GROUP FEES - 9 holes $47.00 $24.00 _$47.00 $24.00 Patron Cards Before April 1 Resident Patron Card 1 $75.00 $75.00 Patron Cards After March 31 Resident Patron Card 1 $80.00 $80.00 Non -Resident Patron Cards Before A ril 1 Non -Resident Patron Card NA $90.00 Non -Resident Patron Cards After March 31 Non -Resident Patron Card $95.00 $95.00 Computerized Handicaps Resident Non -Resident $27.00 $32.00 $27.00 $32.00 Lockers Men's 72 inch Men's 42 inch Ladies 72 inch Club Storage Club Rental Push Carts - 9 Hole Push Carts - 18 Hole $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00/$25.00 $4.00 $6.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00/$25.00 $4.00 $6.00 Golf Cars 18 holes 9 holes GroupCar Fees $30.00 $18.00 $37.00 $30.00 $18.00 $37.00 Group Golf Lessons Adult Junior $105.00 $50.00 $105.00 $50.00 *Valid Monday -Thursday all day, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays after 3:00 pm. Age 62 and older. BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE AND FRED RICHARDS COURSE GREENS FEES BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE 2012 2013 2012 2013 $14.50 Braemar Room $11.50 Resident - wedding related $900.00 $900.00 Non-residents - wedding related $1,100.00 $1,100.00 Other events $375.00/$1,100.00 $375.00/$1,100.00 $14.00 Braemar Driving Range Pull Carts Large Bucket $7.75 $7.75 Small Bucket $5.25 $5.25 Warm -Up Bucket $3.00 $3.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE AND FRED RICHARDS COURSE GREENS FEES GOLF DOME 2012 2013 Adult non -patron $14.50 $14.50 Adult patron $11.50 $11.50 Junior $9.00 $9.00 Junior - 10 Round Card $70.00 $70.00 Golf Cars (everyone) $14.00 $14.00 Pull Carts $3.00 $3.00 Group Fees $17.00 $17.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE AND FRED RICHARDS COURSE PATRON CARDS Adults Only (18 and older) $25.00 $25.00 GOLF DOME _ Large Bucket $7.75 $8.25 Senior Bucket $7.25 $7.75 Time Golf'/2 hour $11.00 $12.00 Hourly Field Rental $135.00 $150.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK 2012 2013 "Pool & Track" ally Passes Pool & Track Daily Passes $6.00 residents & $7.00 residents & non-residents** non-residents "Pool & Track" Season Passes Edina Individual $260.00** $260.00 Each Additional Member $90.00*" $90.00 $290.00'* $290.00 --_-___. _ Non -Edina Individual Each Additional Member $100.00** $100.0 Locker Rental $0.25- -- $0.25 Birthdav Party Packages/2 Hours $60.00 Adventure Package $130.00** $140.00 Peak Package $80.00** $90.00 BUILDING RENTALS - Non -Exclusive Rentals/Hr Great Hall $350.00** $350.00 Theater $250.00** $250.0 Grotto $200.00** $200.00 Adventure Peak $300.00** $300.00 Pool (swim team only) $30.00** 45.0 Commercial Photo Shoot Hourly)Domestic Shoot Hourl Pho7$200.00** 2012 2013 2012 2013 _ Any Park Area $250.00** $250.00 Any Park Area $200.00 $90.00 Blocked Off Blocked Off Grotto $250.00** $250.00 Grotto $200.00** $200.0 Theatre $250.00** $250.00 Theatre $200.00** $200.00 Great Hall $350.00** $250.00 Great Hall $350.00** $200.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK "PLAYPARK" 2012 2013 Playpark Dail Admission Resident $6.00** $7.00 Non-resident $6.00** $7.00 Children Under 12 Months FREE Free aid child FREE Free w/ aid child Adults w/ Edinborou h Association Members Daily Pass $6.00** $6.00 Playpark.,Punch Pass -10 Uses Resident $50.00** $60.00 Non-resident $50.00** $60.00 Resident Season Pass First Member $85.00** $85.00 Each Additional Member $65.00** $65.00 Non -Resident Season Pass First Member $110.00** $110.00 Each Additional Member $90.00** $90.00 Total Facilit Dail Admission Resident $10.00** $11.00 Non-resident $10.00** $11.00 **We will be charging sales tax (7.275%) to all of our fees, charges and purchases 5 CENTENNIAL LAKES 2012 2013 2012 2013 Rental Concession Items Weekend Rental — 6 Hour Period Paddle Boats Friday evening $1,095.00 $1,150.00 4 person boat'/ hr $8.00 $8.00 Saturday evening $1,095.00 $1,150.00 Winter sled per hr $7.00 $7.00 Ice Skate $5.00 $5.00 Building Rentals Champion Puffin '/ da — Salon M-TH $250.00 $250.00 9 hole $5.00 $5.00 Sunday -'/2 day Salon $375.00 $400.00 18 hole $9.00 $9.00 Amphitheater Rental Lawn Games Amphitheater Rental $275.00 $275.00 Per Court $16.00/hr $16.00/hr Commercial Photo Shoot $50.00/hr $50.00/hr Hourly Rate (as of 9/11) Off Season Non -Prime Off Season Prime Sun-Thurs Ev Open skating Youth and Adult Skate Rental Skate Sharpening Sea.- Resident ea.Resident Family: First 2 members Each additional member Maximum 7persons) Resident Individual Non -Resident Family: First 2 members Each additional member Maximum 7persons) Non -Resident Individual Classes — 8 week sessions, 30 or 6 PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS 2012 2013 2012 2013 _ General Park Areas Athletic Fields - Residents Onl Resident Use/hour $48.00 $50.00 Per field - per day $137.00 $139.00 Resident Use/day $137.00 $140.00 Per field - per hour $48.00 $50.00 _ Commercial Use (i.e. TV)/hr $75.00 $80.00 Per field - per hour $75.00 $77.00 w/li hts Commercial use with $130.00 $135.00 light/hr - Showmobile/day $700.00 $700.00 Edina Athletic Associations _ Field user fee/ artici ant $11.00 $11.00 Van Valkenburg/Courtney Fields Gymnasium user $11.00 $11.00 (Residents Onl _ fee/participant P/day includes $160.00 er field $165.00 Outdoor hockey rink user $11.00 $11.00 building fee/participant - Rosland Park Pathway Utley Park Fire Rini Rental $27.00 $28.00 Per Hour $75.00 1 $75.00 Fire Ring - per day Per$225.00 $225.00 Arneson Acres Park/Terrace Room Only Arneson Acres Park/Terrace Room Only Residents Non -Residents Per hour, first hour $65.00 $80.00 _ Per hour, first hour $78.00 $100.00 Each additional hour up to $40.00 $50.00 Each additional hour up $48.00 $70.00 3 hours to 3 hours Per day (4 hours or more) $185.00 $200.00 Per day (4 hours or $222.00 $250.00 more) Arneson Acres Park/Gazebo Only Arneson Acres Park/Gazebo Only Residents _Non -Residents _ 'h day (6 hrs or less) $65.00 $80.00 '/2 day (6 hrs or less) $78.00 $100.00 Full day (over 6 hours) $100.00 $115.00 Full day (over 6 hours) $120.00 $150.00 Arneson Acres Park/Terrace Room & Gazebo. Arneson Acres Park/Terrace Room & Gazebo: Residents Non -Residents Per day (4 hours or more) $200.00 $215.00 Per day (4 hours or more) $240.00 $255.00 Per hour, first hour $100.00 $115.00 Per hour, first hour $120.00 $135.00 Each add'I hour up to 3 hrs $40.00 $55.00 Each add'I hour up to 3 $48.00 $65.00 hours Picnic Shelter Rentals full days Picnic Shelter Rentals half-da Chowen Park $42.00 $44.00 Chowen Park $26.00 $28.00 Sherwood Park $42.00 $44.00 Sherwood Park $26.00 $28.00 Wooddale Park $42.00 $44.00 Wooddale Park $26.00 $28.00 Rosland Park $150.00 $155.00 Park Shelter Buildinj s Rentals half-days Braemar Park $42.00 $44.00 Park Shelter Build! n s Rentals Mull day}_ Cornelia School Park $100.00 $105.00 Cornelia School Park $65.00 $70.00 Todd Park $100.00 $105.00 Todd Park $65.00 $70.00 Walnut Ridge Park $100.00 $105.00 Walnut Ridge Park $65.00 $70.00 Weber Park $100.00 $105.00 Weber Park $65.00 $70.00 EDINA SENIOR CENTER 2012 2013 Fees____ Golf League Membership Richards Golf Course $12.00 $12.00 55+ Softball League Membership (Van Valkenburg) $40.00 $50.00 Bowling League Membership $10.00 $10.00 Edina Senior Center Membership $17.00/$27.00 $17.00/$27.00 Greeting Cards $1.50 $1.50 Trips & Tours $2.50 $2.50 Defensive Driving $22.00 4 hr. class NA $22.00 4 hr. class NA Elder Learning Institute Classes $18.00 $18.00 Card Tournaments $1.00/person $1.00/person Social Card Groups $.25 per person per day $.25 per person per day Podiatrist $2.00/Patient j $2.00/Patient Community Education $2.00/person per class per day $2.00/person per class per da Room Rental Fireside Room & Classrooms per hour - minimum 2 hours $42.90 $42.90 Fireside Room & Classrooms per da $150.20 $150.20 Gatherin /GRANDVIEW Room per hour - minimum 2 hrs. $53.60 $53.60 Gatherin /GRANDVIEW Room per da $203.80 $203.80 Wall Art Display Rental 15% of sale 15% of sale Equipment Rental Television/VCR/DVD $10.70 _ $10.70 Overhead Projector $5.40 $5.40 Portable Screen $5.40 $5.40 C) 0 0 r0 0 0 0 0 G O C I'll- Ln [L 00 iii CY) O O O O N O O 0 o O [CCD:)t/? m ro n N O O O o Q O O O O O N O 00 00 H H Z N N O O vi O L Q. M m N N O M m N N � O ccs V} ti? t!i o O V? to to V? V} Ln m c -i Y v v N O O OO Lr)v O OO O Q d d d Q Q ) th U kD m tD o z m U `^N a1 . _ M O r O N C71 k�D Q cr) O O O O o 0 O O 0 0 O O Vi V} p m N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O O U (1) 00 N 00 00 O o r-1 tl) tD lD t1) 61 O C\ N M c -i c -I lD Ql N N H c -i N t/} V} to V} V} V? V)- ?CL CL t/} 0 0 p L C OD Ln r- 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 o 0 m 00 tD Ry C N 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o" ti? cn Ql m Ql M O N N ul Ln Ln O Q N N H -1 00 N N c -I 1--1 Lq m tom!} > M O o v `' v M m N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O d r� V} Un V? >> O O O O O O O 0 0 O O Y lD Lr) V) O) CT) u1 to 06 00 iD � s1i O O O m M ri H r- H N N c --I c -i -i c --I Ln OL 'O a V} to ti} V) t/? V} V? t/) V} V} m O c -I C7 t� � � L r- Ln O O o 0 0 o O O O O O ro to V} CN M O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n v ai ai o 0 o iri H � � � iri of o m W M M N N co m M Ly Ln m to to V� V> V> to to v} c -i to v v � o a, v a i 00= O vs a 0 C 0p O oA a al u a0 N N = N .� a Q1 C U a rn � n m m -o v -0 -o C: v v nom m o a W v C c a) c a)cu v v [O U al aJ U a) a) L a) Q) L a) a) m O U O v v of a� Q) o O M a v a) U = L 00 o Z a 'S co rn x= w rn d n d 0- Y CL w J •� O C)O N O h CO O to O r O L Z ra CO w� J fa fa 69 to N 69 N w .0 N = O O O O to m N m m E L O m .: r r r r be. 6-k Z w w w to (n ca w a Cl) 05 Y (n C O a) O m O O O O O O O O O m O M Efl Z to C N 63 w w 64 69 6i 69 N h tf) N Ea 69 EA O O p N rY O O L te _O O M w N E N E q! d' d' LO In V O Y U) (t) RJ N 69 Fa Ea fa fa M N J N 0 0 0 C N N C (U Lm co co M +- '- _M Ea U). Ea 69 co w C� W (n to fa 69 63 69 Ea fa N � O N M V 00 V O N O O [[ M w te L 0 z w v o '� fa is is to � _O M Z � m (U O Q) N O d N N O D 6� -N O O O O w 69 � L — (n U). ;; C C C c It (� N bG d In O .fl M. 6S CO N -O m� W r- CO N fa m p N 69 C z O m m O C N N r d r010 d :3 03 N fa Zq w Z 6a W Z C O E Cl Y � � c `n `n u') � + m d d t O I — (n in �n rn V) w Z Z W N fa di 69 fa r Cl) a Y is 2 O d O c EF 0) w cN o Q m m .� o U a= ro= a .E ami • 'eO ami rx N v omai -� CL¢ � � °' cd ti E E E ( Y c a`) E O E E M> a E .:3 U) o } Q U) U) U � � g U : m :3 2 « § a w k \ Ti f B 6 /j /§«#§m£7§ ----------- E ° {(/\\�§)£ }) }! , .x. � §6( kA§ 7f ,! e_ §\k 6s }�/)4\k$ {|)#Ekƒt§ \E --------------- \k--------------------- ( oi \ ! / ( & to ----------------- / E§ /§ 8 8 0 & ° ® k % S \ § 2§ ® J / \ \ # \ \ 2 ; § , : ! ) � \ A a .- Z E E E E E E E E G L L L a E. E E E E E E c E E E E E E W K 0 o 0 o g N o J Z 2 Q EE E E E E E E �y 4. Z L L c o Q r n n n n c LL Q IL g N q K N r m�73 n S� N Q Z ac V 3 W a t - E G Q v_ U z oF- N a F � m Q LL LL IL Ct M 0 6 Q LL X X x X 2 Z W m rpm w _ c c - E N s 3 a- 3 U m O Z Z Q LL O Z E 'S Z N N Q LL. p ci m Z U m E O E! ° o Y �-- m c° a o^ C Q- m c Q ri _ x X p b O D U Y Z 3 � a a > � ? a o c o m w E c a Zl 0 3 .- Z E E E E E E E E G L L L a E. E E E E E E c E E E E E E W K 0 o 0 o g N o J n E R E z E o o n v EE E E E E E E �y o g m m iti a m m e L L c o r r r m r n n n n c E E E E b g .- Z E E E E E E E E G L L L a E. E E E E E E c E E E E E E W K 0 o 0 o g N o J Centennial Lakes Putting Course CLP* Tournament Greens — Blaine* Boulder Creek—Chaska* Links at Dred Scott -Blmtn Adventure Gardens — Rich. Moose Mountain - Blmtn Lilli Putt — Spring Lk Park *Bentgrass courses Paddleboats CLP Three Rivers Parks Minneapolis Parks Como Park Ice Skate Rental CLP Braemar Arena John Rose Oval The Depot Centennial Lakes Park Pricing of Services $9 $7-$8 $6.50 - $7.50 $5-$7 $5.50-$7 $8 + tax $7 $8 for 1/2hr. $6 for 1/2hr. $18 - $23 for 1 hour $20 for 1 hour $5 $2 (plus $4 admission) $4 (plus $5.50 admission) $7 (plus $6-8 admission) Hughes Pavilion rental Comparable pricing for the rental of the Hughes Pavilion is somewhat difficult due to the uniqueness of the facility and the desires of rental clients. "Comparable" facilities may charge from $0-$3000 depending upon the facility and what is included in the rental charge. It is our belief that our rental fees be placed toward the top of what the market will bear. o�e� s 0 �'y • I�ConOR911p . 1899 REPORT/RECOMMENDATION To: Park Board Agenda Item Item No. VII. E. From: Ann Kattreh, Assistant Director Parks & Recreation Department Z Action F� Discussion 0 Information Date: October 9, 2012 Subject: Sports Dome Location Recommendation ACTION REQUESTED: The Sports Dome Committee recommends the selection of the Braemar Soccer Field as the site for further study for potential development of a sports dome. This recommendation also includes the need for funding of the renovation of the two rectangular fields at Pamela Park to be included in this project. The consulting team of the Cuningham Group, Anderson Johnson Associates and Park and Recreation Consultants would be hired to complete a site feasibility study of the Braemar Soccer Field. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: At the June 5, 2012 Council Meeting, the following motion was passed: Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, authorizing the Park Board Sports Dome Working Group to reconvene for the purpose of recommending alternative sites for Park Board and City Council consideration as to a sports dome location with the guidance that the Council was not closed to purchasing a site but would not support sites adjacent to the High School or residential. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Locations discussed and eliminated by the Sports Dome Committee are: Fred Richards Golf Course —A dome, building and parking lot would not fit in that space without substantially cutting into the golf course. Pentagon Park- The City does not have the resources to purchase this site. Although there are no homes to the south, there could be conflict with the neighborhood to the north. A new owner could potentially consider land use agreements with the City. Braemar Golf Course driving ranqe - This location is not favored by City Staff. The turf surface and surrounding dome footings would detract from the golfing experience. It would be difficult financially and politically to build a new turf field and not be able to use it during the summer months. There would be no net gain or loss of an athletic field for summer use with this option. Van Valkenburg dog park — It would be difficult to fit a dome into this space without eliminating the entrance drive, parking lot and dog park. We have a master plan for the park which includes construction of a playground, park benches, a tennis court, %2 basketball court, and walking path. This is to be located just east of the water tower. Our Lady of Grace — This site would not give us access to the field during the summer months. We would want the facility to be available for use year round. Creek Valley Baptist — This option was ruled out by City Council as a possible option for a sports dome due to the proximity to neighbors. We had discussions about the site for athletic fields. Unfortunately, the church is involved in litigation which is currently prohibiting sales talks. Harry Lindberry Property (North of Van Valkenburg Park) — I spoke with a family representative. They are not interested in having a conversation with the City about selling property. 5220 Edina Industrial Blvd. — The owner of this site also owns the Dow/Filmtek building and land. The property is currently listed for an annual lease price of $395,000. The owner recently received an offer of almost $2.3 million and he refused to respond due to the low offer. The assessed value of the land on the entire site (including Dow) is $6 million. The land and building assessed value is $8.1 million. CONCLUSION We have exhausted the site options. The Braemar Soccer Field site is the least expensive site and provides the best access to staff resources and parking. I have attached a diagram of the Maple Grove dome which is the size of the proposed dome in Edina. It is 92,000SF and has a turf size of 230'x 400'. Cuningham/Anderson-Johnson would have to confirm that a dome of this size could fit in this location. met at the Braemar Soccer Field site with Tom Jenson, retired City of Edina Fire Marshall. We discussed the necessary fire lane and evacuation exits. He discussed this with the Fire Chief, Marty Scheerer, who determined that they wouldn't require a 12' fire lane all of the way around the building. He would be satisfied with additional fire exits from the dome. We will still need access around the dome for snow removal and fire exiting, but not a 12' lane around the dome with turn around points. As discussed in great detail, this may be the most economically feasible location; however, it does not result in a net gain of an athletic field for summer use and could potentially cause a loss of a field. After extensive discussion with the Sports Dome Committee and representatives from the Edina Soccer Club, it was decided to add the renovation of two rectangular fields at Pamela Park to the scope of this project. If the new sports dome is narrower than the existing 240' soccer field, the Club would be losing field space for games and practices. The Club currently runs two fields in the width of the Braemar field, creating two 150' x 240' fields. The domed field originally proposed by the consultants would be 200' (versus the current 240) wide. The Soccer Club is currently short of field space and losing the width of the Braemar Soccer Field would cause the loss of a field. Staff will continue to pursue land purchase options and field renovations to improve the quality and quantity of field space in Edina. ATTACHMENTS: Maple Grove Dome Layout 230' FIELDTURF LIMITS 15' 200' 50CCER FIELD (O/O) 4 MINI-SOCCER FIELD (0/0) 1 5' 1 80' BON5 LACR055E FIELD (1/1) 160' FOOTBALL FIELD (1/I) O ul I Q N m O w 0 N O �� Tp T m p � Q Q O O T 6 $ F N — C 6 � � c N N N 6 N �s Nq Q p N xT x� Z G 0 n n A p awN7 _ O mn rn NOOp O ' N ANDD p N G DyN � A N�Arn� T p u p F rn ���rn D S � n li n O p� 3 c 0 0 3 O ILz N DRAWN BY: P.B. CITY OF MAPLE GROVE CHECKED BY: J.B. DOME REC FACILITYwl-jFIeldTurf SCALE: V-W MAPLE GROVE, MN A Tarkett Sports Company FIELD AREA: 82,000 sQ.R DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 ISSUE: SUBMITTAL SHEET: 11 FIELD LAYOUT All Rights Reserved. Confldentlal Infortnatlon: No p d.l of these d,vMngs may b dlsdosed, used, mpmdumtl Mm M d or shaven, vAMout pd,rwd wo ,t of FIeWT,rf.