HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-16 Meeting PacketAgenda
Transportation Com m ission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Community Room
Thursday, March 16, 2017
6:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of Februa ry 16, 2017
V.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," t he Board/Commission will invite resi dent s to share r elevant
i ssues or concerns. Individuals must l i mi t t heir comments to three mi nutes. The Chair may limit
the number of speakers on the same i ssue in t he int erest of time and topic. Gener al ly speaking,
i tems that ar e elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed dur i ng Communit y Comment.
Indi vi dual s should not expect the Chai r or Boar d/Commission Member s to respond to t heir
comment s tonight. Instead, the Board/Commi ssion might refer the mat ter to st a% for
consi derat i on at a future meeting.
A.Edina Community Circulator
B.Comprehensive Plan Update
C.Passenger Rail Engagement Report Draft Request for Proposals
D.Additional Updates on 2017 Work Plan Initia tiv es
E.Bicycle Bene0ts Program
F.City Code Changes Concerning Boards and Commissions
VII.Correspondence And Petitions
A.Updated Transporta tion Commission Public Roster
VIII.Chair And Member Comments
IX.Sta 3 Comments
X.Calendar Of Events
A.Schedule of Meeting a nd E v ent Dates as of Ma rch 16, 2017
The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the
publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli 0c ation, an
interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861
72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting.
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Sharon Allis on, Engineering Sp ec ialis t
Item Activity:
Subject:Ap p ro val o f Minutes - Regular Meeting of February
16, 2017
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the meeting minutes of the regular Edina Transportation Commission meeting of February 16, 2017.
Draft Minutes ETC, Feb. 16, 2017
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
Community Room
February 16, 2017, 6:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chair LaForce called the meeting to order.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were commissioners Boettge, Brown, Iyer, Koester, LaForce, Miranda and Olson.
Absent: Commissioner Olk.
Late arrivals: Commissioners Bass and Janovy.
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by commissioner Iyer and seconded by commissioner Miranda approving the meeting agenda.
All voted aye. Motion passed. Commissioners Bass and Janovy were absent.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by commissioner Miranda and seconded by commissioner Iyer approving the Jan. 19, 2017,
minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. Commissioners Bass and Janovy were absent.
V. Community Comments
Students were in attendance observing and taking notes for their government class. One student asked what was
the City doing to prevent detoured vehicles from Highway 169 to use the local streets. Planner Nolan explained
that the City knew that vehicles would cut through local neighborhoods and staff put several measures in place –
restricted truck traffic, police enforcement, narrowing driving lanes, additional stop signs, and other options are
being considered. One that will begin Feb. 27 is one-way in and one-way out of the neighborhood during peak a.m.
and p.m. hours. A last resort is to cut off access completely.
VI. Special Recognitions And Presentations
A. Planning Commission comprehensive Plan Update ETC Liaisons
Planning Commission (PC) commissioners Susan Lee and John Hamilton explained the process for updating the
2018 Comprehensive Plan. They said PC commissioners were assigned to each board or commission as liaisons
and they were assigned to the ETC. They said the ETC will dialogue with them and the consultant, Biko
Associates, to update the Plan.
They explained the review phases as: Phase 1 – first kick off meeting between Biko and liaisons (ETC to identify
“hot button issues” to liaisons so liaisons can report to Biko at the meeting); Phase 2 – Small Area Plans and
Transportation Chapter review and incorporating changes; Phase 3 – write the 2018 Comp Plan with the goal of
adopting it by the end of 2018. Biko suggested that the ETC review and comment on implementation of the Living
Streets Plan, Xerxes/France/Crosstown, east-west artery north of I-494, integration/cross-fertilization with the
other Comp Plan chapters, and other issues the ETC may already be working on.
Discussion will continue at the next ETC meeting.
VII. Reports/Recommendations
A. Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund (PACS) Fund Equity Scoring Criteria
Commissioner Bass handed out new scoring criteria. She said the scoring was more complicated than she thought
and needs more work. She said the idea is to apply criteria and score projects that are funded by the PACS fund
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
so that they are including equity and targeting parts of the community where there is a need. She said more
discussion is needed in identifying measurements, evaluation tools and assigning points. To clarify, Chair LaForce
said currently, City staff evaluates projects using limited criteria, mostly costs said Commissioner Bass, and this
was a suggestion that they use additional criteria. Commissioner Bass said yes, and to also make it more objective.
She gave the example of spending unused funds on a Safe Routes to School sidewalk which is a good effort but
suggested they identify other characteristics they feel are important as a community in determining where the
sidewalk is built, e.g. a large number of children should prioritize the sidewalk.
• Adding environmental justice as criteria.
• In the Comp Plan updates, require developers to pay for infrastructure improvements.
• Look at past projects to see if City decision would have been different using additional criteria.
• Criteria and score may not need to be overly detailed.
• Is there a feeling that past projects have been inequitable?
• Past projects have been good, but some were overly expensive.
• Living Streets is lacking equity language.
• Hodge podge of sidewalks.
• A case can be made for inequity.
• New criteria should not be onerous on staff but should be required, not optional.
• There is a park dedication fee, why not a transportation dedication fee?
• Data per neighborhood is available for the core metro cities, but don’t know if the same is available for
Discussion will continue and commissioner Bass volunteered to help as this was her final ETC meeting.
B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Draft Request for Proposals
Planner Nolan asked for feedback on the Request for Proposals (RFP) that he would like to issue next week. The
following were suggested:
• Include THRIVE 2040 in the reference material.
• Data collection seemed focused on counts while missing a human element or people impacts, also equity
• Encourage use of technology for public engagement; get out in the neighborhoods at different times; ask
consultant to suggest other ideas of engagement.
• Evaluation same redundant.
The evaluating team will include planner Nolan, city engineer Millner, city planner Teague, assistant city engineer
Schulze, one engineering technician, sustainability coordinator Brown, and commissioner Miranda.
The RFP will be sent to some pre-identified consultants and also posted on professional association websites.
C. On-Street Parking Control Policy
Planner Nolan asked for feedback on this policy that was created in 1993 and recently reviewed and updated by
the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC). He said the TSC agreed that it was still needed.
• The goal is to bring all policy in alignment with the Living Streets Plan; how would this policy be different if
it was?
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
• The police department takes request for temporary no parking but will not restrict parking on both sides
of the street which is not in line with the Living Streets Plan.
• Clarify decision-making process and include TSC as part of it and who the committee members are.
• Is winter parking included? Yes.
• This should include all “parking,” i.e. private construction, road reconstruction, etc.
• Include revision date and documents related to the policy, i.e. Living Streets Plan, MUTCD, etc.
D. Traffic Safety Report of February 1, 2017
A.1. Planner Nolan was asked if there were any concerns with having an uncontrolled crosswalk and he said it was
better than not having a crosswalk in this location.
Motion made by commissioner Bass and seconded by commissioner Olson to forward the Feb. 1,
2017, TSC report to the City Council. All voted aye. Motion passed.
E. Additional Updates on 2016 Work Plan Initiatives
No updates.
F. Affirm the 2017 Transportation Commission Meeting Schedule
Motion made by commissioner Miranda and seconded by commissioner Boettge affirming the 2017
Transportation Commission Meeting Schedule. All voted aye. Motion carried.
G. Annual Elections
Commissioner Olson nominated chair LaForce to continue as chair. Motion made by commissioner
Bass and seconded by commissioner Miranda to close the nomination. Chair Laforce accepted the
nomination. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Chair LaForce nominated commissioner Miranda a vice-chair. Motion made by commissioner
Janovy and seconded by Commissioner Olson to close the nomination. Commissioner Miranda
accepted the nomination. All voted aye. Motion carried.
VIII. Correspondence And Petitions
A. Board/Commission Chair Term Feedback Requested
Feedback on the three questions:
• Term is not too short because more work is required when you are the chair.
• Good to have new leadership.
• Change in leadership is good for commission and community.
• One is not being forced to continue as chair.
• Better to have transition (outgoing chair is still around to assist new chair).
• Chairs can dominate culture of commission.
• Why not three year term? (Half of your six year term).
IX. Chair and Commissioner Comments
This was Commissioner Boettge’s final meeting and she thanked everyone. She reminded the ETC not to forget
about the sidewalk on W. 66th Street.
This was Commissioner Bass’ final meeting. Commissioner Bass said she appreciated her time and all of the
commissioners. She said she learned so much about how city government operates and how it can be improved.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
She said she received a response letter from the resident who sent a letter to Council and the ETC recently; the
resident said the ETC is not a good fit for her at this time.
This was Commissioner Janovy’s final meeting and she thanked everyone. She said so much as changed since 2004
when the commission first started and they’ve contributed so much to the community.
Commissioner Miranda said he went on a walking tour of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and people were
very excited about the trail. He asked if it was true that students were allowed to park in the church’s parking lot
near the school and he was told yes. He said bicyclebenefits.org offers discounts at some businesses if you ride
your bike and he asked if the ETC would support this in Edina. Yes, this will be added to the next agenda.
Commissioner Brown encouraged staff and Council to consider a pedestrian bridge or tunnel at York Avenue to
the new Southdale Library because the street is busy and will only get busier.
Commissioner Iyer thanked the three outgoing commissioners. He said they were strong leaders, innovative and
visionary. He hopes they’ll continue to serve the City elsewhere.
Commissioner Olson asked if they knew who the new commissioners would be and planner Nolan said they have
not been made public yet. He said Council will approve them on Feb. 22.
Chair LaForce thanked the three outgoing commissioners. He said they each brought something different that he
appreciated and a nice mix that he’ll miss.
X. Staff Comments
Planner Nolan thanked the three outgoing commissioners and said he’s learned a lot from them.
• The Comprehensive Plan training session is rescheduled for Apr. 6 and will be done by the consultant, not the
Met Council.
• An RFP for Passenger Rail Study will come to the ETC next month for feedback; a funding source was
identified by manager Neal.
• A grant application is being submitted to Hennepin County to complete the segment of missing sidewalk on
France Avenue from W. 40th Street to W. 42nd Street. This will be done in partnership with the City of St.
Louis Park as they complete their missing segment that abuts W. 40th Street.
• In addition to the update above regarding Highway 169, feedback has been mixed from area residents and
drivers not living in the area and the challenge is balancing the needs of everyone.
• A public meeting is scheduled for Feb. 21, 6 p.m., to answer residents’ questions about the height of the
boardwalk for the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail at Walnut Creek Park. The floodplain map was recently
updated and the boardwalk is to be higher; however, a variance was approved to keep it at the floodplain
XI. Calendar of Events
A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of Feb. 16, 2017
XII. Adjournment at 8:08 p.m.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
# of
Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 2
NAME (Date)
Bass, Katherine 1 1 2 100%
Boettge, Emily 1 1 2 100%
Brown, Andy 1 1 2 100%
Iyer, Surya 1 1 2 100%
LaForce, Tom 1 1 2 100%
Janovy, Jennifer 1 1 2 100%
Miranda, Lou 1 1 2 100%
Olson, Larry 1 1 50%
Koester, David (student) 1 1 50%
Olk, Megan (student)0 0%
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, Trans p o rtatio n P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Ed ina Community Circ ulato r Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
At the Dec 15 ET C meeting Courtney Whited, Director of Transportation for DART S, presented options for an
Edina Community Circulator. At that time, the ET C recommended that she come to the March meeting to
continue this discussion. Courtney and DART S Transportation Services P rogram Manager Dave Van Hattum will
be on hand to work with the ET C on this topic.
Dec 15, 2016 ETC Pres entation
Edina Circulator Loop Bus–
“Loops you around the Heart of Edina”
Partnering To Make Connections
•The Circulator Loop bus service is a fixed‐route bus service that
helps riders visit Edina businesses and destinations without
driving and while receiving the caring assistance of a DARTS
•There is no sign up required. Just hop on and off at any of the
scheduled stops.
•Service is door‐to‐door, reliable and additional assistance is
available upon request.
•Route can offer the flexibility of requesting a deviated
(customized) stop near a scheduled stop.
•The service can offer an affordable all‐you‐can ride fare that
allows riders to get on and off at any of the stops along the
one‐hour loop.
Edina Circulator Loop Bus
Enjoy the convenience of a fixed transportation route with the added benefit of
a Community Core Concierge.
•DARTS provides the wheelchair lift‐equipped buses and drivers for this service.
•Additionally, we can coordinate to provide a friendly, energetic, and courteous
Community Core Concierge Volunteer that rides the bus to establish a sense of
community through welcoming conversation, calling out stops and assist the
passengers with their bags as needed. Additionally, they can provide free
travel training.
Proposed Loop
•Shopping/Errands/Personal Appointments Loop:
Potential stops might be Edina Community Center,
Senior Center/Grandview Library, Southdale hospital
campus, Southdale Mall, 50th & France Lund’s, YMCA,
Cub, Target, Centennial Lakes Park, etc.
Service would pick up riders from a number of high
density housing locations, e.g. South Haven
Apartments, York Gardens Senior Living, 7500
Cooperative, Yorkdale Townhomes, Edinborough
Condominiums, Summit Point Apartments, Oaks
Vernon Apartments, Edina Care & Rehab Center, etc.
Edina Circulator Bus Loop –Part I
Edina Circulator Bus Loop –Part II
Locations that could be added to the
Edina Circulator Bus Loop
•Trader Joe’s/Perkins
•Yorktown Mall
•44th & France area
•Southdale Square
•Edina Art Center
•Edina Aquatic Center
•Other high density housing locations
Working to Ensure Coordination with other
Transportation Options
•DARTS recognizes that Metro Transit’s Metro Mobility, Transit Link &
Fixed Routes, VEAP volunteer transportation, and a variety of non‐
emergency medical transportation services already operate a variety of
transportation options in and around the City of Edina.
•DARTS will work to ensure that the Edina Circulator Bus Loop is not a
duplication of service but is an option deemed to fill a gap in coverage.
•DARTS will seek out coordination options, i.e. obtaining VEAP volunteer
driver transportation passenger feedback regarding where they
perceive there is a need for additional transportation service in the
community and determining whether VEAP can expand to serve or if it
is better fit for DARTS to provide it. Connecting with Commuter
Services regarding partnering with other forms of transit to transfer
riders to and from the Edina Loop and Metro bus stops/LRT stops, etc.
Cost to Operate
Apply for Edina Human Services Funding for 2018
Next Steps Timeline
•Establish an Advisory Board, similar to the one that was used to set up and
implement the West St. Paul (Robert Street) Loop and separately our Hastings
LOOP Circulator Bus.
•This Advisory Board consists of a broad based section of the community,
ranging from the YMCA, Chamber of Commerce, Library, Community Center
and Senior Center Directors, City Communications Manager, High‐density
Housing Managers, etc. The Advisory Boards continue to meet as they work
to monitor, adjust and promote this coordinating partnership service.
Examples of tasks the Edina Loop Advisory Board would do:
Create and distribute a community needs assessment tool.
Obtain Loop sponsors.
Establish a specific list of requirements to become a Loop Stop.
Speak with each of the building operators at the proposed stops.
Create a marketing plan and assist with promotion and travel training.
Designing Connections That Enrich of our Community
•DARTS mission is to create connections that enrich aging in Dakota
County and beyond.
•The Edina Circulator Bus Loop will provide an opportunity for Edina’s
residents to remain active and connected to all that the city has to
•Questions, comments, suggestions –contact Courtney L.B. Whited,
Director of Community Services & Transportation 651‐234‐2279 or
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.B.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K No lan, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Co mp rehens ive Plan Up d ate Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
P lanning Commissioners Susan Lee and John Hamilton will lead a discussion regarding the 2018 Comprehensive
P lan Update, focusing on the Transportation chapter and related issues.
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.C.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, Trans p o rtatio n P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Pas s enger Rail Engagement Repo rt Draft Req uest for
Pro p o s als
Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Initiative #1 on the 2017 ET C work plan states "If City staff secures funds, support and guide the engagement
process for, and potentially study of, passenger rail in Edina." At their December meeting, the ET C discussed this
item and a potential scope of work to be outlined in a future request for proposals (RFP ). Attached is a draft RFP
for the commission's review and comment. Staff's goal is to incorporate comments from the ET C and to issue the
RFP by the end of the month.
Pas s enger Rail Engagement Report Draft RFP
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City of Edina
Passenger Rail Community
Engagement Report
Issued: March 21, 2017
Project Overview
The City of Edina is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the preparation of a Passenger Rail
Community Engagement Report for the City. The City is seeking a firm or team of interdisciplinary
planning and design professionals with experience in public engagement and passenger rail transit.
The selected firm will work with City of Edina staff and decision makers to conduct a robust public
engagement process, planning study and document review, existing conditions and policy analysis,
make recommendations and prepare a final Report document to assist the Edina Transportation
Commission and City Council with decisions regarding the future of passenger rail in Edina.
On the 4th of July, 1910 the Dan Patch Electric Railroad began service from Minneapolis to
Northfield, MN. This passenger rail service was in operation until 1942. The Dan Patch line ran
along what is now the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP Rail) railroad, which in Edina runs north-south
over four miles through the entire city, ranging from 1/8- to 2/3-mile west of Highway 100 (see
Attachment A). Currently, freight trains on this portion of the CP Rail line are operated by the
Twin Cities and Western (TC&W) Railroad. Approximately two trains run through Edina on CP
Rail per day – one in the morning and one the evening, with seven at-grade rail crossings in the city.
There have been some indications that TC&W may wish to increase freight rail traffic to four trains
per day through Edina.
In 1999 the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) identified the Dan Patch as a
commuter rail corridor, connecting Lakeville to the Minneapolis central business district. The
corridor was included in the Metropolitan Council’s Transit 2020 Master Plan in 2001. According
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to the Master Plan, the Dan Patch was prioritized third of the three planned commuter rail lines at
the time.
In 2001 Dakota County studied the feasibility of commuter rail on the Dan Patch line between
Northfield and Minneapolis. The report recommended:
Although implementing passenger rail transit service in the Dan Patch corridor is
physically possible, the real and perceived adverse impacts to adjoining land uses and
the cost of improving the right-of-way and operating the system make corridor
improvements impractical at the present time. MnDOT, the Metropolitan Council
and the cities and counties within the Dan Patch corridor should first explore and
promote other transit options and transportation improvements.
The So-Called “Gag Rule”
In 2002, the MN legislature adopted the Dan Patch “gag rule” (Laws of Minnesota 2002, chapter
393, section 85). The law prohibits the Met Council, MnDOT, and regional rail authorities from
taking any action or spending any money for study, planning, preliminary engineering, final design or
construction of the Dan Patch commuter rail line, defined as “the commuter rail line between
Northfield and Minneapolis identified in the metropolitan council’s transit 2020 master plan.”
The 2010 (and draft 2015) Statewide Rail Plan identifies the Dan Patch corridor for intercity
passenger rail (Minnesota Valley Line) from the Twin Cities metro to Mankato for construction
within 20 years. The line “would host four daily round trips of standard (79 mph) passenger rail
In recent years, legislation has been proposed to modify the “gag rule” to permit the Met Council
and regional rail authorities (other than Hennepin and Ramsey counties) to study and plan light rail
on the line.
Current Interest in Passenger Rail in Edina
Some residents and City officials have continued to express interest in the possibility of passenger
rail in Edina. Over the past year City staff has received almost daily questions and requests for
assistance and information around the general topic of future passenger rail service to and from
Edina. The subject of rail service in Edina was not part of any City Council, City department or
Board/Commission work plans, so in April of 2016 City Council directed the Edina Transportation
Commission (ETC) to review and recommend whether the City of Edina should assume a position
in favor of the addition of passenger rail to the community.
Edina Transportation Commission Input
Specifically, the City Council directed the ETC to include findings on the following key questions:
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1. Should the City of Edina support further study of the possibility of passenger rail service in
2. Should the City of Edina formally request the elimination of the so called “gag rule”
concerning the Dan Patch line?
3. Should the City of Edina dedicate staff and fiscal resources to developing a plan to
encourage the development of passenger rail service in Edina?
The ETC recommended that the City support further study by the City of Edina of the possibility
of passenger rail service (such as light rail or DMU) on the Dan Patch/CP Rail line (question 1
above). The ETC interpreted this question to refer only to transit service, with stops in Edina, and
not to high-speed passenger or commuter rail without stops in Edina. Further, the ETC
recommended that the report include a robust public engagement process and professional advice
from transit and rail experts. The final report will recommend answers to questions 2 and 3 above.
To inform these recommendations, the ETC conducted an internal SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats) Analysis at its September 2016 meeting. A summary of that
analysis is included as Attachment B. Additionally, the ETC’s 2017 Work Plan includes an initiative
to “support and guide the engagement process for and potential study of passenger rail in Edina.”
Summary of Work Program
The City of Edina anticipates that the selected firm will design and lead a process consistent with
the work program outlined below. City staff and the ETC will play a prominent role throughout the
duration of the project. Consultants may suggest deviations to this work program that would
better achieve project goals.
The following work tasks are described in more detail below:
1. Meetings with City Staff and Officials
2. Public Engagement Process
3. Planning Study and Document Review
4. Existing Conditions and Policy Analysis
5. Develop Recommendations
6. Prepare Final Report
Meetings with City Staff and Officials
The selected firm will meet regularly with the City’s project manager to monitor project progress.
In addition, attendance at the following elected/appointed official meetings is also anticipated:
• Three Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) meetings
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• One City Council meeting
Public Engagement Process
Public engagement is the primary component of this effort. The selected firm will design a public
engagement process that identifies and involves stakeholders at key moments throughout the
report process. This process should be informative, inclusive, and promote a community
conversation that creates an “arc” of engagement, using multiple methods that allow more people
to participate and lift up their perspectives. The City believes that public meetings by themselves
will not be sufficient to meet the goals of this project.
At minimum, the following shall be included in the public engagement process (additional outreach
and engagement tools may also be proposed):
• Two Public Meetings with members of the general public. These meetings should provide
context and facts about passenger rail in Edina and the region, share survey results and
policy analysis (see below), and gather input on risks and opportunities for Edina
stakeholders. Alternative meeting and notification formats should be considered in order to
provide the highest levels of accessibility and to reach often underrepresented members of
the public.
• Survey Tools will also be utilized to gather information, opinions, concerns (e.g. safety,
noise, etc.) from meeting participants and those who do not attend meetings. The
consultant should propose survey tools that are accessible to the widest audience possible
given the scope of the project.
• Other Meetings may include focus groups, ETC subcommittee meetings or small-format
meetings with key stakeholders as identified by the consultant and the City.
Planning Study and Document Review
Several local and regional planning studies and policy documents have been prepared that address
the topic of regional passenger rail and transit in the Twin Cities and Edina. The consultant will
review these documents and will summarize key elements, common themes and inconsistencies
that may exist between them. An initial list of these documents includes (but is not limited to) the
• Metropolitan Council 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (2015)
• Metropolitan Council Regional Transitway Guidelines (amended 2016)
• Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Statewide Rail Plan (2015)
• Dan Patch Commuter Rail Feasibility Study (Dakota County Regional Railroad Authority,
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• Laws of Minnesota 2002, chapter 393, section 85 (so-called Dan Patch “Gag Rule”)
• Edina Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 7: Transportation (2008)
• City of Edina Strategic Vision and Framework Report (Vision Edina, 2015)
Existing Conditions and Policy Analysis
To supplement the review of existing planning studies, the consultant will collect additional data
necessary to prepare a policy and process analysis related to the potential implementation of
passenger rail in/through Edina. This will require meeting with agency and municipal staff in Edina
and elsewhere to gain an understanding of agency requirements, as well as input from adjacent
communities. The information gathered and prepared in this task will be summarized in a
memorandum for staff and public consumption.
• Data Collection and Analysis: Using the information provided by the City and other
agencies, the consultant will assemble data relevant to studying the feasibility of passenger
rail along the Dan Patch line in Edina. This will include land use, socioeconomic and
demographic data as well as other information that can be analyzed to compare existing and
future densities to the range of densities that would typically support various forms of
passenger rail transit.
• Meetings with Agency and Other Municipal Staff: Local agency and officials will be consulted
to gain an understanding of the process, impacts and feasibility of passenger rail in Edina and
the region. Meetings with staff and officials from MnDOT, Metro Transit, the Cities of St.
Louis Park and Bloomington, and others may be necessary.
• Policy and Process Analysis: Using information gathered, analysis conducted and meetings
held in prior tasks the consultant will prepare a high-level review of the procedures and
timelines involved for passenger rail projects of this type.
Develop Recommendations
Based on the information gathered and prepared above – with particular emphasis on informed
community and City input and desires – the consultant will work with the ETC to develop
recommendations regarding the future of passenger rail on the Dan Patch rail line in Edina. At
minimum recommendations should address the following:
• Dan Patch “Gag Rule”: The consultant should recommend if the City of Edina should
formally request the elimination of the so called “gag rule” concerning the Dan Patch line.
This recommendation can include all or portions of the “gag rule” if necessary.
• Encouragement of Passenger Rail in Edina: The consultant should recommend whether or
not the City of Edina should dedicate staff and fiscal resources to developing a plan to
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encourage the development of passenger rail service in Edina. If so, this recommendation
should include suggested next steps to doing so.
Prepare Final Report
The selected firm will prepare a report that documents the entire engagement and study effort. A
draft of the Report will be submitted to the City for review and comment. The final Report shall be
submitted to the City in written and electronic formats, and will be presented to the City Council
at a regular council meeting.
Desired Project Schedule
The following lists the key milestones in the project process.
• Request for Proposals Advertised March 21, 2017
• Request for Proposal Due to City of Edina April 13, 2017
• Interviews (if necessary) April 24-28, 2017
• City Council Award Contract to Consultant May 18, 2017
• Project Start Late May, 2017
• Project Complete Late August, 2017
Proposal Content
The Proposal response should be fully self‐contained, and display clearly and accurately the
capabilities, knowledge, experience and capacity of the respondent to meet the requirements of the
project and the RFP. The response is limited to 15 pages (or sides if printed on both sides)
excluding appendices.
The following will be considered minimum contents of the proposal:
1. A statement of the approach, objectives, goals and tasks to show the firm’s understanding of
the proposed engagement report.
2. A description and timing of the deliverables to be provided by the firm.
3. An outline of the firm’s background and experience with similar projects and a list of
personnel (including sub-consultants) who will work on the project. This section will detail
staff training, work experience and employee category.
4. Examples of similar projects completed, and the full name of the municipality/agency that
the work was prepared for. This section will also include the firms’ role with each project.
Page 7 of 8
5. A detailed work plan that identifies major tasks to be completed and a timeline for those
tasks that will be used as a scheduling and management tool. Please identify any optional
work tasks in this area and in the detailed cost breakdown.
6. A detailed cost breakdown of the tasks to be performed with a breakout of the hours for
each employee category (e.g., principal, project manager, senior planner, technician, etc.)
per work task identified. The consultant will indicate any assumptions made (e.g., number of
meetings, number of drafts, etc.) and include this information with the cost proposal. Total
dollar amounts for each work task shall be shown. Total dollar cost for the entire project
should also be included.
Any optional work tasks suggested by the consultant shall be indicated as such and should include
the information identified above.
Contact for Questions
Perspective responders who have any questions regarding this request for proposal should submit
them in writing to Mark Nolan (contact information below). Since questions and subsequent
responses may apply to all proposers, questions and responses will be sent out via e-mail to all
firms responding to the RFP. If you wish to contact the City, please contact one of the following
Mark K. Nolan, AICP – Transportation Planner
City of Edina
7450 Metro Boulevard
Edina, MN 55439
Phone: 952-826-0322
Delivery of Proposals
All proposals must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. (central time) on April 13, 2017. Late
proposals will not be considered. Ten (10), bound copies, plus an electronic copy submitted on a
flash drive or compact disk of all documents should be submitted to Mark Nolan at the contact
information provided above no later than the date and time listed above. In order to be
considered, all requested information shall be submitted. The City will not be responsible for
proposals delivered to a person or location other than that specified above.
All costs incurred in responding to this RFP will be borne by the responder.
Proposal Evaluation
All complete submittals received prior to the deadline will be evaluated by an evaluation team
comprised of City staff and appointed officials likely to be engaged in the process. Submittals will be
Page 8 of 8
evaluated on past experience, professional capabilities and ability to collaboratively work in
partnership with the City to successfully complete the Passenger Rail Community Engagement
Report. Emphasis will be placed on the public engagement experience and approach of the
consultant, as well as demonstrated knowledge of passenger rail. The City will determine which
responders, if any, will be invited to interview. Interviews – if necessary – will be held the week of
April 24, 2017.
Agency Not Obligated to Complete Project
This request for proposal does not obligate the City of Edina to award a contract or complete the
project. The City reserves the right to cancel the solicitation or parts of the solicitation if it is
considered to be in their best interest.
Attachment A
Passenger Rail in Edina: SWOT Analysis
Edina Transportation Commission
September 15, 2016
Strengths (Edina-based factors that support the proposition)
1.We are close to SWLRT, so the connection wouldn't need to be long.
2.Strong business community and lots of influential people within the community.
3.We have an existing rail line that goes where people might want to go.
4.Location - Can provide local connection to Minneapolis & proposed future BRT along
American Blvd in Bloomington
5.Rail infrastructure - Already in place, does not require expensive land acquisition & eminent
6.City & Local government already owns land along the line that could be used for stations &
support activities
7.Line runs along Major employment centers, Methodist Hospital, Jerry's Foods HQ & store,
Edina Family Physicians, Dow Film Tec BI Worldwide, Sheraton Bloomington & Double Tree by
Hilton Bloomington, Express Scripts
8.Partnership with CP Rail allows for a set schedule along the line increasing safety throughout
Edina along the line.
9.Most bridges & tunnels along the line have been upgraded.
10.Diesel Electric Train Scale is the same used by Metro Transit & does not require overhead
power lines
11.As a first tier suburb, we are close to downtown and could connect to other nearby passenger
rail and proposed passenger rail.
12.Many Edina residents work downtown and traffic during rush hour is becoming increasingly
13.Edina has both a high population of seniors, who could benefit from passenger rail as driving
becomes more difficult, as well as younger people: families who come for the schools as well as
millennials who might move here for the lifestyle & proximity to downtown.
14.We don’t want to be left out if the rest of the TC metro is moving in the direction of
passenger rail.
15.Existing infrastructure (Dan Patch heavy rail line)
16.Increasing density for residential, retail, & commercial properties
17.Residents want less road traffic & safer streets
18.Existing & future demand in higher-density areas (Morningside, Country Club, Southdale today;
eventually Grandview, Cahill)
19.Morningside & Country Club were started as "streetcar suburbs" along the 44th Street
streetcar line, with north/south feeder streets for efficient walking/biking to a station.
20.Hwy 100, 169, & 62 could become rail transit corridors without affecting homeowners.
Attachment B
Weaknesses (Edina-based factors that work against the proposition)
1. Land is expensive and acquiring for stations would cost a lot.
2. The internal opposition was once so strong that our legislator championed creating the gag
3. Edinans have a lot of cars and can't be counted on to ride public transportation.
4. Haven't heard any sort of organized support within Edina to take this on.
5. Passenger Train frequency will be limited in order to reduce the effect on houses &
neighborhoods nearby
6. Emphasis will have to be placed on noise walls and other sound dampening equipment in order
to reduce any nuisance to the houses & neighborhoods nearby
7. City funds will have to be used in order to help protect these houses & neighborhoods, so as
to obtain a seat at the table with other organizations such as CTIB, Hennepin County Regional
Rail Authority and the Federal Government.
8. My sense is that people in Edina aren’t ready to give up their cars in the same way that people
from Manhattan or other high-density urban areas might; therefore, some of the arguments
that residents will save on car insurance, etc. are probably not as applicable to the average
Edina resident.
9. How would people get to the train? If we don’t have a park and ride, busing or adequate safe
walking/biking routes getting to the stop might prove difficult without a car.
10. Is the Dan Patch the only possible line?
11. Do we really understand the impact that passenger rail would have on residents adjacent to the
tracks? The issue is so complicated and I don’t feel that I have enough information from enough
sources to really fully understand.
12. Dan Patch line is mostly through low density, single-family homes (except some apartments
along Cahill, and future high-density Grandview, if that comes to pass), affecting both ridership
as well as citizen complaints
13. Southwest Light Rail corridor, just across Edina's western border, could siphon users away
from a Dan Patch line.
14. Most density in Edina is east of Hwy 100 (Morningside, Country Club, Southdale)
15. Morningside is closer to the St. Louis Park Southwest Light Rail station than a Grandview
station (Dan Patch line)
Opportunities (External factors that support the proposition)
1. The need for expanding transit options within the metro seems to be getting some traction.
2. SWLRT will be a major regional asset that we can capitalize on with connecting rail.
3. Millennials want transportation options that don't rely so heavily on cars.
4. Economic Motivator - Can provide genesis for residential & commercial redevelopment in both
the Cahill & Grandview Neighborhoods.
5. Safety: Upgrade of the line & intersections (7) along with the implementation of Positive Train
Control (PTC) will allow for greater safety throughout Edina as it relates to both cargo &
passenger movement. Also allows for whisper quiet intersections throughout Edina (no horns)
6. Advertising at the stations & within train units can be used to offset operating costs
7. Upgrade Brookside Ave & Terrace so as to allow access by the Fire Department & Paramedics
8. Provides substantial financial benefit to Edina citizens through reduced car expense and
reduction in lost productivity
9. Significant investment by the City of Edina allows for influence along the line regarding
schedule, noise and the number of trains now & into the future
10. Creation of a citizens advisory board regarding train operations providing input on activities
11. Increased density at Grandview & Cahill will help support Edina's overall property tax base
allowing for increased funding of local parks, sidewalk & street snow plow service, local road
rehabilitation. Increase in number of property tax paying units also increases funding for the
school district.
12. Additional access to downtown & other locations provides support to current Edina home
evaluations & property tax base which also supports school district funding.
13. Opportunity to reach out to other organizations such as CTIB, Hennepin County Rail
Authority and Federal government to help provide noise reduction technology that would not
be obtainable if the line remains just freight & potentially could see increased freight in years to
14. If other passenger rail is going to be built, we should definitely be part of the discussion now,
since implementing a passenger rail plan would take a very long time.
15. People’s sensibilities toward transportation are changing.
16. Southwest Light Rail connection to Dan Patch Line could bring out-of-city riders to Grandview,
17. Bloomington Dan Patch connection could bring riders into Edina, and Edinans to jobs outside
the city
18. Global trends in density, mass transit, & multimodal transit
19. Regional (Met Council) directives in transportation, climate change, & density
20. Technology-driven automated vehicles (Uber, Lyft, Google, Apple) could integrate with rail for
the "last mile" to rider's residence
Threats: (External factors that work against the proposition)
1. The railroad can pretty much do what it wants with its right-of-way.
2. We need other cities to work with us, and they have little incentive to do so.
3. Regional bus service could be more convenient than train and keep ridership low.
4. Increased freight along the line:
A. There is a shortage of Over the Road (OTR) CDL truck drivers in the US. Major freight
operators such JB Hunt are looking at using freight rail as much as possible given this
driver shortage.
B. Grain traffic will increase as farm production through the advancement in seed
technology has grown exponentially over the last 10 years. Grain bins in Out State MN
are at capacity and there is growing demand to ship this grain down the Mississippi to
New Orleans through an expanded Panama Canal and on to Asia. The rail line in Edina
could very well be used to support such transportation
5. CP Rail & the Federal Commerce Clause:
A. At this time due to its rights under the Federal Commerce Clause CP rail is under no
obligation to provide notice regarding what it carries through Edina along the rail line.
Unless the City of Edina begins a partnership with CP rail regarding passenger traffic
B. CP Rail has the power of eminent domain under the Commerce Clause which means
houses along the line could be under threat at any time for purchase. The current line is
only a single track, CP could expand it to double track without notice or due process.
Unless the City of Edina begins a partnership with CP rail regarding passenger traffic.
6. The Dan Patch gag rule.
7. Opposition. The fact that the Dan Patch goes right through people’s back yards. If people
don’t want a sidewalk or have the perception that a sidewalk creates noise and danger then a
train could be a tough sell.
8. Is the Dan Patch the only possible location for a passenger rail line?
9. Dan Patch Rule
10. State government's inability to prioritize mass transit
11. Technology-driven automated vehicles (Uber, Lyft, Google, Apple) could downplay need for
mass transit
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.D.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Ad d itional Up d ates o n 2017 Work Plan Initiatives Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action required.
ET C members will give brief updates on active 2017 Work P lan initiatives not on the current agenda. For
reference, the following are the 2017 Work P lan initiatives:
1. If City secures funds, support and guide the engagement process for, and potential study of, passenger rail
in Edina.
2. Assist as requested with the development of the City's new Comprehensive Guide P lan.
3. Review transportation impact analysis process to better implement Living Streets (partner with P lanning
Commission. ET C lead commission).
4. Review and comment on pedestrian and bicycle master plan.
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.E.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K No lan, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Bic yc le Benefits Program Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
At last month's ET C meeting Commissioner Miranda asked if the ET C would be willing to reach out to Edina
businesses regarding joining Bicycle Benefits (www.bikebenefits.org) to encourage bicycling in Edina.
BicycleBenefits .org Pres entation
Half-Mile Pizza Ride
Bicycle Benefits for Bus ines s
Bicycle Benefits for People
2017 Edina Bike Map Propos al
Edina Transportation Commission
BicycleBenefits.org A Living Streets Implementation Campaign
to Promote Commerce via Cycling
3-Pronged Attack
To promote Edina’s Living Streets Policy & Plan, and to work towards Silver
Status by the League of American Bicyclists, we can use a 3-pronged approach:
❖Bicycle Benefits
❖Nice Ride MN
»Continue to expand the bike network and to increase network
connectivity through the Living Streets Framework. On-street
improvements coupled with the expansion of the off-street
system will encourage more people to cycle and will improve
»Increase the amount of high quality bicycle parking at popular
destinations throughout the community.
»Promote cycling throughout the year by offering or
supporting even more family-oriented community and charity
rides, free bike valet parking at events, and bicycle-themed
festivals, parades or shows.
»Expand Nice Bike MN to Edina. Bike sharing is a convenient,
cost effective, and healthy way of encouraging locals and visitors
to make short trips by bike and to bridge the “last mile” between
public transit and destinations.
»Encourage local businesses, agencies, and organizations to
promote cycling to their employees and customers and to seek
recognition through the Bicycle Friendly Business program.
»Expand efforts to evaluate bicycle crash statistics and produce
a specific plan to reduce the number of crashes in the community.
»Offer bicycling skills training opportunities for adults more
10 BUILDING BLOCKS OF A BICYCLE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY EdinaAverage SilverArterial Streets with Bike LanesTotal Bicycle Network Mileage to Total Road Network MileagePublic Education Outreach% of Schools Offering Bicycling Education
Bike Month and
Bike to Work Events
Active Bicycle Advocacy Group
Active Bicycle Advisory Committee
Bicycle–Friendly Laws & Ordinances
Bike Plan is Current and is Being
Bike Program Staff to Population
PER 70k
3 /103/102/104/104/10
CATEGORY SCORESENGINEERINGBicycle network and connectivityEDUCATIONMotorist awareness and bicycling skillsENCOURAGEMENTMainstreaming bicycling cultureENFORCEMENTPromoting safety and protecting bicyclists' rightsEVALUATION & PLANNING
Setting targets and having a plan
KEY OUTCOMES EdinaAverage Silver
Percentage of daily bicyclists 3.5%
Crashes per 10k daily bicyclists
Fatalities per 10k daily bicyclists
To execute as quickly as possible, we
can leverage the upcoming
#30DaysOfBiking in April:
❖Organize 1-4 rides
❖one in each quadrant?
❖different goal for each
❖1st event already sponsored by
❖Seeking ETC/City sponsorship
(footnote + 8 stickers to raffle off:
❖Promote Living Streets: commerce,
education/library, recreation/
health & fitness, fun/fashion
❖Short rides
❖Co-promote Bicycle Benefits
#30DaysOfBiking Kickoff Event
Half-Mile Pizza Ride
❖Introduce Edinans to #30DaysOfBiking
❖Encourage people to take short rides for errands, food,
shopping, etc.
❖Show Edinans they can get a discount at participating
❖With a big enough turnout, we can show businesses in
Edina that people will bike to their establishment if they
participate in Bicycle Benefits
❖Will ETC and/or City of Edina endorse this? MNA has.
❖Close Sunnyside Road for 2 hours? Lots of interest.
Bicycle Benefits
❖Writing letters to businesses in business nodes
❖Encourage rider citizens with kickoff ride for 30DOB
❖City pays for first 10 kits? (see next slide)
❖See rest of this presentation
For businesses
Hey Grants Pass Businesses!
Help us launch our new Bicycle Benefits program!
Cycle Oregon is coming to Josephine County in September.
Help us launch the program in time to show your love before Cycle Oregon rolls into
Josephine County. Further, Cycle Oregon has agreed to promote participating
businesses to their riders. A list of participating businesses and their benefits will be
provided to riders (for those businesses participating as of August 15, 2016).
How it works:
For businesses:
1. Purchase a starter kit.
‐First 30 businesses in the Historic District get a FREE starter kit!
‐For a limited time, other businesses can get a starter kit at a
discounted price of $12.50 (normally $26.75) while supplies last.
2. Decide on the benefit you’ll offer
3. Display your window sticker and sell helmet stickers for $5
For cyclists:
1. Get a sticker at any participating business for $5
2. Put it on your helmet
3. Bike and save! Show your sticker at participating businesses.
Starter kits are available at the Downtown Welcome Center.
The starter kit includes 10 helmet stickers and the business decals.
Additional stickers can be purchased from Bicycle Benefits for $25 for
10 stickers. http://bb2wp.bicyclebenefits.org/re‐order‐stickers/
For your free starter kit, your business location must be within the
Grants Pass Historic District. A list of eligible businesses is available at
the Downtown Welcome Center. For other businesses, the discounted
starter kits will be available while supplies last. Starter kits may also
be purchased at http://bb2.bicyclebenefits.org/#/new_member.
Your business will also be listed and mapped on the Bicycle Benefits website. Need ideas for what
benefit to offer? Check out the website at http://bb2.bicyclebenefits.org/#/cities/25 to see what other
businesses offer. A minimum discount of 10% is recommended, and greater benefits or free items (free
drink with meal, buy one get one free, etc.) can often help increase new bicycle customer traffic.
For more information, please contact Tom Schauer at 541‐450‐6072 or tschauer@grantspassoregon.gov.
Other Cities’ Promotions
Flyers they've used to promote
Discounts they've offered
Nice Ride MN
❖I wrote a letter to 50th & France business
❖Writing letters to businesses at 44th & France
❖Wrote letter to Nice Ride suggesting bike station
in/near Edina
❖This is a long term goal, as France is not bike
friendly yet
❖LAB Silver award needs more promotion of bike
events & shared ride systems
Reveal Benefits of/Promote Living Streets Policy Through Increased Cycling
Build Business & Cyclist Support of BikeBenefits.org
Double the Number of Cyclists in Edina
(Indirect measure via number of participants & transactions)
Benefits to City of Edina
❖Living Streets goals implemented:
❖Healthier Residents (as more people bicycle)
❖Safer Roads (as motorists deal with more cyclists)
❖Less Parking Required (50th & France, on-street, etc.)
❖Busier Businesses, Increasing Land Value & Tax Revenue
Long Term Plan
❖Year 1: Target Promenade, Nine Mile Creek (east: Cahill, 78th St), France/
44th, France/50th. 10 Businesses, 100 users, 1,000 transactions
❖Year 2: Target Nine Mile Creek (west: Edina High School, Minnetonka/169
area), Southdale. 25 Businesses, 250 Users, 2,500 transactions
❖Year 3: Target Hopkins (downtown), SLP (Miracle Mile, Excelsior & Grand),
Mpls (Linden Hills, 50th St.)
What is BicycleBenefits.org?
What is Bicycle Benefits?
❖People love saving money!
❖Encourage biking
❖Started by Ian Klepetar
❖In early 2000’s
❖Dozens of cities participate
❖Thousands of businesses
❖Minneapolis' Experience
❖Organized by Minneapolis
Bicycle Coalition
❖Dozens of businesses
Proposed Campaign
❖Increase Edina Business
Participation in BikeBenefits.org
from 1 to 10 in one year
❖Target businesses near bike paths
& in business districts
❖Provide discounted starter kits
❖Work with Edina Chamber of
Commerce, 50th & France Bus.
Assoc., Rotary Club
❖Get 100 Discount Stickers Sold/
Distributed to Cyclists
❖Promote at events (Edina Art
Fair), bike shops, businesses
❖Update Bike Map with
participating businesses & bike
rack locations (submaps)
❖Get 500 discounts/transactions in
first year
❖Identify potential businesses in
selected/targeted areas (year 1:
France & 44, France & 50, Nine
Mile Creek east)
❖Identify cycling infrastructure in
targeted areas (bike parking, lanes,
paths, boulevards, sharrowed
❖Write letters & flyers to businesses
that make sense (criteria: targeted
areas; retail/food; non-chain)
❖Mail letter & flyer in March, after
holiday rush is over and spring
fever/planning is setting in
Rollout & continued support
l May June
Rollout: April, 2017
❖This is just a list of ideas:
❖Rollout in conjunction with 30 Days of
Biking in April
❖Have stores put up signs in mid-March
❖Announce in official Edina press release
(web site), Our Town, city blog, local
newspapers (Sun, SW Journal, Strip
Western Suburbs?), Facebook Edina Biking
& Friends of 9MCT groups, Twitter, Edina
City Video/TV?
❖Flyers at city parks, city hall, Senior Center,
library, Continuing Ed
❖Edina Schools collaboration (health/
biking/environment student groups?
Student newspaper?)
❖Article on StrongTowns.org on how it was
❖Blog post on 30DaysOfBiking.org?
❖I will tweet destinations (every other day?)
during #30DaysOfBiking
Continued Support
❖Advertise calendar of events
❖Edina sponsored events: advertise
bike parking & directions
❖Monthly progress status to ETC
❖Edina Biking group on Facebook
❖Weekly bike ride to participating
Organize Weekly Bike Ride
❖Organize a weekly bike ride (from
a park? Nine Mile Creek?) to a
participating business or area with
multiple businesses
❖Work with Parks Department to
❖Let business(es) know so they will
be ready (not so much at first, but if
it grows in popularity)
❖Advertise on Facebook Edina Bike
group, Next Door app,
Morningside Athletic group,
neighborhood associations (esp.
when ride begins, ends, or runs
through their area)
❖Flyers in bike shops, parks
❖Could be called the EdinAmble to
emphasize its casualness
Appendix A: Flyer to Recruit Businesses
Business Flyer
❖What is BicycleBenefits.org?
❖How it works
❖Why Join?
❖Benefits to Cyclists, Edina
❖Benefits to Your Company
❖Increase sales without extra parking or
❖Users who bike are hungrier/thirstier!
❖How to Get Started
Benefits to Businesses
❖Nine Mile Creek opening means
more interest & city/media
attention towards biking
❖2017 Twin Cities Bike Map lists
44th St., 42nd St., and Grimes Ave.
as major bikeways—capture those
riders with a discount or free item
❖Nice Ride MN bike stations getting
closer to France & 44th—they are
already in downtown Linden Hills
at 43rd & Upton.
❖France44, Hello Pizza, & Linden
Hills Co-op already participate
❖Highlight your business with
#30DaysOfBiking rides
Appendix B: Flyer to Recruit Cyclists
Cyclist Flyer
❖How to find participating retailers
❖How to Participate
❖Buy sticker one time only
Appendix C: Improved Edina Bike Map
Improved (Unofficial?) Edina Bike Map
❖For each business district in/near Edina:
❖Show Destinations: (types of) businesses,
transit stops (bus, LRT)
❖Show Amenities: bike parking,
BicycleBenefits businesses, drinking fountains
❖Have map insets for areas with more detail
(France & 44th, France & 50th, Southdale, etc.)
❖Long term: rate paths/lanes/boulevards based
on how comfortable for a parent toting toddlers
behind them or Enthusiast, Commuter,
Interested But Concerned, Fraidy Cat (i.e.,
France & 44th
Grocery, Restaurants,
Coffee, Liquor, Bank
🚲Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride Station
❖Overall map showing destinations &
amenities in & around Edina (at left)
❖Detail map for business districts in
Edina (Southdale, Cahill, etc.; below)
Kojetin Park @ 45th St., Edina
?? pm, Saturday, April ??, 2017
*—We'll be raffling off 4 Bicycle
Benefits stickers (a $5 value!), which
you can use for a discount. You can
also buy a sticker at Hello Pizza.
Edina‘s #30DaysOfBiking Kickoff
Help us kick off Edina‘s 30 Days of
Biking with a short jaunt for pizza—
and save 10% with a Bicycle
Benefits sticker!*
This easy ride on quiet streets is
for everyone, aged 1 to 100.
Bring your friends, your spouse,
your kids, your parents!
Bike from your home to Kojetin
Park in Edina. We'll bike just half a
mile to Hello Pizza on Sunnyside.
Why? Because more people will
bike when biking is fun, healthy,
good for the environment—and
saves you money.
By doing a casual, short ride, you
don't need anything special—just
grab any old bike and wear
whatever you'd wear if you were
walking (OK, maybe not heels!).
We'll ride rain or shine, cold or
warm. It's only half a mile.
Join us on The World‘s Shortest Pizza Ride™
What is #30DaysOfBiking?
#30DaysOfBiking ( http://30DaysOfBiking.org ) was started to get people out on
their bikes every day in the month of April. It costs nothing. You'll have fun, meet
neighbors, and eat great pizza on our kickoff ride!
What are Bicycle Benefits?
Bicycle Benefits ( http://BicycleBenefits.org ) is a program where participating
businesses offer discounts to people who bike with a Bicycle Benefits sticker on their
helmet. You buy a sticker once; it only costs $5. But you can use your benefits over
and over. Benefits vary by retailer: a discount, a free drink, etc.
Sponsored by the Morningside Neighborhood Association and the City of Edina Transportation Commission.
Getting more Edina
businesses to participate
Right now, only one business in Edina supports
Bicycle Benefits— Hello Pizza (they offer a 10%
discount). Nearby businesses in Minneapolis that
support Bicycle Benefits include the Linden Hills
Co-op (5% discount), France 44 Cheese shop
(10% discount on cheese), and St. Louis Park's
only participant, Honey & Rye, which offers 10%
off any purchase.
To see a list of all Minneapolis & St. Paul
business that participate, and the discounts they
give, please go to http://BicycleBenefits.org
The Edina Transportation Commission would like
to see more Edina businesses participate, so that
we encourage more people to bike to
commercial destinations, and take advantage of
our Living Streets Policy & plan.
History of Bicycle Benefits
Bicycle Benefits was started almost a decade
ago to encourage people to use bicycles more
often, and to encourage businesses to reap the
benefits of more customers with less parking.
Fast forward to today, and there are dozens of
cities and thousands of businesses participating
in this program.
See the information on the other side of this
pamphlet for more information on how your
business can participate and increase sales while
keeping your parking needs to an absolute
Edina helping businesses
City of Edina's Bike Parking Grants
Did you know that the City of Edina offers a
50/50 split on the cost of putting in new bike
racks (bike parking)? See http://edinamn.gov/?
section=bikerack_costshare for more information
on how your business can get more bike parking
at half the cost!
Bike Lanes & Bike Boulevards make it easy to
get to your business
Over the past decade, the City of Edina has
made great strides in adding more bicycling
infrastructure. This includes bike lanes on Vernon
Ave., Wooddale Ave, the Edina Promenade, the
Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail, and others. See
below for a map of all Edina bike infrastructure.
Or go to http://edinamn.gov/edinafiles/files/
Bicycle Benefits:
Good for Business
Bicycle Benefits can reduce costs, grow sales,
and make customers happier.
! " # $ 🚲
How to get started
Go to http://bb2.bicyclebenefits.org/#/new_member
for a business startup kit. It includes:
10 program helmet stickers
2 lg. member decals
1 sm. member decal
1 index card
Note that you’re getting the helmet stickers at half
price, so once you sell them all, you recoup almost
your entire investment.
Once you sell all of your of stickers, you can reorder
them at BicycleBenefits.org
What is Bicycle Benefits, and
how can your business take
advantage of it?
Get more business
without needing more
Cyclists can park their
bike at a nearby bike
rack parking facility,
without taking up
precious parking spaces.
Cyclists are hungrier &
Think about it. If
someone bikes to your
coffee shop or
restaurant, they're going
to be hungrier & thirstier
than if they drove!
Take advantage of City
of Edina's progress in
bike infrastructure
The city has been
adding more bike lanes
and bike parking—more
ways for cyclists to get
to your business!
How do cyclists know
you're participating?
You'll get a window
decal you can display
on your front window or
door. There's also an
informational leaflet you
can hand out.
How it works
It's simple, really.
Users buy a Bicycle Benefits sticker for $5, and
attach it to their bike helmet.
Then, whenever a cyclists comes into your
business, you offer them a benefit. The benefit is
completely up to you—it can be a discount (5-10%
is typical); it can be a free item (coffee, for example);
it can be a $2 discount on a drink; it can be a buy-
one-get-one-free offer.
Your customers will come back again and again.
Getting more Edina
businesses to participate
Right now, only one business in Edina supports
Bicycle Benefits— Hello Pizza (they offer a 10%
discount). Nearby businesses in Minneapolis that
support Bicycle Benefits include the Linden Hills
Co-op (5% discount), France 44 Cheese shop
(10% discount on cheese), and St. Louis Park's
only participant, Honey & Rye, which offers 10%
off any purchase.
If there’s a business that you’d like to see
participate, contact the Edina Transportation
Commission. We’re always working to get more
businesses to participate. Why? Edina’s Living
Streets Plan is all about making Edinans
healthier, while also helping the environment and
promoting local businesses.
History of Bicycle Benefits
Bicycle Benefits was started almost a decade
ago to encourage people to use bicycles more
often, and to encourage businesses to reap the
benefits of more customers with less parking.
Fast forward to today, and there are dozens of
cities and thousands of businesses participating
in this program.
See the information on the other side of this
pamphlet for more information on how your
business can participate and increase sales while
keeping your parking needs to an absolute
Bicycle Facilities in Edina
Bike Lanes & Bike Boulevards make it easy to
get to local businesses
Over the past decade, the City of Edina has
made great strides in adding more bicycling
infrastructure. This includes bike lanes on Vernon
Ave., Wooddale Ave, the Edina Promenade, the
Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail, and others. See
below for a map of all Edina bike features. Or go
to http://edinamn.gov/edinafiles/files/
City of Edina's Bike Parking Grants
Want more parking by a favorite business? Tell
them that the City of Edina offers a 50/50 split on
the cost of putting in new bike racks (bike
parking)? See http://edinamn.gov/?
section=bikerack_costshare for more
Save Money with
Bicycle Benefits
Improve your fitness, save money, and save the
planet with Bicycle Benefits.
! " # $ 🚲
Participating Businesses
The following businesses in and near Edina are
currently participating. We’re always encouraging
more businesses to participate.
Hello Pizza (Sunnyside Road, Edina)
Linden Hills Co-op (Sunnyside Ave, Mpls)
France 44 Cheese Shop (France Ave, Mpls)
Honey & Rye (Excelsior Blvd, St. Louis Park)
Go to http://www.bicyclebenefits.org/#/cities/40 for
a list of all participating merchants in the Twin Cities.
What is BicycleBenefits.org,
and how can you save
Ride any time for
Because businesses are
usually so close by, you
can bike any time of year.
Biking a short distance
means you can wear
normal clothing.
Ride any old bike
No need to worry about
having an exotic racing
bike—you’re just biking
around your own
neighborhood. So jump
on any old bike and
Take advantage of City
of Edina's progress in
bike infrastructure
The city has been
adding more bike lanes
and bike parking—more
ways for you to get to
local businesses!
How do you know a
business is
You'll see a window
decal like the one below.
Or go to http://
How it works
It's simple, really.
You buy a Bicycle Benefits sticker from a
participating merchant for $5, and attach it to your
bike helmet. You only need to buy it once.
Then, whenever you bicycle to a local participating
business, show them your sticker. They’ll offer you
some sort of discount (a percentage off total
purchase, free item, buy one/get one, etc.).
That’s it!
Enjoy your savings and your health.
1234 Main Street
Anytown, State ZIP
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
ligula suspendisse nulla
Destinations & Amenities 2017 (More details on the back ➔)
France & 44th
Grocery, Restaurants,
Coffee, Liquor, Bank
🚲Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride Station
Linden Hills/Lake Harriet: 1 mile
Linden Hills
🎪Lake Harriet Bandshell
🏫Restaurants, library,
shopping, gifts, hardware,
🚲 shop
🚲 Parking
🚲 Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride Station
St. Louis Park
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT Belt Line Station
*Excelsior & Grand, Miracle Mile, Healthcare
🚲 Parking, 🚲 Benefits Discounts
1 mi
St. Louis Park
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT Wooddale Station
*Restaurants, Shopping
🚲 Parking, 🚲 Benefits Discounts
Blake Road, Hopkins
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT
Blake Road Station
*Restaurants, Shopping
🚲 Parking
1 mi
Downtown Hopkins
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT
Hopkins Station
🚲 Parking
1 mi
*🚲 Trail, 🚈
🚲 Parking
North Lincoln Drive
🏢 Mixed Use Retail?
South Lincoln Drive
🚴 Nine Mile Creek Trail
🏢 Mixed Use Retail?
Eden Prairie
Golden Triangle
🚲 Parking
1 mi
*🚲 Trail, Hyland-Bush Lake Regional Park
🚲 Parking
Southdale/Centennial Lakes
🚴 Edina Promenade, Library,
Centennial Lakes Park
🏢 Southdale, Galleria, Coffee,
Restaurants, Grocery, Liquor,
*🚲 Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail
🚲 Parking
France & 50th
Grocery, Restaurants,
Coffee, Liquor
🚲Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride Station
🏢 Library, senior center
Shopping, grocery
Wooddale & Valley View
🏢 Shopping, restaurants
Cahill & Nine Mile Creek
🚴 Trail
🏢 Shopping, restaurants
Linden Hills
🎪Lake Harriet Bandshell
🏫Restaurants, library,
shopping, gifts, hardware,
🚲 shop
🚲 Parking
🚲 Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride Station
St. Louis Park
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT Wooddale Station
*Restaurants, Shopping
🚲 Parking, 🚲 Benefits Discounts
Downtown Hopkins
*🚲 Trail, 🚈 SWLRT
Hopkins Station
🚲 Parking
Eden Prairie
Golden Triangle
🚲 Parking
*🚲 Trail, Hyland-Bush Lake Regional Park
🚲 Parking
*🚲 Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail
🚲 Parking
France & 50th
Grocery, Restaurants,
Coffee, Liquor
🚲Benefits Discounts
🚲Nice Ride StationTBD: Th
have Ed
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VI.F.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, Trans p o rtatio n P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:City C o d e Changes Concerning Bo ard s and
Co mmis s io ns
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
At their March 7 meeting, City Council approved Ordinance No. 2017-01, making several changes regarding
Boards and Commissions. T hese changes include:
P ark Board has been renamed P arks and Recreation Commission
Heritage P reservation Board has been renamed Heritage P reservation Commission
Board of Appeals and Equalization terms have been changed to two three-year terms
Chairs can now serve three consecutive year terms.
No longer does the joint work session count against attendance.
P lease refer to the attached Ordinance No. 2017-01 for details.
Ordinance No. 2017-01: Amending Edina City Code Concerning Boards & Commis s ions
SECTION 1. Section 2-81 (a) of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows:
Regular members. Commission members shall be appointed by majority vote of the
Council. Members of Arts and Culture Commission, Edina Community Health
Commission, Energy and Environment Commission, Construction Board of Appeals,
Heritage Preservation Commission, Human Rights and Relations Commission, Park
Commission, Transportation Commission, and Board of Appeal and Equalization are
eligible to serve two, three-year terms. Members of the Planning Commission are eligible
to serve three, three-year terms. A member in good standing shall serve until a successor
has been appointed.
SECTION 2. Section 2-83 (b) of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows:
Chairperson and vice-chairperson. Each board or commission annually shall elect from its
members a chairperson and vice-chairperson to serve a term of one year. No person
shall serve more than three consecutive one-year terms as chairperson of a particular
board or commission. A chairperson elected to fill a vacancy shall be eligible to serve
three full terms in addition to the remainder of the vacated term. There are no term
limits for the position of vice-chairperson.
SECTION 3. Section 2-86 (b)(2) of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows:
The member, regular or student, fails to attend at least 75 percent of the regular
scheduled meetings in any calendar year, not including the joint work sessions with the
Council. For a member, regular or student, whose term begins during a calendar year,
attendance in that calendar year is measured as at least 75 percent of the scheduled
meetings following the beginning of the member's term.
SECTION 4. Chapter 2, Division 5 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows:
Sec. 2-184. - Policy and establishment.
The Council finds that historically significant buildings, sites, structures, objects and
districts represent scarce, nonrenewable heritage resources that are critical assets for
community development; that heritage preservation is an important public service and a
legitimate responsibility of city government; and that the preservation, protection and
Ordinance No. 2017-01
Page 2
enhancement of significant heritage resources for the benefit of present and future
citizens is a public necessity. Therefore, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.193, the Council
continues the Heritage Preservation Board as the City's Heritage Preservation
Sec. 2-185. - Purpose.
The commission shall assist and advise the Council, manager, and other city commissions
on all matters relating to heritage resource preservation, protection and enhancement.
The commission shall safeguard the significant heritage resources of the city by
identifying significant heritage resources and nominating them for designation by the
Council as city heritage landmarks; by developing and maintaining a comprehensive
preservation plan; by reviewing applications for city permits in relation to properties
designated as city heritage landmarks; and by encouraging the preservation,
rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of significant heritage resources through
public education.
Sec. 2-186. - Definitions.
Unless otherwise stated, or unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, the
words or phrases in the following list of definitions shall, for the purposes of this division, have
the meanings indicated:
Certificate of appropriateness means a certificate issued by the city planner and attached
to a city permit evidencing compliance with the city's comprehensive heritage preservation plan.
City planner means city staff member responsible for zoning administration.
Comprehensive heritage preservation plan means the official guide plan for implementing
the city's heritage resource preservation policies, adopted by the Council, which establishes
goals and priorities and integrates heritage preservation with other planning data.
Edina Heritage Landmark or city heritage landmark means any heritage resource so
designated by the Council that is significant in history, architecture, archeology or culture and
therefore worthy of preservation and consideration in city planning.
Evaluation means the process of determining whether identified heritage resources meet
defined criteria of historical, architectural, archeological or cultural significance.
Heritage preservation commission means the heritage preservation advisory commission
appointed by the Council.
Ordinance No. 2017-01
Page 3
Heritage resource means any prehistoric or historic building, site, structure, object or
district that has historical, architectural, archeological or cultural value to the citizens of the city,
the state or the United States.
Preservation means the act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form,
structure, integrity, and material of a heritage resource.
Reconstruction means the act or process of reproducing by new construction the exact
form and detail of a vanished building, structure or object as it appeared during a specific
period of time.
Rehabilitation means the act or process of returning a heritage resource to a state of
utility through repair or alteration that makes possible an efficient contemporary use while
preserving those portions or features of the property which are significant to its historical,
architectural, archeological or cultural values.
Restoration means the act or process of accurately recovering the form and details of a
heritage resource and its setting as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of
removal of later work or by the replacement of missing historic features.
Significance means the heritage preservation value of buildings, sites, structures, objects
and districts that are linked to important historical events or persons, or that represent notable
expressions of architecture or engineering, or that have yielded important information about
prehistory or history.
Survey means the physical search for and recording of heritage resources that result in
an inventory of buildings, sites, structures, objects and districts worthy of consideration in city
Sec. 2-187. - Duties and responsibilities.
The commission shall:
(1) Advise the Council, manager, and other city commissions and provide leadership
for implementing the heritage preservation regulations.
(2) Develop and maintain a comprehensive plan for heritage resource preservation
to ensure that community development policies and decisions respect the city's
heritage and promote stewardship of heritage resources.
(3) Conduct an ongoing survey of historic buildings, sites, structures, objects, and
districts and maintain an inventory of the heritage resources in the city.
(4) Conduct evaluations to determine the eligibility of heritage resources for
designation as city heritage landmarks.
(5) Nominate heritage resources for designation as city heritage landmarks by the
City Council.
Ordinance No. 2017-01
Page 4
(6) Review city permit applications in relation to city heritage landmarks and make
recommendations to the city planner with respect to issuance of certificates of
(7) Review and make recommendations to the planning commission on
development projects that affect properties designated heritage landmarks or
determined eligible for designation as heritage landmarks.
(8) Inform and educate citizens about the city's heritage and the benefits of
(9) Develop regulatory and incentive programs that facilitate heritage preservation.
(10) Adopt rules of procedure, subject to Council approval, to guide the commission's
(11) Prepare an annual report to the Council, describing the commission's
accomplishments during the past year and presenting goals and objectives for
the coming year.
Sec. 2-188. - Membership.
(a) Commission membership. The commission shall consist of nine regular and two
student members. Members shall have a demonstrated interest, knowledge,
ability or expertise in heritage preservation. At least one member shall be a
qualified professional historian, architect, architectural historian, archeologist,
planner or the owner of a heritage landmark property.
(b) City Historical Society membership. A member of the commission shall be a
member of the city historical society.
(c) County Historical Society membership. A member of the commission shall be a
member of the County Historical Society.
Sec. 2-189. - Professional staff.
The manager shall provide the commission with professional staff with expertise in
heritage preservation.
SECTION 5. Chapter 2, Division 7 of the Edina City Code is amended to provide as follows:
Sec. 2-255. - Establishment.
To provide for a City park and open space system and a City recreation program a Parks
and Recreation Commission is established.
Sec. 2-256. - Duties.
Ordinance No. 2017-01
Page 5
The Parks and Recreation Commission shall develop and review plans and advise the
Council on the acquisition and development of parks and recreation facilities, and plan
and make recommendations to the Council concerning park activities and recreation
programs. The park commission shall advise the Council on natural resource, wildlife
management, and natural area preservation issues. The park commission shall make and
furnish studies, reports and recommendations as the Council may request.
2-257. - Membership.
The Parks and Recreation Commission shall consist of nine regular and two student
members and one commission position that will be an ex officio, non-voting member
that is nominated by the Edina School Board and confirmed by the City Council. With the
exception of voting, the position will be charged with all the same rights, privileges and
responsibilities as the other members of the commission. The School District’s nominee
will comply with the City’s rules regarding advisory commission members, except that
the nominee need not be a resident of the City. The term of this position is subject to
nomination and confirmation on an annual basis.
SECTION 6. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
First Reading: February 22, 2017
Second Reading: March 7, 2017
Published: March 16, 2017
Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VII.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K No lan, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Up d ated Trans p o rtatio n Commis s io n Pub lic Roster Info rmatio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Trans portation Commis s ion Public Ros ter
Boards and Commissions Public Rosters
City Of Edina
Last First Membership Street Street Info Public
Name Name Type 1 2 Zip Provided Public Email
Ahler Melinda Adult BC 4244 Crocker Ave 55416 Email & Phone (952) 920-1547 mindy@coolplanetmn.org
Brown Andrew Adult BC 5512 Park Place 55424 Email & Phone (612) 220-3045 andrew.r.brown@att.net
Iyer Surya Adult BC 6621 Southcrest Drive 55435 Email & Phone (612) 309-2392 suryaiyer@yahoo.com
Kane Aboubekrine Adult BC 7469 West Shore Dr 55435 Phone Only (952) 495-4492 Bocarkaneb@gmail.com
Koester David Student BC 6124 Scotia Dr 55439 Email & Phone (952) 405-8837 dkoester630@gmail.com
LaForce Tom Adult BC 5901 Tingdale Avenue 55436 Email Only tom@laforceteamwork.com
Miranda Louis Adult BC 4221 Grimes Ave S 55416 Email Only Lou@MirandaCorp.com
Olk Megan Student BC 5315 Pinewood Trail 55436 Email Only molk18@bsmschool.org
Olson Larry Adult BC 6808 Cornelia Drive 55435 Email & Phone (952) 920-8343 lolson01@yahoo.com
Richman Lori Adult BC 5828 Ewing Avenue South 55410 Email Only lor2cabin@gmail.com
Ruthruff Erik Adult BC 6651 2nd St S 55343 Email Only (952) 412-3730 eruthruff@gmail.com
Volunteer count: 11
Printed 03-09-2017 10:05 am Page 1
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: VII.B.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
Correspond enc e
From:Mark K No lan, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Co rres p o ndence Info rmatio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Attached is the correspondence received since the last Transportation Commission meeting.
Corres pondence as of March 16, 2017
Date: Marc h 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: X.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Sc hed ule o f Meeting and Event Dates as of March 16,
Info rmatio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings /Dates /Events
Thursday Mar 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Apr 6 Commission Comprehensive Plan Training 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Thursday Apr 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Tuesday Apr 25 Boards and Commissions Annual Meeting TBD BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB
Tuesday May 2 ETC Joint Work Session with City Council 6:15 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday May 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jun 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jul 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Aug 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Sep 28 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM MAYOR’S CONFERENCE ROOM
Thursday Oct 26 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM MAYOR’S CONFERENCE ROOM
Thursday Nov 16 ETC Annual Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Dec 21 ETC Annual Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM