HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-24 HRRC Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION June 24, 2014 7:00 PM City Hall - Community Room I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Seidman called the meeting to order at 6:58pm. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Commissioners Arseneault, Bigbee, Cashmore, Davis, Kennedy, Sanders, Chair Seidman, and Winnick. Staff present: MJ Lamon, Staff Liaison, Annie Coyle, City Management Fellow, and Lindy Crawford, City Management Fellow. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Regular meeting agenda of June 24, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bigbee. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF May 27, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Commissioners suggested to change Section B of the Regular Meeting Minutes to add have “…that have their official dates.” Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 27, 2014; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Bigbee. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Bias Offense Response & Prevention Plan (Winnick) Commissioners reviewed the revised Bias Offense Response & Prevention Plan. Commissioner Winnick requested to adopt the document that was revised by Commissioner Sanders. The Commissioners reviewed the revisions made to the Plan beginning on page 31and the resolutions on page 37. Commissioner Cashmore made a motion to table the plan until the July meeting. There was no second to the motion. A response was noted that this topic was already tabled to this month and should be moved forward. Commissioner Bigbee motioned to approve the document, Kennedy second. Commissioners requested Commissioner Sanders to share the revisions that have been made. Commissioner Davis arrived at 7:19pm. Questions were raised by Commissioners if the Informed Consent to Release Private Information is clear enough for residents. Commissioner Kennedy would like to change the Edina Chamber of Commerce contact person to the position title instead of the contact person’s name. Staff will make this revision. The MN HRRC should be added to the Community Resources Network (Appendix B). The Plan and resolutions will be on the July 1st City Council meeting agenda. The sub-committee will present the amended report to them. Cashmore abstained. Motion carried to adopt the plan and the following resolutions: Resolutions of the Edina HRRC Re: Bias Offenses Response Plan RESOLVED, That the 2014 Amended Bias Offense and Response Plan be adopted by the Human Rights and Relations Commission and be transmitted to the City Council; and together with the Recommendation that it be adopted by the Council as the City’s Plan and Procedural Process should Bias Offenses under Minnesota Law occur within the City or upon public property owned, leased or used by other public bodies located within the City. Re: Reporting of Bias by City Departments RESOLVED, That the City Manager, subject if necessary to City Council approval, establish Periodic Reporting Procedures, including written formats tailored to each City Department, regarding the reporting of incidents of bias under Minnesota Law occurring within City Departments or observed by City employees while interacting with the public in the course of performing their duties. RESOLVED FURTHER, That Reporting Forms substantially similar to those developed by the Parks & Recreation Department be utilized by each City Department; and that an annual tabulation of bias incidents occurring within each Department or observed in interactions with the public be provided to the City Manager for transmission to the HRRC, Mayor and City Council on a regular basis. B. Community Conversations (Bigbee/Davis) Commissioners gave an update about Community Conversations. An invitation by press release is being sent out to ask for more volunteers to participate on the Community Conversation working group. There have already been two responses to the invitation. Commissioner Bigbee met Chris Bremer and passed out her informal biography. The MN Advocates for Human Rights will hopefully be here again to have a training session in late-August or early-September. Commissioners discussed that a budget can be discussed for treats such as water and cookies for this meeting. Commissioners moved and seconded to approve Chris Bremer for Community Conversations. Motion passed. C. Discuss 2014 end of year projects/Work Plan (All) i. Identify project champions and next steps 1. Community Conversations Possibly Commissioners Davis and Bigbee would be in the working group. 2. Tom Oye Commissioners Davis and Winnick are champions. 3. Days of Remembrance Commissioners Cashmore, Davis and Chair Seidman would like to continue working on this. Two proclamations were passed out by staff members to the commissioners. Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, will follow up with Scott Denfeld about the two Holocaust survivor videos. Commissioners asked about current and past budget. Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, will follow up on this item and put it on the July agenda. D. Special Needs (Sanders) The 25th anniversary of ADA is July 26th, 2015. The Arts and Culture Commission is having a film festival in November 2014 and maybe HRRC could partner with them in lieu of or an addition to an independent event. Cashmore made a motion for Sanders to come back in July with a suggestion for a sub-committee/working group on this project to put on the 2015 work plan, Seidman seconded. Davis and Sanders abstained. Motion passed. Sanders suggested obtaining permission from TPT to show their special needs documentary at the November film festival or else where. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Bigbee brought up the local support for human rights implementation and monitoring letter from the Advocates for Human Rights. Kennedy informed the Commissioners about various conventions that the United States has not ratified. Bigbee motioned to adopt a resolution for the City Council to sign the letter, Davis seconded the motion with a suggestion to correct the spelling of ‘fulfill’ in the last paragraph of the letter. Sanders opposed. Motion passed. VIII. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS Kennedy has started researching cities that have looked at the Human Rights City Designation and would like to report back in July. Bigbee attended an immigration meeting and has resource material if anyone would like to look at it. The City of Bloomington recently had a meeting about different indigenous populations and offered resources if anyone would like to see. Seidman noted that we haven’t had a guest speaker in a while and we would like to invite Police Chief Nelson. MJ said he may designate another person to speak; the Commissioners are ok with that. Community Conversations, budget, and the work session with Council will be put on the next agenda. Chair Seidman will not be at the July meeting. IX. STAFF COMMENTS MJ brought up that Susan Brott from the Edina Public Schools will speak at our October meeting. Annie shared the HRRC mission and beliefs. She shared the updated Contact Information and Roster. She then introduced Lindy, the new City Management Fellow. She shared this is her last meeting because her term with the city is up and thanked the Commissioners for their hard work and time spent with her. X. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment at 8: 57pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Minutes approved by HRRC July 22, 2014 ____________________________________ Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session # of Mtgs.Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 8/4/2014 Arseneault, Patrice 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Bigbee, Arnie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Cashmore, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% Carter, Derek 2/1/2017 1 1 1 3 75% Davis, Laura 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% Kennedy, Ellen 2/1/2017 1 1 1 3 75% Seidman, Jan 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Sanders, Tiffany 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 4 100% Winnick, Steve 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 5 83% Haeg, Molly student 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Harrington, Paige student 1 1 2 33% Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS:Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting*Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line.There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION