HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-08-26 HRRC Minutes
August 26, 2014 7:00 PM
City Hall – Community Room
Commissioner Seidman called the meeting to order at 6:59pm.
Answering roll call were Commissioners Arseneault, Bigbee, Carter, Davis, Kennedy,
Sanders, Seidman, and Winnick. Staff present: Staff Liaison MJ Lamon and City Management
Fellow Lindy Crawford.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to amend the Regular Meeting Agenda of
August 26, 2014 to add guest speaker Lt. Tom Draper from the Edina Police Department.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bigbee. Motion carried. Motion was made by
Commissioner Kennedy to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of
July 22, 2014, Commissioner Kennedy seconded. Motion carried.
A. Lt. Tom Draper, Edina Police Department
Lieutenant Draper explained his new role as the board and commission Police Department
liaison. Role and responsibilities are still being developed. Lt Draper gave an update on the
various projects happening in the police department. Commissioners had an opportunity to
ask questions and receive responses for as much as Lt Draper had information available for.
A. Updated: Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (Winnick)
Commissioners reviewed the revised Plan; this plan includes City Manager Scott Neal’s
comments and recommendations. Commissioners noted that the revisions give the City
Council a couple of options in paragraph 7. Commissioners agreed to include the
additional final sentence to paragraph 7 that Commissioner Winnick drafted, as follows;
“However, if the owner or operator of the Other Public Property requests the Edina
City Manager to not implement the Plan, the City Manager shall notify the Mayor and
City Council and the HRRC of such request, and shall seek Council guidance on
implementation.” Commissioner Bigbee moved to have the revised Plan approved and
sent to City Council on September 16th. Commissioner Arseneault seconded, motion
B. Community Conversations (Bigbee)
Commissioner Bigbee noted the Community Conversations working group has 18
interested members. Students and a few non-residents have expressed interest in joining
this working group. Commissioner Davis shared that the HRRC is open to having others
join the working group. Commissioners Bigbee and Davis are looking to have a two-hour
training session with the working group since these are the people who will be facilitating
the discussions in the coming months.
C. Homeless Youth Housing Resolution (Winnick/Bigbee)
Commissioner Winnick stated the City of Edina has nearly no low-income housing options,
and informed the HRRC about the August 13, 2014 Planning Commission meeting that
addressed the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative project. Commissioners discussed
the meeting. Commissioner Winnick presented the Resolution of Edina HRRC and acquired
feedback from other commissioners.
Staff Liaison Lamon recommended the option to change the proposed resolution to City
Council advisory communication for the September 2nd City Council meeting.
Commissioners showed positive interest in resolution and felt a resolution had greater
weight than an advisory communication. Commissioners requested staff to provide more
information on the difference between a “resolution” and “advisory communication” for the
September 23rd meeting. It was noted by Commissioners, the goal of this communication is
to show the City Council that the HRRC supports this project.
Commissioner Winnick suggested changing the current language of the document to turn it
into an advisory communication document for the City Council. Commissioner Arseneault
motioned to move the document with Commissioner Winnick’s revisions, Commissioner
Carter seconded. Commissioner Kennedy suggested a friendly amendment to change the
name from Advisory Communication to Advisory Resolution; Commissioners discussed the
friendly amendment.
Commissioner Arseneault moved to close debate, Commissioner Carter seconded.
Commissioners Davis and Kennedy opposed. Motion carried.
Commissioners voted on the motion on the table, motion carried.
Approved Advisory Communication Language:
Advisory Communication
Recommendation to Edina City Council from
Edina Human Rights and Relations Commission
August 26, 2014
Low income and special needs housing is desirable for diverse, healthy communities; as is
business, quality schools, housing for the majority and medical and social services.
The Edina Comprehensive Plan has been amended in the past to encompass needs reflective
of the changes in our community and its priorities. The increase in homeless youths, their
needs and the availability of private non-profit resources coupled with vacant real estate
within Edina has been brought to the attention of the City by Beacon Interfaith Housing
Collaborative. Its plans to convert the TCF Bank Building into a 39 unit apartment building
with space for counseling services to assist homeless youth by providing housing,
educational resources and job finding services is modeled after successful projects elsewhere
in the Twin Cities Area.
The sponsor estimates approximately 250 homeless youth live in the Edina-Bloomington-
Richfield area. This would be the first special purpose apartment building for this community
in the Western suburbs.
Accordingly, the EHRRC in its role as the advisor to the City Council on human relations and
matters within the scope of its mission:
RECOMMENDS AND SUPPORTS the Edina Planning Commission’s recommended zoning
changes and plan of Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative to create a 39 unit apartment
building for homeless youth with space for relevant social services directed to such youth
with the further recommendation that the City Council enact such changes and take all other
actions necessary to support such initiative.
D. 2015 Work Plan Preliminary Plans (Seidman)
Chair Seidman motioned to table the 2015 work plan discussion to the September 23rd
regular meeting, Commissioner Davis seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Bigbee
motioned to have the September 23rd regular meeting begin at 6:00pm, Commissioner
Arseneault seconded. Commissioner Sanders opposed, motion carried.
Commissioners reviewed the meeting packet items.
A. Next Meeting: September 23, 2014
B. Convening on Racial Equity
Commissioner Bigbee gave an update on the conference he attended about Convening on
Racial Equity.
Commissioner Kennedy discussed discrimination at the local level.
Commissioner Winnick said he will be attending the Edina Community Resource meeting
and extended the invitation to others.
Commissioner Carter noted that there was a lot of time spent on editing documents during
this meeting. He raised the question if the Commissioners should use a subcommittee for
editing documents.
Management Fellow Crawford asked for the last call on RSVP’s for the Vision Edina
workshop sessions in September. Chair Seidman and Commissioner Kennedy will attend.
Staff Liaison Lamon gave an update about the Human Services Task Force and asked for
volunteers. Commissioners Davis and Sanders will be in touch with Lamon about possibly
serving on the Task Force. Lamon informed the HRRC that physical attendance at our
regular scheduled HRRC meetings is required. Commissioners may want to do something
about this and would like to allow commissioners to attend via phone or video. Lamon
requested action on the left over Edina Reads books. Commissioner Bigbee volunteered to
take one set of books and see who would be interested in having these books.
Commissioners suggested to have student commissioners deliver the children’s books;
Chair Seidman will assist with this.
Chair Seidman would like to have the Commissioners think about when we would like to
have our work session with the City Council next year.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kennedy to adjourn the August 26th meeting,
Commissioner Carter seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm.
Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________
MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison
Minutes approved by HRRC August 26, 2014 ____________________________________
Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair