HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-08 Packet
Thursday January 8, 2015
7:00 PM
I. CALL TO ORDER 7:04p.m.
II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Anderson, Howard, Kostuch, Latham, Padmanabhan, Thompson, Waddick,
and Chair Heer
Absent: Gubrud, Zarrin
Late Arrival: Glahn, Sierks
Staff Present: Ross Bintner, Rebecca Foster, Solvei Wilmot and Tim Barnes
III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Latham requested item VIII. H. moves to the beginning of the agenda
and add Urban Forest Task Force Report to the Agenda.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Anderson to approve the amended Meeting
Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Minutes.
Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Meeting Minutes.
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Attendance report and roster. Member Rudnicki didn’t make the attendance requirements.
C. Workgroup list and minutes. No Report.
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Waddick to approve the remaining Consent
Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
VIII. H. Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group. Mrs. Wilmot gave an update on the Solid Waste
Comparison from 2013 – 2014 for Residential Municipal solid waste. The Residential Construction Demolition
waste was higher due to the tear down rebuilds. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Hennepin County
are in the process of encouraging City’s to implement organic waste collection. There is one hauler that is
currently collecting organic waste, but now is the time to change the ordinance to, if a resident requests
organic collection the hauler needs to provide it.
Member Glahn arrived at 7:16p.m.
Mrs. Wilmot reviewed the ordinance edits of Sec. 12-113. Collection of compostable materials.
Member Sierks arrived at 7:20p.m.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Sierks to approve Ross to find an alternative date
to take up the ordinance amendments with the Hennepin County organic requirements with a Council Work
Session and then report back next month. Motion carried. Member Glahn opposed.
A. Building Energy Use. Mr. Barnes, Facility Manager, gave an update on the CRVPS Asset and Energy
Management Program he is reviewing. He called Duluth, Scott County and Bloomington to inquiry about
their experiences with the program. The program has a matrix of Building Envelopes that include reviews
of electrical, window, HVAC, etc. The company evaluates your Assets first and then looks for energy
savings on water, electrical or gas. CR-BPS did a proposal and broke it down into phases. Phase one
would be review the main buildings and B3 data buildings. Phase two would be to review additional
buildings not on B3 data. Phase three would be to review pumping stations, parking ramps and smaller
buildings. Member Sierks said EEC should review the proposal going to Council and support it.
B. Energy Report – Solar, EV, Buildings. Mr. Bintner reviewed the City Hall Solar Panels produced 17.66Mwh
and Grandview Tire, a similar sized system funded by the EEEP, produced 34.66Mwh. City Hall does have
one bad inverter. City Hall’s solar panels were installed in Fall and Grandview Tire’s was installed in Spring
of 2012. The EEC would like the Solar Panels to be inspected and to find out why they are
The Electric Vehicle has about 5,700 miles of usage in its first year. The Electric Vehicle is comparatively a
highly used vehicle in the engineering and building department inspection fleet.
The B3 data shows Public Works as being the most energy efficient building. A lot of our Buildings rank in
the bottom 20% with 33% of our buildings in bottom 10%. Public Works and Braemar Arena have the
biggest square footage.
VIII. J. Water Quality Working Group. Member Waddick will outreach to the Arden Park neighborhood to
educate on water issues along the creek and start to use rain barrels. The group would like to educate residents
on salt usage. The group would like to be a part of the White Oaks street recon planning. Laurie Bruro, Sue
Nissen and Randy Holst joined the group.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the new Water Quality
Working Group Members. Motion carried unanimously.
C. February CC/EEC Meeting Prep. Chair Heer reviewed the Council Work Session Agenda that has been
postponed to April 7th due to a Legislative update in February. All Workplan items have been approved by
Council and they noted certain items are not included in the approved budget and projects that involve
considerable staff time may need to span two calendar years.
Member Waddick excused herself from the meeting at 8:35pm.
Discuss the goal of the greenhouse 15% gas reduction by 2015 in City operations and in City of Edina at
Large. The council has set a goal but no concrete action has been taken by the city yet to address the
Member Glahn excused himself from the meeting at 8:42pm.
Absolute greenhouse gas reduction doesn’t take into account population or weather.
A. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee. No Report.
B. Business Recycling Working Group. No Report.
C. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee. Member Kostuch reviewed the following Advisory’s
being sent to Council.
Environmental Consideration Section of CIP Advisory requests 1) Council should take the lead in soliciting
from Staff and then reviewing and advocating energy conservation options in individual capital project
approvals that will come before Council in the next 2 years. 2) Council should direct the City Manager and
City Staff to devise on-going processes that will encourage and reward Staff to explore multiple beneficial
environmental options in all individual capital projects and in the next CIP. 3) Council should direct the
City Manager and City Staff to revise the next CIP process so it allows more time for analysis and
discussion of environmental options by City Staff leadership and individual capital project sponsors.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Environmental
Consideration Section of CIP Advisory. Motion carried unanimously.
Support for 2 Capital projects related to City energy use Advisory requests the Council to either approve
or direct staff to accelerate the implementation of 2 CIP requests 15-116 Centralized energy analytics and
15-110 Centralized HVAC controls or the Asset and Energy Management program proposed by staff.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Howard to approve the Support for 2 Capital
projects related to City energy use Advisory. Motion carried unanimously.
Special Task force to review City vehicle fleet Advisory requests the Council take additional action in
2015 by asking City Staff to launch a short duration task force to review the City vehicle fleet.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Howard to approve the Special Task force to
review City vehicle fleet Advisory. Motion carried unanimously.
Special Task force to review environmental options for Braemar Golf Course capital projects Advisory
requests the Council take additional action in 2015 by asking City Staff to launch a short duration task
force to review the environmental options for proposed Braemar Golf Course capital projects (Chapter 15
of the CIP).
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Special Task force to
review environmental options for Braemar Golf Course capital projects Advisory. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Community Solar Subcommittee. Member Sierks thanked Scott Neal and Karen Kurt for their support
with the CERTS application. The City received assistance from CERTS and Bill Sierks will be the contact,
and Bintner will attend from staff. CERTS will help the City learn more about what Community Solar is and
how to fund it.
Member Sierks excused himself from the meeting at 9:18pm.
E. Education Outreach Working Group. Member Thompson said the Working Group will start meeting the
first Thursday of the month starting in February. The Forum will occur on April 8th and the topic will be
“Here Comes the Sun” which is about Community Solar. Member Thompson announced the film
Cowspiracy on January 15th in St. Louis Park.
F. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee. No Report.
G. Local Food Working Group. Member Latham said the first reading of Bees and Chickens will be January
20th and the second reading will be February 3rd and Council will vote.
Urban Forest Task Force Report. Member Latham will present the report on January 13th to the Park
Member Latham gave an update on the Street Sweepings being turned into compost. It can’t be used due
to heavy metals in it in an urban environment.
I. Student Subcommittee. Member Anderson gave an update on the Solar Project. Applied Energy
Innovations will meet with the school and decide if they can install solar panels now or wait until after the
schools construction. Member Padmanabhan has a meeting setup with DECA to talk about how to integrate
sustainability into the school program.
K. 2014 EEC Summary, 2015 EEC Schedule and Workplan. The EEC meeting will be televised in March.
A. Commission Membership updates. Chair Heer has not reapplied due to some work commitments.
Member Latham and Member Rudnicki terms have ended too.
B. Project Updates. Mr. Bintner gave an update on the Braemar Golf Course project. He explained how to
integrate natural resources, sustainability and water quality into a park project.
There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Heer declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45p.m.
Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Thompson to adjourn meeting. Motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Foster
GIS Administrator
J F M A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session# of Mtgs. Attendance %Meetings/Work Sessions 1 12NAME TERM4/7/2015 (Enter Date)Glahn, William 2/1/2017 112 100%Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2016 11 50%Howard, John 2/1/2016112 100%Kostuch, Keith 2/1/2016 1 12 100%Sierks, Bill 2/1/2016 1 12 100%Thompson, Paul 2/1/2016 1 12 100%Waddick, Louise 2/1/2017 1 12 100%Zarrin, Sarah 3/1/20180 0%Heer, John 2/1/2015 1 12 100%Latham, Dianne Plunkett 2/1/2015 1 12 100%0 0%Anderson, Reilly 9/1/2015 1 12 100%Padmanabhan, Sunaya 9/1/2015 112 100%Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet.Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically.INSTRUCTIONS:Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE)Regular Meeting w/Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member.Regular Meeting w/o Quorum Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member.Joint Work Session Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line. Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member.Rescheduled Meeting* Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for each attending member.Cancelled Meeting Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line. Type "1" under the month for ALL members.Special Meeting There is no number typed on the meetings' line. There is no number typed on the members' lines.*A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is given, the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION