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Regular Meeting of the Edina Park Board
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 7:00 P.M.
Edina City Hall Council Chambers
4801 West 50th Street
During "Public Hearings, " the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members
make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as
your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow
the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines:
• Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify
presentation times, as deemed necessary.
• Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to
the matter under consideration.
• In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of
signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal
® communication is not allowed.
*Tuesday, August 12, 2008, Park Board Minutes.
A. *Creek Valley Park Off -Leash Dog Area.
During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who
would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their
presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public
hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing.
Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the
Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting.
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you
need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large print documents or
something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
*These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action.
To: Edina Park Board
From: John Keprios, Directr
Edina Park and Recreati n Department
Date: September 4, 2008
Enclosed you should find the following items:
1. Tuesday, August 12, 2008, Park Board Minutes.
2. Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Park Board Agenda.
3. Letter to Resident Neighbors of Creek Valley Park.
4. August 28, 2008, Press Release.
5. September 4, 2008, City News Article in Edina Sun Current.
6. Email from Canny Wright.
7. Email from John Wanninger.
The following is the monthly Staff Report concerning each item on the agenda with the
exception of Approval of the Minutes, Public Comment and Park Board Comment.
The Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Park Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers at Edina City Hall. This month's Park Board meeting is being held on a
Wednesday because the Primary Election takes place on Tuesday, September 9th. If you are
unable to attend, please call either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 952-826-0435 or me at
A. Creek Valley Park Off -Leash Dop- Area
At the August 12, 2008 Park Board meeting, the Park Board approved staff's
recommendation to mail notices to residents within 1,000 feet of Creek Valley Park to
inform them of this proposal and request their input. On August 21, 2008, we mailed
the enclosed letter to 106 households, which include all households within 1,000 feet of
the park. I also informed the Principal of Creek Valley Elementary School by postal
mail and email and voice mail. The enclosed Press Release was sent to the media. We
also sent the Press Release to all advisory boards and commissions, elected officials
and all block captains throughout Edina.
As requested by the Park Board, I consulted with the City Manager regarding the
process that was discussed at the August Park Board meeting. The City Manager
directed me to send letters as the Park Board requested to residents within 1,000 feet of
the park and not consider it a formal Public Hearing but more of a letter of notification
and a request for community input. The City Manager advises the Park Board to
conduct public input meetings or Public Hearings if they so choose and not make it
contingent upon what the City Council may or may not do with the issue in the future.
The City Council will decide on a process for each Park Board recommendation on a
case by case basis.
At the time of this Staff Report, I have received only two emails (copies enclosed) and
no hard -copy postal mail in response to proposed off -leash dog area.
At the August meeting, the Park Board discussed the option of considering a permanent
fenced in off -leash dog area at Creek Valley Park if the hockey rink trial period proves
to be successful but would like to know rough cost estimates. The 1,100 linear feet of
four -foot high chain link fencing at Van Valkenburg Park cost $10,000. That was for
regular galvanized steel chain link fencing that comes to approximately $9.00 per linear
foot. If we were to install black vinyl fencing, the cost would be approximately 30%
I asked Timothy Hunter, our Animal Control Officer, his opinion about the proposed
off -leash dog area idea. Tim sent me the following email:
A couple thoughts -
First, this will open a can of worms regarding use of the other rinks for the
same purpose (I am in favor of it and have suggested it in the past, as I'm
sure you recall).
Second, we will have to deal with the larger dog owners. 20# may be a bit
low for a cut off, but no matter where the cut off is set, we'll have to deal
with the people who's dog(s) are over that limit. I think in a rink sized
area, the cut off could easily be in the 50# range. Potential problems with
the use of the rink areas will all depend on how heavily used they are - i.e.
the more dogs (of any size) in the rink, the higher possibility of problems.
Do we want to consider a limit of X dogs in rink at any one time?
This is an idea that I would like to see expanded beyond one location, but
a pilot site is a good start. Open and Close dates may need to be a
consideration too, although some of that will be self evident with the icing
of the rinks for winter and so forth.
I suspect there will be people in opposition of this proposal present at the September
10, 2008, Park Board meeting. I did receive one phone call in strong opposition to the
• proposal and told me that she intends to organize opposition to attend the Park Board
meeting. Each attendee will be given three minutes to speak to the Park Board.
I recommend that this agenda item be handled much in the same manner as a formal
Public Hearing is conducted. In other words, I will first give a brief presentation about
the project and entertain questions from the Park Board. After my presentation, the
Park Board should open the meeting to public input. This is a time for Park Board
members to listen and not debate. After all residents who wish to speak have been
heard, I recommend that the Park Board should vote on closing the public input part of
the meeting (similar to the process used to "close a Public Hearing"). After public
input is complete, the Park Board should discuss and deliberate a plan of action. You
should feel free to ask further questions of staff at that point. Please don't consider this
as a time pressing issue that must be resolved immediately if you feel there is a need
for either more notification or a need for further information.
Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item.
As taken directly from the Agenda:
During "Public Comments, " the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who
would like to speak about something not on the agenda. Individuals must limit their
presentations to three minutes or less and cannot speak to an issue for which a public
hearing was previously held and closed or a matter scheduled for a future hearing.
Individuals should not expect the Park Board to respond to their comments. Instead, the
Park Board might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting.
Staff will give the Park Board verbal updates on status of current events (projects,
programs, etc.).
This is the opportunity for Park Board members to provide comments on park and
recreation related matters not on the regular agenda.
Minutes of the
Edina Park Board
August 12, 2008
Edina City Hall, Council Chambers
MEMBERS PRESENT: Joseph Hulbert, Rob Presthus_, Randy Meyer, Howard Merriam, George
Klus, Dan Peterson, Jeff Sorem, Ray O'Connell, Todd Fronek
MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Damman, Carolyn Nelson
STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Janet Canton, Ed MacHolda, John Valliere
A. Braemar Golf Course Special Needs Program - John Valliere, Manager of Braemar
Golf Course, introduced Paige Safranski and Susan Hagel from the Sister Kenny
Rehabilitation Institute. Mr. Valliere, Ms. Safranski and Ms. Hagel gave the Park
Board an overview of the golf program held at Braemar Golf Course for golfers with
Mr. Klus asked Mr. Valliere if the rounds are down much this summer to which he
replied yes, they are. Mr. Valliere explained that April and May were tough months
across the whole state. He noted that currently they are approximately 2,000 rounds
down on the regulation course and approximately 1,500 rounds down on the two
executive courses.
B. Public Hearing and Notification Policy — Mr. Keprios reminded the Park Board that
they had asked staff to develop and recommend a public hearing and notification
policy for their consideration. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that a
questionnaire was sent to 600 professional Park and Recreation people throughout
Minnesota regarding public hearings and notification policies. He explained that from
the responses received they really could not identify any agency that has a formal
Public Hearing or notification policy when it comes to Park and Recreation matters.
Mr. Keprios pointed out that the protocol that is followed varies from one department
to the next.
Mr. Keprios indicated that it struck him that there are so many variables when it
comes to Park and Recreation type improvements, issues and developments that it
would be too difficult to foresee all of the things that could stand in the way. He
noted that it would be tough to come up with an all inclusive policy. Mr. Keprios
stated that the action he would ask for is to leave it to the discretion of the staff with
the caveat that staff will bring everything to the Park Board for their response to
decide on a case by case basis.
Mr. Meyer asked if there are any written policies so that the public has access to
understand what processes are used to make decisions. Mr. Keprios replied there is no
• written policy.
Mr. O'Connell stated that he likes staff's recommendation. Mr. Sorem commented
that he also agrees with staff's recommendation to not have a formal policy. Mr.
Peterson noted that the only thing he would suggest is to put up some posters at a
couple of spots along the park a week before the hearing so that everyone will see the
notice and remember.
Mr. Klus commented that he would agree with the recommendation and doesn't feel
that there needs to be a formal policy in terns of public hearings.
Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the City Council has discussed this in the
past with regards to public hearings and the way they want to handle it for Park and
Recreation matters is on a case by case basis. He noted that the City Council will
ultimately decide on a case by case basis whether they will conduct a public hearing
on a Park Board issue regardless if the Park Board has already conducted one or not.
Mr. Merriam stated that it sounds like the work is already being done if the City
Council has already made that decision. He noted that he accepts staff's
recommendation in terms of public hearings.
Mr. Meyer indicated that he thinks it's important to distinguish between notification
and public hearings. He stated that he thinks it's important we notify the public that it
may be nothing more than requesting a written feedback or telling them who they can
communicate with. He stated that they may not always be asking for a public hearing.
He commented that he thinks they need to know when it is appropriate just to let the
neighbors know when we are doing something. We need to know what is appropriate
for a particular situation and once we receive a lot of feedback we may decide it's
time to hold a hearing. He added that it is not always clear on where the
differentiation is.
Mr. Presthus and Mr. Hulbert both liked the recommendation.
Mr. Fronek stated that he agrees the policy looks great. He commented that he thinks
everyone is in agreement to keep the policy on a case by case basis. He indicated that
the main thing is to have communication either through notification or a public
hearing. Mr. Fronek suggested that they also have updates on the city website as far
as what is happening within the city.
C. MN -Dot Community Landscape Partnership Program — Mr. Hulbert gave a brief
overview of the MnDOT Community Landscape Partnership Program. He stated that
after having done this he would like to encourage other people to try to do it as well
because there are other intersections in MN -Dot parcels of land around the
community that could really be improved.
• Mr. Merriam asked if this needs to be a citizen initiated project to which Mr. Hulbert
replied that is correct. He explained that there is a cooperative agreement going on
between the City and MN -Dot. Mr. Merriam asked if the city crew's help with this to
which Mr. Hulbert replied no, it is all volunteers who are responsible for the
D. Artificial Turf vs. Natural Turf — Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that it's not
his intent to make a recommendation on artificial turf versus natural turf because they
both have their merits. Mr. MacHolda went through the pros and cons of both
artificial and natural turf.
Mr. Klus asked Mr. Meyer, Chairman of the Board of Education, to bring the Park
Board up-to-date as to what the discussions have been on artificial surfaces on school
property. Mr. Meyer replied he would like to make a couple of comments. He noted
that one of the things they learned in looking at artificial fields is that something needs
to be put around artificial turf. Secondly, as far as drainage issues they need to make
sure that water flows through these mats and into the soil, which has not been an issue
for them.
Mr. Meyer stated that in reality natural grass is a little less expensive, however, if you
factor into these numbers that you need twice the surface area you would probably
come out ahead with artificial turf. Mr. Meyer commented that one more thing to
consider is that because this is a newer product they still don't know what the "real"
life of the turf is, is it 10, 15, etc. and at what point do you need to put in a new mat.
Mr. Meyer informed the Park Board that they are looking at all of the fields around
the high school and below the high school as potential places to put in artificial turf.
He stated that they are also looking at the football practice field, McCarthy field. Mr.
Meyer indicated that at this point they do not have funding. However, there has been
some discussion about other potential sources of dollars. Mr. Meyer commented there
are several options they would like to pursue if they could find the funding.
E. Off -Leash Dog Park Proposal — Creek Valley Park — Mr. Keprios explained to the
Park Board staff's concept of using the hockey rink at Creek Valley Park during the
spring, summer and fall as an off -leash dog park for small dogs only. He noted that
he has received several requests to have a small dog park in Edina. Mr. Keprios
stated that in the 2006 Needs Assessment Survey the results showed that 5,480
households have a need for an off -leash dog park. Mr. Keprios pointed out that he
would like to change his recommendation: the weight should read 25 lbs. or less
instead of 20 lbs. He noted that after doing more research he found that most
communities throughout the country are right around 25 lbs. or less.
Mr. Keprios indicated that he thinks Creek Valley would be a good place to start an
off -leash dog park within the hockey rink. He added that this site was recommended
by a consultant that did the feasibility study some years ago that could be considered
as part of an off -leash dog area. Mr. Keprios suggested that if they find it successful
enough then maybe they could expand on it and also have a large dog area separate
from the hockey rink, that's another alternative in the future. Mr. Keprios stated that
what he is proposing is to go ahead and conduct a hearing on the matter and have that
be held at a Park Board meeting to receive input from the community.
Mr. Meyer asked what the requirement is to get an off -leash dog park approved. Mr.
Keprios replied that it would require City Council approval but that they would be
looking for Park Board's recommendation.
Mr. Hulbert indicated that speaking from somebody who uses the hockey rink during
the summer months hosting youth soccer practices, those rinks do get used quite a bit
during the summer. He stated that he thinks there are going to be some families that
live in that area and don't have dogs that are going to be a little disappointed that they
may lose that recreation area.
Mr. Meyer asked with the current dog park what level of activity is there during the
winter to which Mr. Keprios replied it goes down slightly but that he was actually
amazed how much it is used during the winter.
Mr. Merriam noted that he can see there is a need but he also thinks it's a good
gesture by the city to try to address the need because he thinks there are some issues
that they will need to talk through.
Mr. Sorem stated that he definitely likes the location of Creek Valley. He stated that
he also likes the idea of doing this on a trial basis because it doesn't seem like a very
costly thing to set up. He noted that this way they can see just what the demand is for
a small dog park. He commented that if it's a success then they could put in
something more permanent and get away from the use of the hockey rink during the
• Mr. Fronek stated that he thinks this is a great idea. He noted that one piece of
information that might be nice to have would be to figure out a cost for the Creek
Valley site, not a hard cost, but something to consider if they could build a small and
large dog park there so that perhaps they wouldn't have to use the hockey rink. Mr.
Fronek indicated that he thinks it's a great idea to have a public hearing.
A. McGuire Park — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the work at McGuire Park
has been completed. He noted that it's the only playground in Edina that has
artificial turf as a safety surface. He added that it's an outstanding design, wonderful
equipment and has been getting great reviews.
B. York Park — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the playground equipment at
York Park is under construction and that Mr. MacHolda did a magnificent job in
working with the neighborhood on this project. He noted that they've decided they
want to experiment with a wood fiber safety surface. This should be completed
within the next couple of weeks.
C. Courtney Maintenance Building - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that this
project is just about done with the exception of a few minor punch list items to finish
D. Pamela Park Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the Pamela Park lighting
project has been awarded and construction will begin next week. He pointed out that
the neighbors within 1,000 feet of the park have been notified of the project.
E. Edinborou hg Park - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the ventilation system
for the Edinborough pool has been awarded by the City Council and that construction
will begin later this fall/winter.
A. Braemar Park — Mr. O'Connell informed the Park Board that he recently gave a tour
of Braemar Park to people from the Community Education Services Board. He noted
that the tour encompassed the whole park and not just the golf course. Mr. O'Connell
stated that it was such a huge success that the publicist for Community Education
wanted to know how they could promote this concept. Mr. O'Connell indicated that
it gave him a lot of ideas and concepts of how they could utilize this tour. He noted
that Mr. Hughes and Mr. Valliere both liked the idea of it. Mr. O'Connell pointed
out one thing they can do with this tour is in essence promote the parks and its natural
areas. He noted that Mr. Hughes has already said that he would like to see if they
could set this up with the various commissions and boards as far as the city is
concerned. Mr. O'Connell indicated that the idea would be to suddenly and
subliminally educate these people as to what our parks are by using Braemar Park as
an example because it would just lend itself to a nice tour.
B. Nan - Mr. Klus pointed out that there was a very nice article in the Star Tribune on
the Braemar Golf Course dog Nan.
C. Tim Zimmerman - Mr. Fronek pointed out that there was a nice article about Tim
Zimmerman in the Sun Current this past week and added that he does a wonderful job
with all of the flowers in the parks.
D. Student Member - Mr. Fronek stated that he would like to honor the Park Board's
student member, Carolyn Nelson. Unfortunately, Ms. Nelson was unable to attend
her last meeting. He noted that starting next month Benjamin Fox Pobuda will be the
new student Park Board member.
E. Bicycle Task Force - Mr. Fronek informed the Park Board that Mr. Hulbert has been
gracious enough to volunteer to be the Park Board's liaison to the Edina Bicycle Task
Force committee.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
John Keprios, Director
Edina Park & Recreation Department
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Office (952) 826-0430
FAX (952) 826-0385
To: Residents of the ek Valley Park Neighborhood.
From: John Kepri
Date: August 21, P,
Re: Proposed Off -Leash Dog Area for Small Dogs
This is to inform you of a proposed off -leash dog area within the Creek Valley Park hockey
rink that will be discussed at the Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Park Board meeting, which
begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Edina City Hall.
The proposal is to allow dogs under 25 pounds to use the outdoor hockey rink as an off -leash
dog area during the non -winter season; however, dog owners would be required to purchase
an off -leash annual permit. The permit would also be valid for use of the existing off -leash
dog park at Van Valkenburg Park. The cost of the annual permit is $25 for residents and $50
for non-residents. The proposed off -leash dog area for small dogs only within the Creek
Valley hockey rink would require dog owners to pick up after their dogs. The hockey rink
would be fitted with an appropriate entrance gate to confine the dogs.
The proposal is to offer this venue on a trial basis. If this new park amenity is found to be
successful, the Park Board may consider installing permanent fencing to create a year around
off -leash dog area for small dogs within Creek Valley Park.
If you wish to share your views on this proposal, please submit your comments in writing
either by postal mail or email and address the letter to the Edina Park Board at my postal or
email address shown above. You are also welcomed and encouraged to attend the Park Board
meeting on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. to share your views. If you have
any questions about the proposed off -leash dog area for small dogs only, feel free to contact
me. Many thanks.
Contact: Marty Doll, Communications Coordinator
Phone 952-826-0396 - Fax 952-826-0390 • Web www.CityofEdina.com
Park Board to discuss proposal of off -leash dog area at
Creek Valley Park
Edina, Minn., Aug. 28, 2008 -- The Edina Park Board will discuss a proposal which would allow dogs under 25
pounds to use the outdoor hockey rink at Creek Valley Park as an off -leash area during the non -winter season. The
venue would be used on a trial basis, and if found successful, the Park Board would consider installing fencing to create a
permanent off -leash dog area for small dogs within the Park. The Park Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept
10 at 7 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50d, St
Under the proposal, dog owners would be required to purchase an off -leash annual permit that would also be valid for
use at the existing off -leash dog park at Van Valkenburg Park, located on Lincoln Drive in northwest Edina. The cost of
the annual permit is $25 for residents and $50 for non-residents. The proposed off -leash dog area is for small dogs only
and would require owners to pick up after their dogs. The hockey rink would be fitted with an appropriate entrance
gate to confine the dogs to the off -leash area
Residents wishing to share their views on this proposal are welcome and encouraged to attend the Park Board Meeting
• on Wednesday, Sept 10, 2008 at 7 p.m. They may also submit their comments in writing either by postal mail to 4801
W. 50h St, Edina, MN 55424 or email to Ikeprios(6_)ci.edinamn.us. Letters should be addressed to the Edina Park Board.
For more information, contact Edina Park & Recreation Director John Keprios at 952-826-0430 or
City of Edina - 4801 West 50th Street * Edina, MN 55424
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Council approves clinic
The Edina City Council approved
final redevelopment plans Aug. 19 for
Crosstown Medical Clinic redevelop-
ment at 4010 W. 65th St.
The council approved a redevelop-
ment plan that will make way for Twin
Cities Orthopedics. Crosstown Medical
Clinic LLC plans to tear down the exist-
ing two-story, 26,000 -square -foot office
building and build a 75,017 -square -foot,
four -level medical office building with
an attached parking ramp.
The new building will be the home of
Twin Cities Orthopedics Specialty Center,
which will consolidate several facilities,
including an orthopedic clinic, MRI suite,
ambulatory surgery center and the gener-
al offices of Twin Cities Orthopedics.
The council approved the final devel-
opment plan with variances and final
rezoning. The plan was approved with
several conditions.
New auto repair center
The Edina City Council approved rede-
velopment plans Aug. 19 for Murphy
Automotive on West 70th Street that will
result in a new automobile repair center
in southwest Edina. Murphy Automotive
has acquired the Edina Car Care property
at 5415 W. 70th St. and plans to tear down
the existing gas and repair station to
build a one-story, 8,863 -square -foot auto-
mobile repair center with a car wash. The
council approved a final development
plan with variances for minimum lot size
and setback from a residential area. The
plan was approved with several condi-
tions, including prohibition of vehicles
parked on the site for more than 48 hours
and proper landscaping.
New off -leash area
The Edina Park Board will discuss a
proposal for a new off -leash dog area at
its next meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept.
10, at City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St.
The proposal would allow dogs under
25 pounds to use the outdoor hockey
rink at Creek Valley Park as an off -leash
area during the non -winter season. The
venue would be used on a trial basis, and
if found successful, the board would
consider installing fencing to create a
permanent off -leash dog area for small
dogs within the park.
Under the proposal, dog owners would
be required to purchase an off -leash annu-
al permit that would also be valid for use
at the existing off -leash dog park at Van
Valkenburg Park, on Lincoln Drive in
northwest Edina. The cost of the annual
permit is $25 for residents and $50 for non-
residents. The proposed off leash dog area
is for small dogs only and would require
owners to pick up after their dogs.
Residents wishing to share their
views on this proposal can attend the
board meeting or submit their com-
ments in writing either by postal mail to
4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN 55424; or e-
mail to Jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us.
Letters should be addressed to the Edina
Park Board. Information: 952-826-0430.
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Mr. Keprios,
Would be wonderful to have a dog park for smaller dogs. The V.V dog park often has
large dogs that would be threatening to my smaller dog.
Canny Wright
Be well, do good work, and keep in touch (G.K) CannyC:-)
Email from:
Canny Wright [cannywright@yahoo.com]
Received August 29, 2008
L -j
From: John Wanninger [mailto:jwanninger�l.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 12:05 AM
To: John Keprios
Subject: jtw- Creek Valley Dog Park
Hello Mr. Keprios,
Thanks for sending notification of the dog park. I do have some concerns as a neighbor
in very close proximity on Navaho Trail. As a bit of background, I was bit in the face by
an off -leash dog when I was about 8 years old. That dog was less than 25 pounds, but
still managed to rip my lower lip off my face. You can ask my parents about the various
surgeries I went through.
Who is going to monitor the weight/ size of the dogs, and who is going to pay for regular
and reliable monitoring of that situation? How do we know we won't have pit bull
puppies running around the park and school where our kids are playing?
Who is going to monitor "clean up"? If the park is relying on self policing, it won't
work. There is already dog poop in the park from people who do not bag.
I am generally in favor of dog parks, but not at a school and playground with little kids. I
would suggest an area that is not frequently occupied by children. I can not believe the
off leash permits would possibly cover the costs and liability involved.
There is a large fenced off -leash park just a few minutes away at Shady Oak and 212. It
is very convenient and located in a place safe for children.
I am sorry I can't support this, but as it is currently proposed, it has too many loose ends
and enforcement and safety would seem to be nearly impossible. We certainly don't want
our police wasting their time measuring dogs and checking for permits.
Regretfully, I will be out of town during the hearing. We will try to rally our neighbors,
but there has not been much notice and we are all focused on back to school. I would
urge you to give all of the neighbors a chance to weigh in.
John T. Wanninger
j wanning er(b`g4mail.com
6509 Navaho Trail
John Keprios
From: PAMELA ALBINSON [palbinson@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:02 PM
John Keprios
Cc: ladygeorge; evy schneider
Subject: Small dogs at hockey arena
What a sensational idea! I am so supportive of this new idea. I have taken my 7 Ib. miniature poodle to
Vandenburg Park but have experienced difficulties with big dogs. So, we have sometimes gone off leash over at
Walnut Ridge Park when no one else is there.
Because I/we live in Edina West condos, it is important that these little dogs have a place to run after being
"condoed" all day!
Our dog are not allowed on the grounds or in any common areas so having a place for them is so important.
Could some thought be given to allowing small dogs to "legally" run in the Walnut Ridge Park hockey arena too?
Thank you for your moving forward with this endeavor. Let me know if I can be of some help. We have set up
an Edina West Pet Board to oversee our little dogs. This will be a wonderful piece of news to pass on to
Pam Albinson
6115 Lincoln Drive #251
Edina, MN 55436
John Keprios
From: Joybruder@aol.com
it: Sunday, September 07, 2008 7:29 PM
o: John Keprios
Subject: Creek Valley Off -Leash dog park
Dear Mr. Keprios,
I received your letter proposing an off leash dog park directly across the street from my home which is located on the corner of
Gleason Road and Indian Hills Pass. I am opposed to a dog park for the following reasons:
1. The proposed site is very close to Creek Valley Elementary. I walk my kids to school daily and there is
already a problem with dog owners not picking up dog feces. While this is unpleasant, having a
concentrated collection of dog excrement in one area presents a health hazard.
2. Our family is already exposed to a steady undercurrent of noise from Gleason Road. To exacerbate
this problem with an ongoing stream of barking dogs is unacceptable.
3. 1 appreciate Edina's commitment to assuring that the dog park is adequately cleaned by owners.
However, this commitment is unenforceable. Already, the sidewalks along Gleason Road are
littered with dog feces. Many owners simply refuse to accept their responsibility for policing their
pets. It is unlikely that allowing the animals to run free will foster greater social responsibility. If
anything, this will encourage owners to allow their pets to defecate at will and free them from any
social accountability.
4. 1 am also concerned that having a dog park across from my home will adversely impact my
property value. I have mentioned this proposal to several friends all of whom have responded by
stating they would NEVER consider buying a home across the street from a dog park. I suspect
is is not an unusual reaction. I already pay inflated property taxes for the privilege of living in
r'dina. It is intolerable for this to be combined with the likelihood of owning a property with
limited marketability.
5. 1 am not alone in my opinion. I am delivering a statement accompanied by the signatures of
23 disgruntled neighbors objecting to this proposal.
Joy Bruder
6405 Cherokee Trail
Edina, MN 55439
952 936-9069
Psssst... Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.
John Keprios
From: Deb & Rich Zabel [drzabel@comcast.net]
Ont: Monday, September 08, 2008 12:12 PM
o: John Keprios
Subject: small dog off -leash area
Dear Park Board Members:
I read your article in the recent Sun Current news regarding a new small dog off -leash area. This is a great idea and I am in full
support! Most off -leash areas are used by bigger dogs and their owners. I could not even consider trying this out for my dog,
which is smaller than 25 pounds. But having an off -leash area for just small dogs is a great idea and I would use it.
Thank you so much for considering an area for small dogs!!!
Deb Zabel
6609 Galway Drive
Edina, MN
John Keprios
From: criminaldefense@earthlink.net
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:54 PM
John Keprios
Subject: Proposed Off -Leash Dog Area for Small Dogs
Dear Edina Park Board,
I oppose the proposal for the off -leash dog area at Creek Valley School. It is hard for me to comprehend a dog park at an
elementary school. I would think the school board would be opposing this also. My children walk to the school to play at the
playground. They ride their bikes in the area near the ice rink and tennis courts. Of course, they use the ice rink in the winter.
They would no longer be able to do any of the above if this area becomes a dog park.
There would be more traffic going into the school area.
There would be more adults and potential pedophiles on the elementary school grounds and in the surrounding area.
There would be noise issues and concerns.
Families and children would no longer be able to use this park area.
Home values would decline in the area.
There would be a huge liability issue for the city if a dog bites a child.
Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration. I would hope the Board makes the right decision and chooses not to have a
dog park at an elementary school.
Tina Sabby
Attorney at Law
John Keprios
From: sabbyreyes@earthlink.net
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:58 PM
John Keprios
Subject: Opposition to Off -Leash Dog Area
Edina Park Board,
I have reviewed the proposal regarding the dog park at Creek Valley Park and would vigorously oppose this proposal.
I live only a block from the park on Cherokee Trail. I would not want the increased traffic or noise. I believe this would impact the
values of the homes in the area.
My family and many other families use the rink area frequently as an open area.
During the fall and spring months migratory birds use the area as well. Has there been an environmental impact study of how this
will impact the area?
do not like the limiting of dogs to under twenty five pounds either. Why was this number chosen? Our dog, at 35 pounds, would
be prohibited from this area.
Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration.
David Reyes
Attorney at Law
John Keprios
From: Lisa Hafey [lisa.hafey@gmail.coml
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:59 PM
0: John Keprios
Subject: Dog Park Proposal
Dear Mr. Keprios,
As a Cherokee Trail resident I am concerned about the location of the proposed temporary off -leash area for small
dogs. I am concerned about traffic, pedestrian safety, health issues, compliance with the off leash area rules, and the
idea of a permanent structure. My children attend Creek Valley school and it the drive that leads to the ice rink and
school is heavily congested in the morning and afternoon. Gleason road is already a very busy road as well. Regarding
pedestrian safety, my children walk to and from school. What about dogs who are unleashed before entering the
enclosed area? The sidewalk on Gleason is also a road my children and I frequent in order to access the Bredesden
park trails. I don't want to have to question our safety along that path. As far as health, I would like to know what will
become of the dog feces the owners neglect to dispose. My children ice skate there in the winter and I wouldn't want
their health compromised. Thirdly, how will the rules for weight and open hours be maintained? Will there be a
safety patrol to ensure all dogs are under 25lbs. and that owners only arrive between the hours the off leash area is
open? With regards to the idea of a permanent structure. Where would that be placed? My children utilize not only
the rink but also the open area in front of the warming house; the first grade class utilize this area every year for skating
I am not opposed to off -leash dog parks in general, but question how appropriate this location is.
6520 Cherokee Trail
Edina, MN
Page 2 of 3
From: Joybruder
To: jkeprios@ci.edina.mn.us
Sent: 9/7/2008 6:28:58 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: Creek Valley Off -Leash dog park
Dear Mr. Keprios,
I received your letter proposing an off leash dog park directly across the street from my home which is
located on the corner of Gleason Road and Indian Hills Pass. I am opposed to a dog park for the
following reasons:
1. The proposed site is very close to Creek Valley Elementary. I walk my kids to school daily and there
already a problem with dog owners not picking up dog feces. While this is unpleasant, having a
concentrated collection of dog excrement in one area presents a health hazard.
2. Our family is already exposed to a steady undercurrent of noise from Gleason Road. To exacerbate
this problem with an ongoing stream of barking dogs is unacceptable.
3. 1 appreciate Edina's commitment to assuring that the dog park is adequately cleaned by owners.
However, this commitment is unenforceable. Already, the sidewalks along Gleason Road are
littered with dog feces. Many owners simply refuse to accept their responsibility for policing their
pets. It is unlikely that allowing the animals to run free will foster greater social responsibility. If
anything, this will encourage owners to allow their pets to defecate at will and free them from any
social accountability.
4. 1 am also concerned that having a dog park across from my home will adversely impact my
property value. 1 have mentioned this proposal to several friends all of whom have responded by
stating they would NEVER consider buying a home across the street from a dog park. I suspect
this is not an unusual reaction. I already pay inflated property taxes for the privilege of living in
Edina. It is intolerable for this to be combined with the likelihood of owning a property with
limited marketability.
5. 1 am not alone in my opinion. I am delivering a statement accompanied by the signatures of
23 disgruntled neighbors objecting to this proposal.
Joy Bruder
6405 Cherokee Trail
Edina, MN 55439
952 936-9069
Psssst... Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles
at Stylel-ist.com.
Psssst... Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 AOL: Joybruder