HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-14 Park Board Packet• A rre \NroR�e .Ti AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Park Board Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 7:00 P.M. Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50t' Street PARK BOARD MEETING PROCEDURES During "Public Hearings, " the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: *Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. *Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. *In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. *The Park Board Chairman shall decide whether or not to allow the public to speak about an agenda item that is not considered a Public Hearing. If the Chairman allows the public to speak individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. PARK BOARD AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES * Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Park Board Meeting. II. NEW BUSINESS A. *Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse Consultant. B. *Veterans Memorial Resolution. C. *Veterans Memorial Ordinance. D. *Community Foundation Agreement. E. *City Code Amendment — ATV/Snowmobile & Motorized Water Craft Use on Public Property. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. IV. UPDATES FROM STAFF (information only — no action requested) V. PARK BOARD COMMENTS VI. * ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. • ,* Memo To: Edina Park Board From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: December 9, 2010 Re: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2010, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, November 9, 2010, Park Board Meeting Minutes. 2. Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Agenda. 3. Sirius Golf Advisors Proposal. 4. NGF Consulting Proposal. 5. History of the Braemar Memorial Fund. 6. Resolution No. 2010-40 Creating a Revenue Fund & Accepting a Donation on Behalf of the City for Braemar Memorial Fund. 7. City Council Meeting Minutes from May 18, 2010. 8. November 18, 2010 email from John Keprios to Park Board Members. 9. Email from Louise Segreto 10. Email from Joseph Hulbert 11. Email from Dan Peterson 12. Email from Ellen Jones 13. Email from Bob Teese 14. Letter from Braemar Men's Club 15. Braemar Golf Association Meeting Notes from December 6, 2010. 16. Ordinance to Establish a Memorial for Veterans. 17. Resolution to Establish a Not to Exceed Cost for a Veterans Memorial. 18. Minnesota Statutes 2009 Chapter 416. 19. Edina Community Foundation Designated Fund Agreement. The following is the monthly Staff Report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes, Public Comment and Park Board Comment. PARK BOARD MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITYHALL 4801 WEST SO STREET The Tuesday, December 14, 2010, Park Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Edina City Hall. If you are unable to attend, please contact either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 952-826-0435 JCanton@ci.edina.mn.us or me at 952-826-0430 JKeprios@ci.edina.mn.us. I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES * Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Park Board Meeting The Park Board is asked to read the minutes from this Park Board meeting and feel free to make any changes or corrections that may not accurately reflect the discussion that took place on Tuesday, November 9, 2010. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. II. NEW BUSINESS A. *Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse Consultant At the November 9, 2010 meeting, Park Board Chairman Joseph Hulbert asked the Park Board to recommend to the City Council that the City hire a professional private consultant to analyze the Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse facilities and operations and provide recommendations to upgrade existing facilities and services within the Clubhouse and particularly the grill area. At the November meeting, the Park Board asked staff to study the issue and come back to the Park Board with some recommendations. On November 18, 2010, I sent an email (hard copy enclosed) to all Park Board members requesting your list of items you wish to have a consultant study at Braemar Golf Course. I received responses from four Park Board members (copies enclosed). Is I also called and exchanged emails with the two consultants that Chairman Joseph Hulbert had previously contacted: Sirius and NGF. I asked them both to submit their proposals to me. Both proposals are included in this packet. It seemed to make some sense to request use of the Braemar Memorial Fund to pay for the proposed study as it is a preamble to making new improvements. After the November 91h Park Board meeting, I directed Braemar Golf Course Manager Todd Anderson to contact the Braemar Golf Association, Braemar Men's and Women's Clubs and Greens Committee for their thoughts and ask if they would support the use of the Braemar Memorial Fund to cover the cost of the study. Enclosed are copies of responses from the Braemar Golf Association, Braemar Men's Club and the Greens Committee. None of those groups supported the use of funds from the Braemar Memorial Fund. I have also enclosed information about the history of the Braemar Memorial Fund and how it is supposed to be managed. I requested a special meeting with the Braemar Golf Association volunteer board members and invited Chairman Joseph Hulbert to join me. Unfortunately, the time and date did work for Chairman Hulbert. There was good discussion at the meeting and the volunteers were very appreciative that the Park Board is concerned about the future of Braemar Golf Course and interested in finding ways to continue to make improvements. A copy of the notes from that meeting is included in this packet. National Golf Foundation conducted a clubhouse study for Apple Valley's golf course Valleywood. Their Park Director Randy Johnson was kind enough to mail me a copy of the $18,000 study. Park Director Johnson stated that the study was of marginal value and they have not yet afforded to implement NGF's proposed changes. Comparing the two proposals, it appears that Sirius is less expensive than NGF's proposal. Sirius proposes a menu of options to choose from; however, a basic study of the operations and creation of a business plan would cost approximately $13,000 with expenses. NGF is approximately $20,000 for roughly the same services. I tend to agree with the feedback I heard from the Braemar Golf Association volunteers and our new Manager Todd Anderson that yes, the Clubhouse could use some improvements; however, the highest priority currently is the golf course, Golf Dome and driving range. That is where the return on investment will be the greatest. I also agree that we give our new Manager an opportunity to work closely with the Braemar Golf Association, Men's League, Women's League, Greens Committee and staff to further identify improvements in facilities, marketing, maintenance, policies and procedures. If the Park Board wishes to proceed with a professional consultant study, I would recommend Sirius be the vendor of choice; however, I would recommend only Phase I Evaluation and Phase II & III Business Plan as proposed and no additional optional studies or surveys. I estimate the cost, including expenses, would likely be around $13,000 to $14,000 which would include $50/day per diem expenses, lodging and travel expenses. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. B. *Veterans Memorial Resolution As shown in enclosed copy of Minnesota State Statute 416.04, State law requires that the City of Edina must pass a Resolution in order to spend resources on a Veterans Memorial. The Resolution must state the amount of money intended to be spent on the memorial. Our City Attorney wrote a draft copy of a Resolution which is also enclosed. As you will notice, it states: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the estimated cost to design and build the memorial is an amount not to exceed $400,000. The Veterans Memorial Committee is of the opinion that $400,000 will be enough funding to complete the project, including professional service fees (architects and engineers). One committee member in particular was closely involved in the planning and development of Eden Prairie's Veterans Memorial. Based on his experience, Edina's project should be able to remain within a $400,000 budget. As you may recall, it is the Veterans Memorial Committee's intent to raise all of the funds needed to build the memorial. The goal is to rely on only the $30,000 seed money from the City of Edina which was recommended by the Park Board and approved by the City Council as part of the 2011 Capital Improvement Plan. The Resolution must also include a legal description of the park property where the Veterans Memorial is intended to be placed. That legal description is included within the Resolution as Exhibit A. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. C. *Veterans Memorial Ordinance State law also requires that the City amend their City Code to include an Ordinance that states the City's intent to build and maintain a Veterans Memorial and also state the location. The Ordinance reads: 1355.01 Construction of Memorial. The City shall erect, equip and maintain a memorial in recognition of the services performed by veterans of the United States armed forces. The memorial shall be constructed at Utley Park at 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue in Edina. 1355.02 Supervision of Memorial. The City's Park and Recreation Department shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the memorial following its completion. Of the four different sites considered (Utley Park, Arneson Acres Park, Centennial Lakes Park and Williams Park), the Veterans Memorial Committee chose Utley Park because it best met the following criteria considered important in the site selection process: • Highly visible to the public • • Private and/or serene space to accommodate private reflection • An area large enough to accommodate formal ceremonies • Accessible parking • Reasonable amount of shade • Aesthetically pleasing • Access to public restrooms The Park Board approved the Committee's recommendation to build it at Utley Park when the Capital Improvement Plan was approved earlier this year. This amendment to the City Code also states that the City of Edina's Park and Recreation Department will supervise, control and maintain the Veterans Memorial. In other words, maintenance will not be the responsibility of volunteers. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. D. *Community Foundation Agreement The Veterans Memorial Committee is recommending that the City enter into an agreement with the Edina Community Foundation to be a fiscal partner in the fund raising process. Donations towards this project will be given directly to the Edina Community Foundation and those donations will be $100% tax deductible for the • donor. Even though donations directly to the City of Edina are also 100% tax deductible, there are benefits for the City to enter into this agreement, which include: • Accommodate those who wish to make their donations anonymous. • Assist with managing letter writing and donor recognition. • Provide updated financial reports on expenses and income. • Reduces the financial bookkeeping and reporting burden for Edina's Finance Department. Our City Attorney and Veterans Memorial Committee have approved the enclosed proposed written agreement. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. E. *City Code Amendment — ATV/Snowmobile & Motorized Water Craft Use on Public Property I recently received a request from Edina High School to grant them permission to use a snowmobile to groom a Nordic Ski trail on City -owned park property. I quickly learned that I (or any staff person for that matter) don't have the authority to supersede the current City Code which does not permit snowmobiles or all -terrain vehicles (ATVs) on City -owned park property for any purpose. Even though I would like to support and grant the request, City Code does not grant any staff person that authority. To take this a step further, there may very well be times when City staff will have a need to use ATVs or snowmobiles to provide important services for the community. For example, I envision the day when we can afford to purchase a quality x -country ski trail grooming unit piece of equipment to groom trails at Braemar Golf Course. It will require a snowmobile or ATV to pull the grooming machine. I also anticipate that the Police Department and/or Fire Department staff may need to perform training exercises with ATVs on park property. There are other times when staff or contractors for the City need ATVs or snowmobiles in implementing the deer management system. The current City Code does not permit any motorized boats on any of Edina's lakes or ponds. There may be times when the Police Department and/or Fire Department may need to operate motorized boats or ATVs or hovercrafts on Edina's lakes and ponds for training exercises, such as thin ice rescues during winter months or open water rescues during warm weather months. At the time of this Staff Report, I do not have the City Attorney's proposed legal language to accommodate my request. I recommend that the Park Board approve the concept to recommend a City Code amendment that grants the Park Director the authority to grant permission to authorized City personnel or agents of the City (approved by the Park Director) to operate ATVs, snowmobiles and motorized water craft on City -owned park property and the City's lakes and ponds. That permission may only be granted for maintenance, training and safety purposes. In no case will permission be granted for recreational uses. I have asked our City Attorney to draft legal language for this proposed amendment in a manner that accomplishes this recommendation. I chose not to delay this request to the January Park Board meeting in efforts to more readily address the School District's request. This language will eliminate the fear of the Park Director permitting a motorized water craft, snowmobile or ATV race or some recreational use of these machines. By granting the Park Director this authority, the Park Director would be held responsible to limit by Park Permit the specific times, days and locations that are deemed appropriate. If this amendment is recommended by Park Board and approved by City Council, it is my intent to immediately grant permission to the School District to use a snowmobile to groom their Nordic Ski trails at the High School and Creek Valley campus as they have proposed. I requested a map of their proposed trail which appears to be very reasonable and appropriate use of the property. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. V. UPDATES FROM STAFF Staff will provide a verbal update on other Park and Recreation Department matters of interest to the Park Board that are not on the agenda and do not require any formal action. VI. PARK BOARD COMMENTS This is the opportunity for Park Board members to provide comments on park and recreation related matters not on the regular agenda. Minutes of the Edina Park Board November 9, 2010 Edina City Hall, Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Fronek, Dan Peterson, Rob Presthus, Ellen Jones, Jennifer Kenney, Felix Pronove, Randy Meyer, Joseph Hulbert, Keeya Steel, Louise Segreto MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Lough, Austin Dummer STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Scott Neal, Todd Anderson I. INTRODUCTION OF NEW CITY MANAGER SCOTT NEAL Scott Neal, new City Manager, informed the Park Board a little bit about himself. He indicated that he is originally from Iowa and went to school at Iowa State University. He stated that he got his start in city management in a small town called Norris, Tennessee where he stayed for two years. After that he went to Mount Pleasant, IA for six years, Northfield, MN for six years and then on to Eden Prairie for eight years. He noted that he had a wonderful experience in Eden Prairie but is very happy to join the City of Edina and be the new City Manager. Mr. Neal pointed out that he has had a chance to work with Park and Recreation organizations of all shapes and sizes and has had the chance on two occasions to establish park and recreation departments. He stated that he knows how important that function is and those amenities are in the community, especially in a community like Edina, therefore he will do his best to serve the Park Board. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Dan Peterson MOVED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 12, 2010 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Louise Segreto SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Braemar Golf Course Clubhouse Consultant — Joseph Hulbert - Mr. Hulbert informed the Park Board that he thinks it's safe to say that Braemar Golf Course is the largest enterprise facility in Edina. It's a great course, beautiful setting and awesome location and thinks everyone in Edina would agree that we are lucky to have it. He noted, however, that there are some large capital improvements needed such as the driving range reconfiguration, the golf dome building needs, the Clunie nine and the 20 year-old course could use some design attention as well as the clubhouse could use some updates. Mr. Hulbert indicated that the challenge is with the current economy Braemar isn't alone in that it's struggling and losing money, however, now with Mr. Todd Anderson as the new General Manager at Braemar he thinks it would be a good time to make an investment and help Mr. Anderson succeed. He noted that they need to find ways to bring Braemar into the black, to reinvigorate it, re -invent it and the therefore he would like the Park Board to consider a few recommendations. Mr. Hulbert indicated that the first thing he would like for the Park Board to consider is to hire a third party consultant for advice and suggestions regarding Braemar Golf Course. He noted that he did a little research and there are companies that will come in, study, analyze and give independent ideas and advice regarding the following: • Condition of the facility • Functionality of the facility • Aesthetics • Revenue potential • Evaluate the flow of the clubhouse • Utilization of space • Identify operating efficiencies • Layout and design of the golf course • Storage facilities • Practice facilities • Landscaping • Customer service • Cash handling procedures • Tournament procedures • Special outings • Pace of play • Review starters and marshals • Employee compensation • Staff training • Staff supervision • Fees • Accounting and bookkeeping • Organizational structure • Staffing and cost of labor • Cost of golf operations • Point of sale systems • Yield analysis • Tee time reservation systems • Appropriateness and functionality of the current technology • Food and beverage operations • Merchandising & retail operations • Membership and annual passes • Financial performance over the past three years & trend analysis compared to reviews of performance with comparable facilities • Areas where costs could be reduced without affecting performance • Areas where costs have been reduced excessively to the detriment of performance • Golf course maintenance • Current condition of the golf course its practices • Capital improvements • Marketing & identifying target markets 2 • Overall marketing strategy • Utilization of media including website and e-mail programs • Promotions and specials • Turf conditions (possibly use an agronomist) Mr. Hulbert pointed out that some of these matters have been discussed periodically at Braemar. Mr. Hulbert suggested that maybe they should form some sort of a citizen's resource group or panel to assist and maybe help steer ideas in improvement and change at Braemar. He commented that he thinks there is a lot that they can look at with improving at Braemar and maybe by bringing in an outside set of eyeballs they will offer fresh ideas and perspective. Ms. Segreto commented that she thinks they need a plan to keep Braemar current because it is showing signs of being in the past especially with respect to the food service. She asked Mr. Hulbert what it would cost to hire a specialized consultant to prepare a study of all the items he listed. Mr. Hulbert replied that the company he contacted informed him that to do a comprehensive survey or an analysis like this it would cost approximately $15,000. He pointed out that on the CIP for next year they are going to spend $100,000 on an environmental inventory assessment and added that Braemar has a significant potential to give them a return on the investment. Ms. Segreto asked Mr. Anderson if there are any public courses where a private T restaurateur will come into the public course and run the food service and finance the capital improvements. Mr. Anderson replied that he knows Edinburgh uses Lancer Catering to run their Girvan Grill and that Prestwich has an Axel's restaurant. Ms. Segreto commented that she thinks it would be interesting to explore a private/public partnership. Mr. Anderson pointed out that one of their big limitations is space and added that when caterers come in to do events they do not have a full kitchen; they are very tight on space. He stated that he knows one of Mr. Hulbert's concerns was being able to have bottled beer and pop but the problem is there is no place to put it and to change their current situation it would cost a significant amount of money. Ms. Segreto indicated that she has spent a lot of time at Braemar cross country skiing and snowshoeing and often thought how great it would be if the city rented out skis or snowshoes. She noted that maybe this is something that could even be run by a private party but it could be another revenue source for the city. Mr. Anderson replied he would be happy to look into that; however, in their past experience in working with Edina High School they had a snowmobile with a groomer. He stated that once they start promoting Braemar as a cross country ski area they need to keep it groomed all of the time so there is a cost involved so they would need to consider. Mr. Presthus asked what the age limit is for the youth at Braemar. Mr. Anderson replied currently it's age 12 on the regulation courses and age 10 on the executive courses and stated they will be working on that over the winter and it will be going down. Mr. Presthus commented that he thinks that's an area where they could definitely add more play. He added that maybe they can even incorporate other things with that such as a youth training course where they would need to go through a certification process that includes golf rules, etc. Ms. Kenney noted that she agrees with Mr. Presthus. This past summer she brought her 7 year-old over to Hiawatha where they had a good park and recreation golf program for kids starting at age 7. Mr. Keprios stated that just to clarify part of what's included in his Staff Report is a copy of an e-mail exchange between Mr. Hulbert, Mr. Anderson and himself of a meeting the three of them had earlier at Braemar at Mr. Hulbert's request. He pointed out that Mr. Hulbert came up with a list of 17 different valid concerns; however, the focus for this meeting is Mr. Hulbert's proposal to come forward with a consultant to review the items that have been laid out. Mr. Hulbert indicated that he thinks in this environment they have to try to have just incremental changes to try to improve the experience at Braemar. He noted they can do things that don't cost much of anything to improve the user experience. Mr. Hulbert commented that there is a captive audience there but feels sometimes they leave because they don't want to stay at the clubhouse because it feels outdated and maybe they could make it more up-to-date with some modest improvements. Mr. Hulbert stated that, hopefully five years from now, they will be in a better environment with some of the debt service paid off. He added that ideally at some point it would be nice to have a modern clubhouse that attracts a user to not just play golf but to bring the family to have a burger and maybe watch the Twin's game and make it a community gathering space rather than just a golf clubhouse. He pointed out that he thinks if they were to bring in another set of eyeballs maybe they could find a way to make the current floor plan flow better and maybe transition some space into an area where they could store soda, beer and wine. Mr. Hulbert stated that he doesn't have all the ideas or all of the solutions; he has just been gathering all of the comments that he has heard from people that use Braemar. Mr. Hulbert stated that the main point is to try to direct some resources to Braemar to help Mr. Anderson and Braemar succeed. Mr. Anderson responded that's great and it's the direction he would like to go; however, there are costs associated with almost everything on the list and right now financially their hands are tied and that's a big part of the equation. He pointed out that right now his goal is to get the course in the best condition he can as far as being playing and putting dollars toward marketing. Mr. Anderson explained that they are currently down a couple of people and he would like to take those salaries and put it towards maintaining and improving what they have. He would love to make improvements down the road but, for now, their hands are tied. Mr. Fronek stated that he thinks it's great for them to have some sort of vision and asked Mr. Anderson what his vision is for Braemar in the next five to ten years. He indicated that maybe Mr. Keprios can discuss the financial constraints that Braemar is under. He stated that as a Park Board they would like to be able to give staff the tools in order to be successful and asked Mr. Anderson in an ideal world what he would like to see happen. Mr. Anderson replied that right now his plan is to improve the course conditions and playability and then promote the course. He noted that he feels they need to put more dollars into advertising so that they can draw the non-resident patron card. Mr. Anderson pointed out that right now he thinks their number one priority is to replace the building at the dome. It's going to be an expenditure of approximately $450,000 because right now the building could actually blow away on any given day. He added 21 that their customers are safe but explained that it was built in 1983 and that the dome is actually anchored to a wooden structure, which is a poor design. A new support structure is needed that would basically use the same footprint and concrete block but they would not have the dome actually attached directly to the building. He commented that they did replace the dome fabric quite a few years ago and it is wearing very well and thinks they will get at least another 15 years out of it. Mr. Anderson indicated that his second project would be the driving range. He noted it is his number one concern as far as liability and safety. He also commented that if they could increase the size and the depth they could increase the quality of the turf which is not good right now. He noted that they would be able to rotate forward and back and have a quality facility because right now they have so much play and not enough turf that he thinks they are losing business right now to facilities like Glen Lake. Mr. Anderson stated that third on his list would be to try to soften Clunie as far as the playability because of some of the hills. He commented that he's not sure if the return on investment would be there. Mr. Meyer asked how often the facility is used during the off season for other functions. Mr. Anderson replied actually quite a bit. He noted that currently the "Northwoods Boutique" is there for two weeks where they take over the banquet room. He stated that they are booked most weekends throughout the winter but that January is a slower month. He indicated that they have a lot of business meetings during the day and there are times when they are changing the room over two to three times a day because of multiple meetings. Mr. Meyer asked what the current fee structure is. Mr. Anderson replied for Edina residents on a Friday or Saturday is $900.00 and for non-residents it's $1,000 and gets scaled back from that depending on the amount of hours and what day of the week it is. Mr. Meyer indicated Mr. Anderson talked about the building next to the dome and some future upgrades and asked how are the decisions made on future upgrades and who says we're okay financially here is where we want to go. Mr. Anderson responded that regarding the building, he put it in their 2011 budget knowing that they don't have the finances but believes ultimately it will be the Park Board and City Council who will decide when they do it. Mr. Meyer indicated that for the long-term planning process he thinks it would be helpful if there is a vision for a new clubhouse and maybe we should think about it and plan for it five years out. He noted that he thinks we need to figure out what will happen to make all that work versus potentially making investments now that may affect something down the road such as knocking down a building and putting it in the wrong spot. He commented that he thinks what he is hearing is what really is the vision and how do we get there whether it's five years out or ten years out what are the investments that we need to market that will be a good investment and facility for the community. Mr. Presthus indicated that he agrees with that but right now he thinks they need to decide whether or not they want to endorse the idea of spending $15,000 to get a consulting firm in here to point them in the direction they need to go. He stated that he thinks if they have a consulting firm come in that basically comes up with a ten year plan of what you want to do and helps to prioritize it makes the most sense. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that input is always a great thing and he welcomes it; however, he feels they are entering into a delicate area of whether or not it is the Park Board's function to go into this area of business and management or at what point is it policy and governance? He pointed out that the third paragraph in the business plan it references that the clubhouse does need a fresh look and we are going to look at the menu and a lot of that is more management than it is policy setting. He explained that they try to give Park Board more of the big picture stuff rather than the day to day because Mr. Anderson is there all the time. He noted they have the Braemar Golf Association, a Men's Club and a Women's League that all provide Mr. Anderson their input and that's a good thing. Mr. Keprios stated that they are hearing from the community and their customers and that's a good thing. He noted that it's too bad they didn't have this conversation when he brought the CIP to the Park Board earlier this year to approve basically a one year budget and a five year plan. He explained that this complicates it somewhat if you want to recommend spending $15,000, to further analyze what he feels the Park Board has already approved for a 5 -year vision; however, the Park Board can certainly propose this new idea to the City Council. Mr. Keprios stated that he would like John Wallin, City Finance Director, to give a quick overview of where they are financially, what is realistic to expect and where the dollars are going to come from. He noted that all of these suggestions are all great ideas and, if money were no object, we would be all over it and the business plan would look quite different. Mr. Wallin noted that there are a lot of good ideas out there but, unfortunately, the last several years have seen debt increase, the operations no longer pay off the debt that it once could. He informed the Park Board that in 2009 the golf course reduced its deficit, which was a millions dollars, by $100,000. Unfortunately, it did that with a $170,000 subsidy from the liquor fund and a one-time $100,000 subsidy out of the general fund. He pointed out that, even with the $270,000 in subsidies in 2009, the golf course only improved their position by $100,000. Mr. Wallin noted that the conundrum is that many of these things may be worthwhile; however, Braemar has an existing million dollar cash deficit and an additional 1.2 million future debt coming forward this fall. He explained that in meetings with both Moody's and Standard & Poor's, comments came up, as they have the past several years, concerning what are we going to do with the deficit at the golf course because it has become a very major issue in the rating of Edina's bonds. He noted that Standard & Poor's was silent on it but that Moody's had it as part of their rating in that they saw that we again reduced the 2009 deficit, the million dollar deficit cash balance. He added that they did not go into that they did it by $270,000 worth of subsidies. Mr. Wallin stressed that Moody's and Standard & Poor's have really focused on the deficit meaning that it would be very difficult to increase cash deficit or increase any debt relating to the golf course without catching the eye of Moody's and Standard & Poor's and pointed out that this would affect the rest of the ratings for special assessment or any other type of debt issuance. He stated again that it's going to be very difficult to do any additional capital improvements until the debt is paid off in three years and possibly even later until the cash balance decreases. He commented some of that may improve if we can start adding to that bottom line. He 11 noted that he thinks it's going to be an uphill battle for the golf course to be able to improve its position very much until that debt is paid off and possibly a couple of years past that debt being paid off. Mr. Hulbert asked if they would be able to reallocate $15,000 to $20,000 from the CIP to try to find ways to make Braemar operate more efficiently as a business. Mr. Wallin replied that the issue wouldn't be the $15,000; the issue would be recommendations for capital improvements. Mr. Hulbert noted that some capital improvement would be for simple things like adding monitors to the clubhouse or a 43" plasma TV. He also commented that the GHIN system, which Braemar is a member of, offers programming where if there is a tournament going on there are neat reporting systems that use the GHIN system and software we already have to report scores on the monitors throughout the clubhouse. He commented these are just some ways to try to add value to the experience at Braemar so that maybe it attracts more business and we can show that five years down the road we are no longer in the red but are firmly in the black and can demonstrate to City Council and to the taxpayers of Edina that it does make sense to look at building a new clubhouse in ten years. Mr. Wallin stated that $15,000 isn't going to make a difference one way or another of the financial condition of the golf course going forward, his concern is with the larger ticket items. Mr. Hulbert commented that maybe they could find a way to reallocate resources in the upcoming year in the capital improvement plan or request from City Council that they find resources for us to try to do this. He added that he thinks winter would be the best time to be looking at ideas to improve the golf course because it's the down season. Mr. Peterson asked when we say Braemar and/or the word golf we are referring to the Braemar 27 -hole course, the Braemar Executive course, the clubhouse and the Fred Richards Course to which Mr. Wallin replied that's correct. Mr. Wallin explained they may refer to it as Braemar but they account for all of what was mentioned. Mr. Peterson asked are the Braemar 27 -hole course and the Braemar 9 -hole course bonds about ready to be paid off in a couple of years. Mr. Wallin responded that the existing debt is for the Fred Richards course and over the next three years it will be 1.2 million. Mr. Peterson asked so once the Fred Richards debt is paid off things will look at lot brighter. Mr. Wallin replied that he does believe that once the Fred Richards debt is paid off hopefully the revenues from the facility will then go to pay down the million dollar cash deficit and once that happens then the possibility for new debt comes up and the possibility to be able to put money away for future projects comes up. Ms. Jones indicated that it looks like right now the golf dome is in really good shape as far as making money except for the fact that it may blow down. She asked how much revenue would they lose if they did not have the dome functioning and it did blow down. Mr. Wallin explained that when they initially purchased the dome about 20 years ago they were doing approximately $100,000 a year profit to the bottom line. He noted that right now their debt is paid off and last year they did $15,000 to $20,000 worth of profit so that has dropped, but its very weather related. Ms. Jones indicated that in looking at the difference between the proposed budget for 2011 and what was budgeted in 2010 that across the board on all revenue areas it looks very rosy in the projections. She asked how they are going to make all of the increased money. Mr. Wallin explained that the golf facility is the one who puts together the budget and they look at what they expect their number of rounds to be and all other aspects of their budget and try to figure out where they predict what the season is going to be. He noted that from there they put together the budget document with the assistance of finance so that is where the golf course staff had their estimate of where they thought the golf business would be in future years. Mr. Meyer asked how the budget at Braemar compares to some of the other facilities. Mr. Wallin replied that the pool pays for their operation and is able to put away some money in anticipation for a capital expenditure that is coming up in the next couple of years. He explained that the pool had had the money in hand to purchase a flow -rider; however, they have had to reserve their funds because by law the city is required with the bond issue at Braemar to reserve a one year's worth of debt service. Because of Braemar's negative fund balance, the pool by law had to reserve that for Braemar, which means that the Aquatic Center wasn't able to spend the money to do its capital budget even though it had the funds on hand. Mr. Meyer asked does the City Council make those decisions to which Mr. Wallin replied yes, that is correct. Mr. Wallin explained that staff makes the recommendation where the reserve should be held and the ultimate responsibility is the City Council. Ms. Steel asked how often the business plan is updated. Mr. Wallin replied that this last one was done just over three years ago and he believes they are currently working a new business plan. Ms. Steel asked would that plan take into account these ideas being presented. Mr. Wallin responded that the Communication Department heads up the business plans and will work with the golf course management to come up with what is the future of the course. Mr. Keprios indicated that if the Park Board would like to go forward with a study of some sort he would ask that the Park Board decide on specific ideas you would like the consultant to really focus on. He stated that if they are going to do a request for proposal he needs to know what the Park Board wants studied. Mr. Meyer suggested that this is something that still needs to be worked on and needs more information so they can review it prior to their next meeting. He noted that if at that time it makes sense, then they can go ahead and vote on it. He thinks they have to have a better understanding of what it is they are trying to accomplish and be clear about it or else even a consultant isn't going to know what they are trying to accomplish. Mr. Keprios stated that he agrees this is not something that staff came forward with and therefore staff is looking for some direction on what the Park Board would like for staff to do. Mr. Fronek stated that he thinks there are two prongs to this equation. First, they are talking about more of an operational investment and he's got to think there are other ways to either increase revenues and/or cut expenses by $15,000, which would pay for this consultant expenditure within a year or two. He commented that they are shifting a little to management versus policy but with new management coming in he does think it presents them with a great opportunity to look a little bit at their operations and see how they can do better. He indicated that the second component is more on the policy side. He thinks that for next year's CIP they should start to think about some of these long range planning ideas for Braemar. It can show what it is they would like to see in five or ten years once this debt gets retired. Mr. Fronek stated that the agrees they need to spend a little more time on this and then see if they can't figure out an operational consultant who's going to come in for $15,000 and be a net positive in a year or two. He noted they also should look at next year coming up with more of a long range plan whether that also involves hiring a consultant or establishing some sort of task force or something like that. Mr. Keprios asked Mr. Anderson vision and management wise from what is already on the business plan where does he think consulting services would be best spent. He also asked Mr. Anderson in what areas does he think Braemar would really benefit in the short and long term where we may have some holes that might open the doors. Mr. Anderson replied that in looking at major capital improvements as far as the clubhouse and anything else like that it is a few years out. He stressed that his personal focus has been on improving the golf course and marketing. He informed the Park Board that they actually did have a consultant out to look at the driving range expansion and the Clunie Course as far as softening it and he does have that report. Mr. Anderson stated that he is on board with a lot of these thoughts and noted that they can address some of the issues internally and then if they need to bring in a consultant they will know better what areas they should focus on. Mr. Keprios suggested to the Park Board that he could take the list of items Mr. Hulbert read and if any other members have their own special interests at the golf course to be considered to let him know. He stated that this will give him an opportunity to meet with Mr. Anderson and they will bring some recommendations back to the Park Board at the December meeting for consideration. He noted that this isn't something that's going to happen overnight, it will likely need a little more study, feedback and direction. IV. UPDATES FROM STAFF Mr. Keprios gave a power point presentation to the Park Board showing the progress we have made on the scheduled 2010 Capital Improvement Program projects. He noted they have been working on a lot of park improvement projects. Mr. Keprios showed the two hockey rinks that the extremely skilled professional Park Maintenance staff built at Walnut Ridge Park and Pamela Park. He commented that he thinks Edina has the finest outdoor rinks in Minnesota and it is due to the skill and craftsmanship of our professional Park Maintenance personnel whom he is so proud of. He added that new light standards and energy efficient fixtures are in place and operational at Pamela Park. Mr. Keprios indicated that at Bredesen Park they spent almost $190,000 to do the bike path that is now completed and that Bituminous Roadways contractor did a wonderful job. He explained that with assistance from the Engineering Department, all of these asphalt 9 renovation projects consolidated into one bid for economies of scale and the bid was awarded to Bituminous Roadways for $384,466.05. Mr. Keprios pointed out that at Braemar Golf Course they are in year two of three phases and just spent $82,000 to do this year's part of asphalting the parking lot. He noted that the reason they can't do this all at once is because they can only go without so much parking at one time and therefore it's done in phases. Mr. Keprios indicated that they just updated and renovated the entire parking lot at Walnut Ridge and they did a wonderful job. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that at Edinborough Park they have quite a few projects which some are complete and some are still underway. He noted that they renovated deteriorated sidewalks and added better lighting for the turnaround area in front which cost over $45,000. He stated that they are currently in the process of converting the kitchen/catering area into bathrooms for $96,000 and should be completed in December. He showed the new flooring that was replaced at the amphitheater and commented that the new hardwood floor turned out beautiful. Mr. Keprios indicated that the Braemar West Arena Project has just been completed and they did a phenomenal job. He noted that this project includes new dehumidification systems in the East and West Arenas. The West Arena is now fully functional with new dasher boards and glass and a new energy efficient state of the art refrigeration system with sub -floor heating. The project began with having to remove 18 feet of frost. He noted there are just a few minor punch list items to finish up but they are on schedule. MEETING ADJOURNED 10 Proposal for Operations Review for Braemar Golf Courses For City of Edina BRAEMAR GOLF COURSES Presented to: John Keprios Park & Recreation Director Presented by V S-iriUS Gof-T.Advisors Jacksonville, Florida * Dallas, Texas * Pinehurst, North Carolina December 1, 2010 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Table of Contents Overview......................................................................................................................... 4 Siriusly, Why Sirius?....................................................................................................4 CompanyInformation......................................................................................................6 Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC.............................................................................................6 Contact Information:.................................................................................................6 Goals.............................................................................................................................. 7 The Consulting Process.................................................................................................. 8 CityObjectives............................................................................................................8 Evaluation....................................................................................................................... 9 MARKET ASSESSMENT............................................................................................ 9 FacilityReview..........................................................................................................10 OperationsReview....................................................................................................11 StakeholderInput........................................................................................................9 MarketingReview......................................................................................................15 Agronomic Review (Optional)....................................................................................15 Customer Survey (Optional)......................................................................................17 Architect Review (Optional).......................................................................................18 Phase II - Business and Marketing PLan.......................................................................19 Reviewand Analysis.................................................................................................19 StrategicPlan............................................................................................................19 Phase III: Implementation..............................................................................................22 ManagementOptions................................................................................................19 FeedbackMeasures..................................................................................................22 On Going Consulting (optional)..................................................................................22 Timeline........................................................................................................................ 23 Workingwith your Staff................................................................................................. 23 Fees.............................................................................................................................. 24 Terms........................................................................................................................ 24 Resumes and Background............................................................................................ 25 Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC........................................................................................... 25 References............................................................................................................28 Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 2 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Jeffrey D. Brauer, Golf Course Architect ................... Designs................................................................. Writing................................................................... .............................................. 31 .............................................. 31 .............................................. 31 Presentations......................................................................................................... 31 Education............................................................................................................... 31 AWARD WINNING COURSES..............................................................................31 Peter Dejak, Agronomist............................................................................................34 Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 3 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal OIME We would like to thank the City of Edina (City) for the opportunity of presenting this proposal. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC (Sirius) in general, and its principal, John Wait in particular, are very experienced in working with municipal golf operations and helping them increase profitability. Sirius has a excellent track record in helping municipalities and other government entities turn their operations around — from heavy red ink to black. For this study we will not only be using our own expertise, but will be utilizing the talents of one of the country's top golf course architects, Jeff Brauer, who designed several of Minnesota's top courses including The Quarry and The Legends at Giant's Ridge and The Wilderness at Fortune's Bay. Our study will provide a thorough examination of the Braemar Golf Courses and the surrounding market place. The result will be a comprehensive plan for the improvement of the facility as it relates to City Goals — in particular, improving the operation's profitability. We will also be examining needed and desired Capital Improvements that will help sustain or improve the facility's market position. S,iriusly, Why Sirius? In our search for solutions, we leave no stone unturned. Indeed, we often find that there are many smaller issues that often accompany the big ones. And while there are many firms/consultants out there that can spot significant operational issues, what separates Sirius from our competition is both the breadth of our analysis and the creativity to which WE., are able to construct solutions where others cannot. In particular, one of our strengths is in knowing how to market golf and understanding how to properly position a facility in order to capture market share in a crowded market. A great example of how we were able to see solutions others likely would not can be found with the City of Carrollton Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Dallas is a highly competitive golf market that had suffered a significant drop in rounds after the turn of the century. As is most often the case, the area golf courses responded in the only way most golf facilities know how to market — they dropped their prices (which usually only reduces the revenue/round as other courses match the price). Carrollton had just spent several million dollars renovating 18 holes of their 36 -hole golf facility, Indian Creek. And they were losing a lot of money. Indeed, when debt service was taken into consideration, the City had to subsidize the golf operation by close to a million dollars a year. Needless to say, they were not happy. When we did our operational evaluation in the summer of 2004, we did find a number of operational issues that were costing the City hundreds of thousands of dollars. And while we feel we probably did this better than our competition would, most good consultants would have found most of the same operational issues. What set us apart, however, was the fact that we also found a marketing solution. Instead of lowering their prices as everyone else was doing, we recommended just the opposite. In their case, we found there was tremendous competition in the lower price range, but there was far less competition in the mid -fee market. We also felt that the product, with a few operational changes, could compete very successfully in this market. We also addressed the operational issues by helping the City create what we feel is a model contract that created a win-win scenario for the management entity (which turned Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 4 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal • out to be a management company, but would not necessarily had to have been). We also recommended that they make modest capital improvements on the other 18 holes ($:350,000). The bottom line is that the City of Carrollton took our advice. Today, their golf operation is in the black. Indeed, the City has achieved over a $1,000,000 turnaround in their gollf operation cash flow in just two years, and this is on a golf course that had revenue around $2,000,000 when we started. Carrollton is far from our only success story. Indeed, in every case, we have been able to :significantly improve cash flow to the municipality. However, much of our work has been done as a subcontractor (mostly to the National Golf Foundation), so often our firm does not receive the credit. (See our references and resume for a complete list of projects we have worked on). • Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 5 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC Sirius Golf Advisors was established in 1997. Sirius has two divisions: a golf course consulting agency which specializes in working with municipal operations and a golf course brokerage that helps clients buy or sell golf courses. As a consulting company Sirius has been around for over fifteen years. However much of its work has been done as a subcontract to other companies. Indeed, Sirius remains the top subcontractor to National Golf Foundation for feasibility studies and operational evaluations. Contact Information: John S. Wait President Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 207 Palomino Drive Waxahachie, TX 75165 www.siriusgolf.com iwait(a--)siriusgolf.com email 888-747-4876 904-576-6383 (cell) 877-534-3223 (fax) Branch Offices: 8515 Beresford Ln. Jacksonville, FL 32244 PO Box 5709 Pinehurst, NC 28374 Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 6 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Braemar Golf Courses (BGC) has served the City of Edina (City) admirably since 1964. The facility enjoys a favorable reputation among area golfers and is known to be a great value. However, there has been some concern that the course is not being optimally operated. Further, there is some concern that significant capital improvements may be needed in the near future to maintain the facility's market position and sustain economic viability. The main goals for this study are: 1. Identify ways to Improve the City's Cash Flow from BGC. With improved Cash Flow, the City can not only sustain operations at BGC, but possibly use funds for other important programs. In addition, increased cash flow will help support any needed capital improvements. 2. Identify needed Capital Improvements and provide a timetable and strategy for their implementation. BGC is approaching 50 years in age. No doubt there are several deferred maintenance issues that need to be addressed. Additional capital improvements may be desirable to improve the course's appeal and marketability. 3. Provide the basis for a comprehensive Business and Marketing Plan for the facility. This plan will function as a "Blueprint for Success" for the facility and provide details on how the course can achieve and maintain greater profitability while meeting other City objectives for the facility. Secondary goals of this study include: 4. Assessing BGC's market position. Is the course optimally positioned in the market place? 5. Assessing BGC's performance and operations in relation to City goals for the facility. City goals for the facility may have changed significantly since it was built. Is the course meeting those goals? 6. Evaluating BGC's programming and contribution to the community. Is BGC meeting City goals for programming for its citizens and growing the game of golf? 7. Providing Specific Recommendations for improved performance. Creating a "blueprint for success." This proposal will reveal how Sirius will not only meet these goals, but will provide additional value-added services that will assist the City with its golf operation. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 7 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal THE COMIUL77MG MWESS An old proverb says, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will do." If you seek a specific destination, only one road will do and a map shows where you are and where you need to go. Our consulting process is intended to provide you a map to both your ideal destination (i.e., self-supporting municipal course) and some of the detail regarding the route you must take to get there. With Sirius, you will get a detailed MAP! SIRIUS will provide a systematic consulting process that provides you information, options and recommendations. Each phase and task of our work will be structured around both City Staff and Public Input. Any decisions will be yours after you consider our input and recommendations based on our specialized experience and expertise. After leading the information gathering process, we will develop strategies for each component of your golf facility studied and document our mutual final conclusions. City Obiectives Our systematic process begins with goal setting via interviews with City officials and with the Park Board to confirm our understanding of the City's goals and priorities for BRAEMAR GOLF COURSES. Typical questions asked and answered are: • Does the City want to maximize BCC's profit potential or merely insure that it is not operating at a loss? • What is (are) the main objectives for BGC? Some options include: o Providing an affordable golfing outlet for its citizens o Attracting more tourism to the area o Be used as an "icon" for the City o Be used as a catalyst for economic development • What are the long-term plans for the facility? • How much money is being set-aside for long-term capital improvements? Is there a schedule of improvements? Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 8 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal EVALUATM We are dividing this study into three phases, Evaluation, Planning and Implementation. In the Evaluation Phase we will analyze the current facility, market and operations to determine BGC's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. In the Planning Phase, we will create a simplified Business and Marketing Plan that will take the results from the first Phase and turn it into a Blueprint for Success that will allow the City to best achieve its goals and objectives with relation to the Four Seasons Golf Course. It will also discuss how the plan should be implemented as well as threats to its success. The evaluation process will require an on-site visit by at least one consultant. The Primary consultant for this study will be John S. Wait. Optional studies will bring in additional personnel, such as an agronomist and a golf course architect. The on-site visit is estimated to take one week. Additional personnel may be called in, especially if the optional agronomic review or Architect's review are implemented. Community Input One of the key in our study will be the incorporation of community input into the golf course study. This is always a part of our approach to any golf course operations review. We will solicit input in a number of ways: 1. Meeting with key City officials (as described previously) and the Park Board 2. Interviews with golf course personnel - not just management, but also a selection of line employees, especially those that have regular contact with the public 3. Meetings with various golf groups, such as the men's and women's golf associations, golf committees set up by the City, etc. Most of these meetings will occur in the evening while Sirius personnel are on site. 4. An optional customer survey (see below) that will provide both valuable demographic data, but key feedback. Input from these various sources will be integrated with our own observations and placed in context with Goals for the course as identified by the City. MARKET ASSESSMENT Once SIRIUS has determined the City's priorities and constraints, it will undergo a thorough evaluation of the Edina local and tourist golf market, to: • To determine existing and potential golf demand • Determine golf markets that may be underserved and/or over served • Evaluate competition • Determine both BCC's current market position and its ideal position. A general market evaluation is important in assessing an operation's performance as it helps set the standards that need to be met. In the case of BGC, the market includes not only the immediate area, but the target markets as well. Of particular importance is the competition the BGC faces. How does the BGC's performance compare to its peers? What is the competition doing that may affect BCC's future performance? How can the BGC gain additional market share? These are important questions that the market evaluation can help address. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 9 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Indeed, we often find in a given market that almost all the facilities are fighting over the same customer. That is, they are all priced roughly the same. While at the same time, there may be a significant market that is being overlooked — whether it is higher -end or more value oriented consumers. Our market analysis will discover these areas of opportunity. Market Overview o Provide Demographic profiles of the surrounding local market. o Provide an overall market analysis of the Edina area, including trends that will affect future performance, including both the resident and tourist markets Competitive Review o Identify courses that are considered the primary competition to the BGC. ■ Assess their strengths and weaknesses compared to BGC o Survey all local facilities that are thought to impact play at the BGC ■ Areas of interest include playing and membership fees, course information, amenities, and performance. Compare each area to BGC. ■ Get area pros to rate area facilities in order to get an idea of perceived quality of the facilities. o Review of golf course projects that are being planned or are under construction and how they are likely to impact subject facilities. o Look for areas of opportunity where the market is being underserved Facility Review Sirius will evaluate the physical facilities, identifying strengths and weaknesses and making recommendations for improvements. Again, we often find that there a relatively minor improvement — such as adjusting some of the distances on given holes from certain tees, can make a significant difference in performance. Or we may discover that a major overhaul of the facility is needed to become more competitive or to take advantage of a market opportunity uncovered in the Market Analysis. We will be examining the facilities based on four primary concerns: 1. Current Condition 2. Functionality 3. Aesthetics 4. Revenue potential/utilization maximization All recommendations are to include a cost -benefit analysis. Aspects of the facility to be reviewed will include at a minimum: Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 10 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal • Entryway, including parking lot and curb appeal • Clubhouse, including space utilization, condition and operating efficiency • Course layouts, including any design deficiency, playability issues and problem areas • Cart storage facilities • Practice facilities • Signage • Cart paths • Landscaping • Other land that could be utilized for golf purposes. In addition, we will meet with staff and thoroughly review all staff recommendations made with regards to each facility and to the overall organization. Operations Review Sirius will evaluate the operations of the facility, identifying strengths and weaknesses and making specific recommendations on areas needing improvement. Data will be gathered by personal observation, evaluating data and records and through extensive interviews of staff — both management and hourly. And, of course, we will carefully study all the recommendations already noted by City Staff. In addition to looking at performance, we are going to be examining a broader question: Is the facility being operated in a manner that is consistent with the pricing philosophy and the target market? In addition, is it performing in a way that is consistent with City goals and objectives? We will also be doing a low-level audit to determine whether there are areas of concern and whether appropriate controls are in place. • Management: o Organizational structure o Operating efficiency o Personnel Management o People skills o Responsiveness o Ability to respond to adverse situations • Staffing: o Cost of labor, including wages and benefits o Appropriateness of staffing levels o Efficiency o Job Descriptions vs. Actual Duties Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 11 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Issues regarding personnel policies and procedures o Hiring procedures o Termination procedures o Risk management • Golf Operations o Fee Structure including green and cart fees o Yield analysis o Point-of-sale system (this can be extremely important for audit purposes!) o Tee time reservation system and procedures o Hours of operation o Customer service o Job duties o Cash handling procedures o Policies and procedures o Signage o Lessons and clinics o Tournaments and outings, including pricing, services offered, policies and procedures o Leagues, if any o Cart operation, including cleanliness of carts, procedures, staging area, cart condition, cart rotation, charging procedures and customer service o Pace of play o Bag drop area o Starters and marshals, including compensation, training, supervising, procedures and customer service o Practice facility, including quality of balls, how often range is picked, Pricing and procedures o Fees o Golf associations • Housekeeping and clubhouse maintenance • Accounting and Bookkeeping o Examine adequacy of reports, time card procedures, etc. o Identify any inconsistencies found in the financial reports as well as any areas of concern due to inadequate control procedures o Inventory Controls Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 12 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Cash Controls • Customer Service: o Employee appearance o Employee attitudes o Promptness of Service o Friendliness of Staff o Policies o Procedures o Customer complaints o Feedback Mechanisms • Technology: o Appropriateness and functionality of current technology o Areas where additional technology is needed o Assess staff's ability and willingness to use technology that is available • Food and Beverage Operations o Yield analysis o Adequacy and functionality of equipment o Adequacy of menu and pricing o Cleanliness o Customer service o Food quality o Storage o Inventory control o Food preparation o Cost of sales o Banquets and outings — including sales, service, facilities and pricing. • Merchandising o Yield analysis o Adequacy, appropriateness (in relation to target market, etc.) and quality of merchandise including both hard and soft goods, with special attention paid to adequacy of women's goods. • o Pricing o Inventory controls Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 13 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Display area, including appearance of both displays and merchandise o Promotions/sales/clearances o Cost of sales • Memberships/Annual Passes o Review any membership documents o Review all fees o Review membership/annual pass programs o Review customer service issues • Financial Performance o Conduct comprehensive review of financial performance (revenue and expense analysis) over past three years. Ares of interest include: ■ Any "red flags" that could identify employee theft or out -of - control expense or waste (often an issue) ■ Trend analysis ■ Comparative review of performance with comparable facilities ■ Identification of areas where costs may be reduced without affecting performance. ■ Identification of areas where costs may have been reduced excessively to the detriment of performance. o Comprehensive rounds analysis to include: ■ Trend analysis ■ Identification of peak and weak times of play ■ Evaluate performance in context of competition and rate structure in order to formulate pricing strategy designed to maximize profitability. o Membership revenue, fees and trends • Course Maintenance o General review of the course maintenance practices, policies and procedures o General review of the current course conditions o General review of operating budget, including payroll o General review of the condition and adequacy of the maintenance equipment • Capital Improvements Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 14 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Recommendations for needed upgrades, improvements, replacements and expansions that will increase market share and/or improve overall performance o Cash-flow analysis of any proposed capital improvements, including cost/benefit analysis Marketing Review Marketing, to Sirius, involves much more than simply advertising. It involves the entire strategy around which the operation is based. Marketing includes the operational philosophy, pricing strategy, as well as the advertising and promotional efforts. With this in mind, Sirius will: • Review BGC's current marketing plan (if there is one) and its execution, including evaluation of the appropriateness of the rates, as well as the operating philosophy and all current advertising and promotional campaigns • Provide feedback and specific recommendations as to how the marketing efforts can be made more cost-effective • Review all marketing materials, including internet (web, e -mailings, etc.) • Review marketing strategies — including both membership and daily fee play • Review target markets and identify any additional potential markets • Review adequacy of budget and how it is being appropriated • Review tracking procedures • Provide specific recommendations with regards to: o Target markets o Overall strategy o Media o Website o Email programs o Fees (for golf) o Promotions and specials o Way to improve marketing cost-effectiveness Agronomic Review (Optional) Objectives • Provide in-depth analysis of the course maintenance practices • Provide in-depth analysis of the current course conditions, identifying any potential problem areas Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 15 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Tasks • Provide feedback to the City regarding the condition of the maintenance equipment and maintenance facilities. • Examine the course conditions at each facility. Specifically, review: o Drainage o Environmental issues o Existing components (greens, tees, fairways, bunkers, golf course equipment, cart paths, water storage system and golf maintenance building) o Irrigation (water used, irrigation system and pump stations) o Needs assessment (capital and operational) o Operations o Problems (present and potential) o Quality issues o Staffing (needs and evaluation of present) o Soils • Evaluate the following course maintenance operations: o Audubon International certification o Chemical use and storage o Cultural practices (aerifying, brushing, topdressing and vertical mowing) o Environmental issues (drainage, ground water protection, IPM) o Equipment (needs, use of, maintenance and care) o Fertility o Financial (budget and efficiency of spending) o Golfer desires o Irrigation (coverage, programming and care of) o Mowing practices o Past problems o Personnel (budget, efficiency of, supervision, hiring and firing) o Record keeping o Soils o Standards of facility o Thatch o Turf pests (disease, weeds, moss, insects and nematodes) o Water used • Compare current course conditions with those courses seen as being the most direct competitors. • Examine maintenance equipment. Provide a useful life expectancy for any equipment that is owned by the City. • Review the adequacy of the maintenance facility. • Make specific recommendations for improving operating efficiency and course conditions. • Provide general evaluation of staff, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 16 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal • Make specific recommendations for any capital needs. Estimated costs will be provided. Customer Survey (Optional) One of the best measures of operating effectiveness is to ask the customers who visit each facility. After all, they are the ones being asked to pay and they are a great source of future business. A customer survey can also be an extremely valuable marketing tool since it identifies who your clients are (demographics) and who your competition really is, as well as measuring your share of the wallet. The survey is presented as being optional as it will necessarily require the utmost cooperation of the current management at each course in order to be implemented. Specific Objectives include • Obtaining customer feedback regarding various aspects of the operation, including customer service, course conditions, merchandising, food & beverage, etc. • Obtaining key demographic data about the customers to help in marketing efforts • Obtain customer feedback regarding needed areas of improvement Procedure • Employ both an internet and paper & pencil survey of current customers at the City courses, with a goal of at least 150 completed surveys per course. • Survey to include: o Demographic information o Courses most often played o Ratings on various components of playing experience, both at the subject facility and at competitive facilities. These include: ■ Course layout ■ Customer service ■ Merchandise ■ Food & Beverage ■ Course conditions o Ratings on the importance on various factors that influence where the golfer plays Provide a detailed analysis of survey results and interpretation as to what it means. • The City (or course management) will need to provide a suitable incentive for the customer to complete the survey. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 17 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Architect Review (Optional) As an optional service, we would have one of the Nation's top golf course architects, Jeff Brauer, review the course on a hole -by -hole basis and make recommendations for cost- effective improvements that would improve performance and/or reduce operating costs. The review will include such issues as: • Layout: Overall review of layout • Practice Facilities • Irrigation • Greens • Fairways and tees • Bunkers and other features Any proposed capital improvement will include a cost -benefit analysis. Jeff is a two-time winner of "Best New Public Course" by Golf Digest (for The Quarry at Giant's Ridge and for The Wilderness at Fortune's Bay, two of Minnesota's best golf courses) and has done extensive work with municipalities. He is very familiar with the Minneapolis area. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 18 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal FWSE It % 43UMNEW AND AWKEWNG N In the second phase of our work, we will provide the City with a report on our findings from the first phase. Based on these findings and City feedback, we will then provide the City with recommendations for improving performance, taking into consideration the City's Goals for BGC. Review and Analvsis Based on the Analysis previously performed, and a review of your financial records (as compared to typical well run operations) we will make specific recommendations for improving every aspect of golf operations at BGC, including those areas that are having an adverse affect on profitability or where revenue could be enhanced, including golf, merchandising, food and beverage, management and accounting operations The recommendations in this section alone will allow for profitability improvements to pay the cost of the study several times over. Sirius will provide a detailed report, with supporting tables, outlining all the findings. The Report will include: • Overall Analysis: Provides a comprehensive review of our findings. The report will be written in a manner that will guide the reader through our analysis and present the logic behind our conclusions and recommendations. Our reports will assume that the reader is educated and knowledgeable about the area and thus will not include "fluff' so often found in these reports. • Detailed Findings: We will provide a review of findings broken down by various departments. Any issues will be highlighted. • Specific Recommendations: We will provide specific recommendations for fixing any issues that we uncovered along with ways for improving the overall performance of the operation Manaaement Oations One of the biggest issues facing municipal golf courses today is "what is the best management option for the City" or alternatively stated, "should we privatize?" Sirius will provide a frank discussion of various management options available to the City, including: • Status Quo - the present management format • Personal Services Contract - contracting out to an individual • Management Contract - contracting out all or part of the operation to a management company • Leasing - leasing the facility to an individual or management company The advantages and disadvantages of each option will be discussed, followed by a recommendation of the option that would appear to best suit the City's needs. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 19 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Strategic Plan Sirius Golf Advisors will create comprehensive overall short-term and long-range plans for optimizing performance for the City based on our findings in the first phase and taking into consideration the City's Goals. This plan will include an overall vision for the City's Golf Program, including potential for targeting new markets. It will also recommend management options and capital improvements recommendations. Any significant capital improvement recommendation will include: • Cost estimates • Cost -benefit analvsis. • General recommendations for each facility • Five-year cash flow for each facility and the combined operation based on recommended actions. (i.e., how much will revenue increase if we improve the course?) • Potential resource reallocation plan, including: a. The possible selling of assets in order to fund other improvements b. Creating other funding sources. The business plan will address the following: • Adequacy of the current situation and likely consequences of maintaining the status quo. • Optimal strategic positioning of the course in light of the market. • Specific recommendations with regards to the market positioning of the facility. This would include: o Price points o Target markets o Potential programming o Maintenance levels o Customer service • A capital improvement plan that takes into consideration: o Optimal market positioning for the facility given the facility's location o Suitability and availability of adjoining land for expansion or improvements o Financial resources currently available o Potential funding sources o Ongoing maintenance costs o Infrastructure needs (irrigation, greens, clubhouse, etc.) o A cost -benefit analysis for any proposed significant capital improvements. • Detailed recommendations on operations including: o Course maintenance including staffing, equipment needs, course standards and maintenance schedule o Staffing including job descriptions, duties and training o Hours of operation Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 20 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Pricing and fees o Merchandising o Food and Beverage operations o Memberships and annual passes o Programming o Asset utilization o Golf Operations policies and procedures impacting the public such as tee times, cart policies, etc. • Marketing Plan: We will provide a basic marketing plan for the course, including recommendations for the optimal positioning of BGC within the market. The plan will include an analysis of the market and recommendations for marketing budget and its allocation. This will include fee structure, advertising, public relations membership media internet, promotions, programming, customer loyalty programs and sales strategies. • Detailed five-year cash flow analysis of various scenarios including status -quo and our recommended solution. These projections will integrate all the data collected, including previous financial performances, along with our expectations on future performance based on implementing our recommendations or maintaining the current operating structure and philosophy. • Executive Summary: In addition to our detailed report, we will provide a bullet - point executive summary that will point out the most salient findings and recommendations. The City would be provided a draft report prior to the final copy. Sirius will make any reasonable changes requested by the City to its draft report prior to the final report. Presentation Included in our proposal are two presentations of our findings to the City and/or public. One or both of these presentations may be made prior to the release of the written report, in which case the written report can be modified based on feedback received from the presentation. The presentations will include a powerpoint display and feature pictures, tables and graphs to facilitate communication of our findings and recommendations. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 21 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Sa E Iff 1AOfE EMTATM A great business plan can only be effective if actually implemented. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of municipalities get derailed. In our report we will also provide a discussion on how our plan can best be implemented. Feedback Measures Sirius will provide a number of feedback measures which the city can use to evaluate the success of the plan. On Going Consultin_g (optional) Sirius provides a number of services for follow-up support. These include: Management Company Selection: If the City desires to change its management structure to any other option, Sirius can help with the selection process including: o Identifying prospective qualified applicants o Help with writing the RFP o Evaluating Applicants including ■ Reviewing RFP responses ■ Participating in the interviews ■ Examining courses currently under their management Contract Terms and Negotiations: We can assist in both the writing of any management contract and with negotiations with any selected individuals or companies. Periodic Performance Reviews: We strongly recommend that the City engage in periodic reviews of the operations performance, especially in how it relates to the implementation of the Plan. These reviews should occur at least annually. Many municipalities have that as frequently as quarterly. The reviews would include: o Site review o Review of financial performance o Meeting with stakeholders o Review of operations o Competition update o Revising the Business and Marketing Plan as needed in light of changes to the marketplace and operations Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 22 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal ENE We would anticipate delivery of a draft report within six weeks of the final day on-site. It will be our intent to do the field visit in a single trip in order to expedite the process. If however, a second trip is necessary, the trip will likely be scheduled within three weeks of the initial visit. The optimal time for the operational review would be in late spring in order to access the playing conditions and operations when the course is active. However, at City request, we can perform the financial analysis during the winter months. This analysis will provide useful insight and will help in directing the physical analysis to be conducted later. If the City elects this option, the only added cost would be travel expenses for an additional trip to be conducted in the winter prior to the financial analysis in order to meet with City officials and course staff. VVMKING M YOUR STWT The City's cooperation will be much appreciated and essential to the successful completion of each task and in developing proper strategies for the golf operations. Among the City personnel that we will want to interview include: 1. Golf Course Staff, especially Managers, Pros, Superintendents and Mechanics. The most time demands will be on the Head Pro/Manager and the Superintendent. We would likely their time on an exclusive basis during our site visit, as well as follow up time via phone/email. However, we would also like to interview other staff. In addition, we need extensive financial records and performance history. During the site visits, we will actually want to interview almost all staff, including hourly personnel. 2. City Engineer and Utility Departments re: Water, Drainage, Grading, and all areas that require special approvals and/or permits 3. City officials: We will want to interview various City officials interested or involved with the golf operation with regards to the City's goals and priorities for the golf operation. We will rely on the City's input as to whom to interview. 4. Tourism, Business growth: We would like to get various reports regarding the amount of visitors to the area, area demographics, area growth, etc. — anything that is likely to have an impact on golf. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 23 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Below is our pricing schedule as broken down by Phase. Payment would be expected at the completion of each phase. Phase I Evaluation $6,500* Phase II & III Business Plan** $3,000* Optional Agronomic Study $3,000* Optional Architect's Review $5,000* Optional Survey $2,000 Optional Ongoing Consulting *** * Plus expenses. ** Included in Phase II and III are up to two presentations. These presentations can made to the City and/or public. They would be scheduled at the City's request and can be made before, after or coinciding with delivery to the City of our written report. ***The Optional Ongoing Consulting is to be negotiated based on desired level of services. Some of the services can be negotiated on a package basis. Other services are based on the following: Hourly Rate $160 Daily Rate $1,200 Expenses Expenses include: • Mileage at 50 cents/mile personal vehicle • $50/day per diem for food and miscellaneous while traveling or on-site • Accommodations at Hampton Inn or equivalent • Full-size car rental Terms Sirius requests an engagement fee of $3,500 due upon execution of the contract. We would further request payment of/z of the remaining balance upon delivery of the draft report, with the final payment due within 20 days of delivery of the final report. Expenses will be billed following any site visit and would be payable within 10 business days. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 24 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal 9 RUIWD MCKOMND Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC is a golf course consulting company located just outside of Dallas, with offices in Dallas, Jacksonville, Florida and Pinehurst, North Carolina. Sirius has two main divisions: a golf course consulting company and a golf course brokerage. Our website's address is www.siriusgolf.com. As a consulting company, Sirius specializes in working with municipalities in helping them with their golf operations. Our work with municipalities includes feasibility analysis, operation reviews, marketing, business planning, and ongoing consulting. As a broker, we have also performed market evaluations. We have also helped municipalities in the acquisition of existing facilities, both as a broker and a consultant. In particular though, Sirius helps municipalities make their golf operations more profitable. In doing so, we examine every aspect of the operation in looking for ways of improving performance — either by improving efficiency or generating more revenue or both! (We are particularly strong in maximizing revenue in competitive environments). Our services include: • Golf Course Consulting — all areas • Golf Course Management • Golf Course Operations Review • Feasibility Analysis • Golf Course Brokerage Services • Golf Course Evaluations • Golf Course Design • Golf Course Construction • Golf Course Marketing While Sirius has been around for fifteen years, much of its work has been done as a subcontract to firms such as the National Golf Foundation (NGF). Indeed, Sirius remains the top subcontractor to NGF for feasibility studies and operational evaluations. John S. Wait President, Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC Unlike most golf course consultants and managers, Mr. Wait did not grow up in golf, but came into the golf industry after being a successful businessman and marketing consultant. His varied background has proven an asset in golf course evaluations as he has been able to transfer what he has learned in the non -golf world and successfully applies it to golf. This is in opposition to many of today's golf managers and consultants who lack outside experience and whose "hands- on training" came when golf was in such high demand that almost all golf operations were successful, no matter how poorly they were run and without any marketing expertise. His insight and expertise have made him one of golf's most sought after analysts. Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 25 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal John graduated in three years from the University of Kansas with Honors and a double major. He received his Master's Degree from KU in 1978. In 1980, John founded Encore Copy Corps in Lawrence, Kansas. Encore was a unique company which received acclaim for its innovative services that combined copying, binding and the new (at that time) field of word processing services. John was also recognized for his creative and effective advertising program. In 1982, John joined Scriptomatic, an international manufacturer of addressing equipment. He quickly rose from District Manager to National Marketing Manager. When the company was sold and new management was hired, John moved to Durham, North Carolina, where in 1985, he formed IBS Mail Marketing. IBS provided comprehensive marketing services that included market research, creating marketing strategies, graphic design, printing, data services, mailing services and fulfillment services. IBS relocated three times in four years to handle its rapid growth and its eventual 21 employees (after starting with three). John sold IBS in 1989. John then began a career as a financial consultant, specializing in working with small businesses. He also got his real estate license in 1990. A few years later, recognizing a need in the golf industry, John began to work with area golf facilities to improve their marketing. In 1994, John joined Club Development Properties, a golf course development company, as Director of Marketing where he provided both marketing and financial analysis expertise. In 1995, John formed Sirius Golf Advisors. Sirius performed market feasibility studies for golf courses and accompanying real estate development as well as marketing and business consulting to existing operations. In addition to his work with Sirius, John has managed four courses, two daily fee and two private. He has worked as a subcontractor for several other consulting companies, including Signet Golf Associates, American ClubSery and the National Golf Foundation (NGF). As of this writing, John has conducted over 50 feasibility studies, over 20 operational evaluations, and has worked with numerous courses on improving their marketing and/or operating efficiency. In 2004, John formed Sirius Real Estate, LLC, a real estate firm that works exclusively as a golf course brokerage. In 2008, John moved to the Dallas area to open a second location for Sirius in addition to the one in Jacksonville, Florida. While John has managed four different facilities, his work as a consultant has allowed him to become intimately familiar with the operations of over a hundred facilities with exposure to many hundred more. He has worked with facilities managed by the top management companies in the industry. As a result, he has learned what strategies work and when, and which ones do not. John will take this knowledge gleaned from the best minds in golf and his own experience and apply it to Braemar. Experience: Municipal golf operations: (Operational reviews in blue) Arlington, Texas Burleson, Texas Bossier City, Louisiana Carrollton, Texas Cary, North Carolina Cleveland Metroparks, Ohio Concord, North Carolina Corpus Christi, Texas Edmond, Oklahoma Forsythe County, Georgia Fredericksburg, Texas Garland, Texas Georgia State Parks Giant's Ridge, Biwabik, Minnesota Great Falls, Montana Mansfield, Texas Mountain Home, Idaho Nassau County, New York New Braunsfels, Texas Plano, Texas Prince William County, Virginia Sarasota, Florida Slaton, Texas State of West Virginia Tampa, Florida Union, Oregon Wichita Falls, Texas Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 26 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Other golf operations experience: Alvamar Golf Club, Lawrence, Kansas American ClubServ, Dallas, Texas Anaconda Hills, Great Falls, Montana Arbor Springs Golf Course, Newnan, Georgia Arrowhead Golf Club, Cadiz, Kentucky Arrowhead Pointe at Lake Richard B. Russell, Elberton, Georgia Barrens Golf Club, Aberdeen, NC Bay Park Golf Course, East Rockaway, New York Baymeadows Golf Club, Jacksonville, Florida Bayonet at Puppy Creek, Fayetteville, North Carolina Bear Creek, Douglasville, Georgia (Atlanta) Belmont Golf Club, Ashburn, Virginia Belle Annie Golf Course, LaFourche Parrish, Louisiana Bobby Jones Golf Course, Sarasota, Florida Brazell's Creek Golf Course at Gordonia-Alatamaha State Park, Reidsville, Georgia Briarcrest Country Club, Bryan, Texas Brier Creek, Raleigh, North Carolina Buffalo Creek, Fairmont, West Virginia Buffalo Peak Golf Course, Union, Oregon Burris Ridge Golf Course, Nashville, Tennessee Camp Mashie, Jacksonville, North Carolina Cantiague Park Golf Course, Westbury, New York Canyon Creek, Bullhead City, Arizona Cary Municipal Golf Course, Cary, North Carolina Catawba Station, Hickory, North Carolina Cedar Creek Golf, Archdale, North Carolina Chase Oaks, Plano, Texas Chestatee Golf Club, Dawsonville, Georgia (Atlanta) Chester Ditto Golf Course, Arlington, Texas Cheval Golf & Country Club, Lutz, Florida (Tampa) Christopher Morley Golf Course, Westbury, New York Cleveland Metroparks, Cleveland, Ohio Club Development Associates, Research Triangle Park, NC Cobblestone Golf Course, Acworth, Georgia (Atlanta) Colovista Golf Club, Bastrop, Texas The Creek at Hard Labor State Park, Rutledge, Georgia Dearborn Hills Golf Club, Dearborn, Michigan Desert Canyon Golf Course, Mountain Home, Idaho Dominion Valley Country Club, Haymarket, Virginia Eagle Cove Golf Club, Tawakoni, Texas (Dallas) Eagle Falls Golf Course, Great Falls, Montana Eisenhower Park Golf Course, East Meadows, New York Emerald Mountain Golf Course, Montgomery, Alabama Farms Golf Club, Dyersburg, Tennessee Fifeshire Golf Links, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Firewheel Golf Course, Garland, Texas Forest Green Golf Course, Triangle, Virginia Furman University Golf Course, Greenville, South Carolina Gabe Lazano Golf Course, Corpus Christi, Texas General's Ridge Golf Course, Manassas, Virginia Giant's Ridge, Biwabik, Minnesota Grey Rock Golf Club, Austin, Texas Heritage Isles Country Club, Tampa, Florida Hidden Creek Golf Course, Burleson, Texas Hidden Hills, Campbellsville, Kentucky Highland Walk Golf Course at Victoria Bryant State Park, Franklin Springs, Georgia Indian Creek Golf Course, Carrollton, Texas Jacksonville Country Club, Jacksonville, Texas Jefferson City Country Club, Jefferson City, Missouri Kentucky Lakes, New Johnsonville, Tennessee KickingBird Golf Course, Edmond, Oklahoma Lake Arlington Golf Course, Arlington, Texas The Lakes at Laura S. Walker State Park, Waycross, Georgia Lanier Country Club, Cumming, Georgia Lady Bird Johnson Golf Course, Fredericksburg, Texas Landa Park Golf Course, New Braunsfels, Texas Legacy Golf Links, Pinehurst, North Carolina Legacy Golf Links, Smyrna, Georgia (Atlanta) Los Rios Country Club, Plano, Texas Los Valles Golf Club, Santa Clarita, California Mansfield National Golf Course, Mansfield, Texas Meadow Creek, Campbellsville, Kentucky Meadow Links at George T. Bagby State Park, Fort Gaines, Georgia Meadowbrook Golf Course, Arlington, Texas Mill Creek Golf Course, Mebane, North Carolina Mizner Country Club, Del Ray Beach, Florida Naples Golf Club, Naples, Florida National Golf Foundation, Jupiter, Florida Natural Bridge, Natural Bridge, Virginia North Woodmere Golf Course, Valley Stream, New York Northville Golf Club, Northville, Michigan Old Cross Bayou, Bossier City, Louisiana Old North State, Uwharrie, North Carolina Olde Oaks Golf Club, Bossier City, Louisiana Oso Beach Golf Course, Corpus Christi, Texas Pecan Hollow, Plano, Texas Pence Springs Grand Resort, Pence Springs, West Virginia Pine Tree Country Club, Kernersville, North Carolina Plantation Golf Club, Pinehurst, North Carolina Plantation Lakes, Houston, Texas Prince William Golf Course, Nokesville, Virginia Proposed Course, Palm City, FI Ravines Golf Club, Jacksonville, Florida River Golf & Yacht Club, Elizabeth City, North Carolina Rocky River Golf Club, Concord, North Carolina (Charlotte) Sanctuary Golf Club, Beaufort, South Carolina Shiloh Golf Club, Adamsville, TN Signet Golf Associates, LLC, Pinehurst, North Carolina South Carolina National Golf Club, Beaufort, South Carolina Spring Creek Golf Course, Charlottesville, Virginia State of West Virginia Stonebridge Golf Course, Goffstown, New Hampshire Stonegate Golf Club, Bossier City, Louisiana Summershire Resort, Summershire, West Virginia Sweetwater Golf Club, Raleigh, North Carolina Temple's Mill, Blantons, Virginia The Territory Golf & Country Club, Duncan, Oklahoma Tierra Verde, Arlington, Texas Timber Lake Golf Course, Clinton, North Carolina Timberlake Golf Community, Kinston, North Carolina Tot Hill Farm Golf Club, Asheboro, North Carolina Tour 18, Dallas, Texas TPC, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina TPC, Virginia Beach, Virginia University Club, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Verdict Ridge, Denver, North Carolina Victoria Hills Golf Club, Deland, Florida Vista Canyon, Bluff Dale, Texas Wallace Adams Golf Course at Little Ocmulgee State Park, McRae, Georgia Waterlefe Country Club, Bradenton, Florida West Virginia Golf Trail, State of West Virginia Weeks Park Golf Course, Wichita Falls, Texas Whispering Pines Golf Course, Muscatine, Iowa Wild Turkey Golf Club, Sanford, North Carolina Williamsburg National Golf Club, Williamsburg, Virginia World Golf Club, Raleigh, North Carolina Red - Management Green — Feasibility Studies Blue — Operation Reviews Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 27 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal References Indian Creek Golf Course, Carrollton, Texas • Golf Course Operation Review • Evaluation of Property for Possible Sale • Assisted in preparing RFP for new management contract • Contract negotiation and preparation • Ongoing Consulting • Started June 2004 • Initial Evaluation: $25,000. Contact: Beth Bormann Assistant City Manager City of Carrollton 1945 E. Jackson Road Carrollton, Texas 75006 972-466-3008 Beth.Bormann@cityofcarrollton.com Weeks Park Municipal Golf Course, Wichita Falls, Texas • Golf Course Operation Review • Renovation recommendations and Design • Contract negotiation and preparation • Assisted in preparing RFP for new management contract • Evaluated responses to RFP and conducted interviews • Ongoing Consulting • Started November 2005 • Initial Evaluation: $30,000 Contact: Matt Benoit Assistant City Manager City of Wichita Falls PO Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76301 (940) 761-7404 National Golf Foundation Consulting • Conducted numerous operational evaluations of municipal golf courses as a subcontractor to the National Golf Foundation. These included: Carrollton, Texas Corpus Christi, Texas Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 28 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Garland, Texas Georgia State Parks Great Falls, Montana Mountain Home, Idaho Nassau County, New York New Braunsfels, Texas Prince William County, Virginia Sarasota, Florida State of West Virginia Union, Oregon Richard Singer, President 1150 South US Highway 1, Suite 401 Jupiter, FI 33477 561-354-1642 RSinger@ngf.org American ClubSery • Conducted numerous operational evaluations of golf courses as a subcontractor to the National Golf Foundation. These included: City of Arlington, Texas Old North State Golf Club, Uwharrie, North Carolina Jefferson City Country Club, Jefferson City, Missouri Lynn Fry, President 4748 Forest Bend Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 392-7378 Clbmgtcons@aol.com Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 29 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal AJr J7rioN$ULT,.. Tel: (979) 77"133 cirant@suddenhrAm3ii.com February 18, 2010 Darlene F. Trant General Manager Briarcrest Country Club 1929 Country Club Drive Bryan, TX 77802-2905 Re: Recommendation of John Watt 1 Sirius Golf In the years between 1996 and 2009, the National Golf Foundation (NGF) has retained the services of John Wart (Sirius Golf) many times to assist with, and manage consulting projects involving golf course facilities seeking to improve and/or expand/modity operations. Assisting golf facilities with these services has been a key component of our consulting practice over the years, and Mr. Wait has been a great assistance to me, both as a direct employee and contractor, in providing high level research and consulting. Mr. Wait and his associates have demonstrated the ability to provide detailed and unbiased research into golf markets and specific golf operations, and to provide actionable recommendations that lead to improved facility performance. In my dealings with Mr. Wait he has also demonstrated the ability to complete projects and provide needed deliverables on the agreed to schedule and within the agreed to budget. The material provided is complete and easy to follow and always accepted by myself, the NGF and the NGF Client. I would recommend the services of John Wait to any golf facility seeking to improve or alter its operations. Darlene, I wish you all the best as you move forward with the proposed transition at Briarcrest Country Club. I believe that your facility will be in a better place due to the services of John Wait. Please feel free to contact me d you need any additional information or I we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Richard B. Singer Director of Consulting Services rs,rper4apgf.orp RB'•'jsc MEMBER RESOURCES • RESEARCH . CONSULTING � DATABASE SERVICES 1150 SOUTH U.S. HIC+ WAY ONE. SUITE 401, JUPITER. FL 33477 PHONE: 581-744-6008 • FAX: 541-744-M www NGF.org Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 30 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Jeffrey D. Brauer, Golf Course Architect Member and Past President (1996) of the American Society of Golf Course Architects President, GolfScapes, Inc. — Incorporated 1984 1861 Brown Blvd. Suite 217-756 Arlington, TX 760006 Phone 817-640-7275 E-mail jell@jeffreydbrauer.com Web Site: www.meffreydbrauer.com Designs Jeff has designed over 50 New Courses, 80 Renovations, and 12 Master Plans, including: - 8 Resort Courses - 30 Public Courses - 6 Country Club Courses - 6 Nine Hole/Executive Courses Writing Jeff currently writes monthly columns for the following: - Cybergolf.com – "Brauer's Book" – "101 Things You Wanted to Know about Golf Course Architecture but Were Afraid to Ask" - Golf Course Industry Magazine – Renovation Editor writing on a variety of renovation topics. Presentations - ASGCA Remodeling University, 2007,2006, 2004,2003 - Golf Course Superintendent's Association of America (GCSAA) o Design Seminars – 1996 o ASGCA Panels – 1989, 1996, 2000, 2004 - The Club Managers Association of America Annual Meeting -1994, 2002 - Golf Course Builders Association of America Meeting_ 1995, 1999, 2000, 2005 - Australian Club Owners Association (ACOA), - 1996 - Asian Golf Show – 1990, 1991, 1992 - The Texas Turf Grass Association – 1989, 1992, 1999, 2004 Education Bachelor of Landscape Architecture University of Illinois, 1977 o National ASLA Award of Merit o University of Illinois Outstanding Senior in Landscape Architecture AWARD WINNING COURSES Golf Digest Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 31 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal • Best New Upscale Public o The Wilderness at Fortune Bay ■ Tower, Minnesota ■ Upscale Public Winner 2005 o The Quarry at Giants Ridge ■ Biwabik, Minnesota ■ Upscale Public Winner 2004 ■ Best in State List ■ 16th in Top 100 Hundred Public Courses List o The Legend at Giants Ridge ■ Biwabik, Minnesota ■ 18 Hole Resort ■ 1998(8 th Place) ■ Best in State List • 88th in Top 100 Hundred Public Courses List o Wild Wing Plantation ■ Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ■ 10th Place 1994 • Best New Affordable Public o The Legacy ■ Norwalk, IA ■ 10th Place 2003 • Canterberry Golf Club ■ Parker, CO ■ 10th Place 1997 o Indian Creek (Creeks) ■ Carrollton, TX ■ 7th Place - 2004 Crittenden Inc. o The Quarry at Giants Ridge ■ Biwabik, Minnesota ■ Upscale Public Winner 2004 Best New (Over $5Million) o The Wilderness ■ Lake Jackson, TX ■ 2"d Place 2005 (Under $5Million) o Sand Creek Station ■ Newton, KS ■ Finalist 2006 (Under $5Million) Golf Ma_qazine Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 32 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal o Sand Creek Station Golf Week Zagat's ■ Newton, KS ■ Top Ten New You Can Play 2006 o The Wilderness at Fortune Bay ■ Tower, Minnesota ■ Best New of 2004-2005 o Colbert Hills ■ Manhattan, KS ■ NO. 1 Public Course in Kansas o Cowboys Golf Club ■ Grapevine, TX ■ Best New 2001 City References - Golfscapes WEEKS PARK GOLF COURSE Matt Benoit Assistant City Manager City of Wichita Falls, TX 1300 7th Street, P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76301 (940) 761-7404 THE WILDERNESS Mr. Bill Yenne Manager City of Lake Jackson, TX 25 Oak Dr. Lake Jackson, TX 77566-5289 wyenne(d-)ci. lake-iackson.tx. us (979) 297-2481 Phone INDIAN CREEK GOLF COURSE Beth Little Bormann Assistant City Manager City Carrollton, TX 1945 E Jackson Road Carrollton, TX 75006 beth. borman n(a_)ci.carrollton.tx. us (972) 466-3001 Phone HOGAN PARK GOLF COURSE David Byrd Golf Course Superintendent City of Midland, TX Box 1152 3600 N. Fairgrounds Midland, TX 79705 (432) 634-3376 Mobile Phone Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 33 Braemar Golf Courses Operation Review Proposal Peter Deiak. Aaronomist Peter is the owner of Signet Golf Associates and serves as President of Construction and Agronomy with over twenty five years experience in managing a variety of golf course development and maintenance operations in the south-east. Responsibilities have included complete construction of eight golf courses, a wide variety of renovation work and overseeing golf course maintenance operations. Peter was the Golf Course Superintendent of The Highlands Course at the Atlanta Athletic Club (1986 - 1988), site of a U.S. Open and PGA Championship event. In 1988, he joined Club Development Associates to assist in construction of the Jack Nicklaus Signature design, Pinehurst National Golf Club where he remained for two years as the Director of Golf Course and*, . Grounds Maintenance. In 1990 Peter joined Legacy Golf Management, where as Director of Construction and Course `° W Maintenance, he was responsible for complete course construction and supervision of multiple course operations. Experience as a golf course superintendent and golf course construction contractor has allowed Peter to anticipate operational needs of the golf course during the development and operational phases. He left Legacy Golf Management in February, 1995 to form Signet Golf Associates. Peter is a 1984 graduate of the Penn State School of Turfgrass Management, with "Highest Distinction". South Carolina National now called The Sanctuary, located in the Hilton Head golf market, represents an example of the collaboration of Sirius Golf Advisors, Signet Golf Associates and Jeffrey D. Brauer Sirius Golf Advisors, LLC 34 November 29, 2010 Mr. John Keprios Park and Recreation Director City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1330 MairCONSULT/NG wneru aatr rausnanr� Tel: (952) 826-0430 E-mail: JKeprios@ci.edina.mn.us NGF Consulting Proposal #210055 RE: Operations Assessment and Business Plan Assistance for Braemar Golf Courses National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. ("NGF Consulting" or "NGFC") is pleased to submit this proposal and statement of qualifications for consulting services concerning the Braemar Golf Courses, located in Edina, Minnesota. We understand that the City of Edina is seeking to better understand what the realistic prospects are to maintain a viable public golf course with improved financial performance so that dependence on the tax -supported General Fund is reduced as much as possible, and the course is supported as much as possible by self - generated revenues. The City is now seeking the assistance of an expert golf facility operations consultant to assist the City in reversing Braemar's deteriorating financial condition and eliminating (or minimizing) the annual deficit. The City wants to know what needs to be done, and what can realistically be accomplished, for the operation to achieve the maximum success possible. Components of this study will include a review of all profit centers, contracts and the market environment, along with the development of a business / marketing plan with clear strategies for implementation. The review will also include analysis of what management model will best improve the course's financial performance within a reasonable amount of time and on a sustained basis. NGF Consulting is uniquely qualified to conduct this study for the City of Edina. The NGF has more experience than any other organization (qualifications enclosed) in helping municipalities optimize their golf facility operations. Our team of professionals will bring considerable experience in providing creative thinking to improve golf facility operations, with clients consistently achieving a 10% or greater increase in net income when implementing NGF recommendations. The NGF has experience in the last three years in managing similar golf strategic planning efforts for other municipal golf systems in northern climates, including the Cities of Redmond and Lake Oswego, Oregon; Brookline and Sandwich, Massachusetts; SeaTac and Tumwater, Washington; and Dearborn, Michigan. Because NGF does not solicit business for the design, financing, construction, or operation of golf courses, we offer our clients the highest level of objectivity in all consulting assignments. This proposal includes our approach to the proposed project, a cost proposal, a profile of NGF Consulting and its staff, and references. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We look forward to working with the City of Edina on this most important project. MEMBER RESOURCES • RESEARCH • CONSULTING • DATABASE SERVICES 1150 SOUTH U.S. HIGHWAY ONE, SUITE 401, JUPITER, FL 33477 MAIN: (561) 744-6006 --FAX: (561) 744-9085 • www.NGF.org APPROACH TO THE PROJECT AND PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES Overall, the engagement is envisioned to be organized to accomplish the basic project objectives as identified by City of Edina, Minnesota: • Community Input— If City of Edina deems appropriate, the NGF team will collect input from various community representatives to gauge opinions about the operation of the golf course from key stakeholders (customer groups, advisory board, etc.). • Operations Analysis - The NGF team will review the operating structure of the golf facilities, with an emphasis on the overall efficiency of operations. This analysis will include: pricing / market positioning, revenue generation, future growth potential, programming, rules and policies, operating expenses, overhead, and a capital replacement plan. • Management Alternatives - The review will also include an evaluation all options available to the City of Edina for management and operations of the golf facility, for use as direct comparison to the existing model of operation through the Park and Recreation Department. Several options will be identified and the prospects for improved financial performance evaluated for each option. • Competitive Market Analysis -The NGF team will develop a detailed analysis of the defined golf market area to gain a thorough understanding of the supply / demand dynamic that is driving the competitive golf market in the region, including a comprehensive review of Braemar GC's competitive market. • Assistance with Business Plan Development - The NGF team will determine the golf facility's business prospective and use this information to help the City of Edina develop a business and marketing plan for continued operation of the facility. The goal of this phase of the study is to maximize the market potential and net cash flows. NGF Consulting will complete the scope of work set forth in this proposal in the following sequence: • Task One: Project Coordination and Site Visit • Task Two: Stakeholder Input and Golf Customer Survey • Task Three: Review of Golf Operations and Market Environment • Task Four: Review of Management and Maintenance Alternatives • Task Five: Assistance with Business Plan Development • Task Six: Financial Performance Analysis • Task Seven: Project Deliverables Task One: Project Coordination and Site Visit Upon receiving your authorization to proceed, NGF Consulting will arrange for the consultant(s) to travel to Edina, MN to attend meetings and coordinate the field research phase of the engagement. During this time the consultant(s) will: • Conduct meetings with key City of Edina staff to gain a broad understanding of the City's goals with respect to Braemar GC. The kick-off meeting will include an initial presentation by NGF Consulting that will outline the scope of services and project National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 2 approach. This process will be repeated as needed throughout the project in order to discuss any necessary refinements, additions, or deletions to the scope of work. • Meet with key golf facility staff to obtain information on the current golf operation. This will provide NGF Consulting with the necessary background on the City golf operation and allow golf facility staff on-site access to NGF consultants. These meetings will involve considerable "give and take," allowing the City to have great access to NGF golf operations knowledge and expertise. • At City request, conduct interviews with key stakeholders of the golf course, including any groups (Golf Advisory Committee, City Council, etc.) deemed necessary by the City. The objective of the meetings will be to capture the opinions, suggestions, and comments of these constituencies regarding the future direction of the facility. • Collect from City of Edina, Minnesota relevant data, documents, and contracts that pertain to the golf operations. This material will include financial records, budgets, activity reports, contracts, marketing plans and materials, and policies and procedures. • Visit and inspect each of the Braemar Golf Course (including Fred Richards) support amenities (including clubhouse), and other structures. • Visit competitive golf facilities in the local market area to gain an understanding of the demand / supply dynamic that is shaping the competitive golf market, and to determine the market positioning of Braemar Golf Course. Task Two: Stakeholder Input and Golf Customer Survey NGF Consulting will conduct interviews with key stakeholders of the golf course, as identified by the City of Edina, Minnesota, in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the overall dynamic of the golf operations. These interviews may be augmented by a comprehensive survey of facility users to gain further insight into customers' opinions about golf course operations. This information will provide useful insight to the consultants and assist in identifying important components to be considered in the facility business plan. Task Three: Review of Golf Operations and Market Environment NGF Consulting will examine the operational parameters of the Braemar Golf Courses, with special emphasis on recent operating results and the overall administration and marketing of the facility. NGF Consulting will perform a thorough operational review of the golf facility. The review will comprise the components described below. Golf Management and Operations NGF Consulting will review the present operating structure of the subject golf facility to identify strengths and areas that can be enhanced. Prior to the site visit, we will request from the City relevant data and documents that pertain to golf operations. This material will include financial records, budgets, activity reports, and policies and procedures. Our analysis will include a review of: • Marketing activities and budgets • Organizational structure • Management and oversight • Contractual arrangements • Green/cart fees • Golf operations policies National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 3 • Outside services • Financial statements (revenue and expense analysis) • Operating margins • Staffing levels • Staff responsibilities and duties • Customer service • Tournament/outing policy • Clubhouse operations and staffing • Profit center evaluation ■ Golf revenue ■ Food and beverage ■ Driving range ■ Merchandise ■ Other concessions, if any • Player development programs (including Junior Golf) Physical Review NGF Consulting will conduct a preliminary review of the present physical condition of all aspects of the subject golf facilities (including Fred Richards) and identify key areas that are deficient and/or in need of improvement. This review will include both the golf course playing areas and all support amenities (clubhouse, maintenance facilities, etc.). The focus of the NGF Consulting review will be to identify key physical areas that could be enhanced to either (1) improve revenue performance; or (2) reduce expenses in the operation. The result of this review will be assistance in identifying facility improvements that should be considered as part of the City's long-term strategic plan for the golf operation. Task Three: Market Analysis NGF Consulting will develop a detailed analysis to gain a thorough understanding of the supply/demand dynamic that is driving the competitive public access golf market in the greater Edina / South Minneapolis area. This will include a comparison of operating results from Braemar to similar competing golf facilities, both municipal and daily fee, in its local market area. Trends with respect to fees and activity levels will be carefully examined so that we can identify the appropriate price value proposition for the subject City golf course. Finally, NGF Consulting will review any planned new golf facilities, or potential closings, that may impact the continued operation of the subject golf facility. The second component of the market analysis will be an overview of demographic and socio- economic trends in the local market, and their potential to affect the demand for golf at various price points. Considered in context with the competitive analysis, this will allow us to form a realistic picture of the present and projected future status of the public golf market, and to identify any potential market opportunities for the subject City golf facility. Task Four: Review of Management and Maintenance Alternatives NGF Consulting will present an analysis of the various management structures that municipalities typically utilize for their golf systems. In the case of Braemar GC, we will consider National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 4 the following alternatives (with current and projected costs under the City -run option used as a baseline): • City Management of all golf course operations including the pro shop, driving range, concession, etc. • Outsource portions or complete management of golf course operations: ■ Food and beverage ■ Food and beverage, pro shop and driving range (current structure) ■ Maintenance operations ■ Complete golf course operations • Seasonal closure/reduced operating hours NGF Consulting will present an analysis of the relative cost effectiveness of continuing the current operating structure versus employing one of the other alternatives listed above. Each alternative will be discussed in detail, including the short-term and long-term advantages and disadvantages, potential risks, and financial implications associated with each option. Also, based on our vast experience with virtually all municipal golf operating structures, NGF will discuss the potential public policy implications of each option. Task Five: Assistance with Business Plan Development Based on the operational and management analysis of Braemar, interviews with stakeholders and customers, the results of our comprehensive market analysis, and City of Edina objectives for ongoing operations of the golf facility, NGF Consulting will prepare a set of recommendations that will be used to create a business and marketing plan for Braemar Golf Courses. The objective of the business plan will be to provide the City of Edina, Minnesota a strategic vision for the future operations of Braemar GC that will result in maximizing market share and net revenues across all profit centers. Components of Business Plan The recommendations and topics covered in the business plan will include, but not be limited to: • Optimal operating structure • Revenue centers that should be present and/or enhanced • Fee structures that would result in revenue optimization • Membership programs • Software / Point of Sale systems • Golf operations policies / customer service • Budgets • Staffing levels • Employee training • Marketing/advertising programs (please see `Marketing Components' section below) • Player development programs • Features/amenities (i.e. clubhouse, practice amenities, etc.) National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 5 Marketing Components Within the context of the overall business plan, NGF Consulting will provide recommendations for a detailed marketing plan to guide promotional and marketing activities that will likely be an integral component to maximizing revenues and profits. Primary areas of emphasis will include: • Determination of the facility's appropriate market positioning from a price -value perspective. • Recommended actions that management can take to differentiate the facility from its competitors. Establishment of a differential advantage over competitors should focus on quality of product, price, services and programs offered. • Strategies to communicate this advantage as the focus of City marketing efforts. • Identification of primary user groups and target markets, and recommendations on the most effective and efficient ways to reach these audiences in order to build market share. • Recommendations about the use of promotions and discounts, as well as longer- term programs aimed at rewarding customer loyalty (frequent player programs). • Specific recommendations about on-site marketing, including customer service, merchandising layout, etc. • Recommendations regarding the total marketing budget and the appropriate mix of advertising, including radio, Internet, and print. • Discussion of yield management and how golf course management can most efficiently fill tee -times that often go unused. Task Six: Financial Performance Analysis The end product of the market and subject facility analyses will be a concise report identifying the Braemar Golf Courses' market and financial potential should it be operated as envisioned by the City of Edina after NGF recommendations are implemented. NGF Consulting will make a recommendation as to the specific market positioning, pricing, management structure, and marketing that would result in the greatest chance for financial viability in the Edina, Minnesota area golf market. NGF Consulting will analyze all revenue and expense categories to estimate potential financial performance of the golf facility after implementation of NGFC recommendations. This phase of the study process will involve integrating market findings, historical financial performance at Braemar Golf Courses, and expected use levels into a ten-year cash flow proforma for the golf facilities. In consideration of market conditions and proposed quality of services, attainable fee levels will be estimated and detailed revenue and expense estimates developed for each facet of the golf operation. The financial pro forma statement will also provide an estimate for the warranted investment level for any capital improvements that may be considered for the facilities. NGF Consulting's financial proformas are prepared for feasibility purposes and therefore will be conservative and unbiased. In addition, NGF Consulting's financial proformas will be developed in a format consistent with the required due diligence standards of our numerous lender clients who have provided significant feedback over the last ten years. National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 6 Task Seven: Project Deliverables NGF Consulting anticipates frequent communication with the City of Edina senior staff during the course of this engagement. Deliverables to the client for this project include: • Consultant activities on-site at Braemar Golf Course, including meetings and presentations with City staff, golf course operations staff, and key stakeholder groups. • Delivery of a thorough oral presentation (via teleconference with online presentation via "Go -to -Meeting") of preliminary findings after completion of on-site facility visit and in -market research. • A detailed written report that will contain all findings, recommendations, and documentation, as well as a concise executive summary. A draft version of the document will be made available to the City for review and comments. Upon authorization, bound copies and an electronic version of the final report will be delivered. STUDY COST AND DELIVERY DATE SUMMARY NGF Consulting will perform the scope of services, as outlined above, for the professional fee of $16,500. This fee does not include reimbursement of direct project expenses related to travel, meals, telephone, demographic data, etc. These expenses will be billed at cost and will not exceed $3,000 without the client's permission. Acceptance of this proposal may be indicated by signing one copy and returning it to NGF Consulting's Jupiter office. A City contract or purchase order will be utilized to bind the parties. The billing procedure for NGF will comply with City of Edina regulations and assumes billing for services as completed on a monthly basis. Burt, we appreciate your confidence in the National Golf Foundation and its consulting services. If you need any clarification or additional information, please call me directly at the number below. Sincerely, Richard B. Singer Director of Consulting Services rsinger(@ngf.orq Acceptance Date National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 7 QUALIFICATIONS The NGF's work is supported by a base of approximately 4,000 members representing every facet of the industry: public and private golf facilities; golf course architects; developers and builders; companies offering specialized services to the golf industry; national, regional, state, and local golf associations; instructors; schools, and individuals. The NGF's board of directors includes senior executives from the leading companies in each major segment in the golf industry including officers from TaylorMade-adidas, Callaway Golf Company, FootJoy, TORO, Textron Financial, Eaton Golf Pride, Golf Channel, Billy Casper Golf, and Edwin Watts Golf. The NGF's database of U.S. golf facilities is the industry's gold standard and is licensed by the USGA, PGA of America, Club Managers Association of America and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America as well as private enterprise such as Weather.com and NAVTEQ. There is no greater authority than the NGF on the economics of supply and demand in the business of golf. The NGF's exclusive Golf Demand Model provides best -in -class data on every U.S. market and is utilized by many clients to improve both forecasting and customer targeting. The NGF's annual surveys are designed to ascertain golfing habits and trends of golfers, golf facilities, and golf manufacturers nationwide. From this research, the NGF publishes upwards of 60 research documents that provide dependable information on the number, nature, and habits of golfers in each state, as well as golf facility operational issues, golf travel issues, alternative golf facility operations, and an annual directory of golf facilities. Our most important research is published and distributed to NGF members and non-members and is widely quoted in local, national, and international press and are used by numerous other golf -oriented consulting and information firms. NGF publications include: The Future of Public Golf in America, 2010; Golf Participation in the U. S., 2009; Golf Facilities in the U. S., 2010 edition; Golf Industry Overview 2009; Golf Industry Report newsletter published periodically; Golfer Technology Profile, 2009; Golf Consumer Buying Profiles, 2009; Golf Travel in the U.S., 2009; The Future of Private Golf Clubs in America, 2008; National Rounds Report 2008; A Strategic Perspective on the Future of Golf, 2007; Operating & Financial Performance Profiles of 18 -hole Golf Facilities in the U.S., 2006. Since the National Golf Foundation is not involved in the design, construction, or operation of golf facilities, our staff will not hesitate to advise clients against proceeding with a golf project or to identify operational deficiencies that affect the performance of an existing facility. Since 1987, NGF Consulting has conducted more than 900 assignments throughout the United States, plus Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, covering a broad spectrum of services. This experience is the cornerstone of NGF Consulting, from which all our clients benefit. All consulting work is conducted under the direction of Richard B. Singer, Director of Consulting Services at the National Golf Foundation. Other staff members work as part of the study team in providing professional insight, gathering additional data, applying participation models, conducting financial analyses, and reviewing the written report. Resumes of key professional staff appear on the following pages. National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 8 Richard B. Singer, Director of Consulting Services Richard B. Singer has been the Director of Consulting Services for the National Golf Foundation (NGF) since 1997, and now has a total of 21 years of golf facility consulting experience. Mr. Singer first joined the NGF consulting staff in 1989 as a project analyst after completing his Finance MBA at the University of Florida. Mr. Singer has successfully managed the NGF's well- known golf consulting practice with an industry -respected track record of success, a reputation for improving golf facility operations and delivering projects on time and on budget. Experience Mr. Singer's background includes hands-on experience in the following functional areas: -Golf Operations Consulting -Financial Analysis -Golf Business Valuation -Golf Facility Acquisition Analysis -Business Plan Preparation -Golf Market Analysis -Due Diligence -Budgeting/Planning - Proposal Writing -Real Estate Master Planning -Public Presentations -Expert Witness National Golf Foundation Consulting Experience — During his tenure with NGF Consulting, Mr. Singer has been responsible for preparing over 350 research studies for specific projects including: public and private sector feasibility studies for golf facility development and expansion; public and private sector golf facility operational reviews; due diligence studies for golf facility acquisition and/or refinancing; public sector Request For Proposal preparation; private club membership turnover assistance; and public and private golf facility marketing plans. In his 19 years as a golf consultant, Mr. Singer has visited and/or profiled more than 2,500 public and private golf facility operations in the United States and internationally. Mr. Singer also has extensive experience as an expert witness in matters related to golf facility operation, and he has demonstrated considerable poise while under public attack in defense of highly controversial local projects. Golf Facility Operations Consulting — Mr. Singer's golf facility operations consulting has included golf course inspections, operational/accounting audits, management/operations contract preparation, clubhouse design/needs assessments, public sector outsource assistance, golf marketing strategies, green fee/member pricing, and business plan preparation. Mr. Singer has also provided litigation assistance to golf facilities in the form of expert testimony in estimating economic damages to golf courses from various external influences. Golf Facility Development/Acquisition Consulting — In his 21 years with NGF Consulting, Richard Singer has become one of the most experienced golf facility development and acquisition consultants available today. His extensive experience includes feasibility studies, acquisition due diligence, appraisal and brokerage support, golf master plan development, golf facility business plan preparation, and member assistance in developer golf facility transitions. Through the last two decades, Mr. Singer has completed several consulting engagements involving the conversion of "sensitive" sites into golf facilities (i.e. landfills). Alternative Golf Facility Consulting — Mr. Singer's consulting services for alternative golf facilities have included both new development and operational reviews for driving ranges, putting courses, miniature golf courses, golf learning centers, executive/par-3 courses, and various combinations with other facilities. He co-authored the NGF publication How to Plan, Build and Operate a Successful Golf Range. Regional Market and Economic Impact Analyses — During his tenure with NGF Consulting Mr. Singer has completed several statewide or regional golf market and economic impact studies. These studies typically involve preparing estimates of golf supply and demand in large geographies, as well as estimating the hard dollar impact of golf facilities on a local economy. National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 9 Key Accounts Managed (2005-2010) Representative public sector clients in 2005-2010 include: City of San Diego, CA (Operations review — 3 courses); Nassau County, NY (5 -course operations review); City of Antioch, CA (golf course with large clubhouse operations review); City of Palm Springs, CA (2 - course operations review); City of Alameda, CA (golf facility operations review and master plan preparation); State of Georgia (7 -course outsource assistance); City of Portland, OR (5 -course operations review); City of Phoenix, AZ (6 -course operations review); City of Winter Springs, FL (GC acquisition); City of Gresham, OR (GC acquisition); City of Houston, TX (8 -course operations review); City of Plano, TX (2) (GC Acquisition and GC operations review); the City of Dunedin, FL (golf facility review of operations and lease preparation); the City of San Francisco, CA (5 -course operations review). These public sector projects include extensive participation in public meetings and a full defense of all project work. Representative private sector clients in 2005-2010 include: Pulte Homes; The Trump Organization; Arnold Palmer Golf Management; Greg Norman Golf Course Design Company; Waterlefe CDD; Western Golf Properties; Heritage Isles CDD; Howard Hughes Corporation; Verdict Ridge CC; Olympia Group, Inc.; Meridian Venture Partners; General Motors Corp.; Watermark Communities Inc.; Oaktree Capital Management; Evergreen Investments; Mohegan Sun Casino, Inc.; Palmer Investments; Marriott Golf Management; Walt Disney Imagineering; Coral Creek Partners; Bonita Bay Properties; Poxabogue in the Hamptons GC; Fuzzy Zoeller Productions; US Naval Academy Golf Club; and Mahogany Run GC (St. Thomas, USVI). Representative alternative facility clients in 2000-2010 include: Greens of Las Vegas, Inc. (new facility feasibility); Golden Bear International (new facility feasibility); Palm Beach County, Florida; County of Ft. Lauderdale, FL (new facility on landfill feasibility); City of Plantation, FL (litigation support); Gambrell & Stoltz (Macon, GA — expert testimony) Development Consulting Co. (three ranges in CA & FL); Brevard Golf Driving Range (Melbourne, FL); and Collier Golf Enterprises (Orlando, FL). Representative regional market and economic impact clients in 1999-2010 include: the State of West Virginia (Statewide `Golf Trail' study); State of Oklahoma (Statewide Economic Impact Study); Bonita Bay Properties; Golf 20/20 -Durham MSA Study; C. Cabot Incorporated; Travelers Insurance Corp.; Stewart, P.A.; Public Finance Consultants Inc.; and Morgan Stanley — Dean Witter. International Experience Mr. Singer's professional resume includes golf facility consulting on projects located in the countries of Sweden, Korea, Egypt, Anguilla (BWI), US Virgin Islands, St. Marten, Brazil, Bahamas, and Chile. Speaking Engagements / Author Mr. Singer is a frequent speaker/presenter at various golf (and related) conferences including National Recreation and Parks (NRPA), Golf Inc., Urban Land Institute, Golf 20/20, and the Dominican Republic Golf Forum — 2010. Mr. Singer also regularly posts on golf operations topics at http://golfoperationsguru.wordpress.com. Background/Education Mr. Singer is a long-time resident of Palm Beach County, Florida and grew up around the North Palm Beach Country Club. He earned his Bachelor's degree in marketing and Insurance from the University of Florida in 1985, and worked as a financial consultant for Northwestern Mutual Life and Baird Securities before earning an MBA in Finance from the University of Florida in 1989. Mr. Singer is a Licensed Real Estate Broker in Florida (Lic. #BK3077126). National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055— City of Edina, Minnesota — 10 Edward Getherall, Senior Project Director — NGF Consulting Ed Getherall joined the NGF Consulting staff as Project Analyst in 2000 after several years of sub -contracting consulting services to the NGF. Mr. Getherall, who was promoted to Senior Project Director in 2001, has been instrumental in coordinating NGF Consulting's golf facility databases since 1997, with a particular focus on key golf course revenue center activity and fee research. Since joining NGF Consulting, Mr. Getherall has become a respected industry authority on issues pertaining to clubhouse operations, including the issue facing every facility at one time or another — whether to renovate or replace an aging or obsolete clubhouse. NGF Consulting Projects Experience Mr. Getherall's extensive business and marketing background has enhanced NGF Consulting's ability to provide marketing expertise to the facility segment of the golf industry. Since joining NGF Consulting, Mr. Getherall has been responsible for processing golf facility data for use in all of our market, financial, and operational consulting projects. Additionally, in the eight years since joining NGF's Consulting division, Ed has been the lead project director for more than 60 consulting assignments, covering a broad range of services, including public and private golf course feasibility studies, operational audits, golf -related real estate absorption analyses, and clubhouse renovation/replacement studies. Public Sector Clients ■ City of Houston, TX ■ City of Melbourne, FL • City of Alameda, CA ■ City of Antioch, CA • Miami -Dade County, FL ■ City of Concord, CA • City of Lake Havasu, AZ • City of San Antonio, TX ■ Kealakehe Ahupua'a 2020, HI • City of Victorville, CA • City of San Diego, CA • Municipality of Anchorage, AK ■ City of Oviedo, FL • City of Livermore, CA Private Sector Clients • Textron Financial Corporation ■ Dalhousie Golf Club ■ Front Royal C.C. • Scituate Highlands, LLC ■ Black Clover Golf, UT ■ The Mohegan Sun Tribe ■ Partyka Resource Management • Palmer Investments, Inc. • Beazer East, Inc. ■ Stauffer Management Co. ■ Belfonti Capital Partners • Putting Zone, Inc. ■ City of Palm Springs, CA ■ Bergen County, NJ • Town of Wallingford, CT ■ City of West Palm Beach, Florida ■ City of Henderson, Nevada • City of Gilbert, AZ • City of Tempe, AZ • Town of Farmington, CT ■ City of Palm Coast, FL • City of Apple Valley, MN • Borough of Dunmore, PA • City of Gresham, OR ■ City of San Francisco, CA • EI Dorado Hills, CA (CSD) • Meadowbrook Golf • Hoffman Properties, Ltd. ■ Bonita Bay Properties • Watermark Communities, Inc. • Callaway & Price ■ Poxabogue Golf Course ■ Triangle Equities • Golf Trust, Inc. • Jonathan's Landing POA ■ Mizner Trail Golf Club ■ Fuzzy Zoeller Productions. ■ Mecklenburg County, NC ■ City of Greeley, CO • City of Concord, NC ■ Village of Wellington, FL ■ Palm Beach County, FL • City of Reno, NV • City of Oakland Park, FL • City of Naples, FL ■ City of Tarpon Springs, FL • City of Kentwood, MI • City of Soldotna, AK • City of Portland, OR ■ City of New York, NY • Ft. Belvoir GC (U.S. Army), VA • Pulte Homes • Oaktree Capital Management ■ Conley -Manning, LLC • Prestwick Plantation, LLC • Loving & Campos Architects ■ Lely Development Corporation • River Bluff Resort, LLC • Dominion Realty Advisors • Pocoy Consulting ■ Keyser Marston Associates ■ University of the South National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 11 • Background / Education Prior to joining the NGF, Mr. Getherall held several positions in the business community including extensive marketing work for such organizations as South Florida Blood Banks, Inc., the Florida Lottery and the American Cancer Society. His areas of expertise cover a broad spectrum of marketing activity, including research, product management, and special event planning and consulting. Mr. Getherall earned his M.B.A. from the University of Florida in 1989, with a concentration in finance. Ed also achieved his undergraduate degree at Florida, with a B.S. in Business Administration (Marketing) in 1986. With a diversified educational and professional background in both marketing and finance, Mr. Getherall has the experience and knowledge to assist in all aspects of golf facility management, marketing, operations and development. National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 12 Ben Fowler, Golf Facility Research and Consulting Sales Manager Ben Fowler joined the NGF Consulting staff in May of 2006. Since joining NGF, Mr. Fowler has provided his expertise in the design, implementation, interpretation, and data analysis of NGF Consulting's Voice of Customer Operating Model (VOCOMTM) NGF Consulting Projects Experience Mr. Fowler's extensive experience as a PGA member, as well as his business and marketing background, allows NGF Consulting to provide valuable knowledge to its clients at the golf facility level. Mr. Fowler is equally adept at walking his clients through the implementation of the VOCOM, and analyzing and interpreting survey data after results start coming in. Ben's analysis of survey results helps golf facility operators identify strengths and deficiencies and formulate an action plan designed to improve performance. Since July 2006, when the NGF's golfer survey program was introduced to the market, Ben has overseen the program at more than 285 facilities. Mr. Fowler's recent clients include: • Arrowhead Golf Club • Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation • Bloomingdale Golf Club • Champaign County Forest Preserve District • City of Anaheim • City of Glendale • City of Sarasota Parks & Recreation/Bobby Jones GC • City of St. Paul Parks & Recreation • City of Tumwater • Coeur d'Alene Golf Resort • CourseCo. • Cypresswood Golf Club • Decatur Park District • DuPage County Forest Preserve District • Eagle Ranch • Florida State University • Fox Run Golf Links • General Services Agency, County of San Luis Obispo • Glencoe Golf Club • Golf Convergence • Hoffman Estates Park District • Honours Golf • Illinois State University • Incline Village • Indian Creek Golf Club • Indio Golf Course • Kempersports • Marriott Golf • Meadowbrook Golf • Montgomery County • OB Sports • Oklahoma Tourism and Rec • Pasatiempo Golf Club • Prairie Landing Golf Club • Premier Golf Centers LLC • Raven Golf Club At Verrado • Sycamore Ridge • The Golf Center at Kings Island • The Navy Golf Program • Rec & Park Commission/Parish of East Baton Rouge • The Ridge Golf Course • Touchstone Golf • U.S. Air Force Services • Viewpoint Golf Resort • Village Links of Glen Ellyn • WildHawk Golf Club • Windmill Lakes Golf Club Background / Education Prior to joining the NGF, Mr. Fowler held several positions as a PGA Assistant Golf Professional at prominent golf facilities, including Country Club of Rochester, Old Marsh Golf Club, and Medalist Golf Club. He also gained valuable business, marketing, and customer service experience from his position as Assistant Branch Manager at Enterprise Rent A Car. Mr. Fowler earned his PGA Membership in January 2003 and is currently a PGA class A-11 member. He achieved his undergraduate degree at New Mexico State University, with a B.S. in Business Administration (Marketing). Ben also graduated from New Mexico State's Professional Golf Management Program (PGM). Mr. Fowler has the experience and knowledge to help golf facilities improve their performance through NGF's Golfer Survey Program. National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 13 Selected Clients / References LAKE OSWEGO GOLF COURSE Lake Oswego, OR Municipal Golf Market Analvsis NGF Consulting was retained by the City of Lake Oswego to perform a comprehensive review of the Lake Oswego Golf Course and to determine the feasibility of reconfiguring the facility, or the possibility of outsourcing the golf operations or selling the golf property to a private entity. The level of rounds and revenue at the facility was down from a peak in the late 1990s, and the enterprise fund is nearing full depletion. NGF Consulting found that altering the property from an 18 -hole par -3 golf course to any other 9 -hole configuration (regulation or executive -length) would not add to revenues or reduce costs sufficient to significantly alter the basic economics of the golf course. The property would not accommodate a regulation -length 9 -hole course and full-length (300 -yard) driving range. NGF recommended that the facility remain as an 18 -hole par -3 course, because change in configuration was not cost -justified. Also, any form of privatization is not likely to improve the financial performance of the golf facility. A management agreement would likely result in similar losses, and add a management fee. At the time of our study, there was no interest by private parties in purchasing the facility. NGF suggested that a driving range facility with greater length would enhance revenues at the facility; however, lengthening the range without changing the basic integrity of the existing golf course does not seem possible; thus, a separate site would have to be considered for a new, longer driving range. Based on our review of the subject facility and its market surroundings, NGF Consulting has recommended action in three phases: (1) close the Enterprise Fund and convert the golf course back to the General Fund; (2) complete basic upgrades to the physical condition of the facility; and (3) enact a plan identified in our report at a time in the future when the City can make investment in a new range on a different site and/or add a new golf learning center and warm-up area on the site of the existing driving range. The consideration of allowing some form of public-private joint venture should also be considered as a potential funding mechanism for this option. Client: Kim L. Gilmer Directork Parks & Recreation Dept. City of Lake Oswego 4101 Kruse Way (PO Box 369) Lake Oswego, OR 97034 (503) 675-2545 129010 National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 14 TYEE VALLEY GOLF COURSE SeaTac, WA Municipal Golf Course Re -Development Feasibility Analysis In November 2008, NGF Consulting was retained by the Port of Seattle to assist in evaluating various options for the future of the Port -owned Tyee Valley Golf Course. The Port -operated Seattle -Tacoma International Airport is opening a new runway, and that construction will result in some land being taken away from the golf course, thereby reducing the facility from a regulation -length golf course. As a result, the Port wanted to explore alternative possibilities for the remaining land. The NGF team activities conducted in completion of this consultant's report included meetings with Port of Seattle officials, City of SeaTac Parks and Recreation Department personnel, two separate inspections of the Tyee Valley GC facility, and meetings with the present Tyee Valley GC lessee. Our analysis also included a collection of materials to aid in understanding the SeaTac area golf market, and visits to several of the area's competing public golf facility operations, particularly shorter (executive, par -3, 9 - hole, driving range) golf facility operations. The NGF team identified three workable options for re -development of the Tyee Valley Golf Course operation and provided details of positive and negative aspects, plus an estimate of economic performance, for each option. The options considered included (1) reduced 9 -hole golf course with new driving range; (2) 18 -hole executive or par -3 golf course with new driving range; or (3) driving range only. Client: W. Allan Royal Manager, Acquisitions/Relocation Port of Seattle PO Box 68727 Seattle, WA 98168 (206) 787-6788 ROBERT T. LYNCH GC Brookline, MA Operational Review/Business Plan 128021 In 2009 and 2010, NGF Consulting was retained by the Town of Brookline to perform a comprehensive review of the Town's municipal golf facility and to create a business plan for the facility. This included a complete review of both the physical plant and operational systems at the Town -owned golf course and clubhouse facility. NGF services to the Town included extensive interviews with key stakeholder and citizen groups. The NGF Consulting recommendations for Robert T. Lynch included a review of basic operations; golf course condition; food and beverage; physical plant (clubhouse, maintenance and golf cart storage); business / marketing plan; and fees and memberships. These will be formally presented to the Town in April 2010. The key NGF recommendation involved a considerable upgrade to the facility's drainage system, which is outdated and causing severe limitations in rounds activity and revenues. The NGF identified the F & B concession as being one of the better deals for municipalities in the Boston area and should be continued. In 2010, the NGF anticipates the Town will be implementing many of the recommendations with improvement expected for operations in 2010 and beyond. Client: Lisa Paradis, Director of Parks & Recreation Town of Brookline 133 Eliot St; Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-1433 (617) 730-2069; Email: Lisa Paradis&town.brookline.ma.us 129024 National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 15 JUNIPER GOLF COURSE Redmond, OR Operations Review NGF Consulting was retained by the City of Redmond in 2009-2010 to perform a comprehensive review of the Juniper Golf Course. The City needed an independent expert to review the City's municipal golf operation and make recommendations for its future management and operation in light of the inability of the current management team to meet debt obligations related to the golf facility's construction. NGF review included an assessment of the physical golf course and support amenities, the club's market positioning, marketing strategies, management structure, staffing, operational practices, and contractual agreements. The overall goal of the study was to identify strategies and policies than can be practically implemented to improve the overall economic performance of Juniper Golf Course so that it once again becomes self- sufficient in terms of meeting operating expenses, debt obligations, and capital requirements. Our review also revealed some deficiencies from management, marketing, and overall operational perspectives that present opportunities for improvement. Based on our analysis and findings, NGF Consulting recommended a repositioning of Juniper GC as a premier municipal "destination" golf course, while also emphasizing a stronger value proposition, especially for local Redmond/Central Oregon residents. The second key major recommendation was for the City of Redmond to restructure the operating arrangement at Juniper to either a lease or incentive -based management contract, so that the club operator would have a profit motive and institute best business practices at the facility. Client: David Brandt, City Manager City of Redmond 716 SW Evergreen Ave; Redmond, OR 97756-0100 (541) 923-7711; Email: David. Brandtaci.redmond.or 129027 SANDWICH HOLLOWS GOLF CLUB Sandwich, MA Business & Management Plan J In 2009, NGF Consulting was retained by the Town of Sandwich to perform a comprehensive review of the Town's municipal golf facility and to create a comprehensive business plan for the facility. This included a complete review of both the physical plant and operational systems at the Town -owned golf course and clubhouse facility. NGF services to the Town included extensive interviews with key stakeholder and citizen groups. The NGF Consulting recommendations for Sandwich Hollows including: basic operations; golf course condition; food and beverage; physical plant (clubhouse, maintenance and golf cart storage); business / marketing plan; and fees and memberships. These were presented to Town Selectmen in September of 2009. In 2010, the Town has reported implementing many of the recommendations with improvement in expense control and enhanced marketing expected to improve operations in the upcoming summer of 2010. Client: George H. Dunham, Town Manager Town of Sandwich 130 Main St; Sandwich, MA 02563 (508) 888-5144; gdunham(a)townofs 129001 ....___. __ National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota —16 TUMWATER VALLEY MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Tumwater, WA Operations Review/Marketing Plan J The City of Tumwater Parks and Recreation Department retained NGF Consulting in 2008 to perform a comprehensive review of the City's municipal golf facility, Tumwater Valley Municipal Golf Course, and to create a comprehensive operations manual for the facility. As part of this study effort, NGF Consulting surveyed golfers at the course. NGF Consulting outlined a series of recommendations for the operation of the Tumwater Valley GC. These recommendations included ideas for the future physical improvement of the facility, and covered such areas as the physical plant, operational and marketing, pricing, and pace of play. The improvements, which would enhance the overall quality and market competitiveness of the Tumwater Valley Municipal Golf Course, will be necessary to maintain the facility's base golf operational profit , but will likely fall short of covering all facility obligations when debt service and other items are factored in. NGF Consulting then prepared an evaluation to show the potential economic performance of the golf course if operated as -is, or if recommendations are carried out. Client: Chuck Denney, Director of Parks and Recreation City of Tumwater 555 Israel RD SW; Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 754-4160: cdennev(d)ci.tumwater.wa.us 128008 National Golf Foundation Consulting, Inc. — Proposal #210055 — City of Edina, Minnesota — 17 History of the Braemar Memorial Fund The Braemar Memorial Fund (the "Fund") was created by Edina resident and University of Minnesota football great, "Babe" LeVoir and other members of the Braemar Men's Club for the express purpose of fostering and promoting golf at Braemar. The vision and mission of the Fund was to acquire funding for improvements for the Braemar Golf Course with the donated monies used to enhance the course with amenities that might not otherwise be affordable or viewed as a current necessity to the golf course they loved. The Fund has operated in an informal manner without a formal board of directors. To date, the contributions to the Fund have been relatively small, averaging between $3,000 to $6,000 annually. The exception was in 1987 when the Fund received in excess of $35,000 from a concerted fund raising drive organized by the Braemar Men's and Women's Club. The golf course manager at the time, with the advice of the city prosecuting attorney (Walt Gustafson), suggested that the City of Edina (the "City") be the repository of the contributed funds. This would serve two important functions: (1) excellent fiduciary tracking of the receipts and expenditures of the Fund, and (2) donations to the Fund would be tax deductible for income tax reporting purposes. The current golf course manager, John Valliere. and City Financial Director, John Wallin. • created an agreement and procedure to manage all amounts in the Fund based on these ideals. This arrangement has worked well for over 23 Years. Mr. Valliere would approach the Braemar Men's Club ("BMC") with potential purchases or the BMC would approach the manager with suggestions from club membership with suggestions for the use of funds. When the final decision for the use of funds were reached, purchase orders were written and completed following City financial regulations. Financial oversight is maintained as a copy of contributions and expenditures were available for review by the City and the BMC. The approval of expenditures is also brought before the Braemar Golf Association, a board compromised of citizens at large who use the course, including representatives from the men's and women's leagues. The list of improvements is lengthy and some examples include the following: • Furniture for the clubhouse • Televisions for the clubhouse • A marquee with lighting • Yardage markers • Mowing equipment • Trophy and display cases • Audio and visual equipment • Patio furniture This informal procedure served both the course and the City well for many years. Recently, a large bequest was made to the Fund. The desire to make more formal arrangements (written) has led to some discussion as to what purpose the contributed funds could be used. The people contributing funds have strong feelings that the contributed funds should not be usurped and be restricted to the donor's intent, i.e. all donations to the Fund should be used for amenities to improve and enhance Braemar Golf Club (including the Fred Richards Golf Club). This issues can be resolved by creating a revenue fund for the Braemar Memorial Fund with restriction on the use of the funds to be solely for the amenities and improvements to the Braemar and Fred Richards Golf Courses. O, �I N 888 \�CUR laea -00 REPORURECOMMEN DATION To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL Agenda Item Item No. IV. B. From: John Keprios, Director Park and Recreation Department Z Action F� Discussion Information Date: May 10, 2010 Subject: Resolution No. 2010-40 Creating a Revenue Fund & Accepting a Donation on Behalf of the City For Braemar Memorial Fund ACTION REQUESTED: Staff recommends that Resolution No. 2010-40 Creating a Revenue Fund & Accepting a Donation on Behalf of the City for Braemar Memorial Fund be approved. INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: As stated in the attached Resolution, the Braemar Memorial Fund was created in 1976 for the purpose of enhancing Braemar Golf Course with equipment and amenities that might not otherwise be affordable or viewed as a necessity to the golf course. Since its inception, Braemar Memorial Fund dollars have been maintained by the City of Edina Finance Department and all funds have been used strictly for enhancements to Braemar Golf Course. The practice has always been that donations and expenditures have been handled consistent with the proposed Resolution No. 2010- 40; however, there has never been a Resolution action of the Council to establish a formal dedicated special revenue fund. Over the past 34 years, there have been thousands of dollars donated to the Braemar Memorial Fund and numerous enhancements made to Braemar Golf Course. A significant donation from the Estate of Ruth R. Dahl (Wallace) in the amount of $312,561.64 is being offered to the Braemar Memorial Fund, which has prompted Council action to formalize by Resolution this dedicated special revenue fund. For over 30 years, Wallace (Wally) Dahl has been an avid golf patron of Braemar Golf Course and his roove for the game and the facility inspired him to bequest in his will this significant donation to the City f Edina. Wally was a member of the Braemar Men's Club since 1966 until he passed away in 1994. Wally worked for Braemar Golf Course part-time in the Pro Shop from 1981 to 1992. His wife Ruth vas a member of the Braemar Women's Club from 1966 to 2005. Ruth continued to play golf at Braemar Golf Course through 2008. Ruth died in January of 2009. We sincerely appreciate their generous gift and recommend that the City Council approve the Resolution to accept the donation and formalize the dedicated special revenue fund named the Braemar Memorial Fund. 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-40 CREATING A REVENUE FUND AND ACCEPTING DONATION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, The Braemar Memorial Fund (the "Fund") was created in 1976 by Edina resident "Babe" LeVoir. The mission of the Fund is to enhance the Braemar Golf Course ("Braemar") with equipment and amenities that might not otherwise be affordable or viewed as necessities to the golf course; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the Fund is a valuable asset and benefit for the City and Braemar and desires to perpetuate the Funds goals so as to continue to encourage Edina residents and those persons who play golf at Braemar Golf Club to continue to make donations to the Fund; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the best way to accomplish this is to create a separate, dedicated special revenue fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a special dedicated revenue fund named the Braemar Memorial Fund is established to accept donations with the fund to be used only for improvements, equipment and amenities for the Braemar Golf Club and the Fred Richards Golf Club; and FURTHER RESOLVED, Before any disbursements are made from the Fund the Braemar Golf Club General Manager's recommendation must be considered who will interface with the Braemar Golf Association, and the Braemar Men's and Women's Clubs to obtain recommendations for the use of said funds. All purchases by the Fund will follow normal City of Edina purchasing procedures. The City will provide an annual account to the Braemar Golf Association of the income and expenditures of the Fund; and JVHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; and WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the City Council adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the donation of $312,561.64 from the Estate of Ruth R. Dahl (Wallace) for The Braemar Memorial Fund. Dated this 18th day of May 2010 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of May 18, 2010, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20. City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 18, 2010 7:06 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 2010-40 ADOPTED — REVENUE FUND CREATED AND DONATION ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF THE CITY FOR BRAEMAR MEMORIAL FUND Park and Recreation Director Keprios presented staff's recommendation to accept, with sincere appreciation, the donation from the estate of Ruth R. Dahl in the amount of $312,561.64 to the Braemar Memorial Fund. It was noted this was the largest cash donation made to the City. Finance Director Wallin answered the Council's questions about how memorial funds were accounted for in past audit reports as a liability. He advised the resolution would formally establish a special revenue fund for the specific purpose of enhancing the golf course, and contemplates input by the Braemar Golf Association, Braemar Men's Club, and Braemar Women's Club related to expenditures. The Council emphasized the need to assure transparency and accountability. Mr. Knutson advised that the ordinance language regarding expenditures to require input from the Braemar Golf entities was included at the request of the Dahls. He clarified the intent of the fund was to enhance the golf course, and the Council would make the final decision after that input. Mr. Hughes noted the golf course may receive a donation specified to pay off bonds or to balance operational deficits. Following discussion, Council consensus was reached that all donations to the Braemar Golf Course would be deposited into the Memorial Fund with the exception of a donation directed towards paying down bond repayment or operational deficits. Member Housh introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2010-40, creating a revenue fund and accepting donation on behalf of the City of Edina. Member Bennett seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Housh, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. John Valliere, Braemar Golf Course Manager, described Ruth and Wally Dahl's enjoyment for the game of golf and long involvement with the Braemar Golf Course. He stated the Dahls had no children, but they would like to schedule a special recognition of the Dahl's nephew and niece. Mayor Hovland extended the City's deepest appreciation to the family of Ruth and Wally Dahl for this generous donation. -----Original Message ----- From: John Keprios <JKeprios@ci.edina.mn.us> To: keeya.steel@yahoo.com; randyameyer@aol.com; ausdummer@gmail.com; ben.pobuda@yahoo.com; Weltwo@msn.com; dan1nan@aol.com; ellen.jones@mac.com; fel ixpron ove@com cast. net; jimJen@comcast.net; clarencebeeks@hotmail.com; Imsegreto@msn.com; rob.presthus@gmail.com; tfronek@yahoo.com Sent: Thu, Nov 18, 2010 9:06 am Subject: Request for Golf Course Items for Study Hello Park Board Members: In follow up to our October 12th meeting, I ask that everyone please submit to me your list of items that you wish to have a consultant explore at Braemar Golf Course. Please send me your list no later than November 29tH With that list, I plan to make contact with some professional consulting firms for their input and I will request that they give us some rough dollar amounts as to what we could expect to pay for such a study. Joseph, please submit to me your written list and contact information for the consultant(s) with whom you have already been in contact. Thank you! It's my goal to have a report on this agenda item for the Park Board to consider at your December 14th meeting. As a reminder, the Park Board's Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail recommendation is on the Tuesday, December 7th Council agenda as a Public Hearing. Joseph, you are welcome to give a few remarks that evening at the beginning of the meeting on behalf of the Park Board if you desire. Please let me know ahead of time if wish to do so. For the December meeting, I intend to bring forward an Ordinance and Resolution (as required by State Law) related to moving forward with the Veterans Memorial. The recommendations will also include a proposed public process. FYI, the City Council unanimously approved all of the Park Board's 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Program recommendations. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving next! John Keprios, Director 952-826-0430 1 Fax 952-826-0385 XepriosCc dedina.mn.us I www.EdinaParks.com d:;�' ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Louise Segreto [mailto:lmsegreto@msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 4:17 PM To: John Keprios Subject: RE: Request for Golf Course Items for Study Afternoon John, I admittedly was a little perplexed about the golf couse agenda item discussion at our last meeting. That being said, engaging a consultant to make some reccommendations is a good idea provided that we Limit the Scope of Study to cover changes that are realistic considering the financial constraints that the City is working under. Here are my thoughts: 1. Golf Course Operations. After listening to Joe's list, I realize how little I know about golf course operations. His list seemed too extensive. It would be better to hone Joe's list down to say 10-12 areas to explore. Must defer to you and others with more experience to determine which specific items would give us the biggest bang for our buck. 2. Market Analysis. My background is commercial real estate, so I lean towards trying to optimize revenue stream from the existing clubhouse facility, even if it means renting it out to independent third party operators. I understand that this could be very political, and could result in the loss of some city jobs, but not necessarily. A. The Club's food service needs to be improved, and I don't see that happening without major capital impovements that the City can not afford to make at this time. It would be interesting to see if an independently run golf course restaurant could pay more in rent to the City than what we are making in restaurant profits. For years the Minneapolis Parks struggled with the food service on the north side of L.Calhoun and at Minnehaha Falls, after both locations were taken over by independents, the food service is dynamite, fun, and well run. Could something like this work at Braemar? I'd like the golf consultant to research how other Golf Club's that have independently run food services perform. B. Same comment for Braemar's catering business. Is Braemar's catering business market competitive, and if it's not, what can we do to make it more profitable. C. Same comment for Northwoods Boutique seasonal rental. Do we have a long term lease with the Boutique? Is the lease a market rate lease? If not, what are our options to bring in more retail rental income. D. What about a local ski shop running a x -country ski biz out of the clubhouse during the winter? Getting the opinions of experienced local real estate brokers who specializes in restaurant brokerage and retail leasing could be very helpful. Some brokers have close relationships with clients who might jump at the opportunity that Braemar presents. Even though the City doesn't have money to make improvements to Braemar, doesn't mean that the Club can't be improved with some changes. And, if we fail to update and offer more value to our members we will fall further and further behind. Whoever takes on the Club's leadership role during this period must put on a turn -around -artist hat of sorts and go out on a limb with reccommendations that will shake status quo. My sincere appologies for not responding more timely. Between traveling and being shut down with some respiratory gunk, I've been in survival mode. From: Hulbert, Joseph [mailto:Joseph.Hulbert@morganstanleysmithbarney.com] Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 9:11 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Consultants Hi John, I'd like to see what NGF, Sirius or another consultant comes up with on a full evaluation as listed on their services. I think that is what they both recommend as well. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Joseph Hulbert Vice President, Financial Advisor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 1150 Bloomington, MN 55437 952-921-1997 direct 800-927-1990 toll free 952-921-1944 fax Investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, member SIPC From: danlnan@aol.com [mailto:danlnan@aol.com] Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 5:26 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Re: Request for Golf Course Items for Study hi john... 1. is there a way to make the bathrooms on main floor accessible to people in grill? 2. has any muni golf course been successful in creating a community meeting place for folks and families in their grill... i.e. to watch a twins game? 3. would menu additions enhance revenue? dan peterson lJ From: JIM_JEN [mailto:jim_jen@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 1:28 PM To: John Keprios Subject: Re: Request for Golf Course Items for Study John, I do not have a list of items that I wish to have a consultant explore at Braemar Golf Course. I was more than convinced by the presentation regarding the current and near -future financial limitations on making any expenditures at Braemar that now is not the time to hire a consultant, regardless of the incremental cost, to explore improvements that are not currently financially feasible. I thought the Board had some good ideas and I am confident that your employees do as well for making any low or no cost improvements, which seems to be all that the City can hope to do for the time -being. This is a very long response, but I did not want to simply fail to respond to your request because I have no list of items. Thanks! Jen Kenney From: Todd Fronek [mailto:tfronek@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 10:02 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Re: Request for Golf Course Items for Study Hi John, Sorry if I am a day late, I had the end of the month in my head for some reason. At any rate, if you can still add my comments to the list, that would be great. As I stated at our last meeting, I think our focus for consultant work at Braemar should be two- fold. The first focus would be on short-term operations and management. The second focus would be on long-term planning. As for the short-term focus, I think that a consultant would give an opportunity for Todd and his staff to look deeper into the operations of the course and how Braemar can become more profitable. I completely understand that Braemar's sole goal is to not be a profitable institution, but every effort should be made to reduce inefficiencies and operate as a sustainable business. I would support a consultant if staff felt it was a good return on investment to help Braemar's operations. To that end, these factors should be considered in the short-term: 1. Is our marketing effective? 2. Do we have the right number of employees (too many/too few) to deliver a proper golf course experience? is 3. Are food and drink operations being run efficiently and effectively? 4. Are we effective in delivering a positive experience for group tournaments/events? 5. Is there a more effective way to operate the patron card program? 6. Is the course in well enough shape from a maintenence perspective? 7. Are catering operations effectively marketed/delivered? In my mind, the City Council/Park Board should be more intitmately involved in the long-term planning/vision for Braemar rather than the operational aspects, but some decisions can be one and the same. In terms of long range planning, I think these factors should be considered: 1. Do we want a new clubhouse? If so, what does it look like? 2. Do we expand the driving range? 3. Do we redesign the Clunie 9? 4. Do we want Braemar to be a better option for weddings/events? 5. Do we need separate buildings for both the Executive Course and the Main Course? 6. What is the long range vision for the Fred Richards Course? I think that Braemar would benefit from both a short-term consultant that could identify how to make Braemar profitable in the short-term (thus providing a return on investment) and a long- term planning consultant that could help coordinate a long range vision with the Park Board/City Council, similar to what has been done with Countryside/Pamela. Thanks for your work on this project. If you need anything else, please let me know. Best Regards, Todd From: Ellen Jones [mailto:ellen.jones(�Omac.com] Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 10:20 AM To: John Keprios Subject: Re: Request for Golf Course Items for Study John, I have been thinking about your request for a list of items that we wish to have a consultant explore at Braemar Golf Course. Here are my thoughts: I would not limit the scope to Braemar Golf Course but would include all of our golf enterprises, Braemar driving range and buildings, the Golf Dome, and Fred Richards property. Braemar is only one part of the Golf Enterprise Facility and I think we need a comprehensive plan that includes all facilities included in this enterprise fund. I see the need for a comprehensive plan that will guide us in short and long term planning for all of these areas. Meaning, I'd want a 1, 3, 5 and 10 year plan. The goal will be to make the golf enterprise fund self supporting in the short term, profitable in the long term, and make our courses and facilities exemplify the quality and distinction of our community. I would like to see research on best practices for comparable golf courses that would include all aspects of our operating expenses and revenues. In addition, I'd like a consultant to answer the following questions: Should we replace, repair, renovate the golf dome? If so, when and how to finance? Is there a way to make this facility more profitable? Is there a better location for the golf dome? How and when can we update or replace the Braemar club house? Are there other uses/markets for this type of facility that should be considered in the design? How can we finance the updates or replacement? How should we market our golf enterprises? In terms of our target market, advertising and publicity. What should we budget for marketing? Are there ways that we can leverage the investments and location of these facilities in order to have the funds to improve and make more profitable the entire enterprise? What can we do to make Fred Richard's Golf Course more profitable and updated? Is this course dragging down the finances of the golf enterprise? Does the community want or need this course? Should we use the land for something else for example a driving range or golf dome? Sell the land? Are the proposed budget numbers for 2011- 2012 realistic? If not, what can we do in the short term to boost our profit? How have fundraising campaigns for new golf or recreational facilities worked for other municipalities? This is a pretty long list and I am sure if I continued to think about it, I'd come up with more questions. It is an important matter, since the financial stability of the city is impacted by the financial health of this enterprise entity. Thanks for working on it. Ellen From: bob teese [mailto:bobteese@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:10 PM To: Rick Windham Cc: Todd Anderson Subject: EDINA CONSIDERS $15K GOLF COURSE STUDY Rick - Per our conversation today let me identify some of the problems I see associated with the authorization of a study re the current Braemar facility for anywhere near the amount of $15,000 as mentioned in the EdinaPatch article summarizing the 12/14/10 meeting. 1) Braemar is a golf facility... first and foremost. Why not spend every dollar available to first improve the golf facility. 2) There is no way Braemar can compete with the other 15 or more restaurants/lounges in our 5 mile area. 3) Restaurants are going under today because of a lack of business in food and drinks. Why even consider entering this arena. 4) There are many golf improvements that need to be made on the current course before the Park Board goes in another direction (like liquor lounges). 5) The idea for improving the outdated clubhouse does not come from the members of Braemar (men or women) nor does it come from the staff. While some golfers might enjoy a renovated clubhouse, there are more important areas that need work and attention. 6) Is there not a concern for the increase in late night traffic within a mile radius of Braemar? What about the risk of drivers who may leave Braemar with a higher alcoholic blood count than legal. Will Edina residents in this area appreciate that?' 7) We are currently fortunate to enjoy a highly talented management team at Braemar. Lets let them do the things they think need to be done before we unleash a study to go in a direction we don't need right now. 8) The article mentions a return of investment. Protect our current investment. That's a golf course in good condition. A driving range with grass and a proper hitting area. Fairways that provide a level hitting stance. Tee boxes that welcome the golfer to the next hole. Cart paths on all the holes and cart paths that are not currently deteriorating. There are more. If the Park Board needs help with a comprehensive study, let them go to the people who play and enjoy the course everyday. The BMC. The Greens Committee. The Ladies League. The Patrons. This group of golfers loves the facility and would be happy to provide some imput ... at no cost. Bob Teese BMC Board Member, Member Greens Committee, Long Time Member Braemar The Park Board should not even consider any funds from the BMC Memorial Fund. This Fund is for improvements to and on the golf course and its related goals. Any tapping of these sacred funds would be in conflict with the BMC mission and would result in a conflict with our interests. 0 Braemar Consulting Study The Braemar Men's Club (BMC) has learned that the Edina Park Board is considering hiring a consultant to help reinvigorate the Braemar Golf Course. From the article from the Edina Patch, a primary focus of the study would be to see what changes could be made to the Club House to make it a community gathering place instead of a golf clubhouse. The BMC feels that in these tough times, money should be focused on improving the golf course rather than making changes to a clubhouse that adequately meets the needs of the golfers and others who make use of the clubhouse. We recently met with Braemar management to call their attention to a number of things that other golf courses offer which we thought were lacking at Braemar. These issues were improvements that we felt Braemar could make to the golf course to improve the golfing experience with no mention of the clubhouse. Management has worked very hard and quickly to address these issues within the budget that they have and we are very happy with the quick action shown by Braemar. We feel the way to get people to come to Braemar is to offer the best golfing experience in the area, as people have many options to go to other courses. We want Braemar to have: ■ A driving range with grass tee areas with safety for all patrons. ■ Fairways that provide a level hitting stance. ■ Level tee boxes that welcome the golfer. ■ Well maintained fairways and roughs that compete with other public courses. ■ Cart paths that are not deteriorating as some have recently become. The article in the EdinaPatch mentioned other improvements such as an improved Driving Range and improvements to the Golf Dome. It is our understanding that as part of Braemar's Strategic Plan, there are plans for both of these projects as soon as capital funding of these projects can be approved. Why then would a consulting person be needed to look at these projects? We see several disadvantages to making the clubhouse a gathering place. ■ Cost of the improvements needed to the clubhouse not going to the golf course, which we see as the primary need. ■ Competition with restaurants and bars in the area is not Braemar's mission. ■ Increased traffic and late night traffic in the residential area surrounding Braemar. ■ It is our understanding that at one time the clubhouse tried have wait staff during the summer months and that it was unsuccessful. In these troubled economic times, why would we think that would be successful now? Braemar Men are encouraged to contribute to the Memorial fund because we know that the funds will primarily be used to enhance the golfing experience. We want these funds to continue to be used for that purpose. The Braemar Men's club is a group of 300+ members who try to have fun as we golf and try to promote more golfing by the public at Braemar in any way that we can. We have good relationship with Braemar management and think that the current strategic plan is the best course for the City to pursue. Braemar Golf Association Meeting with John Keprios Date: Monday, December 6, 2010 RE: John Keprios requested a meeting with the Braemar Golf Association Board concerning A comprehensive study of the Braemar Golf Course by a third party at the cost of $15K -$20K. The Braemar Golf Association Board is a representation of all the leagues and golfers that play at the Braemar and Fred Richard's Courses. Present: John Keprios — Edina Park & Recreation Director Todd Anderson — Braemar Golf Course Manager Jerry Nystrom - Breamar Golf Association Board President Pacy Erck - BGA Board Secretary Bill chantry, Ray O'Connell, Mike Meagher - BGA Board members The Braemar Golf Association Board's Reponse: 1) Braemar is a golf facility... first and foremost! Money should be spent to improve the golf course shortcomings before the clubhouse. This will increase revenue in the shortest period of time. 2) Braemar should not compete with the other privately owned restaurants in the area. 3) Braemar has a new highly qualified management team. Time must be given to allow the new management to implement their new ideas. With input from various leagues, Todd Anderson has already made changes to resolve some of these course issues with little to no cost. Examples: a) Wider fairways b) Added tee areas to allow more choices for players to play a length comparable to their ability. c) Shortening the rough to be more golfer friendly. d) Wider approaches to the green. e) Added broken tee containers for only $1.00 each to keep tee areas neat and clean. 4) Two areas of the course that the BGA Board is looking at for increasing future revenue is a) Upgrading the current Driving Range. b) Improvements to the Golf Dome. Both the above are proven revenue producers. Braemar Golf Association Board's recommendation: The City allows the new management to manage the course. Todd Anderson has already made changes to the course that players are seeing and liking. Let's allow him continue on this path and review this proposal after much longer period of time has passed. We will then have a history to compare the results of past vs. present. Respectfully submitted, Braemar Golf Association Board ORDINANCE NO. 2010 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EDINA CITY CODE ESTABLISHING A MEMORIAL FOR VETERANS THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 12 of the Edina City Code is amended by adding Section 1355 to provide as follows: Section 1355 — Memorial for Veterans 1355.01 Construction of Memorial. The City shall erect, equip and maintain a memorial in recognition of the services performed by veterans of the United States armed forces. The memorial shall be constructed at Utley Park at 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue in Edina. 1355.02 Supervision of Memorial. The City's Park and Recreation Department shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the memorial following its completion. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: 149931v01 RNK:02/02/2010 ATTEST: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of 20_, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of City Clerk 149931v01 2 RNK:02/02/2010 120 • RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NOT TO EXCEED COST FOR A VETERANS MEMORIAL WHEREAS, the City Council has Adopted Ordinance No. 2010 - establishing a memorial for veterans at Utley Park located at 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue in Edina; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina that the estimated cost to design and build the memorial is an amount not to exceed $400,000. ADOPTED by the Edina City Council this day of 2010. Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk 155034v01 RNK:11/24/2010 James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN (SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2010, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2010. Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk 15503401 2 RNK:11 /24/2010 • EXHIBIT "A" That part of Lot 1, Block 2, COLONIAL CHURCH OF EDINA FIRST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying easterly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most easterly northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence North 89 degrees 33 minutes 42 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 332.96 feet; thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 173.74 feet; thence along a curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 155.56 feet, a central angle of 9 degrees 18 minutes 38 seconds, tangent to last described line, a distance of 25.28 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 53 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 250.34 feet; thence South 44 degrees 07 minutes 58 seconds East, a distance of 40.31 feet; thence South 53 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 160.35 feet; thence North 67 degrees 37 minutes 12 seconds West, a distance of 11.62 feet; thence South 04 degrees 00 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 211.57 feet, more or less, to the south line of said Lot 1, and there terminating. 15503401 3 RNK: 11/24/2010 1 MrNNESOTA STATUTES 2009 CHAPTER 416 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 416.01 MEMORIALS FOR VETERANS. 416.02 TAX LEVY 416.03 INACTIVE. 416.04 INACTIVE. 416.05 WAR AND HISTORICAL MUSEUM. 416.06 CONSTRUCTION. 416.07 SECOND CLASS CITIES; PUBLIC BUILDINGS 416.16 WITH PARKWAY. 416.08 INACTIVE. 416.01 MEMORIALS FOR VETERANS. 416.04 416.09 INACTIVE. 416.10 INACTIVE, 416.11 INACTIVE. 416.12 INACTIVE. 416.13 INACTIVE. 416.14 INACTIVE. 416.15 INACTIVE. 416.16 CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The governing body of any city of this state, however organized, may adopt an ordinance providing for the erection, equipment, and maintenance of a building or monument or parks in recognition of the services performed by soldiers, sailors, marines, and war veterans of the United States. The ordinance may also provide for the supervision and control of the building or monument or parks after its erection. The estimated cost, as determined by the governing body, of the monument or parks or building must be stated in the minutes of the meeting in which the ordinance is adopted and no sum shall be expended for the monument, park, or building in an amount more than ten percent in excess of the amount so stated in the minutes. The governing body of the city may acquire a site within the city upon which the monument or parks or building may be erected. History: (1933-10) 1923 c 325 s 1; 1973 c 123 art S s 7, 2008 c 236 s 1 416.02 TAX LEVY. For the purpose of meeting the cost of such building or monument or parks, any such city may levy, within the limits permitted by law, amounts sufficient to cover the cost of such building or monument, or parks, but any such sums so levied shall be separately levied, and when collected, shall be paid into a special separate fund and used only for the purpose of paying for the cost of such building or monument or parks. History: (1933-10 1/2) 1923 c 325 s 2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7 416.03 [Repealed, 1976 c 44 s 70] 416.04 [Repealed, 1976 c 44 s 70] Copyright 0 2009 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. EDINA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Designated Fund Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is between the Edina Community Foundation (the Foundation), a Minnesota nonprofit corporation located at 5280 Grandview Square, Edina, MN 55436 that is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation, 4801 West 50`h Street, Edina, MN 55424 (the City. 1. The Foundation shall establish a Designated Fund (the Fund), to be named the Edina Veterans Memorial Fund, to hold contributions to the Foundation that are made from time to time for support of the Committee's memorial program. 2. The Fund shall be used, subject to Foundation Board approval of requests from the Edina Veterans Memorial Committee (the Committee) or its authorized representative, only to make grants, consistent with the mission of the Foundation to Strengthen Our Community, to the City of Edina for the creation or construction of a suitable memorial in an Edina park to honor all Edina veterans and especially Edina residents who died while in service of their country. Those who died will be recognized by a permanent plaque as part of the memorial. The City shall be responsible for securing the necessary approval of the Edina City Council in advance of the grant. Contributions from significant donors and the assistance from the Edina Community Foundation shall be appropriately recognized by a permanent display in the Memorial in such matter as determined by the Edina Veterans Memorial Committee. The Fund shall be subject to the requirements imposed upon funds of the Foundation under the terms and provisions of the Foundation's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, as amended. If any restriction, condition, limitation or trust is imposed with respect to any funds or property, the title to which has become vested in the Foundation, and if, in the sole judgment of the Foundation's Board of Directors, such restriction, condition, limitation or trust becomes unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the Foundation's charitable and educational mission, the Board shall have the power to modify or eliminate any restriction, condition, limitation or trust, acting within the limits of its authority as an organization exempt from income taxes under Federal and State law. 4. Any earnings on the Fund shall accrue to the benefit of the Foundation's general unrestricted funds in accordance with the established policy of the Foundation. This Agreement is effective when signed by both parties, as of , 2010. CITY OF EDINA Scott Neal, City Manager EDINA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Dick Crockett, Executive Director CITY OF EDINA LE Jim Hovland, Mayor Janet Canton rom: John Keprios Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:06 AM To: (keeya.steel@yahoo.com); (randyameyer@aol.com); Austin Dummer (ausdummer@gmail.com); ben.pobuda@yahoo.com; Bill Lough (Weltwo@msn.com); Daniel Peterson (danlnan@aol.com); Ellen Jones (ellenjones@mac.com); Felix Pronove (felixpronove@comcast.net); Jennifer Kenney oim,jen@comcast.net); Joseph Hulbert (clarencebeeks@hotmail.com); Louise M. Segreto (Imsegreto@msn.com); Rob Presthus (rob.presthus@gmail.com); Todd Fronek (tfronek@yahoo.com) Subject: Request for Golf Course Items for Study Hello Park Board Members: In follow up to our October 12th meeting, I ask that everyone please submit to me your list of items that you wish to have a consultant explore at Braemar Golf Course. Please send me your list no later than November 29th. With that list, I plan to make contact with some professional consulting firms for their input and I will request that they give us some rough dollar amounts as to what we could expect to pay for such a study. Joseph, please submit to me your written list and contact information for the consultant(s) with whom you have already been in contact. Thank you! L's my goal to have a report on this agenda item for the Park Board to consider at your December 14th meeting. As a reminder, the Park Board's Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail recommendation is on the Tuesday, December 7th Council agenda as a Public Hearing. Joseph, you are welcome to give a few remarks that evening at the beginning of the meeting on behalf of the Park Board if you desire. Please let me know ahead of time if wish to do so. For the December meeting, I intend to bring forward an Ordinance and Resolution (as required by State Law) related to moving forward with the Veterans Memorial. The recommendations will also include a proposed public process. FYI, the City Council unanimously approved all of the Park Board's 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Program recommendations. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving next! John Keprios, Director E} p 952-826-0430 1 Fax 952-826-0385 Xeprios(fti.edina.mn.us I www.EdinaParks.com ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business C] ORDINANCE NO. 2010 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE CONCERNING THE OPERATION OF ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES AND SNOWMOBILES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 1435.03 Subd. 2 of the Edina City Code is hereby amended as follows: Subd. 2. Public Property. On streets, highways, alleys, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, school grounds or any other property owned by the public or subject to an easement held by the public, provided, however, (i) properly licensed motorcycles may be operated on streets and highways subject to the provisions of M.S. Chapter 169 and Section 1400 of this Code, (ii) golf carts may be operated on golf courses, iii snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles may be operated in parks and on other property owned by the City, excluding streets and sidewalks, for maintenance and other public purposes not for recreational use with the permission of the City Manager or Park Director, and (iv) snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles may be operated on school grounds and on other property owned by a school district except for recreational purposes with the permission of the school district. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading: Second Reading: Published: Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk 1s5269vo1 RNK:12/10/2010 James B. Hovland, Mayor Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on: Send two affidavits of publication. Bill to Edina City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of , 2010, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of 2010. City Clerk 15526901 2 RNK: 12/10/2010