HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08 Rezoning PUD-8 7700 France Ave ORDINANCE NO. 2016-08
The City Of Edina Ordains:
Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 36-488. - Planned Unit Development District-I (PUD-1), Phoenix Plaza at 6996 France Avenue & 3901
70th Street.
(a) Legal description. The east 215 feet of the south 190 feet of the southeast quarter of Section 30,
Township 28, Range 24, Hennepin County Minnesota, and
That part of Tract A Registered Land Survey No. 677 Hennepin County. Minnesota, lying West of
a line parallel with and 50 feet Westerly of the East line of Section 31, Township 28, Range 24.
(b) Approved plans.
(1) 6996 France. Incorporated herein by reference are the FE 70 LLC plans received by the city on
February 24, 2012, March 2, 2012 and March 14, 2012, including the building plans, except as
amended by city council Resolution No. 2012-39, on file in the office of the planning department
under file number 201 1-01 1.1 I a.
(2) 3901 70th Street Incorporated herein by reference are the plans received by the city on August
• 26, 2016, including the building plans, except as amended by city council Resolution No. 2016-82, on
file in the office of the planning department under file number 2016-0007a.
(c) Principal uses. All principal uses allowed in the PCD-I zoning district, except drive-through uses,
bakeries, coffee shops. In addition the following uses are allowed:
(1) Catering.
(2) Clothing store over 2,500 square feet.
(3) Department store.
(4) Dry goods.
(5) Electrical and appliance store.
(6) Furniture store.
(7) Medical offices up to a maximum of 7,950 square feet total for the site.
(8) Office supplies.
(9) Paint and wallpaper.
(10) Sporting goods.
If the entire building at 6996 France is occupied by retail uses, then the mezzanine shall be turned into storage
space and shall not be used for retail.
(d) Accessory uses.
(1) Off-street parking facilities.
(2) Produce stands, pursuant to permit issued by the city manager.
• (3) Signs allowed per the PCD-I district standards, except as follows:
a. Wall signage on the two sides of the southeast corner of the building shall not exceed
two feet by 13 feet in size.
b. There shall be no window signage above the entry doors on the first level.
c. The monument sign setback shall be three feet from the right-of-way.
Ordinance No. 2016-08
Page 2
(e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-I (PUD-1).
• (f) Development standards. Development standards per the PCD-I zoning district, except the following:
(1) Building setbacks.
6996 France
a. Front—France Avenue: 16 feet.
b. Side Street-70th Street South: ten feet.
c. Side North: 39 feet.
d. Rear—West: 68 feet.
3901 70th Street
a. Front—France Avenue: 16 feet.
b. Side Street-70th Street: 15 feet.
c. Side South: 45 feet.
d. Rear—West: 68 feet.
(2) Parking lot setbacks.
a. Front.
1. France Avenue: ten feet.
2. 70th Street: four feet.
b. Side: Four feet.
0 feet on the west lot line of 3901 70th Street
(3) Building height: one story.
• (4) Maximum floor area ratio: 37 percent.
(g) Drive-through uses. Coffee shops, bakeries and banks, medical office over 7,950 square feet, and retail
space over 6,600 square feet shall be prohibited.
Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately.
First Reading: June 21, 2016
Second Reading: September 7, 2016
Published: September 15, 2016
4elbrajBMT�Angln, CityClerk- James ovland, Mayor
Please publish in the Edina Sun Current on:
Send two affidavits of publication.
• Bill to Edina City Clerk
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF EDINA no conditional uses for Planned
ORDINANCE NO.2016-08 Unit Development District-1
TO ESTABLISH THE Development standards per the
PUD-8,PLANNED UNIT PCD-1 zoning district, except the
Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, DEVELOPMENT-8 DISTRICT following:
states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's AT 7700 FRANCE AVENUE (1) Building setbacks.
Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known The City Of Edina Ordains: 6996 France
Section 1. Chapter 36,Article a. Front—France Avenue:
as: VIII, Division 4 is hereby amended 16 feet.
as follows: b. Side Street—
SC Edina Sec. 36-488. - Planned Unit 70th Street South:ten feet.
Development District-1 (PUD-1), c. Side—North:39 feet.
Phoenix Plaza at 6996 France Av- d. Rear—West:68 feet.
with the known office of issue being located enue&3901 70th Street. 3901 70th Street
in the county of: (a) Legal description. The east a. Front—France Avenue:
HENNEPIN 215 feet of the south 190 feet of the 16 feet.
with additional circulation in the counties of: southeast quarter of Section 30, b. Side Street-70th Street:
HENNEPIN Township 2$, Range 24, Hennepin 15 feet.
County Minnesota;and c. Side—South:45 feet.
and has full knowledge of the facts stated That part of Tract A. Registered d. Rear—West:68 feet.
below: Land Survey No 677 Hennepin (2) Parking lot setbacks.
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of County.Minnesota.lying West of a a. Front.
line parallel with and 50 feet West- 1. France Avenue:ten feet.
the requirements constituting qualifica- erly of the East line of Section 31 2. 70th Street:four feet.
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Township 28.Range 24. b.Side:Four feet.
by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. (b)Approved plans. 0 feet on the west lot line of
(B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- (1) 6996 France. Incorporated 3901 70th Street
herein by reference are the FE 70 (3) Building height:one story.
lished in said newspaper(s) once each LLC plans received by the city on (4) Maximum floor area ratio:37
week, for I successive week(s); the first February 24,2012, March 2,2012 percent.
insertion being on 09/22/2016 and the last and March 14,2012,including the (g) Drive-through uses. Coffee
insertion being on 09/22/2016. building plans, except as amend- shops, bakeries and banks, medi-
ed by city council Resolution No. cal office over 7,950 square feet,
2012-39, on file in the office of and retail space over 6,600 square
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES the planning department under file feet shall be prohibited.
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 number 2011-011.11 a. Section 3. This ordinance is ef-
relating to the publication of mortgage Ll 3901 70th Street.Incorporat- fective immediately.
ed herein by reference are the plans First Reading:June 21,2016
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies received by the city on August 26, Second Reading:
with the conditions described in §580.033, 2016, including the building plans, September 7,2016
except as amended by city coun- Attest:Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk
Subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspapers cil Resolution No. 2016-82,on file James B.Hovland,Mayor
known office of issue is located in a county in the office of the planning de- Published in the
adjoining the county where the mortgaged partment under file number 2016- Edina Sun Current
premises or some part of the mortgaged 0007a. September 22,2016
premises described in the notice are located, (c) Principal uses. All principal 596704
uses allowed in the PCD-1 zoning
a substantial portion of the newspaper's district,except drive-through uses,
circulation is in the latter county. bakeries,coffee shops.In addition
the following uses are allowed:
(2) Clothing store over 2,500
By: �1 � square feet.
Designated Agent (3)Department store.
(4)Dry goods.
(5) Electrical and appliance
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before store.
me on 09/22/2016 by Charlene Vold. (6)Furniture store.
(7)Medical offices up to a maxi-
mum of 7,950 square feet total for
the site.
(8)Office supplies.
(9)Paint and wallpaper.
Notary Public (10)Sporting goods.
If the entire building at 6996
France is occupied by retail uses,
then the mezzanine shall be turned
�•vvvvv'vw�v� into storage space and shall not be
t_*.seroused for retail.
(d)Accessory uses.
Notary PubliC-Minnesota (1)Off-street parking facilities.
x �My Commission Expires Jen 31,2019 (2)Produce stands, pursuant to
permit issued by the city manager.
(3)Signs allowed per the PCD-1
district standards, except as fol-
a.Wall signage on the two sides
of the southeast corner of the
building shall not exceed two feet
by 13 feet in size.
Rate Information: b.There shall be no window sig-
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users nage above the entry doors on the
for comparable space: first level.
$34.45 per column inch c. The monument sign setback
shall be three feet from the right-
Ad ID 596704
(e) Conditional uses. There are