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2017 04-26 Planning Commission Meeting Packet
Agenda Planning Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7:00 PM I. Call To Order II. Roll Call III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, April 5, 2017 V. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing B-17-07 B. Public Hearing B-17-09 VI. Community Comment During"Community Comment,"the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead,the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review - 5150 & 5220 Eden Ave. (Edina Schools Bus Garage Site) VIII. Correspondence And Petitions IX. Chair And Member Comments X. Staff Comments XI. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes0 Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota I s Planning Commission `.;• Edina City Hall Council Chambers April 5, 2017, 7:00 PM I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. Roll Call Answering the roll were: Commissioners Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, and Chair Olsen. Student Members, Kivimaki and Jones. Staff, City Planner, Teague, Assistant Planner, Aaker Sr. Communications Coord., Eidsness, Support Staff, Hoogenakker III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the revised April 5, 2017, meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2017, meeting; The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lee. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Special Recognitions and Presentations A. Council Member Mike Fischer— Bridging Vision Edina and Comp Plan Member Fischer thanked the Commission for all their work, adding he was present this evening to explain to the Commission the process of bridging Vision Edina and the Comprehensive Plan with two workshops; Big Ideas Workshop and Big Picture Workshop. Fischer said these workshops would lead into the kick-off for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. Continuing, Fischer said the intent of the "workshops" are to "map" Edina's vision through big ideas to a big picture. The Workshops are proposed as two events prior to the kick-off of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. Fischer said he envisions participation in the workshops to include the Consultant Team, Comp Plan Leaders, Chamber Members, School District Officials, Council Members, City Staff and the public. Page 1 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:C.iick here to enter a data. Commissioners asked Member Fischer his opinion on the 2018 Comprehensive Work Plan. Fischer responded that in his opinion the Planning Commission's Work Plan is very good. The two "new" workshops should encourage creativity by allowing residents to share their big ideas to build the big picture. These additional workshops would tee-up the kick-off for the Comprehensive Plan Update. A discussion ensued. Commissioners thanked Member Fischer for attending the meeting. VI. Community Comment None. A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to close Community Comment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. VII. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing— 6125 Beard Avenue. Variance (B-17-05) Commissioner Hamilton recused himself from the discussion and vote. Planner Presentation Planner Aaker reported that the subject property consists of a rambler with an attached two-car garage built in 1956. The applicant is requesting a 2.95-foot variance to allow a whole house 1st floor "lift" for a conversion of a one-story home into a two story home. Planner Aaker recommended that the Planning Commission approve the variance based on the following findings: 1. The proposed use of the property is reasonable; as it maintains existing setback conditions without reducing setback. 2. The imposed setback and existing house location do not provide opportunity for a full second floor above existing. 3. The original placement of the home closer to the south lot line prohibits the proposed house lift expansion for a second floor without the benefit of a variance. Approval of the variance is also subject to the following conditions: I) Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Survey dated: February 22, 2017 Page 2 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: C:iici;. 3t , < ~a<;i ,f: a ri,,t.c, • Building plans/ elevations date stamped March 2, 2017. • Engineering memo Appearing for the Applicant Matt Byers, PLAAD Architecture Mr. Byers addressed the Commission and with graphics explained the concept of lifting the existing home to "place" another level beneath it. Byers said the design is sustainable with minimal damage to the environment through this process. He further noted that the existing house remains "as is". Continuing, Byers explained that the applicant desires to remain in his home and neighborhood, adding because of the size of the existing home and family dynamics more space is required. Discussion and Comments The applicant's representative was asked how this "process" compares in price to a teardown. Mr. Byers responded that this process is less expensive and retains the existing house. He explained that the house is actually lifted one story, adding it is less disruptive to the environment and the character of the existing house would be preserved. The Commission complimented the architect on the unique concept and matching house forms, new with existing. Commissioners further stated the graphics were also great help in visualizing the final product. Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. Public Hearing No one spoke to the issue. A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. A discussion ensued with Commissioners agreeing with the merits of approving a variance. Motion A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve a 2.95-foot variance based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Public Hearing— 5809 South Drive. Variance (B-I 7-06) Page 3 of 15 Draft M,inutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:Ciici<.he;;a to tnr(-r Planner Presentation Planner Aaker reported that the applicant is requesting a 16-foot variance to the required 50-foot frontyard setback to construct a new home on the lot located at 5809 South Drive, for a front/side street setback of 34-feet from Dundee Road. The existing home is located closer to the street at 29.6-feet from Dundee Road than location of the new home. Planner Aaker concluded that staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the variance based on the following findings: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1 Single Dwelling Unit District and complies with all the standards, with exception of the front/side street setback (as determined by the adjacent home). 2. The home is appropriate in size and scale for the lot and the improvements will enhance the property. 3. The property is subject to an unreasonably deep street setback that severely diminishes the building opportunity for the lot. 4. The proposed home will be more conforming than the existing home by increasing the west side street setback to be greater than the 50 feet required. 5. There is a practical difficulty in meeting the ordinance requirements and there are circumstances unique to the property due to an imposed front yard setback from the adjacent home that shrinks building footprint options. 6. The variance, if approved, will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood.The new home will be well articulated and will enhance the character of the neighborhood. Approval of the variance is subject to the following conditions: 1) Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Survey date stamped: March 5, 2017 and building plans and elevations date stamped March 5, 2017. Appearing for the Applicant John Sonnek, Charles Cudd. Discussion and Comments The applicant was asked if he spoke with the Watershed District. Sonnek responded they would work with the Watershed District to ensure drainage is adequately addressed. Sonnek pointed out this site collects the neighborhood water and at minimum, the French drain would be maintained. Commissioners noted that the house as proposed is large; however, they acknowledged that the proposed size was typical of the neighborhood. Commissioners further acknowledged that corner lots are difficult to design for. Page 4 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes Approved Date:C'ic4a}sere to enter a date. Mr. Sonnek acknowledged that the house was large; however, he pointed out the variance request was the result of the placement of the house next door. He noted that Edina's code does not prevent someone from building their house as far back on their lot as they want. The neighboring house was built in 1954 in a unique location and that location creates a hardship for the subject lot. Planner Aaker agreed that Edina has a unique front street setback requirement, acknowledging that the code as written has created issues for abutting houses if they want to rebuild or add an addition. Chair Olsen opened the public hearing Public Hearing None. Being none, a motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. Motion A motion was made by Commissioner Lee to approve a I 6-foot setback from Dundee Road based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. All voted aye. The motion carried. C. Public Hearing— Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Edina Collaborative. 49 %2 Street Redevelopment Planner Presentation Planner Teague delivered a power point presentation on the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Preliminary Rezoning. Teague stated that City Staff askes the Commission to recommend approval of both based on the following findings and conditions: Recommend that the City Council approve the requests for Comprehensive Plan Amendments as follows: > The Comprehensive Plan Amendment eliminates the prescriptive building heights in the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment would accommodate the proposal for a six-story, 73- foot building south of Market Street. ➢ The density in the MXC, Mixed Use Center would increase from 30 units per acre to 75 units per acre. Approval is subject to the following findings: I. After the current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009, the City amended the Zoning Ordinance regarding height so that the Zoning Ordinance matched the recommended heights in the Comprehensive Plan. Page 5 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: Dick here to enter a date, 2. Building height is typically a function of Zoning regulations and not a Comprehensive Plan. 3. Within the underlying PCD-2 zoning district, the Edina City Code requires that buildings six-stories tall be setback twice the height of the building from the property line of single-family homes. There is one single-family home north of the north ramp. All other homes are duplexes. The building height is 73 feet; therefore, a 146-foot setback is required. The proposed distance of 175 feet therefore is code compliant. 4. Higher density would seem reasonable in the 50th and France and Grandview areas given the proximity to arterial roadways (France Avenue and Vernon Avenue). The floor area ratio (FAR) allowed in these areas is 1.5. FAR is not necessarily a good indicator of residential density; rather a more appropriate measure is units per acre. If you compare a retail or office development at an FAR of 1.5 (using 190,000 square feet of development), the amount of traffic generated from that size of a development would be greater than the 190,000 square foot development proposed consisting of primarily housing with only 30,000 square feet of retail. Residential density of 75 units an acre is appropriate in the MXC District. 5. Density proposed is similar or less than density for mixed-use areas for surrounding communities including Minnetonka, Minneapolis, Bloomington, Richfield, and St. Louis Park. Teague stated that staff recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PCD-2, Planned Commercial District to PUD-12, Planned Unit Development District, including Preliminary Development Plan to construct the multi-use development including housing, retail, public parking and public space on Market Street based on the following findings:: I. The proposed land uses are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The site layout would be an improvement over a site layout required by traditional zoning; buildings are brought up to the street, provides front door entries toward the street and woonerf, includes sidewalks throughout and around the perimeter of the site to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment. Provides additional public parking stalls available to all uses in the 50th and France Area. Provides affordable housing. 2. The proposed buildings would be a high quality brick, stone and glass. They are designed to mix and blend with the existing buildings in the area. 3. The PUD would ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 4... The proposal follows the development principles established in the Southdale Area Vision Plan as follows: a. Division of the property into smaller blocks; b. Improved pedestrian connections to move people through and around the site. This includes an improved center sidewalk to better connect 50th to Market Street; c. Provide a "come to"and "stay at" development with mixed uses, retail, restaurant, public space including seating areas, and a center plaza; d. High quality buildings and design; e. Provision of added shared public parking. This would potentially assist re-development of other properties in the area to develop without as much parking; f. Public art; and g. Economic vitality brought to Market Street. I. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Movement Patterns. Page 6 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. • Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. • Provide pedestrian amenities, such as wide sidewalks, street trees, pedestrian-scale lighting, and street furnishings (benches, trash receptacles, etc.) • A Pedestrian-Friendly Environment. Improving the auto-oriented design pattern discussed above under "Issues" will call for guidelines that change the relationship between parking, pedestrian movement and building placement. b. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. c. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the neighborhoods, the City, and the larger region. d. Increase mixed-use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. e. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. f. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to streets creating pedestrian scale. Buildings "step down" at boundaries with lower-density districts and upper-stories "step back" from street. g. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. On existing auto-oriented development sites, encourage placement of liner buildings close to the street to encourage pedestrian movement. ■ Locate prominent buildings to visually define corners and screen parking lots. ■ Locate building entries and storefronts to face the primary street, in addition to any entries oriented towards parking areas. • Encourage storefront design of mixed-use buildings at ground floor level, with windows and doors along at least 50% of the front facade. ■ Encourage or require placement of surface parking to the rear or side of buildings, rather than between buildings and the street. 7. The proposal meets the City's criteria for PUD zoning. In summary, the PUD zoning would: a. Provides a true mixed-use development by including retail, restaurants and housing. b. Creates a very pedestrian-friendly development with the construction of sidewalks through and around the site. c. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only buildings built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. d. Provide for a more creative site design, consistent with goals and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. 8. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. SRF Consulting conducted a traffic impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads and proposed parking. Approval is also subject to the following Conditions: Page 7 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: t':;:iick her r ,:.ate. I. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated March 31, 2017, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of any building permit. 3. Provision of code compliant bike racks for each use near the building entrances. 4. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 5. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. 6. Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. 7. A Developer's Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 8. Affordable housing must be provided per the City's Affordable Housing Policy, the specifics to be determined at the time of final approval. Ten percent 10% of the units shall be affordable. 9. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the director of engineering's memo dated March 31, 2017. 10. Compliance with the sustainability standards in the director of engineering's memo dated March 31, 2017. II. Compliance with the SRF Traffic & Parking Study recommendations. 12. Subject to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD-I2, Planned Unit Development for this site. 13. Metropolitan Council approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding land use, height and density. Appearing for the Applicant Peter Deanovic, Buhl Investors, Brent Rogers, Saturday Properties. Discussion and Comments Planner Teague was asked if the City formally approved the name change from 49 '/2 Street to Market Street. Planned Teague responded in the affirmative. He added last evening the City Council approved the name change to Market Street. Chair Olsen asked the traffic consultant to address traffic. Matt Pacyna, SRF, addressed the Commission and with the aid of graphics highlighted the following: • There are three study goals, Assess/Quantify; Current Conditions; Identify Transportation impacts of the proposed development with the consultant recommending improvements for efficient operations for all modes of transportation Pacyna said he believes the increase in vehicular traffic would be roughly 2400 trips per day. He noted intersection field observations were done, adding it was found that they currently operate at an acceptable overall LOS C or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Pacyna acknowledged that eastbound Page 8 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:acv hic to cAo,r queues along 50th Street to France Avenue could be high especially during p.m. peak times, which affects the western mid-block pedestrian crossings. Pacyna suggested the following: • Consider reallocating the roadway space along 49 '/z Street to improve pedestrian crossings; • Maintain a minimum of I 75-feet eastbound left-lane along 49 '/z Street at France Avenue; • Consider construction phasing with estimated peak parking demands to avoid significant area parking impacts during construction. Pacyna stressed the importance of correctly staging ramp construction to minimize hardships for both the vendors and general public; • Limit any sight distance impacts from future structures, landscaping and signing; and • Install crosswalk warning signs and consider push button activated rectangular rapids flashing beacons at both the proposed 49 '/z Street crossings. Concluding, Pacyna again stressed the importance of the timing of ramp reconstruction and what is done first. Commissioners had the following questions and comments: • Pacyna was asked if he had any concern with residential cut through traffic to avoid congestion during the construction phase. Mr. Pacyna responded that again, much would depend on ramp construction staging (which ramp is first). Pacnya said he imagines there would be some cut through traffic, adding it would be hard to guess which area would be the hardest hit; however: it should be monitored. Pacyna said if it was found that cut through traffic was occurring measures would be implemented to correct the overflow into the residential neighborhoods. Pacyna further noted that once the construction was complete demand should be met. • A question was raised on how the role of the Woonerf was envisioned. Pacyna responded that the Woonerf(as a shared pedestrian and vehicle courtyard) would provide convenient delivery and drop off/pick up for the existing businesses on the north side of 50th Street. Commissioners stressed they are concerned that this project would create traffic issues to include vehicles using the residential streets (Maple) as a cut through. Continuing, Commissioners noted that previous comments were correct on the importance of staging during construction. Commissioners asked Planner Teague if the City was satisfied with the findings of the traffic consultants. Planner. Teague said the development agreement would be a tight document and at the time (if approved) construction commences all articles would be buttoned up. Staff further agrees with the findings from the consultant. Chair Olsen commented that she wonders (if approved) if the Commission could place as a condition of approval that an acceptable construction staging/traffic/parking plan be implemented. Continuing, Olsen suggested the possibility of providing a shuttle service to ensure that employees and visitors to the area would be able to reach their destination. Planner Teague responded that the Commission could add conditions of approval, adding this condition seems reasonable. Page 9 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes I=1 Approved Date:Chck here to enter a date. Applicant Presentation Mr. Deanovic addressed the Commission and gave a brief history of the Edina Collaborative project and introduced the development team to include Brent Rogers with Saturday Properties, Todd Novak, Mohagen Hansen and Tom Whitlock with Damon Farber. Deanovic reported that a neighborhood meeting(s) was held in January 2017. Deanovic explained neighbors and tenants within 1,000-feet received notice of the project to include updated filers and e-mails. With graphics, Deanovic highlighted the project area noting the Woonerf and public space, increased public parking, two-sided retail and 34,000 square feet of public space. Deanovic further reported that through conversations with neighbors and tenant's traffic and parking were mentioned as a concern. Deanovic introduced Todd Novak who presented to the Commission a video fly-over of the project. Novak asked the Commission to note that the development team responded too many of the suggestions made by both the Commission and Council at Sketch Plan and incorporated them into the new plan. The fly-over pointed out the following changes to the proposal: • Reduced building height on building corners (some). • Eliminated the three-story connection between buildings. • A minimal addition to retail spaces. • Reduced apartment unit count from 13 I-units to 110-units. • Enhanced architecture to include building articulation, balconies and varied height. • Added additional bike stations to include a bike—fix-it station. • Worked and continue to work with north neighbors on screening of ramp. • Work with the Edina Art Center to provide easements for public art. • Do as much as possible to ensure a sustainable project. To include electric vehicle charging stations, sustainable building materials (brick, stone, glass with metal panels and stucco accents), efficient mechanical and water plumbing, LED lighting, drought tolerant landscaping, pervious planters, etc. • Hide mechanical equipment. • Flexible public space (plaza) to be enjoyed throughout the Seasons. Nowak further presented a shadow study that evaluated the difference between 4 vs. 6-stories. Nowak also asked the Commission to note that the density of the project was "located" in the middle of the site; away from the residents. Nowak explained that the development team is also sensitive to the needs of tenants of the buildings; adding they would do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition during construction. Concluding, Novak introduced Brent Rogers to speak to the housing element of the project. Mr. Rogers informed the Commission that the proposed housing would be rental housing that would feel more like a boutique hotel vs. an apartment building. The units proposed are larger than a typical new construction urban project. The finishes of each unit are state of the art and each apartment has access to Page 10 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: h �;hcc (32)1.L outdoor space as well as larger windows. The building would also offer rooftop gardening and a "shop" space in the garage. Continuing, Rogers said the development team believes future renters already live in the area and are considering selling their homes, adding this development provides housing options in their own neighborhood. He further noted that long-term leases are available. Rogers pointed out that 10 of the units are affordable. Concluding Rogers said he believes this project will be a plus for the neighborhood and the City of Edina. Discussion/Comments Commissioners thanked the applicants for their thorough presentation. A question was asked on when the shadow study was done; pointing out, regardless of that date Market Street would mostly be in shadow. The Commission was informed the study was done on June 21St. An opinion was also shared that more could be done on reducing the building height and offsetting the building mass. Public Hearing Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. The following people commented on the proposal: Mitch Avery, representing Lunds/Byerly's Food Holdings expressed concern. He suggested that the City consider developing a vision for the 50th and France area to include traffic and parking studies prior to area redevelopments. Dr. Patterson, 3930 France Avenue, expressed concern for business owners during the construction phase. She pointed out parking and congestion would be an issue for patients; many of whom are elderly. She stressed timing is everything and two years of construction could potentially harm her business. Heidi Brandenburg, business owner told the Commission that the area of 50th & France is comprised of health care services. Brandenburg said health care is important and the impact of this project would affect not only the business owners and employees, but also their patients. Brian Lambert, 4007 49th Street West, commented that he was glad to see that the City would continue to maintain the ramps. Lambert also noted that in the future Walgreen's might"go" along with the Post Office and the potential for redevelopment of Lund's property. Jim Stromberg, 3930 49th Street West, stated the development team has been excellent to work with. He said he supports the project as submitted, adding he wants the City to monitor traffic on West 49th Street so it is not used as a cut through. Susie Haugland, 5229 West Highwood Drive, stated she has a concern with parking, traffic and where employees of the area would park during the construction phase. Page 11 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:Click here to enter a date. Tom Hepplefinger, 5000 France Avenue, said his concern is with building height. He pointed out the proposal calls for a 50% increase in building height. Robert Sykes, 4524 Casco Avenue, said he supports the project, adding in his opinion it is a very good project. Sykes stated in his opinion this is one of the few places that can tolerate building height, pointing out the building height was placed in the middle of the project. Increased parking was also a plus. Bret Johnson, 4920 Lantana Lane, said he believes the developers have been respectful of the 50th and France area and that redevelopment of the subject area was needed. Mike Marinovich, 5317 Halifax, expressed support for the project stating the public space as proposed provides energy and will be a huge plus for the merchants, residential property owners and the City. Scott Engstrom, 4909 Maple Road said the proposed development is exciting, adding that the development team was very easy to work with; however, he had concerns with cut-through traffic on Maple Road. He further added the apartment buildings are too tall. Jan Monson, 3949 49th Street West, said the "Collaborative" would be a great asset suggesting that the community space be reduced to reduce building height. Building height too tall. Eric Heltne, 5320 Kellogg Avenue, said in his opinion the redevelopment proposal is terrific. Jim Deanovic, 5116 Mirror Lakes Drive, stated he supports the project. David Daly, 4601 Meadow Road, stated he supports the project. The development team put a lot of effort into this proposal. Chair Olsen asked if anyone else would like to speak to the issue, being none a motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lee. All voted aye. The motion carried. Discussion and Comments Chair Olsen asked Planner Teague to clarify the action(s) the Commission takes this evening. Planner Teague responded that the City is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for building height and increased density and a rezoning from PCD-2 to PUD. Teague noted the Commission is to take action on the applications; however, the motion could be done in two parts. One for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and another for the rezoning classification. Commissioner Thorsen asked Planner Teague if approved could this establish a precedent. Planner Teague responded that it would not create a precedent. The requested rezoning is to PUD and the ordinance was crafted directly for this project. Teague stated the ordinance would stipulate that six Page 12 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. stories would only be permitted south of Market Street. The four-story cap would still stand for the rest of the district; unless the Comprehensive Plan was amended to remove height. Commissioners expressed concern for the existing businesses during the construction phase. They indicated they believe the proposal as presented was very good; however, they have concerns for the businesses during the construction phase. Commissioners said the City and businesses should be encouraged to find a solution to the traffic and parking concerns. Continuing, Commissioners further acknowledged that the development team appears to be very responsive to the neighbors, both residential and businesses. They also stated they were pleased with the changes between sketch plan review and formal application Commissioner Lee expressed dissatisfaction with the traffic analysis and building height. She said she was concerned that the area roads may not be able to handle the increase in traffic. Lee said she also wonders if this is really what the City really wants; pointing out amending the Comprehensive Plan may not be the "way to go". She questioned if additional study was needed on area traffic and the impact of building height. A lengthy discussion ensued with Commissioners acknowledging that change is difficult; however, the project as presented is a very good project. Commissioners said issues that need to be addressed are traffic and parking during construction to ensure that area merchants are not harmed during the process. It was further acknowledged there is no way around redevelopment in this area and a thoughtful and firm construction management and maintenance plan would go a long way in reducing redevelopment pain. Motion A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to recommend an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that eliminates the prescriptive building heights in the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment would accommodate the proposal for a six-story, 73-foot building south of 49 %Z Street. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Olsen. Nay. Lee. The motion carried 5-1. A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to recommend a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow an increase in density from 30-units per acre to 75-units per acre. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Lee. Nay, Lee. The motion carried.5-I. A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen based on staff findings to recommend preliminary rezoning from PCD-2, Planned Commercial District to PUD-I2, Planned Unit Development District, including Preliminary Development Plan to construct the multi-use development including housing, retail, public parking and public space on 49 % Street. Rezoning is subject to staff conditions to include the condition that prior to final approval by City Council that a plan is agreed to with City staff that creates a strategy and specific measures to be implemented to eliminate or minimize impact on existing businesses Page 13 of 15 Draft MinutesM Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:CI:H• ,Joc. professional and retail and otherwise including client and customer access. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. Ayes; Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Olsen. Nays, Lee. Motion carried 5-1. VIII. Reports and Recommendations A. 44th and France SAP Appointments Planner Aaker reported to the Commission that members to the 44th and France Small Area Plan Task Force have been recommended by Planning Commission liaisons Shelia Berube and Jimmy Bennett. Aaker listed the Members and Alternates: Members: Eric Olson, Ted Carlson, Rebecca Sorensen, Mike Platteter, Katie Ayotte. Alternates: Lisa Fagan, Harvey Ronald Berg Aaker said at this time the Planning Commission is required to approve the appointments. Motion A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the listed appointees. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lee. All voted aye. The motion to approve members to the 44th and France Avenue Small Area Plan Task Force carried. 6-0 IX. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Lee commented that she was invited to attend a "neighborhood meeting". She said she was looking forward to listening to what residents have to say. X. Staff Comments Planner Teague reported that the City Council heard the sketch plan for Restoration Hardware. Planner Teague also asked the Commission to mark their calendars for Wednesday, April I9th. 7 p.m.-9:00 p.m. for the Big Ideas Workshop and Saturday, April 22nd. 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., The Big Picture Workshop. Teague stated all Commissioners are invited to attend. Xl. Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen at I0:58 p.m. to adjourn the meeting of the Edina Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. Page 14 of 15 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:Click here to enter a date. .Iackie 3-foogenakker Respectfully submitted • Page 15 of 15 STAFF REPORT w • (s) 'IM�'�RPOR���O• 1888 Date: April 26, 2017 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner Subject: B-17-07, First floor height variance request for a new home located at 63 12 Post Lane Information / Background: MJL Homes has submitted a variance application on behalf of the property owners to increase first floor elevation 2.75 feet higher than the current first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 6312 Post Lane.The project is a tear-down/rebuild and is located on the south side of McCauley Trail and backing up to Arrowhead Lake consisting of a multi-level home built in 1956. The existing basement elevation of the home is at: 883.9 The proposed basement elevation is indicated to be at 880.3.The new basement elevation must be 2 feet above FEMA flood elevation of 878.3.The proposed basement will be above the required Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation, (RFPE).The new basement can be no lower than the RFPE which impacts the proposed basement ceiling height and the new first floor elevation. The zoning ordinance allows for a maximum 1 foot increase in height of an existing 1st floor. The applicant is asking for a 1.75 foot 1st floor height,variance to increase 1st floor height by 2.75 feet allowing an 8.5 foot ceiling height in the proposed basement. The Engineering Department has established that as part of an overall flood plain management strategy,the City actively promotes the removal of homes from the floodplain and all rebuilt sites require basements to be no lower than 2 feet above the floodplain elevation. City of Edina • 4801 W.50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 A variance is required to allow the first floor elevation of the new home to exceed the first floor elevation of the existing home by more than one foot. The current home located at 6312 Post Lane has a first floor elevation at 888.0 feet above sea level.The existing home is a multi-level home with the front entry, (considered the 15t floor); at garage level and the existing basement at an elevation 4.1 feet lower than the existing"15t floor".The existing basement is not a full flight of steps lower than the 15t floor/entry floor given the multi-level design.The 4 foot difference between the existing basement and entry level of the home is problematic when trying to conform to the RFPE and not exceed the one foot allowable increase in first floor height to provide adequate ceiling height in the basement. The property is limited in how low a basement and how high the new first floor, may be. Complying with the ordinance requirements,given standard building practices for both basement and 1st floor rules would provide a basement ceiling height of 7'—2" per builder. The proposal provides basement ceiling heights of 8.5', which is on the low end for new construction. The City of Edina's Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan requires the lowest floor of a structure to be a minimum of 2 feet above the Flood Elevation.The Engineering Department requires the entire basement of a new home to be elevated 2 feet above a flood elevation. Since the project is not a remodel and is new construction, it allows an opportunity for the city to establish an appropriate basement elevation condition.The required basement elevation can be in conflict with the maximum ft floor height requirement; therefore, it has been recognized in the ordinance that variances from the 15t floor height requirement may be appropriate.The requirements for such cases are as follows: Eligibility Requirements for Variances from the 1 foot maximum increase in 15t floor height. City Code allows for the issuance of a variance to increase the first floor elevation of a new home over one foot above the existing home under one of the following circumstances: 1) To elevate the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation, as established by FEMA; 2) To elevate the lowest level of the dwelling to protect from groundwater intrusion; 3) To elevate the first floor elevation to the extent necessary to meet the state building code, city code, or statutory requirements; Furthermore, a variance may only be issued if the proposed project fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass. This property is situated next to Arrowhead Lake within floodplain area.The applicant is seeking to establish low floor elevation at 880.3 feet, which would be 2 feet above the established floodplain. City code requires a 2 foot separation between floodplain and lowest floor elevations. Furthermore,the building code now requires increased minimum ceiling height in basements and a minimum depth floor trusses. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow 8.5 foot standard ceiling height in the basement. STAFF REPORT Page 3 In staff's analysis,the proposed home fits the character of the neighborhood with regard to height, scale, and massing.The existing grade next to the current home is 4 feet lower than the adjacent grade to the west and 1 foot lower than the adjacent grade to the east on neighboring properties.The new home will increase the grade by approximately 1.5 feet.The new home will conform to the height requirement of 38.25 feet and will be no taller than 37.91 feet from existing grade. So, even though the new 1st floor will be higher, the applicant is not asking for an over-all height variance with an increase in 1st floor height. The first floor elevation request meets the eligibility requirements for consideration of a variance from the one foot 1st floor rule. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes;zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Arrowhead Lake;zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 19,439 square foot lot is located on the southside of Post Lane and has a multi-story home with a two car garage on the property.The site slopes lower to the rear of the lot.There is floodplain located behind the house. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-1, Single-Dwelling District Grading&Drainage The grading must not impact adjacent neighbors.The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Compliance Table City Standard Proposed Front— 35.7 feet 35.7 feet East Side - 10 feet 17.5 feet Rear— 75 feet 75feet West Side — 10 feet 16.8 feet Building Coverage 25% 21.65% 1St Floor Elevation 1 foot/888 *2.75 feet/890.75 Building Height 38.25 feet 37.91 feet *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES&STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues • Does the proposed new home meet the criteria for approval of a variance with a first floor elevation 2.75 feet higher than the existing home? Staff believes the proposal meets the criteria for a variance to allow the first floor elevation 2.75 feet higher than the existing home for the following four reasons: 1) The proposed home design elevates the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 2) The proposed home design elevates the first floor elevation to the extent necessary to meet the state building code with regard to minimum ceiling heights and floor truss size; 3) The proposed home design fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass; STAFF REPORT Page 5 4) The request meets the criteria for approval of a variance given the following findings: a. The proposal meets the conditions for variance. b. The proposal meets all other applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. C. The proposal fits the character with this neighborhood. Recommended Action: Approve a 1.75 foot 1st floor height variance to allow the construction of a new home that will be more than one foot (2.75 feet total) above the existing first floor elevation of the previous home located at 6312 Post Lane due to Flood Plain Regulations. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans: Survey date stamped March 10, 2017. Building plans and elevations date stamped March 10, 2017 Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer's memo. Deadline for a city decision: June 9, 2017. 91�^~Ii, o Cad D DATE: March 29, 2016 TO: Cary Teague— Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk EIT—Graduate Engineer RE: 6312 Post Lane - Variance Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the site plan dated 03/06/17, no storm water management plan was submitted. Summary of Review The proposed plans include the demolition of an existing home, lot grading and construction of a new home at 63 12 Post Lane. This property is located on Arrowhead Lake, which has a I%flood elevation of 878.3'. As part of an overall flood plain management strategy, the City actively promotes the removal of homes from the flood plain. An additional two-feet of freeboard between the flood elevation and the low floor elevation is also required as part of this strategy. This project proposes to do just that. The applicant will be required to meet Nine Mile Creek Watershed District rules and obtain a watershed permit, they will also have to submit a stormwater management and erosion control plan as part of their building permit. Grading and Drainage Grading for this site appears to be self-contained and promotes any drainage to the street or lake. The plan as proposed appears it would meet City Code requirements for a building permit, if a stormwater management and erosion control plan was submitted. However in its current state it would not meet Nine Mile Creek Watershed District standards, which is discussed below. Flood Plain City code requires that the low floor elevation for any structure near a flood plain be at least two-feet above the I% flood elevation, which means for this property its low floor should be no lower than 880.3'. Also there must be no net decrease in flood storage, any fill below the 878.3' elevation must have an equal amount of cut. Erosion and Sediment Control Perimeter control is required, and will be required for a building permit. Additional floating silt protection is required. Inlet protection is also required. Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required prior to construction of the driveway. Water and Sanitary Utilities No Comments ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 f1tner 3?�t'stiC A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit will be required to obtain a building permit. With the plansas submitted the applicant would not meet the requirements of NMCWD rule 4.0 (stormwater management). The site does appear to be large enough to accommodate any infiltrative features that could be required as a result of rule 4.0, but these changes could change the grading and landscaping of the site. The process to obtain the NMCWD permit can be quite involved, requiring substantial engineering cost and is a lengthy permit process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371 • Fax 952-826-0392 a = 4t, J 1 .r i tIc:BC d127d3 HOMES MJL Homes LLC Date 3.6.2017 Re: 6312 Post Lane Edina, MN—Variance for the finished 1st floor elevation increase of 2 feet. The practical difficultly that exist on this homesite --based on the 100 yr.flood elevation at 878.3 the code requires basements to be 2'above the 100 year flood which would put the lowest floor elevation at 880.3, (See survey) The current code allows you to raise the finished first floor elevation by(1')from 888.0 to 889.0-after subtracting the :18" floor system the difference between the lowest floor 880.3 and finished 1st floor of 889.0 would only allow for a 7'2" high basement ceiling in the new home. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district The requested variance to increase the finished first floor elevation by 2ft meets the spirit and intent of the ordinances, the purpose is for a single family dwelling. Single family dwellings are a permitted use in the neighborhood. I3e in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance There are many new homes that have been built in the neighborhood and the home that we are proposing will conform and blend in the with the rest of the new and existing homes and will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood The home to the west of the property existing grade is at approximately 4.0 higher than,ti* oposed property and the property to the east existing grade is approximately 1.0 higher than the proposed eerty(see st.ry , 18624 Kalmar Trail, Lakeville MN 55044 Office 612-759-0527—Fax 952-314-9676 672763 License Hennepin Hennepin County Property Mapost lrDate: 4/19/2017 . .1- , , , s • j • 1 '.5. ` . ~. a' t -1 1 i4 r '79111 Ai ty, ah t. .,:„...,-,c.„:,, ,'/),„ ,, .. • . : $.-„, ,,,,,,.., , ..-,, ,,,.. , . ..._,‘.. \ - ---#.. ' . ':;s1,4 \ \ . .., ---,.,\ , \ r -- _ II 1 inch = 100 feet _ - . 45-...... PARCEL ID: 0 Comments: OWNER NAME:P -' PARCEL ADDRESS: 6312 Post La, Edina MN 55439 PARCEL AREA: 0.61 acres, A-T-B: SALE PRICE SALE DATA SALE CODE: • This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: ' Hennepin County shall not be liable for any damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. MARKET VALUE: TAX TOTAL COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2017 ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore HOMESTEAD: t MARKET VALUE: Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 4/19/2017 .� a f� `M BY= �+ ffi. R \ 1 • t „ $P.: '''''.'"..**'''' \ Affia� _ f= 9 '��` .t "yid, { 4 ..s :: ll .,;. ui., ,r,„1., Y - A 3w � � —�—•_ n i � .:. '4''' "7 yf 6 e�S . ii lok y, g y' ; oil IR f} L ,. "a.f IY is`�"/5 'Y[ M1 atR � a _,-)1Or-,f.i.,,'," ' 74 } _ t �` kms ' }. E '� _.----- t„,..„.„-. -y' ''`'' 1 inch =200 feet PARCEL ID: Comments: OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 6312 Post La, Edina MN 55439 PARCEL AREA: 0.61 acres, 26,483 sq ft A-T-B: SALE PRICE: SALE DATA: SALE CODE: ' This data(i)is furnished'ASIS'with no representation as to completeness or ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore warranty of any kind,and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homestead Hennepin County shall not be liableforany MARKET VALUE: ' damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 COUNTY 2017 PROPERTYTYPE: Residential Lake Shore HOMESTEAD: Non-homestead MARKET VALUE: rt NamImages City of Edina Printed: 4/4/2017 PID:Repo06-116-21-22-0021e: Page: 1 Property Images b il c • tOt T CI' irs w: ., zz F T r `M t r. _r. - �c"..t a ri • .r` r .. y ,— $, A .._ .. 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JO RETAINING WALL IS 0 `/ 20.0 .R(7'�'. -7. 'cN 5W Of PROP UNE 4 TREE '1 0 0 in i� 11- • Nr�Yi� �.,_vlr� �- a-„ ro GARAGE ":o N I a.i M - .cy � IS2 'ra- 7.7 b \ PROPOSED 'us 2-STORY •`�•N EXISTING ` , 4'S�1' FB/FLAT 0,/ ` ( HOUSE - - ' EXISTING CIA �6,\... u ,!i,, NOUSE js8.0 30[VERT S > DECK \ '' 'SUN -' CS'L'E) t _,\ ____________ ROOM DECK.o RETAINING WALLL50._ ' 4.0 12.0 j 1'-, NEOPPROPUNE -- - 'RETAINING I ' �� 1G1) �755ETBgCK M� ---`WAIL/7' 1 'to 01 �(- RETAINING WALL 15 0.3 . 4/ 2'Y EV[RG•REFN ' "//`' •. ` DECK (, SW Of PROP UNE -- 24'iREE 14'TRe^ 0 COSMO L /�� '.r:::AWING 14'TREE 7 WALL D1. , N ,A o LI 'Ts,�Cs T O0,.., N4 I . L1',. �'I RETAINING C 1 60'STUMP � ,� � ? LOT AREA = 19,439 S0. FT TO OHWL (�1 �� O FD Jun' ',SURVEY O;E - EXISTING 0-3 OAREAS - • N87°0100"W 84.90 3-aTt- P AREA = SQ. FT PATITIOO AREA = 3900 SQ. FT. >' aTs'' 875. -150 ASF= 240 S0. FT. 5\ DECK AREA = 144 SQ. FT. 8538 1.8 '� 87J IB TREE IMPERVIOUS = 2,194 SQ. FT. ^' `ej5 = 11.29% TO OHWL aT.a - 0) 876', 7".876,2 'Ts. PROPOSED AREAS 33'RCP. an 2 HOUSE AREA = 2,577 SQ. FT. '- I16/=873.2 PORCH AREA = 119 SQ. FT 31"=30' DECK AREA = 168 S0. FT. ARROWHEAD LAKE I SUNROOM AREA = 196 SQ. FT. PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AREA = 1,016 SQ. FT -)" ONWL=875.8 SIDEWALK AREA = 132 SQ. FT. 0 100 YR FLOOD=878.3 PROPOSED INMPERVIOUS AREA = 4,208 SQ. FT 21.65 Z () EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 883.9 ,,,,.G DEPARTMENT EXISTING MAIM FLOOR ELEV. = 888.0 '1. PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR ELEV. = 890.75 PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEV. = 889.0 mAR. 3 0 2017 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. = 888.7 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 880.3 CITY OF EDINA © DENOTES MAILBOX l O DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET INFORMATION: A t 5a I 110 DENOTES FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT FRONT-35.7'(AVERAGE) w`�1e A,..._,0"x-t�1 DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION `�' SIDE YARD-10' ' DENOTES SERVICE LOCATION REAR YARD-75'FROM OHWL O DENOTES SPIKE 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION PID:0611621220021 (00o.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION ' '000-- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 3,BLOCK 1,NASS LAKE SIDE ADDITION,CITY DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE OF EDINA,HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA. DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE Bohlen I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR Surveying&Associates UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 31432 Foliage Avenue 1682 Cif Road E. Northfield,MN 55057 ❑ Burnsville,MN 55337 Thaw A�,y1 1 DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE B A DATE: 3-06-2017 I hOTl� OI Iz a/t0. Phone:(5071645-7768 Phone:(9952)8959212 taaearaQbohlensuweying.com Fax:(952)695-9259 REVISED: 3-30-2017 THOMAS J.O'MEARA,LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA LICENSE NO.46167 pr, DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE ■ Z:\S\Company Shared\Projects\Lakeville1 berms-ridge-1st-addsdwg\LOTI3BLK2-CERT.dwg ADDRESS:6312 POST LANE !'� E- Cf CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY k l -� C 0 =lr�cE> ' ' /C V.4/ FOR NOTE:ALL ARE _ �, it HOMES, T DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO D .1-7...E.. 1/rLJ i� 57-/ ��'S M 1 i 1/11 LLC OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION9 -' WALL L k'IS 7-/.,/e F4 L.,Gcsf (AGI- POST LANE MSE"CnMAR.889K: M RE .J J�, ®sox UTILITY CUPe BSfiA 6.----6.----.---7'STOP S88'31'00"E 30:000.. > • / PROPOSED > G.ME ' ` DRIVEWAY ; .RETAINING WALL 15 1.2 0 / 5.0% M1 x 886.0 / • SW OP PROP LINE ® - \ 0 1� 12EV ; i I /"'p RETAINING WALL IS 0.3 �' j\ \`mi J - -- / 'A 5W OP PROP UNE -- 14 TREE 2.0 O 20� O�-' s r- ,1, ' roll 's I N GARAGE r5 N 14, I 111. k _. •c \' PROPOSED` ••`20 ,'I 2-STORY EXISTING \ I.6. (:CSS' o (' hOUSE ��" FB/FLAT 0 , w6,\ EXISTING i ` u,_ ''Sao i. HOUSE > DECK , �\ \ GPS ' a ROOM DECK O Re AINING WALL 15 0.5/ \_ 14.0 12.0 4}/ NE OF PROP UN"[ •� --- I 0‘"e"' % ,ba. - 75•SET t R. .0 11 BACK PROM!)`TOyL� '-a SRTW AOIMOWPANE50-3-.'2'4.RE!2�EVERGR.EPN 1 ' .` 7 1qte DECK ri '7 d WALL C J\ ,, N > •N@, ;a 01 0 i 0 \-)7' CO •'•`' AIN'ING ra LOT AREA = 19,439 SQ. FT. TO OHWL �Ct i W Wo' • 00f STUMP A su v EXISTING AREAS LS`0 rD Tun' EEV LINE HOUSE AREA = 1,900 SQ. FT 0, N87°07.00 W 84.00 3G'.:, PATIO AREA = 390 S0. FT :;:" 875.: 875. 1 -150 ASF= 240 SQ. FT. P '.•%075,,,, , DECK AREA = 144 SQ. FT. %-) , w IMPERVIOUS = 2,194 SO. FT. �' .B8 r,R I, °rREe = 11.29K TO OHWL 875.8 PROPOSED AREAS l'3 675.' .876.2 .75.: 175 HOUSE AREA = Z577 SQ. FT. �l� 33•Rcr;, 8733 PORCH AREA = 119 SO. FT. ---<\., INV-573.2 DECK AREA = 168 SQ. FT. C7 1"=30' SUNROOM AREA = 196 S0. FT. ARROWHEAD LAKE ,-, PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AREA = 1,016 SQ. FT. , SIDEWALK AREA = 132 SQ. FT. C7 II 00 YR OOD=878.3 PROPOSED INMP£RVIOUS AREA = 4,208 50. FT. 21.65 9 (J) EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 883.9 EXISTING MAIN FLOOR ELEV. = 888.0 ,- PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR ELEV. = 890.75 PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEV. = 889.0 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. = 888.7 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 880.3 Q DENOTES MAILBOX �( O DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET C� SETBACK INFORMATION; _.\'''-� 54 • DENOTES FOUND IRON PIPE MONUMENT �QY , ��' -.e3 DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION SDE YARD FRONT- 71p(AVERAGE) a\ISR"° Q�- 41".464'\, 0 DENOTES SERVICE LOCATION REAR YARD-75'FROM OHWL %O 0 DENOTES SPIKE \',0 O0�P 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION 0* DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION �� PID:0611621220021 000- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR G PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE LOT 3,BLOCK 1,NASS LAKE SIDE ADDITION,CITY OF EDINA,HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA. DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE Bohlen I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE Surveying&Associates UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 31432 Foliage Avenue 1682 Clift Road E. Northfield,MN 55057 Bonneville,050: MN 55337 I UI IR.Q7i71. DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE phase:(507)845-7709B A Phona:(962)098-9212 DATE: 3-06-2017 tomeaa@bohlensurveying.com Fax:(952)895-9259 REVISED: 3-30-2017 THOMAS J.O'MEARA,LAND SURVEYOR DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE MINNESOTA LICENSE NO.46167 Z:\S\Corupany Shared Projects\Lakeville\berres-ridge-Ist-add\4wg\LOT13BLK2-CERT.dwg , a ��_ POST LANE G .CATCHBASIN J‘N ® UTILITY i . -- _�._._� _ .�'.r SHRU 8) 3-2"TREES i'• •r•.f.kli� g ii • ''� 6°TREE -891 / s :4a%v S 4: •• �3 / 10'EVERGREEN `�r`' / / 7 \\ 12'EVERGREEN i ��~ 1/ WALLNING � - "'"-C......-5:1:11 —892 \ N% •-•,,. y,`�%.i"i'...4. \ gS1 4 TREE M1�� EDGE OF 112'EVER "EEN • ''�"t"t.� 14"TREE ROOF l..,.:y:14:1 -:: I "I ' • , 1• -7.".• ii. a .----)g 1 ral..:7. , , tc... 40.4 / / 686 , I 1 �_ EXISTING I \ L•_e.1 HOUSE I EXISTING EDGE OF HOUSE \ \ECKI ROOF 1 30'EVERGREEN EXISTING 40RETA1IIIN\G L },:.". \\ -J \\\1lill'��/ / HOUSE RETAINING __ ;?ii,' ••mss. - \,# \\ A� WALL }:' \\ WALL 7 ,� / ,, XE20' V 'GR/EE/N T �/A. \ DECK 4`Ii REIG `.\\ \ ALL 4 "TREE2 24'TREE i-7` -\ i//til;�RETAININCy \ • 887 14"TREE 886 Nrial / 3.8"TREES ` _-`'\ \ \ \8 as6 � 884 88 \ ;\.\1ui'��/ice RE7ArNING \ 3�- \� 20'EVERGREEN `/-- WALL`881\882 ` �` �_ +;� 880 //�4 \\\\ ``87g�\�O \� 36'EE �_ ARROWHEAD LAKE ---877_._„, .„ _ A,�-- 18'T. E_____ OHWL=875.8 W �� 100 YR FLOOD=878.3 ATERCINE Nal. Alt INN-►► - 0 ARROWVeLAKE N 075.8 l'���\� � 10 YR FLOOD=1:8 .3 30' �- ' 49\ �► pa EXISTING CONDITIONS \-----_ 6312 POST LANE EDINA,MINNESOTA '// 03-08-17 REMOVE EXISTING DRIVEWAY APRON AND REPLACE WITH B618 " CURB AND GUTTER. INSTALL NEW DRIVEWAY APRON PER CITY OF EDINA REQUIREMENTS \� POST LANE ('lA CATCHBASIN `�'(/ ® UTILITY ::. .+ v BOX •....•SO r: s:• r '1,:.'i-•:•::(.:'`..a.+ 6'TREE `, V EXISTING a✓', J�r'2 ~4'' s_ RETAINING .ti:••' ...- •._.+;%• WALL -,•!,':i,,.,:-..:•,:,.;::.•.:1.•;..: ..- 14"TREE '. , I EDGE OF `•.,ROOF f _ 'l• •::W'`�!' "-^< _888 1..��. .. AGE. �`� �5 0 G L / @4 : i PROPOSED '----__,._.....----- , ........„ EXISTING FB/FLAT 'HOUSE _. ,• • Tw xX.x , +EDGE OF '•ti, f EXISTING f�Bw xx.x \ O i'' bo ROOF �, HOUSE 88 08 - + 9 S/DECK Y\ Q 1 SUN r / RAINGARDEN#1 e O, ROAM I DECK 6� 9 I RAINGARDEN#2 EXISTING ` lie .a�ii- 888 0gf, DECK RETAINING (i Ca (°-4 �. WALL Crl 24'TREE M, 4'TREE q14"TREE 14 3-8"TREES 6, l _ RETAINING WALL ELEVATIONS BOTTOM OF HEI LOCATION TOP OF WALL WA L WALL OF \! ��}�jj����/j, RETAINING A 887.5 887.5 0.0 20'EVERGREEN-:',----U\\V//jam WALL B 887.5 886.0 1.5 =s- C 887.5 _ 885.0 _ 2.5 _ ���a D 887.5 884.0 3.5 �///1I'II\\\\\\ 36'TREE E 887.5 887.5 0.0 ARROWHEAD LAKE 18"T E OHWL=875.8 ii 100 YR FLOOD=878.3 wATfRiIIE ` K N ARRO �, suEKE .'875.8 ,�• 00 YR FLOG\T8.3 30 'I PROPOSED CONDITIONS \.„ - 6312 POST LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA 03-03-17 r � mmm a s � SaNOH R g� �e 3 W� =was I 1I 1 IN 44, euip3 E°� Q O �W� s""=Fwd a> oy F t012y Q ;»wr v paid ueu a..-4 €611 5 x:541 5a15iat5W% } oW�s �8aG��1p1trag""'3°°�=s'gLL4LLw IliEgwelEsig sOrgw-i 1 -, L gt4T g s En- 9 M g =§ � I IQ„ s`o s a.agfsoij gsaRo aig.. 1 g 3 111111,1111 0 o 0 _? I -a 9 / =I .3 IIII{lI111Iild i _______wu t �,9 I{Ip►1{I�II �. pow II{II. IIIIIWI p IIIIIiIii® Ia III{II � :`.�° IINM I! 1:!:.iI t IIIIIIIII t IIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIIIIII , nennnm E o-� �� WWWI 11111111 ..,• I 2°1zL .H"�7 !I IIIIIIIII 0 Aim 111111.11 6 i ,L.,.. .. _ wiff . , i . 1 Pg IPqa Idg - I ai41=1il 4 �'® m 1111 MEMOIMMINIMIrAti ,� I...llllllll o `—" ge6g- V.11111 � r i` OM _IIIIIiI Chi11;J� 1sIo ,II igi Tisili i' 596 -7 9 NI 1 4 =\ gig=g N IN y Ei - i '114 R VIII I__I ,� n��i I. 1 x 6. SHIN OH L+v�� 8 €g w ° '7 f 7�7 eU�P3 a W h °/ _� .ws �€y _� g .224 z d Ell\ 1 Y�L el-ml paid md ulti @ ad '' f FIE aEllig,TY,E=U4A494,,I,N °4-1/ q=q0082PWAVNElitsai`b8 /49? 0� w � W�A. gs ag°aol � igz= wilszoN' � fioai"wg — 11 cir Jr. 04 I@^.Y .r.CC rsi �.°. 2 3- 111111111 Az r� Al Az9 '' .... .6 11 a if II—Nt7._____,Ilm. Q 9;a 0 sissnm ie.. o1l °a !E0 o Ii o3r6E6 V ,ash a.a � 4_ eEs[ ma -, w 0,66°,I6E6„6,6,I0604 ia1[ iI b . i1 3a,a00,n3da Fa I 1 U i. MigE = ! 1 ''' 5 L _ Ekon iii. , .. -. ' -fl W. ' ... 'ao o0.,i 0 sA§Cnla duo... tlIIflhIflIF 11I�l1��illPI.g oo .,!Wilal m+n a°ovn� N b .,,, ,, I ® nN Ro ° 3 IoO d 65 la on ` p 0.,i 0 Zissngia°°°° rl iI N vn� SZ 9 .o-6 i: g 00.9=00-S*66aoovaM �d 8 ���.0'2 } Al A6 �/„il 1 les » 8 WWII 16000 a0rr3m oc x o-s ir i ti li ! .N=.0 s .EX i E a p5 �g�I� NE, II S !NI , 111 Ww'g oS� um" Ionia' 0I66g iv,,1 :Mt I hii,,, 2. p C[] rrr. 6 r.E 4a:., I .6 Al .6-S .„ AAL .r6 A,! Ain ASE A1,.0-,M 9 1 1 _s_._ 4. _..... . ... .... ...__ _�, cs�l•lVlpyTfITAWTINN(I�iMT'iNTM1M1 STY`lOH eulp3 a Ww 8 € L s w2 p a�,= -1.1f I'NI euey;Sod Z6£9 s a O IN 1'(�� �5 $� wG w �y ^mow _Gpaid g►ueuy 1 W 0 `l0 .` ��~o„'10 002 z„"g� mfg i _._---------- __----- ---- 08 'Gly cYd( . his pgea�o <=ng aig2€1MW 00 zff ,*OViDEPomeon •ooa 4�11 gW• mag .= o • EZ .o- p'a[ S a .11S1MJ I .' 1A 11e VIM A.MS 2 62,2 rum0w.nv NNOMO l I ` H FT 0 4 s II i s ; Qom; M1 n ,oLLP a ii 'a ee. a aooa re k� :0;11= m 4 02LLi _ " • `V' LL A aa00rz M Z. LIM vrl. ., isa hila i =� 111=, Tom „, .Jl1 � bb Ry�$II .. © U000 rZ u F 55 n 43'II iJ p y s or,i. , ; IIa 4 3 s n �,lriiiiille i : r s �!,I 11 i . E b AL At 1 '4 .- !..... MM. ] 'X 4(U kd mg” ,w5 . i' " a lintili g • 2 t ;2 I Al ,,„c,,,,-------....,;—`LL� SS r Lr N S F•.�{ lAl l t tq %ON ii , NO�� i ;LLQ ' t - MOM .111161111111 Lo.s I ; aElllJ ,=l 24.e .19, JLX rsl R2 L______ rl i °'i�;, �_ �s p S_H Y�I O H w� ��� p w� eu�P3 a 40 '05 4001 1 < ,P $.pool "' N euel;sod ZI.E9 A w plc ?w �= g'w9 �� =� s. w 1I l l� gaa�d 83ueuy `s i oar lyk e1 ' ;<p;4; :oaig'2§4 ,4.141 °'4 Y' �� n l7 lL a w<wog...=nw w s. 'p„w3.Yow'D Cit, Q g3wo=aa�� g�ow =w" €aa;� — — — e� ou M0gd agEo=z_6O age gg<ce' oda gi 'a0E"Qgggid g i hbl 592.B2 5 3= tn Fgs H8a PA: eg a n. o 60.2 an,,,,.ansssnbiaa.s 3 ---- • ar- 9p >D.eLb3dssndl bDOV.°, :pa Ho 01 Flo' 8 mF4a ,:y l. l'' ; ::: R apy. N � �gH �irwbw As cans ssnulba>iaD :; �� �-,n - o� �-� ,J. uli%b¢�.r F�w� m sisalnLL bODld A4 p� ti r " kW§ gD2 .,9,god s� p U i e ® 1 CI 0 t t i1 b w ow Ix I g vI5 ,y F S b ti gw g' e€ N A�{ e;.,,.„ ''C�B� 8so • Illi .aY .o„•r - g�= • k"�p ^sass araoar. 1 ? gEe • mi 1 41 ga °l, It 2, r„ 0 5 k..* < b XC b5 n 8 'S--nm_fm __ \Ae o1 d zs + 36 i u000 - .I E d. . 0 Dig • L. oe 6z ggty�= {I .. tu j b ' icaz 46 tt';� ® dY3oRa� $2 0r, • aa7 ..-b b' —' a �'•• ear 'N I. b f Tom` I AK e.e L ,, >oggg S Y�InO�H W w € . 64 mt , euip3 < �i �k W �» °w= F m<,.1 I I eue so < A all m=wGuwsa tl "i3 d Z6E9 Sn paid g 3ueuy rc =w'uf w�'wuwu'>�z����1'c'm �wm a zo mittoo. w .m1 ° mow4q-°'s O - 65 1001111§11114!4614g44 ---1 [011MiqralliaiifliNt4 jS ; wg Naga 41I < Ywaio2;n1 Jj ; 12 ww a 24 OPEsi33g fi gpmxom ®kcii °Woa liu, „„ mi LLsaR PA o wpw I I!' Ego : , ° m hl. m — i'— PO Af- I : h 1 - w p g I5 • • ° MIN =I • '!ILII. pg k Ri ':.: 'Li -.. M imu- ps: r ; . w ______. E..,_... ...... sm. _ . . 1 T 1�Ili � – m �I \rns O I r, a$ Mal 717-11-m� p S and 'zw s W P w `�$. '�q 8v g,S la 2i, inallitE -3 . e W® "I �. F 3m .z.-f w i lei, A of II S - _ 5 qg st 35y - yf—I �� F m ��� :iI: • '01 !ii! ._ L-----_- . =fig is 1110 11 � mg�w lillr 63wm° E. Id 3 MIgi!'kklE II` r. �2 -� j YL a � I .0/5,s I d• N .,t. x,t sat tlgg yy a z . iF. 'ems-{ o ba` u ' lommo iII STAFF REPORT OY(12 1888 Date: April 26, 2017 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker Assistant Planner Subject: B-17-09,5712 Blake Road Information / Background: The subject property is located in the north east corner of Blake Road and Eden Prairie Road,consisting of a two story home with an attached two car garage built in 1993.The owner would like to replace existing 4 foot tall fence sections with 6 foot tall fence sections along the south and a portion of their east lot lines. The current fence varies in height given adjacent front yard area of the neighboring property to the east. (See property location, aerial photos, photos of the subject, site survey, site photos, and fence product). The homeowner has decided to replace the majority of existing fence in current locations and relocate the southern portion of the fence off of the right-of-way and onto their property.The fence is proposed to be a consistent 6 feet in height,with the section along the south lot line and sections adjacent to the east neighbor, (located at 6116 Eden Prairie Road), to exceed the allowable 4 foot height in a front yard area. The section requiring a variance extends beyond the front wall of the neighbor to the west within what is considered, (their),front yard area along Eden Prairie Road.The existing fence is 4 feet in height with the proposed 6 foot tall section of the fence requiring a 2 foot fence height variance.The property to the east is a two story home built in 1973.The neighbor's home fronts Eden Prairie Road and faces south which is adjacent to the subject home's side street. Property directly south is zoned multi-residential and is a condo building. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single dwelling units, zoned R-1, single dwelling unit district and guided residential. Easterly: Single dwelling units, zoned R-1, single dwelling unit district and guided residential. Southerly: Condominium, dwelling unit district and guided multi- residential. City of Edina • 4801 W.50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 { STAFF REPORT Page 2 Existing Site Features The subject property is a 16,654 square foot lot that includes a two story home with an attached two car garage built in 1973. Planning Guide Plan designation: Single Dwelling Unit Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Fence Design The proposed fence will be a solid board fence. Primary Issue: • Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Yes.Staff believes the proposal is reasonable for four reasons: 1. The proposed use is permitted in the R-1, Single Dwelling Unit Zoning District and complies with all requirements with the exception of a section of fence along the east and south lot line proposed to be 6 feet in height. 2. It is reasonable to increase the fence height given the existing buffer of foliage and distance between the subject property and the property to the east. 3. The improvements will provide a reasonable use by allowing additional privacy and protection while not being intrusive on the neighborhood. 4. The fence will provide added screening/protection as needed given the higher density land uses across Eden Prairie Road. • Is the proposed variance justified? Yes. Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable.As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal does meet the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: STAFF REPORT Page 3 Section 850.0.Subd., requires the following findings for approval of a variance: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively.The Proposed Variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. Reasonable use does not mean that the applicant must show the land cannot be put to any reasonable use without the variance. Rather, the applicant must show that there are practical difficulties in complying with the code and that the proposed use is reasonable. "Practical difficulties" may include functional and aesthetic concerns. Staff believes the proposed variance is reasonable.The fence will allow for some privacy around the existing property perimeter. Staff believes the proposed variance is reasonable given the more intense land use across the street. A practical difficulty is therefore, caused by conflicting land use. The purpose behind the ordinance is to prohibit an unnecessarily high fence in the front yard area adjacent to neighbors in a residential setting. Six foot fences are allowed by code along a side street, however not in an area that is established as a neighbor's front yard.Spacing and buffering between properties is adequate to support a 6 foot tall fence. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? Yes.The unique circumstances includes that the affected neighboring property has a wooded area next to the proposed fence and has no objection to a taller fence. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? No.The proposed fence will maintain the existing character and allow for more privacy and protection as needed along the side street. Staff Recommendation Approve the requested variance based on the following findings: The proposal meets the required standards for a variance, because: a. The practical difficult is caused by the corner lot configuration with a front yard setback required from both street frontages. b. Adequate fence protection around the lot perimeter. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Approval of the variance is subject to the following condition: The fence must be construction per the proposed plans date stamped: April 13, 2017. Deadline for a city decision:June 12, 2017. Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 4/20/2017 i Wilt '4,. .71.7 . ' ° 8. t _ .4�" g ri .., „. A T' -ite: , .,, , r ,�1Al, t _ 1+ ,,..1.1. ,,.: 'I ,'4't. ...44,m1) çc ,� °. �.v• M t Z! i > ig '� 4::: 4 I . • ,, r ,. .111 ' r,71 +; \.' j1 .5, C • 1 .. -} s frork , .. , 1#I i .- ,... 1 inch = 100 feet PARCEL ID: 3211721230217 Comments: OWNER NAME. PARCEL ADDRESS: 5721 Blake Rd S, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: SALE DATA: SALE CODE: Warranty Deed This data(i)is furnished AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no PROPERTY TYPE: Residential warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homestead Hennepin County shall not be liable for any MARKET VALUE: ' damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 COUNTY 2017 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: !'''::."1 t1' Hennepin County Property Map :,,, fid, Date: 4/20/2017 ;C +x` ` .}� � � :' yt r''''' ,t 5 �_i .L, .gigtt: :. �" , 11 „..g. , ,, ., , , 6 ,i4k.6 , , , „,f4-1',-, .-.. , ., ... f;„ ,,,,,, ,„4...;-..,,,, ;,„_,,,, , t Y l, y.. eF'a r T , 41 ,77,(-.-10,,,:;184,.' tfrf- 1 . I ° y Pf * °'fir. 4 _ ,� ,,* ,.. `f4 ; A Asa 1% :''' 3L0f? ":'v,'- .. t” .. '' A',', _ \ ti� �, .,' 1 inch = 50 feet PARCEL ID: 3211721230217 Comments: OWNER NAME: PARCEL ADDRESS: 5721 Blake Rd S, Edina MN 55436 PARCEL AREA: 0.38 acres, 1 A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: SALE DA ' SALE COD This data(i)is furnished AS IS'with no representation as to completeness of ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable PROPERTY TYPE: Residential for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homest�ar1 Hennepin County shall not beliablefor any MARKET VALUE: damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: : COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2017 ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 PROPERTY TYPE: Residential HOMESTEAD: Homestead MARKET VALUE: ,._ 3 r, „, r A .ERTIFICATE. OF SURVEY Zatu,R eon,Pte, OARI.S0N, 9713 DUPONT AVENUE SOUTH . 6. " wc BLOOMINGTON, 2084NN. 55420 ` r • 'I LAND SURVEYORS N _ %moi 'I��yi, .._ N -.• .ycUiiinu/sa%a////////l/%/��// ���%// "�— Survey for: DAHLE BROS., IN�,� 8 . _ V 90,25 �o J oy6O` 25,0 // 9 ✓, �l. a ,— qac.2 : -°�/`• ,%' �`T\ 1 vi ._ � g\� ..Ki. . % '‹,/ . Z\ . 1 '''0,0,A / .° 'tet 1 1 / \ 5 J / '33`9e -¢o.? �ra/�/ 9�0 .�--- 10 32 gc�i o • ,.9D6 90 -. , t j /. � � (qob�l% \ ,3 •1� /�� �% g0,61,4' . /rod ' _ �-' 1na/ ,, 903glib 90- 9 �t�.1 • 3�,/4" iSo�G 2�9 3, o /.',0,/ • Gs ;994 6A 4 f,� Ili �,��an qo� DESCRIPTION: ' PR? 0)---------' Lot 2, Block 1 , a----- ' P!'°t/ • WILLARDS KNOLL Proposed Grades: ....• gill• Top of Blocks �16� Garage floor .43-5- Basement floor�Q ' 7 �r NOTE: Circled elevations are proposed, others are existing. vv4042--. ��1 0 . Arrows denote direction of drainage.• PQ�13 ` We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a�so ey of the boundaries of the land above described and of th'e location of all b1Wdings, if any, thereon and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. Dated this 11th day of ' November ,1993 . { ./,/,).rI II/ZZ/ 3 . „ //2_724--- • /��//9,3 bY �'��� �,�. t. . Minn: icense No. 9018 mai _ i 0 a A 1,0 0\11 6. 1 E IR.T I F I gym@ A T E OF SURVEY_ ----------1_._..---1 . .µ. .4eph., . ; .. :,� a a k 67th DUPONT AVENUE SOUTH j.�i 7 a"t% BLOOMING;-ON,MINN. 55420 ` 888.2064 • (1.- Al LAND SURVEYORS 1 k—Tt) - 1 Survey for: DHHLE BROS., INC, i 4. ,1 h {313. 1) F_,,,-- ,L" r:GF,,, I iL" ! ... • i t ' ' :,k tip. I Q�, v, / r, 1.1 ! •v llv ; . rp % g3r /i J---r. if ')/.741-' { "a' 4/ , V ✓ • j ::aQv 9 11 C� `�a .4,..1!.z:“.&5•-'T �` . 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'''.0:s '‘`4 dIr'•'‘-%*a t' ':;; . ' i '0' • '• '%,..'"•,. ri`,.. `."%ler'4, , 1 I u-1 ...)cA , cv ..- 5 1 •' ' • •'.;Al.%. ibilieruIlkilit4) ••A 1..el 1: 1 . • • • . -.t NIIWIt'i:C.ti•'•'','.\•4.;;1'.41 • .Y . ' •'' •• ;'•••, ftrammt- • .c :..- -.2.17,74."....,,...4 •.t\'•:-..,g.-,;••:.....---.'''.•..'-:.'. -" • — c‘ -;- . .:,.... .. - . ;r,'t Nall ,* _ "'7'' .. .s1,-.. s• ....4 Pr-1 rzt: ,m, ."N' -:.4,•0.0"1....--..‹..,X.,...:•. '.i.,...-",",.,,,2•4 ) k. (7-0A, STAFF REPORTsc-4(121.8)Nt FA 0 "l'eoRroRA'c s 1888 Date: April 26, 2017 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Subject: Sketch Plan Review—5 150 & 5220 Eden Avenue (Edina Schools Bus Garage Site) Information I Background: The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop the existing school bus garage for Edina Schools. The bus garage operation will be moving into the City's Industrial Park west of Highway 100 and north of 1-494. (See site location on pages Al-A5) The specific proposal is to tear down the existing structure on the site and construct a 6-story 180- 190 unit senior housing development with 235 underground parking facilities. (See applicant narrative and plans on pages A6-A37.) The subject property is 1.64 acres in size. The proposed 180- 190 unit building would be 1 10-1 15 units per acre. The site is currently guided for a maximum of 75 units per acre; which is a result of the recent Comprehensive Plan amendment that increased density in the Grandview area from 30 units per acre to 75 units per acre. To accommodate the request the following is required: ➢ A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the density from 75 units per acre to 115 units per acre in the MXC-Mixed Use Center; and ➢ A Rezoning from PID, Planned Industrial District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The focus of the feedback on this proposal should be on the proposed density and setbacks, which exceed the city zoning ordinance standards and comprehensive plan. SOUTHDALE AREA DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES The Southdale Area Development Principles were shared with the applicant; and they have responded. (See Pages A33-A37.) City of Edina • 4801 W.50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 - COMPLIANCE TABLE As demonstrated on the following table, the proposed development would require six variances; most notably, no building setback is met, and the FAR exceeds the PCD-2 Zoning District. City Standard(PCD-2) Proposed Building Setbacks Front—Eden Ave *70 feet(height of building) 5 feet** Side-West *60 feet(height of building) 10 feet** Side- East *70 feet(height of building) 28 feet** Rear—North *55 feet(height of building) 12 feet** Building Height Four Stories and 48 feet Six Stories& 70 feet* Maximum Floor Area Ratio 1.50% 2.5%** (FAR) Parking Stalls 190 enclosed 235 stalls enclosed Parking Stall Size 8.5'x 18' 8.5 x 18' Drive Aisle Width 24 feet 24 feet *Estimate ** Variance Required While the proposed uses would be an upgrade to the current buildings on the site, staff could not support this project as proposed due to the significant size and the number of variances needed; and the reliance of land not controlled by the applicant and public right of way for sidewalks and landscaping. Staffs concerns include: ➢ Number and size of variances needed. ➢ No podium height is proposed here; the six-story height is located right up close to the lot line on all four sides. ➢ Lack of green space and public realm. • Green Space, Landscaping and sidewalks proposed are located in the right-of-way and on property not even owned or controlled by the applicant. (See pages A25-26.) ➢ Mass of the building. ➢ The proposed density far exceeds the Comprehensive Plan guideline, which was just increased to 75 units per acre. The following table on the following page represents densities in other Edina multi-family residential developments. STAFF REPORT Page 3 High Density Development in Edina Development Address Units Units Per Acre Yorktown Continental 7151 York 264 45 The Durham 7201 York 264 46 York Plaza Condos 7200-20 York 260 34 York Plaza Apartments 7240-60 York 260 29 Walker Elder Suites 7400 York 72 40 7500 York Cooperative 7500 York 416 36 Edinborough Condos 76xx York 392 36 South Haven 3400 Parklawn 100 42 Market Street Market Street 110 73 6500 France—Senior Housing 6500 France 188 80 Lennar-Onyx 6725 York 240 52 5000 France 5000 France 23 29 Proposed Project 180-1 0 110-115 Gateway Point 66th& York 191 96 The Millennium 66th&York 372 60 Lincoln Residences 5901 Lincoln Drive 250 30 Red—Indicates recent projects Page 4 e Residential Density Ranges in Surrounding City's Comprehensive Plans Since the density of this project will be a key issue under consideration, below is information on residential density ranges used by our surrounding cities.A summary is on the following page. City Range— Per Acre Bloomington Medium Density Residential 5-10 High Density Residential No limit General Business 0-83 • High Intense mix use 0-60 Airport South mix use 30-131 Richfield Medium Density Residential 7-12 High Density Residential Minimum of 24 High Density Res./Office Minimum of 24 Mixed Use 50+ St.Louis Park Medium Density Residential 6-30 High Density Residential 20-75 (PUD for high end) Mixed Use 20-75 (PUD for high end) Commercial 20-50 Minnetonka Medium Density Residential 4-12 High Density Residential 12+ Mixed Use No range established (density based on site location and site conditions.) Minneapolis Medium Density(mixed use) 20-50 High Density(mixed use) 50-120 Very High Density(mixed use) 120+ STAFF REPORT Higher density would seem reasonable in this area given the proximity to arterial roadways (50th, Eden Ave. Highway 100); therefore, the high end of the 75 unit max would seem reasonable. -. - . • •-•• -, 1, ' - ', 4..i.... 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O I a' a uw de at a R G' 3 .• Omc F 0 a m o m> , m e aO .^ .--.• N 'a' i -Q j Vo u O >.t CO . 0- o . n mX U La.mn.. L.+ E a' c0NVr, a ta' UL 0p m oc, Om - O0 awo N n v E ,_ m cUn > , CmCc .c0 o v o - _ 8. ' a m ¢ mmv =` om3mvg. G. v o aI. >. O m_ cO Oa3 vN a ,, m w Ca 0 .N mL L d N m m 'a t •> T--.cu -Oa n O a ° Ua m m Ea c -o '5 E cL2 _ .� .c N i N c N 'E ymNc _ aO C ? we Qt 't70 a o o E at o n 3 ao 8 C a0 O> 4- d ` > a ,_ v • O QY ° 'CN 0a >w 0 C omm bo actFA •' EL3 ± 1- 8..0 „:3 `°' ooL > c .. E > 3 m0 nt/ a c Cmo "N o o N. titill . C u o m a v m L L al -CE 2 c o v m aF •aO EC O N ` + UN > p0. on' E E. 0o omd +1Lnto o m o m mal = ," 'tU0a o L 3 O o 00 o m Na' N L . .- o mL N UOwL.. YF- (7 'n O F- Q to O. C. F- y0 E m c a IL am Nn U. N FL 6 N n Q J "' Q Z 3 W Q Or% , .,...111x. ,,,,,e , >cl) ii ' .; ' litore„.„.• .. F tit.{;ej f - ^"'` - • O \ Ir.' 4 a ..- .e ., t R ;tea!'- Z { w i r rya' w C r I 9 ,,, , In „..., ... ik'• r titi...- )1-2_ N a p N- 0 •E e = O m m L d u C a. p m C m m m m 'r c i c c m a E 24 a a 0 c v m •; . v Jv .pr 0 c w Y m a ✓ o y = m V u u C Cr N O N O W v N ^ ' p d E m i0 u a L• aWO •N O "- E m u0 u C U oat. 44 1 cm Ym m m N L ~i C d L O Yr Gl fn C 4 v 3 v g = v v- • a V o 0 0 v 6 : w > :1.I w m a E v .c o E Ye 2 Ln > c -c 'cc a • wO N 0 w m 5,2 41.9 , • m M1. Y h0 u C p L E 3 1O ya) ' m E _ -2 ..m 3 0 I '8 Y uc p W c u c -o N t° ,Lo' r „ 0 a u ` v 9jcoxa'++ C Emv u d m E. E p E g •$. c 3 c v o 0 Q O p 0 m N / mc V. .cav ' h0 CuL0 `rt, 0.y ' > N +., V .2 LOm e t = gg v Y49 C dym u .0 W yY vi E c t t t 1 .0 n . m m a O J Q Z W 'a 0 Q G., • Y z Q O MO U °J E ( L 3- r6 v Z 51' e z` Y® 2 w U 'a GA 'r Q w c U.1 "04-) ..... f6 1 y 4aD On a CA U I -•r > r _U U L L 4.1 CD CTS a) J 4J rA{fit xr `'#. �f�h ,t„�.'.. GJ 0 L = i.,-tr . 0 41 Ct. (fa Q ■ , ) W,, F.Z „)u W J t ofa 0 . LL I 0. oL- oa —�' N C = L 2 0 To Y C cu cc Nm C N J N L 0 0 = C Q 61 J . Q Z W -a 110 CI Q s 1 z Q z 0 Li cu -o a) 0 0 to 0 C40 W 4-1 a c %mooAt w + t:),, ti Q 06 V C W ' vl VI m C ,C •; 1 > > 1 1 0 bJ J U 1:3 v) C C Cs v •; 2 U C CU Q) Q) Q) ++ i i i . CO > 3 U U UU .a Qco co Q J J _1 Q Q Q V/ 4-1 U C 4J (1 C4 ., CC 0- Q u u Ur,. CUD C bA C 0 C LJ •C .0 G CO i 'N N L f0 N b.° Z z 0 cu I 0. C 7) °' 0 03 H VI Z 0 N N Q Q E 413alu 14 p LI o U:6_ � .� VSEI. I;17411.11 2. E i Q © ® o< NZ ,°: �xaE O �' aR r3 R6uz 8 Q V Q i i i i CA 12 a. dB '' '; LL Q Q. - 1.1.1°i ; 0 b°0 W m 111471-17 ' CN O y O Z s O Urn v E A 4 0 Z,: E S o •,• LU ��o • a a U o �� ce (� a k?' oho - 8 ,Q i. V1 W ��� 5 > , j 0 b 2 � i0. o c z O t!-:, O i iii=• !... 0 z in_ F 2, i 8 s fu W E Y. m S .4 O W F �Qo 3,LL .s. 3 D. IP ( 1 z 1 & Q Z Qc g n; ° t l W v L u W £ e n ° N ; V1-6.4 W �' V / cv r o cP T..L meis _ E o a E g E o$ h o _ -... .._ E ...1. 1- _ 11-!11' _ E F A e V 1 g 0 § o c I. jQ1$€ v E,, 1 u _ 8 v E ‘1" E _ S o '1081 o-E c L7 t s �I © W - e c c u a c 8 0 ! - c F~ O ' E ,- Y 7Y E s ° a ` V �" - F's E 21 =§ LL O F ..v 3 31 0 m x o $ . N e F V Si, xx€ • c Z a N°o W•2 c E N f6 0 FN Y V N a` Q A - • c E c carm `^ E Y '" cE c c E o >- '.°, m o Nu car Y c = v ' m m = 0 a,._. c cwnor. -ooo u = Ew ¢ aro'0EoO2 o o ` a m m ` ' c o a i. u 0 6 Lou a6 o c ru '^ a, = mw w 8 mcam = c fv t c -o v 'a, t ': 2, vtc «ru c m cu ;E 2 o ` m . o o m a .x 4.1 •En ac r : Y E f n Y v F • v ° v . >.mY ` u ^ c � vur3 a, a,0 ua 9. c , • a . 0. r ca mt ' oo wC > maIm m oa .6 `•- = c 3 o r vEo . o ;o 0 u c m c r m " n a t u o-0 .c o, c m _03 . 3 0 w 3 m C = w (aa -pro 0 2 m a, a =Y u m a) ot = Y 1- 110 w n2 y a, r 9. wm c C C ru p N ' = c w a _ N N w v O o c . o jc -o °Y c m wc m ao• = te oa)a w mrv as o .§ t"' c.:• mZ• •o wD ,n a Y ,� ' cua ° c N 2« c - c c y N m eA u o cc Y vNr Q C ` ' G0H ° ° ° aacNS °- y > a amCOC .0 m Z>„ _ a: oo 00. Q d a) c , oyooa ,v-, a 2 u o3cEoc c E m 'Oc aa? m v >1 .• •• g vayco0oE°o 'o " ° ovct , ` mEvn ,mvuoc . 0 = kaco- a ° E = -cg _ u m < y o 8 Z , ma s E o Q o 8 E V < 2 2, Q 'U 12_, N o a d �• < O lea �� R No > 5 9 V r rm o ,- Em F c w mY7a) °a e 3 o .cc I ' ' C . 43 i Qm C > Wcas Nc OQ3 ° 0 = a, o. aW ae Tr,” to 7 2 ,mcacovao - U a 'm0 Em EFcwnm e •mw • K0.-'iW vEOm Q,0. C "m C R U c vC d N ` m A41 Cp Q al uoh .:t .7-,,.•cc > c " ° G oC> . U aa' o . am vov .o > .c c ac 2m3 E o" w c oo 1".0 w E m- m o 9 V) - dm e ,c, r, E ti a 5 cvv ` cooyc �- CCa' pa m C m D pm a . a •n `- m a, o-o ° a,2 3 -2 r., u J c a -' c t • dm y o a E .. 13 T0 a, a- a v T. -, Cmo c ° S y '-'6 c 'n c r _6 s coc mEE = ocw L6oa'Q "„ 2 2 , u vN +n mw L u v %,,.,- _ m - m L h Xrm Ca' ao aScro= 3or 3 ig amovcmr II fl °o c m '3 •v vo > o m °° o. m o ,x, ` to a, E a, o.c m -amin- r I- c ,QSE -0 'T=i .2 as ¢ r EI ¢m w = o Err m `a, o o H c 3 � m = n� Nc a a, S o o19 i E : ofwm = r m E v d u o O Ut E al a 2 v 2 C N To c ,., v < 13 m ai E ni F_ _ Ta>-o Q c 0 a ~ m = t0 c m Q c v 'S C _v°. n 'n ,,. c C u C u4 o' ' U Z '- 3 C Z l:J u c w :� c oa v ° > O .P. -a g a .5 v a J H " E a `gm -o •> do < o¢ a' v of m oc.2 .c m m m •o c a m o. u f-it, z z c N o m u c,:-.. ` -oF m a o my ,T,.a m g > y •61,' E -t ,-7., E19 ct', `>- u c A',.Q1 E m 'u' s o.�C �o aci ,n 5 E •� c . o Voun ° Zz > LL ^ m'mv ` i` . > ° uCCaw ooo o , 5 as ao. E O aO ; o3O = NEOu . C 0 u .7 ci a ? v8 " :c. v. v ` waoc n,:L-• Ec E > L' f u O 3c. Q c c nm m _ = ^ E ua- = 2 C a' m • ce m a • 0. • • • • . • • • I- WI N a, 6Y u O c o 2 _c v o c 4 c a, cc z o m9m a, 3 ` m c E o « Tr _ .t =e w o m 3nv mcvm m a f E m . c a (.11'YYo c y % m t cv vYn ca r z = z am �o c cmna ,0ac 'c yu .r o E2 > o gcu '�+ md C cR;•Z C ~ > EE' O m a M t A J o g m> ` wo0 ,, c ° 7,-, - a, - > ec u Z N, w o a, c ._ 'ou ti c =3 m m c - o oa > > 6 7N J E o 2o. cm '. 'ou - = o ,n - 3 C z N IoY c v ccH Z - m c im u co a, a' 0 u Ec > ov _p El 2 m c E J I a' >v cY ,n c > ¢Q vc ° an vo_ E Eol ',-> 2v E •N o afmz z c 0 uo m u co. Ct` o - ° Vu oyc = yu ` Ny vY a, 19 • va r a,.a . c c f oN m t a = N. , Z O N > mm 2c2ccwc iIwo2 r.n a NE cZo o acj (0 r a }. E °ccOw ,yav° m rNva uYc_ o it m�m 1-Y a • N u v r. aoa mooo = um 60O 0 . o . 3 .,.. a . A 2o 20 aJ mr = ral m a 0 67 -CZ oa . .emn a > • a • . =a a n a c Lu 75 45 tu Q Qo a. O c J U g4 )j .a Q. y a `O_ p w c y O y 2 .� w m., p m m cl O C c ai. 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E > N m aj O v -O u 2 8 L ° o N a ad V LL J• nmc a � ° na c v • a) w1r° p. = o w p. x • mc° w cc on � mp > aZv OQ w c " uo L6 w o ` E '-) . 2 do • 2 J c m 35 — n > m m c ' t w9 m m . R -p L YL .o.- vjEO p.•e _U �t u , vwl cp. Yw m v ° cLmt S '> n °NN \A . Z ;O c m 0 'O "O E4= c .O N p. OQ DD ° a) N t N .- m NO A {k �?. ao • oN p a ° wm a > 2 ...r ' 0- c up L " 'D c Q .. w t myyo .p n vm mo • pt to w 8 ti - CO m'0 u C 0Q 1§ 0 '6 O..c N C ' C O "E L� 0 v.; O C "2 c p )2 C C L c ma u '9 ' c a > c VN c • C W . Q a LLCN 0• 0n - J E a C C w O aw3 'Oaww OA . m > vpi c c w p c o E 0m n Y" v N m o ° `p ° m m $ 3 m in a` w 7 v Lc c 1,1-0 m m jQN - 2 m Y c :c E > 'uo, 7 ' m .c m m=' = .a LOw •0 t oE • E o- > 3mvz is 2. 3 W2 L L O O C `, fO t L q 0) O .. to = u L RN— Ca) - v c N EJw N ' C pe LL c a) E . y> ^ c .c > Eco O :5 o w u L w m c Y E .p Ym E Y c o >c = a) ,43 a o _ Eo to) , ., ,t°- 2 -.2 -0,.., E ,„0 .2 E 2 o. -.• .2 lu_ , 0 . ,, cd ,, u a, ‘- 0 >. c 2- a. `,,t,' -5 c o. 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Page 1 of 2 r iG°° 1, The CITY of 4 {`� • FJDINA �I;�w" - ���111111E 4es Sa ..• Wednesday, April 19, 2017 City Moves Forward with Redevelopment By Scott Neal The City Council started its evening as the Edina Housing & Redevelopment Authority in a closed session to discuss the potential of selling several City-owned parcels of land in the 50th & France District as part of the Market Street redevelopment proposal dubbed "The Collaborative." Following the closed session, the HRA adjourned and then moved into the City Council Chambers to begin its regular City Council meeting where members made the following decisions: • Approved the purchase of upgrades to our SCADA system. Upgrades will be purchased from Spring Lake Engineering for$77,247. • Awarded a $235,289 contract for the Presidents Area Sewer Rehabilitation Phase 2 Project to Minger Construction. • Accepted a $12,000 grant from Hennepin County to assist the City with education and engagement tasks around aquatic invasive species prevention programs. • Recognized Detective Erik Amundson as the 2017 Mike Siitari Officer of the Year. • Received the monthly "Speak Up, Edina" report from Senior Communications Coordinator Kaylin Eidsness. This month's presentation was about the level of technology services available to our customers and guests at City facilities. • Conducted a public hearing and then approved a new on-sale liquor license for the new Town Hall Station brew pub restaurant at Wooddale Avenue and Valley View Road. • Conducted a public hearing and then approved a preliminary development plan and Comprehensive Plan amendment for the proposed Market Street redevelopment proposal, "The Collaborative." • Conducted a public hearing and then approved first reading of a new ordinance that would raise the legal age to purchase tobacco products in Edina from 18 to 21. • Authorized staff to apply for two grants from the Metropolitan Council that would benefit the Market Street redevelopment proposal, "The Collaborative." • Appointed Council Member Mary Brindle to represent the City on the Board of the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission. • At the conclusion of the Council meeting, the Council adjourned its meeting in order to meet as commission of the Housing & Redevelopment Authority. The HRA approved a development agreement term sheet between the HRA and the developers of"The Collaborative." The commission also directed staff to schedule a public hearing to consider creating a new tax-increment financing district to assist with the implementation of the Market Street redevelopment proposal. As you can tell from the number of Council and HRA agenda items related to the Market Street redevelopment proposal, the Council devoted most of its time and attention at its April 18 meeting on this very important redevelopment proposal. While the proposal still requires several key approvals, the Council's support of the proposal was a positive outcome for the proposal and indicates the Council wishes that it move forward to completion. https://extranet.edinamn.gov/index.php?section=Council-meeting-summarie... 4/21/2017 City of Edina, Minnesota - Intranet: City Moves Forward with Redevelop... Page 2 of 2 Return to list. ©2016 City Of Edina, Minnesota https://extranet.edinamn.gov/index.php?section=Council-meeting-summarie... 4/21/2017 co ® / 7 \ CDC a - ƒ \ J f - m- C J » » 0 co ca 0 0 ~ / j ® 0 . = ® CD Cr \ / \ \ \ 0 / 7 / / _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ co - z _ < 2 . _ . e o z , ) © 0 » / ) \ / E 2 = \ j / « 3 / ® I = \ : \ : E / / 2 = \ ° ) _ % I 2 ] co \ , / \ _ £ / -< g / cn / \ — g 4 \ m » k \ ` K ` Z { C } / @ < \ ) 3 ` C — o 3 ( / H H H H ® 2 / LA - -i -1 -1 -I _ \ § a \ \ \ \ \ § \ ( � & 3 a ; ; } J -1 co CD ? c ` „ 7 -I _I -1 -1 -1 M ) ( \ } } \ \ \ rD \ -I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -x cr _ / / / _ co v. wE. / CD e p a CD / a o > J } Cr) \ \ ± q13 { } 0 o 0 > / 0 \ \ \ 5 \ o 2 § ƒ = 3 3 E 3 3 z m , co co e , } { [ m m O co / - - \ 3 \ \ d i r 7 $ 2 2 2 _ 2 \ % = _ > 2 / . 7 r g / \ 9 / 9 z c • @ $ cr E _- a) 3 o z ;' Ro f ° H H H H H > > ... i co ƒ \ \ \ \ \ , \ 2 ¥ \ - 1 1 1 1 J C E § - - - - - ° . _ } 7 \ \ \ \ \ c { ) 2 a § - CD CD _ m = CD — / Z Z < Z / G CD # 3 \ \ 0 \ / \ } ( w w w w = w 0) w \ CD / 5 \ a' \ z .-1. 2 / / > } \ \ 2 4 e - e m \ \ ] / \ / / C f / iUUa 0 CD §r- \ R q $ \ k k A k $ q / 5 \ } \ \ / / / J J 2 / / / J / J + ? co 5 CD CD `coq / 7 * 3 . . . ®_ . : ` ° / / -