HomeMy WebLinkAbout 2014-04-29 HRRC Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION April 29, 2014 7:15pm Braemar Golf Clubhouse – Harry Cooper Lounge I. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Arseneault called the meeting to order at 7:47pm. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Commissioners Arsenault, Bigbee, Cashmore, Carter, Davis, Haeg, Harrington, Kennedy, Sanders, Seidman and Winnick. Staff present: MJ Lamon, Staff Liaison, and Annie Coyle, City Management Fellow. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Bigbee to approve the meeting agenda of April 29, 2014. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harrington. Motion carried. IV. ADOPTION OF MEETING MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Bigbee to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of March 25, 2014; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Carter. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. 2014 Workplan Review i. Community Conversations Commissioner Bigbee provided a summary of the Community Conversations (formerly Community Outreach) working group. Commissioner Bigbee and Commissioner Davis are the co-chairs. Bigbee informed Commission that they have a working group meeting scheduled for April 30th, 6:00pm at the library. The working group plans to hold their first event on May 13th at Southdale Library. Bigbee was in the process of getting advertising coordinated with City Staff. Next steps include active recruiting for participation from diverse neighborhoods to reach a goal of 20 in attendance. Chair Seidman arrived at 7:49pm. ii. Days of Remembrance Motion was made by Commissioner Davis to table the Days of Remembrance agenda item until the May meeting; the motion was second by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. iii. Special Needs Awareness Commissioner Sanders reported that the Minnesota Department of Health has funding from a recently settled court case to support developmentally disabled children. There is a possibility of trying to partner with that program to access TPT documentaries and embed them into our website and partner with the Arts and Culture Commission for the Edina Film Festival. Commissioner Sanders is willing to bring the Special Needs Awareness Campaign Initiative forward at the Council Work Session. Motion was made by Commissioner Cashmore to have Commissioner Sanders work on the Special Needs Awareness initiative; the motion was second by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. iv. Immigration Reform Commissioner Arseneault reported that the Immigration Bill was passed by the Senate, but still in the House. The HRRC adopted an Immigration Reform Resolution in Fall 2013. Arseneault will bring forward Immigration Reform at the City Council Work Session. B. Prep for May 20th City Council Work Session i. Draft Agenda Review Chair Seidman opened discussion on topics to be presented to City Council during the work session. The group will first address current 2014 workplan initiatives. Commissioner Winnick will present a short summary on the 2013 Quasquicentennial. Commissioner Arseneault will address immigration reform. Commissioner Sanders will address the Special Needs Awareness. Chair Seidman will present summary on Anti-Bullying event and the Days of Remembrance and Genocide Awareness events. Commissioner Winnick will provide a progress report on Bias Offense Response Plan. The Bias Offense Committee has a final meeting May 6th and will share the draft changes to the plan with the commission before the Council Work Session. Commissioner Bigbee will provide a progress report about the Community Conversations Working Group. Motion was made by Commissioner Cashmore to have Commissioner Sanders address Black History Month at the Council Work Session as a possible new initiative; the motion was second by Commissioner Kennedy. Motion carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to have Commissioner Bigbee bring up affordable housing at the Council Work Session to determine the Council’s direction; motion was second by Commissioner Cashmore. Motion carried. Commissioner Sanders shared research she did on becoming a Human Rights City. Motion was made by Commissioner Kennedy to have Commissioner Sanders address the possible attainment of Human Rights City certification at the City Council Work Session; the motion was second by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. Motion was made by Commissioner Arseneault to appoint Commissioner Carter as the point person for the shared Boards and Commissions blog “The Advisor” and to have him address the Blog at the Council Work Session; the motion was second by Commissioner Cashmore. Motion carried. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS None. VIII. CHAIR, COMMISSION MEMBER, AND STUDENT COMMENTS A. Chair Comments Chair Seidman reminded commission of next regular meeting on May 27th, 2014. Commission discussed postponing Chief Nelson as a special guest speaker in May due to the large agenda. Chair Seidman reminded commissioners that they will also be identifying sub committees and working groups at the meeting. Staff will send out the draft subcommittee/working group document prior to the meeting. Commission Winnick also reported that the report from the Departmental Interview will also be on the agenda. B. Commissioner Comments Multiple Commissioners commented that the Days of Remembrance events were memorable. Concerns were raised about the volume of new initiatives; the commission will review the new ideas after the Council Work Session. Commissioner Kennedy provided a handout of Star Tribune article on Indigenous People’s Day in Minneapolis with information about an event to be held on October 12th, 2014. It was noted that the daughter of the President of the School Board wrote a book about her grandparents who lived in the ghetto; the book may be good to feature at next year’s Days of Remembrance. It was also noted that Native Americans have a separate Days of Remembrance. IX. STAFF COMMENTS None. X. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Bigbee to adjourn the April 29th, 2014 meeting of the Human Rights and Relations Commission; motion was second by Commissioner Arseneault. Motion carried. Adjournment at 8:29 pm. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________________ MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison Minutes approved by HRRC May 27, 2014 ____________________________________ Jan Seidman, HRRC Chair NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session # of Mtgs.Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 4 8/4/2014 Arseneault, Patrice 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 4 100% Bigbee, Arnie 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 4 100% Cashmore, John 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 4 100% Carter, Derek 2/1/2017 1 1 2 100% Davis, Laura 2/1/2015 1 1 1 1 4 100% Kennedy, Ellen 2/1/2017 1 1 50% Seidman, Jan 2/1/2016 1 1 1 1 4 100% Sanders, Tiffany 2/1/2017 1 1 2 100% Winnick, Steve 2/1/2016 1 1 1 3 75% Haeg, Molly student 1 1 1 1 4 100% Harrington, Paige student 1 1 2 50% Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet. Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically. INSTRUCTIONS:Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE) Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member. Rescheduled Meeting*Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member. Cancelled Meeting Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for ALL members. Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line.There is no number typed on the members' lines. *A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION