HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-09 Park Board Packet\�CORPOPAT� �eae AGENDA Work Session Meeting of the Edina Park Board Monday, August 9, 2010, 6:00 P.M. Community Room Upstairs Edina City Hall 4801 West 50'" Street PARK BOARD WORK SESSION PROCEDURES *As a matter of practice, Work Sessions are not video-taped; however, the meeting is audio taped for the purpose of generating accurate Minutes of the meeting. *Work Sessions typically do not have a Public Comment item on the Agenda; however, public comment is at the discretion of the Chairman. *Formal action is typically not taken at Work Sessions; however, that is at the discretion of the Chairman. •In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. PARK BOARD WORK SESSION AGENDA Donations/Memorials Policy II. Naming Parks and Facilities Policy III. Park Board Comment IV. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 1 To: Edina Park Board From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: August 5, 2010 Re: MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2010, PARK BOARD WORK SESSION STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, July 13, 2010, Park Board Minutes. 2. Monday, August 9, 2010, Park Board Work Session Agenda. 3. Donations/Memorials Policy. 4. City of Eagan Donor and Naming Policy. 5. Eden Prairie Donation Policy. 6. Section of the National Park Service Donations Policy. 7. New Hope's Naming of Parks and Facilities Policy. 8. Sister Kenny Foundation Publication (Park Board Member Daniel Peterson asked to have this publication included in the packet). The following is my Staff Report concerning each item on the Work Session Agenda. PARK BOARD WORK SESSION MEETING IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM UPSTAIRS EDINA CITY HALL 4801 WEST SO STREET This Park Board Work Session is scheduled for Monday, August 9, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room upstairs at Edina City Hall. If you are unable to attend, please call either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 952-826-0435 or me at 952-826-0430. Donations/Memorials Policy Enclosed is the current Donations/Memorials Policy that has been in place since June 20, 2000 by action of the City Council. To provide the Park Board with more background information on the subject, below I have attached exerts of Minutes when the policy was debated. The following is taken from the Minutes of the April 11, 2000 Park Board meeting. Donations/Memorials Policy - Mr. Keprios indicated that what this issue comes down to is plaques in the parks. The question becomes do you or don't you want plaques in the park system. Once they are in the ground or on a structure they are expected by the ® donor to be in place forever. He noted that today he took 11 photos of plaques at Wooddale Park alone. He commented that these are not all necessarily negative things but when there gets to be too many in a park system it starts to become a negative experience for park users and that's what the donations/memorial policy is all about. He stated that we don't want to discourage donations, but he would like for everyone to look over his proposal and think about it for next month's meeting. He noted that he has come up with ways to recognize donations, some of them on a more permanent basis and some of them not. Mr. Klus asked the Park Board members to bring their thoughts to next month's meeting so that a vote can be made and this item can get off of square one. Ms. Presthus asked if there is anyone right now waiting to which Mr. Keprios replied there are some people waiting. He pointed out that there are definitely some people who will not donate if they don't receive a plaque in the park. Therefore, he feels we need to ask are those who are donating doing so to get a name on a plaque or are they truly doing it to improve the quality of their parks. The following is taken from the May 2000 Park Board Minutes. DONATIONS/MEMORIALS POLICY Mr. Keprios gave a presentation showing the different plaques, that are currently at Wooddale Park. He indicated that because of the current policy there are park users who are complaining that their parks are starting to look like cemeteries. He noted that the question is how long do we keep these permanent plaques in the ground and whose expense is it when they are worn out, broken or vandalized. He then asked how do we determine how many plaques are appropriate for a park. What dollar amount donation is worthy of a permanent marker in a park. He noted that currently any dollar amount is okay as long as we receive a bench or something the park can use. Mr. Keprios pointed out that some of the drawbacks with the proposed policy are that there is clearly going to be a loss of potential future donations. People won't donate in some cases because it's more important to them to have recognition than it is to improve the park. He stated that some people may say the proposed policy caters to the wealthy. Mr. Keprios commented that it's also going to be difficult to remove whatever plaques we currently have in the ground. Mr. Keprios explained that some of the positive things with the proposed policy are that it's going to reduce the number of future plaques. It's also going to give some temporary and permanent recognition to those who donate as well as serve the needs and interests of the future park users. We need to look at what is in the best interest of the park user and the community at large. Mr. Keprios indicated that in the policy he is proposing there are different categories at which people would get recognized, all the way down to $300.00. However, if someone wants a permanent plaque it would cost a minimum of $5,000. Mr. Keprios pointed out that he recognizes that this is a very sensitive issue. Again, he noted that he feels the permanent plaque issue is getting out of control and he is open to any suggestions from the Park Board. Mr. Fredlund noted that he agrees, when he walks around some of the parks they do look a little bit like a memorial garden in some places. Mr. Housh asked if there have been a lot of donations of a significant dollar amount such as $5,000 to $20,000. Mr. Keprios responded that typically those types of donations are not as common. The park benches and drinking fountains are a lot more common. Mr. Fredlund asked how much does a park bench cost to which Mr. Keprios responded approximately $300.00 for everything. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the City of Minneapolis has had a policy in place for the past several years indicating that no plaques are allowed for donations under $5,000. Mr. White stated that some of the other problems are that the plaques are wearing down and the benches are falling apart, therefore, what do we do about that. Mr. Keprios replied that he is dealing with those on a case by case basis. Mr. Fredlund asked if it would better if it didn't say "In Memory Of" along with dates of birth and death, but to just put the name. Mr. Keprios said that is the Park Board's call. Mr. White noted that sometimes it's nice to hear a story behind a certain plaque. Mr. Keprios stated that he is a proponent of preserving and promoting history but to dwell on the grief process and put it in our parks is where he has a problem. Mr. Mooty pointed out that the way the proposed policy is written is the Park and Recreation Director has the discretion of reviewing what's being written on the plaques and use their judgment as to what is appropriate and where to place it, etc. Mr. White noted that if someone is donating $10,000 and have indicated what they want, the Park Board should probably give the final approval. Mr. Keprios responded that he would be very happy with that process. Mr. Keprios noted that the majority of donations are $300.00 or smaller. Mr. Housh suggested the donation for a plaque start at $10,000 and that way it would come up once every so many years. Ms. Presthus stated that we may lose a lot of $300.00 park benches that way to which Mr. Keprios replied yes, but the truth is we don't really need that many more benches. Chuck Mooty MOVED THAT WE ACCEPT STAFF'S PROPOSAL. Linda Presthus SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The following is taken from the June 20, 2000 City Council meeting Minutes. MEMORIALS AND DONATIONS POLICY ADOPTED BY EDINA PARK BOARD Director Keprios presented the Memorials and Donations Policy adopted in May by the Edina Park Board. The policy addresses the appropriateness of giving permanent recognition within a park for donations. The Park and Recreation Department has always encouraged and welcomed donations from civic groups, organizations, individuals, businesses or churches for a variety of community programs, projects, events, equipment, park amenities and land. Giving appropriate recognition to the donor(s) has been and always will be an important factor when accepting donations. Mr. Keprios explained the policy as follows: DONATIONS/MEMORIALS POLICY Donations (and/or memorials) shall be recognized in a manner based on the amount or dollar value of the donation. In other words, all donations greater than $300 but less than $5,000 that are accepted by the City of Edina shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 - December 31). 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the first edition of each year). 2. Sending a letter of appreciation from the Mayor to the donor(s) for their contribution. 3. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. Donations of $5,000-$24,999 shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 - December 31). 2. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the first edition of each year). 3. Sending a letter of appreciation from the Mayor to the donor(s) for their contribution. 4. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. 5. Permanently displaying the name(s) of donor(s) on "CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM" board under the bronze category. 6. Upon request, displaying a permanent bronze casting of the name of the donor and accompanying language at a location approved by the Park and Recreation Director. Donations of $25,000 or more shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 - December 31). 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the first edition of each year). 2. Sending a letter of appreciation from the Mayor to the donor(s) for their contribution. 3. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. 4. Permanently displaying the name(s) of donor(s) on "CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM" board under the appropriate category, Silver, Gold or Platinum. 5. Upon request, displaying a permanent bronze casting of the name of the donor and accompanying language at a location approved by the Park and Recreation Director. The permanent display board that gives recognition to those who have made significant contributions to the park system would have the following categories: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM PLATINUM $100,000 or more GOLD $50,000 - $99,000 SILVER $25,000 - $49,999 BRONZE $5,000 - $24,999 • Those who have contributed less than $5,000 at one time would not be placed on this permanently and publicly displayed board. Those who have collectively contributed more than $5,000 over a period of time (but never $5,000 or more at any one time) would still not be placed on the board. The permanent display board shall be placed in the Council Chambers or its adjacent hallway. Member Kelly made a motion to adopt the Memorials and Donations Policy as presented. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Faust, Hovland, Johnson, Kelly, Maetzold Motion carried. For a number of reasons, the permanent display board never became a reality. There was not a good location to place one at the old City Hall building and the issue has not been addressed since the move to the new City Hall building. Otherwise, the current Memorials and Donations Policy is followed as previously recommended by Park Board and directed by City Council. IL Naming Parks and Facilities Policy As I mentioned at the July Park Board meeting, there currently is no policy in place that deals with naming of parks and/or facilities. Previous City Councils have chosen to address naming of parks and facilities on a case by case basis without relying on any predetermined criteria. The past protocol has been strictly political in nature and like all park related issues the City Council makes the final decision. As you will notice from the attachments, there are numerous parks and facilities named after a variety of people, many of whom are still alive today. Parks and facilities have been named after former City Council members, Park Board members, City Managers, Park & Recreation Directors, City Clerk, City Attorney, Finance Director, former land owner, Golf Course Pro and Manager, deceased husband of a Park Board member, Edina resident soldier killed in action and a Planning Commission Chairman. If the Park Board is interested in recommending a formal policy for naming parks and facilities, my recommendation would be to consider a policy that does not allow parks or facilities to be named after anyone until they have been deceased for a period of time. In my view, it would also be a good practice to not name real estate property (parks) after people but instead name facilities. I suggest that approach mainly because all facilities have a life expectancy and will someday be torn down and rebuilt if needed. Then the facility could be re -named. Once a park is named after a person, it becomes politically challenging to ever change that name. In 150 years, no one will likely have any connection to or knowledge of the person whom which a park was named after. Another option would be to establish a policy that has all parks named after people have a sunset period of time that will be decided to change the name. In the end, it is the Park Board and City Council's duty to recommend whether or not to name parks and facilities after specific people. It is inappropriate for staff to make recommendations as to who is most worthy of that recognition. III. Park Board Comment This is the opportunity for Park Board members to provide comments or suggestions on park and recreation related matters not on the regular agenda. IV. Adjournment • Minutes of the Edina Park Board July 13, 2010 Edina City Hall, Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Kenney, Todd Fronek, Dan Peterson, Rob Presthus, Randy Meyer, Joseph Hulbert, Keeya Steel, Ben Pobuda, Ellen Jones, Louise Segreto MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Lough STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Doug Bauman I. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 13, 2010 PARK BOARD MINUTES Todd Fronek MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 13, 2010 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Dan Peterson SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. NEW BUSINESS A. EHS Hocks Alumni Proposal - Casey Hankinson, former Edina Hockey player, presented an idea to the Park Board regarding Braemar Arena. He explained to the Park Board that there's an alumni component of Edina Hockey which started the "Willard Ikola" golf tournament approximately four years ago. He stated that they have been raising money to update Braemar Arena. In addition, they have also given approximately $10,000 to the "Willard Ikola Scholarship Fund" which goes to players on the Edina Varsity Hockey teams. Mr. Hankinson pointed out that they would like to update the tribute to the champions of Edina Hockey at Braemar Arena. Their proposal is to have a nice mural with some images of Coach Ikola, old hockey jerseys, etc., and give it a new updated life. He added that they would also be honoring Edina's ten state championship teams. He explained that their thought is to have it located in the west arena as you walk in. Mr. Hankinson pointed out that everything would be privately funded and that they would probably be doing it in phases with Phase I being the mural and images. He noted that phase II could possibly be the component with Coach Ikola as well as updating some of the pictures at Braemar Arena. Mr. Fronek stated that he thinks it's a great idea and thanked the EHS Alumni for putting this together. He commented that it's not only a great tribute to Coach Ikola but to the rest of the teams and thanked them on behalf of the Park Board for putting the time into this project. Mr. Keprios asked Mr. Meyer if this has been brought to the School Board to look at. Mr. Meyer replied that there wasn't a formal vote on it but that there was some brief discussion and support by consensus on behalf of the School Board for the concept. • Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Doug Bauman, Arena Manager, did bring the concept to the Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club as well as the Edina Hockey Association and both organizations support the concept. Todd Fronek MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL FROM THE EHS HOCKEY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Ellen Jones SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Veteran's Memorial Committee — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that there are now 11 members willing to serve on the official Veteran's Memorial Committee. He indicated that they recently had their "organizational meeting" where they basically gave their visions and views of where they are headed as well as find out what everyone's level of support and commitment is. He noted that they were very pleased with the meeting. Mr. Keprios indicated that what he is looking for from the Park Board is the approval of the concept to move forward with this official committee so they can begin to deliberate on the proper site, location, design, etc. Rob Presthus MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD SUPPORT STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO CONTINUE TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE VETERANS MEMORIAL CONCEPT BY APPROVING THE FORMAL COMMITTEE OF ELEVEN VOLUNTEERS AS PRESENTED. Todd Fronek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. • C. Community Advisory Team Report — Ms. Jones informed the Park Board that on June 18th representatives from the Community Advisory Team presented their findings to the Edina City Council, no formal actions were requested or made. She noted that on June 29th the Community Advisory Team met again to discuss what their next step should be which it was agreed to create a final written report that would be presented to the City Council. It was also decided that they would seek approval from the City Council to apply to the Metropolitan Council for a Livable Community Grant. Ms. Jones pointed out that if they are awarded the grant it would cover expenses associated with developing a technical plan for this small area. That grant would cover planning issues related to transportation, land use, utilities infrastructure, financing and market analysis. She stated that on July 6th the City Council granted permission to apply for this grant and added that the grants are awarded in the fall. She commented that the Community Advisory Team is planning a meeting again soon to review the final report and that she thinks they are wrapping up. D. Park Board Liaison to the BETF — Mr. Hulbert informed the Park Board that the Bike Edina Task Force is looking for a liaison from the Park Board. Ms. Jones stated that she would be willing to do it. III. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. Nine Mile Creek Rejzional Trail - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Three Rivers Park District has completed their second of two Environmental Assessment. Worksheet (EAW) open houses. The purpose of the open houses was to educate the • public about the findings of the EAW as well as a lot of statistics. He noted that he thought the open houses went very well and there were a lot of good comments and a lot of feedback. Mr. Keprios indicated that there was a 30 day comment period for the EAW which ends tomorrow. He explained that the next step is everything goes to the Three Rivers Board of Commissioners to look at all of the input from the community. At that time they will either accept or not accept the EAW and will then make a determination to see if they will need to conduct any further environmental impact studies. Mr. Fronek stated that in looking at some of the emails, a lot of them suggested that Route 5F was added late to the game and felt there may be some funny business going on regarding how the route was established. He indicated that in regards to financing it's clear it's going to be very, very expensive but it was his understanding that Three Rivers had the financing