HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-11 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2001 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITY HALL AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, November 13, 2001, Park Board Minutes 2. Welcome New Youth Park Board Member, Allyson Grande. • 3. Recreation Programs Presentation — Donna Tilsner. *4. Fox Meadow Park. 5. Survey Committee Update — Tom White. 6. YMCA/Tri-City Skate Park Update. 7. Other. 8. Adj ournment. *These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (952) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (952) 826-0390 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (952) 826-0379 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: December 5, 2001 Re: DECEMBER 11, 2001, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, December 11, 2001, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, November 13, 2001, Park Board Minutes. 3. August 12, 1997, Park Board Meeting Staff Report. 4. August 12, 1997, Park Board Minutes (pages 1, 6, 7, and 8). 5. May 1997 neighborhood survey from Kurt & Laura Nisi, and Don & Lisa Beaupre. 6. Map of survey respondents (80 letters sent). 7. Fox Meadow Park Opinion Response (3 pages). 8. August 7, 1997, letter from Patricia and Bernie Beaver. 9. August 1, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. McQuinn. •10. July 31, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. McGarvey. 11. August 4, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. Doughman. 12. August 9, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. Nelson. 13. August 11, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. Rauenhorst. 14. August 6, 1997, letter from Mr. & Mrs. Portu. 15. August of 1997 Fox Meadow Park "As Is" Petition. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda for other information items (not requiring formal action), last minute items that may come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. WELCOME NEW YOUTH PARK BOARD MEMBER — ALLYSON GRANDE As recommended by the Park Board some time ago, the City Council has appointed our first youth Park Board member, Allyson Grande. Allyson is a sophomore at Edina High School. The new ordinance calls for the Park Board and Art Center Board to each have one voting youth member whose term is one year beginning October 1St. The one-year term allows for seniors in high school to serve in that capacity. Welcome aboard Allyson! RECREATION PROGRAMS PRESENTATION — DONNA TILSNER This month, our Recreation Supervisor, Donna Tilsner, will give a brief presentation on the many recreation programs that she administers throughout the year. Our goal is to continue to explore and offer new recreation programs and services that meet the ever-changing leisure needs and demands of our residents of all ages and abilities. Donna will share with the Park Board a number of new recreation programs that have been very well received and well attended. No formal action is requested on this agenda item. FOX MEADOW PARK A concerned resident neighbor of Fox Meadow Park, Laura Nisi, has asked that this issue be on the Park Board agenda for discussion. The issue is whether or not to plan on developing Fox Meadow Park in the future. The enclosed background information on the issue outlines the Park Board's previous discussion and action, which was ultimately to table the matter. Mrs. Nisi would like to address the Park Board on this matter and request that the Park Board take some form of action other than tabling the matter. I recommend that the Park Board make a recommendation to the City Council to do one of the following: 1. Plan for future park development (hire architect to begin concept drawings). 2. Survey the neighborhood and invite them to a meeting to receive public input. 3. Decide to never develop the property (leave as is). 4. Decide to leave the property undeveloped with the exception of a slightly higher level of maintenance (cutting the weeds more frequently, remove brush, etc.). 5. Sell the property for private development. There may be other options than the four listed above, however, I recommend that the matter not be simply tabled, only to discuss the issue again another day. It becomes a catch 22 if the matter is tabled because I will not recommend dollars for planning and development in the Capital Improvement Plan unless it is the will of the Park Board to develop the property. 2 In my opinion, it would be appropriate to recommend that the City Council authorize funding through the Developer's Fund to pay for architect and engineering fees to begin the process of concept drawings for different concept levels of park development. Park improvements could be as simple as grass turf with a pathway and a couple of park benches, or as extensive as playground equipment, park identification sign, small gazebo and picnic tables. If there is a desire to develop this area some day in the future, I believe it is important to make plans now one way or another. Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. SURVEY COMMITTEE UPDATE - TOM WHITE. At the August, 2001, Park Board meeting, the Park Board established a sub -committee to begin working on a community survey. The sub -committee members are Linda Presthus, Ardis Wexler, Floyd Grabiel, and Tom White. This is a progress report update agenda item. No formal Park Board action is requested on this agenda item. YMCA/TRI-CITY SKATE PARK UPDATE I will give a verbal report on the results of the Skate Park Open House that is scheduled for Thursday, December 6t", at 7:00 p.m., at the YMCA. This Open House also kicks off our fund-raising campaign to raise $44,000 in each community (Edina, Richfield, and Bloomington). OTHER This is an opportunity for Park Board members and residents to address other concerns. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:00 P.M. ARNESON ACRES TERRACE ROOM NOVEMBER 13, 2001 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom White, Linda Presthus, Dave Fredlund, George Klus, Mike Damman, Ardis Wexler, Floyd Grabiel MEMBERS ABSENT: John Murrin, Andy Finsness, Karla Sitek STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Diana Hedges, John Valliere, Tom Shirley, Susan Weigle, Larry Thayer OTHERS PRESENT: Betty Workinger, Bob Kojetin, Rick Sheely I. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 9, 2001 PARK BOARD MINUTES George Klus MOVED TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 9, 2001 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Dave Fredlund SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. EDINA GARDEN COUNCIL OVERVIEW — BETTY WORKINGER Betty Workinger, President of the Edina Garden Council, gave the Park Board an overview of what it is the Edina Garden Council does. She explained that in the spring they have an annual plant sale where they raise enough money to buy the soil containers and seeds to plant all of the flowers, herbs, etc. for all of the parks in Edina. She indicated that the Garden Council themselves do the planting at 8 parks while Tim Zimmerman and his crew plant the rest of the city parks. However, it is the Garden Council's flowers that go into the ground. Ms. Workinger commented that they also make enough money to take care of Arneson Acres Park. Over the years the Garden Council has donated to Arneson Acres Park the gazebo, fountain and they are currently in the process of putting in a native wild flower garden as well as a memorial garden. She added they have had the formal gardens there for a long, long time. Ms. Workinger pointed out that they recently started giving away plants during the Fourth of July parade. They gave away a pick-up truck full of little plants, herbs and flowers. Ms. Workinger informed the Park Board there are seven clubs, which make up the Garden Council for a total of approximately 130 members. She also noted that every two years they have a garden club tour to the various beautiful garden sites throughout Edina. Mr. Fredlund asked if the Garden Council raises their own plants to which Ms. Workinger responded that they buy and plant the seeds from their proceeds. Ms. Presthus asked if all of the plants that are sold at the annual plant sale are the ones that the Garden Council has planted. Ms. Workinger replied that some they have raised while others they have bought wholesale in order to make money. It was noted that the annual plant sale is held the weekend before Mother's Day. Ms. Wexler asked what is the Memory Garden to which Ms. Workinger responded it is a place where anyone can go and sit and meditate where there will be sculptures, trees and benches. However, there will not be any plaques or dedications, they do not want it to look like a cemetery. The area will be enclosed by shrubs and trees. Mr. Klus indicated that he would like to personally thank the Garden Council because some of the their members came out to Highlands Park and helped with some of their plantings that they have in the common areas. Mr. Klus stated that there is a lot of knowledge within the Garden Council. Mr. Keprios stated that the Park Board should make Arneson Acres one of their stops on next summer's tour of parks. He noted it is wonderful what the Garden Council has done to beautify Arneson Acres Park. He indicated that the fountain and gazebo were entirely funded by the Garden Council. Mr. White commented that the Garden Club does a wonderful job. III. EDINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OVERVIEW — BOB KOJETIN Bob Kojetin, President of the Edina Historical Society, indicated that they recently put together two video tapes on the history of Edina. One tape is 53 minutes, which can be purchased for $24.00 and the other tape is 35 minutes, which can be purchased for $20.00. He explained that the tapes are geared for 2°d graders through adults and noted that they really wanted to bring it to the schools. Mr. Kojetin informed the Park Board that there are three paid staff who are in charge of the field trips at the Old Cahill School and Grange Hall. Schools from all over the state attend this field trip where youngsters can experience what it would be like to have gone to school in 1890. The cost is $150.00 per day for which the teachers are paid $90.00. The school is in progress 172 days a year and there are approximately 5,000 youngsters per year who attend. 2 Mr. Kojetin indicated that the Historical Society also has an Executive Director, Kay Wetherall, who does an excellent job. He noted that people are starting to realize that Edina does have a Historical Society and Museum. Mr. Kojetin stated that they have acquired professional photographs that Hennepin County took of every home in Edina that was built prior to 1959 so when people come in to inquire about their homes they now have quite a few photographs. Mr. Kojetin indicated that the Historical Society holds one fundraiser every year, which is their annual book sale and noted that they raise approximately $2,000. He stated that currently there are approximately 230 members of the Edina Historical Society. He pointed out that with a city the size of Edina there should really be at least 1,000 members and that is one of their goals this year to raise their membership. Mr. Kojetin noted that their budget is approximately $25,000 a year, which basically pays for the three schoolteachers and the Executive Director. Mr. Kojetin commented that they are very fortunate that the City provides the maintenance and upkeep of the two buildings and that the Historical Society only needs to operate them. He noted that they are the keepers of the artifacts and history. Mr. Kojetin indicated that a lot of people come in and ask if there is any history on their family. Therefore, a few years ago they started going through the • obituaries and writing letters to the family members to see if there was anything they would like to contribute to the Historical Society. He noted that they have received a few items. Mr. Kojetin pointed out that Bob Reid has been conducting oral interviews with people from Edina and so far has completed approximately 49 interviews. He noted that their next goal is to have the interviews transcribed in written form because the interviews lasted anywhere from three to four hours. He indicated it's very difficult for people to come in and listen to a tape for three to four hours. Mr. MacHolda asked how far in advance the schools need to book their field trips to Cahill School. Mr. Kojetin explained that they start taking reservations the first week of August and within the first three or four days they fill up all 172 days. He added that they have a waiting list every year. IV. 2002 FEES AND CHARGES Mr. Keprios indicated that as he outlined in his staff report they try to keep their fees competitive, yet affordable. Their mission is to make ends meet and be fiscally responsible yet be competitive with the rest of the world that offer similar services. He noted that one program that has probably taken the largest jump is the Playground Program. The fee has gone from $15.00 to $20.00. Mr. Keprios explained that they surveyed all of the parents who had children in the program this past year and ask what their comfort level would be to pay for the program given that it costs approximately $45.00 per child. He pointed out that at $20.00 they still are not paying half of what it costs to provide the program. Mr. Keprios commented that there are still several communities who do not charge anything for their playground programs. He added that we are more fees and charges oriented and noted that with the increase to $20.00 from what the survey results showed they would probably have a very little drop off in numbers. Mr. Keprios stated that some activities didn't have any increases at all and feels that overall they are covering their expenses and if anything they are in the black a little bit. He noted that adult broomball actually went down. Mr. MacHolda explained that with broomball he is trying to jumpstart the program so he eliminated some of the expenses to encourage teams to come back. Even with the reduced fees, we are covering our expenses. Mr. Keprios indicated that under department rentals they have added a few new categories. They have found that regarding Arneson Acres some people just want to rent the terrace room only, while others only want to rent the gazebo. Therefore, they have come up with different ways to rent the facilities and that is found on page eight. Mr. Keprios commented that in trying to keep pace with those costs, the rental of athletic fields went up from $108.00 to $115.00. He added that the other fairly significant increase was the new park shelter buildings, which have been getting a lot of use. He noted that they have now installed air conditioning units at the new buildings, which did not exist last summer. Therefore, they have gone from $40.00 for a half-day to $50.00 and from $70.00 for a full day to $100.00. Ms. Wexler asked Mr. Keprios about the Senior Advisory Council collecting fees and charges. Mr. Keprios explained that in the past the Edina Senior Advisory Council collected the fees and ran it out of their checkbook to which they have done a good job managing their money. Mr. Keprios pointed out that they have quite a bit of money in the bank and they are going to spend it on furnishings for the new Senior Center next year. He indicated that we are now going to start collecting membership fees as well as all of their fees for trips, etc. This is going to help pay for some of the additional expenses that are going to be incurred at the new Senior Center. He noted this is a whole new category that we haven't had before. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that the City Council did approve going forward with the entire Aquatic Center renovation package. Mr. MacHolda indicated that as far as his fees and charges he left the daily admission the same as well as the individual season ticket the same but bumped the second member up $5.00 for both residents and non-residents. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that despite raising some fees they are still slightly below neighboring communities that have similar amenities. Mr. Klus asked Mr. MacHolda if he feels Edina has the same amenities as St. Louis Park to which Mr. MacHolda replied he thinks St. 2 • Louis Park had greater amenities last year but as we move towards 2002 they will have similar amenities. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that Bloomington would be coming on line with similar or greater amenities while Apple Valley and Eagan have similar or greater amenities. Mr. MacHolda stated that as the season ticket base shows people are not shy about driving to facilities that are far away. Their radius is fairly large. Mr. White indicated that on the handout it indicates the daily admission as $8.00 and $6.00 but Mr. MacHolda stated it is the same from last year, which is $7.00 and $5.00. Mr. MacHolda stated that an error was made and it should remain the same as last year at $7.00 and $5.00 for daily admission. Mr. White asked what St. Louis Park's daily admission was to which Mr. MacHolda noted that he believes it was $6.50 and added that Edina is a little on the high end for daily admission. Ms. Presthus commented that there doesn't seem to be much of a discrepancy between a non-resident and a resident. She asked if there is always room for the residents and asked why we don't charge the non-resident more. Mr. MacHolda responded that approximately 40% of the season tickets sold are to non-residents and therefore, we rely heavily on them to pay the expenses as well as make improvements. He noted that some communities do not even separate between residents and non-residents, everyone is charged the same amount. Ms. Presthus asked if the pool is ever closed because of too many people and therefore residents get turned away. Mr. MacHolda explained that they have had what they call a "sellout" day, which means only people with season tickets are admitted. There are no daily admissions sold during those times. He indicated that this has only happened a few times in the past and it is because of the safety issue that they have had to do it. Mr. Klus asked Mr. MacHolda why pool rental fees for the Edina Swim Club are not shown. Mr. MacHolda explained that he has had other pool rentals, however, the Edina Swim Club is the primary renter. Mr. Klus asked isn't that a big revenue source to which Mr. MacHolda replied no. In terms of revenue the Edina Swim Club is approximately 1 %, we are pretty much giving the facility away to them. They are being charged approximately $40.00 an hour. Mr. Klus stated that he is fine with that, however, are we being consistent with how we treat other facilities within the city. Mr. MacHolda indicated that the neighboring communities are charging approximately $64.00 and he is trying to gradually bring Edina's rate up. He noted that if he charged them what it costs to operate the pool it would put them out of business. He commented that he looks at them like the Playground Program in that they are trying to help keep the program afloat. Mr. Klus asked Mr. MacHolda if he is renting the pool to any swim clubs outside of Edina. Mr. MacHolda responded that he has had other clubs knock on his door, however, he cannot afford to give up the Learn To Swim Program which equates to about $200 an hour versus $40.00 an hour. 5 Ms. Wexler asked about private swimming parties to which Mr. MacHolda replied that he has had more and more requests for that in the last few years. He noted that the majority of requests are from Memorial weekend until school lets out because a lot of the elementary schools want to rent the pool for their classes. He indicated that he typically charges $150.00. However, last year he had to turn down 5 or 6 rentals because he simply did not have enough staff because the majority of his staff are high school students. He noted that he does get a few requests during the summer for birthday parties to which he will let them rent the pool when it is closed from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm and the fee for that would also be $150.00. Mr. Klus commented that St. Louis Park does have an area that people can rent out for parties and asked if anything like that has been looked at. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that St. Louis Park closes their pool earlier to have private parties, which he has chosen to extend Edina's hours for the season ticket holder. Secondly, St. Louis Park had a much broader area to work with in order to make a private rental space where Edina does not have the space. Mr. Keprios commented that another reason they are not raising the prices more than they are, even in light of the 1.5 million we are putting into the facility, is because we have learned from past experience that there is no guarantee we are going to have these improvements in place by the start of the season. Diana Hedges, Director of the Edina Art Center, pointed out that there are a couple of things on page three that need to be looked at. It should read 2002 membership rates are $40.00 per household and $30.00 for individual. Ms. Hedges commented that they raised class prices .25 per hour. What the fees and charges do not show is they have decided to give Edina residents who are members a $5.00 discount and are estimating it will cost them approximately $1,500.00. However, with the .25 an hour raise will bring in approximately $10,000 to $12,000. She noted that the Art Center Board and a lot of customers have said that Edina residents should get a break. Ms. Hedges indicated that they had a 5% percent increase in fees last year and are in the same range as Bloomington and Minnetonka. Ms. Presthus asked if the Art Center is pretty much at capacity most of the time to which Ms. Hedges replied they have a cancellation rate of approximately 5% to 8%, which is really good. They are doing very well this year. Ms. Hedges informed the Park Board that Phil Johnson, manager of the media studio, raised some of the hourly fees and left some of them the same. She indicated that they are hoping to bring in about $30,000 more in the media studio next year. Mr. Valliere, Manager of Braemar Golf Course, indicated that 2001 was difficult in terms of financial performance. He noted that he attributes that to the extremely cold and wet spring as well as the down economy and events of September 11 th. He added that most of the six state region has seen a 7% to 10% rel decrease. In the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area they are down an average of 14% in revenues. Mr. Valliere stated that Braemar enjoys a prime location with high customer loyalties that will practice greatly in customer participation. He noted that Braemar's price point for greens fees would ensure us a continued popularity with the cooperation of the weather. Mr. Valliere commented that with the new improvements to the clubhouse it would enhance both its appearance and marketability. He added that the new open practice area just west of the clubhouse was well received and enjoyed by the customers. Mr. Valliere noted that they set their fees to be commensurate with other municipal courses not necessarily with privately owned public courses that need to make a profit and have taxation issues. Therefore, we can't always compare fee prices across the board. Mr. Valliere explained that Braemar's increases are cost driven and not necessarily profit motivated. He noted they had a down year financially, however, a couple of good things did happen. The projected cost for the improvements to the clubhouse was $450,000 but the actual bid came in at $364,000, so that helped a lot. Also, with the extended golfing season with the wonderful weather they've been chopping at their deficit as well. Mr. Valliere pointed out that they are down approximately $250,000 from a normal year. He noted that last year in contrast was an exceptional year. Mr. Valliere informed the Park Board that golfers are very mobile and therefore, we do not have resident and non-resident greens fee rates per se. What they do have, however, is a patron card that residents can purchase which provide reduced greens fees and reservation privileges. Ms. Wexler asked how many patron cards were sold last year compared to this year to which Mr. Valliere replied last year they sold 2,700 and this year they sold just over 2,500. He noted that he attributes that to the cold spring we had. Ms. Wexler asked why the 9 -hole patron was raised and not the non -patron. Mr. Valliere explained that two years ago the City Council did not take the Park Board's recommendation on the greens fees and they increased the 18 hole greens fee $4.00 for the non -patron and increased the 9 hole rate $4.00. He indicated that it was disproportionate and it should have been increased $2.00. Therefore, over time he is trying to equalize that. Ms. Presthus indicated that the golf dome was available for league rentals for $700.00 in 2001 but is not available in 2002 and asked why that is. Mr. Valliere explained that there is so much competition with all of soccer facilities that have been built that the business is just not there. Mr. White asked if it would be appropriate for them to set a fee for that in case they are approached. Mr. Valliere indicated that he would say yes to that. Mr. Damman asked if that would be for after hours of the dome to which Mr. Valliere replied yes. Mr. Keprios pointed out that there is some interest out there to convert our existing golf dome into a multi-purpose dome, however the amount if would cost per hour would be out of • the price range soccer is willing to pay. Mr. Keprios commented that possibly an 7 option would be to have some late night times available for rental. Ms. Presthus • asked if they lowered the price and set aside certain times would it still work. Mr. Valliere indicated he would be more comfortable to refer that question to Todd Anderson, Golf Dome Manager, because he doesn't know the market that well. He noted that he would certainly look into it. Tom Shirley, Manager of Centennial Lakes/Edinborough Park, indicated that at Centennial Lakes they are raising their Friday and Saturday night rentals $25.00 so the fee is now $700.00. He noted that they are also seeing a lot of weddings on Sundays, which are just as much work as Fridays and Saturdays so Sundays can be rented for a half-day for $200.00. Ms. Wexler asked why someone couldn't rent the facility for a whole day on Sunday. Mr. Shirley responded that typically they are still cleaning on Sunday mornings from the night before and they try to keep Sunday evenings open, especially in the summer with all of the traffic they have. He noted that they would make exceptions depending on when and what it is. Mr. Shirley indicated that at Edinborough Park everything is basically staying the same. He noted there was a typo last year in that the 2001 numbers do not add up but the 2002 numbers are correct. Mr. Damman asked if there is a reason why things are not going up. Mr. Shirley explained that they bumped the numbers up a little bit last year as well as the year before and therefore will wait until next year to take another jump. Susan Weigle, Director of the Edina Senior Center, indicated that everything is new and she tried to keep it simple. She stated that she compared prices from some of the surrounding communities to which she found all different ranges. Therefore, she tried to keep it fairly consistent with Centennial Lakes. She noted that at least for the first year they are not going to allow alcoholic beverages. Ms. Weigle explained that all of their different leagues are co -programs with the Richfield Senior Center and noted that as far as fees for softball the members themselves decided to raise it from $25.00 to $30.00. She noted that with softball they play at VanValkenburg for the summer season and they play at Richfield for the fall season. Ms. Weigle pointed that with golf for example the membership fee is $10.00 to which $3.00 goes to the Edina Senior Center and $3.00 goes to the Richfield Senior Center and the rest goes to pay for their banquet, coffee, doughnuts, etc. She noted that they have been doing it for years and it has been very successful. Ms. Weigle commented that she was just informed that the Senior Center should be completed on January 11th. Mr. Keprios pointed out that this is a whole new year for Ms. Weigle because she has never had to collect these fees herself and submit requests for payments and therefore it's going to be a learning experience. Ms. Weigle stated that what they learned from the survey that they sent out is a lot of communities do not charge a membership fee. She noted that for years they H have charged $10.00 for the Senior Activity Membership and they are now raising it to $15.00 and they may offer a couple's fee that will be less than $30.00. She added that they certainly do get their money's worth. Larry Thayer, Manager of Braemar Arena, indicated that basically all of the surrounding arenas are raising their fees a modest $5.00 and in some cases they are staying as is. He noted that a $5.00 increase would generate approximately $60,000, which will take care of a lot of the operating increases. Mr. Thayer pointed out that they are now funding their own capital improvements and mortgage payment. He added that their gas bill doubled last year. He indicated that they have always been looked at as a break-even facility, however, because of some of the increases they haven't always been able to hold to that. Mr. Thayer pointed out that their fees tend to be $5.00 below some of their competitors while $5.00 above others. He noted that they are below Bloomington, Burnsville, Eden Prairie and above St. Louis Park and Richfield. He added that these are their major competitors that really help out during the seven month off-season. Ms. Presthus asked if the fees are the same in the summer to which Mr. Thayer replied yes. He noted that their prime season is really only about five months and that they really need the revenue during the seven months of the off-season which is where they rely on non-residents quite heavily. Mr. Thayer explained that during the prime months the residents get all of the prime scheduling priorities and after that it is sold to outsiders. Mr. Klus commented that when the new shelter buildings were first opened people weren't using them because the fee was too high. Last year the fee was lowered and more people used them. Now we are getting back to the realm where we were two years ago and indicated that his concern is he doesn't want to be here next year lowering the fees again because people aren't renting the buildings because the fee is too high. Mr. Keprios replied that it still cheaper to rent the new buildings than it is to rent Arneson Acres. He also stated that now that the new buildings have air conditioning they are going to cost significantly more to operate. Mr. Klus noted that he is concerned that people will not rent the facilities because they are too expensive and he doesn't want to see that happen. Mr. Keprios noted that he feels $50.00 for a half day at those beautiful air- conditioned buildings is a good buy and feels they are still going to get rentals. Ms. Presthus asked how many half day rentals there were compared to full day rentals to which Mr. Keprios replied he doesn't have those numbers but noted that the majority of rentals are half days. Mr. Keprios commented that $100.00 per full day might be a little high and maybe that amount could be lowered to $75.00 or $90.00. Mr. Klus asked Mr. Keprios if they have ever thought about charging a deposit and lowering the fee. Mr. Keprios responded that charging a deposit is a nightmare to try to collect and keep. Mr. Klus noted that he would feel a lot more E 17_� comfortable if the fee would be lowered to which Mr. Keprios responded he is okay with that. Mr. White suggested $50.00 for a half day and $80.00 for a full day. Mr. Grabiel asked how do you rent a pathway to which Mr. Keprios explained that they block off Rosland Park pathway exclusively for a race. The races that are held are typically for fundraisers. It was noted that they will rent out Bredesen Park pathway. Mr. White indicated that a number of people were a little upset and talked to him about Bredesen Park being closed while America's Most Wanted filmed an episode there on the Bank Robbery. He stated that it was his understanding that Park and Recreation was getting a fee for it and that made them happy. Therefore, he noted that he would like to add on to this that if we are going to rent out Bredesen Park again there needs to be an appropriate fee set for it. He pointed out that two years it was discussed over a long period of time that we would never rent out Bredesen Park. Mr. Keprios stated that they were not supposed to close off the walking path and he was not aware of that. He was just told they were going to be parking some vehicles in the parking lot area and that's all. Mr. Keprios pointed out that there is a fee for commercial use of the parks, it's $65.00 an hour and if they use lights it's $120.00. He noted that when movies and commercials are filmed in the parks they do collect that fee. George Klus MOVED THAT WE ACCEPT THE FEE SCHEDULE RIGHT NOW. Floyd Grabiel SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. White added a friendly amendment stating THE AQUATIC CENTER CHARGES FOR A DAILY ADMISSION WOULD BE $7.00 AND $5.00. THE ART CENTER WILL REMAIN THE SAME JUST CLARIFY THE WORDING TO HOUSEHOLD AND THE $5.00 DISCOUNT FOR RESIDENT MEMBERS OF THE ART CENTER. THE PARK CHARGES WOULD BE AMENDED FOR THE PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS FOR A FULL DAY CHARGE OF $80.00. Subject to those amendments. Ms. Presthus noted that she would correct it on the Edinborough Park that maximum seven member non -Edina individual has the wrong number. Mr. Keprios noted that he will make that correction. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10 V. COMMUNITY SURVEY SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT — TOM WHITE It was noted that the Community Survey Sub -Committee will meet for the first time on Wednesday, November 28`h at 6:00 pm at City Hall. VI. OTHER A. Braemar Golf Course — Mr. Valliere indicated that each year Braemar Golf Course, as well as most other golf courses, try to do something of a gratuitous nature each year. He informed the Park Board that this year the Minnesota Golf Association's Junior Golfers from Braemar won the state championship. He explained that it's usually customary for the winning team to be the host team for the state championship the following year. He indicated there are no fees involved, it is a gratis situation where they will have 1 %2 days worth of tee times for holes 1-18. He noted that other parts of the course will remain open and will receive revenues. Mr. Valliere stated that the financial impact would be approximately $2,500. Mr. Fredlund asked what time of year this would occur to which Mr. Valliere replied it is a Monday and a Tuesday morning in late June. Linda Presthus MOVED TO APPROVE. Mike Damman SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Edina Football Association Raffle - Mr. Klus indicated that the Edina Football Association is holding a raffle where the proceeds are going to re -sod Kuhlman Field. He noted that he is trying to understand how that fits in with the school, City and Football Association. Mr. Keprios indicated that he has not heard about this but that the Football Association does use Kuhlman Field for their championship. However, it is beyond him why they would spend all of that money on a field they use only once a year other than it's for the good of their sport. Ms. Presthus pointed out that the Edina Football Association raises a lot of money and it doesn't just go towards the youth program. For football they look at the overall program and try to promote the sport. She added that the school doesn't have the money to do this and that is why the Football Association is funding it. C. The Edina Chorale - Mr. Grabiel indicated that he sings with the Edina Chorale and noted that the Chorale is having their Christmas concert Sunday, December 2°a at 4:00 pm at St. Patrick's Church. He stated that, when the group got started, money was given to them by the Edina Foundation and he was wondering if there is any possibility that the Edina Chorale could somehow fold under the auspices of the Park Board or Art Center Board or something like that. He noted that there are a lot of Edina people who sing with the Chorale as well people from other communities. Mr. Keprios noted that he thinks that is a great question and he would like to speak with the person who is in charge of the Edina Chorale to learn a little more and see if there is some way the City can support 11 them. Mr. Keprios asked how they raise their money to which Mr. Grabiel responded that right now they charge dues, have ticket sales and run advertising in their program. He indicated that they sing all sorts of music and are very broad based. Mr. Damman asked how big of a group it is to which Mr. Grabiel replied there are approximately 55 singers. D. Aquatic Center - Mr. Keprios noted that the City Council approved the entire package for the Edina Aquatic Center for just under 1.3 million dollars. He indicated that they have met with the contractor and all of the paper work is in place. The pathway around Rosland Park is now complete with the exception of a little bit of grading of the finish work along the edges. He commented that the, contractor did an excellent job. E. Arneson Acres - Mr. Keprios indicated that the City Council has approved the steel siding and roofing for Arneson Acres. F. Lewis Park — Mr. White asked what the status is with Lewis Park to which Mr. Keprios replied they have hired a professional landscape architect to produce the drawings and specifications. Braun Intertec has been hired to do some soil borings. He noted that we are hoping to begin construction this spring. VII. ADJOURNMENT George Klus MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:50 P.M. Ardis Wexler SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 12 0 Memo To: Edina Park Board. �) From: John Keprios, Direct r ti Edina Park and Recreati n Department Date: August 4, 1997 Re: AUGUST 12, 1997, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, August 12, 1997, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, June 10, 1997, Park Board Minutes. 3. Letter from Robert E. McKlveen, M.D. 4. Letter from Cristofer A. Gears. 5. Attention Swimmers sign. 6. Fox Meadow Park letter and questionnaire. 7. Fox Meadow Park Opinion Responses. 8. Letter from Bob and Cynthia McGarvey. 9. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. McQuinn. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. EDINA AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET At the June 10, 1997, Park Board meeting, an Edina resident approached the Park Board concerning the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. As the June meeting minutes reflect, the question raised was regarding the appropriateness of closing the Edina Aquatic Center to the general public for an entire weekend in order to accommodate the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. After a brief discussion, the Park Board requested that the issue be placed on the September agenda. To provide some background on the issue, the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet has been held annually at the Edina Aquatic Center since 1959. Through the years, there have been many complaints from the general public regarding the closing of the facility for the entire weekend, which has traditionally been the second FOX MEADOW PARK DEVELOPMENT As mentioned at the June Park Board meeting, the Nisi and Beaupre families took it upon themselves to survey their neighbors as to whether or not they would be in favor of developing Fox Meadow Park in the future. A copy of their cover fetter and response card is enclosed for your review. They mailed 80 surveys to households shown on the enclosed map. 45 responded to their survey. 72% responded favorably to future development, 12% not sure and 16% no. Also enclosed are letters sent to me by residents who are concerned about this issue. I explained to the Nisi's and Beaupre's that the process to pursue development of this parcel of land would be to first get a petition or survey from the neighborhood that clearly shows a strong interest and support to design and develop the property. If the results show the majority in favor of development, then the issue will be brought to the Edina Park Board for further action. I also explained that there are currently no funds available to fully develop this land, however, if the City Council approves a recommendation from the Park Board to develop the park, a plan could be established and construction could be done in phases as funding becomes available. I have also been telling concerned residents that, if the Park Board chooses to pursue development of this site, staff will notify approximately 200 of the homes in the immediate neighborhood to invite their input in a public meeting after a concept plan is established. Residents have also been informed that ultimately the City Council makes the final decisions with regards to development and appropriations of funds. For background information, Fox Meadow Park is a 3.84 acre parcel of undeveloped land located in the northwest quadrant of Edina at Blake Road and Fox Meadow Lane. Fox Meadow Park is classified as one of Edina's 11 Neighborhood Parks, which by definition: "is designed to serve primarily the needs of children six to fourteen years of age. Tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball and ice skating facilities are commonly provided in neighborhood parks. Neighborhood parks range in size from approximately two acres to twenty acres and has a service area of 1 square mile." The above definition is taken from the Jupiter Report, which served as Edina's ten year comprehensive park plan. The land was acquired by the City for the purpose of some day becoming' a neighborhood park. Approximately 25 years ago, the City proposed to develop the site and the neighbors at the time were not in favor of development and therefore was put on hold until the majority of the neighborhood felt otherwise. It appears as though the time has come that the majority of the neighborhood would like some neighborhood park amenities placed at this site. As with many other proposed park development projects, residents who live immediately adjacent to the land object to any development for a number of reasons, many of which are similar to the Lake Edina Park scenario. Those whose property abuts the park land would prefer the property to either be left in a natural state or developed into a more attractive natural site (i.e. flower gardens, trees and shrubs) that would be a beautiful extension of their yards. In any event, these residents simply do not want the land developed to where it will attract more people to use the site. None the less, it appears as though the majority opinion of the neighborhood has changed to where the majority would prefer the development of this site into a neighborhood park. I would ask that the Park Board listen to the comments from those in attendance and then request staff to do one or more of the following: 1. Hire an architect to develop a concept plan for Fox Meadow Park. 2. Conduct a City administered survey of a larger sample of the Fox Meadow Park neighborhood with regards to development. 3. Form a small neighborhood task force committee to provide input into a concept plan. 4. Not consider development. My first choice and current recommendation would be to request staff to hire and architect to begin a concept plan for the site. After the concept plan is established, staff would bring it to the Park Board for review and revisions. Once approved by the Park Board, I would suggest a mailing to 200 neighborhood homes to inform them of a public meeting on the proposed concept plan. If there continues to be strong resistance by this point in time, then the proposed concept plan should be carried on to the City Council for approval or rejection. Assuming that development is approved, I would then ask a few neighbors to provide input regarding playground equipment choices (colors, styles, play value etc.) and other minor details that would give the neighborhood a sense of involvement and ownership. It is worthy of repeating that there currently are not adequate funds available to develop Fox Meadow Park, however, the park could be developed in phases each year through the Developer's Fund. The number of years to fully complete the development would be dependent upon the scope of the development plan and the availability of funds from year to year. For the third year in a row, there will again be no capital plan dollars budgeted for the coming fiscal year, 1998. Park Board action is requested on this issue. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 12, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Becky Bennett, Mike Burley, Phyllis Kohler, Dave Crowther, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall, John Dovolis, Andrew Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Andy Herring STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Chris Bauleke, Greg Bauleke, Mary Pate, Linda Hays Witzel, Mo Massopust, Katherine Bradbury, Cynthia McGarvey, Robert McGarvey, Lisa Beaupre, Laura Nisi, Paul Cederberg, Anne Braun, John Witzel, Carol Kaiser -Milan, O.P. Portu, Jody Portu, Tim Walton, Barb Goramella, Barb Nelson, Jack Galvin, A.E. McQuinn, Gene Hangland, Katy Bennewitz, Kathy Monson Lutes, Rick Lutes, Stan Nelson, Claudette Debrey I. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 10 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 10, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. H. EDINA AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET Mr. Keprios indicated that at the June 10th Park Board meeting there were some residents present who expressed their concerns that they were displeased with the fact that the Aquatic Center facility was shut down during the second weekend in July to host the annual Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. He stated this is something that the city has dealt with for many years. In the past, some compromises have been made in being able to shut down the facility at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. and then open it up to the public. However, that no longer is an option because the electronic timing devices that are needed to run the program cannot be easily taken down and put back up. Mr. Keprios stated that the public has been informed of this meeting as well as the Edina Swim Club and the Park Board will hear the comments from both sides and then make a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Keprios explained that Mr. Witzel, President of the Edina Swim Club, met with Mr. MacHolda and himself to discuss the situation and try to find a compromise so this wouldn't have to be discussed in a public forum. Mr. Keprios commented that it is very difficult to serve both needs at the same time and a decision needs to be made. Mr. Montgomery clarified that the recommendation to the City Council is THAT THE EDINA SWIM CLUB MOVE THEIR AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AQUATIC CENTER FACILITY FOR THEIR JULY 10-12,1998, SWIM MEET AND WE WILL REVISIT THE ISSUE A YEAR FROM NOW. IN FAVOR - 9 - Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Becky Bennett, Mike Burley, Phyllis Kohler, Dave Crowther, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery OPPOSED -I - John Dovolis MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Keprios asked the Edina Swim Club if they wish to pursue this to the Edina City Council on September 2nd and it was noted definitely. III. FOX MEADOW PARK DEVELOPMENT Mr. Keprios indicated that he had been contacted by a couple of residents from the Fox Meadow Park neighborhood area as to what the process would be if there were a strong interest in developing the park in some way, shape or form. These residents felt that the demographics and attitude about the development of the park have changed from what was been in the past. Mr. Keprios showed on a map the parcel of property that is being talked about and noted that it is a very heavily wooded area. He also pointed out that the closest parks to this area are Walnut Ridge Park and Highlands Park. Mr. Keprios gave a brief history on Fox Meadow Park. He noted there were 3 bond issues on the agenda on September 4, 1975, one was for park open space supposedly to not be developed. There was an issue to purchase park land to be developed as local or neighborhood parks and a third one, 2.2 million, to develop those local neighborhood parks. Mr. Keprios indicated that the Fox Meadow Park property was purchased with the park land money and was never developed. However, Mr. Rosland has indicated to him that there used to be a plan to develop the park that was proposed to the neighborhood and the neighborhood felt very strongly at that time that is not something that they wanted at that time. That is why it has been undeveloped for all of these years. Mr. Keprios pointed out that no one stepped forward during this past bond issue to develop Fox Meadow Park and currently there is no money available to develop this park. He commented, however, that does not mean that it should not be addressed because if people have concerns they need and deserve to be heard. Mr. Keprios explained that when the Nisi family and the Beaupre family approached him about the park he suggested to them that they have a couple of options either do it by petition or do it by survey. Therefore, they took it upon themselves and administered a survey of 80 mailings in which they received about 72% back indicating they would be in favor of the development. Mr. Keprios then explained that the word spread quickly throughout the neighborhood and another petition has surfaced on the opposite side of the 6 issue, which includes approximately 100 names. However, a large number of the names are not anywhere near Fox Meadow Park. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Fox Meadow Park is a 3.84 acres parcel of land and is considered to be a neighborhood park, which by definition would service one square mile and is typically for ages 6 to 14 years of age. Typical things you put in a neighborhood park are tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball courts, ice skating facilities, playground equipment and pathways. However, that does not mean that every park should have all of these things. Mr. Keprios did indicate that Fox Meadow Park does have a very mature stand of trees as well as a lot of wonderful prairie grass. He pointed out that he is not a fan of tearing down any trees for the sake of development. However, the issue comes down to a couple of things, number one and the most important is there is no money to do anything right now. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't plan for the future but for us to do that we need to know what the people want and what they will agree to. Mr. Keprios explained that it is important to establish a long range Capital Plan and it would be nice to know if we should plan on any future development of that site. Mr. Burley indicated that he doesn't see why we are discussing this if we don't have any money to do anything and there obviously are strong points on both sides from the neighborhood who are arguing over something we can't do anyway. Mr. Burley MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD TABLE THIS UNTIL THE CITY HAS THE MONEY TO EVEN MAKE A DECISION ABOUT WHAT TO DQ WITH THE PARCEL OF LAND. Jim Fee SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Montgomery indicated that his only concern is that this topic was put on the agenda and people are here for the Park Board to hear their concerns, therefore, it is only appropriate to hear a couple of their comments. Mr. Crowther commented that his concern is that by the time the city does have the money to essentially develop this park the sentiment of the neighborhood may be changed and there may be different people living there. Mr. Montgomery stated that he would like to take five minutes to let a couple of people comment on this issue. O.P. Portu, resident, indicated that he agrees with the statement that was made if there is no money we are kidding ourselves. However, when he moved to Edina 8 years ago one of the things that impressed him is the fine balance that the city does between recreation centers and the natural setting. Mr. Portu noted that when he saw the first petition he thought it would be very convenient for his family to just go across the woods to the park. However, he quickly realized that would be somewhat selfish because there are other residents who do not have children and they enjoy the balance of the peace and quiet. Mr. Portu pointed out that in his petition against developing the park you will find that almost all of those people have houses directly adjoining the park and that to him matters more than people who live 2 blocks away from it. Laura Nissi, resident, stated that she was one of the instigators of the survey for developing the park. She indicated that the prairie grass and weeds are so high that you cannot walk through it. She pointed out that she heard from 74% of the people she sent surveys out to and those people were very enthusiastic about developing the park. She explained that no one wants baseball, basketball, swimming pools, tennis courts, parking 7 lots, etc. Most people want a place to go to meet their neighbors. Ms. Nissi noted that if the Park Board tables this issue because there is no money she will come back and send out a survey again if in the future there are funds available and it can become an issue. Mr. Montgomery indicated that he would like for the City to cut the grass. Mr. Keprios commented that as staff he will never tell a resident no, you cannot bring your concern to the Park Board. He stated that he indicated to these residents there is no money and he doesn't anticipate there being any money for some time. However, if you want to pursue it that's certainly the democratic process and he can't fault them for doing that. Mr. McQuinn, resident, indicated that he wrote the Park Board a letter and stated several positions about living on the south side of that park. He felt that mowing the area two times a year, like they do at the arboretum, to keep that grass about 6 inches would serve a lot of peoples purposes and would broaden the use of that park as well as save the city a lot of money. Mr. Keprios thanked Matt Peterson, resident, for adopting the Fox Meadow Park. Mr. Peterson commented that he thinks the idea of access is important. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY TO TABLE THIS ISSUE AT THIS TIME. IV. 3.2% BEER ORDINANCE Mr. Keprios stated that Chairman Montgomery asked to have this issue be addressed by the Park Board. Mr. Keprios explained that the city has been changing it's ordinances through the years with regards to serving and selling liquor in Edina. The most recent significant change in the liquor laws in Edina have been to allow restaurants in town to sell both wine and strong beer without having to serve a main course meal first. However, this was not granted to City owned facilities. We can still serve 3.2% beer and wine at the golf dome, golf course, Edinborough, Centennial Lakes, and by permit at Van Valkenburg. Mr. Montgomery would like these facilities to be able to serve (but not sell) strong beer. Mr. Keprios stated that we can currently serve wine which can be as high as 12% alcohol while we are limited to serving only 3.2% beer. There is little difference between 3.2 beer and strong beer, which can be as high as 5%. He indicated that Mr. Montgomery felt that we should at least allow the caterers to serve strong beer, similar to all of the other restaurants in town. John Dovolis MOVED TO ACCEPT MR. MONTGOMERY'S RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE THE 3.2% BEER ORDINANCE TO ALLOW CITY OWNED FACILITIES THAT ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED TO SERVE 3.2% BEER THE OPTION TO SERVE STRONG BEER. Becky Bennett SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V. PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE Mr. Keprios handed out the Senior Center booklet that Ms. Weigle put together to answer questions that were raised at the recent Park Board meetings. Mr. Keprios indicated that 8 May 1997 To our neighbors: Spring is here; time to get outside and meet and greet your neighbors. But where? How about our own neighborhood park - Fox Meadow Park?! Maybe not this year, but in the future, perhaps. The City of Edina is interested in learning our collective opinions and wishes on the development of Fox Meadow Park. Technically, this is a "mini -park" and, as such, is eligible for limited development. Some ideas are — a small play structure for children, benches and some paths. Others have mentioned the hope that some of the grass could be cultivated and maintained in order to make it usable for kite -flying or other activities. We would like to see Fox Meadow Park be developed at some level. We feel that it would add to the quality of our lives in this neighborhood by providing ourselves and our children with a convenient, neighborhood place to meet and play. In addition, we feel it would make our neighborhood more attractive to prospective buyers who are interested in this area but may have concerns about the lack of nearby park land. Please let us know your thoughts by completing and mailing the enclosed postcard. We would like to hear from as many of you as possible, whether or not you have strong feelings on this issue. Depending on the input we receive, the next step would probably be to meet for a discussion of particular concepts, concerns and desires regarding this idea. Thank you for your thoughts and your time. Your neighbors: Kurt and Laura Nisi (5201 Blake Road) Don and Lisa Beaupre (5020 Scriver Road) MIRROR LAKE Lake Ridge Road Fox Meadow FOX Lane MEADOW PARK BLAKE ROAD'I Scriver Road Fox Meadow Evanswood Lane Lane FOX MEADOW PARK OPINION RESPONSE Name _ _Phone No.(optional) Address My initial feelings on the development of Fox Meadow Park are: ❑ positive ❑ negative ❑ not sure ❑ don't care Specifically, my ideas or concerns are: I ❑ would ❑ would not be interested in meeting further to discuss this. 711 would be interested in getting involved further. • FOX MEADOW PARK OPINION RESPONSE Positive Responses This sounds like a great idea. We are gone a lot during the summer so I don't know how much help we could be at this time, but I am interested! Small play area. No baseball field. Maybe tennis courts. A small play area! Benches and paths would be great. Play structure for children would be desirable. We are moving out of state this fall but are so glad to know someone is going to work on the park. Would like a play structure for children. No parking lot. Would love a path leading to Mirror Lake to be installed. Would want play structure to blend in with natural setting, i.e. no bright colors! Would love to see a mini -park developed in this area. However we are unsure of where the boundary lines are and would not want to see any trees taken down. Like the small children play structure and maybe a bench by the lake. Leaving natural area for butterfly and bug catching. Keep the play area small for kids under 12 years. I was involved years ago when it was supposedly set to be made into a park and the residents on Fox Meadow turned the decision. Not having small children I'm not interested in getting very involved but would certainly support the development. Maybe a walk path down to the lake? (I think that all of the houses on Fox Meadow across from the park will be against any idea.) We would love to see area developed into a park! ! Fencing natural or man made. Traffic is too much and too fast there. A park is a good idea - but please no baseball diamonds, etc.! I love to watch my grandchildren play but not in that area! Parking would be difficult too! Any type of play area or park would be wonderful! Please let me know what I can do to help. The cost factor, who takes care of park. Need more information. Traffic, animal control. Localized play area. One of the wonderful things about living here is the nature. Grass, flowers, paths, benches - yes. Kids play structure - maybe. Baseball - absolutely no! Edina does such a beautiful job with their parks. This could be special. A nice visiting center for neighbors. Play structure for children would be great. We think it's a great idea - a park would truly enhance the neighborhood. Need a local place for children & parents to gather in safety. Area is ideal for a nice play structure. Expect some strong resistance from bordering properties. I think it is a great idea! Retention of natural character near lake with the addition of a walking trail plus a play area near Blake Road. Keep the proposed park very small limited activities. Nice idea. Thanks! Yes! Yes! Would love a small play structure maybe path or bench leave natural setting. Negative I like having some wild/open spaces as opposed to everything manicured. I walk in the park the way it is. Would create problems of noise - traffic - parking - litter - maintenance. Very much opposed. Quite a few homeowners neighboring the park are concerned about the effect on their properties and privacy. I would be cautious about presenting such a divisive issue to our neighborhood. We like and enjoy the natural look. We like the open space. Development concerns us i.e. parking, traffic, street crossing for children. Leave as open space, wildlife area. 1. First of all, the "City" is not interested, you are. 2. Edina does not need more parks! We do not need to spend (waste) more tax money on parks (building and maintenance). 3. Our neighborhood does not need park land. 4. Those of us living on Fox Meadow were promised that this park would be left as a wilderness park. 5. A park for high volume use would lead to excess traffic, trespassing, parking, noise, etc. Many other problems that those of us living adjacent to the park do not want. People from outside our area would come into the park. 6. The quality of life here is based on our privacy. Everyone here has large enough lots and can afford any recreational equipment that they want for their children. This is a quiet, private family area, not a high traffic area. If you want a park, move to an area with a park. Edina has plenty of parks already; it's nice to still have some undeveloped parcels of land. Not Sure 1. Marker to establish area as public park 2. Boundaries marked (fence???) to discourage encroachment by neighbors. 3. Trail/path to lake. 4. Canoe access to lake. Would like to keep it natural/wild flowers, prairie like, walking paths. We lean towards a small playground with benches - but wonder how this would affect the immediate neighbors. I like the wild flower meadow and would like to at least see the "prairie" look retained. Would like to see it left natural - perhaps cultivated grass and some trees - but otherwise left as a natural place. August 7, 1997 6225 Fox Meadow Lane Edina, MN 55436 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Parks and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Thank you for the wonderful job you have done over these past years with our beautiful parks and here now for nearlher facilities in y 30 years na. We are fortunate enough to have live and have been able to appreciate and utilize almost every park, court, and building. It has come to our attention that the beautiful natural area that adjoins our street is being considered to be developed into something we believe will not enhance he oh nerisat already Blake Road nand refer to the grassy, natural area a Fox Meadow Lane. It is at present all y and our use it as theybors please or that matter, desire. It allows everyone to without specific designation. It requires little to no upkeep for it to remain an area of wild flowers, grasses, and trees. It provides a habitat essential to a variety of animals, birds, and insects. In short, it is perfect. Don't fix it! Please do consider our request for allowing a beautiful, natural area to stay that way. I urge you to use the funds from the park bond referendum, which we heartily supported, for other uses. Thank you. Patricia and Bernie Beaver 935-5146 August 1, 1997 Mr. John Kaprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Proposed Development of Fog Meadow Park Dear Mr. Kaprios: We are residents and owners of the property adjoining Fox Meadow Park on the south side facing Blake Road, specifically 5225 Blake Road. Our lot is comprised of two of the original platted lots -- one facing Blake on the west and another to the east with an outlet to Highwood Drive. As it is now, Fox Meadow Park is a lovely natural open area within our city. Many people benefit from the visual diversity the park lends to our community in its natural state. Deer, fox, and other wildlife make Fox Meadow their home. Even though the deer eat our tulips and roses, they are part of the natural scene that makes. Fox Meadow special in its undeveloped state. Living next to the park we do know that it is used by people from the neighborhood. I have witnessed late flying, dog training, and general park exploration. Probably the most prevalent use of the park is made by young people collecting plant and insect specimens for class projects. It seems to be a particularly productive site for butterfly collection. In the winter deep snow prevents most use of the park, however, there have been cross country skiers before the deep snow comes and a few trying out snow shoes. My point is that the park does serve a purpose in its natural state, and it is unique as it is. It seems that one more mowed, groomed park, with an asphalt parking lot would be a bad tradeoff for the park as it is today. We have lived in Edina at three different locations and have used several of the parks, primarily Bredesen and Lake Cornelia. Many of the other parks seem under utilized and it seems hard to justify the improvements, maintenance, and the extra police protection that an improved park would require. My casual use of existing Edina parks usually is no more than cutting through them on our many daily walks. My observations seem to tell me that better maintenance of existing parks should hold a priority before the costs of developing and maintaining Fox Meadow Park is considered. If there are any extra funds for park maintenance, I would support two tall Mr. John Kaprios August 1, 1997 Page 2 grass mowings of the open areas per year (3" to 6" cut). This would prevent the entire park from going to woods and would make it a bit more inviting. This coupled with some wild flower seedings could make a very special place for a very small investment. We would be pleased to contribute to such a plan. If the park should be developed, we question whether the size of the park parcel can be developed giving the residential neighborhood some kind of buffer from a parking lot and other park amenities. Fox Meadow Park would require careful planning if a drop in adjoining property values is to be avoided. We have a genuine concern in this area. There is a low area just north of our property that holds water during heavy rainfalls. This spot is at the east end of the west woods toward the center of the property. It is wet enough to prevent any undergrowth below the trees. Should you decide to proceed with development, there should be an environmental impact study made with consideration to potential wetland disturbance. Finally, the improvement of Blake Road and development of the office areas near 169 and Bren Road have led to much heavier use of Blake Road. Leaving my driveway, which opens directly onto Blake Road, requires care and caution. Speed on Blake is a factor and we fear that a developed Fox Meadow Park could be a dangerous situation for children from the surrounding area. Most would have to travel along Blake to reach the park We sometimes walk from Interlachen along Blake, but generally avoid this precarious pedestrian road. The shoulders are non-existent and there is no sidewalk Park development would draw childen along this dangerous piece of road. After considering the development proposal for Fox Meadow Park, we cannot find sound reasons to support development. We request the park be left as is. Your consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, A. E. McQuinn 5225 Blake Road Edina, MN 55436 Mary Agnes McQuinn 5225 Blake Road Edina, MN 55436 Robert M. McGarvey, Jr. 5236 West Highwood Drive Edina. Minnesota 55436 July 31, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: This letter is about the proposed changes to "Fox Meadow Park." My wife and I built our home eleven years ago adjacent to Fox Meadow Park. Our address is 5236 West Highwood Drive. We built our home partially because of the wildlife park directly behind our home. We are opposed to the development of this park because it will detrimentally change the essential character of the private property adjoining the Fox Meadow Park. These proposed changes do not reflect the desires of the residents. The real value of the present Fox Meadow Park as it is today are its open wildlife area and it is environmentally friendly for its privacy and beauty. Fox Meadow Park as it is today is a wonderful area for wildlife such as deer, ducks and so forth. It is a recreational and play area for the surrounding residents - adults and children alike. We understand that this "new proposal for Fox Meadow Park" will come before the council on August 12th at 7:00 p.m. We, as well as our neighbors, will be at this meeting and we would like to be able to voice our concerns regarding these pro- posed changes to Fox Meadow Park. Sincerely, Cynth' and Bob McGarvey • August 4, 1997 Mr. John Kaprios Director, Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed Foxmeadow park development Dear Mr. Kaprios, We are Carol and Don Doughman who reside at 5228 W. Highwood Dr. Our property is immediately adjacent on the south side of the park. We want to register our strong objection to the proposal that will presented to the Park Board on August 12, 1997. Our Objections are listed as follows: 1- To develop the park as a children's play ground on Blake Road, the major road that leads out of northwest Edina creates a number of safety hazards to children and other pedestrians. There are presently no traffic controls and a sidewalk exists on one side only. We are told by the Edina Police department that Blake Road is a high volume traffic road with average speeds of 35-36 mph (Limit is 30mph). As you all know, the limit past a school yard where children play is 25mph. 2. If this were developed, you have the extra hazard of Mirror lake hidden by a grove of trees that would be a tempting site for children. You could not see them because of the trees and drowning in that deep lake is a real and chilling possibility. 3. "If you build it they will come' ---not only children but pedophiles and exhibitionists, especially with the cover of the grove of trees. Will you provide police protection regarding this and #2? In addition, such a highly visible playground would attract many nonresident s who pay no taxes to support this park. 4. Even if funds were available to build this facility, are funds available on a long term basis to maintain this park ? Remember, parking also needs to be provided. Where? 5. Wildlife preservation is important to this community. Any such development would severely threaten this nature area. Animals such as deer, already squeezed by land development in our area, use this area for feeding and access to the lake. Fox, other nongame animals as well as multitude of birds, butterflies and wild flora flourish in this small area of undisturbed nature. It is our understanding that a small area of wetland exists on the Blake Road side of this area, south & west of where the development is proposed. This as well as the trees , flora and fauna should not be disturbed. Edina is already a city of beautiful parks and 25 wonderfully equipped playstructure areas for children throughout the city (often underutilized), but has very limited natural nature areas to enjoy. Foxmeadow park is such an area. Based upon the costs to build and maintain, the important issue of safety for the children and the need to preserve the natural environment of the park, we register a strong NO to this proposal. Respectfully submitted Carol /Doughman Don Doug �an 5228 W. Highwood Dr. Edina, MN 55436 STANLEY R NELSON 6100 FOX MEADOW LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55436 August 9, 1997 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: This letter is written to express our concerns and objections to the possible further development of Fox Meadow Park. We were attracted to this neighborhood by the beauty of this natural resource which provides cover for much wild life and natural vegetation. To change this would do great harm to what we feel is a natural treasure and would negatively impact the character of this neighborhood and, quite frankly, the property values now present. We regularly see children on this property collecting butterflies and enjoying the area in its present form. To change this would remove this opportunity to spend time in a natural, open area which is unique and highly attractive in its present form. In our opinion, changing this area to a traditional park or playground area would require an unnecessary expenditure of city funds to create a facility which is not needed. The continued cost of maintaining, cleaning, and policing such a facility would only add unnecessarily to our city budget. In addition, traffic problems on Blake Road and concerns for the safety of small children would pose a problem. It is a unique, attractive natural resource in its present form. We do not want to see it converted to an expensive facility which would be used marginally by the community. Please, leave this natural treasure as it is. Sincerely, Y";t RIOL4-ok-%.� Stanley IT. Nelson 0. -S .Rl'-h C -V1 • Virg is L. Nelson August 11, 1997 Opus U.S. Corporation Opus U.S., L.L.C. 700 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343-9600 612-936-4400 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Gerald Rauenhorst Chairman of the Board Mailing Address P.O. Box 59110 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55459-0110 Fax 612-936-9808 As a concerned Edina homeowner I feel it necessary to write this letter to the Edina Park & Recreation Department concerning the proposed changes to Fox Meadow Park. Mrs. Rauenhorst and I built our home at 5151 Blake Road in 1975 having chosen the lot for its privacy, serene beauty and abundant wildlife. Fox Meadow Park, as it is today, allows a different but imaginative recreational and play alternative for its surrounding residents, adults and children alike. Should the City proceed with its proposed development of this park, it would change the essential character of the whole neighborhood to the detriment of the private property owners. Since there are presently no funds available and the Fox Meadow Park development was not in the last bond referendum, we strongly believe the proposal should be closed to further consideration. Sincerely, Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst G R/H RIP Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Mn 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, August 6, 1997 aLl 'C "1J Please find the enclosed petitions signed by Edina residents requesting that Fox Meadow Park "remains as is". Of particular interest is that the residents living next to the park strongly feel that the park "remains as is". We look forward to the Park Board meeting on Tuesday, August 12 at 7:00pm. Thank you for your consideration. Best s. lam. O.P. Portu Jody Portu N FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON • ll petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina �Y und�l� qty owners respa Y P from develFox op'mg Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the devclopm�at Of the Council to rafrau� effect the essential character . development will detrimentaiiy Meedow Park are tha the its residents. In our vete property and change the neighbotfiood In a way not desired by sdjo�g pti responsible nor ew, the proposed developer Of Fox Madow Park is neither the most fiscallynaw ti" ► w Park as it is, a natural setting, Oka* alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Mcado of tbildren and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. open to the eajoYmom PHOM NO. NAME ADDRESS' / / /� 9�� - e o119 V, • a�-. o n n �., a.tL t tisz C^r rc.3-e Is FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PE1 TTXON .0 unduArsed property owners mspectfuUy petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from devel°ping Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of FOX Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood In a way not desired by.its residents. In our nsible nor view, the proposed developmem of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally espo � y friatdly, alterative, We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. PHONE NO. NAME ADDRESS (. ■ FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION ?he undersigned property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our View, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor environmentally friendly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is; a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and.adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. &-0,9 Fe, PHONE NO. w rzv n 6513 4 Z43 6 ?33 -7� �Iuo �o� laes 1.M+ �» 5"sti � G R 35.595 6 �V L� At AN FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON ne undue property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the developtnent of FOX Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjobfu8 private property and change the neighborbood in a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed developmem of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor vMmnmv*AlJyfikodly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. PHONE NO. I N FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION owner's respeotfuUy Petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina QtY The undue property of Fox Council to refran �� developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the developm inmefltaliy effect the essential character of the Meadcw Park am that ftproposedproposedd"oPment will det and changc the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our adjoining private property responsible nor the reposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally respo view, P w park as it is, a natural setting, fi c,aiy alternative. We urge you to laevo Fox Meade ant of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. open to the ertjoym PHONE NO. ADDRESS NAME /�( o h /l �� 930 3E Z FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON The undess d property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox council to rofrain from developing Fox Meadow Park are the the proposed d"opment will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining Ovate KoPerty and cho8e the neighborbood In a way not desired by its residents. In our ' view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor OrAronmadauy fiiagly ahem ive. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation, PHONE N0. NAME ADDRESS IL d FOX MEOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON The under iped property owns fitly petition the F•diru Park Board and the Edina City Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development o ox Council to refry+ from developing effect the essential character of the Meadow Park are that the Ft°p°acd dtvelopment will detrimentally Inour adjoirimg private property and change the neighborbood in a way not desired by -its resident Bible nor proposed devclopr� of Fox mow Park i6 neither the most fiscallyresponsible natural setting► view, the prop w park as it is, �, �temadVe. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow VMmnmentalty la and recreation, the 'oym of children and adults and subject to their imagination in p y PKOm NO. even to eW 9 9 X43 Y,f -777,1 _zm 31. "n I FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION ' The undersigned property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor environmentally friendly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is= a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. L ADDRESS cX-t-c.e 6 �:.-1 -7$ S"Sti ff G `� 38% 595 b