HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-10 Park Board Packetow e w) Cn • r�C�RPORQ'� Ia88 AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Edina Park Board Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Edina City Hall Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street PARK BOARD MEETING PROCEDURES During "Public Hearings, " the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal Scommunication is not allowed. PARK BOARD AGENDA I. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: * Tuesday, December 9, 2008, Park Board Minutes. II. NEW BUSINESS: A. Welcome New Park Board Members. B. Park Board Member Orientation Presentation. C. *Election of Officers. D. *Revisions to Relationship Document. E. *4th of July Fireworks Vendor Selection Committee. F. Park Board/City Council Work Session. III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Park Board Member Park Assignments. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals, must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public 1 s hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. V. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. B. Pamela Park Task Force. C. Pamela Park Playground Equipment. VI. PARK BOARD COMMENTS VII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. *These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. 2 Memo To: Edina Park Board From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: February 20, 2009 Re: TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2009, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, December 9, 2008, Park Board Minutes. 2. Tuesday, March 10, 2009, Park Board Agenda. 3. Relationship Document. 4. 2009 Park Board Member List. 5. Park Board Member Park Assignments. The following is the monthly Staff Report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes, Public Comment and Park Board Comment. PARK BOARD MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS • EDINA CITY HALL 4801 WEST 50TH STREET The Tuesday, March 10, 2009, Park Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Edina City Hall. If you are unable to attend, please call either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 952-826-0435 or me at 952-826-0430. II. NEW BUSINESS: A. Welcome New Park Board Members The City Council has appointed three new Park Board members. We welcome: • Jennifer Kenney • Bill Lough • Keeya Steel They replace outgoing Park Board members Mike Damman, George Klus and Howard Merriam. On a side note, our outgoing Park Board members and our new incoming members will all be recognized at the upcoming Annual Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees Meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:00 p.m. at the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse at Braemar Golf Course. If you have not already done so, • please RSVP to Susan Heiberg at 952-826-0403 or shheiberg(cuci.edina.mn.us by March 6cn B. Park Board Member Orientation Presentation This is the annual multi -slide power point presentation tailored for new members; however, Chairman Todd Fronek agreed that this might be a good refresher for the veteran Park Board members to watch again. I believe that the orientation does a good job of giving a big picture overview arm -chair photo tour of the Edina Park and Recreation Department, its parks, facilities, programs, areas of responsibilities, budget, Park Board issues, Park Board Code of Ethics, procedures, meeting etiquette and City Code. No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. C. *Election of Officers In March or April of each year, the Park Board self -elects a Chairman and Vice Chairman. I will request nominations from the Park Board for Chairman. If there is more than one nomination, Janet Canton will pass around paper ballots for Park Board members to vote for their choice of Chairperson. The same process will then be used to elect a Vice Chairman. In the case of a tie, nominations for that position will reopen and the process will start over until a Chairman and Vice Chairman are chosen. • The main duties of the Chairman are: • 1. To work with staff in establishing an agenda prior to each meeting. 2. Chair the process of each Park Board meeting. (In other words, the Chairman provides leadership that keeps Park Board meetings orderly, democratic and encourages input from all Park Board members and guests). 3. Serve as spokesperson for the Park Board at City Council meetings and other public functions. 4. Assign Park Board related duties to Park Board members. For the first time in history, the Park Board Chairman sat in on interviews with two Council members to interview applicants who were interested in serving on the Park Board. This may become an annual duty of future Chairmen. The Vice Chairman is to carry out the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Park Board Chairman. Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. D. *Revisions to Relationship Document In 2006, the Park Board and City Council approved the recommendations of the Edina Youth Sports Task Force which included the "Relationship Document" which defines the City of Edina's recommendations and mandates of Edina youth athletic associations 2 who desire priority access to the City's athletic facilities. One of those mandates includes mandatory background checks and is currently worded as follows: The Park and Recreation Department mandates background checks on all individuals 18 & older who serve as a coach, referee, or on the Board of Directors in any association. It is our intent to protect our children, families and the associations. It is strongly recommended that Edina youth athletic associations work jointly to contract with one private organization to conduct the background checks and manage the data. The Park and Recreation Department mandates that each Edina youth athletic association use the following standard for disqualifying coach and Board of Director applicants: • Burglary • Weapons violations • Child abuse/neglect • Contributing to the delinquency of a minor • Domestic violence • Drug sale or possession • Two or more DWIs in the past 10 years • Trespassing • Any felony • Forgery • Theft • Incest • Lewd/lascivious behavior • Property damage • Prostitution • Obstructing legal process • Sex offenses • Any violent crime Under the current policy, an applicant that has committed any of the crimes listed may never volunteer again in Edina. The National Recreation and Park Association recommendations a time limit on certain lesser crimes, such as, misdemeanors (7 years) and alcohol related crimes (5 years). At the Wednesday, December 10, 2009 athletic association Presidents meeting, there was a consensus to adopt the National Recreation and Park Association recommendations for criteria for exclusion when doing the mandatory background checks. NRPA recommends the following: Recommended Criteria for Exclusion A person should be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes: Guilty means that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilty, regardless of whether there was an adjudication ofguilt (conviction) or a withholding ofguilt. This recommendation does not apply if criminal charges resulted in acquittal, Nolle Prosse, or dismissal. SEX OFFENSES ➢ All Sex Offenses —Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc. FELONIES ➢ All Felony Violence — Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated Burglary, etc. ➢ All Felony offenses other than violence or sex within the past 10 years. Examples include: drug gffenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc. MISDEMEANORS ➢ All misdemeanor violence offenses within the past 7 years Examples include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc. ➢ All misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past S years or multiple offenses in the past 10 years. Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc. ➢ Any other misdemeanor within the past 5 years that would be considered a potential danger to children or is directly related to the functions of that volunteer. Example include: contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to a minor, theft — if person is handling monies, etc. PENDING CASES It is recommended that anyone who has been charged for any of the disqualifying offenses or for cases pending in court should not be permitted to volunteer until the official adjudication of the case. Staff recommends that the Park Board approve the National Recreation and Park Association recommendations as shown above. • Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. 11 E. *4th of July Fireworks Vendor Selection Committee Each year we form a 4t of July Fireworks Vendor Selection Committee to choose the fireworks vendor based on the following criteria: • The most creative, unique and most of all entertaining display for the audience. • The number and size of fireworks shells. • Number and quality of unique effect shells. • Safety. • References & proven track record historically. • Reliability. • Insurance. The committee is made up of staff, two or three Park Board members and the Edina Fire Marshall and a representative from either the Edina Community Foundation and/or Fairview Southdale Hospital. This year I am requesting two or three Park Board members to serve on this one meeting committee to help select a fireworks vendor who they feel will best serve the community. There have been only two vendors competing for the business in the past and each has been given 20 minutes to present their bid. Staff recommends that the Park Board appoint two or three members to serve on the 4th of July Fireworks Selection Committee. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. F. Park Board/City Council Work Session The Edina City Council would like to host a Work Session with all Park Board members on Tuesday, April 7, 2009, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room upstairs City Hall. I need to know who is available and who is not available to attend that evening. I also would like for the Park Board to provide input into topics for discussion for that Work Session. No formal action is requested on this agenda item. III. OLD BUSINESS: A. Park Board Member Park Assignments. Enclosed is a copy of the updated Park Board member park assignments. If any Park Board members wish to trade one or more park assignments with a fellow Park Board member, I ask that you please inform either me or Janet Canton of those changes. Thank you. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public 5 hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing. Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. V. UPDATES FROM STAFF Staff will be giving a brief verbal presentation on the following updates: A. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. B. Pamela Park Task Force. C. Pamela Park Playground Equipment. VI. PARK BOARD COMMENTS This is the opportunity for Park Board members to provide comments on park and recreation related matters not on the regular agenda. 3 Minutes of the Edina Park Board December 9, 2008 Edina City Hall, Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Joseph Hulbert, Howard Merriam, Jeff Sorem, Ray O'Connell, Todd Fronek, Mike Damman, George Klus, Rob Presthus MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Pobuda, Randy Meyer, Dan Peterson STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Janet Canton, Ed MacHolda, Larry Thayer, Ann Kattreh, John Valliere, Todd Anderson, Susie Miller, Tom Shirley, Donna Tilsner I. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 12, 2008 PARK BOARD MINUTES Ray O'Connell MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 12, 2008 PARK BOARD MINUTES. George Klus SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. NEW BUSINESS A. Van Valkenburg Park Off -Leash Area for Small Dogs — Mr. Keprios gave a power point presentation to give a synopsis of what he is proposing, which is outlined in his staff report. He stated that it is his recommendation that they not pursue a small dog off -leash area at Creek Valley at this time. He indicated that he is proposing that they develop a small dog off -leash area at Van Valkenburg Park right next to the existing off -leash dog park. He noted that they would need to add a double gated system similar to what is already in place as well as have similar signage posted. Mr. Keprios pointed out to the Park Board that both a notice and a map were posted at the off -leash dog park, e-mails were sent through the "City Extra" and a few people who have been active in this effort also received e-mails. Mr. Keprios explained that the Park Board has a few options. First, they can either approve or reject staff's proposal. Secondly, a notice could be sent to all of the off -leash area permit holders (683 permits) and on top of that notify all households within 500 to 1,000 feet of the park so they can be informed before a decision is made. Lastly, a decision could be delayed to January or February being that this project could not be started until the frost is out of the ground. Mr. O'Connell stated that he thinks this is a really good plan and it will provide an excellent test. Therefore, he would suggest that they go ahead as soon as possible. Goergean Swartz, 6105 Lincoln Drive - Unit 136, informed the Park Board that she has a 6 %2 pound Yorkie and added that she is probably the smallest dog that goes to the park. She commented that most of her neighbors who have small dogs are kind of afraid to take their dogs to the park because there are some very big dogs there and even if they just want to play the small dogs could easily get hurt. Ms. Swartz stated that she thinks this would be fantastic and urged the Park Board to approve this plan. Pam Albinson, 6115 Lincoln Dr. - Apt. 251, indicated that all of the people she has encountered who have dogs are wonderful with them. She noted that she has a six pound miniature poodle and commented that they have had to leave three times. She explained that the reason they had to leave was basically because the big dogs were having a great time and her dog wanted to get right in there and play too. However, her dog ended up getting trampled on. Therefore, she thinks it's a great idea because then the smaller dogs can run and play with dogs their own size. She stressed that this would be a wonderful opportunity for them. Claudia Eggan, 305 Harrison, indicated that she owns two golden retrievers and that she doesn't disagree that there should be an area for the small dogs. She noted that what she is worried about is the space they are looking at for the small dog area. She pointed out that specific area is really the only good flat useable space in the park and noted that she would advocate extending the small dog area to the other end of the fence as much as they can and add it to the other end of the fence because the small dogs absolutely do need their own space. Ms. Eggan asked Mr. Keprios if it would be possible to get picnic tables placed at the park because it really is a social area when people bring their dogs and it would be greatly appreciated. Laurie Deutsch, 5809 Drew Avenue, informed the Park Board that she adopted the off -leash dog park (Happy Tails). She noted that she has advocated that there be more benches, more bag areas and more garbage cans put out because of the increase in the amount of people at the dog park. She stated that she agrees there needs to be a small dog area because she has seen small dogs come in and get trampled because they want to be a big dog but they are in a little body. Ms. Deutsch pointed out if they want to encroach on 10 to 20 feet of flat area that would be fine but don't take any more because that is the only flat area. She stated that she has asked Mr. Keprios in the past for some type of a gazebo (covering.) for when it's raining or snowing as well as they would like to have water. She asked if the small dog park could be put further down on the other side of the large fence. Mr. Hulbert asked if the busiest times at the dog park are after work as well as Saturday and Sunday mornings and if so how many dogs are typically there and what percentage of them weigh less than 20 pounds. Ms. Deutsch replied that Saturdays and Sundays are busy and she would say that approximately 20% of them are smaller dogs. She added that typically there could be as many as 30 dogs in total. Mr. Hulbert asked Ms. Deutsch how many small dogs she would anticipate would use the small dog area at its busiest point. Ms. Deutsch replied probably around five but pointed out that those numbers would probably change because a lot of the small dog owners have stopped going to the park because of safety, etc. Mr. Fronek asked Ms. Deutsch if what she is saying is that the proposed off -leash area for small dogs is too big. Ms. Deutsch replied that she feels it should be extended on the other side of the fence because then you will not be taking any of the large dog park area. The small dog park will still be the same size it just won't be encroaching on anything because there is just grass on the other side. Mr. Fronek 2 asked Mr. Keprios to comment on the area being discussed. Mr. Keprios explained that it is not a large area it's about the size of a hockey rink. He pointed out that the reason they picked this site for now is because it would probably have the least amount of residential conflicts with the neighbors close by. Mr. Keprios noted that as long as an off -leash area already exists at Van Valkenburg to which there has virtually been no resistance from the neighbors it made sense to use the existing property. Mr. Keprios commented that as far as size he thinks it's appropriate and that the challenge is going to be location because he doesn't think they want to make it much smaller than a hockey rink in size and that's where a compromise needs to be made. He stated that he thinks a smaller chunk of the existing larger dog park can be compromised than what's currently proposed. He noted that they can definitely look into extending the fence further down where there currently are a couple of parking stalls and just see how that plays out. He indicated that he thinks there's a compromise they can come up with that will satisfy both parties. Mr. Klus indicated that he would encourage the users of the off leash dog park to work with staff in trying to get some of the items mentioned into the budget for the future. He commented that if there is a large enough group of people maybe they could ask for donations and therefore they would be able to get the items a lot quicker. Mr. Keprios pointed out that there already is a fund set up with the Edina Community Foundation and now all that needs to be done is to get the word out. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that currently they are having a problem with the plastic bags and it is something that they need to get under control because it is killing their budget and they are going to end up losing a good share of that service. Ms. Deutsch replied that she agrees the plastic bags have been a huge problem and noted that she and a few other people propose that the city no longer supply bags and post a warning that plastic bags will no longer be available after a certain date and that everyone will need to supply their own bags and see how that works. Ms. Deutsch commented that it has been getting very slippery at the park and that she has brought her own salt to the park. She suggested that with the new tags coming soon maybe it could state there is a foundation if people would like to donate to it in order to get some amenities at the park. Ms. Martineau, 315 Monroe Avenue, stated that she has been going to the park two times a day since it opened and agrees there is a definite need for a small dog park. However, she doesn't want it at the expense of losing the prime flat area at the expense of the larger dogs. Ms. Martineau stated that she would like to see more patrolling of the park because there are a group of regulars who are not paying. She noted that the city could be receiving a lot of money from these people and noted that she would like to see the park enforced a little bit better. Mr. Fronek indicated that there are two issues. First, do we want to notify the neighbors and/or the current dog holders of this plan and the second is to discuss the actual small dog off -leash area itself. Mr. Sorem stated that he would be in favor of not notifying the residents especially with the existing park and very little resistance to it. He noted that he thinks clearly there is a need for a small dog park and this would be a great location. Mr. Sorem stated that if they could extend it down into the park by the parking spots he would be in favor of it because he is concerned about taking too much of the area that was originally discussed. Mr. Damman commented that he agrees with Mr. Sorem, we don't need to notify the residents about it. He stated that he is all for the small dog park and if it could be moved down a little bit that would be great but if not he would still like to see it go through. Mr. Klus stated that he is in favor of having the small dog off -leash dog park because there needs to be one somewhere. He noted that as Mr. Keprios has shown in his presentation he is willing to adjust the fence so that it works for everyone. Mr. Klus commented that one good suggestion he heard was when the new registration comes up in January he thinks it would be great if part of that registration would include a way for people to give a donation to the dog park if they want to. Mr. Merriam indicated that he would encourage the Park Board to accept staff's recommendation. He commented that he would suggest that staff work with the • stakeholders and find a resolution that works. He noted that he does not think they need to notify the neighbors and that they can move ahead with this tonight. Mr. Presthus indicated that he agrees with pretty much everything that has been said. He noted that he does play softball at Van Valkenburg Park and to his knowledge no one uses the two parking spots that have been mentioned. Therefore he does not think it would be an issue to extend the small dog park. Mr. Hulbert stated that he doesn't think further notice is needed. He commented that if nothing else just compromise and split the difference on the flat spot. Mr. Hulbert asked if some grading could be done to create more flat spots to which Mr. Keprios replied no, that could not be done. George Klus MOVED THAT PARK BOARD ACCEPT STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION BUT WOULD LIKE TO HAVE NEXT YEAR'S REGISTRANTS RECEIVE A FLYER WITH THEIR REGISTRATION INFORMATION THAT PROMOTES DONATIONS TO IMPROVE THE OFF - LEASH DOG PARK BY DONATING TO THE EDINA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. Mr. Keprios stated he would be happy to have a hand out go with the registration. He explained that he was holding off on doing that until items were prioritized so that people are aware of where the monies will be going first, second, third, etc. Mr. Klus indicated that he thinks with January coming up that would be the key time to do this since that is when most people will be renewing their license. Therefore, there is 11 probably less than a month to get that ready. Mr. Klus stated he would leave off the donation part of the recommendation if staff will agree to look into it. Mr. Fronek asked Mr. Klus if he would like to amend his motion and give staff the ability to change the dimensions versus exactly what is being proposed. Staff would have the leeway to put the dimensions where they feel it best fits for both parks. Mr. Fronek read the motion as he understands it "TO APPROVE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO PLACE THE SMALL DOG PARK IN VAN VALKENBURG AS PROPOSED WITH THE CAVEAT THAT THE STAFF CAN WORK WITH THE DIMENSIONS TO FIND AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION". Howard Merriam SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Countryside Park Master Plan — Greg Ingraham, Consultant from Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. gave a presentation on the final master plan to the Park Board and explained the process that they went through. Mr. Merriam stated that the plan is a great composite of everything that's been talked about. • Mr. Fronek commented that he was surprised that the trail system loop was taken out to which Mr. Ingraham replied he was surprised too because generally what they hear from people is that they like the loops of just about any size. He stated that he thinks the people just want to maintain the natural feeling. Mr. Keprios pointed out that one of the things he heard from the majority of the residents is that they do not want a circular path at this time to be part of the master plan being that Bredesen Park is so close to Countryside Park. Mr. Keprios explained that the good news is if the neighborhood changes and they decide they do want a path around the smaller park they can still add that someday down the road. He noted that not a whole lot has changed from its current character. Mr. Keprios stated that the biggest challenge to them is going to be money. He also noted that it's tough to plan for dollars when you don't know what your plan is. Mr. Keprios explained that besides the money, the biggest challenge will be if a hockey rink is put back into the system because they are still operating one maintenance person short of what they had in 2003. He noted that they literally cannot add another rink to the system unless they eliminate another rink or add another staff person. Mr. O'Connell commented that he thinks there may be a security problem and asked about lighting especially in the parking lot, warming house, etc. Mr. Ingraham replied they have not gotten that far into the plans. Mr. O'Connell suggested that when they do the lighting they not only program it to be on at certain times but to also • have it act as a motion detector. Mr. Fronek asked if a fence could be put around the outfield to which Mr. Ingraham replied that would be a decision on how you wanted to use it. He noted that if you put in a fence it will limit you a little on programming but yet it will give you a higher level of play experience. Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board that this is only a concept plan and that they are not yet to the level of details such as lighting, irrigation, etc. He stated that he does not anticipate any significant changes. Joseph Hulbert MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLAN AS OUTLINED. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Edina Unplugged — Donna Tilsner, Recreation Supervisor, informed the Park Board that this will be the fourth year of having "Edina Unplugged". She noted that it will be held on March 9, 2009. She asked the Park Board to help spread the word and suggest to people to not schedule meetings, athletic activities, etc. so that people can spend that time together as a family. She stated that word of mouth is very important. Ms. Tilsner indicated that they have met very little resistance over the years and that overall they've had some very positive experiences of families really enjoying their time together. III. OLD BUSINESS • A. 2009 Park Board Calendar - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that they may need to move the September 8th meeting but he will not know until August. It is contingent upon whether or not there will be a primary election that day. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that one significant change he would like to make is, instead of holding the Braemar Inspection Tour on July 14th, to just have the Park Board play a round of golf and then take a tour of some of the parks that are of high interest at that time. He noted they could decide as a group what it is they would like to do. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the reason he is suggesting this is because he has noticed in the last decade or so it really has not been serving the purpose it was originally intended for when it was started back in the mid 1960s. Mr. Keprios explained the intention was for the City Council to get together and become better acquainted with their Board and Commission members in an informal setting. He noted that has not seemed to have taken place the last several years. Mr. O'Connell commented that he would be happy to take people on tours of the whole Braemar Park area. Mr. Fronek informed the Park Board that he and Mr. Keprios discussed the Braemar Inspection Tour and noted that he has gone the last few years but that the attendance has been low. He stated that he believes Mr. Keprios expressed the interest to put this in the Park Board's hand to try to accomplish different objectives. He commented that one would be to see the parks and the other would be to interact with members of the boards and commissions as well as the City Council. no George Klus MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2009 PARK BOARD CALENDAR AS LAID OUT. Jeff Sorem SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. UPDATES FROM STAFF A. Athletic Association Presidents Meeting - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that this meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, December 10th at 6:30 pm in the Community Room. He noted that if there is a Park Board member or two who would like to attend they are certainly welcome although it's not mandatory. B. Comprehensive Plan - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that just as an FYI the City Council has now formally adopted the Comprehensive Plan and there are not a lot of changes to the Park section. He indicated that the City Council basically ran out of time to forward the request to change reclassification at Todd Park back to the Park Board for their review. Therefore, they handled that request and they did accept the neighborhood's recommendation and Todd Park has now been reclassified as a Neighborhood Park. C. Pamela Park Proposal — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the reason he took this item off of the agenda is because he wasn't quite yet prepared to notify and request the Pamela Park neighbors to come in and respond to a plan. He explained that he thinks as staff they need to do a better job of fine tuning this plan. He commented that it's going to start tomorrow night with the athletic association presidents. He noted that it's also his intent to form a small task force that would include neighbors of Pamela Park and Presidents of youth athletic associations that have an interest in the park's development. He noted that that he would like to get more input from the neighborhood up front in the process. Mr. Keprios stated that when he feels they are more prepared and ready he will put it back on the agenda. D. Howard Merriam — Mr. Fronek informed the Park Board that tonight is Mr. Merriam's last Park Board meeting because he is moving to Minneapolis. Mr. Fronek and the Park Board thanked Mr. Merriam for his service. Mr. Merriam stated that Edina has a great park system. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. 7 YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS' RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EDINA PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF (RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENT) The mission of the Edina Park and Recreation Department is to do our part in further developing, preserving, and maintaining the City of Edina's parks, recreation programs, and resources as a premier and comprehensive park and recreation department in the Twin Cities area. This relationship document between the Edina Park and Recreation Department, Park Board, and with each association establishes a common set of guidelines that are to be adopted by all athletic associations. The intent of these guidelines is to ensure that associations are mindful of the public's desire for positive and healthy athletic experiences for children and families in our community. The "Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy," established by the Edina Park Board in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, is to be adopted by all associations. This document formally defines the City's core values and philosophy in the delivery of the community's youth sports programs. 1. Edina Park and Recreation Department will provide facilities and fields for boys and girls at each age group within the association. 2. It is the City of Edina's view that the public is best served when there is only one independently incorporated youth athletic association per sport. The City of Edina also understands and supports that in some cases the public and volunteers are best served by having the traveling component of a particular sport administered by its own independent youth athletic association. 3. The Edina Park and Recreation Department in cooperation with the Park Board will help each association plan, and provide safe and well maintained public athletic facilities to meet the youth sports programs, and give professional staff liaison services regarding the operation of their association, and offer appropriate clerical and administrative support services. 4. The Edina Park and Recreation Department shall act as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to assist associations in providing a well rounded and equitable program for all participants. The Edina Park Board expects that all associations follow these minimal guidelines in the operation of their association: All boys and girls have a fun, positive, safe, age-appropriate, educational experience that is open to all residents of all abilities, and receive equal opportunity to participate at whatever ability level they may play. 2. Boys and girls build good sportsmanship and character; learn to be a team member; learn to accept discipline; incorporate psychological and physical health. 3. Boys and girls, at each level of play, will receive basic fundamental and skill training in the sport in which they participate. 4. Associations manage team schedules and provide equitable playing time for each level of competition within the age group. 5. Associations shall have a common code of conduct for players, coaches and parents. 6. Qualified citizen volunteers should serve in positions as Board of Directors. Board of Directors must have knowledge of the program/sport. Associations are encouraged to have open member elections to elect Board of Directors. 7. Edina Park and Recreation Department personnel shall attend at least semi-annually association board meetings. Department personnel shall be available and provide resource help to associations in training of coaches, operations, and other functions with which the association needs assistance. 8. The Park and Recreation Department mandates background checks on all individuals 18 & older who serve as a coach, referee, or on the • Board of Directors in any association. It is our intent to protect our children, families and the associations. It is strongly recommended that Edina youth athletic associations work jointly to contract with one private organization to conduct the background checks and manage the data. The Park and Recreation Department mandates that each Edina youth athletic association use the following standard for disqualifying coach and Board of Director applicants: • Burglary • Weapons violations • Child abuse/neglect • Contributing to the delinquency of a minor • Domestic violence • Drug sale or possession • Two or more DWIs in the past 10 years • Trespassing • Any felony • Forgery • Theft • Incest • Lewd/lascivious behavior • Property damage • Prostitution • Obstructing legal process • Sex offenses • Any violent crime 9. To ensure that the public has an open, fair and just process to handle grievances that are not resolved at the association board or staff level, the City of Edina will facilitate a grievance process. (See below) This grievance process is not intended to deal with team assignment, coach assignment or tryout process grievances. 10. The City of Edina requires that each and every athletic association have a minimum $1,000,000 general liability insurance coverage policy that lists the City of Edina as an additional insured. In addition, each and every athletic association must also carry workers compensation insurance for any paid employees of their association. Up to date proof of insurance must be provided to the Edina Park and Recreation Department for each and every association that uses Edina's public athletic facilities. This insurance shall provide for the • general liability protection of volunteers, associations, and the City of Edina. 1 l.The Edina Park Board and Park and Recreation Department shall provide and review annually guidelines to be followed by all associations and users of facilities and gymnasiums in our community as to the priority use of the Edina School District's gymnasiums and facilities, and the Edina community practice and game facilities. This is to assure a fair allocation of gymnasiums and facilities use for all participants, at all levels. It is imperative that all associations, coaches, board members, volunteers and parents understand and appreciate the positive experience that is desired for all participants in Edina youth sports. Therefore, it is the expectation of the Edina Park and Recreation Department and Park Board that youth athletic associations do their best to encourage all new parents, volunteers, coaches, board members, etc., who participate in associations to read and understand the relationship agreement and Youth Sports Core Values and Community Strategy. The Relationship Document and Core Values and Community Strategy Document must be provided to all new parents as part of their registration materials. GRIEVANCE PROCESS The City of Edina demands that each youth athletic association must have in place a well-documented and publicized grievance process by which residents are assured of an appropriate venue and process to hear their grievances in a manner that is open, fair, and just. If the youth athletic association board grievance process does not resolve the issue, then the matter will be referred to Park and Recreation Department staff. If staff is unable to resolve the issue, the matter should then be referred to the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be made up of three association presidents who are not president of the association in question, plus two Park Board members. Those five individuals will hear the complaint and make recommendations to solve the grievance matter. If the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations do not satisfy the parties involved then the grievance will be referred to the Park Board for a final decision. The Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will be formed only on an as needed basis to deal with issues on a case by case basis. The following escalation shall be followed: Step #1: Follow the written grievance procedure as established and publicized for each youth athletic association. Step #2: If, in the complainant's view, the issue was not resolved in Step #1, then the complainant should contact Park and Recreation Department staff, who will do the following: • Evaluate the complaint. • Determine and judge whether or not the issue can or should be resolved through diplomacy. If so, staff will facilitate a problem - solving process at the staff level with the appropriate community members and volunteers involved. Step #3: If the issue is unresolved at the staff level, then staff will assemble the Ad - Hoc Grievance Committee to hear the complaint. With staff assistance and input from the parties involved, the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee will hear the complaint and make recommendations. It will be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to determine whether or not the association has acted in a manner that is contrary to the City's philosophy and core values; and if so, make recommendations to correct the situation. It will not be the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's duty to micro -manage program decisions of Edina's youth athletic associations. Step #4: If the parties involved are still not satisfied with the Ad -Hoc Grievance Committee's recommendations, the final step is to refer the matter to the Park Board for a final decision. Both parties must abide by the Park Board's decision or they could face sanctions. Recommended Criteria for Exclusion A person should be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes: Guilty means that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilty, regardless of whether there was an adjudication of guilt (conviction) or a withholding of guilt. This recommendation does not apply if criminal charges resulted in acquittal, Nolle Prosse, or dismissal. SEX OFFENSES ➢ All Sex Offenses — Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc. FELONIES ➢ All Felony Violence — Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robberv, aggravated Burglary, etc. ➢ All Felony offenses other than violence or sex within the past 10 years. Examples include: drug offenses, thefi, entbezdement, fraud, child endangerment, etc. MISDEMEANORS ➢ All misdemeanor violence offenses within the past 7 years Examples include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc. ➢ All misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past 5 years or multiple offenses in the past 10 years. Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession (?f drug paraphernalia, etc. ➢ Any other misdemeanor within the past 5 years that would be considered a potential danger to children or is directly related to the functions of that volunteer. Example include: contributing to the delinquency cf a minor, providing alcohol to a minor, the — i f person is handling monies, etc. PENDING CASES It is recommended that anyone who has been charged for any of the disqualifying offenses or for cases pending in court should not be permitted to volunteer until the official adjudication of the case. PARK BOARD PARK ASSIGNMENTS (revised 3-10-09) NAME PARK 1 Jennifer Kenney Birchcrest Park 2 Jennifer Kenney Countryside Park 3 Jennifer Kenney Garden Park 4 Jennifer Kenney 5 Daniel Peterson 6 Daniel Peterson 7 Daniel Peterson 8 Daniel Peterson 9 Benjamin Poduda Tingdale Park Arden Park Chowen Park Cornelia School Park York Park Tupa Park 10 Benjamin Poduda Utley Park 11 Benjamin Poduda Wooddale Park 12 Benjamin Poduda 13 Todd Fronek 14 Todd Fronek 15 Todd Fronek 16 Ray O'Connell 17 Ray O'Connell 18 Ray O'Connell 19—Jeff Johnson - 20 Jeff Johnson 21 Jeff Johnson 22 Bill Lough 23 Bill Lough 24 Bill Lough 25 Rob Presthus 26 Rob Presthus 27 Rob Presthus 28 Rob Presthus Williams Park Arneson Acres Park Centennial Lakes Park Edinborough Park Fox Meadow Park Van Valkenburg Park Walnut Ridge Park Heights Park Lewis Park Alden Park Highlands Park Todd Park Kojetin Park McGuire Park Sherwood Park Weber Park PARK ADDRESS 6016 Hansen Rd. 6240 Tracy Ave.So. 5520 Hansen Rd. 59th and Tingdale Ave. 5230 Minnehaha Blvd. 5700 Chowen Ave.So. 7142 Cornelia Dr. 5448 York Ave.So. 4918 Eden Ave. 50th and Wooddale Ave. Wooddale Ave. and 50th St. 50th St. and Browndale Ave. 4711 West 701h St. 7479 France Ave.So. 7700 York Ave.So. Blake Rd. and Fox Meadow Lane 4935 Lincoln Dr.So. �"� 5801 Londonderry Rd. Vernon Ave. and U1mge/Blvd. 5500 West 66th St. Cahill Rd. and Dewey Hill Rd. 6750 Be [more Lane 5200 Doncaster Way 4429 Vandervork Ave.So. 4201 West 44th St. 69th St. and McGuire Rd. Sherwood and Edenmoor St. 4115 Grimes Ave.So. A NAME PARK PARK ADDRESS 29 Joseph Hulbert Rosland Park 4300 West 66th St. 30 Joseph Hulbert Strachauer Park 6200 Beard Ave. 31 Joseph Hulbert Yorktown Park 73rd St. and York Ave. 32 Keeya Steel Braemar Park Southwest corner of Edina 33 Keeya Steel Creek Valley Gleason Rd. and 64th St. 34 Keeya Steel Normandale Park 6501 Warren Ave.So. 35 Keeya Steel Browndale Park 4510 Browndale Ave. 36 Jeff Sorem Pamela Park 5900 Park Place 37 Jeff Sorem St. John's Park West 601h St. and St.John's Ave. 38 Jeff Sorem Lake Edina Park 4400 Parklawn Ave. 39 Jeff Sorem Melody Lake Park 5601 Melody Lake Dr. 600Z -VO -£0 L•�S pu�sip „ped s�an�a eaiyy RQ pai•tlaid dory v �I ro m C O = € y, Y " Q) 2 � � e a" _ Q) � Z f �i v > 's L 0 E c i O a G L w • .sE50T