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March 26, 2015
� }D® West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework KICK-OFF MEETING INPUT Thursday, March 26, 2015 I 6:30 to 9:00 pm I Edina Senior Center Kick-off Meeting Input Staff has compiled the results of the Kick-off Meeting in raw form for use by the Work Group in Meeting 1. Easily transcribed results are included below as nearly as possible to the original work recorded on sheets by each group.The instructions for each exploration are also included. For some groups, no information was provided. EXPLORATION`B:'CHANGE Consider the properties in the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area and how they might (or might not)change over the next ten or twelve years. Understanding if change is possible helps frame how a plan might best respond to changing conditions or be prepared to perpetuate conditions that are not so likely to change. Working with others at your table,review the "Potential for Change"map and color code properties to suggest how likely those properties are to change or remain as they are. Code each property: Red, if the group believes change is likely Green, if the group believes the current condition is stable Yellow, if the group cannot reach a conclusion The color coding resulting from this exercise will not form the basis for recommending change,just as it will not form the basis for a property remaining in its current state. Rather, it will be a piece of the information used to understand the broader conditions in the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. To the extent possible,include brief notes tied to each property suggesting why your group coded properties in certain ways. SUMMARY OF EXPLORATION`B:'CHANGE Group General description 1 Most parcels tagged stable (green);changeable (red)tagged parcels include NW corner of 69th Street and France,7200 and 7250 France,a parcel immediately across from the entrance to Centennial Lakes,and the SE corner of 76th Street and France Avenue 2 No information provided 3 No information provided 4 No information provided 5 No information provided 6 Parcels tagged red (changeable) include 6500 France Avenue, NW corner of 69th Street and France Avenue,properties at the NW corner of 70th Street and France Avenue (except the Vitamin Shop),all properties on the west side of France Avenue between 72"d Street and Parklawn Avenue, Macy's Home Store, parcels at the NW and SE corners of 66th Street and York Avenue,and the Hennepin County Library/Service Center;other parcels tagged green (stable)or Macintosh HD:Users:michaelschroeder:Desktop:West Side of France Avenue and Southdale Area planning framework:Stage 1:Work Group Meetings:WG Meeting 1:Meeting 1,agenda and base attachments,20150406-1.docx yellow(unknown) 7 No information provided 8 NE corner of 66th Street and France Avenue tagged red (changeable); parcels on the west side of France Avenue between 72"d Street and 70th Street tagged green (stable) or yellow(unknown) 9 No information provided 10 Parcels tagged red (changeable) include all parcels north of 66th Street and east of Colony Way, the perimeter of Southdale, parcels on the east side of York Avenue between 66th Street and 70th Street except for Cub Foods and the strip mall, Hennepin County Library and the office building to its south,Yorktown Mall, 6500 France Avenue,the office building parcels on the west side of France Avenue between 66th Street and 69th Street, parcels on the west side of France Avenue between 70th Street and Hazelton Avenue,all parcels on the west side of France Avenue south of 72"d Street; all other parcels tagged green (stable) EXPLORATION`C:'WHAT MATTERS? Regardless of the perspective about changing properties,the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area is facing pressures and,with that, neighbors, commercial property owners,and business owners are likely to raise concerns.This exercise intends to begin identifying the key issues to be addressed by asking, "What matters?" Working with others at your table, discuss the "matters"facing the study area and then list the most significant that need to be considered. Use the What Matters list provided. It is understood that there are likely more than can be included on the list, but the intention is to highlight those that are most important to be addressed in the scope of this process of considering the future of the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. SUMMARY OF EXPLORATION`C:'WHAT MATTERS? Responses 1-4 Group 1 2 3 4 1 Traffic Green space Density Controlled parking—out of sight 2 Population growth Buffer zones between Traffic must be controlled Transit(buses)to reduce commercial and and on landscaped streets congestion residential areas 3 Density Height Floor area ratio Traffic 4 Maintaining/protecting Preventing increases in Minimizing traffic Not increasing density of single family residential vehicle traffic through crowding and delays on apartments,condos, neighborhood's character single-family housing and artery streets offices,commercial school areas buildings beyond what is permitted by current plan 5 Home values maintained 70th-Parklawn off France; Commercial businesses Landscaped buffer maintain low density,low prosper with attractive between France and the height,buffer section buildings sidewalk on the west side 6 Traffic/transportation, Infrastructure capacity Quality of building Safe and convenient ease of movement of (roads,storm sewer, materials pedestrian and bike people and goods watermain,sanitary,fire, movement police)and who pays for it 7 Traffic Building height Density Water related issues (vehicles/pedestrians) 8 Density Building height No retail Transportation and traffic t7 West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework :•�)` Work Group Meeting 1 " ' page 2 9 Beauty—streetscape, Safety—for all modes of Use—diversity Curb appeal,set-back,an landscape,green space, transportation; (residential,retail,shops, inviting exterior,tiers of lighting for safety and pedestrians are not an medical,office, buildings(podium design) ambiance,amenities for afterthought;cars can restaurant/food) pedestrians—bubblers or really get going;biking is free water,benches,trash treacherous cans 10 Traffic-transportation Parking Density Anchors:medical, hospital,Southdale Responses 5-8 Group 5 6 7 8 1 No change north of Parklawn 2 No canyon effect from Perceptions of"open Key issue:buffer Schools buildings with height and space"even in the residential from too close to streets presence of buildings commercial and traffic 3 Aesthetics Existing setbacks— Maintain or increase townhomes maintain green space 4 Appropriate buffer Improve attractiveness of Improve walkability Ensure that water table buildings by streetscape and environment are residential„e.g.,Sunrise is adequately protected ok 5 Traffic patterns should be Limit population density Walk-able and bike-able New construction would efficient and safe to suburban community be required to pay atmosphere—that's why upgrade costs for we chose to live here infrastructure 6 Maintain vitality of No shadowing of adjacent Housing for all levels of Respectful coordination district and library residential income with Richfield and Bloomington 7 Balanced taxes Quality of education commercial/residence 8 Green space Infrastructure No TIF money used improvements cost initial and construction underwriting borne by the developers,not the residents,i.e.,fire,sewer, water 9 Destinations with good or Support mixed use County/city development improved access agreement,business association? 10 Work force housing Competitive edge—Edina Access to Southdale Protection of residential as a destination Corridor neighbors EXPLORATION'D:'IDEAS Everyone in the room tonight is here because they're interested in the future of the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. It's likely that everyone also has an idea about something that would make it a better place.This exercise is oriented to exploring ideas—some may be simple,while others might be more far-reaching.Tonight, all ideas can be considered. Working with others at your table,think about improvements,enhancements, activities, uses,or features that might be pursued to make the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area a better neighbor,a better place to do business,or a more integral piece of the Edina community. Translate those ?, West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework f Work Group Meeting 1 rJ,,,.:(:11711,4; ® ' page 3 thoughts onto Idea Cards,with ONE IDEA PER CARD. Describe the idea through narrative, drawing, or any means that fairly conveys the essential basis of the idea. Be sure to give each idea a title. SUMMARY OF EXPLORATION`D:' IDEAS Group Idea name Description/support 1 Green space [along Adds to quality vision;realistic idea;everyone will like it; France Avenue] developers won't like it 1 France Avenue More green and not a freeway;not sure about reaction from boulevards Hennepin County;everyone will like it;developers won't like it 2 Buffer zone Creates a tolerable buffer between France Avenue and residents;serves homeowners in South Edina;best applied from Valley View Road to Parklawn Avenue;realistic idea;residents will like it;developers won't like it 2 Create new thru artery E- Helps traffic flow;serves thru travellers;best applied at 76th W on 76th Street and 77th Street;realistic idea 3 Maintain as resident It is important that the areas adjacent to residences not friendly interfere with enjoyment of property;best applied to the west side of France Avenue;realistic if residents'interests are recognized;residents will like it 3 Residential walkability Keep safe for people to walk;best applied to the west side of France Avenue;realistic idea;residents and visitors will like it 3 Maintain or reduce comp No further information offered plan 4 Footbridge or tunnel on Safety, walking;best applied to 70th Street to Parklawn France Avenue Avenue/Gallagher Drive;realistic—like a tunnel under York Avenue;pedestrians and parents,people with disabilities will like it 4 Set standards for Maintain/protect residential neighborhoods character including buildings that buffer by avoiding traffic and parking problems and adding residential areas attractiveness;best applied by all residential areas;residents, people who pass residential areas will like it;people who want to build buildings that don't fit the character of the neighborhood won't like it 4 Beautify France Avenue Present our city in a positive light, it's an ugly concrete jungle; greens and flowers on medians,sidewalks;very realistic idea 4 Trolleys or other Facilitates movement other than vehicle traffic, adds charm; circulators through best applied throughout greater Southdale area at a minimum; Greater Southdale Area very realistic 4 Sidewalk along France by Improve walkability between residential, office, and commercial hospital areas, improve safety;best applied in front of hospital;realistic idea 5 Landscape along France Safer to walk on France Avenue;best applied from 69th Street to Avenue by sidewalk 76th Street;realistic idea;neighbors—all residents of Cornelia area will like it 5 Cornelia School Diversity and density area good but if this school's standards suffer current homeowners will choose other educational options;value of homes tied to academic standards West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework Work Group Meeting 1 :;":(1' .11/1)3� ' page 4 5 Density—where does it Highest density should be allowed to occur in the approximate belong? center of Southdale along the major pedestrian spine running from Centennial Lakes to Southdale;realistic idea 5 Giant traffic circle Eliminate all stop lights 5 Balanced commercial Allows residents to walk locally for most of their daily or weekly offerings needs;realistic idea, except maybe for hardware store;active residents will like it;sedentary residents won't like it 6 Food trucks—at Generate activity;realistic idea;city residents and visitors will Centennial Lakes or like it;nobody won't like it Southdale or along Promenade 6 Community block party Sense of community;realistic idea;community will like it;cars and/or open streets won't like it event 6 Integrate trails Connect Promenade to other trails,such as Rosland Park, Nine Mile Creek Trail;realistic idea;everyone will like it 6 Safe pedestrian access Encourage people to walk to mall;realistic idea;neighborhood from streets into mall residents will like it;speeding cares in mall parking lots won't (particularly across mall like it ring road) 6 Promenade—more connections Street closure—block Sense of community party 7 Save the Southdale Affects the quality of life for residents of Hennepin County; Library and service center realistic idea;everyone will like it;developers won't like it where they are now 7 Retain current comp plan Maintain standard, change of comp plan is not in the interest of requirements for density, the residents;applies all along France Avenue in particular;very height,and realistic idea;residents in the greater Southdale area will like it; traffic/parking developers won't like it 7 Balance tax base Fairness in sharing tax base[unreadable]business should help lower resident taxes;realistic;residents