HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-26 Packet Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 7:00 P.M. Members In Attendance: Dianne Plunkett Latham, Raymond O’Connell, M. Germana Paterlini, Bill Sierks, John Owens, Surya Iyer, Julie Risser, Paul Thompson Members Absent: Ian Nelson Staff Present: Jane Timm Others Present: David Hoyt John Madole, arrived after public comment 1. Welcome & Call to Order 2. Discussion and Approval of Amended Agenda Commissioner Risser made a motion to approve the meeting agenda with amendments. 1. Delete Project Earth. 2. Add David Hoyt to Public Comment. 3. Add discussion of Bylaws. 4. Add Election (if Bylaws change). Commissioner O’Connell seconded. Motion carried. 3. Approval of January 16, 2008, Meeting Minutes Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Minutes of January 16, 2008. Commissioner Risser seconded. Motion carried. 4. Public Comment David Hoyt distributed a handout and talked to the commission about Rain Gardens. 5. Request for Proposal for Residential Recycling Collection (RFP) The Commission discussed the RFP. Commissioner O’Connell made a motion to strike “Single Stream Recycling” from the RFP. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. 6. Southdale Cooling System At this time the Commission decided to defer Item #7 on the Agenda to a later date. 7. Bylaws The Commission discussed the Bylaws. At this time Commissioner Julie Risser was asked by Chair Sierks to be acting Chairperson for this part of the meeting. Commissioner Paterlini made a motion to delete #4 of the Bylaws. Commissioner O’Connell seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Latham made a motion to amend Bylaw #7 by adding “or continue as a work session posting the Minutes in either case.” Commissioner O’Connell seconded. IN FAVOR: Diane Plunkett Latham, Germana Paterlini, Ray O’Connell, Surya Iyer, John Owens, Julie Risser OPPOSED: Bill Sierks. Motion carried. Commissioner Latham made a motion to change Bylaw #9 to read, “Special meetings of the members for any purpose or purposes may be called by the Commission Chairperson, or upon the request of a majority of Commission members.” Commissioner Iyer seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner O’Connell made a motion to amend Bylaw #12 to read, “The Officers of the Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Both Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Commission members at each February meeting for a term to end at the next February meeting.” Commissioner Latham seconded. IN FAVOR: Ray O’Connell, Surya Iyer, Paul Thompson, Diane Plunkett Latham, John Owens, Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser. ABSTAIN: Bill Sierks Motion carried. Commissioner Paterlini made a motion to table Bylaws #15 & #18 to the March 17, 2008 meeting. Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion carried. 8. Committee Updates There were no updates. 9. Comprehensive Plan There was no update. 10. Election Commissioner Owens nominated Bill Sierks for the Chair position of the Commission. Commissioner Latham nominated Surya Iyer for the Chair position of the Commission. Votes were tallied by the recording secretary and Commissioner Iyer was elected Chairperson. Commissioner O’Connell nominated Commissioner Latham for the Vice Chair position of the Commission. There were no other nominations. Commissioner Latham remains Vice Chairperson. 11. Adjournment Chair Iyer made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Owens seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. March 17, 2008. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Secretary