HomeMy WebLinkAboutREFERENCES Barr Engineering Company 17-1 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx 17.0 References Barr Engineering Company, 1999a. Glen Lake Use Attainability Analysis. Barr Engineering Company, 1999b. Round Lake Use Attainability Analysis. Barr Engineering Company, 2001. Bloomington Use Attainability Analysis. Prepared for Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Barr Engineering Company, 2004a. Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan, Prepared for City of Edina. Barr Engineering Company, 2004b. Draft Arrowhead and Indianhead Lakes Use Attainability Analysis. Barr Engineering Company, 2004c. Draft Mirror Lake Use Attainability Analysis. Barr Engineering Company, 2006a. Draft Lake Cornelia Use Attainability Analysis. Barr Engineering Company, 2006b. Weber Park Pond Feasibility Study. Barr Engineering Company, 2007. Nondegradation Report Submittal to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Selected MS4 Permit Requirements. Prepared for City of Edina. City of Edina, 2009. Edina Comprehensive Plan. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe, 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1979. Flood Insurance Study for the City of Edina. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2004. Flood Insurance Study for Hennepin County, MN All Jurisdictions. Hennepin County, 1994. Draft Hennepin County Groundwater Plan. Hennepin Conservation District, 2003. Functional Assessment of Wetlands, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, 2007. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Comprehensive Water Management Plan. Minnesota Department of Health, 2007. Evaluating Proposed Stormwater Infiltration Projects in Vulnerable Wellhead Protection Areas. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 1983. Protected Waters and Wetlands, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Division of Waters, Sheet 2 of 4. Barr Engineering Company 17-2 P:\Mpls\23 MN\27\23271072 Edina Water Resources Mgmt Plan Update\WorkFiles\Report\December 15 2011 FINAL DRAFT\Edina_SWMP_FINAL_v1.docx Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 1998. Minnesota Routine Assessment Method for Evaluating Wetland Functions (MnRAM). Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), 2000. Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas, March 2000. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), 2005. Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Mitsch, W.J. and J.G. Gosselink, 2000. Wetlands. Mohseni, O., Kieffer, J.M., and J.A. Koehler, 2009. “A Tool for the Performance Assessment of Hydrodynamic Separators.” World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, 1996. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Water Management Plan. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, 2008. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Amended Rules. Schwab, G.O., D. Fangmeier, W. Elliot, and R. Frevert, 1993. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Shaw, S.P., and C.G. Fredine, 1959. Wetlands of the United States: Their Extent and Their Value to Waterfowl and Other Wildlife. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Circular 39. State of Minnesota, Storm Water Advisory Group, 1997. Storm Water and Wetlands: Planning and Evaluation Guidelines for Addressing Potential Impacts of Urban Storm Water and Snow Melt Runoff on Wetlands. June 1997. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1989. Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. January 1989. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1974. Soil Survey, Hennepin County, Minnesota, April 1974. U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, 1961. “Technical Paper No. 40. Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988. Storm Water Management Model, Version 4: User’s Manual. U. S. Geological Survey, 1999. Sources of Phosphorus in Stormwater and Street Dirt from Two Urban Residential Basins in Madison, Wisconsin, 1994-95. Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4021. R.J. Waschbusch, W.R. Selbig, and R.T. Bannerman.