HomeMy WebLinkAboutSECTION 6 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL Barr Engineering Company 6-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 6.0 Nine Mile Creek—Central 6.1 General Description of Drainage Area Figure 6.1 depicts the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin. The Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin is located in the central portion of Edina and encompasses 1,243 acres that ultimately drain to the stretch of the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek between T.H. 62 and West 70th Street. 6.1.1 Drainage Patterns The stormwater system within this drainage area is comprised of storm sewers, ponding basins, drainage ditches, and overland flow paths. The Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin has been divided into three major watersheds based on the drainage patterns. These major watersheds are depicted in Figure 6.2. Each major watershed has been further delineated into many subwatersheds. The naming convention for each subwatershed is based on the major watershed it is located within. Table 6.1 lists each major watershed and the associated subwatershed naming convention. Table 6.1 Major Watersheds within the Nine Mile Creek—Central Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Naming Convention # of Subwatersheds Drainage Area (acres) Colonial Ponds CO_## 13 114 Indian Pond IP_## 4 24 Nine Mile Central NMC_## 119 1105 Colonial Ponds The Colonial Ponds watershed is located in central Edina and encompasses approximately 114 acres. The watershed is bordered by T.H. 62 to the south, Villa Lane on the west, extends northward to Benton Avenue and eastward slightly past Westridge Boulevard. Six stormwater detention ponds are located within the watershed. The most downstream detention basin is located just south of the Colonial Church (subwatershed CO_1) and outlets to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek via a 48-inch culvert underneath T.H. 62. The land use within the watershed is primarily residential, with the exception of the Colonial Church property and adjacent Countryside Park. Indian Pond The Indian Pond watershed is located in central Edina, southwest of Creek Valley Elementary School. The 24-acre watershed is characterized by a single storm sewer system that drains to Indian Pond. Indian Pond is a land-locked basin. In the unlikely event of overflow from this pond, which would occur at an approximate Elevation 897 MSL, the overflow would discharge to the intersection of Indian Hills Pass and Cherokee Trail. It would then be picked up by the Gleason Road storm sewer system and eventually discharge into the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek, just northwest of the Barr Engineering Company 6-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Edina High School complex. The land use within the Indian Pond watershed is low-density residential. Nine Mile Central The Nine Mile Central watershed is also located in central Edina and spans approximately 1,105 acres. Stormwater within the watershed drains to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek between T.H. 62 and West 70th Street via a network of ponding basins and storm sewer. The watershed extends north to the intersection of Hansen Road and West 56th Street and includes the area north of T.H. 62 that drains to the storm sewer system along the SOO Line railroad. The SOO Line storm sewer system flows beneath T.H. 62 and eventually discharges into the Creek near the intersection of Valley Lane and Limerick Lane. The watershed is bordered by West 70th Street on the south, Gleason Road on the west, and T.H. 100 on the east. There are five stormwater detention basins within the Nine Mile Central watershed. The watershed has been delineated into 118 subwatersheds, with land use characterized by residential areas, the Edina High School complex, freeway, several parks, the SOO Line Railroad, several ponding basins, and the floodplain of the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. 6.2 Stormwater System Analysis and Results 6.2.1 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling Results The 10-year and 100-year frequency flood analyses were performed for the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin. The 10-year analysis was based on a ½-hour storm of 1.65 inches of rain. The 100-year analysis was based on a 24-hour storm event of 6 inches of rain. Table 6.2 presents the watershed information and the results for the 10-year and 100-year hydrologic analyses for the Nine Mile Creek- Central basin. The results of the 10-year and 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses for the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin are summarized in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4. The column headings in Table 6.3 are defined as follows: Node/Subwatershed ID—XP-SWMM node identification label. Each XP-SWMM node represents a manhole, catchbasin, pond, or other junction within the stormwater system. Downstream Conduit—References the pipe downstream of the node in the storm sewer system. Flood Elevation—The maximum water elevation reached in the given pond/manhole for each referenced storm event (mean sea level). In some cases, an additional flood elevation has been given in parenthesis. This flood elevation reflects the 100-year flood elevation of Nine Mile Creek, per the Nine Mile Creek Watershed Management Plan, May 1996. Barr Engineering Company 6-3 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Peak Outflow Rate—The peak discharge rate (cfs) from a given ponding basin for each referenced storm event. The peak outflow rates reflect the combined discharge from the pond through the outlet structure and any overflow. NWL—The normal water level in the ponding basin (mean sea level). The normal water levels for the ponding basins were assumed to be at the outlet pipe invert or at the downstream control elevation. Flood Bounce—The fluctuation of the water level within a given pond for each referenced storm event. Volume Stored—The maximum volume (acre-ft) of water that was stored in the ponding basin during the storm event. The volume represents the live storage volume only. Table 6.4 summarizes the conveyance system data used in the model and the model results for the storm sewer system within the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin. The peak flow through each conveyance system for the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm event is listed in the table. The values presented represent the peak flow rate through each pipe system only and does not reflect the combined total flow from an upstream node to the downstream node when overflow from a manhole/pond occurs. Figure 6.3 graphically represents the results of the 10-year and 100-year frequency hydraulic analyses. The figure depicts the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin boundary, subwatershed boundaries, the modeled storm sewer network, surcharge conditions for the XP-SWMM nodes (typically manholes), and the flood prone areas identified in the modeling analyses. One of the objectives of the hydraulic analyses was to evaluate the level of service provided by the current storm sewer system. The level of service of the system was examined by determining the surcharge conditions of the manholes and catch basins within the storm sewer system during the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. An XP-SWMM node was considered surcharged if the hydraulic grade line at that node breached the ground surface (rim elevation). Surcharging is typically the result of limited downstream capacity and tailwater impacts. The XP-SWMM nodes depicted on Figure 6.3 were color coded based on the resulting surcharge conditions. The green nodes signify no surcharging occurred during the 100-year or 10-year storm event, the yellow nodes indicate surcharging during the 100-year event, and the red nodes identify that surcharging is likely to occur during both a 100-year and 10-year frequency storm event. Figure 6.3 illustrates that several XP-SWMM nodes within the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin are predicted to experience surcharged conditions during both the 10-year and 100-year frequency storm events. This indicates a probability greater than 10 percent in any year that the system will be overburdened and unable to meet the desired level of service at these locations. These manholes and catch basins are more likely to experience inundation during the smaller, more frequent storm events of various durations. Barr Engineering Company 6-4 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Another objective of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the level of protection offered by the current stormwater system. Level of protection is defined as the capacity provided by a municipal drainage system (in terms of pipe capacity and overland overflow capacity) to prevent property damage and assure a reasonable degree of public safety following a rainstorm. A 100-year frequency event is recommended as a standard for design of stormwater management basins. To evaluate the level of protection of the stormwater system within the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage area, the 100-year frequency flood elevations for the ponding basins and depressed areas were compared to the low elevations of structures surrounding each basin. The low elevations were initially determined using 2-foot topographic information and aerial imagery in ArcView. Where 100-year flood levels of the ponding areas appeared to potentially threaten structures, detailed low house elevations were obtained through field surveys. The areas that were predicted to flood and threaten structures during the 100-year frequency storm event are highlighted in Figure 6.3. Discussion and recommended implementation considerations for these areas are included in Section 6.3. 6.2.2 Water Quality Modeling Results The effectiveness of the stormwater system in removing stormwater pollutants such as phosphorus was analyzed using the P8 water quality model. The P8 model simulates the hydrology and phosphorus loads introduced from the watershed of each pond and the transport of phosphorus throughout the stormwater system. Since site-specific data on pollutant wash-off rates and sediment characteristics were not available, it was necessary to make assumptions based on national average values. Due to such assumptions and lack of in-lake water quality data for model calibration, the modeling results were analyzed based on the percent of phosphorus removal that occurred and not based on actual phosphorus concentrations. Figure 6.4 depicts the results of the water quality modeling for the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin. The figure shows the fraction of total phosphorus removal for each water body as well as the cumulative total phosphorus removal in the watershed. The individual water bodies are colored various shades of blue, indicating the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed (through settling). It is important to note that the percent of phosphorus removal is based on total phosphorus, including phosphorus in the soluble form. Therefore, the removal rates in downstream ponds will likely decrease due to the large soluble fraction of incoming phosphorus that was unsettleable in upstream ponds. The watersheds are depicted in various shades of gray, indicating the cumulative total phosphorus removal achieved. The cumulative percent removal represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Ponds that had an average annual total phosphorus removal rate of 60 percent or greater, under average climatic conditions, were considered to be performing well. For those ponds with total phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. Based on recommendations from the MPCA publication Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, March 2000, the permanent pool for detention ponds should be equal to or greater than the runoff from a 2.0-inch rainfall, in addition to the sediment Barr Engineering Company 6-5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx storage for at least 25 years of sediment accumulation. For ponds with less than 60 percent total phosphorus removal, the recommended storage volume was calculated for each pond within the drainage basin and compared to the existing permanent pool storage volume. 6.3 Implementation Considerations The XP-SWMM hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analyses and P8 water quality analysis helped to identify locations throughout the watershed where improvements to the City’s stormwater management system may be warranted. The following sections discuss potential mitigation alternatives that were identified as part of the 2003 modeling analyses. As opportunities to address the identified flooding issues and water quality improvements arise, such as street reconstruction projects or public facilities improvements, the City will use a comprehensive approach to stormwater management. The comprehensive approach will include consideration of infiltration or volume retention practices to address flooding and/or water quality improvements, reduction of impervious surfaces, increased storm sewer capacity where necessary to alleviate flooding, construction and/or expansion of water quality basins, and implementation of other stormwater BMPs to reduce pollutant loading to downstream waterbodies. 6.3.1 Flood Protection Projects The 2003 hydrologic and hydraulic modeling analysis identified several locations within the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage basin where the 100-year level of protection is not provided by the current stormwater system. The problem areas identified in 2003 are discussed below. As part of the 2003 modeling analysis, potential corrective measures were identified for the problem areas for purposes of developing planning-level cost estimates. These preliminary corrective measures are also discussed below. As the City evaluates the flooding issues and potential system modifications in these areas, consideration will be given to other potential system modifications, including implementation of stormwater infiltration or volume retention practices, where soils are conducive. 6005 & 6009 Crescent Drive (manhole 457) Stormwater runoff from subwatershed NMC_110 collects at a low area along Crescent Drive. Stormwater is collected at two catchbasins located on both sides of the street at 6013 Crescent Drive and flows eastward through an 18-inch storm sewer that connects with the trunk system that flows south along the SOO Line railroad tracks. During intense rainstorms, such as the 100-year frequency event, flow through the 18-inch system is restricted due to high flows entering the larger trunk system from the east. Due to the restricted flow, water pools in the street along Crescent Drive and eventually overtops the street and flows eastward between the homes toward a backyard depression area behind the homes of 6001, 6005, 6009, and 6013 Crescent Drive. As a result of the overland flow from Crescent Drive, this backyard depression area becomes inundated. The 100-year frequency flood elevation within this depression area is 903.0 MSL. This flood elevation is higher than the low house elevations at 6005 and 6009 Crescent Drive, which were surveyed at 902.2 MSL. Barr Engineering Company 6-6 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Based on the 2-foot topographic information, it appears that water in the backyard depression area will drain southward through a ditch along the west side of the railroad tracks, once it reaches elevation of 902.6 MSL. To alleviate the flooding potential, it is recommended that a gravity channel be constructed from the depression area to the ditch along the west side of the railroad tracks at an elevation lower than the low house elevation of 902.2 MSL. This will allow the depression area to drain and alleviate flooding at 6005 and 6009 Crescent Drive. Cherokee Trail & Gleason Backyard Depression Area (IP_4) A backyard depression area exists east of Cherokee Trail, just southwest of the intersection of Cherokee Trail and Gleason Road. This is currently a land-locked area. During the 100-year frequency storm event, the flood elevation in this backyard area reaches 887.8 MSL. This flood elevation is slightly higher than the low house elevation at 6529 Cherokee Trail, which was surveyed at 887.34 MSL. To alleviate this flooding problem, it is recommended that a low level outlet be constructed. 5339 West 64 th Street (NMC_80) A backyard depression area exists south of West 64th Street and west of Ridgeview Drive, just east of the SOO Line railroad tracks. Stormwater from the direct subwatershed (NMC_80) and overflow from West 64th Street collects in the depression area, where it enters an 18-inch storm sewer system through an intake structure. During the 100-year frequency storm event, the backyard depression is inundated with stormwater and the flood elevation rises to 875.7 MSL. This flood elevation is slightly higher than the low house elevation at 5339 West 64th Street, surveyed at 875.4 MSL. To alleviate the flooding problem and provide a 100-year level of protection, it is recommended that the two 18-inch pipes (pipes 293 and 294) that connect the backyard depression area to the storm sewer system at the intersection of Ridgeview Drive and Valley Lane be upgraded to 24-inch pipes. This upgrade would result in a 100-year flood elevation of 875.3 MSL, thus lower than the low house elevation at 5339 West 64th Street. Valley View Road & Hillside Road (NMC_86, NMC_120) The streets and homes in the area around the intersection of Valley View Road and Hillside Road are situated in a low depression area. Storm sewer in this area collects the stormwater, which flows southward underneath T.H. 62, and eventually connects with the SOO Line railroad system and discharges into the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. During large rain events, such as the 100-year frequency event, the capacity of the storm sewer system in this area is inadequate, and this area and the nearby ditch on the north side of T.H. 62 are inundated with stormwater. The 100-year flood elevation is 862.0 MSL for subwatersheds NMC_86 and NMC_120. Based on the 2-foot topographic information, these flood elevations will affect several structures in the area, including 6309 and 6313 Hillside Road and 6328 Valley View Road. Flooding problems have historically been encountered in this area. Past analysis of the problem concluded that no solutions to the problem were feasible. However, the flood elevations in this area Barr Engineering Company 6-7 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx can be decreased by upgrading the 24-inch pipe that spans from Valley View Road to the north ditch of T.H. 62 (pipe 303p) to a 36-inch pipe. This would decrease the 100-year frequency flood elevations of NMC_86 and NMC_120 to 859.9 MSL and 860.2 MSL, respectively. West 66 th Street & Naomi Drive Area (NMC_71, NMC_103) Flooding problems have historically been encountered during intense rainstorms at the low-lying intersection of West 66th Street and Naomi Drive, as well as the in the backyard depression area in the rear of the homes on the east side of Naomi Drive. Stormwater overflow from the 66th Street and Naomi Drive intersection flows into the adjacent Normandale Park storage area (ball field). The intersection and ball field are eventually drained by a 33-inch trunk storm sewer system that flows northwest to the low area along Warren Avenue and eventually westward to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. Based on the XP-SWMM analysis, the 100-year flood elevation at the West 66th Street and Naomi Drive intersection (subwatershed NMC_71) and the adjacent storage area in Normandale Park reaches 864.8 MSL. The backyard depression area behind the Naomi Drive homes is drained by a 15-inch culvert that connects to the 15-inch storm sewer flowing north from Circle Drive Pond. During periods of intense rainfall, the flow in this system backs up, thus flowing southward into Circle Drive Pond. A flapgate has been installed on the culvert draining the backyard depression area to prevent backflow from inundating the area. However, with the flapgate closed, there is no outlet from this area and the backyard storage volume is not sufficient to prevent flooding of the structures along Naomi Drive. The 100-year frequency flood elevation for this depression area (subwatershed NMC_103) is 859.6 MSL. This flood elevation is over 2 feet higher than the low house elevation at 6605 Naomi Drive (857.7 MSL) and slightly less than 2 feet above the low house elevation at 6609 Naomi Drive (857.9 MSL). This flooding problem has been analyzed in the past and recommendations to alleviate the flooding were made, in which case some were implemented. However, the recommendation to add additional outlet capacity to the backyard depression area, via a pumped outlet to the Normandale Park storage area or a separate gravity system flowing west to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek, has not yet been implemented. To ensure a 100-year level of protection, it is recommended that additional outlet capacity be provided for this area. If a pumped outlet is installed to drain the backyard area, it will be necessary to add additional storage capacity in Normandale Park. 6712, 6716, 6720 Ridgeview Drive (NMC_106) Subwatershed NMC_106 is a 3.3-acre drainage area, characterized by a drainage swale that extends for nearly 1,200 feet through numerous backyards between Ridgeview Drive and the SOO Line railroad tracts, flowing southward. The stormwater pools in a depression area behind 6712, 6716, and 6720 Ridgeview Drive. During large storm events such as the 100-year frequency rainstorm, this backyard area is inundated. The 100-year frequency flood elevation of this depression area is 845.9 MSL. Based on the 2-foot topographic data, this flood elevation will encroach upon the structures at 6712, 6716, and 6720 Ridgeview Drive. To alleviate this flooding problem, it is Barr Engineering Company 6-8 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx recommended that a gravity storm sewer system be installed that discharges stormwater from the backyard area to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. 6808, 6812, 6816, 6820 Ridgeview Drive (NMC_107) A backyard depression area exists at the 6808, 6812, 6816, and 6820 Ridgeview Drive properties, just east of the SOO Line railroad tracks. The depression area is landlocked and thus becomes inundated with stormwater during large rainstorm events such as the 100-year frequency event. Flooding has historically occurred in this area. The 100-year frequency flood elevation in this backyard area is 843.6 MSL. Based on the 2-foot topographic data, this flood elevation will potentially affect structures at 6808, 6812, 6816, and 6820 Ridgeview Drive. To alleviate the flooding conditions in this backyard depression area, it is recommended that an outlet system be constructed to flow west and discharge to the floodplain of the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek. 6.3.2 Construction/Upgrade of Water Quality Basins The 2003 P8 modeling analysis indicated that the annual removal of total phosphorus from several ponds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central drainage area was predicted to be below the desired 60 percent removal rate, under average year conditions. For those ponds with total phosphorus removal below 60 percent, the permanent pool storage volume was analyzed to determine if additional capacity is necessary. The ponds that exhibited deficiencies in total phosphorus removal and permanent pool volume are listed below, along with recommended pond upgrades. Construction of new or expansion of existing water quality basins is one method to increase the pollutant removal achieved prior to stormwater reaching downstream waterbodies. Many additional techniques are available to reduce pollutant loading, including impervious surface reduction or disconnection, implementation of infiltration or volume retention BMPs, installation of underground stormwater treatment structures and sump manholes and other good housekeeping practices such as street sweeping. As opportunities arise, the City will consider all of these options to reduce the volume and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. Table 6.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) CO_1 16.8 37 74.0 6.52 47.9 1.63 CO_2 5.9 34 26.6 2.49 18.2 0.61 CO_3 0.5 42 2.2 0.18 3.2 0.05 CO_4 8.2 4 22.0 2.17 6.1 0.38 CO_5 7.5 26 25.1 2.96 11.7 0.66 CO_6 13.7 19 54.2 4.27 26.7 0.97 CO_7 5.3 28 24.8 1.60 19.3 0.40 CO_8 8.5 20 37.7 2.38 20.5 0.53 CO_9 9.3 20 39.4 2.57 19.9 0.56 IP_1 5.8 29 26.3 1.75 17.9 0.42 IP_2 11.7 15 49.7 3.09 22.6 0.66 IP_3 4.2 20 19.4 1.18 11.8 0.28 IP_4 1.9 19 8.6 0.53 4.9 0.12 CO_10 4.9 19 21.4 1.39 11.4 0.32 CO_11 4.6 18 21.5 1.28 13.2 0.31 CO_12 6.6 7 28.7 2.28 13.7 0.54 CO_13 22.3 20 75.9 6.18 34.6 1.21 NMC_4 2.0 20 9.2 0.55 6.2 0.14 NMC_5 4.0 20 17.1 1.12 8.7 0.24 NMC 6 39 20 16 9 109 88 024 Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results NMC_6 3.9 20 16.9 1.09 8.8 0.24 NMC_7 13.2 20 56.8 3.95 30.4 0.92 NMC_9 1.7 28 8.1 0.71 7.9 0.18 NMC_10 8.7 20 39.0 2.52 22.3 0.60 NMC_11 7.7 15 35.1 2.05 18.9 0.47 NMC_12 7.1 17 21.9 1.91 9.4 0.35 NMC_13 3.0 20 14.3 1.13 11.3 0.29 NMC_14 3.6 20 14.4 1.23 7.4 0.29 NMC_15 0.7 29 3.3 0.21 3.0 0.06 NMC_16 8.4 20 29.3 2.32 13.5 0.46 NMC_17 7.5 13 32.9 2.10 16.1 0.49 NMC_18 1.7 20 8.1 0.48 5.6 0.12 NMC_19 5.5 20 25.0 1.54 14.9 0.36 NMC_20 3.2 28 14.4 0.95 9.4 0.22 NMC_21 2.3 20 9.4 0.65 4.5 0.13 NMC_22 4.1 20 18.7 1.15 11.0 0.27 NMC_23 5.8 20 26.9 1.64 17.3 0.40 NMC_24 7.3 20 27.2 2.00 12.7 0.40 NMC_25 1.8 20 8.4 0.51 5.7 0.12 NMC_26 4.4 19 18.8 1.21 9.5 0.26 NMC_27 5.5 19 22.9 1.53 11.3 0.32 NMC_29 9.6 16 25.8 2.43 10.7 0.40 NMC_30 19.3 20 73.3 5.31 34.6 1.07 NMC_31 2.1 20 9.8 0.59 6.9 0.15 NMC_32 12.0 23 40.7 3.33 18.9 0.65 NMC_34 2.1 20 9.6 0.58 7.1 0.15 NMC_35 5.2 20 23.7 1.63 14.1 0.40 NMC_36 5.6 20 25.4 1.57 14.5 0.36 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrograph 6-9 Table 6.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results NMC_37 1.8 20 8.5 0.51 6.6 0.13 NMC_38 2.8 20 12.2 0.78 6.5 0.17 NMC_39 12.7 20 47.1 3.48 22.0 0.69 NMC_40 2.2 20 10.7 0.71 9.1 0.19 NMC_41 6.4 20 27.6 1.78 14.3 0.39 NMC_42 12.0 20 45.5 3.31 21.4 0.67 NMC_43 2.8 20 13.1 0.80 8.3 0.19 NMC_44 4.0 39 18.6 1.40 13.6 0.36 NMC_48 0.8 52 3.7 0.27 4.4 0.07 NMC_49 8.5 20 36.5 2.37 18.8 0.52 NMC_50 10.5 20 42.7 2.92 20.8 0.61 NMC_51 9.7 20 40.3 2.69 19.9 0.57 NMC_52 9.7 20 40.3 2.76 20.5 0.61 NMC_53 2.2 20 7.9 0.61 3.6 0.12 NMC_54 10.1 20 43.0 2.93 22.3 0.66 NMC_55 8.8 20 33.8 2.42 16.0 0.49 NMC_56 11.2 20 49.1 3.18 26.5 0.72 NMC_57 5.8 15 20.7 1.52 8.6 0.29 NMC_58 4.3 20 18.8 1.20 10.0 0.27 NMC 59 11 20 53 032 46 008NMC_59 1.1 20 5.3 0.32 4.6 0.08 NMC_60 5.2 17 23.4 2.17 14.0 0.52 NMC_61 6.4 20 28.3 2.01 16.3 0.49 NMC_62 13.2 19 52.3 3.98 25.5 0.89 NMC_63 8.4 20 36.0 2.35 18.4 0.51 NMC_64 3.5 15 16.2 0.95 8.9 0.22 NMC_65 8.1 17 34.8 2.33 17.5 0.54 NMC_66 8.1 20 32.6 2.23 15.8 0.47 NMC_67 6.5 19 30.6 1.88 20.8 0.47 NMC_68 3.3 20 14.6 0.91 8.2 0.21 NMC_69 6.6 20 29.7 1.84 16.8 0.42 NMC_70 7.8 28 35.0 2.65 22.6 0.66 NMC_71 6.4 18 26.9 1.84 13.5 0.41 NMC_72 1.0 20 4.8 0.29 3.9 0.07 NMC_73 3.3 20 14.6 0.91 8.1 0.21 NMC_74 8.0 3 24.6 2.02 6.9 0.36 NMC_75 6.4 20 27.4 1.78 14.1 0.39 NMC_76 1.9 20 8.9 0.55 5.4 0.13 NMC_77 13.8 32 60.1 4.30 36.6 0.99 NMC_78 4.6 20 20.7 1.28 12.1 0.30 NMC_79 0.4 15 1.9 0.11 2.1 0.03 NMC_80 2.2 16 9.9 0.59 5.5 0.14 NMC_81 3.0 22 12.2 0.84 6.3 0.18 NMC_82 2.9 19 12.8 0.81 7.0 0.18 NMC_83 3.7 20 17.2 1.05 10.5 0.25 NMC_84 6.9 24 29.7 2.25 17.2 0.54 NMC_85 2.0 20 9.6 0.61 7.6 0.16 NMC_86 9.4 21 40.9 2.84 22.4 0.67 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrograph 6-10 Table 6.2 Watershed ID Total Area (ac) % Impervious Area Peak Runoff Rate (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Peak Runoff Rate1 (cfs) Total Volume Runoff (ac-ft) Watershed Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Watershed Information 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event24-Hour Event 100-Year Storm Results NMC_87 1.1 50 5.4 0.49 7.2 0.13 NMC_88 1.8 34 8.5 0.58 6.3 0.14 NMC_89 9.0 45 42.7 3.09 41.3 0.80 NMC_90 14.2 20 62.8 4.33 35.1 1.04 NMC_91 5.2 20 19.8 1.51 9.5 0.33 NMC_92 2.1 50 10.2 0.93 11.9 0.24 NMC_93 2.0 50 9.7 0.83 11.0 0.22 NMC_94 6.6 50 31.6 2.43 28.6 0.63 NMC_95 7.0 20 30.9 1.96 16.7 0.44 NMC_96 15.6 20 65.2 4.42 32.9 0.96 NMC_97 6.1 20 27.1 1.70 15.0 0.38 NMC_98 7.5 20 33.9 2.17 19.9 0.52 NMC_99 4.2 20 19.0 1.19 11.3 0.28 NMC_100 9.4 20 36.8 2.61 17.6 0.54 NMC_101 30.8 20 116.2 8.85 55.3 1.87 NMC_102 1.2 20 5.7 0.46 5.1 0.12 NMC_103 4.1 20 19.2 1.30 12.5 0.33 NMC_106 3.3 16 15.4 0.99 9.1 0.25 NMC_107 1.6 16 7.4 0.47 5.5 0.12 NMC 108 78 20 29 3 213 13 8 043NMC_108 7.8 20 29.3 2.13 13.8 0.43 NMC_109 1.5 20 6.7 0.42 3.6 0.09 NMC_110 18.3 20 78.9 5.11 40.9 1.12 NMC_111 23.9 19 93.5 6.60 44.3 1.36 NMC_112 9.3 48 43.9 3.37 37.6 0.88 NMC_113 29.4 14 133.5 8.06 71.3 1.90 NMC_114 2.8 57 13.5 1.08 13.6 0.29 NMC_115 16.3 19 68.7 4.54 34.3 0.98 NMC_116 10.2 20 42.5 2.83 21.2 0.60 NMC_117 54.9 20 138.6 14.61 59.2 2.52 NMC_118 11.3 8 42.2 3.07 15.3 0.64 NMC_119 2.4 14 11.1 0.63 8.2 0.16 NMC_120 8.0 21 34.1 3.24 19.4 0.77 NMC_121 1.7 20 7.8 0.48 4.8 0.11 NMC_122 27.0 20 99.5 7.44 46.4 1.49 1 In some cases, the 10-year peak runoff rate is higher than the 100-year peak runoff rate as a result of the differences in peak intensity of the rainfall hydrograph 6-11 Table 6.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) 100 1352 877.4 869.8 301 186 883.0 882.6 305 187 878.8 876.9 307 189 865.9 865.4 308 190 865.5 864.4 310 192 857.3 856.1 324 outfall 852.1 849.2 327 201 855.8 855.6 328 outfall 852.1 850.3 329 202 859.1 858.2 330 outfall 852.1 850.2 332 204 866.1 864.8 335 207 869.3 869.0 336 208 870.5 870.1 338 210 878.7 878.4 340 212 884.8 882.5 341 213 886.2 883.6 343 215 887.2 884.5 348 220 884.6 882.9 349 221 891.0 890.9 350 222 896.0 895.9 351 223 910.0 909.9 352 224 911.3 911.2 354 226 913.2 913.1 356 228 914 1 913 9 Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006). Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 356 228 914.1 913.9 357 229 915.3 915.2 359 231 920.5 920.4 366 outfall 847.7 844.2 368 outfall 848.4 848.3 369 239 856.7 856.4 370 outfall 850.1 848.2 371 240 863.4 863.3 373 242 873.1 873.0 374 243 888.8 888.6 375 244 893.3 893.1 378 247 876.7 872.3 379 248 875.2 871.1 380 249 875.0 870.6 382 251 863.5 863.0 384 253 863.4 861.9 385 254 860.5 860.3 386 255 860.0 859.4 388 outfall 846.1 829.2 392 260 851.6 851.0 393 261 845.9 844.3 394 outfall 845.6 842.8 396 263 851.7 848.7 397 264 853.7 850.8 398 265 857.7 854.4 399 266 861.2 857.5 401 268 864.9 860.9 402 269 864.9 861.6 403 270 865.0 861.9 405 271_p 865.1 862.4 406 273 865.1 862.5 409 276 865.0 862.9 410 277 864.6 862.6 411 278 864.3 862.2 412 279 864.3 862.2 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression 6-12 Table 6.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006). Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 416 283 890.9 881.7 417 1640 860.0 858.2 418 285 852.3 845.5 419 outfall 844.1 838.8 420 286 894.1 894.0 421 287 903.5 902.4 424 outfall 847.7 845.4 425 290 866.8 863.3 426 291 870.8 865.5 427 292 873.2 866.8 428 293 874.0 868.4 430 295 878.0 878.0 431 296 880.0 879.9 433 298 885.9 885.8 435 300 850.7 848.8 436 outfall 847.7 844.1 438 302p 853.9 852.6 440 304p 862.0 858.7 443 307p 862.8 862.5 445 309 906.3 906.0 454 2513 903.8 901.4 455 320 903.0 900.9 457 318 903.0 byd 896.9 6.2 901.6 896.9 4.7 458 319 903.0 901.2 459 321 902 5 898 5459321902.5 898.5 460 3000 899.3 895.7 463 ditch 919.6 919.2 466 326p 941.2 940.8 468 328p 936.8 935.9 472 332p 922.0 921.3 475 334 918.3 917.3 476 336p 917.5 915.8 477 337 916.4 914.3 479 339 908.7 908.0 480 340p 895.3 894.6 482 341p 896.1 895.8 483 342 905.0 904.9 486 outfall 837.2 833.9 488 346 837.2 831.3 489 outfall 837.2 829.8 492 349p 873.0 864.6 493 350p 869.7 862.9 494 351p 866.9 854.0 496 353p 853.7 844.2 497 outfall 839.3 838.5 499 355 843.0 842.8 501 357p 838.7 838.3 503 outfall 832.5 829.8 505 outfall 832.4 831.5 526 376 890.9 889.8 527 377 890.4 889.1 528 378p 890.2 889.0 1609 1276 873.8 867.5 1826 1481 885.8 885.7 1827 1482 895.3 894.7 1828 1483 905.4 902.8 1915 1546 867.7 861.5 1918 1547 921.8 919.6 1919 1548 921.6 919.9 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression 6-13 Table 6.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006). Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event 1921 1609p 906.1 905.9 1923 1550 913.1 910.8 1926 1551 941.1 940.8 1927 1552 941.1 940.9 1929 1554 926.9 923.7 1930 1555 940.0 938.9 1935 1558 888.4 887.1 1936 1559 888.4 887.9 1941 1563 846.7 846.5 2072 1643 871.4 871.2 2086 1653 919.6 916.7 2088 1655 946.8 946.4 2271 1818 883.6 883.5 2272 1819 896.6 893.2 2429 1971 849.4 847.0 2430 outfall 847.7 845.6 2431 1972 864.8 862.8 2432 1973 878.2 873.4 2433 1974 885.7 882.4 2434 1975 885.8 884.8 2484 outfall 852.1 847.6 2556 3001 894.9 893.0 2557 3002 891.6 891.9 2560 3005 884.1 884.0 2561 3007 877 3 877 025613007877.3 877.0 2563 3008 861.4 861.1 2565 3010 852.1 850.4 2566 3012 851.4 850.1 2567 outfall 847.7 844.3 2569 3016 854.5 853.8 2570 3017 854.5 parking lot 853.8 2579 312 904.0 901.9 2580 2510 903.9 901.7 2583 outfall 940.9 940.6 2921 3269p 856.5 853.5 2922 3273p 856.5 853.5 2923 3272p 856.5 853.7 2924 3271p 856.6 855.2 CO_1 2020 852.1 pond 845.7 6.4 849.1 845.7 3.4 CO_2 ditch 852.1 pond 849.3 2.8 849.9 849.3 0.6 CO_3 197 852.1 pond 848.5 3.6 850.1 848.5 1.6 CO_4 194 852.1 pond 849.0 3.1 850.1 849.0 1.1 CO_5 overflow to CO_2 853.3 pond 847.7 5.6 850.4 847.7 2.7 CO_6 191 865.5 street 861.9 CO_7 3270p 856.9 pond 855.0 1.9 855.8 855.0 0.8 CO_8 182 891.0 890.8 CO_9 188 868.9 868.4 IP_1 no outlet 885.7 pond 880.3 5.4 882.1 880.3 1.8 IP_2 375p 891.6 street 890.2 IP_3 379p 890.1 888.9 IP_4 no outlet 887.8 byd 882.0 5.8 885.5 882.0 3.5 CO_10 1465 854.2 parking lot 853.2 CO_11 1466 856.5 853.5 CO_12 193 854.5 853.8 CO_13 181 892.6 892.3 NMC_4 225 912.0 911.9 NMC_5 1556 945.1 945.1 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression 6-14 Table 6.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006). Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event NMC_6 230 920.4 920.3 NMC_7 203 866.0 863.7 NMC_9 301p 852.7 byd 843.9 8.8 851.4 843.9 7.5 NMC_10 206 859.2 859.1 NMC_11 1560 890.9 890.8 NMC_12 216 888.2 885.7 NMC_13 218 887.5 field/school 880.3 7.2 886.1 880.3 5.8 NMC_14 1642 871.2 870.9 NMC_15 1611 878.1 875.3 NMC_16 1644 878.2 876.5 NMC_17 217 888.2 street 886.2 NMC_18 227 913.4 913.3 NMC_19 211 884.5 882.2 NMC_20 3009 852.9 851.4 NMC_21 232 924.9 923.5 NMC_22 1553 941.1 941.0 NMC_23 199 857.3 857.5 NMC_24 1610 913.9 912.5 NMC_25 327p 940.9 940.5 NMC_26 330p 929.6 929.1 NMC_27 333 921.8 919.6 NMC_29 331 925.1 924.5 NMC_30 325p 942.7 942.4 NMC_31 343p 912.0 909.7 NMC 32 1351 880 4 871 3NMC_32 1351 880.4 871.3 NMC_34 1654 935.3 932.4 NMC_35 241 871.0 870.8 NMC_36 245 908.4 908.3 NMC_37 329p 936.2 935.3 NMC_38 1656 971.3 967.6 NMC_39 338p 915.7 913.3 NMC_40 344 837.6 837.6 NMC_41 324p 943.2 byd 939.5 3.7 942.9 939.5 3.4 NMC_42 1645 948.3 street 948.0 NMC_43 1278 944.2 street 942.5 NMC_44 2520 943.8 pond 940.8 3.0 941.7 940.8 0.9 NMC_48 345 855.3 855.1 NMC_49 1549 921.1 921.0 NMC_50 1976 904.6 899.6 NMC_51 1612 872.6 872.0 NMC_52 1657 849.4 849.5 NMC_53 1565 868.2 864.4 NMC_54 256 856.2 street 854.5 NMC_55 250 873.3 869.0 NMC_56 252 863.5 862.9 NMC_57 352p 866.6 852.9 NMC_58 288 905.5 905.3 NMC_59 1658 884.1 883.1 NMC_60 237 850.1 849.6 NMC_61 262 855.6 855.4 NMC_62 238 854.3 852.8 NMC_63 267 864.9 street 860.7 NMC_64 266 864.6 byd 863.2 1.4 863.7 863.2 0.5 NMC_65 259 853.6 853.4 NMC_66 289 857.2 857.0 NMC_67 271p 872.5 street 872.4 NMC_68 297 885.5 885.5 NMC_69 299 906.0 905.9 NMC_70 269 863.5 pond 861.6 1.9 862.0 861.6 0.4 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression 6-15 Table 6.3 Flood Elevation1 (ft) Type of Storage2 NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Flood Elevation (ft) NWL (ft) Flood Bounce (ft) Hydraulic Modeling Results for XP-SWMM Subwatersheds/Nodes in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006). Subwatershed or Node Downstream Conduit 100-Year Storm Results 24-Hour Event 10-Year Storm Results 1/2-Hour Event NMC_71 274 864.8 street 862.8 NMC_72 1277 917.6 917.6 NMC_73 1484 909.0 908.9 NMC_74 1972_p 864.8 park 860.2 4.6 862.8 860.2 2.6 NMC_75 1665 896.7 896.4 NMC_76 280 866.4 863.4 NMC_77 281 859.8 pond 857.5 2.3 858.1 857.5 0.7 NMC_78 1662 898.8 897.9 NMC_79 275 865.1 863.0 NMC_80 294 875.7 byd 866.8 8.9 870.8 866.8 4.1 NMC_81 3006 883.6 882.9 NMC_82 295_p 877.3 street 875.6 NMC_83 3011 918.4 918.2 NMC_84 overflow to NMC_86 862.2 hwy ditch 850.7 11.5 856.2 850.7 5.5 NMC_85 209 871.8 871.5 NMC_86 303p 862.0 street/yard 858.6 NMC_87 no outlet 856.5 hwy ditch 852.7 3.8 855.1 852.7 2.4 NMC_88 3004 886.8 886.6 NMC_89 1820 917.3 914.2 NMC_90 308p 871.5 871.3 NMC_91 205 869.2 868.5 NMC_92 no outlet 856.5 hwy ditch 852.8 3.7 855.0 852.8 2.2 NMC_93 no outlet 857.4 hwy ditch 853.8 3.6 856.2 853.8 2.4 NMC_94 no outlet 854.4 hwy ditch 851.0 3.4 853.4 851.0 2.4 NMC 95 358 836 6 836 1NMC_95 358 836.6 836.1 NMC_96 354p 846.4 846.1 NMC_97 359p 837.6 837.4 NMC_98 356p 840.0 839.6 NMC_99 246 877.8 873.3 NMC_100 1564 847.2 846.9 NMC_101 1561 844.6 844.4 NMC_102 1970 851.6 848.1 NMC_103 3290_p 859.6 byd 855.6 4.1 858.2 855.6 2.7 NMC_106 no outlet 845.9 byd 844.7 1.3 845.4 844.7 0.7 NMC_107 no outlet 843.6 byd 841.0 2.6 842.2 841.0 1.2 NMC_108 335p 918.3 917.0 NMC_109 214 886.9 884.2 NMC_110 317p 905.5 street 904.9 NMC_111 1661 906.4 906.1 NMC_112 311p 904.0 pond 901.0 3.0 902.1 901.0 1.1 NMC_113 3003 890.1 889.8 NMC_114 2512 (inlet/outlet) 903.8 pond 900.0 3.8 901.6 900.0 1.6 NMC_115 2512 903.6 901.6 NMC_116 323 922.5 byd 919.3 3.2 922.4 919.3 3.1 NMC_117 1724 905.2 904.7 NMC_118 273 871.2 park 868.2 3.0 869.5 868.2 1.3 NMC_119 no outlet 921.0 byd 914.0 7.0 919.0 914.0 5.0 NMC_120 305p 862.0 street/yd 859.5 NMC_121 2511 903.9 901.7 NMC_122 NMC_114 904.0 903.3 1 100-year flood elevation based on 24-hour event. Flood elevation from a 10-day snowmelt event should also be evaluated prior to final design/determination. 2 byd = backyard depression 6-16 1 Table 6.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 191 CO_6 310 Circular 3 0.013 856.60 853.76 355 0.80 96.0 78.6 192 310 CO_1 Circular 3.5 0.013 853.26 847.70 490 1.14 96.1 78.5 194 CO_4 CO_1 Circular 3 0.013 849.00 848.00 96 1.04 26.2 9.0 197 CO_3 CO_4 Circular 2 0.013 848.50 848.50 91 0.00 -5.2 -5.1 199 NMC_23 324 Circular 1.25 0.013 851.00 847.90 207 1.50 11.6 11.7 201 327 328 Circular 1 0.024 850.96 849.50 146.5 1.00 3.6 3.5 202 329 330 Circular 3.5 0.013 855.00 848.12 310 2.22 113.1 102.4 203 NMC_7 329 Circular 3 0.013 858.56 855.00 178 2.00 113.2 102.2 208 336 335 Circular 3 0.013 866.64 865.15 265.5 0.56 42.8 43.9 212 340 NMC_19 Circular 2.75 0.013 871.85 871.40 54 0.83 31.4 29.7 213 341 340 Circular 2.5 0.013 875.34 874.65 143.7 0.48 31.5 29.8 214 NMC_109 341 Circular 2.5 0.013 875.87 875.34 110.3 0.48 31.6 29.8 215 343 NMC_109 Circular 2.5 0.013 876.17 875.87 61 0.49 29.7 26.3 216 NMC_12 343 Circular 2.5 0.013 877.65 876.17 308.1 0.48 29.7 26.3 217 NMC_17 NMC_12 Circular 2.5 0.013 878.80 877.65 235.7 0.49 27.1 25.2 232 NMC_21 359 Circular 1.25 0.013 917.23 915.46 210 0.84 9.3 6.0 237 NMC_60 366 Circular 1.25 0.013 844.35 842.90 100 1.45 9.3 12.4 238 NMC_62 368 Circular 1.75 0.013 847.82 846.62 150 0.80 25.6 22.7 239 369 370 Circular 1.25 0.013 853.59 847.20 225 2.84 11.2 11.1 240 371 369 Circular 1.25 0.013 859.98 853.59 225 2.84 11.1 11.1 241 NMC_35 371 Circular 1.25 0.013 864.73 859.98 250 1.90 12.1 12.7 249 380 NMC_55 Circular 2.5 0.013 868.59 866.77 35 5.20 55.4 46.5 256 NMC_54 388 Circular 3 0.013 852.67 828.00 180 13.71 119.6 89.3 259 NMC_65 392 Circular 1 0.013 848.79 848.23 92 0.61 6.1 6.2 260 392 393 Circular 1.25 0.024 848.23 842.20 327.7 1.84 5.0 5.3 261 393 394 Circular 4.5 0.024 840.11 840.00 26 0.42 99.3 88.3 264 397 396 Circular 3.5 0.013 841.98 841.33 201.5 0.32 80.5 74.8 265 398 397 Circular 3 0.013 843.18 842.48 174 0.40 79.0 74.7 266 399 398 Circular 3 0.013 843.89 843.18 69 1.03 88.7 82.2 268 401 NMC_63 Circular 3 0.013 847.61 847.26 44 0.80 55.3 47.3 269 402 401 Circular 3 0.013 848.59 847.61 245.6 0.40 55.3 47.6 270 403 402 Circular 3 0.013 849.03 848.59 107.9 0.41 45.7 40.8 273 406 405 Circular 3 0.013 850.43 850.21 59 0.37 44.7 38.6 274 NMC_71 406 Circular 2.75 0.013 852.70 851.13 713.8 0.22 33.5 29.4 276 409 NMC_79 Circular 1.25 0.013 854.40 853.56 28 3.00 9.2 7.8 277 410 409 Circular 1.25 0.013 855.25 854.40 100 0.85 9.2 7.8 278 411 410 Circular 1.25 0.013 856.56 855.25 312 0.42 4.6 4.8 280 NMC_76 412 Circular 1 0.013 860.63 856.65 166 2.40 4.7 5.4 281 NMC_77 412 Circular 1 0.013 857.45 856.65 210 0.38 -5.3 -4.5 283 416 417 Circular 1 0.013 879.80 859.00 94 22.13 17.5 11.8 285 418 419 Circular 1.5 0.013 840.80 837.60 75 4.27 32.6 21.8 286 420 380 Circular 2 0.013 892.98 871.50 320 6.71 33.7 24.1 287 421 420 Circular 2 0.013 896.43 894.30 400 0.53 28.8 24.3 289 NMC_66 424 Circular 1 0.013 852.51 844.35 175 4.66 7.9 8.4 292 427 426 Circular 2.25 0.013 859.95 859.52 106.4 0.40 43.2 31.4 293 428 427 Circular 1.5 0.013 864.25 861.50 85.8 3.21 17.7 12.8 294 NMC_80 428 Circular 1.5 0.013 866.78 865.50 159.5 0.80 17.7 12.7 300 435 436 Circular 3.5 0.013 843.25 841.50 670 0.26 61.4 69.5 312 2579 2580 Circular 2 0.013 900.60 899.27 236 0.56 9.5 5.6 318 457 458 Circular 1.5 0.013 896.85 895.87 66 1.49 10.1 11.4 333 NMC_27 475 Circular 1.75 0.013 913.80 912.10 423 0.40 15.7 17.3 337 477 NMC_39 Circular 3.5 0.013 909.00 907.50 71 2.11 79.9 77.1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2006UPDATE_final_NWL_verification.xls NMC 100Y_ConduitResults Update 6-17 2 Table 6.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 339 479 480 Circular 3.5 0.013 906.50 892.66 209 6.62 142.0 94.1 342 483 482 Circular 1.25 0.013 904.27 894.60 194.4 4.97 9.0 6.6 344 NMC_40 486 Circular 1 0.013 835.20 833.00 110 2.00 5.7 5.7 345 NMC_48 488 Circular 2 0.024 854.66 829.89 154 16.08 22.7 4.4 346 488 489 Circular 2 0.024 830.57 829.22 37 3.65 22.7 4.4 358 NMC_95 503 Circular 1.75 0.013 830.39 828.06 170 1.37 25.7 25.4 376 526 527 Circular 2 0.013 887.77 886.89 350 0.25 14.1 11.4 377 527 528 Circular 2 0.013 886.89 886.58 110 0.28 14.1 11.5 1277 NMC_72 1609 Circular 1 0.024 917.19 866.97 155 32.40 4.8 3.9 1351 NMC_32 100 Circular 4 0.013 867.03 866.25 126 0.62 170.7 111.1 1352 100 492 Circular 4 0.013 866.25 864.39 274.8 0.68 169.5 111.4 1466 CO_11 CO_4 Circular 2 0.024 851.20 850.00 120 1.00 22.2 13.0 1483 1828 1827 Circular 1.25 0.013 901.88 894.17 103 7.49 14.6 8.2 1547 1918 NMC_27 Circular 1.75 0.013 913.95 913.80 37 0.41 7.7 8.0 1548 1919 1918 Circular 1.75 0.013 915.00 914.20 196 0.41 8.4 9.6 1549 NMC_49 1919 Circular 1.25 0.013 916.05 915.25 202 0.40 9.5 9.9 1550 1923 1921 Circular 1.5 0.013 907.15 900.91 415 1.50 13.6 11.3 1551 1926 466 Circular 1.25 0.013 933.99 933.74 50 0.50 5.4 5.9 1552 1927 1926 Circular 1.25 0.013 934.80 933.99 162 0.50 5.2 6.3 1555 1930 1929 Circular 1 0.013 937.96 919.87 302 5.99 8.2 8.2 1556 NMC_5 1930 Circular 1 0.013 939.57 937.96 82.5 1.95 8.3 8.3 1640 417 NMC_77 Circular 2 0.013 856.00 856.00 90 0.00 17.6 11.8 1642 NMC_14 336 Circular 1 0.013 865.51 865.00 32 1.59 7.4 7.9 1653 2086 NMC_39 Circular 2 0.013 915.84 908.00 448 1.75 21.4 15.1 1655 2088 NMC_34 Circular 1.25 0.013 945.76 931.36 335 4.30 11.9 6.5 1656 NMC_38 2088 Circular 1 0.013 967.00 946.00 237 8.86 11.4 6.5 1657 NMC_52 418 Circular 1.25 0.013 843.25 843.00 50 0.50 14.4 14.9 1658 NMC_59 NMC_81 Circular 1.25 0.013 882.16 874.50 63 12.16 5.3 4.6 1662 NMC_78 416 Circular 1.25 0.013 897.20 880.50 90 18.56 17.6 12.9 1665 NMC_75 NMC_79 Circular 1.5 0.013 895.77 853.56 317 13.32 27.4 18.8 1820 NMC_89 2272 Circular 1.5 0.013 901.35 892.45 105 8.48 42.2 41.2 1970 NMC_102 2429 Circular 2.5 0.013 847.37 846.50 92 0.95 46.4 5.1 1971 2429 2430 Arch 36" eq 0.013 846.50 845.22 147 0.87 46.4 5.1 1973 2432 NMC_99 Circular 2.25 0.013 870.90 871.06 32.5 -0.49 25.4 17.4 1974 2433 2432 Circular 2 0.013 881.36 872.00 170 5.51 40.7 21.2 1975 2434 2433 Circular 1.75 0.013 883.61 881.61 40 5.00 43.2 20.8 2020 CO_1 2484 Circular 4 0.013 845.68 845.48 210 0.10 88.3 50.7 2510 2580 NMC_121 Circular 2 0.013 899.27 899.22 8 0.63 9.5 5.6 2511 NMC_121 NMC_114 Circular 2 0.013 899.22 899.00 40 0.55 10.7 5.6 2512 NMC_115 NMC_114 Arch 36" eq 0.013 899.30 899.00 29 1.04 32.1 28.2 2513 454 NMC_115 Arch 24" eq 0.013 900.00 899.30 28.9 2.42 -22.1 -10.1 2520 NMC_44 2583 Circular 1 0.013 940.80 940.00 100 0.80 5.1 2.1 3001 2556 2557 Circular 2 0.013 885.59 881.61 350 1.14 23.5 19.5 3005 2560 NMC_81 Circular 2 0.013 876.06 874.50 140 1.11 32.8 31.5 3006 NMC_81 2561 Circular 2 0.013 874.50 869.64 150 3.24 47.5 48.6 3009 NMC_20 2565 Circular 2.5 0.013 844.72 844.50 35 0.63 28.2 39.0 3011 NMC_83 NMC_113 Circular 1 0.024 913.25 881.00 95 33.95 10.9 10.3 3012 2566 2567 Circular 2.5 0.013 844.00 842.41 670 0.24 27.9 31.1 3017 2570 2569 Circular 1 0.013 850.54 850.29 15 1.67 -3.5 -4.4 301p NMC_9 435 Circular 3 0.013 843.88 843.50 75 0.51 61.3 69.5 302p 438 NMC_9 Circular 3 0.013 845.33 843.88 290 0.50 41.4 37.0 303p NMC_86 438 Circular 2 0.013 852.19 846.08 197 3.10 41.4 38.1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2006UPDATE_final_NWL_verification.xls NMC 100Y_ConduitResults Update 6-18 3 Table 6.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 307p 443 NMC_120 Circular 1.75 0.013 858.48 854.34 188 2.20 22.7 24.4 311p NMC_112 2579 Circular 2 0.013 901.00 900.60 67 0.60 9.5 5.6 327p NMC_25 468 Circular 2.25 0.013 932.71 930.85 413 0.45 34.4 35.8 328p 468 NMC_37 Circular 2.25 0.013 930.60 930.20 43 0.93 34.6 36.1 329p NMC_37 NMC_26 Circular 2.25 0.013 930.20 923.40 403 1.69 38.5 38.7 335p NMC_108 476 Circular 3.5 0.013 910.11 909.54 187 0.31 79.9 78.2 336p 476 477 Circular 3.5 0.013 909.54 909.00 183 0.30 79.9 79.8 338p NMC_39 479 Circular 4 0.013 907.50 906.50 463 0.22 130.6 94.2 340p 480 NMC_32 Circular 3.5 0.013 892.66 873.96 190 9.84 164.5 97.1 341p 482 480 Circular 1.75 0.013 894.60 894.16 63 0.70 9.0 6.6 343p NMC_31 483 Circular 1.25 0.013 907.98 904.27 219.3 1.69 9.0 6.6 349p 492 493 Circular 4 0.013 857.99 857.25 193.5 0.38 169.3 111.4 353p 496 497 Circular 4 0.013 836.00 835.00 240 0.42 253.0 141.2 359p NMC_97 505 Circular 1 0.013 833.00 830.50 162 1.54 6.3 6.3 375p IP_2 526 Circular 2 0.013 888.09 887.77 106 0.30 14.1 11.3 378p 528 IP_3 Circular 2 0.013 886.58 886.43 28 0.54 14.1 11.5 379p IP_3 IP_1 Circular 2.25 0.013 886.43 886.09 130 0.26 28.1 18.9 181 CO_13 CO_8 Circular 2 0.013 884.26 883.00 96 1.31 24.3 24.4 182 CO_8 301 Circular 2 0.013 883.00 875.63 350.1 2.11 38.8 40.6 186 301 305 Circular 2 0.013 875.63 869.23 246 2.60 37.6 37.3 187 305 CO_9 Circular 2 0.013 869.03 861.43 274.1 2.77 41.3 38.2 188 CO_9 307 Circular 2.5 0.013 860.84 859.20 195 0.84 53.1 54.1 189 307 308 Circular 2.5 0.013 859.10 858.65 52 0.87 52.8 54.0 190 308 CO_6 Circular 2.75 0.013 858.28 856.88 193.7 0.72 53.3 53.9 193 CO_12 CO_1 Circular 1 0.013 850.00 848.03 44 4.48 8.9 8.7 204 332 NMC_7 Circular 3 0.013 859.10 858.56 18 3.00 89.9 80.2 205 NMC_91 332 Circular 3 0.013 861.25 859.10 267 0.81 77.6 80.1 206 NMC_10 327 Circular 1 0.024 853.45 850.96 222.9 1.12 2.9 3.4 207 335 NMC_91 Circular 3 0.013 865.15 861.25 57.5 6.78 44.5 45.9 209 NMC_85 336 Circular 2.25 0.013 866.74 866.64 56 0.18 36.6 36.8 210 338 NMC_85 Circular 2.25 0.013 870.04 866.74 395 0.84 38.3 38.2 211 NMC_19 338 Circular 2.75 0.013 875.95 870.04 289.2 2.04 71.4 57.6 218 NMC_13 NMC_17 Circular 2.5 0.013 880.29 878.80 205 0.73 -27.4 19.4 220 348 NMC_19 Circular 2.5 0.013 878.08 871.40 69 9.68 28.4 28.8 221 349 348 Circular 1.25 0.013 884.00 878.40 254.8 2.20 13.4 13.5 222 350 349 Circular 1.25 0.013 889.79 884.00 102.7 5.64 13.6 13.7 223 351 350 Circular 1.25 0.013 903.96 889.79 238.2 5.95 15.3 15.5 224 352 351 Circular 1.25 0.013 904.80 903.96 58 1.45 15.5 17.1 225 NMC_4 352 Circular 1 0.013 905.34 904.80 103.5 0.52 7.6 7.5 226 354 NMC_4 Circular 1 0.013 906.20 905.34 224.5 0.38 5.0 5.1 227 NMC_18 354 Circular 1 0.013 906.20 906.20 5 0.00 4.7 4.7 228 356 NMC_18 Circular 1 0.013 907.45 906.20 57.5 2.17 4.1 3.7 229 357 356 Circular 1 0.013 908.71 907.45 57.5 2.19 4.9 5.5 230 NMC_6 357 Circular 1 0.013 915.04 908.71 172 3.68 6.0 6.0 231 359 NMC_6 Circular 1.25 0.013 915.46 915.26 20 1.00 2.6 -3.7 242 373 NMC_35 Circular 1.25 0.013 866.00 864.73 67 1.90 10.9 11.0 243 374 373 Circular 1.25 0.013 882.24 866.00 328 4.95 14.5 14.4 244 375 374 Circular 1.25 0.013 885.77 882.24 82 4.31 14.8 14.6 245 NMC_36 375 Circular 1.25 0.013 899.23 885.77 313 4.30 15.4 15.1 246 NMC_99 378 Circular 2.25 0.013 871.06 869.98 160 0.68 26.8 22.5 247 378 379 Circular 2.25 0.013 869.98 869.35 150 0.42 28.0 22.5 248 379 380 Circular 2.5 0.013 869.35 868.59 10 7.60 29.1 22.5 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2006UPDATE_final_NWL_verification.xls NMC 100Y_ConduitResults Update 6-19 4 Table 6.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 250 NMC_55 382 Circular 2.5 0.013 866.77 857.92 292 3.03 72.7 56.9 251 382 NMC_56 Circular 2.5 0.013 857.92 856.38 37 4.16 34.0 46.6 252 NMC_56 384 Circular 3 0.013 856.38 854.94 282 0.51 52.1 55.7 253 384 385 Circular 3 0.013 854.93 854.43 30 1.67 100.8 74.6 254 385 386 Circular 3 0.013 854.43 853.23 185 0.65 61.9 61.4 255 386 NMC_54 Circular 3 0.013 853.23 852.67 85 0.66 95.4 75.3 262 NMC_61 393 Circular 3.5 0.013 840.76 840.11 331.9 0.20 94.7 83.4 263 396 NMC_61 Circular 3.5 0.013 841.42 840.76 176.3 0.37 82.7 74.8 267 NMC_63 399 Circular 3 0.013 847.26 845.52 174 1.00 81.4 75.9 271_p 405 403 Circular 3 0.013 850.21 849.03 222 0.53 45.7 40.5 275 NMC_79 NMC_71 Circular 3 0.013 853.56 853.07 187 0.26 24.4 21.6 279 412 411 Circular 1.25 0.013 856.65 856.56 36 0.25 4.0 4.1 288 NMC_58 421 Circular 2 0.013 899.66 896.70 381 0.78 26.8 27.4 290 425 NMC_63 Circular 2.25 0.013 856.73 855.44 155.5 0.83 37.2 31.1 291 426 425 Circular 2.25 0.013 859.52 857.00 210 1.20 40.9 31.2 295 430 NMC_80 Circular 1.25 0.013 869.53 866.78 171.7 1.60 10.7 13.1 296 431 427 Circular 1.25 0.013 873.33 868.00 156.8 3.40 15.5 15.3 297 NMC_68 431 Circular 1.25 0.013 879.89 873.33 164.4 3.99 13.6 13.7 298 433 NMC_68 Circular 1.25 0.013 883.25 879.89 60 5.60 10.4 8.2 299 NMC_69 433 Circular 1.25 0.013 898.00 883.25 269.3 5.48 8.0 7.8 309 445 NMC_117 Circular 1.25 0.013 902.00 900.82 295 0.40 4.3 4.5 316 454 455 Circular 2 0.013 895.46 894.87 240 0.25 15.7 11.4 319 458 455 Circular 1.5 0.013 895.87 894.87 92 1.09 10.1 11.4 320 455 459 Circular 2 0.013 894.87 892.55 404 0.57 22.4 20.2 321 459 460 Circular 2 0.013 892.55 890.15 400 0.60 22.4 19.8 323 NMC_116 463 Circular 1.5 0.013 919.30 918.60 81 0.86 12.9 9.4 3269p 2921 CO_11 Circular 2 0.013 852.34 852.10 24 1.00 3.8 1.2 3270p CO_7 2924 Circular 1.25 0.024 855.00 854.65 139.2 0.25 3.2 1.2 3271p 2924 2923 Circular 1.25 0.024 854.65 853.29 136 1.00 3.2 1.2 3272p 2923 2922 Circular 1.25 0.013 853.29 852.68 60.7 1.01 3.5 1.2 3273p 2922 2921 Circular 1.25 0.013 852.68 852.34 34 1.00 3.7 1.2 331 NMC_29 472 Circular 2.75 0.013 917.35 914.46 310 0.93 51.0 59.3 334 475 NMC_108 Circular 2 0.013 911.80 911.60 37 0.54 15.6 16.9 352p NMC_57 496 Circular 4 0.013 846.02 844.83 174 0.68 253.1 141.2 354p NMC_96 499 Circular 1.25 0.013 840.16 837.70 176 1.40 9.9 9.4 355 499 NMC_98 Circular 1.25 0.013 837.70 835.69 171 1.18 8.5 8.5 1276 1609 406 Circular 1 0.024 866.97 850.45 155 10.66 4.8 4.3 1278 NMC_43 NMC_44 Circular 1.25 0.013 940.01 939.35 76 0.87 8.7 7.3 1465 CO_10 CO_4 Circular 1 0.013 849.99 849.00 95 1.04 5.7 5.9 1481 1826 NMC_68 Circular 1.25 0.013 881.66 878.62 45 6.76 6.6 5.3 1482 1827 1826 Circular 1.25 0.013 894.17 880.49 311 4.40 11.6 6.7 1484 NMC_73 1828 Circular 1 0.013 902.29 897.44 45 10.78 4.6 4.5 1546 1915 494 Circular 1.75 0.013 860.82 845.49 110 13.94 44.1 25.2 1553 NMC_22 1927 Circular 1.25 0.013 936.40 934.80 260 0.62 5.8 7.2 1554 1929 NMC_6 Circular 1 0.013 919.87 915.04 127 3.80 7.9 5.6 1558 1935 NMC_17 Circular 2.25 0.013 880.04 878.80 253.7 0.49 19.8 18.7 1559 1936 1935 Circular 2.25 0.013 880.50 880.04 95.8 0.48 19.9 18.7 1560 NMC_11 1936 Circular 1.25 0.013 886.30 880.50 112.7 5.15 15.3 15.3 1561 NMC_101 NMC_98 Circular 1.25 0.013 838.30 836.64 255 0.65 9.4 9.7 1563 1941 NMC_96 Circular 1 0.013 838.85 840.20 103 -1.31 3.7 3.7 1564 NMC_100 1941 Circular 1 0.013 842.94 838.95 230 1.74 3.0 3.2 1565 NMC_53 418 Circular 1 0.013 863.30 843.90 310 6.26 9.5 8.9 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2006UPDATE_final_NWL_verification.xls NMC 100Y_ConduitResults Update 6-20 5 Table 6.4 Conduit Modeling Results for Subwatersheds in the Nine Mile Creek- Central Drainage Basin (Revised 12/2006) Conduit ID Upstream Node Downstream Node Conduit Shape Conduit Dimensions* (ft) Roughness Coefficient Upstream Invert Elevation (ft) Downstream Invert Elevation (ft) Conduit Length (ft)Slope 100Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 10Y Peak Flow through Conduit (cfs) 1609p 1921 NMC_58 Circular 1 0.013 900.91 899.66 37 3.38 11.1 11.0 1610 NMC_24 1923 Circular 1.25 0.013 907.82 907.15 30 2.23 14.1 11.6 1611 NMC_15 NMC_32 Circular 1 0.013 873.00 872.00 295 0.34 4.2 2.9 1612 NMC_51 1915 Circular 1.75 0.013 863.37 860.82 175 1.46 35.0 23.9 1643 2072 NMC_14 Circular 1 0.013 866.06 865.51 54.5 1.01 4.5 5.1 1644 NMC_16 2072 Circular 1 0.013 872.78 866.06 179.5 3.74 6.8 5.9 1645 NMC_42 NMC_44 Circular 1.5 0.024 943.00 941.00 200 1.00 9.5 9.1 1654 NMC_34 2086 Circular 1.25 0.013 931.36 916.60 300 4.92 15.6 13.5 1661 NMC_111 445 Circular 1 0.013 902.14 902.00 30 0.47 4.8 6.2 1724 NMC_117 NMC_112 Circular 1.25 0.013 900.82 900.66 40 0.40 11.6 11.2 1818 2271 NMC_81 Circular 2 0.013 878.90 874.50 70 6.29 22.7 21.5 1819 2272 2271 Circular 1.5 0.013 885.14 878.90 70.9 8.80 37.2 32.0 1972 2431 NMC_71 Circular 1.5 0.013 855.70 853.07 24 10.96 11.3 12.5 1976 NMC_50 2434 Circular 1.75 0.013 898.61 883.61 300 5.00 40.2 20.8 3000 460 2556 Circular 2 0.013 890.15 885.59 400 1.14 23.7 19.8 3002 2557 NMC_113 Circular 2 0.013 881.61 880.13 130 1.14 23.5 26.0 3003 NMC_113 NMC_88 Circular 2 0.013 880.13 877.62 220 1.14 32.7 31.4 3004 NMC_88 2560 Circular 2 0.013 877.62 876.06 137 1.14 32.8 31.4 3007 2561 2563 Circular 2 0.013 869.64 857.90 300 3.91 50.1 49.5 3008 2563 NMC_20 Circular 2 0.013 857.90 844.72 359 3.67 33.9 34.5 3010 2565 2566 Circular 2.5 0.013 844.50 844.00 66 0.76 27.7 38.2 3016 2569 CO_12 Circular 1 0.013 850.29 850.00 29 1.00 -3.6 -4.5 304p 440 NMC_86 Circular 2.5 0.013 852.58 852.19 42 0.93 25.3 27.4 305p NMC_120 440 Circular 2.25 0.013 853.54 852.58 127 0.76 25.4 28.7 308p NMC_90 443 Circular 1.5 0.013 865.68 858.68 152 4.61 23.0 24.1 317p NMC_110 457 Circular 1.5 0.013 897.62 896.85 192.6 0.40 15.0 16.3 324p NMC_41 NMC_30 Circular 1 0.024 939.45 938.52 200 0.47 2.5 2.5 325p NMC_30 466 Circular 2 0.013 933.38 933.10 144 0.19 23.8 25.9 326p 466 NMC_25 Circular 2.25 0.013 932.80 932.71 20 0.45 27.2 31.3 3290_p NMC_103 410 Circular 1.25 0.013 855.56 855.50 41 0.15 7.1 6.3 330p NMC_26 NMC_29 Circular 2.5 0.013 923.00 917.80 454 1.15 43.6 45.6 332p 472 NMC_108 Circular 2.75 0.013 914.46 912.00 308 0.80 54.6 59.3 350p 493 494 Circular 4 0.013 857.25 857.52 200.5 -0.14 169.2 111.7 351p 494 NMC_57 Circular 4 0.013 845.49 845.07 30 1.40 223.0 132.6 356p NMC_98 501 Circular 1.75 0.013 835.98 833.24 141 1.94 17.9 21.5 357p 501 NMC_95 Circular 1.75 0.013 833.24 830.39 235 1.21 18.4 20.2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\QAQC Model for Pond\NineMILe_SWMM_hydraulic_output_2006UPDATE_final_NWL_verification.xls NMC 100Y_ConduitResults Update 6-21 N i n e M ile C r e e k Indian Pond Colonial Ponds 62 100NMC_3 NMC_1 NMC_117 CO_13 NMC_101 NMC_113 NMC_46 CO_1 NMC_122 NMC_111 NMC_104 IP_2 CO_6 NMC_30 NMC_110 NMC_96 NMC_7 NMC_115 NMC_90 NMC_77 CO_9 NMC_62 NMC_39 CO_8 CO_4 NMC_42 NMC_32 NMC_33 NMC_56 CO_5 NMC_50 IP_1 NMC_54 NMC_118 NMC_51 NMC_52 NMC_29 NMC_86 NMC_116 NMC_89 NMC_55 NMC_10 CO_2 NMC_49 NMC_63 NMC_16 NMC_112 NMC_100 CO_12 NMC_65 NMC_66 NMC_74 NMC_11 NMC_70 CO_7 IP_3 NMC_98 NMC_17 NMC_24 NMC_12 NMC_120 NMC_95 NMC_84 NMC_108 NMC_94 NMC_69 NMC_67 NMC_75 NMC_71 NMC_41 NMC_61 NMC_47 NMC_97 CO_10 NMC_57 CO_11 NMC_23 NMC_36 NMC_45 NMC_27 NMC_35 NMC_60 NMC_91 NMS_44 NMC_5 NMC_78 NMC_6 NMC_26 NMC_58 NMC_99 NMC_22 NMC_44 NMC_83 NMC_14IP_4 NMC_68 NMC_13 NMC_81 NMC_82 NMC_38 NMC_114 NMC_53 NMC_80 NMC_34 NMC_85 NMC_28 NMC_19 NMC_103 NMC_64 NMC_73 NMC_20 NMC_106 NMC_43 NMC_21 NMC_4 NMC_40 NMC_119 NMC_92 NMC_31 NMC_93 NMC_76 NMC_9 NMC_88 NMC_25 NMC_37 NMC_18 NMC_121 NMC_107 NMC_109 NMC_59 NMC_87 NMC_102 NMC_72 NMC_48NMC_15 CO_3 NMC_79 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 2 1 : 4 2 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 6 _ 1 _ N M C _ C e n t r a l _ D r a i n a g e _ B a s i n s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 6.1 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL DRAINAGE BASIN Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - Central Drainage Basin Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 6-22 N i n e M ile C r e e k ColonialColonial PondsPonds IndianIndian PondPond Nine Mile Creek - CentralNine Mile Creek - Central Indian Pond Colonial Ponds Tr a c y A v e 100 62 Valley View Rd Gl e a s o n R d Benton Ave !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 2 3 : 5 0 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 6 _ 2 _ N M C _ C e n t r a l _ M a j o r _ W a t e r s h e d s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 6.2 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL MAJOR WATERSHEDS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - Central Drainage Basin Major Watershed Subwatershed Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 6-23 !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. 70TH GL E A S O N TR NAVAHO IN D I A N P O N D C I R HILLS P A S S (C O R D N O 1 5 8 ) GLEASON TER GL E A S O N R D R D G L E A S O N VALLEY VIEW RD CH E R O K E E T R TR R D CREEK VALLEY RD SCANDIA RD SC A N D I A R D BALDER LA SC A N D I A R D (CO RD NO 39) CH A P E L L A ERIN DR DR VALLEY VIEW RD TE R SH A N E NO R D I C D R STATE HWY N O 6 2 STATE HW Y N O 6 2 AB E R C R O M B I E D R ST W 70TH ST W CIR L E E V A L L E Y CIR 70TH ST W W E S T O N SO O L I N E R R C R E E K D R CREEK VIEW LA 66TH ST W 69TH ST W 68TH ST W AN T R I M R D MCGUIRE DR BROOK DR LOIS LA TR A C Y A V E SUSAN AVE CREEK VALLEY RD STATE HWY NO 62 GRACE TER BROOK DR G A L W A Y D R 68TH ST W MCGUIRE RD LIM E R I C K L A DR LA LIM E R I C K H I L L S I D E L A 66TH ST W VALLEY VIEW RD VALLEY L A DORON LA VAL L E Y V I E W R D DO R O N D R LIM E R I C K L ALIM E R I C K LIMER I C K D R LA T R A C Y A V E TR A C Y A V E COLONIAL WAY OLINGER BLVD RIDGEWAY RD CREST LA H I L L S I D E R D B L V D CR E S C E N T D R CO L O N I A L C T CRESCENT DR HUNTER S T W E S T R I D G E COUNTRYSIDE RD CR E S C E N T D R HIGHLAND RD RID G E V I E W D R WA R R E N A V E EVE R E T T SO O L I N E R R C O D R TIFTO N D R DUGGA N P L A Z A MEADOW RI D G E RID G E V I E W D R RID G E V I E W D R SO O L I N E R R C O ABE R C R O M B I E D R RIDGE V I E W C I R LA 64TH ST W DR RID G E V I E W S O O L I N E R R C O WHITING AVE LI M E R I C K L I M E R I C K D R VALLE Y A V E N O R T H F I E L D HO L B O R N A V E WA R R E N A V E R I D G E V I E W D R DANENS DR W A R R E N A V E NA O M I D R PLAZA DR MEADOW RI D G E CIRC L E D R PL DUG G A N TIF T O N HARV E Y L N DR DR N O B H I L L TIFTO N 66TH ST W RO L F A V E KE N N E Y P L MIL D R E D A V E TIN G D A L E A V E A V E P O R T E R 62ND ST W 60TH ST W D R 62ND ST W MADDOX LA HA N S E N R D LADARCY HA N S O N R D SO O L I N E R R SO O L I N E R R C O W Y M A N A V E 62ND ST W DR M I L D R E D MADDOX LA BIRCHCREST 63RD S T 61ST ST W FORSLIN HA N S E N R D HA N S E N R D HA N S E N R D SO O L I N E R R BE R N A R D P L BENTON AVE CO D E A V E BIR C H C R E S T D R TIN G D A L E A V E CO D E A V E VALL E Y V I E W R D VALL E Y V I E W R D 59TH ST W CO D E A V E BENTON AVE LA CLOVER RIDGE JO S E P H I N E A V E TIN G D A L E A V E HA N S E N R D HILLSIDE CT HILLSIDE CIR ROS E M A R Y L N ST. ALBANS CIR NORDIC CIR VALLE Y V I E W R D VAL L E Y V I E W R D BRO O K D R . VILLA L A PH E A S A N T C T RED F O X C T R E D F O X L A FALCO N C T NineMile Creek 62 NMC_3 NMC_1 NMC_117 CO_13 NMC_101 NMC_113 NMC_46 CO_1 NMC_122 NMC_111 NMC_104 IP_2 CO_6 NMC_30 NMC_110 NMC_96 NMC_7 NMC_115 NMC_90 NMC_77 CO_9 NMC_62 NMC_39 CO_8 CO_4 NMC_42 NMC_32 NMC_33 NMC_56 CO_5 NMC_50 IP_1 NMC_54 NMC_118 NMC_51 NMC_52 NMC_29 NMC_86 NMC_116 NMC_89 NMC_55 NMC_10 CO_2 NMC_49 NMC_63 NMC_16 NMC_112 NMC_100 NMC_28 CO_12 NMC_65 NMC_66 NMC_74 NMC_11 NMC_70 CO_7 IP_3 NMC_98 NMC_17 NMC_24 NMC_12 NMC_120 NMC_95 NMC_84 NMC_108 NMC_94 NMC_69 NMC_67 NMC_75 NMC_71 NMC_41 NMC_61 NMC_47 NMC_97 CO_10 NMC_57 CO_11 NMC_23 NMC_36 NMC_45 NMC_27 NMC_19 NMC_35 NMC_60 NMC_91 NMS_44 NMC_5 NMC_78 NMC_6 NMC_26 NMC_58 NMC_99 NMC_22 NMC_44 NMC_83 NMC_103 NMC_14 NMC_64 IP_4 NMC_73 NMC_68 NMC_20 NMC_13 NMC_81 NMC_106 NMC_82 NMC_43 NMC_38 NMC_114 NMC_21 NMC_4 NMC_40 NMC_53 NMC_80 NMC_119 NMC_92 NMC_31 NMC_34 NMC_85 NMC_93 NMC_76 NMC_9 NMC_88 NMC_25 NMC_37 NMC_18 NMC_121 NMC_107 NMC_59 NMC_87 NMC_102 NMC_72 NMC_15 CO_3 NMC_109 NMC_48 NMC_79 100 530 528 527 505 503 497 492 489 488 486 483 482 480479 477 476 468 466 463 458 447 438 436 435 428 424 420 419 417 416 414 409 401 398 397 396 394 393 392 388 371 370 369 368 366343 341 340 336 330 329 328 324 320319 317 316 315 314 313 311 310 304303 302 2925 2924 29232922 2921 2859 2775 2583 2582 2580 2579 2570 2567 2557 2536 2484 2482 2433 2430 2429 2166 2157 2088 2086 2074 2070 1930 1927 1919 1918 1828 1803 1802 1611 1609 IP_3 CO_11 NMC_89 NMC_75 NMC_81 NMC_59 NMC_38 NMC_72 NMC_48 NMC_32NMC_39 NMC_37 NMC_82 NMC_79 NMC_67 NMC_63 NMC_21 NMC_17 NMC_12 NMC_121 NMC_116 NMC_109 526 496 494 493 459 454 440 427 426 425 421 418 411 403 386385 380379378 2434 2432 1936 1935 1926 1923 1915 1827 IP_2 CO_6 NMC_7 NMC_83 NMC_50 NMC_78 NMC_34 NMC_15 NMC_43 NMC_57 NMC_31 NMC_27 NMC_86 NMC_76 NMC_70 NMC_54 NMC_55 NMC_19 NMC_102 501 499 475 472 460 457 455 445 443 433 431 412 410 384382 375 374 373 359 357 356 354 352 351 350 349 348 338 335 332 327 308 307 305 301 2569 2566 2565 2563 2561 2560 2556 2272 2271 2072 1941 1929 1921 1826 CO_9 CO_8 NMC_5 CO_10 NMC_9 NMC_6 NMC_4 CO_12 CO_13 NMC_20 NMC_88 NMC_74 NMC_52 NMC_16 NMC_14 NMC_53 NMC_11 NMC_22 NMC_24 NMC_49 NMC_51 NMC_97 NMC_95 NMC_98 NMC_96 NMC_40NMC_29 NMC_26 NMC_25NMC_30 NMC_41 NMC_90 NMC_69 NMC_68 NMC_80 NMC_66 NMC_58 NMC_71 NMC_61 NMC_65 NMC_56 NMC_99 NMC_36 NMC_35 NMC_62NMC_60 NMC_18 NMC_13 NMC_85 NMC_10 NMC_91 NMC_42 NMC_23 NMC_103 NMC_122 NMC_113 NMC_115 NMC_111 NMC_100 NMC_101 NMC_108 NMC_116 NMC_110 NMC_117 NMC_120 NMC_118 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 3 7 : 5 0 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft\ F i g _ 6 _ 3 _ N M C _ C e n t r a l _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 800 Feet Figure 6.3 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 120 0 120 240 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - Central Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event 6-24 Nin e M i l e C r e e k Colonial Ponds Indian Pond CO_1 NMC_112 NMC_77 IP_1 CO_2 NMC_114 NMC_44 NMC_70 CO_7 CO_4 CO_5 CO_3 !;N Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 0 : 2 6 : 0 0 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 6 _ 4 _ N M C _ N o r t h _ W a t e r _ Q u a l i t y . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 1,000 0 1,000 Feet Figure 6.4 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL WATER QUALITY MODELING RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 300 0 300 Meters Imagery Source: Aerials Express, 2008 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) 25 - 40% (Moderate Removal) 40 - 60% (Good Removal) 60 - 100% (Excellent Removal) Percent TP Removal in Water Body* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the water body that is removed. Cumulative TP Removal in Watershed* This number represents the percent of the total annual mass of phosphorus entering the watershed and upstream watersheds that is removed in the pond and all upstream ponds. Flow Direction *Data based on results of P8 modeling. Area Draining Directly to the North Fork of Nine Mile Creek 0 - 25% (Poor/No Removal) 6-25 !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!.!.!. !.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!.!. !. !.!.!. !.!.!. !.!.!. !. !. !. !.!.!.!.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !.!.!. !. !. !.!. !. !. !.!.!. !.!. !. 70TH GL E A S O N T R NAVAHO IN D I A N P O N D C I R HILLS P A S S (C O R D N O 1 5 8 ) GLEASON TER GL E A S O N R D R D G L E A S O N VALLEY VIEW RD CH E R O K E E T R TR R D CREEK VALLEY RD SCANDIA RD SC A N D I A R D BALDER LA SC A N D I A R D (CO RD NO 39) CH A P E L L A ERIN DR DR VALLEY VIEW RD TE R SH A N E NO R D I C D R STATE HWY N O 6 2 STATE HW Y N O 6 2 A B E R C R O M B I E D R ST W 70TH ST W CIR L E E V A L L E Y CIR 70TH ST W W E S T O N SO O L I N E R R C R E E K D R CREEK VIEW LA 66TH ST W 69TH ST W 68TH ST W AN T R I M R D MCGUIRE DR BROOK DR LOIS LA TR A C Y A V E SUSAN AVE CREEK VALLEY RD STATE HWY NO 62 GRACE TER BROOK DR G A L W A Y D R 68TH ST W MCGUIRE RD LI M E R I C K L A DR LA LIM E R I C K H I L L S I D E L A 66TH ST W VALLEY VIEW RD VALLEY L A DORON LA VA L L E Y V I E W R D DO R O N D R LI M E R I C K L ALIM E R I C K LIMER I C K D R LA T R A C Y A V E TR A C Y A V E COLONIAL WAY OLINGER BLVD RIDGEWAY RD CREST LA H I L L S I D E R D B L V D C R E S C E N T D R C O L O N I A L C T CRESCENT DR HUNTER S T W E S T R I D G E COUNTRYSIDE RD CR E S C E N T D R HIGHLAND RD RI D G E V I E W D R WA R R E N A V E EV E R E T T SO O L I N E R R C O D R TIFTO N D R DUGGA N P L A Z A MEADOW RI D G E RI D G E V I E W D R RI D G E V I E W D R SO O L I N E R R C O ABE R C R O M B I E D R RIDGE V I E W C I R LA 64TH ST W DR RID G E V I E W S O O L I N E R R C O WHITING AVE L I M E R I C K L I M E R I C K D R VALLE Y A V E N O R T H F I E L D HO L B O R N A V E WA R R E N A V E R I D G E V I E W D R DANENS DR W A R R E N A V E NA O M I D R PLAZ A D R MEADOW RI D G E CIR C L E D R PL DU G G A N TI F T O N HAR V E Y L N DR D R N O B H I L L TIFTO N 66TH ST W RO L F A V E KE N N E Y P L MI L D R E D A V E TI N G D A L E A V E A V E P O R T E R 62ND ST W 60TH ST W D R 62ND ST W MADDOX LA HA N S E N R D LADARCY HA N S O N R D SO O L I N E R R SO O L I N E R R C O W Y M A N A V E 62ND ST W DR M I L D R E D MADDOX LA BIRCHCREST 63RD S T 61ST ST W FORSLIN HA N S E N R D HA N S E N R D HA N S E N R D SO O L I N E R R BE R N A R D P L BENTON AVE CO D E A V E BI R C H C R E S T D R TI N G D A L E A V E CO D E A V E VALL E Y V I E W R D VAL L E Y V I E W R D 59TH ST W CO D E A V E BENTON AVE LA CLOVER RIDGE JO S E P H I N E A V E TI N G D A L E A V E HA N S E N R D HILLSIDE CT HILLSIDE CIR ROS E M A R Y L N ST. ALBANS CIR NORDIC CIR VALLE Y V I E W R D VAL L E Y V I E W R D BRO O K D R . VILLA L A PH E A S A N T C T RED F O X C T R E D F O X L A FALCO N C T Nine Mile Creek 62 NMC_3 NMC_1 NMC_117 CO_13 NMC_101 NMC_113 NMC_46 CO_1 NMC_122 NMC_111 NMC_104 IP_2 CO_6 NMC_30 NMC_110 NMC_96 NMC_7 NMC_115 NMC_90 NMC_77 CO_9 NMC_62 NMC_39 CO_8 CO_4 NMC_42 NMC_32 NMC_33 NMC_56 CO_5 NMC_50 IP_1 NMC_54 NMC_118 NMC_51 NMC_52 NMC_29 NMC_86 NMC_116 NMC_89 NMC_55 NMC_10 CO_2 NMC_49 NMC_63 NMC_16 NMC_112 NMC_100 NMC_28 CO_12 NMC_65 NMC_66 NMC_74 NMC_11 NMC_70 CO_7 IP_3 NMC_98 NMC_17 NMC_24 NMC_12 NMC_120 NMC_95 NMC_84 NMC_108 NMC_94 NMC_69 NMC_67 NMC_75 NMC_71 NMC_41 NMC_61 NMC_47 NMC_97 CO_10 NMC_57 CO_11 NMC_23 NMC_36 NMC_45 NMC_27 NMC_19 NMC_35 NMC_60 NMC_91 NMS_44 NMC_5 NMC_78 NMC_6 NMC_26 NMC_58 NMC_99 NMC_22 NMC_44 NMC_83 NMC_103 NMC_14 NMC_64 IP_4 NMC_73 NMC_68 NMC_20 NMC_13 NMC_81 NMC_106 NMC_82 NMC_43 NMC_38 NMC_114 NMC_21 NMC_4 NMC_40 NMC_53 NMC_80 NMC_119 NMC_92 NMC_31 NMC_34 NMC_85 NMC_93 NMC_76 NMC_9 NMC_88 NMC_25 NMC_37 NMC_18 NMC_121 NMC_107 NMC_59 NMC_87 NMC_102 NMC_72 NMC_15 CO_3 NMC_109 NMC_48 NMC_79 100 530 528 527 505 503 497 492 489 488 486 483 482 480479 477 476 468 466 463 458 447 438 436 435 428 424 420 419 417 416 414 409 401 398 397 396 394 393 392 388 371 370 369 368 366343 341 340 336 330 329 328 324 320319 317 316 315 314 313 311 310 304303 302 2925 2924 29232922 2921 2859 2775 2583 2582 2580 2579 2570 2567 2557 2536 2484 2482 2433 2430 2429 2166 2157 2088 2086 2074 2070 1930 1927 1919 1918 1828 1803 1802 1611 1609 IP_3 CO_11 NMC_89 NMC_75 NMC_81 NMC_59 NMC_38 NMC_72 NMC_48 NMC_32NMC_39 NMC_37 NMC_82 NMC_79 NMC_67 NMC_63 NMC_21 NMC_17 NMC_12 NMC_121 NMC_116 NMC_109 526 496 494 493 459 454 440 427 426 425 421 418 411 403 386385 380379378 2434 2432 1936 1935 1926 1923 1915 1827 IP_2 CO_6 NMC_7 NMC_83 NMC_50 NMC_78 NMC_34 NMC_15 NMC_43 NMC_57 NMC_31 NMC_27 NMC_86 NMC_76 NMC_70 NMC_54 NMC_55 NMC_19 NMC_102 501 499 475 472 460 457 455 445 443 433 431 412 410 384382 375 374 373 359 357 356 354 352 351 350 349 348 338 335 332 327 308 307 305 301 2569 2566 2565 2563 2561 2560 2556 2272 2271 2072 1941 1929 1921 1826 CO_9 CO_8 NMC_5 CO_10 NMC_9 NMC_6 NMC_4 CO_12 CO_13 NMC_20 NMC_88 NMC_74 NMC_52 NMC_16 NMC_14 NMC_53 NMC_11 NMC_22 NMC_24 NMC_49 NMC_51 NMC_97 NMC_95 NMC_98 NMC_96 NMC_40NMC_29 NMC_26 NMC_25NMC_30 NMC_41 NMC_90 NMC_69 NMC_68 NMC_80 NMC_66 NMC_58 NMC_71 NMC_61 NMC_65 NMC_56 NMC_99 NMC_36 NMC_35 NMC_62NMC_60 NMC_18 NMC_13 NMC_85 NMC_10 NMC_91 NMC_42 NMC_23 NMC_103 NMC_122 NMC_113 NMC_115 NMC_111 NMC_100 NMC_101 NMC_108 NMC_116 NMC_110 NMC_117 NMC_120 NMC_118 Ba r r F o o t e r : D a t e : 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 3 7 : 5 0 A M F i l e : I : \ C l i e n t \ E d i n a \ P r o j e c t s \ C R W M P _ U p d a t e _ 2 0 0 9 \ M a p s \ R e p o r t s \ F i g u r e s _ C i t y R e v i e w D r a ft \ F i g _ 6 _ 3 _ N M C _ C e n t r a l _ H y d r a u l i c _ M o d e l _ R e s u l t s . m x d U s e r : m b s 2 !;N 400 0 400 800 Feet Figure 6.3 NINE MILE CREEK CENTRAL HYDRAULIC MODEL RESULTS Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan City of Edina, Minnesota 120 0 120 240 Meters City of Edina Boundary Roads/Highways Creek/Stream Lake/Wetland Nine Mile Creek - Central Drainage Basin Subwatershed Potential Flooding During 100-Year Frequency Event Pipes !.Manhole !. Manhole Surcharge During 100-Year Frequency Event !. Manhole Surcharged During 10-Year Frequency Event