HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-22 HRRC Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION July 22, 2014 7:00 PM City Hall – Community Room I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Arseneault called the meeting to order at 6:59pm. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Commissioners Arseneault, Bigbee, Cashmore, Carter, Davis, Harrington, Kennedy, Sanders, and Winnick. Staff present: City Manager Scott Neal, Staff Liaison MJ Lamon, and City Management Fellow Lindy Crawford. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda of July 22, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cashmore. Motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF June 24, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Amendments: (1) Under VI. A. Change: “motioned” to “requested.” Remove: ‘s from Sanders’s. Add: “The Commissioners reviewed the revisions made to the Plan “beginning” on Page 31 “and the resolutions to adopt on page 37.” Add: “There was not second.” Delete: “Commissioner Cashmore motioned to table this to July. Motion not carried.” Add: The Plan “and resolutions” will be on the July 1st City Council meeting “agenda.” Add: Motion carried “to adopt the Plan and the following resolutions” (insert 3 resolutions). (2) Under VI. D. Changed: “getting” to “obtaining.” Add: ….at the November film festival “or elsewhere.” Winnick moved to approve the minutes as amended by the HRRC. Commissioner Davis seconded. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS Commissioner Sanders motioned to reorder the agenda to have Section VI. E. discussed first, Harrington seconded. Motioned carried. A. Community Conversations (Bigbee/Davis) Commissioner Bigbee handed out the most recently updated Board and Commission Working Group Roster. Bigbee will be working with this group closely and inviting others to join at a later date. Bigbee made a motion to approve the eight new applicants to the roster, Davis seconded. Motion carried. B. Special Needs Awareness Campaign (Sanders) Commissioner Sanders requested the City Council’s direction before the HRRC further develops the Special Needs Awareness campaign. Commissioners suggested discussing this item at the August 4th Joint Work Session to see which direction we should take. C. Human Rights City (Kennedy) Kennedy presented a report on Human Rights Cities. This is a possible new initiative on our 2015 Work Plan and will be discussed at the August 4th Joint Work Session. D. Tolerance in Motion (Winnick/Bigbee) Commissioners Winnick and Bigbee attended a meeting with the Mayor and representatives from the nonprofit group Tolerance in Motion. Materials provided in the meeting packet were discussed by the HRRC. Winnick and Bigbee would like to bring this item to Council and see where they stand on this and see if this is something that should be put on our 2015 Work Plan. E. Joint Work Session Preparation and Work Plan Review (Arseneault) City Manager Neal and Commissioners discussed the proposed changes in the Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan (“Plan”). Neal brought attention to steps #1 and #7 of the Plan. The City Council will have the chance to review the Plan prior to the Joint Work Session. The word “substantiated” in step #1 of the Plan will be important to Council, suggested Neal. Commissioners discussed reordering the Joint Work Session outline to ensure that the Plan and New Initiatives are both discussed. Commissioner Davis moved discussed amendments to the Work Session outline, Winnick seconded. Motion carried. Sanders motioned to make discussion time for everything five minutes besides the Plan, which would be about 10 minutes, Bigbee seconded. Motion carried. F. HRRC Budget History (Lamon) Staff Liaison Lamon explained the budget history provided in the meeting packet. Lamon mentioned that the HRRC may reallocate funds if Commissioners would like to in the future. We do still have some video production costs and a Tom Oye mugs invoice but we will have funds remaining for 2014. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS Commissioner Bigbee mentioned there is an upcoming Government Alliance on Race and Equity conference if anyone would like to attend. VIII. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS A. Next Meeting: August 26th, 2014 Student Commissioner Harrington shared that this will be her last meeting because she is leaving for college. Commissioner Bigbee motioned to fund up to three, $150 registration fees for HRRC members to attend the Government Alliance on Race and Equity conference August 5-6, 2014, subject to funding availability, Commissioner Cashmore seconded. Motion carried. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Liaison Lamon noted we have two new student commissioners joining the HRRC. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Cashmore to adjourn the July 22nd meeting, Kennedy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:14pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Minutes approved by HRRC August 26, 2014 ____________________________________ Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session # of Mtgs.Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8/4/2014 Arseneault, Patrice 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Bigbee, Arnie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100% Carter, Derek 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 86% Cashmore, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78% Davis, Laura 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Kennedy, Ellen 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 86% Sanders, Tiffany 2/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100% Seidman, Jan 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Winnick, Steve 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89% Haeg, Molly 9/1/2014 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 67% Harrington, Paige 9/1/2014 1 1 1 3 33% Gates, Nicole 9/1/2015 0 0% Weinert, Katrina 9/1/2015 0 0% Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS:Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting*Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line.There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION