HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-11 Park Board Packet�gZI.lA, O e t� O �y �h�Colii'c>1 City of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITY HALL AGENDA (Revised September 8, 2006) * 1. Approval of Tuesday, June 13, 2006, Park Board Minutes. 2. Concerns of Residents. *3. United Properties Development Request for Centennial Lakes Park Link Easement. is *4. Morningside Neighborhood Association Request to Waive Fee. 5. Parks and Recreation Facilities and Services Needs Assessment Survey. 6. 2007-2011 Parks and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Plan. 7. Updates: A. Gymnasium Construction. B. Athletic Association Presidents Meeting. C. Comprehensive Plan. S. Other. *9. Adjournment. *These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 Park and Recreation Department www.cityofedina.com 952-826-0367 FAX 952-826-0385 TTY 952-826-0379 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: September 7, 2006 Re: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2006, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, June 13, 2006, Park Board Minutes. 2. Monday, September 11, 2006, Park Board Agenda. 3. Link Easement Drawing from MFRA. 4. Needs Assessment Survey Final Draft. 5. Cover Letter for Needs Assessment Survey. 6. Letter from Caroline Moynihan. 7. 2007-2011 Capital Improvement Plan. The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda for other information items (not requiring formal action); last minute items that may come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. PARK BOARD MEETING IN THE COMMUNITYROOM EDINA CITY HALL 4801 WEST 50TH STREET The Monday, September 11, 2006, Park Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Edina City Hall. If you are unable to attend, please call either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 952-826-0435 or me at 952-826-0430. Concerns of Residents The Edina City Council has asked that each Board and Commission have a standing agenda item for "Concerns of Residents." It is my recommendation to have that immediately following the "Approval of Minutes" on the agenda each month. This is a time for residents to have an opportunity to address the Park Board on Park and Recreation Department related issues. The City Council currently has a policy of limiting residents to five minutes each at Council meetings when stating their issue(s). The intent is to force residents to have their thoughts and delivery well organized and ask that they submit any further information in writing. The Park Board may set its own standards and policy on this matter. No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. - 1 - United Properties Development Request for Centennial Lakes Park Link Easement United Properties is proposing to build an enclosed walkway between their 3601 and 7600 buildings in the south east portion of the Centennial Lakes development. The purpose of this walkway is to provide the third and final all-weather link between their five office buildings. Although the majority of this link would be built on their private property, the walkway would encroach on approximately 7 square feet of City of Edina owned park property, thus requiring an easement. This easement would be similar to the one the city provided to United Properties to build a prior link in the southwest section of the development. The new link would be located directly behind the "boulder pool" in the south park and would benefit the park by providing a buffer between the park and the dumpsters/loading dock for the office buildings. Based on past practice, Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Park Manager, Tom Shirley and I both agree to recommend Park Board approve this request contingent upon United Properties paying for all expenses associated with providing this permanent easement. This would include United Properties paying for all of our legal expenses associated with this easement. Tom Shirley will be present at the Park Board meeting to answer any questions. • Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. Parks and Recreation Facilities and Services Needs Assessment Survey Enclosed is a copy of the final draft of Needs Assessment Survey questions as proposed by our consultant Mr. Ron Vine of ETC/Leisure Vision. I ask that the Park Board take formal action on this final proposed draft as well as the cover letter to be signed by Mayor James B. Hovland. I wish to thank everyone who has contributed to this important process. The Needs Assessment Survey will also help us significantly in updating our Comprehensive Plan, which must be completed and submitted to the Metropolitan Council by the end of 2008. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. 2007 Parks and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Plan Enclosed is a copy of staff's proposed 2007-2011 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). As you will notice, there are two projects (Upgrade Keyless Entry System & Renovate Picnic Shelter at Chowen Park) that were delayed from 2006 to 2007 in order to afford the Courtney Fields project in 2006. Some significant changes in the proposed 2006 CIP (different from what was proposed last year) include the development of a new athletic field with lights at Pamela Park (as opposed to renovating the existing senior athletic field); and, protective netting at Pamela Park softball complex (as opposed to batting cages); and, developing a waterproofing system to protect the two historic buildings at Tupa Park. -2- Staff is also proposing to move the Garden Park walking path up from 2008 to 2007; however, delaying the pathway project at Arneson Acres Park from 2007 to 2008. The Courtney Fields maintenance building is now estimated at $150,000 (as opposed to earlier projections of $92,000); however, I have hired a professional architect/engineering firm to provide cost estimating for both the maintenance building and protective netting system to ensure that we are request adequate funding so as not to compromise other scheduled CIP projects. I ask that the Park Board review staff's recommendations closely and feel free to suggest and discuss changes, additions and/or deletions at our September Park Board meeting. It is my intent to have this same item on the Park Board's October agenda for formal approval. No formal action is requested on this agenda item at this time. Updates Staff will give a verbal update on the following items: A. Gymnasium Construction. B. Athletic Association Presidents Meeting. C. Comprehensive Plan. No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. OTHER This is an opportunity for Park Board members and staff to share other concerns. -3- EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2006 7:00 P.M. EDINA COMMUNITY ROOM EDINA CITY HALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Todd Fronek, Mike Damman, Ray O'Connell, Jeff Sorem, George Klus, Mike Weiss MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Johnson, Linda Presthus, Gordon, Roland, Andy Finsness, Karla Sitek STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Idelle Sue Longman, Jessica Selleck I. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 9.2006 PARK BOARD MINUTES Ray O'Connell MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 9, 2006 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Mike Damman SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. SCHOOL DISTRICT STORAGE BUILDING REQUEST FOR CREEK VALLEY PARK Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board that the Edina School District is proposing to build a new storage facility at Creek Valley Elementary School; however, the property where the building is proposed is owned by the City of Edina. He pointed out that after researching all of the old records involving the construction of Creek Valley School Park he found no formal agreement about who has rights to each other's property. Mr. Keprios commented that he did find some letters of understanding between the officials who were in power at the time who agreed that this would serve both the school and the community at large to serve both the park and school needs. Mr. Keprios explained that as a result of their construction, the Edina School District has run out of storage and therefore, they need to find a new location to replace the huts that were previously at the Community Center. He pointed out that the building they are proposing would be 30' x 60' and the tallest peak would be 14' high. Mr. Keprios commented that he has spoken to Gordon Hughes, City Manager, regarding this and Mr. Hughes feels this would be a good site and is a reasonable request. He noted that as a matter of good practice it makes sense to have the Park Board formally approve the construction of any permanent school district owned structured proposed to be placed on city -owned property. Mr. Keprios pointed out that he doesn't really see that this would impede any future park use other than possibly an off -leash dog area. Mr. Klus asked why the school district doesn't put this on their own property to which Mr. Keprios replied that they really don't have a good spot for it from what they are telling him that wouldn't be obtrusive to nearby residents. Mr. O'Connell suggested that they make a formal type of agreement that clearly highlights that it will be on the record. Mr. Klus asked whether this would have to go through the City Council to which Mr. Keprios replied that he does feel this should go before the City Council. Mr. Keprios commented that he really likes the idea of putting something in writing that defines it is the schools liability that the building is there and it is the schools responsibility to maintain it. Mr. O'Connell noted that he thinks that whoever proposes the motion should make it as formal and defined as possible. Mr. Damman asked when the park shelter building was put in at Cornelia School Park in place of the temporary structure was anything said at that time. Mr. Keprios replied there is no formal written agreement regarding that project. Mr. Damman commented that he wonders what the issue would be if someone got hurt on that property to which Mr. Keprios replied it would be very interesting to see how things would play out in a court of law when it comes to some action on the property that's shared by both because there clearly are defined property lines. Mr. O'Connell stated that to satisfy the question he thinks the one paragraph from Mr. Keprios staff report covers all of the bases and he would make that motion. Ray O'Connell MOVED THAT BASED ON PAST PRACTICES AND PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS, THAT THE PARK BOARD APPROVE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUEST TO BUILD A STORAGE BUILDING ON THE CITY'S PARK PROPERTY AS PROPOSED. Mr. Keprios pointed out that one thing he did not mention is he did ask the school's business director that the school cover the insurance for the development of the building as well as cover the insurance liability. Mr. O'Connell stated he would add that as an addendum to his motion. Jeff Sorem SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Klus stated that he still thinks there needs to be an agreement because if they are going to do it they should do it right. Mr. Weiss replied that they do have a formal motion. Mr. Klus indicated that he can't support it unless they do it right because he doesn't like gentlemen agreements because he doesn't think they work in the long run. He noted that there are too many personnel changes over the years and it's all forgotten. Mr. Klus pointed out that he's not against building it but he thinks they need to have an agreement in writing. Mr. O'Connell noted that he understands what Mr. Klus is saying, however, he thinks the motion covers everything especially with the addendum. Mr. Fronek asked is there a timing issue they need to worry about if this needs to go before the City Council. He noted that maybe they need to add their own clause that says as long as there's a formal agreement in place that's been agreed to by the City Attorney and then recommend that it goes onto the City Council. Mr. Fronek commented that maybe they need to amend Mr. O'Connell's motion to assure that a formal agreement is in place before they recommend it to the City Council. Mr. Keprios pointed out that he 2 cautions going down the road of establishing a formal agreement at this point. He explained that the city probably stands to lose with their park shelter building at Cornelia School Park as well as multi-purpose fields that are on school property. IN FAVOR: Jeff Sorem, Mike Damman, Ray O'Connell, Todd Fronek OPPOSED: George Klus, Mike Weiss MOTION CARRIED. III. REVISION TO PRIORITY USE OF EDINA'S SCHEDULED OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FACILITIES POLICY Mr. MacHolda explained to the Park Board that he is recommending that they revise the current Priority Use Policy for Edina's outdoor athletic fields to better serve Edina residents and reduce the wear and tear of the athletic fields. Mr. MacHolda stated that because of recent field improvements the non-resident demand has increased dramatically. He pointed out that to better maintain the premier scheduled athletic fields he recommends that they change the existing use of Edina's Scheduled Outdoor Athletic Facilities and Recommended Guidelines policy to demand that nonprofit teams or adult organizations have a minimum of 50% Edina residents. Currently the policy states a minimum of 25% Edina residents. Mr. Klus commented that he had a discussion with an employee of Seagate who informed him that a group of people from Seagate use the soccer fields at Lewis Park from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He noted that he would hate to discourage those businesses from being able to use those fields they enjoy so much. Mr. MacHolda replied that he has a great relationship with Seagate and added that they would not be affected because 100% of their participants work full-time in Edina. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that Scott Johnson, an Edina Soccer coach, called him to let him know how he struggles when he drives by the Lewis Park soccer fields and sees 85% of non -Edina residents using the field. Mr. MacHolda noted that the reason why Mr. Johnson struggles with this is because his soccer team of 15 year-old Edina residents has no place to practice. Mr. MacHolda commented that he is on the same page as Mr. Johnson in this situation. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he asked Mr. MacHolda to contact the adult groups who are currently using these fields regarding 60% versus 25% residents. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that Donna Hanbury's group doesn't have a problem meeting the 60% resident use. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he thinks some of the adult soccer teams could consolidate if push came to shove. Mr. Klus asked if Lewis Park is the only park they are using to which Mr. MacHolda replied that as far as a senior size multi-purpose athletic field Lewis and Braemar Park are the only ones. Mr. Keprios commented that he thinks their biggest challenge would be to enforce the policy rather than change the policy. K3 Mr. Sorem asked what are the requirements in order to be able to use these fields? Mr. MacHolda explained that the teams fill out a roster each year and they indicate how many people either live or work full-time in Edina. He noted that he has gone on good faith. He pointed out that he hasn't gone to the assessment department to confirm residency nor has he gone to places of employment. Mr. Klus asked if staff has the right to turn down teams playing on city fields if they are at the bottom of the priority use, can staff turn them away and say the fields can't take the use. Mr. MacHolda replied that he believes they have that authority. He noted that what he tries to communicate to the adult programs is that he needs to schedule the youth first. Mr. Sorem asked Mr. MacHolda if going from 25% to 50% would eliminate some teams to which Mr. MacHolda replied yes. Mr. Sorem asked if that percentage needs to be higher to which Mr. MacHolda replied that he thinks 50% would be good. Mr. Keprios pointed out that they used 60% because that's also listed later in the priority document and therefore it would stay consistent. Mr. Fronek asked Mr. MacHolda if he turns away teams that want to practice on those game fields to which Mr. MacHolda replied that right now all they are doing is scheduling games on those sites. He noted that they have one practice site for teams aged U13 and above. He pointed out that they are about four fields short and therein lays the problem. Mr. Damman asked Mr. MacHolda if he's going to allow teams to practice at these other fields to which Mr. MacHolda replied that he's almost of the mind that he would like to see some practices with discretion at Lewis because they have no place to go. Mr. MacHolda stated that he would rather see Edina kids ages 13 to 17 have a place to practice rather than schedule very few adult residents of Edina. Mr. Weiss asked does that take a charge from the Pak Board to change it from games only to include practices. Mr. Keprios responded that should be done internally. He explained that it's their way to protect the millions of dollars that have been invested in their fields so far. Mr. Weiss indicated that from his perspective from a consistency standpoint it does seem a little odd that they have 25% in priority 4 and 50% in priority 9. He stated that the other question he has is 60% the right number or is 50% the right number. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the rationale that was used when the policy was first created was that fields are in such demand that this was the only vehicle that would limit access to manage the excess demand. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios if they can take fields out of play anytime, just like the school does, and say they are resting the fields. Mr. Keprios explained that we can't be arbitrary about who they allow and who they don't. They have to have a policy with sound reason. Mr. Sorem pointed out that the issue here is not resting the field, it's about the field getting used and currently Edina teams aren't always able to use the fields because they are being used by non-residents of Edina. Mr. Weiss indicated that even when fields are resting he knows that people will still go out and use them and that needs to be considered as well. He noted that personally he thinks it would be better to have the fields scheduled with what they want rather than somehow try to enforce it. 4 Jeff Sorem MOVED TO CHANGE IT TO 60%. Ray O'Connell SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. UPDATES A. Needs Assessment Survey — Mr. Weiss informed the Park Board that Ms. Presthus, Mr. Keprios and himself just met with Ron Vine from Leisure Visions regarding the needs assessment survey. He noted that Mr. Vine had issued a proposal for approximately $22,000 to do a high end needs assessment survey for Edina. Mr. Weiss pointed out that after discussions with Mr. Vine he has agreed to reduce the cost of the high end -needs assessment survey to $19,000. He noted that basically the survey would include the additional options which would really expand the survey as well as make it more user-friendly. He stated that at this point they are just waiting for the final proposal. Mr. Weiss indicated that the needs assessment survey will start by interviewing the major stakeholders in August. He explained that the "major stakeholders" are the involved individuals with a vision for the future of Edina and then the development of the survey with the needs assessment committee. Mr. Keprios indicated that Mr. Vine will probably hold the stakeholder interviews individually. Mr. Keprios explained that Mr. Vine has essentially guaranteed them 500 results from the survey through a combination of a mail -in survey and a follow-up phone survey. He noted that Mr. Vine is also going to include national benchmarking which includes how these answers/results stack up and what they mean in comparison to the rest of the country, which will give more meaning to the survey. Mr. Keprios commented that Mr. Vine agreed that the environment should be a focus group of itself which would include everything in the environment such as trees, buckthorn, water quality, noxious weeds, etc. Mr. Keprios noted that this might be an appropriate venue for the proposal for a nature center. He indicated that they want a lot public input. They talked about having a one day public forum where everyone can come to a City Council meeting and share their views. He noted that the city could also advertise it on their website informing people that they are ready to embark on a needs assessment survey and would like to know what kinds of questions people would like to see in this survey and to send those questions via e-mail. Mr. Weiss informed the Park Board that the way Leisure Visions delivers the results it will enable them to prioritize what needs to be in the next five years in terms of this is what the community thinks is important and what our community thinks we need to work on. He commented that one thing he found interesting is that only about 40% of Edina residents have kids at home. He stated that across the country 70% of the population use public parks. He noted that the reason he looks at that is because they will be compared to other cities. Mr. Weiss indicated that a nice part about this vendor is they have done enough of these that he can benchmark across the country in terms of meaningful data that is returned to them. is Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the plan is to conduct the survey in September and have the results in October. Mr. O'Connell stated that focus groups to him implies specific and asked how are people going to be informed about these focus groups. Mr. Keprios replied that they are going to have to get the information out via the paper as well as he knows a lot of people who he thinks would make up and have an interest in those areas. However, they mostly need to rely on the newspaper and their website. Mr. O'Connell pointed out to Mr. Keprios that he is mainly connected with activists and needs to remember there are a lot of other people who have opinions. Mr. Weiss explained that the focus group is utilized to draft the survey for results. He indicated that he thinks 1,100 surveys will be sent out to Edina residents in a widespread area and Leisure Vision is guaranteeing 500 results. Again, the focus groups will be used only to craft the questions for the survey. B. Proposed Nature Center — Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board there was a group of citizens who went directly to the City Council with a 35 minute presentation regarding a proposed nature center. Mr. Klus asked why they didn't go to the Park Board first to which Mr. Keprios replied because that's the way they chose to do it and the City Council accepted. Mr. Keprios explained that the group is requesting the development of a nature center at Bredesen Park to educate the community on the environment. He noted that they did their homework and gave a very nice presentation. Mr. Keprios commented that the City Council asked him what he thought to which he said he replied it would be an excellent topic to put in the needs assessment survey and find out what level of community support there is for such a project. He noted it will be included as part of the environment focus group. Mr. Klus commented that hopefully this will come back to the Park Board to discuss at some point if it ever gets that far. C. Youth Sports Taskforce - Mr. Klus informed the Park Board that the City Council feels there needs to be another public forum on youth sports, which will take place next Tuesday. He noted that the Youth Sports Task Force spent eight months working on this and came up with two documents. He commented there was nothing negative said about the core values document, however, everyone seemed to have an issue with the relationship agreement between the Park Board, City and athletic associations. Mr. Klus explained that he was concerned when he was informed that staff has been told that they cannot go out and ask people to come to this public forum. Mr. Klus encouraged the Park Board members that if they know any youth athletic association directors that they should mention to them that it is important they try to attend this meeting. He noted that the opponents are currently contacting schools and people to come out and speak against it, apparently the opponents feel that Youth Sports Task Force didn't do their job and didn't represent the public. Mr. Klus stated that he is disappointed in the City Council for opening up a public hearing because it's the wrong thing to do. He commented that if the City Council is going to keep doing what he calls "knee jerking reaction" for one person in this community there are going to be a lot of meetings. Z Mr. Klus pointed out that the Youth Sports Task Force dealt with every issue that was relevant to the mission. He noted that it makes him a little angry because he thinks they wasted the Youth Sports Task Force time to do this. Mr. Klus commented that he understands that the City Council has the right to make those decisions because that's what they've been elected to do and he respects that. However, they need to be careful how they do it. Mr. Klus informed the Park Board that some people still want to see an oversight committee to which the Youth Sports Task Force still feels that would be the wrong thing to do for this community. The athletic associations are doing a good job. Mr. Klus pointed out that no one on the Youth Sports Task Force got everything they asked for. There were great discussions and they always reached a good compromise. Mr. Weiss commented that he thinks the end result is something the whole group felt was their best effort and best statement they put forth. He noted that it was eight months of hard thought and consideration. Mr. Keprios stated that in defense of why the council decided to have a public hearing is because they have received some criticism that it wasn't a very fair and open process because the athletic associations were invited to give feedback on the two documents. Therefore, the City Council decided to open it for a public hearing on June 20th and that is why he is not allowed to send notices to the athletic association presidents because that would be considered targeting a group. Mr. Klus pointed out that every Youth Sports Task Force meeting was open to public comment and that they never turned anyone away and in fact encouraged people to speak if they had a comment. Mr. Keprios noted that he agrees they couldn't have had a more open meeting and in his view the criticism is unjustified, however, the City Council felt they need to do this and added that he does not criticize the City Council for doing so. Mr. O'Connell indicated that the Task Force went through a logical process, followed the rules, did everything listed and gave their time to produce a product and then the product was approved. However, now the City Council is dealing with emotion and logic should always prevail over emotion. Mr. O'Connell stated that the current City Council doesn't understand this is a republic, it's not a democracy. He noted that they are elected to make a decision and they are avoiding their responsibilities to make decisions. He stated that he knows that's critical but he has seen that in so many cases. Mr. O'Connell commented that what the Youth Sports Task Force has put together is good and can certainly do the job because it did receive input and did go through a logical process. V. OTHER A. Todd Park — Mr. Sorem asked Mr. Keprios how it went taking down the hockey boards at Todd Park and asked where the boards are being stored. He also asked Mr. Keprios if he has heard any complaints. Mr. Keprios replied that that he did receive a few complaints that they weren't taken out soon enough but in all fairness he too had hoped they would have been taken down a little sooner but recognizes the pressures placed on maintenance staff to have ball fields ready for play early spring. Mr. Keprios commented that the boards survived the winter fairly well with one minor 7 exception on one panel. He commented that he hasn't heard anything from the neighborhood since they've been taken down. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he took photos of the area yesterday just to show that there is green grass and added that he never sees anyone using that open space. He noted that the boards are being stored at the Creek Valley warming house and they will be put back into the ground this fall. He commented that at the end of the season they are going to analyze all of the data, conduct a survey and give a report by the first of July next year. Mr. Keprios explained that part of the criticism they were receiving from the neighborhood is that the City of Minneapolis had their portable rinks out for four weeks before Edina. He explained that the boards they are using are not really a portable system. These hockey rink boards are basically a permanent board system that requires metal support posts to be driven into the ground. They require power equipment to jerk the posts out of the ground which requires heavy equipment that can sink into the soft soil that's vulnerable during early spring so it's really not an apples to apples comparison. B. Oak Savannah at Braemar - Mr. O'Connell shared a wonderful article about the Oak Savannah at Braemar Park and commented that it's not only an Edina treasure but a national treasure. He stated that he hopes they can save most of this unique treasure. C. Jessica Selleck — Mr. Klus asked that they recognize former Park Board school member Jessica Selleck. He commented that this is the first time they've had a student come back to attend a Park Board meeting. VI. ADJOURNMENT Ray O'Connell MOVED TO ADJOURN. Todd Fronek SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 8 McCombs FranI'FRA Associates, Inc. Engineering Planning • Surveying is 14800 28th Avenue North, Suite 140 • Plymouth, Minnesota • 55447 An Equal Opportunity Employer phone 763/476-6010 • fax 763/476-8532 • e-mail., mfra®mfra.com 0 RA hs Frank Roos ;sociates, Inc. Link Description Engineering • Planning • Surveying That part of Outlot A, South Edina Development Fourth Addition, according to the recorded description thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northeasterly corner of said Outlot A; thence on an assumed bearing of South along the common line between said Outlot A and Lot 2, Block 1, said South Edina Development Fourth Addition a distance of 15.60 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence northwesterly to a point on the common line between said Outlot A and Lot 1, said Block 1, distant 27.00 feet west of said northeast corner of said Outlot A and said line there terminating. L NI16034 ESMT-LINK DESC djp REV 7/24/06 14800 28th Avenue North, Suite 140 • Plymouth, Minnesota • 55447 An Equal Opportunity Employer phone 763/476-6010 • fax 763/476-8532 • e-mail: mfra@mfra.com City of Edina Parks and Recreation Interest and Opinion Survey: Let your voice be heard today! The City of Edina would like your input to help determine park and recreation priorities for our community. This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. When you are finished, please return your survey in the enclosed postage -paid, return -reply envelope. We greatly appreciate your time. 1. Are you a resident of the City of Edina? (1) Yes [Please continue with the survey.] (2) No [Please discontinue the survey. This survey is only for residents of Edina.] 2. Have you or members of your household visited any of the City of Edina parks during the past year? (1) Yes [Please answer Question #2a.] (2) No [Please go to Question #3.] 2a. Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of ALL the City of Edina parks you have visited? (1) Excellent (3) Fair (2) Good (4) Poor 3. Have you or other members of your household participated in any recreation programs offered by the City of Edina during the past 12 months? (1) Yes [Please answer Questions #3a & #3b.] (2) No [Please go to Question #4.] 3a. Approximately how many different recreation programs offered by the City of Edina have you or members of your household participated in over the past 12 months? (1) 1 program (3) 4 to 6 programs (5) 11 or more programs (2) 2 to 3 programs (4) 7 to 10 programs 3b. How would you rate the overall quality of programs that you and members of your household have participated in? (1) Excellent (3) Fair (2) Good (4) Poor 4. From the following listing of City of Edina facilities, please check ALL the parks and recreation facilities you and members of your household have used during the past year. (01) Edina Aquatic Center (08) Edinborough Park (02) Edina Art Center (09) Bredesen Park walking or biking trail (03) Braemar Arena (10) Rosland Park walking trail (04) Braemar Golf Course (11) Van Valkenburg Park Off -Leash Dog Park (05) Arneson Acres Park (12) Edina Senior Center (06) Fred Richards Golf Course (13) Other: (07) Centennial Lakes Park (14) None. Do not use any facilities. 5. Which THREE of the facilities from the list in Question #4 have you and members of your household used the most during the past year? [Using the numbers in Question #4 above, please write in the numbers for the facilities you use most.] 1 st: 2nd: 3rd: 6. How would you rate the overall quality of the recreation, parks, and sports facilities listed in Question #4 that you and members of your household have used during the past 12 months? (1) Excellent (3) Fair (5) Don't know (2) Good (4) Poor ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 1 7. Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the parks and recreational facilities listed below by circling the YES or NO next to the park/facility. If YES, please rate ALL the following parks and recreation FACILITIES of this type in Edina on a scale of 5 to 1, where 5 means "100% Meets Needs" and 1 means "Does Not Meet Needs" of your household. B. Youth baseball fields Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 C. Youth softball fields Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 D. Youth football fields Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 E. Youth lacrosse fields Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 F. Outdoor tennis courts Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 G. Adult softball fields Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 H. Walking and biking trails Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 I, Off -leash dog park Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 j. Outdoor spray parks Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 K. Playground equipment Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 L. Natural areas and wildlife habitats Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 M. Outdoor hockey rinks Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 N. Skateboarding park Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 0, 18 and 9 hole golf courses Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 p. Art center Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 Q. Indoor golf dome for driving range/lessons Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 R. Indoor nature center Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 S. Indoor sports facility (baseball, soccer, etc.) Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 T. Indoor fitness and exercise facilities Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 U. Indoor running/walking track Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 V. Indoor senior center Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 W. Indoor swimming pools for recreation Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 X, Indoor basketball and volleyball courts Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 Y, Indoor playground Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 1. Indoor hockey and figure skating rink Yes No 5 4 3 2 1 2. Warming houses Yes No 5 1 4 3 2 1' 3. Other: Yes No 5 4 3 2 T' 8. Which FOUR of the facilities from the list in Question #7 are most important to your household? [Using the letters and numbers in the left hand column of Question #7 above, please write in the letters and numbers below for your 15t 2nd 3 r and 4th choices, or circle `NONE'.] 1 st: 2nd: 3rd: 4th: NONE ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 2 n U POTENTIAL NEW AND IMPROVED PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES AND SERVICES The following new and improved indoor and outdoor parks and recreation facilities and services have been suggested by Edina citizens in focus groups and public meetings. Please inform us regarding your opinions and support for each suggested improvement 9. An expanded system of walking and biking trails could be developed both within parks in the City of Edina and connecting longer walking and biking trails between parks and other areas throughout the greater metropolitan Minneapolis area. From the list below, please check ALL the reasons you and members of your household would use walking and biking trails in the City of Edina. [Please check all that apply.] (1) Exercise/fitness (3) Enjoying the outdoors/nature (2) Transportation (4) None, would not use trails 10. An indoor sports facility could be developed in the City of Edina for playing games, practices, and training facilities. From the list below please check the ALL the reasons you and members of your household would use an INDOOR sports facility in the City of Edina. [Check ALL you would use.] (1) Youth soccer games and practices (6) Teaching clinics and lessons (2) Youth baseball games and/or practices (7) Other: (3) Youth softball games and/or practices (8) None, would not use an indoor sports (4) Youth lacrosse games and/or practices facility. (5) Youth football games and/or practices 11. An indoor nature center has been suggested to be developed in Bredesen Park. Bredesen Park is a 200 acre park that has 4.1 miles of walking and biking paths and nature trails that weave through the center of the park. From the list below please check ALL the reasons you and members of your household would use an INDOOR nature center in Bredesen Park. [Check ALL you would use.] (1) View wildlife and nature exhibits (2) Attend environmental classes (3) Participate in environmental special events and programs (4) Other: (5) None. We would not use an indoor nature center in Bredesen Park. 12. If an INDOOR nature center was built in Bredesen Park with the features and programs most important to you and members of your household, approximately how often would you and members of your household use the nature center? [Check ONE] (1) 20 or more times per year (4) 2-4 times per year (2) 10-19 times per year (5) 1 time per year (3) 5-9 times per year (6) None 13. How supportive would you be of the City of Edina setting up specific times of the day and week where off -leash dogs could use city parks under the supervision of their owners? (1) Very supportive (3) Not sure (2) Somewhat supportive (4) Not supportive ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 3 14. The Edina Hockey Association has 1,200 players. Currently the Association purchases over ® 500 hours of ice time outside of Edina because of a lack of ice time in existing facilities within the City of Edina. Currently a feasibility study is being conducted to build an outdoor, uncovered artificially refrigerated hockey rink in Edina. If a new outdoor uncovered artificially refrigerated rink was built in Edina, would any members of your household use the rink? (1) Yes (2) No (3) Not sure 15. From the following list, please check ALL the potential indoor programming spaces you and members of your household would use in an indoor community center in Edina. (01) Walking and jogging track (09) Preschool program space (02) Arts and crafts room (10) Senior adult program area (03) Aerobics/fitness/dance class space (11) Rock climbing/bouldering wall (04) Space for teens (12) Space for meetings (05) Lanes for lap swimming (13) Weight room/cardiovascular equip. are (06) Leisure pool (water slides, sprays, etc.) (14) Gym for basketball/volleyball (07) 25 meter competition pool (15) Gymnastics space (08) Warm water therapeutic pool (16) Other: 16. Available park space in the City of Edina is limited. One option that has been suggested is to partner in communities around Edina in the development of new indoor recreation, sports and nature center facilities. From the following list, please indicate the TWO options that you would most support for the development of new indoor recreation, sports, and nature facilities that are most important to your household. (1) Only develop facilities in the City of Edina — Our household would only support the development of new indoor sports, recreation, and nature center facilities if they are developed in the City of Edina. (2) Develop facilities in partnership with communities within 1-5 miles of the City of Edina — Our household would support the development of new indoor sports, recreation, and nature center facilities in partnership with other communities within 1-5 miles of the City of Edina. (3) Develop facilities in partnership with communities within 6-15 miles of the City of Edina — Our household would support the development of new indoor sports, recreation, and nature center facilities in partnership with other communities within 6-15 miles of the City of Edina. (4) We would not be in favor of developing facilities inside or outside of the City of Edina — Our household would not support the development of new indoor sports, recreation, and nature center facilities. ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 4 17. Buckthorn is a non-native and invasive woody plant that grows quickly in parks and nature areas often pushing out native species. How big of a problem do you feel that buckthorn growth is in City of Edina parks? (1) Major problem (3) Minor problem (2) Moderate problem (4) Not a problem 18. Following are listed a number of actions the City of Edina could take to improve and expand parks and recreation facilities in Edina. For each action, please indicate whether you and your household are very supportive, somewhat supportive, not supportive, or not sure by circling the corresponding number. How supportive are you of having the Very Somewhat Not City of Edina develop new facilities for..... Supportive Not Sure Not Sure Supportive (A) Walking and biking trails, including development of a trail system throughout Edina and the greater Minneapolis area...................1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 (B) Outdoor athletic fields for youth sports, i.e. baseball, soccer, lacrosse, football, etc..................................................................1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 (C) Develop new indoor nature center for classes, exhibits, and programs in Bredesen Park.................................................1 ................2 .............. 3 .................. 4 (D) Develop new indoor sports facility for games, practices, training for baseball, soccer, lacrosse, etc .......................... (E) Develop new indoor recreation center, i.e. fitness facilities, walking and running track, indoor pool, gym, etc ................ (F) Develop new outdoor uncovered artificially refrigerated hockeyrink.......................................................................... .1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 .1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 .1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 (G) Aggressively remove buckthorn from city parks .........................1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 (H) Develop a new outdoor dog exercise park..................................1 ................2 .............. 3..................4 (1) Other:.........................1................2..............3..................4 19. Which THREE of the items from the list in Question #18 would you be most willing to fund with additional tax dollars? [Write in the letters below using the letters from the list in Question #18 above or circle None.] Tgrm—ost 2"a Most TdMost None Willing Willing Willing ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina – September 2006 Page 5 20. If an additional $100 were available for City of Edina parks and recreation facilities, how would you allocate the funds among the categories of funding listed below? [Please be sure your total to adds up to $100.] $ Improvements/maintenance of existing parks and recreation facilities $ Development of new walking and biking trails $ Development of new outdoor and indoor sports facilities (softball, soccer, baseball, etc.) $ Development of new indoor community facilities (gyms, fitness centers, pool, etc.) $ Development of new indoor nature center (exhibits, programs, etc.) $ Removal of buckthorn from city parks $ Development of a new outdoor uncovered artificially refrigerated hockey rink $ Other: $ 100 TOTAL 21. Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means "Very Satisfied" and 1 means "Very Dissatisfied", with the following parks and recreation services provided by the City of Edina. 22. Which THREE of the parks and recreation services listed in Question #21 do you think should receive the most attention from City of Edina officials over the next TWO years? [Please write in the letters below for your 1St 2 d and 3`d choices using the letters in Question #21 above, or circle 'NONE'.] 1St: 2 d: 3d. NONE ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 6 Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied 2 Very Dissatisfied 1 Don'tServices A. Maintenance of Edina parks 5 4 3 9 B. Number of Edina parks 5 4 3 2 1 9 C. Number of walking/biking trails 5 4 3 2 1 9 D. Quality of outdoor swimming pools 5 4 3 2 1 9 E. Quality of outdoor athletic fields 5 4 3 2 1 9 F. Quality of indoor athletic fields 5 4 3 2 1 9 G. Number of City soccer fields 5 4 3 2 1 9 H. Number of City baseball/softball fields 5 4 3 2 1 9 I. The City youth programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 J. The City adult programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 K. Number of nature conservation areas 5 4 3 2 1 9 L Other Edina programs, i.e. services, trips and special events 5 4 3 2 1 9 M Availability of information about Edina programs and facilities 5 4 3 2 1 9 N. Ease of registering for programs 5 4 3 2 1 9 O Quality of programs and facilities for adults 55 ears of age and older 5 4 3 2 1 9 P. User friendliness of City website 5 4 1 3 2 1 1 9 Q. Fees charged for recreation programs 5 4 1 3 2 1 1 9 22. Which THREE of the parks and recreation services listed in Question #21 do you think should receive the most attention from City of Edina officials over the next TWO years? [Please write in the letters below for your 1St 2 d and 3`d choices using the letters in Question #21 above, or circle 'NONE'.] 1St: 2 d: 3d. NONE ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 6 A Few Minutes of Your Time Will Help Make the City ofEdina a Better Place to Live, Work and Play! Dear City of Edina Resident: Your response to the enclosed survey is extremely important... The City of Edina is conducting a Parks and Recreation Facilities and Services Needs Assessment Survey to help establish priorities for the future development of parks and recreation facilities, programs and services within the community. Your household was one of a limited number selected at random to receive this survey. therefore, it is very important that you participate. We appreciate your time... We realize that this survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, but each question is important. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid the City of Edina in taking a resident -driven approach to making decisions that will enrich the future of our community and positively affect the lives of its residents. Please complete and return your survey within the next two weeks... We have selected Leisure Vision/ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to the City. Your responses will remain confidential. Please return your completed survey in the enclosed postage -paid envelope addressed to ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John Keprios, Director of the Park and Recreation Department for the City of Edina at 952-826-0430. The Parks and Recreation Facilities and Services Needs Assessment Survey is a tool that will benefit all City of Edina residents. Please take this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Sincerely, James B. Hovland Mayor 23. Please check ALL the ways you learn about City of Edina parks and recreation programs and activities. (01) Park and Recreation "Insider" Brochure (02) City of Edina Website (03) Newspaper articles (04) Radio (05) Cable access television (06) Flyers at parks & recreation facilities (07) From friends and neighbors (08) School flyers/newsletter (09) E-mail bulletins (10) Conversations with parks/rec. staff (11) Newspaper advertisements (12) City Hall Electronic Message Board 24. Please rate your satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means "Very Satisfied" and 1 means "Very Dissatisfied", with the overall value your household receives from the City of Edina Parks and Recreation Department. (5) Very Satisfied (4) Somewhat Satisfied (3) Neutral Demographics (2) Somewhat Dissatisfied (1) Very Dissatisfied (9) Don't Know 25. Counting yourself, how many people live in your household? 26. Counting yourself, how many people in your household are? Under age 5 Ages 15-19 Ages 35-44 Ages 5-9 Ages 20-24 Ages 45-54 Ages 10-14 Ages 25-34 Ages 55-64 27. What is your age? 28. What is your zip code? 29. Your gender: (1) Male (2) Female Ages 65-74 Ages 75+ 30. Please share any additional comments that could assist the City of Edina in improving parks, trails, open space, or recreational facilities and services. This concludes the survey; Thank you for your time. Please Return Your Completed Survey in the Enclosed Return -Reply Envelope Addressed to: ETC Institute, 725 W. Frontier Circle, Olathe, KS 66061 Your response will remain Completely Confidential The address information on the sticker to the right will ONLY be used to help identify areas with special interests ©Leisure Vision/ETC Institute for the City of Edina — September 2006 Page 7 JJll Old' OY�' hgv�e 16 �0 pl4 fie y C, If ccv(�- /A"V— Y.V s?�v�e lk, Cq rid 11k7e J ��f k q City of Edina, MN Capital Improvement Program 2007 thru 2011 PROJECTS & FUNDING SOURCES BY DEPARTMENT Department Project# Priority 2007 2008 2009 2010 ;Park & Recreation 30,000 Pathway Repairs/Additions: Arneson Acres PK -00-028 0 Playground: Alden Park PK -00-031 0 Renovate senior athletic field: Pamela Park PK -00-033 0 Parking Lot: Weber Park PK -00-035 0 Playground: McGuire Park PK -00-037 0 Playground: Pamela Park PK -00-039 0 Renovate softball field: Todd Park PK -01-001 0 Renovate west baseball field: Countryside Park PK -01-004 0 New Maintenance Garage: Courtney Fields PK -02-008 0 Playground: Chowen Park PK -02-041 0 Playground: York Park PK -02-042 0 Batting/Pitching Cages - Pamela Park PK -04-001 0 Hockey Rink Relocation - Walnut Ridge Park PK -04-003 0 • Renovate Picnic Shelter- Chowen Park PK -05-002 0 Upgrade Keyless Entry System PK -05-004 0 Off -Leash Dog Park - France Avenue Site PK -05-006 0 New Park Pathway - Garden Park PK -05-007 0 Pathway Renovation - Todd Park PK -05-009 0 Replace Playground Equipment - Countryside Park PK -05-010 0 Artificial ice system - Lewis Park hockey rink PK -05-011 0 Picnic Shelter - Braemar Park PK -06-001 0 Window Replacement - Arneson Acres Park PK -06-002 0 Protective Netting - Pamela Park Softball Complex PK -06-003 0 New Athletic Field With Lights - Pamela Park PK -06-004 0 Waterproofing Historic Buildings - Tupa Park PK -06-005 0 Park & Recreation Total 2011 Total Page t 30,000 30,000 118,000 118,000 330,000 330,000 77,000 77,000 120,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 91,000 91,000 138,000 138,000 150,000 150,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 50,000 50,000 90,000 90,000 18,000 18,000 25,000 25,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 110,000 110,000 580,000 580,000 16,000 16,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 400,000 400,000 20,000 20,000 842,000 516,000 820,000 395,000 370,000 2,943,000 Page t Dear Edina Park Board, The Morningside Neighborhood Association (MNA) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization founded in 2003 to promote better community through group action and involvement in local decision-making, and to represent the interests of all residents and property owners in the Morningside neighborhood of Edina (approximately 720 homes). All Morningside residents and property owners age 18 and over are automatically granted membership in the MNA. There are no membership dues. Each year, the MNA holds two or more events at Weber Park. Events are open to everyone in the neighborhood and are free of charge. Volunteers distribute flyers to every household prior to the event to invite people to attend. The next scheduled MNA event at Weber Park is the Annual Meeting, October 29, from 2:00-3:15 p.m. The meeting will be followed by a City Council candidates' forum or public safety forum, 3:30-4:45 p.m. The MNA, like all volunteer organizations, relies on financial and in- kind contributions to carry out the activities it was formed to do. We believe neighborhood organizations add value to our City by encouraging communication between the City and residents, helping the City keep residents informed of important issues, and building community in a way that keeps neighbors connected and property values high. The MNA has always paid to use the Weber Park warming house for events but would like to request that the Park Board wave the fee ($65) for the Annual Meeting and up to two events per year that are sponsored by the MNA and open to everyone in the neighborhood without charge. Please give thoughtful consideration to this request. A representative from our Steering Committee would be happy to come to a Park Board meeting to answer any questions. Additionally, more information about the MNA, including the organization's bylaws, can be found at www.edinamorningside.orq. Thank you. Jennifer Janovy for the Morningside Neighborhood Association Steering Committee 952-920-4373 jkj966@aol.com Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free. Page 1 of 1 From: "Dianne Plunkett Latham" <plunkettdi@mn.rr.com> To: "Michael Damman" <Damma001@tc.umn.edu> Date: Thursday, September 07, 2006 06:03PM Subject: Needs Assessment Survey 9-7-06 Mike, I understand that the Pk Bd is approving the Needs Assessment Survey at the Sept. 11 meeting. The only comment I have is regarding noxious weed abatement. The survey needs to ask which parks are of resident's highest priority for restoration. It is evident to me that the city cannot restore all 600 acres of its infested natural areas due the high cost. But having at least some natural areas maintained allows residents to experience our native plants and associated wildlife. Since only a few parks can be maintained, the city needs to know which parks are the resident's highest priority. If residents are not asked to prioritize, they may be given the impression that by voting for the restoration of natural areas, all 600 acres will be restored. Thus, they will be disappointed. The survey needs to help them understand that not all natural areas will be restored. I would suggest a question such as: Buckthorn is a non-native shrub/small tree that grows quickly in parks and natural areas, often pushing out native species. How big of a problem do you feel the presence of Buckthorn is in City of Edina parks? _High, _Medium, _Low. If you believe that buckthorn is a problem, in which three city parks would buckthorn removal be of highest priority to you, with one being highest? 1 2 3 Thanks much for considering this suggestion. Dianne Plunkett Latham 7013 Comanche Ct. Edina MN 55439-1004 (952) 941-3542 https://mail.auxs.umn.edu/mail/mdamman.nsf/($Inbox)/B38635AFA72B 9ABF862571 E200... 9/8/2006 Cik https://mail.auxs.umn.edu/mail/mdamman.nsf/($Inbox)/B38635AFA72B 9ABF862571 E200... 9/8/2006