HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-09 Park Board Packet•
7:00 P.M.
* 1. Approval of Tuesday, March 12, 2002, Park Board Minutes.
2. Edina Senior Center Tour and Presentation - Sue Weigle.
3. Fox Meadow Park Development Update - John Keprios.
4. Edina Aquatic Center Renovation - Ed MacHolda.
5. Skate Park Update - John Keprios.
6. Other
*7. Adjournment.
*These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action.
City of Edina
City Hall (952) 927-8861
4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (952) 826-0390
EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (952) 826-0379
To: Edina Park Board.
From: John Keprios, Direc or u
Edina Park and Recreati n Department
Date: April 1, 2002
Enclosed you should find the following items:
1. Tuesday, April 9, 2002, Park Board Agenda.
2. Tuesday, March 12, 2002, Park Board Minutes.
3. YMCA newsletter editorial (skate parks).
The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the
exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda for other
information items (not requiring formal action), last minute items that may come up
between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board
members and/or attendees.
Sue Weigle, Senior Center Director, will be giving the Park Board a walking tour of the
new and exciting Senior Center facility. Sue will also give a brief presentation about the
Senior Center operations and some of our future challenges.
No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item.
The Fox Meadow Park development committee has now had two input meetings with the
architect. The committee has agreed by consensus to the following objectives in the
design plan:
• Create an atmosphere within the park that encourages interaction among the
neighborhood residents.
• Create a small gathering place for the neighborhood.
• Save all natural desirable vegetation.
• • Provide a small playground structure for 2-5 year olds.
• Provide a pathway within the park for walking and access to the small
gathering area.
• Provide a small open grassy area for passive recreational use (fly kites, throw
Frisbees, play catch, etc.)
• Provide trash receptacles.
• Install a park identification sign.
• Landscape screening of existing utilities in the park.
• Introduce buffering landscaping and plantings along Blake Road and Fox
Meadow Lane sides of the park and throughout the park where needed to
improve the aesthetics of the property.
The process is to now invite the entire neighborhood to an input meeting scheduled for:
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
7:00 p.m.
Council Chambers
Edina City Hall
Is I would like to have a Park Board representative in attendance that evening. If a volunteer
does not come forward, I ask that Chairman Tom White appoint a Park Board member to
I will bring the architect's drawings to the Park Board meeting.
No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item.
Ed MacHolda will be giving the Park Board a progress report update on the renovations
under construction at the Edina Aquatic Center.
No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item.
The City of Richfield City Council held their first reading for funding $80,000 towards
development of the YMCA Tri -City skate park on Tuesday, March 26th. Being a Charter
City, they must have one more reading before the City Council can officially vote approval
of the funding. It appears as though the City of Richfield is going to approve the funding
and Joint Powers Agreement at their second reading on April 23. Therefore, we have
given the architect approval to go forward with securing soil borings and begin the next
phase of construction drawings and specifications. The Joint Powers Agreement and
Ground Lease Agreement will be brought to the Edina City Council for approval on May
7, 2002. The same is on the Bloomington City Council agenda for their May 6`" meeting.
No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item.
This is an opportunity for Park Board members and residents to address other concerns.
is 7:00 P.M.
MARCH 12, 2002
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom White, Mike Damman, Ardis Wexler, Floyd Grabiel,
Allyson Grande, George Klus, Jeff Johnson, Linda
Presthus, Dave Fredlund, Karla Sitek
STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton
Ms. Wexler pointed out a couple of corrections. On page four the last sentence
the words "as to" need to be taken out. One page six it should read "South
Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District".
Mr. Klus indicated that he thinks the Park Board should accept all of the
recommendations. Mr. White asked Mr. Keprios if the Park Board can do that to
which Mr. Keprios replied that the Park Board can nominate as many people as
they want. Mr. Klus noted that he thinks they all sound very worthy. Mr. Keprios
stated that he can fill out the paper work to nominate everyone mentioned and
give the Mayor several to choose from.
Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board that they can also select one of their own
and present that recipient with a plaque or something else. Mr. Klus commented
that last year they did present their own plaque to Andy Herring, retiring Park
Board member.
It was noted that the Edina Football Association, Edina Soccer Club and Twin
Cities Tree Trust be listed under the Mayor's Service Club Commendation and
Gary Soule be listed under the Mayor's Individual Service Commendation. Mr.
White indicated that the Twin Cities Tree Trust does a great job but perhaps the
Park Board could nominate them next year and this year just nominate the Edina
Football Association and Edina Soccer Club for the Mayor's Service Club
Commendation since both associations have given so much money to the City.
Mr. Damman asked if it is bad to nominate all three to which Mr. Keprios replied
it's really the Park Board's call. Ms. Presthus pointed out that the Mayor will
pick who he wants. Mr. Keprios noted that those who don't get picked can be
nominated again next year.
Mr. Klus indicated that he isn't so sure that they should all be nominated under
the Service Club Commendation but maybe under Individual Service
Commendation. Mr. Klus noted that we could also consider giving out our own
award to one of these groups like what was done last year. Mr. White suggested
nominating all three organizations under the Service Club Commendation.
Mr. MacHolda explained that there are basically three amenities they are adding
to the facility. The first amenity is a new waterslide tower with both body and
inner tube flumes. The second amenity that is being put in is a themed platform,
which looks like a ship's bow for a cable ride across the pool that will be
replacing one of the one -meter diving boards. The third amenity is a dry land
play area themed like a tree house. Mr. MacHolda indicated that so far he thinks
the construction has gone very well and the majority of the work should be done
by June 1St. However, final completion for the dry land play area is scheduled to
be done by July 5th. The water slides and cable ride are scheduled to be done by
June 1St
Mr. MacHolda passed around some pictures of what they have been working on at
the Aquatic Center. One of the pictures showed how the themed cable ride looks
like the bow of a ship and noted that it actually looks better than he had
visualized. Mr. Keprios added that we anticipate that kids will love it and be
drawn to this attraction.
Mr. Fredlund asked what the cable ride is. Mr. MacHolda explained that the
cable ride will be replacing one of the one meter diving boards. It will have a
themed platform (a ship's bow) and will be about the same height as the three -
meter board. There will be a t -bar from the cable where kids will grab that t -bar
and then descend over the water and there will be a stop bar about ten feet from
the other edge of the pool. Mr. MacHolda indicated that the ride is intended for
10 year-olds on up and noted there will be a height requirement. He also stated
this is something they couldn't buy out of a catalog and that they are designing
and building the ride as they go.
Mr. Keprios pointed out that another beauty of the plan is that it really opens up
the deck space, which means there will be a lot more room for lounge chairs. Mr.
White asked if the Aquatic Center is getting more lounge chairs to which Mr.
MacHolda replied not this year. He noted they are spending $1.5 million just to
add the three amenities and hopefully in a year or two they can buy more lounge
chairs. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he would also like to add trellising for shade
over that entire concrete area. Also, he would like to pursue a step-in entry for
better accessibility to the large body of water, which would make it a U shape
pool versus an L shape pool.
Mr. White asked Mr. MacHolda if he has approached anyone like Hoigaard's to
see if they would be interested in donating some lounge chairs. Mr. MacHolda
replied he has not but would be happy to make a phone call to them.
Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that they just finished signing a new
contract with the Pepsi beverage company. He noted that they have just
completed a three-year term with Coca -cola and have signed a five-year contract
with Pepsi. He indicated that part of the contract has $100,000 on the table for
promotional dollars that will be divided amongst the facilities. He noted that he is
thinking about using some of that money to purchase lounge chairs.
Ms. Sitek asked what kind of steps the slide will have. Will they be see-through
steps. Mr. MacHolda replied that it is a steel structure and that they will again be
see-through steps.
Ms. Presthus asked Mr. MacHolda how he came up with July 5`" as the
completion date. Mr. MacHolda explained that it is their hope that everything
will be completed by the time the pool opens. However, the dry play area is quite
extensive and not knowing what the spring weather will bring, July 5th ended up
being the completion date for the new dry land play area.
Mr. MacHolda pointed out that he thinks all of the subcontractors have done a
very nice job. Mr. Johnson asked if the old water slide was salvageable to which
Mr. MacHolda replied he tried very hard to sell it and he came close to selling it
to Albert Lea.
Ms. Sitek asked if there is any danger having that cable ride near the diving board
to which Mr. MacHolda responded they will have a lifeguard standing right on the
platform. He noted there is a 45 second return on the cable so their hope is to
have the kids alternating between the diving board and the cable ride. Ms. Sitek
asked if they could hit the cable itself to which Mr. MacHolda replied no because
the platform is slightly higher than the three meter board and the cable is above
Ms. Grande asked how does the cable get back to the platform to which Mr.
MacHolda replied they are going to have a hydraulic system pull it back, which is
currently being engineered.
Ms. Sitek asked what the pool rates are going to be this year. Mr. MacHolda
replied that the daily admission has stayed the same and the season tickets went
up slightly. He explained that the reason they did not raise the rates too much is
because they are under construction, which means they do not know for sure
when it will be completed. Last time the pool was under construction they did not
complete the job until mid-July.
A. Lewis Park Soccer Fields Renovation — Mr. Keprios informed the Park
Board that the City Council accepted the proposed deduct changes and alternates
on the Lewis Park soccer field renovation project. It was decided that the topsoil
will be 9 inches and not 12 inches. They are also going to accept the change order
to excavate down to 30 inches rather than 36 inches. Mr. Keprios stated that both
the architect and turf specialist said we will still have the best fields in the Twin
Cities. We won't have to worry about debris surfacing for at least 40 years or
more. He commented that it's tough to justify spending $42,000 for an extra 3
inches of topsoil. Mr. Keprios noted that they will start tearing into the fields on
May 15`" and that the turf specialist will start seeding the fields the first of
August. The fields are scheduled to be playable June 15, 2003.
Ms. Presthus asked if there will still be a walking path while construction is going
on to which Mr. Keprios replied that it's very doubtful because there will need to
be two entrances to those fields.
B. Off -Leash Dog Park — Mr. Keprios indicated that he called the
Minneapolis Park Department last week and was told they are in a waiting pattern
with the Minneapolis Public Works Department. The Minneapolis Park Board is
not willing to invest capital into the site with only a two-year lease from the
Minneapolis Public Works Department. Mr. Keprios stated that he is very
disappointed because after all of this effort and money on attorney's fees and
establishment of a joint powers agreement finally in place only to find out they
don't even have access to the property.
C. Skate Park — Mr. Keprios indicated that the good news is there currently
are no local government aid cuts by the State of Minnesota for 2002. However,
the bad news is the State of Minnesota still does not have the 2003 budget deficit
• figured out so we are not quite sure what the legislature is going to do at this
point. He noted that the City of Richfield's City Council is going to vote on the
proposed skate park funding soon. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios if he feels
positive about it to which Mr. Keprios replied that he thinks it's looking good and
politically there is a lot of support over there.
Ms. Wexler asked if the Richfield City Council does not vote in support of the
Skate Park or votes for a lesser amount is it possible that the City of Edina may be
able to contribute more money from a reserve fund. Mr. Keprios explained that if
that happens he will come back to the Park Board with a recommendation to
contribute more money. He noted that one way or another he is going to try to
make the skate park work this year.
Mr. Klus indicated that we will not know until next week what Richfield will end
up doing and if we need to come up with more money it will take another month
before we will be able to make a recommendation to the City Council. Therefore,
that will bring us into April and May and asked if there would still be enough time
to build it for this summer. Mr. Keprios replied that he thinks there should still be
enough time to build the park this year. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios how long he
thinks the project will take to which Mr. Keprios replied he would need to talk to
the engineer and architect to see how quickly it can go out for bid. Mr. Keprios
stated that he at least wants to get construction started this year.
Ms. Wexler asked, if there is a time crunch, could a special meeting of the Park
Board be called rather than wait another month. Mr. Keprios noted that if he
needs the Park Board's recommendation to spend money from the Developer's
Fund and there is a time crunch he will ask permission to set up a special meeting.
Mr. Keprios noted that the Park Board has already approved the skate park and
the City Council has approved it in the capital plan. The only item that has not
been approved yet is the Joint Powers Agreement with all the parties involved and
the Ground Lease Agreement with the YMCA and the City of Edina.
D. Fox Meadow Park Neighborhood Committee — Mr. Keprios indicated that
he just had his first meeting with the two architects from Brauer and Associates
and the five neighborhood committee members from Fox Meadow Park. He
noted it was an excellent meeting and they received really good feedback. He
stated that they gave the architect a charge to go back and design concept
drawings that include a lot of the natural plantings that are currently in place and
come up with some plans that will create a gathering place for the neighborhood.
They would like to see a small play area for the kids as well as pathways. They
also talked about the possibility of putting in a pathway all the way down to the
lake to which the idea received a luke warm reception. However, the rest of the
ideas were highly endorsed by the committee.
Mr. Keprios indicated that by next week the architect will have drawings done to
reflect the input they were given to which the committee will then provide
additional feedback. Next, the architect will then come up with one or two more
plans. At that point, the committee plans to knock on the doors of the neighbors
who live next to the park. He noted that is where the political challenges are
going to be and they hope to solicit their input and make them advocates of
developing the park. Mr. Johnson asked if any of the people living next to the
park are on the committee to which Mr. Keprios replied yes. Mr. Keprios noted
they are making good progress.
A. Senior Center — Mr. Damman indicated that he had the opportunity to visit
the new Senior Center and it is certainly a very nice facility and everyone seems
to be happy there. He noted that they have a few issues that they are currently
working out. Mr. Fredlund asked if they had an open house to which Mr.
Damman replied no he just showed up and some people took him on a tour. He
noted that the facility is up and running. Mr. Keprios reminded everyone that the
next Park Board meeting will be held at the new Senior Center.
B. Pepsi/Skate Park — Mr. Keprios stated that Mr. MacHolda has been doing
a wonderful job in raising money for the skate park; he has currently raised
approximately $26,000. He explained that when Pepsi took over the city
beverage contract they graciously came forward with $20,000 for the skate park.
He indicated that they now have a proposal before the Mountain Dew national
account to possibly raise that ainount anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000. He
noted that if they offered us an additional $60,000, then a portion of the skate park
could be named Pepsi or Mountain Dew. Mr. MacHolda noted that they are very
hopeful they will have some additional dollars coming from National Mountain
C. School District Charging Gymnasium Fees — Ms. Presthus indicated that it
has been brought to her attention through the Edina Basketball Association that
the schools are going to start charging a fee for their gymnasiums. She indicated
that she doesn't think they will be able to afford to rent the gyms for their
tournaments which is where the association makes their money. She also noted
that with the money they have made they have given things back to the schools
such as the backboards, etc.
Ms. Presthus asked how much do the schools and the city work together because
she noted that the schools use a tremendous amount of parks free of charge. She
also asked if there is an agreement between the two.
Mr. Johnson asked if the city charges the school for the baseball program to
which it was noted they do not. Mr. Keprios explained that Edina has been
fortunate since day one because they have had a wonderful bartering system in
place because we both serve the same customer. He also noted that he feels
through all of the years the city has actually received the better end of the deal
• with all of the free use of the gymnasiums. He noted that gymnasium time has
always been free of charge with the exception of weekend tournaments where
they have had to bring in staff for overtime or other times when there otherwise
would not be a janitor on site. Mr. Keprios explained that instead of continually
charging each other, we in turn have facilitated free of charge essentially all of the
varsity and junior varsity baseball, softball and golf. We have also given the
schools free use of our picnic shelters and meeting rooms. Mr. Keprios stated that
it has really worked out well and we don't have to get into the hourly charge.
Unfortunately, it looks like that is coming to a close because of the school's
budget constraints they need to find other sources of revenue and the bartering
system isn't going to exist anymore. Therefore, as a Park Board we are going to
have to address this issue and when that time comes he will provide the Park
Board with a written statement that outlines all of the facilities and services the
City provides the School District free of charge. He noted that it will equate to
somewhere between $30,000 and $35,000 a year.
Mr. Johnson indicated that they are raising the gym fees and noted that there is a
School Board meeting next Monday where this is something he will bring up. He
stated that it's very nice to have the bartering system and he will point that out
because in turn the schools will probably start to get charged for baseball, golf,
Ms. Presthus pointed out that some of the associations will not be able to continue
to run their programs which are for the community. She noted that the schools
may want to take a look at giving a break on tournaments, because additional
charges will really hurt them.
Mr. Grabiel asked why can't the associations raise its fees to which Ms. Presthus
indicated that they will have to just cover regular gym time but at tournament time
it will wipe out every profit of the tournament and then there is no point in even
having a tournament. Ms. Presthus indicated that for a three-day tournament they
are getting thousands of dollars worth of gym time to which they do pay for the
janitors' overtime. Mr. Johnson explained that if the legislature will give them
what's called a "security bond" or "issue" then the money for hiring janitor's and
their overtime would not come out of the school board's budget. The schools
right now are paying the janitors to stay late. Ms. Presthus replied that the
associations are paying some of those too. Currently, when the schools are
supposed to be open for school activities, the youth athletic associations do not
pay for gym use during those times. Also, if the tournament fees were raised
nobody would show up for the tournaments. Mr. Johnson noted that he will find
out what the School Board's rationale is for all of this. Ms. Presthus asked Mr.
Johnson to be sure to bring up the fact that the associations donate dollars back to
the schools for facility improvements.
Mr. Keprios commented that just recently the city has been receiving invoices
from the School District for late night gym clean-up even though the teams had
left the facility before 9:30 p.m. It is written on the permit for the adult teams at
the high school that the gymnasium is available and there's no charge unless
there's a clean up charge. However, on some of the nights, for whatever reason,
there is a charge showing an overtime charge for anywhere from 1:00 am until
2:00 a.m. He noted that the teams are most often out of the gymnasiums by 9:00
p.m. Mr. Keprios explained that it's very difficult to budget for because they
don't know this ahead of time.
Mr. White indicated that he always thought it would be interesting to have a joint
Park Board/School Board meeting. He noted that he doesn't know the people on
the School Board. Mr. Johnson indicated that before every School Board
meeting people have a chance to discuss items of concern for three minutes. He
noted that possibly the Park Board would want to give a presentation regarding
the new fees at this time.
Mr. Grabiel asked if the School Board is going to charge for gymnasiums can the
Park Department charge for baseball fields or is that something that the City
Council has to do. Mr. Keprios replied that recommendation should first come
from the Park Board.
Mr. Keprios noted that there is a joint City Council/School Board meeting later
this month. Mr. White stated that the Park Board should think about having a
future joint meeting with the School Board.
AM %Nk 7-1tali eki g CaePey Information you can use
by Charles Firke
Association Relations Management, YMCA of the USA
kate oas r si teenagers, apple i(- and tie YMCA
Sometimes when I talk to YMCA
staff and volunteers about trends, I
include a couple minutes on diversi-
ty. I can see the audience start to
relax, because they think they've
heard it all before.
They expect it's going
to be about race, reli-
gion, physical abili-
ty—the usuals.
But I don't let them off
that easily. I ask them
to embrace one of the
two groups that Amer-
ican society has the
most trouble welcoming: kids on
skateboards. (The other group is cig-
arette smokers, but that's another
But there's hope for these skating
masses, yearning to breathe free:
skateboard parks. We get more calls at
YMCA of the USA about creating
skateboard parks than about any other
type of Y facility. I pre-
dict that there will be 200
of them by 2003. And
there's no question about
their chances of succeed-
ing. The Sporting Goods
Association reported that
"far more" teens skate-
boarded last year than
played baseball.
The image and sometimes the
fact—of skateboarders is that they
are young teens who not only rocket
around crowded sidewalks with reck-
less, four -wheeled abandon, but who
also tend to listen to death -metal -
thrash -trip -hip -hop -industrial -house
music. It's easy to see why they don't
fit in just anywhere. In most towns,
riding skateboards on streets, side-
walks and private property is illegal
(but other than that, kiddos, have
fun). On Sundays in downtown
Chicago, you can see skateboarders
grinding down handrails in the
plazas outside the skyscrapers. I
guess the cops let them come out on
Sunday. The other six days a week
they break the law somewhere else.
® Dj,,, ry YMCA spring 2002
Plus, skateboard parks are afford-
able—the most expensive parks
might cost $200,000. If you can't
afford that, remember that the alter-
native could be kids sneaking onto
your tennis courts. To them, a rela-
being in the streets. A skateboard
park can fulfill a Y's purpose and
give the Y an opportunity to reinvig-
orate the old concept of group work
by having the kids make and enforce
their own rules for values -laden
skateboarding—being safe, taking
turns, showing respect.
It's always been the Y way to offer
people the programs they want, then
to count on the power of the associa-
tion to help those programs—and
people—develop. I love to read the
records from 150 years ago, when
older leaders were questioning
whether bowling, pool, swimming
and basketball were Christian. (They
didn't think basketball players were
heathens, just not quite wholesome
enough.) So if some contemporary Y
leaders think that skateboarders
aren't Y types, I say that someday
"We get more calls at YMCA of the USA about creating skate-
board parks thpan about any other type of Y facility"
tively modest park would seem awe-
some. Local merchants and parks and
rec departments often will help pay to
build it because they are thrilled by
the idea of skateboarders having
somewhere, anywhere else to go.
The bottom line is that Ys exist to
serve community needs, and in many
towns, that means providing teens
with a safe and legal alternative to
this discussion will look as quaint as
whether to allow bowlers into Ys.
On a final note, if anyone knows why
Tony Hawk, who is skateboarding's
equivalent of Michael Jordan plus
Tiger Woods, and Andy MacDonald
compete as Team YMCA, let me
know. It would be great if the Y
movement could claim them.