will like it because of city's larger tax base 7 No more restaurants on Keep traffic from west side of France Avenue the west side of France Avenue 8 Shared parking Makes better use of land;applied in multiple areas;business owners should like it;no rational person won't like it 8 Heavily landscaped It's simply too busy to be a pedestrian street;everyone will like France Avenue buffer it 8 Strong open Walkability/bikeability is very important as is park land for space/pedestrian future growth;it is a realistic idea;residents will like it;no one connections won't like it 8 Pedestrian corridor—not Safety;its is a realistic idea;residents will like it on France 8 Height,density and floor To protect the city;best applied west of France Avenue; ('%'"`--'t West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework \�e Work Group Meeting 1 `1Ci'� page 5 area ratio should not residents will like it;building owners won't like it change 8 Current comp plan is Community members spent thousands of hours defining comp correct plan;entire community is served, this is the last best community process;this idea is not only realistic it is right because it honors citizens'interests; the citizens will like it, the Council should like it because it honors the residents intentions;developers who want expanded height and density won't like it 9 Streetscape/beauty Important because it makes the region attractive and inviting, a place we can be proud of;everyone will like it;mandate a minimum standard for streetscape/landscape/beautification; we have developers and residents in our group and beauty was important to everyone;it might cost more initially but will be a great investment long term;by investing in a safe, inviting streetscape we can make France Avenue a place to be proud of; to create a truly welcoming environment thought toward beauty and safety need to be considered 10 Comm unity It should not be us vs. them; the neighborhood and greater Edina can all win if we work together;idea is realistic and critical to our future success as a community;most people will like it when projects are complete and being used by neighbors • West Side of France Avenue/Southdale Area Planning Framework ;.�©. �. Work Group Meeting 1 page 6 MEETING SUMMARY Southdale France Avenue Area Plan Process Kick-Off Thursday, March 26, 2015 Edina Senior Center City Staff Present: Scott Neal, City Manager Cary Teague, Community Development Director Joyce Repya, Senior Planner Jackie Hoogenakker Members of the Southdale France Avenue Area Plan Work Group Present: Council Appointed: Michael Schroeder, Facilitator Council Appointed: Lori Syverson Council Appointed: Steve Brown, Resident Council Appointed: Peter Fitzgerald, Business Planning Commission Appointed: JoAnn Olsen, Planning Commissioner Planning Commission Appointed: Steve Hobbs, Planning Commissioner Council Present: Kevin Staunton Others Present David VanDongen 5620 Kellogg Ave Glen Whitesell 7116 Heatherton Dan Petrosky 5204 Oaklawn Avenue Dennis Withers 4504 Sedum Lane Lynn Swon 4808 Hibiscus Bill Helgeson 7128 Lynmar Lane George Griffith 4444 Dunham Drive Gene Persha 6917 Cornelia Drive Robert Calgren 4713 Virginia Lane Bob Kellermeier 7201 Glouchester Drive Paul Hughes 7208 Bristol Circle Kim Montgomery Robb Gruman Colleen Wolfe 4408 Gilford Drive Andrew Brown 5512 Park Place Michael Fischer 4512 Dunham Drive Mary Ellen Chamberlain 7004 Bristol Blvd. Mark Chamberlain 7004 Bristol Blvd. 1 Janet Bohan 800 Coventry Place John Bohan 800 Coventry Place Stan Zahorsky 7129 Bristol Blvd. Lori & Jim Grotz 5513 Park Place Chris Bremer 6001 Ewing Avenue Joni Giese 6712 Southdale Road Lori Boisdain 3033 Excelsior Boulevard Gwen Budd 4417 Fondell Drive Seth Johnson 7121 Heatherton Trail David Frenkel 4510 Lakeview Drive Christy Misselt 4425 Dunham Drive Bruce Kohn 4508 Claremore Court Tom & Dee Bonneville 4378 Bruce Ave B. Dornblaser 4630 Drexel Avenue Bob Gubrud 4421 Ellsworth Drive Adam Searline 5353 Wayzata Blvd. Mark & Julie Manfred 4445 Dunham Drive Jeanne Toia 7210 Bristol Cr Ruth McIntyre 7013 Bristol Blvd Jack Blum 4421 Gilford Drive Emily Boettge 6816 Oaklawn Avenue Jim Nelson I. Welcome and Introductions Council Member Staunton welcomed all present and introduced Michael Schroeder facilitator. II. Purpose and process Michael Schroeder explained that the City Council approved a study of the "Greater Southdale Area" with emphasis on the west side of France Avenue that includes a Work Group comprised of 12 residents and commercial property/business owners. Schroder reported six members of the "Work Group" were appointed by the Council and Commission and six others need to be nominated and appointed this evening. Schroeder noted that nominations would take place later in the evening by breaking into two groups, one group of neighborhood interest and the other commercial property/business owner interest .Schroeder outlined the agenda and delivered a power point presentation highlighting the history of the "Greater Southdale Area" from past to present and the area's designation in the Edina Comprehensive Plan. ( 2 III. Questions Mr. Schroeder asked for questions. Questions centered on the "makeup" of work group members appointed by the Council. Schroeder stressed that the direction from the Council was/is to find a balanced work group working toward a better greater Southdale area. Schroeder further noted that forming a work group to "study" the area doesn't necessarily mean change. The goal of the Comprehensive Plan, Council, and Commission is to study the area and determine if changes would occur how to guide those changes. Concluding, Schroeder said everyone should also keep in mind that just because the City has initiated a study that doesn't mean change. IV. Explorations Mr. Schroeder asked those present to break into small groups and work together to establish what matters to this area, the pressures faced by this area and to formulate ideas that improve, enhance and to make the greater Southdale area especially the west side of France Avenue a better place to live, work and visit. V. Findings: Small Group Members shared the following: • Develop, create a more aesthetically pleasing France Avenue corridor streetscape. Consider islands with vegetation, pavers, sidewalks etc. • Ensure that the pedestrian can safely navigate France Avenue, acknowledging it's a busy County road; however, people would like to be able to cross it safely. • Consider a pedestrian overpass or tunnel over/under France Avenue, noting the existing tunnel under York Avenue. • Create buffer zones between residential properties and commercial. • Pay close attention to traffic, pointing out increased density brings more traffic. • Green Space (it's important) • Keep building height on the west side of France Avenue consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. • Reconsider e/w traffic on 76th Street to take the pressure off West 70th Street. • In all redevelopment (if any) create a space where people who live in the area can enjoy along with visitors. VI. Nominations There was some discussion on if the number of resident members on the work group (6) was fair. Mr. Schroeder explained that the Council directed a balance between groups; however, if one group wants more members that can certainly happen if the other group agrees. It was acknowledged that the commercial/business members of the work group are also Edina residents. The discussion ensued. 3 Residential nominations: Harvey Turner Julie Chamberlain Glen Whitesell Colleen Wolfe Tom Bonneville Stan Zahorsky Appointed: Residential: Harvey Turner, Julie Chamberlain and Colleen Wolfe Commercial: Ben Martin, Robb Gruman, Jim Nelson VII. Next Steps Mr. Schroeder said the next step is the individual meetings of the working group. Schroeder said the meetings are open to the public; however, the work of the group is under a tight schedule. The working group is scheduled to meet on the following dates, April 6, April 9, April 20, April 23, a check-in meeting on April 25th and final meeting of the work group on April 27th. . Schroeder said the hope is to be finished by mid-May. Concluding, Schroeder said in all instances the goal of the Council is for the working group to work together for the greater good. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Staunton thanked everyone from coming and for taking part in the process. { 4 Exploration D: IDEAS ..a.................M. IDEA ' '- , -c--f:T\s1 ":„.,i—‘41,— Give it a name Why does this idea matter? /I—1, I 7 -,-, , re.) (••\,,,L,./ LAy t. .--71e, N ...- , Who does it serve? t,....,,,„,,,,,i>a, •,:\•-iic„,:.:).ixte,,, Where might it be best applied? Is the idea realistic or is it far fetched? I ---,' - • (.•••\t-.),-/)L,4 -ri C,„„ Who will like it? , Who won't like it? _ 1 ' i2C•%;\74:;•<(-4--;;fit--, '-‘,. Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize!! AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII• West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework re- Yej ':`,.,,L( ...,,-=,:fi Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration C : WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group 1 E � 3 ,) ' 21 4 1Z-;)1 A 6 7 8 � ' r West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework „� " �` Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA t1KAts\)6t; A OL-CVA-FPs ./2 ) Give it a name Why does this idea matter? tvv.-16-5 ..„-r- Who does it serve? Vet c. Where might it be best applied? 71 r.tiaq Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? / Who will like it? Who won't like it? ta-Aft;Lei..' 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Your place Its the intent of this process to recognize interests in the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area,whether those interests are neighbors,commercial property owners, business owners,or others from the broader Edina community. Using the large map of the city at the front of the room,place a dot over your home or your place of work. If you live in Edina and work in the study area,attempt to tear your s �= dot in half and place each half appropriately. You may place your dot at any time during the meeting. 0.r '72 "✓ :"4 �.:.v ts" px.,tf Sc'f«�7 =4.,err..! Change Consider the properties in the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area and how they might(or might not)change over the next ten or twelve years. Understanding if change is possible helps frame how a plan might best respond to changing conditions or be prepared to perpetuate conditions that are not so likely to change. Working with others at your table, review the"Potential for Change"map and color code properties to suggest how likely those properties are to change or remain as they t are. Code each property: s �" +,if the group believes change is likely •" ,E _ ,if the group believes the current condition is stable {, ./Yellow, if the group cannot reach a conclusion The color coding resulting from this exercise will not form the basis for recommending change,just as it will not form the basis for a property remaining in its current state. 41 S Rather, it will be a piece of the information used to understand the broader conditions in the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. To the extent possible,include brief notes tied to each property suggesting why your group coded properties in certain ways. c 4cl �JW'ag�; c<.<i c���.r 41ru'v. i!t ci.i?ri 77,4,,':-� .e Spend about 20 minutes on this exploration c it •, West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework `�,.1;")•' Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition /I ' What Regardless of the perspective about changing properties,the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area is facing pressures and,with that,neighbors, Matters? commercial property owners,and business owners are likely to raise concerns.This exercise intends to begin identifying the key issues to be addressed by asking,"What mattematters?" ...:)G00 ro 3 ,.. ,,,. a f 7 Working with others at your table,discuss the"matters"facing the study area and then list the most significant that need to be considered. Use the What Matters list provided. It is understood that there are likely more than can be included on the list, but the intention is to highlight those that are most important to be addressed in the scope of this process of considering the future of the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. ,. .4 Spend about 15 minutes on this exploration. 1 Ideas Everyone in the room tonight is here because they're interested in the future of the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area. It's likely that everyone also has an a`` idea about something that would make it a better place.This exercise is oriented to exploring ideas—some may be simple,while others might be more far-reaching. Tonight,all ideas can be considered. ptes: Working with others at your table,think about improvements,enhancements, activities, uses,or features that might be pursued to make the West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area a better neighbor,a better place to do business,or a more integral piece of the Edina community. Translate those thoughts onto Idea Iv,A Cards,with ONE IDEA PER CARD. Describe the idea through narrative,drawing,or any means that fairly conveys the essential basis of the idea. Be sure to give each idea z l el ,t (\=i i4', a r. A,..- 41a >'t 1"t,du,t4 a title. 3) l� 13' t 4>�:a',av 4, �"'srs c, �; j Spend about 30 minutes on this exploration. n -a.r C ,>J f` ;L'i ft e,tieftxu 14 l'y 44,cifel$.1,4,. i6 5 -r',,f �p3,,q, e,.<1:,.. r 3�.Ad 4„1.)"!:..,:s / zr ')','P f)4//'' /I i• y.`l,.t'xp, S/1",. '`(.1 64, t'1 f"r-,',Alli r✓ -,' 1:,54,,411,, 1i ,t"' ;?ce h G6,v , t / tv�,,f,,9,''' , e r.. ,...,., 'e. /4 s gi. c`�b 9M.a^fri*. G 4"4W,r,1 ..,A e ,I/4s.''t,�,, Sharing Select one person(or maybe more)to offer a brief review of your table's discussions. /-',A- - findings Focus on the results from Exploration D and plan to provide highlights,not details,with '''',-/fv` 4, your table report being no more than two minutes. .l '{, /.0 Af a-kJ.r. r, s.., >',r.,,t!..,,,,r�,, t 4,✓,fr f�� a /;1uC 1.ifC.ti ' West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework (ICI( J 1; 't ;: Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D : IDEAS IDEAf ' Give it a name Why does this idea / ' matter? Cytex. ,. ,. 41_,A ?./L `� 'L?-Li be, -7(.-4.,1' et,4. ;4.4'4'; Who does it serve? Where might it be .. / Lea ' ' /2 ' � best applied? .� ",i�,;,�''�74 �`t�.,-� 1 l.��(t:;.c't,f Is the idea realistic ., or is it far-fetched? f P Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it ��-�.:.'. r� fitf�� tit _, �� } T Ae1 a West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework ��` � Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS DEA ) .. .e e- ¢ ,r; Give it a name Why does this idea matters 4 e, 2,41.a7( P Who does it serve? , ) jjp "fig y I „' Where might it be best applied? Y1 Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize ii (71:7S-/ - g,„teet,, 11x" �` iCAZ 761 Vii;; West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework <4'7Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration C : WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group 1 1 s‘ V\ "1 \ k \ , )\ \ , .....„,, ) c * 2 - --)i) /' ; _ „, 3 /4- u3 ' ci--, — - -------, -1 -- - (triii:Ap,, 4 -,, / //e.A.,,i4) ( r / .,,,, -,,,, , / (,-L\ 77 - / , ,,,_„„,,,,5 , 7/1/41.1i zi4/ ri.--- -,---,1-'/:(1:i ,T-:"---4,----/ --(- 424„..., „..,... / - — , _.." - ) 2 4: //7* 1/7 ' 6,(7- e,e__ 272)6 6 Oi-1-24,0C_,75:, i---2?/:_..7 17 77.< 7-1L) ---- ,,,,-, (..,---e- ..„-,-. --, _ _ 1 1 r) , , L--,f Z.)-..1- i - - „,l/ „,-A , 3Jc -'7 ,// —,/,-- ' fil-'-/ JJ '/72 (- .1 .. - - -/- / .. .-t /-2 -41177.6- 7 8 --), West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southclale Area Planning Framework c2,y) ‘1,-A ;I/ Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration C: WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group 2 [-A Qt 9\f",‘„,1 3 T f 0--o v, P \ I t kr 5 � $k , 6 1 p� y^ 7 ,„ West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework ; Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration 0: IDEAS I D EA i'.k<t 4,, c`• 1" ( ) R e . i c- - IA- Give it a name Why does this idea matter? e,,,j %os•44 1116 (XI 5 I c'•!,.k•?.,p(16Z '`‘' . t.. k V.1 U—N1 eAlls, ki'd k 4\ A 5 , i,sd'i liVve A .6- p 6.12.., Who does it serve? „..- 4 4 .0 ( 1 i ‘ 1\ 4, , j 1 (r) CA k i S t 4.-k4 fk 3 i t_c.,-A, ",..... k....r 1 --0 vi)f --14-e cA...3 e-v\srvt,.....",,,,,,t46,..-1,„s„„:„,\( .Q.--2,t P:\t,,,. b t.„,,‘ ) ,irt,„&„,-1) J2it„, ., ,. Where might it be ( j e 51 f 1 1 ,•?-- 0"-- 1 — best applied? v Is the idea realistic 'n i t. 0 „1 c., A) t 1 A._„.....% t ) k C---' ( V C"‘.C. i k ,‘, ji,,• .i Ii or is it far-fetched? ....y ) (.C--) 1 , ) Who will like it? pQ ,.. ..5 Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework ((eft'-. Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Cer-D .------` Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA ' i t " -I ) 6,D , Give it a name t r, Why does t 1 his idea e c c V-1--ON matter? Who does it serve? /Th k e S \ J. 0.4:s (,,,„,...,.g. 0 a 4, a ,v,„, c v , Where might it be I Is the idea realistict 1 . or is it far-fetched? e_e-„,‘ l Sfk Ci Who will like it? fR L Who won't like it? Draw it describe it,or somehow characterize it .....7.--,,- 1, f',(k.---1 West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework h. !.. '1 t .., ,,, - Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS �+_..... . y-�y„- ,,/j^i✓'"/fit y, �. h \ tisk ,Y r IAEA A\r„,�:, �.,�� �., � ,�.� � v�.c_�s Give it a name Why does this idea matter? Who does it serve? Where might it be best applied? Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it or somehow characterize it West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration C : WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group M. 1 61/11 e Val l (ALC /1k cLi�'�= ( t i'� 1 nyci 06cin /cc° devisrfttdo t\ 2 111A 4fttfv '- be 4 -iretbe-te, virc„eci 6z.,) 7 to I ) {/� /� b We 7 .5- '-cic,ft��t. /de/W.1;1/94e- / > .1 peff /6-pc/lade -)4/77- West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework The. t � 4 1. ; 'icc1,4 etJ '; c l€ ° � "Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition \( tt 'MO, Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA ,.1.;0 Give it a name „.1 CA-' k•-• Why does this idea = 'Ili_ t=-).../. (=-= • Li- / - matter? =I, Who does it serve? t 1.4 L A, (.4 j...4)-Lk., Where might it be ( ; I A best applied? Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? 3 — (,Y;, C (j LL (tti(A, Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it ti)tk id( 1 SI K 3 \I" 6,u)) ) fl'vettfaiL,, West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdaie Area Planning Framework uyE0y4.1 Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA (., ))/nci I ac h o e it a name Why does this idea LG�hf'/ �-C �" �,� I fi >%(fl (Fa/ matter? , 7 — --Cly'-Me-- az( 7'112-'L'3 Lt eP '_ �`'te'zze -c " To ,14eze l.'-�'`t"�%: ,c/G 64 Who does it serve? -C�:- ,.e C. ` .1t i\e' rl j) LCx fir, ile, %a ,, L407)Ze Lv ' ;A 'V :�/ c2, �C,�.... < -ect h..,,A ., Where might it be t best applied? // / /) +' 1 ,�,`Z� 4.-- () r L' Le-) c 4'&01C S`e Z 5t9 ' Ut Titelx. Is the idea realistic oris it far-fetched? Who will like it? .11 Who won't like it? / 1-74.11111-74.1111111 4. O.• 2/L J -ase_ ,G .. �, 11'rr �.- Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it i 3 i <'' ,JP , West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework \( Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEAi ii 't itLke.A.‘, e)12 Give it a name Why does this idea matter? Who does it serve? Cii; f e r 7 (: / ; r-r-/ Where might it be best applied? Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? ) Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it 0 Lkt L \\) (" / 1:7( " ehl(14,7 - t tif yr , A.. ,/' West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA L ` C. Give it a name Why does this idea hF ( / J, matter? / t 1r? l / off, M Who does it serve? Where might it be / tcQ't?3 11 C� tri best applied? �. Is the idea realistic oris it far-fetched? Cryl 7 /( d Who will like it? oisim Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it { e.`% West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework /e �l1., �,., _,, ,,. �-� Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA 8fkLoc, Give it a name Why does this idea A)1,..,_.sA s, c„z),( .,,401f ,NAIK 14,,,,,....011 4::....F,r 444 •,., st matter? t 40.14.-...) -,,,,4 or 1- Cr Who does it serve? L.i \) Where might it be 1 best applied? ' * Is the idea realistic r-, ° ) ' ' or is it far-fetched? lc -0.1 Who will like it? A iz -i°". S.‘A'NP v14CLAS Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it hi A,fi A vphi Vi ''-ii. eN)P ,:::.?,r m r r...%Q 1 / L .fli_c.U61.--... VRP,IS-:-.' 7 H 4, T V P,QN I 1)6.--. An 0 7)—r 6 f--- -37-11 E. i(4,cz, THAI- LO / L. R ES, OE 1,47 ,S RL430 ....,.. 1:tz 6.r, .r:.4c1 e i . '.s,. 11 osv‘v,,s f.x. ''`F tl VI r A IA 1/4"5 (.„?4-is4,--,, 12 ( (1/4,6 vvti) 21 1 I 1 1 „iv\ West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework .,` -.-;-) Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition '' Exploration C : WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group (e. 2 fWay' 3 V-(441,1 4Az.exidrd � I 5 �C, / /619 %- 5 6 OzW/i, fea--//7s-i; 7 8 West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework '':(7,1k- Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA -- Give it a name Why does this idea 7() ; = /, 4.7 matter? C4f. Who does it serve? Where might it be best applied? Is the idea realistic 14. or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? , „ 4 Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework tytt Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition 0 Exploration D: IDEAS , , IDEA Give it it a name 1...; Why does this idea / , l matter? iti t LZ.i' :. e/''/ . 4(4, t Who does it serve? i £ 217)!U Where might might it be best applied? , d., ( Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? / ?I ,/ (...,(.2,, 1 i-c'/ Who will like it? At',-):'e•d4(-:.di .k-'1.-e et tt tt,g 417 V4 Who won't like it? -Li Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it N181111111•111a...amm= _ _ , ( , , , i i I 1 i 1West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition 9 ,,„ . ) `i Exploration D: IDEAS .Y „,„ IDEAT7Caa tip.V... I ..8_ .ta. ..-. Give it a name Why does this idea , Gt t A K.Q LIC) 1/1"1 \C,-A-� -I-04_ b c-t k (� ,y�, matter? +r t;UQL1�.'. 2,L�!.� alq_00-ta �p J.@L /1 ..i.- it CUA' Who does it serve? ,�,t c c p„A,c//) Where might it be f5L,L,0t, C,CO3.Q/.a (1/0.,_ best applied? Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? la, k,c1,1 µ_Vi Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it t J t--77.X',y West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework - e Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS ()NJ N ‘,,L. 1 t , . 1 4,.. f. IDEA i - ;� ,,,c- -.- '4 ' iL,�' -, ,---g" ;- r Give it a name Why does this idea I matter? s L, L7 f . , '/I Yi'_t GO-CI/i 6 I 1 Who does it serve? Where might it be best applied? td ! ...tri._. . Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? 1 Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it `r 1 z . � 'J� West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework ��'' 'I Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA 5Aare d J>,,4)4 Give it a name Why does this idea Mu14es iwt ,-- 4 /4„cii matter? Who does it serve? l fi'p/e ►r i/4' fu', --j Where might it be •u/t'Ip/e ev-4,0 , but ✓ j�K ' hits a,. „4. ,tneu,e best applied? oig p F'itrk/a w v ., 6.-e, Is the idea realistic or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? v,-,sit fess / r1 S APu id /r eke h' Who won't like it? A a j .,,4t( ;v Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it a9IsAN West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework gi '�` ;� Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA ai,,,/y 4_44,elseA 17-awe Avg Give it a name Why does this idea matter? $4- 5 t I h p L' 0 busy ., Who does it serve? pC-) j s Zee , Where might it be !4(any riwite best applied? Is the idea realistic r 0-11'51- rCG or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? eaerytme Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework �it'i9 K 4 r, Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA 5%02046 0(2 /k4 (onnecha Give it a name Decd CO Oec&1"o &I5 ea s - u)PS r Si • Why does this idea , / 0C. E(Gt tic, So U da pro me 11 dL matter? ( 1 t , 1 /' {L'Y t Who does it serve? ✓ ,�,,1, _ kg. S i Cys i,L l� �`�Z' Z�L� Where might it be '"Z-Z, tiL i�Z best applied? �� (L5 T 5 f l Is the idea realistic ey, r C G� ( 15 G or is it far-fetched? " "' -- Who will like it? "Lkkd S Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it °A.4' �� �)i! West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework p '*13`®;!_' Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition 3 Exploration D: IDEAS IDEA %,(-k- li kt, i ( 0rrtidoIL, Give it a name nOI 0 Y Ela 11( E Why does this idea ` matter? OQ(V Vie i)hoc)(i t Who does it serve? (0m (,� d (, ( ((�Q S. n/e,t fa4I rSP.-414 GG,ret. e ri env ??....1.4J Where might it be amt 72 If 144lest-,v 6e11-44e ry me Gvih,.,.¢rC'tk./ a1Al.f ,j,,,U, best applied? 4 rile I'esaeoti yo 74'e litsi Is the idea realistic ,pie or is it far-fetched? Co 1 t Who will like it? Who won't like it? Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it ,rAI,rs eetir ( , /1 a/0 G. used /0 call peh,te44 4 elah.e,wit/y a C'C'viii, ,role SInr,h It,Aker dtirr141e 4 (acIr/ Ye /6.21.c?..‹tr,vvv Al ,tu t'r` 4 4,47 it„„, i- -44,ze 1./,- 41 © Se) /i, Atl. N, 1---wee ,c)t'e , e"°"'<t West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework 0. Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition 5 Exploration D: IDEAS IDEAth<<ll>`, Pems,r>`y r/ ii, �:/- err., licit r'o 54?4(1,1 .10 %2*` Give it a name Why does this idea IP p.,,fe f.r t42. C,I/7 matter? Who does it serve? AQ Cil F y Where might it be ivy 'C Fr<cvie best applied? Is the idea realistic oris it far-fetched? Who will like it? r e$,Youit;S Who won't like it? 8u/ail vus4ers Draw it,describe it,or somehow characterize it > '<�. West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework 40 iiiyi• '1.: ' Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition i► Exploration D: IDEAS ri IDEA Ltd ,t, td cc , )-11, , z, « , ! ,-( Give it a name Why does this idea l-,Cph.-1 ik.A._.�, iV -v�• ,1. 21,5 S cp,c_1n.t L.LSGL'v ,5 matter? t tC -t/'L.vl�-t S � � J p (✓U.N� .i Who does it serve? -L vc-\r� q.,tNVL.(Nt.,<-.l,,VlA, .1 `'�-t S i S h 't- (14 . l Where might it be I r - /517-Yt.-i.IA-4 ( !Y`'"� n best applied? 'I.l_.c.'it—r.--.)4_. ct ti .c. "(t tip.t S SKAut 4 �x, -Lrylryr.•4. ) r (40/41-" Is the idea realistic "11 , i ok,w le„ mc+ o�'� i -6`I I St1 G It t S or is it far-fetched? r—iif. h Z C C L-f t 301,-•..s 1,,AtC lAJ'L.0k do PWho will like it? ��-� C•� z ti , " -t,t-l•�( SIA-i it „ ,,_.." - I JYS like_ rCStriLtil .te4-1-- r t wt t e4A.1—t..y Who won't like it? Dr (,NL(,y W/�.e% 1i/&."�-1` e--(. 11\-A"-l-,--i-.-. V oe-own.�.w -a-n.perw.rr oawa suw o•tw -OSP.Owimp r Po: m!Wt... -t«c-yew tr,_Ran Ey r»-rww,►nea ..ry n..e.w„ ac•wnww�eahcwr�un_uma�tm,.r..'_ _ II -PC.ttOlorlaud Calrnttelal 11.1-i-YWaw ' i 2 ,z , 12 try ,? s 35.� j ia..e. Ca(' T t rill ' _ IF _ g _..,"--\ ' Irm7 Q :I: Height Limits £ a . 2 Stores:24 3 Stories:36' It �RY4 4 Stories'48' ', E. 5 Stories:60' . 8 Stories:96' 2 9 Stories:108' 2 2 ,, 10 Stories:120' r.,w. 3 12 Stories 144' nil Standard Height HDR i z 2 Podium Height . j /DR S . '' wine., till I — L. [-,- OR -- IA,� rriinciton i ' ... — Future Land Use Plan with rigV.:.1.4 City of Edina Building Heights 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Southeast Quadrant Figure 4.69 Data Source:URS 0 0 0.5 we. 1t , '''' ',.\ '' '- • i; I 3 \, I - ' " , 1- �1 ``j ..,.f., _t, �. � ,a- too • I � � ., 3 t�.t! 11 � 1 {_1. 1 sirrr*rMffN I $ meq{ rjj I ''-''.' / � �, � trJf r � l � , i —s E ----, fir- ''L .� 0.FL i - I ) grt s� a ,ryti titt f{ ..� ( i1 (( $i1. iJ ,. IJ '-,/. � .:- \ ,i '1{'i i } _ - 1 ' I I -•=1,'" I I . _ - -, , ' . - - • � kp4 I - 1 l - t J1A of ,E i )) ( Greater Southdale Area o VJ�Enpheerrn0 Dept. Aerial Flown:April 2012 (4 Exploration C: WHAT MATTERS? List up to eight things that matter to your group 1 2 e-- __- 6. t I' 3 too ~ IL 4 --)--,FAALc vb,---i-A-1-04 N 7Z-fig-1C , cosi i W11 A-L. ''r c_64-7-00“644_,Nci,A0 Cg PIO-f 1.1A) bJ, •- 4f rfiE• v,,Pc d+PEies, rv-r 7N4" /dt 5/D,Avrs_, r'v fi-ire, St'r,,'€i wn/-te 7 136 liFMOlot= (' -788 ` . West Side of France Avenue/Greater Southdale Area Planning Framework (e P 'f , !' Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition 111 ga e4. 9 11J kit �� U $ ai a a) -coc (° O a 0:5 sum CD 0 2 0.1 a) Q O > ,. - C Q .ic 0 o 0 0I 2 Z 4) km/ 36.4 P74 4- 0 Z Ln Ln W.4 Z O5 <4.4 �C CD L oC H a C a N (C.4,i,S0—*- E 0. VIA R3 ':' co p .{ ' w ✓ S �` U cn cf N U 0 Q C co N Id, O O L U Q -0 (/') 0 (/') a-.+ OL._ U 4A CO 1, � hA .0 4-1 � c —0 C C CU W EOCDDCDOCO C w0 O O p "' -G D Cj z �- �, o_ co c x a .O i7 Lij a_ w z z CI Q ( � Q • ` i) . • . . . . . . P �.s0 `' CSA a) t O Q N 4-+ N A.3-;‘• .� co >. 4- a) � •N ,To cu ca +-+ C L ca o_ as co a) s_ ca a) C _ >- o . " a) o ° 'N °' tan CU E o -o }' a= O .> L p tco U a) CU 0 a a L = - C U c — O O 4-1 > c6 O co O o O `4 (/� an .7 c as -P i- -Cs a) .- c O aJ v co a� a) v L. 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CC Iiii g E 0 I- 0 0 E w -0 0 ru '0 ro w fQ O -. _cE H •� aA E E --+ O 'a) 0 0 (,,,) z z U z .t (-:----ES0---7--;,, o a al \6 cz W C aJ U O aJ CD O o w CC al Q ton ro Q L. = 0 E ,C O E C7 O U z a) 0 LE O _c- > v CD `o o o E b�A o ago o C o a= 0c cu m a) L.ri O_ a) OO C N +, co O c • ''e.4 CI L o ,C Q co . m v N .- �c a, a 5:0. c6 W W W s Lo U -2 1__. N 3 U •L U N Ft i Q C/) a--+ XN H w U 0 U U C1 Z . . . . �FsoT � � = W bO 0 v In • • U cn .7 Z 4-1 w O mC O IA~ 4-1 W _o H � (13 L) O� • (i...i.,5,S02--- i— � CO o � rRi s S— < C In xm Q w � x_ w Z /'L� S S o .y U CU U Q CD +-1 U C O C6 U " N U- v Ca CU CU o CU U -C C CU +-+ (./) (6 +-I Q.) 4-1 - o E c C Q .— 0 cn d.) QJ L > Q C +, >•• 'L C 0 +-, S- z r Qi C U 0 o co w 0 a) N ai > _.. v m w U CU ago CU a- o t10Q > CD CD Y C a) a� a 0 U U U Z 0� .N HI — 0 U I— . • owc A l CASE #21i ra n v\ cn C=6.CV .,,,O � , 82 2017 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization William M. Comiskey 6670 Vernon Ave 108 31-117-21-31-0109 vio, • ' I }7 i� t r .''' -.• h kii .._ t.,71 % itzy � r 9 __-,z � ,,.�5 �i �,t' I +t. _ - - .. - ''''''''- -. ile ,*' . ,• "Itt. i - .:': i- ,,,...:-.- . 7 _ 3+ fm. ,i , _ 2017 Assessed Value: $110,000 Recommendation: 90,000 This report is not an appraisal as defined in M.S. §82B.02(subd.3)nor does it comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. It is intended to be used as a reference only and any use other than its intended use is prohibited and unlawful. The author does not represent this to be an appraisal and is not responsible for any inappropriate use. k � City of Edina k V 6 Assessing Department ;8(0 0 ��° 2017 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization C pP 9 '" e`� Staff Report Property Owner(s): William M. Comiskey Property Address: 6670 Vernon Ave 108 PID #: 31-117-21-31-0109 Market Value Assessment Year 2017 $110,000 Assessment Year 2016 $100,000 Assessment Year 2015 $67,200 Sale: September 1, 1989 - 63,900 (13 -Assumption) Assessor Recommendation: 90,000 Appraiser: Last Inspection Date: Adrienne Ledermann July 7. 2016 Comments: Property Description: The subject property is a 903 sq. ft. condominium with one bedroom plus a den. The unit is a part of the Fountain Woods Condominiums in West Edina. The unit is located on the first floor, and has small balcony off the living room. The kitchen is small but open to the dining room and living room area. There are two types of tile flooring in these areas. The kitchen has original cabinets that have been painted, and newer appliances. The den is open to living room area, and has older carpeting for flooring. The full bathroom is in process of new tile on floor, walls, and bath surround. The overall condition is below average, due to incomplete projects. Correlation and Conclusion: All three comparable sales are one bedroom units located in the Fountain Woods Condominiums. The sales are similar models in size with one bedroom, den, one full bath, living room, dining room, and kitchen. Adjustments were made for condition, and location within the building. After all the adjustments were made the sales comparison approach indicates a value of$90,000. It is the appraiser's opinion that the 2017 assessed value should be reduced to $90,000. 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 2 Subject Data Summary PID#: 31-117-21-31-0109 Property Address: 6670 Vernon Ave 108 Edina,MN 55436 Multiple Address: No Lot/Block: 000/000 Addition: Fountain Woods II,A Condominium Condominium No 496 Legal(120): UNIT NO RD 108 Owner(s): William M Comiskey Property Classification: Condominium-Homestead 2017 EMV: 110,000 2016 EMV: 100,000 2015 EMV: 67,200 Last Sale: 9/1/1989-63,900- Assumption- 13 Lot Size: Zoning: Dwelling Type: Condo Style: One Level/Rambler Bedrooms: Baths: 1 Actual Year Built: 1972 Gross Building Area: 903 Basement Area: Bsmt Finished%: Garage#1: None Garage#2: None 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 3 Additional Subject Photos 8 a: s - e-Z l a# fila r p ,F J -*ii'',Ititjh.i",*''' '—.A n. _, e : 1,, -,,, , „,,,, _., ,.... „ .n ... ,i , .„:„.„,-, -- .........L n F E. '4i1 •» - '_ V % t.,,-, ,, - . - - ;-.-.,.... r,-.. .4....... „et.,i ,,i.ll! c • � jy .✓. i ' Y Front 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 4 Subject Sketch f=.ss y--2,-) ""111.r,'A1H r att.1a ..r.w r.r.Tl Ir.rr.r.vx i3¢l ICony 11-9 w7.o. OM Master Den Living 13Idmoni 84'=1.,-n, Ftaorn 11s3:1.3^i 1143 t 13-fr IIMIi I, > Flail 1 Dining Room 0 /Kitchen 1+-D.w 1146 i loa.3�, 13atit0 Witt=11 t:7t ------ ONE BEDROOM S-. DEN / TW'O BEDROOM 0:1 u .F [Balcony not 9InclNuded n.—NET Ieyefu 31.all mens)onl<) ..-.r v...nvuw!WI,>o. .u.r v nn r:.ur»w,w1rr...nrFoww a.....•r.0-.a u... Conversion 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 5 Comparable Sales Map z � a � � ty �i .'.�`-sl''',1'''' s ,+Au F ,'i,-' .. 8 2 .k,zs " „",, ,•t` ,,,w - Ate., •`i. „¢> .; ` j „ r. 6610 Bldgi.,,.ii' f5-ls,i,,f4.-p',4-.,-1,4').‘',g'',' iNn. ; TMs,.,. ” „ . ;� il1L. ar t4 ,11J-7::%,,,o' :.,i,„-,,,,',,i,' ,, .1,:Pti:--,1?-,,,I, ,tis,,,,,:-, 8- e , I,', ,,,,‘, ,,' i M „ P 1 >,:‘,.,,..„,,,,.,,,,i,.., �' ' Y. ' . i `dei ' r • 6130 Bldg k ' '. < 91i y. g:::31,...... .. + . 'i + -< 4 .;,,,f.4'. t I-t'^ �' a ttf,4 ''' , Ilfrr."4:, i,‘.1**' '„ l''' 4 lk. ,iii,,,,., a ,' p" :- s" r",_ r r ,gam 64(tg ':*4 )i'n' o •jhC10R808.14"1' • 1888 Prepared by Edina Assessing Office 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 7 SALES COMPARISON ADJUSTMENT GRID `.tfL ...1 :. t OMPA Ali1,F.#. :CO. P. > E#3' 6670 VernonAve#1 18 6730 Vernon ve#108 6730 Vernon Ave #217 6670 Vernon Ave#108 Edina Edina Edina Edina 31-117-21-34-0502 31-117-21-34-0473 - - 1 31-117-21-34-0593 - 1 -21 31 0 09 31 1 7 IE PATI~;::> <>» '»[ Dec-15 A P r-16 Jul-16 1 200 $119 300 10 > S L I3T±L'lft... $86,300 300 , ($3,147) ($3,690) NIAp'{}'E iis :: >���"� $3,500 $2,500 $2,300 Alli 553 $117,910 .:::...................::........:.........: . 89 , #��FIE:::l�lli;il��::s:::: : f800 -------- 100 ADISALE111.118011EPW111111 99.45 111.35 $130.58 Condo Condo Condo Condo ;; 'T.' 1Aiml. At;;:.;:.;:.;:.::.:::;.:;:: 903 903 $0 903 $0 903 $0 1GROBLOG1 <s 903 903 $0 903 $0 903 $0 0kLTlY>.;:; ; ; . Averavage $ 0 Average $ 0 Average $ 0 : - AG I 1972 1972 $0 1972 $0 1972 $0 C,ONu111I0N: Fair Fair $0 Average ($10,000) Abv Avg ($15,000) TO:I'AI.. 1tt)O!115: 6 _ 6 $0 6 $0 6 $0 BF1112()OM : 1 1 $0 1 $0 1 1 $0 BA 'HS pI t: 0 _ 0 $0 I 0 $0 0 $0 FIJI 1 1 $0 1 $0 1 $0 1 0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 >:........... 112'1/4 0 _ 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 BASEMENT XKF k: j,....; NA NA $0 NA $0 NA $0 FIWI3S\I'1'. AltL;;1; NA NA $0 NA $0 _ NA $0 A'.KO1 I. ::::. l:::::...... NA NA $0 NA $0 NA $0 F1121111 I.ACES: 0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 ( :A I2 1(;F..11,1'F.: NA NA $0 NA $0 NA $0 CA li1(;I! S(_) I'I. NA NA $0T NA $0 NA $0 OF( K: 77 sqft 77 sgft $0 77 sqft $0 77 sqft $0 POR( II FS: ::::',.::...........:...........mini: L(YI SIZE.SO FI' I O(',111Oy,,; .; :,;;::b..;'<:;::.: Fountain Woods Fountain Wds $0 Fountain Wds $0 Fountain Wds $0 (1'11 1112: ,. 1st Floor Unit 1st Floor Unit $0 1st Floor Unit $0 Middle Unit ($5,000) .. - C,ItOSS:U),It'STZII:N 1: $3,500 $15,647 $25,990 N1%1 Au.B 1S I 1N1E1\1",1: $3,500 ($10,647) ($21,390) #O1 1),IUS.I\l I. IS: 0 1 2 Al),I SAI.1', ['RICE,: $89,800 $90,553 $97,910 iS 11 I;/5O I'1::1 $99.45 $100.28 $108.43 Indicated Value As Of January 2,2017: $90,000 2017 Board of Appeal and Equalization 8 Exploration C : WHAT MATTERS? Ct\i‘i List up to eight things that matter to your group t, C-: e t • v t ,(- (.1 ye. e () 1 45 I C)t1 ) 4 ( vy‘t ti c A Klry\e, 4-1 e 14'; r e c.<„, ) (71 ( e C (. c-v) CX t ee-A 45' ! cz.6[-A If '‘CA v- )1' v-, ( C ) ( cc. CY:v-\ t , 1-?) h r‘i• tre( „ I tit r y\Ai y- {(74,A < 1/).(>pc.,, (\iv,.4.4 , 3 kJ.,r " , e t.ku,v-AYVA 1-C' SCA b C y cv'\ I r\ -k v b‘A.:‘ ,:, (pod (v-k C -1;-‘ e 1";- ,A-VA (4 0 0 v' or.) oved c), 5 OY tA 6 C -e € t 0 pro e e-e ,A 0( yTh 8 West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework ) ) Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition C {) V. r) Exploration D: IDEAS IA u\ Give it a name Why does this idea 17.4-- 1 `>> r v a c,;r"f A rN.t. .._11) U.r, be C 4 yylo,_ 4> matter? 1)-1' c' ;I_" 0 k(\OO i/k V( (.i,...�� ..�.ha4 vvie, Who does it serve? i°aitc'j �P �: rr,vTif o o SLA l{_ evyr )/-4. Where might it be 1 °' t-t p t, ()v. c v" 1 :;lrkr�c;ts CxY"tiG.>, f'..V1(.(S18 c)r'�r� best applied? 1._ cx, (.,`\.( �-E ( D t`,.,yr��C',bit �� r��l•4C S C�+n r'� �.� i r5�'"l�✓'�� <�,i 4�:'.:a Is the idea realistic j.or is it far-fetched? Who will like it? 17. � yrw I I: ,4 tht.Alt 1>(2: .t, c v'Y-r-1,rti —Whe-won: =likk-it? M a n e)cc.:-e.. a. rill k i r 1 k.A VIA r Get z r (u,:kY C_°;,Pt o_krx>t e,,Cc"'..(=A! `�;' z�L t.�`�, c '(-z u._s) Draw it,describe it or somehow characterize it r `t'., 117'1 (:.t � . ,L t',,,11 l.` ac=r `.r "fi r;:,!(">C.' `i ;`:. ) yV L t t f. z /a>t'Ci.LL ti)ei,x i r r•.j✓' r I,j 71C.,-' { r ' ) 1. (90 _/ c ( / 1 rr")r �.� t� et/7y h1 t r 17 �+..._ :t.�. r r I ll t". L- (I ��- c 'f ��._ ( h S r ._ j Lt 3 tt} ievi) ? ( i) ) -6,-/1 t ' I o 51 ftp.' CO(t ,'fit t)cCt c( _1,.1 2 t-ti R ),:J /-1 — t lc. C`t tz St I el. it 1 r l - l y j.._!^ ! 3 Il `. i c- C < �J/ �( t z` „. {sG7-L �'xI- e,. ( �(,% C."...,r fit... lam r �^ 9 c.� ,}1) F„,�/e..f f>11r” 1 West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdale Area Planning Framework ;r ';;;:1.3,d '.1--, Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition NN,�� COMMENTS While the activities of tonight's meeting were focused on groups working together,were still interested in your personal comments. Please use this sheet to offer any thoughts or comments that you feel were not properly or fully discussed tonight. Use additional sheets if necessary. Comment V) cc C., ) 1 , ;?),"} t,„ (/) t 'I'D 1 \ (; r A vv.% CL e ,n „„ it t 1,, Comment r,, r( , 1( k. 04.-( I IS r /1" • A cv\CIA ec I t. -t1; v ) e ) c, tf r` , ;oec," Jar 17.)e. I pr' t fc„„..- r7/ ( ;, 'y) /le lc Comment , 1, ‘. )(4 tA. z.) lu pe) Comment ) (4,4-f 1:21,ek.v. )( •,( t. . f N„ (;) tn,(A5 (U "1" • v 4,3 Ck,: (100( C ( k, v b . 4, A 1i 4( (;) 4,) 4; YA tre'Ch t—Z (f jt e re ( ftt 11 Name ki (optional) ' c, t ( v\L, ,74(' -(,,v1c v West Side of France AvenuelGreater Southdaie Area Planning Framework Kick-off Meeting and Work Group Definition