somewhat developed and taken care of. He asked Mr. Keprios to comment on those two items. Mr. Keprios replied that Three Rivers Park District staff proposed alternate Route 5F late in the process. He noted that Three Rivers Park District staff felt that alternate route 5F was bound to happen eventually based on the data they received from the results of the EAW. Mr. Keprios explained that he felt it was bad timing when Three Rivers Park District staff presented it at the last Community Assessment team meeting. He noted that the volunteers were understandably upset because they were told at the start that they would not be entertaining any alternate routes through the process. Mr. Keprios commented that they may have to look at some other alternates if some turn out to be not feasible due to social, economic and/or environmental reasons or other reasons. He commented that it is possible that some segments might fall off the map and they will have to look at another route. Mr. Keprios explained as far as the financing is concerned it is very expensive and he thinks part of the 5F was a way to try to find a way to reduce some of the expenses. He indicated that as far as where the money comes from there is some very good detailed information available on the Questions and Answers section on the Three Rivers Park website. He pointed out that the majority of funding to build the large bridges over the Crosstown Highway and Highway 100 will come from federal dollars through federal grants. Other funding will include bonding and the Three Rivers Park District's CIP which are tax dollars from all of Hennepin County and not just Edina. He noted that it's not a special assessment but it's essentially taxation through all of Hennepin County which they draw their revenue from. In addition, a lot will be Minnesota State dollars. Mr. Keprios commented that it will likely take 10 to 15 years to get it all done. B. Centennial Lakes Farmer's Market - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the Farmer's Market has been successful beyond what they expected. He noted that the first day several of the vendors sold out of their products so many of them doubled up for this past Thursday and they still ran out. Mr. Keprios indicated that a lot of people are showing up early to be assured the product will be available. Therefore, they are very strict with their vendors to not sell anything until 3:00 pm because they 3 don't want people showing up at 2:00 pm and waiting in line for an hour. He commented they have had very few problems and for the most part everything has been very, very positive. IV. PARK BOARD COMMENTS A. Memorial Policies - Ms. Jones asked Mr. Keprios if there is a policy on memorials. Mr. Keprios replied there is a Donations Policy which was approved by the Park Board and City Council about a decade ago. He explained that permanent plaques are no longer allowed in the park system unless the donation is equal to or greater than $5,000 either singularly or collectively in a group. Mr. Keprios stated that as far as naming things and memorials there really is no policy that addresses that specifically. Mr. Hulbert indicated that with the different requests they've had this year for the Flying Disc Championship and the May Term Project as well as a couple of requests for memorials, maybe now would be a good time for the Park Board to have a separate work session to talk about the policy and whether or not they may want to create a new policy. Mr. Keprios replied that he thinks it would be time well spent if the topic was more naming of facilities or parks because there already is a policy in place for donations. He noted that the last time this came to the Park Board and ultimately the City Council the resolve that the City Council had at the time was that they would prefer to deal with them on a case by case basis. Mr. Keprios commented that there are policies out there in communities that are all over the map with all different types of stipulations. He stated that he would be happy to have a work session but would need a little more direction from the Park Board on how they would like him to proceed. Ms. Segreto indicated that she would find it helpful and would like to talk about memorials during these times of economic shortfalls and budget constraints. She noted that it's hard to decline any contribution that someone wants to make and wondered whether they could aggregate contributions so that maybe the plaque wouldn't carry just one name but it would be an aggregation of perhaps five people just to get more money coming in. It's just a thought. Mr. Hulbert replied that he thinks it's a thought that's worthwhile to get into a little bit. He indicated that he thinks it might be a good idea to throw more ideas out on the table. Mr. Keprios clarified that the Park Board would like the work session to address memorials, donations and naming of facilities/parks. Mr. Meyer asked Mr. Keprios if he would distribute the current policies to the Park Board so that they can understand the framework that is currently in place. He noted that then they can come back with some questions and then maybe touch on the naming aspect as well. He commented that they are not going to get through all of this in a single session but they certainly can build on a foundation so that they have some basis for future decisions. 4 7 __ It was decided to hold a work session an hour before the August 9h Park Board meeting. B. Edina Aquatic Center Hours of Operation - Mr. Meyer indicated that he has been hearing some negative comments about the pool closing earlier this year and that there are some swim clubs using the pool. He asked what was the evolution of this issue. He noted that one of his concerns is the impact that it's had on families who aren't able to get to the pool until 6:30 pm. Mr. Keprios explained that the reason they decided to close the pool an hour earlier was not a directive from the City Council but it was a general directive to try to find ways to make cuts, savings and efficiencies across the board. He stated that he thought it was a wise move on Mr. MacHolda's part to make that executive decision to close earlier. Mr. Keprios stated that there are true savings there and yes, they are receiving some negative feedback and will probably have to reevaluate it for next year. Mr. MacHolda explained his reasoning for making the decision he did. He noted that in 2009 part-time seasonal staff s wages were frozen and in 2010 their wages remained frozen. He indicated that when looking at hours compared to neighboring facilities to his surprise Edina was open later than St. Louis Park, Bloomington and Richfield which close at 7:00 and 7:30 depending on the day and month. He noted that by closing an hour earlier in June and July and half an hour earlier in August there would be a savings. He added that it takes approximately 22 to 24 people to run the facility at approximately $10.00 per person/hour, so it is a big savings. Mr. MacHolda indicated that once they made the move to change the hours, due to the economic times, instead of making further cutbacks they decided to generate a little bit of revenue. Therefore they went knocking on competitive swim team doors because with swim teams only one employee needs to be working. He noted that they didn't have to go as deep with their cutbacks because of the revenue they found in the evening by the swim teams. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that they did look at other things but they didn't want to compromise what they currently provide to their patrons. Mr. Meyer stated that perhaps maybe one or two nights a week they could stay open a little longer. He noted that he thinks the biggest thing was it was a surprise to them even though the new hours were posted and publicized. Unfortunately, it was probably one of those things that they did not notice until they were at the facility and it was closing an hour earlier than what they had become accustomed to. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he wishes there would have been a better way of communicating this and hopes that they will be able to reinstate it next year. Mr. MacHolda commented that they have thought about extending the hours on Friday and Saturday nights and call them family nights since swim teams are using the facility Monday through Thursday but is has not happened. M C. John Valliere - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that John Valliere, Manager of Braemar Golf Course, gave his letter of resignation today for retirement. He indicated that it will be effective August 27, 2010. He commented that Mr. Valliere has been working for the City of Edina for over 40 years and noted that he will be dearly missed. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm 0 DONATIONS/MEMORIALS POLICY (ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL JUNE 20, 2000) The City of Edina encourages and welcomes donations from civic groups, organizations, individuals, businesses or churches for a variety of community programs, projects, events, equipment, park amenities and land. Donations shall be recognized in a manner based on the amount or dollar value of the donation. In other words, all donations greater than $300.00 but less than $5,000 that are accepted by the City of Edina shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 -December 31). 2. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the first edition of each year). 3. Sending letter of appreciation from the Park and Recreation Department to the donor(s) for their contribution. 4. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. Donations of $5,000-$24,999 shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 -December 31). 2. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the first edition of each year). 3. Sending a letter of appreciation from the Mayor to the donor(s) for their contribution. 4. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. 5. Permanently displaying the name(s) of donor(s) on "CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM" board under the bronze category. 6. Upon request, displaying a permanent bronze casting of the name of the donor and accompanying language at a location approved by the Park and Recreation Director. Donations of $25,000 or more, shall be recognized by: 1. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) on the City's web site for one calendar year (January 1 -December 31). 2. Displaying donation, name of donor, name or names of those given in memory of (if applicable) in the City's About Town publication once during the calendar year (the • first edition of each year). 3. Presenting an engraved plaque of appreciation by the Mayor to the donor(s) for their contribution at an appropriate time and location, i.e. a ribbon cutting ceremony, a City Council meeting, or All Volunteers Awards Reception, etc. 4. Keeping a permanent record of the contribution in the archives of the Edina Historical Society. 5. Permanently displaying the name(s) of donor(s) on "CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM" board under the appropriate category, i.e. Silver, Gold or Platinum. 6. Upon request, displaying a permanent bronze casting of the name of the donor and accompanying language at a location approved by the Park and Recreation Director. The permanent display board that gives recognition to those who have made significant contributions to the park system shall have the following categories: CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EDINA PARK SYSTEM PLATINUM $100,000 or more GOLD $50,000 - $99,999 SILVER $25,000 - $49,999 BRONZE $5,000 - $24,999 Those who have contributed less than $5,000 at one time will not be placed on this permanently and publicly displayed board. Those who have collectively contributed more than $5,000 over a period of time (but never $5,000 or more at any one time) would still not be placed on the board. This permanent display board will be placed in the Council Chambers or its adjacent hallway. NAMING OF PARKS AND FACILITIES CITY OF EDINA ALDEN PARK Was originally named Jackson/Belmore Park and was changed to Gretchen Alden Park in remembrance of Gretchen Alden, City Clerk for the City of Edina for many years. ARNESON ACRES PARK Named after the owner, Morton Arneson, who donated the land. Mr. Arneson was a long-time resident of the community. BRAEMAR PARK Dr. Jackson, Park Board member, selected a variety of Scottish names, which were voted on by the Park Board. It was formerly Hayes Farm. CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK Named for the developer's project. COOPER ROOM A meeting room in the lower level of the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse was named the Cooper Room after the first Golf Course Pro & Manager of the Braemar Golf Course, Harry Cooper. LAKE CORNELIA PARK Named after Lake Cornelia. CORNELIA SCHOOL PARK Named after Cornelia Elementary School, which was named after Lake Cornelia. COURTNEY FIELDS Named after former Mayor C. Wayne Courtney. THE JERRY DALEN COMMONS The commons area of Braemar Arena was named in honor after Jerry Dalen who was the Edina Finance Director from 11-1-55 TO 12-31-85. EDINBOROUGH PARK Named for the developer's project. ERICKSON FIRESIDE ROOM (CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK) Named after long time attorney for the City of Edina, Mr. Thomas Erickson. WARREN C. HYDE CLUBHOUSE Braemar Clubhouse named after long-time City Manager (1955-1976) and golf enthusiast of Braemar. ROBERT J. KOJETIN PARK Named after long-time employee and Park and Recreation Director of the City of Edina. Park was formerly named Forty -Fourth Street Park (name of street). LAKE EDINA PARK Named after the Lake. LONSBURY FOUNTAIN Named after the late husband of former Park Board Chairperson, Joan Lonsbury, who donated the funds to purchase the fountain on Lake Cornelia. PAMELA PARK Named after the daughter of the former owner of the property. KENNETH ROSLAND PARK Formerly Lake Cornelia Park. Named after former Director of Parks & Recreation and City Manager from 1958-1998. STRACHAUER PARK Was formerly Beard Park (name of street), renamed after a long-time Park Board Chairman. T. LEA TODD PARK Formerly Division and Rutledge Park. Named for former mayor and council member. UTLEY PARK Formerly part of Wooddale Park. Named after Harold Utley, long-time resident and council member. VAN VALKENBURG PARK Named after former Mayor, James Van Valkenburg. Park was originally called Malibu Park and Grandview Park, formerly Grandview Cemetery. WEBER PARK Named after long-time constable and resident of Morningside. Formerly Morningside Park which was the name of the community. BREDESEN PARK Named after former Mayor, Arthur Bredesen. Park was originally named Mud Lake Park. FRANK TUPA PARK Named after a long-time council member. WILLIAMS PARK Named after the son of Mr. Williams who donated the park to the community in remembrance of his son who was killed in World War Il. The park plaque reads: SGT. DWIGHT CARLETON WILLIAMS Ski Trooper, 10th Mountain Division Born in Minneapolis July 22, 1924 Attended Edina Grade School, Blake School and Harvard College. Killed in Action April 30, 1945, in Italy and buried there. In loving memory, this old millsite where Dwight often played as a boy is dedicated as Dwight Williams Park. WILLIAM WARDWELL LEWIS PARK Named after a long-time Park Board member and Planning Commission Chairman. WOODDALE PARK Named after the original elementary school that was located on the property. PARKS NAMED FOR THE SUBDIVISION: COUNTRYSIDE PARK HIGHLANDS PARK GARDENPARK HEIGHTS PARK NORMANDALE PARK YORKTOWN PARK PARKS NAMED FOR THE STREETS THEY ARE LOCATED: ARDEN PARK MELODY LAKE PARK BIRCHCREST PARK MCGUIRE PARK BROWNDALE PARK ST JOHNS PARK CHOWEN PARK TINGDALE PARK CREEK VALLEY SCHOOL PARK WALNUT RIDGE PARK YORKPARK CITY OF EAGAN NAMING AND DONATIONS POLICIES Donor Naming Policy Note: Draft has been reviewed by City Attorney. Revised 12-09-2003. Recommended for approval by APrC, January 15, 2004 Reviewed by Council at workshop on January 27, 2004. Approved on February 3, 2004 The City of Eagan seeks to recognize donors who wish to support the City's Parks and Recreation department through distinguished effort or substantial financial endowment, by naming facilities in their honor. This policy offers a guideline to determine when such cases are appropriate and which may be better served by a formal recognition by the City Council. 7.4.1 For the purposes of this policy, "Substantial Gift" is defined as at least 50% of the estimated cost: a. of new construction, remodeling, or renovation; b. of developing a new real property, i.e. park buildings, structures, real estate, etc; or C. the replacement of an existing, unnamed facility or landmark that requires substantial renovation at the time of the gift. 7.4.2 This policy determines procedures, for a fixed period or indefinitely, for naming of amenities found within Eagan parks. Items under this policy include, but are not limited to, items of personal property such as park structures (pavilions, warming houses, sun shelters, nature center, etc), real estate to be used for parks or open space, sports fields or courts, pools, nature centers, or other large-scale projects as discussed with the Director of Parks and Recreation. 7.4.3 Recognition The City of Eagan will consider naming opportunities for outstanding financial contributions toward facilities, specifically those which enable the amenity to be initially built (i.e., without the donation the amenity would not be constructed). The City of Eagan will give special recognition to commemorate long term service to the community or to a distinguished citizen and such recognition is contingent upon Council review and approval. 7.4.4 Donors and Donation C. "Donors" and "Donation' as defined by this policy, means a substantial financial contribution toward the cost of an amenity or project. This is defined above as at least 50% of the total estimated cost. Naming may be in honor of donor or donors, who may be individuals, groups of individuals, or corporations. Naming guidelines detailed in the City of Eagan Parks Naming Policy will apply. a. The nature of the donation will assist in determining the naming opportunity. b. Donors or donor representatives must sign a donor agreement that delineates terms of the contribution, unless donor wishes to remain anonymous. An amenity may be named in honor of a Donor that has contributed all or a substantial part (defined by this policy as 50%) of the full costs relating to its establishment. d. The option of funding the amenity for life of said amenity is negotiable and would require assurance of sufficient funding. There is no exclusive right to sole naming in cases of expansion or other structural modifications. e. A plaque or negotiated signage may be placed on a building, room, or facility to acknowledge a Donor. The design, wording, and location of the plaque require the approval of the City Council. 7.4.5 Naming rights carry no power of direction to the City on matters of schedule, design, furnishing, or priority of use. 7.4.6 Proposals a. Any proposal for naming shall be made through a formal submission to the City Administrator and Director of Parks and Recreation. b. A proposal for naming after a person shall be accompanied by a comprehensive citation. C. The Advisory Parks Commission (APrC) will examine all formal proposals. The APrC will make a recommendation to Council on proposals. d. Proposals must have the written approval of the person or corporate representative for whom the naming is to recognize. If the person is deceased, the approval of the family or designated representative should be obtained. If the person is deceased and there is not family or a designated representative, naming can proceed. 7.4.7 Procedure Procedures governing approval of naming proposals are set forth below and may also be supplemented by such operational guidelines as the City of Eagan may adopt from time to time. Exceptions from policy requirements must be authorized by the City Council in advance of completion of the donation. Before Donation: To be considered for naming, donation commitments must come during the schematic design phase of the project. Schematic design will be overseen by the appropriate departments of the City of Eagan according to established procedure. a. New construction, substantial renovation, or replacement projects will be considered for naming opportunities. b. All negotiations for naming rights will be conducted in the first instance by the City Administrator and the Director of Parks and Recreation, under the authorization of City Council. These steps should be followed: Step One: Contact the City of Eagan Parks and Recreation Department to discuss the procedure for donation. This will include a formal proposal submitted to the City Administrator and Director of Parks and Recreation. Step Two: The individual, group, or corporation will present their request to the Advisory Parks Commission. The APrC will then make a recommendation to City Council. Perpetual naming will be at the discretion of the City Council. Step Three: Upon approval by City Council, the Donor Agreement contract will be signed and kept on record with the City of Eagan. 7.4.8 Requirements a. All donations to be considered for naming rights must be approved by City Council. b. Each donation must be memorialized in a donation agreement approved by the City Council and the donor or their representatives. The agreements shall be executed following final approval of the gift as specified by the City of Eagan. No naming commitments shall be made to donors or other parties before final approval is granted by the City Council. Records of donation agreement will be kept by the City of Eagan. The Director of Parks and Recreation or an appointed staff person is responsible for overseeing compliance with Policy requirements, including completion of consultations and approvals, securing signatures on donation agreements by donor, donor representative, and City of Eagan. d. The City of Eagan will be responsible for groundbreaking, dedication, or other ceremonies relating to named gifts, when appropriate. Physical recognition of donors such as signs, placards, etc. will be reviewed and approved by City Council before being affixed to the amenity unless already provided for in the existing design guidelines established by the City of Eagan. 7.4.9 General Guidelines a. The name used should normally be the family name, or in the case of a corporate entity, the shortest possible name. Unless Council determines otherwise, a persons or corporations name may be used in naming a City facility only once. b. Where the name of a corporate entity is used, the period of naming will be limited to the life of the corporate entity. C. In the event of demolition or deconstruction of a structure, its name or any part of it shall be the subject of fresh recommendations. d. Naming a building in honor of a person who has given extraordinary distinguished service to the city will not normally be considered until after their substantive formal relationship with the city has ended. The style of naming of structures and facilities should be consistent with the city's visual standards, or adhering to any city ordinances. f. City Council may rescind a donor's name for just cause. g. Facilities will not normally be named to honor persons who have no formal connection with the City of Eagan unless they are substantial Donors. h. The City Council will consider the naming of a building in recognition of a corporation which is a benefactor when that corporation: i. Provides not less than 50% of the capital cost of the building, or ii. Supports the City with endowments exceeding a specific dollar amount. 7.4.10 Timing Proposed naming will come at the time of amenity design schematic. Naming may not be allowed after the amenity is operational except by Council review and approval. Method of donor recognition must be agreed upon and formally approved by City Councilrip or to signing the donor agreement. 7.4.11 Method of Payment a. Donation associated with naming proposals can be made by the donor in cash or appreciated property, through legally binding pledges fulfilled within no more than five (5) years, or by the creation of an endowment. b. Individual donors may gift a portion of their contribution though an irrevocable trust or a contractual bequest mechanism. The City Council reserves the right to remove a naming opportunity when pledges remain unpaid beyond the agreed upon period. Should this occur, the City Council may consider and/or approve another naming opportunity, or seek another donation of the magnitude that is deemed substantial. d. Should the donor renege on any payment once the project has commenced and the donor agreement has been signed, the City shall be allowed to keep any portion of the donation already paid, and naming rights shall not apply. Should the City fail to use the funds for the stated purpose in the Donor Agreement, the funds shall be returned to the donor. 7.4.12 Stewardship Stewardship requires that the City of Eagan honor the expectations of donors and abide by gift agreements, including naming provisions. Naming is generally expected to last the lifetime of the building, facility, unit, program, or other endeavor. There may nonetheless be extraordinary circumstances that justify cessation of the use of a name, or "re -naming;' such as change in use, substantial renovation, or demolition of an existing building, facility, or part thereof, major programmatic changes, failure of a donor to meet the financial commitment of the donor agreement, or other situations unforeseeable at the time of the original naming. When appropriate and feasible, when a name is retired, some form of continuing recognition should be established. In all cases, the City Council must approve re -naming. EDEN PRAIRIE'S DONATIONS POLICY Overall Policy The City of Eden Prairie encourages and welcomes sponsorships and gifts from civic groups, organizations, individuals, businesses or churches for a variety of community programs, projects or events. The various City departments work cooperatively with many civic groups, neighborhood associations and businesses to encourage a partnership with the City. Community residents take a great deal of ownership and develop a deeper commitment to the community when they can contribute with either financial resources or with volunteers working on community projects. It is important, however, that all gifts be in keeping with the mission, ordinances, philosophy and policies of the City of Eden Prairie. The City of Eden Prairie also encourages and welcomes donations by private citizens of certain conservation easements, upon undeveloped lands which form a part of large homesteads or estates, in order to protect natural, scenic, open or wooded areas within the City. There is a need for conservation easements and restrictions because the City is in the path of intensive suburban development and the relatively small lot size requirements in the City encourage the subdivision of tracts of natural, scenic, open or wooded land now held in estates or large homesteads. Definitions Gifts: Acts of financial support of a program, good or service. Gifts may be offered with conditions or specific personal demands however they do not demand commercial • advertising in return for the gift. Gifts of real property or any interest therein are accepted and must be accompanied by the appropriate recordable instrument, i.e. deed, lease or trust. Sponsorships: Acts of financial support of a program, good or service where the sponsor receives advertising in return for their sponsorship. Most sponsorships are driven by a desire to receive commercial advertising that will further benefit the sponsor's trade or business. Conservation Easement: Easements that protect natural, scenic and open space values pursuant to Minn.Stat. §§ 84C.01-.05. Conservation Restrictions: Restrictions that retain the natural, scenic, and open or wooded condition of land pursuant to Minn.Stat. §§ 84.64. Sponsorship Procedures Gifts have benefitted the City of Eden Prairie for many years and have come in many different forms and from many different sources. The Eden Prairie Parks and Recreation Services Area will have the authority to coordinate the formal process of seeking and accepting gifts. Sponsorships that exceed $5,000 (or commitments exceeding 12 months) will require prior City Council approval by a majority vote. Prior to seeking sponsorships for goods or services, the Parks and Recreation Services Area will define the terms of sponsorship and, when appropriate, will seek bids for the opportunity. Every sponsor will be required to complete a Contribution Agreement Form outlining the terms of the sponsorship. Real Property Procedures The Eden Prairie Parks and Recreation Services Area will have the authority to coordinate the formal process of soliciting and accepting donations of conservation easements and restrictions upon undeveloped lands. All gifts of real property must be accompanied by a signed writing which includes the donor's intent to make the gift as well as restrictions and/or conditions accompanying the gift, e.g. uses of property. Writings and documents relating to gifts of real property must include representations that the real property contains no hazardous materials and has not been used for purposes prohibited by environmental laws. Gifts of real property or any interest therein must also be documented by an appropriate recordable instrument, e.g. deed, lease, or trust. Acceptance of all gifts of real property is conditioned upon review by the Parks and Recreation Services Area. The review shall determine the following: 1. Whether the property is or will be of any value to the City, e.g. economic, historic, social or other; 2. What, if any, obligations will be assumed by the City upon acceptance of the gift including the cost of accepting, maintaining and disposing of the property; and 3. Whether an environmental audit is necessary to determine whether the property contains any hazardous material or has been used in a manner prohibited by environmental laws. Upon completion of the review, the Director of Parks and Recreation Services shall make a recommendation to the City Council whether to accept or decline the gift. Acceptance requires a resolution of the City Council adopted by a two-thirds vote. Procedures to Acknowledge Appreciation of Gifts and Donations • The City will coordinate official acknowledgment of gifts and donations through a five level recognition program. 1. For every gift that is less than $1,000, The City will send a letter expressing thanks and appreciation to the donor(s). 2. Certificates of Appreciation or Participation (unmounted) will be awarded for program involvement on a large scale. 3. Certificates of Appreciation (mounted) will be presented for financial contributions of $1000 to $4,999, service that significantly benefits the community, or outstanding achievement that benefits or contributes to the community. 4. A laser -cut plaque with suitable engraving will be given to honor financial contributions of more than $5,000 or for outstanding one-time contributions. 5. For those gifts deserving special recognition, a key to the City will be presented. Resolution 2002-39 February 5, 2002 From a section of the National Park Service Donations Policy 10.2 In -Park Recognition. In some cases a gift may warrant in -park recognition. This section describes the in -park donor recognition options available to park managers. This form of donor recognition will likely occur in the park's visitor center or other similar facility or developed area. In -park recognition is typically provided in the form of a credit line or statement of appreciation by a park. A credit line is a short, discrete, unobtrusive statement expressing appreciation typically found at the end of the material or item, or on a donor recognition plaque. To maintain NPS policy that parks be free of commercialism, advertising and marketing slogans and taglines may not appear under any circumstances. Donor recognition is not allowed on motor vehicles or on bricks, benches or other park furnishings. Donor recognition should not be proposed in park areas if it would compete for attention with, or attract attention away from, the purpose for which the park was created. Other opportunities for donor recognition include donor books which may be kept on display, computer terminals with searchable donor lists, articles or displays of donor names in park newsletters. Recognition for donations to the development of websites is generally permitted. The Partnership Office and the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) will work on additional guidance as new web standards are developed. In the interim, any request for recognition on a park or program website should be submitted to the Partnership Office to be coordinated with the OCIO for review. • Recognition on signs is described below and illustrated in the Reference Guide. Recognition would generally not be included on park regulatory or safety signs. NAMING OF PARKS AND FACILITIES / 1.0 POLICY These criterion will be used as general guidelines when naming or renaming parks, park trails, recreational facilities, and city facilities. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: Community -wide. 3.0 PROCEDURE: 3.1 The naming of city parks and city facilities will be given consideration by the City Council based on: Geographic Location — a name representative of neighborhood, street, subdivision, natural habitat, or other characteristics of the site. • Contributor — an individual or organization who has donated land or made a significant financial contribution (50% or greater) towards a park or facility. • Famous American or Occasion — state or federal leaders or a historical event. 3 2 Consistent writh the Council recommendation in 1985, recognition of an individual, business, or organization can be made in the form of a memorial (i.e. trees, park bench, flag pole, plaque, or art object displayed on city property). The donor is responsible for the cost of the object, installation, and any on-going maintenance costs. Plaques shall not exceed 225 square inches. Other memorials will also be limited in size dependent upon the item and location. 3.3 Renaming of a city park will only be considered if the neighborhood changes in nature either by composition of residents or the composition of the surrounding area. 3.4 The City Council has authority to make exceptions to the policy. 1:/AdministMan/1�7amingFacilities