HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-13 PacketMINUTES
Thursday December 13, 2012
7:04 PM
I. CALL TO ORDER 7:04p.m.
II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Gubrud, Heer, Kostuch, Latham, Risser, Sokol, Thompson, Zarrin, and Chair
Late Arrival: Rudnicki
Absent: Brandt
Staff Present: Ross Bintner and Rebecca Foster
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Zarrin to approve the Agenda. Motion carried
A. Minutes. Revise November Meeting Minutes and approve in January.
B. Attendance report and roster
C. Workgroup list and minutes. Add Chad Bell as a Prospective Member and move John Dolphin as a
Member in the Energy Working Group.
Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Latham to approve the Attendance Report and
Roster and Work Group List and Minutes as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
A. January meeting planning. The January meeting will be the annual televised EEC monthly meeting.
Member Latham will create the seating chart.
i. Subcommittee reports (Subcommittee chairs). Each Work Group will present 1-3 highlights
from the past year and future goals within five minutes. Chairs will email their topics and any
PowerPoint's to Mr. Bintner. Project Earth update from the Edina High School.
ii. Allied Single Sort. This topic will be discussed within the Recycling and Solid Waste Work Group
Report. Explanation of what new commodities are being collected will be the main focus.
McKinstry GESP/Solar. A speaker is still being requested for a 15 minute presentation.
iv. B3 System. Mr. Bintner will do a 20 minute presentation on the B3 System.
v. ULI Regional Indicators -Richard Carter has been confirmed for a 20 minute presentation.
vi. Green Step Cities -Philipp Muessig has been confirmed for a 20 minute presentation.
The Working Groups and Guest Speakers shall present in the following order:
1. Recycling and Solid Waste
2. Air and Water Quality
3. Purchasing
4. Education and Outreach
5. Student Update
6. Energy
7. McKinstry GESP/Solar
8. B3 System
9. ULI Regional Indicators
10. Green Step Cities
B. Capital Improvement Program 2013-2017 Draft. Mr. Bintner reviewed the projects that had some clean
water or energy relation to land or a building. EEC would like to see more Environmental Projects in the
CIP. Member Kostuch would like to see the green procurement policy committee activated. Mr. Bintner
will ask the City Manager who the procurement policy members are and the status of the committee.
EEC Members would like to have the procurement policy reviewed with all of the CIP Projects. All RFP
projects should include sustainability as well. The procurement policy was a part of the Green Step
Cities process and needs to be implemented within City projects. EEC Members would like the Council
to ask how the procurement policy was implemented within a project before it gets approved.
Member Rudnicki arrives at 8:02pm.
C. Air and Water Quality WG. The meeting was cancelled due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
D. Education Outreach WG. Proposing a Climate presentation on April 18th with Paul Douglas or Mark Sealy
as a guest speaker. Member Sokol reported that Project Earth received a Green Partners Grant to install
hand dryers in the high school bathrooms to remove paper towel waste.
i. Solar Workshop Report. Member Thompson said 75 people attended the Solar Workshop Event.
He thanked Mr. Bintner and the Communications Dept. for all of their help with planning and
televising the event. The Work Group would like to have a Solar event annually. The Members
were disappointed with the Sun Current's not having advertised the event.
E. Energy WG. The Work Group passed a resolution recommending expanding EEEP to include Single
Family projects. EEC Members expressed concerns as to whether the City had sufficient staff capacity,
whether there were any legal concerns given the FHWA position on residential PACE, and whether the
City had any concerns about its debt rating.
i. Wind and Solar Ordinance. Member Sierks said the city doesn't have a model ordinance. A
variance or conditional use permit would be needed if something violates a location or height
issue. The work group will follow up with what the City of Orono is doing with wind turbines on
residential property.
EEEP Program Changes. Mr. Bintner gave an update on administrative edits that he did to the
EEEP Program. He discussed a proposal about sustainability to the Commercial Energy PACE
Tool and have a reward and recognition by the city on completion of the energy project.
F. Recycling & Solid Waste WG
i. Ordinance Amendment. Member Latham was directed to revise the proposed code with the items
the EEC Members recommended. Due to lack of anticipated time at the January meeting, the
proposed changes will be scheduled on the February agenda.
Member Zarrin gave an update on Commercial Recycling education for business owners through a Task Force.
Edina has been invited to be a Pilot project for Hennepin County Environmental Services' new commercial
recycling education program. The Edina Chamber of Commerce has expressed a willingness to participate. The
Commission thanked member Zarrin for her initiative in getting Edina into the Hennepin County pilot project.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Zarrin contingent on the city approving staff to
be on the Task Force: we recommend the following Business Recycling Education Task Force, Member Zarrin
as Chair, Bill Neuendorf as staff member, or other appropriate staff member, and invite the Chamber of
Commerce, Hennepin County Environmental Services, Edina Business Representation (50th & France, etc.), and
Education and Recycling Solid Waste Working Group Members as maybe interested. Motion carried
A. Green Step Cities Review. This topic was tabled.
B. Wellhead Protection Plan P2. Mr. Bintner said the Public Hearing will occur on December 18th.
Member Latham gave an update on items that occurred at the December Park Board meeting. The first is a proposal of
a Mountain Bike Course around the Braemar Golf Course named The Ridges at Braemar, which was tabeled at the
December Park Board meeting. The second is setting up a Task Force for Community Gardens with one being proposed
at Yorktown Park. The final is a children's Edible Garden, which is being planned at Lewis Park.
There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Sierks declared the meeting adjourned at 9:16p.m.
Motion made by Member Heer and seconded by Member Gubrud to adjourn meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Resp- tfully submitted,
GIS Administrator