HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-21 Meeting PacketAgenda
Transportation Com m ission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Council Chambers
Thursday, April 21, 2016
6:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of Ma rch 17, 2016
V.Special Recognitions And Presentations
A.Presentation by Metro Transit on Transit Service in E dina
B.Southdale Area Tra nsportation Study Update
VI.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," t he Board/Commission will invite resi dent s to share r elevant
i ssues or concerns. Individuals must l i mi t t heir comments to three mi nutes. The Chair may limit
the number of speakers on the same i ssue in t he int erest of time and topic. Gener al ly speaking,
i tems that ar e elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed dur i ng Communit y Comment.
Indi vi dual s should not expect the Chai r or Boar d/Commission Member s to respond to t heir
comment s tonight. Instead, the Board/Commi ssion might refer the mat ter to st a% for
consi derat i on at a future meeting.
A.2016 Work Plan Updates
B.2015 Street Smarts Ca mpaign Evaluation
C.Benton Ave & Hwy 100 Ra mp Pedestrian Improv ements
D.Tra3c Safety Report of April 6, 2016
VIII.Correspondence And Petitions
IX.Chair And Member Comments
A.Liv ing Streets Citywide Integration
X.Sta 6 Comments
A.Sta6 Comments for April 2016
XI.Calendar Of Events
A.Schedule of Meeting a nd E v ent Dates as of April 21, 2016
The City of Edina wants all res idents to be c om fortabl e bei ng part of the
publi c proc ess . If you need as s is tanc e i n the way of heari ng am pli 8c ation, an
interpreter, large-print doc um ents or s om ethi ng els e, pleas e c al l 952-927-8861
72 ho urs in advance of the m eeting.
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Sharon Allis on - Engineering Spec ialis t
Item Activity:
Subject:Ap p ro val o f Minutes - Regular Meeting of March 17,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the meeting minutes of the regular Edina Transportation Commission meeting of March 17, 2016.
Minutes , ETC, Mar. 17, 2016
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
Community Room
March 17, 6:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chair LaForce called the meeting to order.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were members Bass, Boettge, Brown, Ding, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Loeffelholz, Miranda,
Olson, and Ruehl.
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Bass approving the meeting agenda. All
voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by member Bass and seconded by member Janovy approving the edited Feb. 18, 2016,
minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
V. Community Comment
Mr. Jim Grotz, 5513 Park Place, asked about the tax revaluation study for churches -- how much did the
study cost, who initiated the study, and how was it transferred through to the City Manager. He said
churches are seven day activity centers that are for profit. Chair LaForce explained that this was on the
agenda for discussion.
Mr. Bob Vose, 5817 Eastview Drive, requested support from the ETC for the Benton Avenue Bridge (over
TH-100) to look at safety concerns. He said the area is poorly lit, there are many children in the
neighborhood, plus increased pedestrians when there are school activities. He said traffic coming off the
TH-100 southbound ramp to Benton will eventually hit a pedestrian.
City engineer Millner said representative Erhardt made a request to MnDOT to review safety concerns
and city staff met with MnDOT recently to discuss what improvements could be done in conjunction with
their improvements on TH-100. Another meeting is scheduled for next week Friday to discuss a plan that
may be implemented immediately. Member Janovy noted that the ETC has talked about safety issues at
this area several times. Member Bass asked if MnDOT could present their plans to the ETC and city
engineer Millner said there might not be enough time between implementation and the next ETC meeting.
Mr. Vose added that the Grandview Transportation Study will have an impact on the Benton Avenue
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Special Assessment Policy Revisions
City engineer Millner said he was seeking feedback on the six items listed in the report. He said the City
Council provided feedback on Mar. 2 in a work session and asked that staff seek feedback from the ETC.
The City Council will hold a public hearing for public input (date to be determined).
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Item #1: Create one assessment policy (local and municipal state aid)
Item #2: Add decorative street lights to the policy
City engineer Millner said the Pedestrians & Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund only funds safety/non-motorized
related street lights.
• Clarify non-motorized and neighborhood street lights;
• What is the meaning of decorative?
• Are there data that could help to determine where lights are installed? City engineer Millner said
yes, but it does not include comfort level, tripping, etc.
• Consider changing the word “decorative” and change the PACS policy;
• Consult with the Energy and Environment Commission; city engineer Millner said staff is already
using LED lights;
• Has PACS paid for any lighting? City engineer Millner said only one (at an intersection);
Item #3: Add Land Use Table into the policy
City engineer Millner said the table is used frequently to determine special assessments and is referenced
in the policy.
• Make sure terms align to avoid confusion;
• Are city properties assessed? City engineer Millner said yes, based on developable lots.
• Change “Churches” to a more generic term such as ‘places of worship;’
Item #4: Church REU Value – change to 0.2 REU per 1000 SF
City engineer Millner said this was brought to staff’s attention by member Janovy that the assessments
were calculated differently. He said a study was done by an appraisal consulting company and they
evaluated six to seven churches for approximately $5,000. The study finding is that they could assess for
more than $400,000; however, this would not meet the legal definition of showing benefit which is around
$130,000. The change would allow consistent calculation for all church properties.
• Utilities are not assessed so why is it used to show benefit?
• Aren’t special assessments done by few cities? City engineer Millner said no, there are several
cities that use special assessments;
• Do not want to see residents take on the burden if they do not assess on the higher amount; city
engineer Millner said legally, the City cannot assess for more than the benefited amount;
• The recommendation is closer to the practice but this does not take into consideration the impact
churches have on the street system and they do not pay for maintenance because they do not pay
• Make it closer to the amount of schools; churches have income; offices are 1.5 and they pay
property tax;
• Are they trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist? Why not wait and address all the issues
related to special assessment? City engineer Millner said they cannot wait now that they have a
study that makes clear what should be done.
• Churches operate very differently and this should be taken into consideration.
Item #5: Corner lot partial REU value calculation – change to one divided by # of adjacent streets
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City engineer Millner said this was bought to their attention by Sharon.
Item #6: Phase in Corner lot calculation
City engineer Millner said this would begin with the 2017 projects and staff would track 1/3, 2/3
assessments until they are phased out.
B. 2016 Work Plan Updates
Member Loeffelholz discussed what corporations consider project champions to be. He said project
champions are like an informal board; they’re advocates waving the flag for the project to drive it further;
they maintain relationships, answer questions, attend other meetings if you so choose to become even
more involved, etc.
Member Iyer said this gives him a sense of ownership and the expectation for the year. He asked if there
is any expectation at year’s end to come back with an update. Chair LaForce said yes because they are
responsible for their work plan. Because this is new for everyone, chair LaForce suggested that they think
about the structure of how to handle their project, e.g. working group or some other structure, for
discussion next month. Members were assigned to the following projects:
• Circulator in the Southdale Area – Loeffelholz and Brown
• Organize and host a transportation themed event – Bass
• Review and provide input on the 2018 Comprehensive Bike & Pedestrian Plan – Olson
and Miranda
• Review and provide input on Edina To Go mobile application – Iyer
• Review Quality of Life survey and public meetings to identify gaps – LaForce
• Evaluate Living Streets/Street Smarts campaign – Janovy
• Walking Map – Boettge
C. Valley View Road Bicycle Facility Concepts: Brookview Avenue to W. 66th Street
Transportation planner Nolan presented two options (option 1 has a bike lane on each side of the road
and option 2 has a bike lane on only one side). He said this is an idea that positions staff for
implementation when funding becomes available.
Option 1 was preferred by most commissioners with the following comments:
• One-way is preferred to avoid oncoming bikers;
• Would the bike lanes on Valley View Road be dedicated bike lanes? Planner Nolan said yes.
• Focus should be on the larger, surrounding area for connectivity; consider spending the money on
upgrading the pedestrian bridge over TH-62; what impact will the Southdale Transportation Study
recommendation have on this? Planner Nolan said they are not planning in isolation but because of
funding sometimes they can only build a piece at a time.
• The bike lanes are too close to the ramps; agreed with bridge improvement;
• Concerned with alignment of driving lanes going north and turning onto TH-62;
• Can the bike lanes be on the opposite (east) side of the ramps?
• Agreed with focusing on the larger area to also include residents in the southeast and northeast;
connect to Southdale Drive instead of W. 66th Street; agreed with bridge improvement; it will be
expensive but do it right; current plan creates an artificial sense of safety;
• Current plan builds into a network;
• Agreed with system wide view; Nine Mile Creek Trail will increase desire and so will development
in the Southdale area; prefers option 1 but consider protected bike lanes.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
D. Traffic Safety Report of Mar. 2, 2016
A.1. Member Janovy suggested holding this for further study to determine parking utilization because there
are impacts on the recommended side that will limit parking. Member Brown agreed and mentioned the
email that was received from a resident who would be impacted. Member Olson said one-sided parking is
not a hardship. Member Bass suggested restricting parking on Thursdays during garbage pick-up hours.
Motion was made by member Janovy and seconded by member Loeffelholz to move A.1. to
Section C for further study specifically to determine parking utilization.
Ayes: Bass, Boettge, Brown, Ding, Iyer, Janovy, LaForce, Loeffelholz, Miranda, and Ruehl.
Nay: Olson
Motion carried.
A.2. Change “considering” to ‘study.’
Motion was made by chair Bass and seconded by member Iyer to forward the amended Mar.
2, 2016, Traffic Safety Report to City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried.
VII. Correspondence And Petitions
An email from a resident titled “Making Edina roads safer for pedestrians’ to Mayor Hovland was
forwarded to the ETC. The email is related to Mr. Vose’s comment above regarding the Benton Avenue
Bridge and also Valley View Road.
After discussion, motion was made by member Iyer and seconded by member Loeffelholz
noting the ETC had identified this area as an issue area in the past and supports the study
that staff is engaged in with MnDOT to make the intersections safer. All voted aye. Motion
VIII. Chair and Member Comments
A. Living Streets Citywide Integration
Chair LaForce asked if there are other policies or practice areas that they need to work on similar to
their work on the neighborhood roadway reconstruction survey and the TSC requests. Some suggestions
were looking at how other departments are integrating Living Streets, rail crossings in the city, and create
a matrix to track success measures and benchmarks.
Member Miranda said there is a social initiative called ’30 days of biking’ and asked if they could promote it
or blog about it. Planner Nolan will coordinate with member Miranda.
Member Iyer noted that the new member handbook does not address social media.
Member Janovy said she attended the Energy and Environment Commission (EEC) work session with City
Council and the EEC requested more communication with the City Council. She feels the same way too
that the ETC needs to have more time with the Council. She said 3 minutes to present at a Council
meeting and one, one hour work session is not sufficient. Member Iyer concurred and said he addressed
this five years ago.
Member Brown said TC&W completed work on the bridge in Bloomington/Savage and they expect traffic
to begin in May carrying grain to and from New Orleans (two trips daily). He said a friend who lives on
Grove Street next to the railroad would prefer passenger rail.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Member Olsen welcomed new members Brown and Miranda.
IX. Staff Comments
• Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction – bids were opened for three projects and two came
below the engineer’s estimate while the third was at the engineer’s estimate. More bid openings
are scheduled for next week.
• Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Vision – A joint work session is scheduled for the
ETC and the Planning Commission for Mar. 23, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
• An open house is for MnDOT’s TH-100 project is scheduled for Apr. 30.
• MnDOT plans to replace the TH-169 bridge with a causeway; work will begin after construction is
completed on TH-100 because the northbound detour will TH-100 while the southbound will be
I-494. The City Council is providing feedback because of the detour.
• The City of Bloomington is conducting a study on France Ave over I-494 where they experience
the highest number of crashes in the city; planner Nolan is involved with the study that will
conclude later this summer.
• The cities of Edina and Minneapolis, and Hennepin County worked jointly on the bump outs and
restriping on Xerxes Avenue. When Penn Avenue closed for reconstruction, Minneapolis saw an
opportunity for a traffic signal at Xerxes Avenue and W. 60th Street. The traffic signal will be
installed this summer and be paid for by a 3-way split between the three agencies. It will be timed
with the ramp signals.
• Hennepin County approved removal of the free right at the southeast corner of York Avenue and
W. 66th Street.
• 2016 Street Smart Campaign will be on the agenda for discussion next month because the
communications department would like to know if the ETC is interesting in doing a campaign.
• The communications department is looking for feedback on the Edina To Go mobile application
for implementation by the end of the second quarter.
X. Calendar of Events
A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of Mar. 17, 2016
XI. Adjournment at 8:25 p.m.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
# of
Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 3
(Date) 6/21
Bass, Katherine 3/1/2017 1 1 1 3 100%
Boettge, Emily 3/1/2017 1 1 2 67%
Brown, Andy 3/1/2019 1 1 100%
Iyer, Surya 3/1/2018 1 1 1 3 100%
LaForce, Tom 3/1/2018 1 1 1 3 100%
Loeffelholz, Ralf 3/1/2018 1 1 1 3 100%
Janovy, Jennifer 3/1/2017 1 1 1 3 100%
Miranda, Lou 3/1/2019 1 1 100%
Olson, Larry 3/1/2017 1 1 1 3 100%
Ding, Emily (student) 9/1/2016 1 1 33%
Ruehl, Lindsey (student) 9/1/2016 1 1 2 67%
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: V.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Pres entation by Metro Transit on Trans it Service in
Ed ina
Disc ussio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action required.
T he 2016 ET C work plan includes an initiative to study and report on a community circulator in Edina. At the
Dec. 17, 2015 ET C meeting staff from SouthWest Transit gave a presentation regarding "Local Circulator
Options for Edina." To provide additional information regarding this topic, staff from Metro Transit and the
Metropolitan Council will provide a summary of transit service available in the city of Edina. T here are 12 fixed
routes, which are supplemented with these non-fixed route options:
TransitLink general public dial-a-ride in areas where regular route service is not available
Metro Mobility service for those unable to use regular route service due to a disability or health condition
Metro Vanpool commuter vanpool program
T he hours and frequency of service, ridership and performance of these services, and the passenger facilities
serving these various options will be reviewed. We will also discuss the transit planning process, the elements of
successful transit, demonstration and future transit initiatives and steps the city can take to improve the
attractiveness of transit in Edina.
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: V.B.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:So uthdale Area Transportation Study Up d ate Disc ussio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action requested.
In September 2015 the City hired WSB to prepare a Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Study.
T he attached memorandum provides an update on the data collection and preliminary study results. T he final
report will include more analysis and recommendations (e.g. pedestrian and cyclist review and analysis) and will
be presented to the ET C at a later date.
Staff from WSB will give a brief presentation and will solicit input from the ET C.
Southdale Area Trans portation Study Technical Memorandum
Building a legacy – your legacy. 701 Xenia Avenue South
Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Tel: 763-541-4800
Fax: 763-541-1700
Equal Opportunity Employer
Technical Memorandum
To: Chad Millner PE, Director of Engineering
Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
City of Edina
From: Chuck Rickart PE, PTOE, Transportation Engineer
Tony Heppelmann PE, Transportation Engineer
Sudheer Dhulipala, Transportation Planner
WSB and Associates, Inc.
Date: April 11, 2016
Re: Edina Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Study
Project Update
WSB Project No: 1686-670
In 2008 WSB assisted the City in the development of a traffic model using the
Synchro/SimTraffic modeling software for the Southeast area (Southdale) of the City. The
study area was bounded by TH 62 (Crosstown) on the north, the Richfield/Edina border on
the east, the Bloomington/Edina border on the south and TH 100 on the west. The model
included 40 signalized intersections, 20 un-signalized intersections, and three
The purpose in developing the model was to provide a consistent baseline for traffic
analysis and to provide continuously updated results to help gauge the compound effect of
multiple developments in the Southdale area. Since the model was completed, it has been
used by several developers and the City in reviewing the area traffic impacts of proposed
development. Although, the model has been continually updated with traffic characteristics
from approved developments the original traffic conditions were based on 2007 traffic
counts. It is now in need of updating and recalibration with new traffic counts.
Also in 2008 WSB assisted the City in preparation of the Transportation Plan in conjunction
with the Comprehensive Plan update. As part of the Transportation Plan a city wide
transportation planning model was developed for the existing and future land use
projections. Sense the preparation of the land use projections in the Transportation Plan
density changes have occurred in the Southdale area. In addition questions of the
appropriate density have been asked for the area specifically on the west side of France
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
In March of 2015 the City Council appointed a working group that developed the Working
Principles for the France Avenue Southdale Area. These principals will serve as a tool to
guide the development process for the whole Southdale area, and demonstrate methods
that might be used during the Comprehensive Plan update in 2018. In order to provide data
to assist in moving this process to the next stages, development of transportation forecasts
should be completed.
The purpose of this project is to:
1. Update the existing Synchro/SimTraffic traffic model in the Southdale area,
Including expanding the study area to north of TH 62 to W. 60th Street;
2. Updating the CUBE transportation planning model for the entire City, and;
3. Preparation of a transportation analysis for two land use density scenarios for the
Southdale area.
4. Review and analysis of pedestrian/bicycle connections and conflicts in the
Southdale area in relation to the local/regional system.
Figure 1 shows the study area and intersections included with the analysis.
The following sections of this memorandum provide an update on the data collection and
preliminary study results.
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 1: Study Intersections
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Existing Traffic Conditions
WSB collected traffic counts at several locations and used traffic counts provided by
Hennepin County and the City of Edina to update the Synchro/SimTraffic models. Traffic
signal timing information was updated based on information provided by Hennepin
County. Lane geometry, new intersections, changes of intersection control and other
information like speed limits were updated based on field visit to all the study
intersections. Figure 2 shows the existing Average Daily Traffic volumes on the adjacent
The turning movement counts obtained from the field were input into the
Synchro/SimTraffic model and the SimTraffic model was run for five replications. The
results from the five simulations were then averaged. Figure 3 shows the existing Level of
Service (LOS) at the study intersections.
It should be noted that Roundabouts and Stop Controlled intersections are classified as
unsignalized intersections and have different delay thresholds than signalized intersections
according to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM).
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 2: Existing Average Daily Traffic Volumes
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 3: Existing Level of Service
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Forecasted 2040 Conditions
The regional Travel Demand Model developed by Metropolitan Council was utilized to
obtain base 2040 forecasts for traffic growth in the area. The models were updated with
projected traffic and the forecasted 2040 level of service was determined at the study
intersections. Subsequently, an alternative analysis was conducted with updated
information on development density in the City’s Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) in
the Southdale area. The regional model was rerun with the higher density conditions and
traffic growth rates were estimated for the year 2040 with the higher density
developments in place. Using the growth rates obtained from this alternative, the
Synchro/SimTraffic model was updated to reflect higher traffic forecasts and the Level of
Service under this scenario. Areas of concern were highlighted.
In order to understand the impacts of increasing the density of development in the
Southdale Area, an alternative was analyzed which involved increasing the development
density in future leading to higher number of trips. Table 1 below shows the assumptions
used in this alternative. The increased density was assumed to be in form of number of
Table 1: Population and Households Assumptions
These assumptions correspond to trip generation numbers from each zone as shown in
Table 2 below.
Table 2: Change in Number of Trips
Population -
Base Scenario
2040 Number of
Households -
Base Scenario
Comp Plan
High Density
Population -
2040 Number
Households -
High Density
512 2170 1130 21.00 50.00 2.4 5167 2690
513 5060 2610 19.75 48.00 2.4 12298 6343
514 280 130 43.50 100.00 2.3 644 299
515 3110 1550 33.50 65.00 1.9 6034 3007
517 1560 680 22.80 50.00 2.2 3421 1491
518 6470 2910 9.55 14.25 1.5 9654 4342
519 1930 880 10.35 13.25 1.3 2471 1127
Total 20580 9890 39689 19299N/A
Productions Attractions Total Productions Attractions Total
512 11340 18641 29981 20810 24249 45059 15078 50%
513 25413 32107 57520 47950 45611 93561 36041 63%
514 9836 23915 33751 11116 24632 35749 1998 6%
515 14735 19284 34019 24425 24633 49059 15040 44%
517 15669 40355 56024 22234 43488 65722 9698 17%
518 25110 19261 44371 36392 24980 61372 17001 38%
519 9106 11176 20282 11053 12177 23230 2948 15%
2040 Base Scenario 2040 High Density Scenario Total Change
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 4 shows the increase in households and population along with resulting trip
increases from each Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ).
Figure 4: TAZ Trip Increase Assumptions
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 5 shows the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) as forecasted by the travel demand model
for the year 2040 base condition.
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 6 shows the percentage change in ADT as forecasted by the travel demand model
for the year 2040.
Figure 6: Base ADT Percentage Change
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 7 shows the forecasted 2040 ADT in the high density scenario.
Figure 7: 2040 High Density Scenario ADT
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 8 shows the percentage change in ADT for the increased density scenario compared
to the 2010 model.
Figure 8: High Density Scenario ADT Percentage Change
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
The turning movement volumes for the PM peak hour in 2040 were estimated based on the
ADT growth percentages derived from the model for various links. The turning movements
were then simulated in the Synchro/SimTraffic network. Figure 9 shows the 2040 Level of
Service assuming growth levels consistent with the 2040 regional travel demand model.
The turning movement volumes for the PM peak hour were adjusted from the base
condition based on the ADT growth percentages derived from the high density scenario
model. Figure 10 shows the Level of Service at the study intersections in the High Density
Scenario assuming no significant improvements to the intersections from current
It should be noted that at intersections which do not currently have an LOS F, there may
still be individual movements that are at LOS E or F. Figure 11 shows individual
movements that are at LOS E or F at the study intersections.
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 9: 2040 Base Level of Service
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 10: High Density Scenario Level of Service
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Figure 11: High Density Scenario LOS By Movement
Southdale Area Model Update and Transportation Plan
Based on the modeling in both the 2040 base scenario and 2040 high density scenario
some traffic issues, with specific movements will exist if no changes are made to the
transportation system. Most of these issues can be addressed by relatively low-cost
improvements such as:
Installation of traffic signals at stop controlled intersections;
Improvements to turning lane geometry, or;
Signal timing
As traffic continues to grow and development is proposed in the area, traffic studies will be
required that will identify specific improvement needs.
Next Steps
The following next steps will be completed.
1. Draft results reviewed by the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) at their April
20, 2016 meeting.
2. Address issues and concern from ETC and incorporate them into the Draft and Final
3. With identification of transportation issue areas complete the pedestrian/bicycle
analysis and review.
4. Prepare Draft study report documenting; existing conditions, 2040 development
scenarios, pedestrian/bicycle analysis and identifying issue areas with specific
improvement alternatives.
5. Prepare Final study report based on comments from the Draft report.
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: VII.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:2016 Wo rk Plan Up d ates Disc ussio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action required.
At last month's ET C meeting, commissioners were appointed as "champions" for each of the seven initiatives on
the 2016 Work P lan. T hese commissioners will give a brief (5-minute) update on their respective initiatives.
T he following are initiatives on the ET C's 2016 work plan, with their respective "champions."
1. Study and report Community Circulator (Loeffelholtz and Brown).
2. Organize and host a transportation-themed event with speaker(s) (Bass).
3. P repare and comment on Comprehensive P edestrian and Bicycle P lan for inclusion in 2018
Comprehensive P lan (Olson and Miranda).
4. Review Edina To Go app and provide recommendations to staff regarding organization/categories for
reporting concerns related to streets/transportation (Iyer).
5. Review data from City’s Quality of Life Survey (2011, 2013, 2015) and conduct 2 public meetings to
identify gaps around the City’s transportation systems (LaForce).
6. Make recommendations to staff for evaluation of the Living Streets and Streets Smarts outreach campaigns
7. P rovide input to staff on the creation of a walking map of the City indicating routes and areas of interest
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: VII.B.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:2015 Street Smarts Camp aign Evaluatio n Disc ussio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action required.
T he 2016 ET C work plan has the following initiative: "Make recommendations to staff for evaluation of the
Living Streets and Street Smarts outreach campaigns." Given that spring has arrived and more pedestrians and
bicyclists are on our roadways, staff would like to get input from the ET C on last year's Street Smarts campaign.
T here is interest in another campaign in 2016; however, its scope and format has not yet been determined.
P arallel to this process, in late March staff began a discussion on Speak Up, Edina! to solicit input from the public
regarding this topic ("Street User P ublic Education"). T hat online discussion will close on April 22 and can be
found here: http://speakupedina.org/discussions/street-user-public-education.
T his agenda item is meant to serve as the beginning of this discussion, and may be continued to next month's
agenda, if necessary.
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: VII.C.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
R ep o rt and Rec o mmendation
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Benton Ave & Hwy 100 Ramp P ed es trian
Dis cus s ion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
No action required.
City staff, elected and appointed officials have received numerous complaints about the safety of the intersection
of Benton Ave and the southbound Highway 100 exit ramp (and Normandale Blvd). Minor portions of this
intersection, which is controlled by MnDOT, are to be reconstructed as part of MnDOT 's 2016 Highway 100
reconstruction project. On March 25 City engineering staff met with MnDOT staff to discuss preliminary
concepts to improve the pedestrian safety at this intersection. At that meeting MnDOT agreed to consider these
improvements and to look into how they may be funded under the current contract.
At the March meeting, staff told the ET C that we would share concepts designed to mitigate pedestrian safety
concerns at the intersection. Attached is the design concept that City staff prepared and submitted to MnDOT for
their review/input. Staff welcomes the ET C's feedback to this plan.
T he following are key highlights from the attached design:
Crosswalk moved closer to the intersection (south) to improve sight lines for southbound drivers stopping
at the intersection.
Smaller radii at the northwest and northeast corners to shorten the pedestrian crossing distance.
Extended/slightly realigned median to better guide vehicles through the intersection.
ADA compliant, accessible pedestrian ramps connecting all sidewalks at the intersection.
More durable and visible crosswalk pavement markings.
Plan: Benton Ave/TH 100 Ramp Ped Improvements
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: VII.D.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
R ep o rt and Rec o mmendation
From:Jo s ep h Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Item Activity:
Subject:Traffic Safety Report of Ap ril 6, 2016 Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Review and recommend the Traffic Safety Report of Wednesday April 6, 2016 be forwarded to City Council for
It is not anticipated that residents will be in attendance at the meeting. An overview of the comments from the
Edina Transportation Commission (ET C) will be included in the staff report provided to Council for their May 17,
2016 meeting.
Traffic Safety Report of April 6, 2016
April 21, 2016
Traffic Safety Committee
Joe Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Traffic Safety Report of April 6, 2016
Information / Background:
Section A : Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends approval.
A1. Request for parking restrictions on Thielen
This request comes from a garbage hauling company
which notes that with the current parking layout,
Thielen Avenue becomes unserviceable when cars are
parked across from one another.
• Thielen Avenue is a short cul-de-sac, with no
turnaround and 19 houses.
• The street has a width of at most 24 feet, has
a sidewalk on each side of the roadway, and
uses surmountable curb.
• The Edina Living Streets Policy states that a
local street with a width of 24’-27’ feet should
have one sided parking or two sided parking if
deemed necessary.
• The Minnesota State Fire Code has a section
on dead-end streets and access roads, stating
that when in excess of 500 feet roadways
must be 26 feet in width.
• In a survey sent to the nineteen (19) households on the road, eleven (11) were returned.
o Four (4) households would support parking restrictions at all times, and one would support
part time restrictions during garbage pick-up times (Thursday mornings).
o Six (6) households were opposed to the idea of any parking restrictions.
• Staff previously recommended that parking be maintained on the odd side of the road.
• Calculations show that the even side has 13 legal parking spaces, while the odd side has 11.
Photo : Thielen Avenue from 44th Street
Map : Thielen Avenue, as it intersects 44th Street
Traffic Safety Preview of Apr. 06, 2016 Page 2
Photo : Looking south along Tracy Avenue, Countryside School is on the right, while Countryside Road is on the left.
Map : Tracy Avenue and Countryside Road
After review, staff recommends that one sided parking be instituted on the street, with
parking being maintained on the west (even) side of the street, in order to maintain the
greatest number of on street parking stalls.
A2. Children cross Tracy Avenue at Countryside Road and further south to get to Countryside
School. Requestor feels that this creates a dangerous situation with the curves and speeds of
drivers northbound not being able to see children in time.
This request comes from a neighbor who is concerned that children cross Tracy Avenue to get to
Countryside School from the south too close to the
curves, and the speed of drivers makes stopping
before the crossing difficult.
• One day of video was collected and analyzed,
in that time 12 people walked to or from the
school property on the west side of the
roadway, where there is no sidewalk; 10
people crossed at Countryside; and 8 people
crossed south of Countryside, but still north
of the curves on Tracy.
• The curves on Tracy Avenue are 385 feet
from Countryside Road, the stopping sight
distance for 30 miles per hour is considered
to be 200 feet, and for 35 miles per hour,
stopping sight distance is 250 feet.
• The curves on Tracy Avenue have a design
speed of 28 miles per hour.
• Two radar studies of the area were
performed between 15:30-16:00 and 09:00-
09:20 and, and found an 85th-percentile
speeds of 34 and 31 miles per hour,
respectively, as vehicles exit the turns on
Tracy Avenue.
After review, staff recommends continuing with 2016 reconstruction plans, as there will be a
crosswalk and path installed at the intersection of Countryside Road and Tracy Avenue.
Further, there currently exists enough stopping sight distance for stopping short of a crossing.
Traffic Safety Preview of Apr. 06, 2016 Page 3
Photo : Clover Ridge at Valley View Road, the possible issue
parking is shown on the far left of this picture.
Section B : Items which staff recommends for no action
B1. Clover Ridge and Valley View Road sightline
concerns caused by parked cars.
This request was forwarded to staff, and regards
high parking times near the Normandale Lutheran
Church on Valley View Road. The concern is that
left turns from Clover Ridge onto Valley View Road
could not see far enough to their right to ensure a
clear turn. A video was taken of the intersection
over the weekend, and neighbors confirmed that the
parking seen that weekend was typical of normal
• The closest parking to the intersection is
shown in the photo, at 19.5 feet from the
intersection (1/2 foot too close).
• Staff parked a vehicle twenty feet away from
the intersection to investigate sightlines, and found that at eight (8) feet from the curbline of Valley
View Road (a distance equal or greater than the distance between the front bumper and driver’s eye
in most cars) had sufficient sight distance.
• Valley View Road only allows parking on the
west side of this intersection, and the near
lane at the intersection is 17.0 feet wide.
• Parking lanes outlined in the Living Streets
Plan are typically 7.0 feet wide.
• There are no bumpouts at this corner, and
sidewalk only on the northeast corner.
After review, staff determined that it is safe for
a driver stopped on Clover Ridge to pull
forward such that their front bumper is even
with the curb line of Valley View to gain
sufficient sight distance for left turns during
church services. Staff has recommended this
strategy to the requestor, and recommends no
further actions.
Section D: Other items handled by Traffic Safety
D1. A requestor called with concerns about high speeds on Benton Avenue, and asked for targeted
enforcement and education on the street to discourage speeding. To address speed concerns, a previously
taken volume study was reanalyzed and sent to the police department, with peak times of speed violations
noted. The requestor also had concerns on the State-Aid system carrying too much volume, and wishing to
spread this volume to more side (local) streets; this concern was addressed with an explanation of the State-
Aid system, and how these roads are designed to carry more traffic and larger vehicles better than side
Map : Clover Ridge and Valley View Road
Traffic Safety Preview of Apr. 06, 2016 Page 4
D2. A requestor was frustrated with recent reconstruction in the City of Edina, as they were certain that
West 70th Street and West 50th Street used to be marked as four lanes continually from Trunk Highway 100
to France Avenue. The requestor also voiced opposition to spending money, or increasing travel time for
drivers for bicycle or pedestrian convenience or safety because the requestor felt that no one walks in
Edina. The requestor was told that these streets were not marked as four-lane roadways before the last
D3. A resident was concerned with a fellow resident parking too close to an intersection. When the
requestor tried to correct the situation and work with their neighbor to resolve the issue, she was met with
un-pleasantries and otherwise “hostile” actions. This request was forwarded to the police department.
Further, a pink mark was placed on the road, thirty feet from the stop sign, to mark where legal parking
D4. Two residents called to discuss concerns about drivers’ behavior at stop signs, as well as speed,
specifically on Division Street, and Rutledge Avenue. The requesters asked for solutions to speed,
inattention and possible apathy by drivers using the streets, and suggested some solutions. Currently this
intersection will have a crosswalk and pedestrian landings added on the west side, which will highlight
vulnerable users and may change the feel of the roadway overall. Additional ideas for how to calm traffic
were discussed with the residents, including what they can do absent of a reconstruction, or other large
public works.
G:\ENG\TRAN\TRAF SFTY COMM\Staff Review Summaries\16 TSAC & Min\04-06-16.docx
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: X.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Staff Comments fo r April 2016 Info rmatio n
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
In addition to other items of interest to the ET C, staff will update the Commission on the following topics:
2015 PACS Fund Spending
2016 sidewalk construction projects
Grandview District Transportation Study
MnDOT construction on Highway 100
Date: Ap ril 21, 2016 Agenda Item #: XI.A.
To:Trans portation Co mmis s io n Item Type:
From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Trans p o rtation P lanner
Item Activity:
Subject:Sc hed ule o f Meeting and Event Dates as of Ap ril 21,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings /Dates /Events
Wednesday Apr 20 Annual Volunteer Awards Reception 5:30 PM BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE
Thursday Apr 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Thursday May 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jun 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Tuesday Jun 21 ETC Joint Work Session with City Council 6:15 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jul 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Thursday Aug 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Sep 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Oct 27 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS
Thursday Nov 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Dec 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM