HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-16 City Council Work SessionAgenda City Council Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Tuesday, May 16, 2017 6:15 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Human Rights & Relations Commission IV.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli"cation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: May 16, 2017 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Human Rights & Relations Commission Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None. INTRODUCTION: The HRRC will provide work plan progress updates to the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2017 Work Plan with progress updates May 16,2017 HRRC Submittal Ap p r o v e d b y C o u n c i l 1 2 / 6 / 1 6 Bo a r d / C o m m i s s i o n : H u m a n R i g h t s a n d R e l a t i o n s C o m m i s si o n 20 1 7 A n n u a l W o r k P l a n In i t i a t i v e 1 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☒☒☒☒ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☐ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☒ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Ap r i l 2 0 1 7 $7 5 f o r p l a q u e + po s s i b l e c o s t f o r n e w pr i n t e d m a t e r i a l s • Register attendance at event • Track nominations • Update website To m O y e A w a r d • In 2 0 1 7 t h e c o m m i t t e e w i l l d e v e l o p a n a n n u a l t h e m e . Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : Co m p l e t e d . A w a r d p r e s e n t e d t o S a u m y a M a n g a l i c k a t t he V o l u n t e e r A w a r d s R e c e p t i o n . In i t i a t i v e 2 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☒☒☒☒ 3 ☐☐☐☐ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☐ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☒ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Au g u s t 2 0 1 7 No n e . • Coordinate Meetings • Maintain record of meetings about incidents Bi a s O f f e n s e R e s p o n s e P l a n – re v i e w a n d u p d a t e , i f n e e d e d , a n n u a l l y Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : Th i s w i l l b e r e v i e w e d i n t h e s u m m e r o f 2 0 1 7 . I f n e e de d , H R R C w i l l s e n d c h a n g e s t o C o u n c i l . In i t i a t i v e 3 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☒☒☒☒ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☐ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☒ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Ap r i l 2 0 1 7 $3 0 0 f o r m a r k e t i n g ma t e r i a l s a n d re f r e s h m e n t s Cl i c k he r e t o e n t e r t e x t . Da y o f R e m e m b r a n c e E v e n t Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : Co m p l e t e d . E v e n t w a s h e l d o n M a y 7 . O v e r 5 0 p e o p l e at t e n d e d . In i t i a t i v e 4 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☒☒☒☒ 3 ☐☐☐☐ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☒ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☐ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y De c e m b e r 20 1 7 $1 0 0 0 f e e f o r wo r k s h o p f a c i l i t a t o r s • Event coordination • Communications • Marketing Se r v e a s l e a d C o m m i s s i o n f o r C i t y ’ s n e w r a c i a l e q u i t y i n i t i a t i v e a s as s i g n e d b y C i t y C o u n c i l a n d t h e t a s k f o r c e . [ I n i t i at i v e a t t r i b u t e s t o Hu m a n R i g h t s C i t y D e s i g n a t i o n ] Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : In p r o g r e s s . T h r e e m e m b e r s a r e s e r v i n g o n G A R E a n d on t h e t a s k fo r o r w o r k i n g g r o u p . Ap p r o v e d b y C o u n c i l 1 2 / 6 / 1 6 In i t i a t i v e 5 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☒☒☒☒ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☐ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☒ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☐ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Oc t o b e r 2 0 1 7 $3 0 0 f o r m a r k e t i n g ma t e r i a l s a n d re f r e s h m e n t s , de p e n d i n g o n e v e n t ) • Event coordination • Communications • Marketing Sh a r i n g V a l u e s , S h a r i n g C o m m u n i t i e s Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : St i l l h o p i n g t o h o l d a n e v e n t i n 2 0 1 7 . In i t i a t i v e 6 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐☐☐☐ 2 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☒☒☒☒ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☒ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☐ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Ma y 2 0 1 7 $2 0 0 fo r m a r k e t i n g $1 0 0 f o r a w a r d Co m m u n i c a t i o n s Ma r k e t i n g Ma n a g e e s s a y s Hu m a n R i g h t s E s s a y C o n t e s t • De v e l o p a n a n n u a l t h e m e • De v e l o p a g e c a t e g o r i e s Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : Wi l l b e w o r k i n g o n t h i s i n t h e s u m m e r t o h o l d a c o n te s t i n t h e f a l l / w i n t e r . In i t i a t i v e 7 Co u n c i l C h a r g e ☐☐☐☐ 1 ☒☒☒☒ 2 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐☐ 4 Ta r g e t C o m p l e t i o n Da t e Bu d g e t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) St a f f S u p p o r t R e q u i r e d (S t a f f L i a i s o n ) ☒ N e w I n i t i a t i v e ☐ C o n t i n u e d I n i t i a t i v e ☐ O n g o i n g R e s p o n s i b i l i t y De c e m b e r 2 0 1 7 As s i s t a s r e q u e s t e d w i t h d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e C i t y ’ s n ew Co m p r e h e n s i v e G u i d e P l a n . [ I n i t i a t i v e a t t r i b u t e s t o H u m a n R i g h t s Ci t y D e s i g n a t i o n ] Pr o g r e s s R e p o r t : In p r o g r e s s . Pa r k i n g L o t : (T h e s e i t e m s h a v e b e e n c o n s i d e r e d b y t h e B C , b u t n o t p r o p o s e d a s p a r t o f t h i s y e a r ’ s w o r k p l a n . I f t h e B C decides they would like to w o r k o n t h e m i n t h e c u r r e n t y e a r , i t w o u l d n e e d t o b e a p p r o v e d b y C o u n c i l . ) Tr a n s g e n d e r R i g h t s – Ed u c a t i o n a l p r e s e n t a t i o n o r o t h e r e f f o rt s t o e n s u r e w e l c o m e a n d s a f e e n v i r o n m e n t f o r a l l wi t h i n t h e c i t y Re c o g n i t i o n f o r C o m m u n i t y M e m b e r s w h o s e w o r k a d d r e s se s i s s u e s o f r a c i s m ( e . g . , a n M L K A w a r d ) Pr o p o s e d M o n t h f o r J o i n t W o r k S e s s i o n ( o n e t i m e p e r y e a r , u p t o 6 0 m i n u t e s ) : Ju n e Received May 16, 2017 From HRRC during Joint work session Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee for all who live, work, or visit in Edina Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Address, City, State SC\_ D o ..S \.A """-.._ 1 ~ \J..c \zs '::t:t.. \_( U-).J \fY\ ~ ~~ "-! ?U Email address · '"~ · -, Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee for all who live, work, or visit in Edina Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexua l identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely Name {plea e print) Yb ""'Ba.rd A-~ Address, City, State 53;;lf>) mat~,bt.A Dr: Sili~ ss-4-iSl. Email add ress Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee for all who live, work, or visit in Edina Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, ~X.J""'V"><..-f Name (please print} 11a..rbo. 'fot A; G V e cvi Address, City, State Lf ro s-C c..c. lf"u-'-AV'(". J Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee for all who live, work, or visit in Edina Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) llf.\" l j~ \JJ ~B'~tl- Address, City, State Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dea r City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assist ance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ~1~-1 f •i MIA-Th Address, City, State 7lb:l Loc h rn~rr? ·-/ e er-; Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) {1;,;-/l .l'l-1' t! ~ ILi L..JU\ Address, City, State {J: J_U o Vi!.r flt" cf ~ Lrlr/\.r.., ~~-y 2 4' Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) .fj li\/\l\ \ <ll-181 161 t,,1,,- Address, City, State II • • t t • Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligat ion, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ~l4A.ePh Address, City, State jSC~D -E> WV\PS> Email address /1111\J Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) t\~(flfcl ~ Address, City, State 1'r. :Col ~~ ,, =c....t Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) , ·/a n, l'q !Jec/<tY' ea . -I I '"' ~ Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, ~lease print) . u 8Ltf7Uzckr= Address, City, State -'=--'-s1--=-g,--=---o_h---"---=-"~==-=i>".c..=-. =---oE.4'""-"""~'--e,;_~ 'Ju /l/ J:r GJs? Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) lDDOL 0 Address, City, State _:5--'"'CJ,_(}_q_l??_A_,__l~/_h_C{~_J:J_;I_, ~ CA/~ J ~c) Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely,~-· Name (please print) pMl,I~ & ~ /\_(}> Address, City, State ID '\Sox: L-Lf 14 l ·Gddn~ (' Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that t hose who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, t he only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Bo...r!:ret .r:<k' 1< o v-o p v"-,0k_ I Address, City, State q3 3~ ~!!~ ZJ-J £ 101 Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) { f-::. ¥ ~l r.e.r1 B --z- Address, City, State }3 33 611 flt< tj/ti'r ·u;-1 It! Jt~.J-/(1 ~f; nffi_ 1 !YJfU S-S:<f 3&~ 7 Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Cent er documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolut ion affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution . Sincerely, Name (please print) j-~v-~ k:£A 11 Address, City, State LfL{ 2-~ CJ dfu v-o( 1> rl w_ ,( Cdc'V'-°'-. 1 ~'\ \\J Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a simila r resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State COL\\~ '\/ -ev-~ o n-\\se_ S 1 tA \ Y\~ 1 ~~ Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opport~nity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) C. Jc,tV\ llHy \?f,5</ron Address, City, State f 5 tJ> o A-( or" ~ fA.'.,r;, fW e;51 '6 Email ad Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State \ ~ f")._ ~ \ ,-.f-r; .-J ~n .. '/~ \2-d -'~ I\ Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope t hat the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (p~s~ p~ "1&:\~~1 . . . . . - Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) <{) f'i\G\ r CJ C\ r ~C\ Address, City, State 21S s~\(;.v~ ~\(\Jvd= ~-~s Jv\f ~I J) JJ Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) l)e\cD Address, City, State Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name {please print) 1 .J Su e_ P<n0 fp Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and t heir rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print ) tlo1A._6U.\5 L.4KL56N Address, City, State Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ,r i~ ()_,\\cj_\ Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) 1\-h \~ \{(AV'f;/ J Address, City, State I '.?GIG \?~ Y1l OJt . ~ tt+faµ) Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State { y q M+ A;rj s+ I Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ~\A\nQ_ Woe_ Address, City, State _I ~"--""'-G__._~___.._..._-nD-=--1......_~ V\....____,_ft __ v --=--e _t Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) c "\ f\rlY\a,\~\'\G\ fAVlJ\O w Address, City, State to?~\ 6tYllttD s,\ N Srurt\ M M~ Sb! 01 Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In t he months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We t herefore hope that the Edina Cit y Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ye,e, ft'Vl/J Address, City, State II • • t t • Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first -and to date, the only -Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) ff 11 /l l'l v~ Address, City, State S:f-. Email address Edina Citizens' Human Rights Committee Dear City Council Member, In the months following the 2016 presidential election, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented more than 900 incidents of hate speech and violence directed against Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, women and girls, immigrants and refugees, and people who identify as LGBTQ. People are fearful about their futures and their rights in our neighborhoods and our communities. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a resolution affirming that City's commitment to protecting all citizens from attempts to create a national registry or surveillance based on ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation. This resolution affirms the City of Minneapolis's commitment to ensuring that those who are targeted based on race, religion, or immigration status can turn to the government for assistance without fear of recrimination, and commits to welcoming people of all ethnicities, national origins, immigration statuses, gender and sexual identities, religious or non-religious affiliations, ages, economic status, and abilities and securing equal protection for all under the law. The City of Edina is the first-and to date, the only-Human Rights City in Minnesota. This gives us a unique opportunity, obligation, and responsibility to advocate for human rights at this critical time. We therefore hope that the Edina City Council will consider passing a similar resolution. Sincerely, Name (please print) Address, City, State -=2"'----'L-)'-'-( J...___?_le=-"-S c_vi_,_·f___,,.A----'-'\Je,;'-=--_11 6 , J1;..,rl<:,ju} 6 ) )/) jJ Email address