HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-11 Park Board Packet• 0 EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004 7:00 P.M. EDINA SENIOR CENTER SHERWOOD ROOM 5280 GRANDVIEW SQUARE AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, April 13, 2004, Park Board Minutes. 2. Youth Athletic Association Presidents. *3. Facilities Study Committee Recommendations (Gymnasiums and Dome). 4. Park Visits and Park Presentations. 5. Updates. A. Wine License — Braemar Golf Course. B. Tobacco -Free Policy. 6. Other. 7. Adjournment. *These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 Park and Recreation Department www.cityofedina.com City of Edina 952-826-0367 FAX 952-826-0385 TTY 952-826-0379 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Direcr Edina Park and Recreati n Department Date: May 5, 2004 Re: TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2004, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, May 11, 2004, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, April 13, 2004, Park Board Minutes. 3. Facilities Study Committee Recommendations Memo. 4. April 15 Memo of Invitation to Youth Athletic Association Presidents. 5. April 15 Memo to All Youth Athletic Association Presidents Regarding Proposed Tobacco Policy. 6. Park Board Park Assignments. The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda for other information items (not requiring formal action), last minute items that may come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. PARK BOARD MEETING A T EDINA SENIOR CENTER The Tuesday, May 11, 2004, Park Board meeting will be at 7:00 p.m., in the Sherwood Room at the Edina Senior Center at 5280 Grandview Square. If you are unable to attend, please call either Office Coordinator, Janet Canton, at 826-0435 or me at 826- 0430. YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS At the April 13 Park Board meeting, it was decided to invite the Presidents of Edina youth athletic associations (specifically those who use athletic fields or gymnasiums) to attend the May Park Board meeting to discuss facilities. As shown on the April 15 memo, 11 Presidents were invited to attend as well as Mike Madden, who represents the sport of Rugby. As mentioned by staff at the April 13 Park Board meeting, the greater issue in our view is the shortage of available multi-purpose athletic field space. That is not to say that there is not a strong desire in the community to have an indoor multi-purpose athletic field facility or additional gymnasiums. Facilities are clearly one of the most important issues facing these youth athletic association programs. At the time of this Staff Report, I have not heard of any youth athletic association who intends not to attend the Park Board meeting. Formal Park Board action is not requested on this agenda item. FACILITIES STUDY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Through the miracle of email, the Facilities Study Committee was able to agree to a recommendation for the Park Board's consideration. This recommendation was sent to all Park Board members via email on May 3rd. A hard copy of the Committee's recommendations is enclosed in this mailing. In summary, I would recommend that the Park Board communicate these recommendations to the youth athletic association Presidents at the May 11 meeting. In addition, I would recommend that the Park Board encourage youth athletic associations to collectively find a way to secure dollars through fund raising, which will significantly improve their chances of getting desired facilities to become a reality. The other message that I believe needs to be communicated is that the fate of these desired facilities belongs in their hands, not the City's staff or Park Board. The constituents need to bring the issue forward. We as staff will continue to provide whatever support we can and continue to do our part; however, to make this happen the constituents need to get involved to make it happen. The Facilities Study Committee agreed to these recommendations for the Park Board's consideration. Formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. PARK VISITS AND PARK PRESENTATIONS It was decided to postpone further Park Board member formal park presentations until the spring/summer months when there are more people in the parks to interact with and learn of their views for park improvements. Chairman George Klus has asked that this item be placed on the agenda for further discussion. If the practice of park presentations is continued, then Park Board member Jeff Johnson would be the next member to give a presentation, which could be given at the June meeting. The Park Board has already received presentations from Michael Damman, Andrew Finsness, Dave Fredlund, Floyd Grabiel, and Allyson Grande. They have reported on 18 of our 40 parks. As you know, we now have two new members of the Park Board, Alice Hulbert and Jeff Sorem who are currently not assigned any parks. They filled the vacancies left by Ardis Wexler and Dave Fredlund. Ardis did not have an opportunity to present her four parks; however, Dave Fredlund did present his four assigned parks. A copy of the Park Board's park assignments is enclosed in this mailing. Chairman George Klus asks that this practice be continued based on consensus of the Park Board. UPDATES I will give the Park Board a verbal update on the Park Board's wine and beer sales recommendation to the City Council. I will also give an update on youth athletic association Presidents' responses to my memo requesting their support on a proposed tobacco free policy. OTHER This is an opportunity for Park Board members and residents to address other concerns. X EDINA PARK BOARD 7:00 P.M. EDINA COMMUNITY ROOM EDINA CITY HALL APRIL 13, 2004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Damman, George Klus, Linda Presthus, Karla Sitek, Jeff Sorem, Alice Hulbert, Andy Finsness, Floyd Grabiel, Mike Weiss MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Johnson, Allyson Grande STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Tom Shirley I. APPROVAL OF THE TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 PARK BOARD MINUTES Linda Presthus MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 9, 2004 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Mike Weiss SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. BUCKTHORN CONTROL MASTER PLAN Mr. Keprios indicated that he neglected to contact Diane Plunkett Latham and asked that if any action is taken other than what is listed that it be delayed until Ms. Latham's group has a chance to hear the discussion. Mr. Keprios explained that he took Ms. Latham's 11 point proposal and summarized what he feels reflects the staff's views. He noted that what was brought before the Park Board is more management decisions than it is Park Board policy decisions. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the good news is the City Council has approved to accept their $5,000 grant from the Department of Natural Resources. Therefore, we can now hire a consultant when the money becomes available to them from the DNR on July 1 st. He indicated that it's a matching grant to which they will have $5,000 from their operating budget. Mr. Keprios explained that the consultant would work with staff to establish a master plan on how they are going to attack the buckthorn problem. He noted that he thinks it's a little too premature to adopt all of the little detail things that Ms. Latham's group is bringing forward at this time. He stated that until they have a master plan they are in a holding pattern. Ms. Presthus commented that she thinks Mr. Keprios has done a great job with this and that it is headed in the right direction. Mr. Klus suggested that Mr. Keprios go over these comments with Ms. Latham so that she can go over them with her group so that they are up-to-date on what is happening and if she has a response to share it with the Park Board at the next meeting. Ms. Klus commented that he wants to make sure Ms. Latham knows that we are following through with what she has asked of us. III. SATURDAY EVENING RENTALS — EDINBOROUGH PARK Mr. Klus indicated that Tom Shirley from Centennial Lakes/Edinborough Park is here tonight to talk about a proposal he has at Edinborough Park. Mr. Shirley explained that when they opened Adventure Peak back in September they discontinued private rentals for Friday nights during the winter months. He indicated that they are now proposing that they eliminate Saturday night private rentals as well during the winter months. Mr. Shirley explained that the park has been phenomenally successful and added that there are a large number of people who do use the parks on Saturdays. He noted that it's tough for them to close down the Great Hall at noon on Saturday in order to set up for a private rental that evening. Mr. Shirley pointed out that right now the people who are in the Great Hall on Saturdays are forced to go into the Adventure Peak area, which is already struggling with capacity issues. Therefore, if there were no Saturday night rentals it would make for a much better experience for all of the people who are there. Mr. Shirley commented that he would recommend that no Friday and Saturday night rentals be allowed from November 1St through approximately April 1St. He pointed out that last year there were approximately 13 Saturday night rentals and this year there were 15 Saturday night rentals. Mr. Klus asked if the rentals are all private party rentals or are some of them school related. Mr. Shirley replied that the Sweetheart Dance is currently the only event that they do for the school and it is one event that they could definitely make an exception for. He noted that the Sweetheart Dance is typically in February and it would be easy enough to post throughout the park indicating the one date that the Great Hall would be closed. Mr. Klus asked if the Sweetheart Dance would be the largest • private event that is held to which Mr. Shirley replied there is also one other Christmas party that has been going on for approximately 7 of the last 8 years. Ms. Presthus commented that maybe that could be another consideration for them to which Mr. Shirley replied that he would prefer they didn't. He noted that they have four rentals on the books for next year to which they would certainly honor, however, he would like for the following year to have the no rental policy. Mr. Finsness commented that he thinks this is a good idea because it's a lot of work and a huge hassle to set up for these big parties and events. He noted that it seems to him that it's more of a private kind of a function anyway and Edinborough is a public place, it's a park. Mr. Damman asked if the private rentals make a lot of noise that bother the hotel people. Mr. Shirley replied that it's not the hotel people who are bothered by it but rather the seniors in the high rise building that have issues with the noise. Mr. Damman stated that in that respect he thinks it's a good thing not to have the rentals. Ms. Presthus indicated that she would like to see the school be exempt from this because it's been a tradition for many, many years. She added that it would also be a financial burden for them to go somewhere else. Mr. Grabiel asked if the school pays to rent Edinborough to which Mr. Shirley replied yes, they are currently getting a %2 price rate. 2 Mr. Sorem indicated that he doesn't think the school should be eliminated from using Edinborough Park and noted that he went to his Sweetheart Dance there and it's a good tradition. Mr. Weiss stated that he doesn't think the school is doing the city any favors and to be honest is therefore not inclined to reciprocate. Ms. Presthus noted that she has a different feeling about the administration of the schools and the Park Board versus the kids. Mr. Weiss indicated that he is not disagreeing with Ms. Presthus and he does feel for the kids. Floyd Grabiel MOVED TO APPROVE TOM SHIRLEY'S PROPOSAL TO ELMINATE SATURDAY EVENING RENTALS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Shirley if the School has already signed up for next year's Sweetheart Dance to which Mr. Shirley replied yes, a contract has already been written. Linda Presthus MOVED TO MAKE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION THAT THE SCHOOL BE OFFERED AN EXEMPTION IF THEY SO DESIRE AND TO LET THEM KNOW WHAT THE PLAN IS. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Grabiel if he would like to accept Ms. Presthus' Amendment to which he replied no. Mr. Grabiel noted that apparently the school is already booked for this year so it's not going to even affect next year's dance. He stated that it's a public park and if you are going to de -privatize it then de -privatize it. IN FAVOR OF AMENDMENT: Karla Sitek, Andy Finsness, Linda Presthus, Jeff Sorem, Alice Hulbert and Mike Dammar. OPPOSED TO AMENDMENT: Mike Weiss, Floyd Grabiel AMENDMENT PASSES. MOTION STATES: ELIMINATE SATURDAY EVENING RENTALS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE SCHOOL FOR THE SWEETHEART DANCE, THE SCHOOL IS THE ONLY EXEMPTION ALLOWED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Keprios commented that this group really helped Adventure Peak get going. He noted that the structure itself cost $230,000 and since we opened in September, revenues are currently over $310,000. Mr. Keprios stated that this has been a remarkable success story and that is why Mr. Shirley is requesting this proposal. Mr. Keprios stated hats off to the Park Board and to Mr. Shirley and his staff because this has been a tremendous success story. 3 IV. WINE PROPOSAL — BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE Mr. Klus indicated that if you look at the "Proposal for Wine by the Glass at Braemar" it talks about the benefits and costs to sell wine by the glass at Braemar Golf Course. He explained that staff is looking for permission to obtain a wine license to sell wine by the glass as well as the opportunity sell strong beer. Currently Braemar is only allowed to sell 3.2% beer. Mr. Klus noted that he thinks that the proposal is self-explanatory. Mr. Finsness commented that he thinks this a great idea. He added that the only suggestion he would have is that they use real glasses instead of plastic glasses. Ms. Hulbert asked if there is anything relating to kids being able to use the clubhouse if they are selling strong beer to which Mr. Keprios replied none whatsoever. Floyd Grabiel MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSAL. Karla Sitek SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V. UPDATES A. Tri -City Skate Park Concessions Building — Mr. Keprios indicated that he is meeting tomorrow with all of the partners of the YMCA Tri -City Skate Park to discuss the building of a permanent concessions building at the skate park. Mr. Keprios noted that Edina has $35,000 in the Capital Improvement Plan for 2004; however, some of the other cities currently do not have any additional funding in place. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the Edina Lions Club has come forward and has offered $25,000 towards this project. They are able to give $10,000 now and another $5,000 over the next few years to cover their commitment. He noted that the Edina Lions Club has approached the Bloomington Lions Club to request a matching grant or more. The Bloomington Lions Club has access to a lot more money than the Edina Lions Club. Mr. Keprios indicated that they are also going to be calling on some of the past donors of the skate park. He stated that hopefully the concession stand would be built in 2005. B. Centennial Lakes — Ms. Presthus asked why the water level was dropped two feet at Centennial Lakes to which Mr. Klus replied it was done in order to check the liner and make sure they don't have any cracks as well as clean out the debris. Mr. Keprios explained that because it's an artificial lake to that serves as a large storm water retention pond and has a liner on the bottom of the entire lake. VI. FACILITIES STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT (GYMNASIUMS AND DOME) Mr. Klus informed the Park Board that he has asked Mr. Keprios to invite the presidents of the athletic associations to the May Park Board meeting, which will be held at the Edina Senior Center. He noted that there are some important issues that need to be talked • about because there are some things that aren't going so well. 4 Mr. Klus indicated that at last months Park Board meeting Mr. Keprios mentioned that an Edina resident would like to donate a substantial amount of money to put towards the building of a dome or indoor athletic field facility. He also noted that as everyone is aware the Facilities Study Committee has recommended that yes there is a need for gymnasiums and the best location for them would be on school property. He noted that they do not think building a separate community center would be cost effective not to mention there is not any land available to do this. Mr. Klus pointed out that Mr. Keprios and Mr. Hughes recently had a meeting with the school district staff who stated that the school district is not interested in having these facilities on school property. Mr. Finsness asked, "who are the school staff," to which it was noted the superintendent, athletic director and business manager. Mr. Klus commented that at a meeting a few weeks ago Steve Dove, Edina's Athletic Director, informed Mr. Keprios and Mr. Hughes that the schools have all of the athletic facilities they need, they do not need any more facilities. Mr. Klus indicated that really surprises him because as a Park Board they do see a need for more facilities. Mr. Klus mentioned that a year ago he and John Keprios sat down with the School Board Chairman Colleen Feige on a Sunday afternoon to talk about facilities. He noted that the Chairman asked that they get through the bond issue first and when it passes they will sit down and do something. However, after the bond issue passed the Chairman took an about face and said no, they are not going to do anything. Mr. Klus stated that it has been a real tough road to try and find a way to get facilities in this town and it has been very frustrating. Mr. Klus pointed out that the City has said they can provide money to build these facilities, however, when it comes to the operation of them they need to work that part out. He noted that the city has been willing to set up and provide a mechanism to help finance these things. Mr. Klus commented that the City has been very open and the School just keeps turning them away and as a Park Board they feel there is nothing else they can do. Mr. Klus explained that he thinks the only way things are going to get done is if enough people outside of the City Council and Park Board believe there is a need and want to get things done. Therefore, he thinks they need to start with the athletic association presidents. The Park Board needs to have the athletic associations buy into this process and decide where they want to go from here. Mr. Klus noted that he doesn't want to hear complaining anymore about what people want but rather start to take some action and move forward. He commented that he's not sure what that is but they need to start having dialogs and let the community provide more pressure to the schools to help get the facilities that are needed. Mr. Klus noted that they have a 1.5 million dollar donation that they still need to find a use for because they certainly don't want to turn that away. Mr. Klus indicated that some of the other things he thinks they should talk about are the need for more permanent turf in order to better utilize their facilities. He noted that he thinks the pressure needs to be directed to the school because he doesn't understand what the school is doing. Mr. Grabiel commented that during discussion he would like to hear somebody say why the school should be doing this. Mr. Klus replied that all of the available land in the community is on school property. Ms. Sitek added that another reason they feel it should be at the school is so that they can use it during the day so that it doesn't sit empty. Mr. Klus pointed out; however, as Mr. Dove has stated the school doesn't need any more athletic facilities. Ms. Presthus indicated that the comment Mr. Dove made seems to be very strange. She explained that when she went to other sources at the High School who have been in that capacity they have stated that is not how they would characterize it. Ms. Presthus noted that her second point is that she has talked to at least half of the School Board members who have never even heard one thing about this. She noted that it seems that the issue has been stopped before reaching the current Chair of the School Board or anyone else. Ms. Presthus explained that when she asked them about this and what they think the only problem they have is when the referendum went before the voters to attach these kinds of facilities the voters turned it down. She noted that what they have now said is if they were to build something it would have to be different from what they said in the referendum. Ms. Presthus pointed out that if it's not being paid for out of the referendum but rather from another source what's the problem to which they basically said none. They did stress that it would have to be a good campaign so people know what is happening and know that the school is not going back on their word. Ms. Presthus stressed that there are some very interested people on the School Board who are not aware that the conversation with Mr. Dove ever took place. Ms. Presthus reminded the Park Board that she is the Park Board liaison member on the Community Education Services Board and pointed out that one of the main problems they are dealing with, because of the referendum, is they have been informed that the but is going to be torn down. Part of the proposal was to take out the but because they don't like how it looks but unfortunately, the but serves a tremendous amount of kids. It is used for the after school programs as well as it is used for band preps. Therefore, the school is taking the but out because they don't like how it looks but are not planning on replacing it. She noted that the programs she mentioned will now need to go back into the schools which will further compound the facilities problems. Ms. Presthus commented that currently there is a whole program going on trying to save the hut. She indicated that the Community Education Services Board has asked her to discuss this issue with the Park Board and see if something could be done to save and/or replace the hut. She noted that they would be very, very vocal about supporting anything that could be placed in that spot because they very much want something there. Mr. Keprios asked what if it became gyms to which Ms. Presthus replied they thought that would be wonderful. Ms. Presthus stated that if the City is willing to do something they are willing to step up and talk about it. Mr. Klus asked Ms. Presthus what she would like to see done with the space to which she replied build gymnasiums or at least do something with the space that would be there once the but is torn down. Mr. Klus asked how they get around the administration of the school if they are not in favor of it. Ms. Presthus replied she thinks they need to talk to RA the School Board, which apparently doesn't know anything about it. She indicated that • Jeff Johnson and some of the School Board members seem to be very receptive to hearing about this. Ms. Presthus indicated that the most positive thing she has heard is that there is an interest in a dialog with this group and she was asked to come back to Park Board to ask for help in doing something with the space where the but is. Mr. Klus asked about the timing of tearing the but down to which Ms. Presthus replied that it would not be this year. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios to give his thoughts on the meeting he recently had with Gordon Hughes (City Manager), Jay Willemsen (Business Director), Steve Dove (Athletic Director) and Ken Dragseth (Superintendent). Mr. Keprios indicated that the meeting was held to mainly discuss putting a cover over a multi-purpose athletic field and use it during the winter months. He noted that Mr. Dove stated that the school district does not have a need for one in the school curriculum. Mr. Dragseth asked Mr. Dove why do so many other surrounding schools have them to which Mr. Dove had replied he could see using them for some football practice in the fall and maybe baseball practice in the spring and that's it. Outside of that they would have no need for one for phy-ed purposes during the school year. Mr. Keprios stated that what he feels the school staff was telling him and Mr. Hughes is that they don't want one now or ever and therefore in staff's mind it's a dead issue and they don't need to talk about it anymore at the staff level. Mr. Keprios commented that it would be very inappropriate of staff to contact anyone above Ken Dragseth. Mr. Keprios indicated that if the Park Board does not agree with what is happening at the staff level from the School District side then perhaps a recommendation needs to be made to the City Council to have a joint meeting with the School Board. Mr. Klus commented that he thought this joint meeting was on the table to which Mr. Keprios replied yes, it is on the table. However, perhaps the Facilities Study Committee needs to sit down again instead of taking all of the Park Board's time because he feels there are a few more things that need to be talked about. Mr. Keprios indicated that since the last Park Board meeting he has learned that the YMCA is not interested in gyms and therefore that is no longer an option. Mr. Keprios explained that the Normandale Facility at best has a 50/50 chance of happening. Therefore, they are rather limited on their gymnasium options. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Braemar is a realistic option to consider for a dome. He added that if a permanent building, as opposed to a bubble, were put in they could have a sprinkler system which means they would not be required to have a road all the way around the structure. This way they would not have to narrow the facility. He explained that it could have sliding doors that could be opened up during the summer and closed in the winter. Mr. Keprios commented that the down side to this is that it has about a 5 million dollar price tag attached to it. However, they could certainly get a 7 whole field under one roof that could be used year round. Mr. Finsness commented that he would bet that sooner or later the school would ultimately be renting it. Mr. Klus indicated that he thinks we need to bring all of these groups together and have a discussion to see if we can set some direction. He noted that maybe at the May meeting they should invite the School Board members to attend who are not aware of this as well as the group Ms. Presthus is working with. Mr. Finsness commented that he thinks they need to be careful so that it doesn't look like they are pushing this idea and no one is behind it. He pointed out that the last time the Park Board met with the presidents of the athletic associations they weren't all that excited about anything. Mr. Klus responded that he recently talked with Dick Ward, President of the Edina Basketball Association, who indicated that he does have some ideas that he would like to discuss with the Park Board at the May 11th meeting. Mr. Klus also indicated that he has been talking with the Edina Football Board who would also like to give their two cents. Mr. Finsness noted that he would think Soccer and Lacrosse would be all over this type of a facility at Braemar. Mr. MacHolda commented that he thinks there are a number of people who would be very interested in an out -of -season training facility at Braemar. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that another problem he is facing right now is there is a tremendous shortage of green space and to him the greater need is the season, not the out -of -season. He noted that this spring he has no place to facilitate rugby, lacrosse or ultimate Frisbee and added that he can barely fit the soccer program in. Mr. MacHolda stated that football is coming up in the fall and he knows that they also have some concerns. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he is thinking maybe less of a winter structure and more of a need to provide lights which in turn would double their day. He noted that he would also suggest using more artificial turf because of all of the wear and tear that the fields receive. Mr. MacHolda stated that he would hate to put all of their eggs into one basket. Mr. Keprios commented that when the school is done with all of their referendum projects and Lewis West has lights they would still be in as big of a pinch for green space as they are now. He also noted that they are still going to be short green space whether or not they add a dome. He noted that we don't have 5 million dollars and they would have to find a way to fund it. Mr. MacHolda again informed the Park Board that by adding lights you basically are adding a field, which he feels, is a very smart move. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the entire community is land locked, leaving few alternative sites to add more athletic field space. Mr. Klus indicated that Mr. Finsness is right when he stated that the last time they met with the athletic association presidents it was a pretty blase meeting. With the exception of a few associations, there really wasn't a lot of interest. Mr. Klus stated that everyone on the Park Board is here because they have an interest and feel it's up to the Park Board to push this along. Therefore, what he is looking for from the Park Board tonight is to say let's move ahead with this on May 11th or let's not move ahead with this because we all have to buy into this and decide if we want to lead this charge. He noted that if the Park Board doesn't do it he doesn't know who will. Mr. Finsness stated that he thinks it's a good idea for the whole Park Board to hear what • these athletic association presidents have to say. He noted that he likes the thought of an indoor facility at Braemar and he also likes the thought of lighting some of the fields. Mr. Finsness indicated that he would like to see just a couple of items on the agenda that they stick with for the next five years or whatever. He commented that if they don't keep pushing a couple of specific things he doesn't think it will ever happen. Mr. Klus pointed out that he really thinks they need to look at private versus public money because it's not only going to be public money. He noted that if they have someone in the community who wants to give them 1.5 million dollars they certainly don't want him to sit there very long wondering whether we are going to take his money or not. They need to get that money and move ahead. Ms. Presthus explained that she has always been in favor of pushing this ahead and doesn't think they should give up on this. They need to keep the dialog going. She noted that when she spoke to the School Board Chairman about a dome she said Edina has to have one and that he didn't even know this was on the table. Ms. Sitek commented that she thinks more people are becoming aware of this, however, the general population is not aware of the lack of green space that we have. Therefore, we need to educate the community as to what is happening and that we are running out of space and that programs may not be able to continue in the capacity that they currently are. She indicated that through the athletic associations maybe they could get that information out to the general public. Ms. Presthus noted that the Community Education Services Board did ask why we don't start pumping letters to the editor of the Sun Newspaper on a regular basis pointing out the problems that we are being faced with. The word needs to get out. Mr. Weiss pointed out that he thinks the associations may step up less because no one wants to say that they will help pay for it because they would then have to raise their fees and they are all afraid of declining enrollment. He noted that he is really interested in the but thing but thinks that needs to be kept separate from field house because they are going to have two separate backings of constituents. Mr. Weiss indicated that he thinks the people who use the Community Center are going to be very interested in the but and the people who use the fields aren't going to care about the gyms. Ms. Hulbert stated that she thinks, if we build it, there will be plenty of people who will use it. Mr. Damman indicated that he thinks it's very important for the Facilities Study Committee to get together before the next Park Board meeting. He noted that maybe there are more issues that they can bring up as well as formulate what it is they are actually going to go after and talk to them about it. 0] Mr. Keprios pointed out that he thinks they have to have a clear mission of what it is they want out of the athletic association presidents at the joint meeting. He noted that he thinks the Park Board is still going to hear that yes, they still want gyms and a dome. Mr. Klus commented that it has to be active participation on their part promoting it as well because if they are not actively promoting and pushing it, it's not going to happen. Mr. Keprios indicated that they need to be prepared to tell the associations this is what we need from you and see if they like the plan. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that personally he is not convinced that putting a building up in Braemar is what should happen. He noted that he thinks it belongs at Kuhlman and just because the people who live over there don't want it he feels isn't reason enough for it not to happen. Mr. Weiss commented that he personally thinks Braemar is the place to build it because of the ease of access, parking and it's non- residential. Mr. Keprios responded that you have to put a lot of money into artificial turf to have a dome and if you put artificial turf at Braemar and then you also have to put in all of the mechanicals and additional infrastructure. He noted that turf would then need to be replaced every 8 years at a cost of over $300,000. Mr. Keprios pointed out that he would rather they put in one of the nicest real grass fields in the state that can be maintained forever and doesn't have to be replaced every 8 years. Mr. Keprios stated that having said that he will support putting up something at Braemar 100% if that's what the community wants. Mr. Weiss indicated that Mr. Keprios does have a very valid point in that we need to have some expectations from the athletic association presidents and let them know what it is that we are asking of them. He stated that maybe the associations could send out mailings to everyone in their databases alerting them to this issue. Mr. MacHolda stated that he agrees with Mr. Keprios 100% in that the best place for the dome is at Kuhlman and also if the community feels that Braemar is the best site then he will embrace that 100% as well. Mr. MacHolda also noted that he thinks Mr. Weiss' comment earlier hit the nail on the head when he stated that maybe they are making a mistake by bringing the gym people and the green space people to the same meeting. Maybe it would make more sense to have two separate meetings. Mr. Klus indicated that he feels the community has to buy into the whole thing, they may do it in pieces, but as a whole they need to buy into it all. Mr. Sorem pointed out that a lot of kids overlap playing different sports some kids plays both basketball and lacrosse. Mr. Klus asked if there is anyone else that should be invited to the May 11`h Park Board meeting. Mr. MacHolda stated that he would like to see rugby and ultimate Frisbee also invited because they are club sports that are out there. VI. OTHER A. June 8th Park Board Meeting - Mr. Keprios noted that on June 8th they would like to have the Park Board meeting at the new Police and Fire Training Facility. He noted that 10 for anyone who would like a personalized tour from Kevin Kelleher, Operations Coordinator, they would start the tour at 6:30 pm before the Park Board meeting. B. Braemar Inspection Tour - Mr. Klus indicated that the Braemar Inspection Tour is scheduled for July IP so be sure to put that on your calendars. C. Garbage Can - Ms. Sitek asked if a garbage can could be placed at 54`h Street where people get out of the creek to portage. D. Liquor Lobby - Ms. Presthus informed the Park Board that to the best of her knowledge the wine in grocery stores bill is dead for this year and it's not going to happen. However, she has been told that we can't count on that forever. VII. ADJOURNMENT Mike Weiss MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 P.M. Andy Finsness SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. MEMORANDUM TO: EDINA PARK BOARD FROM: FACILITIES STUDY COMMITTEE; PARK BOARD MEMBERS, GEORGE KLUS, KARLA SITEK, MIKE DAMMAN, AND ANDREW FINSNESS; STAFF MEMBERS, ED MACHOLDA AND JOHN KEPRIOS. SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION. DATE: APRIL 22, 2004 The Park Board has invited all youth athletic association presidents to attend the May 11, 2004, Park Board meeting to discuss facilities in general. After further study, the Facilities Study Committee has come to the following conclusions and recommendations for the Park Board's consideration. INDOOR ATHLETIC FIELD FACILITY FINDINGS: In spite of the fact that several neighboring communities either already have or are planning to build an indoor athletic field facility, there remains a strong desire for this type of facility in Edina. City Manager Gordon Hughes and I recently met with Ken Dragseth, Superintendent of Edina Public Schools, and Steve Dove, Athletic Director, and Jay Willemssen, Business Director, to discuss the possibility of a partnership in building a dome on school district property. Steve Dove stated that the Edina School District has limited need for a dome facility on any school campus. Mr. Dove stated that the school would probably have a need for indoor athletic field only for some football practice in the fall and some baseball practice in the spring and that's it. The School District referendum that recently passed includes the purchase and installation of artificial turf at Kuhlman Stadium and the upper -south multi-purpose athletic field located at the High School campus (the field closest to Valley View Road). School District staff is of the opinion that placing a dome over either facility at this time would not be possible for the School District because the project was not proposed as part of their recent referendum. Operational expenses continues to be a significant issue; however, an Edina resident recently verbally offered to contribute $1.5 million towards the purchase and/or operation of an indoor athletic field facility in Edina. If a facility were to be constructed on park property, the only readily apparent site is the multi- purpose athletic field north of Braemar East Arena. The existing field in this location is scheduled for turf renovation in 2005. There are two options for an indoor athletic field facility at the Braemar Park site: 1. 66 yard X 120 yard field with an inflatable structure (dome/bubble) at a cost of approximately $3 million. 2. 80 yard X 120 yard field with a permanent building structure with moveable walls at a cost of approximately $5 million. A permanent building has the advantage of avoiding set-up, takedown, and storage costs associated with an inflatable structure. The life of a permanent building would be significantly greater than a fabric facility. It would be less expensive to heat a well -insulated permanent building, plus it would not require constant air movement to keep the structure inflated. A permanent building would allow for a larger indoor athletic field for two reasons: 1. A permanent building would have a built-in fire suppression system and therefore would not require room for an access road around the structure. 2. A permanent building would have vertical walls; as opposed to angled walls that allow for more useable play space. The down side is that a permanent structure is significantly more expensive to build but would . have long-term operational savings. The other significant negative is the change in aesthetics to the park in general. CONCLUSIONS/RE COMMENDA TIONS: The Facilities Study Committee believes that the strong desire for an indoor athletic field facility will not diminish in the foreseeable future. It continues to be the Facilities Study Committee recommendation that an indoor athletic field facility should be located on school property, regardless of who owns or operates the facility, for the following reasons: Allow for easier access for students during the school day (maximize its use). Eliminate all of the additional expenses to convert another natural grass field into an artificial turf field. Avoid having to compromise the widest and most desirable multi-purpose athletic field in Edina by having to narrow the field to accommodate a bubble. As suggested before, the Facilities Study Committee strongly recommends that the user groups come up with dollars to assist with the construction and operational expenses for a dome facility. As a last resort, the City of Edina should consider, with financial assistance from user groups, the option of constructing an indoor athletic field facility at Braemar Park. 2 If necessary, it is the Facilities Study Committee's recommendation that the renovation of the Braemar multi-purpose athletic field be delayed until 2006. If that is the case, then the Committee recommends that the replacement of the concessions building at Courtney Fields be funded in 2005 as opposed to 2006. GYMNASIUM FACILITIES FINDINGS: Edina School District staff recently informed City staff that the Edina School District has no need for additional gymnasiums on school property. Staff informed us that their current number of gymnasium facilities is adequate for their curriculum needs. The School District staff stated that they are not interested in adding more gymnasiums to school buildings at this time. The School District's successful referendum calls for the development of performing arts facilities at Valley View Middle School in the area that might have been conducive for additional gymnasiums. The Edina Community Center campus renovation includes a new small multi- purpose floor facility in the Community Center. The South View Middle School renovation plan calls for elimination of the upper gymnasium and the addition of a new gymnasium facility. The Edina Community Center renovation also calls for removal of one or possibly both "huts." The Edina Kids Club parent advisory board has a strong desire for the School District to either keep the multi-purpose floor but or replace it with a similar use structure, possibly a gymnasium. Operational expenses continue to be a very significant issue that needs to be addressed. The YMCA is not interested in a joint venture with the City of Edina to build additional gymnasiums at their Southdale YMCA site. The church that purchased the 7300 Bush Lake Road facility has not yet negotiated an agreement with a private investor to develop gymnasiums at that location. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS - GYMNASIUMS The Facilities Study Committee recommends to the Park Board that construction of additional gymnasiums, if needed, on City -owned property should not be pursued by the City Council either now or in the future. The Committee recommends that the City of Edina should not own and/or operate any additional gymnasiums on City -owned property. The Facilities Study Committee recommends to the Park Board that additional gymnasiums, if needed, should be located next to existing school buildings. The user groups need to decide for themselves what other options on school property would be acceptable for their program needs. As suggested before, the Facilities Study Committee strongly recommends that the user groups come up with dollars to assist with the construction and operational expenses for gymnasiums. Based on the failed referendum of 2001, it is the Facilities Study Committee's recommendation that the City of Edina should not enter into any future referendum that proposes to build gymnasiums on School District property. Memo To: EDINA YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS. From: John Keprios, Director Date: April 15, 2004 Re: PARK BOARD MEETING. The Edina Park Board would like to invite the presidents or their representatives from the following youth athletic associations to the May 11 Park Board meeting: 1. Edina Baseball Association 2. Edina Basketball Association 3. Edina Girls Athletic Association 4. Edina Girls Traveling Basketball Association 5. Jr. Olympic Volleyball 6. Edina Soccer Association 7. Edina Soccer Club 8. Edina Football Association 9. Edina Youth Softball Association 10. Edina Girls Fastpitch Softball Association 11. Edina Lacrosse Association The Park Board would like to discuss athletic facilities, including a proposed plan of action to develop a dome and gymnasiums, as well as, discuss issues surrounding outdoor athletic fields. The Park Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 2004, 7:00 p.m., and will be held at the Edina Senior Center in the Sherwood Room at 5280 Grandview Square. If you as President are unable to attend, we ask that you please send a representative from your Board of Directors to attend in your absence. If you have any questions, please contact me at (952) 826-0430. I look forward to seeing you May I I'hI 0 Page 1 Memo To: ALL EDINA YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS. From: John Keprios, Director Date: April 15, 2004 Re: NO SMOKING POLICY PROPOSAL. I ask that each youth athletic association consider adopting a policy that encourages all coaches, volunteers and spectators to refrain from any tobacco use during your scheduled activities. The goal here is to encourage good adult role model behavior in front of youth to discourage our youth from using tobacco. There are literally volumes of data that proves the health hazards of tobacco use and it is believed that one of the best methods of keeping youth tobacco free is to display positive role model behavior. It begins with all the adults in the community. Please know that I am not asking that youth athletic associations enforce a new policy for spectators. All I ask is that each youth athletic association support the following language on a "voluntary compliance" basis for spectators: "The Edina Association asks that all spectators please refrain from all tobacco use during our association's scheduled games and practices. Thank you!" If your youth athletic association approves, then the Edina Park and Recreation Department would like to post permanent signs at that outdoor athletic facilities at your scheduled games and practices with the above language. I would also encourage each youth athletic association to include this voluntary compliance language in your promotional materials, as well as, schedules and rosters. 0 Page 1 If you have not already done so, I would also ask that each youth athletic association adopt a tobacco - free policy for all of your adult volunteers and coaches during scheduled practices and games. Each youth athletic association has the ability to enforce a tobacco -free policy for their volunteers, including coaches. As you know, the City of Edina has a Code that makes it unlawful to smoke inside any City -owned building. The Edina Park Board is requesting the support of all Edina youth athletic associations to encourage their volunteers and spectators in outdoor park settings to remain tobacco free. Please discuss this proposal at your next Board meeting and let me know your thoughts. If you would prefer, I'd be happy to attend your next Board meeting to answer questions. Please know that this effort is also supported and encouraged by the Connecting With Kids initiative. Thank you in advance for your support in promoting healthy youth development. 0 Page 2 PARK BOARD PARK ASSIGNMENTS NAME PARK PARK ADDRESS 1 Mike Damman Birchcrest Park 6016 Hansen Rd. 2 Mike Damman Countryside Park 6240 Tracy Ave.So. 3 Mike Damman Garden Park 5520 Hansen Rd. 4 Mike Damman Tingdale Park 59th and Tingdale Ave. 5 Andrew Finsness Arden Park 5230 Minnehaha Blvd. 6 Andrew Finsness Chowen Park 5700 Chowen Ave.So. 7 Andrew Finsness Pamela Park 5900 Park Place 8 Andrew Finsness York Park 5448 York Ave.So. 9 Dave Fredlund Tupa Park 4918 Eden Ave. 10 Dave Fredlund Utley Park 50th and Wooddale Ave. 11 Dave Fredlund Wooddale Park Wooddale Ave. and 50th St. 12 Dave Fredlund Williams Park 50th St. and Browndale Ave. 13 Floyd Grabiel Arneson Acres Park 4711 West 701h St. 14 Floyd Grabiel Centennial Lakes Park 7479 France Ave.So. 15 Floyd Grabiel Edinborough Park 7700 York Ave.So. 16 Allyson Grande Fox Meadow Park Blake Rd. and Fox Meadow Lane 17 Allyson Grande Van Valkenburg Park 4935 Lincoln Dr.So. 18 Allyson Grande Walnut Ridge Park 5801 Londonderry Rd. 19 Jeff Johnson Bredesen Park Vernon Ave. and Olinger Blvd. 20 Jeff Johnson Heights Park 5500 West 66th St. 21 Jeff Johnson Lewis Park Cahill Rd. and Dewey Hill Rd. 22 George Klus Alden Park 6750 Belmore Lane 23 George Klus Highlands Park 5200 Doncaster Way 24 George Klus Todd Park 4429 Vandervork Ave.So. 25 Linda Presthus Kojetin Park 4201 West 44th St. 26 Linda Presthus McGuire Park 69th St. and McGuire Rd. 27 Linda Presthus Sherwood Park Sherwood and Edenmoor St. 28 Linda Presthus Weber Park 4115 Grimes Ave.So. NAME 29 Karla Sitek 30 Karla Sitek 31 Karla Sitek 32 Michael Weiss 33 Michael Weiss 34 Michael Weiss 35 Michael Weiss 36 Ardis Wexler 37 Ardis Wexler 38 Ardis Wexler 39 Ardis Wexler PARK Rosland Park Strachauer Park Yorktown Park Braemar Park St. John's Park Normandale Park Browndale Park Cornelia School Park Creek Valley Lake Edina Park Melody Lake Park PARK ADDRESS 4300 West 66th St. 6200 Beard Ave. 73rd St. and York Ave. Southwest corner of Edina West 60th St. and St.John's Ave. 6501 Warren Ave.So. 4510 Browndale Ave. 7142 Cornelia Dr. Gleason Rd. and 64th St. 4400 Parklawn Ave. 5601 Melody Lake Dr.