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2017 06-14 Planning Commission Packet
Agenda Planning Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Wednesday,June 14, 2017 7:00 PM I. Call To Order II. Roll Call III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes, Planning Commission, May 24, 2017 V. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing: Variance request at 6312 Post Lane B. Public Hearing: Setback Variance at 5261 Lochloy Drive for a house addition. C. Rezoning/Zoning Ordinance Amendment: 5109-25 West 49th Street for Great Oaks Development and TE Miller Development D. CUP: 6879 Washington Avenue for Jesus Celebratio Church VI. Community Comment During"Community Comment,"the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. Reports/Recommendations A. Transfer of Property: 4416 Valley View Road & 5146 Eden Avenue B. TIF Plan Market Street Project: Are the Plans in the TIF Agreement consistent with the Comprehensive Plan VIII. Correspondence And Petitions IX. Chair And Member Comments X. Staff Comments Xl. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Draft MinutesN Approved Minutes Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. �Q ..---- Minutes t City Of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission w, Edina City Hall Council Chambers •' • May 24, 2017 I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. II. Roll Call Answering the roll were: Commissioners Hobbs, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Hamilton, Bennett, Berube, Bennett, and Chair Olsen. Student Members, Kivimaki and Jones. Staff, City Planner, Teague, Sr. Communications Coord., Eidsness, Support Staff, Hoogenakker III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the May 24, 2017, meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2017, meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Berube. All voted aye. The motion carried. V. Community Comment None. VI. Reports and Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review—69th & France Avenue Redevelopment (Estelle Edina), Edina, MN Page 1 of 6 Draft Minutes►l Approved Minutes El Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Planner Presentation Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to re-develop 3.9 acres of land at the southwest corner of 69th Street and France Avenue. As proposed, at full build out, the site would include: ➢ 158 new owner occupied units, including the six townhomes; ➢ 15,000 square feet of new retail, including a restaurant and two banks; ➢ Public plaza and pedestrian and vehicle connections through the site both north/south and east/west; consistent with the "Re-Visioning the Southdale District" Plan. ➢ The applicant is proposing to comply with the City's Affordable Housing Policy to provide affordable housing elsewhere in Edina. Teague explained that the Southdale Area Development Principles were shared with the applicant; and they have done an exceptional job of incorporating many of the principles into the proposed plans. The proposal starts with the core principle of dividing big blocks into smaller blocks. This oversized block has been divided into four smaller blocks; improving pedestrian and vehicle connections. Boulevard style sidewalks are proposed along the streets consistent with the principle of improving the pedestrian experience on France and 69th. Teague noted that a public plaza is proposed on the corner. All existing structures would be removed. The proposed development is mindful of the immediately adjacent parcels so they may tie into the project in the future. Teague told the Commission if the applicant proceeds to a formal application to accommodate the request, the following is required: ➢ A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to increase the height maximum from four stories and 48 feet to 24 stores and 360 feet; and increase the density in the OR, Office Residential District from 30 units per acre to 50 units per acre; and ➢ A Rezoning from PCD-3 and POD-I, to PUD, Planned Unit Development. Teague concluded as with all sketch plan reviews; the Planning Commission is asked to provide non- binding comments and direction on a potential future development request. Areas of focus should be on the proposed land use, the appropriateness of the proposed development on this site, the development guidelines, and building height. With graphics, Teague highlighted aspects of the sketch plan. Appearing for the Applicant Luigi Bernardi, Arcadia and Mike Ryan, Ryan Companies. Comments. Questions and Discussion Commissioners noted they received a number of correspondence from the public and asked Planner Teague to explain the notification process. Planner Teague responded that the applicant is present this evening for sketch plan review. No formal application was made and the City did not notify neighbors of the sketch plan review. Teague said he believes the public learned of the project through either Page 2 of 6 Draft MinutesM Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. applicant outreach or news publications. Teague said he believes the proposal was highlighted in the "Business Journal" and the Star & Tribune. Continuing, Teague explained once a formal application is made the City's public hearing process and notification begins. Planner Teague was asked if the proposal would include affordable housing. Teague responded affordable housing would not be included in this project; however, the applicant would contribute to the City for affordable housing units elsewhere in the City. Planner Teague was asked if there are examples where cash in lieu of housing units was approved. Teague explained that the Affordable Housing Policy is new to Edina, adding cash in lieu was approved for the apartment project on Lincoln Drive. Teague reported that two million dollars were dedicated to provide affordable housing in Edina. Teague was asked when payment is made. Teague responded payment is required prior to issuance of a building permit. Applicant Presentation Mr. Bernardi addressed the Commission and explained that his family has been in the development business for over 50-years, and has a rich history with the City of Edina. Bernardi said his family's commitment to the City goes back to the development of the Edina Industrial Park and the Radisson South Hotel. Bernardi noted they just completed the Aurora on France and are looking forward to developing this iconic project, adding Estelle Edina has become a vision. Bernardi thanked the Commission for listening to their proposal. Carl Ronck,John Kramer& Sons, told the Commission this vision started six months ago, adding the Development Team followed the guiding principles for the Greater Southdale Area. Ronck said in their opinion the design of the building is first class. He further noted there is a demand in Edina for an upscale condominium building, concluding the goal with this project would be to create another option for people to own a home is this magnificent area. Mr. Ryan informed the Commission Ryan Companies has been in the development business since 1938. He reiterated when designing the project the Team looked to the nine Southdale Area Working Principles. With graphics, Ryan pointed out the following: • The project breaks down the "superblock" into smaller more pedestrian friendly residential blocks. • A public plaza is proposed at the corner of France Avenue and West 69th Street. • A new neighborhood restaurant with indoor/outdoor seating will be constructed activating the corner. The BMO Harris Bank and Bremer Bank are included in the retail component. • 6-Owner-Occupied Townhomes are proposed. • 152-Owner-Occupied vertical residences are proposed within two linear towers. • Tree-lined interior streets and sidewalks promoting a safer walking experience for Edina residents (Woonerf). • Integration of below grade parking. • Connectivity across France Avenue. • Quality design materials and an Art Deco step-back slender building. Continuing, Ryan noted that a shadow study was done and with graphics presented the shadow study to the Commission. Ryan added they held two neighborhood meetings and acknowledged that lighting was Page 3 of 6 Draft Minutese Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:Click here to enter a date. a concern expressed by residents and would be addressed. Ryan told the Commission storm water management would be improved on the site; however, at formal application the team would present the traffic study and final engineering reports. Concluding, Ryan mentioned they would love to own the entire site but do not. Ryan said the project builds upon existing assets and the design intentionally would ease the transition in scale and density from the Cornelia Neighborhood to the west. Comments, Questions, Discussion Commissioners asked the Development Team who their target market is and if they have a price point for the units. Ryan indicated that they believe their market are empty nester Edina residents. With regard to unit price, the price would be similar to the price points at the Westin; seven figure units plus some six-figure units. Ryan was asked about sustainability. Ryan said at this time that element has not been fully explored; however, the Team is committed to efficiency and meeting and exceeding the new energy code standards. The Commission encouraged the Development Team to review the LEED checklist. The Commission for the most part said their overall impression of the project was very good; however, the building heights may be too abrupt of a change so near a residential neighborhood and not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The height may just be too tall. Commissioners; however did like the townhouse element and acknowledged the placement of the townhouses helps the transition. Commissioners asked Ryan what is driving the height of the building. Ryan responded that constructing two tall linear buildings of quality design allow the development of a public realm (give to get) and a neighborhood for the residents of the buildings and townhouses. Ryan said they believe the buildings are special, stressing building vertical provides more common area; allowing walking paths, vegetation and common areas. Continuing, Ryan said they did not want to construct a large broad building mass. Concluding, Ryan said in their opinion they believe the towers are architecturally beautiful and of high quality that provide future property owners with common areas and a cohesive neighborhood experience. Commissioners asked the Development Team when they return for formal application that they have renderings of how the towers look from the residential neighborhood to the west. They further suggested that the Team capture that distance between the edge of the subject site and the residential properties. Commissioners also pointed out that Edina was developed to embrace the single-family experience; noting that element is the foundation of Edina. Commissioners asked The Development Team if they considered access through the area during the construction phase. Ryan responded that construction would be in phases and would be contained and screened. It was further stressed that the traffic studies take into consideration the very residential aspect of the neighborhood to the west to ensure this project has a low impact on that neighborhood. Commissioners acknowledged there are aspects of the proposal they believe are great; however, echoed that the height of the buildings is new and forward thinking but could be of concern. Commissioners acknowledged the following concerns and pluses of the proposal: • The vision shared is exciting and bold, however, is Edina comfortable with adding building height in this regional area. Page 4 of 6 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes Approved Date:Click here to enter a date. • Development of the condominiums would free up single-family homes for young families. This would be a benefit. • The proposal if done cohesively can encourage walkability and connectivity. • Storm water management will be important. Commissioners commented that they still see a lot of paved surfaces adding more green areas less concrete should be implemented throughout the site if this moves forward. • Incorporate rain gardens; allow them to occur. The Development Team was asked if they reviewed all of the comments from Mick Johnson (Southdale Area Guiding Principles) with regard to the Southdale area. If was stressed that his comments are good and may need a second look. It was acknowledged that the "Guiding Principles" are just that, guiding principles and not cast in stone; however, his suggestions on building placement and curving the townhouse buildings are worth noting. A discussion ensued with the acknowledgement of letters from residents from the abutting neighborhood voicing their concerns. It was noted that it is possible the City should not be considering buildings of this height west of France Avenue, noting it goes completely against the Comprehensive Plan. It was further noted that building height has always been a struggle in Edina and this just may be too much. Another discussion ensued focusing on the affordable housing component or lack thereof. Commissioners commented that affordable housing could not be decided this evening; however, it is something to keep in the back of our mind. The City must find ways to ensure this policy is met. A final discussion occurred on the overall height of the project with Commissioners sharing their opinions as noted: • Height can be viewed as a benefit because it reduces the footprint allowing more open space. • The greater Southdale Area is a very busy regional area. Traffic must be addressed correctly and if the project proceeds as proposed careful attention must be paid to the residential neighborhood to the west. Commissioners look forward to the Traffic Study. • The proposal was recognized as bold, acknowledging that the City of Edina has a rich history of boldness and has always been forward thinking in its vision. If this project was rejected because of the proposed height of the two towers that may not necessarily be a good thing for the City of Edina. • It was further acknowledged that height is the issue with this redevelopment. There is no way to know how allowing height west of France would affect the residential neighborhood to the west. This just may be too much. The neighbors to the rest are having a difficult time with this proposal and their opinion is important. • This proposal creates a challenge for the City to think holistically, to think to the future, with the understanding that change is difficult. Again is it just the height of the building that is the issue. • It was expressed that just because this building height has never happened does not mean it is wrong. Keeping an open mind is very important for the future of Edina and height in this location can be viewed positively. • Edina is recognized by the Met Council as urban. Edina is a City. This can be an exciting time. Chair Olsen thanked the applicants for their presentation. Page 5 of 6 Draft Minutes® Approved Minutes❑ Approved Date:Click here to enter a date. VII. Correspondence And Petitions Chair Olsen acknowledged back of packet materials. VIII.Chair And Member Comments Commissioners Bennett and Berube reminded everyone that the 44th & France Small Area Plan group would be meeting, Tuesday,June 6, 2017, 7:00 PM at Weber Park. IX. Staff Comments Planner Teague reported that in the near future the City would be receiving formal applications from a number of proposals that recently went through Sketch Plan Review before the Commission and Council. Teague noted that the Council heard the Sketch Plan Review for the bus garage, adding that the applicant incorporated some of the changes suggested by the Commission at Commission Review. Teague said he would be emailing Commissioners a checklist from the Sustainability Coordinator. This checklist would be a good tool when reviewing proposals. X. Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to adjourn the meeting of the Edina Planning Commission at 9:30 PM. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Berube. All voted aye. The motion carried. Jadaie/1-toogortcackex Respectfully submitted Page 6 of 6 • • STAFF REPORT fN • Nov EJOl'coRPOR 1888 Date: June 14, 2017 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker, Assistant Planner Subject: B-17-12, A 5 foot first floor height variance request for a new home located at 6312 Post Lane. Information / Background: MJL Homes has re-submitted a variance application on behalf of the property owners to increase first floor elevation of a new home 6 feet higher than the current first floor elevation. This new home build was approved for variance by the Planning Commission in April to increase the I st floor height to allow the basement to be elevated 2 feet above the flood elevation. The project is a tear-down/rebuild and is located on the south side of Post Lane. The property backs up to Arrowhead Lake currently consisting of a multi-level home built in 1956. A new home plan for the property was reviewed and approved for a 1st floor height variance by the Planning Commission in April 2017, to allow the new home to maintain a basement elevation 2 feet higher than the FEMA flood elevation of 875.8 as required by the City's adopted FEMA floodplain ordinance. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District has since reviewed the project for District permitting requirements and concluded in May, 2017, that the new home must have an elevated basement 3 feet higher than the city approved basement elevation, (2 feet above the FEMA flood elevation). Arrowhead Lake is a land-locked basin and does not have a low level piped outlet. Nine Mile District rules require that the basement elevation be reconstructed no lower than 883.8. Previously, the plan had the basement elevation at 880.3, (2 feet above the flood elevation of 878.3). The existing basement elevation of the home is at: 883.9 with the proposed basement elevation indicated to be at 883.8. The new basement can be no lower than 883.8 which directly impacts the proposed basement ceiling height and the new first floor elevation. The zoning ordinance allows for a maximum I foot increase in height of an existing 1st floor. The applicant is asking for a 5 foot 1st floor height variance to increase 1st floor City of Edina • 4801 W.50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 height by 6 feet allowing an 8.5 foot ceiling height in the proposed basement. The Engineering Department has established that as part of an overall flood plain management strategy, the City actively promotes the removal of homes from the floodplain. The Watershed District also reviews basement elevations based on flood risk. The Watershed District has calculated the flood risk to be higher with a calculated flood elevation of 881.3 instead of the FEMA established elevation of 878.3, (Watershed District has the flood elevation 3 feet higher than FEMA's elevation). A variance is required to allow the first floor elevation of the new home to exceed the first floor elevation of the existing home by more than one foot. The current home located at 6312 Post Lane has a first floor elevation at 888.0 feet above sea level. The existing home is a multi-level home with the front entry, (considered the I st floor); at garage level and the existing basement at an elevation 4.I feet lower than the existing"1st floor/entry level". The existing basement is not a full flight of steps lower than the I st floor/entry floor given the multi-level design. The 4 foot difference between the existing basement and entry level of the home is problematic when trying to conform to the Regulatory Flood Protection E and not exceed the one foot allowable increase in first floor height to provide adequate ceiling height in the basement. The property is limited in how low a basement and how high the new first floor, may be. The proposal provides basement ceiling heights of 8.5', which is on the low end for new construction. The Watershed District requires the entire basement of a new home to be elevated 2 feet above a flood elevation established 3 feet higher than the FEMA elevation. Since the project is not a remodel and is new construction, it allows an opportunity for the city to establish an appropriate basement elevation condition. The required basement elevation can be in conflict with the maximum 1st floor height requirement; therefore, it has been recognized in the ordinance that variances from the I st floor height requirement may be appropriate. The requirements for such cases are as follows: Eligibility Requirements for Variances from the I foot maximum increase in I st floor height. City Code allows for the issuance of a variance to increase the first floor elevation of a new home over one foot above the existing home under one of the following circumstances: I) To elevate the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation, as established by FEMA; 2) To elevate the lowest level of the dwelling to protect from groundwater intrusion; 3) To elevate the first floor elevation to the extent necessary to meet the state building code, city code, or statutory requirements; STAFF REPORT Page 3 Furthermore, a variance may only be issued if the proposed project fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass. This property is situated next to Arrowhead Lake within floodplain area. In staff's analysis, the proposed home will still fit the character of the neighborhood with regard to height, scale, and massing, even given the Nine Mile Creek mandated basement floor elevation. The existing grade next to the current home is 4 feet lower than the adjacent grade to the west and I foot lower than the adjacent grade to the east on neighboring properties The new home will conform to the height requirement of 33.25 feet and will be no taller than 37.91 feet from existing grade. So, even though the new 1st floor will be 6 feet higher, than the existing 1st floor, the applicant is not asking for an over-all height variance. The applicant has modified the roof pitch and trusses so that the over-all height as measured from average existing grade will still conform to the maximum height requirements. The first floor elevation request meets the eligibility requirements for consideration of a variance from the one foot 1st floor rule. Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Easterly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Southerly: Arrowhead Lake; zoned and guided low-density residential. Westerly: Single Unit residential homes; zoned and guided low-density residential. Existing Site Features The existing 19,439 square foot lot is located on the south side of Post Lane and has a multi-story home with a two car garage on the property. The site slopes lower to the rear of the lot. There is floodplain located behind the house. Planning Guide Plan designation: Low-Density Residential Zoning: R-I, Single-Dwelling District Floodplain, Grading & Drainage The Environmental Engineer has reviewed the application and submitted comments as attached in a memorandum. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Compliance Table City Standard Proposed Front— 35.7 feet 35.7 feet East Side - 10 feet 17.5 feet Rear— 75 feet 75feet West Side — 10 feet 16.8 feet Building Coverage 25% 21.65% 1st Floor Elevation 889 894.0* Building Height 38.25 feet 37.91 feet *Requires a variance PRIMARY ISSUES & STAFF RECOMENDATION Primary Issues Does the proposed new home meet the criteria for approval of a variance with a first floor elevation 6 feet higher than the existing home? Staff believes the proposal meets the criteria for a variance to allow the first floor elevation 6 feet higher than the existing home for the following four reasons: I) The proposed home design elevates the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation above the I00-year flood elevation as required by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. 2) The proposed home design elevates the first floor elevation to the extent necessary to meet the state building code with regard to minimum ceiling heights and floor truss size; STAFF REPORT Page 5 3) The proposed home design fits the character of the neighborhood in height, scale, and mass; 4) The request meets the criteria for approval of a variance given the following findings: a. The proposal meets the conditions for variance given FEMA and Watershed District flood protection requirements. b. The proposal meets all other applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements including over-all height measured from average existing grade. c. The proposal fits the character within this neighborhood. Recommended Action: Approve a 5 foot 1st floor height variance to allow the construction of a new home that will be more than one foot (6 feet total) above the existing first floor elevation of the previous home located at 6312 Post Lane due to Flood Plain Regulations. Staff recommends approval of the variance, as requested subject to the findings listed in the staff report above, and subject to the following conditions: The site must be developed and maintained in conformance with the following plans: • Survey date stamped, May 2017. • Building plans and elevations date stamped June, 2017 • Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer's memo. • Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Permit. Deadline for a city decision: August 4, 2017. 9r11 //64( p5�11 oI DATE: 6/8/2017 TO: Cary Teague— Planning Director FROM: Charles Gerk, PE— Graduate Engineer RE: 6312 Post Lane - Variance—Second Review The Engineering Department has reviewed the subject property for street and utility concerns, grading, storm water, erosion and sediment control and for general adherence to the relevant ordinance sections. This review was performed at the request of the Planning Department; a more detailed review will be performed at the time of building permit application. Plans reviewed include the site plan dated 05/16/17, no storm water management plan was submitted. However conversations with regards to the stormwater management plan were had with both the applicant and the applicant's engineer. Summary of Review The proposed plans include the demolition of an existing home, lot grading and construction of a new home at 6312 Post Lane. This property is located on Arrowhead Lake and is required to meet Nine Mile Creek Watershed District rules and obtain a watershed permit, this includes meeting the low floor elevation requirement of Nine Mile Creek Watershed District as outlined in the attached standard "Arrowhead Lake Redevelopment Low Floor Elevation Standard." Grading and Drainage Grading for this site appears to be self-contained and promotes any drainage to the street or lake. The plan as proposed appears it would meet City Code requirements for a building permit, if a stormwater management and erosion control plan was submitted. However in its current state it would not meet Nine Mile Creek Watershed District standards, due to the lack of a stormwater management plan, which is discussed below under "other items". Flood Plain For homes being redeveloped on Arrowhead Lake, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District (NMCWD) rule 4.3.2(b)(2) supersedes City low floor elevation standards. NMCWD has determined the low floor elevation standard for Arrowhead Lake to be 883.8' M.S.L. based on rule 4.3.2(b)(2) and will be applied to all future redevelopments proposed. The LFE proposed meets this requirement. More detail can be found in the attached standard "Arrowhead Lake Redevelopment Low Floor Elevation Standard." Erosion and Sediment Control Perimeter control is required, and will be required for a building permit. Additional floating silt protection is required. Inlet protection is also required. Street and Curb Cut A curb cut permit will be required prior to construction of the driveway. Water and Sanitary Utilities No Comments ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 a( 11117-,, Other Items A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit will be required to obtain a building permit. With the plans as submitted the applicant would not meet the requirements of NMCWD rule 4.0 (stormwater management). The site does appear to be large enough to accommodate any infiltrative features that could be required as a result of rule 4.0, but these changes could change the grading and landscaping of the site. The process to obtain the NMCWD permit can be quite involved, requiring substantial engineering cost and is a lengthy permit process. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371•Fax 952-826-0392 l�lA.,lt 0 01 \ „il m Arrowhead Lake Redevelopment Low Floor Elevation Standard Summary For homes being redeveloped on Arrowhead Lake, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District(NMCWD) rule 4.3.2(b)(2) supersedes City low floor elevation standards. NMCWD has determined the low floor elevation standard for Arrowhead Lake to be 883.8' M.S.L. based on rule 4.3.2(b)(2) and will be applied to all future redevelopments proposed. Introduction Arrowhead Lake is a landlocked basin in the southwest quadrant of the City of Edina.As residential redevelopment is proposed around Arrowhead Lake, it is important to understand the different ordinances and rules pertaining to the determination of the proposed low floor elevation. Both the City of Edina and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District have ordinances and rules in place. City of Edina Ordinances for Low Floor Elevation Determination City code and engineering standards dictate that residential redevelopment parcels at or below the 1%annual chance flood elevation have a low floor elevation no lower than 2-feet above the 1%annual chance flood elevation. This elevation is the higher of either the FEMA Flood Insurance Study reported number or the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan modeled elevation. However, Edina City Code (Section 36-9)states that; "The provisions of this chapter shall be the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. ...Where any other applicable statute, ordinance, rule or regulation, including, without limitation, as to article X of this chapter, those of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, and the state department of natural resources, impose greater restrictions than this chapter,such other statute, ordinance, rule or regulation shall control." Due to this section of code, Watershed rules supersede City ordinance when they are more stringent. Nine Mile Creek Watershed Rules for Low Floor Elevation Determination District rule chapter 4.0 dictates the requirements for low floor elevations in the NMCWD.Similar to the City of Edina, NMCWD rule 4.3.2(a)states that"No structure may be constructed or reconstructed such that its lowest floor elevation is less than 2-feet above the 100-year event flood elevation".The 100-year elevation is determined by modeling that the NMCWD has completed. However, rule 4.3.2(b),which applies to landlocked basins,states. "Any new or reconstructed structure wholly or partially within a landlocked basin must be constructed such that its lowest floor elevation is 1. 1-foot above the surface overflow of the basin,or ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371 •Fax 952-826-0392 v tr\ /k o r•. • 2. 2-feet above the elevation resulting from two concurrent 100-year single rainfall events in a 24-hour period or a 100-year, 10-day snowmelt,whichever is higher" Because landlocked basins have no natural surface outflow or manmade outlet below the elevation of the 1%storm, multiple smaller storms or snow melts can have a larger cumulative impact in these areas.To mitigate this less determinative risk, a higher standard is applied by the watershed as shown above. Engineering staff utilizing a digital elevation model has identified approximately 10-parcels adjoining Arrowhead Lake with LFE currently at or below 883.8' M.S.L.. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371 •Fax 952-826-0392 Kris Aaker From: Bob Obermeyer <BObermeyer@barr.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:23 PM To: Kris Aaker Cc: 'Randy Anhorn' Subject: 6312 Post Lane Attachments: SKM_C45817053014150.pdf Kris: it was nice talking with you.Attached is my e-mail to Mike Lindor outlining the low floor elevation requirement for the reconstruction of the home at 6312 Post Lane. Let me know if you have any questions. Bob Bob Obermeyer, PE Vice President Senior Water Resources Engineer Minneapolis, MN office: 952.832.2857 bobermeyer@barr.com www.barr.com resourceful. naturally. - From: MSP 5W COPY C458@barr.com [mailto:MSP 5W COPY C458@barr.com] Sent:Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:15 PM To: Bob Obermeyer<BObermever@barr.com> Subject: Message from KM_C458 1 Bob Obermeyer From: Bob Obermeyer Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 9:52 AM To: 'mike@mjlhomes.com' Cc: John Bertelsen(JohnB@cesminn.com); 'Randy Anhorn' Subject: FW: Home Reconstruction -6312 Post Lane: Edina Mr. Lindor: A Nine Mile Creek Watershed District permit application with supporting documentation was submitted on April 27,2017 for the reconstruction of the single-family home located at 6312 Post Lane in Edina.For the submittal to be complete,the following information is required: 1. District Rule 4.3.1b requires that the peak runoff flow rates must be limited to existing conditions for the 2, 10, and 100 year storm events for all points where stormwater discharge leaves a parcel. The submittal does not totally comply with this requirement.This has been discussed with John Bertelsen, project engineer. 2. Arrowhead Lake is a land-locked basin—the lake does not have a low level piped outlet.The project site is riparian to the lake. District Rule 4.3.2 requires any new or reconstructed structure wholly or partially within a land locked basin must be constructed such that its lowest floor elevation is: 1) 1 foot above the surface overflow of the basin or 2)2 feet above the elevation resulting from two concurrent 100-year single rainfall events in a 24-hour period or a 10-day snowmelt,whichever is higher.The plans show the proposed low floor elevation of the reconstructed home will be 880.3 M.S.L. Using the City of Edina lidar topographic mapping,the surface overflow from Arrowhead Lake is approximately 882.3 M.S.L. and is located on Indian Hills Road east of Margarets Lane.The District using watershed information provided in the Edina Comprehensive Water Management Plan has calculated a flood elevation of 881.8 M.S.L.for Arrowhead Lake for the back-to-back 100- year frequency storm events(which is higher than the snowmelt elevation).The minimum finished floor elevation for the reconstructed home must be 883.8 M.S.L.or higher. The application will be considered incomplete until these two items have been addressed. Bob Obermeyer Bob Obermeyer, PE Vice President Senior Water Resources Engineer Minneapolis, MN office: 952.832.2857 bobermeyer@barr.com www.barr.com resourceful. naturally. s ARR1 CES Consultants, LLC 201 West Travelers Trail, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 763-274-4405 johnb@cesminn.corn Storm Water Drainage Report For 6312 Post Lane, Edina, Minnesota April 20, 2017 • Site Background The proposed site work is the removal of an existing home and the construction of a new home on an existing single family platted lot. The project is in the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The Watershed District therefore requires a storm water management plan per District Rule 4.2. The requirements are: • Retain on-site and infiltrate a rain fall volume of 1" on the new impervious surfaces • Limit peak runoff to existing rates for 2, 10 and 100 year event storms • Provide water quality treatment to minimum 60% annual removal efficiency for phosphorus and minimum 90% annual removal efficiency for total suspended solids. The site is located just south of Highway 62/Cross Town Highway, just east of Highway 169, and is located on the north shore of Arrowhead Lake. The lot is within 0.7 miles of the North Fork Nine Mile Creek. Currently the site contains the existing home with attached garage, driveway, front sidewalk and rear patio. The site contains a number of mature trees and a majority of the home and yard drains runoff to the lake. Only a small portion of the roof, and alt of the front sidewalk and driveway drain to the street. The proposed house will occupy the same location as the existing home, will preserve the larger mature trees and does not significantly change the overall drainage pattern. A geotechnical report was prepared by MTM Environmental, Inc. and is dated February 2, 2017. The on-site investigations included two soil borings, Boring_#1 at the northwest corner of the existing home and Boring #2 at the southeast corner of thg existing home. Boring #1 indicates a mixture of silt/ clay / sandy soils to th -foot termination with a water table noted at a depth of about 12 feet (+/- afion 876.0). Boring #2 indicated silt/ clay/ sandy soils to about 10 footOp (+/- ,Kk elevation 877.5) and Silty Sand (SM) below. The water table was4eteci:;ed..<tt�1 .5 feet deep (elevation 875.0). in accordance with the Minnesota PCA de * criteria to, infiltration basins, the CL soils are not conducive for infiltration but the SM soils are, with an infiltration rate of 0.45 inches per hour. Basis of Calculations NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data was utilized for all storm events. Hydrocad models were created to determine rate of runoff and volume of runoff for the storm events. P8 modeling was utilized to determine water quality reduction values. Total basin areas are within the property tines except the waterline/ shoreline defined by the site survey is utilized as the south boundary. ydrocad Models Hydrocad.models were developed for existing and proposed conditions. The existing conditions model contains two basins, one draining to the north/street, and a second draining to the south/lake. A link joins the two basins to sum the hydrographs for total runoff from the lot. The proposed conditions model includes four basins: the north basin that drains directly to the street and contains the driveway; the south basin that contains only landscaping/lawn and drains directly to the lake; the west basin that contains approximately the west half of the roof and drains to Raingarden #1; and the east basin that contains approximately the east half of the roof and drains to Raingarden #2. Similar to the existing conditions, a link joins all basins to sum the hydrographs for total runoff from the lot. Both Raingardens provide for infiltration and rate control, and include an overflow spillway which drains to the south basin. Models were developed for the 2, 10 and 10.0 year events and are summarized as follows: Total Lot Runoff a Volumes (From Links) 2 Year 10 Year 100 Year Existing Condition 0.96 cfs 1.76 cfs 3.63 cfs 0.052 af 0.096 af 0.205 af Proposed Condition 0.82 cfs 1.83 cfs 3.80 cfs 0.048 of 0.092 of 0.199 of There is an increase in impervious surface from existing to proposed conditio0376 square feet, which along with a slight decrease in the time of concentra e ram existing to proposed conditions accounts for the very slight increase` Ae total. runoff from the site. The raingarden volumes provide adequate r� controlior�the 2 year event, but are not sufficiently large enough to attenuate the 10 and100`year n events. Larger raingardens were examined however the size to reducelpeak rune ff�'' `sir 2 • from the 10 and 100 year events encroached into the tree preservation zone of the adjacent existing trees. The storm volumes are, however, less in the proposed condition than in the existing condition for each rainfall event. P8 Model The P8 model was developed by Civil Methods, Inc., and their report is attached to this report. The result is that Total Suspended Solids are reduced by 90% on a yearly basis (90% required), and Total Phosphorus is reduced by 75.9% on a yearly basis (60% required). Rainga.rciens Raingarden design is based on a minimum volume infiltrated of 1" rainfall on proposed impervious surfaces. For Raingarden #1 there is 1,748.sf impervious surface requiring 146 cu.ft. retained/infiltrated, with 164 cu.ft. provided. For Raingarden #2 there is 1,446 sf impervious surface requiring 121 cu.ft. retained/infiltrated, with 165 cu.ft. provided. A raingarden soil mixture will be installed in each raingarden to provide a growing medium and for infiltration. The existing clay soils below the raingarden mixture will need to be removed to the SM Silty Sand soils noted in the soil boring logs and replaced with SP sand to provide a continuation of infiltration out of the raingardens. The draw down time for the volume retained is based on the in place SM soils with an infiltration rate of 0.45 inches per hour. The draw down times are 41 hours for Raingarden #1 and 34 hours for Raingarden #2. Maximum depth from the bottom of the raingarden to the overflow elevation is 1.5 feet for Raingarden #1 and 1.0 feet for Raingarden #2. Lowest Floor Determination The determination of the viability of the lowest floor elevation of the proposed home is determined from the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Rules, Appendix 4a. The following data are required to make the determination: • Soil types from Boring #1: • ■ Ground surface 887.5 ‹A:\ Topsoil to Undefined ■ Clayey to 867.5 (+/•• 20' end of boring) pie ■ Water table 876.0* ���� r\% • Soil types from Boring #2: • Ground surface 887.5 ■ Topsoil to Undefined ��° ` • Silt/Clay/Sand to 877.5 (+/ • 10' below ground sur-face)'� • Below Silt/Clay/Sand is poorly graded sand (SM) to 869.0 • Water table 875.0* *Note that the measured water elevation of Arrowhead Lake was 876.7, the OHWL = 875.8, and the 100 year flood =- 878.3. The increase from OHWL to 100 year elevation is 2.5'. For purposes of determining the lowest floor separation from ground water the OHWL elevation of 875.,8 will be used. The proposed lowest floor is proposed at 880.3, and provides for a separation from the assumed water table of 4.5 feet. Plot 1 is entered with 60 feet from the proposed structure to the 100 year lake elevation, and indicates a recommended minimum 5.2 feet separation from lowest floor elevation to 1:he water table without a variance,, which is not quite met with 4.5 feet of separation. Per the soil boring logs the on-site soils area a mixture of soil types that may be transitioning from silty/ clayey soils to sandier soils as they get closer to the lake. The mixture of soils types may mean that Plots 4, 5 and 6 may all in part be applicable. Plot 4 is for clayey soils and indicates a minimum separation of 4.5 feet. Plot 5 is for silty soils and indicates a minimum separation of 2.0 feet, and Plot 6 is for sandy/ gravel soils and indicates a separation of 0.25 feet. The proposed separation of 4.5 feet is at or well beyond the minimum separations indicated by the plots. Overall Conclusions • Rate control is met for the 2 year storm event but not quite for the 10 and 100 year events.. Raingarden volumes are larger than required for the 1" on new impervious surfaces, but further increases needed to further control peak rate for the 10 and '100 year events encroached into the adjacent tree preservation zones. The storm volumes, however, are reduced in the existing condition for all storm events. • Overall reductions of phosphorus and solids meet district requirements. • The variability of soils makes the determination of the lowest floor a matter of judgement; however the proposed separation of 4.5 feet seems reasonable. Ppared by: 0 / I / dp ( _T q/ J n Bertelsen P.E. Attached: • Site Location Mapco • Existing Site Conditions' • Proposed Site Conditions • Proposed Grading Nan ly �' • Atlas 14 Precipitation Data '�� `1` ,\‘ • Entire Lot I-lydrocad Models for Existing and Proposed Con iit ons ' , ,ci, • P8 Modeling Report and Output $'' , • Boring Location Map and Boring Logs from Geotechnical Report V 51 z Ir +.�I �s4� 1 l I ( i . o41 SB•I n :`l :i� fir,' !� � .rn,,1100410M ,1' 'r aP ! t 6a tit ,` IN s,7 al t o' Y ^ l" r I' ekeA 41 p c W et y � a � i ati�J � � +Ytu x r ', Vvlu �.. tll .,1 .3R �. pd' y4{ rjl F 1 :lid k• y. ty t l �7 p L ,,I�y�r �j{'�. -� '41 „i ,, ° ,"„7,!;-,-1,'„,',.,,q,:.,1 ri i �t � 1,44::::,..,, ?1 'L`,^�r1`l§ ^k n ,*1 J4' '3' le.,‘,,,, ;,ik li�� r}yp[yJI' II 1: y, !11),.: i 'yr";a'`- ryj�,, ''', }"•4`" . i�Y n N r) { a '+r'�4 `#1'4 i f' II ;k;kr ' T.-ie • I , .4' Ill tl� �C �„t � � ', ! 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RETAINING WALL ELEVATIONS i _ i :'•• ‘.14.0.tr,''s , ,- • s\ :.:7 N ,.V.,:i° ..........._. BOTTOM OF HEIGHT OF / ' - 6, s,„,_. ,..„ LOCATION TOP OF WALL WALL• WALL / \\ SPILL AY @.,,88,....„.4....,.0 \ fr„.„. .,. , A 0'SPILLWAY / A 887.5 887.5 0,0 _ . B 887.5 886.0 1.5 C 887.5 885.0 2,5 0 887.5 884.0 Drdi1/4T-1." . v, • ..,. ' • ,_,.. , . E 887.5 8875 . , •\v„ --' „0- `,,, -........... RAW / ARDEN NOTES -„...,, (5!zs s, -,, --- •FOR BOTH RAINGARDENS REMOVE THE CLAY _ ..--...... "'.., ,,,, 605„ Lifs SOILS BELOW TI-IE RAINGARDEN MIXTURE • N ^„ •„„ „.., DOWN TO TH e 5M 5111Y SAND 501L5. -----. ,,,,,,,...... •• ,„,,._ •'06,,L, ., ••„„ BACKFILL WITH 5F'SAND TO THE RAINGARDEN •„,,, . • . MIXTURE. 11,11,Z12"."'''• -"t . / 86'Y'' '''''''' "..'''''' •DO NOT EXCAVATE OR.IN5TALL THE -._ / .-- .`,81,/ „ ,..., RAINGARDEN MIXTURE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION .,...„.... --2 -- •.-- vl..d"•,.-..,--, ACTIVITY HAS BEEN COMPLETED TO MINIMIZE -- COMPACTION OF 5AND BACKFIll AND THE SS RAINGARDEN MIXTURE. INSTALL SAND AND --... —/' It \ MIXTURE WITH A BACKHOE. - '‘ •RAINGARDEN MIXTURE 15 30%COMPOST ••••''. .:,,' - AND 70%SAND AS FURNISHED BY-me MULCH STORE"IN ROSEMOUNT. •INSTALL RAINGARDEN MIXTURE IN RAINGARDEN 44 I FROM 882,0 TO 883.5, AND IN RAINGARDEN#2 FROM 885.010 •1b..,iii..... I •\., 11'' t \N ARRO -'--..41e A KE• , R.. ...,,s, 30' eL% L I ...V.. PROPOSED GRADING PLAN 'W'' 0 w° 6312 POST LANE (j) ‘' EDINA, MINNESOTA 03-08-17 Draft Minutes❑ Approved Minutes® Approved Date:5/10/2017 Minutes o City Of Edina, Minnesota r ®' v Planning Commission Edina City Hall Council Chambers April 26, 2017. I. Call To Order Chair Olsen called the mee . -- at 7:05 P.M. H. Roll Call Answering the roll were: Commissioners Hobbs, Lee, Thorsen, Strauss, Nem- , amilton, Bennett, Berube, Bennett, Chair Olsen. Student Members, Kivimaki and -s. Staff, City Planner, Teague, Assistant Planner, Aaker Senior Planner, Repya, Sr. Comm - .tions Coord., Eidsness, Support Staff, Hoogenakker III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda A motion was made by CommissioP-' horsen to approve the April 26, 2017, meeting agenda. The motion was seco. by Commissioner Strauss. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. A• •royal Of,v in• Minutes A motioi made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2017, Plan;"/ommission Meeting; The motion was seconded by Commissioner Strauss. All v•/. aye. The motion carried. V. Public Hearings A. Variance. 6312 Post Lane, Edina, MN. A first floor height variance to build a new home. Staff Presentation Page 1 of 10 Draft Minutes El Approved Minutes® Approved Date:5/10/2017 Planner Aaker informed the Commission MJL Homes has submitted a variance application on behalf of the property owners to increase first floor elevation 2.75-feet higher than the current first floor elevation in order to construct a new home at 6312 Post Lane. Planner Aaker reported that staff believes the proposal meets the criteria for a variance to allow the first floor elevation 2.75 feet higher than the existing home for the following four reasons: 1) The proposed home design elevates the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation of two feet above the 100-year flood elevation. 2) The proposed home design elevates the first floor elevation to the extent necessary to meet the state building code with regard to minimum ceiling heights and floor truss size; 3) The proposed home design fits the character of the neighborhood in height,scale, and mass; 4) The request meets the criteria for approval of a variance given the following findings: a. The proposal meets the conditions for variance. b. The proposal meets all other applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. c. The proposal fits the character with this neighborhood. Planner Aaker concluded that staff recommends approval of a 1.75 foot 1st floor height variance to allow the construction of a new home that will be more than one foot(2.75 feet total)above the existing first floor elevation of the previous home located at 6312 Post Lane due to Flood Plain Regulations. Approval is also subject to the following conditions: Survey date stamped March 10, 2017. Building plans and elevations date stamped March 10, 2017 Compliance with the conditions and comments listed in the Environmental Engineer's memo. Appearing for the Applicant Mike Lindor, MJL Homes Applicant Presentation Mr. Lindor addressed the Commission and explained that the homeowners desire a higher ceiling noting that the bedroom ceiling is a tray ceiling; however, the pitch of the roof was lowered to reduce mass. Lindor noted that the neighborhood has many differing house styles;to include two story, mid-century modern, ramblers,etc. Lindor asked the Commission for their support. Discussion/Comments Commissioners acknowledged the fact that home styles in this neighborhood vary; however, it appears that Edina's housing stock is being replaced by larger homes. Mr. Lindor agreed that Page 2 of 10 Draft Minutes❑ Approved Minutes® Approved Date:5/10/2017 homebuyers want larger homes, adding he has constructed a number of homes in Edina; all large compared to past standards, with clients sometimes wanting larger. Mr. Lindor was asked if trees would be removed. Mr. Lindor responded in the affirmative, adding that he believes at minimum 7 trees would be removed to accommodate the new construction. Lindor said he had an arborist out to the site who indicated to him that if one builds in the drip line of a tree chances are that tree would not survive. Lindor concluded that they will be careful with tree removal and would add replacement vegetation. Planner Aaker interjected that a tree replacement plan would be drafted for the site, adding that the applicant would have to meet any requirements stipulated in that plan during the permitting phase of the project. Public Hearing Chair Olsen opened the public hearing. No one spoke to the issue. A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hamilton. All voted aye. The motion carried. Discussion/Comments Commissioners noted that in the future the Commission may want to reconsider roof height; especially if adjacent homes are one or 1 1/2 stories. It was observed that retaining the character of a neighborhood was important. It was stated that the proposed home was in keeping with the neighborhood; however, neighborhood character should always be addressed. The Commission further commented that the new homes being constructed throughout Edina are large and are replacing for the most part smaller homes. Concluding, Commissioners stated in this instance the house does fit the scale of the neighborhood; albeit height continues to be a struggle. Commissioners expressed support for the project. Motion A motion was made by Commissioner Thorsen to approve the variance based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Berube. All voted aye. The motion carried. Page 3 of 10 ,,411544 .v L tic;DC 672763 HOME S :'VSs`ERE COMM UTMEN'l couNrS M.NI_Homes LLC Date 5.15.2017 Re: 6312 Post Lane Edina, MN—Variance for the finished 1st floor elevation and overall height increase of 3.5 feet. The practical difficultly that exist on this homesite Arrowhead Lake is a land-locked lake with no outlets for drainage,the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District requires an additional 3.5 Feet above the normal required 2 feet above the flood plain. The Watershed District requirements for this property are to raise the lowest floor up an additional 3.5 feet which would then meet their guidelines and the Watershed District would then approve the permit. Due to the Watershed Districts guidelines for this property we must increase the finished first floor height by 3.5 ft. Due to the Watershed District guideline for this property we must increase the overall height of the home by 3.5 feet making total home height to be 41 feet from the existing grade. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or • zoning district The requested variance is to increase the finished first floor elevation and the overall height of the home by an additional 3.5 ft.to be able to the get approval from'the Nine Mile Watershed District permit for the home. This is within the spirit and intent:of the ordinances,the purpose is for a single family dwelling. Single family dwellings are a permitted use in the neighborhood. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance There are many new homes that have been built in the neighborhood and the home that we are proposing will conform and blend in with the rest of the new and existing homes and will not alter the essential character of'the neighborhood. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood The home to the w )Tthe property existing grade is at approximately 3.0 higher than the proposed property and the property to thelt existing grade is approximately 6.0 higher than the proposed property(see Rendering) $624 Kalmar Trail, Lakeville MN 55044 Office 612-759-0527—Fax 952-314-9676 672763 License Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/21/2017 *VIFF ick '., ' Trrst L. ..c -. -'' �‘,1 • ,.. . lid 0 . , IA. , 1,,, ,,.. _. Nith . . . . _ f 4t, .:, :"--"---"r-------- •• , -.. , F ._ ."' , of it - i- 4 r,. ! re. q11P ''a ,t i - %6!,,,c. F sAy �: Y 1.1' ,,j - — :44..t. 1'4' :‘.t.', _ ....\ { r^� 51�h1.4 1 inch =200 feet PARCEL ID: 0611621220021 Comments: OWNER NAME:AnantjotAnand & Preet Anand PARCEL ADDRESS: 6312 Post La, Edina MN 55439 PARCEL AREA: 0.61 acres, 26,483 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: $435,000 SALE DATA: 10/2016 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore warrantyefgin kind;inorand iey)is notsuitable legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homestead Hennepin County shall not be liable for any MARKET VALUE: $489,300 damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: $7,426.24 COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 COUNTY 2017 PROPERTY TYPE: Unavailable HOMESTEAD: Unavailable MARKET VALUE: Unavailable - :- ...,.. . . . • -- • ..-. - • , .".• -._ 0. ,- - • '' '.41AN...', Ili' A,,;--•-.„.. .:,• -.' . -- L. -.-• . ----,- , ,.„-7 ;'.4.•*:.... 41%,,,,''i,, _•-,,,, ,,.. ...:.•,-. . . .. - .,-.. -.,. • . ,.--.,.-..„-,,..7 -.` , ..x.{1k1';'•,,', .....e.-il':•-ii.'7i'.' :::. ''''';:: :Nt-'-ck':1_4-;c:r- ;Ii-'-i; ''''-,,:-'4::,:':',•..:;- .'''.11•:. . — :- .'''''' ' '' ''' -2' '.;"'' . . . . . .. .. :-.,-•''''• 1,0..14- :4k='! . .:. -<:.. ,f,,, ,-- -.,:','.-. ...• _. . . . . . . .. . _ ..T.,,,,„,_::.:-.,-,_ : . ';0;'. ,,,.: , ; =,, ..,..,,,..., ,:/..,- ,-,1)_. ''.',447,..'' ,.1;1.,•,;,...' 1';.,A;r-,''4•;i- • i' '.',41' ' ' 'ir' '`' . '1,;!.:.7.''• • . ,-. •-. •.• _ : . - ,•. 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Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/21/2017 I.. �• evx% t.t L. w t,n'^2YF• , # y' 'r a ii ¢ k au . \ .:. 111 ,,,,,,,..,'' . , . ,ki - , st .,, _ ; _ 'l .4.:' d ,�, 9t f .,+ „. ij a • l 5 'l 1 inch = 50 feet PARCEL ID: 0611621220021 Comments: OWNER NAME:AnantjotAnand & Preet Anand PARCEL ADDRESS: 6312 Post La, Edina MN 55439 PARCEL AREA: 0.61 acres, 26,483 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: SALE DAT/ SALE CODE: Warranty Deed This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy,(ii)is furnished with no warranty of any kind;and(iii)is notsuitable PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homestead Hennepin County shall not be liable for any MARKET VALUE: damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: S COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN COUNTY 2017 ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 PROPERTY TYPE: Unavailable HOMESTEAD: Unavailable MARKET VALUE: Unavailable ADDRESS:6312 POST LANE CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR NOTE:ALL BUILDINGMR, HOMES, LLC DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO OUTSIDE OF FOUNDATION WALL �y GCQ, POST LANE NONB a<; ��h 2 n�� O P\\ ®unu v CURB 886.2 r..____ �p b', G Box STOP 88.31'00"E 30.00, <j G Iw 5HRU8 \':TKE: .r __ _7 . / PROPOSED -1 N/ • ',Pk\ DRIVEWAY �,m SSW PINR WALL Is I.2 f \ ®/ 8.5% m U°' .686.0 ' • 5W OP PROP LME -.7 Id EVE' v • II 22'EVERGREEN g } \ /'is RETAINING WALL 15 0.3 i '/ 'n+ 20.0 -.M51- - -_ , ' / . N6 5W 5W OP PROP UNE --' 14'TREE u"12.GARAGE �' © 17J';,_ S 1 '14 NOTE:ADD EXT 15.2 �.7 b 14.7 t \ \ �Q1 STEPS BETWEEN THE N 7.7 O �'HOUSE AND GARAGE PROPOSED `�\ \ :5 " 2-STORY \a EXISTING s�;b t� FB/FLAT o f f' SOUSE - ` EXISTING 7A �s\ ! SOUSE LO 58.0 3d EVtRf-REE > DECK \ \` UN r , 2, \ .,1 i �ROOM DECK oC. Ø = L;03' , 4 _ 141 TREE . 241 TREE G,�) ws aNING ........I 6'P 0 Q el F • L I RETAINING W LOT AREA = 19,439 SQ. FT TO OHWL ' , 2 ' 6015TUMP .7:31) .. SQ 1'PDJLS�. - : _ SUR_VEY UNE .. l 6t EXISTING AREAS U N97°01'00'NJ 84.00 `36'TRFE 1",A HOUSE AREA = 1,900 SQ. FT PATIO AREA = 390 SQ. FT Vis-\ e75.' 875. -150 ASF= 240 SO. FTDECK AREA = 144 SQ. FT.IMPERVIOUS = 2,194 SQ. FT ‘'I'-' ...II_ •'''..,ejsc° 4�4aTs.a\ a•TREE, = 11.29% TO OHWL I1 \ 1 PROPOSED AREAS �', E75.: .66t_:7s.. :7s. r)\ 33'RCP' 873.2 HOUSE AREA = 2,577 SQ. FT. �� 1I,n,°a7s.z PORCH AREA = 119 SO. FT. (') 1"=30' DECK AREA = 168 SQ. FT. ARROWHEAD LAKE SUNROOM AREA = 196 SQ. FT PROPOSED DRIVEWAY AREA = 1,016 SQ. FT. �' OHWL=875.8 SIDEWALK AREA = 132 SQ. FT 0 100 YR FL000=878.3 PROPOSED INMPERVIOUS AREA = 4,208 SQ. FT. 21.65 X (2 EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 883.9 EXISTING MAIN FLOOR ELEV. = 888.0 PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR ELEV. = 894.0 NOTE:ADD 3 EXTRA STEPS BETWEEN THE HOUSE AND • GARAGE PROPOSED TOP OF WALL ELEV. = 892.3 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEV. = 890.1 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV. = 883.8 QM DENOTES MAILBOX O DENOTES IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET SETBACK INFORMATION: • DENOTES IR N PIPE MONUMENT Q DENOTES PROPOSEDUODRARQAGE DIRECTION FRONT-35.7'(AVERAGE) 1�L\5 Al a1 5� SIDE YARD-10' DENOTES SERVICE LOCATION REAR YARD-75'FROM OHWL ID DENOTES SPIKE 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (000.1) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION PID:0611621220021 --'006,- DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 3,BLOCK 1,NASS LAKE SIDE ADDITION,CITY DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE OF EDINA,HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA. DENOTES EVERGREEN TREE Bohlen I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE 9 SurveY in &Associates UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 31E. Northfield, Foliage Avenue 168urns Cliff 0 33 NORhfieIQ MN 55057 Bomavi0e,MN 55337 -{�L � � DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE B A DATE: 3-06-2017 1 IIOTl I4 f lAIy.QWIn_ Phone:15071645-7768 Phone:(952)895-9212 imneaa©bohlensurveying.00m Fa.:(952)895-9259 REVISED: 5-16-2017 THOMAS J.O'MEARA,LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA LICENSE NO.46167 DENOTES GRAVEL SURFACE Z:\S1Projects\edina\nass-lake-side-addition1.dwg\L3Bl-cert-5-15-17.dwg 5/152017 8:45:37 PM CDT SHIAIOH w� P W "g .o euiP3 s W4 8 € .w Nin os €3 '— I_ ale'7pad dIt4ZL£9 aa..- og .! ie,,T 5 zz "- tp o 11 lamp 8 ZI.E9 „����mkihig0 yomQ W "i°Pw � 50�� W-yir��5`zp" o ��aW$ � ParlAnDliniPINIONI J 4›:.11\ t. III_ilil�� Ilk [11111I 'P L 2 1I 8= _ III o.E (I L I-1 Y .. 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AHmii„ 111 i[ ; Immiliii - Ill .,/.r .., ,... / , ? mt m_.._;.i Mimil RIIIIIIIIL, ii 411[Hr "Ili 1';'--7-111 '- ,11,,,!;1111% immum ::lllliii NI NM l ,I , 141 . , . , . ..,, ., . , . • •• .1 . . , - , '';:t.,. .,, , ... .... , .,. . , 1 . , .,.: ., . . . •-A., Hennepin Hennepin County Property Map Date: 3/21/2017 {� per,.-r. A �° - 9T $ x r r s. y• 1 . ,, \ \ ..,-.- ..........."'"-'-'-S . '`,,,,,A. _ _ r 1. ._�.— 1 inch = 100 feet PARCEL ID: 0611621220021 Comments: OWNER NAME:AnantjotAnand & Preet Anand PARCEL ADDRESS:6312 Post La, Edina MN 55439 PARCEL AREA: 0.61 acres, 26,483 sq ft A-T-B: Torrens SALE PRICE: $435,000 SALE DATA: 10/2016 SALE CODE: Warranty Deed This data(i)is furnished'AS IS'with no representation as to completeness or ASSESSED 2016, PAYABLE 2017 accuracy;(ii)is furnished with no table PROPERTY TYPE: Residential Lake Shore warrantyefgin eringonsud iri)iynotpurpose for legal,engineering or surveying purposes. HOMESTEAD: Homestead Hennepin County shall not be liable for any MARKET VALUE: $489,300 damage,injury or loss resulting from this data. TAX TOTAL: $7,426.24 COPYRIGHT©HENNEPIN ASSESSED 2017, PAYABLE 2018 COUNTY 2017 PROPERTY TYPE: Unavailable HOMESTEAD: Unavailable MARKET VALUE: Unavailable STAFF REPORT 1,k 1Cf1( )tIt �k Ego \t'onioill"w 1888 Date: June 14, 2017 To: PLANNING COMMISSION From: Kris Aaker Assistant City Planner Subject: A 4.5 foot side yard setback variance to the required 10 foot side yard setback to allow for the construction of an addition to the south side of the existing attached garage to be located 5.8 feet to the south side lot line for property at 5261 Lochloy Drive. Information / Background: The subject property is approximately is 32,045 square feet in area. The home is a one story rambler built in 1962. The applicant is requesting to remodel and add onto a portion of the existing garage and back of the home. The proposal is to add an addition on the east side, (back of home), that conforms to zoning requirements and to add a garage stall to the existing two car garage requiring a setback variance from the south lot line. Mark Larson, (the applicant), Ellen Jones and Robert McKlveen, (homeowners), are requesting a 4.5 foot side yard setback variance to remodel the home and construct an addition to the attached two car garage. The addition will add a third garage stall that is proposed to be 10.5 feet wide. The minimum side yard setback required is 10 feet. The homeowners propose to provide a 5.5 foot setback. There are existing single-family homes abutting the north and south lot line, both facing Lochloy. The home located directly to the south and adjacent to the proposed improvement has living space next to the garage addition. The proposed spacing between the applicant's addition and home to the south will be approximately 54.5 feet. Spacing between the new addition and the home to the south will be greater than the minimum 20 foot distance required for spacing between homes. Section 36 of the zoning code, requires a minimum setback of 10 feet total for sidewall additions to the home. The proposal is to reduce the setback on the south side to 5.5 feet Surrounding Land Uses This property is located on the East side of Lochloy Drive and is surrounded by single- family residential homes and backs up to Duncraig Road. There is a mix of home types City of Edina • 4801 W 50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 REPORT/ RECOMMENDATION Page 2 nearby with a variety of housing styles. There are many original homes and a number of major remodels and teardown-rebuilds within the neighborhood. Existing Site Features The subject lot is 32,045 square feet in area. Planning Guide Plan designation: Single-Family District Zoning: R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District Building Design All exterior finishes will match existing. Engineering: The Engineering Memorandum, (see attached), states that Engineering has no concerns with the plans as submitted. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed Front- Average of adjacent: 35.1 feet 28.8 feet Side- 10 feet 5.5 feet* Rear- 50 feet to water 78 feet Building Height 2 1/2 stories, 39 Ft 1 story, Lot Area 9,000 Sq. Ft or age of nbhd 32,045 square feet Lot Width 75 feet or avg of nbhd 125 feet Lot coverage 25% 14.39% * Variance Required Primary Issues • Is the proposed development reasonable for this site? Given the distance between the proposed improvement and the home to the south, the addition is reasonable.There are circumstances unique to the property that necessitates a variance to make reasonable use of the property. The garage is currently on the south side of the home, which is much closer to the side yard than on the north side that provides a 53 foot side yard distance between structures. If the home were centered on the lot, no variance would be necessary. REPORT/ RECOMMENDATION Page 3 • Is the proposed variance justified? Per the Zoning Ordinance, a variance should not be granted unless it is found that the enforcement of the ordinance would cause practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable. As demonstrated below, staff believes the proposal does meet the variance standards, when applying the three conditions: Minnesota Statues and Section 36-98 of the Edina Zoning Ordinance require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. The proposed variance will: 1) Relieve practical difficulties that prevent a reasonable use from complying with ordinance requirements. The practical difficulty is that the home was originally built farther to the south on site and not centered. Additions to the south side of the home are less likely given proximity. 2) There are circumstances that are unique to the property, not common to every similarly zoned property, and that are not self-created? The addition makes sense given the existing floor plan and location of the garage. An additional garage stall to the south side cannot be accomplished without the benefit of a variance. 3) Will the variance alter the essential character of the neighborhood? Granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. The applicants are hoping to maximize the existing spaces with very minimal additions. The addition will be a seamless addition and will look as if it were part of the original plan for the home. Staff Recommendation Recommend that the Planning Commission approve the variance. Approval is based on the following findings: 1. The property with an addition of the garage width and the request to deviate from the side yard is a reasonable use of the property. 2. The home is appropriate in size and scale with the addition of garage width allowing reasonable use of the garage. REPORT/ RECOMMENDATION Page 4 3. There is a practical difficulty in meeting the ordinance requirements due to the existing floor plan and desire to maintain the character of the home while adding an additional garage stall. Subject to staff approval, the site must be developed and maintained in substantial conformance with the following plans, unless modified by the conditions below: • Architectural site plans date stamped: May 8, 2015 • Building plans/ elevations date stamped: May 8, 2015 Deadline for a City Decision: July 7, 2017. April 14, 2017 Dear Edina Planning Commission We are requesting a variance from the Edina zoning code Ordinance No. 2013-12 pertaining to side yard setback requirements for R-1, single-dwelling unit district, in order to add a third garage stall to our home, as part of our home renovation plan. As shown on the accompanying documents, the southwest corner of this garage addition would extend a maximum of 4 feet 6 inches beyond the stipulated ten foot setback required in the ordinance, with the encroachment tapering further to the rear (east) on the addition. A total of approximately 46 square feet of the proposed addition would extend beyond the ten foot setback line. The addition of a third garage stall will enable us to avoid keeping a third vehicle in our driveway, and will provide protected space for household and lawn implements. The planned garage addition is in keeping with the character of the rest of our residence, and is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood; other renovation and new construction projects in the Highlands neighborhood also feature 3-(or even 4-) stall garages. There are features unique to our property that impose a hardship on the addition of a third garage stall within the limits of the zoning ordinance: ® While our lot is quite large, the existing structure is sited well off-center, much closer to the south lot line than to the north. • The existing garage is on the south end of the house, and the topography of the lot, with dropping elevation from south to north and from east to west, restricts adding a garage to the south side of the existing structure. ® The polygonal shape of the lot imposes an obliquely angled lot line in relation to the house. While the siting of the existing structure is appropriate and in keeping with the neighborhood, the side lot line is at an angle, placing the southwest corner closer to the lot line than the rest of the structure. G Note that the siting of the adjacent home to the south of ours is also off-center, providing a large open space between our houses. ® As part of our overall renovation plan, an exterior door from our laundry and utility room is necessary on the south side of the existing structure. An existing basement window well and mechanical systems (air conditioner and irrigation systems) limit the extent that an added garage can be moved back (east) on the structure. 0 We have made bona fide efforts to minimize the encroachment of the proposed expansion on the setback line, including: ® The proposed garage addition has been designed to he as narrow (side to sil4�` nd as shallow (front to back) as is feasible, while still allowing for use by a staei'd vehicle o The proposed garage addition has been sited as far back on the prey as pos ��to minimize encroachment on the setback, while maintaining the af8 ementigReaplannec exterior door from the existing structure. , 6 We feel that it is important to continue to invest in our home and in our community, and see this project as important for maintaining the quality, character, and function of our home. We appreciate your time and efforts to review our application. Sincerely, Afe A4) Ellen Jones and Bob McKiveen 0" Dear Planning Commission: I am writing to comment on the proposed renovation and addition project on Bob McKlveen and Ellen Jones's property at 5261 Lochloy Drive. It is my understanding that Bob and Ellen's project as designed would require a variance to the side yard setback requirements for the addition of their third garage stall. As their next door neighbors to the south, immediately adjacent to the side of their house where the variance would be required, I have been invited to comment on the requested variance. Having reviewed the plan for the project with the McKlveen/Joneses enough to be familiar with the impact and appearance of their home after the project, I have no objection to the variance they have requested. There is ample room between our houses. Through enhancing their property with this project, they will contribute to the overall value and character of the neighborhood. Sincerely, Linda Kaysen 5265 Lochloy Drive (858) 699-4956 O`er s �`k4‘V^c Jackie Hoogenakker From: Kevin Mollet <kevinmollet1996@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday,June 07, 2017 7:49 AM To: Jackie Hoogenakker Cc: Kristi Mollet Subject: Case File B-17-11 Mark Larsen/Ellen Jones Edina Planning Commission, In regards to the variance request at 5621 Lochloy Drive, Edina(B-17-11, Mark Larsen/Ellen Jones) we support their request for a setback in order to add a third stahl garage. Thank you. Kevin and Kristi Mollet 612-860-4997 5212 Duncraig Road, Edina 1 Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively. Please fully explain your answers using additional sheets of paper as necessary. The Proposed Variance will: YES NO Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood ts 1/4" SEE ATTACHED PAGES FOR RESPONSES Qr- .ao 2 Property: 5261 Lochloy Drive Edina, MN 55436 Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 1, EDINA HIGHLANDS,according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Zoning Variance: Edina Zoning Code Ordinance No. 2013-12 &Section Sec. 36-438. Requirements for building coverage, setbacks and height. Project Description:Applicant Mark Larson of Rehkamp Larson Architects, with property owners Ellen Jones and Robert McKlveen, are requesting a variance from the Edina zoning code Ordinance No. 2013- 12 pertaining to side yard setback requirements for R-1, single-dwelling unit district, in order to add a third stall garage to their home as part of a home renovation plan. As shown on the accompanying documents,the southwest corner of this garage addition would extend a maximum of 4'-6"feet beyond the stipulated 10'-0" setback required in the ordinance, with the encroachment tapering further to the rear(east) on the addition. A total of approximately 46 square feet of the proposed addition would extend beyond the 10'-0" setback line. Variance Responses: Minnesota Statues and Edina Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied affirmatively.The Proposed Variance will: 1. Relieve practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance and that the use is reasonable:YES While the lot is quite large,the existing structure is sited well off-center, much closer to the south lot line than to the north.The existing garage is on the south end of the house, and the topography of the lot,with dropping elevation from south to north and from east to west, restricts adding a garage to the south side of the existing structure. The polygonal shape of the lot imposes an obliquely angled lot line in relation to the house. While the siting of the existing structure is appropriate and in keeping with the neighborhood,the side lot line is at an angle, placing the southwest corner closer to the lot line than the rest of the structure. Note that the siting of the adjacent home to the south of this property is also off- center, providing a large open space between the two houses. Other design arrangements for a third stall garage were considered (such as a double loaded garage. stall), however this would take away from existing usable living space. Keeping the footprint as small as possible (while still fitting a standard vehicle) allows for the encroachment to be as small as poible. This placement allows a new exterior door from mudroom while maintaining an existing bent window well and mechanical systems (air conditioner and irrigation systems) (see par:., VEY,A02 All in packet). �\��4 '\1/4`L0 2. Correct extraordinary circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the vicinity or zoning district:YES The shape and size of the lot are unique in the neighborhood (see Exhibit 1,SURVEY,A02).As mentioned above,the property is a polygonal shape, has unique elevation changes on site and is relatively large comparable to other lots in the area.The property itself is approximately 32,045 SF, which by zoning code allows for a home that could take up to 8,071 SF of lot coverage (25%of lot).The existing building footprint is 3,069 SF. With the all planned additions,will increase by 694 SF resulting in a lot coverage up to 14% including decks and patios(third stall garage is 216 sf—see page A02&SURVEY in packet.) A small portion of the planned third stall garage is over the setback(4'-6"—total of 46 sf). This allows for the third stall garage to be closer to the front of the house and fit in seamlessly with the front façade as well as the remainder of the house (see page A20-A21 in packet). Many other properties in the Highlands neighborhood have over two-car garages (see Exhibit 1 &2). 3. Be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance:YES Side yard setbacks are important for maintaining space between residences, both for present and future uses. 5261 Lochloy and neighbor to the south are distanced over 50'-0" apart from each other. Both homeowners have agreed there is plenty of space between the two houses to allow for any future additions for the house to the south (see Exhibit 1 &2, letter from neighbor, and page R1 in packet). 4. Not alter the essential Character of a neighborhood: YES The addition of a third stall garage will enable the homeowners to avoid keeping a third vehicle in their driveway, and will provide protected space for household and lawn implements. The planned garage addition is in keeping with the character of the rest of the residence, and is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood; other renovation and new construction projects in the Highlands neighborhood also feature 3-(or even 4-)stall garages (see Exhibit 1 &2, and page R1 in packet). �Q� ' c*2 C> IW=$3R , B ,y. w..,,I Y .1 L r '*'l' ' -4;54jX 526 1 �4�.�L,b�1 . , . i.a,.yv "max x� • F ( `1,r{r !� yI i _ .740:4,,-..,._--,,.-.,_ r°"t 4 { ti 14i I ;1C- ce ` 4: itti*.ii 1, -1..„--. � / 4-~ 76d »•I. 1 ` fi , is --r : ticip:.iy- 4.• "• , „:r. ' . = � � �h. AIN � te r, , _ '' + if''' ,, - * . " dir.. ,." 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' 7- 1M1-'''' i11 Ti ,E' cl�"\ 0 7f171+..Ri� ti e -�' S.. t `sem '.' ql h�: tis I, 1# \O �� #"41� .`�7,'Ft\ �l6 F,,` : •'''". � � ;1 II4 11 '11 .� 1611 c its _1y$y . , * •' I ..' '. ir'',...;;' ' I i - -•.-. , ' V.D1';::. ,,tel, "' q • I. .41}' Z t� s � '1' .� " I � .fix f_sl' , ;*,,,f• tj . 1; 1 Exhibit. 1 -Aerial of Highlands neighborhood showing adjacent property shapes and sizes. 5261 Lochloy Drive is outlined in blue. Red letters are houses with 3-car garages or more-see Exhibit. 2 for images (source: Hennepin County Property Search) Exhibit. 2- Properties in the neighborhood with 3-or more garages. .A. • . ' ill' . __... • - , ii,--_,Le• ----.-; *... -..,7-- ......,' Yr aff- • - •'../...,), ''' .. .• s.. . ILL ill .... .•---7 • - . 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"-LFII!II!I!111!1 I Z I, I 1113, 0UI11I co: II�Tu >® a i4 ";i'lil'I7IIIII �5 Z Ig itif W111 II�'I IlllilI!!Ilil� y :.:t Y F 6 IILh 1411 1 Il 1�I.I !l il�I�Il W e \ 0m I'IIII.l001W1 0 .0 11 0`"s 1 I till h lilll�� ,, Z N I IIS I \ �1 W S II tfll I I I ; i'T.L:iu FI ��tl' JI �' U` 0 I II rill aN. I I I! =kill ClI-'� III 1 1 ,111111'111 ill - 1' _'I �i'Iltil tis� _-I 4 z 1= II = a >: III.0.� z I. -- W G J ... f l / i v F/17:i ___r_____ W L / ® � fr III.I® l_i =�= ' z^ �II u)?. IILh W c i , __ muDINI nI.IIIIIII IIIII I\\ 11 C \bHki!E STAFF REPORT9i ,• 121 18841 Date: June 14, 2017 • To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Subject: Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Rezoning) to consider a new site plan for the re-development of 5109-25 West 49th Street for Great Oaks Development and TE Miller Development. Information / Background: w Great Oaks Development and TE Miller Development are requesting a redevelopment of three parcels located at 5109-25 West 49th Street. (See location on pages A 1-A3.) The applicants are proposing to tear down the existing two apartments and single family home (I 0-units total) and build a new 17-unit housing development. (See narrative and plans on pages A 10—A78.) The subject properties total 1.43 acres in size. The proposed density of the project would be 12 units per acre, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In 2013, the City Council approved rezoning of the property to PUD, and approved a site plan that would have built out a I 6-unit attached housing development. (See approved site plan on pages A7- A9.) The applicant/property owner at that time needed to sell 12 units before one was built. None of the units sold, and development was never constructed. The site plan approvals have expired; however the PUD zoning is still in place. (See attached Ordinance on pages A9a-A9b.) The current applicant went through a sketch plan review before the Planning Commission and City Council. To address issues raised during that review, the applicant has revised the plans. Changes include reducing the number of units by two to fit within the existing "Medium Density Residential" classification in the Comprehensive Plan, and turning the eastern building so it is a little further away from the single-family home to the east. The western building was eliminated in favor of detached units. To accommodate the request the following is required: ➢ Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the existing PUD-5, Planned Unit Development— 5109-5 125 West 49th Street (Vernon Townhomes); and ➢ Preliminary Site Plan Review. City of Edina • 4801 W.50th St. • Edina,MN 55424 STAFF REPORT Page 2 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Surrounding Land Uses Northerly: Single-family homes; zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District and guided low density residential. Easterly: Single-family homes; zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District and guided low density residential. Southerly: Vernon Avenue. Westerly: Railroad tracks and the Holiday Gas Station; Zoned and guided for Commercial use. Existing Site Features The subject property is 1.43 acres in size, is relatively flat and contains a single-family home and two townhome buildings containing nine dwelling units between the two. (See pages A4—A6.) Planning Guide Plan designation: MD, Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre) Zoning: PUD-5, Planned Unit Development 5 — 5109-5125 West 49th Street (Vernon Townhomes) Planned Unit Development - 5 (PUD-5 Zoning) The property was rezoning to PUD-5 in 2013. At that time the PUD criteria was found to be met to develop the property at 12 units per acre (I 6 townhomes). (See pages A7-A9.) The proposal was found to create a more efficient and creative use of the property and created a better connection to Vernon and the Grandview area. The transition of land uses was found to be appropriate. Higher densities are often located on arterial roadways. Medium Density residential is often used to buffer low density residential development from commercial areas or major roadways. The proposed land use arrangement with the proposed development on Vernon Avenue, would buffer the low density residential area to the north from Vernon Avenue and the Commercial area to the south. Access/Site Circulation Access to the site would be from 49th Street West on the north side of the site. This neighborhood is relatively isolated; there is only one roadway access point to the surrounding street system. That access is from Brookside Avenue, up to Interlachen Boulevard. As part of the previous development approval for the site, a public pedestrian connection was to be made from the sidewalk on 496 Street through the site on the west lot line to Vernon Avenue, which would provide a Pedestrian Connection from this neighborhood to the GrandView area. (See page A7.) However, since that time the sound wall was constructed to follow Vernon Avenue to the railroad bridge. MnDot has told the City that they would allow a door to be put into the STAFF REPORT Page 3 wall to maintain this connection. The applicant does not wish to make this pedestrian connection as part of their plans. They believe that the wall has changed the need for this connection to be made on their site. Staff however, believes this to be an important connection and recommends that it still be made. (See the city engineer's memo on pages A79-A80.) Traffic Study Wenck and Associates conducted a traffic study, which concludes that the surrounding roadways could support the additional seven units that are proposed to be added, and no improvements are needed at adjacent intersections to accommodate the proposed project. However, they do recommend signal phasing and timing improvements at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection to help reduce the southbound vehicle queues. The installation of flashing yellow arrow left turn heads on the southbound, northbound, and eastbound approaches would help the intersection operate more efficiently, resulting in shorter queues during the peak periods. (See the attached study on pages A94-A 112.) Landscaping Based on the perimeter of the site, the applicant is required to have 25 over story trees and a full complement of under story shrubs. The applicant is proposing 65 over story trees; which is 4 more over story trees than the previous request. They would include a mixture of Maple, Crabapple, Spruce, Aspen and Linden. (See pages A69—A70.) A full complement of understory landscaping is proposed around the buildings. Living Streets/Multi-Modal Consideration Sec. 36-1274. - Sidewalks, trails and bicycle facilities. (a) In order to promote and provide safe and effective sidewalks and trails in the City and encourage the use of bicycles for recreation and transportation, the following improvements are required, as a condition of approval, on developments requiring the approval of a final development plan or the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to article V of this chapter: (I) It is the policy of the City to require the construction of sidewalks and trails wherever feasible so as to encourage pedestrian and bicycle connectivity throughout the City. Therefore, developments shall provide sidewalks and trails which adjoin the applicant's property: a. In locations shown on the City's sidewalk and trail plan; and b. In other locations where the council finds that the provision of such sidewalks and trails enhance public access to mass transit facilities or connections to other existing or planned sidewalks, trails or public facilities. (2) Developments shall provide sidewalks between building entrances and sidewalks or trails which exist or which will be constructed pursuant to this section. (3) Developments shall provide direct sidewalk and trail connections with adjoining properties where appropriate. STAFF REPORT Page 4 (4) Developments must provide direct sidewalk and trail connections to transit stations or transit stops adjoining the property. (5) Design standards for sidewalks and trails shall be prescribed by the engineer. (6) Nonresidential developments having an off-street automobile parking requirement of 20 or more spaces must provide off-street bicycle parking spaces where bicycles may be parked and secured from theft by their owners. The minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be five percent of the automobile parking space requirement. The design and placement of bicycle parking spaces and bicycle racks used to secure bicycles shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. Whenever possible, bicycle parking spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a public entrance to a principal building. (b) The expense of the improvements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be borne by the applicant. The proposal does not address the issue of pedestrian connectivity. As mentioned above staff would recommend a pedestrian connection through the site and through the sound wall to provide a pedestrian connection from the neighborhood into Grandview. A 5-foot boulevard must be provided between the street and proposed sidewalk on 49th Grading/Drainage/Utilities The city engineer has reviewed the proposed plans and found them to be generally acceptable subject to the comments and conditions outlined on the attached pages A79-A80. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement would be required for the construction of the proposed sidewalks, utilities and any other public improvements. Any approvals of this project would be subject to review and approval of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, as they are the City's review authority over the grading of the site. Building/Building Material The applicant is proposing the townhomes to be made of architectural cast stone and shake siding. (See renderings on pages A33-A55 and A71—A78.) Density The proposal is to develop 17 units on this 1.43 acre parcel. The proposed density would be 12 units per acre would be on the high end of the medium density residential range. However, there are already 10 units on this site, which is located on a minor arterial roadway (Vernon Avenue). Higher densities are often located on arterial roadways. Medium Density residential is often used to buffer low density residential development from commercial areas or major roadways. The proposed land use arrangement would accomplish that. Preliminary Plat STAFF REPORT Page 5 The applicant is also requesting a Preliminary Plat to create separate lots for each of the proposed units. (See the plat on page A59.) Park Dedication Per Minnesota State Statute 462.353, Subd. 4(a) and Section 810.13 of the City Code, the applicant is required to dedicate land for public use as parks, playgrounds, recreation facilities, trails, or public open space. Per Section 810.13. Subd. 5 of the City Code, the fees in lieu of land dedication is $5,000 per dwelling unit. The development would create 7 new dwelling units; therefore $35,000 would be required for park dedication at the time of release of the final plat. The fee would be paid prior to the City's release of the signed final plat mylars or subdivision approval for recording with Hennepin County. Compliance Table City Standard Proposed (PUD-5) Front—49th Street 35 feet—Structure 14 feet*(east building) 5 feet*(west building) 18 feet—stair/deck/patio 6 feet stair* Front—Vernon 7 feet 3 feet* Side— East 15 & 42 feet 20 feet* Side—West 15 feet 10 feet* Building Height 2-1/2 stories or 3-1/2 stories 54 feet* 35.5 feet (flat roof) Measured to the roofline Building Coverage 26% 42%* Density 12 units per acre 12 units per acre (17 units) Parking Stalls 2 enclosed spaces 2 enclosed spaces per unit per unit *Does not meet existing PUD requirements PRIMARY ISSUES/STAFF RECOMMENDATION STAFF REPORT Page 6 Primary Issues • Is the proposed Amendment to the PUD-5 Zoning District reasonable to develop this site? Yes. The proposed plans are reasonable for the following reasons: I. As determined in the original PUD; the proposal meets the City's criteria for PUD zoning. In summary the PUD zoning would: a. Create a more efficient and creative use of the property and would create a better connection to Vernon and the Grandview area with the inclusion of a sidewalk north/south through the site. b. Provide internal parking. Parking areas and garages are internal to the site, and not visible from 49th street. c. Enhance landscaping. Extensive landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site and adjacent to the proposed townhomes. The number of over story trees is over double the number required by City Code. d. Ensure that the buildings proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 2. The proposal maintains the medium density designation per the City's Comprehensive Plan. It provides a transition from the adjacent single-family residential area to Vernon and the Grandview commercial district. 3. The existing roadways and parking would support the project. Wenck Associates conducted a traffic impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads. (See traffic study on pages A94-A112.) 4. The proposal would be a vast improvement over the current two existing apartment buildings and single-family home on the site. 5. While the proposed setbacks, height and lot coverage exceed the existing PUD zoning standards, there would be adequate green space, no surface parking and adequate separation from the nearest single-family home to the east (20 feet) and to 49th Street (I 5 feet) due to the large right-of-way. Staff Recommendation Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Rezoning), Preliminary Site Plan & Preliminary Plat STAFF REPORT Page 7 Recommend that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance Amendment to revise the PUD- 5 District with a new development plan to build 17 new townhomes on the subject 1.43 acre parcel, along with the Preliminary Plat. Approval is subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed land use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Creates a more efficient and creative use of the property and would create a better connection to Vernon and the Grandview area with the inclusion of a sidewalk north/south through the site. 3. Parking areas and garages are internal to the site, and not visible from 49th street. 4. Landscaping would be enhanced. Extensive landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site and adjacent to the proposed townhomes. The number of over story trees is over double the number required by City Code. 5. The PUD ensures that the buildings proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. Approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated May 26, 2017, and the materials board as presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. 2. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated June 2, 2017. 3. Final Rezoning is subject to approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment revising the PUD-5, Planned Unit Development-5 Zoning for this site. 4. A performance bond, letter-of-credit, or cash deposit must be submitted for one and one-half times the cost amount for completing the required landscaping, screening, or erosion control measures at the time of the first building permit. 5. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum requirements per Section 36-1260 of the City Code. 6. A park dedication fee of$5,000 per dwelling unit is required. The park dedication fees are due prior to release of the final plat. 7. Roof-top mechanical equipment shall be screened per Section 36-1459 of the City Code. STAFF REPORT Page 8 8. Submit a copy of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District permit prior to issuance of a building permit. The City may require revisions to the approved plans to meet the district's requirements. 9. A Site Improvement Performance Agreement is required at the time of Final Approval. 10. Compliance with the Wenck Traffic Study recommendations. Deadline for a city decision: August 15, 2017 City of Edina 4,75457W L__10 -------.2_ Lvgond ¢goy 5209 5205 52014801 House Number Petrels 4836 Sheet Name labels 11 5121 51775/13510851054800 4805 'CSy Limits 4803.7- 4809 1 W J 4811 to Creeks 4609" - 0 Lake Names y 0� 4813 h 4810 8 51205116 5112 5708 5104 3 r0 4900 {.ekla 5217 4812 4813 - f I 4817 f 7 :Perks I J 4821 if - LOJ .Parceis 4816 0 4816 4817 8CllR1VPP R x 4825 m 4901 4827 5101 4820 4825 5121 1117 5113 6833 c RUTLE04AV2 4832 4837 4908 4624 SMO 5116.51525188 4811 4928 4832 4034 4040 I 14840 4845 >.2a i ��_ y 46TH STW Q`7' y 4812 24 4900 ill" 4916 24 5200 _ 9� 4920 5010 i.a 5000 j,AES d2ji _ V� u sO:S -t E —_ 5100 SYWXGLA 5013 e — 11111111k 5101 5035 ,N g V N r 5146 ffi /(4110 / * 5148 1 5116 Frank 1rrp>Park 24 uo eem«nkern.Cwr9e IC i wrses»x y 1 ti PID: 2811721310040 4% j,t _ N.6� 1'0" �! ° ~ I � 511549thStW � as L. Edina, MN 55436 �c} 1 �� 1 f City of Edina �. r,i. i. ', :1- 1' . f.`41 F'' yJr's y� Legend . 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(a) Legal description: (1) Lot 3, 4, 5 and 6, and all that part of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 lying North of State Highway No. 5, Block 4, Tingdale Bros.' Brookside", except that part of Lot 12 which lies southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot 12 distant 35 feet south of the northeast corner thereof; thence run southwesterly to the southwest corner of the above described Lot 12 and there terminating together with: a. A 25-foot wide strip of land lying east of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad between West 49th Street and Vernon Avenue in Section 28, Township 117 North, Range 21 West, Hennepin County, Minnesota. b. Being Torrens Property, Certificate Number: 577550. (2) Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Tingdale Bros.' Brookside, except that part of said Lot 8 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east boundary of said Lot 8 distant 28 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence south along said east boundary 28 feet; thence west along the south boundary of said lot, 50 feet; thence north along the west boundary of said lot, 12 feet; thence northeasterly to the point of beginning, including any part or portion of any street or alley adjacent to said premises vacated or to be vacated, Hennepin County, Minnesota. (b) Approved plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-development plans received by the city on June 24, 2013, except as amended by City Council Resolution No. 2013-64, on file in the office of the planning department under file number 2013-005.13a. (c) Principal uses. Residential buildings containing six or fewer units. (d) Accessory uses. (1) All accessory uses allowed in the R-2, Double Dwelling Unit District. (2) Signs allowed per the Planned Residential District. (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-5 (PUD-5). (f) Development standards. Development standards per the PRD-2 Zoning District, except the following: (1) Building setbacks. a. Front. 1. 49th Street: (i) 35 feet-structure. (ii) 18 feet-stair/deck/patio. 2. Vernon: 7 feet. V" 1(k b. Side—East: 15 and 42 feet. c. Rear—South: 15 feet. (2) Building height: 21/2 stories or 35.5 feet. (3) Building coverage: 26 percent. (4) Parking stalls (Residential): 2 enclosed stalls per unit. (Ord. No. 2013-8, § 1, 8-20-2013) AO irmyr I Development, [IC June 5th, 2017 Mr. Cary Teague, Community Development Director City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Sent via email Re: Rezoning Application, Subdivision and Site Plan Application for three contiguous properties owned by Gerald O'Brien (5109 and 5117 49th Street West) and Robert Kimmel (5125 49th Street West) together with a small tract (25' wide) previously owned by the City of Edina, but since vacated, adjacent to 5125 49th St. West. Total land area is approximately 62,387 SF or 1.43 acres. Cary, The purpose of this memorandum is to address more fully some aspects of the proposed redevelopment project on 49th Street West. Sustainability The most durable and lasting forms of development in most cities in the US and around the world are high quality residential structures. The proposed new homes on 49th St. West are forward-looking contemporary design aimed at empty nester households which are expected to grow as a proportion of total households in the community. This reflects the growing trend for smaller homes in well-located places, with all the exterior aspects managed by professionals. Traffic analysis done by Wenck & Associates documents that the modest scale of this project will not create additional traffic stress on 49th Street West. The medium density of the proposed 17-unit community is a higher utilization of the City's infrastructure than the 10 units currently on the site, while preserving an aesthetic balance with green, useable open space. Roofs are all pitched. The new homes will utilize the latest construction standards for energy efficiency and durability. 1 The exterior of the 3-story, 12-unit condominium building will be stone and traditional cementitious stucco (not some form of skin system which mimics the look of actual stucco), with high quality Marvin windows and all parking in a garage below grade. Domestic hot water will be supplied by an energy efficient central system. The 5 town homes will feature Hardiplank exterior siding which is also a long lasting and very durable cementitious product, accented by stone. Marvin windows will be used, and the town home roofs will have the distinctive 8:12 roof pitch associated with northern latitudes where snow and ice are factors. Trains, the Sound Wall and Pedestrians Ed Terhaar of Wenck reported to us that during one 48-hour period in the traffic study phase, not one train passed on the nearby track. Use of the train track is not scheduled but intermittent as needed to serve a few industrial users. If the City approves our application, it is our plan to more thoroughly study (i) the frequency of train traffic (with a longer study period), (ii) vibration from the train which might affect our new structures and (iii) sound from the train which will affect residents of the new community. There is not enough train traffic measured so far to generate concern for vehicle stacking on 49th Street West. Last fall, when the City staff wrote their report at the end of September, It was still thought that the new sound wall might not extend across our site area, but stop at 5105 49th Street West, the property just east of the subject site. Therefore, our site plan at that time emphasized a very prominent pedestrian and bike path which went through the subject site to connect 49th Street West and Vernon Avenue. While this design was made possible by having the two 3-story buildings over 90 feet apart, the pedestrian/bike path still faced a constriction on Vernon Avenue at the train track overpass. The subsequent construction of a full 20' sound wall by MNDOT, which encompassed the entire Vernon Avenue frontage of this site, made the previous plan obsolete. Today there is no feasible way to create a pedestrian path across the subject property from 49th Street West to Vernon Avenue. For decades now, persons from the neighborhoods north of 49th Street West have been using an unimproved pedestrian path about 100 yards long which is on railroad property west of the tracks, starting at the corner of 49th and Brookside and ending by the Holiday Station on Vernon Avenue. This will continue to be the most used pedestrian path from the north to Vernon Avenue. 2 All _ „ Site Plan Adjustment Following the Sound Wall Construction The new sound wall prevented this site from being a pedestrian corridor with an intimate connection to the nearby neighborhood—so our previous redevelopment plan had to be changed. The site became an enclave which would be part of the neighborhood and a major feature for those entering on 49th Street West from Brookside. To achieve a new design compatible with the site's less prominent 'public' role, we found the best combination would be one 3-story, 12-unit building from last year's design complemented with 5 new detached town homes. This reduced our plan from 27 units earlier to 17 units being requested today. This site was passed over by the single family builders in the 1950's because it is shaped like a bowl, with about 20' of topographical difference from Vernon Avenue down to 49th Street West. It is highest in the southeast corner and lowest in the northwest corner by 49th Street West. The apartment buildings with housing over garages were a better fit and could make use of the topography. Our plan recognizes the basic terrain and uses the hillside to accommodate our 12-unit building with its garage below-grade. Excess soil from excavating the garage is used to help raise the land on the west side of the site, so the 5 town home sites are gradually stepped up the gradient from 49th Street West to Vernon Avenue. The result, we believe, is a very pleasant vista as you turn onto 49th from Brookside Avenue and a very pleasant streetscape as you pass by this site on 49th Street. The private street separating the 12-unit condominium building from the five town homes will be a very distinctive neighborhood feature. A special characteristic of the unique 12-unit building plan is that it is narrow (about 62'), allowing for the town home lots on the west portion of the site to be unusually deep. This is very significant because empty nesters generally need single level living, but most lots do not accommodate a single level home of 2,500 SF. The 5 town home lots created in the current plan are slightly oblique to mitigate whatever train sound occurs and generally oriented east-west so that the living areas of each home can be oriented to the south for maximum sun exposure. One of the five town homes is a popular plan with all primary living space on the main floor, having a second loft level with two guest rooms and storage. The other four town home plans are based on a 2,500 SF single level design, with the option of adding the 'loft' space if a buyer chooses to do so. Neighborhood Support We had a well-attended neighborhood meeting last September and another neighborhood meeting this past April with fewer attending. So far, the 3 neighborhood support for the previous plan and the current plan seems to be very broad, and in some cases genuinely enthusiastic. In fact, the only challenge we had last fall was the neighbor at 5105 49th Street West, who expressed concern about privacy in the back yard. Our landscape designer Jason Aune has met with the Smiths who own 5105 and generally seems to have reached an agreement on a group of measures which are satisfactory to the Smiths (including plantings, raising the grade in their back yard in one area and extending a fence). During June 7-8 we plan to distribute to all homes in the immediate neighborhood (about: 52 homes in all) updated information about the proposed project, including perspectives from the 3D renderings done recently at the request of the City's Planning Department. Yours truly, -4, //(,::-:,-,:e.,il A-4/f L Robb Miller, TE Miller Development N. Edward Briesemeister, Great Oaks rmiller@temillerdevelopment.com neb@greatoaks.us.com 952 345 7857 404 789 4447 4(3 4 �'� TEMIHer Great Oaks Development, LLC April 24th, 2017 Mr. Cary Teague, Community Development Director City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Hand Delivered Re: Rezoning Application and Site Plan Application for three contiguous properties owned by Gerald O'Brien (5109 and 5117 49th Street West) and Robert Kimmel (5125 49th Street West) together with a small tract (25' wide) previously owned by the City of Edina, but since vacated, adjacent to 5125 49th St. West. Total land area is approximately 62,387 SF or 1.43 acres. Cary, We request the City's favorable consideration of the Rezoning and Site Plan applications which describe a proposed 17-unit redevelopment on a site which was previously zoned as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 16 three-story town homes. Currently existing on the site are ten residential units comprised of a derelict home (ca. 1922) and nine apartment units which are still in use. This site was by-passed by single family home development in the area during 1935-1953 because of the shape and topography of the property. For about sixty years the central feature of this site has been nine rental apartments in two buildings of 2-stories each which were opened in 1958. Our team's proposed redevelopment of the site will produce for-sale housing consistent with the immediate neighborhood's owner occupied homes and address Edina's current market demand for housing aimed at 'empty nesters' who prefer single level living in a managed community. The average price of the new homes will be around $725,000, significantly higher than the average home price in the immediate neighborhood. As you will see in the design drawings, the proposed land use is cont with the Comprehensive Plan and not detrimental to the neighborh 2-and i fact we have enthusiastic support from almost everyone in the iiediate �`L'� neighborhood. The proposed design for a new 17-unit community is a t� 5)sP specific" design which recognizes these salient features of the property and its location: • The south boundary is a long unbroken frontage on Vernon Avenue which is shielded from the site by a new sound wall constructed by MN DOT. • The site has street access from 49th St. West. The new project will not require any residents to park on the street, as is currently the case with the existing apartments. The modest increase in density will not create any traffic issues for the neighborhood, which will be supported by an updated traffic study. • The property is about 350' west of Highway 100. • The property has a Soo Line Railroad right-of-way along the west side of this site, which is an active track with a low level of use. • On its east boundary of the property is an older single family home which was expanded to a setback less than 24 inches from the property line sometime after 1958 (according to Mr. O'Brien). • The site topographically has a significant slope down from Vernon Avenue to 49th St. West, with about 16' difference in elevation across the site. • Approximately fifty single family homes comprise the neighborhood located north of the site which lies between 49th St. West and Minnehaha Creek, east of the railroad. The oldest homes in this area date from the 1930's but most of the homes were built around 1951, and a few are newer. There are several lots where the old homes have been replaced by new homes. • The site includes a 25' strip of land vacated by the city which lies between 5125 49th Street West and the Soo Line right-of-way. • The wooded buffer along the railroad right-of-way will remain in place • The extensive Grandview commercial district lies immediately south of the site. The market for new homes at this location is primarily driven by w��`ty nesters selling larger homes in the Edina area, who want to remain j 'e co mt t pity. Ff� 2 • They prefer to down-size and enjoy property maintenance done by professional management. • They prefer floor plans with all basic functions on one level. • They expect a heated, secure garage facility. • They are active empty nesters who prefer not to be in a designated 'over 55' community. • There is a secondary market of younger couples and individuals who like the same fundamental amenities as empty nesters. The Applicant for this project is a joint venture of TE Miller Development and Great Oaks. Augmented by experienced brokers at Edina Realty, this is a group of very experienced Twin Cities real estate executives. Please see attached bios of the development team at the end of this letter. We believe our application presents a well-conceived redevelopment plan which has broad neighborhood support. The plan is the product of an excellent group led by DIAP architects of San Mateo, CA, working with local civil engineering and landscape designers. We will be supported by a professional development and marketing team with proven expertise. If you have any questions about our application or require further information from us, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with the City of Edina and the nearby neighborhood to produce a small but distinctive new residential community on 49th Street West. Yours truly, ?-1dA—f. 9142-1-‘' ` �� . -e Robb Miller, TE Miller Development N. Edward Briesemeister, Great Oaks rmiller@temillerdevelopment.com neb@greatoaks.us.com 952 345 7857 404 789 4447 A (c 3 �i��F Project Team Co-Developer: TE Miller Development LLC TE Miller Development is the lead developer of the project. TE Miller owns, manages, and develops multi-family housing and currently owns and manages 13 properties consisting of 1,639 units. Robb Miller is the Vice President of TE Miller Development. In his 10 years with TE Miller, Robb has developed or co-developed 740 housing units, with an additional 111 units currently under construction. Robb's development projects include the $21M York Place Apartments, the $18M Soltva (Finance and Commerce "Top Project 2013"), the $42M LEED Gold 7west, the $12M Nolo Flats (Associated Builders "Excellence in Construction" 2016). Robb holds a JD/MBA from the University of St. Thomas. Co-Developer: Great Oaks Edina, LLC Great Oaks Edina, LLC is a partnership of N. Edward Briesemeister, Thomas Dillon and Thomas Threlkeld. Ed Briesemeister has over forty years of real estate investment and development experience in national markets, primarily Atlanta and the Twin Cities. In the past he was a consultant for the Excelsior & Grand project and involved in planning Wayzata's recent downtown redevelopment. In Atlanta he developed over 600 units of condominium homes and he is currently developing a 51-unit town home project in Delano, MN. Tom Dillon is a principal of McSharry Real Estate, a Minneapolis/St. Paul based Project Management and Owner Representation firm. During his long career in commercial and multifamily real estate, Dillon has been involved in numerous projects including the completion of 1,590 housing units, 352,000 square feet of commercial space and total project value of over $495,000,000. Tom Dillon was a partner and the Senior Project Manager for both Grant Park and Carlyle condominium towers in downtown Minneapolis. Tom Threlkeld is an experienced real estate investor and manager in the Twin Cities market whose Bayport Properties entity has primarily been engaged in the ownership and leasing of commercial office and retari) siAce. Mr. Threlkeld has shifted his attention to the growing residential for9Imarket in recent years. � \-0 1'1 94N0 4 Architect: DIAP Established in 1982 in Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area, DIAP has designed a large variety of programs and building types in local, national and international environments. DIAP's diverse assignments include the Chinese government (regional planning), Habitat for Humanity (award winning design in California), one of the first urban multi-level Target stores (Atlanta), numerous apartment and condominium projects and individual private residences around the world. Specialized in "one of a kind, site specific designs" and intense entitlements work, the firm has also developed a unique approach and strategy for its design and delivery work, summarized in its "strategic design" principles and concepts. As contextual strategic regional planners, urban designers, town planers, architects and interior designers, DIAP architects created attractive, sustainable, green, efficient and economical single use and mixed use designs, equally enjoyed by the clients, users, neighbors and local administrators. Repeat clients, national and international commissions and strong design and technical backgrounds have helped the firm to establish a solid reputation over the last three decades. Landscape Architect: Aune Fernandez Landscape Architects Prior to founding his own firm, Jason practiced at a multi-disciplinary design firm for 13 years. Jason has a total of 20 years of experience in landscape architecture where he has worked for a wide array of clients on many different project types. Jason's strong ability to design at all scales has been demonstrated through his work on large projects to very intricate site design details. Jason's work experiences allow him to understand complex project situations and arrive at compelling design solutions founded in a sense of place that resonates with clients he has worked with. 04 fir&\1 A14 5 Iass€ U) O = F -IJ w a n w -1 zO ,',.4 � o - 8 `= wz m� : .•. J Z ='e A vs1 - $ nt1 a _ _V— =ga _ w 1� � 4s Y1 • u ICIC < oe Gc = Q aod Ig G1 V W o R qq !! tip "AdPa �� 9O'1Eig iiiii < VTW 999999 9tttt ' LLC 8 N N Z !! 2R222 W ��ww L1�1�� _ �.V <Qti it ` 2'22 '2 -' `M? -,(Inv"..) m -QQQQ4-c'MQ-'"1.") Q p < -“a`C' MiryMi<� � M 1:i:, 3333mm” 2 ,-3iA iS8,8.8nAAAAA ,, '•. _0 Zol Z. V no ..!' n :9,4, _ S. F-- '75 'Y .. ,- T- - . rr yy -- $ ya<-2 z$ a Im a ` p yo '+ . 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Water main wet taps are not allowed unless approved by staff. City staff to be present to inspect connections to public infrastructure, cost to be paid by developer. 20. Separate meters for fire and domestic services will be required. 21. A SAC and WAC determination will be required and Met Council and City fees will be calculated from the determination. Storm Water Utility 22. Evidence of watershed district permit and copies of private maintenance agreement for storm water system in favor of watershed is required for building permit. 23. Retention system engineer required to verify construction of the underground retention systems done per plan. 24. Provide signed plan from underground retention system and confirm it is designed for 80,000lb fire truck load and outriggers. 25. Consider pervious materials and storm landscaping consistent with Edina Living Streets Plan. Grading Erosion and Sediment Control 26. A SWPPP consistent with the state general construction site permit is required. Other Agency Coordination 27. Minnehaha Creek Watershed permit is required. Any work in the Vernon Avenue ROW will require a Hennepin County Permit and require their standards to be met. Plans should be submitted to them for comment. MDH, MPCA and MCES permits are required. Others as required. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7450 Metro Boulevard•Edina,Minnesota 55439 www.EdinaMN.gov•952-826-0371 •Fax 952-826-0392 �g� Minutes/Edina Cjy_Council/October 5, 2016. 6. Roo -top mechanical equipment shall be screened from,adjacent residential property, per Section 1-6-4459 of the City Code. 7. Final Lighting Ptah,must meet all minimum lighting requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting shall be down lit. 8. Proof of Parking Agreement to re-stripe the parking lot if necessary. 9. City Council approval of a Cost Sharing Agreement for construction of the public improvements. Member Swenson seconded the motion, Rollcall: „ Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Member Swenson m e a motion to grant First and waive Second Reading adopting Ordinance No. 201 -16, Rezoning 4500 Valley View Road from PCD-4 to PCD-I, Planned Commercial Dis rct. Member Staunton seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. REPORTS I RECOMMENDATIONS VIIIA. SKETCH PLAN: 5109-5125 WEST 49TH STREET. ED BRIESEMEISTER, GREAT OAKS — REVIEWED Community Development Director Teague asked Council to provide non-binding comments and suggestions of a proposal to redevelop three lots into a for-sale condominium project. Council shared comments about the importance of obtaining the input of neighboring property owners, increase in elevation of Vernon Avenue/49f' Street, the potential for bicycle access in addition to pedestrian access, screening options including more than trees, discussions that resulted in inclusionary housing versus affordable housing options, need to mitigate transition to greenspace, and suggested a 96- foot versus 76-foot difference between buildings. The Council was pleased with the variety of two- bedroom units and options of more moderate rent amounts in order to encourage residents to remain in Edina. Edward Briesemeister, representing Great Oaks, said they would work to make adjacent neighborhood happy and resolve adjacency issue. VIILB. FINAL REZONING, FINAL SITE PLAN WITH VARIANCES, FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR OPUS LLC AT 5901 LINCOLN DRIVE, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-81 AND ORDINANCE NO. 2016-12 —ADOPTED Community Development Director Teague said that on August 16, 2016, the City Council granted preliminary approval of this project. The applicant had satisfied the conditions that were required with the preliminary approval and the proposed plans are consistent with that approval. It was noted the City Attorney had drafted the development contract. Member Staunton recused himself from this item, stating his spouse was a member of the leadership team of Children's Hospital and Clinics of Minnesota, a major tenant of other half of this parcel that was part of this proposal. Member Staunton stated he shared this conflict at the last meeting, was making the statement again, and recusing himself from any discussion of this item. The Council and Mr. Teague discussed the condition of approval on the crosswalk across Lincoln Drive, lighting issues, sight line, and landscape plans. Phil Cattanach, representing Opus Development, described berm and other landscape enhancements along the southern property line, noting that berming plan had been shared with the property owners. Page 9 /1I Draft Minutes❑ Approved Min"ut "4 oes®/, Approved Date:9/28120 the -visions; however, the City is NOT opting out of the ability for Edina- idents to purchase flood ins .nce. There was some hesitation •' the amended Ordinance with the Commission asking Bintner to find out how other cities handled the revisions,and bring tack those findings and more explanation on the"opt out" items to the public hearing on Se.ptember2eth. Chair Platteter thanked M'r. Bintner. B. Sketch Plan Review—5109—5125 49th Street West. Edina, MN Planner Introduction Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan request to redevelop three lots at1 5109-5125 nt West 49th Street. Teague be considered advisory only, and shall notplained that opinions or comments provided to t pp constitute a binding decision on the request. Teague noted that the applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two apartments and single family home on the site and build two new 3-4 story condominiums with a total of 27 units. The pThe applicant is prin size. The densityproposed in the sing six units or 22% of the units projectaffordable be 19 ung s per acre. property is 1.43 acres in s Teague informed the Commission this site was rezoned to PUD in 2013; however, the approved project for the site was never built. The site was approved for a 16 unit townhome development that had a density of 11 units per acre.To accommodate that request a Comprehensive Plan Amendment was granted to re-guide the site oDAw Dn uerntial (1 4 units per acre), to MDR, Medium Densty Residential, which allows�p to 12 uipeacre. Teague explained that this new request would require another Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site to HD, High Density Residential. A High Density Residential designation would allow the site to be developed with over 12 units per acre. A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the existing PUD would also be required. Concluding, Teague said the applicant is present to share their vision. Appearinfor the Applicant Edward Briesemeister, Great Oaks, Dan Ionescu, Architects & Planners A licant Presentation Page 8 of 15 �V� Draft Minutes❑ Approved Minutes® Approved Date:9/28/2016 Mr. Briesemeister addressed the Commission and explained that their vision includes a significant increase in greenspace. Briesemeister said they believe their proposal calls for empty nesters not the younger population the previous project was designed for. With graphics Briesemeister pointed out the viable pedestrian connection to Vernon Avenue and usable open space. He added their objective was to have an inclusive project that includes an affordable housing component. With graphics Briesemeister highlighted the following aspects of the project: • Tear down the existing two apartments and single family home. • Construct two new 3-4 story condominium buildings with a "wedding cake" design and a total of 27-units. • Provide six units (22%) for affordable housing. • Two parking spaces for each conventional unit and one parking space for each affordable unit. • Classic Nordic features will be incorporated into the building design. • I I guest parking spaces are provided along West 496 Street(inside the curb). • Preserve as many larges trees as possible to include the wooded area along the RR tracks. Mr. Briesemeister told the Commission they held a neighborhood meeting with good response and thanked the Commission for this opportunity. Discussion/Comments • Commissioners asked what the site was previously zoned. Planner Teague responded the house was zoned R-I and the apartment buildings were zoned PRD, adding the current zoning is PUD. • Commissioners asked if setbacks would be met. Planner Teague responded that would have to be looked into at the time of formal application. • Commissioners asked the applicant if he knows how much taller the new building would be when compared to the R-I house to the east. Mr. Briesemeister responded he believes the new structure would be roughly 10-feet taller than the existing house. • Commissioners acknowledged the openness of the site and the effort to provide a pedestrian experience; however, there was concern with ADA standards and bike mobility. Briesemeister acknowledged that the topography of the site doesn't lend itself well as a thoroughfare; however, it is designed for pedestrian access to Vernon Avenue. Briesemeister noted the slopes and their intent to retain as many large trees as possible. A discussion ensued on the recent information that the sound wall could be continued along Vernon Avenue behind the subject property. It was acknowledged that until it is known how far the sound wall would extend it is difficult to design access from the subject site to Vernon Avenue. Page 9 of 15 Draft Minutes❑ Approved Minutes® Approved Date:9/28/2016 The discussion ensued with Commissioners acknowledging the concept was interesting; however, more density is being placed into smaller buildings. Commissioners expressed some concern with traffic. Mr. Briesemeister acknowledged the increase in density adding he believes traffic levels will be equal to the levels calculated for the townhouse development. Briesemeister further acknowledged there is only one way in and one way out of this neighborhood and that includes having to cross a railroad track and that needs to be studied. With graphics access into and out of the site was viewed along with the I I visitor parking spaces built into the curb. Commissioners further expressed the following: • Acknowledgement that this parcel is unique and as the past indicates a challenge to redevelop. It was noted the site is a small site with a topography challenge, access challenge, and use challenge. The location of this multifamily site in an R-I neighborhood is another challenge that makes in important to get redevelopment of the site correct. • As previously mentioned the sound wall could pose a problem. The applicant will need to work with the City and MNDOT to get clarity on where the wall will end and if a "gate" could be added to the wall. It was pointed out that there is an existing informal pedestrian path that runs along the tracks opening to Vernon Avenue; however a more formal access would be preferred. • The railroad tracks are also an issue not only for safety reasons but for vehicle stacking during the time a train crosses. • It was further reiterated that this project increases the density. Mr. Ionescu said their design is community based adding they really want to work with the City and the neighbors to integrate this project into the neighborhood. Chair Platteter thanked the applicant for their presentation and encouraged them to bring their proposal to the City Council. C. Sketch Plan 'ew—7200 France Avenue, Edina, MN Planner Introduction Planner Teague reported that the Planning Commission,' asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to redevelop the 3.51 acre parcel at 7200 France Avenue. The applicant is requesting consideration of a proposal to tear down the existing office building on the site, and redevelop it with a six-story, 241 unit apartment building"with parking on the first two levels. The applicant is proposing 10% of the units to be affordable To accommodate the request, three amendments to the,Comprehensive Plan would be required for: Building Height-7-from 4 stories to 6 stories. Housing Density—from 30 units, per acre to 69, and Floor ea Ratio (FAR) —from .5 to 1.58. Page 10 of 15 Commissioner Carr asked to amend the motion to include the addition of architectural features along the north building wall. Commissioners Grabiel and Forrest accepted that amendment. Ayes; Scherer, Carr, Forrest, Grabiel. Nays;Schroeder, Potts, Carpenter and Staunton. Motion failed. sey B. Preliminary Rezoning to PUD, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat. Edina Fifty- Five LLC. 5125 49th Street West and 5118-5109 49th Street West Planner Presentation Planner Teague informed the Commission Hunt Associates is requesting redevelopment of three lots, 5109-5125 West 49th Street. The applicant is proposing to tear down the existing two apartments and single family home on the site (10 units' total) and build a new 17-unit attached housing development. The subject properties total 1.43 acres in size;therefore,the proposed density of the project would be 12 units per acre. The existing property is zoned PRD-2, Planned Residential District-2, which allows residential building containing six or fewer dwelling units. The existing apartments contain four and five units each.The applicant is seeking a rezoning of the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The site is guided LDAR, Low Density Attached Residential (4-8 units per acre),therefore, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to MDR, Medium Density Residential would be required to allow a density of 5-12 units per acre.The applicant narrative indicates why they believe that a PUD rezoning is justified for this proposed development. Planner Teague stated that staff recommends that the City Council approve the request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from LDAR, Low Density Attached Residential to MDR, Medium Density Residential (5-12 units per acre) for the subject property based on the following findings: 1. The subject property is a transition area, and serves as a buffer from single-family homes to the north to Vernon Avenue and the GrandView Commercial area to the south. 2. The proposal would be an improvement over the current two existing apartment buildings and single-family home (10 units) on the site.Seven townhomes would face 49th Street and eight townhomes would face Vernon Avenue with the garages and drive aisle internal to the site. 3. The proposed two/three story buildings are generally consistent with existing height in the area. 4. The existing roadways would support the project.Wenck and Associates conducted a traffic impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads. Page 6 of 13 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. b. Locate and orient buildings to fit with their existing and/or planned context by framing and complementing adjacent streets, parks and open spaces. c. Locate and orient vehicle parking, vehicular access, service areas and utilities to minimize their visual impact on the property and on adjacent/surrounding properties, without compromising the safety and attractiveness of adjacent streets, parks, and open spaces. d. Regulate scale, massing, and height to provide complementary transitions to adjacent sites and nearby neighborhoods and areas. e. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. Teague added that staff recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PRD-2, Planned Residential District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District and Preliminary Development Plan to build 17 new townhomes on the subject 1.43 acre parcel based on the following findings: 1. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property. Currently the site does not engage Vernon Avenue.Today it is clearly the back of the site, and contains mature trees.The proposed site plan turns and faces Vernon Avenue with a row of two-story townhomes. 2. Parking areas and garages are internal to the site, and not visible from 49th street or Vernon Avenue. 3. The project would enhance pedestrian connections.The plan provides for a public sidewalk through the site from 49th to Vernon, that would connect, not only this development, but the entire area to the north to the GrandView District. 4. Landscaping would be enhanced. Extensive Landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site and adjacent to the proposed townhomes.The number of over story trees is over double the number required by City Code.The mature trees along Vernon Avenue would be preserved. Page 7 of 13 Approval is also subject to the following Conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans dated February 13, 2013 and the final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Section 850.04 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the city engineer's memo dated March 7, 2013. 3. Final Rezoning is subject to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD, Planned Unit Development for this site. Concluding, Teague recommended that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat to create a new 17-lot townhome plat for the subject property based on the following findings: 1. The proposed plat meets all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. And subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the Final Rezoning of the subject property to Planned Unit Development, PUD. 2. The Final Plat must be considered within one-year after approval of the Preliminary Plat, or the Preliminary Plat shall be deemed null and void. 3. A shared parking and access agreement must be established across the Plat. 4. The Park Dedication fee of$35,000 shall be paid prior to release of the mylars approving the Final Plat. Appearing for the Applicant David Motzenbecker, Chris Palkowitsch, BKV Group, Ed Terhaar, Wenck Applicant Presentation Mr. Motzenbecker delivered a power point presentation. He further informed the Commission BKV adjusted the development to better fit the site and meet the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Motzenbecker further explained the topography of the property played a large role in building design. Motzenbecker explained that they are putting in a plinth to minimize stairs, adding the plinth moves along the property line and raises it about two feet. Continuing, along the front the development team wanted to open the units up to the street. Small patios will be added on the top of the plinth.With graphics Motzenbecker explained the internal circulation, parking and guest parking. He pointed out there will be bike and pedestrian access and the site would be open creating a more welcoming space; this also creates a space that is public; not private. Motzenbecker introduced Chris Palkowitsch, project architect. Page 8 of 13 Chris Palkowitsch told Commissioners that each unit would have their own entry and the exterior building materials have been chosen and will be cast stone, fiber-cement panels, and stained wood to warm the exterior palate. Palkowitsch said the project would promote energy efficiency and the conservation of natural resources. Continuing, Palkowitsch said general sustainability principles for the buildings and the site will be applied as follows: • It is possible the existing buildings will be relocated. • If the buildings are demolished many of the materials will be recycled. • Use of low VOC paints. • Energy Star appliance. • High—efficiency HVAC will be standard. • Stone and cement board with recycled contents will be incorporated • Skylights will add additional daylight to each unit reducing energy consumption; and • Storm water infiltration and a variety of native plants. Motzenbecker also asked the Commission to note that along Vernon Avenue the units are two-story with a gathering space in the front. Motzenbecker also pointed out that the front doors are "sunken", providing each unit with privacy from Vernon Avenue and passersby. Discussion Commissioner Forrest questioned accessibility and asked if any units are without stairs. Forrest also stated parking concerns her; especially guest parking or lack thereof. Mr. P responded any unit could be retro-fitted for an elevator. Commissioner Carr commented that she observed that some garages have windows and questioned this reasoning. Mr. Palkowitsch explained that the windows proposed for the garages are frosted; letting light in and providing a degree of privacy. Commissioner Forrest asked how building height is measured. Planner Teague explained that building height is measured from the existing grade. Chair Staunton stated the roofs of the proposed townhouses are flat and pointed out Edina's Comprehensive Plan suggests pitched roofs; not flat as proposed. Mr. Motzenbecker explained that the reason they went with the flat roof was to ensure that the buildings "tie" into the neighborhood. He noted that the majority of the roofs (single family homes) in the neighborhood are hip; adding the proposed flat roof"ties" in better while minimizing the impact of building height. Ed Terhaar addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of traffic highlighting the following: • Proposed development is expected to generate 1 net trip during the weekday peak period, 2 net trips during the weekday pm and 29 weekday daily trips. • Intersections have adequate capacity; no improvements would be required. Page 9 of 13 • It should be noted that the entire neighborhood area has only one access point and if a train was stopped on the tracks for an extended period of time, additional steps would be needed to access this neighborhood; however, this exists with or without the proposed townhomes. Terhaar told the Commission townhouses tend to generate fewer trips than single family homes. He also acknowledged that the intersection of Vernon and Interlachen Boulevard can pose problems. Commissioners agreed with that statement. A discussion ensured on the ramifications of this development on neighborhood traffic, acknowledging the unique one way in and out and railroad tracks. Chair Staunton acknowledged that this proposal is located in a unique setting with a one way in and out, agreeing if you go up the hill and try to turn left onto Interlachen Boulevard one can "sit"there for some time before there is an opening to turn. Mr. Terhaar agreed, adding he believes that movement is at service level D which isn't good; however, is acceptable in an urban setting. Commissioner Forrest questioned how often the figures used for the traffic analysis report are updated. Mr. Terhaar responded they are updated on a regular basis, adding it was recently updated and the most current information was used in this analysis. Chair Staunton opened the public hearing. The following spoke to the proposal: Michelle Anderson, 5112 49th Street West Steve Russ, 5040 Hankerson Avenue Tony Wagner,5120 West 49th Street Leslie Losey, 5105 West 49th Street Gail Helbereot, 5116 West 49th Street Mrs. Wagner, 5120 West 49th Street Chair Staunton asked if anyone else would like to speak to this issue; being none Commissioner Potts moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Carpenter seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. Chair Staunton questioned how storm water and snow removal would be handled. Mr. Motzenbecker said they have a civil engineer on board that between now and final will work out the storm water management issues, adding he believes at this time runoff storage will be underground. Continuing, Motzenbecker said with regard to snow removal the excess snow will be moved off site. Chair Staunton said he observed on the schematics there are units with roof top decks and asked if that is an option. He pointed out neighbors privacy would be compromised. Mr. Motzenbecker said there is an interest in roof top decks, adding they would be an amenity on some of the units. Page 10 of 13 Commissioner Carr discussed density and setbacks and asked the developers if they ever considered removing the last townhouse unit on the east. She pointed out this unit directly abuts a residential home and if that unit were removed that area could be used for guest parking. Mr. Motzenbecker responded they hadn't considered that option. Chair Staunton directed the discussion back to the Comprehensive Plan and the requested amendment to increase density and have a flat roof. Commissioner Carpenter said he doesn't have a problem in increasing density in this location. Commissioner Forrest said she struggles with an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan noting the Comprehensive Plan is the City's development guide. Commissioner Schroeder commented that his struggle would be leaving the site low density, adding the step from low density to medium density may actually encourage redevelopment, and in this instance seems reasonable. Schroeder said this project could be considered one of the first steps in the GrandView Plan, noting the increase in density isn't at the upper end of what's permitted in medium density. Chair Staunton stated he agrees with Commissioner Schroeder. Continuing, Schroeder said in his opinion( from a site plan perspective)that he doesn't mind the intensity, and in fact,would slide the entire development over; closer to Vernon Avenue, narrow the driveway and squeeze the site together from all sides. Schroeder said if this is done the impact of the building height from 49th street would be minimized. Commissioner Forrest said she wasn't adverse to the project; however has a concern. She said she doesn't what this site to appear claustrophobic and negatively impact the neighbors. The neighbors do have legitimate concerns. Chair Staunton said he agrees the neighbors have legitimate issues; however change in this location makes sense. Continuing,Staunton said he really likes the look of the project from Vernon Avenue, adding he also believes the use of PUD in this instance is correct. Staunton said he also likes that the site provides a pathway to Vernon Avenue for not only residents of the townhouses but area residents as well. He also stated he things the bike curb is another plus. Continuing, Staunton said the trick of this project is to make the transition from residential to the commercial area off Vernon Avenue friendly. Concluding, Staunton said he does have a concern with the overall building height and the flat roof (especially from West 49th Street). Commissioner Forrest questioned who would maintain the Vernon Avenue access. Mr. Motzenbecker responded that the association for the townhomes would maintain the access. Page 11 of 13 Minutes/Edina City Council/April 15,2013 1. The City must approve the final plat within one year of preliminary approval or receive a written application for a time extension or the preliminary approval will be void. 2. Prior to release of the final plat,the following items must be submitted: a. Submit evidence of Minnehaha Creek Watershed District approval. The City may require revisions to the preliminary plat to meet the District's requirements. b. Enter into a Developers Agreement with the City. The Developers Agreement shall include the requirement for construction of the sidewalk as proposed. c. Pay the park dedication fee of$10,000. d. Individual homes must comply with the overall grading plan for the site. Each individual building permit will be reviewed for compliance with the overall grading plan subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. e. Compliance with the conditions outlined in the Director of Engineering's memo dated March 22, 2013. f. A construction management plan will be required for the overall development of the site, and for each individual home construction. g. Utility hook-ups are subject to review of the City Engineer. h. Establishment of a tree and slope conservation easement as demonstrated on the grading and tree preservation plan. Approval of a conservation easement with the final plat. i. Outlot A shall be deeded to the adjacent parcel at 4408 Morningside Road. j. The applicant must rebuild the driveway at 4408 Morningside Road to access off the new street, and eliminate the curb cut on Morningside Road. The configuration shall be subject to approval of the Director of Engineering. k. A stop sign is required to be installed on the new street approaching Morningside Road. Clear sight lines shall be maintained from the intersection. I. Use of Lot 7 for the overall grading of the development will require compensation to the City of Edina. A restoration plan shall be submitted by the applicant subject to review and approval by the City Council. m. The new road shall be built to the City standards,including a 27-foot width. n. Signage stating "No Parking Fire Lane" along one side of the roadway the entire length of the road. o. Installation of fire hydrant(s) near end of cul-de-sac,and possibly at intersection of Morningside. Fire hydrant location is subject to review and approval of the Fire Marshal. p. Submittal of a landscape plan showing trees in the right-of-way. Member Sprague seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared to comment. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT, PRELIMINARY REZONING TO PUD, PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT, HUNT ASSOCIATES 5109 — 5125 WEST 49TH STREET—RESOLUTION NO. 2013-33 AND RESOLUTION NO.2013-37 ADOPTED Community Development Director Presentation Mr. Teague advised the proponent had submitted revised plans based on the Council's comments at the April 2, 2013, meeting. The revised plans removed one unit, increased the northeast setback from 15 feet to 42 feet, increased the setback on 49th Street to 36 feet, added sidewalk on 49th Street, provided additional greenspace, implemented a one-way drive with additional drive and curb cut (trash truck access)and added three guest parking spaces. Proponent Presentation Page 5 /1.1 Minutes/Edina City Council/April 16,2013 Chris Palkowitsch, BKV Group, provided an overview of the revised plans. He presented the preliminary materials board and visual renderings of the proposed plan. The Council discussed the revised plans, noting its similar density with the proposed five town homes along 49th Street facing five existing single-family homes. It was suggested that a right turn lane onto Brookside Avenue be considered for improved traffic flow. City Engineer Houle advised there would need to be consideration of an additional emergency access into the neighborhood. He informed the Council that the infiltration system was sufficient to handle the drainage for the development. Dan Hunt, Developer, answered questions raised by the Council. He indicated that the stairway down from Vernon Avenue would be lit and the trash pickup would not require backing up the vehicle to access the end two units. A smaller truck would service the development with the driver walking to pick up the cans for the two end units. Member Bennett verified with staff that the Urban Land Institute had conducted its workshop for Council, Planning Commission members,and staff on "The New Normal" in development as a free service. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-33, approving a Guide Plan Amendment from LDAR, Low Density Attached Residential (4-8 units per acre)to MDR, Medium Density Residential (5-12 Units per acre) at 5109-5125 West 49th Street for Hunt Associates based on the following findings: 1. The subject property is a transition area, and serves as a buffer from single-family homes to the north to Vernon Avenue and the Grand View Commercial area to the south. 2. The proposal would be an improvement over the current two existing apartment buildings and single-family home (10 units) on the site. Five townhomes would face 49th Street and three townhomes would face west, and eight townhomes would face Vernon Avenue; the garages and drive aisle are internal to the site. 3. The proposed two/three story buildings are generally consistent with existing height in the area. 4. The existing roadways would support the project. Wenck and Associates conducted a traffic impact study,and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads. 5. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. b. Locate and orient buildings to fit with their existing and / or planned context by framing and complementing adjacent streets,parks,and open spaces. c. Locate and orient vehicle parking, vehicular access, service areas, and utilities to minimize their visual impact on the property and on adjacent / surrounding properties without compromising the safety and attractiveness of adjacent streets,parks,and open spaces. d. Regular scale, massing and height to provide complementary transitions to adjacent sites and nearby neighborhoods and areas. e. Encourage infill / redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of City infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood,and/or corridor context and character. And subject to the following condition: 1. Final Rezoning to PUD and Final Development Plan approval for the project. Member Sprague seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Nays: Bennett Motion carried. Page 6 Minutes/Edina City Council/April 15,2013 Member Bennett recalled that Council members had asked ULI panelists how Edina could best facilitate redevelopment, and that the panelists had replied that the Council should develop clear rules and then follow them. She quoted one of the panelists, who had stated "the Comprehensive Plan is not the Dead Sea Scrolls, but neither should it be changed cavalierly for every development that comes along." Member Bennett continued that medium to high density development was not appropriate next to single family homes, and approving that development was not consistent with the city's stated goal of protecting residential neighborhoods. The Council discussed the benefits of the subject development, including the similar density with the proposed five townhomes along 49th Street facing five existing single-family homes and addition of the sidewalk on 49th Street. It was stressed that the proposed development would improve the neighborhood, not adversely impact it. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-37, approving Preliminary Rezoning from PRD-2, Planned Residential District to PUD, Planned Unit Development Preliminary Development Plan & Preliminary Plat at 5109-5125 West 49th Street for Hunt Associates based on the following findings: 1. The proposal would create a more efficient and creative use of the property. Currently the site does not engage Vernon Avenue. Today it is clearly the back of the site, and contains mature trees. The proposed site plan turns and faces Vernon Avenue with a row of two-story townhomes. 2. Parking areas and garages are internal to the site,and not visible from 49th Street or Vernon Avenue. 3. The project would enhance pedestrian connections. The plan provides for a public sidewalk through the site from 49th to Vernon, that would connect, not only this development, but the entire area to the north to the GrandView District. 4. Landscaping would be enhanced. Extensive landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site and adjacent to the proposed townhomes. The number of over story trees is over double the number required by City Code. The mature trees along Vernon Avenue would be preserved. 5. The proposed plat meets all Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. And subject to the following conditions: 1. The Final Development Plans must be generally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans date stamped April 9,2013. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Section 850.04 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the City Engineer's memo dated March 7, 2013. 4. Final Rezoning is subject to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD, Planned Unit Development for this site. 5. Approval of the Final Rezoning of the subject property to Planned Unit Development, PUD. 6. The Final Plat must be considered within one year after approval of the Preliminary Plat, or the Preliminary Plat shall be deemed null and void. 7. A shared parking and access agreement must be established across the Plat. 8. The Park Dedication fee of$35,000 shall be paid prior to release of the mylars approving the Final Plat. 9. There shall be no rooftop decks. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Nays: Bennett Motion carried. VIII.B. PLANNING COMMISSION 2013 WORK PLAN AMENDMENT—APPROVED Mr. Teague presented the 2013 Work Plan Amendment for the Planning Commission to conduct a Small Area Plan for the Valley View and Wooddale areas, which had been identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a potential area of change. The anticipated cost would be $25,000 to $75,000 depending on the scope of work to be done by a consultant. Mr. Teague stated TIF monies were available from this development district that could be applied to pay for the cost of this study. Page 7 3 WENCK File #3022-07 May 17, 2017 Traffic Impact Study for The Villas in Edina, MN Prepared for: 4801 W. 50th Street City of Edina Edina, MN 55424 ^ir Prepared by: W E N C K WENCK Associates, Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center ASSOCIATES Maple Plain, MN 55359 Phone: 7963-479-4200 Responsive partner. Fax: 763-479-4242 Exceptional outcomes. t Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS I 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 2.0 PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND 2-1 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3-1 4.0 TRAFFIC FORECASTS 4-1 5.0 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 5-1 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6-1 7.0 APPENDIX 7-1 FIGURES FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION 2-2 FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN 2-3 FIGURE 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3-2 FIGURE 4 WEEKDAY AM AND PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES 4-3 FIGURE 5 WEEKDAY AM AND PM PEAK LOS RESULTS 5-4 I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ru/ 4✓ J _ DATE: May 17, 2017 Edward F. Terhaar License No. 24441 May 2017 i V^V WENCK y Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. 1 .0 Executive Summary The purpose of this Traffic Impact Study is to evaluate the traffic impacts of the proposed townhouse development called The Villas located in Edina, MN. The project site is located on the south side of 49th Street east of Brookside Avenue. Based on direction from City of Edina staff, this study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard • Interlachen Boulevard/Brookside Avenue • Brookside Avenue/49th Street Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project will involve the construction of 17 new townhomes. The existing single family house and 9 rental apartment units will be removed and replaced by the proposed townhomes. Access for the development will be provided with a single driveway on 49th Street, which will provide full movement access. The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2018. The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to generate 1 net trip during the weekday a.m. peak hour, 2 net trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 29 net weekday daily trips. • All of the analyzed intersections have adequate capacity with existing geometrics and control to accommodate the proposed development. No improvements are needed at these intersections to accommodate the proposed project. • Under existing conditions during the p.m. peak hour, the southbound left turn and through/right turn queues at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection occasionally extend past Brookside Avenue. This condition does not occur during the a.m. peak hour. • Signal phasing and timing improvements at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection could help reduce the southbound vehicle queues. The installation of flashing yellow arrow left turn heads on the southbound, northbound, and eastbound approaches would help the intersection operate more efficiently, resulting in shorter queues during the peak periods. May 2017 1-1Y�Y WENCK A Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. 2.0 Purpose and Background The purpose of this Traffic Impact Study is to evaluate the traffic impacts of the proposed townhouse development called The Villas located in Edina, MN. The project site is located on the south side of 49th Street east of Brookside Avenue. The project location is shown in Figure 1. Based on direction from City of Edina staff, this study examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed development on the following intersections: • Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard • Interlachen Boulevard/Brookside Avenue • Brookside Avenue/49th Street Proposed Development Characteristics The proposed project will involve the construction of 17 new townhomes. The existing single family house and 9 rental apartment units will be removed and replaced by the proposed townhomes. Access for the development will be provided with a single driveway on 49th Street, which will provide full movement access. The current site plan is shown in Figure 2. The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2018. May 2017 2-1 y v WENCK A Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. k't 1 �...,y pC - w < �. ERIL � �__ �S o• w v f� --.,,k...,,,...,. .______.--,t,.45,d ��/ _ I eyta > .(r„ �I -.1--------------*:, ,,,, �k. _ s ANE :, e1aksr �� � ' �_� t-tom r._— _l('RD, ���� i DE CT,K l.L. :T.w sUN TOWNEE S CIR. \ ,`, tL� w L r,.,, ))W (4444th �.- w w w �: -- c)\W ;, 47th S �' `?v r,y >'� w �j42.a�tl. t �t - ,..7-.....,y..-1 ci a a c a \''° wNC�'{ G F' 4:' fv/ K �:� J G S I�f Er'�,.J`„ w ��\C a �.�.� I�. { L DIVISION 3 ST,cn I x cc j �f� l a' �� 'Q mciDGE �'ST, 6RISo)) i 17R�c', v Ci r. n r-w I c� v o x U ,�'` /r.,...-..,-.,,\, �._�� w' -- - — I N. AA a-,; j W.48th %.^ �IS'` � ( 2., `j c„ d m I., ggy ��oc,Ir c--- ., a ., '^ r' F' 7�T. L. {��Q' 4. > -.5 Y c;.942' �, a Z�O W ,7 w Z W w jt o ��� COOPERj ow 48th 2 x f lr . a co �� a�I Av . IR, 00 Do)� RD ----118_,-i It (Wt10� 'y� mS c I o m < W. 49th ST, s r,.'„' j LE la. m + --A\V. �a w- w - HARD I ae 1 `z t''')9-1\ c � n W �� a r---)LN.o .4 a>' tr ”' t ? \t,,,' ,,,' TRI I( pD. , tY„ -,1 eLvp �� � � K tr ���i . �� ( cru '- ' --�. RO LOCATION �2 1 w w w. w "' 50 nth I ��ST L jl' ��� 43. LL!�L a o > �� a PROJECT TI N _ W I =Ir :=,' 6 L ) .; K 4 CC ] ,.\..,-..,,,,:...,...'",--,,;=.3 I Y \ ,� CSI -.."�1 \��./�/� ff' } il i 8 Al 51 st S T. w v, ',1, i''j"\' __- LI,....._-„, .�'4� �,4w. 5I st -',J 1ST. w tlr a h�i x LN, v Highlands `��� Yz-S J�Cr. � ' _o_. a S2 1.-: ''''':�• WOODDALE (6R11�� K o� v,r''�.._.. Lake °�,_i - ) w!:.1---m,j111/;''''il � `ziQ'��- `� WQOD RAL \PL.� z �•� ac, mi<;'( -p, E co > a' KR>ln�� •r._Z,1! W.52nd it IM4m K v...�1 �� Gl f� � W. `52nd;z : �i,C77R,6 „...,,:i2,4,,,,,„'7,,,o< • . 7 • �pE, "„ W.52nd ST. �,a � —_ T I `" 53rd Si ��' ['^�, 1� x��,� .� K //'?/ W.53 rd ST.I �� i s a 3 !% c"F,ln �� 1G0 (1 v El l 4 ✓I i 11 C�>>_ iw - ill �© A:-.,.....(7.- EDENMO9R ST,- u� a a w t a ( �; 'P. `v ,, .'a ��` \q, ( /. W. 54th I,, 5T D: /``-;,/ < Z OHM)ND w r� ra., p pi _ GOLF TER, — 7 a p ��, k i �;' SL-1' R — ; .3 Ft1 LEF sr�,��_�/.��,'`r � cl o P v .x C %w `7y��wlNGtioR� , �4�er - u . K �' c, C'RWV15t % \,�Oi WO00H1LL, DR t., t*. '' r- `-'. <ti '\�. \ 1 \W!N1VE. q 17 •--- Y�O ▪�•�'•,,. 55th L. ¢ z\ 1� 159; t1 w • -V< KENT P� z i O .,, , cr o ��., w )�- r^'� w OAr:x DR. W, 55 th 5T.('" c�:� w _ ., N�' t a > z 'A T ��...:.�,._`..� l<. ��� o c"ti W 6th `Y`U�f ST.AVE. FK C ,' u [ `-sem I w ,1y- � �. 's `T 3 c_, _ r— v ;/ LEXING TCN AV E. > a DE E <yD C w \� �� / "� Y�1VONNE TER. W IND RG. - -- •RIDGj' . Wr56th1 ,��1 Q ST. /l_ I `E-• P4.� ��-/(TER-[- 5 C\WOODL A W. it e 5 DR. 4 0„-„,,,,-1/„Ss C'�. SOUTHL']EN' Lfd. „ -----1,4i4.1,)R0)1 ki%”,/, r — t C`---`-FEN -7.. P T o 0,.\-A.,- s s w 2 LcoNcoRD�\ >t'"".�.�-- ;+' UO l WAR�4E �i GROVE L.__ 1( r• .j o n. o K�PHILBROOK LN. ] w -- -, _--_... ro• 2 cr u TER. f) }f \ S K � ��__ Zj � �-4/� Fl... -' :,,,_5, � 1�.._J W'..� ..._J�JfStrl� T.II ST. a FT-7., w w w w) W.58 th ST, -` F� LI'''` e v ;.._..- I.YLE '1 J m y v, .a c et = a J w ` 1MI ES } O z - - BENTON L>AVE. �� .. A' o .1 W w „i l` 6 a CIRC ; _ w - a. > a r _.. �l a w l BENTOr I.. _ , a 'xI we K 59 th K Sr. �w LNI > AVE. w� W.59th CST. Q 59tH ST. i COUNTRYSIDE RD. na ? ;CHC10L RD, w e• x tf 3 W. 60th ST. � .�� �� > .4 w w , w r a W. 0 6C1'Etfi a ST_ rr ._.�__ GHLANDc7 v w t }W, RBc. 4 \ [�� ^ :, CLOVER ... _-. a o v� FCIR IaLIN Ga j v, 7'r wm�; -R \ 7ER c� u _�,.�•, NTER - u RID E� � �2OR Crp k- -6L ,DR,\W 615 1tv ?� > �`-_'4 (`y�v��\ a 1. x [60th+ W l_%�j s- a1 f 7 i //�, ` 6IR(ti ST. o y,? i�(7 t )r ' ` 4 �- w. !_.1 61st ST,A�EWkY u a t<� aGI C P) n W 52nd 5T. Q%1J ' LI wK „� w >� 1 I a W.x. ST. ~ � ]( w itAL4 WAY ( U �� N01........=.,....,,,,.. .Y ..:1. V„:_:".._-_- .1=1...— �l a ti�r.�,R1 ` w �� 2 a ,...,,i-_ ,,,..„ ti �� ;- w, 63 it ST:\ ( �� 5 -. W s t v K �'i ki \ R �': WHIT ING > '� a w �� ;✓•,-•--w\ 2 ..in<� m s 'DORON-C--...'-<--------r Y a a K 1 f \ z o v / 6f� E4 thlLiJ �_, a i62I w 0 64 th 5 ✓1 o+AV��'i'- 64 th ST. .>� �_.AA,• S� -_._. T _R - r.sZik L U2 wgni w�- — �W. - ri LN. .., .ik. o a K a N ni3.}/ .-. 1,. C L ty a v�a i w (�K ��� \',.., ',��-Li. 6S `i t7( � �.., .E.tj Q _' c. 0 tz{ w. a 65 th _>T, c ^� 6c-t, 2 } �,__ 1 o - APPROXIMATE SCALE /!' C'y~}�T --..i< 3 Q I = rr ��,'? -y Lake L. wWV , DR i,� �, __ w. 66th ST. -L.4.1n \ ✓ _ J tr 0 1600' Y " V TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FIGURE 1 WENCK FOR THE VILLAS IN EDINA, MN PROJECT LOCATION Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. - 449 bA \ \. 4 F � R z 4) 11 a I i. 3eJO R 4 ID % W to„i r J a ASF a - -i \ - \0,2 fk r ,--., _iilmi s t 3 � 1 s >- w ��.' 4f1 ;fes �'� � � to 0 1f / _� Y ' I. 4 : • WL �- �4 �� Z � y . r1 / . �` UJB 10 0 ix . _ � � W Z_ y kg ‘ - F-W LT z: g; ..'4, Ny-----7H ' Ill” iii- , v ,1 �` ' ' t { i \a ,ZQ 1 T,-'' 1 .. ‘--....0 ,--., W f.I W ` •A 1 \ \. a W \ 1 i(p P I is© ' V E0 a own Pe 11 ► W - W i1tliillill1 ) 1111Ifil111111f11111111111111111 } 1111f11111111111111Ili Z41111•1• *11 - *11 3 .0 Existing Conditions The proposed site currently consists of one single family home and nine rental apartments. The project site is bounded by existing single family homes to the east, 49th Street to the north, railroad tracks to the west, and Vernon Avenue to the south. Near the site location, 49th Street is a two-lane undivided local roadway. Brookside Avenue is also a two-lane undivided roadway near the site location. Interlachen Boulevard is a two- lane undivided roadway with turn lanes at Brookside Avenue and Vernon Avenue. Vernon Avenue is a four-lane divided roadway with turn lanes at major intersections. Existing conditions at the proposed project location are shown in Figure 3 and described below. Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard The signalized intersection provides one left turn/through lane and one through/right turn lane on the westbound approach. The eastbound approach consists of one left turn lane, one through lane, and one through/right turn lane. The northbound and southbound approaches consist of one left turn lane and one through/right turn lane. Striped crosswalks and pedestrian signal heads are present at this intersection. Interlachen Boulevard/Brookside Avenue The three-way intersection is controlled with a stop sign on the westbound Brookside Avenue approach. The southbound approach consists of one left/through lane. The northbound approach consists of one through lane and one right turn lane. The westbound approach consists of one shared left turn/right turn lane. A bike lane is present on the northbound approach. Brookside Avenue/49th Street This three-way intersection is controlled with a stop sign on the westbound approach. The westbound approach consists of one shared left turn/right turn lane. The northbound approach consists of one through/right turn lane. The southbound approach consists of one left turn/through lane. Turn movement data for the intersections was collected during the weekday a.m. (7:00 - 9:00 a.m.) and p.m. (4:00 - 6:00 p.m.) peak periods in April 2017. May 2017 3-1 V^Y WENCK T Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. 1-100 0 w J me 4.i'e 9f f M a !I< o co Z O F- s o �. y Z r4 4' 4 r V 01 0 e '' w ,�>. ccZ 17, 0 ,'' , : L% W :rAl { , MR + a } .' �1 3 d C P / tp g - .. _ 7,..a n 40 vir qv, a _ '. .ilia �:" i w, ,d ' tv " ''''itval c to �. __. � G � att Z + ' 0.41 r; J ' W Z 5 . S . et 8A' epis:ooJ -1,,,,„..A. 2 �r ,- C £ , r. y., /% ate. ft- s a V 4 d.T $ ' y, E "�4 A 's 0 W as { fi1. g * { } �' '74'; ' r .ti... {, W ii: xa:`'''''-'N , d m..v '1/44,41.,•,-,4-',f f f `y x p� :. 4 , ! i ' . ,_ 0: 4 i.,,,,„ g # ., , �;: ! z ....... 4.0 Traffic Forecasts Traffic Forecast Scenarios To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2019. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • 2017 Existing. Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. The existing volume information includes trips generated by the uses currently on the site. • 2019 No-Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by 1.0 percent per year to determine 2019 No-Build volumes. The 1.0 percent per year growth rate was calculated based on both recent growth experienced near the site and projected growth in the area. • 2019 Build. Trips generated by the proposed development were added to the 2019 No-Build volumes to determine 2019 Build volumes. In addition, existing trips generated by the uses currently on the site were subtracted from the total volume. Trio Generation Weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour trip generation for the existing and proposed developments were calculated based on data presented in the ninth edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The resultant trip generation estimates are shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Trip Generation for Proposed Project Weekday Land Use Size Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Daily In Out Total In Out Total Total Proposed Project Townhouses 17 DU 1 6 7 6 3 9 99 Existing Uses Removed Apartments 9 DU (1) (4) (5) (4) (2) (6) (60) Single Family 1 DU (0) (1) (1) (1) (0) (1) (10) Net Trips 0' 1 1 1 1 2 29 DU=dwelling unit Table 1 shows the net number of trips generated by the proposed development including reductions for existing trips. As shown, the project adds 1 net trip during the a.m. peak hour, 2 net trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 29 net trips daily. May 2017 4-1 Y�Y WENCK inmanci Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. 1tD\ Trip Distribution Percentages Trip distribution percentages for the subject development trips were established based on the nearby roadway network, existing and expected future traffic patterns, and location of the subject development in relation to major attractions and population concentrations. The distribution percentages for trips generated by the proposed development are as follows: • 60 percent to/from the east on Vernon Avenue • 10 percent to/from the north on Brookside Avenue • 10 percent to/from the west on Interlachen Boulevard • 10 percent to/from the west on Vernon Avenue • 10 percent to/from the south on Interlachen Boulevard Traffic Volumes Development trips were assigned to the surrounding roadway network using the preceding trip distribution percentages. Traffic volumes were established for all the forecasting scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figure 4. May 2017 4-2 V�Y WENCK A Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. J4to3 0 O A.M. PEAK HOUR >N z0 w 0 0) 0V N CO izz co N w ,--mi;--,Mt-7/7/7 v co z ,� ,y--- 15/15/16 COc) 49TH ST. TT-23/23/23 PROJECT V-188/192/193 T LOCATION T r BROOKSIDE a AVE N- 0) O U') M VI r N- N-ii3 1- 0)L0 M r. M,- 0 S CO Ota MSerO M'— 000OCO T- 2 CON 392/400/400 41 �-i c' 62/63/63 469 VERNON AVE 109/111/111 _I' 1 T r› 376/384/384---> Co Nr 0 42/43/43-4. ° 0 CO ao to Vt V— N in 06 f M�� O Tri: 2017 2019 NO BUILD P.M. PEAK HOUR 2019 BUILD CO XX/XX/XX co z CO N.co 0 'CO rn A w ,to T—2/2/2 [ , 11/11/12/12Az 49TH ST.� C' 'L-42/43/43 o t) PROJECT L-> c-112/114/115 J LOCATION t 13 BROOKSIDE (O AVE CO 4 CO N- • , CD V.. ti LO Vr N op CO 000(N,I O O_0)O "' C`7 ate— coVO 0 0)0 t1")Nt '-'-M o 00 O) 418/426/427 343 4] 4, 1-i .C' 56/57/57 VERNON AVE 334/341/341 - ] T N 683/697/697--- CO a) 25/25/26 j. N=Z.NCO-- t (4M N� Mr N ^V , FIGURE 4 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY W E N C K FOR THE VILLAS WEEKDAY A.M.AND P.M. IN EDINA, MN PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC Responsive partner. Exceptional outcomes. VOLUMES 5.0 Traffic Analysis Intersection Level of Service Analysis Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios described earlier during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro software. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics, control, and signal timing. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service (LOS), which is defined in terms of traffic delay at the intersection. LOS ranges from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation with excessive delay. The following is a detailed description of the conditions described by each LOS designation: • Level of service A corresponds to a free flow condition with motorists virtually unaffected by the intersection control mechanism. For a signalized or an unsignalized intersection, the average delay per vehicle would be approximately 10 seconds or less. • Level of service B represents stable flow with a high degree of freedom, but with some influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. For a signalized intersection, the average delay ranges from 10 to 20 seconds. An unsignalized intersection would have delays ranging from 10 to 15 seconds for this level. • Level of service C depicts a restricted flow which remains stable, but with significant influence from the intersection control device and the traffic volumes. The general level of comfort and convenience changes noticeably at this level. The delay ranges from 20 to 35 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 15 to 25 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service D corresponds to high-density flow in which speed and freedom are significantly restricted. Though traffic flow remains stable, reductions in comfort and convenience are experienced. The control delay for this level is 35 to 55 seconds for a signalized intersection and 25 to 35 seconds for an unsignalized intersection. • Level of service E represents unstable flow of traffic at or near the capacity of the intersection with poor levels of comfort and convenience. The delay ranges from 55 to 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and from 35 to 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection at this level. • Level of service F represents forced flow in which the volume of traffic approaching the intersection exceeds the volume that can be served. Characteristics often experienced include long queues, stop-and-go waves, poor travel times, low comfort and convenience, and increased accident exposure. Delays over 80 seconds for a signalized intersection and over 50 seconds for an unsignalized intersection correspond to this level of service. May 2017 5-1 ! Y WENCK v Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. mor The LOS results for the study intersections are presented in Figure 5 and discussed below. Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard (signalized) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements except the eastbound left turn operate at LOS D or better. The eastbound left turn movement operates at LOS E. Under the 2019 No-Build and 2019 Build conditions, all movements except the eastbound left turn operates at LOS D or better. The eastbound left turn movement operates at LOS E. The overall intersection operates at LOS C for all scenarios. During the p.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements except the eastbound and southbound left turns and westbound right turn operate at LOS D or better. The eastbound and southbound left turns and westbound right turn operate at LOS E. Under 2019 No Build and 2019 Build conditions, all movements except the eastbound and southbound left turns and westbound right turn operate at LOS D or better. The eastbound and southbound left turns operate at LOS E and the westbound right turn operates at LOS F. The overall intersection operates at LOS C under all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. Interlachen Boulevard/Brookside Avenue (westbound stop controlled) - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under existing, 2019 No-Build, and 2019 Build conditions, all movements except the westbound left and right turns operate at LOS A. The westbound left and right turns operate at LOS E under all scenarios. The overall intersection operates at LOS A under all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. Brookside Avenue/49th Street (westbound stop controlled) - During the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under existing, 2019 No-Build, and 2019 Build conditions, all movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A under all scenarios. The traffic generated by the proposed development has minimal impact on the intersection operations and does not change the level of service of any movement. No improvements are needed at this intersection to accommodate the proposed project. Vehicle Queue Length Impacts Vehicle queue lengths were reviewed to determine if any intersection blocking issues exist today or are expected in the future. Under existing conditions during the p.m. peak hour, the southbound left turn and through/right turn queues at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection occasionally extend past Brookside Avenue. This requires vehicles on Brookside Avenue to wait until an opening is provided before turning onto Interlachen Boulevard. This condition does not occur during the a.m. peak hour. Traffic generated by the proposed project will have minimal impacts on the existing queue lengths due to the small amount of traffic generated. Signal phasing and timing improvements at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection could help reduce the southbound vehicle queues. The installation of flashing yellow arrow left turn heads on May 2017 5-2 � Y WENCK V {o Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. the southbound, northbound, and eastbound approaches would help the intersection operate more efficiently, resulting in shorter queues during the peak periods. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Under existing conditions, sidewalk is provided both sides of Vernon Avenue, both sides of Interlachen Boulevard, the south side of Brookside Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and W. 49th Street, and the east side of Brookside Avenue north of W. 49th Street. Sidewalk is not provided on W. 49th Street. Bicycles are allowed on all the surrounding streets. On- street bicycle lanes are provided on Interlachen Boulevard in both directions. The proposed project is expected to have minimal impact on pedestrian and bicycle operations in this area. The number of trips generated by the proposed project has minimal impact on operations at the nearby intersections, including pedestrian and bicycle operations. Future plans for this area include additional sidewalk on the north side of Interlachen Boulevard west of Brookside Avenue. The proposed project will benefit from the existing and proposed sidewalk and bicycle facilities in this area. The full sidewalk and bicycle facility plan maps are included in the Appendix. May 2017 5-3 V/V WENCK rammam Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. it.101 O A.M. PEAK HOUR Z Q Q w as 5 as 'tB/B/B a s w 4, 14 __ ,(-B/B/B z AIA/A 49TH ST. a '-E/E/E T PROJECT �i E/E/E Q Q LOCATION CA/A/A) BROOKSIDE / as Tr Q Q as as 0<0 C) o t- D/D/D v a o A/A/A 1 4 _ D/D/D (C/C/C)-- VERNON AVE E/E/E-i' EI T (> B/B/B oQ U B/B/B-z a a N oaU t P.M. PEAK HOUR 2017 2019 NO BUILD I- 2019 BUILD 0 XX/XX/XX J CD Z Q Q Ul I 5 a a t-B/B/B W 4, L, y—B/B/B K CA/A/A 49TH ST. a s t- E/E/E T y __ sr— E/E/E PROJECT A/A/ABROOKSIDE a a LOCATION T (> AVE a a QQ as as UQW U a w -LI t- E/F/F I IJ. < A/A/A 4i -- D/D/D ---<67C/ ----VERNON AVE E/E/E E, T N B/B/B- B/B/B o a U o U f oa- FIGURE 5 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY W ENCK FOR THE VILLAS WEEKDAY A.M.AND P.M. IN EDINA, MN PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF Responsive partner. SERVICE RESULTS Exceptional outcomes. 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations The conclusions drawn from the information and analyses presented in this report are as follows: • The proposed development is expected to generate 1 net trip during the we9<day a.m. peak hour, 2 net trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour, and 29 net weekday daily trips. • All of the analyzed intersections have adequate capacity with existing geome=rics and control to accommodate the proposed development. No improvements are needed at these intersections to accommodate the proposed project. • Under existing conditions during the p.m. peak hour, the southbound left turn and through/right turn queues at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection occasionally extend past Brookside Avenue. This condition does not occur during the a.m. peak hour. • Signal phasing and timing improvements at the Vernon Avenue/Interlachen Boulevard intersection could help reduce the southbound vehicle queues. The installation of flashing yellow arrow left turn heads on the southbound, northbound, and eastbound approaches would help the intersection operate more efficiently, resulting in shorter queues during the peak periods. May 2017 6-1 ArV WENCK v Responsive partner.Exceptional outcomes. Alo'1 L 14.. 1•Iuui' I+I'"'��i�1M1I1_._.. � ,raL.,xxxrvxIanR111 . ILis16r MOW 'r 11 „us �, Ililk umi1LI JAi 74,11?..1- it ill giiinW 169 �OM' 101.—A irig . ‘ 0s'� rA 4‘-) �I�li • , ,'� r IlrlR � ' : ' mil ®Fa7e��i �i11i111 7 ..� r 7711.k IL. Pla ,..rl�► i 111111 111 lirr . ililii 1111111 s Nitildi 111r . � �11 1 .11(6----------------".4.' , ��� 1� . ra, -'�. '�.,;, 62 _ �10V ,`�.M'�--.�._ A a 11 ri,,,_ 624* _, Mil ri 169 • 1:11111III x m _ Hun y k-, ..--1141 le ��, jjI ; iipiet� loo '� � � ` �, . ' . AW 41 I■ ;�.1r -"” "---- ‘ ; .;. ..t;...7_;,. 1 �r!1I ,,,„,,,,.t eria Mev Cu+'e _. -� .II, b Legend Existing ---- Future ._ Future ..-- Future .... Future Sidewalk State-Aid Sidewalk Active Routes City Sidewalk Nine Mile Creek To School Sidewalk Regional Trail N �9tN�1�r4 W+E (®$ )City of Edina Vs � Engineerng Dept 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Sidewalk Facilities November2014